#yet another of our goofy ass what if ships that turned into a goddamn ocean liner
bastardsunlight · 3 years
“You know me better than anyone. You always have.” The Prince’s admission is frank, as is his manner, but it is not without its difficulties. Communication has always been difficult for this one when command of the subject was out of his grasp. Vegeta’s relationship to honest, meaningful dialogue is best described as that of a rueful cat and water, a thrashing, disconcerting sight. But an attempt to cleanse is an attempt to cleanse, and he finds that in the full roar of the sky and the washed earth below is as good a time as any.
“Perhaps that is why I felt challenged by your presence, even where there was no reason to compete.“ At every step, Piccolo had reached into him and pulled at something fundamental, in the process jarring his pride, the supposed sum of him. To say that it struck him and all things resembling equilibrium would be putting it lightly.
“You have never lied to me, Piccolo.” Not once had the Namekian ever spared his feelings in matters of his behavior, delivering cruel truth after cruel truth to his door, forcing him to look when all he wished to do was look away. Forced him to confront each and every idea he had of strength, victory, fulfillment. The means, the end, and what he wanted, if it was what he wanted at all.
And in that, you have inspired me to do better.
“Thank you.” It is Vegeta who initiates the kiss this time, either a kindness or a warning in the slow, deliberate tangle of his fingers in Piccolo’s gi. Giving him space to pull away if it was not the time, or to meet him as he had before. That was up to him.
He knows the gravity of the situation the moment his name and not planet of (his father’s) origin comes out of the prince’s mouth. All pride has been put aside and in these moments, Vegeta is the most beautiful being Piccolo has ever seen. Vulnerability like this takes great strength and it is only over time that the prideful saiyan royal has learned this lesson and its impact upon him. He does not tread these waters lightly, however. It is only with purpose that he speaks this way and Piccolo is, as ever, all ears.
Instead of a retreat after delivering his thanks—it would be something he might do and Piccolo could not have blamed him—Vegeta moves forward and closes the gap between them. If he is stunned, the namekian Earthling doesn’t show it. He has the good grace to mask what little surprise he might be feeling by leaning back into it, massive arms wrapping around the prince’s compact body and pulling him close.
The time for words is over. As ever, they are men of action.
Expressing love without saying I love you
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