#yet another 'ope this one's from last year ehehe!!'
ashyseapancake · 24 days
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Short sleeve Diluc is *chef’s kiss
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Another Defense Professor wanted to do a Valentine's special. What if a love letter by James to a certain dog animagus was (accidentally? maybe a mix-up?) caught by Lily in the hallway? And since his description of his Beloved was a bit vague/can fit Lily too, she didn't think it was a mistake? Sirius thinks James just publicly and subtly broke their maybe-probably-together-but-not-really 'romantic relationship' and storms out, tearful. (ʃƪ^3^)ehehe
((Note: This is our first fic by new blog member @secretthirstblog!))
James had everything planned out.  
Absolutely nothing could go wrong.  
Aside from the fact that, the letter he had written for Sirius, staying up all night and even consulting Remus, because for Merlin’s sake Moony, it has to be bloody amazing, had just fallen in front of one Lily Evans, sitting on the opposite side of the table next to Marlene McKinnon, and oh, Merlin, she was about to open it.  
In hindsight though, he probably should’ve seen it coming.  
He had had the perfect, most blissful month, one can imagine. Exactly a month ago, after the Quidditch game Gryffindor had played and won against Slytherin, he had kissed Sirius after pining for the entirety of year 5, the last summer and year 6, so far.  
The kiss itself was more of a spur of the moment decision than a plan. They had spent more time in the field than necessary and Sirius had thrown his Quidditch uniform to the cheering crowd. By the time they had gotten to the changing rooms, everyone else had already left. One moment, James was gawking at Sirius’ Quidditch hardened muscles while the other boy was animatedly telling a story and the next James was pulling him by the nape and kissing him like his life depended on it. And Sirius had kissed him back! He had even rested his forehead on James’ and told him he had been waiting for that kiss for so long.  
And ever since then, they had been exchanging furtive glances, kisses in silent corners between classes and faint brushes of their legs under tables.  
They were yet to talk about the change in their relationship. So, they hadn’t told anyone. Except for Remus who, in their defence, had figured it out on his own. Even Peter was clueless.  
“Really, Potter? A love letter? On Valentine’s Day? Could you be any more cliché?” Lily joked.  
“I- I- no but- Lily, it’s not what you think.” James stuttered. 
He heard the clink of a fork falling to the plate in front of him and saw Sirius’ mouth dazed eyes focused to the pumpkin juice he was holding so tightly, his knuckles had turned white. It was surprising how well the glass was standing against Sirius’ death grip. His shoulders were tensed and brows furrowed with his mouth set in a hard line. He slowly retreated the leg that was faintly brushing over James’.  
James could practically hear the pounding of his heart. No, God damn it, this was all wrong. The letter was supposed to land in front of Sirius, not a meter to his right, how had he messed up the spell so wrong?
To his left, he heard Moony clear his throat, turning his attention, he found a wide-eyed Remus, just as confused as James himself.
He heard paper crinkling and looked back at Lily to see she had already taken the letter out of its envelope.  
“No! Wait, don’t op-“ James shrieked but it was a moment too late. He heard his own voice reading the letter. Bit of clever magic had made it possible. And it was a great idea, if only Sirius knew the letter wasn’t intended for Lily, but for himself.
“To the prettiest Gryffindor I know,
Ever since the first day I laid eyes on you in the Hogwarts train, even before I knew how I felt about you, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. The soft waves of your hair, your flawless and fair skin, that gleam you have in your eyes when you master a spell that nobody else could...  
You are in my mind before I go to sleep and you are in my mind after I wake up and every moment in between. I want to be the last person you see before you sleep and the first person after you wake up.
When I see you in the Common Room studying, chatting or even sulking, nobody might as well be there because all I see is you. When I see you in our classes, all I can focus on is you, I messed up my potions countless times because I was too busy watching you. So focused and genius and lovely and when our eyes meet, I actually understand what they mean by butterflies in your stomach.
And I’m so selfish with you. I want you all to myself. I get jealous of whoever gets to be around you when I’m not, I get jealous of the way everyone has their eyes on you and I even get jealous of Moony when you fall asleep on his shoulder while studying.
Everything beautiful you can imagine, I want to do all of them with you. I want to be the one to make you the happiest and the one who gets you out of every bad mood. I want to hold your hand and let everyone know about it. I want to play with your hair, with your head on my lap and listen to those Muggle music you like so much.  
It may not come as a surprise after all these years but I love you. I love you and only you. I have only ever loved you and will ever only love you.
Please be mine and only mine and let me be yours and only yours.
Will you be my Valentine?
To the Brightest.
From James.”
The amused eyes of everyone sitting at the Gryffindor table turned to James, who was slowly sliding down to disappear under the table with what he could feel to be his cheeks on fire.
“Oh, James...” Lily said no with a sympathetic voice and kind eyes. The letter was clearly written from the heart. And even though they had already established that Lily saw him as a friend and a friend only, it was obvious that she was moved by it.  
Upon hearing the faintest sound of a hiccup, James tore her gaze from Lily’s and looked at Sirius, catching the faintest glimpse of his teary eyes before he left his seat and ran out of the Great Hall.
He was frozen in the spot with shock watching the tiny mistake he must have made on the spell ruin everything he had planned for the day. He could feel the tears filling his eyes as they stared blindly at the empty seat where Sirius was just a moment ago.
“Bloody hell, James.” Remus held and shook him by the shoulders, forcing him out of his stupor. “Go after him, you git. I’ll tell Lily.”
James sprang to his feet and ran out of the Great Hall, eyes darting across the corridor for the sight of jet black hair. He internally cursed himself for forgetting the Map in Peter’s trunk.  
As James made his way to the dormitories with a quick pace and racing heart, he stopped dead in his tracks. He knew Sirius inside and out, better than he even knew himself and didn’t need the Map to find him.
If Sirius fancied a chat he would go to the Gryffindor Common Room, a nap in spring to the Great Lake and in winter to the library and if he felt lonely and uneasy and pained, he would go to the Astronomy Tower.
With renewed vigour, James made his way to the Astronomy Tower, possibly crashing into multiple students while doing so. But it hardly mattered, because when he burst open the door of the uppermost room, he found Sirius sitting by the windowsill with his knees pulled towards his chest, with tear stained cheeks and eyes wide open in shock.
“You didn’t have the map.” He said with a raspy voice.
“I’d find you anywhere.”
“Go away, James.”
“No, Sirius. You have to listen to me, please! This is all just a big mistake!” James sounded manic and frantic.
“The public break up wasn’t enough, on Valentine’s Day no less, and now you’re calling everything we’ve had a mistake, ta, James.”
“Pads, please let me explain.” James kneeled by the windowsill.
“Explain what?” Sirius burst. “How you lied to me when you said you didn’t love her anymore? How it didn’t mean anything when you kissed me? What are you going to explain, James?” He looked away with tears once again falling down his cheeks a second before he rushed to wipe them, but not before James had seen them. “Do you not even care about me as your best mate anymore? Didn’t I, at least, deserve you to tell me before you declared it to everyone else?”
“No! No, Sirius. Of course, I care about you! I love you! More than anyone else.” James reached a shaking hand to cup his cheek but Sirius pulled away.
“Stop fucking lying! I heard it perfectly clear when the letter announced it to everyone how in love you were with Lily. Congratulations, James, she might actually give you a chance this time. I hope you live happily ever after with your pretty wife and two and a half babies. You could even adopt a dog! Replace me every way you can.”
James felt his heart tear into pieces. Sirius was everything to him. The person he wanted to be with whenever he had a bad day and the person he wanted to share all his good ones with. He wanted to hold and warm his cold, pale hands when it was winter and never let them go. When the summer heat showed its face, James wanted to braid his raven locks, just to have a reason to comb his fingers through them. He wanted to be the reason for happiness in those storm grey eyes, not sadness.  
“Pads, you’ve got it all wrong. The letter wasn’t meant for Lily, it was meant for you. I wrote it for you!”  
“What?” Sirius’ head shot up as he finally looked James in the eyes.
“I wrote the letter for you. All those words were meant for you, you pillock. I wanted everyone to know that I loved you. I charmed the letter to fly around and then fall in front of you but I must’ve messed up the spell somehow and it stopped by Lily. Ask Moony, he helped me with it.”
“I love you, Sirius.”
“I love you. Not Lily, you.”
“You do?” Sirius asked with a faint smile, a careful hope lightening his features.
“Of course, I do. How could I not?”
“You love me? As in, in love with me?”
“I thought we already established that.” James finally let himself relax, cupping Sirius’ cheek and pulling him close for a sweet kiss, sighing contently when Sirius kissed him back.
“James?” Sirius asked as they rested their foreheads against each other.
“Yes, love?”
“I love you too.”
James grinned brightly and pulled Sirius up on his feet and held his hand.  
“I think we have a correction announcement to make in the Great Hall.”
Sirius threw his head back and gave a full-bodied laugh as he let James drag him out of the tower.
“Oh, and James?”
“Yes, Pads?” James looked back at Sirius to find a mischievous grin on his beautiful face.
“I will remind you of this every time you say you’re better at charms than I am.”
James couldn’t hold back his laughter.
“I can live with that.”  
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dourpeep · 2 years
Sprout exploiting more years of use out of chopsticks like some wizard, I see. (Perhaps the 2-3 years was actually estimating towards children use since it’s children chopsticks, and children can be...reckless(?) with chopsticks-)
I failed to get Koko even after having to skip her during her first run for Raiden. Diluc is haunting me. First he came home on Albedo’s banner and Albedo came right after, so I was happy, yes, but then he appeared during Xiao’s banner again and now Koko’s banner- C2 half-built unused Diluc ヽ(;▽;)ノ
I’m rolling for Ayato rn because I’m really interested in his playstyle and he’d make a great burst support for a freeze comp alongside ganyu
All that aside,,, I haven’t gotten to the part of the quest where Yelan appears yet, but I’ve seen some clips of her on TikTok plus the official announcement. She’s really pretty, but I actually didn’t plan on going for her until I saw some of her leaks. She looks so fun to play, aND I DIDNT KNOW SHE WAS A BOW CHARACTER THEN- yeah,,,I was sold.
- 🔒
ah no! Allegedly, high quality bamboo chopsticks last around 2-3 years with constant use, and the ones I bought were from one of my favorite asian market's stationery stores ehe
They're super cute! Specifically these ones-
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eheh- I actually didn't realize they were bamboo until they broke today, sure enough, they're definitely bamboo with like some sort of laquer coating but regardless I meticulously hand wash after every use nodnod
BUT YES I definitely was glad that they lasted so long so now I bought one of each of the designs for the same chopsticks since I use them so often anyway- I'm gonna use the purple ones first >> mainly because my favorite color is yellow and I would like to have them last as long as possible. So purple, then pink, and finally yellow-
or I might just open them all and use them as I please hehehe
I like using them with this one cat bowl my dad got for me two Christmas' ago- (I'll take a pic of it later maybe)
I feel that--I've gotten Diluc twice or three times now in the past few times that I've rolled >> I hope that you can get Koko in the future though! She's a fantastic healer + dps + hydro applicator!
And y e s that's what I was thinking too! I was hoping to try it out w/ my cousin (if I were to get Ayato in the rolls I did, but I didn't) since he has Ganyu and we play co-op together sometimes but ehe I suppose we'll just have to try Yelan and Ganyu then nodnod As for Ayato, I hope that you get him! It pains me to skip his banner but ngl I don't really want another sword DPS atm- Bow would be much better for me since I don't have anyone fitting that specific bow/hydro/dps role
I'm weak
she's so pretty and FOR WHAT?? FOR WHAT???? Ms. Yelan...so cool...so cool
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eloarei · 7 years
Tagged by @chocochipbiscuit to post my current WIPs. Thanks, Choco! (lol this is going to be self-indulgent and painful XD;)  (As with Choco, I also have more bits and blobs and ideas than I know what to do with, but I’ll focus on the ones that have a remote chance of ever getting finished.)  Active WIPS (I have at least opened the document in the past month and I honestly intend to finish them this year.)  In order of recently modified: OP CM BB -- "One Piece, Cobymeppo, Beauty&Beast" I mean, it's kind of what it says on the tin: it's vaguely a Beauty and the Beast AU. (Factoid: this is at least the 3rd or 4th fanfic I've written based on friggin' B&B. It's my favorite fairytale and I'm weak.) Currently at 12.5k (when did that happen?!) out of, I dunno, 18k? I honestly never intended to write this. It just sort of happened-- and kept happening, which is the weird part. I'm liking it though. Factoid #2: there are a lot of dogs in this fic. JD LLW -- "Jak and Daxter, Love Like Winter" 100% inspired by the AFI song, I won't lie. I've been meaning to write this for at least 7 years. I have a lot of thoughts and headcanons about the Jak and Daxter series, and this incorporates my hardcore favorite: Daxter is a Precursor. It also uses a couple tropes I love: reincarnation cycles, and fated lovers. As with any song, I can't say what it's actually supposed to be about, but I always heard it as the story of, well, reincarnation and fated lovers. "I met my love before I was born", and then switching between he, she, and then back to he. The story became very vibrant in my head! And this format especially allows me the opportunity to explore Jak/Keira as well as Jak/Daxter, because while I'm not a huge fan of Jak/Keira, I don't like just ignoring canon if I can avoid it. Currently at 7k out of... maybe 20k? It was supposed to be a lot shorter, but I'm only on chapter 1 out of 3, so less than 15k is probably not happening. Factoid: I think a lot of people only know this series second-hand, so I feel the need to mention that Daxter does, in fact, have a human form. XD FO4NV -- "Fallout 4, Nick Valentine" A very creative document name! XD; The story will probably eventually be titled "Same Heart" unless I come up with something better. It's a Fallout4 AU(ish) centering around Nick having been recaptured by the Institute, getting a memory wipe, and then living there during the years when Shaun is being raised there. Eventually, he and kid-Shaun break out to explore the Commonwealth and try to find Shaun's parents. I swear it'll be a Nick/Nora story if I ever friggin' get to that part, but right now it's mostly a Nick&Shaun story. Currently at 30k out of, I dunno, 70k to 100k? It's on chapter 7 out of 17, I think. I have this one planned out pretty well chapter-by-chapter, so of all my fics it has the best chance of actually happening. (Aside from the length, which sort of counts against it. It was supposed to be shorter, but I apparently couldn't shut up.) I'm thinking about focusing on this one for my NaNoWriMo, since it has about 50k left to it. Factoid: I get more emotional about parental relationships than I do about romantic ones, despite the fact that I LOVE romance. Stories I write about parent-child relationships always end up being my favorite. BttF On Track -- "Back to the Future, On Track" The only one I've actually started posting. I feel bad because I meant to continue writing this through December and January, but I got lazy and distracted, so it didn't happen. The season is just about right to jump back into it though (Fall is a more BttF season for me), so I HOPE to finish it this year. Currently at 18k (holy shit, seriously?) out of probably 30k. Chapter 3 (out of 6 well-planned chapters) is aaalmost done, but I might have to go reread some of IrisBleuFics stuff to get back into the mood of it. (Or maybe Rae's or Edgebug's.) Factoid (actually a question) : does anyone else have seasonal fandoms? Inactive WIPs (there are lots of these, so I'll put them under a cut for you. Still, these are only the ones I’ve worked on in the past year. Again, from most- to least-recent.) 
HP GOtG -- A silly Harry Potter/Guardians of the Galaxy fic I have like a page of. I was mentally explaining the concept of fanfic to someone and this... happened.
HPCM Ways to Live -- Another One Piece Cobymeppo fic, and AU (or UA) about if Luffy had never met Coby in ep.1 and skipped right over to kick Morgan's ass in Shells Town. tldr Coby and Helmeppo become pirates.
FFXV parents AU -- I was REALLY into this one for a while, got a couple thousand words and a good plot outline on it. It's Final Fantasy 15 AU (or, as usual, a UA) in which Noctis is only a baby when the empire attacks, and teenage Ignis and Gladio have to run away with him, and end up raising him on their own. I 100% intend to finish this one, but it's not top priority at the moment.
A modern prometheus -- A magical-world retelling of Frankenstein. Probably gay.
FO4 WFM-- "Fallout 4, Waiting for magic" On the day the bombs drop, Nora's husband is still at war, while she's several months pregnant and working on her legal cases from home. Her friend Nick Valentine has come to give her some documents and check on her when they're suddenly ushered into the vault and frozen. AKA the romantic adventures of Nick and a heavily pregnant Nora out in the Commonwealth. (Inspired by an Ace of Bass song)
Fo4 Sky-- "Fallout 4, Skyrim" Basically a riff off the previous story, but not the same at all, somehow. Set in Skyrim, Nora is essentially sleeping beauty. Wait. Snow white? Er, yeah. Magically frozen in a coffin, yeah. 
MEA Avi -- "Mass Effect Andromeda, Avi: a sci-fi ghost story" REALLY thought I was gonna finish this one, but I got distracted from MEA altogether. The story of Avitus Rix and his SAM unit, which has begun to think it is the late Macen Barro, its previous owner/partner, and Avitus' longtime boyfriend. Still can't decide how sad I want it, but it'll be pretty gloomy even if I go with a happy ending.
DCo side story AU -- A modern mini-fic about my DamselCo characters going on a double date, except Addisson and Hunter are both late so it's just Ellery and Isabelle being kind of awkward.
FFXV Dear Fellow Traveler -- AU, Prompto was raised in Niflheim and meets Noctis and the others on their (very long, winding) trip to Noct's engagement. Promptis, no war.
FFXV mermaid AU -- More Promptis. Noctis fishes up mer-person Prompto. They have adventures. Ignis has to go looking for Noctis later and meets mer-person Gladio.
OW Sagittarius  -- Eheh, posted the first chapter of this in January and then just gave up. XD;;;; I feel so bad. An Overwatch teenage McHanzo AU, where Jesse is a centaur sold into slavery to the yakuza. Trained by the Shimada clan, he falls in love with the heir, Hanzo, who then helps him escape. Many years later, they meet again in Overwatch. I have a GOOD plot outline for this, so I really have no excuse for not finishing it. It's on the to-do list after the first few.
FFXV Firstborn son -- Question: is a person still consider a trans-person if they're born female, but both raised as and identify as male (because patriarchal bullshit)? If so: trans-Noctis, Promptis fic.
FFXV Mirror Sword Shield -- Yet another FFXV AU, obviously inspired by that one Coldplay song that I love. Hundreds of years ago, Noctis defeated the darkness, but was sealed away inside the crystal, only to return when he needed to do it again. Prompto, Ignis, and Gladio have trained as his guardians all their lives, for the slim chance that he does return. (I really like this idea, but if I write this one, it'll only be after I finish the other FFXV fics.)
OW BB -- Guess what? Another "Beauty and the Beast" fic, Overwatch flavored. Except it's really more like, "the beast and also another beast". McHanzo, of course, featuring a snarky dragon spirit that constantly taunts Hanzo about his guilt.
BttF Ashes -- Hot damn I gotta write this fic some day. I have a GREAT plot outline for it, following a chiptune song called Ashes. I love it, it makes me cry. It's a Back to the Future AU, about Doc dying when his house burns down. Years later, ghost-Doc teams up with Marty to finish the time machine, and then (spoiler alert) Marty goes back in time and saves Doc, pulling his corporeal self into the future ala The Mediator and they live happily ever after the end. XD
PacRim Redefined -- Another one I feel bad about, because I have posted most of what I have written, but I don't know if I'll ever finish it. It's a far-future semi-AU about Newt and Hermann. TBH it's one of my favorite fics I've ever written, but I'm a loser and can never finish anything. Hopefully next year??? I've got much of a plot outline, so.
Bttf Dino prompt -- Braincoins prompted me last year to write a fic about Marty and a dinosaur, and I started to! But then I had no idea where I was going with it, so I stopped a few pages in. ^^; I'd like to figure out an ending to it that isn't both boring and bleak.
Bttf Solving for X -- A series of short AUs about if either Doc or Marty (or both) were women. I'd like to maybe work on this one again sometime.
HxH AU Laughter Lines -- A Hunter x Hunter fic that makes me cry when I think about it XDXDXD Based on the Bastille song of the same name, it's an AU in which Gon is like... a tree nymph. A little hard to explain, it's a sad little Killugon fic, and it should be pretty short, so I ought to just sit down and write it one day.
BttF Thirst for Romance -- I love this idea! Why haven't I written it?! In his 30's or 40's, Marty is a nurse at a convalescent home/ hospice, where he meets Doc, who loves to tell wild stories. He tells Marty stories about adventures that the two of them had in the 80's and with time travel. Everyone assumes Doc is just very creative and lonely, and they love his stories. He and Marty become close, and when Doc passes away, he leaves his meager possessions to Marty, including a mysterious set of keys which unlock his old garage, and a strange old car inside... (Really want to write this one eventually!) (Based on the song of the same name.)
BttF Hell Valley -- A sad AU, taking place in the Hell Valley timeline from movie 2. Marty has run away from his abusive step-dad and finds himself living in Doc's garage. They're just two broken people trying to get by. Marty wants Doc to run away with him, someplace far away, but Doc has a better idea, if he can get it to work. (Inspired by the song Fast Car, the sad-sounding Jonas Blue version. "You got a fast car. Is it fast enough so we could fly away?")
BttF SG fusion -- and last and possibly least, yet another BttF AU, but a fusion with Steins;Gate, because time travel is not complicated ENOUGH, I have to make it WORSE. In this story, Marty is raised in the dystopian future with the goal of going back to the past to kill Doc Brown before he can create time travel. I liked the idea a lot, but to be honest I think I even confused myself with it. I'd sort of like to keep writing it, but it'll take a lot more effort than I can foresee me wanting to put in any time soon. Tagging: (if I can remember which of my friends write) um... @braincoins, @nomadsky, and, uh... I know that more of you are writers, so just... take it and pretend I tagged you! 
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