#yes.. yes... his plan is coming together perfectly!! 😈😈😈
soggy-fishsticks · 5 months
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pumpkinsy0 · 26 days
Tips on how to write Curly,Tim, and Angela Shepard??
asking MEEEE how to write the shepards??? im rubbing my hands together evilly i feel so honored to b asked this thank u sm<33
BUT, here r some important characteristics for their characters i think could help for writing em!! ill try to focus on things that r like, skimmed passed??? in fics??idk how to explain it
-tim is a cool and collected guy, at most hes scarily calm!!! he has a good head on his shoulders and hes not ignorant to the problems in his life, and almost nothing gets past him, he knows whats wrong w his family and is very observant of it, unlike angela and curly. when it comes to tim, make sure things like his inner monologue and his movements is pretty composed and self controlled. when he thinks, he doesnt think half way, hes an analyzer and he dissects the world around him and tries seeing it for what it truly is, he doesnt let his emotions control him.
-he will always, ALWAYS, have his guard up!! even if its w small things like glancing around, always having back up plans, asking questions about before he even hangs out w em, etc etc, he can never be too sure, and he LIKES being informed, it bothers him so much if hes not, so hes always looking out. on top of that, on a regular ass day, i dont think hes OBVIOUSLY protective of angela and curly, he knows how they get when they feel cornered so he kinda???lets them do whatever???? tim being protective comes off as someone whos more annoyed than anything, other than someone who loves their family
for example he says things like: “i already said no, stop asking”, “didnt i tell u to bring ur blade with u”, things like that!!
-and finally, i think the only way u could actually get tim to b emotional, is if something happened to angela or curly. theyre literally his life lines, if it wasnt for them, he wouldve booked it half way across the country already. tim would be way more hostile and aggressive, its like hes coming apart, but thats rlly only when hes alone, out in public hes still pretty stoic but still agitated a bit more easily. everything he does at the end of the day is for them and while it may not seem like it, hes always thinking of them.
ps: hes quite honestly a lone wolf, he doesnt rlly have friends, ppl he hangs out w, ofc but friends??? eh, hes perfectly fine w being left alone w his own life, but thrives off of being around ppl bc he can use them to his advantage to further himself, but i dont say that in a “mwahahahah hes so manipulative and stone cold hearted😈” way
basically: for writing tim, make sure hes always coming off as a leader, hes always gonna have leadership qualities in whatever he does, so even the small things he does is important, it doesnt matter hiw small u think it is, if u feel like it shows his character, just add it in there. tim does have his limits, and its always gonna b curly and angela. kinda like darry, how he shows how he cares is just different and not understood, however for tim its to a higher degree.
-im not gonna sit here n say that hes book smart, bc generally speaking, hes not, and this may b a bit controversial, but i dont think hes 100% street smart either!!! BUT hes not completely DUMB. while yes, hes not particularly smart in one aspect, hes not CLUELESS, he can grasp complex things and knows what to do, just not everything. ppl undermine him and overplay his stupidity so theyre surprised when he shows that he can b smart, and thats if they DO even realize that, its small when he shows hes smart, but he can have his moments, pls dont write curly as completely incompetent</333
for example: maybe tims trying to come up w a plan and bc curly knows the schedule of these ppl, hes actually a big help, but ppl just dont pay attention to how important that part of the plan was so they dont realize it, maybe ponys ranting to curly about something, and curly got pony to see another side of it he never rlly thought of before, but bc of how he said it, it doesnt “come off as intelligent” but it rlly is!!! i hope this made sense😭
-part of the reason of why he acts out is bc he looks up to tim, but hes not seen as smart like tim OR angela is, hes constantly compared to them both and while he loves being a shepard and loves his siblings, he wants to b seen as his own person and make something of himself!!! this however, can get him into trouble bc hes desperate to prove himself, to who??? to himself, to tim, and to a degree everyone else. im not gonna say curlys “all bark, no bite” bc he isnt, but he can definitely talk more than what he can rlly deliver and that gets him into shit as well and also thats what causes ppl to play up his stupidity. curly is pretty misunderstood and pushed to the side!!!
-i would say that curly being around others is important to write bc i feel like thats when he truly flourishes as a character. hes way more energized and pumped up, so when u write about curly around friends or whoever hes close to, make sure hes more relaxed, boisterous, and adventurous. however, when hes upset, id say hes sorta like tim, his eyes r the same, bit more analytical, and he uses the ppl around him. becomes less of a friend, more like a leader, hes not all buddy buddy, and if they try to joke around w him while hes mad, he pushes them away, tells them to shut up, its like a complete 180.
-if u wanna write about curly going through something, i feel like its important to realize that hes in denial about the problems in his life, not ignorant about it, its pretty in his face, its not like he cant say its not there, but hes just like “yea its bad, but its not THAT bad, i could push through it”, i think thats his way of coping w everything around him, but when hes pushed far enough and forced to come to terms w it, he does some irrational things to cope and turns to drinking
and last but definitely not least, my main girl angela
-she NEEDS to b around ppl, she THRIVES off of the attention of others and if she doesnt get it, shes on edge, she rlly doesnt like being left alone w her thoughts and needs something to distract her. and just like how curly and her r tims life lines, same could b said for curly and tim w angela. she needs her brothers as her support, and if they arent there, she tries to find it in other people, even if its only for a few weeks. bc of this, when it comes to this part of her character, in writing, id say that if u rlly want to make angela go through it, but for her problem to b solved, she goes to either tim or curly, BUT if u want to show that shes really desperate to b heard out, and she feels trapped in a corner, she tries to find comfort in someone else, usually through a romantic relationship. id say that it perfectly shows that for angela, her family means everything to her and she goes to them, BECAUSE she knows they have her back, but when she goes to try and find comfort in other ppl, it doesnt rlly work out or doesnt change, so shes just reminded that “at the end of the day, all u have us ur family and nobody else, ever”, which is a huge thing in her mind as thats just how shes grown up
•now, im sure we all see the shepards as poc, and considering this is the 60s (or 70s or whatever time period it rlly doesnt even matter, poc have never rlly been respected), i think to a degree, angela is sexualized, but its also a way she protects herself. i dont think angela is respected and thats for a multitude of reasons, its bc shes a woman, shes a shepard, and shes a poc, cards r pretty stacked against her. BUT, shes not clueless☝🏽, tim taught her from a young age about the world around her, bc he NEEDED to, its to SAVE her from getting taken advantage of. so to protect herself, she uses the things stacked against her, against em, she knows how hard it is to fight it, so why fight it when u can use it to help u is the way she sees it. and her being sexualized is just one of those things. angela in town is seen as “the forbidden fruit” ig u could say and she knows about it, so she uses the way how ppl see her as an object to use them as her puppet. they dont think shes aware so they dont rlly suspect much from her, hell, they dont even think she can fight, and theyre wrong w that. they just see her as an “easy” girl and if thats what they think, so be it, she’ll fuck w em one day, thats just her survival tactic and how she can survive. as far as this one goes, id say that its important to understand how the ppl around her interact w/see her, as that can help u understand what her next course of action will b, she NEEDS people in order to further herself, shes like tim in that aspect. however it will also somewhat impact how she sees herself, at the end of the day, shes still vulnerable but she doesnt let on, shes spent such a long time trying to cultivate how she wants ppl to see her and she doesnt want that ruined, she’ll do anything to keep that intact, ESPECIALLY lying. so if u want to write her coming loose emotionally, dont add small hints of it when shes in front of other ppl, MAYBE only when shes in front of tim or curly u can do that, if u wanted. in front of other ppl, she hardens up and comes off a little more smarter than she lets off, so she CAN b scary, and thats when ppl remember that shes a shepard. shes too grown for her own good but she just wants control in her life.
-speaking of her life, like curly, shes in denial about the things in her life, but its more so about how they impact HER. she knows their life is completely fucked, she knows how bad it is, but she just says it just doesnt hurt her as much, and to a degree, shes right, but then again, some days r harder for her than others, so while yes, shes vulnerable, this doesnt mean that she cant handle what tim and curly go through, shes not fragile, and i think thats important to remember, shes tough!!!she has to b, she will bite back if she has to. dont JUST write her in high school dramas, she has to deal w some of the gang issues curly goes through, while not AS much, its still there
-ANNDDDD FINALLLYYY, when it comes to angela, while yes, she is analytical, but she can let emotions drive her sometimes, and thats potentially her downfall, shes a pretty impatient person, so when she wants results, she wants it FAST, and it agitates her deeply if things dont go her way, some leadership qualities from tim rubbed off on her, she acts more like tim while curly looks more like him. when it comes to her inner dialogue, u should have a comfortable mix of her being observant and her having a bitttt confident and self assured, let her b a lil cocky!!!
i hope this helped u at least a little bit<3333
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sunwarmed-ash · 2 months
Max Prompts 1
From @sweeteatercat
Prompt: Jake x Ed 😬 A heated, aggressive atmosphere ~ with Ed as the bottom~
Tags: Twilight, Jacob x Edward, bottom Edward, rough sex 🔞😈👀
It became a game, seeing how far he could push Edward,
“Cut it out,” Edward growls, because this errant teasing is getting old. 
‘I'll stop when you tell me,’ he thinks, because Edward still hasn't told him about his major orgy in The Village and Jake hasn't been able to focus on anything else since Bells left for Phoenix. 
“You really aren't going to give this up are you?”
‘Nope,’ Jake thinks, taking more of the straw of his soda into his mouth and thinking very pointedly all the ways he wants this straw to be his boyfriend's dick. 
“Fine. But not here.”
As soon as they are back at Edward’s place their game continues. Though the reason why is all but forgotten now, leaving only the unresolved sexual aggression between them.  
Jake gets the rare opportunity of the upper hand and uses it to shove Edward into the wall so hard that the plaster behind him caves in a few inches. 
Edward would have cursed at him if it wasn’t so fucking hot. He hasn't had an equally strong partner in decades. And Jacob fits the build perfectly. 
“Well, they weren’t quite this rough,” Edward chuckles, pulling Jake in closer to kiss him. 
‘Need me to adjust?’ the wolf asks telepathically, his lips busy kissing their way down Edward's neck.  
“Yeah, don’t go easy on me,” Edward teases and it gains him the perfect, annoyed reaction. 
“Oh fuck you,” Jake says before biting hard into Ed’s lower lip. 
“Was that not the plan?”
Edward's teasing finally gains him the desired effect. Mostly because he knew since the beginning Jacob had been pulling his punches. A force of habit when interacting with humans, but Edward wasn’t human. That was his whole point. He doesn’t want ‘Jacob the human’ to fuck him, he’s looking for the wolf.  
“How’s this?” Jake asks, and it's honestly hard to hear the question over the sound of their bodies snapping together. 
“Fine, I suppose,” Edward teases, even if every drag of Jake’s thick, heated cock against his insides is making him shake with how hard he’s trying to keep back his orgasm. 
“Oh you're such an asshole,” Jake laughs, biting hard into his shoulder. His tempo increases but Edward knows there's still more potential to tap. 
“And you’re still holding back, come on, I know you have more in you.”
It's finally the right sequence of words. Jake has Edward flipped onto his back and his cock back inside him before he can think of another smart remark. The angle is even better than the first one. And now he has the benefit of being able to reach Jake’s neck. 
As soon as Edward's cool tongue runs over the bugling muscle of Jake’s throat, the wolf’s fucks stutter. 
“P-Please,” Jake pants at the same time Edward's fangs sink into his skin. “Fuck!” Jake growls before his hips start fucking in earnest. 
Edward's teeth remain in his neck, sucking until Jake whimpers a yielding plea. 
“You’re going to pay for that,” Jake groans and Edward chuckles. 
“I sure hope so.”
He is paying for it, and fuck, he’d repay every bet this way for the rest of his life if it felt like this. 
Jake’s got Edward’s body pinned between the heated, sculpted muscle of his chest and the firm mattress below him. His hands are touching Edward everywhere. Everywhere but his dick of course. That Jake is purposefully avoiding because made the overconfident bet that he could make Edward cum without touching him. 
Edward took that bet knowing full well he was on his way to the hardest orgasm he’d ever had. And yes, he’s factoring in his 100 years of life. He’s grateful, not for the first time, Jake can't read his mind. 
“Please, come on Jake,” Edward pants, he’s close, he’s so so close. 
“Yeah,” Jake asks hopefully and Edward can hear the full extent of the energy he’s exerting to fuck him. 
“Yeah,” Edward agrees. 
Jake pulls him up again. The angle allows gravity to help him sink onto every inch of Jake’s cock. Edwards’ eyes roll back in pleasure. “F-Fuck,” Edward suddenly squeaks. Jake’s huge and hot hand is finally touching his dick. Edward had given up the hope that was ever going to happen, and if Jake ever repeats it he will tear the wolf's throat out. “Fuck…”
“Come on, I want to see you lose it for me,” Jake urges and that’s it. 
Edward’s hips thrust desperately into Jake’s hand and then back onto his cock. He repeats the motion until-
“Fuck, fuck,” Edward whines, melting against Jake’s chest as cum shoots past the tip of his cock and down Jake’s hand.
Thanks so much for this prompt! There's also a very real chance this will be edited again and added to the Love bites but so do I story 😈😘😘
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
Awww...these two are so cute and adorable. They're loving each other so much...and they both think it's to early to say 'l love you '. Maybe it is but sometimes things just feel right...but both want to take their time in everything with each other...and it's absolutely okay. I appreciate Loki's decision to take her not there and then. Y/n wants to torture herself 😏😏😉 they want to do it at a special place and/or time to create a wonderful new memory together, far away from this disgusting place full of disgusting people and horrible incidents. Loki thinking of his dead mother to calm himself down🥵🥵...it's sad that his mother is dead but I had to laugh loudly while reading it🤣🤣🤣.
They're both all in and tease each other like there's no tomorrow 🤣😉😏. I love how they clarified the 'daddy-baby-thing' and that they're both consent how they want to handle it...it seems they're really made for each other.🥰❤️💚🥵
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I hope Loki's plans work out. He's playing his cards right and it seems to work. He's really doing everything to protect y/n and to get them out of this situation and he feels so bad saying ugly things about her...and y/n plays her role perfectly. Aww and I love the text messages 😍😍😍 and I love the scene when Loki sat on his knees in front of her when he told her, when and how to use the Bluetooth recorder...I hope Steve burns in hell before the wedding and bitchannah...I don't care anymore...'call me Suzi' 🤮🤮 They can all go to hell😈😈😈
It won't be easy for y/n when she's going to leave the world of the rich...she never learned to cook or how to work for her money so you can pay your bills and food...but Loki mentioned he can cook and he could teach her or they can learn it together...both together cooking, feeding each other...ohhh the possibilities 😏😏...
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and I can picture y/n working in a kind of social business. She just wants Loki, nothing else is more important for her.
The real richness is to have a special someone by your side in good or bad times, love, health, trust, communication... yes, money is important but you can't buy real love with it. It's a development process but they can do it.😊🥰
I want to cuddle Loki, embrace him and tell him, you are enough, you've always been, you're worthy of true love and affection, you deserve only the best 🥺💚...and I'm sure y/n will give it all to him. Hopefully the sight of her in a wedding dress is a forshadowing of their possible future 💖🥰❤️💚. But we shouldn't think it's all over now, we shouldn't feel safe.
I'm looking forward to the next chapters, it's really exciting what's going to happen next.
An amazing chapter again, my Queen 👑
....I love you and I always will 🥰❤️💚
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Yes it might feel too soon as it's been like two months but sometimes when you know you know ;)
Yes it was very important for him to clarify that she's not replacing her dad with him because that's something that would concern him too greatly, she wants a daddy and there's a difference. He understands the difference 😜
He's so sweet trying to look out for her safety ☺️ yes he's going to talk shit about her behind her back but as long as they are both into it and communicating well nothing can harm them.
More text messages will come ;)
The thing is she knows she's being abused so all she wants fir now is to run away with him and she thinks shell be able to handle it but we will see if that's what would happen 👀
I love you too dear thank you 😭💚💚
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