#yes. including the polyships
So you know how there is the whole thing you spin your blorbo in your head?
So I make my favorite ships from Star Trek waltz and react to it in character.
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victorluvsalice · 3 months
AU Thursday: That Three-Player Childhood Friends Valicer AMA AU I Mentioned Briefly Before
So -- as per the title, I've talked a bit about this idea before, in the tags of the "Childhood Friends" prompt story I did for OT3 Week earlier this year, and as part of explaining why I chose to reblog the "Take Me Home To My Heart" Corpse Bride fan video for Song Saturday recently. But now it is time to give this AU a Proper Explanatory Post! *thumbs up* So here we go --
-->The basic conceit is that this is a Valicer twist on my old "Somebody I Used To Know" idea (where Victor and Alice were childhood friends before Alice got committed, and when Victor learned about what happened to Alice and started visiting her in Rutledge, he got sucked into the events of American McGee's Alice, going through that game with her. And then Victor managed to accidentally trigger the events of Alice: Madness Returns in the middle of Corpse Bride by inviting her to his arranged wedding to Victoria, accidentally marrying Emily, bringing the corpse bride back to meet Alice in the hopes they could somehow find her family down there -- the shock threw Alice back into Wonderland early, and this time she dragged Victoria and Emily in along with Victor, causing them to all have some interesting revelations about themselves and Barkis Bittern along the way, along with figuring out Bumby's damage). In this world, things are kicked off by that party in the "Childhood Friends" prompt, with Alice, Victor, and Smiler all making firm friends hiding out under one of the banquet tables, sharing stories and snacks and building card castles. Nell Van Dort and Dr. Kelman aren't initially happy that their children spent the duration of the party under a table -- but end up changing their tune when they learn Alice is the daughter of the distinguished Dean Liddell and his wife. So the trio are allowed to stay friends, with the Liddells tolerating the Van Dorts' and Kelman's presence in their lives for the sake of their younger daughter.
-->The trio have a lovely time together, becoming thick as thieves, with Alice introducing Victor and Smiler to Wonderland and them coming up with their own ideas for domains (Victor, who loves playing explorer and trying to hunt down new butterflies, naturally comes up with the Butterfly Jungle, while Smiler, who wants to live in a place where everyone is actually happy and not being tormented by their dad for not being "socially compliant," comes up with Smile Street). Alice and Smiler eventually agree that they both want to marry Victor when they grow up, and Alice designs a house for them all to live in when they're older (it looks like a mirror-flipped version of the Liddell house, with space for Victor to have a butterfly garden and Smiler a chemistry lab). She also makes bracelets for them all to wear out of spare yarn and some red, yellow, and blue beads she salvaged off an old worn-out pillow, because she couldn't find any toy rings and she thinks the bracelets are more fun anyway.
-->And then the Van Dorts host the Kelmans and the Liddells for a visit, and Alice, Victor, and Smiler all have a play wedding with their favorite toys where Alice hands out the bracelets and they all vow to love each other forever and always be friends and such. They then happily go down to tea, and when Nell questions the bracelets, Victor cheerfully informs her that they all got married --
Cue Nell Van Dort and Dr. Kelman both loudly objecting to this (Nell because, while being friends with the Liddells is good for their family socially, Victor can't marry the daughter of a mere Dean, never mind that they're all eight and it's all pretend, while Dr. Kelman is more focused on the whole "you cannot marry more than one person at once and boys can't marry boys, Marmaduke, I don't care what you say you are" side), and all three sets of parents getting into a huge fight, which ends with the visit being cut short and the Liddells and Kelmans heading home. Dr. Kelman gives Smiler the business on the way back and tosses their bracelet out the window of the carriage; Nell Van Dort tells Victor he is not going to embarrass her like that ever again and to get that bracelet out of her sight (prompting him to hide it in his dresser drawer instead of throwing it away in a small rebellious act of technical compliance); and the Liddells comfort Alice as best they can (while also gently explaining that you can only marry one person at once, which Alice thinks is stupid), with Arthur finally going, "Well, at least we won't miss Bonfire Night back home."
-->Yeah, cue the Liddell Fire, and poor Alice being chucked into Rutledge without Victor or Smiler knowing. And, of course, losing her bracelet in the process, because she wasn't wearing it in bed. :(
-->Fast forward to roughly ten years later -- Victor, feeling very anxious about the fact that his parents are shopping around for a wife for him, finds the bracelet in his dresser again and feels inspired to try and reconnect with his childhood friends. He decides to start by writing Alice and asks Mayhew if he could help him secretly deliver a letter --
Cue Mayhew spilling the beans on where Alice has been the last ten years, and Victor, horrified and furious this was kept from him, decides he's going to see her, come hell or high water. He thus sets out from Burtonsville to Rutledge before his parents can stop him, and arrives at the same time a doctor and his child do, with the doctor explaining he's here to help treat a patient. Victor ends up sitting in the waiting area with the kid while the doctor talks to the nurses...
-->And, when the kid gives him a tentative smile, abruptly recognizes them as an older Smiler. The two delightedly reconnect (with Victor being startled by how deep Smiler's voice has gotten, while Smiler is similarly startled by how tall Victor's gotten), and Victor asks if Smiler and Dr. Kelman are here to see Alice too.
Revealing Smiler ALSO had no idea what had happened to Alice and causing them to become similarly furious that no one told them. They inform Kelman that they're seeing Alice along with him -- Kelman is annoyed, but the nurse at the front desk says that if Smiler is a childhood friend, it might help, so he reluctantly allows it. Victor and Smiler thus go in to visit Alice together, and while they're initially shocked by her conditions, they do their best to reach out to her. At first, it doesn't look like it's working...
But at the end of the visit, when they go to leave, Alice does turn to look at them. Dr. Wilson, who has been observing all this, is pleased to see any reaction out of her and encourages the two to keep coming back to see if they can get her any further out of her catatonic state.
-->Cue Victor and Smiler staying near Rutledge and visiting Alice on the regular, hoping to break through to her (the Van Dorts arrive at one point to try and drag Victor back home, but Victor, with Smiler's help, successfully convinces them that he's making them look good by being so kind to this poor mad orphan that has lost her family and gets them to let him stay for a little longer). The pair recount old stories, read books to her, and generally do what they can to hopefully get a reaction -- and in the process, start reconnecting themselves, talking about their lives and where they've ended up (Victor telling Smiler about how his parents are looking for a socially-advantageous match and how he'd really rather be allowed to go to art school or something, while Smiler talks about Dr. Kelman trying to turn them into his successor and how they wish they could strike out on their own as a traveling alchemist or something). For a while, nothing much seems to be happening with Alice --
-->And then the incident with the orderlies spooning porridge all over Alice's beloved bunny happens. Victor and Smiler arrive for their visit in the middle of the whole mess, and while trying to stop the orderlies from retaliating against Alice's attack, see Alice go at her wrists with the spoon. Horrified, Victor screams at her to stop while Smiler tries to get the spoon from her --
Cue Alice looking up and apparently really seeing them for the first time, and collapsing crying in their arms. Dr. Wilson comes and tends to everyone's injuries, then -- once Alice is quiet again -- asks if Victor and Smiler wouldn't mind feeding her from now on, as he thinks they would get better results. Victor and Smiler are agreeable, and indeed Alice almost eagerly eats her gruel when they're the ones holding the spoon. They slowly become more and more involved with her actual care, with Smiler double-checking Wilson's various concoctions so he doesn't accidentally kill Alice while Victor helps keep the superintendent from making a fuss using his family's cash --
-->And then, one stormy day, they're both just hanging out with Alice when Nurse D returns Mr. Bunny after a cleaning. And shortly after she leaves, they all see the rabbit doll turn to Alice and beg her to "save us."
-->Cue all three of them dropping into Wonderland without warning (Victor and Smiler ending up unconscious in the real world, with the frightened staff unable to wake them). Alice is naturally rather startled to have her childhood best friends with her in Wonderland, while Victor and Smiler are naturally rather startled to be in Wonderland. They have a confused reunion before Cheshire urges them to chase Rabbit, and the trio find that Wonderland is in a very bad way thanks to the Queen of Hearts, and it's up to them to set things right...
-->And so the gang travel through Wonderland, going through all the events of American McGee's Alice in a three-player format! With the most notable changes and additions so far being --
a) Alice, rather than wearing her standard blood-spattered blue dress, is in the Ash Dress from the original take on Alice: Asylum (because while I was never a big fan of the various A:A concepts, I loved that dress); Victor is in a dark blue suit that doesn't look that different to his real-life clothes; and Smiler is in a plain pale yellow suit -- though they do also get their glowing yellow eyes and purple-tipped hair to go with it (Victor and Alice are like "???" while Smiler is like " :D ")
b) While I'm not 100% on everybody's weapons for this game, particularly Smiler's, I know we definitely get the trio of the Vorpal Blade, Fork, and Spoon, and Smiler's attacks are still more about stunning people than about actually hurting them
c) While traveling through the various domains, the trio come across a dead and dried jungle that none of them recognize...until Victor finds a weakly-glowing butterfly under the remains of the foliage and realizes to his shock that this is the Butterfly Jungle -- it basically died along with his dreams of being an explorer when he grew up :(
d) Similarly, they also encounter a cobble street with a bunch of unfinished houses and a dried-up fountain at the end -- Smiler clocks it after seeing the spiral clouds in the sky as their old Smile Street, guessing that it never got properly completed after they lost their friends :(
e) While going through the Land of Fire and Brimstone, the trio eventually clock that the Liddell house on the top of the volcano doesn't look quite right -- in fact, it seems to be a mirror image of the real house. Cue one of them (currently I generally have Victor as the one to make the connection) finally realizing that it's not the Liddell house -- it's their house, the one Alice made for them when they were small. Cue them redoubling their efforts to reach it, and finally going inside and getting to enjoy a space that is all theirs --
For about five seconds, before the Jabberwock arrives to burn it all down. >( And then hit them all with their guilt about being the only survivor of the fire (Alice), and not even trying to find out what had happened to Alice earlier (Victor and Smiler). Because the Jabberwock is an asshole.
f) Which makes it even more satisfying when, during the second boss fight against him, the trio all grab the Jabberwock's Eye Staff and just ultra-blast him with its awesome laser >D
g) At some point, the bracelets come up again (probably after Jabberwock Part I), with Alice and Smiler mourning the loss of theirs -- and then Victor revealing he still has his, offering them comfort that at least ONE of the damn things survived
h) Undecided currently if Alice insists on facing the Queen of Hearts alone, or if Victor and Smiler come with -- I mean, the Queen is a very personal enemy for Alice, but at the same time, it feels weird to have Victor and Smiler sit out such an important fight... Hmmm. Maybe split the difference -- have Alice insist on doing the first part of the fight alone after Cheshire gets beheaded to try and spare her friends, only for Victor and Smiler to come help her back on her feet after the Queen's speech and join her for the second phase? Yeah, I rather like that, let's go with that. :)
-->Once the Queen is defeated, everyone wakes up, and Victor, Alice, and Smiler all share a big real-world embrace while the doctors and nurses (along with the Van Dorts and Kelman) try to figure out WTF just happened. XD Alice is eventually pronounced well enough to leave, and the trio finally go their separate ways (the Van Dorts insisting that Victor has to come home now; Dr. Kelman wanting to get back to his own Sanctuary with Smiler; and of course Dr. Bumby arriving to take Alice to Houndsditch), though they vow to stay in contact this time, no matter WHAT life throws at them.
-->...and this is where I run into a bit of a roadblock, because I'm not actually sure what to do with the A:MR/CB portion of the AU. I mean, it's gotta be done, Bumby cannot be allowed to get away with his bullshit, and not only do we have to expose Barkis's murders, we also have to expose Kelman's horrific brain surgeries on innocent people (I in fact already have an idea where Alice's Rutledge hallucination from the second game ends up overlapping with Smiler having a bad time in a hallucinatory Sanctuary, revealing Kelman as a monster in the process)...but I'm not entirely sure a post-AMA Victor would actually go along with being forced into an arranged marriage. Dude would have had to have gained some confidence after fighting all those monsters, right? Though I have had the thought that maybe he would make a deal with his parents to marry whoever they picked without a fight in order to keep seeing Alice (a deal he starts regretting after he starts realizing he's in love with Alice and Smiler post all the nonsense), which would put him in a position to do the Corpse Bride stuff...and would allow me to get Victoria and Emily in on the fun like in the original "Somebody I Used To Know" idea. Go big or go home, right? :p I'll figure it out eventually, I'm sure.
Whew -- that was longer than anticipated! But I hope you enjoyed it. And can maybe offer up some ideas for the A:MR/CB parts of the AU. :p
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howlingdemon13 · 1 year
The reason I ship Trepha with the ferocity I do (besides uh feelings 👀) is because I’ve shipped these two since I was in fuckin middle school!!!!!!!!!!
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It’s literally the same ship!?!?!????? Monster hunter x clergy member!!!!!!!
You cannot tell me it’s not the same ship!
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darkspicyevanstan · 3 months
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Welcome to a Dark & Spicy Evanstan Fest!
This event is dedicated to top!Chris Evans/bottom!Sebastian Stan and the various characters they've played over the years. Get your dark & spicy fix here! 😈
The fest will be an ongoing, low pressure, event where you can choose from all sorts of prompts to inspire your next piece of fiction.
The prompt lists will be continuously updated so be sure to check those out.
More information available below the cut!
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⚡️ Rules ⚡️
→ No minors allowed due to the explicit/mature themes that will be featured in participating works.
→ This event will focus on any top!Chris Evans character paired with any bottom!Sebastian Stan character. Yes this event will include Real Person Fiction (Actor RPF, MCU RPF, etc.). Switching and polyships are not allowed here. Ex: Steve/Bucky/Sam, Lloyd/Reader/Nick, Chris/OFC/Sebastian, Ransom/OMC/Max, etc.
→ There are no content restrictions in this event. Yes, this includes all manner of dark fiction and dead dove themes. As long as everything this tagged appropriately, you can write whatever you want.
→→ If you come across a fic with themes you don't like, simply click away.
→ No word minimum or maximum.
→ One prompt per chapter/oneshot.
→ "Choose not to warn" fics are allowed. Once again, make sure anything triggering is appropriately tagged.
→ Make sure that the submission you're using for this event is completely new. However, a new chapter/piece in an already in progress fic/series is acceptable.
⚡️ Challenge Mode ⚡️
→ Double Challenge mode: 1 AU + 1 Trope
→→ Triple Challenge mode: 1 AU + 1 Creature + 1 Trope
→→→ Quadruple Challenge mode: 1 AU + 1 Creature + 1 Literary Form + 1 Trope
⚡️ Posting ⚡️
→ Make sure to tag the blog using @darkspicyevanstan and #dark and spicy evanstan fest so your works can get reblogged!
→ If you use platforms outside of Tumblr to publish, you may post your works to the AO3 and Squidge collections!
⚡️ Format ⚡️
As long as the requirements below are somewhere in your tumblr posts, your submissions will be reblogged!
Title of Submission Pairing Rating Warnings Prompt(s) Used Link
⚡️ Masterlists ⚡️
If you would like a masterlist of your work to be posted onto the blog, separate them by months. This way, it'll be easier for organization purposes.
→ Masterlist Submission Form
⚡️ Masterlist Format ⚡️
Title of Tumblr Post: Dark & Spicy Evanstan [Month] Masterlist
Title of Work [Insert Fic Link]
- Prompt(s) Used
Once again, as long as the information above is on your masterlist it will get posted onto the blog.
⚡️ Memo ⚡️
→ Cross-posting with other events is allowed and encouraged.
→ If you'd like to use a beta reader, feel free!
This event is meant to be fun and inspiring, so please enjoy yourselves! Feel free to send an ask if you have any questions.
Dark & Spicy Mod
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Before you submit your ships, please follow these guidelines.
Be polite and respectful, I know this fandom can get HEATED over ships. Keep in mind a lot of people like different ships for different reasons and often don't reflect our real world values.
That being said, incestuous ships and ships containing underage characters are STRICTLY not allowed! They will be deleted on sight if you try. This also means I won't accept any ships with Octavia Goetia.
Ships do not have to comply with a canon character's sexuality, the term "crack ship" exists for a reason, they're meant to be ridiculous and impossible if not highly unlikely. Ships containing objects are also allowed so yes, you can submit Alastor x Jambalaya and Angel x The Kitchen Sink if you so please
Crossover ships outside of Hazbin x Helluva crossovers are not allowed. So you can submit Moxxie x Angel Dust but ships like Charlie x Doomslayer are not allowed, sorry.
No OCS either or self shipping, even if you all have my support
Polyships are also allowed, but I will ask you provide a ship name so I don't have to go character x character x character x character-
Headcanon a character as AroAce? No problem I will gladly accept Alastor x No One or any other characters in a similar manner like that.
You can submit as many ships as you like!! But please don't submit the same ship over and over
With that said have fun, I'll try to include as many as I can. (@tournament-announcer)
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queershippingpolls · 1 month
are polyships allowed? if so does this include bisexual polycules
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powerpolyculeshowdown · 6 months
Mod's Self Indulgent Polyship Poll
Vote for your favorite!!
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Not Canon. This would of course be after season 1, which is why Sasha isn't included. The time also matters a lot because I would like to see how things could have gone if Martin had successfully gotten Jon and Tim to properly sit and talk about things to restore their friendship. I think they would've dated before, maybe, and their bond would be stronger after they work through the season 2 bullshit, with Martin by their side. Because most of the story at this point is still from Jon's perspective we don't see too much of Martin and Tim's interactions, but I think it's not a leap to call them close friends at this time. I think even with Martin's major crush on Jon, he could fall in love with Tim as well. While working to restore Jon and Tim's friendship, both men also fall for Martin as much they fall for each other. Polyamory win.
Not Canon. Yes, Robin is still a lesbian in this. The way I see their relationship is Steve and Nancy are together and they're both bisexual. Steve is also dating Eddie, who is gay, and Nancy is also dating Robin. Eddie and Robin are just friends, but Robin and Steve are queerplatonic partners. There's nothing in canon I can talk about to explain the ship, I just think they're neat.
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mdzsxchange · 8 months
Let's Talk About AO3 Matching
Ao3 exchanges use OR matching within each matchable category — things like Fandom, Character, Relationship, and Additional Tag, and so on. Mods can choose which categories will be used for matching and how many matching items are required.
It does not combine tags across requests/offers — one request + one offer that share one tag in each category is often the minumum to make two signups "matchable."
What does this mean for requests?
If your request has a "load-bearing tag" — say you definitely want Mo Xuanyu/Wei Wuxian but are fine if that's in the context of a polyship — you should not add additional ship tags to your request. That's what the text box is for!
Relationships: Mo Xuanyu/Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji/Mo Xuanyu, Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji/Mo Xuanyu/Wei Wuxian Additional Details: I really really love MXY/WWX more than anything!
⬆️ This request could match on any of those four relationship tags — the creator may not have offered Mo Xuanyu ships at all!
Relationships: Mo Xuanyu/Wei Wuxian Additional Details: I really really love MXY/WWX more than anything! Happy to see this relationship as part of a polycule with Lan Wangji too.
⬆️ This request WILL match with a creator who offered Mo Xuanyu/Wei Wuxian, and they will know you're open to an OT3!
Same goes for the other categories of tag — if there's one you definitely want, you would NOT also include other tags you like as "flavor" for the load-bearing tag.
Additional Tags: Giant Robot Co-Pilots, Telepathic Bond, Only One Bed Additional Details: PACIFIC RIM AU YES PLEASE
⬆️ Your creator who offered Telepathic Bond and Only One Bed and has never seen Pacific Rim: 😰
Keeping the matching criteria in mind when writing your requests will help ensure that your assigned creator is excited to make something for that prompt you really want. Exchanges will differ slightly in terms of what categories and how many tags are used to match — you'll usually find this info in the Rules/FAQ, or when in doubt, contact the mods! Happy exchanging!
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I want some new polyships to love, but because polyamory is something that doesn't really come up in a lot of media or even fanworks, it can be hard for me to actually find polyships.
So, I figured, why not outsource to my mutuals/followers/whoever else wants to give some suggestions?
Basically just send me a polyship, and I'll rank it on a scale of 1-10 how much I could get behind it, personally. Only thing I ask is that you include what fandom it's from and potentially clarify if the polyship is either a "circuit" (what I call it when all parties are romantically involved with each other) or a "Poly-Varient" (what I call any variation of a Poly-V, where some of the characters involved are romantically together, but others are just on friendly terms with each other).
And yes, even though this is mainly for me discovering new ships, I will do the ratings for any ships I already know I like, should I get them.
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frogyjones-writes · 1 year
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General info:
I'll only do requests that interest me this is something I do for fun in my free time so you might get an answer awhile after a submission :]
Most likely to get through headcanons/short prompts done first!
Characters I write for:
Don't be afraid to ask for a character from the same Fandom however! I'm just better with these guy's characterization :]
The Last of Us: Ellie Williams, Dina, Abby Anderson
Dead By Daylight: The Trapper (Evan MacMillan), The Nurse (Sally Smithson), Ghost Face (Danny Johnson), The Huntress (Anna), The Pig (Amanda Young), The Plauge (Adiris), The Onryō (Sadako Yamamura)
Silent Hill: Lisa Garland, Maria, Mary Shepard-Sunderland, James Sunderland, Angela Orosco, Harry Mason
Misc: Sadako Yamamura (ringu), Selene (underworld), Carol Aird (Carol),
Resident Evil: Alcina Dimitrescu, Bela Dimitrescu, Cassandra Dimitrescu, Daniela Dimitrescu, Donna Beneviento, Jill Valentine, Claire redfield (games/movies), Alice Abernathy (movies), Rebecca Chambers, Helena Harper
The Quarry: Emma Mountebank, Abigail Blyg, Kaitlyn Ka, Laura Kearney, Max Brinley, Nick Furcillio, Jacob Custos, Dylan Leviny, Ryan Erzahler
Until Dawn: Sam Giddings, Ashley Brown, Emily Davis, Jessica Riley
Life is Strange: Maxine "Max" Caufield, Chloe Price, Rachel Amber, Kate Marsh, Victoria Chase, Dana Ward
Tomb Raider: Lara Croft (better with the survivor series), Sam
Saw: Amanda Young, Adam Faulkner Stanheight, Lynn Denlon
(More to be added later!)
Character x Reader, Character x Character, Some OC X Characters, Polyships, LGBTQ+
Heavy angst/sensitive topics
AUs and alternative settings
Accept headcanon requests for multiple characters
NSFW (suggestive stuff is fine but I'm not writing smut)
Incestual/pedophilic ships (yes this includes adoptive family or parental/sibling figures don't test me)
Any dead dove sort of shit
General NoNo's
Writing examples
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Rules and form
Hello and welcome to the Luka Couffaine ships tournament
Have you finished season 5 and all your Luka ships have perished?
Yes? No?
It doesn't matter because luckily in this town canon are mere guidelines
The rules are simple
-It can only be characters from Miraculous Ladybug and Chat Noir franchise (this includes the tv show and the different movies)
-Polyships are also accepted
-Probably not all nominated ships will arrive in the final tournament, so I am so sorry if your ship didn't pass :c (I will try to keep it as big as I can but will see)
-You can submit as much as ships as you want
Ladies and Gentleman
It's time to find Luka's perfect match!
I don't plan to close this up anytime soon, but I will make sure to warn all of you before closing :D
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sonicshipbattles · 1 year
Knuckles x Tikal?
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This is the first ship I'm unsure about including that I'm going to run a poll to see what you all think. I was surprised to see it submitted, since I thought Tikal was Knuckles's ancestor, but the ship has received a few submissions and when I looked for answers, people seemed to have mixed feelings about the subject. Instead of scratching my head over it, I figured I'd just toss it out to you folks to decide Also, this would include any polyships submitted including Tikal, of which there's been one so far
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ratwars · 5 months
Can I ask you about shipping? Do you ship every ship you rb to your blog? Is there a reason you don't tag ships? Are there any bsd ships you don't like?
Sure. No I don't. Yes there is. And yes.
Extended explanation (warning: long)
I will pretty much rb most fanart I find something I like about or looks nice irregardless of the ship or intention of the artist (whether it is ship art or not). I also don't care about a lot of ships (more in a "yeah sure whatever floats your boat" or "that could be fun, sure" type of way), or have such a casual attitude towards them it doesn't matter to me.
For fic, if the tags match up with what I like or think would be interesting, don't include any of my hard no's, and the summary catches my attention I will read whatever if I feel like it. Though for mutuals or ppl I talk to sometimes I have tried to read things that I wouldn't usually, sometimes it has been a happy surprise, other times I can't really get into it or there is something about it I just can't fuck with even though their writing is good. With art it matters even less though.
I have also been "sold" on ships by other people through fic and art as well. Because I will consider *mostly* anything, at least for a moment.
I decided early on to not tag ships. This is for multiple reasons.
1. My tagging system is detailed and organized but tagging ships makes it more complicated.
2. I would have to determine if the art was intended to be ship art or not before tagging just because of how I am. This is an extra step which gets more complicated if I am rbing from someone else because it means I have to click through every time to see the OPs original tags assuming they exist.
3. I never have the desire to search my own blog by ship. Only by character.
There are bsd ships that don't exist to me, ones I don't like, and there are bsd ships I am completely indifferent to/don't get it. I'm not going to list everything, I don't know every pairing that exists, I am surely forgetting things, and you didn't ask for specifics. So I will keep this part shorter than I could but me not listing something doesn't mean I like it or actively ship it. It just might fall into the "doesn't exist to me" or "have never thought about/don't really give a shit/forgot it existed even" category.
Any ship involving underage characters (or underage versions of characters who are presently adults) do not exist to me. As in, I'm pretending it doesn't happen for my own peace, and if I have the misfortune of seeing it I block with the quickness.
I don't like Morizai or Dazaku (in any interation including Beast version).
I am not okay with Fukuran at all.
I am not a fan/don't understand Kunichuu or Kunichuuzai or Kunichuuwhatever Kunikida and Chuuya polyship of the hour is.
I'm really mid on Kousano though I will rb art of them because I am always happy to see art for bsd women. Would probably never read fic with them though specifically/intentionally as I don't understand the pairing much.
Odazai is not something I ship but when he dies he is 23 and Dazai is 18 so I don't understand ppl who give others serious flack for shipping them in dark era (when Dazai is an adult though), or shipping Beast Odazai or AUs where Oda lives and they are both adults.
I mention this because this one I have seen just get thrown around a lot with a bunch of moral outrage with it, and I personally don't get it.
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seventfics · 1 year
*fics with less than 150 fics in the ao3 ship tag. this includes polyships
Please share the poll if you voted, and tag how many people/how much time you'd need to sign up for an exchange!
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paper--moons · 5 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
So I was tagged by @agerefandom for this fun little game. Thanks for thinking of me! Seeing as how a lot of these questions are AO3 focused and a bunch of my agere writing is here on Tumblr, I may blend my answers a bit. Hope that's okay! Anyhow, going to pop this under a readmore so as to not clog anybody's dash. 🌙
1.) How many stories do you have on A03?
On my primary AO3 account I currently have four public works and six private works, though I've published quite a few more on the site under a different pseud. And then I have many headcanon posts/ficlets here, of course.
2.) What's your total A03 word count?
My total AO3 word count is 51,743 words (again, that is just for my primary). Comparatively, the word count for my little old blog here sits at 145,222 words! (Not including my minis, that's just my big posts.)
3.) What fandoms do you write for?
Whatever speaks to me, really! If it's something I'm a fan of, there's a good chance I've got WIPs and scraps squirreled away in my files for it. Whether those ever see the light of day is another story entirely however haha.
4.) Top 5 fics by kudos?
Going to do another split answer here—my top (public) fic over on AO3 is Being Okay. My top blog posts are regressor!Zuko, regressor!Peter Parker, regressor!Bruce Wayne with cg!Clark Kent, and regressor!Shigaraki Tomura with cg!Sako Atsuhiro.
5.) Do you respond to comments?
Always! Unless some terrible, ill-fate has befallen me (migraine or some such), I make sure to respond to people's comments.
6.) What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I believe the angstiest ending I've written is for one of my private works tbh. Whether I'm writing fanfic or original work I tend to gravitate towards themes like the loss of self and what it means to be changed. Change can be good, yes, but there's always grief there as well.
7.) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This is a harder one to answer, given that the happiest/fluffiest stuff I write is for the blog and even then I skew towards hurt/comfort. Maybe Taako on Board? That one I tagged as fluff at least, but it's a few years old now so it isn't the greatest.
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
Mm, not particularly? I did receive a rather rude comment the other day, but I just blocked and moved along. I have received a few "kys" messages over my agere works before, though it's been awhile since the last one.
9.) Do you write smut?
Indeed I do! Though perhaps not in the most traditional sense? Flashing my ace card here. When I write smut the focus is more on the sensuality and emotions rather than the physicality of the scene since that aspect doesn't exactly appeal to me. But none of that is posted here, of course.
10.) Craziest crossover?
While I'm not against crossovers, I personally haven't written any. I've certainly come across some neat ones though!
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not in its entirety, no. Though I have had scenes and ideas clearly lifted beat for beat, with the person admitting they "saw the idea around but couldn't remember where" despite it being a small community back then. But hey, it's fanfic. They can play in the space all they like as far as I'm concerned.
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Funnily enough, I have been approached quite a few times over the years about having one fic or another translated or made into a podfic. Each time I've given the go ahead, but nothing ever came of it.
13.) Have you co-written a fic before?
No, not unless you consider rp as co-writing a fic. Which personally I feel like it counts? It is co-writing.
14.) All-time favorite ship?
Oh, a real toughie! There are so many... I enjoy Erasermic, obviously. Really any combination of the rooftops (all four of them), as I have always been one to polyship. I've been reading a lot of Kazumaji lately though. And then there are the classics that will always have me, like Vegebul.
15.) What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
All of them haha. But really, out of my fanfic WIPs I think I'd like to finish the one that's closest to being AO3 ready. Which is (perhaps unsurprisingly) a regressor!Aizawa fic. Featuring things such as quirk shenanigans, a well-meaning yet meddlesome Class 1A, and cg!Yagi. The draft is at 21,131 words, but I just can't settle on an ending.
16.) What are your writing strengths?
Probably my ability to establish the mood of a scene? I've been told I'm very good with creating things like suspense or an unsettling atmosphere in my original works (which are quite a bit darker than what I post here, naturally).
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
While I am forever honing my craft, I feel I always struggle with endings and perhaps always will. Also, I worry over my dialogue not sounding natural enough, or not having nailed the correct character voice. Pacing is another thing that I tend to fuss over quite a bit and tweak constantly. And I tend to operate in a cyclical manner rather than a linear one, which Western culture does not particularly favor.
18.) Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
This is pretty situational imo. If the POV character doesn't understand the other language, I tend to focus on how the words are being spoken (gently, harshly, etc.) to convey the meaning/emotion. However if it is something they speak, then I tend to indicate in another way the language they are using has changed (so typically through italics and dialogue tags). But some words and phrases don't necessarily have a one-to-one counterpart in English, and so those should be kept as is.
19.) First fandom you wrote in?
The first fandom I wrote for was Batman, I do believe. Published my first drabble of a fic over on ff.net when I was somewhere in the ballpark of 13ish. It was pretty agere adjacent, too. Iirc it was a little fluff piece with Bruce and Dick centered around the concept of bedtime.
20.) Favorite fic you've written?
Wish I could tell you, but it's a secret! As for my posts though, I think one of my favorites is my regressor!Cody Walsh, or maybeee my regressor!Okuta Kagero. I'm also very fond of my cg!Gildarts Clive post, though all of my creative works hold a special place in my heart.
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puzzlebean · 7 months
Do you write any non-Max ships?
When it comes to things outside of F1 obviously yes, when it comes to things in F1 nope. I don't even know why because in every other fandom I play around with tons of characters and ships but I just can't not write about Max somehow. He's my baby boy and I gotta put him in the spotlight? I do read some non-Max ships but also rarely. I just like giving Max a ton of love through fics I guess haha.
I was thinking about this the other day actually. I can ship Max with a bunch of people but I can't ship the people I ship with Max with other people unless I am writing a threesome/polyship that also includes Max. And I genuinely don't know why. This is quite unusual for me.
ask me about my writing?
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