#yes yes I know Yokan is a dessert and not another word for cold thing
rakumel · 1 year
I’ve been playing Xenoverse 2 again lately. And by lately, I mean for pretty much all last month. Probably longer. That’s just how I’ve always been with games - instead of playing a bunch at a time, I stick with one and play the hell out of it until I’m ready to move on to the next one. Well, that, and when you have a full-time job, you can’t really binge. More like, you play when you can. 
Since the last time I played, I’ve reached lv 99 with Aloe, and added two more characters to the roster: Amé the Majin and Yokan the...well, they call them Frieza Race in game, Frost Demons elsewhere, and I’m not sure which one is actually correct? I tried to look it up online, but honestly that just confused me more. (When a franchise has been around for decades, and its products contradict each other...holy shit, just never mind about the accuracy.) Whatever he technically is, he’s fun as hell to play as, which is really all I care about.
I’ve also been having fun crafting backstories for both of them, but we’ll be here all week if I delve into those. Instead, I’m going to share a couple of my favorite moments in-game as them. (Also, sorry I got the PS4 dialog box in a few, because I’m an idiot and snapped the screenshots too fast.)
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“Lesson 30 - Defending Against a Club Attack. Should you have the misfortune of being attacked by someone wielding a club, the best course of action is to run. There is no dishonor in running from a man with a lethal weapon. This is merely good sense.” (Diagonal Girl by Mint Royale blasts)
Seriously though, I love this exchange, it’s so sweet. Amé has a new favorite mentor.
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Sir, I came here to kick ass and shoot lasers. I did not come here to debate theology. But if your boss is truly curious, there’s like, a couple back home I could introduce him to. (It’s Dragon Ball, ffs, weirder things have happened)
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One of the things I love most about this game is the fact that characters will comment on things like your character’s race, who your current mentor is, etc. Because then you get exchanges like this.
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That’s very out of character for Yokan, but I had to get this bit of dialogue. The Cell costume looks best on him anyway. (Well, part of it, I didn’t bother putting on the whole thing.)
(Yes there’s a lot of Cell, are y’all really that surprised? Didn’t think so.)
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