#yes we know you're unknowable Adam
Just thinking about the fact that Adam Parrish has a type
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miitarashi · 1 year
ok hear me out, I was just thinking about something-
the reader who usually dyes her hair red (or another color), so one day she asks Tintin to help her dye it. And so he does this, and after she washes her hair he helps her dry and brush it and--- it would be so cute <3 (fem or gn reader, you can choose)
don't feel pressured, you can write this whenever you want (if you want). It's just that I'm in my Tintin phase, and I love your writing. Don't forget to drink water :)
Owww this idea is so cute tho🥺
PLEASE STAY IN YOUR TINTIN PHASE WE NEED MORE PEOPLE ON THIS FANDOM (and yes i had just drank a whole cup of water thank you for the preocupation😘)
You love my writing??? Bro 😭 i love you dear unknow person,I LOVE U
Sooo,let's go to the main thing now shall we??
[Name] = reader (fem)
Warnings: none. Just some quality time with this precious boy (and sorry for any gramatical errors)
Prompt - hair day with Tintin's help.
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You just finished your bath. On the way out of the bathroom,you see your reflexion on the mirror and soon noticed the state of your hair. It's been a long time since you dyed and the roots where growing pretty fast.
"Hm...guess it's time to dye again..." - you commented out loud for yourself.
After drying your hair,you started to get the things from your drawer that you keep there exactly for this occasion.
"[Name]? I'm home" - you hear Tintin's voice,along the sound of the door closing and a bark from Milu.
"Welcome! I'm on the bedroom" - as you put that same old shirt,already with some red hair dye marks,you warned,hearing his footsteps getting close.
"Can i come in?" - you quickly said yes,and he openned the door,as soon he sees the shirt,already knew what you were about to do.
"Hey,any good hints about this case for now?" - he let a little sigh.
"Unfortunaly,nothing conclusive. Seems like i'm walking in circles. Hair day?" - he ask sitting on the bed,watching you.
You nod mixing the bleach, determined to completely restore your hair color as it looked a bit faded. As you finished,putting the mirror in a good position,you was about to start the rather time-consuming process of bleaching and painting.
"[Name]?" - you hummed.
"Can i help you with it this time?"
You stopped,looking back at him a bit confused by the sudden request. By your face,he could know what you was probably thinking and get up from the bed walking over to you.
"I just thought it would be better with more hands to do the job. And well,if i learn how to do it properly,i can basically make the "hair day" a day that i can pamper you a bit. Sounds good,right?" - he finish with that little cute smile that you just can't resist making you sigh a bit and laugh.
"Another one? Don't you already pamper me enough Mr Tintin?" - you reply in a playful tone.
He giggle softly and kiss your forehead tenderly.
"A bit more is not so bad,and beside,look at it as a way to make up for the time i've been gone on my adventures. I want to spend as much time with my beautiful girl i can" - as he say it,his thumb caress your cheek lightly,one of his habits that you love with passion. Those light touches that pass what he's feeling in a humble way.
"Ok ok,you won....but you have to dye your hair with-"
"Damm- that was the most fast and convicted answer i've ever heard" - you laugh at his adamant reply.
Tintin roll his eyes,that small smile still there as he watch you giggle.
"Now now" - he hold your shoulders from behind looking at you by the mirror - "from where do we start?"
"First,put other clothes just in case. Those ones that you almost don't use anymore because the hair dye really stains and never get out. Since you're on my house..."
You get up from the chair,going for your closet and after a little while you found another shirt that you don't use much and it's a pretty large size that can probably fit him.
"Here,this one"
"Thank you,[Name]" - you just nod back as a response and goes back for your chair.
As he begin to remove his sweater,you was openly looking,what made him stop and look back at you.
"A little privacy,please?"
"Oh- of course" - and jokingly you put a hand to cover your eyes,leaving a wide openning that still give you full vision.
"Ok ok,sorry. It's hard to resist but i'll do my best!"
As you sit with your back facing him,you could hear a quiet chuckle.
"Sometimes,i really can't with you"
"I made you laugh then it was worth it!"
This time you was the one giggling as he gets closer again,already changed with your another old shirt.
"I can't deny that. Well,and now?"
"We do the sectioning. Separating in four parts and do the strand test to see if my hair can handle it without problems and just then, we start to discolor with the bleach"
"Sounds...toilsome" - you shrug and look up to him.
"And that's is just the first part"
"Oh Lord" - you couldn't contain the chuckle at his suprised response.
"Yeah,i know. Ready to start this time consuming thing?"
"Well,i was the one who asked,so let's get into it"
You take the bowl with the bleach and start teaching him how to do it,being a fast leaner make things easier for you and not too much later,after making the test and seen that your hair could handle it,you both really begin the work. He always tried his best to be careful,stopping at the slight sound or move of you,when he was detangling your hair mostly.
After bleaching your hair,letting you wash this time,he soon begin to apply the hair dye,concentrated to not mess up even when he already leaned how to do it. You could see through the mirror that focused face of his making you giggle by how seriously he end up taking care of it.
"Is there something funny?" - he ask taking another lock and putting the hair dye.
"Hm? Oh,nothing nothing,don't worry"
You play it off with a sweet smirk,seeing Tintin still looking at you through the mirror for a moment and smiling.
"And you,found something funny?"
As the table's turn,you end up asking the same question with a eyebrow rised and he shake his head lightly looking back at your hair.
"Just admiring" - he said simply,leaving you confused a bit.
"Your smile. I couldn't not look" - he say in that honest and soft tone making a little blush grow on your cheek as you rolled your eyes playfully making him chuckle this time.
"And...done" - he pass the rest of the paint on your hair covering with the hood.
"Thank you Tintin" - you get up and kiss his cheek.
As you begin to take things away,he take off the gloves and throw on the trash with the rest seeing the tip of his fingers a bit red by the paint.
"Guess i'll have to stay with it for a while" - he say looking down to his hands,getting your attention.
"Looks like you just killed someone" - you come over to him.
"And i can't even deny it" - he comment with a small shake of his head.
"Don't worry,i'll help you hide the body-"
"Oh come on- this is just a proof of how much i love you!" - you say following him out of the room.
"A morbid way indeed"
"...well yeah,but it's true..." - you hug him by his waist resting your chin on the chest looking up with almost puppy eyes.
"Guess i have to deal with it then?" - you nod happily and he give a little kiss on your nose making your smirk grow a bit.
"Feeling hungry?"
"Yeah...what about we buy something for dinner and eat while watching some movie or other thing?"
"hm,sounds good. What do you-"
"pizza!" - you cut his speak,excited since it's been a while that you didn't eat this.
"ok then,pizza will be"
He walked over the living room telephone ordering the pizza,you favorite flavor. When it arrived,both of you sited comfortable on the couch,you snuggling closer to his chest while a hand goes right for your waist to keep you near him. While watching a random movie,you two eat pizza until you look up at the clock, noticing that the hair dye had already make effect and you had to take it off.
"Time to take the hair dye off?" - he asked when you leave his cozy and warm embrance to get up receiving a nod from you.
When you was about to walk away,Tintin had get up from the couch too and begin to follow your steps towards the bathroom making you stop just to look back at him.
"why you following me..?"
"to take the hair dye off. I begin,so i have to finish,can i?" - you just shrug with a small smile at his demeanor.
And you two go to the bathroom next. He pulls out a chair for you to sit by the sink, allowing him to use the small shower in the bathroom to wash the dye out of your hair. When he was done, he was careful when untangling it so it didn't hurt too much, making a point of striking up a conversation every now and then or simply complimenting you to try and make your cute cheeks redden a little (which he did). After helping to moisturize your hair because of the fresh dyeing, as soon as you two left the bathroom he dried your hair and combed it one last time, arranging it the way you like it.
"and... that's it. We're done" - put the comb aside and walked away so you could look at yourself in the mirror.
"much better,the color is vivid again!" - you say happily seeing your hair restored to its former glory.
"beautiful as always" - he approached saying that before kissing her cheek and resting his hands on her shoulders.
"so,am i approved to help you next time?"
"hm...i guess so"
"you guess?" - his tone was almost sarcastic as he looked at you.
"relax, i'm just playing around" - you turned around, hugging him by the neck, which promptly rested his hands on your waist.
"of course you can"
"great,i'm more than thankful for it"
A soft smile grew on his face, planting a lingering kiss on her lips hugging her waist. When he pulled away, he kept the same smile, brushing a strand of your red hair behind your ear so he could have a full view of your face, caressing the cheek with his thumb, finishing with a forehead kiss.
"i love you [Name]" - in an almost whisper tone, just for you to hear, he said making you smile a little.
"I love you too Tintin"
Staring back into his caring blue eyes,you bend forward to return the kiss,pulling away with a sweet smirk.
"but next time you'll dye your hair with me!"
Seeing your determinated face,he laugh quietly before giving his answer,holding eye contact making you anxious for a positive response and then:
"oh come on-"
A/N: finally i finished it! Dammit i hate my procrastination 😭. But here it is my dear unknow person! Thank you again for the request. And bro- i'm almost with 50 followers??? Like what in the great heavens- when i hit 50 i'll do a part 2 of the headcanons since i have much more of them,but i'll already thank you all for it,i wasn't really expecting this much of people liking my content lol. I love y'all! 😌♥️
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1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
9. Do you believe in ghosts? This isn’t about writing I just wanna know
15. Do you write in the margins of your books? Dog-ear your pages? Read in the bath? Why or why not? Do you judge people who do these things? Can we still be friends?
(i absolutely adore your writing !! you're so cool wah)
If it's on PC, that's just your standard google doc arial for writing. On the phone, I switch to Courier as I have a typewriter-imitating app that gives you the typewriter sounds as you click the letters -- it makes writing so much more aesthetically pleasing for some reason... Same for writing screenplays since I use WriterDuo for that and it's default setting, I think??
4. ephemeral, nostalgia and unknowable -- ephemeral because it seems to resonate with me on spiritual level (everything is ephemeral, you know, nothing lasts forever in the same form), nostalgia because it can convey fondness, love, longing and a lot of different unexplained feelings for what's past. Unknowable is mostly just my fondness for Adam Parrish from TRC and also just how it resonates with me. I don't really use big words in my writing as I don't think you need them to write outside of academics and it makes writing more accessible to people from different backgrounds. I wouldn't hear ephemeral or unknowable used in a casual conversation and I stand by not using it in writing unless the tone is right??
9. Yes and no?? I think the things people often see as 'ghosts' can be explained the majority of the time but I'm not closed off on the possibility -- I realize this is a very agnostic-like answer but 🤷‍♂️
15. I don't really write in the margins unless the book is academic and even then I prefer to use colored sticker bookmarks as it's easier to search by theme this way. I remember my last page so no dog earing but most of my books certainly look used. I think books should be lovingly used until you can see that at first glance -- it gives them some personality. I'll judge you more if you try to keep them in pristine condition
(thank you for the ask! and thank you for the kind words. also you're definitely cooler 💙)
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luminisworld · 2 months
Chapter 3: The mortals.
Narrator POV:
The 14 olders did what they were told to do, anybody of them actualy brough It Up, It was better that way, Uricel and Goseriel were the only ones Who couldn't stop talking about It, just the two of them in their special place ofcourse, they realetion ship has became more and more intimate but not really traspasing anything, but there was one thing that brothers them about the news that Father has given, they were in the tree, Goseriel was lay down with his head in his lovers laps while Uricel cares his head lovinly and then he started to speak.
Goseriel:"why would he star to create another specie?, what would It consist? He has always said that creating was a responsable thing, thats why he was the only one allowed to do It, even thouht we can help, whats his idea?"
Uricel:" i don't know babe, Maybe they Will be like us, but to be honest i also would love to help, *sign* but you know how he is"
Goseriel:" Maybe, but i'm still wondering what could it be?"
Uricel:" Don't be impatien, Gosi besides, * looks down at him and kiss him in his foredhead* we now have a bit more of time for US two".
Goseriel:" yeah *sigh* you're Right, why am i complaining when i have the most beautiful angel wiht me *he gets Up and star to cuddle Closer as well as kiss him on his checks and other two faces*"
Uricel:"Gosi!! Haha that tickles"
They just keep kissing and cuddling eacht other, their wings were poffed, and they just keep going, then they night comes and they give one last good night kiss before going to their rings.
By the Next morning they were summond again, but this time It took all of them off guard sience they didn't recived any mensage before this, they were at the big Castle wating for "Father", Goseriel and Uricel were talking like always, none of the other were surprise anymore so they just Talk with eacht other too, as time went on he finally apeared everyone greates him
All:" Greating Father"
God:" Greatings My children, today i summed you all here because i wanned to present you all, my news creation"
All of them were teleported to an unknow place for them, It was like Heaven, but like combined, everything was beautiful.
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God:" This my children, is the new place i created for the new habitans in It, this is earth"
All of them were facinated, well excep for two angel, Uricel Who  didn't really see the extraordinary in this place when in Heaven was that same place, just separed, and Goseriel was with his poker face but Deep dowb he wanned to laught out loud because that name just means dirt, but he didn't do It, not right now atleast.
God:" this place is where is going to be my new creation, humans"
God:"yes, they Will be being with no power like you guys have they Will have free will, so your new job is going to be keep them safe and teach them the rules of Heaven, they are beings with no knowledge, so you guys can teach them how to do things in here"
They were stuned, Goseriel was angry at this, but he didn't show It, Uricel knew that Goseriel was angry because he fells It, and he was too, how come this news creation have free will and they didn't, does that mean that they are they allowed to have fealings, to show them, were they allowed to love, ofcourse that was just on their minds, they didn't have the bravery to said It out loud, they were transported again to another place this was like a garden.
God:" in here they Will reside for a few years before going to the earth, this place i caled It eden, and here Will reside the first man and woman"
Then they all see how from the dust and dirt of that place, he made two humanoid forms with diferent atributes, and then he just leave then there before he breahts out, giving them life everyone was waching in awe.
God:" they names Will be Lilith and Adam, the first two humans in all of history"
Them they were send back to the Palace and there god dissmised some of then excep for Gabriel Who was the one that give everyone in Heaven the news, everyone was excited, well not everyone.
In the middle of the celebration Uricel and Goseriel scaped and they went to their place again and there they expresed all of their emotions, Goseriel was mad.
Goseriel:"Why would they have free will and we don't have It?? Why can they chose of what to do?? Why is It so important for US two teach them the rules if they can decided whether to follow them or not?? Why can't we do that??"
Uricel:" Gosi look at me"
Goseriel looks at Uricel, Who gives him a kiss on the foredhead before make then sit on the ground.
Uricel:" lest just not bother with this, in the end they are just like us, with the diference they don't know nothing, but that dosen't mean they don't have to follow the rules, lest just relax ok? Come here babe."
Uricel kiss him again Goseriel melted in the kiss, he makes Uricel get Closer to him, then they started to touch eacht other bodys, Goseriel already have one of his hands on Uricel lower back, not touching more than that, and then they just felt something a kind of electricity in their bodys, they separed before anything else happend, they just look at eacht other and they decided to go to their homes before anyone noticed they were not there, one last kiss and they went separed ways.
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