#yes to be clear they are wearing the same outfits the brothers in Bro Bear are wearing
skywriter97 · 8 months
A Brother's Love
He should have been more careful. He should have ensured it was correctly done before rushing off. He should have ignored his brother and just made a new one. But no…He had to be an idiot. He had to let his pride be wounded. He just had to prove that he was an adult.
And now here Sonic was, crouched precariously on the edge of a glacier, the ledge just barely wide enough to provide footholds for his boot heels, staring down with petrified emerald eyes at the frigid artic waters miles below while the beast above sniffed about for him, seeking to finish him off. He squeezed his eyes shut, blood roaring in his ears, when the ice cracked with the telltale pressure of footfall just above him, and prayed to whatever was listening for it to be a swift end.
“Shadow?” Green eyes popped wide and shot upward to find his eldest brother peering over the edge of the cliff with both relieved and worried garnet eyes.
Only one of those Sonic was able to reciprocate as Shadow settled on his belly and stretched a hand down towards him. “Shadow, no!” Sonic gasped.
“Don’t be an idiot, grab on!” Shadow commanded. When Sonic didn’t move, merely stared at Shadow in terror, the black and scarlet striped hedgehog snarled. “Sonic, we don’t have time for this, come on!” The ice cracked ominously beneath the blue hedgehog’s boots, simultaneously raising Shadow’s blood pressure.
“Y-You gotta get out of here!”
“What are you-?” Shadow’s ears pricked in confusion, brow furrowing as his younger brother continued to quiver in panic instead of reaching to take his hand to safety.
“The bear! Behind you!” Sonic’s shout of warning could barely be heard about the ear-splitting roar above Shadow’s head, and the eldest hedgehog whipped onto his back.
Towering on its hind legs above Shadow was a gigantic grizzly bear. Not a Mobian, an actual grizzly bear, spitting and snarling with glinting razor-sharp fangs and claws. Claws that were raised high to deliver a fatal swipe…
If not for the rock slamming into its large brown muzzle. “Hey, bear, over here!” Silver bellowed, throwing another stone at the bear’s head with insurmountable accuracy. The albino hedgehog brandished his spear and narrowed his golden eyes, slowly and steadily backing away. “Come on, bear, come this way!” The bear snarled and dropped onto all fours but did as Silver goaded and gave chase.
Shadow hurriedly spun back onto his stomach and reached for Sonic, who—this time—didn’t hesitate to accept his eldest brother’s help. Sonic’s boots struggled to gain footholds on the ice, but the blue hedgehog managed to crawl back over the ledge with Shadow pulling strong and firm on his wrists. The two of them wasted no time, Shadow grabbing his spear and the two racing farther out onto the glacier after their brother and the bear.
Silver ducked and dodged the bear’s lunges and swipes, but such evasions became exceedingly trickier on the ice, and one swing of the bear’s claws had Silver sliding down the ice and falling into a large crevice. At the last moment, Silver spun his spear and managed to pierce both ends in the opposite borders of the crack, and he dangled above the deep abyss of the glacier’s interior.  
“Silver!” Sonic skidded on his knees to the crevice his brother disappeared into while Shadow kept the bear busy with his spear. Silver’s spear cracked under his grip, and Sonic clasped his fingers around Silver’s arm just as it snapped in two. “Hang on!”
“No arguments here!” Silver howled and gripped Sonic’s hands tight in his fists, golden eyes wide with terror. Sonic groaned and heaved Silver up, but every time he pulled, the ice acted against him, causing his knees and feet to slide under him.
Shadow stabbed at the bear, but his attention was divided; his garnet eyes focusing on his two brothers instead of the advancing beast. The bear roared and struck; the air left Shadow’s lungs in a rush as agony exploded across his chest; the ice of the glacier freezing against his back even through his coat. Inspection of his chest left his glove sticky and red, though the bear ignored him and lumbered away. Shadow forced himself to his knees and panted, watching with mounting horror as the monster stalked closer to his little brothers.
No. Not while he breathed. Shadow gripped his spear tight in his fist and noticed the thick cracks all along the glacier ledge, starting at his crouched position...and ending just inches away from Sonic and Silver…directly under the bear.
“Not while I breathe.” Shadow hissed. With a roar, Shadow stabbed the spear tip through the crack in the ice and yanked.  
The bear froze, petrified for the very first time since this all began. Sonic and Silver—now finally out of the hole, thank Gaia—gaped as the ice began to split and sink. “Shadow!” Silver screamed.
“Shadow, ru-!” Sonic bellowed…but the warning came too late.
It wouldn’t have mattered.
Shadow tightened his grip on the spear, his garnet eyes firm but sorrowful and focused on his petrified brothers, and the barest hint of a smile crossed his tan muzzle as he vanished in the falling torrent of snow and ice. The bear attempted to flee to safety, jumping from one sheet of plunging ice to another and scrabbling its claws on the firm ledge with roars of terror and anguish, before finally disappearing with Shadow into the depths below.
“Shadow!” Sonic and Silver rushed to the edge of the glacier, but nothing could be seen but the frothy churning waters and the chunks of ice that had once been part of the glacier.
The two brothers wasted no time. They scurried down the cliffs and bolted for the banks of the sea, but in the race, nothing else but boulders of sheer ice had resurfaced in the water.
There was no sign of their eldest brother. The two hedgehogs paid no mind to the freezing temperature of the water as they bolted inside. “Shadow! Shadow!”
But there was no answer. A lonely spear point, broken midway down, floated in the water. The fur-lined hood of a familiar winter coat drifted along with the current to shore. “No…” Silver clutched the hood to his chest, tears stinging his eyes. “No, no, no, please Gaia, no-,”  
“Silver!” Sonic splashed through the water towards him, emerald eyes frantic. “Silver, have you seen-?!” Sonic froze as his baby brother sniffled, golden eyes ruddy and cheeks soaked, and his eyes fell to the hood gripped tight in his hands. “Oh, gods.” Sonic choked out. Silver buried his face in the soaked fur of the hood, violently shaking even as Sonic’s arms wrapped tight around him and tugged him against a heaving chest.
Although Shadow’s body was never recovered, the noble sacrifice he performed that day was never forgotten. Recounted endlessly through the ages as a legend of ultimate courage and steadfast love, a story of a hedgehog who became a hero…by being a brother.
For @e-vay, for inspiring me with all her awesome Sonic art.
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keelywolfe · 4 years
FIC: Some Sense of Normalcy ch.1 (baon)
Summary: It's Edge's first day back to work at the Embassy, but his job isn't the only thing on his mind. 
Tags:  Spicyhoney, Kustard, Established Relationships, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Mentions of Past Injury
Part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Read Chapter 1 on AO3
Read it here!
Edge’s internal clock was accurate to nearly the minute. It was a rare day that his alarm actually woke him; normally he was awake minutes beforehand to shut it off before it could buzz and Stretch often teased him about it, asking why he even bothered to set it. Such was the difference between someone who never wanted to oversleep versus one who was committed to it.
Today was no exception to the alarm rule; being off work for a short time hadn’t reset his internal clock now that it was the day for him to return. But for once, Edge wasn’t reaching for his phone. Instead, he kept his sockets closed, his focus entirely on the warm, skeletal body snugged in his arms, as if perhaps he could draw out time and stay here in his bed with Stretch for a little longer.
Unexpectedly, the one to stir first was not him. Stretch let out a sleepy sigh and mumbled, “you’re gonna be late.”
“No, I won’t.”
“yeah, you will. unless you’re gonna skip a shower and coffee, and we both know what kind of mistake that would be.”
Yes, the kind that would make everyone else in the office suffer, either from surliness or stench. Edge wasn’t quite ready to concede the point and nuzzled a kiss against the top of Stretch’s skull. “The person in charge is never late.”
A soft chuckle and Stretch squirmed at the ticklish touch, shifting until he could rest his chin on Edge’s sternum to look up at him. A chance to gaze at Stretch always made for a lovely vision, even as exhausted as he obviously was.
After their discussion in the kitchen, surrounded with chickens as an impromptu audience, they’d stayed sitting together on the floor long enough for Edge’s leg to cease pulsing out operatic scales of pain and gone straight to a throbbing rendition of ‘The Marriage of Figaro.’ Once he’d struggled back to his feet, Edge had been forced to allow Stretch to handle the chickens, even Nugget in her planter, still nesting on her dubious egg.
Even through his discomfort, hearing Stretch joke that, ‘this isn’t usually what they mean when they say a bucket of chicken,’ sent a pulse of affection through him. Ridiculous jokes were always a good sign, for Stretch, if not for Edge’s sense of humor.
Dinner had been sandwiches, also made by Stretch, and they’d gone to bed early, and from the look of today, Stretch was feeling more his happier self. Except, appearances could be deceiving, especially when Stretch was trying to keep from being what he thought was a nuisance and what Edge considered giving loving support to his partner.
If Stretch was doing better, Edge wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth, but neither was he about to let it come into the house and tromp all over their living room. Today was supposed to be his first day back to work at the Embassy and he’d stay home if Stretch needed him.
“How are you feeling?” Edge asked, seriously. He ran a gloved finger along the delicate rim of Stretch’s socket, lingering at the darkened half-moon beneath. Stretch leaned into the touch, his sockets falling half-closed.
“not terrible but not great,” Stretch said, frankly, with enough honesty to soothe some of Edge’s misgivings. “i have a video appointment with doc lee in a couple hours. i’m not feeling very public right now and she said if i was comfortable with it, it’d save me the bus trip downtown.”
“I think that’s a good idea,” Edge said softly.
“oh, yeah?” Stretch raised a brow bone. “glad to hear it, since she also told me to tell you she can schedule your appointment whenever you like.”
Ah. “Of course,” Edge agreed crisply. He would call her later in the day, schedule his appointment, of course he would. He gave Stretch a last, light kiss than got out of the bed, taking a moment to retrieve his cane. “If you have a few hours, then why don’t you go back to sleep for a while, love?”
Stretch only piled up the pillows, propping himself up against them with a contented sigh. “and miss the show? c’mon, handsome, let’s see what you’re wearing your first day back.”
Edge stopped halfway to the closet and gave Stretch a look that stated clearly that he was a brat. Then he remembered, “I forgot to mention, Bruno stopped by yesterday.”
That wiped away a little of Stretch’s smirk, replacing it with wariness. “oh, did he.”
“Mmhmm.” On his side of the closet, a garment bag hung unassumingly and innocent. Edge stripped away the bag and brought out its contents unobscured, holding it out so that Stretch could take in the full effect of the kilt with its jacket.
Stretch’s sockets went wide, his pale eye lights flicking from the outfit to Edge contemplatively, surely already playing out a mental movie in that clever mind of his how Edge would look in it.
“Interesting choice,” Edge said lightly. He smoothed a hand down the fine cloth, picking away an imaginary speck of lint. “A little formal for work, isn’t it?”
It was and it would likely draw unwanted attention. But Stretch chose it, Edge would be more than pleased to wear it for him and take a few stares as his due.
“yea, think it is, actually,” Stretch said slowly. His tongue flicked nervously across his teeth, “not exactly the same standard you set with those power suits of yours. might be better to save it for a special occasion.”
Or rather, an occasion where Stretch could bear witness instead of one with him buried into his office all day. He hid the smirk threatening to reveal itself and zipped the kilt suit back into the garment back with only a twinge of regret. “Perhaps you’re right.”
And perhaps a private viewing could be arranged in the near future.
A more sedate suit choice later and Edge hesitated at the side of the bed. He had enough time yet for coffee, but Stretch was right, he needed to hurry, or he’d be late for his first day back. And yet— “Can I call you on my lunch?”
“ain’t it ‘may’ you call?” Stretch drawled. His smile was softer. “babe, you don’t need to ask to call me. i’ll pick up, okay?”
“Okay.” Then he gave into temptation, pushed Stretch back into the rumpled blankets and took a kiss, trying without words to express the depth of his love, his concern, all the emotions wound up tight inside him.
He couldn’t say if he was entirely successful, but the gentle reflection of love in Stretch’s briefly heart-shaped eye lights was a good start.
“oh, hey, before you take off,” Stretch got out of bed, unselfconsciously naked, and went downstairs, leaving Edge to trail behind him as he tried not to stare at the tempting sway of Stretch’s bare shapely pelvis as he walked.
Of all things, Edge did not expect Stretch to retrieve a rumpled paper bag, about the size of a lunch sack. He held it out expectantly. “can you take this to janice? we did a craft thing the other day and oscar’s wasn’t dry yet so he couldn’t take it home. figured it might be safer for his mom to carry it than for him to run with ceramics, anyway.”
“Of course.” Edge took the bag, carefully tucking it around the contents, and added it to his briefcase.
One travel mug of coffee and his laptop bag later, and Edge headed out the front door, cane in hand. He hardly made it down the steps before he stopped with a scowl.
Red was standing by his car, hands tucked into his pocket and a grin on his face. It made his hackles rise, particularly considering the way Red handled the situation with Nugget. He wasn’t unappreciative of his brother’s efforts, but he couldn’t truly say he was exactly thankful, either.
Edge stopped several feet away and well out of arm’s reach, a long ago lesson learned when it came to those who could teleport. “What do you want?”
“good to see you, too, bro,” Red snorted. He was chewing on a toothpick and that alone was suspicious, that he wasn’t smoking one of his horrible cigars. Confirmed when he added, “here to drive you to work.”
“No,” Edge said immediately. “I’m perfectly capable of driving myself.”
“yep,” Red agreed.
“The doctor cleared me to drive as long as the distance wasn’t excessive.”
“sure did.”
“And I’ve driven several times since I’ve had the cast removed.”
“i know. gonna argue with me in front of the honey bun?”
Sure enough, when Edge glanced behind him, Stretch was peeking out the curtains curiously and he knew damn well that the chances of him hastily snagging a raincoat out of the front closet and coming out to see what was the problem was dangerously high. The very idea of arguing with his brother while his husband stood by naked beneath a coat while their overly interested neighbors looked on made him stifle a shudder of pure horror.
Edge gritted his teeth and went to the car, putting his case in the back. He went to the passenger side and stood by the door, looking at his brother directly, meeting that irritatingly amused crimson gaze with his own. “Why do you want to drive me?”
To have Red look away first was inconceivable, illogical. His crimson eye lights slid to the side, a fleeting expression of discomfort grossing his face. Edge took a cautious step towards him, “Brother?”
“need someone to have your back. get in the fucking car,” Red muttered.
Wordlessly, Edge did as he was told.
Red drove with a combination of careless skill and blue magic, disconcerting and impressive at the same time. He wove through traffic and more than once, Edge bit back directives that would only open him his brother’s mocking. Backseat driving was a great deal more enjoyable with Jeff and far more likely to actually have results.
It was right after Red sped through the very tail end of a yellow light that he said. “you sure you’re ready to wade back into the shit?”
Edge gave his brother a narrow look. “Of course I am.”
“yeah? got that psych eval scheduled already, didja.” That was unexpected. For all that Red was more likely to sacrifice an arm to satisfy Papyrus’s obnoxious dog than to schedule a therapist appointment of his own, he’d never mocked or derided Sans and Stretch for doing so. In fact, he never really discussed it at all, less an elephant in the room and more a blue whale crammed inside, tail tucked behind its head.
“Not that it’s any of your business,” Edge told him coolly, “but not yet. I’d planned on doing it today.”
“yeah, you do that.” It sounded suspiciously like an order. Honestly, this was giving him an entirely new perspective on Stretch’s irritation with his brother’s obsession with his mental health.
Red said nothing else as he drove, the irritating twang of the country station he’d chosen filling the silence. His brother dropped him off directly at the entrance, parking in such a way that allowed the car to act as a barricade against the protesters that lined the sidewalk across the streets. A quick glance confirmed that while some of the signs had changed in the aftermath of the California attack, the message certainly hadn’t. There were enough mentions of dust to make any person crave a glass of cool water and to give a Monster nightmares.
He turned away and went inside, leaning on his cane a little heavier than he would have preferred. His mobility scooter was supposed to be delivered today and as much as that was supposed to ease his travels, Edge couldn’t say he was looking forward to learning how to use it in the Embassy hallways.
“Morning, Edge.” The security Monster didn’t look up from the screens, most displaying camera angles from outside and in, and one showing what appeared to be reruns of ‘I Love Lucy’. A believable façade of disinterest, one that Edge knew was tested from time to time by his own brother. If hostiles believed security was lax, they didn’t put in as much effort to thwart it, it was a technique they’d used back in Snowdin on their own house and out in the woods against XP hunters, tricking them into bypassing the obvious traps only to step into the better concealed ones.
Details might change, but their techniques worked, no matter what Universe they were in.
Edge nodded in greeting and swiped his badge, heading to the elevators. By the time he was nearly to his office, a trek constantly interrupted by greetings and well-wishers, Edge was very much looking forward to using his scooter even if he made him appear like a castoff Tony Hawk impersonator. His leg was aching furiously and consistently, there was probably still some residual swelling from yesterday.
Once he was in his office, he could put it up, he told himself, even as he struggled not to be curt while another Monster offered delight at seeing him back.
The sight of his office door had never been such a relief and Edge only nodded distractedly at Janice’s greeting, limping into his own office.
He nearly fell to the sofa with a sigh of relief, propping his leg up on the arm. The angry throb of pain began to ease almost immediately, dulling down to bearable. This was starting to become a concern, he might need to—
“Edge?” He startled, clenching his fists against the sudden surge of his magic even as he cursed himself; he hadn’t even noticed Janice following him in. She stood just inside the door, asking cautiously, “Are you all right? Can I get you anything?”
Motherly concern surrounded her almost like an aura, her long ears high and alert. Edge almost refused, then changed his mind. “There should be an ice pack in the freezer, if you don’t mind?”
She retrieved it hastily and helped him settle it between the straps of the splint. The cold was immediately soothing, and Edge sighed in relief, letting his head drop back on the sofa arm. He opened a socket to find Janice watching him with the expected concern. She didn’t try to hug him, she was far too professional for that, but the urge was vividly obvious.
Edge reached out and lightly patted her arm, “I’m fine, the walk took more out of me than I expected.”
That seemed enough and relief filled her soft brown eyes, “Of course, it is a bit of a jaunt up here. Can I get you some coffee?”
“Please,” Edge said gratefully. Not only for the coffee itself but for a chance to gather himself without an audience.
She returned all too soon with a cup and set it on the table, saying, “I would have been by to see you at home, but I didn’t think you’d like an audience.”
That was one thing to be grateful for, considering the outfits he’d been forced to wear while convalescing. “I appreciate that.”
“I knew you would. Besides, it isn’t as if we didn’t speak enough between emails and messaging.” She straightened and professionalism settled over her like a shield. “Speaking of which, let me get your schedule for the day. It’s a light load to start, per Asgore, of course.”
“Of course,” Edge repeated wryly, “Ah, before I forget, here, I brought this for you.”
He pulled the crumpled paper bag out of his briefcase, handing it over. Janice opened it curiously. She took out what was perhaps supposed to be a coffee cup, if it were made by someone who’d had it described to them by Salvador Dali and then exposed the results to absurd amount of radiation. It was lumpy and lopsided, the handle managed to be both entirely too large and also positioned where it couldn’t be comfortable held. The colors could be best described as ‘muddy’ and worst as a visual nightmare rained down upon a ceramic that had already seen its fair share of suffering in its short life.
Janice held it up appraisingly and gave Edge an oddly gentle smile, “Thank you. You did a wonderful job.”
Realization hit and embarrassed heat rose in his face with the force of an explosion, spreading all the way to the top of his skull. “No, no,” he sputtered out, “your son made it with Stretch and the other children, I was only delivering it!”
“Oh, thank heavens,” Janice almost sagged in relief, pressing a furry hand to her chest, “I was worried you’d hit your head, too. It’s lovely, of course, but from you I’d expect something a little more…” she hesitated, and Edge raised a brow bone as she settled on “…precise.”
Fair enough.
“Yes, well, as fascinating as this has been, let’s get to work,” Edge said crisply.
“Of course, let me bring in your schedule.” She bustled out and while she was gone, Edge made his way to the desk, carrying along the ice pack. He settled it back into place as he sat in his office chair and the simple act of signing into his computer was nearly as soothing as the ice.
By the end of the day, his leg would surely be singing another tune, but for now, he was focused on getting back to work.
Back to normal, one painful step at a time.
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Rude Awakening Chapter 3
Against my better judgement, this chapter involves a musical number.
Chapter 3: Meet and Greet On the outskirts of Yilissitol, the four disguised Legendaries followed the four members of the Shepherds they had met into a decently sized set of barracks. ~So, there are more of them than these four?~ said Dialga. ~A bunch, and we still have to make sure we make a good impression on them too before we're fully clear,~ said Palkia. ~I promise Wuzzles won't eat anyone now he's gotten his snack,~ said Giratina. The bear in question roared. Hoopa winced and edged backwards, almost colliding with Lissa. ~I'd still keep a tight leash on that thing.~ Thankfully, Wuzzles was stowed away in a stable before the four of them were led inside; upon reaching the interior they discovered they indeed had an ensemble before them. People of various shapes and sizes, all performing various tasks like polishing weapons and armor and sorting spellbooks, not in immediate rush for war, but constant readiness for trouble. Palkia was barely able to contain another fangirl squeal until she unleashed it upon her companions telepathically, much to their annoyance. ~Aaaaaaaa! They're all here! Well, most of them - a few don't show up until later, but still, this is so exciting!~ ~So do we introduce ourselves or wha-~ Hoopa started to say. ~I've got that,~ said Palkia. ~Kinda.~ She scooched over to Robin and tapped him on the shoulder. "Er, your name is Robin, yes?" Robin turned to her and nodded. "Yes it is!" "Um, could you introduce us to everybody? There's a lot." "Hmmm... Alright. But Chrom should probably start that off." Chrom nodded and turned to the busy Shepherds. "Everybody! We have some new recruits!" The others all raised their heads and looked toward Chrom as he gestured to the disguised Legendaries in turn. "These are Quentin, Valentia, Howard, and Bartimaeus of Cincinnati! They're looking forward to meeting you all!" The other Shepherds stared and muttered amidst each other quizzically. ~I don't believe they like us...~ said Dialga. ~We oughta fix that,~ said Giratina. ~Easy guys, we haven't made the rounds yet...~ said Palkia. The four were led over by Chrom over to a woman in a witch-like outfit. "This here is Miriel, one of our mages..." Miriel gazed the new arrivals up and down analytically. "You Cincinnatians will be useful for cultural research at the very least..." They moved over to what appeared to be a demure blonde woman in priestess gear. "And this is Libra, another healer..." Giratina wiggled his eyebrows. "Hey gorgeo-" "I'm a man," said Libra, immediately cutting Giratina off. "Oh," said Giratina. ~Right.~ He looked at Libra from another angle. "...Still pretty ho-" "Gi- Er, Howard, what did I tell you?" said Palkia. Giratina immediately fell silent. Libra simply raised an eyebrow in response. Awkwardly, Chrom shuffled over to a teenage boy in villager clothes and a pot on his head. "Er, and this is Donnel!" Donnel looked at the group nervously. "My folks always warned me about strange people like these..." Palkia smiled. "Don't worry, Donnel! You've got nothing to fea-" She noticed a presence approaching her. "Bonjour, madamosel-" Without another word she backhanded the offending blue-haired man in aristocratic clothing, knocking him to the floor. Chrom frowned. "Virion, what did I tell you?" Virion groaned. "In my defense... I did not expect her to react so strongly..." Robin, having been watching the whole affair nervously, finally chipped in. "Er, that's Virion, our main archer. He's... working on his manners." ~I always liked that guy's style,~ said Giratina. ~That's because you're not too far off.~ said Palkia. ~Hopefully my species won't attract much undue attention,~ said Dialga. He then realized he was being closely scrutinized by a female of what appeared to be the same lapine kind of person he was. ~...And you know what they say about tempting fate.~ "Who are you?" the vaguely rabbit-like woman asked him. "How are you even here?" "Oh, that's Panne," said Robin. "You'd think she'd be more pleased to see you, her species is... nearly extinct... "Almost completely extinct, save for me. And I'm not sure to get my hopes up convincing myself this... Quentin is truly another survivor." "It's a long story; fittingly it also involves temporal shenanigans," said Dialga. Panne's nose twitched. "I have sharp ears, like yours. I still know the voice of someone who's bending the truth." "Um..." said Robin. "Alright, alright! We'll do the rest of the introductions later! Let's get you all to your rooms, Chrom, Lissa, Frederick, you take Quentin, Howard and Bartimaeus, respectively, I'll take Valentina, keep an an eye on them..." Frederick and Lissa grumbled and Chrom looked between everyone with concern as the disguised Legendaries were led off; however, once everyone else was out of eyeshot Giratina opened a pocket dimension, jumped inside, closed it, then created another opening he pulled Hoopa into before closing it again. <Hey!> said Hoopa after he and Giratina had re-attained their natural forms. <What are you doing?!> Giratina shook his head. <Face it Hoops, these guys don't like us. Not even the guys we impressed with sis' plan are Pecha-y with us anymore. We gotta show 'em our stuff again.> Hoopa put his mitt-hands on his hips. <Well why'd you bring just me along for that?> <First. You're the only one who never pissed anyone off, dude.> Hoopa blinked and grinned. <...Wait, really? For that long? That's a new record!> Giratina nodded. <Second. You got a ukulele in your Stash?> Hoopa nodded back. <Several. Why?> Giratina smirked. <My plan involves getting musical. Among other things.> Hoopa grimaced. <Please tell me the whole thing so I know it isn't more Bunnelby-brained than that Panne lady.> ----------- Palkia followed Robin into the deeper parts of the barracks. It's just a setback, she thought. We'll win them over eventually, just... Suddenly, not looking where she was going, she tripped and gave a yell as she landed on her back. Feeling something digging into her leg, she looked and saw it had been entangled in rusty chains. And that was when memories of what had been the root reason for this "vacation" rushed to her mind. ------------ The Red Chain. It bound them both, digging into their otherwise sturdy bodies with crimson links all over, each crimson link resembling the wheel on Arceus' back, the spines delving into their skin, causing immense agony. She wanted to reach out to Dialga, help him, but her will was not her own. She, the deity of space, was bound by these puppet string chains to the mortal human man standing before her, as was her brother. Helpless, she watched as the man started to use their power to create a new universe, one built in his image, to his whims. She tried to roar in agony, but her actions, and Dialga's, were not her own. It was over. Untill a shadow pooled and someone familiar lunged from it. <D I R T Y S I B L I N G T O R T U R E R> ----- Palkia screamed, and desperately tried to shake the chains off. "Valentia!" said Robin. "Here, I'll get those off!" He quickly untangled her leg from the chains, Palkia immediately getting to her feet and shuddering. "Th-Thank you... It's just that..." Robin frowned. "Were you someone's slave? A prisoner? What happened?" Palkia paused a long while before replying. "I... I was enslaved by someone, yes... As was Quentin... Howard saved us..." Robin rubbed his chin. "No wonder you all have been acting fidgety..." He gave her a reassuring smile. "Well, please, don't worry. You'll be safe with us. I certainly have been, as have many others." Palkia paused again, then nodded. "Thank you..." Robin started heading off to get her to a room. Palkia gazed not with fangirlish glee but more subdued respect after. He really is a good person to his good troops... Not just that, a friend... When she attempted to follow, however, the both of them heard raucous cheering from the mess hall. -------- The Sheperds had gathered here to get ready for dinner. "Will those new guys be showing up?" said Donnel. "I certainly hope not, " said Miriel. "They don't seem too astute." "Perhaps we can get Kellam to-" Virion started to say. He looked around. "Where is he any-" He did a double take and sighed. "He's right behind me, I bet." "Actually," said Libra, "he's atop your shoulders." Virion immediately noticed a thickly built, sturdily armored man right there and collapsed from the weight. "Sorry," said Kellam, "Those new guys had me jumpy." "You're forgiven," said Virion with a groan. "Say, ain't that two of them over there?" said Donnel. Everyone looked to see a human Giratina sitting at the head of the table with a ukelele and wearing a sombrero, a human Hoopa and Wuzzles the bear on either side of him. "Hello, ladies and gents! Howard, Bartimaeus, and Wuzzles here, with a song and one hell of a treat!" Giratina started playing the ukelele with surprising proficiency. So one day I felt my job was a bore, And headed to the messed-up land of Orre, The populace was in absolute despair, I had to help or risk being square "We need food!" they all haplessly cried, So I was then a total bro and complied I whipped them all up one hell of a dish, One sure to more than grant such a wish They loved them and called them food of the gods I decided to call them burritos just 'cause. "Sir, in order to back up your claims you ought to show us these "burritos" yourself," said Miriel. "Just a minute, lady!" said Hoopa. "Several orders, coming right up!" He pulled out some ingredients from one of his hoops that Giratina started preparing while continuing the song. First the tortilla, soft and tender and flat Your stale crunchy loaves just can't top that Get some rice, stuff it together nice and tight Then you pile it with beans and meats just right Stuff it with corn, stuff it with cheese, Stuff it with anything you damn well please, Wrap it all together, and day or night You'll find that this little bundle's a delight. Giratina made several burritos and handed them out with Hoopa and Wuzzles' help to the Sheperds, who took large bites out of the ones they received. "Hmm... This is actually quite appetizing." said Libra. "Golly, this almost beats my ma's cooking!" said Donnel. "This is a meal I can notice!" said Kellam. "This burrito is magnifique!" said Virion. "Preach it, Kalosian dude! You all rock!" said Giratina. Virion blinked. "Kalosian?" He is ignored as Giratina was raised on a platform with lights, strumming his ukelele like an electric guitar with Hoopa and Wuzzles in burrito suits as backup dancers. Burritos can cure any disease, And smite evil with the greatest of ease! Your old medieval delicacies are so yesterday, Especially if you've got guacamol-ay! So go ahead and take a seat-o And enjoy your delicious, nutritious burrito! The Sheperds cheered as Hoopa and Wuzzles passed them all an extra round of burritos; soon after, Robin, Palkia, Dialga, Chrom, Fredrick, and Lissa rushed in on the scene. "What in the name of the gods...?" said Fredrick. "I'm not sure if this is a better or worse mess!" said Lissa. "Everyone seems happy at least..." said Chrom. Two people emerged from the crowd holding burritos, a short, crimson-haired woman in similarly red armor, and a taller, green-haired young man in matching green armor. "These burritos are gonna be great for meals!" said the green-haired man. "I wonder if these Cincinnatians know any other recipes..." "We do," said Dialga flatly. "Then you guys are keepers!" said the crimson-haired woman. Chrom turned to Dialga and Palkia, shrugged, and smiled sheepishly. "Well then. Welcome aboard for real." Robin smiled reassuringly and extended a hand toward Palkia. "Glad to have you." Palkia smiled back and shook Robin's hand... ...Only to feel a distinct, disturbing feeling of corruption seep up her arm. She resisted the urge to shudder and broke the handshake with Robin as naturally as she could, double-checking to see- yes, it was that hand. She shook her head, gave a nervous smile, and looked on at the proceedings. She'd played this game. Literally. She knew the Sheperds - especially Robin, he was strong - would clean up that particular problem by themselves. ***
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