#yes this reminds me of the photo of gong jun with the heytea bag
fourseasonsfigs · 1 year
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Succulent Grapes - BB, Here are Two More Cups
Here we have Gong Jun bringing Zhang Zhehan two more cups of his favorite grape tea!
The name for these sweet figs comes directly from the fig maker's listing, and was so charming I kept the whole thing! BB is a cute way in China of saying "baby" so I left that too.
These two happy figs are are wearing their matching tulip-print outfits - Junjun from his KFC endorsement advertisements, and Zhehan from his Viya Livestream appearance on 5/14/2021.
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He's even advertising milk topped grape tea!
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Zhehan, of course, has the famously funny clips from the Viya Livestream:
(video credit @manggaetteok96 on Twitter, Tumblr wouldn't let me embed the video here for some reason due to no doubt user error!)
Zhehan's favorite grape milk tea is of course from Heytea, and we have this picture of him holding one:
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He's said before he likes to drink two cups a day. In this fig set, Junjun wants to give him even more!
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These figs arrived in the softest, squishiest, least form fitting foam cases ever. I'm very much used to the very dense, custom-cut white polystyrene fig cases, so I was surprised to see this. The protection for the figs is not high at all, so I was very lucky to receive these figs with no damage. Other figthusiasts were unfortunately not so lucky.
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I'm taking these pics against a light pink background since the outfits are so white. Hopefully that'll make the details pop more!
You can see the white t-shirt under both of their tulip patterned shirts here, and this is a good angle to see the boba hanging out in the bottoms of the cups of grape tea.
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Oddly, Zhehan seems to be the taller one of this pair. I actually got a little confused at first when I saw them, but nope, Zhehan gets to enjoy being taller this time!
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He's not taller by too much, it's mostly just their hair. I did wonder for a second if they had swapped the bodies, but Junjun is the one bringing the two teas, so nope.
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As you can tell, these figs do stand up by themselves, although I'd classify this as "precarious". I had to make sure the weight was balanced just right - particularly on Zhehan - each time I moved the figs. These immediately went on fig stands after these beauty shots!
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More of the height difference here, with Zhehan the fig to your right. We also have a much rounder head for him than Junjun's slightly more horizontal shape. I actually think Junjun is super cute here on the smaller side, but I've trained myself so much on these fig differentiating characteristics that it keeps throwing me off!
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Speaking of classic fig maker differentiating characteristics, we do have a tiny bit more curviness to Zhehan in the back here.
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You might note here that the seam at the back of Junjun's head and the arms where they attach to the sleeves on Zhehan are just a tiny bit off. As usual, like a lot of micro flaws, this wasn't noticeable at all when I held the fig in my hand. It just became easily visible when blown up on screen.
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Junjun has little sideburns here! (scrolls up to the KFC ads) yep, I can see it a little bit! JUST a side note I can't help myself from saying, I'm so glad most stylists have worked out that Junjun's hair benefits from being a bit longer to have volume at the top. I personally think when it's shorter and flatter, like in the KFC ads, it doesn't highlight his gorgeous face enough!
Anyway, in fig form his KFC haircut looks just fine (take that, Lelanthe!). This angle also highlights his ear freckle, one of my not-so secret fig detail delights. I scrolled back up to see if I just missed talking about Zhehan's ear freckle, but no! it's not there! Viya's livestream filter, along with reddening the lips, must have filtered it out.
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And we're back! I put Junjun on the other side just to mix it up, and I swear he looks even shorter this way!
I find this set incredibly charming. Junjun bringing his Zhang Laoshi extra cups of something he likes! Such a classic thing for him to do, and so sweetly romantic and caring. I love it so much.
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Unlike our other figs with milk tea, the cups are not removable, they came firmly attached to the figs. Thank goodness. This post would have happened months from now otherwise, as I dithered about putting off attaching cups to delicate resin hands.
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The posing on these figs is just too adorable. Every romantic fiber of my being is just delighted by these two (which is true in real life, my figs just reflect that!). These might be the two figs I put in my sweet shop diorama once I finish getting that set up.
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Sadly, my Google Translate app categorically refuses to read fun-font style Hanzi, but I recognize the text in yellow from the fig maker's listing, which translates as Succulent Grapes. I can't figure out the text in purple for anything!
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I love it when there are two different box styles for each fig!
Material: Resin and extra cups of love and grape tea
Fig Count: 337
Scene Count: 24
Rating: 🍇❤️🍇
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