#yes this is gimmick blog bait
mossandfrogs · 8 months
no clue if this is an unpopular opinion but i just love gimmick blogs. even the bad ones. yes! please tell me how many letters are in my posts! make it a haiku! reply when a word is detected! whether it's a bot or a human i just think they're neat. that along with uquizzes. extremely precious components of the tumblr atmosphere imho
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jaxtherabbit · 8 months
why i deleted the (original) jaxtherabbit blog:
the main reason was that the blog wasn't getting the attention it deserved. back when i started, the posts were getting 50+ notes, but as time passed the blog started to die slowly and every post was not even getting past 1 note. i think i started to notice a trend in loss of notes around about after the dyno arg? which is why i quickly created another arg. and a third arg. keep in mind these were rushed, they were literal defibrillators for the blog so it would stay relevant.
inevitably, the blog was forgotten about, even with desparate attempts such as drawing, hijacking / overriding soup's arg, and interaction bait.
the second reason was the jax ask blog clones. right off the bat, i already had a problem with the clones EXISTING as i have had someone impersonate me before (not a jax clone) and the impersonator left a bad mark on my reputation. so i was like, "nope, fuck this, i'm calling them out and blocking them before it gets out of control" but it felt like every second a new jax clone was created. it just was too much for me, i was overwhelmed with basically copied and pasted souless gimmicky slop. like, with literally any other character, there's at least 7 blogs to interact with. ok cool, i didn't mind that too, bring on the competition. but. there was fucking 25 at one point, i'm sure of it. some weren't even trying to hide the fact that they were a gimmick account.
and to those of you saying that i'm just jealous of other people's success, to that, i say "yes". i am jealous that despite me being the first tadc character blog ever, envy got the better of me and eventually i was too knee deep in getting angry at seeing others perform well that i just couldn't keep my composure.
i hope you understand and respect my decision, it was a tough one to make, and i thought about it for a really long time. i'm sorry if this news does not come to you on a good note.
on tumblr, i will be active on ONLY @putting-zooble-in-places
i will be active on the tadc tab discord: https://discord.gg/vg6cyxwywz
ps: @ciagent8 i give up on the january event, tell me everything /gen /srs
pps: i'm fine /gen /srs
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inkedmyths · 2 years
S1: E17 “Hell House”
Brought to you by I really should have known better than to link my blog in a server, huh
The episode featuring: Ghost hunters, the power of storytelling, prank wars, and Blue Öyster Cult
Lets make this hell house into a hell home
We are in Texas baby! Yeeeeeeehaw
[ Kayla asks if I'm really starting during the Anonpocalypse. The answer is yes. ]
Classic horror beginning. 3 guys and a girl investigate a haunted house. They probably die
"Only goes after girls" classic
[ Crepe realizes something, and tells Kayla. They both start cheering excitedly. Melon joins in. Apparently this episode begins the "best gimmick". I am scared. ]
Behiiiiind yoooou
Oh look Sam take a nap
Lmao Dean bopping to the music
LMAO yea actually I want more Winchester prank wars
Oh first a racist truck, now a misogynistic ghost? Fun
Getting high behind a Dennys?
[ Crepe: It's not like Denny's is a real place. ]
Oh. Oh no.
4 stupid teens young kids....
Ah. Lovely. A dad that murdered his 6 daughters. Joy.
Thats fair kid. Don't go near the house! Be smarter than past you was!
Oh the old fuse box thing is messing with the EMF? Interesting
Oh cool Satanist lore
"This is exactly why you never get laid" hey Dean some people like a nerdy guy
[ Kayla: Like Dean, for instance. Am I saying he's a nerd, or that he likes nerdy guys? Yes. ]
"I have... somewhere..." Dean that's ominous
LMAO ghost hunters
Oh no
Is. Is this the bit
Ohhh my god thats so funny
Sam gottim gooooood
Winchester prank war
Oh more stupid young people
This chick is highly likely to die
Chicken feets
Girl noooo
Oh yep there she goes. Hung like a Christmas Ornament
Oh no
Where have you seen that symbol Dean. Thats Ominous
Djdhdhdh rats
Oh look its the ghost hunters
That symbol huh...
Dean: I thought the legend said Mordecai only goes after chicks?
Sam: He does.
Dean: Well that explains why he went after you, but why me?
Sam: Hilarious.
Oh? The record shop?
Ohhh so it was faked originally lmaooo
Ok, so it was a joke, so where did the haunting come from?
[ Melon says all it takes is a good speaker to make a joke cult turn into a real movement. Crepe says "Megatron". Queen thinks this is hilarious. Who the fuck is Megatron? ]
Dean. Dean what are you doing
Is thay like itch powder
Ohh so its some kind of thought monster
Which is why it keeps changing! Ohh that is pretty cool
Obsessed with this ongoing prank war they're so stupid
Dumbass ghost hunters
"Sex! ...With girls" why are you specifying
What Would Buffy Do
Ohhhh thats so smart
LMAO the weird laughing thing
DAMMIT why do their prank wars have to be so funny
They are so ready to shoot this thing
What a great fight scene actually
Yeah just set it on fire, thats the best bet
"Of all the things we've hunted, how many of them exist just because people believed in them?" Wow
Thats so funny though
It is iconic. Fake producer call and a dead fish in the backseat.
Ok. Fine. Sam and Dean are funny I love the stupid prank war and their refusal to stop even during an ongoing investigation. This is exactly the dynamic that I enjoy. Goddammit.
VERY interesting concept this episode, and raises some interesting questions about how the supernatural comes to be in this universe.
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coronationim · 7 years
Local Link Building – 3 Great Ways to Get Authority Links for your Local Business
Local Link Building – 3 Great Ways to Get Authority Links for your Local Business is available on: Coronation Internet Marketing Blog
The power of SEO is not lost on local business owners. Ever since the advent of the Internet, customers have been moving away from the old-school ways of finding companies, such as the Yellow Pages. Nowadays the first thing most people do when needing to find a product or service is simple, they “Google it.” Thus, it is crucial for business owners to get in front of those customers when they go Googling.
The best way to do that is through SEO, but ranking organically can be hard. While SEO consists of the basic fundaments of links and content, breaking through the competition can prove a challenge for many.
Probably the hardest part of this process is the link building. It’s arguably the most important part of SEO, but can be very difficult to do correctly (which is one of the reasons Google rewards it so much). However, it doesn’t have to be hard, and today we will go over some tips that can help you secure authoritative and relevant links to your local business.
Tip #1 – Collaboration
This tip is one of my favorites because it harkens to a very old school technique, ye olde “link exchange.” Years back one of the main tactics for businesses was to exchange links to either other, usually on a dedicated “links page.”
This was a decent strategy, mutually beneficial to all involved. However, as SEOs tend to do, we ruined a good thing. It became extremely messy, links pages became long, keyword stuffed and spammy, and “reciprocal links” were rumored to be devalued.
However, when you take the underlying principle and build upon it, it’s not half bad. It comes down to collaboration and cross-promotion with other business owners (ideally not direct competitors).
This shouldn’t be done with some random link on a links page, but rather with a thought-out piece of promotional content, or strategic cooperation or partnership. Here are some examples:
“Industry Roundups” are essentially very large link exchanges, except they add a layer of promotion (getting featured in an article, ego bait of a headshot and byline), and a layer of value (insights from industry experts). This can gain backlinks and rank. Try doing that with a links page.
Reach out to local business owners in different cities. They don’t compete directly with you, but their websites are extremely relevant and would make a perfect source for a link.
Offer to contribute or trade content with them. Reciprocal links be damned, if you can get cited in a quality article, go for it.
Work out a referral partnership, as sometimes companies get calls from outside of their coverage area. Be sure to get listed on their site as a “Partner.”
You get the idea, work to build rapport with other business owners and eventually it will work out in your favor. I like to say, “there is a link hiding in every relationship.”
Tip #2 – Events
This is probably my favorite tactic for local businesses to use, largely because it gives them an excuse to do standard marketing and promotion, and has the side effect of generating links that will benefit your SEO in a long-term way.
First, I’ll let you in on a little secret. There is very little differentiating “white hat” link building from “getting press coverage.” Whether the press is the New York Times or local mom bloggers, getting naturally occurring mentions and citations in various publications is what link building is all about.
The trick comes down to doing something that is press-worthy. Unfortunately, there is no secret recipe for getting mentioned in the press. However, we do have the advantage that most journalists and bloggers are always on the lookout for something to write about.
That’s why local events are so great because they combine local relevance, an excuse for promotion, and a press-worthy happening, all in one. When doing this with SEO in mind, we take total advantage.
Here’s the process in a nutshell:
1. Pick an event you want to host/sponsor; it could be:
Charity fundraiser
Block party
Industry seminar
Community organizing
Something specific to your niche
2. Prospect all the various outlets that would make mention of your event:
Local newspapers
Local blogs
Niche blogs
Vendors/Partner Websites
Industry Associations
Event Calendars
3. Set up a website for the event, a press release and a flyer:
Host on your company’s website, or:
Host on a dedicated microsite, but if you do this you’ll want to 301 redirect it to your companies site at some point to gain the SEO juice.
4. Set up a Facebook Page, along with a Facebook Ad Campaign to promote it.
5. Send out a promotional e-mail, phone calls, and start the ad campaign.
6. Make sure to ask nicely after the fact for links on all your blog posts/news mentions.
See what I mean? You are doing something worthwhile, and the side effect is links. This is the best way to go about link building, since people are hip to the link building gimmick at this point, and are looking for real value.
Tip #3 – Local Scholarships
This is another tactic that has a little bit of a jaded history. Scholarships have been used as a gimmick to attain backlinks from .EDU sites for many years now. Like I said above, when SEOs find something that works, we ruin it.
However just as with the link exchanges above, if we add on layers of real value, the underlying strategy is solid. Consider this:
Scholarships are a way to give back to your community.
They can help obtain talent for internships and employment in your niche.
They can be niche or location specific (but probably not both, as its too slim a segment).
They can be combined with other promotions/events.
They are totally newsworthy, especially in niche and local publications (if you were a journalist in a small town, wouldn’t you cover a scholarship that’s specific to your county?)
They are also not very expensive when you consider it as a marketing expense. I prefer to go for a $1,000 scholarship (although many will cheap-out for $500). If you can obtain 30 press mentions or links from .EDUs, that’s $33 per link. I don’t know about you, but I’ll take that any day of the week.
Here’s a quick summary of the process:
1. Decide if the scholarship will be niche specific (legal, vocational, technical, artistic), or location specific. As an example, Empire Maids has an NYC specific scholarship, which works for them because it’s their coverage area, while Lucid Chart has a design specific scholarship, as they are a visual design company.
2. Think of a unique take on it, to give it a spin that will appeal to bloggers and journalists. Should it be video submissions? A maker/builder contest? An essay submission? Have this be something you care about, so it’s not a bore going through all the submissions.
3. Put together a beautiful landing page. Doesn’t have to cost a ton, but should include all the relevant information and an area for students to submit. Make it pretty; people will be more likely to share and link to it.
4. Prospect, prospect, prospect. First, you want to get all high schools or universities that have an “External Scholarships” page. Here are some handy Google searches that will surface these for you:
inurl:k12 "external scholarships"
site:.edu "external scholarships"
Secondly, you want to prospect all the local or niche blogs/publications that might be interested in this. Go after every local newspaper, local blogger, and even University blogger you can track down.
5. Put together a well thought out, and descriptive e-mail about the Scholarship and what it means to you, your community and/or industry. Again, this is all about publicity, not about link building, so don’t mention links until after the fact (and only if necessary).
That’s it! You can get more or less aggressive (i.e., facebook ad campaigns), but that’s up to you.
Link building can be hard, and frustrating, but that’s part of what makes it so valuable. The competition will not take the extra step to find success, which leaves the door open for you and your company to dominate. These few tips can help you acquire some backlinks, but more importantly, if should motivate you to think outside the box when contemplating publicity for your business.
Michael Hayes is founder of Darby Hayes Consulting, a NYC based digital marketing agency. He can be reached at mike(at)darbyhayesconsulting.com.
  from :http://coronationim.com/?p=11124
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