#yes this is directed to the girl in third grade who said I gave my Betta fish too much care
“Oh I can never keep any fish alive for more than a week! Haha maybe im just unlucky” 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
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182 Centimeters | Tall!F!Reader x Surprise
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A great boon has been bestowed upon Aoi Todo. First, he got to meet Takada in person. Second, he gained a brother. Third, he was able to fight a special grade all in one month.
Is there anything else that could make this trip perfect?
Todo didn't think so until he lays eyes on you, standing in the middle of the hallway with luggage tucked under one arm and the other holding onto a rolling suitcase. He remembers now about Mai mentioning a late edition transfer student who was going to be joining in the school games a little late. He only wishes Mai had warned him about the other thing about you. The fact that you are an amazon in the flesh.
"She has to be 187," Todo thinks upon first seeing you and sizing you up from a respectable distance. "No, she's definitely closer to 185. Definitely, 185," he corrects as he tries to measure you by judging how far your head was away from the top door frame. When he glances down at your feet, he realizes his stupid mistake and smacks himself on the forehead. "I'm such an idiot. I forgot about her shoes." Taking your soles into account, he finally narrows down your height range. You have to be 182cm. An even 6 feet. That makes you taller than even Takada!
Todo's eyes widen upon the realization.
You had half his attraction factor right there; and with his help in training, you would definitely have the second half. He knows plenty of exercises that would make your ass look great and have the rest of your body strong enough to toss any curse. You guys could make training into dates, and dates would lead to the two of you making kissy faces. Aoi can already picture it. Naturally, you'd be admiring him, shirtless and glistening with sweat, unable to take your eyes off him. Then, you'd grow embarrassed when he would call you out on it and try to look away like you were never staring in the first place. Luckily for you, he wouldn't mind if you wanted to look at his chiseled chest a little while longer. Or better yet, touch it. 
Todo isn't sure what he's done to deserve such luck. Perhaps the world is rewarding him for finally breaking his record of 1000 sit-ups in an hour or maybe it's the limited-edition lucky Takada-chan charm that arrived in a mail a week earlier working its magic?
Either way, this might be the best year of his life, Todo decides.
That is until he hears a familiar voice. 
"Hey there! How are you doing?" Yuuji asks loudly as he walks up to your person. Todo should've known. Of course, his brother would sense best girl material walking into the building.
"My name is Yuuji. What's yours?"
"I'm (Name). I'm a new student here. I'm a little lost actually. Could you help me out?"
Even your voice sounds so cute! You were so perfect.
That means Yuuji had no chance with the way he was doing things now. Despite Todo wanting you for himself, he could never leave his brother to make such an embarrassment of himself. If the two of them are to battle for your love, it has to be a fair battle.
"Yeah, the dorms are thi—" Yuuji yelps as he's suddenly tugged away from you and dragged around the nearest corner, leaving you in a confused state where you stood.
"What’s the big idea?" Yuuji asks, breaking free from the grasp that held him.
"I'm trying to save you, brother! What do you think you're doing walking up to a woman like that so casually?" Todo asks.
It takes Yuuji a few seconds to realize that Todo meant you were the woman that couldn't be so casually spoken to since he's fairly sure you're a first-year like him. "I'm pretty sure she's the same age as us, dude."
This is worse than he thought. He's definitely going to have to give Yuuji the rundown on how to properly ask a girl out. "That doesn't matter. She's still a lady that requires finesse if you're going to try to ask her out," Todo says. 
Sadly, they are too busy in their discussion to notice you getting impatient for Yuuji to return or to notice another one of your classmates passing them and heading in your direction. You are just thankful to finally have someone help walk you to your dorm and not ditch you instead.
For the rest of the day, Yuuji is stuck with Todo lecturing in his ear. The first time being at the baseball game against the Kyoto school.
"First, you need to set the mood. And by mood, I mean you need to get her attention on you. Do something to impress her without her knowing you're trying to impress her," Todo instructs as you round home base on long legs, which Todo claims is made for a goddess. You were able to get a score for the team thanks to Fushiguro's sacrifice bunt, and the two of you take a seat in the dugout.
"Shouldn't you be helping your team?" Yuuji asks Todo after seeing him compliment your score. Todo sighs. Obviously, Yuuji needs more lessons. 
Eventually, Yuuji steps up to the plate for his turn. Naturally, he hits a home run. As he rounds home, he sees you applauding loudly. Your eyes perfectly on him. It definitely feels good to have a cute girl's attention, and Yuuji realizes that he did really want to ask you out. He wonders if Todo thinks that's a good way to set the mood.
The next time Todo decides to instruct Yuuji is after they all take their showers and decide to rest up before dinner. "Next, you need to leave a letter under her door. Something to pique her interest and make her want to meet up with you."
Luckily, Yuuji has seen this before in anime. "Right, right. I heard of that actually." He easily drafted a letter and slid it under your dorm door. It sounds like you're talking to someone else on the other side so Yuuji hopes you'll see it in time so the two of you can meet up in fifteen minutes.
"Finally, make sure the place you meet up is scenic," Todo says, nodding his head and closing his eyes to repeat the steps in his head as he follows his brother to the school's courtyard. Impress? Check. Letter? Check. Scenic meet-up place? Check.
It isn't until he feels Yuuji's hand on his shoulder and a quick thanks that Todo realizes his mistake. Yuuji rushes away from him to the other side of the courtyard where you're waiting with the letter in hand. 
"My name is Yuuji. I don't know if you remember me from class."
"Oh, yes, I know! You hit that homerun. It was really great."
Todo stands in shock. 
...He was so busy trying to teach that he actually forgot to pursue you first!
"Really? Thanks! I was just trying to make sure I actually hit it. I wasn't expecting it to go so far." Yuuji laughed. "So, (Name), I was wondering if you wanna go out together?"
Todo could cry. Actually, he already feels the tears coming down his face, but his brother could at least be happy. And if his brother is happy, that's all he needed!
"I'm sorry," you say sweetly. "I only showed up because I didn't want to stand you up, but the truth is I already like someone, and I wouldn't feel comfortable going out with someone when I have a crush on another person."
Todo's ears ring with your words. You already like someone!
"Oh, well, that's too bad, I guess. Thanks for telling me," Yuuji says with a disappointed yet understanding smile while Todo finds the opportunity to scoot in the middle of your conversation.
"Excuse me but your crush wouldn't happen to be on me by any chance?" he asks, hopeful.
You force a smile onto your face and tilt your head. "Sorry...Have we met?" you ask, nervously.
Todo gasps as he feels his world crashing down. Your date. Your marriage. Your kids. All gone, and it’s all black in his memory after that. The next thing he can recall is sitting in the eating area with Itadori. He remembers this heartache once before. "It's just like with Takada-chan..." he mumbles heartbrokenly.
"I told you already. We never went to the same middle school, and you never confessed to Takada," Yuuji grumbles, but Todo knows that Yuuji is only trying to make him feel better. He is so lucky to have such a good brother.
"Who...Who do you think it is anyway?"
Yuuji pauses.
He actually wonders that as well.
Then, they hear your voice ringing through the dining hall. Immediately, both sets of eyes are on you. 
"Fushiguro-kun, I wanted to thank you for helping me get settled into the academy. My mom gave me a buy one, get one free for a sushi place for when I made some friends, so...I was wondering if you wanted to be my plus one?"
Then, Yuuji finally gets it. He had been ignoring the small conversations happening around him the entire time thanks to Todo's interruptions.
The Hall.
"Excuse me. I'm looking for the dorms. Gojo-sensei was supposed to show me, but he got sidetracked so I've been sort of left on my own."
"Of course, he did. Geeze, that guy." Megumi sighs. "You can follow me. I'll show you where some empty rooms near the other girls are."
"Thank you so much! I'm (Name) by the way."
"Fushiguro," he states plainly and simply as you struggle behind him with your luggage. "Is that stuff heavy? Want me to help you carry it?"
”Yes. My arms got numb while I was waiting. Thank you so much!”
The Game.
"Out!" Gojo says. Fushiguro rounds first base to head back to the dugout, but you at least made it home to score. You head to the dugout as well.
"That's too bad, Fushiguro. You'll get it next time," you say, sitting next to him.
"As long as Kugisaki made it to second and you made it home then it's fine. I'm not really too hyped up on winning anyway."
”Oh. I was really looking forward to seeing you get one.”
”Too bad. Guess you’ll have to wait,” and by “wait” Megumi had meant probably not ever but you laughed anyway even though you had got what he meant. 
”I don’t mind waiting.”
The Dorms.
"Kugisaki-san said you could summon different shikigami animals."
"That's true."
"Would you mind showing me sometime? I love animals."
"What is your favorite?"
"I really like rabbits. Are you able to summon those?"
"Not at the moment, but I’ll show you when I learn it. How do you feel about dogs instead?"
”That cute dog was yours? That’s amazing.”
And now.
"Yeah, sure. I wasn't really in the mood for anything at school anyway," Fushiguro agrees, and your face lights up with a glow that could rival sunshine. Yuuji thinks if he squints he can see the anime hearts starting to dance over your head but Fushiguro didn't seem to mind.
Itadori could almost laugh. That's a new record in anyone ever befriending Fushiguro. The two of you must have hit it off really well. Yuuji smiles. In that case, he couldn't be upset. That must mean fate has something in store for you guys, and he didn't want to get in the way. "I guess girls really do like that cool, quiet type."
Meanwhile, Todo is crying in defeat. How could a woman like you like Fushiguro? 
"He's so boring though..."
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mrsmaybank · 3 years
Crushing - Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
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“Reid, stop giving JJ’s intern bedroom eyes. It fuckin’ weirds me out.”
A/N: I love baby genius, season one Reid so much. I wanted to give him a soulmate. Soulmate is you: shy and also a baby genius. Okay, thanks for reading. This was honestly just for me. 
CW: Implied Smut, Mild Cursing, shitty writing 
“Who...Who is that?” Dr. Spencer Reid, debatably the wordiest boy Derek Morgan had ever met, was suddenly at a loss for words. Maybe it was your perfectly sculpted face, your shoes, the copy of The Kreutzer Sonata held to your chest, your chest, or maybe a mix of it all.  Whatever it was, at sight of you walking through the office doors, he was stripped of his ability to speak. 
“That’s JJ’s new intern.” Morgan said plainly, before noticing the completely enamored look on his friend’s face. “What, pretty boy?” Reid couldn’t even be bothered to reply. He was too busy studying every detail of your frame. 
“You think she’s cute or something kid?” Morgan playfully jabbed his shoulder, Spencer’s face instantly flushing an embarrassing shade of red. 
“What?!” He shrieked, “I-no! That’s not..No!” That’s a lie. 
“I just..I didn’t know JJ was getting an intern.” That though, was true. 
“She’s supposed to be pretty impressive. Let’s go meet her.” he started in the direction of the coffee stand, where you and JJ had begun chatting. Before Spencer could protest out of his shyness, he was being dragged along. 
“Morgan,” JJ smiled, “Spence,” she nodded in his direction, “This is Y/N Y/L/N. My godsent savior.” JJ beamed in your direction.
You smiled more sheepishly then you would’ve liked, muttering a “Hopefully.” that got a laugh from Morgan and a “Oh, please.” from JJ, but nothing from the man in the glasses. You did your best not to read into it. 
“Derek Morgan.” the muscular agent extended his hand to shake yours, an offer you timidly but happily accepted. 
The taller, lankier, younger, incredibly cute man next to him stuffed one of his hands in his pocket and shifted uncomfortably with a small wave, “I’m uh, Doctor Spencer Reid, oh! Uh, you don’t have to, uh call me Doctor. No..” He shook his head, “Just Spencer is fine.” He looked at you with wide eyes that sent butterflies berserk in your stomach and swiped his tongue in between his lips that only made them go crazier. JJ had told you all about the team. About the magnificently brilliant Dr. Spencer Reid, his 3 PhDs and eidetic memory, and all the other quirks you’d have to know in order to work with him, but had failed to mention how utterly hot he was. You felt a crush hijacking your system already. Dear god. 
“It’s nice to meet you both.” Your hands gripped your book tighter as you shifted onto your tiptoes, “I’ve heard really exceptional things.” 
The conversation was set to continue, but Morgan and JJ were summoned by Hotch to the closed doors of his office. Leaving the resident genius and you starting at each other with tight lip smiles. 
Spencer started first, “The Kreutzer Sonata is great.” He excitedly continued, “It uh, it actually used to be a pretty bold book to carry around. After the work had been forbidden in Russia by censors, there was actually a mimeographed version that was widely circulated. Then in 1890, the United States Post Office Department prohibited the mailing of newspapers containing serialized installments of it too. Theodore Roosevelt even called Tolstoy a-” 
His enthusiasm was beyond endearing. You finished for him with a soft smile, "Sexual moral pervert.”
Spencer’s lips upturned in a smile. It was rare somebody in the office could finish his sentences. And he couldn’t help but replay the crass words being said in your soft voice. He felt a crush hijacking his system already. Dear god.  
“Most people don’t recognize it in the original Russian.”  Spencer heard you say. 
“Most people probably wouldn’t recognize it in English.” he retorted.
You laughed, “Yeah, you’re right.” 
Spencer wasn’t even kidding. “I’m not joking.” He shook his head. “It’s unfortunate how many people aren’t even vaguely familiar with Tolstoy.” 
“It is.” you agreed. “You went to Caltech, correct?” 
He smiled, “Yes.” 
“I almost did too. Decided last minute on Columbia.” 
“You went to Columbia?” he asked. 
“I just graduated.” 
“How old are you?” he asked before quickly correcting himself,  “I’m sorry! That was forward! I am not...I’m not trying to undermine your studies with your age, I promise. I’m just curious.” 
“No! It’s okay!” You got out fast. “I’m 19. I graduated high school a little bit early.” 
“Me too.” He smiled. “12, actually.” 
Your eyes went wide, “12?” 
“Yes, um, in a Las Vegas public high school.” He winced, but the self-deprecation somehow came out charming, “I uh,” His eyes narrowed, “didn’t go to a lot of parties.” 
That made you wholeheartedly laugh. “Me neither! I graduated at 15, which you know is the age everybody else starts. It created a really weird dynamic because the older kids in my grade didn’t like me, but the underclassmen my age really didn’t like me.” 
Instead of the laugh you were expecting, Spencer just gave you a pensive stare. 
“Um..I can’t see why. I think you’re very likeable.” The compliment would’ve been strange exchanged by anybody other than Spencer to you.
  “Wait till you get to know me.” You said it through a smile but so softly you were afraid he might not be able to hear it, but he did. 
And that was confirmed when he flashed you the most incredible, toothy grin you’d ever seen. “I uh, I doubt there will be any change in opinion.” 
“Well, um, I’m sure- I think! You’re very likeable as well Dr. Reid.” you said. 
“That’s what you say now.” He retorted in the same coy tone you had earlier. 
You shook your head, “You’ll find I can be insufferably stubborn.” 
After two weeks, there was little Spencer could do to hide his massive crush affinity for you from the team. 
In the bullpen: 
You guys had locked eyes and were mouthing out exchanged of No’s and Yes’s from across the room. There was an ongoing half-serious dispute about whether or not Xanthippe slept with Plato. 
Morgan glided in his wheeled chair to whisper into Spencer’s ear. 
“Reid, stop giving JJ’s intern bedroom eyes. It fuckin’ weirds me out.” He said, shoving files into the cabinet below Reid’s desk. 
“I’m..I’m not.. I--what? Bedr--No!” Reid whisper-shouted back. 
On the jet: 
“Reid?” Gideon called Spencer, “Chess?” He motioned towards the board. 
“Yes, sure. Just give me a second. I’m almost done. I’m reading Infinite Jest. I don’t usually enjoy literature if it isn’t classic, even less so if it’s American. But..” Spencer smiled, “Y/N likes the author.”  He continued his fast-paced reading of the third-to-last chapter of the book. 
Morgan and Gideon exchanged glances. 
Even in front of you: 
You opened a sugar packet and began stirring. 
“De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium is still some of the best work on  heliocentric theory out there, I think. Copernicus knew what he was talking about!” You spun on your heels to see Reid’s face contorted in disagreement. You giggled, “Don’t give me that face! I’m right!” 
He took a sip of his coffee as to keep himself quiet. “Listen, cosmological theory is for…” 
But the pair of you were interrupted, it was Elle, standing behind you and in front of Spencer. 
“New skirt?” Elle asked as you turned, back now facing Reid.  She was pouring herself a cup of coffee too.
“Yes!” You excitedly nodded. “You like it?” 
Elle looked up and down, but not at you. The judgmental eyes were for the man behind you. She pursed her lips, “Not just me.” 
The only face redder than yours was Reid’s.
Nights spent in a bar after a case that had dragged on far too long was nothing new, but the energy tonight was especially light. Gideon had refused, but everybody else was just relaxed, even Hotch, and the team just got happier at each other's happiness. It was great, really. As Hotch and Morgan sipped on whiskey, JJ and Penelope had already downed four sugary, colorful cocktails and were in a whispered fit of giggles. Elle and Spencer settled on a tamer option of an IPA Spencer couldn’t name. 
“SPENCER!” Penelope excitedly shouted, “Y/N is literally you! You’re both adorable! You’re both geniuses! You’re both young!” She drew on her rant, “And if you have a crush on her you should just tell her!” JJ’s eyes widened in embarrassment as she tried to cover Penelope’s mouth. 
Morgan and Elle erupted in soft laughter while Hotch cracked an uncharacteristically amused smile. 
“Spence, I swear, I didn’t say that! I just...I may have mentioned how happy you get every time she’s around! And how you guys can talk for literally hours!” JJ defended, her words slurring in silly drunkenness. 
Spencer rolled his eyes. This wasn’t the first time they teased him about you, and it probably wouldn’t be the last time either. 
“I don’t have a crush on her! We just….we like the same things! It gives us a lot to talk about.” 
“Yeah?” Morgan said through a laugh, “And what is it that boy and girl wonder talk about so much?” 
“Well, uh.. a lot of things. But I find she gets the most excited when we are discussing the theories of postmodernism, in that apparent realities are actually just social constructs and veritable realities are subject to change, and uh... we like to talk about linguistics….political philosophy….history... mathematic theory...and uh, oh! Doctor Who.” 
Spencer was blushing and spoke about you like a teenage girl did their boyband crush, and the team noticed. They didn’t even need to say it out loud. Spencer gathered from the way they looked back at him. 
“I heard she lent you a book too, Reid.” Hotch said before taking a sip from his glass. 
“Yes! She did!” He smiled, “It was her copy of Pale Fire. She has an impressive collection of 19th century Russian literature. All in its original dialect! Some of it’s even annotated, which usually would annoy me but since it’s her thoughts and notes I sort of find it endearing.” 
“Dr. Reid is endeared!” Greenaway shrieked.
“Yeah,” he nodded, pushing his glasses up a little higher on his nose, “I find her incredibly endearing.” 
“Y’all that sounded like a dorky love confession.” Morgan said as the team erupted in laughter and Reid’s head fell in a smile. There was no point in denying it anymore: He really, really liked you.
Within two months, you and Spencer had finally put your shyness aside, and spent a very lovely evening at watching an orchestra at the Smithsonian Music,  and sharing noodles at your favorite Thai restaurant. And then you guys spent some time on your couch. And then in your bed. And then in the shower. And then in the kitchen. You were both very sexually frustrated. 
For the following two months, as soon as you both stepped out of the office, it was very, very hard to keep your hands off each other. Could either of you help it though? Teenage geniuses don’t experience parties, or football games, or clumsy sex. The time was perfect to make up for it. 
And you guys did. The sex part at least. “Football involves a lot of dirt. And germs. And sweat.”
“Oh my god!” you shrieked. His hands were in a place they found themselves more and more often: Your pants. 
“Does it feel good?” he asked, continuing his pattern of small circles on that particular bundle of nerves. 
“It feels great.” You nodded. 
“I uh, I’ve been researching the female anatomy.” 
You closed your eyes and nodded your head, but trying to focus on your boyfriends newfound intellect. “It’s fascinating, isn’t it?” 
He watched your undoing with boyish adoration and curiosity before swallowing, “Very.” 
“Oh fuck!” Your legs began to shake, “Spencee...I’m gonn--” 
You and Spencer just understood each other. 
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embrassemoi · 3 years
Surrounded by the Moon and Stars ✷ 27
Pairings: Sirius B, Remus L, [F]Reader   CW: Spoilers for HP OOTP, blood/injury, bullying, fighting, sexism A/N: There's a scene in here that references Chap 28: Snape's Worst Memory. If you want, go back and read the flashback scene. Everything that happens in the flashback stays the same aside from the addition of the reader.
【 Masterlist: Previous Chapter | Next Chapter 】
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Chapter 27: OWLs
The last month was spent with lessons being devoted to review as the OWLs drew near. McGonagall had given them their examination schedules and went over the procedure for the following weeks during their Transfiguration lessons. She’d gone over the rules; mentioned the ban of Auto-Answer Quills, Remembralls, Self-Correcting Ink and others of the same likes.
Nobody spoke a word to each other. Everyone was rushing to do any sort of last-minute studying. Emmeline kept quizzing James with cue cards but was interrupted as Marlene became too agitated, threatening to throw a shoe, politely, at the couple.
Nobody spoke a word to each other. Everyone was rushing to do any sort of last-minute studying. Emmeline kept quizzing James with cue cards but was interrupted as Marlene became too agitated, threatening to throw a shoe, politely, at the couple.
Their first exam, Theory of Charms, was scheduled bright and early for Monday morning and they were all forced to study into the late hours of the night. There was a manic gleam in Lily’s eyes as she re-read sections of her textbook, Remus flicked through The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 5; Sirius and Mary were surprisingly calm as they practiced locomotion charms, Peter was so nervous that he kept dropping his wand. Dorcas had to be given Draught of Peace while Y/N was left practicing incantations under her breath, charming nearly every object in sight for practice. After all, Charms never was her strong suit.
“Fuck it,” Marlene announced, standing up to grab a bottle from their secret stash of Firewhiskey.
“You sure you want to drink that now?”
“I’m not getting pissed, it’s one drink.” Before Marlene had the chance, Remus grabbed the bottle from her hands and took a swig. “That’s against the rules, McKinnon, and you’re underage.”
“Remus John fucking Lupin! Stop abusing your prefect powers!”
But she and Sirius, of course, had their ways of coping with the stress.
“Do you — mmm — think it will be that hard?” Y/N said in between kisses. Sirius was the one to approach her.
Y/N had been doubtful about their situation, considering Sirius was flirting with other girls but they weren’t together. She knew that — she had no claim and besides, she trusted Sirius enough to not lie and deceive her had he been with anyone else.
Sirius’s hands flew down to unbutton her blouse and shrugged off his shirt. “Dunno. I’spouse I’ll get all Exceeds Expectations or Outstandings anyway. Don’t need — ah — to worry.”
Y/N tilted her head away from Sirius who pouted and quickly pressed another kiss. “Maybe you’re the arrogant toe-rag.”
“You’re too mean to me,” sighed Sirius, wearing a bemused smirk. “Watch your mouth. D’you know how many women — nicer women — want my attention but you get it?”
Inwardly, Y/N felt her heart soar. He’d just eased her speculations. “Me? Watch it?”
“Don’t act like you don’t like it.”
“Fine,” Y/N then peeled herself off of him, buttoning her clothes neatly. Her lips twitched up in a knowing smirk. “Be like that then.” And then she walked out the door, leaving Sirius to whine and chase after her.
“Wait — I didn’t mean that — wait! L/N! Come back, please?”
She was growing really fond of Sirius. Even hearing his name made her heart flutter.
When Y/N finally went to bed, she remembered about the career consultation she had with McGonagall and her persistence in helping her become a Healer. It left her wide awake.
That morning was deathly quiet as Professor McGonagall stood in front of them in the Great Hall as desks were lined in neat rows. Her eyes scanned every student before her hand went to grab the large hourglass sitting on the desk beside her along with any spare quills, parchment, ink bottles.
“You may begin.” McGonagall turned over the hourglass and Y/N heard the flipping of papers. Her heart thumped in her chest as she took one last glance up and then lowered her eyes on the paper and began to read…
June 8th, 1976
Maybe it was the combination of the sun beating down on their backs or the tension from the recent surge of Death Eater attacks or stress levels rising from OWLs and future NEWTs, but everyone was on edge that day.
Y/N was hiding in her little nook under the tapestry, watching the sun reflect on the water, glistening and calm before she rolled over, deciding to slip out. Yes, while it may be for her safety, being stuck with a partner to go everywhere was annoying and began to grind on her teeth. There was never a moment to be alone anymore, especially not with the stalking map.
They'd just completed their Defense Against the Dark Arts exam. So far, Y/N thought Potions was by far the easiest examination, aside from Herbology. She wasn’t looking forward to Transfigurations…
But as she roamed the halls, fanning herself with her review notes and debating if she should go find Regulus, a few students ran in the opposite direction. Their faces were filled with curiosity and surprise. Some giggled, others gossiped and a few gave Y/N questioning looks.
In fact, so many students were following the rest. A student, most likely a third year, came running past Y/N before she stopped them. “Excuse me, is there something going on today?”
“Oh!” A look of recognition crossed the student. “You’re Lupin’s girlfriend, right?”
“Sure... Why?” “Something’s going on by the lake with the Marauders.”
Y/N navigated her way through the crowd and out to the courtyard. Under a beech tree near the edge of the Black Lake where she and Regulus had spent their day trying to swim, stood a group of students. All wore different coloured robes, huddling together in a large circle. Distantly, she could hear a faint buzzing and caughten a glimpse of gold. A golden Snitch.
She pushed her way through the students. Amid the circle, there was a flash of familiar dark red hair and Lily’s voice. “You make me SICK.”
Lily stepped out of the circle and the only thing Y/N heard was James’ bombing voice shouting after her. “Hey, EVANS!”
Angry tears threatened to spill down as Lily ran away. From the corner of her eye, she watched as Emmeline stormed out quietly, but unlike Lily, tears were freely streaming down. Y/N could hardly see over the bodies and faces of the crowd as they pushed and bumped into each other.
She was about to chase after Lily until the bright flashing of lights caught her attention. A gasp went around and there in the air was Snape, hanging upside down with only gray underpants waist down. Pink soup buds were all over his face and mouth and Sirius could be heard saying something.
“Who wants to see me take off Snivelly’s pants?” James taunts, talking to the crowd. A large gash was on his cheek, blood cascading down and droplets sprayed on his robes. A loud round of cheers went round.
Remus finally stepped in hesitantly, whispering into James’ ear as his hand clutched his forearm, lowering his wand. Whatever he must’ve said to James finally kicked in as Snape thudded to the ground. She caught Sirius’gaze who went to open his mouth but it was too late as she turned around.
They hadn’t listened to her. They went looking for revenge.
There will be another time to be cross. Her priority was to find Lily.
She ran through the corridors and passed by an elf going to start preparing for dinner before stopping them. She had an idea.
“Please, is there any way you can get Jelly slugs in the next couple of minutes and bring them to Gryffindor's common room?” The elf gave a curt nod.
Y/N bolted up to her dorm and there, a bag filled with Jelly slugs was left on a nearby table as she snatched it. She knocked a few times on the door, hearing Lily’s sniffling. “Can I come in?” There was a faint yes.
As she opened the door and closed it, Lily didn’t face her, but instead let out a bitter, “Are you going to say ‘I told you so?’ ” Y/N cautioned. This was already the most either had spoken to each other in a month.
“Do you want me to?”
Lily let out a weak laugh. Y/N rounded on her, coming to sit on the edge of her bed. It stayed quiet until Lily spoke again.
“I’d known that our... friendship was falling apart. But I thought — I thought maybe… he would change? I thought… he cared about me.” Lily finally broke as tears came cascading down her face.
Her heart ached at the scene and opened her arms wide to let Lily hug her. Her head fell into the crook of Y/N’s neck as she wept and she was there to hold her until she stopped crying. In a muffled voice and through thick tears, Lily explained what had happened and Y/N swelled with ferocity.
“I’m sorry…” She muffled into her.
Y/N’s lips pulled into a tight, uncomfortable smile. She only wished Lily didn’t have to go through that to realize Snape wasn’t good. “I’m sorry too.”
Lily pulled away, still leaning on her as Y/N floated a box of tissues their way.
“I brought you something. It’s silly but…”
She took out the Jelly Slugs. Lily wiped her tears away and took the bag, studying it for a while. Lily gave a half cry, half laugh and went to hug her again. They stayed like that for a while.
Nightfall came and Lily refused to leave the common room, wanting to avoid the Marauders and the other students there at the lake. Marlene and Dorcas stopped by with food for them but kept their distance, knowing that Lily wanted to be alone.
There was a soft knocking on the door, Y/N got up to answer it. Mary was there. She looked tired, but that's all Mary had been looking like these days.
“Mary?” Lily asked, “What is it?”
“It's… Snape. He’s been sitting outside Gryffindor’s portrait for hours now.”
There was a shift in Lily who immediately got up, pushed past them without a word and marched down the stairs; gripping her wand with full force. Both students gulped, knowing not to get in her way.
Mary then turned to her, “Potter asked to speak with you. He’s asking to meet at his dorm.”
And that’s exactly what she did. Y/N stomped up to his dorm. Waves of rage followed off of her as she swung the door open.
“Lupin, Pettigrew, you should leave.” Her voice was void of emotions, empty, like a machine, as she stared down at Sirius and James. From what Lily said and the little she saw, she wasn’t mad at them.
Not only had James and Sirius broken their promise, their cruelty reached a new high, causing the mess that they were all currently in, but Sirius had also broken the little trust she’d given him. Admittedly though, a part of her anger stemmed more from Lily’s behalf.
Snape, by every means, deserved payback. But the way it was handled… James and Sirius might as well be the same as Snape. A prank, a hex, a couple of jinxes were great, but had James gone further like he said…
“What the fuck did I tell you.” At her tone, they both seemed to flinch.
“He deserved it!” Sirius said, standing up.
Y/N ignored him, continuing to stare at James. It only then occurred to him that she wanted an answer. She expected more from him than she did Sirius.
“He called you and Evans a you-know-what. Then physically harmed you and Moony — and then everything else. Why are you angry? He’s a daft —”
“Daft?” Y/N mocked, “I gave you one job —”
Sirius laughed in blatant disbelief, “He’s right!”
“Silencio.” Sirius went mute and she turned back to James. “What were you trying to do?”
He scoffed, “I was trying to get him back. He doesn’t get to treat you like that and not get any sort of repercussion.” James folded his arms. “You seemed fine with the pranks, what’s your problem now?”
“I’m fine with pranks because typically you and your boy-band prank a group for laughs. Even if he deserved it, you already crossed a line by pulling his pants down! Had you pulled off another layer —” “I wasn’t really going to do that!”
“How would I know that?” Then she whipped around to Sirius. “And you! I trusted you not to go do something stupid!”
James looked at them confused. She unmuted him. Sirius was not having it.
“You’re up yourself. Get off your high horse — white knight shit!” “Do you want me to mute you again?”
Y/N sighed, walking to sit on Remus’ bed while both Sirius and James defended their actions. She wanted to throttle them.
“Pureblood snobs,” she said out loud. “You do realize that if anything, you just fueled Snape even more? I don’t doubt that now we all have targets on our backs because of your little stunt.” The idea of what Snape was willing to do now after severing ties from Lily only scared her. She was reminded that yes, Snape was a highly skilled wizard, known for his hexes, fondness of dark magic, lingering with wannabe death eaters…
They both gaped. “We didn’t think of it like that —” “Because you don’t have to think about it! You made it worse!”
It was silent after that, as the implication of what she said sunk in.
“I —” Sirius sputtered.
James sighed, going to sit on Peter’s bed across. “I’ll make it right.” He wore a large white bandage, sliced open from Snape. Man, fuck Snape.
“Fucking idiots,” she breathed out. She tried to ease the anger from her system entirely. Instead of fighting, she left the room wordlessly and went back to her dorm.
June 12th, 1976
They’d just finished their Astronomy examinations which were held at night. The moon light was faint, ready to reach its peak in a few hours.
After Snape’s incident, Lily had given James the brunt of her anger. She gave him detention for the rest of the year with Professor Binns. Sirius had been given a good earful while she left Peter alone. Even Remus got a scolding for not stepping in and using his prefect influence.
Y/N had taken some time away from the Marauders, mostly out of respect for Lily who rightfully was upset about the entire ordeal. But with how the sections of the exam were taken, they were split into different towers; the girls in one tower, Y/N and the Marauders in another. She was forced to walk with them, because of their wonderful agreement: partners.
James was remorseful, along with Sirius who pulled her into a broom closet multiple times to apologize.
James, overall, was fairly beat up. After their squabble, the Snape incident, he and Emmeline had broken up. It had shocked her, confused as to why they broke up until Marlene chimed in; he’d asked Lily on a date during the Snape incident.
If it could get any worse…
Y/N decided to stay by Remus and Peter as they walked back to the common room.
Remus clenched his eyes shut every so often. He appeared to be in pain. His complexion was so pale she swore she could see the veins flowing with blood. It was as if his skin was not quite opaque but stretched thinly just enough to cover him. The muted light from the moon shone on his skin as a vein strained against his neck; waterline rimmed red, lips parted to suck in air like it was a struggle. She would’ve been worried, standing so close to Remus as his chest heaved, had he not looked like he commanded every inch of his body.
Remus was… alluring in the lighting. But his breathing hitched and everyone’s head rotated towards him.
“Are you —” She started.
“I’m fine,” he lashed. His tongue poked out to swipe across his teeth, gazing up to a nearby window. Alway the moon’s most watchful admirer.
The Marauders looked at each other.
“Alright,” Peter chimed, breaking the tension. “Moony’s been feeling down today. I’m going to take him to the hospital wing.”
James nodded, speaking cautiously. “Whiskers, let’s go?”
She shook her head. “I’ll walk back — go with him.” Remus needed their assistance more. There was this gaze in his eyes, golden and gleamed in the low light. It was like he was looking straight past them.
James shook his head. “No, we all stay in groups. It’s safer — for all of us.”
No, it’s safer for me. James and Sirius were fine, it was just her that needed the protection and the very thought made her sick.
They walked with her, stopping at the edge of the hall leading to the common room; both in a rush and Y/N didn’t want to hold them back anymore from Remus. They bid their goodbyes and James walked in front, leaving Sirius behind who gave a small smile and left.
She turned and walked to the portrait and there, sitting on the ground for the fifth time since that day; Snape.
“Get lost,” she snapped. “Lily doesn’t want to talk to you — let alone see you.”
As she was about to step into the portrait, Snape muttered, “Stupid Muggle.”
“Maybe if you washed your fucking hair for once, Lily would’ve returned your feelings. Go fuck yourself.” She hurled, wheeling around. Waves of rage flowed throughout her body as the boy stared at her, flooding with wrath.
The remark was his breaking point as he slipped his wand from his sleeves, his face pulled downwards in a sneer as he walked towards her. Before she could retaliate or register what he was doing, Snape already cast a spell. The look in his eyes told her to be scared.
Y/N flew backwards, thrown against the stone wall behind her as she fell onto the corridor floor. Her head slammed against the wall, hard. The impact was so great that the stone was covered in her blood, some of her hair caught onto the jagged edges. It was dizzying and she couldn’t properly think straight. She went to reach for her wand but saw it rolled a few feet away.
“Filthy Mudblood. I always wondered why a bunch of Purebloods would cling to you. Do they feel pity? Or are the rumours true and you’re their toy?”
Snape had bent down, wand digging sharply into Y/N’s neck. She mustered all the strength she had, yelling, “JAMES!”
“Pathetic,” he spits, “Can’t handle poor ickle Snivellus Snape?”
There was a loud ringing in her ears and her vision seemed to blur. She tried to push Snape away but instead, he pushed her against the wall roughly, her head slamming yet again. She cried out, tears now pouring from the hot white pain that shot right through her skull.
“James! J-James — Sirius…”
She could faintly hear the Fat Lady yell in the background, yelling at Snape to stop but. But he raised his wand, incantations ready to spill from his tongue as a bright red beam shot out from the darkness.
“Stupefy!” Instead of James, Sirius stood tall as he held Snape’s wand.
“Ah, the boyfriend — I mean, the other boyfriend. Well, Black, you need to start keeping her on a leash.”
Y/N was too disorientated to even understand what Snape was saying. Her head bled as she fought the urge to close her eyes. Sirius’ eyes were wide with terror as he stared down at Y/N as he digested Snape’s words.
Strangely, Sirius was quiet as he glared at Snape; chest heaving as if he was holding back.
“I’m surprised, really…” He flashed his menacing sharp teeth. “I thought it was a full moon tonight.” He grinned ear to ear, thrilled that had the upper hand now. All the colour from Sirius’ face drained in a second, completely caught off guard as the greasy-hair boy used this to his advantage. Using wandless magic, Snape pried his wand back from Sirius’ grip and quickly rose to his feet; wand pointed as he rounded him.
Snape continued, “Is that why your mates aren’t here? Helping that mutt of yours? Tell me, is he an experiment? Keepin’ him around for when you get bored.
“I bet you get bored often. What’s it like, having no family to return to?”
She didn't have time to even blink as two bolts of red came spurting out of each wizard's wand. Flashes of light illuminated each boy as sparks crashed together. The sound had Y/N scrambling towards her wand which landed a few meters away. Finally grasping her wand, she points it directly at Snape.
"Expelliarmus!" The last bit of energy she had was released, dropping her wand by her side as Snape's wand flew behind him. Sirius had walked up to him as he delivered a sharp punch to his nose and shoved him against the wall behind.
“Petrificus Totalus!” Sirius shouted. Snape became still, rigid in his hold.
"Why don't you take a trip down to the Whomping Willow tonight." Sirius muttered a counterspell as Snape picked his wand up and ran. “Deactivate the tree.”
As the echo of footsteps hushed, Sirius walks toward Y/N, taking her wand and his before shoving them into his pocket as he proceeds to lift her bridal style from the ground. She could feel the wandless magic he was using to help lift her, to avoid hurting her anymore. Before she could say anything, the pain in her nerves intensified. She felt like she was on fire. Sounds of whines and high moans left her mouth as Sirius began to panic, his feet surging forward as he ran towards the hospital wing. 
“Hey, you’re okay,” Sirius whispered, but it was directed more to himself rather than Y/N. She scarcely noticed him squeezing her hand gently. “You’re okay darling.”
Her arms felt heavy and darkness rushed over her like a thick blindfold as the last thing she saw were tears blurring Sirius’ vision, his body shivering in adrenaline.
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wildlittlefoxsworld · 3 years
I have a crush on you
Hey there, I post another fanfiction in the Harry Potter universe, well, have fun :)
Pairing: George Weasley x female!reader
Words: 2.6k
Summary: You’re best friends with the Weasley twins. The Yule Ball is coming soon and you don’t have a date yet. You have crush on George since forever, but you don’t think he likes you back, but it seems that you’re wrong, because George is asking you to be his date for the ball.
Warnings: I don’t know... fluff, a bit steamy kissing, that’s all :)
Harry Potter Masterlist
Saturday afternoon in late September, it was still warm and you enjoyed the last ray of sunshine. You were happy to have a bit time for yourself, but this only last for a few minutes, because the Weasley twins knew the meadow near the lake was your favorite place. It would have been only a matter of time until they joined you with biscuits and pastries from the school kitchen.
“Y/N, we are really sad that you didn’t invite us to spend the afternoon with you,” Fred complained with a fake pout, but he looked adorable when he did it.
“That was the point. I want alone time, but here you are,” you huffed laughing and shook your head when the twins sat down on either side of you on the blanket.
“Oh, that’s rude.  You’re hurting our feelings, Y/N,” George responded and laid his hand above his heart. You could only roll your eyes about their behavior.
“Yeah, Georgie is right. We want an apology,” Fred demanded chuckling and poked you into your ribs with his pointy finger.
“Ouch, that hurts.” You rubbed over the point on your side.
“You’re just too weak,” Fred observed and you shoved him hard on his shoulder that he fell backwards.
“Hey, what was that for?”
“For calling a girl weak,” you replied sassy.
“Fine, you aren’t weak, but you shoved like a girl.”
You smacked him on the back of his head and he hissed from the slight pain.
“Why are you attacking me?”
“You’re the one who is mean to me.”
Fred clicked his tongue. “I am mean to you? You’re hitting me.”
“Stop this nonsense. I have a peace-offering,” George disclosed and opened the basket with biscuits and pastries.
“Oh, yummy, you bring me lemon cake,” you cheered and took one of the little cakes in your hand. You bit in the delicious mass and the flavor of citrus fruits exploded on your tongue.
“So good,” you mumbled and ate the piece in two more bites.
“Are you two friends again?” George chuckled.
“Okay, we have truce, but only if he doesn’t start his childish behavior again,” you said with your mouth still full of lemon cake.
“Before you speak, you should gulp your food. It’s impolite,” Fred remarked with a grin.
You turned your head to him with widened eyes. “You’re the one with bad manners.”
“Can we have at least one day without the both of you teasing each other?” George huffed laughing and nudged you in the side.
“We’re not teasing each other, that’s how we’re showing our affection to each other,” Fred explained and you nodded eating another lemon cake.
“Alright, and how do you show affection towards me?”
You licked a few crumbles from your lips while George watched curiously. “You couldn’t handle me being mean to you, so I’m very friendly to you, and you’re the nicer twin by the way.”
“I can hear you,” Fred exclaimed beside you, but you just gave him a side-glance and shrugged your shoulders.
 You talked with the twins about the last lesson in Astronomy and if you already wrote the essay for the next Potions’ lesson. You were already done, but you wanted to reread it this evening, because it was due tomorrow. Like always Fred wanted to copy your homework, but you denied it like always.
“You are the smart one of us, Y/N. Why don’t you help me?” Fred fake cried and you shook your head again.
“Who said you’re not smart?”
“You, yesterday, remember?”
“You’re both are smartest guys I knew, except for Hermione.”
“Hermione lives in the library, of course, she’s smart.”
You three laughed at George’s comment and you ate your third lemon cake.
“You should be careful with eating so many cakes,” George said with a concerned tone in his voice.
“And why is that so?” you asked slightly offended. “Want you say that I’m fat?”
George held his hands up in defeat. “I mean you should consider the thought. The Yule Ball is in a few weeks and you want to fit in your dress, right?”
“Oh, shut up, who says that I’ll go to the ball?”
“Why not, Y/N? Don’t you have a date already?” Fred asked curiously.
You snorted through your nose and ate demonstratively a fourth lemon cake.
“Is that a no?” Fred asked again.
“Why are you asking anyway, Fred?” you replied a little mad. You didn’t really want to talk about the Yule Ball and who would be your date to the ball. Fred knew exactly that you didn’t have a date; you would have told both of them. The twins were your best friends since your first day in Hogwarts, if something special like that would happen they would be the first to know.
There were a few boys who had asked you, but you declined every invitation politely. You waited for special guy to ask you, but you weren’t very hopefully that this would happen.
“I’m just curious,” Fred answered shrugging and you frowned at his words.
“You know you could go with us,” George suggested from your right side and you frowned even more.
“Don’t you have other options then to go with your girl best friend?”
“Oh, we have a lot of options. Fred is burning to ask Angelina, but he’s too afraid to ask.”
You burst out into laughter. “Fred Weasley isn’t brave enough to ask a girl for a date?”
You couldn’t stop the laughter, but Fred looked really offended by your words.
“That’s not funny, Y/N,” Fred uttered seriously and you sensed immediately that he wasn’t joking.
“I’m sorry, of course, it’s not funny. But why are you scared? Just ask her. She can’t say more than no. I mean that would be sad, but I’m sure you will find someone else to ask.”
Fred made an unpleasant noise. “That’s-+ not so easy in practice.”
“Fred likes Angelina. He likes her in a romantic way,” George whispered in your ear and your eyes widened in surprise, but then you began to smile softly. You laid your hand on top of Fred’s and he looked up after his eyes were glued to his shoes.
“You should ask her. She will say yes, Fred. Trust me,” you encouraged him and Fred’s eyes lighted up with hope when he processed your words in his mind.
“Are you saying that she likes me too?”
“Yeah, she fancies you a lot. So go on, mate, before some other guy will ask her. Angelina is a popular girl.”
“Get her, Freddie!” George shouted after Fred ran back to the castle, but before he was gone he kissed your cheek to thank you.
 “I didn’t know he liked Angelina so much. How long does he feel like this?” You asked George frowning and feeling bad that you didn’t notice anything.
“Oh, I think since second grade. Don’t feel bad, I can see it on the tip of your nose. He didn’t show any signs until they announced that there would be the ball. He told me when we talked about who we should ask for a date. You see I didn’t know either.”
You took a deep breath and thought that even your best friends had secrets. That was okay actually, because every person had secrets that they kept to themselves. Even you had a secret. Your sight wandered to George and you watched his profile. The red, messy hair, the straight nose and his full lips, the freckles around his nose and then he looked at you with his deep brown eyes.
You turned your head away very quickly and you didn’t see the smug grin on George’s face, because he definitely knew that you stared at him.
“So, Y/N, what about you? Did anyone ask you already?” George wanted to know and you just shook your head.
“No one or no one you liked?”
“Ehm, no one I liked so far, but I have still a few weeks. And what about you?”
You wanted to change the direction, so that you wouldn’t talk about you anymore.
“My invitation was serious, Y/N. If you want I can go with you to the ball,” George offered and you quirked an eyebrow.
“Wouldn’t that be weird?”
“Why would that be weird?” George asked and rolled onto his side to look at you directly.
“I’m your best friend. You should go with a girl you have a crush on,” you considered and laid your head down hoping this conversation would be over soon. You wished that you would be this girl for George, but you were sure he only saw you as his best friend and he shouldn’t go with you to the ball out of pity.
“There is no other girl I have a crush on,” George answered casually and smiled gentle at you.
“Of course, there’s a girl you must have a crush on. Who is it? You know all the boys like Fleur Delacour apparently.”
“Yes, Fleur is beautiful, but she doesn’t appeal to me.”
“Well, who is it then? Is it maybe a muggle girl from your home town. I know you can’t ask her, but…”
“Y/N,” George said more vigorous and you shut your mouth. “Like I said there is no other girl. There’s only you.”
You watched him confused and wanted to say something, but you didn’t trust your brain to say something stupid.
“Me?” you could only say flabbergasted and George nodded chuckling.
“Did I miss something? Are you joking with me?” you considered carefully.
George stroked your cheek with his thumb, the touch felt light as a feather, and he wandered further to trace your bottom lip. Goosebumps spread over your naked arms and your breath went slightly faster. George never touched you in this way and you were only more confused.
“No, I’m serious. You’re the girl I have a crush on.”
“What… but you never… no… why… You like me?”
 You were utterly shocked for a moment. The boy you had a crush on since the first day of school, confessed that he had a crush on you too. It sounded unreal to you, but George just smiled at you the whole time and you didn’t think that he was making fun of you.
“I really like you, Y/N. Do you want to have a proof?”
“What?” you asked confused. His words confused you more and more.
“Okay, wind back and stop. Can you just explain me why you are suddenly like me?”
“I don’t like you suddenly. I like for quite a while, to be honest I fancy since the first year here.”
“Why you didn’t then say anything?”
“Because you always treated me like a brother. But since we know that there will be a ball, you started to look different at me. Little glances when we were sitting in the class and you smiled differently at me. Not the sassy one you always have, your new smile was more dreamy and… longing.”
You didn’t know you were so obviously in your behavior towards George. You felt embarrassed and the blood was rushing into your face.
“Don’t be shy, Y/N. I like the way you look at me and I don’t want it to change. I hope you only look at me like this for very long time.”
You bite your lip while you thought about his words. You believed him, but his words only encouraging you to be more yourself and not some shy girl. You weren’t the bashful type and George knew this.
“I’m never shy, Georgie. So, what proof do you have?”
“Aren’t my words enough?” he teased you and you laughed at his half-grin.
“Oh, I believe you, but you talked about a proof, so?”
 George’s grin grew wider and he wiggled his eyebrows. “You asked for it, don’t forget.”
You giggled, but you were interrupted when he cupped your face with one hand and pressed his mouth to your. Your eyes closed automatically and you felt nothing else than the gentle pressure of his lips, they were warm and a little wet, just liked you imagined many times before. George was really kissing you, and now you were overwhelmed by your feelings. You didn’t know if you should wait until he break the kiss or if you should go further and deepening the kiss. You decided to be brave. You opened your mouth experimentally and kissed him back slowly. You began to massage fondly his lips to test if he liked to join you and George didn’t hesitate to intensify your kissing.
His lips were slightly chapped, but you liked the rough feeling and you changed the angle of your head to kiss more passionately. Finally came movement in your limbs and you buried your hands in the soft strains of his long hair.
The only thing you could think of his warm hand on your cheek, the hot breath against your mouth, and he moved slowly to lay more on top of you, so he could place his other hand in your neck.
All of this felt like a dream to you and you were afraid that could wake up every second.
You never thought that George was a so good kisser. Well, it wasn’t your first kiss, but it definitely felt better than any kiss you’ve ever had.
George got more courage and he showed it when the tip of his tongue licked your upper lip. Your body shuddered from this sudden action, but you allowed him the access. Tentatively he explored your mouth with his tongue and caressed yours gentle. You moaned when your tongues played passionately with each other.
The noise you made went straight to George’s core and he pressed his body closer to you. Your smell was intoxicating for him and he couldn’t get enough of your taste, but he knew that he would have to stop soon, because he didn’t want to go further without your permission and he thought that it would be still too early.
Slowly he ended the kiss and leaned his forehead against yours. You were both panting slightly and he pressed another kiss smiling on your lips.
“Y/N, oh dear, I thought about this since… I don’t know, but I wished to kiss for a very long time.”
You chuckled at his words and caressed his cheek tenderly.
“I feel the same, George, and yes, I’ll go with you to the ball.”
George raised his head to look you properly in the eyes and he beamed at you with happiness.
“You make me very happy, sweetheart. Can call you that?” he asked only to be sure.
“You can call me sweetheart, honey, dear, darling, baby. Whatever you like,” you assured him and he leaned down to embrace you in a tight hug.
 You enjoyed to lay with George there for a while in silence and played with the hair in his neck. Both of your breathing were frequent and you listened to the noises of the nature around you.
“Do you think Angelina said yes?” George asked curiously.
“Well, let’s find out. I think it’s time that we go back, there will be dinner served in the great hall very soon.”
You loosened your embrace and George put the food back in the basket while you rolled the blanket up. You were both smiling and holding hands when you were walking back to the castle. If felt right and you knew that bond between the both of you were something special.
Fred already sat on the Gryffindor table and showed you a thumbs up and George hold your intertwined fingers in the air.
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hockeyboysiguess · 4 years
Jerseys and Dumplings
Tumblr media
a/n: some good old friends to lovers Tkachuk for your Thursday!
warnings: swearing
word count: 6.3K
You yanked the restaurant door open harder than you’d meant to, but you were in a rush. A last minute assignment had kept you at work later than you’d planned, much later than you’d planned, and you were running later than would ever be considered fashionably late by anyone who made insane amounts of money to recite a bunch of shitty dialogue to a camera. You pulled at the bottom of your skirt to adjust it as you walked through the door before giving up. Your skirt was definitely crooked, your hair was definitely a mess, but your mother’s words played over in your head, “It’s never the job of a successful, powerful to look a particular way. Success is messy. Own the messy.”
“Hi, sorry,” you whisper-yelled to the hostess. “Uh, Hanifin? Pretty sure everyone else is already here.”
“Right this way.”
She was clearly unimpressed with your disheveled appearance and your tardiness as she looked you over from top to bottom from over the top of her glasses. You pushed thoughts of her and work out of your head to focus the evening. Meeting your best friend’s boyfriend was a hit-miss experience with Tessa as your best friend. She alternated between introducing you to immature, outrageous guys who were all about having a good time who always ended up cheating on her or guys who were basically the human equivalent of a completely dried builder-grade beige wall. This one was apparently some moderately famous hockey player, which automatically had you leaning him in the first column, but she pleaded with you to reserve judgment until you met him tonight. You were desperate for her to finally date a guy that was somewhere on the middle of her two extremes. She always countered by saying she wanted you to go on a date, any date. You brushed her off every time, telling her you were focusing on your career and yourself.
“There you are!” Tessa shouted, bumping the table harshly as she stood up to great you. “I started to think you forgot about us.”
“Sorry, babes,” you sighed as you let her pull you in for a quick hug. “I-”
“Got caught up at the office.”
You pulled back from her and glared at her. Tessa saying the words that all too frequently left your lips was just a little passive aggressive, usually your specialty. You rolled your eyes at her and she giggled before reaching out to the guy next to her to pull him to his feet.
“This,” she wrapped her hands around his forearm in a sort of death grip, “is Noah. Noah, this is the ever-discussed best friend slash somehow roommate even though I see her more out to lunch than I do in our apartment.”
“Thanks, Tess,” you mumbled. Noah offered his arms out to you gingerly and you accepted a soft hug. “Nice to meet you, Noah.”
“Really nice to finally meet you,” he smiled softly as you took your seats.
“Oh, I hope you don’t mind.” The sing-song tone in Tessa’s voice drew a groan from you because you knew what was going to come next. “Stop it! Anyway, Noah brought one of his teammates along, so you weren’t third wheeling.”
“Is he invisible?” you asked with a wave of your hand to the empty seat next to you.
“Just in the bathroom, actually.”
You turned your head and were greeted with a bright, toothy grin and mop of curly hair. The restaurant was dark, but you could tell he had a beautiful pair of baby blues to go with his dimples and sharp jawline. Tessa has clearly hand-picked this one out of the Flames line up for you. He was exactly your type. You watched as his light eyes broke contact with yours and gave you a quick once look over, lingering almost indiscernibly at your chest and your hips.
“I’m Matthew,” he said, his smile starting on a slippery slope to a smirk as he sat down next to you.
You debated calling him out for checking you out, but Tessa rapped her foot on your shin, letting you know she was ready and waiting to give you a swift kick if she didn’t like how you were acting. People thought Tessa was soft. You thought people shouldn’t underestimate Tessa, so you swallowed your comeback and introduced yourself instead. Matthew gave you a quick nod, his broken curls bouncing with the sudden movement. A smile began to pull at the corners of your lips against your will and something in your chest told you he was going to be trouble if you let him be, so you resolved not to let him be. You watched his attention shift to the couple across the table and his face scrunch up in disgust. Noah and Tessa were seeming trying to figure out if it was possible for two people to become one via their open mouths pressed against each other.
“Come on, guys,” Matthew whined as one of his hands came down roughly on the tabletop, causing the silverware to click together loudly. Noah and Tessa separated at the sound, not at Matthew’s words. “The single folks don’t even have drinks yet. Can you save the foreplay until we at least have some alcohol in us?” 
“Seriously,” you joined in. If Tessa was going to set you up against your will, at least it was with someone that hated Tessa’s fondness for wild amounts of PDA as much as you did. “Please keep all tongues, hands, and arms in your own seats tonight.”
“Genitals should remain their not upright and locked positions” Matthew added. Tess blushed at his words, causing Matthew to turn his head towards you. He cocked his head to the side, a mischievous look dancing in his eyes and pulling at the corners of his mouth. “Too much?” 
You answered by continuing, “Excellent addition, fellow date attendant. Fasten your seatbelts as we expect there might be some turbulence on tonight’s date.” 
“Turbulence?” Tessa asked, her voice a solid octave and a half higher than normal and her eyebrows raised, daring you to continue. 
“Oh yes, turbulence,” Matthew cut in. “So, Tessa, where did you grow up?”
“I’m sorry, I’m back on turbulence,” Noah jumped in verbally and physically, a hand raised across the table. 
“We,” you informed him, gesturing between Matthew and yourself, “are the turbulence.”
“Yes, thank you, good blind date I didn’t ask for,” Matthew nodded to you, curling bouncing again in a way that made you have to bite your lip to avoid smiling like a schoolgirl with a new crush. “You both worked together to set us up tonight, unasked for based on just how fed up my fellow date attendant seemed by my very presence. Esteemed co-worker, can you confirm, for the record, that you did not ask for this set up and that you’re just as tired as I am of your friends across the table setting you up with people?” 
Matthew grabbed a breadstick from the basket in one fist and presented it to you like a microphone. You laughed softly, making an out of character smile crack across Matthew’s face before you both pulled yourself back into the accidental routine you’d created. 
“Yes, yes, Matthew. I can confirm I was not made aware of your presence tonight and I have not asked Tessa to set me up with anyone at this time,” you replied seriously, putting on your best politician impression. 
“You sounded like you were doing an impression of Tina Fey doing her Sarah Palin impression from SNL,” Matthew laughed at you. He couldn’t stop smiling as he turned his attention to your friends who had no idea what monster they’d created tonight. “As my good colleague Sarah Palin just said, neither one of us asked to be here. So now, we’re teaming up to see if we really approve of this union or not. So, I repeat. Tessa, where are you from?” 
The evening was filled with you and Matthew teaming up to flip the script on your friends. You grilled Noah, with Matt’s support, and you offered some direction to his probing questions for Tessa. They took in stride though and you realized somehow, some way beyond your understanding, Tessa had fallen into a good relationship for the first time since you knew her. 
Just after making a two-bite dent into your incredible dessert, Tessa pulled you to the bathroom with her, the classic story of girls never being able to pee alone floating at the excuse. When you left the stall, you were greeted by Tessa, arms across her chest, one foot tapping on the ground, and wry smile on her face. 
“So, things seem to be going well with Matthew,” she said with a smirk and a soft nod. “Figured it would be sink or swim but didn’t think it would go quite this.” 
“Oh, shut up,” you groaned as you turned on the water for the sink to start scrubbing your hands, “we’re just being friendly.”
“Are you kidding me?” she practically shouts at you. “He literally has not taken his eyes off you once all night. He’s so into you!”
“Tess, stop,” you told her with a sigh as you shut off the water. You grabbed a couple of paper towels before spinning on your heels to face her. “Seriously, Tess, he’s not into me. We’re just getting along as friends, okay? Be happy this didn’t blow up in your face for the first time.” 
“You cannot be serious right now,” Tessa whined. She reached for your arm as you tossed the paper towels away, pulling your attention back to her. She bounced on her heels a little and gave you the most frustrated look she could muster. “He is into you. Noah thinks so too. Just, can you just try? For me?” 
“I don’t want a relationship, Tess,” you replied curtly. “Why can’t you just accept that?” 
“He’s perfect for you!” Her frustration with you was growing with each word that she had to say as she tried to spell it out for you. “He’s your type. I know I nailed that one. I know you have to think he’s attractive, so you can’t lie to me. You have really similar senses of humor. He totally thinks you’re hot, which you are. Don’t you dare, that’s not up for debate. Come on, babes. Give Chucky a chance.” 
“Chucky is a murderous doll,” you retorted, skipping over everything else she’d said. “Look, Tess, can’t you just be happy I might have made a friend tonight? That’s growth for me right there.”
“But he wants to be your special friend!” she insisted, bouncing on her heels again. 
You couldn’t help but laugh at the image presented by her bouncing and her words. She was channeling herself at age six for sure, an age you didn’t know Tessa at, but from the stories her brothers and mother told you, you were kind of happy you didn’t know her at. 
“Jesus, did you just say that?” you got out between laughs. You sighed as you pulled yourself together. It was time you both escaped the bathroom as the boys were bound to get suspicious soon. “Look, I’m just not really in the sort of place to put myself out there at all right now. If Matthew really does want this and he really does try, I’ll think about it for real, okay? Does that work for you?” 
She sighed and rolled her eyes before saying, “I mean, no, it doesn’t because he would totally give you the good dick right here in this bathroom and probably buy you brunch tomorrow if you actually showed the tiniest bit of actual interest in him, but, it’s the best you’re going to give me, so it’s fine.” 
Your desire to leave the bathroom and get back to your chocolate cake overwhelmed the desire to correct Tess. You pulled her back to the table with you, collapsing into your seat and immediately diving back into the dessert you’d been hearing call your name since you’d left the table five minutes ago.
“You’re murdering that cake,” Matthew noted. “It’s impressive, honestly. Where does the cake go?” 
“Hopefully out my pores tomorrow in the stupid hot yoga class Tess is dragging me too,” you replied, halting another bite on its way to your mouth just to answer. “I wanted to watch Love is Blind and Too Hot to Handle as our new best friend activity for the month. Tessa wants to do hot yoga, so we’re doing hot yoga.” 
“So, you’re the boyfriend in this relationship?” Matthew joked, gesturing between you. 
You dropped your fork to your plate and reached for your almost empty drink instead before replying, “Gender roles are a completely unnecessary societal standard, Matthew, and they do not need to be enforced by heteronormative men who play an incredibly heteronormative sport. Who is the boyfriend and who is the girlfriend is unnecessarily gendered, especially considering I’m clearly the left chopstick and Tessa is the right. ” 
Matthew’s nose scrunched up when he laughed, a sight you were quickly growing used to over the evening, maybe even starting to like. He shook his head softly at you as he took a sip from his glass. 
“Says the girl who pitched to watch a bunch of trash Netflix dating reality shows that are all pretty heteronormative, right?” Matthew countered with a nod of his glass to you. 
“Garbage is not heteronormative,” you replied. “Trash TV is just trash TV, Matthew. Don’t read too much into it. I still haven’t gotten to watch any of it though.” 
“If you need someone to watch with, hit me up,” he told you. “I need an excuse to get drunk on a Wednesday night and sounds like it I would need to be incredibly drunk to watch any of that.” 
“So, this Wednesday then?”
Standing in front of Matthew’s apartment door with a wide variety from your favorite Chinese takeout place in one hand and a six-pack from your favorite local brewery five days later, you were beginning to regret the life choices that led you to this particular moment. You didn’t have much time for the regret to sink in though before Matthew opened the door. 
“If there is something the resembles a dumpling in that bag, I will be your servant for the rest of your life,” was Matthew’s verbal greeting.
“You’re about to be my servant then, but it’ll be worth it. These are the best dumplings I’ve ever had,” you informed him as you pushed past him into his apartment to drop the bags and beer on the counter. You started pulling containers out of the bags as you continued, “I will say you should never Google this place. I’ve only ever ordered via Grubhub delivery before today. I did pick up and this place honestly looks like the architect was drunk and the builders forgot their glasses for the entire build and I’ve never been more horrified, but the dumplings are killer, so I’ve just decided to put it in a box and try to forget I ever saw where they originated.”
You heard a beer crack open beside you and Matthew’s large hand came into view as he set it in front of you. He was close to you, closer than you had thought he would be. You could feel his tall frame behind you, his loose t-shirt brushing against you as he set the beer by your hand. His arms brushed your softly, making your breath catch in your throat.
“Good brewery pick,” he complimented you, his lips near your ear as he spoke. “Also, if you give me food poisoning from your weird Chinese food place, I’m released from my servitude.”
“You know the word servitude?” you countered, trying to pull your mind out of the gutter it was sliding headfirst down with sarcasm and chirping him.
Matthew laughed lightly and shifted himself closer to you. He leaned into you, his chest gentling coming into contact with your back with each breath you took. His large hands gripped the edge of the counter on either side of you. He towered over you and you couldn’t stop yourself from wondering what it would feel like to let him bend you over this counter right here and now.
“Mm, I know a lot of things that might surprise you,” Matthew laughed in your ear.
He pulled back without warning and you released a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding. Matthew shifted over to the opposite side of the counter, grabbing a beer and popping it open on his journey. He didn’t say another word before turning on his heels and heading toward the couch. Your brows furrowed as thoughts began to swirl and bleed together in your mind. Was that just all in your mind or was that nothing that your mind turned into something? You didn’t have time for something like this. The fact that you’d found time to have dinner with Matthew within two weeks of meeting him astounding given your inconsistent hours and his season. No, you didn’t want him to be flirting with you, you decided, so he wasn’t. You came over looking for a friend, so that’s what you were here for, the only thing you were here for.
“Hope you can use chopsticks,” you told him as you sat an overly full plate of food in front of him a few minutes later.
“I play hockey. I wasn’t raised in a barn,” he threw back at you, a joking smile on his lips.
“Okay, okay,” you laughed with a roll of your eyes.
Matthew tossed the remote as you with his free hand as he brought a dumpling to his mouth with the other, dropping the entire thing into his mouth in one go. You watched his eyes go wide as he bit down for the first time. He looked at you in disbelief as he chewed.
“Holy fuck me,” he told you through a full mouth. “I want to marry whoever made this.”
“Now,” you open Netflix on his TV, “you get me, Tkachuk.”
Matthew had already shoved another one in his mouth by the time Netflix loaded the first episode. Matthew was in food heaven, shoving dumpling after dumpling into his mouth. You laughed a little as his stuffed cheeks. He looked like a curly-headed chipmunk and you told him just that as you grabbed another container of dumplings out of the bag on the counter. He almost chirped you back, but when you dropped a full container in his lap, the chirp died before it had even fully formed.
“I think you’ve ruined dumplings for me from everywhere else in the world. Also, is that guy hot? I feel like they’re just trying to convince us he’s hot when he’s not.”
You were amazed he was able to pay any attention to the show with the speed at which he was consuming food. It was equal parts impressive and disgusting.
“He’s alright,” you shrugged as you reached for your beer. “Not my type. You’d be better off asking Tessa.”
Something you’d said finally beat out the interest of the dumplings. Matthew dropped the container to the table and skewered a dumpling with his chopsticks in exchange for a beer and turning his attention to him. He raised an eyebrow at you before he spoke.
“A type, huh? I wouldn’t happened to fit that type, would I?”
He took a sip as he watched you roll your eyes at him. He chuckled a little against the edge of his bottle at your response.
“Why would you think you would?” you countered, barely pulling yourself together in time to say something within an acceptable response time.
Matthew shrugged casually before replying, “Noah asked me specifically to come the other night and after meeting Tessa, I have a hard time believing she let Noah pick whoever he wanted since that was definitely a set up and blah, blah, blah, so I’m definitely your type, right?”
“Mm,” you hummed as you took a sip of your beer to try and disguise the anxiety his question had brought on. “My type is definitely guys who are obsessed with trying to be my type. It’s so sexy how much you need my validation right now.”
Matthew’s head fell back as he laughed, curls shifting back in tandem. His mouth opened wide as he laughed a full belly laugh at your words. One of his hands came to his stomach as his laughs became breathier and he slowly brought himself back down.
“You’re something else,” Matthew mumbled through a smile, beer on its way back to his lips and soft shake of his head with his words.
“I’m a goddamn goddess and you know it,” was all you had to say to get him laughing again.
“Let’s fucking go, Calgary!” Tessa screamed next to you out of the blue, jumping to her feet as she shouted, making you and several other people around you jump a little in their seats.
“Jesus,” you sighed. “Tess, can you take it down a notch or eighteen, please?”
“It’s the Battle of Alberta, baby!” she shouted in response, a wide drunken grin on her face as she retook her seat next to you with a flop.
The referee blew the whistle, stopping play, and you pulled your attention back to the game with a soft smile on your face. You looked down the ice to see someone wearing a red and black jersey tangled up with a white and blue one. You craned you’re neck to try and see who it was, your breath catching in your throat at the idea it as Matthew. Your eyes were flying back and forth between the ice and the screen, trying to see a number or part of name to figure out if it was him or not. Your racing thoughts were interrupted by a tap on the glass in front of you. You were greeted with a smile that was slowly becoming more and more familiar, just with a mouth guard hanging between his teeth, and some curls peeking out from under a helmet.
Matthew waved at you with two gloved hands, his light blue eyes crinkling at the corners as he looked at you. You let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding. You were relieved he was standing in front of you, a goofy smile on his face, rather than down the ice in that fight. At least the linesman has managed to break it up by now. Matthew’s eyes broke contact from you to give you a once over. He pinched his jersey between his gloved fingers and his eyebrows furrowed down as he looked at you
“Where’s your jersey?” he shouted, though you had to read his lips to actually understand him
You just put your hands out next to you, palms up, and shrugged with a slight pout sticking out your bottom lip. You didn’t own any Flames gear of any kind, certainly not the Tkachuk jersey he was probably looking for. He shook his head at you and glared a little, just to get a small laugh out of you, before he turned his attention back to the game.
“Look at your guy!” Tessa said way too loudly for how tender she’d said it, hands stacked over her heart. “He likes you so much.”
“We are just friends,” you countered firmly, which made Tessa frown.
“He likes you! Aren’t you going over to his place after the game? You should make a move,” she nudged you in the ribs with her elbow.
“I’m picking up exactly four containers of dumplings and we’re watching exactly two episodes of Love is Blind because we’re going to finish up the episodes before they go on vacation with their new fiancés, okay?” you told her. “That’s not exactly a hot date. Besides, I don’t want to make a move. I like him, as a friend.”
“Okay, whatever,” Tessa rolled her eyes at you. “You keep denying that I set you up with a good one until you can’t anymore. Chucky is so smitten with you, he’ll probably wait for you for a ridiculously long time, like rom-com style long time, babes.”
It was your new routine. Well, it wasn’t regular enough to really be a routine. Matthew would text you when he felt like he hadn’t seen you recently enough and demand you show up that same day with dumplings and your sparkling personality. You had tried to deny him, push him off a day or two due to work, but he might be the only person you’d ever met more stubborn that you were. Over garbage television shows and Chinese food, you’d made an actual friend out of him and despite Tessa’s insisting that both of you wanted more.
“Oh, suck it!” Tessa shouted as the Bruins pulled out a last-minute OT goal against Edmonton. She hated the Bruins, but you were pretty sure the only thing Tessa hated more than your insistence that you didn’t want to date Matthew was Edmonton.
You sighed, realizing you’d lost the bet you’d made with her, even though you picked that Edmonton would win to piss her off. She was shouting and jumping up and down, trying to rub her win in your face, but a text cropping up on your phone was pulling your attention.
Tkachuk: pls get five orders of dumplings and bring them right over
You: worked hard today huh?
Tkachuk: you know I fucking did. See you in 30?
You smiled softly, catching Tessa’s attention in the middle of her winning tirade.
“Is that Chucky?” She was already leaning over you, trying to get a glimpse of your phone screen. “Are you ditching me for him again this evening?”
You glared up at her and tilted your phone back, hiding the screen from her view. She stated to glare back, but then her face softened as the corners of her mouth started to pull up. You caught a mischievous glint in her eyes start to form she spoke.
“Hey, the bet was that I get to pick your outfit next time you go out, right?” Tessa asked hesitantly.
“I mean, yeah, but your face is scaring me a little bit here,” you replied, concern for yourself dripping off each word.
“And out could just mean when you go to see Chucky in a few minutes, right?” Her excitement was beginning to leak out, but you couldn’t understand why. “Because since you’re leaving, that’s going out, right?”
“I mean, I guess- Tess, what are you getting at here?”
Tessa didn’t reply. She ran out of the living room, cursing as she banged her elbow on the corner as she turned into the hallway. You heard some rustling in her room, followed by another curse, before she came bounding back into the living room. She tossed something red at you, a borderline evil smile on her face as she did so. You grabbed the red garment. As soon as your fingers touched it, you had an idea of what it was based on the fabric and you groaned as you flipped the garment in your hands. You were greeted with Tkachuk in large bold letters when you looked at the back of the jersey.
“I’m not wearing that to Matthew’s apartment,” you whined, letting the jersey fall into your lap.
“Ah, yes you are. You lost the bet. You wear what I let you to wear,” she told you, waving off your complaints. “Besides, Chucky gave it to Noah to give to me to make sure you wore it to next game anyway. We’re just getting you in it earlier than he had in mind, that’s all.”
You sighed as you stood up to head to your room where you exchanged your comfortable, worn in sweatshirt for the new, crisp jersey. When the red fabric finally hung off your body, you turned and let out a groan when you saw his last name on your back. You knew he wasn’t going to let you live it down the entire time you were with him, but Tessa’s wrath was worse than Matthew’s chirping would ever be.
Tessa was laughing as soon as she caught site of the red fabric, but you didn’t give her much time to feel satisfied with her handiwork. You grabbed your wallet, keys, and phone and headed out the front door. You paused as you sat in the driver’s seat of your car. Tessa had said Matthew wanted you to have the jersey to wear to the next game you went to, but why was he insistent enough to get Noah to give Tessa one of his jerseys? Why didn’t he just give it to you himself? 
You tried to analyze the gesture as you waited in line at the restaurant. You’d taken to just coming in for pick up since you’d been unsuccessful in forgetting just how terrifying seeing this place for the first time was. You never called ahead anymore. You just showed up and the chef knew to start making dumplings for you. They were ready when you got to the counter to order, so you paid, grabbed your food, and returned to your car quickly. You decided the gesture was probably nothing, just Matthew being odd per usual, and tried to force the thought out of your mind as you drove over to his place. 
The thought hung around as you parked in his spare parking spot. The parking pass had gone from being loaned out to every guest to living in your car after the fifth dumpling and trash television visit. He said you were his most regular visitor and he was tired of having to leave to put it in your car for you since you always argued that you’d brought him food, so it was the least he could do. Your mind was racing, trying to figure out if all of it added up to something, or if you were adding up things that didn’t really exist to get to an answer that definitely didn’t. 
You only got one knock in before Matthew opened the door. He moaned when he saw the bag in your arms. 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” he said, his eyes trained on the brown paper bag his hands were reaching for the entire time he spoke like a prayer had been answered.
You laughed at him and let him take the bag from your arms before following him inside. He dropped the bag on the counter and began grabbing containers and chopsticks while you kicked off your shoes. You let out a long sigh as you prepared yourself for the chirps that were bound to come when you took your coat off and the jersey was finally in his line of site. You chewed your bottom lip between your teeth as you spun around to face him. 
Matthew was frozen in place, a partially opened to-go container on the counter in front of him and chopsticks about to be ripped apart in his hands. His eyes were trained on the flaming logo on the front. 
“Tessa made me wear it,” you admitted quickly. “I lost a bet and she made me wear it.”
Matthew slowly put the chopsticks down and one of his hands came up to his mouth. His hand was on his chin, thumb crossing his lips as he shifted his weight to his other hand braced against the counter’s edge. His light eyes were darker than you were used to as they scanned up and down your body. They came to rest on the number partially visible on the shoulder. He moved his hand from his face to hovering in front of him with his index finger outstretched. Slowly, his index finger began to make small circles as he looked at you. 
“Oh, you’re rubbing this in now,” you huffed, hands going to your hips. 
Matthew just shook his head softly before he swallowed hard, then said one word, “Spin.” 
You sighed, knowing he wanted the full picture for future ammunition, but you wouldn’t get to enjoy your food until you gave him what he asked you. You slowly let your feet shift across the floor, moving you in a gentle circle, giving Matthew a perfect view of his last name across your back. You closed your eyes as you reached the point in your circling where you’d have to see him again. You didn’t need to see the smug look on his face. 
You heard Matthew sigh and you knew whatever he was about to say next was going to be brutal. Instead, all you heard was his feet shuffling quickly across the floor before you felt his hands on you, pressing you back against the nearest wall. Your eyes flung open when you made rough contact with the wall. Before you could fully process it, Matthew’s head dipped down and his mouth was on yours. You almost pulled back, but he was kissing you in a way that took your breath away. You couldn’t not fall into the moment with your palms coming to rest on his chest, but you needed some sort of explanation and you weren’t even sure if this was really what you wanted, so you pushed gently on his chest and he instantly separated from you.
“What the fuck?” you breathed out at him as you lifted your eyes to look at him. 
He was towering over you, his arms boxing you in on either side of your head. His eyes were even darker than they had been and while you could usually read Matthew like open book, you couldn’t recognize the expression on his face. 
“I can’t be your friend if you’re going to look this fucking good with my last name on your back,” he told you. His words were so matter of fact, as if it was the most obvious thing the world. “You have absolutely no idea how bad I want you right now.” 
“Matthew,” you said between deep breaths, “I don’t know.” 
“You know,” he said, his baby blue eyes locking your gaze on him. “You know you know. You’ve known since that first dinner. Tessa knew too. Hell, even Noah knew, and you know how fucking thick he is. We’re not supposed to be just friends. You,” he sucked in a breath through his teeth when he broke eye contact to look down at the jersey while balling some of the red fabric in his hands, “you are too perfect for me to be my friend. God, it’s like someone took everything I ever wanted and put it all in one perfect, stupidly sexy girl, except that someone made her fucking oblivious to her own feelings.”
Matthew let out a soft laugh and shook his head as he released the fabric from his hands. His eyes rolled up to lock with yours again. 
“You can’t stand her and tell me that kiss wasn’t different,” he continued. “stop being so fucking thick for two seconds and you’ll really feel it. I know you feel it. Because if somehow, I feel this goddamn strongly about someone, and they don’t feel a single ounce of something for me, then I must have really fucked up in my past life and deserve to have the perfect girl right between my fingers and feel her break my heart instead. Like, fuck, you know this is different, that this is something that stupid kinds of special. Just let yourself feel it. Let me in, baby. I’m right here. You’re not gonna fall. Nothing is going to break. I’m right here. I’ve got you, if you want me to.” 
Matthew was wrong. You felt the walls you built to keep you from having to put yourself out there, from having to risk anything, start to crack under Matthew’s gaze. His eyes started bouncing from feature to feature on your face, trying to figure out what was going on in your mind since you hadn’t said a word yet. When his baby blues met yours again, the walls broke, and you felt everything. You felt everything he said and somehow, so much more. You grabbed the collar of his shirt and yanked his mouth down to yours. He kissed you back instantly, his hands reaching down to the backs of your thighs to pull you up to his height. Your legs wrapped around his waist and his hands moved to your torso, yanking at his new favorite piece of clothing you owned to get under it and feel your skin under his palms. 
You broke the kiss to breathe. His mouth moved to your neck as you tangled your fingers in his curls. 
“I’m going to fuck you and you’re going to wear this while I do it,” Matthew breathed out against your neck with a faint tug of the jersey, “if that’s alright with you.”
“Little aggressive,” you told him with a tug of his curls. Matthew pulled you away from the wall, switching to support your weight so he could start walking you towards his room.
“Oh, shut up, would you?” Matthew laughed against your skin. “If you actually have objections, fine, but the peanut gallery is closed for anything other than curse words and my name for the next few hours, okay?” 
“Whatever you say, Tkachuk.” 
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ahankar1610 · 3 years
Hello there, people of Romione. Nah, second fic. It's inspired by 'a walk to remember', the novel coz the movie did not give book the justice.🙄🙂
I hope you people will like my romione version, and thank you to everyone who gave their time to 'The Trojan Princess', update is not far away on that one 😉😉.
A Tale of Ron and Hermione.
AO3: 👇
The first chapter is here 👇.
English is not my first language so I hope, you people can adjust. Coz if I didn't have my sister to help me, you all would have been suffering my disheveled English 😅😅.
Please read and review and visit it on ao3 and ffnet. Thank you. 😊😊
(President Granger) Hermione Granger sighs as she sat on the bench outside the office of professor McGonagall's office. She is frustrated because of the upcoming bloody Halloween Ball. She had to be present at the ball, not because she is the Head girl, it is because she is the president of the Student Council which was officially created by the Ministry of Magic to find the best upcoming talents who are capable of leading Britain as the best magical country of the Wizarding World. She was one of the first student who was selected for the group, because of her habit of being at the top of the class in the last six academic years of her. Though it was a surprise for her when professor McGonagall called her and informed her that she wants her to be candidate from Gryffindor who will compete against the other candidates from the other three houses for the post of the president. To be honest, she never expected herself to win as she was never the popular student, but as Merlin have blessed her that she got Harry Potter as her best friend. Harry is unofficially, the most popular student of Hogwarts. His wonder of securing place in the quidditch team when he was just a firstie, and being the youngest seeker of the century was a huge endorsement for his famousness. Then in no less a time Gryffindor team became unbeatable and he was the best seeker of the Gryffindor team after Charlie Weasley left and being James Potter's son, one of the most wealthy and successful businessman of the Wizarding World, has its own perks as he was showered with high class quidditch material by his quidditch enthusiast father. Harry was one of the first ever person to befriend her. It was her first year and she had asked the way to the Platform 9¾ from the Potters and from there her friendship with Harry started and she believed that it is because of Harry, she had made friends in their year. She had Lavender and Parvati, who at first did not liked her much but warmed later and they created a great bond together. Seamus and Dean are no exception as they were there for her before she befriended any female from Gryffindor house. She had asked Harry for his help in the campaign for the voting and he had enthusiastically took part in her campaign for everyone's glee and her embarrassment as he once created a wall sized poster of her, with bold words engraved on it. VOTE FOR HERMIONE GRANGER THE FUTURE OF THE WIZARDING WORLD She still receives teasing for that incident. She surprisingly won the voting defeating the candidates of the other houses. Though it was hard work regarding the other candidates of the other houses were brilliant in themselves too. Daphne Greengrass was the Slytherin candidate, she has the honorary title of the Hogwarts' ice queen but is respected by many because of her unbiased views on everyone, even on the Gryffindors. She also received the best prefect award in their fifth year and she also beaten her to the top in the fifth class as she received one mark more than her in their Defense Against the Dark Arts O.W.L.s, though she and Greengrass never had a real conversation, there is a unspoken mutual respect between them. Terry Boot was the Ravenclaw candidate and he was also one of the best students academically in their year, but he is not much of a person of interacting and perhaps it was the reason he lost. She blessed Harry as he was the one who forced her to put her book down once and introduced her to the thing called fun or she would have faced the same fate as Boot. Zacharias Smith, she laughed as Smith came into her mind, after all Smith was one of the main causes which made her the winner of the voting. Smith, though good in the academics, is not in the good graces of many people around Hogwarts, including his own house fellows. Sweet Professor Sprout, certainly made a mistake choosing Smith as her house's candidate. Perhaps she never heard of Smith's infamousness between the students. He was disliked even in his own house by many and that is the reason they choose to vote for her as they didn't know
much about Boot and Greengrass must have faced the consequences of Professor Snape's biasness toward the other houses. "President," said a soft voice, she turned her head and a fourth year Hufflepuff girl was standing there and the door of Professor McGonagall's office is opened. "Professor McGonagall has called you inside," said the girl, Hermione nodded and stood up. She walked inside the office closing the door behind and noticed the girl has gone now. "Miss Granger," said a stern voice in greetings. Professor Minerva McGonagall is sitting behind her desk with a stern expression and her cat like eyes scanning her whole features. Professor McGonagall had given her the responsibility speech when she chosen her, the Gryffindor candidate. She had made sure Hermione fills the both responsibilities of Head Girl and President of Student Council decently. "Good afternoon professor," Hermione greeted back. Professor McGonagall nodded and motioned her to take a seat while she rummaged through some papers spread on her desk. It was something surprising to see, for Hermione at least as she had always noticed from their first year that there is no messiness you can expect from Professor McGonagall. Though Hermione don't eighter blame the old professor as there are at least fifty different sheets of papers around the table. Some of the sheets are the grading papers which are thrust into a register, and there are is a huge poster covering the whole table and everything present at the table is doing the work of hiding it. She can figure out the color of poster, it is dark blue reminiscing the color of night. "So," said Professor McGonagall a little firmly, indicating that whatever is going to discuss between them now means business. Hermione straightens her spine unconsciously. "You must be busy with the preparation of the Halloween Ball nowadays, Miss Granger?" asked Professor McGonagall. Hermione nodded stiffly, as the reminder that she, the Head Girl and the President of The Student Council, is dateless two days before the ball came into her mind. "Then you must be also informed that even after upcoming the ball, you're not going to have much free time," Professor McGonagall said, and Hermione's brows furrowed in confusion. Noticing her expression, the professor sighed and dragged a poster up, which was hidden under the mess on the table until now. The poster is large, a size of a huge television. And in the center of it, in huge bold words, there was written 'THE DRAMA FESTIVAL'. Hermione looked at the poster with a frown appearing on her face, but she suddenly turned into the expression of indifference. Professor McGonagall rolled the poster and put it on the side of the table, not very tenderly. Which told Hermione, that the professor also isn't pleased with this, whatever Drama activity it is. "The Headmaster," a frown of frustration appeared on Professor's face, "had accepted the request of Professor Lockhart's permission of hosting the Drama Festival this time at Hogwarts." Professor Lockhart? When in the hell did that man became a professor. Gilderoy Lockhart was famously known for his roles in Wizarding Dramas since he passed from Hogwarts. He was also known for the famous plays he had acted and directed himself, they were regarded as special because they were inspired from the old tales of Wizarding World. She had a stupid crush on him when she was twelve, Parvati had shown her his photo and she always blessed merlin that she soon recovered from that crush, because Harry had made her life hell when he got the wind of her crush back then. "Any questions, Miss Granger?" Professor McGonagall asked, breaking her musing. She stared at her for a moment, Professor McGonagall raised her eyebrow. She blinked a little and realizing that she had been staring at the Transfiguration Professor's face for five minutes. "Uh-Ah, yes exactly," she said awkwardly and mentally slapped herself realizing how dumbly she is speaking now. "Yes, professor. I mean when will Hogwarts is going to host this event?" "It is going
to be held this December. On 19th of December before the start of Christmas holidays," McGonagall said with her voice a little softer as she is going to inform her everything about the upcoming event. "The Drama as I have informed is based on the famous 'Tales of Beedle and Bard'," said Professor McGonagall. "There will be five plays, which are based on the five stories of the book and the five stories will be played by the students of different years." "The third year students will start with the first play and other plays will be played by the students of following years in the chronological order," McGonagall sighed a little which made Hermione feel that something horrible is coming. "And," the professor drawled a little, "all the arrangement of the festivals are the responsibility of The Student Council." "What? Why!?" she asked a little loudly and flinched when McGonagall sent a pierce glare on her volume. "I mean, why!?" she asked softly. "Because," said Professor McGonagall softly, "Student Council's work is to help students in increasing their skills, and by skill we didn't only meant their academic skill but also their extracurricular skills which not only includes sports but other activities like drama too." Though the points her head of the house gave her are reasonable and adequate, but it still did not take the ridiculousness from the situation she's stuck in. "I know you are not pleased with the events but you must realize that it all is your responsibility as the President of the Council and I don't want the Boards of Directors feel disappointed from the choice of the Hogwarts, now please go and rest Miss Granger. The ball is day after the tomorrow and might need some rest because the tomorrow is going to be a hectic day for you." Professor's words indicated that she's not in a mood of a debate and is really tired. "You're dismissed." Hermione stood up and after wishing the professor a good night she turned and left the professor's office and strolled directly towards Gryffindor common room, where she thinks she might find her friends. She nearly ran towards the seventh floor. Her mind is full of thoughts of the stupid Drama Festival which she had to prepare for nearly two months. Wasn't the bloody Halloween Ball enough!? Her mind is screaming to itself and with the thought of Ball she got the reminder of the absence of a date and it will be pretty embarrassing if the president of the Council turned up alone for the Ball. She huffed, she didn't sign up for any stupid ball and drama fests. "Hippogriffe feathers!" she said the password rather loudly as the portraits around the entrance startled on the loud voice of hers. Entering the common room, she noticed that there are not many students present but the group of her friends was still present on the couches near the fireplace. Dean was the one to notice her, "Hiya President!" he said cheerfully and everyone's head turned towards her. They repeated Dean's words as chipperly, "HIYA PRESIDENT!", umm well too chipperly. She walked and collapsed at the empty space beside Lavender and leaned on her, "Hectic day, I guess," Lavender mused. "Don't even ask," she muttered. "Why does your voice sound so dull, deary?" asked Seamus teasingly, "Is it because our dear President still doesn't have a date?" he laughed. Hermione flipped the small cushion on Seamus's face. Bullseye. "You still didn't find a date?" Lavender asked, a little disappointed as Hermione promised her that she will find a date by evening. "I was so busy, first the preparation and all of the arrangement of the food which I had to arranged with the elves," she closed her eyes and said tiredly, "I really didn't got the time." "Too bad, because nearly everyone is booked now and you're going to turn up alone," Harry chipped in. "Even Neville?" she asked. "Yup! Didn't we told you, Mister Longbottom is getting pretty cozy with certain Hufflepuff name Hannah Abbott." Parvati said. "Arrgh! What in the name of Merlin am I going to do now?" she asked desperately to her friends. "You
can spend the whole night talking to Luna though. She'll be delighted to spend the Halloween night with you," Harry sniggered, Hermione's closed eyes shot wide open at the aspect of spending a whole night in the party with Luna. Everyone laughed at her expression and she started to run her mind to at least find one date, so she will be spared having a night just of controlling the students and conversing about Luna's antique. "Well Hermione," said Seamus loudly. "I would not have done it for someone else but after all you had a special place in my heart." He forwarded a thick book to her which she is encountering for the first time. "What's this?" she asked. "It's the yearbook, I stole it from McGonagall's office," she gasped and Harry shushed her, "So you might get some ideas from it." Seamus said smugly, looking proud of himself on stealing the book from the office of keen-eyed Professor McGonagall. The subject quickly diverted to the quidditch matches, leaving her and the yearbook alone. Though she was little uncomfortable as after all her 'great' friend had to steal it for her. She closed her eyes and started rummaging through pages and after a great search her eyes landed on one name, she knew who probably not had a date by now, Ronald Weasley.
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thebonggirll · 4 years
chapter twenty-five
< previous: chapter twenty-four
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warning: sexual themes.
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Today's the day. If Karma didn't gather up the courage to do something about this thing going on between them, Y/N has decided to stop putting efforts whatsoever. Winter vacations were over a month ago and all the students gave the entrance exams in the respective colleges they wanted to go. She already gave him enough time to study and get through the exams but if he didn't give her any kind of proper answer on Valentine's Day, she has decided to end it.
Ofcourse it would hurt but it was more painful for her to hang on to this unconfirmed relationship they had. Realistically, she would be more happier with someone who had mutual feelings and where she can finally call someone her boyfriend. Yes, Karma was her friend but with all these feelings it made her feel self-conscious every time she told someone that he was just her friend.
"You're still not sure, right?" Asano said as they entered the school together, "You don't have to force yourself."
"At times, we should force ourselves to do things we don't want to for our own good. You told me that everyone deserves a second chance and I gave him one, so I'm allowed to be pissed right now."
"Exactly. Don't do things out of anger that you're going to regret later."
"Don't lecture me," Y/N pouted, "You don't know how I feel. I can bet your locker is gonna be full of gifts and chocolates so-"
"Yeah but I don't want them, do I? You don't know what it's like to turn them down and hoping they won't have hard feelings stored in for me."
"Well you can stop pretending for starters," Y/N said, "And don't tell me that you don't pretend to be nice cause you sure as hell do. You want to keep up the image, then you've got to deal with these stuffs too."
"The thing is no one actually wants to know the real me. They all just know me as the son of principal and the topper."
"Look, that's a part of you and you need to accept that. If you want people to know you then let them step in your life. Besides, you are going to receive a gift from someone genuine," Y/N opened her backpack and gave him something neatly wrapped up, "Here you go! Had the feeling that you would feel down with all these 'no-one-knows-the-real-me' thing. Happy Valentine's Day!"
Gakushu smiled and took the gift from her, immediately tearing up the wrapper. "This...must have cost a lot right?" he asked, looking at the new game - Life Is Strange.
"Eh, I saved up my pocket money. By the way, it's a choice based game."
"We can play it togeth-"
"We can't. You have to play this alone Gakushu," she said and patted his head, "I...don't exactly have the excellent grades to get in the college same as you. I have to...make it work with the second or third best ones. Besides, neither do I have a scholarship, nor do I want to take a huge student loan that I have to pay for half of my life."
Gakushu stood there looking at her, his smile faltering. Both of them knew it was coming. He would obviously get in the best college - probably somewhere out of the city. That's how reality works though, right? You make friends, you promise to keep in touch but then you grow up and realize all the other responsibilities you have. Sure, it hurts to think about how much time passed away but the memories with them stay with you.
Y/N sighed and said, "Oh my god, don't be so down. I'm not letting you go that quick. I gotta keep Mr. Prodigy in my pocket incase I need his help."
"I mean...we can meet sometime, right? I swear my dad won't be a pain in the ass," he laughed.
"Okay you gotta go cause those girls keep glaring at me and I'm not gonna let them off easy if they come at me," Y/N muttered, and signalled him to their direction.
"Alright, bye!" he laughed and walked towards his building.
"Uh BYE BRO!" she shouted, loud enough for the girls to hear. Yeah, they were gonna be in touch. No way in hell, he's gonna let her off the hook after everything goes down.
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She kicked the stone in front of her and started strolling towards the bus stand. Y/N noticed the incredibly cute couple standing on line, holding hands. Ah, she hates couples.
The whole day passed and she didn't see even a glimpse of either Rio or Karma. You can say, she spent her time talking a bit with the other classmates and then reading a storybook. Yeah, it's kind of lame but it looked like that was the most action she could get in Valentine's Day. The only regret she had is to wait that long to be with a guy, who would probably never propose her. Like, she actually had no relationship in her whole school life.
As she stood watching the couple silently, a taxi stopped in front of her.
She heard a familiar voice call her out. As much as she felt happy, she was actually a bit mad too. Quietly, ignoring the taxi standing in front of her, she started walking away.
"Shit," she heard him cuss under his breath as the taxi slowly started moving forward and matching her pace, he continued, "Can you atleast look at me?"
"I didn't look at you the whole day, so I don't think I want to look at you now. Go home," she said.
"Okay, come on. You can't just walk home..."
"Oh yeah? Watch me."
"Then," she heard the car door shut and footsteps behind her, "I'll walk with you too."
"I'm sorry," he said, "Look at me."
Y/N sighed and looked at him, and he looked different. No, it was the same uniform but there was something different about him. She could feel the happiness radiating from him, with his body language and the huge smile plastered on his face. She couldn't help but break a small smile.
"You don't look sorry," she said crossing her arms.
"I've got something to ask, and I just hope you'll say yes."
That's it! It was this moment she waited for so long.
"I want you to come to my home,"
Y/N stared at his face for a whole minute processing the words he said.
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"I knew you were loaded but...this," Y/N said looking around and observing the surroundings, "is a huge ass house to live in when you're alone."
"This way," he said and pulled her arm excitedly making towards the dining room. The room was dark.
"I didn't have the time to prepare but I tried my best," he said and lit up the candles kept all around the room. Near the glass window from where she could see the bustling city, a dining table was neatly arranged with plates, a rose in a small vase and a candle.
"You...prepared candle light dinner for me?" she suppressed her laughter at his adorable gesture, "How will I tell my mom? She'll kill me if I'm late."
"Rio can handle it," he said and pulled a chair, "sit down."
"You made plans?"
He came with food from the kitchen and kept it on the table. "I can't forget about the most important person in my life." They started sharing the food and putting it on their plates.
"Really? Most important? I mean..." she chuckled taking a bite, "I can be one of the most important, not just...the most important person."
"No you are. I mean, look around. I don't see why you can't be that. My parents barely see me. I'm not even sure if they know how I look like now."
"Oh I'm sure they know."
"What do you mean? Look you don't need to sugarcoat your words, I know you don't mean it."
"No, I'm saying they probably know how you look like because they might have some kind of spy hired. Maybe not someone professional, but someone who lives around you. Trust me, if you were in trouble they would be the first ones to come home."
"....you can't be serious."
"Like I said, it's a possibility. You don't spend time enough with your family to know what they are actually like, no offence."
"Okay, I didn't prepare a romantic dinner for you to talk about my parents. I wanna see you getting flustered," he smirked and looked at her.
"Can you be more cheesy?" she chuckled and concentrated on her food, a blush covering her face.
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Turning the page of the photo album, Y/N came across a picture of Karma with his parents. She smiled as her fingers glided across the photo of him smiling; he looked younger but he didn't look happy. The smile on the photo looked fake.
Karma sat down beside her, "I went on a trip with my parents that time."
"I wasn't happy, you noticed?" he chuckled, "Can you blame me? They don't contact me for so long and suddenly take me on a trip as if that's gonna make everything okay."
"You're allowed to feel that way. They had their reasons and so did you," she said and looked at him. He was sitting close, their noses were inches apart. He smiled and pulled her closer towards himself, hugging her from behind as they looked down at the photo album on her lap.
She leaned back, resting her head on his chest. She turned to the next page and the first picture made her giggle, "Awww naked little Karma~"
"Can we turn-"
"No wait!" she laughed and pushed his hand away as he tried to take away the photo album from her hands, "I want this picture!"
She unlocked her phone and tried to take a picture, while Karma tickled her and tried to loosen her grip on the album. "I knew this was coming," he laughed watching her face turn red from laughing too hard but her grip still tightened on the album.
Unable to get it away he pushed her on the bed and pinned her hands down. He panted and scanned her face as she stopped laughing and looked up at him, her face still flushed. She looked down at his lips and up at him again. Karma leaned down, but stopped as soon as their noses touched. Y/N slowly leaned up and kissed him, pressing her lips softly on his.
"Are you sure?" Karma said when they pulled apart, his nose sliding up her neck as he placed a small kiss, "You did place the no kiss rule."
"I wouldn't kiss you if I wasn't sure," she whispered and brushed her hands up his hair to the back of his head, "I want this."
And that was all that he needed to hear.
He started kissing down her neck and then back to her lips, pulling her up slowly. They undressed themselves from the uniform they were still wearing. She pulled him close holding his hips and leaving small trails of kisses from his collarbones to his neck.
He slid his hands on her hair and pulled off her hairband, kissing her softly and then pushing her on the bed again. She could see the imprint of his hardened member on his boxer. He brushed her hair away from her neck and bit the part of skin he previously left a mark on, sucking on it.
Karma steadily moved down to her chest and marked up, and looked up at her. He wanted to see all of her expressions, and this was the one he wanted to be the only one to witness. He kissed her right breast and sucked on her nipple as she let a moan out. Nipping and pulling it lightly as he observed her panting, he moved to do the same on the left.
She gripped his hair as he slowly moved down and pulled her legs apart. "You're dripping wet," he said huskily, "all this for me babygirl?" He watched her pussy clench as his hot breath hit it. He came close and started breathing heavily, sniffing and taking in her scent.
Y/N whined and looked down at him, "Please.." she panted between her words, "please Karma, do...something."
He smirked at her needy expression and dived down licking her clit and sucking on it harshly. She tightened her grip on his hair and panted his name out loud. He put his tongue inside her, as she cursed under her breath while he continued sucking on her clit in between. "Karma!" she said huffing, "I-I feel...hah..something."
He pulled back and slid in his two fingers, stopping and looking at her to see if she was in any kind of pain. But the way she started panting, it didn't look like it. He pushing his fingers in and out of her, trying to find her spot and-
There it was. He smirked and put in another finger, as he watched her breathing heavily for a moment. He gave her some time to get adjusted to it and then started fucking her, in the same spot over and over. Y/N who never felt this kind of pleasure started moaning loudly, as she felt something build up in her. She read about it before but to get the experience was something very different. She held his hands tightly as he whispered, "Almost there babygirl."
But as soon as she thought the thing in her would burst he pulled away. Karma slowly slid his boxer down and revealed his hard pulsating member out. Y/N moaned at the sight and touched it, sliding her hands up and down his member. She heard him grunt and stopped her.
"Today's about you, okay?" he panted. He opened the bedside drawers and ripped open a packet and put on a condom, positioning his cock he said, "Look at me Y/N."
She looked at him, into his eyes as he slowly slid in her. Karma felt the warm walls pull him in, both of them moaned. He observed her face for some kind of discomfort, even though he prepared her for it just before this. She panted and said, "W-wait, just-" she moved a bit and adjusted herself as he moaned at the movement. She nodded her head in approval.
He slowly moved inside of her, their hearts pounding against their chest. Y/N hugged him close when he pulled out gritting his teeth, and slammed in again. She let out a strangled moan in pleasure and felt him sliding out. Karma pushed himself in again, slamming straight into her spot. He heard her scream his name.
Yes, that was a sinfully beautiful sound. And he wanted everyone to hear the name she was chanting. Picking up his pace, he thrusted in and out of her while she struggled to keep her hands on him, nails digging on his skin.
"Fuck," she cursed as he roughly fucked her, "don't stop, ah- yes!"
"Didn't know you could be this filthy babygirl," he grunted and thrusted in hard, "You like it rough huh." Y/N could only scream and moan in response as Karma continued, "Shit, ah- gonna fuck you till you can't walk. I'm gonna make you a slut for my cock, mine." Possessiveness dripped down his voice as he pulled her legs up more, speeding up and fucking her rough. They could hear the skin slapping and feel the sweat off their body.
"Mine," he said hearing her chant his name, "Mine, mine, mine,"
"Ah-ah-Karma, ah- I feel weird,"
Recognizing what her words meant, he sped up and felt her walls clenching on his cock, sending him over the edge, while he continued fucking and hitting her spot over and over till he felt her cum. After a few hard thrusts he felt himself release and dropped down on her, both breathing heavy.
Y/N hissed as she felt him pull out of her and dropping next to her. They faced each other, observing their hairs sticking onto their faces. Karma slowly slid her hair to the back of her ears and gripped her hand. He wanted to cherish this moment of them together. The moment after they made love - how she glowed, the way a tired smile spread across her face and her flushed body. He wanted every bit of this moment burnt into his memory.
Kissing the back of her hand he said, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah...I am," she smiled wider, "Not gonna lie, I'm glad I got to do it before the world ended."
"And I think it's best if I say it right now. I love you Y/N," he looked at her radiating smile and asked, "Will you be my girlfriend?"
"So..sex is what finally made you do it," she joked.
He laughed and got up brushing his hair back. Watching him, she got up wincing at the pain between her legs, and covered herself with a bedsheet. "We should get cleaned up," she said.
"Need some help?" he asked, smirking.
"Maybe?" she laughed and turned to look at him. "Oh," she noticed the little blood stain on his bedsheets, "Uh, sorry..about that."
"Oh it's okay baby," he smiled, "I popped you today....get it cherry?"
Y/N sighed and rolled her eyes, "On other note, I'll do it alone."
"But it was funny-"
"I can't take your bad jokes," she laughed as Karma held her arm and pulled her into the bathroom.
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next: epilogue >
ms. misfit
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purrincess-chat · 4 years
My Chosen’s Keeper CH1
Here is a silly Lila revenge AU I came up with a while back where Tikki catches Lila in her attempts from the Ladybug episode. This AU is mostly meant to be crack and kwami mischief, so don’t read to much into it. XD
Read on AO3
Summary: When Tikki catches Lila in a scheme against Marinette, she decides to teach her a lesson about messing with her chosen. Lila quickly learns that the k in karma stands for kwami.
Chapter 1
There was a rule for kwamis bound to a Miraculous: follow the orders of your master. On most days, Tikki had no problems with this rule because her master was kind and granted her as much freedom as she wanted. It was why she’d become so fond of her. Out of all the Ladybugs to cross her path, she felt the closest bond with Marinette. She shared her joys and triumphs as well as her failures and sorrow, and when necessary circumstances arose, she fought to protect her.
Normally, she wasn’t one to meddle in the affairs of humans, but when her master’s honor was at stake, she couldn’t sit by and do nothing. Marinette had a lot of friends, but even the kindest of people are bound to have enemies—and boy did Marinette pick good ones.
Lila Rossi was evil. It was a fact Tikki and Marinette knew quite well, but she learned firsthand how dangerous Lila could be one fateful afternoon.
It was an ordinary day. The weather was tepid and clear. She’d taken a nap during Marinette’s exam in Mlle. Bustier’s class, enjoying the quiet while it lasted. No akumas interrupted their morning, and she was just getting to the good part of the book in Marinette’s backpack when her space was abruptly invaded.
She peeked her head through the fabric. Marinette was staring quizzically at her phone while an orange blur slipped up the aisle unnoticed by anyone but Tikki. Her eyes narrowed, and she leaned back as Marinette shut the locker door. A packet of papers had been shoved into the bag, and Tikki recognized Mlle. Bustier’s handwriting and…the test answers!
Why would Lila put them in Marinette’s bag? What was she up to? Was she was scheming to get Marinette in trouble? Sinking down to the floor of the bag, Tikki chewed her lip.
Should she say something and warn Marinette? She didn’t like meddling, but she couldn’t let Lila get away with whatever she was planning. What if Marinette got akumatized for it? Then there would be no Ladybug to save the day, and Hawkmoth would get her earrings. Tikki couldn’t let that happen at any cost!
Marinette had visited the teacher’s lounge once before to deliver some papers to Mlle. Bustier, so Tikki retraced those steps, toting the folded exam papers. Teachers were gathered together around a table, discussing how their students had faired on their recent exams. Sneaking past humans was risky, but the fate of the world was at stake.
Taking a deep breath, she flitted over to Mlle. Bustier’s bag, phasing through the fabric with the answer sheets. She waited a few seconds, listening, but none of the teachers had seen anything suspicious, so she relaxed. Marinette never noticed her absence as Tikki slipped into her purse in the lunchroom, and her chosen was none the wiser to what had transpired as she headed back to class.
“Good afternoon class, I’ve graded your exams from this morning, but before we get into that…Marinette, may I see your schoolbag for a moment?” Mlle. Bustier asked, and Tikki dropped to the floor to watch as Marinette moved to the front of the room. “I received an anonymous tip in my mailbox that someone had taken the test answers.”
“What? But I’d never do something like that! Why would you suspect me?” Marinette said as Mlle. Bustier rifled through her backpack.
“I know you wouldn’t, Marinette, but I have to investigate to be certain because you did receive a perfect score on my exam,” she said, and Marinette’s face lit up.
“I did? Yes!” She cheered then more soberly added, “But not because I cheated. I studied really hard for that test.”
“Yeah, Mlle. Bustier, Marinette always scores really well on your tests,” Alya added.
“And we all know it’s not like her to cheat,” Adrien said, and several other classmates voiced similar sentiments.
“Everyone, please calm down. It seems as though this anonymous tipper was mistaken. I’ve found nothing incriminating in your bag, Marinette, and I apologize for the inconvenience. I’m proud of you for studying so hard,” Mlle. Bustier said, passing her bag back with a smile.
“Thanks, Mlle. Bustier,” Marinette said, returning to her seat.
No one noticed Lila’s face harden in the back row, but Tikki hadn’t taken her eyes off her through the whole ordeal. Confusion, annoyance, anger. That wouldn’t be the last attempt Lila made to frame Marinette, and as much as Tikki hated interfering, she needed to keep Marinette safe.
A few minutes into class, Lila asked to be excused to the restroom, and Tikki followed. Her heart hammered the whole way, but she pressed on, driven by a sense of duty to her owner. As expected, Lila had another trick up her sleeve. She carefully picked the lock on Marinette’s locker then pulled a small box from her pocket and placed it inside before closing the door and returning to class.
Tikki phased through the metal and lifted the lid of the box to find the fake fox pendant Lila bought to fool Adrien on her first day of school. Why would she put it in Marinette’s locker? Tikki didn’t trust it, so for the second time that day, she broke her vow and moved the box to Lila’s locker just to be safe.
The decision wore on her conscience until Marinette was called to the principal’s office an hour later. Lila was there wearing a pout, and although Lila couldn’t see her, Tikki glared from Marinette’s purse.
“What’s going on?” Marinette asked as she took the other chair in front of Mr. Damocles’ desk.
“Well, Marinette, I received an anonymous tip that someone saw you taking something that didn’t belong to you, and now Miss Rossi has reported that a necklace was stolen from her locker during lunch,” Mr. Damocles explained.
“What? But I didn’t take anything!”
“But someone saw you, Marinette. I just don’t understand why you’d do such a thing. I’ve always tried to be your friend, but you’ve been so mean to me ever since I moved here,” Lila said with a fake sob, covering her face.
“I didn’t! Mr. Damocles, you know I’d never steal anything,” she said, and he held up a hand to silence her.
“There’s only one way to prove this. Marinette, please show me your locker,” he said, and Marinette shot Lila a glare.
The locker room was packed with students preparing for their next class, and all eyes turned to them as they entered. Lila trailed behind them as they walked, playing the perfect victim. Marinette opened her locker and gestured inside to her various books, and Mr. Damocles scratched his chin.
“Well, I don’t see anything out of the ordinary,” he said, and Lila’s façade crumbled.
“But-” She gasped, catching herself and puckering her lips once more. “Well, if Marinette didn’t take it then who did?”
“Why don’t you open your locker, Lila?” Marinette suggested, crossing her arms over her chest.
“I already checked my locker. The necklace wasn’t in there, and someone saw you take it. She must have hidden it somewhere, Mr. Damocles,” she shot back, but Mr. Damocles turned to her with a stern expression.
“Lila, why don’t we open your locker and see if maybe you just misplaced your necklace inside?” He asked, and her lips shriveled into a sour purse.
She stalked to her locker and pulled open the door, and at the sight of the small box situated neatly atop her books, her jaw dropped. “But that’s not possible!”
“Well, it looks like your necklace was in your locker after all,” Mr. Damocles said, squaring his shoulders. “Sorry for the inconvenience, Marinette. You’re free to go, and Miss Rossi, do be more careful in the future when searching for your belongings.”
“Yes, Mr. Damocles,” Lila said through gritted teeth.
“Whoa, talk about a crazy day,” Alya said, draping an arm around Marinette’s shoulders.
“Yeah, first someone accuses you of cheating, now they accuse you of stealing.” Nino shook his head. “Someone’s got it out for you, Marinette.”
“Yeah, someone,” Marinette said, shooting a pointed glare in Lila’s direction.
The bell rang, but as students filed off to class, Tikki hung back in Marinette’s locker. While it was unlikely that Lila would try anything a third time, Tikki wanted to be ready just in case. She’d been right to interfere before. If she hadn’t then who knows how bad things would have gotten?
How could anyone be so evil? Somedays, Lila gave Hawkmoth a run for his money. She even hated Ladybug as much as he did. A girl like her was dangerous, and with her around, people were bound to get hurt—people like Marinette. The thought made her eyes water.
One thing was certain: Lila Rossi needed to be stopped.
Tikki jumped at the squeal of the locker room doors, following angry footsteps to the girls’ bathroom. Phasing through the ground, she peeked into the bathroom where Lila stood in front of the mirror with a dark expression. She grumbled to herself about Marinette getting lucky this time, and without thinking, Tikki entered the faucet.
The pipes screeched, and water shot from the nozzle, drenching the girl in front of it. Lila stepped back with a shriek, scrambling to turn the knob. With a huff, she examined the front of her romper then stalked from the room with a growl.
Tikki popped out into the empty room, hands cupping her mouth. Had she really done that? What was she thinking? Was she thinking? Hearing all of those nasty things about Marinette had made her so angry that she just…
She’d sunken into a pit of revenge, and she needed to dig herself out before it was too late. No one could ever know about what she’d done. She needed to get back to Marinette and-
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?”
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melancholyofeos · 3 years
Someday (Part II)
Someday (Ukai Keishin x Reporter!Fem Reader) Part 2
Word Count: 1,087
Y/N L/N's Point of View
"I'm Karasuno's coach, Ukai Keishin."
You felt your stammering heart go quicker and quicker. Of all the places you could meet him, why now and why here? God must be a sadist.
"Oh... an alumnus as well. I didn't know we'd meet here after what, 8 years since our third year in Karasuno?" You said in confidence. Ah, shit, who would believe you? Your crush of a whole year, the one you would run into in the hallways every morning, lunch, and dismissal, is right here standing in front of you, having an interview where YOU'RE the one asking him questions.
Who would have thought this big coincidence will happen?!
"Wait, you two know each other?" The captain, the one who shook hands with the Oikawa guy spoke out for the first time. "Yes. She and I were on the same grade level."
"Were you two close?" The small kid, jersey number 10, spoke teasingly. Your cheeks burned and you looked away. Unknown to you, Keishin knew well what your reaction was.
After all, he used to observe you.
You coughed. "Shall we continue?"
"Sure." He replied.
It was intense. Maybe not for them, but for you, You still couldn't get over the fact that you met Ukai Keishin after 8 years! Everyone planned a reunion party that'll happen next week but the organizers said that Ukai already declined. What's his deal?
You wrapped up the interview, got everyone's opinion on the game and what's to come. The boys were very energetic except for the blonde one. He looks so serious, so stoic.
"Well, that's about everything. I thank you all for your time."
Ah, thank God. It's not awkward anymore! You shook hands with everyone and realized that you had to shake hands with Keishin too. Your small, delicate hand met his large and rough ones.
After a few shakes, you turned around to leave but he caught you on the wrist. "W-What is it?" You stuttered.
After you asked, he let go of your hand and stuffed his into the pockets of his track jacket. "Let me take you out on a date." He said firmly. You didn't know if he was joking but it made your heart flutter, unlocking all your feelings that have been locked away 8 years ago.
"I..." You couldn't form words. How do you say to your high school crush that you've been waiting for this moment? Even when you said yes, what will you do with the ice breaker questions? Compliment him? Tease him? Be awkward like you normally do?
"Please?" He asked again, worried. Oh, you haven't answered yet.
'Fuck it.'
Fuck every insecurity that you have, fuck everything that's holding you back from being happy. You could've confessed to Keishin years ago but you never did, you chickened out!
This is the time to make up for all of that.
"S-Sure." You answered with a sweet smile, it reached your eyes. You looked very pretty, but to Keishin's eyes, you were a GODDESS. You turned away with a wave, signaling that you had to do your job now.
With you gone, Keishin let his feelings take over him.
'So this is how it feels like. I've never felt this since high school.' He thought. During your high school years, you were not the only one who noticed Ukai. He noticed you too, so much.
On that day y/b/n shouted that you liked him, he grew an interest in you. Keishin looks really scary with his piercing eyes but you might be the first one to be ever drawn to those brown orbs of his.
He searched for you in every room but with no luck. You were out with y/b/n having lunch on the rooftop. If not, then you're probably hiding away to avoid the crowd that you so much hate.
But one faithful day, he ran passed by you in the hallway. He kept his composure as if he looks like he doesn't recognize you. He was good since you did believe that plan of his up until now.
No, he's not a stalker. It was just a big coincidence that you both always pass each other. After all, there's only one hallway per building. He couldn't get rid of you. But what's funny, is that you're there the exact time he is.
He was so serious about volleyball he didn't think of his feelings towards you so much. He was contented to just see you in the hallway, knowing that you'd be there every day.
He dated a few girls after college, but none so charming. They didn't exactly meet his pace. But now you're here, and he's here. It's a perfect time, isn't it?
After your rounds, you met up with Keishin outside the stadium. He treated you to resto-bar a few blocks from there. The boys had a celebratory dinner with them in the resto-bar but of course, minus the drinks.
You rode with them on the bus. You were drunk, but Keishin isn't. He let you sleep, resting your head on his shoulder during the whole ride. "Coach, she's your girlfriend now?" Koushi whispered to the blonde. Keishin suddenly blushed crimson red and replied, "No. Not yet."
The silver-haired boy gave him a thumbs up and got back to his seat.
A smile crept into Keishin's face. "Hah. I guess I am that desperate." He joked with himself. After the bus ride, he walked you home, intertwining your hands together. You're so drunk that word vomit just comes out of your mouth.
"wH0 wOuLdA tHOuGhT tHaT yOu C0uLd bE MOrE h0tTeR?" You confessed. Oh, you are so going to regret this the morning after. He chuckled, sending your stomach to hurl in butterflies.
"I didn't know you thought I'm hot."
"Ehh?!?!?! hic, you are! You're the hottest guy I ever laid my eyes on!" You exclaimed. "Okay, okay. Stop with the flattery, you're just drunk." He dismissed you.
You whined and he just laughed at you. This? This memory will last for a lifetime. It's the little moments that make up a memory and he's not about to forget about it.
He reached your house and you stood in front of the gate, wobbling slightly. "You probably won't remember this talk tomorrow but I had fun. Let's go on a date again, y/n." Before you could react, he pulled your head in his direction and planted a soft, feather-light kiss on your forehead.
"Good night, my y/n. Dream of me."
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kit-kat21 · 4 years
“And now, the assignment,” Mrs. Hother said, returning to her desk among a chorus of groans and boos from the students sitting at their desks. She turned back around, facing them with a wide smile. “Oh, stop. This one will be fun. I promise.”
Jon Snow, sitting in the third row, fourth chair back, doubted that. Mrs. Hother was an enthusiastic teacher, he’d give her that, and she wanted all of her students to love what she clearly loved. But the problem was Mrs. Hother taught 11th grade poetry – a requirement for every student in their high school to take and very, very few kids actually liked 11th grade poetry.
“Now, everyone is going to pick a partner and from this list-” the woman held up a stack of papers in her hand. “You are going to recite it – from memory – in front of the class this Friday.”
This was only met with louder groans and boos. Jon didn’t join in with the noise but he whole-heartedly agreed with his classmates. Reciting a poem in front of the class from memory? That was considered fun?
The Old Gods help him. He hated speaking in front of classes. He had gone to school with all of these people since first grade and he knew just about all of them but for whatever reason, he got up in front of them and forgot every word he had ever known. Last year, he had to give a short presentation on phobias and just showed a five-minute clip from the movie Arachnophobia to get him through it.
“Now, stop your overdramatic reactions,” Mrs. Hother said as she sent to the first chair in each row to hand them the papers so they could be passed out. “This is going to help with vocabulary and figurative language. These both are considered important things to be somewhat competent at out in the real world.”
Jon took the papers and taking one for himself, he passed the last one to the kid sitting behind him. He held the list up, studying it carefully. He recognized a few. He didn’t know them but he recognized them. Robert Frost. Edgar Allan Poe. Emily Dickson. And Shakespeare. Those were all the obvious one. The rest of them, Jon had no idea what they were; how long or how difficult it would be to memorize.
“Now, you pick your partner, you and your partner choose from this list which one you want and you have until Friday to work on it,” Mrs. Hother said with a smile; as if this was the best thing she had ever said. “Now, some of these poems, as you will find are quite long so if a poem has four or more stanzas, you and your partner will only be expected to memorize the first two. Once you pick, come up to see me and I have them on easy printouts for you to work off of.”
Jon immediately looked to one of his best mates, Grenn, who was in this same second-period class. Grenn sat two rows away and was talking with Alys Mors, who sat next to him. When Grenn caught Jon looking at him, he pointed to Alys, and though he wanted to frown and sigh, Jon, instead gave a short nod.
Damn it, Grenn, Jon grumbled silently to himself. It didn’t matter if Grenn had had a crush on Alys Mors forever. Jon needed him more than Alys Mors. But again, he said all of this silently.
With a sigh, Jon looked around at his other classmates, all teaming up together. He then looked to his left; to the seat next to his in the last row against the window.
Sansa Stark was new that year, having moved to Last Hearth and almost immediately caused a stir because she was beautiful and also seemed nice – kind of a rarity when it came to the beautiful girls in high school; at least in Jon’s opinion. He assumed, the first time he saw her on the first day of school, that the popular crowd would snatch her up for themselves immediately. And maybe they had tried but Sansa Stark made it obvious to everyone within the first week that while being so nice to everyone, she also didn’t seem to be interested in making friends.
It wasn’t like he was always watching her but he noticed that she was on her phone often throughout the day, in between classes, and as soon as the final bell rang, she was practically running from the school. He just figured it was something to do with her family or maybe she had an after-school job to get to.
Sansa was looking at the list but feeling eyes on her, she turned her head to Jon. She gave him a small smile and Jon returned it.
“Partners?” He suggested.
“Alright,” she nodded. “Do you have a preference?”
“Something short and easy.”
Sansa laughed at that. “I know most of these. Mrs. Hother did not give us any of those.”
“Of course she didn’t,” he frowned. “Where’s the fun in that?”
She laughed again and Jon noted how light and soft it was. “We can do “IF” by Rudyard Kipling. It’s a good one. It’s long so we just have the first two stanzas to worry about. Unless… do you want to do another one?”
“No,” Jon shook his head quickly. “That sounds like a good one,” he said as if he had any idea what the Hell any of these poems were. And Sansa smiled at him; as if she could read his mind. He smiled a little, too. “Do you want to meet after school and start working on it?”
“I have to go home right after school,” Sansa said and she began to shake her head. “I… I know we do have to work on it though. If you’d want to, you could come over.” She said those words but he could tell that she was unsure about saying them; as if she wasn’t entirely sure that she should be saying them.
“That sounds good,” Jon agreed before he over-analyzed her behavior. “My mom has a divorced women’s support group meeting at our house this evening and except for the good delivery they always get, it’s best to stay away from it. The women have told me they all love me but I’m also a guy so they hate me at the same time, too.”
Sansa smiled and let out a laugh.
Seven Hells this girl was beautiful. He wondered why she didn’t have any friends; or rather, why she didn’t want any. He wondered what she was always looking at on her phone. He wondered where she was always rushing off to every afternoon. He wondered about her.
Maybe Grenn wanting to be partners with Alys Mors wasn’t the worst thing. Now, he was partners with Sansa Stark and no offense to Grenn, but this seemed much better.
“Meet you on the front steps after final bell?” Jon quickly suggested before he could say something really stupid – like telling her how beautiful she was.
Sansa paused for only a moment before she gave a single nod. “Meet you there.”
Jon had a car and he drove them to Sansa’s house, he following Sansa’s directions. Her messenger bag was in her lap and he saw the way her fingers curled around the sides of it, her grip growing tighter; as if she was growing more and more nervous for some reason.
“I looked up this poem during lunch,” Jon broke the silence between them. “Thank God we only have to do the first two stanzas.”
Sansa’s lips twitched at that and she turned her head to look at him. “Did you like it?”
“I don’t know,” he answered honestly. “I was more distracted with wondering how I’m going to memorize at least one of these stanzas.”
Sansa didn’t comment on that but she still smiled faintly and looked back out the windshield. “I live with my uncle and aunt,” she said rather suddenly. “My Uncle Benjen and his wife, my Aunt Willa. I…” she took a deep breath and looked at him, Jon glancing at her before back to the road but he let her know that he as definitely listening. “My mom and dad and siblings live in Winterfell. But it was decided that it would be best if I moved up here to live with my aunt and uncle.”
That gave Jon a Hell of a lot more questions but he realized that he was probably the only person at Last Hearth High School to know that about her. Maybe this meant that she would tell him more. He hoped so. Sansa was nice and beautiful and he wanted to know a lot more.
“It’s right up here,” Sansa said, pointing ahead.
It was a gray ranch house with a bright yellow door and white wicker outdoor furniture on the front porch. Jon pulled into the driveway but parked near the end in case someone needed to get in or out of the garage. Sansa looked downright pale now. Well, more pale and Jon wanted to ask her if she was or if he was just imagining it.
He followed her from the car, up the driveway, up the front walkway to the porch and the front door. He saw her as she physically paused with her hand on the doorknob, exhaling a deep breath. She looked at him and Jon began to frown, wondering what the Hell was going on. Did she, with her aunt and uncle murder people and there was going to be dead bodies or their parts all over inside?
“I need you to promise me something,” she then said.
“Alright.” Jon didn’t think about his answer because he didn’t think that he had to.
“It would really mean a lot if you didn’t tell everyone at school about…” she took another deep breath and swallowed. “Just don’t tell anyone about this.”
“About what?”
Sansa didn’t answer. She pushed open the front door and Jon saw that it opened into a small entry way and the living room. The television was on and he heard the television was turned to some cartoon.
“Mama!” He then heard and as Sansa stepped into the house, Jon was able to see more.
The toys on the carpeted floor, the blanket spread out, and the little toddler sitting on it, stretching her arms out for Sansa as soon as she saw her come into the house.
“Hi, baby girl,” Sansa quickly dropped her bag and went straight for the toddler – obviously, her daughter – and scooped her up, kissing her on the cheek. “Oh, I missed you today. Did you miss me today?”
“Yes!” The girl exclaimed, clapping her hands, and Sansa laughed, kissing her cheek again.
She looked back to Jon, who was still standing at the door, seeing what was in front of him but also, not really seeing it at all.
Sansa had a baby? But how? They were in high school.
Well, that’s stupid, Jon, he swore at himself. His mom was eighteen when she had him and Sansa was far from the first teenager in this world to have a baby.
It made sense now. Constantly on the phone between classes, she was probably checking on her daughter. And rushing out of school right as the day ended, she was hurrying to be here. Was this why her parents sent her up to Last Hearth to live?
With the smallest smile, Jon closed the front door behind him.
“Clara, this is Jon. He goes to school with me,” Sansa said. “Can you say hi to Jon?”
The little girl looked at Jon and was still smiling. She looked like Sansa, he noted. Jon smiled back.
“Hi!” She chirped.
Jon’s smile widened. “Hi, Clara.”
She giggled, bringing her hands to her mouth, and Sansa smiled, too. She then looked to Jon and kept smiling. And Jon was grinning like an idiot but he didn’t really care.
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mochideleche · 4 years
maybe draco malfoy isn’t all that bad...
pairing : draco malfoy x female ravenclaw reader
summary : when one fateful day your new potions seating plan ends up with you sitting next to draco, but from that springs a little friendship with little library sessions and astronomy tower rendezvous that leaves you constantly in internal conflict 
A/N it starts in third year but it isn't a full-blown fanfic if u get me just the important parts. i tried my best to follow the harry potter plot to make it seem canon as possible but there might be some bits that don't overlap because my memory is a bit fuzzy, hope you enjoy! ;) (also my requests are open)
warnings: fluff, lil bit angsty, no smut because that’s cringe 
It started in third year when you were made to sit next to him. Of course you were scared, you were being made to sit next to the draco malfoy, the son of a supposed death eater. Yes, you had heard all the horrible things he had done, seen the way he had treated those he deemed unworthy and witnessed as he bullied countless people for his own entertainment. You despised him for it. Thankfully, you had never been at the end of his wretched tormenting but that didn’t change the way you felt towards him. 
But for Draco on the other hand, he was over the moon when he saw you sitting next to the desk he was assigned to. He stared at you, eyes focused on your textbook, hair falling in your face and your hand tapping the table as you read. He loved it when you did that, he noticed how you hands seemed to have a mind of their own when he first laid eyes on you in transfiguration, 1st year. He loved the way your eyes sparkled when you laughed, he loved how nonchalant you were when you answered a difficult question with ease and he loved the way your smile made him feel. Although, that smile was never directed at him. He would never admit it, but you were the prettiest girl he had ever seen and let’s say, he developed a soft spot for you. Making sure that none of his cronies made you their victim and always steering clear of your path when crabbe and goyle where looking to attack anything with a pulse. But he’d never let anyone know, he could never let anyone know that the cold slytherin pureblood had fallen in love with a ravenclaw sweetheart. 
You refused to acknowledge his presence, letting him drop his books on the desk and slouch in his chair, resting his chin in his hand and he looked at the front, boredom evident on his face. You sat stiff in your chair, trying all the best to concentrate on the instructions snape was setting. Not only did you have to take a dreaded class with Hogwarts’ most hated teacher, but you were now made to take the class next to Hogwarts’ most hated student. 
But to your surprise, it wasn’t as bad as you thought.
 Through out the year you and Draco became- well, close-closer than you were ever expecting, but you wouldn’t call yourself friends.
 It started when you just couldn’t seem to get your fire going and were falling behind as your classmates took the best pick of the ingredients, you rolled your eyes at your sudden inability to produce a fire and knew immediately you would be left with scraps of herbs and powders and a low grade. 
But before you could drag yourself to the store cupboard to collect what was left of the ingredients, you noticed a neat pile of the ingredients next to your cauldron. Your eyes whipped up to Draco who was staring into to his pot, already mixing the concoction with a lazy hand. He looked up to you gave you a small smile and went back to stirring. 
So he had done it. You couldn’t believe that draco malfoy had just done something nice. Maybe he wasn't all bad...
The rest of the year went on like that, little things in potions such as you starting both yours and his fires as he got the ingredients, him chopping up things you didn’t like the smell of and you tidying up his desk when he went to present his final potion to snape.
 And not in just potions too, he also sent small smiles to you in the hallways, gave you little waves across the great hall when nobody was looking and sometimes making small talk as you two approached your next lesson. 
And throughout the months, you began to realise, Draco wasn’t all he seemed to be. Of course, you said nothing of it - not to anyone, not because you were scared what people may think if they found out you didn’t totally despise the muggle born hater but because you knew that Draco didn’t want anyone to know that he didn’t totally hate his ravenclaw potions partner. 
Then came fourth year, you weren’t seated next to draco, but hermionie granger who you absolutely loved. Now the two smartest girls in the year were partners in potions. 
That year you had sat next to her in the majority of your lessons and the two of you became rather close. This was one of the reasons you weren’t so upset that you weren’t sitting next to Draco anymore. Hermionie was a great reminder of all the dreadful things Draco was responsible for doing. 
Over the summer you found yourself thinking of a certain someone. You didn’t want to admit it but maybe coming to not hate Draco was an understatement, but you didn’t want to say that maybe you had fallen for him. 
You shook the thoughts out of your head on the first day of school. Maybe it was because the attention Draco gave you made you feel special and caused you to think that you were in love with him, no- not in love- you couldn’t be in love, it was only a small crush which was entirely unreasonable and would go away soon...right? 
Besides, think of all the horrible things he’s done, they didn’t just go away because he was nice to you? He’s an arrogant pureblood supremacist, bullies other houses and freely uses the term mudblood. You could not let yourself fall in love with someone like him. 
Not to mention his father, but you couldn’t set that as a reasonable excuse, children are not their parents choices. But you still deemed Draco as a bad idea. And just looking at hermionie, an avid victim of Draco’s terror, made you guilty that you even considered  being civil towards him. 
But despite all that, nothing stopped your heart from pounding when the same blonde hair boy tapped you on the shoulder one night in the library. 
“Y/N, can I ask you a favour?” he had asked, scratching the back of his head, as his stormy grey eyes looked everywhere but you. 
“yes?” you answered, looking up at the boy who seemed, for some reason, nervous.                     
“Is it alright, if you help me with this? please” he said, placing down he herbology essay that was due the next morning.
You stared at him as if he was joking, draco malfoy, asking for help?
“You’re one of the smartest people in our year” he reasoned, pursing his lips and trying to avoid eye contact, “ so I thought maybe you knew how to-”
“I can help,” You said softly, wanting to stop Draco from trying to persuade you, it just made you all the more flustered.  
His eyes lit up and he hurriedly sat down in the chair next to you as you took your quill with a shaky hand and began explaining. 
You scribbled away at the piece of parchment in front of you as you tried to explain the various uses for different types of herbs and plants but out of the corner of your eye you could see that Draco wasn’t looking at your detailed diagrams or flowcharts, but at you. 
You hoped you weren’t as red as you thought you were. 
the two of you sat there for what seemed hours but thankfully draco had got the answers he had came for and had began on his essay. After you had explained, you had hoped he would go to another desk or back to his common room 
but he stayed there with you. 
You could not concentrate on a single word you tried to read whilst he was there. You glanced over at him, his back hunched over the desk, his eyes, narrowed, following his quill as he wrote away. 
You were surprised he took in that much, you were never a good teacher. In a weird way, it felt like the old days, when you two would get on with your work not giving each other any attention but fully aware that the other was there next to them. 
You did your best to read, your hand tapping away at the desk as it always did, when a large hand enveloped your own. 
“Do you always have to do that?” Draco asked, a small smirk on his lips and a raised eyebrow cocked towards you. 
“Sorry, I can’t help it” you replied. Your heart pounding even louder, since when did Draco take in that little detail? 
“Well, I guess we’ll just have to give your hand something to do then” and he moved his hand from on top of yours and settled his long slender fingers in between your own. Holding your hand gently. 
you were definitely as red as you thought you were now. So you turned away, not wanting him to see you blush, your face facing straight down at you book but your eyes were not reading the words on the pages. 
you heard him chuckle and that made your heart explode.
 And the night went on like that, you, trying awfully hard to read the textbook and Draco scribbling away and all the while your hands settled on the desk between you, holding on to each other. You were estatic.
However, as much as you dreaded it, the night had to come to an end, 
Draco walked you out of the library and you came to notice that you two were the only ones left in there. 
“Thank you, by the way” he said, his eyes scanning your face as if he was looking for something. 
“It’s alright,” you said and with fear of being left in awkward silence you began to walk away slowly. 
Draco seemed to get the message and began retracting too, towards the stairs that led down to the dungeons, “Goodnight Y/N” and he turned around, a large smile painted on his face.
“Goodnight Draco,” you said quietly, not sure that he heard but a small laugh escape his lips as he walked further away leaving you with an equally large grin plastered on your face. 
Maybe Draco Malfoy wasn’t all that bad. 
The rest of fourth year went on like that, little visits from Draco now and then when you were in the library. He’d sit next to you and you’d both get on with your work until curfew. 
He’d even break into small hushed chats with you and through those you got to know him more. He’d go on forever about how he wanted to travel the world, learn all kinds of magic and how he’d get himself a pet dragon. How he adored flying, how he loved his mother, how hard his father was on him. 
It surprised you, that the Draco you grew up to know was nothing like the blonde haired boy sitting next to you. He was simply- misunderstood, so to say. But you knew it was more than that.
and at the end of every session, he’d walk you out the library and wish you a goodnight. 
But you thought nothing of it. 
At least you tried to, but you heart thought otherwise. 
You kept on having to remind yourself of all the horrible things he had said and done- and it wasn’t hard either, not when he was tormenting people on the daily. Word spread and you heard it. And it kept you grounded. 
Not to mention your growing friendship with hermionie, through her you heard of all the rivalry between harry and draco, finding yourself favouring harry despite not knowing him very well. But deep down, you kept thinking, what if I could be the one to change Draco? 
As far as you knew, Draco was only ever sweet, gentle and well- pleasant around you. To everyone else he was cold, pompous and malicious. If everyone saw him how you did, they would see that draco wasn’t all that bad.
But the guilt came flooding in when you heard hermionie was crying from being bullied and being called, yet again, a mudblood by draco. He’d gone too far. 
That night when you saw him walking down the aisles of the library towards you, you scooped up your books and walked away from him.
And of course he followed you.
“Y/N!” he shouted after you as you stalked down the hallway, away from him.
He grabbed you by the wrist, you turned around and unleashed your fury.
“Why do you do it?” you asked, doing your best to stay relatively calm. 
“What-” he began, confusion washed across his face, but you weren’t finished.
“Why do you act the way you do? Thinking that anyone who isn't pureblood is less than you are, thinking that it’s alright to call people disgusting names, thinking that you can just bully anyone for your own entertainment?” You rambled, obviously shocking Malfoy greatly, he had never seen you angry before.
“You act so-so-so different towards me!” you exclaimed, trying to find the right words to explain how you felt, “not arrogant, not egotistical, not haughty at all, so why draco malfoy, do you chose to torment the rest of the school? What makes me so different that you show me someone nobody else knows? why can’t show who you really are to the rest of the world, show them how I see you? or is the person you are when you’re with me all an act?” you said, your eyes brimming with tears. 
It was so difficult, having this constant internal conflict of wether you should give draco a chance or not. It was difficult feeling so guilty whenever you heard another evil deed he had carried out yet you still let your heart loose control when you saw him.
Then he did something unexpected.
He hugged you. 
You felt his arms engulf you before you were aware of what he was doing. He pressed you against his chest, arms wrapped tightly around you as if he was scared to letting go. 
You breathed in his minty scent, the smell of his freshly washed uniform, you felt his heart beating incredibly hard against his chest. 
Then you were crying. 
You two stood there, holding each other like your lives depended on it, what an odd sight to see. For anyone who would stumble into the third floor hallway, they would be completely baffled to see Draco Malfoy hugging a crying Y/N Y/L/N. 
Because, nobody knew.
Nobody knew how Draco and you became aquatinted, nobody noticed the smiles or waves draco sent your way, nobody saw how your eyes lit up when you saw him, nobody walked up to you two when you were together in the back of the library, nobody knew how much you cared for draco, and nobody knew how hard draco had fallen for you.
“It’s because I’m not ready for the world to see yet” Draco whispered into your hair as you clutched at his sweater vest. 
The next few weeks, you were beginning to see how wonderful life could be. 
Draco no longer sneered at everyone, but kept to himself and was rarely starting fights anymore. He didn't even try to start a row with harry every time he saw him but just ignored him and walked on. And ever since that night, you had never heard him call anyone mudblood again. 
Hogwarts was relieved that they were free from Dracos torments but that didn’t mean they weren’t all still scared shitless by him.
And you were also very thankful that hermionie kept harry and ron civil too, so life at hogwarts was pretty great, you were sure everyone would see that Draco Malfoy wasn’t so bad...
Then fifth year started. 
Umbridge, made your life a living hell. not to mention, Voldemorts return. but you couldn’t let that get in your way. As a newly chosen prefect, you found yourself comforting people more than ever, telling them how things would work out, how dumbledore would come back and how they shouldn’t give up hope so easily. 
Easier said than done. 
You saw less of Draco these days. With Umbridge’s stupid rules keeping you apart. 
Although his visits always made your week no matter how infrequent they were. 
He even made an effort to sneak up to the astronomy tower where he’d bring you food from the kitchen and you’d spend all night lying next to each other and looking up at the stars. 
“Do you see it?” he asked one night, pointing up to the sky as you two stood shoulder to shoulder by the railing, “sirius, the brightest star” 
“Where?” you asked, leaning in closer to his to see his point of view, the top of your head resting just next to his chin.
“There” and he moved his hand to wrap around behind you and pointed up to the sky, his long, slim fingers coming out from the corner of your view. 
“Oh, I see it” you giggled, turning your face towards his which was much closer than before causing you to hold your breath.
“Oh really?” he smirked, bending his head down towards yours, looking down at your lips for a quick second, then back up to your eyes. 
“mhmm” you replied as you felt his arm now making its way to your waist as you turned your body to face his. 
And before you knew it his soft lips were pressed against yours. 
You couldn’t stop yourself from smiling. 
Sooner or later, you thought nervously, as you walked to transfiguration. 
Sooner or later, people will find out that i’ve been fooling around with Draco Malfoy.
These days, your never saw Draco. After your kiss, his visits began to gradually stop which made your heart ache. 
You knew it was because he had his stupid inquisitorial squad to lead but on the other hand you were rather relived.
It took a lot of convincing but hermionie had got you to tag along to the dumbledore’s army meetings. Of course you wanted to go and thought it was brilliant that harry was teaching defence against the dark arts: You absolutely despised the new system umbridge was forcing onto you and you weren’t going to fail your exam. 
But, you knew very well that umbridge was breathing down your necks trying to spot rebels who disobeyed her rules,
and one way she did that was through draco. 
Through out your little rendezvous you never mentioned what draco was doing for umbridge and neither did draco. Things were simpler like that. 
You didn’t want what you had to be ruined. One of the only things that kept you sane throughout your painful days of rigid education. 
But that very same thing kept you apart.
And oh did that barrier cause so much inconvenience when one fateful night in the room of requirement, where the walls being bashed down from the outside. 
Harry told you all to run off first, and so you did. You, dean, seamus and Angelina all running down the seventh corridor like your lives depended on it.
 But not before you saw a tuft of blonde hair out of the corner of your eye when you raced down the stairs.
There was no hope now. 
You knew draco had seen your name on that list. And it had been a week and he still hadn’t talked to you. 
Not to mention his father being thrown into azakaban. 
You knew he was suffering because of it, and you wanted to comfort him, but how? How on earth were you meant to comfort draco when you thought that lucius malfoy had every right to be locked up? 
And after what draco did to your friends? After all of fourth year getting him to change? Suddenly going back on his word and becoming horrible again and helping umbridge terrorise hogwarts, the place you though of as a second home? 
No, you had been too kind for long enough. 
Maybe Draco Malfoy was a bad idea. 
But what about all those times you spent in the library? on the astronomy tower? When he kissed you? 
No, Draco Malfoy was a bad idea and you needed to stop denying it. 
Sixth year - the first year you weren’t excited to be back. 
The return of voldemort had finally settled within the community and it made everything so dreadful. 
As a prefect, people came to you for advice and comfort surrounding school and homework, 
now people came to you scared and overflowing with anxiety wether their families would be okay or whether they would make it to another year of hogwarts. 
Then there was draco. 
You first saw him get off the train when you arrived, taller than last year, paler than ever, and with a permanent frown on his face. 
You had to admit, his black suit made him look extremely dashing but, no
You had to stop thinking of him like that. 
But he always caught your attention, the almost white blonde hair was hard not to miss.
 You tried not to notice but you couldn’t help it, you couldn’t help noticing how he looked sadder these days, picked at his food, never seen around the castle if it wasn’t in class. 
Heck you even changed your prefect duty so that it would be on the same night as his, but he never seemed to show up for it. 
You couldn’t help but worry about draco. 
But he acted as if you didn’t even exist 
The stolen glances, the small smiles, little waves thrown across the hall, all gone. But you didn’t care...did you?
Then you started hearing things, how draco malfoy was a death eater, how he was seen with death eaters during the summer and how he was the one to curse katie bell. 
You tried to not let it bother you, you shouldn’t care. 
But you did care when you heard what happened in the bathroom. 
Without a second thought you ran to the hospital wing, in the early hours of the morning when you were sure nobody would be around. 
You saw draco, his torso wrapped with bandages and your heart broke. 
Collapsing on the side of his bed you cried. Oh God how hard it was to see him like this, how hard it was to pretend that you didn’t give a damn about what happened to him, how hard it was to pretend that you didn’t love draco malfoy. 
You left as soon as you could, not wanting draco to see you at his side, not wanting to face an awkward argument and not letting him know that you still cared. 
But as draco woke up and found the side on his blanket wet and smelling vaguely of a certain perfume, he knew exactly what you’d done. 
And it made his heart break. 
The astronomy tower was where you used to go when you couldn’t sleep, which was very often but now, you avoided that place like the plague. 
It had now become yours and dracos place, where you’d spent nights together, where you’d wish on stars together, where you’d had your first kiss with him...
you hadn’t stepped near that place at all when you started the year and now you stood there, and it felt so wrong. 
You wanted some time to think, sitting down in your pyjamas, knees tucked up to your chest and staring at the sky. 
You looked at all the constellations trying to make out the ones that draco had pointed out to you-
Nope, for fucks sake.
But before you could get angry at yourself you realised you weren’t alone. 
Someone had come to the top of the stairs, their footsteps echoing down the empty stairwell, stopping once they saw you. 
You stayed put, you didn’t want to turn around, maybe if you stayed still for long enough, they won't even realise you're there. 
Oh, but they did.
He stood next to you, his glossy black dress shoes right next to your legs. 
Oh you’ve got to be fucking kidding me. 
He sat down, crossed his legs but kept his gaze up at the sky. 
“Do you see it?” He asked softly, you hadn’t heard his voice in months.
You shook your head not knowing what else to say. 
“Sirius, the brightest star” 
Your heart pumped against your ribcage, as if wanting to escape, tears began welling up in your eyes and your voice choked as you spoke, “where?” 
He leaned in closer, pointing up to the sky and tilting his head so it brushed against yours, “There” 
“Oh I see it” you said quietly, without emotion or bounce to your voice like you had said it before. what was he doing?
“Oh really” he said sadly and you forced yourself to look at him. 
He was staring right at you with sad grey eyes. 
“I’ve missed you” he croaked out, and you couldn’t help yourself. 
You flung yourself on him, almost causing him to lose his balance and fall back, but you felt his arms encase you around your waist and he held on tight. 
Oh how you cried. 
You were sobbing, getting his jumper all wet, but he didn’t seem to care. 
He began mumbling softly, his voice cracking as he choked back tears, “Y/N Im so sorry, im so so sorry, the things I did...” 
He stroked your hair, rocking the two of you back and forth, “I had to- I don’t want to do it. I-I-I have no choice. he’s making me do these things, I can’t do it, but he’ll kill my family, he’ll kill you” 
You stopped breathing at that point, so it is true.
Draco was a death eater.
But you couldn’t bring yourself to rip away from him and interrogate him, you decided it was best if you let him let it all out.
So that was why he was avoiding you, Voldemort was threatening to kill you if draco didn't obey him. 
Oh God, what had draco got himself into?
“It’ll be okay,” You said, you didn’t think it would be but what else could you have said? 
“I’ll be here for you, no matter what happens” You stated, wrapping your hands tighter around his neck, “Promise” 
“I’m so sorry” he shuddered against you, heaving greatly and crying into your shoulder, “I can’t let him hurt you...” 
And from that moment you knew Draco Malfoy wasn’t all that bad. 
his words ringed through your ears “Please promise me, you’ll stay in your dorm tomorrow night, please I beg you” 
You couldn’t say no.
He had held your hand in between his, grey eyes pleading with you, to not lay a foot outside your common room until morning. 
And so you did. 
But as soon as you heard the commotion, fellow housemates running around and the sounds of mass of students leaving the common room, you had to leave.
I’m sorry draco.
But as soon as you got out of the castle you wanted nothing but to go back inside.
Seeing you headmaster, crumpled on the floor caused your heart to drop 10 feet. 
And knowing who had done it made your heart stop beating all together. 
At the funeral you felt so guilty, knowing that the act was going to take place but you hadn’t said anything about it to protect draco.
Of course you didn’t question him on what he was asked to do, you didn’t want to force him to speak about something he so highly detested. 
You were so conflicted, you loved a murderer. 
But you knew that he only acted to protect his family, to protect you.
You spent the next few days locked up in your dorm, crying.
Draco had disappeared and you had a very good idea why.
The day before you were due to leave school, a knock came on your door. You thought it was just another one of your friends bringing you the dinner you had always decided to skip but this time it was hermionie. 
You didn’t even question how she had got in, she sat on your bed and took a hand to comfortingly pet you. 
“ Draco didn’t do it” Hermionie said suddenly, and you sat up.
“He didn’t?” was the first of many questions you wanted to bombard her with, your heart rate picked up speed, how did she know about you and draco?
“It was snape, draco couldn’t do it” 
Relief spread over you, but it quickly disappeared, if draco couldn’t complete his task, what was going to happen to him now ? 
“I saw you together once” Hermionie started, looking at you with kind eyes, “in the library- and I couldn’t believe it, but then when i noticed how behaved he was being and i had a good guess that it was because of you” 
you nodded your head and let her to continue.
“then when you declined to join dumbledores army, well it all clicked then, but it was so strange i didn’t know why you’d wanted to date draco, no offence “ 
“none taken” you sniffled, she had every right to think that but you wondering, how could hermionie be so calm about the subject?
You felt so bad about keeping it from her that you immediately broke out into a ramble,
“hermionie, i want you to know how awful i felt at the start when i had even had the slightest feelings for draco, but then i started to see it was all an act, to please his family, he’s not all that bad, he’s sweet, caring and-” 
your voice faltered, but hermionie understood. 
“he said-” you continued, tears falling out of your eyes again, “that voldemort had threatened to kill his family- to kill me if he didn’t do it” 
Although hermionie was incredibly smart, and smart enough to figure out what was going on between you and draco, this seemed to surprise her. 
“And now he’s failed to do it, i don’t know what’s going to happen to him” you cried, and hermionie rushed to hug you.
But it brought no comfort at all. 
Seventh year, you didn’t want to return at all. 
Hogwarts was no longer your second home, but a prison.
You didn’t care about your education anymore, all you cared about was surviving. You spent countless nights planning and sneaking around the castle, trying to evacuate as many people as possible without getting yourself killed. 
You hated life.
But you had to keep going. Classes were down to about 10 people per class- mostly slytherins, and your common room now only consisted of a couple of younger years and the older students who were insisting to stay to take back hogwarts one bit at a time. You were one of them. 
Then there was draco. 
When you fist saw him in the great hall you were thankful that he was alive.
 unfortunately, the good news ended there.
 he’d ignored you, like the beginning of sixth year but now you hoped it was for good reason, because he was protecting you. besides, he had a lot of his own reasons to worry about.
 But seeing him and not being able to talk to him made you even more depressed, it just made the whole thing a lot more worse. 
As a person from dumbledores army, you were taken in, questioned about harry’s whereabouts, where the missing students had left to and how they were leaving. 
The carrows and slytherins were horrible, forcing you to drink veritaserum, locking you up until you agreed to talk and using crucio on you once or twice. 
the pain was unbearable but you didn’t want to give them the satisfaction of seeing you crumble. 
So when you were finally kicked out of their office, you strode away with your nose held high but as you were out of sight, you allowed yourself to slump. You held back your tears though, crying wasn't going to solve anything.
Then you were pulled aside into an alcove which once held a statue but now remained empty.
Draco’s grey eyes were looking down at you with the upmost concert, scanning your face and gripping the sides of your arms tightly.
It broke draco to see you like this, he knew exactly what the carrows had done to you and everything you had to go through. He hated that he couldn’t stop it. 
You were thinner, paler and you had a fresh scar on the side of your left cheek where a 7th year slytherin had hit you during one of your questionings. 
Tears where welling up in dracos eyes as he cupped your face in his shaking hands, “leave, please,”
“Draco i can’t-”
“I know you know where they are, please leave, for your own sake, I can’t bare to see them hurt you anymore” 
You knew that draco wanted to stop them but he couldn’t do it without making it obvious he had someone to care for on the enemy side. 
it wouldn’t do any of you good. 
But you couldn’t reply as the moment was cut short by the sound of blaise and pansy’s voices echoing down the corridor. 
draco left you with one last pleading look as you stood deep within the alcove. 
“draco!” pansy squealed and the sounds of their footsteps leading away faded down the stairs. 
 the battle of hogwarts had started. 
It was a blur, you tried your best to keep everyone calm as you helped usher the students through the portrait hole and out of hogwarts wondering if you’d live to see them again. 
you were assigned to kingsley’s team but you evidently got separated from them as you battled for your life. 
Deatheaters were screaming avada kedavra, luckily none of them hit you. 
You could never imagine saying it, so you stuck with your ‘stupefy’s but at one point you found yourself standing at the body of one of your friends, so you resulted to spells that your victims couldn’t ever heal from.
It hurt seeing your friends attacked, outnumbered and hit. You faught with a constant panic within you, narrowly missing and blocking spells which would had definitely killed you. 
But you saw it through.
It pained you to see draco’s family screaming for him, no longer occupied with the war but only for finding their son. 
No doubt you too felt the same but you couldn’t see the tuft of blonde hair anywhere throughout the night or the early morning as ran through the castle. 
Once the whole thing was over, you made your way around the hall, helping to heal the wounded, comforting the mourning. But you had have enough, you couldn’t take it. 
And somehow you found yourself back at the astronomy tower.
In ruins now, yes, half of the end wall had been broken down so it opened to a 100ft drop to the bottom of the mountains, asphalt and bricks laid everywhere and half the railing had been torn off, now hanging lonely over the edge. 
staring down at the castle grounds you hoped that perhaps it could be rebuilt, even stronger for the next generation to come. How far you had come, how lucky you were to have survived, it was all over. 
then like a miracle you heard foot steps walking up of what was left of the stairs, you turned and standing there in his white dress shirt, ash stained trousers and missing his blazer, was draco.
You couldn’t believe it. At the end of the battle you didn’t know what to think but when you couldn’t spot any of the malfoys, you assumed- you had hoped, that they escaped-along with draco, to safety. But you couldn’t help but think, what if he didn’t make it out safely?
Now he stood there, in front of you- all in one piece, when you had braced yourself for the worst.
“you’re alive” he smiled, and you ran to him, jumping on him and encasing him in the tightest hug you could muster. 
Tears that you had been holding back fell from your eyes as you rammed out your ‘i’m so glad your safe’s and ‘i’ve missed you so much’s and ‘where were you?’s
a small laugh escaped dracos lips and that reply was all you needed.
“I love you” he whispered against your hair as you sobbed never ending tears of pure happiness and relief.
“I love you too,” you croaked out between your intakes of breaths with a  smile appearing on your face.
you forced yourself to step back a bit so that you could look up to the face you so dearly missed. 
“your family, are they alright?” you asked genuinely concerned. 
“Yes, they’re fine. they’ve had to come to face a lot though, and I don’t think my father would be happy if he found out i had fought for your side” he sighed, looking down at you with a tired face and a lazy smile. 
your eyes widened, “you fought for our side?!” 
your heart leapt for him even more.
“Of course i did!” he smiled, leaning down so that your foreheads touched, “I couldn’t see you at all, i tried to find you as soon as the fighting started but-”
“well im here now” you interrupted, seeing the anxiety creeping back on his face. you decided it was best to remind him that the two of you were there together and that was all that mattered. 
“and so you are” he grinned and with that he placed his lips on yours, just like he did that one night two years ago. 
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jamilelucato · 4 years
together [F. W.] || pt.2
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Slytherin!reader
Part 1 available here || together MASTERLIST || Part 3 here!
Summary: Professor McGonagall has had enough of yours and Weasley’s pranks. She has an idea of how to stop it, but will it be enough?
A/N: I forgot to tell you that Reyna is a character that I invented myself — so is some other random Slytherin’s students, since we don’t get to know many of them in the books. With that said, let’s dive into this part! Hope you guys like it!
There will be a third part, of course! If you wanna be tagged, just ask!
Words: 8.129
Tag List: @witchything​ @randomlonelytorment​ @themusingsofmany​ @stuckindilemma​ 
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Fred was the one who woke you up in the morning. "Good morning, y/N," he said, after shaking your right hand.
You looked down at him a bit embarrassed by what you might look like in the morning. You two used ten of the thirty minutes McGonagall had given you to change clothes and get ready.
It was the start of your second day with a binding charm that connected you and Fred, not being able to be more than five centimetres away from his wrist. It wasn't such a nightmare, though. The older Weasley twin was very gentle, although he practically paid attention to no class, he was fun to have around.
You two remet at the end of Gryffindor's stairs, right on time.
"Ok... so, I'm taking you to breakfast at my table."
"What?" you questioned, leaning your head away.
"It's for you to have social experiences... You don't talk to anyone during the times you're eating, and that's bloody depressing," Fred explained, lowering his tone while you guys left the Gryffindor's room. "Besides, I sat at yours yesterday."
"Because I slept in your room! We had a deal!" you contested, a bit rebelled.
"Come on, y/N, just one meal," he asked, with puppy eyes. You grunted and ended up accepting.
He guided you along the corridors of Hogwarts until you finally arrived at the Great Hall. Although everybody was still looking at you two, they didn't seem so shocked anymore. They quickly calmed down and got back to eating.
Reyna found your eyes from across the room — you tried to use your hands to signalize you were sitting with the Gryffindors. Your friend wasn't angry, though, because she had other friends to sit and talk.
"y/N, I present you to my friends," Fred said, pointing with his hand to the part of the table he wanted you to sit. He sat next to George, which you already knew, and you sat next to him right after. "Friends, this is y/N y/L/N."
"You are terrible at introductions" Hermione commented, her mocking smile widening.
Your eyes crinkled at the corners. "Right?" and then, turning to the rest of the table and not just Hermione, "Good morning, everyone."
Harry and Lee Jordan shook their head at your direction, opening their mouths in smiles, but Ron and Ginny didn't do anything. They kept on eating their breakfast, ignoring your presence. Fred noticed that you saw their reactions. "That was awkward, thanks, family."
You smiled, embarrassed. "It's ok."
Fred pulled his brows together but said no more. He started serving himself and you as well, which you were thankful.
Professor McGonagall passed just behind you and commented: "Everyone needed was informed about your situation, Miss y/L/N and Mr Weasley."
"Oi! Thank you, Minerva" Fred said, tilting his head in her direction. She almost reprehended him for using her first name but said nothing and just kept on walking until her table.
"Only I can call her that" you pointed out once she had left your earshot.
"Correction: not even you can call her that," he said, smiling at your expression.
When you looked away from Fred, your eyes met Ginny's. She tried to smile but stopped along the way.
"Are you friends with Malfoy?" she asked.
"Oh my God, Ginny, you can't just ask people if they're friends with Malfoy," shouted George, pretending to be worried. "But are you?"
"Not at all," you answered, making Ginny sigh, relieved. "He's just a pain in my ass most of the time."
"Can you not go back to 'asses'? We spend the whole afternoon yesterday about it," Lee Jordan interrupted. His comment made you laugh, and, soon enough, everyone was laughing.
Ginny seemed braver to ask you stuff, but you weren't offended, it was nice answering her doubts, and you hoped it would make her have a better view of the Slytherins. "Yes, we welcome muggle-borns to our house", "No, we don't talk to snakes" and things like that were some of your answers.
Ron didn't take long to start talking to you once he noticed how nice you were to his sister. Though his questions were more related to Draco Malfoy — and you didn't know much about him to give complete answers —, Ron was pleased with the information you were able to give out.
Hermione and Harry seemed happy with you; Harry, surprised to find such likeable Slytherin that didn't come from a family of Death Eaters — he had a rough past with those. Hermione was surprised when you told them your mom was a muggle-born.
"Yeah, mom was Hufflepuff," you informed, "Who would have thought she'd have a Slytherin daughter?"
Everyone laughed at your attempt to joke.
"What house was your father?" asked Harry, looking curious.
"He didn't come to Hogwarts, but Ilvermorny," you answered, forcing your mind to remember the things he used to tell you about the school. "Yeah, he's American."
Fred and George were excited about that news.
"He was... I believe it was a Thunderbolt. He didn't use to talk much about the school."
Fred tilted his head at your direction. "Use to?"
You weren't sure if you wanted to explain to everyone what had happened to your father, you didn't even want to tell Fred, but seeing that the rest of the table began to focus on the owls that were arriving with letters and other kinds of stuff, you decided to say something.
"He died when I was a kid" you whispered to Fred, making your answer short and giving no extra detail.
"I'm sorry," he said, with a sad smile and his wide eyes stared at yours, but you looked away, feeling you were about to be sad and that was not what you wanted after such enjoyable breakfast.
An owl found Fred, and he looked scared about it. "What is it?" you asked when he took the red envelope out of the owl's beak.
"It's a howler" he answered, down turning his lips.
You knew what a howler was, but you never received one — your mom was too much of an angel to send you one of those. She did, however, use to send you a three pages letter about how disappointed she was with you — she did that two years ago when you got three detentions in just one day.
Fred swallowed hard before opening his howler. What you thought it was his mom's voice came bursting and loudly — maybe even the Slytherins could be hearing that.
"FRED WEASLEY, HOW MUCH TROUBLE CAN YOU STILL CAUSE??" it started screaming. A lot of the kids around you laughed. "DO YOU WANT TO DESTROY THE SCHOOL?"
The screams kept on going while Fred listened to it rather patient. You were paying attention to every word until you owl — who were lost after she did not find you at the Slytherin's table — found you at the Griffindor's.
"Thanks, Aurora," you said to her, taking the letter and giving her a treat.
"Aurora?" Hermione was confused by your owl's name.
"Yeah, inspired in the Disney princess. My owl likes to sleep a lot," you said, and eating no more, you owl left, probably to do the exact thing you said she liked the most.
Hermione smiled, happy to hear you were a fan of muggles' movies.
Fred's howler hadn't stopped yet: "Tell that girl I'm sorry for her for putting up with you, but Professor McGonagall told me she is a good student that might put you in line. Oh! And tell Georgie to learn something with her as well!"
George and Fred stared at you, with confused looks.
"What can I say? I am a good student!"
"You're practically always in detention" pointed out George, who had seen you walking the corridors with Mr Filch a lot.
"But I have perfect grades," you remarked. Ginny giggled at your phrase.
"Is that another howler?" Fred asked, looking for the letter in your hand.
"Oh, probably not. Mom's not much of a screamer," you said, looking away. "No offence to your mom — she's seems wicked!"
"One would think that" Ron replied, making everybody laugh one last time before getting up and heading to class.
You carried your mom's letter to every class, not ready to read it yet. You and Fred had decided to attend only the best lessons of each other's schedule. For example, if you had Potions and he had Charms, you'd go to Charms. However, things didn't go as planned.
Dumbledore found you two after your first class and gave you a piece of paper with your new schedule — still a mix of both, his and yours, but in a more academic way than the fun one you and Fred had planned.
Disappointed, but not surprise, you and Fred headed to double class of Potions. You had no problem with Snape, but you had to admit he was not one of the most exciting teachers. Fred seemed to have a problem with him, but that was because Fred was a Gryffindor and Snape didn't really like that.
Lunchtime finally arrived, and you and Fred ran down the corridors to the Great Hall, because you were both starving after Snape made you both taste the Hunger Potion you had prepared at class — the requested one was a Felix Felicis. In your defence, that was an advanced potion that nobody in class managed to do.
Fred was heading towards the Slytherin's table when you poked him timidly "Fred?"
He stopped and looked down at you. "I wouldn't mind sitting with your friends" you continued, averting your eyes while your face turned as red as his hair.
Once he understood your words, he slowly opened a smile with no teeth and reached for your arm, which he squeezed during all the time it took for you to get to the Gryffindor's table.
"I told you you'd like them!" he said, still smiling. You gradually stopped being ashamed and started feeling happy.
Everybody from breakfast was happy to see you and started asking what were classes like with Fred around.
"Does he do anything at all?" Ron asked.
You giggled, "it's practically all me," you let out, receiving a fake punch to your arm from Fred.
Ginny arrived and sat at your left, eager to tell you everything she heard about you around the school. It was a lot of gossips, and eventually, you stopped listening. Students seemed to have invented the worse theories for your situation possible, you couldn't understand why.
She stopped to talk when the food got served, and you took that time to read your mom's letter.
"Dear y/N, How are you, sweetie? Minerva told me all about it. I don't understand why you insist on play pranks on the school, isn't being caught horrible? Back at my days, the most fun I had was throwing hidden parties maybe you should do that. She told me about the boy as well. If he comes to be too bad, please contact me, and I'll put an end to this. But, right now, it appears to be super wicked! I told Minerva you wouldn't feel it as much as a punishment — I was young once, and I know all I would give to be around a cute boy all day. Oh, how I know he's cute? His father has shown me a picture of every single one of his kids while on work; although I don't know which one of them you got tied up with, they all looked extra handsome in the pictures!"
The letter didn't stop there, but you had to stop reading once you noticed chuckles and fast breaths close to your neck. You turned your head immediately and caught Fred reading your letter over your shoulder.
"Fred!" you shouted, slapping his arms, but not hard enough so he wouldn't be angry.
"Sorry, you seemed concentrated, I wanted to know why..." he said, fighting laughs, "Please thank your mom for the compliment, I am truly handsome."
"Yeah, right!" you slapped him once more. George giggled from behind Fred.
"I'll stop! I'll stop!" he promised while you hit him.
"Good" you sighed, going back to reading, this time positioning the letter closer to Ginny.
Your mom went on about the new things she bought for the house and the new muggle movie she had watched. You were not interested to know those things, but you would never tell her so — she became such a lonely woman after the loss of your father, that you liked that she saw you as a best friend. Fred didn't try to read what she had written anymore, or at least, he was able to cover up.
The first week was the worst to get by — you sometimes forgot that Fred Weasley had to follow you everywhere around, like times when you wanted to go to the restroom, and you didn't warn him, making it impossible for the thirty minutes free to be used.
Classes were exciting at first, but then they turned back to the usual boredom. If you and Fred wanted to be free of the spell to enrol yourselves at the Triwizard Tournament and prank people again, you needed to behave. Professor McGonagall seemed to be approving your actions since she started to smile down at you from her time at dinners.
Scared of abandoning Reyna to your new Gryffindor's friends, and having to go back to her when it all ended, you discussed with Fred the possibility of having at least a meal in the Slytherin's table, so you could talk to your friend and find out how things were going. Reyna was happy to have you back — according to her, she did have other friends, but none of them was as good of a listener than you — and she ended up starting a friendship with Fred, glad for his spontaneous playfulness.
George decided to sit one day with you two at the Slytherin's table, and he and Reyna hit it off well, at least, better than you were expecting since George was shyer than his brother.
It didn't take long for each one of them from Gryffindor to sit at the Slytherin's table too. One day, Ginny ran to you to talk about a lesson she was having difficulties — and she wanted your help because Fred told George who told her that you were excellent at Charms.
Lee Jordan sat down one day, followed by George, to talk about how much he missed Quidditch, finding a fan amongst the table: Reyna. She had gone to every single Cup her father managed to buy tickets, and she could spend hours talking about the sport — apparently, so could the twins and Lee, because you had to call out their attention to go to classes.
One week before the binding charm deadline, you put an end to all that run the Gryffindors did to sit with you and Fred. You found Reyna walking in the Great Hall and reached her before she sat down with a proposition. "Reyna, it's ok if you say no, but why don't you come to sit with us at Griffindor's?"
She stared at serious before opening the biggest smile ever. "Really? Can I?" you shook your head yes, with Fred smiling right next to you.
"We'd gladly have you," he said.
"Then let's go!" she said, reaching for your hand and pulling it hard towards were Lee Jordan and George Weasley were sitting.
The harsh pull got you by surprise, and before falling, you reached for Fred's hand, dragging him with you. You three ran to the Gryffindor's table, all giggling. Fred couldn't stop looking at your hand in his, and thinking why hadn't he done that before. It felt perfectly fit and warm.
Reyna was more welcome at the table than you. As you once noticed, she could be a perfect Hufflepuff if not because of her powerful ambition. Reyna dreamed becoming the Minister of Magic, and you were sure she wouldn't rest until she got the job.
Hermione liked her a lot because of that ambitious side.
Ron and Harry were worried at first, probably because they were the ones there with the most resentfulness towards your house. However, Reyna managed to charm their worries away, playing with her hair now and then, you were sure the boys were falling in love. Lee Jordan, no doubt, awaited the same fate, as he was only able to flutter his eyelashes.
As faster as October had come, it was already about to go. They announced that the Beauxbatons and the Durmstrang would be arriving on day 30, so it would mean the end of the Binding Charm.
You didn't know how to feel. At first, you were relieved — Triwizard Tournament was about to start, and you had pondered an idea that you thought it could work to get in. Still, at the end of Transfiguration class, you were reconsidering your emotions. You would go back to your room — filled with conceited girls that you had no friendship what so ever. You'd miss Lee Jordan's remarks and nicknames for the students, and even Towler snore.
Ginny, Hermione, Ron and Harry were kids you'd be missing a lot. Especially Harry, who you noticed to have a rough life and you felt like hugging him for his innocence sometimes.
But, fundamentally, the ones you'd miss the most were the Weasley's Twins. They followed you to practically every class, and because you three shared a prankster spirit, most of the time you guys had the same ideas and the same jokes — even though Reyna was remarkable, she'd never think about cool pranks like the ones you and the Weasleys invented.
Not that you had put those ideas in practice either. You just couldn't risk McGonagall extending the duration of the curse.
Fred Weasley had grown in your concept — he was more than a boy seeking the best in life by the fun and no hard work. He had a big heart and was very sensible. Although he was always messing with Ron, he was a perfect older brother, paying attention to everything any of his younger siblings said.
He was no longer your rival, but a dear friend.
Would he still be your friend without a spell around?
Professor McGonagall pulled you two aside at the end of the class. "I just wanted to say," she started, with a whisper before the last student walked away and she raised her voice, "that I'll undo the Binding Charm tomorrow, after the Halloween's Feast."
You and Fred kept looking at her, neither of you with the courage to say something about it.
"I just won't be able to do it earlier, having to assist every guest for the Tournament."
"We understand," you said since Fred didn't seem ready to say a thing.
"Well, with that said... you may go. I believe our visitors are about to arrive," she gesticulated for the door. You and Fred slowly turned back at her and left, both very quiet about what you had just heard.
"What's wrong with you two?" George asked, approaching you in the middle of the corridor. All the students were gathering to see the arrival of the Beauxbatons and the Durmstrang, and they seemed very loud about it.
You and Fred exchanged looks, not so sure about how you were feeling. Could he be feeling the same confusion?
"Tomorrow night I'm back to my room," you said, trying to explain it easily. George looked from you to his brother, staying focused on Fred.
Reyna hushed at your direction, visibly excited. "y/N! Oh, Merlin, you have to have a look at the Durmstrang's boys!"
She pulled your hand, again forgetting that everywhere you were, Fred had to accompany. You turned to face Fred, letting your puppy eyes out and reached for his hand, that he was more than pleased to offer.
Reyna guided you to the crowd of students, walking in the Great Hall. "They'll sit at the Slytherins'! Should we go there?"
Lee Jordan found you four along the way. "Please, take us to your house table. Krum is among those students!"
George opined. "Don't do so, we won't' be able to get Ron, and you know how he is going to be," and even though Reyna and Lee wanted to go to the Slytherin's, they respected George's request, turning back to the Gryffindor table.
The group formed a line: Lee Jordan followed by Reyna who pulled you, who pulled Fred who talked to his brother. The place was way too crowded to walk with no trouble, so along the way, Reyna was telling about the boys she had liked the most. "There's one at Beauxbatons, tho..."
You didn't notice George and Fred talking about you from your behind, distracted by the volume of the conversations that surrounded you. But, whatever they were discussing, they ended it before sitting down at the table.
Ron was, as George predicted, frustrated with Krum to have sat next to Malfoy, but it didn't last long, due to soon enough he was charmed by a Beauxbatons girl that came closer to our table to get some food.
Dumbledore finally started talking, introducing Mr Crouch and Mr Bagman as two of the judges, as well as himself, Madame Maxime — from the Beauxbatons — and Professor Karkaroff — from the Durmstrang.
Mr Filch approached Dumbledore with a wooden chest encrusted with jewels. The Headmaster continued: "As you know, three champions compete in the tournament, one from each participating schools." He explained that they would give grades to the participants and the one with the highest total after the tree tasks would win. "The champions will be chosen by an impartial selector: the Goblet of Fire."
Dumbledore placed the goblet on top of the casket, where everyone could see it. "Anybody wishing to submit themselves as champions must write their name and school clearly upon a slip of parchment and drop it into the goblet," said him. "Aspiring champions have twenty-four hours in which to put their names forward."
The Headmaster then said — and he didn't even need to ask for silence, as everyone stood as quiet as they could — that the goblet would return the names of the most worthy tomorrow night.
"To ensure that no underage student yields to temptation," said Dumbledore, "I will be drawing an Age Line around the Goblet of Fire once placed in the entrance hall."
Fred, George and yourself growled at that part, angry that the Headmaster was still going for that prohibition.
"There can be no change of heart once you have become a champion," warned Dumbledore, at last, finalizing his speech. "Now, I think it is time for bed. Good night to you all."
"An Age Line!" Fred said, his eyes glinting as you followed him and the rest of the Gryffindors back to their Tower, leaving Reyna behind.
George suggested fooling the goblet with an Ageing Potion, but Hermione corrected him, pointing out that a student younger than seventeen wouldn't stand a chance. Fred and George ignored her comment and started pining over Harry Potter to see if he'd like to participate. The boy didn't answer.
Arriving at Fred's room, George seemed eager to talk to his brother but also scared to do so with you around. You rolled your eyes at them. "How much minutes we have left for today?" you asked Fred, wondering if there were minutes left from the thirty-minute break Professor McGonagall had given you.
"Perhaps a full five-minute break," he said, unsure.
"Perfect!" you said, jumping out of bed and heading out. "You have five minutes to talk to your twin, George."
You closed the door behind, only able to hear movements, but no words. There was no need, though. They were probably discussing how they'd put their names in the Goblet of Fire. What they didn't know was that, with five minutes free of Fred's fast eyes that read everything you held, you were also thinking of a way in for yourself.
You found Hermione still sitting at the common room, with books all around her. Noticing her friends weren't around her, you took the opportunity to ask her something.
"Hermione? Do you have a minute?" you asked, sitting on one of the chairs next to hers.
She looked up at you while you looked down to see what was she writing. It seemed to be about house-elves, but you didn't understand what she wanted to know about them that wasn't pretty obvious.
"Sure, y/N. What do you need?"
"I was thinking... Ageing Potion. Do you think it would be possible for one to pass Dumbledore's Age Line with one of those?" you asked, deep down already knowing the answer.
"No, I don't believe it could, Dumbledore is clever about those things," she said, looking up to think, "Perhaps Polyjuice Potion would be a better solution — disguised as someone else, you might be able to pass the Age Line."
You tried to follow her process of thought, looking down at your clock to see how much more minutes you still had.
"But then again, would the goblet take your name if it came from someone else?" she wondered out loud. "Oh! Perhaps Wingardium Leviosa could do the trick!" she exclaimed, happy with herself for thinking a solution.
"The Levitation Spell?"
"Yes! You can write down your name and levitate to the goblet! It's so simple though it might not work..." she said, getting said by the end of her phrase.
"But it might just do the trick! I don't think Dumbledore would expect a student to fly their name around..." you said, thinking more about it. You got up at the look of the time. "Gotta go, Hermione. But thank you, thank you so much!"
"You're welcome!" she shouted while you ran up the stairs, desperate to avoid being pulled by the spell.
You pushed the boys' dorm room in a quick move, looking at your wristwatch, thinking you would be able to make it in time and the spell would drag you in that horrible way it did the first time.
A crash sound echoed through the room and down the hall.
Fred Weasley, although very happy to have some privacy with his brother to talk about their Ageing Potion, was paying close attention to the time. He feared y/N would lose track of it and he'd be pulled to next to her with a harsh movement. He didn't like it the first time it had happened because it hurt a lot.
Therefore, when they had only thirty seconds left to be attached again, Fred decided to get out of the room and look for her. He pulled the door open with the last glance at the clock — five seconds.
And then, y/N was just at the other side of the door, but not close enough — the spell felt the need to push them against each other, and that was how the loud crash sound echoed. y/N's chest bumped to Fred's, causing the rest of the boys to laugh — the only one that didn't think it was funny was the one sleeping, Kenneth.
He quickly surrounded you with his arms, in fear of your fall. You held yourself up by supporting your weight around him. You could feel your face turning red, and you didn't want him to notice that the embrace made you embarrassed.
"Are you guys ok?" Lee Jordan asked from behind Fred, making you shrank, even more, blushing. Some laughs followed the comment, probably from George.
You swallowed before slowly letting go. Keeping your wrist close to Fred's, you stared at him, forcing him to lower his head. His eyes, wide and sparkly, stared at you with his lips pursed.
His embrace finally loosened, and you both walked towards his bed and the mattress. "Good night, guys," he said, in a mocking tone, filled with anger. One by one, George's and Lee's lights went off, and the room seemed quiet as ever.
But, over Fred's bed, all you could do was think, think, and rethink. You were only able to fall asleep way over three a.m., and by the look of Fred's face the other day — he had dark circles around his eyes, leaving him with an uneven tone, which probably could be seen in yours as well —, he hadn't had a good night of sleep either.
"Good morning to you two," George said while you and Fred got out of the common room and walked towards the Entrance Hall. It was Saturday, and you could have stayed in bed longer, but you were too thrilled about the Goblet of Fire to keep yourself inside.
When Fred noticed his brother and Lee's presence, he got a better look at his face, smirking a bit.
"Look away, y/N," he said, asking not so much politely. You rolled your eyes. As if you didn't know what they were about to drink! After drinking the potion, they hurried down the staircase, forcing you to run to follow them.
Harry, Ron and Hermione were already there, watching the goblet and talking with the people around it.
"Done it," Fred whispered to Harry, and you frowned from behind him. "Just taken it."
"What?" Ron asked.
You pressed in hand over your robe to feel if your paper was still there. You had hidden it there during the free time you got to take a shower.
"The Ageing Potion, dung brains," said Fred.
"One drop each," said George, rubbing his hands together with glee. "We only need to be a few months older."
"We're going to split the Galleons between the three of us if one of us wins," said Lee, grinning broadly.
"I'm not sure this is going to work, you know," Hermione warned, but in a more hostile tone than the one she used with you last night, "I'm sure Dumbledore will have thought of this."
Fred, George and Lee ignored her.
"Ready?" Fred said to the other two, holding a slip of parchment in one hand and grabbing your right hand with the other. It was nice having his warm touch, and you wondered if he did it just out of habit or because he missed it too. "C'mon, then — I'll go first —"
They tried walking in — Fred stretched himself out all the way, leaving you out of the circle and trying to put the paper inside. However, it didn't work — they landed painfully, dragging you around the ten feet fall.
Fred and George now had big white beards, and everyone was laughing at them. If the fall hadn't hurt you so much, you would have laughed as well. They noticed their new looks and joined in. You took the opportunity of their distraction to take your parchment out of hiding and cast "Wingardium Leviosa" with the lowest voice ever.
The paper flew around — being so small, not everyone noticed — but, although you moved your wand towards it, the parchment wasn't able to pass the Age Line.
"I did warn you," said a deep, amused voice, and everyone turned to see Professor Dumbledore coming out of the Great Hall, followed by Professor McGonagall, who looked furious.
He got closer to you all who were still sitting on the floor. " I suggest you both go to Madam Pomfrey."
"Oh, no, you wait a minute!" shouted McGonagall, stopping you in your way fo getting up.
Fred looked at you, scared.
"What was this? Do you three thought you could prank Dumbledore's Age Line?" she asked, but neither of you answered.
"Minerva, no need..." the Headmaster started, but McGonagall didn't let him finish.
"I'm sorry, Dumbledore, but those two —" she pointed to you and Fred "— are under my supervision. And I said no pranks!"
"What did I do?" you questioned, facing down to yourself, who had no beard or old look on your face.
"You — do you think I didn't saw that parchment flying alone?"
"Wingardium Leviosa? That was clever, could have worked," commented Dumbledore, in a fascinated tone.
"It was Hermione's idea" you informed the Headmaster.
Fred looked back at you for a second, as if his eyes were saying "you did that! Wicked!"
"So, forget getting free of each other anytime soon. I'm revoking it — how long is yet to be determined," Minerva said, pausing only to breathe. "Start being those behaved students you spent the month being and you might see yourselves free of this by the end of the school year!"
You and Fred exchanged looks, embarrassed for taking the lecture in front of everyone.
"Off you go, now!" she shouted, not just for you two but for the rest of the crowd that was forming as well.
You had to follow Fred to the hospital wing, most to Madam Pomfrey's dismay.
"What are you doing here? Allergies?" she asked.
"No, I'm with Fred Weasley, ma'am."
"You can leave now, dear, I'll cure him."
"No, Madam Pomfrey, see, I can't leave because..." you started saying, but she interrupted you.
"Are you the two dimwitted that caused Professor McGonagall one of her wost phases?" she asked, looking down at Fred, who sat at the available bed. "I've never seen that woman so angry — binding two students forever, what was going on in her mind?"
"I ask myself the same" you sighed, thinking that now, not only you weren't able to participate in the Triwizard Tournament, you also couldn't to go back to your old routine. Wasn't that what you wanted, though? Only one day ago? Now, you seemed to disagree.
Madam Pomfrey took her time to dis-age the boys.
Fred was lying still over the hospital bed, waiting for the medicine to work. So did George, on another bed, at your left. You were sitting on a stool Madam Pomfrey offered you after seeing this would take a while. She asked for someone to bring us sandwiches — since you hadn't eaten breakfast —, but now that it was over, you stayed there, pretty bored.
George couldn't stop looking at himself with the small mirror offered, looking for his face during the dis-ageing process. "Look, now I might be fifty!" he was very thrilled with the transformation.
Fred ate his sandwich at a slow pace, and once it was over, he stayed quiet, staring at the ceiling. Both of you had a lot to say, but no one had the courage.
"So... you guys are stuck together, huh?" George said, trying to break the silence, turning himself towards you and Fred. "Shouldn't matter that much — if we are not goin' to be able to be champions at the Triwizard Tournament, after all."
You stared at George. He had such a simple way of seeing things.
"We're not gonna be able to win best pranksters either," you pointed out, pressing your lips together while crossing your arms.
"We're not gonna be able to win apart," corrected George, "Maybe we can all win together."
"Not very likely. Besides, we can't prank anyone if we wanna be separated one day," you said, raising your cheeks.
"McGonagall doesn't seem to be in the mood to separate you two anytime soon," George replied, "so have fun or whatever. When school's over, she'll have to undo the spell."
Fred seemed rather quiet, staring at his brother's eyes like he wanted to say something but never coming forward with it. It annoyed you.
The boys were now looking like they could be forty, and you thought they look quite handsome.  Not that older guys were your type, but, yeah, Fred and George could be those sexy old actors that your mom insisted on being a fan.
"Well, I guess if I'm already in the kitchen, I can stand the heat," you said, sighing.
Fred looked at you, "Am I that horrible?"
"What? No! That's not what I meant!" you answered, desperate to undo the misunderstanding. "It's just..." you started but noticed you couldn't finish, not with him looking at you like that, not with the fact that just in two months you had more friends than in your whole life. "It's nothing; this hasn't been a punishment at all. You're right, George, we can have some fun together."
You tried to dodge his eyes to look at George, but you couldn't stop staring at Fred. He was getting younger by the minute, looking back like himself, and you couldn't be more glad. He had been your best friend in those couple of weeks, and you couldn't just trash it all because you rather be pranking the school alone.
"That's the spirit!" George said, looking back to the mirror in his hand. "Look! We're probably twenty-five now!"
Madam Pomfrey reappeared, hours later.
"You boys are free to go. You've been sixteen for quite a while now, but I wanted to make sure you wouldn't start getting younger," she said, and looking at your horrible face she added: "It happened before."
Fred and George got up, passing their hands over their faces, to feel the young texture they missed.
"Go, dinner will soon be served!"
"Well, that goes a day without doing a thing!" Fred complained, reaching for your hand to walk out of the hospital wing.
You were surprised but let him have your hand anyone — his touch was nice and firm, something you'd always welcome.
You were one of the firsts to arrive at Gryffindor's table. A girl, you saw her playing Quidditch before, was sitting and waving at you three.
"Fred! George!" she called out. The boys headed to her direction, sitting in front of her. "I've put my name in!"
"Really?" Fred asked, smiling. "That's wicked, Angelina!"
She seemed extra happy with boys approval.
"Oh! I guess I didn't introduce you two, did I?" Fred said, looking back at you. "Angelina, this is y/N; y/N, this is Angelina. She's from our Quidditch team."
"Nice meeting you, Angelina," you said, feeling your cheeks turning pink due to the attention.
"Nice to meet you too, y/N," she said, "I heard all about what you two did. I was in the girls' toilet that day — what a scare you gave me!"
Instead of sounding angry at you, she started laughing, and you and the boys joined in.
"Now I understand why you and Fred have been hitting off so well — you're practically the same!"
"No, we're not!" you quickly replied, used to being in defensive.
Anyway, you didn't think you were like Fred. He was taller, probably braver and more reckless. Besides, it was rare times when you got caught — except two years ago, that was a year of bad luck — and the boys were always running away from some angry professor.
Angelina didn't matter with your reprehension. She kept on laughing, focused on something George was telling her — by the looks of it, he was telling her about how hot he'll be at forty-five.
Harry, Hermione and Ron arrived finally and took a seat next to you and the twins.
"Hope it's Angelina," Fred told them.
"So do I!" said Hermione. "We'll soon know!
Everybody seemed impatient, eating fast to get to the part where Dumbledore would announce the champions. The students from the other school were all very fancy, but you could see they were anxious just like the rest of Hogwarts.
You didn't know who you were rooting for — you hadn't seen Reyna all day, so you had no idea, apart from Angelina, who had put their names in the goblet.
As Dumbledore got to his feet, the students all shut, paying attention to the headmaster's every move. He warned that, as he would be calling the names, the champions should get up and march to an indicated chamber where they would receive instructions.
The Goblet of Fire shone with his sweeping of wand, and everyone was watching — you could notice that Fred and George weren't even breathing in excitement.
Dumbledore caught the piece of parchment that fluttered out of the goblet and read: "The champion for Durmstrang will be Viktor Krum."
"No surprises there!" yelled Ron as a storm of applause swept the Hall. Fred looked back at you as you were the only two laughing at Ron's cheering.
Viktor Krum got up and walked towards where Dumbledore had instructed. Dumbledore continued: "The champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour!"
A silvery blonde girl got up, to Harry's and Ron's enthusiasm. Aperantally, she was the same girl that had caught their eyes the night before.
The Beauxbatons didn't seem happy with the champion selected, as Hermione pointed out, but you couldn't understand why couldn't they cheer for their friend.
Dumbledore pulled the third piece of parchment — the room fell in silence. "The Hogwarts champion is Cedric Diggory!"
"No!" you thought you heard Ron say, but you couldn't be sure; every Hufflepuff was standing, clapping fervently and screaming as Cedric got up and made his way past them.
"Excellent!" Dumbledore called happily as at last the tumult died down. He kept on talking about how we should support our champions and cheer for them, but he suddenly stopped speaking as the fire of the goblet seemed to turn red again, rising upon it a new piece of parchment.
Every student looked confused, but no more than Dumbledore who held the parchment for a long minute before reading it out loud. "Harry Potter."
There was no applause. The whole Gryffindor table, including you, turned to stare at Harry, everybody shocked as the poor boy.
"I didn't put my name in," you heard him tell Ron and Hermione.
"Harry Potter!" Professor Dumbledore called again. "Up here if you please!"
The boy got up almost stumbling in his robes. You, Fred and George, followed him with your eyes — he was marching slowly, possibly not believing that his name got picked. At least, you and the Twins couldn't. You had tried the Levitation spell and the Ageing Potion — what could Harry have tried that worked?
Most of the Professors disappeared into the room Harry had entered and the ones left suggested for you all to return to your dorms. You looked around to everyone — they were whispering. However, so many of them were doing so that the volume started to increase.
Fred looked at you. "Did you know Harry put his name in?"
"No, I had no idea" you answered, only then noticing he wasn't asking you, but George, who was right behind you.
"No, nobody told me a thing" his brother responded.
Hermione and Ron where whispering non-stop, probably discussing how and why had Harry done that. Nonetheless,  there was a question you noticed nobody was asking, and you were very curious about it.
You gently squeezed Fred's arm, who glanced at you as he stood up.
"Fred, why are there four champions if there are three schools?" he seemed bewildered with your question, showing he hadn't think about that.
"Don't know," he said with pinched lips, "It seems weird, doesn't it? Like something is off?"
"Yeah..." you replied, looking away from him to take a glimpse at the Hall. The visitors had already left, and the Hufflepuffs were also gone — probably to organize a party.
Slytherins and Ravenclaws were the majority left — even Gryffindor was going back to their house common room — and they didn't look happy.
Fred reached for your hand again, and you noticed he was starting to do it without thinking — holding your hand had become a habit for him. You liked it.
George followed you two, with Hermione and Ron right behind. Aside from the remaining questions, they were thrilled with Harry Potter's participation. You and Hermione were the only two that showed some kind of worry for the boy.
Gryffindor's common room was unrecognizable, filled with all the students from the house, something very unusual for so late at night.
You found Reyna amongst the invited students from other houses. She had a cup in her hands and was talking to Lee Jordan in a corner; they looked focused on one another, so you decided not to disturb.
Harry finally entered the room with an astonished expression. Fred ran to his direction, dragging you with him — he hadn't let go of your hand yet.
"You should've told us you'd entered!" bellowed him, half annoyed, half impressed.
"How did you do it without getting a beard? Brilliant!" roared George, appearing from nowhere.
"I didn't," Harry said. "I don't know how —"
But Angelina had now swooped down upon him; "Oh, if it couldn't be me, at least it's a Gryffindor!"
Other girls started approaching Harry, who barely could breathe. You felt sympathy, but that wasn't much you could do to help — the most you managed to do was to keep the twins from continuing to harass the boy.
George began to serve you with some beverages and weird foods they had collected at some point, and even though you tried to dodge the things, you couldn't say 'no' to everything. You ended up drinking more than you should, feeling dizzy almost instantly. Fred had already released your hand, to get more freedom to hold things his brother and friends offered.
Reyna came closer to you in the middle of the night, and you hadn't even noticed her until she started speaking. "So exciting to have met Harry before he got selected! Well, I owe that to you. You have been, truly, a good friend lately."
You shook you head yes, regretting immediately to have done the movement.
"Are you ok?" she asked, worried.
"Drank too much. I'm not used to..." you paused, uncertain of what you had taken "whatever they served me," your friend started laughing.
"You should go to bed."
"I can't tho," you replied, "I'm attached to Fred, remember? And I don't wanna make him leave..." you stared at the boy mentioned, who seemed like he was having the time of his life surrounded by his Quidditch mates.
"y/N, I think he'll understand —"
"No, I'll just drink water," you interrupted her, "He is so happy, I won't ruin this for him."
Reyna didn't look very convinced, but she left to fetch you a glass of water anyway. She returned just some seconds later.
"It's juice — I couldn't find water."
She watched you drink it, making you uncomfortable. Could you be looking that horrible? You didn't think so. Yes, you were a bit dizzy and a bit slow, but you weren't unconscious. A part of your brain was still thinking about how Harry's name entered the Goblet of Fire even.
Reyna didn't leave you side, not even when Lee called her. She kept giving you juice and things to eat, but they didn't taste good.
Angelina and the other chasers finally disappeared in the crowd, leaving George and Fred behind. Fred eyes immediately met yours, and he began to worry.
"You didn't drink the whole cup my brother gave to you, did you?" he asked, touching your face with his right hand, trying to find a good light to analyze it. "I shouldn't have let him..."
"Don't look at me like that — you drank it too, and you don't look as perfect as before." Your words paralyzed him in place before he opened a smile.
"I did drink more than one cup, y/N."
"Oh," you sighed, frustrated with yourself. You noticed that Reyna ad finally left your side, and wondered if she went meet Lee. Do they have a thing?
"Come on, let's go upstairs," said Fred, "This party is dying anyway."
"No, I want you to enjoy yourself" you protested while he reached your waist.
"I've enjoyed myself enough. Believe me, tomorrow morning we'll both be looking terrible."
You blinked for what felt like an eternity. "I never look terrible, Freddie."
He froze at the second rung of the stairs to the dorm. Then he giggled and kept on going up, helping you. "Not a lie," he simply said, making you smile, but you thought he didn't notice because of how dark was at the stairs.
When you got to his dorm room, you could see, even in the dark, that someone was sleeping at Keneth's bed, and you assumed it was probably him since he never slept too late in the night.
Fred helped you to get under the covers of his bed, and that was the last thing you remembered of the night.
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auroras-blend · 3 years
First Day of School
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Summary: AU one-shot of what would have happened if the Marks had won the custody battle. Told in Marilyn's POV
Sunlight peeked through the curtains and cast onto an empty bed, unusual since its occupant rarely woke up before then. No, instead little Miss Marilyn Winslow woke up with the birds who were singing joyfully outside and for once, she didn’t hiss at their loudness. Her mood reflected their demeanor as she whistled and sang along with them.
Marilyn clasped the white buckle to her mary-janes, before straightening in front of her mirror. Perfect! Her outfit was the most important thing that morning. It took her mind off of her nerves because she had a very big task in front of her: the first day of school. It was her first, first day of school since her Mama had passed and while the ache was there, she refused to go in sad. I have to make a good impression!
If there was one thing her Mama at least always tried to do, it was to make sure she looked good on the first day of school. Of course on their budget, most of the time it had been from the thrift store but once in first grade, she got a new dress. This year, Mrs. Marks offered to let her pick out her own and buy it new, but Marilyn insisted on going to the thrift store for a new dress or “slightly used” because that’s what she and Mama did. The old lady who ran the shop was happy to see her once again.
Marilyn, in a way to pay tribute to her mother, wore a green gingham dress because the color always looked so wonderful with her eyes. It was slightly tailored to fix a rip, but it was barely noticeable now. Pleased with her outfit, Marilyn fluffed her blonde curls and tightly set a white headband on her head before nodding in satisfaction and left her room. The smell of sweet maple syrup wafted from the kitchen, leading her like a moth to the flame. The minute her heels clicked on the tile, her parents smiled. “Look at you!” Daddy exclaimed, putting down his paper, “Look at how beautiful you are!”
Mrs. Marks smiled, “You’re a dream!”
Her mommy briefly abandoned plating the pancakes in exchange for coming to see her daughter’s first day of school outfit. “Thank you,” Marilyn blushed.
“You’re going to have such a good day, I know it,” Mommy said surely as she kissed Marilyn on the forehead.
It was rough for a long time, it still was, after her Mama died. Marilyn still longed for her real daddy, not that she’d ever tell Mr. Marks that, but the ache in her heart and mind started to dull. The small family sat around their table and said their prayers. “And Lord, please give Marilyn a wonderful first day of school,” Daddy said lastly, “Amen.”
“Amen,” she and Mommy finished before they began eating.
As they had their breakfast, Mommy went over the pick-up and drop-off routine. Marilyn knew it, they had been doing it since she started living with them. “We’ll both take you today, we don’t want to miss your first day,” cooed Mommy, “But Daddy will pick you up and take you with him to the church where you’ll be with me in the daycare for the last hour, okay?”
“Okay,” she said pleasantly, her mouth full of sticky, sweet, fluffy pancakes.
Her nerves were high, wondering if she’d be in the same class as Rodney Lord again or if she’d spend another year friendless, but she always felt that way on the first day. Mama, please help me have a good time. She wiped her stinging nose before anyone could notice, I don’t wanna be the class crier this year. She’d been on a pretty good no crying streak this summer, of course, there were days where she did, but it hadn’t been as often as before.
In all honesty, she would have preferred her summer to last a little longer with the Marks because she had truly been happy. Marilyn felt like she was finally part of a normal family, nourished in warmth and affection that she hadn’t ever received before. And she was so excited to share that when people asked her what she did that summer because she finally had a fun and exciting answer! They had been to the county fair, the fireworks show, went to Baltimore for some conference Mr. Marks had to go to, but it had been a real family vacation!
It had been a relaxing time as she got to know her new parents and their daily routines. She loved waking up early some mornings, yes I know, I liked it and sneaking to sit with her daddy and color as he read through his Bible before helping her Mommy make breakfast. Breakfast used to be a meal she had to forgo, but now every day started at the table. Life was structured and comfortable, and as if to prove it, the clock struck right when she swallowed her last piece of pancake to fill her belly before school.
“Oh, finish your milk, we’ve gotta go!” Mrs. Marks said as she got up, clearing the plates as Mr. Marks went to get their coats, keys, and Marilyn’s backpack.
Cupping her glass with both hands, she guzzled it down as she watched her parents scurry to get ready before she let out a refreshing “ah” and handed it over to Mrs. Marks. “Kay peanut, ready?” Mr. Marks asked as he helped her out of her seat and into her dark green coat and new leather satchel.
That’s right, it’s new! They let her pick out her own backpack that year and she swore to keep it clean and safe at all costs. You’re on a mission, Miss Marilyn! “Hey,” Mr. Marks leaned down, “Still on for ice cream?”
She grinned and nodded, “Uh-huh!”
He gave her an agreeing nod. Mr. Marks said it would be their “thing”, every year at the end of the first day of school and last day of school, they’d get ice cream and talk about her day. They did it the previous year on her last day and it was one of her favorite memories, one that she tucked away and pulled out whenever she was feeling particularly sad. Mr. Marks gently reached for her hand and his wife for the other and walked out to the car together, ready to start her on her next adventure.
The ride was too short and too long all at once. They chatted but when they parked, amid the flurry of walking children and their parents, she frowned. When they noticed she’d become silent, they turned around, “You’re going to have a great day!”
“I-I’m gonna miss you…I don’t want to go,” she said, sounding like a frog was caught in her throat.
“Oh peanut, you’re gonna have so much fun though. You’ll make new friends, have a new teacher, and you’ve been practicing your reading all summer so you’re all caught up!” Mr. Marks reassured her.
“What if people make fun of me?”
“They won’t,” Mrs. Marks said firmly, “And if they do, they’re not worth being around.”
Since the adoption, people had been nicer to her but she was still nervous. “I-I’ve never not had...my Mama,” she said.
It was starting to hurt again. “Your Mama is still here, watching over you. You’ve got me, Daddy, and your mom up in heaven. Three adults who love you, that’s a lot.”
“God too,” Daddy added.
He has to say that. He’s a pastor. With a little more confidence knowing she had more people in her corner, she was able to step out of the car when the pastor opened it for her. Hand in hand, matching all of the other families with their children, they walked her to the front of the third-grade doors. “This is it,” Mrs. Marks said, “You’re going to do so well!”
Her adults kneeled down and gave her a big hug and wet kisses on her cheek, though her Mommy gave her more. “I love you so much,” she whispered into her ear.
“I love you too Mommy,” Marilyn said, hugging her tightly.
“And your other Mama loves you too,” Mrs. Marks added.
“Thank you,” Marilyn whispered.
The fact that Mrs. Marks never tried to bury her Mama’s memory, meant the world to her. After another proper minute, the bell rang and the students congregated to their assigned lines. Marilyn bravely and confidently walked to her own, head held up high. I can do this! Have a growth mindset.
Her head did turn to see her parents waving goodbye to her before she was forced to move forward in line to the doors. When she passed the threshold, she became an official third-grader at Summerfield Elementary. Showtime.
The first few moments were chaotic as her teacher, a woman with dark black hair styled in a flick-up, directed students to put their items away on the coat rack. Marilyn was already in awe, the woman was incredibly beautiful with warm hazel almond-shaped eyes that made her feel comfortable. And the way her teacher was looking at her, she knew she’d already become a favorite of hers. Marilyn gave her a shy smile and wave before turning to find her desk, looking for her name tag: Marilyn Marks.
Part of her was thrilled that her last name was Marks, but she didn't know how to cope with not being Winslow. She already knew it was naughty, but she resolved to lightly trace the name Winslow underneath it later. To honor Mama. “Boys and girls, take your seats!” her teacher instructed, clapping her hands together.
Marilyn slid into the hard wooden seat and squirmed for a bit, before looking around. No Rodney Lord! Yesss! “I like your dress,” whispered a girl next to her.
She had dark red hair tied back into pigtail braids. Marilyn glanced at her name, Sara Barnes. “Thank you, I like your sweater,” she said sweetly as her eyes appreciated the blue cardigan.
“I’m new, wanna play with me at recess?”
Marilyn’s heart uplifted! “Okay!”
A friend! I can go and tell daddy I have a new friend after school! “I’m Sara.”
“I’m Marilyn,” she said as they quickly shook hands.
“Alright, settle down! Give me zero voices in 3,2,1!” her teacher said as a hush fell upon the classroom.
Marilyn’s soft green eyes landed on her beautiful teacher. Her teacher was a glamorous woman who wore a dark blue dress, as sharp as her cheekbones.
“I am so happy to see you all here today!” she cooed, clapping her hands together before picking up a piece of chalk, “I am your new teacher! You may call me...”
She began to spell out the letters: M-i-s-s. Miss. S-a-g-e-s-s-e. Sagesse.
“Miss Sagesse,” she said, making brief direct eye contact with Marilyn, “Welcome to 3rd grade.”
She knew it was too early, but Marilyn allowed herself to smile at the promising start of her first day back at school.
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general-kenobi357 · 3 years
Someday Soon-Chapter 1
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Fem!OC
Summary: The only goal Isabella Bailer has this summer, is to have a good time with her friends, the Pogues. But when they find a ship wreck after a hurricane their summer takes an unexpected turn. 
Note: So this is my first fic that I have actually properly finished and I am so excited to share it. I first posted it on Wattpad but I find that I don't really use that platform much so I wanted to post it somewhere I go on often. I hope you enjoy my twist on Outer Banks :) Also the I have written Iz to be as nondescript as I could so that you can imagine her however you want. 
Word Count: 10.5k (The first chapter is really long but later on the chapters get shorter.) 
We’re the Pogues, and our mission this summer is to have a good time, all the time.
The soft breeze brought the smell of the ocean to my nose while the sun shone brightly on my cheeks. I had to squint to see my friends through the bright rays. As the sun fell lower the day only seemed to get warmer, the beer in my hand brought a cool relief, after taking another drink a smile grew on my face as I listened to the conversation between Pope and John B. 
“That’s what, a three-story fall to the deck?” Pope asked, looking up at John B who was currently balancing on one foot on the edge of the roof. We were all hanging around one of the many mini-mansions that were under construction in Figure Eight. “I give you about a one-in-three chance of survival.”
“Hm” John B replied as he stuck a finger into the air pretending to check the direction of the wind. “Should I do it?”
“Yeah, jump.” Pope quipped, pointing a drill at him. “I'll shoot you on the way down.”
“You’ll shoot me?”
“Yep. Pow!”
“They’re gonna have Japanese toilets with towel warmers.” Kie told us shocked, as she emerged from the house that was yet to be finished. 
“Of course. Why wouldn’t they?” I inquired somewhat bitterly from my spot sitting next to JJ. Nothing Kooks did surprised me anymore, all they seemed to care about was their own vanity.  
“This used to be a turtle habitat, but who cares about turtles, I guess?” Kie asked, sounding somewhat defeated. I sent her a sad smile, wishing I had more power to change the way things were. 
“I can’t have cold towels.” JJ added sarcastically before we all directed our gaze towards John B. 
“Can you please not kill yourself?” Kie asked him sweetly as he continued to lean dangerously close to the edge of the building. 
“Yeah that would really ruin my summer.” I added, I had protested John B climbing onto the roof in the first place but once that boy got something into his mind, no one could change it.
“And don’t spill that beer. I’m not giving you another one.” JJ warned seconds before the can slipped through John B’s grasp and came crashing onto the deck.  
“Whoa! Oh, shit.” John B exclaimed as he attempted to regain his balance on the roof, I turned to look out at the ocean again, not wanting to see him hit the deck as well. 
“Of course you did. Smooth.” 
“A plus.” Pope commented as he leaned over the side of the deck before looking back at the group. “Hey, uh, security’s here. Let’s wrap it up.”
“Humpty Dumpty, let’s roll.” JJ called to John B while he hopped off of the scaffolding we had been sitting on, before turning around and offering me his hand to help me get down. “Sweetheart?”
“Thank you.” I replied, accepting the hand he held out as I jumped down onto the deck.
“Yeah. Let’s go.” John B agreed as he followed us down. 
“Gary, is that you?” JJ called out to the security guard as we gathered our stuff up. “It’s me. Gary, good to see you, man!”
“You’re just asking for it.” I told him as I shook my head trying to hold in my laughter. 
“Get ‘em! They’re comin’ your way!” I heard one of the guards shout from behind me as I followed Kie towards the van. “Hey! Stop!”
I spared a glance behind me as I exited the house and saw the guard catching up to JJ. 
“Not much of a hugger!” I heard JJ shout as he avoided the guard. 
As I ran down the front steps John B pulled up in the van, Kie hopped into the passengers seat as I climbed into the back leaving the side door open for the boys to jump in whenever it was they decided to show up. 
“Bus is leaving!” John B called out as he honked the horn. I peered out the back window watching as Pope started climbing over the fence, before promptly falling flat on his face. JJ hoped over next and helped him back to his feet. 
“Come on, boys!” Kie called.
I held out my hand for Pope who was struggling to get into the moving van. Once both boys were inside John B stepped on the gas and we all watched Gary hopelessly chase after us. We were all left in a fit of laughter after JJ was done teasing the poor security guard. 
The Outer Bank, Paradise on Earth. It’s the sort of place where you either have two jobs or two houses. Two tribes, one island. 
All right. So there’s Figure Eight, the rich side of the island. Home of the Kooks. So, guess where we don’t live?
And then, there’s the South Side or the Cut. Home to the working class who make a living busing tables, washing yachts, running charters. The natural habitat of… drumroll, please… the Pogues. 
That’s us. 
Pogues, Pogies, the throwaway fish. Lowest member of the food chain. Okay. So, the downside of the Pogue life is we’re ignored and neglected. But the upside of the Pogue life? We’re ignored and neglected, which means we do whatever we want, whenever we want. So, let me introduce you to the crew.
First up… JJ Maybank, my best friend since the third grade. He's about as local as they come. Latest in a long line of fishing, drinking, smuggling, vendetta-holding salt-lifers who made their living off the water. Best surfer I know. Just don’t tell him I said that. Mild kleptomaniac and a future tax cheat.
Next up is Isabella Bailer but we just call her Iz. A former Kook up until she was ten and her dad was caught embezzling money from his company and promptly arrested, her family basically lost everything. Shortly after that she moved in next door. Definitely the Mom of the group, she basically takes care of all of us, and when she’s not cleaning up our messes, she’s working with her Mom, cleaning houses for the Kooks. Iz is the sweetest girl you’ll ever meet until you threaten her friends then you better run the other way and hope she doesn’t find you. 
After Iz there’s Kiara Carrera, or Kie, as we call her. When she’s not saving turtles or listening to Marley, or getting a dolphin tattoo, she hangs out with us. I’m not really sure why though. So, she’s a rich kid, actually. Foot in both worlds. Her family owns The Wreck, this Outer Banks institution. Total cash cow with the tourists. You know, I’m not really sure how her parents feel about us. But I think we all have had a thing for her at one point or another. 
Finally we have Pope Heyward, the brains of the operation… finalist for the Lucas T. Vanderhorst Merit Scholarship. And the smartest person I know. Little bit of a weirdo. His father’s this legendary character, Heyward. Anything you wanted on the island, Hayward could get for you. Now, I’m not sure Heyward knew what to make of his oddball son, but it didn’t matter. He was a Pogue, just like the rest of us.
So, that’s my crew. And my name is John Booker Routledge. I’ve been living on my own for the past nine months in an old fish shack on the marsh. The Château, as my dad used to call it. Where is my dad? Well he disappeared at sea nine months ago, looking for a shipwreck. Who disappears at sea these days? I miss him. Any other possible guardians who could look after me, might be your next question? Well Mom split when I was three. Last I heard she was in Colorado and Uncle T who is supposedly my legal guardian is currently in Mississippi, building houses… 
Which means it’s just me right now, on my own, hangin’ with my friends. 
I swung lazily in the hammock that sat between John B’s house and my own as I watched the water. The sun was starting to rise higher and I could already tell it was going to be another long hot day. I was lost in my own thoughts until I felt the hammock dip to the side. Glancing up I gave John B a small smile as he tried to readjust the balance of the hammock. 
“You know I really hate this thing?” He told me still struggling. 
“I know it's ‘cause you don’t know how to relax.” I replied, teasing him as I shifted to help balance the hammock after the change in weight. 
“I’m gonna take it down one of these days.” He threatened, finally leaning back.
“No, I love this hammock, it's my favorite spot.” 
“I know I’m only teasing you, I’m not sure you would ever talk to me again if I took away your hammock.”
“You’re damn right I wouldn't.” I told him attempting to sound serious before letting out a laugh. We laid quietly for a few minutes before I spoke up again. “So do you have big plans today?”
“Um, yes.” He responded after taking a moment to think. “I get to go down to social services and talk to some people about how there are no responsible adults in my life.”
“Oh that sounds like sooo much fun.”
“I know right? You want to come with me?”
“As much as I would love that, JJ said he was going to take me out so I could practice driving the boat.” I had my license but I was not the best driver on land and I had barely ever driven in the water. 
“Oooh you and JJ alone on a boat?” John B asked, stretching out his words and wiggling an eyebrow at me. He loved to tease me about the very obvious crush that I had on JJ every chance he got. At his teasing I took the half empty beer he had brought out with him much to his protest. 
“No, number one, you and I both know that I will never be brave enough to make a move, number two, no Pogue on Pogue macking and number three I think that Pope said he was coming with us.” I rambled about the many reasons why what John B was suggesting would never happen before I downed the rest of the beer and handed back the empty bottle.
“Wow, thanks, I wanted to drink that.” He commented on the bottle in the grass beside us, I shrugged my shoulders as if to tell him he should have expected it after his teasing. “Also if I were you I’d go confirm that JJ still knew this was happening because he’s inside with a girl right now and they looked like they might be awhile.” 
“Seriously?” I groaned trying to cover up my jealousy with annoyance. I knew that I had no right to be jealous, JJ didn’t belong to me and I was far too scared to ever confess how I really felt, not that I could even figure out how I really felt. But it still hurt to see him with different girls all the time. “I guess I’ll go investigate.”
I quickly stood from the hammock before thinking, but it was too late. As I turned around and watched the hammock flip and John B tumble off onto the grass below. 
“Thanks for the heads up.” He grumbled as I helped him to his feet. 
“Sorry. I forgot how terrible you are at sitting in a hammock.” I said trying to cover the smile on my face.
“Yeah laugh it up, your friend just got attacked by a hammock, real funny.” He replied pretending to be upset as he dusted the dirt off of himself. 
“I mean it is kind of funny.” I called over my shoulder as I made my way back towards The Château to find out who was around. “I’ll see you later John B.”
I stepped onto the porch only to find Pope stretched out on the couch fast asleep. ‘I suppose he won’t be joining us.’ I thought as I walked past him into the house. 
In the main room Kie laid on the pull out couch blowing clouds of vapor above her. I sent her a soft smile which she returned before I turned the corner towards the bedrooms in the Château. 
Only one of the room's doors was closed so I figured that was where JJ was. I raised my hand to knock on the door but the sound of a shrill giggle stopped me. I was pretty sure I didn’t want to know what was going on so my hand retracted back from the door and I walked back towards where Kie was. 
I laid down beside her with a sigh. Kie shifted closer to me as we both just hung out. 
“I’m pretty sure it’s some Touron who’ll be gone by the end of the week.” Kie finally spoke up, I raised my head to send her a questioning look. “The girl in there.” She added pointing to the room JJ was in. 
“Oh.” I nodded laying back down. I stared back up at the ceiling, contemplating whether I wanted more details about this girl. “Was she pretty?”
“I didn’t get a good look.” She responded. 
“Huh.” I responded, unsure if she was telling the truth or just trying to make me feel better. “Are you working today?” I asked, wanting to change the subject before I thought about JJ anymore. 
“Um, yeah. I have to leave soon.” Kie responded, glancing at the time on her phone. “Did you want to come with me, I might be able to sneak out fries for you.”
“No, I better stay here. I think my Mom has a few things she wants me to do before the storm tonight.” I responded, I also still half hoped that JJ would want to hang out. 
“Okay, well I’m sure that I’ll see you tomorrow.” She said, smiling as she stood to gather her stuff. 
“Yeah, tomorrow morning we’ll all go out and check out the damage.” I responded, standing up as well.
“Love you.” She cooed, pulling me into a hug. 
“Love you too.” I responded, before we both let go of each other. She then grabbed her backpack and headed for the door. “Stay safe!” I called after her as she walked towards her car. 
After Kie had left I had made my way to the dock, which is where I was now sitting watching the stormy clouds that were forming out in the open water. 
“Hey.” Pope spoke softly, alerting me to his presence, before he sat down next to me. 
“Hey, I figured you were going to sleep all day.” I teased, sparing a glance at him. 
“Yeah, I guess I was more tired than I thought.” He responded with a smile. “It looks like it’s gonna be bad.” He added, referring to the dark clouds that were beginning to move closer. 
“Yeah I just hope it isn’t too loud, last year Emmy had nightmares all summer from the thunder.” I said, remembering how bad my little sister’s nightmares had gotten. 
“Well there aren't any thunderstorms in Agatha’s path so there shouldn’t be much thunder this time.” He informed me. 
“You are too smart for me, Pope.” I said with a smile.
“Speaking of smart things, we should bring in the boat before it ends up in a tree somewhere down the road.” He said, I looked over at the boat which had sat in the water by the dock all day, waiting for us. I was more than a little bitter over the fact that JJ had stood me up. “Iz?” Pope asked, pulling me from my thoughts. 
“Oh, yeah. Sorry, yeah let’s bring in the boat.” I finally responded before standing up to help Pope.
We were able to bring in the boat before Pope had to head home to help out his Dad and I walked back to my house to help my Mom before the storm hit. 
The next morning I woke up to the sound of someone clattering around in the kitchen. After getting dressed I walked out to see my Mom and Emmy at the kitchen table eating breakfast in the dark. 
“No power?” I asked as I flipped the switch knowing nothing would happen. 
“Nope.” My Mom replied as she walked past me to put her bowl in the sink. “And no water. I’m gonna pick up another tank of water from Heyward on my way home from work. Seems like the storm took out the whole island. Listen I know that you wanna hang out with your friends but I need you to take down all the storm shutters at some point.”
“Mom the day after a hurricane is a free day.” I argued, I knew better than to argue with her most of the time but I still had to try.
“I know and I’m not saying right this minute but at some point it would be nice.” She surprised me with her reply, most days I would get a lecture about talking back. 
“Are you feeling okay?” I asked checking her forehead temperature. 
“Yeah are you feeling okay Mommy?” Emmy parroted from behind us, one of her new hobbies.
“Yes, I’m feeling fine.” She said, swatting my hand away from her forehead. “I’m trying to be nice, this is your last summer before you graduate and I know you’ve been working a lot.”
“Okay…” I replied, still suspicious that this was some kind of trick. Quickly kissing her cheek, I grabbed my bag and kissed the top of Emmy’s head, jogging to the door I left the house before she could change her mind. “I’ll see you when you get home.”
I heard them both say goodbye as I closed the door behind me and made my way over to where John B and JJ were standing clearing branches off the HMS Pogue. 
“Mornin’ boys.” I greeted the pair as I helped them finish clearing off the boat. 
“Someone's in a good mood.” John B suggested as he made his way over to the side of the boat I was standing by. “You and JJ have fun?” He asked in a quieter voice. 
“Nope, he completely blew me off. I don’t even think he remembered.” I replied, biting the inside of my cheek trying to not show my disappointment. “But it’s fine, today is a free day and we are going to enjoy it.” I said putting a smile back on my face as I looked over to where JJ stood oblivious to mine and John B’s conversation. 
“Well, look who we have here.” JJ taunted as we pulled up to the Heyward’s dock. 
“We have a safety meeting. Attendance mandatory.” John B added pretending to speak into a walkie talkie. 
“I can’t. My Pop’s got me on lockdown.” Pope replied sadly. 
“Come on, man” JJ grumbled from his spot beside me. “Your dad’s a pussy. Over.” he commented speaking into his own pretend walkie talkie. I turned to look at him surprised as I hit his arm lightly. “What? He is?” JJ tried to defend. 
“Oh, I heard that, you little bastard.” Heyward scolded JJ.
“We need your son.” I said as I directed my attention to Heyward. “Island rules. Day after a hurricane’s a free day.”
“Who made that up?” Heyward demanded moving closer to the boat. 
“Uh… Pentagon, I think. We have security clearance.” I added, trying to come up with excuses. 
“Yeah, I have a card.” JJ tried to add to my story. 
“You think I’m stupid?” Heyward challenged. 
“I'll do it tomorrow. I promise. Tomorrow.” Pope told his dad, getting ready to get into the boat. 
“You think... No, no. Hell no. You doin' it right now.” Heyward told Pope as he hopped into the boat. “Bring your ass back up here.”
“I promise I'll do it tomorrow, Dad.” Pope assured his father as we started to float away.
“We’ll bring him back in one piece.” I called back to Heyward as we started to speed off towards Kie’s dock. 
After picking up Kie, Pope had taken over driving the boat and the rest of us were sitting around watching JJ attempt one of his many tricks that he had tried a million times but that never seemed to work the way he wanted it to. 
“You’re getting beer in my hair!” Kie reprimanded JJ. 
In an attempt to avoid the same fate as Kie I stood up from my spot beside her. But just as I got to my feet I felt the boat shift under me and jolt to the side throwing me off the edge. After a moment underwater I realized what had happened and swam back to the surface. 
“Jesus, Pope!” I heard Kie berate Pope. 
“You okay, JJ?” John B asked, I assumed he had also been sent overboard. 
“I think my heels touched the back of my head.” I heard JJ reply from the other side of the boat. 
“Kie, you okay?” John B asked, shifting his concern away from JJ.
“I’m all right.” Kie answered John B after a moment of pause. “Where’s Iz?”
“Over here.” I called from where I was treading water, a moment later I saw JJ swimming over to where I was. We made eye contact for a moment before he scanned that rest of my face with concern making sure I was good. I gave him a reassuring smile before looking back at our friends on the boat. 
“Guys... I think there's a boat down there.” Pope said looking out from the ledge of the Pogue. 
“Shut up. What?” Kie asked moving to look into the water. “No way.”
“No, no, guys. I'm serious. There's a boat down there.” Pope added confidently. “For real. “
“Holy shit, he's right. Let's go.” Kie said, getting ready to jump into the water.
We all dove down as deep as we could and sure enough a sunken boat was sitting below the surface. 
“You guys saw that?” JJ asks as we all come up for air. A chorus of agreement followed JJ’s question as we looked at each other shocked. “That’s a Grady-White. A new one of those is like 500 Gs, easy. That’s a primo rig.”
“Yeah. That's the boat I saw when I surfed the surge.” John B informed us after we had all climbed back into the Pogue. 
“You surfed the surge?” I asked, concern filling my thoughts.
“What the heck John B?” Kie added in the same tone. 
“That's my boy. Pogue style.” JJ congratulated him, as John B nodded confirming what he had just said. 
“Wait, wait. Do we know whose boat that is?” Pope asked curiously, wanting to know more about the wreck. 
“No, but we're about to find out.” John B replied as he went to grab the anchor of the boat. 
“Dude, it's too deep.” JJ warned as John B made his way over to the edge of the boat. 
“Oh, for the weak and feeble, JJ.” John B challenged as he readjusted the anchor in his grip. 
“Well, I'm not resuscitating you. I'm just making that clear up front.”
“That's fine.”
“Diver down, fool.” Pope said while giving John B a mock salute. 
“Diver down.” We all called as JJ pushed John B off the side of the boat. We all leaned over the side of the boat anxiously waiting for John B to come back up. 
“Should we go get him?” I asked the others in a concerned voice. It felt like he had been gone for ages at this point and I couldn't spot him in the murky water. Moments after I spoke John B broke the surface tension in a fit of coughs. 
“Oh, my God. That took forever!” Kie said, relieved as we all allowed John B some space to climb onto the Pogue. 
“I found this motel key.” John B supplied holding up the key while he got into the boat. 
“Great! We salvaged a motel key.” JJ spoke sarcastically as I inspected the key that John B had found. 
“Guys, we should report the wreck to the coast guard.” Kie suggested “Maybe we'll get a finder's fee.”
“Yeah, and not work all summer.” JJ added, hopefully as we speed off toward town. “Thanks, Agatha, ya batch.”
After an unsuccessful talk with the coast guard, as in we were completely ignored because they had no interest in what a group of teenagers had to say, we decided to head straight to the source and check out the motel. 
The boat slowed down as we got closer to the motel and began to take in the scene before us. It was a disaster, mattresses thrown on the lawn, windows broken, and trees that had been uprooted or close to it. I had to wonder how much of this damage was caused by the hurricane and how much was caused by a neglectful owner. 
“I thought the Château looked bad.” JJ commented from the front of the boat. 
“This place is a shitshow.” John B added. 
“Doesn't look like a place somebody with a Grady-White stays.” I said, confused as to why someone with such a nice boat would be staying somewhere so rundown.
“No. Looks like a place someone with a Grady-White would get killed.” Pope suggested.
“All right. Here we go.” JJ started jumping out of the boat ready to tie us to the shore. “This is your captain speaking. HMS Pogue comin' in for landing.”
“We good?” John B asked, standing beside me. 
“Yeah, we good.” JJ confirmed. 
“All right. Here goes nothin'.” I stated, while I tried to take the key from Pope’s hand, who had elected to stay on the boat with Kie as lookouts. 
“Hey.” Pope said seriously, while he held the key just out of reach.
“Don't let them do anything stupid.”
“Yeah, I’ll try.” I gave Pope a reassuring smile as he passed me the key, still holding a look of uncertainty on his face.
“Uh, be careful.” I heard Kie tell John B from behind me. “I mean it.”
JJ offered me his hand as I jumped out of the boat but I just ignored it, still a little mad that he had forgotten about me the day before. I made eye contact with him for a moment and saw a look of confusion grace his features before disappearing. I began walking away from the boat as JJ waited a moment for John B to finish talking to Kie. I listened to them talking behind me.
“Just be so careful, John.” I heard JJ tease as I started making my way across the front lawn of the hotel. 
“God, you're so weird.” John B replied.
“What was that about?”
“I don't know. Maybe she wants us to be careful?”
“Ever since she heard you're being threatened with exile, she's just been, like, <Oh! Be so careful, John B.>” JJ mimicked what Kie had told John B earlier as we started to climb the stairs to the second floor. “<Oh, just give me that John D already.> Just ask Iz she sees it too, right Iz?” JJ asked me. 
I paused for a moment when I reached the top of the stairs, turning around to meet JJ’s eyes
“Are you done?” I asked in a sour tone. 
“What?” He responded with confusion evident in his voice and the smile falling from his face. I rolled my eyes before turning around and beginning to count room numbers. “Why are you so mad at only me? What’d I do?”
“Dude.” I heard John B start saying. “You completely blew her off yesterday.”
I was curious what else they said to each other but their voices became muffled as I walked too far ahead. Stopping at the end of the hall in front of room twenty-nine. I turned to find the boys jogging towards me, John B gave me a small smile and JJ had a look that almost resembled remorse on his face. 
“This is it?” John B asked as JJ took the key that I was holding up in front of me. 
“Housekeeping.” JJ called out in a shrill voice knocking a few times on the door. 
“Should we try it?” John B asked, pointing to the key in JJ’s hand.
“No power. No security cameras. No one's gonna know.” JJ reasoned as he pushed the key into the lock. It felt like we could still get in trouble if we were caught but before I could voice my concerns JJ was already half way into the room.
“Huh.” I muttered, as the two of us followed JJ in. It was dark and smelled of mildew, definitely not the kind of place someone would stay if they had the funds to buy a Grady-White. 
“Check the bag. See if there's a name on there somewhere.” John B instructed JJ as I moved past the pair to open the blinds at the side of the room.  
“A jacket.”
“No name on the jacket?”
“No. It's a nice jacket, though.”
“Definitely over 50. He's got New Balances.”
I listened to their conversation as I walked across the small room into the bathroom. As I moved through the bathroom and rustled through the medicine cabinet, I heard the beeping of a safe in the other room. 
“Uh… JJ? Iz? You’re gonna want to see this” I heard John B call from the other room. 
Entering the room I looked at John B first who was looking over to where JJ stood with wide eyes. Following John B’s line of sight my own eyes widened as I realized what JJ was holding.
“Is that a gun?” I asked as if it could be anything else. 
“Put the gun back, JJ!” John B tried to reason with him. 
“This is a fucking spendy gatt, man. Just…” JJ said, eyes wide like a kid in a candy store. “Bam! Bam!” He mimicked the sound of a gun as he pointed it around the room.
“JJ, we’re not stealing anything.” John B told him for the hundredth time. 
“Just take a pic of me. Right here.” JJ pleaded with John B, but my attention had shifted to the sound of a rock landing on the window sill. 
I pushed past the boys as they continued arguing with each other, and looked out the window.
“Cops. Cops!” I could see Kie and Pope whisper yell while they pointed in the direction of the door. Turning around quickly I waved at the boys to get their attention. 
“Guys, the cops are here.” I told them in a hushed tone. John B moved towards the door to see if he could hear anything. “How are we gonna get out?” I asked them, feeling panic start to rise through my chest. 
“Out the window?” John B suggested as he pushed open the small window as far as it would go. 
With John B out first and standing to the right of the window, I followed quickly behind him moving to the left so that JJ could get out. In an attempt to keep us from being seen JJ pressed me against the wall of the motel, which meant that I was now pinned between him and the wall. My chest rose and fell unevenly as I squeezed my eyes shut hoping the cops couldn’t see us. As we we’re standing on the ledge I felt JJ’s hand grab on to mine and give it a reassuring squeeze. 
“Listen Sweetheart, I’m sorry I ditched you yesterday. I didn’t mean to forget.” JJ whispered to me, his head was right next to my ear and I could feel his breath fan out against my skin as he spoke. 
“As much as I appreciate your apology, I really don’t think this is the time JJ.” I whispered back terrified of every word that left my tongue. 
“Yeah, yeah, you’re right, sorry.” JJ replied, shifting his weight slightly. 
“Guys! Shut. Up.” John B whisper yelled from where he stood on the ledge. 
As we both turned to look at John B I felt cold metal touch my free hand, startling me I pulled my hand back swiftly and as I did I heard a clattering as something fell from the ledge. 
“JJ, tell me that wasn’t what I think it was?” I demanded as quietly as I could. 
“Well you tell me what you think it was and then I’ll tell you it wasn’t.” He said and I could hear the smirk in his voice, shocking me that he could still be joking when we were about to be caught at any moment, I rolled my eyes at him. 
After our narrow escape from the motel, myself and the Pogues were headed towards town, discussing what we were going to do next. 
“The cops took everything like it was a crime scene.” John B stated still sounding shocked at what he had seen back at the motel. 
“Did you guys find anything?” Pope asked us curiously. My gaze shifted to JJ as I already knew what he had taken. 
“Did we find anything? No, I don't think so. Oh, yeah, we did.” JJ responded smiling as he held up the gun, and to my surprise a wad of cash. I let my head fall into my hands wondering how JJ could be so dumb.
“What the hell?” Pope asked standing, panic written all over his features. 
“Dude, chill.” JJ started walking over to where Pope stood. “Better than cops having it.”
“I'm gonna lose my merit scholarship.”
“Hey, hey, hey. Sh, sh, sh, sh, sh.” JJ said, grabbing Pope by the shoulders in an attempt to calm him down. “At least you have us, right?”
“I'm living the nightmare.”
After a trip to the marina and witnessing Scooter Grubbs get taken away by a coroner, we were back at the Château trying to figure out what to do next. 
“Okay. So, um... we didn't see anything.” Pope spoke up as he paced in front of us all. “We don't know anything. We need to have total and complete amnesia.”
“Actually, Pope's right for once.” JJ stated, looking at us all. “See, I agree with you sometimes.” He assured Pope. “Deny, deny, deny.”
“Guys, we can't keep that money.” Kie piped into the conversation. “We have to pass that off to Lana Grubbs. Otherwise, it's bad karma.”
“Bad karma to be implicated in a felony, too.” I added referring to the gun JJ was still in possession of. 
“We gotta go dark.” Pope suggested. 
“None of it makes sense.” John B finally said, breaking his silence. “This is Scooter Grubbs we're talking about. Same dude that's buying individual cigarettes at the Porthole. Shit, one time I saw this dude begging for change in the Save-A-Lot parking lot because he needed gas. We're talking about a dirtbag marina rat who's never had more than 40 bucks in his pocket, and all of a sudden, he's got a Grady-White? Just sayin'.”
“So how does a marina rat get a Grady-White?” I asked, thinking out loud. 
“Prostitution.” Pope suggested making me laugh under my breath. 
“Okay...” John B stated, trying to move past Pope's comment. “Or maybe they're trying to fly under the radar, no aerial surveillance. They don't do that stuff during a hurricane. What does that mean? JJ?”
“They were straight smugglin'.” JJ finished John B’s thought. 
“Smugglin'.” John B confirmed. “And I guarantee there's a serious amount of contraband in that wreck.”
“For the record, if that is a smuggling ship with illegal contraband on the inside of it…” Pope said and I could tell he was thinking about all the terrible outcomes. “...it probably belongs to someone else.”
“Minor details.”
“They could come looking for it.” Pope warned. “Taking it would be catastrophically stupid.”
“Right. Well, stupid things have good outcomes all the time.” JJ reasoned holding up the money that he had now decided belonged to us. “All we need to do is figure out a way to get into the cargo hold of that wreck.”
“Until then, we just lay low. Just act normal.” John B added. 
“Right. And how exactly do we do that?” I asked. I still felt like Pope was making a lot of good points that the others were not listening to. 
“Kegger?” Kie suggested looking at the rest of us for confirmation. 
You can't understand the Outer Banks without understanding the boneyard. It's kinda like a three-layer burrito. There's us and our friends, the working-class derelicts. Then, there are the Kooks, the rich second-homers. They're mostly from poncey-ass boarding schools, just rich trustafarian posers. Our natural enemies. And then, there are the Tourons. Totally clueless. Here for a week on vacation with their families. Chum for the sharks.
Later in the day after the sun had set, the kegger was coming to life, basically the entirety of the island's teen population was in attendance and the beach was getting pretty crowded. Earlier on I had been hanging around with JJ, all had been forgiven between us and we were back to cracking jokes. 
Up until JJ spotted a girl he wanted to flirt with and I was left alone. Since then I had started chatting with a couple of Tourons who had taken one surfing lesson earlier in the week and now thought they knew everything about the sport. Desperate to make my escape I searched through the crowd for my friends. Just as I was about to make up an excuse I heard shouting from the water. 
“Sorry, I have to go.” I told the pair lamely. “I think that’s my friends calling me.”
“Okay. Bye.” They replied as I walked away. 
Much to my horror, once I had reached the shore it turned out to actually be my friends shouting, and the shouting had turned into a full out fight. I recognized John B in the water but the Kook he was fighting had their back facing me. I pushed my way through the crowd once I spotted Kie and made my way to stand beside her. 
“What the hell is going on?” I asked, looking at her face which was covered in fear. 
“Topper and John B started arguing and now they're trying to kill each other.” Kie answered, watching as the fight got worse. That’s when I noticed the Kook Princess, Sarah Cameron, trying to calm down her angry boyfriend. 
I used to know Topper when I was young. We had been friends but when I had moved to the Cut we lost touch. Now as he stood over John B I barely recognized him. He wasn’t the young boy I had once known, now he was a cruel person who thought he was better than others just because his parents had money.
“Hey, John B, don't make me drown you like your old man, all right?” I heard Topper challenge John B.
After that comment I had had enough and I was desperately looking around the crowd trying to figure out what I could do to stop them. I felt useless as I definitely couldn’t just jump in there, I had no idea how to fight. But we had to do something before Topper killed John B. 
As my eyes scanned the crowd I noticed JJ who was already looking at me. His once bright eyes looked dark and it seemed like he knew exactly what he was about to do. I shook my head as I tried to make my way over to him, but he was already stalking towards where Topper and John B fought. I had a feeling I knew what he was about to do but I didn’t want to believe it. 
I held my breath as I heard the crowd go silent when JJ clicked the gun's safety off. 
“Yeah, you know what that is.” JJ threatened as Topper pulled away from John B. “Your move, broski.”
“Come on. Chill, dude!” Topper responded, trying to reason with him.
“Put the gun down.” Sarah cried desperately. 
“Did you say somethin', Princess?” JJ asked, not taking his eyes off of Topper. 
“We're good. We're good.” Topper tried to tell him, raising his hands in surrender. 
“Kie! Iz! Can you check your psycho friend, please?” I heard Sarah screaming behind me pulling me out of the trance I had been frozen in. I took a few steps closer to JJ but I didn’t want to get too close when he had a gun pointed at someone. I had seen him get in fights before but never like this, this was different. I really thought that he might kill Topper and that terrified me.
“JJ.” I spoke softly so as to not startle him. He turned to glance back at me but kept the gun pointed at Topper who was looking back at us. “Think about what you’re doing.” I continued speaking calmly, meanwhile I could hear Sarah practically sobbing behind me. “You have to let him go.” I said, at this JJ nodded ever so slightly before pulling the gun away from Topper. 
“Okay, everyone, listen up! Get the hell off our side of the island!” JJ yelled into the crowd of people before shooting the gun into the air. 
The second JJ moved Topper was out of sight and Sarah wasn’t far behind. While Kie and Pope began to berate JJ over his actions I ran into the water to go check on John B. 
“Hey, are you okay?” I asked John B once I reached him, holding his shoulders so he wouldn’t fall back into the water. He mumbled back something incoherent as he swayed in my grasp. “Guys! Can you help?” I asked the three Pogues who still stood arguing behind me. 
With their help we got John B out of the water and closer to the fire that had been started a while ago. We all sat silently there for sometime before John B was able to get up again and we all headed home. 
After a sleepless night, we were all back together at the Château, I sat next to Kie as she lazily hit a pair of bongos that sat on the table between us and Pope. JJ was further away in the yard throwing god knows what into the grass. I stood up as I saw John B make his way over to us. Meeting him halfway between the main house and where the rest of our friends were I pulled him into a bone crushing hug. 
“What was that for?” He asked, chuckling while he looked at me. 
“I’m just glad to see you’re okay. I can’t lose you, any of you guys.” I explained making myself think back to last night. 
“You can’t get rid of me that easily.” He joked trying to lighten the mood. 
“Yeah, I know.” I said the smile returning to my face. “Hey, by the way I saw the cop car driving away this morning, is everything okay?”
“Eh, it’s alright Peterkin stopped by, told me to stay out of trouble and to clean up the house.” John B explained as we made our way over to the others. “Look, I'm callin' it off. All right?” John B announced to everyone. “Peterkin said, if I stay out of the marsh, she'll help me with DCS.”
“And you believed her?” JJ questioned. 
“Yes, I believe her, JJ.” 
“An actual cop, John B. You believed a cop.” He added, trying to make his point. 
“All I gotta do is stay out of the marsh for a couple days, and she'll help me out. It doesn't help that your ass was the one shooting a gun.”
“You know what I should have done? Just let Topper drown your ass.”
“Topper was gonna drown me?”
“Sure looked like it.”
“Alright, calm down.” I spoke up trying to get them to stop.
“Come on. They always win, don't they, man? Kooks versus Pogues. They always, always win!” JJ started to raise his voice. 
“Look, it's okay!” Kie reasoned, also trying to help me calm them down. 
“No, it's not okay!” JJ argued, turning his attention to John B. “It is not! They don't want us to go down into the marsh. That means there's something valuable down there, and you know it. I know you do. And I understand why you don't wanna go. You're the golden boy. You got way too much to risk.” JJ added pointing a finger at Pope. “ And you...I mean, you're already rich as fuck anyway. Why would you bother?” He asked Kie. “But us three.” He finished looking at John B and I. “We got nothin' to lose!” 
“I don't want to talk about this.” John B told JJ as he began to walk away. 
“So that's it?” JJ asked and I could tell he was losing hope in John B. 
“Just get out of my way, bro.”
“John B, listen to me. I have a plan.”
JJ telling us he had a plan? That was never a good start. 
We all gathered around Kie who was inspecting the tanks that John B had stolen from the Cameron's. JJ had tried to argue that we were going to return them so technically we were just borrowing them but I didn’t think the Cameron's would see it that way or the cops they would inevitably call if they found out. 
“This is empty. You took empty tanks? I…” Kie told John B sounding defeated. “Okay, this one's a quarter full. It's enough for one of us. Love it when a plan comes together. Does anybody know how to dive?”
“It's kind of a Kook sport.” JJ replied. 
“I... read about it.” Pope responded cautiously. 
“Great, Pope read about it, so someone's gonna die.” Kie reasoned.
“Look, y-you put the thing in your mouth and breathe. How hard could it be?” JJ asked. 
“If you come up too fast, nitrogen gets into your blood, and you get the bends.” Pope told him.
“Bends like, bend over and…” JJ asked, making me roll my eyes at him. 
“The bends kill you.” Pope said seriously and JJ straightened up.
“I can do it.” I finally said standing up at the front of the boat. “I went diving a few times with my dad when I was younger.”
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” JJ stated, a look of worry crossing his features. 
“I’ll be fine, it’s like riding a bike, you don’t forget.” I reasoned. “Right?”
“Let me do some calculations real quick.” Pope said while he looked through his bag for a notebook. 
“Are you serious? You’re gonna do some calculations right now?” John B teased Pope with a smile on his face. 
“Hey, let the man do his calculations, alright?” JJ told John B before glancing over at me again. 
“That boat's about 30 feet down. Okay.” Pope stated, thinking out loud. “So it'll take 25 minutes at that depth.”
“Twenty-five.” I confirmed half listening to him half focusing on keeping my hands from shaking, suffice to say I was a little nervous. 
“Which means you need to make your safety stop at about... ten feet. All right? For two minutes.” 
“Okay, ten feet, two minutes.” I confirmed, attempting to remember everything he was telling me. 
Kie suddenly stood up from her spot and jumped off the side of the boat, disappearing into the dark water. 
“What was that all about?” Pope asked, distracted. 
“I don't know, but I liked it. A lot.” JJ commented. 
“Anything else I need to know?” I asked, looking at the boys who were all very clearly still thinking about what Kie had just done. 
“All right. Yeah. Uh, when you... uh, when you're down there, you look for the cargo hold.” John B stated remembering where he was. 
“You stick this thing inside and twist and pull, okay?” JJ told me, holding up a key and miming it in the air. 
“Yeah I think I know how a lock works JJ.” I told him sarcastically, as I took the key from his grasp. 
“Hey! I tied my T-shirt to the anchor chain about ten feet down.” Kie said finally emerging from the water. “It's where you need to do your safety stop.”
“Okay, thanks.” I responded giving her a smile before pulling the heavy tank onto my back. I could barely pull the straps tight because of how much my hands were shaking. Seeing me struggle, JJ made his way over to me and finished strapping me in. Giving a thumbs up as he took a step back. 
“Keep an eye on this.” Pope said, pointing to the console attached to the tank before handing it to me. “You need to make sure you have enough air to decompress.”
“Okay, how much do I need?” I asked. 
“Unclear.” He answered truthfully after a brief pause. “Breathe as little as possible.”
“Zen. Think Zen, you know?” JJ commented trying to get me to relax. He took my hand in his while I looked around at everyone. 
“Yeah. Got it.” I responded, moving closer to the edge of the boat. 
“Hey, if we get caught in the marsh, we're basically screwed, so... better get a move on.” Pope said. I knew he was just trying to be helpful but it did not help me feel very Zen. 
I was about to pull down my mask from where it was sitting on top of my head when I realized JJ still had a tight grip on my hand. 
“I’m gonna need this.” I told him, holding up our interlocked hands. 
“Oh, yeah, sorry about that.” He said, awkwardly letting go of my hand and rubbing the back of his neck. “Be careful, yeah?”
“I’ll be fine.” I responded, but I wasn’t sure if I was trying to convince him of myself. “Diver down?”
“Diver down.” My friends all confirmed as I pulled the mask down over my face before jumping into the water. 
A couple of minutes after Iz had dove off the edge of the Pogue, the rest of the group sat waiting anxiously in silence for their friend to return. Well everyone but JJ who was currently pacing back and forth across the floor of the small boat, seemingly mumbling something under his breath about how Iz would be fine. The other Pogues watched, baffled as to how he could do things like this and yet still not realize how he truly felt about the girl who had just dove into the water. 
JJ and the rest of the Pogues were pulled out of their thoughts by the sound of sirens and the flashing lights of a police boat. 
“Shit.” Kie said, alerting everyone that the cops were pulling up next to them. 
“Guys, that's the police.” Pope said, the panic in his voice rising with each word. 
“Oh, you gotta be kidding me.” John B said standing up. 
“Yep, that's the police. Just act frickin' normal.” JJ confirmed what they were all seeing, meanwhile acting the least natural the Pogues had ever seen him. JJ never panicked. “Evening, officers.”
“How you kids doing?” Deputy Shoupe asked the group, passing a rope over to connect the boats. “You know the marsh is closed?”
“No. No. Wow. I didn't know that. Why... Why is it closed?” Pope asked, trying to look calm.
“Well, we're conducting a search out here. Boat went down. Seen anything?”
“No. No boats. No.” John B responded. 
“Where's your other friend you always hang out with? Who’s that, Bailer’s kid, uh, Isabella? She here?” Shoupe asked.
“She's working.” Kie lied. 
“Hm.” Shoupe hummed, not entirely convinced. “I'm gonna check your little boat out.”
“Yeah, hop aboard.” John B said, waving a hand. “You wanna check... uh, check her out.”
Meanwhile below the surface Iz had found what she was looking for and began unlocking the hold. 
After Shoupe had inspected their life jackets, he made his way to the front of the boat, putting his sunglasses on and looking out onto the water. From the back of the boat JJ also scanned the water, he thought that he saw something move beneath the surface and prayed that Shoupe hadn’t seen the same thing. 
After getting into the hold I found a small bag and took it with me as I swam towards the anchor of the boat so I could make my safety stop before heading back up. 
From my spot ten feet below the surface I looked up, noticing the shadow of a new boat and someone looking into the water. I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment as if that would help me keep from getting caught before opening them and looking at the console in my left hand. There was less than thirty seconds of air left and I was panicking even more than before. 
Just in time the figure left and moments later the second boat disappeared. With my last breath of air I swam to the surface pulling off my mask as I took a huge breath of fresh air. 
“There she is!” JJ pointed at me letting out a sigh of relief. “Don’t scare us like that!”
“How'd it go down there?” John B asked as I made my way to the ladder on the back of the boat. 
“Did you find anything?” Pope asked, pulling me up.
“Did I find anything?” I answered the question by holding up the small duffle bag that I had found in the hold. 
“Yeah, there we go! That's my girl!” JJ hollered scooping me up into a hug as John B took the bag from me. 
“Jeez.” I laughed as JJ let go of me again and Kie made her way to my side. 
“You okay?” She asked, a look of concern painting over her usual happy expression. 
“Yeah, I ran out of air.” I said trying not to worry her but realizing my words did the opposite of that. 
“You scared the shit out of me.” JJ said, snaking an arm around my waist. I knew he just thought of me as a friend but his actions still gave me butterflies, it was nice to know he cared. 
“Yeah, the cops were up here, but, uh... we took care of 'em.” Pope informed me. 
“Hey, guys? Guys, bogey, two o'clock.” Kie said, pulling us from our previous conversation. 
“Do you recognize that boat?” Pope asked.
“I've never seen it.”
“What are they doing here? The marsh is closed.” John B asked and I couldn’t help but smile at the irony of his words, after all we knew better than to be there and yet here we were. 
“Let's not stick around and find out.” JJ stated, moving to the front of the boat. 
“Should we wait on 'em?” Pope asked. 
“Are you joking?” I asked, helping start the boat up. “JJ, hurry up.”
“Guys, don't wait for me. Go.” JJ told us as he pulled the anchor up as fast as he could. 
“Go right.” I suggested to John B who was standing behind the wheel, thinking if we went further into the marsh they might not follow us. 
“Let's go!” Kie rushed as the boat turned behind us. “Hey, guys, they're following us.”
“This can't be good.” I said as JJ moved to stand beside me.
“Dude, you gotta go faster!” JJ urged John B as the boat began to gain on us. 
“I'm going!” He said while trying to maneuver the marsh that was filled with thick weeds. 
Looking back I noticed that one of the men had leant down and was now standing back up holding something I could quite make out.
“Uh, guys what is that?” I asked as everyone but John B looked back. 
“What the…” Pope started but the rest of his question died out at the sound of a gunshot. 
As everyone one dropped down to the floor of the boat I felt as if I had been pushed, there was a heavy weight on my chest.
“Holy shit!” I heard Kie mutter as I opened my eyes realizing that JJ was on top of me. This was now the second time in the past two days that I had been pinned between JJ and another surface. Had it been under different circumstances I might have been able to enjoy it. 
“John B, get down!” I heard JJ yell as I felt the vibrations of his voice echo through my own chest. 
“We're gonna die!” I heard Pope say hopelessly from beside me.
“Shit! Pope, move.” Kie muttered, I couldn’t see much but I thought I saw Kie walking to the back of the boat carrying something. 
“Get down, Kie!” John B yelled as the man in the other boat continued to shoot at us. 
Then the shooting stopped as the sound of the other boat died out. 
“Oh my god.” Pope sighed, sounding very relieved as everyone started to get back up except for JJ.
“JJ?” I asked, looking up at him. His face turned towards me, inches away from mine as he hovered over me.
“Yeah?” He asked, sounding completely oblivious.
“You gonna let me get up?” I asked, smiling.
“Oh, yeah, sorry about that Sweetheart.” He said standing before he offered me his hand. A look flashed across his face that I couldn’t quite recognize, if I didn’t know better I would think it was disappointment?
After arriving back at the Château we all gathered on the dock. To take a look at what I had found in the hold of the Grady-White. 
“What do you think it is?” Kie asked us. 
“Gotta be money, right?” John B responded with another question. 
“That or a couple of keys with street value from the low-to-mid-mils!” JJ added. 
“Can we please just open the bag?” Pope let out looking impatient. 
“Wow, Pope. That's a rare outburst of emotion.” John B teased as he stretched out the wait even longer. 
“Okay. You guys are literally killing me with anticipation.” I said in the same boat as Pope, urging them to hurry up. 
“Alright Sweetheart, calm down.” JJ said from beside me putting a hand on my arm to calm me down. 
“We almost died over this.” Pope added to our argument to open the bag faster. 
John B opened the bag pulling out a metal canister. After opening that too he let the contents spill out onto his hand. Disappointment rose up as we looked to see that all it was was an old compass. While taking a second look I thought that I recognized it from somewhere but wasn’t sure. 
“Oh, wow. Yup. That's about right.” Pope stated, standing from his crouched position. “Good job, everybody. We found a compass.”
“Dude, what? It's not worth anything.” JJ told John B who was staring at the compass in awe. 
“This was my father's.” Were the only words that left John B’s lips. 
After the disappointment of not finding much of anything after we all risked our lives we all headed home. Entering my house the sun was setting outside and it seemed empty. But my Mom’s car was parked just off the road and I could hear faint talking coming from the back of the house. I walked through the living room and kitchen, past the stairs that led to the loft which was my Mom’s room. Past my own room and the bathroom before coming to a stop in front of my little sister’s door. Leaning against the door frame, I saw my Mom reading Emmy a book by candle light, I assumed that the power was still out. 
Walking back to the main room I started to make myself a sandwich, realizing that I hadn’t eaten much of anything all day. Just as I was about to take the first bite. I heard Emmy’s door close and my Mom entered the room, holding a candle in her hand. 
“Hey, Honey.” She greeted me as she set down the candle. “How was your day?”
“Good.” I responded in between bites of the sandwich I had made. “Pretty uneventful.”
“Really?” She asked, almost surprised. “I saw Shoupe on my way out of town and he said that he saw your friends out on the marsh when they were doing their search for Scooter’s boat. He also said that you weren't there. Your friends told him something about you working, but I didn’t know you were working at all for a few days.”
“Oh really?” I said trying to figure out how to cover the real story up. “Um, Mr. Cameron came down and asked if I could pick up another shift. I guess his kids have been spending a lot of time inside since the storm so it was a bit of a mess over there.”
“He drove all the way down here?”
“Yeah well since the phone lines are down he couldn’t call.” 
“Huh, it seems strange he would come all the way down when he could just wait a couple more days for us to come over.”
“Yeah well it was really bad. I would have taken pictures if my phone wasn’t dead.”
“Oh no I don’t need pictures, I’ve met those kids and cleaned that house, I believe that they could make a terrible mess.” She said seemingly believing everything I was telling her, she paused for a moment before asking another question. “You don’t know why your friends were in the marsh do you?”
“Well” I started, thinking about what I could say that would get us all off the hook. “They were actually waiting to pick me up. Yeah. Cause I went up to Figure Eight with Mr. Cameron but I didn’t want to make him drive me all the way home. So they hung out in the marsh I guess while they waited.”
“How’d you call them?” Mom asked, picking apart my story. 
“Walkie Talkies.” I blurted out. “You know the ones that Heyward got Pope and I a few years ago? And that must have been why they were in the marsh even though it was closed. You know cause the walkie talkies only work for a certain radius, and the Cameron house is probably too far from here.”
“Yeah I guess so.” She said moving towards me to grab my now empty plate. 
“Thanks.” I said, as she put my plate in the sink. “I think I’m gonna head back over to John B’s if that's okay.”
“Of course just don’t forget to sleep at some point. You do still require sleep.” She told me. 
“I know, I’ll see you later.”
“Love you!” I heard her call after me as I closed the door and made the short walk over to John B’s where I saw him and JJ lounging on the porch. 
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hobidara · 4 years
latibule; oikawa
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part 2;
pairing: oikawa x fem!reader
genre: friends to lovers, fluff, angst
word count: 2.68k
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every time you try to remember the moment you fell for your friend, you can’t remember. you don’t even know how or when, you just did which is pretty scary. if you at least knew the reason why you like him, maybe you can stop yourself but unfortunately, there’s no particular reason.
he was extremely popular back in high school. during college? he was as well. he still is today, even in university. high school and university are two very different things.
high school has less students and it wasn’t as stressful, at least for you. in case of oikawa, he is always stressed due to his inferior complex and always feeling like he’s not good enough.
he doesn’t show it to you, of course. heck, you guys became closer just last year despite knowing each other for five years. but you’ve seen the way he tried so hard for volleyball, the way he beat himself over it just because he thinks he’s not as good as others. oh, how you wish you could just scream it in his face that he’s the best.
now, you guys are in university. there’s much more students. it’s harder to be well known in university compared to high school. also, university students don’t care about stuff as much as high school students. yet, oikawa is still very well known. even though he doesn’t receive as much love confessions like in high school, he still receives some, he still has girls talking about him, gazing at his direction to gain his attention. even if someone doesn’t know his name, if someone says ‘the pretty setter from the volleyball club’, everyone knows it’s oikawa.
you became friends with oikawa through iwaizumi. the two of you were put into a pair for a chemistry project which meant you had to meet iwa during after school hours to finish the project. 
oikawa wasn’t from your class. he always sticks to iwa. one day, you had a question about the conclusion part so you walked over to their table where the two sat together with their other teammates.
you didn’t even bash an eyelash at oikawa because you were clearly not interested. especially guys like him who had girls swooning over him. you couldn’t see why. sure, he’s pretty, good-looking, cool and smart. what’s more than that? you didn’t get it at all. 
being the friendly oikawa he is, he joined the conversation iwa and you were having. he introduced himself even though he knew everyone knew his name. that’s the very start. the three of you started hanging out a lot more and soon, they were already inviting themselves to your place.
not to mention the fact that your mom loves oikawa. just look at his external cover and not inside him, what’s there not to love him? but you just saw him as a close friend. he talked about girls to you. you also talked about boys to him which he always whines about you not having good taste in men. you watched girls come and go just like how he watched boys come and go your way.
even though he was very popular, oikawa never really took that as an advantage. he never played with girls’ feelings, he didn’t give him false hopes and he tries his best to be nice when rejecting someone’s confession.
the girls he dated were different as well, some of them were pretty while some of them were average. all of them gave off different vibes so you still don’t know what his type is. 
same goes for you but you weren’t the luckiest with men or should we call them boys? so yes, you honestly don’t know when you fell for him. somehow, you found yourself thinking about him more and smiling at his texts more. 
oikawa always hangs his arm around your shoulders, pats your head, ruffles your hair, gives you small hugs here and there, squishes your cheeks and many more small actions exist but you started blushing unlike before. you immensely tried to deny it that you are starting to fall for him which led you to date some guys. you still treated them the best you can while dating them though. also, because you and oikawa were impossible. there’s no chance for you. 
iwa noticed all this. you know when someone is falling for someone else and they don't know it but the third party always see its through them? iwa was that third party. quickly, iwa became the rant zone whenever you had to open up about your emotions for your friend. 
iwa is neutral. he doesn’t exactly ship the two of you but he also doesn’t mind if you end up dating. this is because he knows oikawa too well. 
there are so many good traits about him but he’s human, he also has his toxic traits. this is why you don’t want to get involved with him in that way. you don’t want to hurt yourself.
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the two of you step out of the library. it’s already 12am. it was all you. you wanted to finish catching up with the lectures today since you’ve been missing a lot of them. why? all because you want to spend your time sleeping in with oikawa instead of attending your morning classes. 
as usual, oikawa waited for you as he does whatever he wants. he wasn’t even focusing in his work. but he’s still very smart. you are not much different compared to oikawa.
oikawa, he tries so hard and he doesn’t have natural talent. even though he works his ass off, loses his sleep over volleyball and works thrice harder than others, the ones who have natural talent in them are always ahead of him. that’s how he felt like.
and you, you try really hard in your studies but you are not the smartest. you go to the library every day. you spend hours there, studying. yet, your grades are never as good as the ones who are naturally smart. that makes you so insecure because you actually start to think, oh no matter how much i try, i won’t be like them.
“wait,” he stops in his steps, grabbing your wrist. “can we not go home?”
you blink, “you want to sleep on the streets?”
he stares at you boringly, “no. i’m saying let’s go for a walk.”
“we are walking now.”
he groans, stomping his feet before linking his arm with yours. why does he have to be so cute?
“you know what i meannn.” he pouts, dragging your body with him.
late night walks with your crush? sounds like the fan fictions you read when you are free or lonely. instead of feeling giggly, you feel at ease and peace. you share a comfortable silence, throwing a joke in sometimes as you walk and walk. 
you expressed your concerns with your studies and he comforts you. it doesn’t always have to be serious talks with him. you can joke around while being serious at the same time and you like that. but oikawa has never talked about his worries to you, quite different from you who likes ranting it out. 
“i’m hungry.” you say, pulling his hand towards you. are you really or are you just making up another reason to spend time with him longer?
“how can you eat a lot?” he asks, smiling and pokes your stomach.
you ask back, “aren’t you?”
“maybe, a bit. but i don’t want to go back yet.”
“well, i want to.” you shrug, walking ahead of him knowing he will follow you.
he grins, showing a thumbs up. “okay. i will cook you ramen at my place.”
“you cook it yourself then, since it��s your place.” 
even if he told you to cook it instead, you still would. you are such a simp for him that it even hurts your ego.
“i will! let’s go!” he beams.
and did the two of you continue talking about one topic after another even after eating? just so you could spend time longer and eventually maybe spend the night over? maybe. 
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you are seated at a table near the vending machine, laughing at your guy friends who are still arguing about the football match they just had. it wasn’t a serious nor a practice one, they just played for fun. you and your friend, amelie decided to watch them play as you guys were bored to death in your dorms.
also maybe because oikawa hasn’t texted you since the afternoon which is really weird; considering the fact that he’s always texting you and you wanted to distract yourself from it.
the sound of the gym doors behind you opening catches your attention as you see students coming out of it — wait, aren’t those volleyball players?
after a bunch of them walking out and just when you thought that maybe he’s not here, the sight of iwa, drenched in sweat makes you raise your eyebrows.
“oh?” he tilts his head, walking towards you. “why are you here?”
“came to watch my friends playing football.” you answer, nodding at your guy friends who are also now looking at the exchange between you and iwa.
iwa nods, “he’s inside.”
“he? he who?” you ask even though the back of your mind is screaming oikawa.
“oikawa. who else?” iwa smirks, “go on in.”
you get up a bit too quickly before telling your friends, “um, you guys can go ahead.”
they agree suspiciously, eyeing iwa, probably thinking you have something going on with him. geez.
you push the gym doors open and the echoes of the volleyball slamming against the floors welcome you.
there he is, tooru oikawa, practicing his ass off alone. his shirt is literally soaked in sweat that you can even see his back muscles. you might sound creepy but you are just pointing out what you are seeing. how long was their practice anyway?
when he walks towards the ball cart to grab another one, you call out his name.
“take a break!”
he whips his head around at your voice, a very tiny smile appearing on his face.
“since when were you here?” he questions.
“just now. met iwa outside.”
he nods, returning his gaze back to the volleyball in his hand.
“go grab dinner with him. he said he’s hungry.”
this makes you pout slightly. doesn’t the thought of you being alone with another guy makes him jealous? but again, it’s iwa we are talking about. the person who helped started the friendship between you and oikawa.
you shake your head, sliding down against the wall to sit on the floor. “nah, we will wait.”
instead of replying, he jumps and spikes the ball hard that you flinch in your place. watching him practice breaks your heart. it always does. back in high school till now, whenever you see him practicing alone in the empty gym with all his might, finishing it with his palms all red and still not being satisfied with himself, you just want to give him a hug.
“you know me. i will take hours.” he finally replies after a few more spikes. you almost already forgot about the last words you said.
just before you can give a response, iwa walks in with a new pair of clothes.
“oikawa!” he howls loudly, striding to his friend and plainly taking the ball away from oikawa’s grasp.
“iwa-chan, just one m–”
“i’ve known you my whole life, dude. that’s the lie you spit the most.” iwa says strictly before heading to put the volleyball ball cart in the store room.
oikawa groans so loudly and messes his own hair from frustration. he hates it when someone interrupts him or stops him from practicing but everyone knows iwa is the only one who can control and take care of him.
when he makes his way to his bag which is right beside you, he doesn’t look very pleased so you try to start a conversation.
“anything you have in mind for dinner?” you ask, looking up at him.
guggling down his water, he shrugs, “anything.”
are you intimidated? yes, you are. despite knowing him for years, you still don’t know how to handle with his moods. maybe you do but you are just scared you will make it worse so you choose to remain silent instead.
besides, if you try to talk more and he ends up yelling at you, it will just lead you to messily cry and that’s embarrassing so no, you don’t want that.
iwa notices the way both of you are quiet when he walks out of the store room. being the mom he is, it’s his job to fix this atmosphere.
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“ohh, look who this is. i knew that winter coat was familiar!”
a very familiar voice interrupts your cries. your eyes widen, and you quickly wipe your tears under the coat’s hood. why is he even here? it’s freaking 2 am. don’t tell me he comes out at 2 in the morning, in 7°C to play basketball.
you feel him sit next to you but you remain quiet, afraid that your voice will crack if you say something.
“hey, aren’t you happy to see me?” he asks in a whiny voice, bumping his shoulder with yours thrice.
“i am.”
you suddenly find him crouched down in front of you as he looks up at your face. “wait, you are cryin — noo, why? what’s wrong?”
he throws questions at you worriedly, cupping your face with his large hands. you wiggle out of his hold, clearing your throat.
“i’m not.”
he slaps your thigh softly, “i’m not my ass. do you think i’m blind?”
when you don’t respond anything back, he continues, “hm, tell me. what’s wrong, y/n?”
“you know, just studies.” you lie.
you do not want to tell him the actual reason because you know it’s not going to end well. it’s your friends. apparently, they’ve been discussing about you behind your back, specifically about you and oikawa and how you are spending nights at each other’s place.
then, there’s this group of japanese students you know from the japanese society who’ve also heard about you and oikawa. they call you a slut for sleeping at oikawa’s place when you aren’t even dating. they didn’t say it right in front of your face though. they act so kind around you.
but it still hurts. maybe they are right. maybe you are acting like a slut, being so whipped for a guy who only sees you as a friend. however, it’s not your fault that you can’t control your feelings. you feel sorry for yourself and your emotions and mind are all over the place.
so you did what you always do. you came to this basketball court which is 3 minutes away from your dorm. you always do when you are feeling suffocated.
as always, oikawa comforts you with sweet words, patting your back to make you feel better. even running to the shop next to the court to get you some chocolate. he’s doing his best to make you feel better and it makes you feel worse for lying at him.
this is for the better though. if he knows, he will either blame himself for it or he will directly face the people who talked shit about you. you don’t want that for him because this is about you. this is your problem.
“let’s go to my place! i will cook you ramen!” he beams, looking at his dorm. yep, the basketball court is just right in front of his dorm.
“no,” you sniffle. “i’m sick of your ramen.”
“ouch,” he pretends to be hurt, clenching his fist over his heart. “how could you say that? that’s the only thing i can make.”
you chuckle, “fine, let’s grab some sausages from the store too.”
he nods happily, linking his arm with yours. he always does this when you two are walking together and the gesture swells your heart a lot. you let out a sigh, realising that instead of stopping your feelings, you’ve fallen even deeper for your friend.
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