#yes there's a lot of women and whatever Gustaf/Daphnes are but I want the pun of kings meet au
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sunfloo-wers · 6 months ago
This is giving me IDEAS
also @skyward-floored and @bokettochild if you want me to take this down because it was your idea(s) originally (or you were planning on doing it yourself and this feels like copy-ing, or literally anything else bad) I will in a heartbeat, just wanted to make that clear off the bat :D
why is this the thing that gets my creative juices flowing???? (I swear, my brain latches on to the weirdest things)
Half of this is from Wiki pages and half is from my own playthroughs of the games, if anyone wants to correct some characterization please feel free to!
I've chosen to include as many kings as I can, not just one per game or one per hero. If there's a king, or an old man, or old man type character, they're probably going to be here in one shape or form!
Each King is meant to be there for a reason, beyond just, oh funny grandpa. Each one is meant to represent a lesson that Rhoam needs to learn, and each one will teach him that lesson.
I have no idea what to name the ones that don't have canonical names because they do need like, person names because it would be weird to have Daphnes and Gustaf and Clock and Daltus. So yeah, if anyone has suggestions for names I'm all ears!
Skyward Sword:
So, this one I have a few ideas for, because there isn't really a "king" in SS, 1) just put the old headmaster guy Gaepora because he fits in with the vibes and is very clearly meant to represent the "king of hyrule" type character(just look at his colors and his name, also he is Zelda's father soooo), OR 2) Link. This works with the idea of SS!Link and SS!Zelda founding Hyrule and becoming the first King and Queen, obviously it would be old man link, really really post adventure, but still the adorable sleepy guy just old and wise. Now, the one that I think works the best (and is the funniest) is Groose. Okay, hear me out, I know that I fucking love Groose and his character and his arc and that may not be how everyone feels (wait, what is the general consensus on Groose? is it positive or do people just go "he's a big bully at the beginning so I don't like him >:( ". ), but just hear me out. I am a full hearted Groosezelink shipper and I both don't think that SS!Link would really enjoy the role of a leader, and the Skyloft Surface Community probably wouldn't need a monarchy in the first place, so Hylia might just put old man Groose in with the Old Kings as a bit of a joke and/or she thought he would be good at helping this story of apologizing, because he would be! He would be great at it, this man's whole character arc is going from being an asshole to being a sweet guy who lives with Grandma. He 100% knows how to apologize, and knows the importance of doing so.
Minish Cap:
Daltus(current ruler): One of the only kings to be a good sword fighter, has a fairly good head on his shoulders and does really care about his Zelda. His main fault is sending or allowing the sending of MC Link on that traumatizing an adventure as a kid between 8-12 years old. He probably feels really bad about that, but Hyrule Town is a fairly small town and Link might have been the only child old enough and skilled enough to wield a sword and see the Minish, so he's not irredeemable. He teaches Rhoam the importance of looking deeper into things, don't always take things at face value without taking a peek yourself.
Gustaf(Ghost)(married to the past wind tribe leader; He/She because it felt right): Plays a minor role, due to being a ghost of the past and all. They might eventually meet a younger, alive, Gustaf at some point through the adventure of "Rhoam needs to apologize to his daughter" but maybe not. He's outwardly gruff, but does really care about his land and her people, and once he realizes you're not a threat to that, she's a big teddy bear. Shows Rhoam that you can be a strong leader and still show affection to those you care about.
I really want to put Grandpa Smith here too, but he's really not King-ey at all, and also knows Daltus, so I don't think he'd be on the actual adventure, but if they ever ended up in Hyrule Town, they'd absolutely go find Grandpa Smith. I can't think of what exact lesson he'd teach Rhoam but it would probably be something to do with affection.
Four Swords and Four Swords Adventures:
Lonely Old Man: I couldn't find like, any info on the FS(A) royal family besides that Zelda, and there wasn't any "old man" type character either besides the depressed "no friends and my wife's dead and/or I'm dead" old man, so that's someone else that they will come across, but isn't on the adventure, probably shows Rhoam how sometimes you have to let go, and just be happier without the weights on your ankles.
Ocarina of Time:
As with FS(A), this game didn't really focus on the king directly, but I think he can teach an important lesson, so he needs to be included as least a little bit. The importance of listening to your citizens, even if they're a child, or don't align exactly with what you think they should be.
A Link to the Past:
Currently Unnamed because the wiki has him as just "King of Hyrule" but yeah. This guy strikes me as someone who may be a little naive, because of the whole Agahnim thing, but does want and work for the good of the people at the end of the day. Slight Red vibes, but not as much happy-go-lucky ness if that makes sense? Happy grandpa, and shows Rhoam how you can bear a smile and rely on others instead of ruling alone.
Oracle Games:
okay, hear me out, Queen Ambi. I know she's not a grandpa, but she fits the bill, she's a just ruler who got convinced by an evildoer to do bad things, she fits in with this grandpa gang, okay? So, old lady Ambi? cool, yeah. Not sure what lesson she would give.
Link's Awakening:
Ulrira: Phone grandpa! Due to his shy nature, I can't imagine him going on the quest himself, but they would definitely have him on the phone for some of it, then meet him once and he could clam up like he does in game. Teaches Rhoam to respect your researchers! He helped them out of many a pickles with his wide knowledge, and it helped Rhoam realized how valuable research, specifically Zelda's, is. We don't need to talk about how he doesn't exist because of the whole Wind Fish thing, no we don't.
A Link Between Worlds:
Gramps: okay, I was going to do old Hilda, and still might say that she's someone they come across on the adventure cause why not, but Gramps is just too good to not talk about. Unless the wiki is lying to me (it might be, who knows), he's a maybe 80 year-old who is a great sword fighter who can summon Shadow Link and wield the master sword?????? (does this mean he's a hero of courage? and shouldn't be on this list because this isn't about link? I don't know) so beefy old man! I guess he shows Rhoam that looks can be deceiving and just because your daughter is a young woman doesn't mean she doesn't know things just as this old man could absolutely kill you in an instant.
Hilda: She's going on here too because I think she could work similarly to Groose, someone who wasn't great but learned along the way and got better. She could show Rhoam how important it is that despite any mistakes you make as a ruler, you can always work to be better.
The Legend Of Zelda (I):
I have no idea how to characterize the old men in the caves into one guy so uhhh, there's a funny reference that someone makes to the "it's dangerous to go alone, take this", or every single character says it at least once, okie?
Adventure of Link / Zelda II:
There's a lot of old men here, but I also don't know how to characterize them sooooooo... uhhhhh... randomly they happen to come across a lot of old men in their adventures... sure.
Majora's Mask:
Goron Elder: (though I would call him Doyen, because that's one of the things he's called in the French version and it's got a bit more character than Goron Elder or Goron Grandfather, and we already have Gramps and...) I think that he probablyyyy wouldn't be on the official adventure because I sure don't know how to get him out of Termina without throwing everything to the wind, but I think he'd probably show Rhoam something about getting your children to forgive you or being gruff but still caring.
Twilight Princess:
Impaz: I know I'm opening a box of worms by including an Impa, but I couldn't find any other grandpa esc character sooooooo, Impaz! She would absolutely show Rhoam how one can follow the will of the goddess while still being, y'know a person first and foremost, which is absolutely something he needs to learn. Despite the fact that she stayed in the Hidden Village, she still helped Ilia even though it technically had nothing to do with her quest.
Wind Waker:
Daphnes: would totally be a boat sometimes, as @/hybinger-nova and @/vaegtersang were talking about in the replies of the original post, he would probably surprise the rest of the grandpas by being boat. Or, instead of Daphnes, he could insist on being called Red or Lions or something that reminds them of his Link, hmmmmmm that's interesting. The sentimental type, and probably the most likely to listen to others after being WW!Link's companion through the journey. They teach Rhoam about how it's okay to be less uptight, it will let you form better bonds if you take the stick out of your ass.
Phantom Hourglass:
Oshus: Now, I genuinely don't know how to write this guy, on the one hand he adopted Celia and is an actual grandfather, on the other hand he's a fucking god and also maybe is the Wind Fish too, and like, that's not a good guy, god?????? so... how about he's just not here? unless someone can explain how he works...
But! I would love to include Linebeck, obviously older Linebeck, because he's not quite an old man yet! The thing he would teach Rhoam could be... caring about people over objects? because of his character arc about treasure vs getting his boat back? not sure about this one but ehhhhh
Spirit Tracks:
Anjean: I'm also not sure how to include or characterize her, but wanted to talk about her at least a little, or side character her because she's very cool.
Hyrule Warriors:
I couldn't find anyone with grandpa esc vibes soooooooo... sorry Hyrule Warriors, there could technically be an aged up character but there aren't that many original hw characters... WAIT what if it was just Proxi, like idk I feel like that could be something, it would be funny I think at least.
Breath of the Wild:
Rhoam: the bitch himself. need I say more.
Tears of the Kingdom:
Rauru: maybe???? maybe not, is a king, but doesn't really strike me as a "grandpa" type, y'know? I also really don't know how to write him soooooooooo...
PS. I mention a problem of "they know each other" and wanted to elaborate on that. In my mind I need them to all be strangers, and with my sometimes including more than one "king" per game/per game(s) that are connected, that becomes a bit of a problem that wouldn't otherwise occur. I just think it would be more beneficial to the plot if they were all strangers or at most both knew one character but not each other. Like Daph and Linebeck and Anjean all know Tetra but not each other, or Gramps and Hilda both know albw!Link, and so on. Proxi technically knows quite a few of these people's people, or they themself but she's the exception because I said so and there's literally nothing else I can do
This is the culmination of like 4 days worth of just constant thinking about them. I'll probably draw them at some point, maybe one fic? I am not in a position to fully flesh out an au like this but it was a fun idea to think about! Anyone who read through this I hope if gave you a bit of joy or a laugh! :D
What if there was a Links meet kind of au but it was just all the kings of Hyrule. Buncha old guys go on a journey for some reason or other
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