#yes there's a fic in this post. i can't write till im home tho
Ok, I'm finished with work, I'm here! 🤣 I did read this before my shift but was waiting to do a proper response till now. It was super early and it was thundering and lightning and raining real hard outside and it was the perfect setting for reading this chapter ⛈️
The flashbacks! The way you wrote her pain was so real. Particularly her feeling paralyzed by it, both of them shells of who she thought they were. Her describing him as home, that was gut wrenching. I was hurting reading it. And then the sugar analogy, he really is gritty but sweet. this whole paragraph was my favourite part I think. You've created such good imagery, it's fantastic.
And then they get mean. I liked that she clapped back though. I've seen mean Eddie fics before and sometimes reader is kinda meek and just takes it (no shade at all, I would 200% be like this in real life) but roadkill does not. The line 'you had no intention of entertaining a conversation with someone who never had your best interest in mind' hit hard. People need to bear this in mind more often (definitely not me 👀) it's inspiring. but he really does try and that part where they're admitting they like eachother but it's all wrong because it's too late. This was 'stick a fork in my heart and just pluck it out beat it to death' angst. Just amazing writing. It's like they're breaking up and they weren't even together.
The self fulfilling prophecy situation Eddie's created for himself was hard. He's convinced he doesn't deserve love and fucks up every good thing in his life, and he makes it so. Isn't mature enough at the time so see it doesn't have to be that way, that he could make better choices. And so the kitchen scene at the end proves it. Poor roadkill. Proves that then was not the right time for them. He needed to get to the present day point to realise that he can make better choices, and he does 🖤
And now they're trapped together! And a totally different kind of trapped than just working together. Forced proximity within forced proximity. Very clever, see what you did there! I love that he's such a rock for her in her distress. And his thoughts on if she were his, how she never would be, how he's somehow fallen even harder. Stop iiiit you're killing me 😭 although this undoubtedly confirms he's got zero going on emotionally with Steve, and he even tells her that! Fist bumping the air at that! Their whole conversion after this was amazing. He's being so honest and she's clinging onto this shitty version of him she's gotten comfortable with because she's stubborn. and seems very good at holding a grudge and I relate to this so much. You have no idea. 'Don't mess me up with your niceness when I'm not used to it, I don't like change' kinda deal. The dialogue was so good here, the direction it goes. She's laying it out how awful it was and telling him how it's affected her dating in particular all this time and his reaction is perfect, it's a great take on misogyny and how that situation would have been terrifying and he understands that now. They were barking. Gross. But they end the conversation on good terms! Not forgiveness, but a ceasefire maybe? I can just see them attempting a friendship and it getting harder for him to hide how gone he is on her 🖤
p.s. them picturing touching eachothers noses the exact same way! I'm scrrreaming 😍 they're gonna be so in love and I can't wait.
Why you were ever scared to post this absolute masterpiece of a character study I'll never know. I loved it. But I guess you can tell that by now 🫣
ugh yes that is such a fitting setting like just really setting the mood right there
IM SO HAPPY YOU LOVED THE SUGAR ANALOGY THAT WAS LIKE MY FAVORITE ugh I think that may be my favorite paragraph too 🥹
Yeah I found it really important for her not to hold back or excuse any of his behavior (even tho I’m totally the opposite idk like I’m so shy I would be like ok) UGH YES it feels like a huge breakup but there was never a relationship to begin with so in a way it’s more achey :(
I LOVE forced proximity, ik it’s been done so often but that’s because it’s so good like it just makes you yearn for them so to then double it is like YES NOW YOU HAVE TO GET YOUR DEMONS OUT WITH EACH OTHER HAHA
I’m so glad the take on misogyny landed well
you have no idea how excited I am for them to stop being idiots and just kiss BUT WE ARENT THERE YET
I WAS SO PROUD OF THE NOSE TOUCHING PARALLEL like it’s so simple but it makes you feel their yearning even if they don’t quite realize it yet SO IM GLAD YOU LIKED THAT PART 🥹
thank you thank you thank you I cannot thank you enough for your support on this fic I adore all of your feedback 😭🥹💜💜💜💜
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notquiteaghost · 3 years
this is only fun if it's not canon but jaskier being in love with geralt The Whole Time & geralt knowing n not feeling the same way DOES compel me, and also like. AU where since the mountain jaskier's actually gotten involved with someone new, because yes he is very heartbroken & sad & angry but he's also a catch dammit, just cuz one idiot of a witcher can't see that doesn't mean no one can, it's not like there's any point holding out hope now. he's moving on! maybe he's not getting over geralt but he's damn sure moving on!
so. geralt tracks him down after his run-in with yennefer, but he's not in prison, because he has someone to bribe the guards. he's in a tavern, getting ready to perform, & geralt's like "i'm sorry, i need your help" & then some guy he's never seen before comes up to jaskier & says in a decidedly displeased tone "oh is this your witcher, jask?" & geralt's like. what.
jaskier's new beau says "y'know there's a lot i've been wanting to say to you", but jaskier (looking pleased and fond) says "no, if he's asking me for help i'm sure he's really fucked, let's just be certain the world's not about to end before we waste our time yelling at him. is it cirilla? you better have had that girl with you, geralt, as much as she deserves someone better" & geralt's like. What.
jaskier & his new beau have a brief argument about whether or not jaskier should help geralt, with jaskier arguing yes and his new beau arguing absolutely not what the fuck he's already broken your heart once and gotten you tortured. jaskier does go with geralt but his new beau comes too. this guy definitely isn't a witcher, tho. jaskier's type is 'competent & mean', but people can actually be competent at things unrelated to monsters or violence. this guy is like, a tradesman. or maybe he owns the tavern jaskier performs in...
ok, rest of this post pending until i actually finish s2 but, spoiler alert, geralt gets very jealous & jaskier's like. i mean you DID dump me on a mountain. bit late now. except he is flirting outrageously with yennefer, as revenge for all the time he sat through geralt flirting with yennefer, and it's not insincere flirting. geralt's cringefail 'my ex & the guy i wouldn't admit to wanting to date are now involved with each other and with some other guy who is arguably better than me in almost every way' era.
edit: rest of this post in the notes
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