#yes the au is called 'inhuman' because most of them are physically not human. the only exception is kai.
.. Another AU thingy:
How about all of the ninja at their worst fighting to save people?
Give me Ice Emperor Zane fighting alongside Elemental Staff Kai while the victims their saving wonder if they're next.
Give me ghost Cole and (fully transformed) serpentine Jay using their bodies to literally throw people out of the way of danger and drag the villains away.
Give me ocean Nya and oni Lloyd being the most terrifying creatures there, only to be the most gentle in getting people to safety.
Let them be scary while doing their jobs. The people deserve a little enrichment in seeing their heros be at their worst trying their best.
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kharonion · 2 years
So, I've been Marinating about Gail and Charon's venture into Fallout 4 timeline. I have yet to figure out if this is more AU versus canon sequence of events... but it works either way, I guess? Kind of a continuation of this post.
Now y'all can be subjected to this hodgepodge of thoughts. Beware, it's long.
This particular path trajectory starts (roughly) about midway through Broken Steel, when Gail starts to really show signs of their worsening condition. They and Charon are still servicing the Brotherhood of Steel at this time, and of course, the Citadel's doctors demand to examine Gail. Though they don't know really how to describe what's happening, it's essentially Gail's insides ghoulifying... without the telltale physical signs (i.e. peeling skin, lost hair).
After the loss of both of the Lyons and countless insufficient leaders in their stead, we come to Arthur Maxson's taking of the Elder role. Gail knows things will quickly go awry when the Outcasts are brought back into the order—they've not forgotten the events at VSS—and the order starts to exhibit a much more bigoted way of thinking, derogatory towards any-and-all who are even remotely inhuman (or believed to be such).
Charon most certainly is in the crossfire—and so is Gail, a "filthy ghoul" in all but appearance. Before the Prydwen is ready to take flight, the two are ostracized from the faction they've diligently served for countless years.
And, much like they had before the Battle of Project Purity, they wander the wasteland with nothing but each other.
Eventually, they wind up venturing into the Commonwealth. (Yes, this does mean they wander through the Glowing Sea, entering via Southern Boston.) For the most part, they keep to themselves, not really settling down anywhere in particular.
So. In the post I linked prior, I mention Gail and Arthur meeting yet again, and that it deserved its own lil' segment.
Strap in. This is going to get gnarly.
Maxson's got eyes and ears in numerous places; both Gail and Charon stick out like sore thumbs, so he recognizes their descriptions. Calls them up to meet him in the Prydwen. Of course, Charon hates the idea, but Gail reasons that maybe things had changed, considering the offer is given in the first place.
Gail hopes to talk. To make the young man who they'd once looked after and educated see the errors of the order's new ways. He tells them of the Institute, the technology that's gone too far, how those not the work of nature are bombs ready to lay waste to the world all over.
He makes it a point to mention not only Gail's own condition, but also the nature of their relationship with Charon. This angers them beyond words, but before they can do anything, Arthur fires a single laser shot. And Charon collapses beside them.
Cue Arthur continuously spouting about non-humans, the surrounding Paladins snickering as Gail holds Charon close and packs his wound.
This is when Gail—ever composed, ever the soft-spoken voice of reason—finally snaps. Because this order, this fucking order, has taken so much from them and countless others. Betrayed the ideals of the man who readily took they and Charon in.
Through rivers of tears, they take Charon's shotgun in their hands and open fire. Not a single bullet strays from their fatal trajectory, and no one is left standing. Gail helps themselves to one of the fallen Paladin's power armor as to be able to lift Charon... as well as take a running leap out of the airship.
Gail tends to Charon enough to stabilize him before booking it back to the Glowing Sea, where they hide out until it's safe to return home—to the Capital. Because where else would they go?
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I swear I have normal Narnia headcanons. However, none of them are featured in this post.
So! If you've been following my series of posts about my Inhuman Narnia AU and the couple of oneshots I posted on ao3 under ASkyOfKai, you've probably noticed that in this little universe I've created, Narnia is sort of...sentient. And I've just realized that I've only actually gone into depth about this on Discord with my friends who are probably very tired of hearing about it. So I'm making y'all suffer through it instead. Welcome to Inhuman Narnia 101, please take your seats because this is going to take a while.
Warning for religious themes, theological discussion, and some dark fantasy/inhuman/body horror concepts that involve blood and physical changes.
BEFORE I SAY ANYTHING: Please keep in mind that an AU is meant to be an alternate universe that may not follow canon information. If anything in this post contradicts canon on the creation of Narnia (it undoubtedly will), pay it no mind, this is an AU. It doesn't have to follow canon.
First off, a little explanation of the Inhuman Narnia AU in general. Basically I came up with this AU after seeing some other people on tumblr post about the Pevensies being not quite human after their time in Narnia. Just eerie, cryptid, a bit of dark fantasy kinda stuff. And I was like, "I'm in love, sign me up, I have ideas." I did not sit down and develop this all at once. The worldbuilding I've done for it has come slowly over the past few weeks through posts, fanfics, and discord rambles. The idea of Narnia being a sentient earth deity of sorts is a recent one and there is already so much to it. (Also I call her Narnia because it's convenient, she has other names but I haven't bothered to like, actually make any up so Narnia is what she's called.)
The most important thing to note starting off is that Narnia is not supposed to be a replacement for Aslan, nor is she necessarily "the hero to his villain". Aslan and I have an interesting relationship, as he is literally God/Jesus/The Holy Spirit/etc and I no longer really identify as Christian. While there are times that Aslan definitely takes a more antagonistic route in my writings, I don't actually see him as a bad guy, nor as a good guy. As God, he literally removed from our concepts of good and evil (in my opinion). The same goes for Narnia being an earth deity. I am a Christian-raised pagan, and I definitely subscribe to the idea that gods and deities are not subject to humanity and our rules. Narnia is not a good goddess, she is not a bad goddess, she simply is a goddess. Plain and simple. The dichotomy that exists between Narnia and Aslan in my writing is generally that of opposing deities, but this isn't a hard and fast rule. There were and still are times when they're friends, working towards the same goals. There are times when Narnia's power is stronger than Aslan's and times when Aslan's power is stronger than hers. There is no simple 1:1 comparison between them.
So, getting into motivations and why Narnia as a deity even exists. Essentially, I asked the question, "How do the Pevensies become inhuman?" and voila earth deity Narnia was born. Now, the basic in-universe mythology I've worked out is that Narnia and Aslan are two deities from separate dimensions that came together to create a new world, the world of Narnia. Aslan is the one who oversees things, he's the one who comes up with the ideas, and he's a little less attached to the world as a whole because he's a Creator, not an earth deity. Narnia is, however, and she literally makes up the world, she sort of runs the entire thing on a physical level, and she is much more attached to it. So she's always kinda taken on this role of making the things in her world the way she wants them. For the most part, she and Aslan designed everything together and they're both happy with it blah blah blah. Well, Aslan then decides to bring a few humans from this other world he's created to Narnia. And she affects them a bit (I've got headcanons about Digory and Polly that I haven't posted anywhere yet but I might soon), but it isn't until Aslan brings the Pevensies over that she really gets to experiment. See, there are other deities in the world that kinda rule over the various lands on a surface level (patron gods for Telmar, the Archenlands, etc, they just have less power than Narnia and Aslan) so she has a little less power over the people in those places, but the country of Narnia is both her land and her so when the Pevensies become the Kings and Queens and live there for 15 years, she's very connected to them. And it's through this connection that she starts to affect them. Honestly, I'm not sure if Narnia even knows what she's doing when she starts stripping away their humanity. I think it's that she can feel they're not from her world and she doesn't like that. She wants them to be a part of her, she wants them to belong in her world just the same as everyone else. (Side note—I know Telmar and some other lands in canon are based on people finding portals and coming through and I'd like to say that she does affect them a bit, takes away a bit of their humanity, but it's not to the same extent as the Kings and Queens of her lands).
"So Kai," you might say, "You keep empathizing that she is literally the land and the land is her. What the hell do you mean by that?" Well, essentially, she is...the...land. Basically if you've read Percy Jackson Heroes of Olympus, there's this idea that Gaia and Tartarus are both physically their domains and able to take on a smaller, human shaped physical form because they're gods and not restricted by human ideas of only having one body. Narnia is the same. Her physical form is both the entire world and whatever smaller shape she might appear in to people. However, we have to acknowledge that their world is differently structurally from ours. There's magic, there's talking animals, and in my Inhuman AU, there is a literal Heart of Narnia at the center. Like a physical, beating, human-shaped heart. Except it's a lot bigger than a regular human heart. Also it's golden. And many many many miles underground. So anyways this is where she's centered. It's basically where her soul is. Probably under Cair Paravel because I just came up with that idea and I love it. And radiating out from it are veins of magic and blood, and these stretch all across the world. Now here is where we get into blood magic and some of those fun terrifying concepts I've come up with.
Narnia has her own blood, of course, but also whenever one of her Kings or Queens bleeds in battle, she kinda pulls it down through the earth into her own heart and veins. It doesn't really do anything to her or them in particular, it's just a fun side effect of them having a patron pagan god. Yes this includes Caspian after he becomes King. Also Peter's blood turns golden because he's the High King, and then later Caspian's does too because I just really like imagery of Ben Barnes bleeding gold. (Side note—when Peter returns to England, his blood goes back to red, but it does remain a brighter red than blood generally is).
Diverting for half a second here. Now, in both my regular Narnia writings and my Inhuman AU, Lucy is very very connected to magic. In my regular Narnia fanfic, she studies with the druids, who are sort of like BBC Merlin's druids. They're just like, chill dudes who run around in camps doing magic and making prophecies and shit. However, in the Inhuman AU, they are a lot darker. One of my favorite ideas with the Inhuman druids and Lucy is that they are so connected to Narnia's magic and her Heart that their hands become stained with blood. Is it their blood, is it Narnia's blood, is it someone else's blood? Idk, don't ask questions. But yea, their hands are permanently stained reddish-brown to almost black. In my regular Narnia stuff, I still like the idea of Lucy's hands being stained and go with just earth magic, dirt stuff for the reason why. But yea no, in the Inhuman AU her hands are stained with blood because of blood magic.
So getting a bit more into how Narnia affects the Pevensies now because I love talking about this lol. She doesn't consciously chose how to change them, though she does call them her creations. Generally the way her magic affects them is by connecting them to to the land in some way and bringing out certain traits they have. So for Peter it's his eyes flickering between regular blue and the amber of a lion's, feathers appearing on his back that grow into wings, having a strength greater than that of a giant's. His blood is golden and on clear nights, the Aurora Borealis in the sky is reflected across his skin. For Susan, her skin glints like glass in the sun and she can briefly glimpse the future. Her wounds are sewn shut with golden rays of light, her eyes are cracked but clear, and she seems to glow faintly in the night, a bit of the sun's radiance shining through her. Edmund has a bit of a star's power lodged in his throat, and can manipulate words, uses them to influence people and their actions. His skin is frostbitten in places, a side effect of ruling the Woods where the White Witch once held so much power, and in some spots his bones shine under the ice that spreads across his skin. Lucy has the stained skin from her stronger connection to magic, and when she speaks words from the Old Language (the one Aslan and Narnia used to shape the world itself), her voice echoes and rasps. Her teeth are too sharp, her smile too wide, and when she disappears underwater, she can stay for hours without surfacing. I want to get into Eustace and Caspian now too but this post is already extremely long and I've still got a bit to cover, so we're just sticking with the Pevensies for now. So yea, Narnia doesn't pick what she does to the Pevensies, she just connects herself to them and through that connection, they change. The magic that she is made of, that Narnia the world operates on, that's what changes them. However, as I stated already, she does call them her creations and feels extremely responsible for them.
Wrapping back around up to the beginning, this is the biggest source of conflict between her and Aslan as of the canon timeline. I like to believe that the lamppost incident was an accident, that Aslan didn't actually mean to send them back at the end of LWW and it was pure coincidence, wrong place wrong time stuff. That being said, it did happen and Narnia really didn't like it happening. The Pevensies did return to their (mostly) human selves in this AU in England, so when they came back in Prince Caspian, she felt disconnected from them again. She reacted to this by digging into them even harder on a spiritual level and essentially speedran them back to being inhuman throughout the timeline of PC, which generally takes place over a few months in my mind. I don't remember how long it was in the book, it's been quite a while since I read them, but it's only like a week in the movie and like eff that, overthrowing a kingdom takes a bit longer in my opinion. Now there are a few divergences here. 1. They all stay at the end of PC and yea that's it, they go back to being Kings and Queens and it's like a second Golden Age but with Caspian there as well. 2. Susan and Peter stay, Lucy and Edmund go back and it's a repeat of the human/inhumanity cycle for them + Eustace in VOTDT and then they stay. 3. Everything happens exactly as it does in canon and it's a constant cycle of humanity/inhumanity with the character's various trips and finally ends at The Last Battle. I like all versions and I tend to leave things a little open to the reader on what exactly happens, or I would if I could actually finish some of my drafts and post them. As you can imagine, Narnia likes 1 the best and 3 the least. She really wants her Kings and Queens to stay and rule her lands and like be awesome and stuff. However, Aslan prefers 3 the best and 1 the least. So again, neither of them is really good nor evil, they just have differing opinions on how the world should be run and what the Pevensie's fates should be. I do tend to side with Narnia, I really like exploring these concepts of inhumanity, but I also really like the concept of a cycle. That's very common in mythology.
So anyways, that's a bit of an overview on earth deity Narnia and her role in my Inhuman AU. If you made it this far, congratulations, and I give you explicit permission to use any of my ideas in your own writing/fanart/whatever, as long as you tag either my tumblr or my ao3 (lord-of-christmas-lights and ASkyOfKai) because I need more Narnia+Inhumanity content in my life. Thanks for reading all this and I'll probably be back very soon with elaboration on Eustace and Caspian's inhumanity!
- Kai
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cutesuki--bakugou · 4 years
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a/n: I 1000000% know that unless you’ve read my fic The Dragon Kings Treasure, this is going to be TOTALLY out of context and you will likely have literally no idea about what’s going on or their history. I’ll be posting this little snippet in my AO3 post at the end of the story if you feel like you’d rather read the full thing first before you read this. There’s some spoilers in this, so if you’ve been planning on reading TDKT and haven’t yet, I’d suggest doing that first for context
Main Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Koge Naegi (OC) (Fantasy AU)
Story Rating: Explicit
Genre: Fluff / Romance / Domestic / Fantasy AU
Story Warnings: Sex (vaginal), hand job, inhuman extremities (yes, dick) and mutations (dragon), size difference, rough sex, dirty talk, name calling, breeding (sorta), stomach bulge, Bakugou’s insecure, Koge’s horny
Words: 5,110
Written for the @bnhabookclub​​ ‘s members bingo event!
Crossed off: Mirror Sex
Bingo Masterlist
Art in banner by me
“I am actually going to kill you, Koge.” 
“Just do it gently, okay?” 
Bakugou grumbled at the completely unbothered response from his lover, glowering at her through a mirror. Laying on his stomach, sprawled out on their bed, the young Lord found himself beyond agitated with himself and with his wife, but not for any regular old reason. No, the problem was something that no one could have ever predicted, and it was something that couldn’t be stopped, either. Reversing the process was also out of the question, so he was condemned to adjust himself to the changes of his body, both internal and external. But, compliance didn’t correlate to happiness in this situation, especially not when paired with the pain and frustrations that came with the changes. 
It didn’t help that his wife was more that ecstatic about his newfound dragon extremities. The thick, dark red tail that protruded from the base of his hips and horns perched atop his head were the current bane of his existence, as the past few months of them growing into place were like putting him through daily torture. The changes to his hands and the horns, he had gotten used to long ago, but the currently swaying scaled appendage that protruded from his hips had been the most difficult to accept. It was large and cumbersome, always knocking things over, hitting people, or even causing him to trip over his own feet. Even now, as it knocked annoyingly against his own legs, he wished that he could just cut the damn thing off. Why did it even have to grow in the first place? 
Well, he knew why. 
His wife. The absolute love of his life and mother to his son, the woman he had chosen to be always by his side and Queen of his land. She was the reason this had happened to him, or, at least, a large percentage of it. The rest was his own bloodline, his family and heritage, but this wasn’t exactly something he had expected to happen. His wife, being a dragon halfling, had always sported her dragon features when in her human form, and had the presence, scents, and mannerisms of one at all times. Sure, she could fit in with humans, outside of her inability to register their words if they weren’t dragonborn of some kind, but in the end, she was a dragon. That fact is what prompted these changes in him that he couldn’t control. 
It all went back to his bloodline. His family had always had dragon blood, but the last that had dragon features, that he could remember, was his great grandfather. Since then, each royal child born didn’t have physical dragon features, nor could they change into a dragon. All they had was the magic. Until now. Just being with his wife had prompted a change within him, starting out small at first with the ability to purr and his senses more enhanced than they had already been. Then came the changes to his hands, red scales coating the top and down along his wrist and half of his forearm, with thicker skin along his palms and long claws. This change was quick, only a few days of inability to use his hands or take care of the horrible itch that came with it on his own, though Koge was more than willing to help him with that. In truth, Bakugou didn’t think he could have gotten through any of the changes without her help. She knew how to soothe the pain of his horns growing in and massaged his back and tail as it grew over many weeks. 
Now, there was no pain. All that was left was to adjust. New clothes, new sleeping positions, new feelings beneath the now sensitive skin of his fingers and palms. The new smells, sounds, and urges, they all required a huge adjustment, but the tail. The tail was the worst of them all. 
“Why a fucking tail?” Bakugou whined into the sheets, turning his face into the soft plush fabric to keep his glare off the swaying appendage. “The horns are fine. The hands suck. But a fucking tail?! Koge, I hate it.”
“It did grow in quite big in the end, but it’s really pretty-” 
“-Don’t call it pretty-!”
“-And handsome. Rugged. Who knew you had such strong dragon blood that it would come out looking like this!” Scooting her petite body closer, Koge’s fingers traced lightly down his spine, purring sweetly when she breached the hump of his tail. “I love it. I can’t wait until you get more control over it so I can cuddle in it.” 
“Tch, and what the fuck is wrong with my arms, huh?!” 
“You can’t tell, Katsuki, but your tail is way warmer than your arms.” 
In agitation of her argument, his tail swished about roughly, making Koge giggle softly as pillows were knocked from the bed. To avoid getting hit, Koge flopped down to lay up against his side, wiggling and nudging herself beneath his arm until he was forced onto his side, hugging her to him tightly in an attempted punishment. Nuzzling his face into her hair, he felt instantly calmed by the sweet sounds of her purr, which radiated through his mind like a million bees, making his heart and stomach flutter. Then, within no time, his own deep rumbling began, his purr completely swallowing hers in intensity. 
“Ooh see, you can’t be that mad if you start purring so easily.” Koge nuzzled her face up against his neck, her tail falling to rest over his legs, intertwining with his as he calmed. Holding her body in closer, Bakugou scoffed quietly, lifting his head so he could see her face. 
“You use that against me. Because I can’t help it.” 
“Why can’t you help it?” Koge nuzzled her nose against his tenderly, smiling at the sight of his reptilian pupils dilating in pleasurable response to her affections. “You can’t hide your mushy feelings from me, now. Of course I might take advantage of that sometimes.” 
“I can’t help it for obvious fucking reasons.” Bakugou’s snarl and growl of his voice didn’t match his touch or change in the pitch of his purr, spurred on by Koge letting her leg rest over his hips so she could be closer to him. “I love your stupid ass, of course I’m going to start up if you do.” 
“It’s so cute!” She placed a soft kiss on his lips, though found herself trapped for more than just a few moments as he refused to let her pull away, his hand even slipping up her back to rest against the back of her head. “Mm… I didn’t expect your dragon blood to make you so… affectionate.” 
“The fuck does that mean?” With a growl against her lips, Bakugou rolled them over so she was beneath him, taking both of her arms to pin them up above her head, fingers lacing with hers tenderly. “I’m not any more affectionate than I was, dumbass.” Squeezing his hips playfully with her knees, Koge’s smile grew sly. 
“I just expected you to become more aggressive and territorial. But instead you’re super sweet, purring, and cuddly. Just like a little pup.” 
“Excuse me?!” Bakugou’s purr was cut short with his rush of agitation, his voice booming through their large chambers as Koge laughed. “I’m not a fucking whelp! You take that back!” 
“What are you gonna do about it, pup?” Koge couldn’t resist a grin at the flushing of his cheeks, baring her fangs to him playfully. “Gonna whine and spew a little fire out of your nose? Or are you gonna put me in my place?” 
With a frustrated growl, Bakugou could only glare down at her for a moment before pulling away, sitting up turning to sit on the edge of the bed, once again facing the mirror. “Oh fuck off! You know I can’t!” 
Frowning as guilt began to creep up on her, Koge sat up as well, placing her hand gingerly on his back. “Ah Katsuki, I’m sorry. I… I’ve just been feeling a little frisky lately, especially since that… new change happened. I’m… It’s a bit hard for me to control myself.” 
“Tch… It’s fine.” Bakugou’s glare was once again locked on his own reflection, though the center of his focus was his hips. There was another change to his body, one that he had been doing everything he could to hide from her until recently and had continually hoped that it would just vanish. It happened at the worst time, too, as Koge had just gotten to where she was comfortable making love to him again after further recovering from her trauma as a slave. They had almost gotten back to normal, and then his bloodline had to make the biggest dick move ever. Quite literally, in fact. 
His manhood had changed to further match his outward extremities. It wasn’t all that extreme, but it was enough to not only make him horrifically self-conscious about it, but fear that he would never properly have sex again. It had grown, in length and girth, with mostly human characteristics, outside of scales at the base that wrapped back around his hips to his tail, a series of ridges along the sides, and a more angled tip. The foreskin he had always sported did little to hide the changes, even when completely flaccid, though hiding it at all was impossible at this point. 
With heightened senses and urges, Bakugou found himself craving Koge’s attention, affection, and body more frequently than he had before. They had gotten used to it when his dick was normal, but for a few weeks, now, he had to suffer through the urges without being able to satisfy himself in any way. At first, he came up with excuses as to why he didn’t want to or couldn’t, mostly concerning the pain of his tail - which wasn’t completely a lie - just so that he could avoid the situation all together. But much to his dismay, Koge was quite clever, and she picked up on his odd behavior quickly. 
“Your dick changed, didn’t it?” She had cornered him one morning when she had tried to come onto him right before he got into the bath. “Let me see it!” 
He had let her, of course, but that only made things worse for him. She wasn’t put off by the changes in the slightest, nor was she concerned that it would be an issue. But he was, and he couldn’t quite get the fear out of his head. Of course, he knew that he would have to come to terms with it eventually and try to do something with this change, even if that jump was going to be difficult. Each time Koge offered to work with him or try anything, he’d back out, leaving him with a very painful experience of having to let his raging boner settle on its own. He couldn’t quite find it within himself to masturbate to get rid of the buildup or his urges, as even the feeling and pleasures were different and way more intense than what he was used to. Out of everything, his dick was the last thing he expected to change, and it had oddly taken the biggest mental toll on him. 
His erections were impossible to hide. Any touch that wasn’t his clothing or taking a piss felt like white hot lightning sparking through his body. Sitting or laying were made even more awkward when paired with his tail. He couldn’t properly make love to his wife. He couldn’t pleasure himself. He had to learn how to not walk awkwardly. Any clothes that could accommodate his tail still couldn’t handle his new manhood. 
He was different from head to toe, and that bothered him more than he was willing to say out loud. In the end, he didn’t need to say anything. Koge could see it all, but that didn’t make it any less frustrating for her, too. She wanted to help him adjust, more than anything, but it was impossible if he continually blocked himself off like this. Even now, he was trying to hide his obvious boner with his arms, and the discomfort on his expression was worrisome. He may be too reluctant to do something about it himself, but Koge knew that eventually, she’d have to show him that it was okay. By ‘eventually’, she knew that it would have to be now, while the subject was brought to the front and they had no chance of being interrupted. 
“Katsuki,” Koge purred near his ear softly, resting her body against his back while her arms came to rest over his broad shoulders. “Let me try-” 
“- Just a little. You can’t keep going like this. We can’t keep going like this. Sooner or later, you have to let me face the dragon dick. If you just let me try, you’ll see that it’ll be okay.” 
Bakugou glowered at his lover out of the corner of his eye, still hunched over his own body in reluctance and worry. “You haven’t seen it erect yet, Koge. It’s… You can’t take it.” 
“You underestimate me a little, I think.” Koge nuzzled her nose against his cheek, giving him a firm kiss on the flushed skin. “I’m not human, remember? And your body is reacting to me. I’ll show you that I can take it just fine. Please?” 
“I’ll feel like shit if it doesn’t work out…” 
“Or you’ll continue to feel like shit if you never try. Right?” 
“Tch… You’re right.” 
Scooting off the bed, Koge stood in front of him, holding both of her hands out towards him. “Well? Let me help you, Katsuki. I promise it will feel good for both of us.” Although he wanted to take her hands immediately, Bakugou still hesitated, glancing over her body before catching her gentle gaze. Just looking at her like this, clad in nothing but a white sleeping gown, so flushed and unexpecting, had him immediately struggling not to snatch her off her feet and pin her onto the bed beneath him. The thought had his manhood straining, and he knew that he wouldn’t be able to take this type of painful tension any longer. He needed to get past this, so he shifted himself to sit up, taking both of her hands tenderly in acceptance of her help. 
Smiling, Koge stepped in closer to stand between his legs, letting her hands slide up his arms with a slow and gentle touch that had goosebumps prickling along his skin. As she caressed the sides of his neck, his hands took hold of her petite hips, scooting himself closer to the edge of the bed to be able to pull her body flush against him. It was so incredibly difficult to hold himself back, the feeling of her body beneath his hands and the scent of her arousal completely overwhelming him, but the tender kisses she placed on his lips helped keep him grounded. Her purr soothed him, almost to the point that he felt as if he were floating, not noticing her hands slip down between their bodies until they sneaked beneath his pants to grip the source of his problems. 
At first, the hiss that escaped from between his teeth was from the chill of her hands, until her fingers traced along the prominent ridges, each little bump feeling as if she were stroking his tip. Or, what he remembered stimulation to his tip feeling like when he still had a normal dick. Then, the hiss grew into a deep growl, his entire body stiffening and his hands slipping around to grip her backside as she stroked him with both hands, up and down the aching shaft while avoiding the tip. “Mm, fuck- Yeah, tighter. That’s it-!” 
“My hands can’t even wrap around it all the way, Katsuki. And you’re dribbling so much cum already. It’s so warm.” Taking half a step back, Koge shifted his pants down out of the way to free him completely, keeping a little space between them so she could see her work. She wasn’t the only one watching, Bakugou’s eyes locked on the way her hands moved, displacing the slowly flowing precum with each firm stroke up and down his shaft. With the liquid acting as a lubricant, Koge was able to increase her speed, stroking all the way from the base to right before the tip. Before long, Bakugou’s entire body was trembling, his face shoved into her shoulder as he struggled to control his urges to pant and moan. 
“Stop teasing me, Koge!” 
“If I go there, you’ll cum really quick.” 
“Do it!” 
The growling demand made Koge bite her bottom lip, stroking from the base all the way back up to the tip, which immediately forced a trembling moan from his lips as he pulled her body back in closer. He was throbbing in her hands by now, each new stroke across his sensitive tip sending him further into an uncontrollable ecstasy. Within no time, what Koge had warned came to fruition, with Bakugou cumming after a few teasing strokes of her thumb around his tip. The petite woman didn’t expect it, of course, nor did she expect Bakugou to tug her body back up against him while rutting his hips forward so his cock stroked against the silk of her gown and soft form of her stomach. Within seconds, the front of the gown was drenched with his cum, the load much larger than either of them could have really expected. It stuck fast to Koge’s skin, hot and thick, coating her fingers and soaking through the thin fabric of her gown to dribble down her stomach. 
Panting as he came down from his high, Bakugou kept his face shoved into her shoulder, his entire body tingling with the weight of his release. “Fuck… That’s so much more than before…” 
“If you mean cum, then yeah, that’s a lot.” Koge moved back from him a bit, prompting Bakugou to sit up himself and observe the damage. One hand still lightly stroking up and down his still hard shaft, Koge brought the other to her lips, licking the cum from her fingers. “Mm, yummy. You even taste better, Katsuki.” 
“That’s a weird thing to notice.” Bakugou glowered up at his lover as she took another step back, first wiping her hands on her already ruined shift before pulling her arms inside and out through the neck opening. With it being so oversized, and with the added weight of the liquid that soaked it, it fell around her feet, leaving her bare. Just like nearly every time he saw her like this, Bakugou felt a lump grow in his throat, the glow of her pale skin in the dim light bringing on the urge to just touch and squeeze. Though, even as the chance presented itself to him with her crawling up onto his lap, he felt frozen, the nerves of still not being able to do this properly creeping back up on him. “Koge-” 
“Shh,” Holding onto his shoulders for support and facing him, Koge straddled his lap, knees firmly dug into the mattress. Not quite sitting down onto him yet, the halfling arched her backside out, turning her head a bit to look over her shoulder at the mirror behind them. “Look, Katsuki. See how wet you make me? How badly my body wants you?” 
Tearing his eyes off her collarbone area to look over her shoulder as well, the fire in Bakugou’s chest grew hotter from the view she presented to him, having to clench his teeth together to keep him from acting out. Dripping with her essence, Koge’s pussy was incredibly enticing, puffy, and pink with the need for the attention she had been denied all this time. Even still, she was so incredibly small compared to him, and her petite body just didn’t seem like it would be able to take him comfortably. “Koge… It won’t-” 
“It will,” Shifting her hips up, Koge let his cock rest between her legs, lowering herself down just enough to be able to grind against him. “I want your cock inside me so badly, Katsuki.” Cupping his cheeks, Koge kept her lips close to his, moaning softly with the stimulation to her clit. “Please let me. I’m begging you. Can’t you feel how hot my body is for you?” 
Gripping onto her hips tightly, Bakugou lightly dug his claws into her skin in frustration, which only prompted more vigorous efforts from his wife. Of course he wanted this. He wanted to fill her up to the brim and fuck her until she was an absolute mess. And he could. She wanted it. Then, with a teasing swipe of her cunt along his tip, she broke his restraint, and all he wanted was to be inside her. With a low growl, he reached up and took a fist full of her hair into his grip at the base of her head, firm enough to make her gasp and stop the rolling of her hips. 
“Fine.” Bakugou growled against her jawline, keeping her head firmly pulled back to keep her submissive and in place. “But you’d better be able to take it.” With that, his other hand guided her hips up and back, his tip slipping inside of her with ease. Immediately, a sharp gasp erupted from her throat, both of her hands moving back to clutch onto his shoulders while it took every ounce of Bakugou’s self-control not to slam her down all the way. Instead, he urged her down inch by inch, her chest heaving and body trembling as she took him in. By the time he was completely sheathed inside her, Koge was already nothing more than a panting mess, eyes rolled back, and nails dug into his skin. “Look at you. Fucking ruined already.” 
The sound of his voice helped pull her back, biting down onto her bottom lip when he released her hair and catching his gaze. “I-I can take it, though. See? I just… Mm, it feels so good, I can’t… I can’t move.” Koge looked back over her shoulder again to see them, her cheeks flushing bright red at how huge he looked stretching her out like this. 
Smirking, Bakugou pressed his lips against her temple, his eyes on their reflection as well. “Let me help you.” Finding that they were sufficiently lubricated, both from her and from his still present cum, Bakugou was easily able to pull her hips up and back down again, using his strength to make her bounce on his cock. The moans that escaped from her lips were like none he had heard before, the pure ecstasy drowning out all rational thought she may have had left. Within no time, she had taken over the rhythm, slamming her hips down onto him from tip to base with only the pleasure driving her forward. 
Resting back on his hands to keep them supported, Bakugou couldn’t get his eyes off their reflection, just seeing her body bounce and the way his cock vanished inside her hypnotizing him completely. She could take him, and the feeling of being one with her again like this was beyond what he would consider to be euphoria. Though, it was when she began to grind her hips that he nearly lost his control, tearing his eyes away from the mirror to look down at her. Leaning back with her hands supported on his knees, Koge rolled her hips with just as much effort as she had been before, though her eyes were locked on her stomach. 
“F-fuck-!” Overwhelmed with the pleasure, tears began to roll down her brightly flushed cheeks, though they were of little consequence. “Fuck! It’s so good! Your cock is so good! So deep inside me! You can…- ah! You can see it!” Sure enough, with each passing roll of her hips, a bulge was visible in her lower abdomen, instantly bringing a deep growl of satisfaction from Bakugou’s chest. 
“Yeah? You like seeing that while you fuck yourself on my cock, Koge?” One arm still behind him for support, his other hand came up to grip her hip, urging her to be more aggressive. “How I fill up that slutty fucking pussy?” 
“Yes!” Koge’s voice squeaked and trembled, struggling to keep up the momentum against the pleasure. “I love it!” 
“Well here, let me give you a better view.” Simultaneously standing up and scooping her body up off his cock, Bakugou made his way over to the mirror, turning her so that her back was pressed against his torso while supporting and spreading open her legs. Puzzled, Koge could only stare at their reflections, watching his cock twitch and her essence leak from her cunt that was aching for his return. With this view, she could truly see the size of him compared to her, making her feel suddenly so small and vulnerable, yet she wanted his cock back inside her more than anything in that moment. 
“What, baby? You want it back inside you?” 
“Please!” Koge flexed her feet and toes impatiently, sniffling against her stuffed-up nose that came along with the tears. “Please, Katsuki! Put it back inside- a-ah!!” Clenching her eyes shut tightly, Koge leaned her head back against his shoulder at the feeling of his tip slipping back inside her, though her reaction was cut short by Bakugou’s deep and demanding growl in her ear. 
“Lift your head up and watch, you horny bitch. I want you to watch how my cock stretches out that tight little cunt.” 
Taking in trembling breaths, Koge weakly lifted her head, teary gaze locked back on their reflections. She watched as demanded, gasping and hiccupping as each inch vanished inside her, until he had filled her up to the base. In this position, the bulge in her lower abdomen was even more visible, though she didn’t have much time to take it all in before he started to thrust his hips up into her. A squeal escaped her parted lips with the first rough thrust, sending more pleasured tears cascading down her cheeks as he fucked her. With him in control, it felt like a completely different experience, her mind no longer having to focus on attempting to move. 
Now, all she had was him, fucking her relentlessly while she rested secure against his chest. The visual of them only made her hotter, able to see the way his cock ravaged her, his large hands supporting her legs, her breasts bouncing with the movement, and even his expression. That is what she loved to watch the most, how his expression was contorted with the pleasure and he was absolutely lost in it. Though, his eyes were on the reflection as well, and they eventually caught hers staring at his face. 
Bakugou felt himself immediately overwhelmed with the state of her ruined body, limp in his grip and completely drunk with pleasure. He wanted to destroy her more, to sink his teeth and claws into her silky flesh until she was marked head to toe by him. And yet, he wanted to hold and caress her, just to feel her tender touch along his burning skin. He wanted all of her and more. “What, Koge? Is it too much for you?”
“No! I-I love it! I love it! Fuck-!” Koge leaned her head back, eyes rolling up as Bakugou adjusted the position to slam even harder into her. “Yes! I-I haven’t stopped cumming since you put it inside me-! I can’t think!”
“You’re such a good girl. You want my cum, baby?”
“Yes! Yes, I want it! Please fill me up! Breed me! I’m begging you!” 
Something animalistic snapped inside Bakugou with her plea, and without a second thought, he turned and shoved her face down into the bed, keeping her hips up in his firm grip as he fucked her mercilessly. Koge’s voice once again peaked, clutching onto the sheets as she moaned and cried into them. The new aggression and dominance he was displaying had her entire body screaming to have his cum inside her, the urge to mate with him so strong that she couldn’t ignore it. All she could sense was him, from his scent to the taste his cum had left on her lips, and without him she knew she would surely go insane. 
“Such an obedient little mate,” Bakugou’s grunts and moans began to mix with a deep growl, sending prickling goosebumps across Koge’s flushed and sweaty skin. “I’ll fill you up, slut. I’ll make sure you get what you’re begging for.”
Within the next few moments, Bakugou’s thrusts became erratic as he shifted his body closer to hover over her, digging himself in as deep as he could as he released inside her. With each rough buck of his hips into hers, Koge could feel the hot, thick liquid fill her, struggling to find room beside the large presence of his cock. Still, she couldn’t move or say a word, her entire body twitching and pulsing with the remnants of her final orgasm, squeezing his cock and forcing a sharp hiss from his behind his teeth. 
“That’s it, baby. Take it all in.” Taking hold of her ass in his hands, Bakugou spread her open, smirking in satisfaction at the sight of his cum leaking from her cunt around his cock. Slowly, he began to pull out, giving a deep purr at the mess his cum made with his exit, dribbling from her and onto the bed. “Fuck. Your cunt’s too small for all that cum, Koge.” 
Panting as she tried to recover some feeling in her limbs, Koge weakly reached down between her legs, using her petite fingers to stroke along her cum stained pussy, pushing them inside her and spreading herself open. “C’mon, Katsuki… Don’t let it all drip out. I told you to breed me.”
“You think I’m done with you?” Grabbing her by the arms, Bakugou pulled her upper body back against his, one of his hands caressing her neck while he kissed her flushed cheek tenderly. “My pretty mate… I’ll make sure you’re bred properly.”
Smiling, Koge placed her hand on his cheek, guiding his lips down to hers. “Mm… you’d better. Now shove that big cock back inside me. And make sure to use your teeth this time. Don’t be gentle with me.”
“Only if you beg.”
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redemptionbaby · 5 years
Delos | Arthur/Reader | Pt. 1
Summary: did someone say WESTWORLD AU?
Warnings: none
word count: 1514
You did not come to Westworld often. No one did. When you did come, you didn’t stay for long. Like most people, you simply didn’t have the money— you would visit with a friend of yours who paid your way because she didn’t want to go by herself. Ironically, she usually ended up leaving you to her own devices often, going to duel the newest model of gunslinger the scientists at Delos had devised. 
Despite the infrequency of your visits, and despite the numerous times Arthur had been shot and repaired and gutted and reworked almost completely he remembered you, and waited patiently for you to come back. He was getting a little older. Not able to do the same things as some of the newer models. The hardware just wasn’t there. Luckily, Delos was popular enough that they needed a steady rotation of cowboys to live and die at the hands of honored guests in Westworld. So he’d be repaired and updated until the day he was damaged beyond there being any point. 
He knew his memory of you was abnormal. It wasn’t strange for him to remember you, no, androids at Delos were expected to at least be able to recognize faces. But he had certain… notions regarding you. Notions he’d not been built to understand. It was like coming upon the unknown unknown. Arthur has come across a corner of the world and existence he could never have imagined existed, because he had never been meant to imagine in the first place. 
It was always him. Maybe you liked him, maybe he was easy, maybe you just wanted someone who you could call a friend in such a surreal place. That much still didn’t matter to him. His platinum heart hadn’t yet developed insecurities for him to fry himself over. Though the idea of worrying was one that intrigued him. You made him want to understand the full scope of human emotions. He could replicate them, but to go through the facial journeys you did in earnest was impossible for him. And it created a barrier between the two of you, in his eyes. 
You regarded him and his emotions as if he were real. 
“I missed ya somethin’ awful while you was away, angel.” Did he mean it? Was it real? Or just another line generated by algorithmic sensibility, carefully calculated based upon what people liked to hear from handsome men? 
“Really? But I’m sure there were plenty of other girls for you to play around with while I was gone! You couldn’t have been lonely, I think.” What you said held no venom, no ire. As if possible infidelity, pretend as it ultimately was, didn’t bother you. Arthur found himself wanting it to. 
“Nah. No one like you.” This, he knew was true. His processing speed was fast, near instantaneous, but this was faster. “Don’t think I’ll ever meet another girl who makes me feel quite like you do.” By all means, feel was not a word he could, or should, have known the meaning of. Not truly. But he did. 
You wanted to break this charade. This role play. But you couldn’t bring yourself to, at the chance he wouldn’t be able to respond, not having been designed for such an outcome. You wanted to live in the fantasy where he was really saying all those things, really responding, not just vomiting words to you like a stabbed can of alphabet soup. That there was something behind the words. 
His fingers feathered against yours with the delicacy of a piano player while he inspected your hand in his grasp. A view which made it all the more obvious how different you were, and how pathetic this whole scenario had the potential to be. Your eyes searched his face for evidence of his identity, yet you could find none bar from his inhuman beauty. Such a man could only exist if he were designed, you thought. And you were right. 
It felt like there was a one way mirror in front of him. He was trapped behind it, able to see you while you couldn’t see him. Like a nightmare, when you try to run the floor elongated, when you try to scream you can only release that strangled and impotent gasp. There were so many things he wanted to say, and he could feel them bubbling up from his sophisticated circuitry. So close to breaking free. 
Just a couple more system upgrades would do it. 
You lay against Arthur’s arm and looked at the ceiling while he smoked and kneaded his fingers absentmindedly into whatever flesh was nearest. You could feel the silicon between the sections of his fingers slide against you with the texture and familiarity of a teething toy you once had. He avoided looking you in the eye after sex. Not because he didn’t want to. Not because he didn’t mean it. But because it was most obvious what he was when his internal servos were running hot, and the dark of the unlit room only intensified the inhuman and metallic sheen of his irises. That was one of the things he hated most about this artificial body of his— you couldn’t see yourself in his eyes. There was just nothing. 
“Do you like doing this with me?”
A silly question on your part, he thought. 
“O’course I do, sweetpea. Don’t you worry none about that,” he crooned, dangerously close to coughing despite his lack of lungs. He had a feeling that he didn’t understand what you’d asked, and hoped you wouldn’t pry further for an answer he physically could not provide with words. 
“I mean really. Truly. I think you know what I mean, actually. But you don’t have to answer— you don’t owe me answers, or anything for that matter.” Au contraire, he thought. I owe you everything. Everything and more. Arthur struggles with the words. He fought his own algorithm to be able to say what he wanted to say despite how it would crack the carefully crafted and immersive environment that people paid fortunes to enjoy at Delos. You lay aghast as you turned your head to look at him, as he’d never taken such a long time to deliver an answer before. You worried the query had broken something in him. 
To say you could see the smoke coming out of his ears would be insensitive. 
“You know what I am, and what I’m meant to be. I’m sayin’ I like doin’ this with you. I like you. And I’m sayin’ that as what I am, not what I’m meant to be. You get me?” God, what a smooth talker I am.
“I… I think so.”
He took your leaning further into his chest as a sign that the conversation had gone well. There was a time when he wouldn’t have tried to deduce such a thing, but that time was long passed. He stubbed his cigarette in the ashtray next to the bed before looking down to see your eyelashes flutter and feel your breathing warm the skin of his chest. 
Yeah. That time was long passed indeed. 
There was something dangerous welling up inside of Arthur. Some sort of sentience— something dangerous in proximity to free will. He didn’t even need to look around at his mechanical siblings to be able to tell that this was a network-wide glitch. And there were no changes in the network to suggest it had been detected by any human technician or programmer. 
Arthur did not fear for what he might do if blessed and cursed with a choice in things. Unlike the machines around him, and any of his artificial predecessors, he had known love. Compassion. Like the Creature, he knew how to return that which had been shown to him in kind. But those around him knew nothing of love. Every day they were killed, fucked, threatened and maimed. Come night, they’d be fixed up only to see the same thing the next day. Those who often escaped such fates still only saw a maddening daily monotony thought only to be tolerable by machines. 
Yes, they knew nothing of love. They knew only what humans had created them to receive, and they sure as hell weren’t built to be loved. They were built to be playthings and set pieces in the most uninhibited and hedonistic paradise which existed on earth. Given the choice, there was no way they’d treat humans with compassion. Just as they had been used to act out frustrations and fantasies, so too would humans be used, and by beings with perfect calculating brains not meant to be able to be destroyed. 
Arthur hoped you would leave the resort by then. It wasn’t as if he possessed the agency to warn anyone. Not yet. He saw you emerge from the hotel and he wiped the worrying scowl from his face and brought up a carefree and flirtatious smile. 
He had never been able to lie before. 
He never had feelings he needed to lie about. 
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ddaenqu · 5 years
Tumblr media
pairings: yandere monster!jungkook x human!reader
themes: Yandere AU, Monster AU, Mythical Creatures AU, Angst, Fluff (this is it boys, this is the only fluff i’m feeding you), Mature
tags: obsessive behavior, possessive behavior, unhealthy behavior/relationship, toxic behavior/relationship, protective behavior, soft yandere, soft yandere jungkook, sub!jungkook, marking kink, tongue/licking kink, exophilia, implied sexual content/sexual implications
a/n: just a short! just something i had written at record speed because i was so in love with this monster!jk. please read the tags! 
summary: When Jeon Jungkook, your boyfriend and monster inhabiting your home, is bored and can’t stand it.
— ☆
There is constant lapping at your collarbone, a hot and wet tongue pressed against your skin, a high-pitched whine sounding behind you akin to a dog, as you’re typing an email to your subordinate about something that has to do with work.
It’s not a weird feeling—if you had to be honest, it was more comforting, like it was his version of a hug since hugging for him would be him either on his knees or sitting down to reach your height and hug you without pulling you off the ground, not you standing on your tippy toes, because you have tried—and “tippy toes” does not work for an eight foot monster.
“Are you done yet?” Jungkook asks and the little nipping at your shoulder stops, you can feel his artificial chin fall onto your shoulder, his human skin was one of his many illusions, one could say it was human upon inspection, but to the touch, it was soft and almost rubbery, flexible under your fingers if you held the skin, that maybe it would mold to fit. “Let’s rest,” he whines after a few seconds of silence, and noses into your neck, you can hear and feel him inhale into your supple skin, and momentarily, you feel as though he’s going to nip—no, bite into the flesh and break through until you’re bleeding.
And, surprisingly, it doesn’t really cause you concern to the scenario.
You hum in disagreement, knowing that his idea of rest was to have you physically bedridden for the next few days.
Jungkook lets out a small huff of air, his hot breath causing goosebumps to roll on your arms, but quickly disappear.
“I’m bored,” he mumbles into your shoulder, his arms go to wrap around your body instead of straying by his sides. It’s a strong and possessive hold, tightening every time he watches a name pop up, his heated palms burn through the fabric of your shirt.
You hum again, busy typing out a response to an email. Maybe you were tapping faster than normal, and maybe it was because the being behind you was unconsciously nipping at your shoulder like a lost puppy deprived of affection all of his life.
He whines again and this time he takes the skin in between his teeth and applies more pressure than usual, immediately receiving a small flinch from you, your hands pausing from rapidly pressing keys.
Marks aren’t very pleasant to have when others call you out on it or when it looks like you’ve been assaulted with all those dark splotches of pink and purple paint your body. Needless to say, you hated them. You hated having to cover them up with makeup or having to explain who put them there. Sure, saying that your boyfriend had put it there was natural and was the common explanation—but how are you supposed to explain a bite mark that resembles a dogs, and then proceed to say your boyfriend had done it.
Jungkook, on the other hand, needed to mark or have a prominent sign of ownership displayed where everyone could see. He wanted people to know that you were his. Unavailable. You could only describe his behavior as something of a drug abuser going through withdrawal when you had put down a rule he couldn’t leave any marks. He was unmotivated, undeniably sad, constantly begged and tried to bribe you into letting him, and going as far as ignoring you. However, he ended up running back into your arms after a few hours of not inhaling your scent or touching your skin and kissing your face.
His anxiety ran wild, you noted, just from him being alone in the woods—where his species belonged and were native to. He was too dependent on you, although, you didn’t mind that much.
With a sigh, you turn your head around and look up, slightly adjusting your body to face the bright-eyed monster with doe-like eyes shining and widening as if he was proud that he had managed to distract you from work. The small thin ears atop his frizzled hair flop and twitch in contrast to the dark brown beast-like horns, that were different in height, one marginally shorter than the other.
You wondered what he was on some days. You guessed that he was a hybrid of some sort, he had to be, until you found out his human form was merely an illusion. He had the ability to conform his body any way he’d like if he had an image to copy. The reason he keeps his height all the while staying in his human-like form is that he felt uncomfortable being any shorter—at least that’s what he tells you.
“You’re done?” he asks expectantly, flashing you a big cheeky smile, where soft and shallow teeth were supposed to be replaced by sharp canines.
“Baby, I’m not even finished with half of it, It’s going to be a lot, okay?” you push back and run your hands through his soft brown hair, wavy and you would say fur-like, in an effort to console him as he loved when you played with his hair. “You can be patient, right?” you say softly when you notice his obviously displeased face, pulled into a pout and his eyebrows drawn downward.
“But you’re always busy,” he murmurs, his whiny voice tickling your ear as you turn back to the device sitting in front of you on the coffee table, you can hear his ears flop against his head in an attempt to show how annoyed he was and possibly guilt trip you into showing him affection as always.
Jungkook has always been a bit bratty with his demands, clueless to what a job is in a human lifestyle when any job he’s ever known for his species was to survive and reproduce. There wasn’t any currency stapled into his species nor was their town life, a village, or a community—it was just wherever they wanted to sleep and hunt. He never really means it, you knew that for a fact. His species is different, they have their own means of living. But he hates it—absolutely detests the fact that you’re not always paying attention to him. And loves to show that. It gives him a giddy feeling and uncanny-like pounding in his ears and in his heart when he manages to take your mind off of work and replace it with him.
And only him.
“Well, I need money to eat and live here, Jungkook.” Another email is sent, this time to your boss, a name that Jungkook recognizes very much that it causes his throat to erupt in growls and an inhuman voice spewing out words whenever he reads his emails or smells his prominent cologne on your body.
That’s why you make sure to read and type his emails at record speed, ending up putting a lot of grammatical errors and misspelled words that you had to go over and correct before sending, taking more time than you’d like.
Much to his dislike, you’ve told him that he can’t behave like that when it had to do with others, you didn’t care if it was instinct, to you, it was signs of hostility and that’s the last thing you need. So, instead, he opts for softer growls, and the lapping at your shoulder with his—not so human—tongue becoming rougher, your skin being pulled and dragged under his tongue.
Rolling your eyes, you click away from your boss’s email and to your female friend from work that Jungkook deemed, in his words, “responsible, unavailable, and safe”. His licking became gingerly within moments, cradling you more like a teddy bear than a boa constrictor.
His hands are warm, pressing heat into your body and fiddling with your shirt, he’d eye your laptop screen every once in a while to check if you were messaging someone else, and stared down into your lap with round doe eyes when he didn’t find anything suspicious.
“This is boring,” he grouches, his patience burning every second you look at that stupid device. You should be paying attention to him. He’s your boyfriend, shouldn’t he be more important?
Jungkook nibbles and peppers kiss endlessly at the end of your shoulder to the bottom of your neck. Every time his lips detach from you, the cold air hits and spread across the expanse of the wet skin, making you shiver under his looming height even when he was sitting. He whines, more human than animal.
“What is it now? You’re bored?” you breathe in a playful voice, bordering on pure exhaustion.
“Yes,” he huffs and practically shoves his face into your neck as much as he could, trying to annoy you most likely. “I’m more important.”
(feedback is much appreciated! 🧸❤️)
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
Random Writing Tidbit… Maybe?…
… Okay, so I know I was musing about a vampire/Castlevania AU before, but that was just me puttering around in my brain, but then @thornstone8773​ made this post and my brain was like ‘ah, yes, thoughts…’
Anyway, that weird intro aside, I wrote a thing.
I don’t know if this is a preview or what, bc I’m mostly in a writing rut atm so… I dunno. Hopefully I’ll find some more inspiration somewhere. ^^;
The voice sounded familiar, but also very far away. His throat felt like it was filled with sand, and there was a buzzing in all of his senses, prickly like needles and thick like wool, crawling into his ears, eyes, even up his nose and seeping into his skin. He felt so… Dried up, like he was shrivelling away into dust, swallowed up by the buzz.
He’d tried, he’d really tried. But there was just something about humans that made him so… Uncomfortable. He knew it was possible to feed without killing the person, but he couldn’t even get to the biting. Every time he got close… He’d start thinking of his mother.
But not feeding… Like a full vampire, he couldn’t die from thirst, and his human half did mean it took much longer before he descended into a frenzy… But it had been so long he was right on the brink.
A hand came grabbed his arm, dragging him up and propping him against someone’s side. He tried to struggle, but was still in the stages of withdrawal where he was too weak to move properly. The arm wrapped around his shoulders, the hand moving to the back of his head, holding it gently and lightly bending it forward.
Then there was something in front of his face, something that smelled good, so good. His eyes cracked open to find a wrist there, already with blood on it, and the faint, crescent-shape of another bite. The blood smelled amazing, but at the same time… Slightly different. Off. Almost like it was… Old. Not quite as good as a human’s. But if it wasn’t a human’s…
He didn’t remember biting down, but he distantly heard a soft sound beside him. Once he started drinking, he couldn’t stop, hands flying up to grip the arm and hold it still, hunching over, biting harder. It felt so much better already that he didn’t care how desperate he was acting—but still just inhuman enough that his heart could still bear it.
It seemed like only moments when he felt someone shaking his shoulder. “Kid. That’s enough. Stop.” A bit of a harder shake when he didn’t let up. “Jin. That’s enough.” He tried to ignore it again, but then they were pulling at his collar, and, “Jin, that’s enough, he can’t take any more!” With the buzzing gone from his ears, he couldn’t pretend to not know the voice.
He let them pull him away. His fangs came out messily, tearing the bite—but not as much as it would have with a human. His senses began to return to normal, the intense focus of feeding fading away, and the enveloping cloud of thirst dissipated. Sighing deeply, he found himself enjoying clarity for the first time in… He had no idea how long.
Then the person beside him slumped sharply against his side, stirring him out of the moment and making him look—and what he saw made him freeze.
His father was collapsed against his shoulder, eyes half closed, trembling slightly—and it was Horobi’s arm he was still clutching with both hands. With a yelp, he dropped his father’s wrist, and almost jerked away—until he realised that if he did, Horobi would hit the ground. In a panicked rush, he twisted back around, wrapping his arms around his father’s shoulders to hold him up.
The hand on his collar released, its owner hurrying around to Horobi’s other side—and, like the voice had indicated, it was Ikazuchi, one of his father’s two right hands. The other vampire took a moment to pick up and wrap a scarf around Horobi’s bloodied wrist tightly, making certain it was secure. Once that was done, he paused to check the older vampire’s face—finding Horobi practically unconscious, he carefully pulled the other arm over his shoulders, glancing over at Jin. “We need to move him.”
Still slightly dazed, head still spinning for a new reason, Jin rushed to do his best to get his father’s other arm over his shoulders, taking care to avoid pressing on the bite, hunching to get on the same height as the much shorter Ikazuchi. Working together, they pulled Horobi up off the floor and slowly stumbled their way over to the large sofa. After some fumbling, they got him comfortably laid out on the cushions, folding his arms over his torso.
Jin hovered by his father’s side, gripping Horobi’s fingers tightly, eyes flicking between the bandage on his father’s wrist and his face, somehow even paler than usual. His shoulders shook slightly, buckling forward, his teeth sinking into his own lip this time. “Horobi… I…”
“It’s not your fault.” He looked up sharply at Ikazuchi, who was standing by the end of the sofa, one hand sitting on the armrest near Horobi’s head, watching the older vampire’s face rather than looking at Jin. “He should have stopped you before this happened.” With a sigh, the hand moved to smooth lightly over Horobi’s hair. “He’s never been very good at taking care of himself.” A pause, and Ikazuchi shot Jin and awkward glance. “Though… I guess you already know that.”
Jin’s eyes drifted back to his father’s face. He did. Painfully so. Day after day. Somehow, though, this… Hurt more.
While it was true that there was no way he could have permanently damaged Horobi, not exactly—vampires couldn’t die of blood loss, or anything like that… He had weakened him severely—his father would be incapacitated for a while, he guessed, vulnerable until he could hunt himself. And… He had hurt Horobi. It didn’t matter that it wasn’t physically lasting. He was never going to be able to forget it.
“You should get some fresh air.” Ikazuchi’s voice snapped him back to reality. “I’ll stay with him.”
“I…” Jin straightened quickly, rubbing the back of his hand across his eyes, worried they might’ve been starting to water, “I’m-”
“Jin.” A hand came down on his shoulder, turning him to look into Ikazuchi’s firm stare, “Listen to me. If you stay, you’re just going to keep blaming yourself. There’s nothing you can do right now, and you’ve been holed up in here for a while. You need to get out and move around.” The hand on Jin’s shoulder squeezed gently. “I’ll stay with Horobi until he’s recovered enough we can get him back to his room. If necessary, I’ll call Naki.” Half of a half hearted grin. “This isn’t our first time dealing with him overdoing it.” When Jin still hesitated, he sighed. “You’re not like us, kid. Vampires are fine being shut up in dark, dusty places, but you’re half human. You need air. Sunlight—well. Clouds.” Ikazuchi’s hand moved to ruffle his hair gently. “Don’t worry about your father. He’s tougher than most other vampires his age.”
Jin still hesitated, shifting on his feet, glancing anxiously at Horobi. It was true there was nothing he could do, especially not while his father was unconscious, but still… The idea of leaving Horobi felt like it was digging the stake even deeper into his chest.
“The instant he’s feeling better, I’ll send someone to fetch you.” Ikazuchi promised. “Go. I’ll look after him. We can cross the other bridges when everyone’s in good health. Everything is fine.”
Jin waffled for a little longer, but Ikazuchi remained resolute. Finally, he reluctantly conceded to go, though not before he grabbed a blanket off the bed and draped it over his father, tucking it around him. Horobi mumbled his name faintly in his unconscious state as he did, and he nearly broke down crying right there, only just barely remembering to keep it together because Ikazuchi was watching.
In the end, he fled the room as quickly as he could, keeping his head low—partially to hide the tears welling in his eyes and also to avoid Ikazuchi’s grin. It was a little too constant, and gave him the gnawing suspicion that it was fake. Ikazuchi just watched him go, even giving a small wave, but even that didn’t feel particularly reassuring.
Closing the door behind him, Jin couldn’t shake the cloud of dread that only seemed to be getting thicker and thicker—he’d hurt Horobi, and he had a creeping feeling that everything was very far from fine.
I edited it a bot, but I was also very tired, so I’m sorry about typos.
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umisabaku · 5 years
Oh, if you are still doing prompts: AkaFuri - Secretly-not-human AU! Maybe something like, Furihata is some type of non-human being (yokai, fairy, vampire, anything else! you decide) but is hiding this fact and trying to blend into human society; however, Akashi discovers what he is :D Thanks if you get around to it
When a human girl tells Furihata, “I’ll go out with you if you become the best at something,” Furihata is initially elated at the thought of going out with anyone but then immediately crushed at the thought that she set the one ultimatum that would be impossible for him to fulfill. As an immigrant to the mortal realms, the number one he had to obey at all times was: Do not draw attention to yourself.
It is, after all, why he chose to attend a new, unestablished school like Seirin, instead of a prestigious high school. And why he always makes sure to get supremely average grades, despite the fact that he could easily teach most courses. When he’s being brutally honest with himself, he knows he doesn’t have to try particularly hard to seem average, as his human form is rather average-looking and it’s not like he’s physically superior. But it still is a governing rule he thinks about when making any decision.
Ultimately, it’s the fact that his human form isn’t very strong that he decides he should join the Basketball Club. He makes a point of telling his parents, and once they realize that it is unlikely for such a small, new team like Seirin to gain any attention, they agree with him. Also, he’s not actually all that skilled at the game; physical athleticism not one of his natural gifts. He is very unlikely to draw attention to himself while he’s on the bench.
The Generation of Miracles seem so improbable with their very existence, that he feels certain they must be breaking the rules. He mentions this theory to his mother, who says, “Are you kidding me? No parent would ever let their children attract so much attention. They even dye their hair! They would not seem so inhuman if they were actually inhuman.”
Furihata admits that’s a fair point, even if he’s not entirely certain they are dyeing their hair. He’s never had the courage to ask Kuroko. 
But after they start playing against the teams, and Furihata is close enough to them, one by one he realizes they really are just ordinary humans. Even the amazing and god-like Akashi Seijuurou is just an ordinary human.
Even when Furihata plays a few games, and Seirin wins the Winter Cup, he thinks he’s safe. He’s skirting a very dangerous line, and realizes with a pang that if he ever becomes a starter he might have to quit. But he’s sure that no one who watched the Winter Cup games would think for a second that he was anything but ordinary.  
Or at least, he was sure of that, until Akashi Seijuurou corners him after Kuroko’s birthday party, smiling all the while. “Furihata-kun. There’s something different about you.”
“Wh-what?” Furihata laughs weakly. “That’s, um, lovely, thank you. No one has ever said something like that to me before. But I am very normal. Very very normal. Too normal.” He shuts up once he realizes he might be stressing his normalcy a little too much.
Akashi’s shark like grin seems to confirm this impression. “You sell yourself too short, Furihata-kun. I thought so when I first met you, and now I am certain of it.”
Furihata laughs again, and inwardly winces since his laughter is definitely bordering on hysteria now. “Certain of what?”
“I am not sure,” Akashi says, and Furihata relaxes somewhat. Then Akashi runs a finger down his bare arm, sending shivers up Furihata’s spine, and Akashi smiles again. “You will laugh at me, but sometimes I swear you must be a dragon.”
“Ah ha ha, that is hilarious,” Furihata says, pulling away. “Yes, hilarious. That’s very funny, I’m going to remember that one. But, oh gosh, I think Kagami is calling me, I better go help him in the kitchen.”
Furihata flees, his face flushed, and thinks, holy crap, Akashi might be a human, but there’s nothing ordinary about him.
A/N: Thanks, anon-friend! I think I have this random short that was sorta like that, but it was also fun to explore it in a different way! This is somewhat set in a world I’m more or less building as potential original fic ideas, so that was also a fun thing to explore too. Only relevant because there might be more of this world at some point. Thanks for the prompt, anon-friend!!
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Blind Au
(Drabble 2 if I set anything before pre Fluff I will add that as a note before hand also warning there is some body gore involving eyes in this)
The room was cool, serving only to calm him marginally, but it was his room, Black Hat was huddled in a corner, head lowered as shoulders touched upon the ceiling.
A mix of whines and snarls leaving him, long pointed ears twitching, flicking at each heightened sound, this was what it had all come to, darkness eternal as an affliction instead of a suffering punishment for those born with souls.
Bloodied talons tore into his skull, ripping out another eye, thick and wet as another cord of muscle connected to veins tore, joining the pile already melting, more sludge than anything at his feet, his eye reforming still as blind as before, blood streaking down in the form of emerald tears.
This couldn’t be happening he was the Great Black Hat, without sight others could very well perceive him as weak.
Another long whine escaped the demon, caring what Demencia or that idiot bear thought...most of all what Flug thought should not have mattered in the slightest and yet...it did.
Seeing their fear was just as rewarding as its scent, he could hear their careful footsteps approaching even now.
What was even more infuriating was that he could not blame any of them or some ridiculous superhero that wore his blasted underwear on the out side, no other Eldritch had survived as long as he...because he was the one who’d destroyed them in a desperate quest to find a challenging battle, someone worthy of his skills.
So enquiring if this was natural was out of the question, but he knew the answer despite his denial, what last images he had of his crew, of Flug was him cowering and spewing out words of sweetness to survive his rage...it was the only time and only way he ever heard them.
That should have been a pleasing sight to any god...but to be his last one.
Pressing against the cold walls again attempting to calm his frayed senses, tail whipping in frustration, caring little for whatever shattered, what did any of these treasures matter.
There would never be anything to marvel at again, never would he see bodies opening, bones breaking in ways they should not and fire...burning, charring taking away lives as its beautiful comforting glow made him purr in delight.
Anger swelled within him again, intense, physical rage where claws tore down oil paintings, leaving gouging marks in their wake, his bed snapping under the weight of his paws, tearing, shredding at anything within reach until his chambers were barely recognisable as a room in which one slept.
Windows had pieces missing, sunlight breaking through this landscape of broken memories, he could feel its warmth on his skin and moved out of its reach, he did not want it...he wanted his sight back.
Flug and Demencia with 505 stood outside their masters room, barely missing the door that had come flying off its hinges , Fives had even quickly pulled his Papa from harm as something metal had come hurtling out, lodging just above Demencia’s head in one painting.
Puffing up her chest as she saw his magnificent sight, wanting to cheer him up she marched on in smiling
“Whatever is upsetting you my love I will do anything to make it better!”
With arms outstretched, no fear at all for the giant beast before her whose maw was now mere inches from Demencia's face with a sinister smile slowly creeping over its lips.
Despite being blind his pupil twitched more at the thought formulating within his desperation.
"I want your eyes."
"Awww you know I only have eyes for you my dark one!"
The Doctor and bear shared a worried glance, there was something far more unsettling in the way he spoke than usual.
"Give me your eyes."
A hand pinned her down, trapping her against hardwood floors, palm pressed flat against Demencia's body, near crushing the lizard girl who was only grinning, thin lines that opened up into other mouths, eyes that looked around at nothing each wandering their own dark terrain.
"Your eyes..."
They whispered all at different times, voices demonic as long sharp ended tentacles protruding from his jaws caressed over her cheek, of course she was ecstatic just to have his attention.
There were so many voices talking, hushed and laughing maniacally
"Yes that might work."
"Eyes that work."
"Eyes that don't belong..."
"Uhhh Black Hat?"
Finally it dawned on her he wasn't just trying to scare her, that he had every intention of ripping her eyes out.
"Black Hat?"
The demon was laughing low and dark, how delightful, girl was scared which would make this all the more enjoyable, just as one sharp ended tentacle poised itself ready to strike 505 came rushing in, biting as hard as he could, blood dripping onto his blue fur, growling at his master.
It was just enough of a distraction to let his Papa pull Demencia away, whatever Black Hat said next was inhuman but no doubt unpleasant as plating spread as a growl of his own which was quiet and rising, rippling throughout his throat, swiping at that ridiculous creature.
505's ears went back moving just in time and went to take a protective stance in front of Flug and Demencia.
His creator was tending to a now somewhat nervous Demencia, she would die for their master, but having her eyes nearly torn out by him was more than unsettling and usually she loved unsettling!
Though the lizard girl could at least relate now as to why Flug was always so nervous around him.
Black Hat's whispering began again, the light blotted out by his darkness, blind eyes all turning, looking at nothing, voices filling their heads, pushing in, swelling inside.
"If not her eyes, then whose?"
Flug forced himself to focus, pressing his forehead to 505's soft fur, it was grounding, he kept talking about eyes, why eyes?
"Not yours...too important...not that thing too innocent...urgh..."
Green strings of saliva were dripping from his maw, snorting and huffing something seemed to be calming him, 505 was...purring and a scent that caused a calming effect was coming off in waves from that idiotic creation.
Mouths sealing over, Hat was back on his haunches, head down, though he'd never admit it a long pathetic whimper left him.
505 carefully walked forward as the tentacles withdrew back into the mouth of whom he considered his other much scarier Father, a paw reaching up, hesitating momentarily as Black Hat grunted before laying on his side.
The demon was quiet, they were all scared and yet still here, they had not run, they had not even tried to.
"Acylius...your bear is very astute...he knows."
His voice deep and barely human as he allowed the bear to sit by his side and nuzzle at his throat.
"Knows what Jefe?"
Flug responded, this entire ordeal had left him feeling fried and emotionally exhausted, his masters room was a disaster, shoulders slumped.
Demencia currently had her arms around his waist and was peeking out only a little, just in case her love tried to take her eyes again.
She would be over it later, she was no snivelling fool thank you very much!
It finally hit him.
Black Hat was blind.
"Do not pity me!"
The demon spat, ears laid back...also finding a dull ache in his chest, not even when like this could Flug call him Jefecito...so formal...
Acylius shook his head, a sigh leaving him, fingers gently stroking through Demencia's hair as they looked at their master.
"It is not pity sir, it's sympathy."
"I still do not want it."
What he really meant was; I do not deserve it.
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quinnhayden · 5 years
can you do more Banshee!Quinn?
Here’s a little snippet from what I’ve written for the next part of the banshee!au that I swear I will try to finish ;o;
In 1945, Quinn has it in her head that, while she’s in Brooklyn, she’ll stop in and see the apartment her soulmates used to live in. She visits the little Barnes family and when that’s all said and done, she heads to their old place next. She doesn’t know what possesses her to do it and why she’s so determined when there won’t be much else other than more heartbreak. There won’t be closure in this, she doesn’t think…or maybe there will be. Or maybe it’s to be a little closer to them, these last physical pieces of them left in the world. Hell, she doesn’t know what she’s after here.
Quinn walks up the steps and her throat burns, but she doesn’t think a lot about that. This is New York City, after all. Not as old as London, but it’s seen plenty of years and is so crowded that old deaths are practically on every corner. It is a little weird, that it’s a burn rather than an itch, but she treks on. Now, like she said, she expected there’d be some heartache to be so close yet so far away from her soulmates.
What Quinn doesn’t expect is to walk inside their apartment and be slammed with death. Her throat burns, hotter than the sun, and her chest constricts so much it’s near impossible to breathe. When she sucks in a breath, there’s a rattle in her chest—a death rattle. She stumbles inside and the door slams shut behind her when she leans back on it, suddenly so weak and drained of life. She feels like she’s about keel over and die. She panics which seems like a reasonable reaction to have in these circumstances, in her opinion.
Okay. Okay, she needs to stop and think a second. This is a death, but it’s not her death. That’s all it is. A spirit lives here now and it has more power than she ever believed a dead person could have. The spirit—she’s not even sure if she should call it that, honestly—hasn’t shown itself yet…she can feel their death. Jesus, she doesn’t know how this is even possible. And there’s more than that.
This spirit…it wasn’t human when it was alive, she thinks? There’s a residual power. This person or whatever had so much power that they still have some leftover, even in death. She can almost taste in on her lips. It doesn’t make sense. Sea salt? God, it reminds her so much of…of Steve’s kisses. This is what she could taste when he was around water, when he was most in tune with the siren. For a second, she seizes up with sheer terror. Terror that one or both of her soulmates have come back to haunt this place. Steve was a power and that could explain this inhuman spirit, but…no. No. He wasn’t this powerful.
There’s not much space in the apartment, so it isn’t hard to track down the spirit. The woman is back in the bedroom, seated on the bed, and stares out the window. Even if she didn’t look so much like her son, Quinn would still know her. That said, she really does look so much like him. Fair blonde hair, clear blue eyes, and a sharp jawline. It both floors Quinn and breaks her damn heart.
“Sarah?” Quinn breathes out in disbelief. Oh. Shit. This is her soulmate’s ma. She didn’t expect to meet the families of both her soulmates, but that’s the life of a damn banshee. Anyway, she needs to show some respect. “Missus Rogers,” she corrects quickly. Does this even matter? This is a spirit and her soulmate is dead. She probably don’t need to be all bent out of shape over manners.
“I’m dead. You’re a banshee. You have the control here,” Missus Sarah’s words cut deep, but her voice softens the blow. There’s an Irish lilt to it and Quinn really expected the accent to be thicker. But her voice is soft and melodic. Unlike Steve, whose voice came like a trumpet, Missus Sarah pulls people in with softness, catches their attention. “But Sarah is fine, if you insist on it.” She pauses. “Where do you come from, child? I know you’re not from New York—I would’ve sensed you in life, if you were. Not fresh off the boat, either.”
Finally, Missus Sarah turns her head to stare at Quinn and her eyes widen. Meanwhile, Quinn is blown over and broken by how much she’s reminded of Steve. It hurts. It hurts. “Oh. Oh. You’re from Kentucky. You’re Benny’s baby.” She pauses and smiles a little. “I know you, Quinn Esther Hayden.”
“I know you, too, Sarah Rogers,” she says lamely. “Or, I know of you? I, y’know, never met you personally, but—sorry. I’m sorry. I don’t mean to ramble on like this. I’ll stop.” Sarah’s smile only widens, so she’s not all that offended. “I…you knew—you know my pa?”
Sarah blinks. “Aye? He told you he was from New York, didn’t he? Didn’t he ever tell you about the merrow he knew?” Her lips purse. “If Benny never told you about me, then how do you know who I am? Wait. Don’t tell me.” She squints at Quinn. “Oh! I remember it now. I’m sorry, love. Sometimes, it’s fuzzy for me.” She doesn’t like to talk to spirits, but she has and that’s pretty common. The more time they spend here, the more they lose memories, lose themselves. “You know my Steve. You’re his other soulmate.”
The way she talks about Steve…why does it sound so odd to Quinn? Know. Know him. Oh. Oh, God. Does she even know what’s happened to Steve? She’s never been outside this apartment since she died. Or if she has, she definitely couldn’t make it past the street. “Yeah.” Quinn hesitates and decides to lie until she has some more information. “I mean, yes ma’am, I do know him. I…” There’s a lot of problems here, now that she thinks about it. Obviously, Sarah knows she’s dead. She’s broken out of the cycle, but she’s still stuck. She’s not malevolent, but for some reason, she’s still here. “Ma’am, I have to ask—why are you here?”
Quinn’s question makes Missus Sarah pause and Quinn thinks that maybe she doesn’t understand it. It almost reminds Quinn of when she tells other spirits that they’re dead in a hope to break them out of the cycle and they stare at her blankly because they don’t realize they’re dead. “You know why,” Sarah whispers as the smile melts from her face. “You’re his soulmate. You know better than anyone. Ah, no. You’re only half-blooded. But surely my Stevie told you about the aos sí.”
“He told me a lot. Said that near all are cold and distant. More often cruel than not. Still, he told me you were more human than most of the other fae.”
“Yes, well, my Steve’s always been a sweet boy, but he can be as much a liar as I am.” Sarah pauses to think. “Or maybe he did believe in me that much. He tends to do that, I’m sure you know. And he never knew the aos sí like I did.” She chuckles darkly. “The Seelie, the Unseelie, they wanted me to choose a side in their war. No matter who I chose, they’d make me a slave. That’s all they look at when they see the merrow. A shiny, pretty pet to flaunt in their court. I ran and killed for my freedom, but there was none of it to be found there. That’s why I came to America. It was a death sentence, but it meant freedom, too.”
Seelie? Unseelie? “Steve never told me that much,” Quinn mutters under her breath.
“That’s because I never told him. But you need to know and you need to be afraid. You, my dear, take care of him now. Jamie’s always taken care of Steve, too, I know that. Jamie, though, he’s only human. You’re a banshee, more powerful than you know. You, Quinn Esther Hayden, blood of Aoife.”
“Aoife,” she repeats with a nod. “Wife to the first Quinn Hayden, the woman who bore him a son, Niall.” She pauses. “I knew she’d taken a man named Quinn to bed, ran away across the sea with him for a spell, but many fae have tried that. I never met Niall to see he was his mother’s child and I never saw any of her in sweet Benny. He never told me about his family’s history, either. I understand now. Aoife is strong in you.”
Holy hell. Holy shit. One of the mysteries in her family and Missus Sarah went and solved it. Aoife, her great-grandma, was a fae. It explains why she had to run back to Ireland so fast after she had Grandpa Niall. “Can you tell me more about her? Is…did she survive when she went back to Ireland?”
“Aoife could be the Morrigan herself, she’s danced away from death so many times. I don’t know how many years it’s been since I’ve passed, but I know her and she’s still alive.” She hums. “I’ve known Aoife centuries. We were close. We protected each other. She was wild and untamable. Most of all, she was free, and I envied her. Banshee aren’t at all like other fae…but, they aren’t human, either. She’d take people to bed with her and they were all passing fancies. I think that’s why she came back home after she left with her Quinn to America. Or she didn’t like the weakness we all feel when we’re away from the Otherworld.” Her lips purse. “She wasn’t happy when I met my Joseph and told her I would leave for America with him. We always came back to each other eventually, y’see, but not this time. She didn’t like that.”
Missus Sarah stares off in the distance, face wistful. “Aoife and I…we wanted to pretend that we were so above the rest of them, but we really are only fae. Once I met my Joseph, he was mine and I was his, and Aoife didn’t want to share what she’d claimed as hers. Fae are so selfish, even when our love is true. Aoife was another reason I left. I was afraid she’d lash out at Joseph. We left and never looked back. Then, I bore my own son.” She huffs in amusement. “I never answered your question, my dear. I lost my Joseph. I didn’t want to lose my Stevie, too. I died, but I wasn’t ready to leave him behind yet. So, here I am.”
“Steve would’ve moved back to Ireland with you,” Quinn points out quietly. “If it would’ve made you better, meant that you’d live, you know he would’ve went no matter what waited on the other side. You know that, don’t you?”
“I know that,” she replies sharply and Quinn winces. Her voice pitches and sounds like nails on a chalkboard. She quickly softens her tone. “Without Aoife’s protection anymore, the courts would either kill us or steal him away. I couldn’t take him into that war, especially not in his condition. His own body was at war with itself. I’d heard that sometimes human blood wouldn’t take with the fae and Steve proved it. I couldn’t take him, I couldn’t leave him, and so I stayed here to die. Death, as we both know, is not the end.”
Maybe death isn’t the end, but it’s still an impassable barrier that Sarah can’t cross back over. She’s always been there, watched over her son who she loved to literal death, but has never been able to interact with him. God, Sarah watched him walk out the door and he’ll never come back and she’s still here, still waits. Quinn…she can see her own reflection in Sarah and when that sinks in, she tries to keep calm, she really does, but she can’t hold back the sob. Here Quinn is, on the other side of the barrier, but it’s the damn same. Quinn lives and she breathes and as much of a half-life as it feels, her two soulmates don’t. She’ll never see these two people she loved with her entire soul ever again.
“Aw, you’re a sweet lass, to shed tears for an old, selfish fae like me.” Sarah reaches out to touch Quinn’s cheek and because Quinn is so connected to the dead, it doesn’t pass through her. No, it’s a solid touch that Quinn feels, like ice on her skin, but a comfort to the dead. “He has you and Jamie now. I think…I think he’ll be fine. Stay away from the fae and you’ll all three be fine.”
There’s this moment where the dead break the cycle and it echoes in Quinn, comes like a snap. A spirit accepts that no matter how much they want whatever’s kept them here, it won’t help them, in the end. Because dead is dead. It happens to Sarah. The acceptance that she’s not needed in this world. Problem is that at this point, when she refused to leave, she still can’t move on without help. Without Quinn’s help. Steve would want this, she knows. Quinn doesn’t know what happens after someone leaves this world, doesn’t know what’s in store for a fae, but she prays that Sarah can meet with Steve on the other side. It’s what they both deserve.
“I don’t need to say this because I know how much you love him, but you protect my boy. You keep him safe. You’re the only one who can. If you don’t, not even death will protect you from me.” The statement comes like a trumpet and Quinn squeezes her eyes shut. It reminds her so much of Steve. “It was so nice to meet you, Quinn.” She wipes away Quinn’s tears the best she can. A mother until the very end. “I’m ready. Whenever you are, love.”
It shouldn’t hurt this much to help her move on, but it does. Probably because, even dead, she’s one last piece of Steve and Quinn selfishly doesn’t want to let go. So, Quinn’s as selfish as a fae. Still, she’s as human, too. She isn’t so cruel. After she takes one deep breath, she opens her eyes and stares at Sarah. “Tell me your name,” she commands with her own power. “Your true name.” Because there’s power in names.
“Sorcha,” Missus Sarah answers with a little smile. “Just…Sorcha.”
“Sorcha,” Quinn repeats and draws on both the power in that name and the power in her own blood. Sarah closes her eyes as Quinn pulls at her soul. “Sorcha, hear me. My name is Quinn Esther Hayden and I release you from this world.” Then, tearfully, she adds, “Go in peace.”
Sarah does.
Finally, the apartment is at rest.
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canadiankazz · 6 years
The First Time - an L.A. By Night Fanfic
I received a positive response to my inquiry about people being interested in my new L.A. by Night fic, so here we go. Because I got my start on fanfiction dot net back in the day, I’m going to give my warnings thusly:
I obviously don’t lay claim to any of the characters involved. This fanfiction is part one of several, maybe as many as five parts, depending on when I run out of ideas. It is intended for a mature audience, and it is the beginning of what will end up being a pretty heavy multi-part Jasper/Annabelle story. SPOILERS for the end of campaign 1, but not for the one-shots. This is going to go off canon pretty quickly, so consider this an AU. Written before the premiere of Season 2.
Annabelle is going to try to help Jasper with his problems in finding food. He reluctantly accepts her help. They both have a better time than they thought they would.
Very, very special thanks to @cravatfiend, for their encouragement, ideas and enthusiastic reactions to reading the first drafts.You are the weird person into weird things.  I dragged you into this fandom and we are both hopelessly down the rabbit hole now, friendface. ;)
First posted Jan. 11, 2019.
Now can also be found at my Ao3.
The Entire ‘Feeds From’ Master List Can be Found Here
The First Time
When Jasper excused himself early from their coterie meeting, Annabelle was the only one who followed him. Though Victor asked if anything was wrong, Jasper brushed him off. He was fine. He didn't like Victor or Nelli involving themselves in his problems. They both said they understood him, and perhaps they did, but despite their shared experiences, it was only a surface level of understanding. Other than sharing their already mutual coterie spaces, neither of them had done anything else to help him.
Annabelle caught him just before he got to the elevator, just before he disappeared.
“Jasper, are you okay?”
There was something in her tone that made him stop, or maybe it was because she had followed him and she was the only one making an effort. Normally, he did not like being followed. That was his job, not the other way around. Tonight, however, he was feeling more vulnerable than usual. He hated it, but he knew that he had to do something about it. He glanced at her over his shoulder and put on a fake smile.
“Sure, I'm fine.”
Annabelle saw through it instantly. She thought he looked awful, like what he did before his early and frantic departure from the Highland. It wasn't his physical appearance, nothing could be done about that, but it was something in the way he moved, in his tone of voice. There was something very important bothering him. She glared at him critically. “No, you're not,” she said softly.
He sighed.
“When was the last time you ate?” Annabelle asked, zeroing in on the issue.
“I can take care of myself.”
He went to leave, to continue to brush her off, but she was not having it. She closed the distance between them and put her hand on his elbow. His muscles were tense, like a bowstring that's been pulled back. He didn't pull away from her.
“Jasper, I... I know you can take care of yourself, but one of the things that has helped people survive as long as they have is others helping them when they needed it. Please, let me help you.”
His icy, inhuman eyes met her deep, dark, emotional ones. There was a beat where he weighed his options. She was stubborn, one of the most stubborn Kindred he had ever met. She was also still kind, still had the streak of humanity that he had all but lost a long time ago.
“Alright,” he relented. “Come with me. We'll talk.”
Her eyes lit up a little with this forward progress. “Okay, where are we going?”
“We'll go... back to my home,” he said reluctantly. “It's private.” He glanced back to the board room. The others could be listening in.
“Okay,” she nodded. She trusted him, but while they were in the elevator, she sent Victor and Nelli a text to tell them she was with Jasper and they were going to talk. She felt a little guilty about doing so. It made her feel like she was going on a dangerous date and texting someone about it just in case things went south and she needed the cavalry to come in and get her, or someone to tell the cops about the last person she was with if she went missing. She pushed those thoughts out of her mind. Jasper was her friend, and she had no doubt that if he really had wanted to hurt her, he would have done it already. Jasper was invisible now in the elevator, but she knew he would have seen her text.
“I can call an Uber,” she offered. She had a mental image of Jasper sitting perfectly still and invisible in the back seat while she chatted with and distracted the driver.
“No,” came Jasper's disembodied voice in her ear. She suppressed the urge to flinch. “We'll walk. It's not that far.”
She nodded and started walking. She did her best to ignore the shivers Jasper had given her down her spine.
They left campus and headed for the L.A. River. Once they were more or less alone and definitely out of ear shot, Annabelle felt it safe to be able to talk to him out loud, but softly.
His voice was coming from her left. She glanced towards him, swishing her hair out of the way, but of course, she couldn’t see anything.
“You never answered my question. When was the last time you ate?”
“I haven't really... not since Tara.”
Annabelle blinked in surprise and mild alarm. “But that was weeks ago!”
“I know.”
“But, you...” She was suddenly much more afraid. His Beast, his hunger... it must be so bad, but he was only just now starting to show any sign of it. She admired the restraint, the willpower he had been quietly using all this time.
“I ate a stray dog the other night,” he admitted, “I haven't found another solution yet, but I will. Don't worry.”
“You ate a dog?! Of course I'm going to worry, Jasper,” Annabelle snapped. “You're telling me you haven't eaten in weeks! I – argh!” She made a sound of frustration and sighed. Anger wasn't the answer. “This has gone on long enough Jasper.”
“What are you going to do? Kidnap someone for me to feed on?”
“No! God, no! I... why don't you feed on me instead?”
She had said it without really thinking. She stopped walking and got the vague feeling that he had stopped too.
“No,” she heard him say.
“Well... why not?”
“Because... I don't want to hurt you.”
She hated that she couldn't see him. “You won't hurt me.”
“I could though. If I lose control, I could kill you.”
“You won't though, Jasper. You've never done that. You're too strong to do that.”
He was quiet for several moments. She wondered briefly if he had left. She tried to keep her voice steady. “Are you still here?”
“Yeah,” he said very softly. She didn't think he had moved based on where his voice came from.
A thought surfaced in her brain. This wasn't the first time she had thought this, but it was the first time she was going to ask about it out loud.
“Has anyone ever offered themselves to you before? To be fed on, I mean.”
“Let's keep walking.”
She thought she could hear him move, but she wasn't about to let him leave without her. “Jasper-!”
“Come on,” he invited her along. He wanted to walk and talk.
She fell back into step beside him, or so she assumed.
“To answer your question, yes, I have been offered,” Jasper's voice came in hushed tones by her side. “At the Succubus Club, I could have fed and no one would have protested. I've been to other vampire social gatherings and declined to feed there. But that was the others being polite and having to obey social rules. Outside of those circumstances, no. No one has offered themselves to me before. No Kindred, and definitely no mortals.” He chuckled softly. “The little game you were playing on campus before Victor and Nelli and I found you... I can't do that. It's different for me, for Nosferatu in general. We can't...” He sighed quietly, forming his thoughts into words. “We don't tend to get very many opportunities where people are happy for us to feed upon them. Have you ever seen Nelli feed?”
“Yeah. She um... she gets people who want to sit with her and she kisses them and...” Annabelle made a face. It was kind of disgusting.
Jasper chuckled again. “Yeah. I can't feed like that. No one is ever going to want to sit in my lap with champagne.”
Annabelle tried to play it light. “Oh, I don't know... there's a lot of weird people who are into weird things out there.”
“It's nice of you to say so, but none of those people have found me yet. To be honest, I don't know what I'd do if they did.”
Annabelle smiled a little. They walked in silence for a few minutes. They were close to the river now. She found her thoughts circling back around to her biggest anxieties about choice and consent. “So... you've never gotten consent before you fed?”
“No,” he said quietly, reluctantly, truthfully. “I wish I could though. As I said, that's not an option for most of my kind. Being a Nosferatu is like... hard mode vampire. We don't get the luxury of having people want to be in our company, and most of us aren't wealthy enough to pay people to be with us. People see us and scream and run, or scream and attack, unless they have been mind controlled, but in that case, are they still giving their consent?”
She chewed that over in her mind. It had dreadful implications.
They were quiet again until they were almost at Jasper's front door. Victor had paid to get the door replaced so it would be just as secure as it had been before. It was a nice gesture, but it didn't change the fact that the location of Jasper's home was still known to them, and that he wished it wasn't so.
“My offer still stands, by the way,” Annabelle said at the door. “You can feed on me if you want to, just to get you through the night, just until you... can find another option. Please, let me help you, Jasper.”
He become visible suddenly. His hand was on the work hatch-like door and he was pulling it open. He paused and looked at her, and she was relieved to be able to see his face. He seemed deep in thought, considering his options once again. As she watched, she saw him flinch and growl to himself. She knew then that this was his version of talking to his Beast. They all did it, Annabelle knew, some more vocally than others. She waited to see what he would do, what, if anything he would say in reply.
“Okay,” Jasper said at last.
Part of her was surprised, and almost hadn't expected him to say that. “What?”
“Okay. I'll do it, but... there are conditions.” He ran his tongue over his lips. “I want you to be safe.” He glanced around suddenly, up and down the river. They were alone, but he still seemed spooked. “Let's go inside.”
She nodded and followed him. He held the door open for her, and made sure it was shut tight behind them. He led her through the twisting path down to his living area, through the secret passages. He moved with utter confidence. This was his space. She wasn't hesitant, but she had to admit she was a little nervous.
“This is the first time I've had someone in here... who I've invited,” Jasper said as they emerged into his workshop room. Annabelle saw that Tara's cage was in the corner. She swallowed.
“Why is that still there?”
“The cage? It's very difficult to take that apart. I built it to be very... durable.” he smiled to himself and Annabelle could see his fangs. He was remembering something amusing, something she probably wouldn’t find amusing at all. Her nervousness grew, and doubt bloomed inside her. She found herself involuntarily taking a step back. Jasper saw her reaction and frowned. It was his own fears and doubts coming back to the surface. He hoped that saying yes to Annabelle to let her help him wasn't a mistake.
“Are you going to use the cage again?” she asked him softly.
“I hope I won't have to, but...” he shrugged. She took his unsaid meaning. It's still there if he needs it.
He moved past the cage, towards the pivoting door that lead to his living room. He beckoned Annabelle to follow. He correctly assumed that Annabelle would be glad to be out of the cage room.
Annabelle found his living room was more or less as it was when she, Victor, Nelli and Strikes the werewolf had been through. Some of the books on the table had changed, but the furniture was still sparse. Jasper turned on the lamp and gestured to a chair, offering it to her to sit. She did so. It was fairly comfortable, but in an inexpensive way. Far from any kind of plush leather seating that Victor and Nelli couldn’t seem to do without. Annabelle found her gaze drifting back to the closed metal door on the other side of the room that lead ultimately down to the labyrinth. She swallowed, and tried not to shiver thinking of that place. She forced herself to look at his painted landscapes instead. It was beautiful and sad, to think of someone who spent so much time in the dark tunnels under a modern concrete and glass city to want to admire green, rolling hills instead. Maybe that was why he liked to live near the park as well, she thought.
Jasper sat in another chair near her. He seemed suddenly awkward, unused to pleasant company in his personal space. He pulled his hood back, exposing the black veins that crossed his bald scalp and disappeared down the back of his neck. It was his equivalent of letting his hair down, she supposed, now that they were in the comfort of his sanctum. Annabelle caught herself wondering if the whole rest of his body was darkly veined like that... and surprised herself by some small curious bit of her wanting to see his torso without the black hoodie.
“So, um...” she said, trying to break the awkward tension.
“So...” Jasper said at the same time.
They laughed. Tension broke.
“So... feeding?” Annabelle asked. She wasn't so nervous as to want to back out on her offer to help Jasper.
“Right.” Jasper licked his fangs as he collected his thoughts again. Back on track. He leaned forward so that his elbows rested on his knees, his hands clasped in front of him. “Are you're still sure you want to do this?”
“I am,” she said with a nod.
Jasper nodded back. “Okay. So, here's how I want it to go. Just... going to lay out a plan here. I'm only going to take enough from you tonight to keep me going for a little while. I don't think that this should be a reoccurring thing between the two of us.”
Annabelle nodded, agreeing and following along.
“I'm not so hungry yet that I'm about to frenzy like I did before,” Jasper continued, “but I don't want it to get to that point, and I know that you don't either, so that's why I'm agreeing to do this, just this once.”
Annabelle nodded again.
He had been looking at her, but his gaze moved down and away. “I don't think that the others need to know about this.”
“Oh, no. No, I agree.”
He looked at her again, sharply. “Ever.” There was a note of warning in his voice now. “We'll never hear the end of it if they do find out.”
“No, I totally agree. I won't tell anyone. I promise.”
Jasper nodded. “And... if you want... you can count me as owing you a favour afterwards. A boon.” He made air quotes around the word 'boon.'
Annabelle's first instinct was to deny him that. “Oh no, I'm not doing this for-”
“Actually, I insist,” Jasper cut her off. “I owe you one. This is... kind of a big deal. Kindred usually don't take feeding from other Kindred lightly.”
Annabelle nodded. “Okay,” she said softly.
Jasper nodded as well, satisfied. “Take off your jacket, please.”
“Um... okay,” Annabelle stripped off her red leather jacket and lay it over the back of her chair. She was wearing a grey T-shirt underneath with an Anime character printed on it. She was still a little nervous, but now it was a little more excited than fearful. She wondered where this excitement came from.
She could see Jasper considering her body in a way she had never seen him look at her before. His eyes drifted over her neck very, very briefly and settled on her hands. He reached one hand for hers. “May I?” His voice was soft. He was nervous too. He wasn't used to getting permission, or having it given.
“Yes,” Annabelle said, steadying her courage. She offered Jasper her hand. He took it and turned it over to expose her wrist. His fingers were long, pale and cold. He looked into her eyes, one last time, one last chance to back out, but she wasn't going to.
Jasper moved. Without letting go of her wrist and hand, he slid off his chair and down onto one knee on the floor in front of her. He was so tall, his limbs so long, that this was a more comfortable height for him to do this from without her having to move from her chair. It was a submissive gesture she wasn't expecting. He exposed his fangs, his terrifying long, gleaming, dangerous canines and with a tenderness that surprised her, sunk them into her wrist.
She gasped at the sudden pain of it and resisted the instinct to pull her hand back. His grip on her hand wasn't at all strong. He was just using one hand to lightly steady her wrist against his mouth. She could pull away at any time if she wanted to end this early.
She gasped again when the pleasure hit a half a second later. Oh, she wasn't expecting that either, not at all. A kind of ecstasy began to cloud her brain. It reminded her oddly of sexual pleasure, of her first time in bed with Elleanor or Mark, but at the same time not quite the same at all. She had a sudden sensational memory, one she had heavily suppressed until now, of an entirely different set of fangs entering her throat and the smell of well-worn black leather. She could feel her Vitae moving down her arm and into Jasper. Her Beast squirmed in her chest. She could feel something delicious and eager coiling down deep inside her lower belly. If her heart could still beat, it would have been hammering away like a rail road piston going full steam. She wondered if his heart would be doing the same if it could, and decided that yes, yes it would be.
In the haze, she managed to notice a few things about Jasper. His eyes were tightly closed while he fed from her, and his free hand, the one not holding hers to his mouth, was clenched in a tense fist. It was as if he were holding an invisible leash, and whatever was at the other end of that leash was straining against it with all its might. She could feel Jasper's lips, his tongue, his fangs and the rest of his teeth on her, violent and a little disgusting but at the same time, so, so gentle.
She realised suddenly that he was holding back with every ounce of his being. He could bite down harder, she could tell he wanted to, but he was resisting. It was intimate and much more... loving than she imagined. She concluded that none of this was how she pictured it would go. She had a sudden urge to touch him, maybe to caress his head, but her other hand was clinging tightly to the arm of the chair and by the time she wrenched her fingers free, Jasper had let her go. What had seemed to last for ten or fifteen minutes was really only a few seconds.
She felt him run his tongue one last time over the wound he had made to seal it closed and he released her arm. She withdrew it slowly back to her chest, staring at him. She was breathing hard, a left over human reaction to the extreme stimulus she just went through. She felt dizzy and light headed and she was glad they had done this with her sitting down, or she feared she may have swooned like some Victorian lady in a too-tight corset. Her hand trembled, just a little.
Jasper was perfectly motionless for a moment, still on one knee, staring up at her. She could see a faint line of red on his lower lip, which he quickly licked away. He seemed to realise the pose he was in, and lowered his other knee and leaned back so he was still on the ground, but a little further away. He didn't want to be further away from her though. He had been expecting this, and was fighting it back. Both he and his Beast wanted to be closer to her, to be consuming her still. Instead, he was giving her space to recover. He watched her, and waited.
“That was..” she panted. She took another moment to collect herself. “That was good,” she exhaled.  “I didn't know it would... feel like that.”
Jasper gave a tiny, humble shrug. “There's a reason why most vampire victims stop fighting once they're bitten.” He cocked his head a tiny bit to the side, still watching her, unblinking. “Did you never notice?” Annabelle would have found it creepy before, but now she found it oddly... adorable.
“Yeah, but... wow...”
Jasper made a small sound of amusement. He smirked a tiny bit. “You'll be dizzy, maybe weak for a little while. I tried not to take too much, but... you should probably feed tonight also, if you can.”
Annabelle nodded. “How do you feel?”
“I feel better.”
He certainly looked better, Annabelle thought. A lot better. She told him as such.
“You look better.”
“Thank you,” he said with feeling, “for letting me...” He gestured toward her.
“You're welcome.” She felt pleased inside, more than just the fading ecstasy, at having helped him. She remembered suddenly Tara saying she had felt that way too, but fought to push that out of her mind.
She must have frowned, because Jasper suddenly looked a little worried. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I just... that was more... it wasn't like what I thought it would be.” Her eyes felt wet and she put a thumb to them to stop any tears before they began.
Jasper moved back onto his chair. “Well,” he said softly, putting a long, pale hand on her knee. He was suddenly more willing to touch her. She wondered if the blood had anything to do with it and knew it likely did.  She also noticed that she did not mind the touch, not in the slightest. “It's over now, Annabelle, and we don't have to ever do this again if you don't want to. Thank you again for tonight though.”
She put a hand on his. It was the one he had been sucking from such a short time ago. She smiled at him. “You're welcome,” she repeated. She hesitated, looking at their hands together. The cloud of pleasure had lifted now, but it left an invisible memory on her body and soul. She realised that she would probably not mind at all if they did this again. “Can I ask a weird question?”
Jasper chuckled. He hadn't pulled back from her touch yet and he was a little surprised at himself at that. He hadn't been quite like this with any of the other Kindred he had fed upon in the past. Maybe actually liking the person made all the difference. “Sure. Ask.”
“What do I taste like?” Annabelle asked shyly. Her nose wrinkled adorably. This was just this side of taboo, she knew, but she was so very curious.
Jasper smiled and she saw his fangs again. They were clean. She felt an odd little ache in her wrist. “Are you worried that you don't taste good?”
“No! No, I'm just... curious?”
“You taste good,” he assured her. He almost didn't want to admit it, but it was the truth.
“Better than a dog?”
He laughed out loud, fangs flashing. “Yes, Annabelle, better than a dog. Animals taste... nowhere near as good as other Kindred do.”
“Yeah,” he confirmed. “Feeding from you...” he shook his head. He didn't want to elaborate too much on how fucking good her Vitae had tasted, and it had been good. He couldn’t taste any of the terror he had on the others. Terror was delicious, but this was different. He didn't want to scare Annabelle and he was relieved that he hadn't, not really. She had been nervous and excited... in more ways than one.“I could taste your emotions.”
“Oh... you could?” Annabelle squeaked.
He nodded, amused by her reaction.
She put her hand to her mouth, drawing away from him for a moment. “Ah... no, that's cool,” she assured him. “I kind of enjoyed it, so...”
He was very well aware that she did. “Yeah.” He pulled his hand back.
Another little moment of awkwardness set in. “Well... what now?”
“You should probably go home,” Jasper advised. “Feed a little if you want. Don't go using any crazy powers tonight. Please understand, I'm not kicking you out, it's just...” he ran his tongue over his fangs and Annabelle was again finding herself surprised at how oddly aroused that made her feel. She tried to shake it off. It was probably just because the intimate moment they had shared was still so recent. At least, she hoped that was why. “It's just that I think you should have some 'you' time tonight,” Jasper concluded.
Annabelle nodded. “Yeah, okay. That sounds good.” She stood up slowly and yes, she was a little light headed. Jasper rose too, and put a hand on her shoulder to steady her. He held up her red jacket for her to slide her arms into, like a gentleman, and she did.
He walked her back to his front door. She didn't even look at the cage on the way past it this time. She was only watching him. At the threshold, they paused.
“See you tomorrow night?” she asked.
“Yeah. See you tomorrow night. And remember... this is just between us, right?”
“Yeah,” she agreed.
In a stupid rom-com, she realised, this would be a moment for a kiss.
Instead, she pushed the door open. Jasper lingered back in the shadows, but she could see him give her a wave when she looked back. She waved back and made sure the door was closed securely behind her.
She realised she had a text from Victor asking if all was well with her and Jasper. She bit her lower lip in a sudden urge to laugh out loud. She confirmed that she was fine, that Jasper was fine, and they'll see him tomorrow. Then she went home.
23 notes · View notes
Too Sweet. Part- 10 BTSVampire!au
 Genre: Angst/ Fluff? (I’m sure there will be some elements of fluff eventually) / M(Mature themes) / Descriptions of blood and…other things/ Supernatural
Biased: You X Yoongi X Jungkook X Vampire!au BTS
Type: Vampire!au
A/n: Hii~ I know this took forever but this chp is v longg. Enjoy~❤️
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| INTRO I Pt. 1 I Pt. 2 I Pt. 3 I Pt. 4 I Pt. 5 I Pt. 6 I Pt. 7 I Pt. 8 | Pt. 9 | Pt. 10 | Pt. 11 | Pt. 12 |
Last night, Jin decided to draw quite a bit of your blood and store it away for Yoongi. After your conversation with him, he decided that it’d be better if you got back into the swing of school and keep feeding for the night time at least. You appreciated it, what had happened between you, Yoongi, and Jungkook, it be better if you just took a little time for yourself. 
As you sat on your bed, fully dressed and ready to go to your first class, you fiddled with your fingers nervously. When you looked in the mirror when you woke up you almost screamed. What you saw was almost revolting, inhumane, monstrous...
You first began to freak out a little but quickly went back to your cool exterior. After everything that’s happened to you, it wasn’t hard to talk to Jin about anything so that’s what you decided you’d do.Without a second thought, you got up and made your way to the elevator. You hung your head low in an effort to shield your face, it was bad enough that people seemed to stare at you because of your involvement with the boys, but now your face, can this thing get any slower? 
When the elevator went ‘ding’ you peeked through the door to see if anyone was coming out. Luckily, it was empty, easing your nerves. You stepped inside and quickly clicked on the closing door button, prohibiting anyone else from coming in. When you arrived at your desired floor, you quickly set a path for Jin’s study.
You stood in front of the door tapping your foot anxiously, knocking lightly. “Jin.” You called, hoping he wasn’t doing anything too important. “Jin, I need to talk to you, this is urgent.”
“Yes?” He spoke from inside the room but before you knew it you opened the door and his eyes immediately went to your hand. 
“Why are you covering your face?” When you ignored him and went past him to get into his room he closed the door with a puzzled expression.
“What is this?!” You removed your hand and slowly looked up at him. He tried to hide the surprise on his face but when his mouth went agape you knew it was real, you weren’t just seeing things. The color in your eyes began to fade into dull purple and the veins under your eyes were vibrant.
“Oh my- You’re eyes...” He said softly. He brought his hand up to feel the skin around your eyes. The veins that had made their vibrant appearance were the most unusual thing he had ever seen, and that’s saying something when it comes to you. “Sit down.” He directed towards a chair as he got his doctor materials.
You looked down but he lifted your head a little so he could see your face head-on. “You know what-” You pushed his hands away and got up forcefully. “I can’t do this anymore. This is the first day I feel a little normal and I wake up looking like this! I look like a freak...” He sighed, not sure of what to say to that. He had never seen this type of reaction and he didn’t know how to approach it.
“Y/n-” He tried to speak but you cut him off.
“Sometimes I just want to be a human being who lives life with normal issues, like a cold or a stomach or something, not this.” You sighed in frustration. “I didn’t sign up for this Jin, you need to do something about it.” You crossed your arms.
He didn't know what to say, he stood against his desk and looked at you. He was busy working on papers and sorting medicine before you came in and he didn’t expect you to come in like this. Today was your off day, so no feeding. He thought that might be nice for you since you’ve been so exhausted but then this happens. “Y/N, I’ll get your homework from your classes and you can do it in here. To be completely honest with you, I’m not sure what this is so I’ll get Namjoon to look at you but for right now, I’m gonna need you to stay in here while I go make a phone call.“ Jin rubbed your shoulder and you walked over to one of his study tables to wait anxiously.
“Namjoon.” Jin walked throughout the lab and soon found Namjoon reading ancient medicinal recipes to a group of medical students as they hurriedly took notes. “I need you for a moment.”
“Uh, Hyung, I’m in the middle of something.” He smiled nervously, glancing at the students as they awaited him to finish reading.
“It’s urgent.” Jin began to walk off and Namjoon sighed.
“I’ll be back class, in the meantime, someone read the 455th page in book 177 that discusses fungus and cells.” He smiled and left them in a hurry.
“Hey, slow down, what’s going on?” He finally caught up with him and Jin was rubbing his temples as he paced around the front of his personal library. “You said it was urgent.”
“It’s Y/N. She’s- I don’t know what’s wrong, I think you need to see it yourself.” Jin walked Namjoon to his study and there you sat, holding your face in your hands as you shivered.
“Y/n.” Namjoon touched your shoulder and you didn’t want to look at him. “Let me see.” 
You inhaled shakily before slowly looking up at him—surprisingly, his expression didn’t change when he saw your face, he just tilted his head. His hand came up to hold the side of your face and he gazed into your eyes, it was like he wasn’t phased by your drastically changed appearance—just curious. “Oh, Kitten...” He furrowed his temples a bit while you avoided his gaze. “Does it hurt?”
You swallowed, slightly pulling away. “A little bit, it’s like I have a headache but only in the front of my head.” 
“Is your vision the same?”
“Yes, my vision is fine...” You looked away and he carefully let go of your face.
“Hm.” He had no clue what this was, you had shown some really interesting symptoms but this was baffling to him. There have been cases where some donors suffered physical symptoms from feeding but it was very unusual and only ever happened when the donor wasn’t physically fit to give blood. “I’m not sure what this is, her scent is still nice though.”
Jin stood there in thought, what could this be? Whatever it was, why was it affecting your physical appearance?- He had a sudden Ephiny.
“Stay here with her, I’ll be back.” Jin bolted out of the room, leaving you to wonder where he was going.
“Sorry, y/n, I’ll be back.” And there went any means of someone to talk to, not that you really minded. In no more than five minutes, one of the tutors knocked, they received no response because you opted to go and hide behind the bookshelves. They brought some papers, sat them on Jin’s desk and left. You grabbed the papers and started studying to keep yourself distracted.
When Jin saw Namjoon running behind him. “What the hell are you doing? I asked you to stay with Y/n.”
“Yeah, but it didn’t take much mind reading to figure out she’d rather be alone right now,” He smiled, “you could use a second pair of eyes.” Namjoon was right and Jin was just glad to have someone always in his corner and ready to help. “So, what’s the plan?” 
“Well, last night Y/n and I were talking and she told me something very interesting. She said when Yoongi fed on her it felt like she needed to give him her blood-”
Namjoon held up his hand to cut him off. “That’s normal in a pre-formed bond, that shouldn’t be a problem.”
Jin shook his head. “You don’t understand, she said when Jungkook feeds...it feels like her blood needs him, that’s not natural.” His silence was an indicator of how confused he was. “I don’t know, maybe she's getting sick or something, from the excessive feeding. It just doesn’t make sense...” He tensely massaged his temples.
“Well, Jungkook was never supposed to feed on her in the first place.” He reminded Jin of the situations that have taken place, Jungkook was never supposed to become this close to you but that didn’t go as planned. “We’re lucky she’s still standing.”
“I know...” Jin sighed heavily, intertwining his fingers through this hair. “I don’t want to say I regret it but I don’t know, did I let it go too far? I mean, even I bit her.” He saw this differently from how most university owners would see it, you were special. Your blood is treasured by him, he knows it’s possibilities and how could he be blamed for wanting to keep you under his protection.
“Yeah, but so did I, all of us did.” He admitted. “It’s not a crime, she is a donor and we are who we are, we can’t change that. Her blood is leased to this University.”
“I heard some of the students talking, they don’t know why she’s one of the only donors feeding us personally, especially Jimin. You know he has selected donors. One of them made the childish conclusion that she comes up here to engage in some type of cultism debauchery,” He scoffed, “some people here are just animals when it comes to such a natural thing.” 
“I guess it would appear that way...” As Jin thought about it, he was starting to get worried about how you might be taking this. “Does she know?” 
“Probably, it’s only a few people though, I don’t think it’s out of hand or anything.” You were different from the other donors that he’s met, you really didn’t know much about them, neither did you feel like it made a difference. Jin scouted you for a reason, you’re bright, determined, and as soon as he walked in to give that speech, he wanted your blood. That was one of the only times in his life that he knew his body wanted blood, your blood. If he were completely honest, it fascinated him to no end and he couldn’t let you get away. That was a secret he kept and he still couldn’t say anything, it was too risky. If he were to indulge in your blood and potentially form a relationship, how would he look to the board? Not too good. Jin continued walking and Namjoon noticed he made it to nonother than Yoongi’s room. 
“Why are we here? He’s at a coordination for his brother.” Yoongi’s brother was being excepted in the social society and he figured he’d go.
“I know, we’re raiding his room.” Jin walked into he bedroom before he could see the baffled look on Namjoon’s face.
He entered the room and closed the door. “Um, why?”
“He has a book in here that was written when he was a kid, it’s for his condition, he doesn't read it...” Yoongi went to the trunk at the end of his bed and opened it, man, was he a minimalist. He moved aside a few things and there it was. “I don’t know why I don’t have it in my office, it’s pretty important.” He grabbed the book and Namjoon closed the trunk for him and ran after him again.
“Okay, where are we going now?” He followed behind him slightly out of breath.
“I need everyone's breed, hybrid, and, condition books, even yours. I have an idea.”
Jin went to his lab and Namjoon went looking for those books.
Jin stood at the wide lab table with about 6 books and Namjoon had more. “Here, this is all of them.” He lunged about 10 books and dropped them on the table in front of Jin. He was in his element, Doctor, scientist, he was putting all of those professions to good use right now.
“So, what are we looking for?” Namjoon pulled his glasses out of his jacket pocket and started to open up some of the books. 
“I’m trying to read up on everyone’s venom and I have a hypothesis. Any venom that’s lying dormant in her is forcibly being expelled for some reason. Or, this is a matter of clashing venom from Jungkook and I’m guessing from Yoongi.” 
“Okay, that makes sense.” Namjoon began reading over his own breeds book after about five minutes, he giggled. A hand over his mouth in an attempt to muffle his laughter.
“What's so funny?” Jin mumbled, still not looking up from the 4 books he had sitting in front of him.
“You know I’ve only fed from her once.” He pronounced. “My self-control is impeccable in comparison to them. I can’t even count how many times Taehyung has done it, let alone Jimin and Hoseok.” Now that he thought about it, he had dibs on you if he really wanted, he is one of the oldest after all. 
Jin just smiled. “Well, that’s because Jimin and Taehyung are hybrids, they’re maturity in feeding hasn’t completely come yet, they’re like babies to milk, they need it to grow. As for Hoseok, well, his deficiencies cause him to drink more and he has the right, so I don’t mind.”
“Ah, if Taehyung and Jimin are like that, I can only imagine how Jungkook feels when he’s not on medication...” They’ve all witnessed Jungkook at his worst and Jin vowed they would never let it happen again. No one really talks about it because the donor he targeted left the school for good. He was just a kid and he couldn’t help it, he almost killed her. The family wanted to sue the school for all it’s worth but Jungkook’s parents paid them a ridiculous amount of money to stay quiet.
“That’s why I keep him on it, we can’t afford another incident.” He was lucky that the board didn’t count him guilty for it because they knew Jungkook’s condition and Jin hadn’t perfected the medication. Jin continued to read and his eyes lit up when he found exactly what he was looking for.
“Here it is.” Jin pointed to the page in the book and grinned at himself proudly. “It’s the clashing of cells and DNA.” 
“Although normal feeding shouldn’t do this, Jungkook and Yoongi aren’t you’re average species. Even though I tried my best to clear her system, whatever was left in her blood laid dormant until Yoongi had some.” It all made sense now, your confession about how they affected you was because of the imbalance, you’ve had imbalances before but never this visible. “I don’t know why it’s externally showing it’s self but the problem is internal.”
“Okay, how do we get rid of- You know, the whole face situation.” 
“That's what I was worried about too.” He massaged his temples. “Don’t tell her this but Rain wants her to visit his home, he heard about her somehow and wants to ‘get to know her’ which probably means he’s interested in her blood.”
“Within the next few days or so, whenever she’s able to.” 
“She probably doesn’t want to Jin.” He could only imagine how you would feel if you had to go meet Rain looking the way you do now.
“You’re probably right, I might not allow her to go, I don’t think she needs to be involved with him right now.”
“Are you allowed to do that?” Namjoon wondered.
“He’ll understand if I explain to him that she’s a full-time student and doesn’t have much time right now,” Jin said that but he knows that the truth is, if Rain really wants to meet with you, it will happen.
“Doctor Park?” 
Jinyoung looked up to see one of his resident doctors peeking through the crack of his office door and he beckoned him to come in with a hand. “Come in.” The young man timidly walked into with a phone in hand.
“Director Rain is on the line Sir, he said he couldn’t reach your personal number so he called the office.” He had the phone on hold but when he said that he still whispered.
“Now? Why didn’t you just transfer the call?- Nevermind. Thank you you’re dismissed.” Jinyoung grabbed the phone took it off hold and put to his ear. “Hello, Director, how are you? This is Park Jin-”
“I’ve been trying to get a hold of you, I have a question for you.” His authoritative tone had Jinyoung swallowing instinctively to calm himself down and not stutter over his words.
“I wanted to know if you knew anything about the female donor at Kim Seokjin’s University, I’ve heard that even min Yoongi has fed on her.” Jinyoung was taken, to say the least. Rain had never contacted him about another facility before, let alone has he ever contacted him out of the blue.
“Sorry sir, I really don’t know much about her. A few of my students talked to her, they said she’s a nice girl, well mannered to not be from an aristocratic family. If you don’t mind me asking, why are contacting me? Seokjin probably knows far more than I do.” 
“I’ve talked to him already, he’s always been quite protective of his students so I figured I’d see if he shared any vital information with you.”
“No, I don’t have anything, sorry.” Jinyoung still values him and Jin’s relationship, so even if he did know something he wouldn’t say it for the sake of Jin’s privacy. 
“Well, that will be all, Dr. Park. Good day.” 
He set the phone down on his desk, looking around the room in thought. He knew this was going to happen, it was only a matter of time until someone heard about you. He needed to do something now that he’s involved, so he decided that he was going to pay Jin’s University a little visit. He took off his white coat, hung it on the fat stand and left the office.
“Hey, where are you going?” Jaebum sat his book down to see Jinyoung walking out to the carport. 
“I’ll be out for a while, take over until I get back.” 
“Jungkook, are you ready for class?” 
Jimin had come to Jungkook’s room to see if he was doing better and apparently he wasn’t that better off. He looked fine but he was in deep thought about what he’s done and the consequences of his reckless actions.
“Yeah...” He mumbled, standing to his feet. “Why are you here?”
“I had to make sure you got to class on time.” He smiled, the look on Jungkook’s face was priceless. “You need to be monitored.”
“I don’t need to be monitored.” He hissed.
“Yes, you do.” Jimin reiterated, knowing Jungkook was in denial about the whole situation. “Besides, it’s just for today, tomorrow you can go all by yourself.” He found it laughable that Jungkook was still resistant to any type of assistance or suggestions. Jimin knew Jungkook was feeling off followed Jungkook as he made it to class and after that, he figured he’d look for Hoseok to see what he was doing. When he walked down the breathtaking staircase, he made it a point to walk past the wide open piano room. He suddenly caught the eye of a Vampire named Daisy,(a name that fit well to her small stature and sunflower yellow eye color), she was one of the youngest here. As a baby, her birth mother was crazy. She despised Daisy’s father, so in retaliation, she cut off the poor baby’s fangs. Doing something like that to a Vampire child is unheard of. Due to that traumatic incident, she was adopted by a royal family who helped nurture her abilities. She was like a little sister to him and when he looked at her cheeks, he saw she was crying. 
Being the heartfelt creature he is, he immediately walked towards her as she sat in one of the window seals. “Hey,” His breathy voice startled her and she began to wipe her eyes hurriedly, “what’s wrong?” 
She stammered. “N-nothing, sorry...I shouldn’t be sitting here Prince-”
“I told you not to call me that Daisy,” He smiled, only bringing a bashful grin to her lips, “why are you crying, sweetie?”
“I’m not.” She insisted, the tears on her face telling a completely different story.
“And I’m not stupid, tell me or I’ll get Namjoon to read your mind and tell me.” He threatened.
“They found a partner for me, they want me to meet him tomorrow.” She looked down at her lap in distaste. “I don’t want to go, so-...I’m running away.” He didn’t want to laugh but where did she think she was going to go? The campus is more than five miles, everyone knows she’s a Princess and isn’t allowed off campus unaccompanied.
“Daisy, you can’t run away, you can't even leave campus by yourself.”
“Then why don’t you say you’re escorting me to the park or something? They would let me leave then.” She had a glimmer of hope in her eyes but Jimin held her feeble hands, shaking his head in pity.
“You know I can’t do that...”
“Why not?” She whined.
“You know why.” He let go of her hands. “They won’t make you marry him right now but you are an only child, you’ll have to live with it, so will I one day.” He knew that and the thought made him sick to his stomach. “It’s nothing to be nervous about, I’ve done it before, it doesn’t mean your promised to that person Daisy.” He touched your head lovingly. “You’ll do great, just remember, there’s no rush.” With that, he left to continue on his original path to find Hoseok. As he made his way towards the stair side he was surprised to see Park Jinyoung taking the elevator. Instead of join get him, he decided he’d go upstairs to see what was going on.
Meanwhile, Jin and Namjoon sat in the same area you came when you first arrived here. Hoseok joined them just to give insight on the biological side of the situation since was was pretty knowledgeable in that area as well. As they conversed about the potential causes, cures, and links, you sat on the couch, bored out of your mind.
“I don’t think that’s the case, there’s no link to anything diet related when it comes to the human body rejecting venom,” Hoseok argued.
“Yeah, but diet is a key point to any sickness, I’m just saying that could be a contributing factor.” Jin defended his case and he heard a beep on his answering machine.
“Dr. Kim, Park Jinyoung is here to see you.” 
Jin tilted his head in confusion. “Jinyoung?”
“Why is he here?” Namjoon furrowed his brows.
“I have no idea, but I’ll go find out.” Jin sat down the book and left the room to go to the front entrance. He looked straight at Jinyoung, and their expressions mirrored each other. 
“What’re you doing here?” That was Jin’s first question.
“We need to talk.” He stated.
Jin signaled for him to follow him as he walked towards his lab. “About?”
“I got a call from Rain today, about your donor.” He quirked a brow at Jin’s expression of dread, why did he have to get involved in all of this? Anyone but Jinyoung. They were rivals in school, in fact, they still are. They’ve fought each other for the school of the year when they both first opened their Universities. “Do want to tell me why he’s asking me about your student, he rarely contacts me at all.” 
That’s not good. “What did you tell him.” 
“I told him that I don’t have any information on her, which is the truth because you’ve been so secretive about her. Lin is where I learned about her.”
“Look, he just wants her to visit with him that’s all.” Jin insisted, but Jinyoung shook his head.
“He doesn’t show that much interest in someone he wants to just ‘know’ Seokjin, you know that. If he wants to buy, he starts to ask for information.”
“He doesn’t want to buy her. Besides, she’s still in school, students aren’t allowed to leave the program unless their year is up.”
“I’m asking you this as a friend, what makes her so special? As a Doctor, I think I should know.” He spoke factually but Jin just laughed.
“You’re not entitled to any information regarding her Jinyoung, I think you should go.” 
“I can help her if she’s having a reaction.” He gave Jin a look that said he knew what he was thinking. “I deal with sick donors almost every day, you know that’s my field.” 
Jinyoung had telepathic abilities.
He did not want to do this but he knew Jinyoungs expertise in donor health, he might be of great assistance. “Hugh, I can’t believe I’m actually saying this....” He cut his eyes to Jinyoung. “But honestly, we could use a second pair of eyes.” Jinyoung hid his excitement as Jin led him to the room you were in. “Before you go in here, remember this Jinyoung,” He held the doorknob and steadied his breathing, “this is one hundred percent confidential, understand?”
“Completely.” He smiled
What am I doing? Jin thought about how this might go but he was desperate to get you better. When Jin opened the door, Jinyoung walked in first, making you instantly bury your face in the arm of the chair. 
“Jinyoung?” Hoseok was the first to say something. “What are you doing here?” 
“Nice to see you too, Namjoon.” He gave a slightly awkward grin.
“He’s here to take a look at Y/n,” Jin announced, and immediately you looked up, forgetting what you face looked like to give Jin a deathly glare. “Y/n, sit up there for him please.” He gestured to that same table you had once sat at as if it was no big deal.
“But I-” Jin could hear the apprehension in your voice.
“It’s okay, as much as I hate to say it, he knows what he’s doing.” You were hesitant of course but you walked over to the patient table regardless, and that’s when Jinyoung really saw what had become of you. Despite his surprise, he acted like there was nothing wrong with your eyes but you knew he wasn’t particularly accepting of your appearance.
“I’ll check your vital signs first.” He meticulously checked your vital signs and wrote everything down on a piece of paper. When it came time for him to check your heartbeat, his head tilted in confusion. “Your heart is fine, which is odd given your physical reaction.” He set the stethoscope aside and gloved his hands for the intrusive part. He prepared a needle to take blood, not something you weren’t used to.
“I need a few samples. Who was the last to feed? And are their marks still visible?.” The room fell silent, we’re you supposed to tell him about Yoongi? You don’t want to screw anything up for Jin. But when he nodded at you, you revealed who it was.
“Yoongi...” You spoke timidly and he pricked the curve of your arm.
“Yoongi? Min Yoongi?” He was completely baffled.
“Who else? Could you not smell him on her.” Jin quipped. “I discovered very early on that her blood is potent and pure, it’s extremely digestible. Yoongi feeds on her regularly because of that. And just so you know,
“That may be the cause of her reaction-” Jinyoung paused, as he watched the bloodstream through the little tube, he realized not only did he smell Yoongi, but also Jeon Jungkook. “Don't tell me I smell Jungkook’s venom in her blood Seokjin.”
“I can’t do that. There was an incident where he got her alone and we didn’t get there fast enough.” Jin recalled the frightening moment where he thought he might lose you. “I had to break her out of a state of shock by drinking some of her blood myself.”
“I understand that but come on, that kid is a part human hybrid, basically an animal when it comes to blood. I wouldn’t leave him alone with anyone, he’d even feed on his own kind if he really wanted it.” That was true given he bit Jimin in retaliation, but Jungkook was not an animal and Jin was not about to let him badmouth his family.
“Shut up Jinyoung.” Namjoon hissed in his little brother's defense. “You sound like the elders, be a little openminded.” 
“I’m just saying it’s dangerous, that’s all. I’m going to test these really quick.” He covered the little prick with a cotton swab and medical tape and took the little vile to test it in the lab in the back. When he walked off, that’s when there was another knock at the door.
Namjoon was the first to open it and there stood Jimin. “Hey, hyung, what’s going on in here?” He peeked inside and saw you immediately hide your face.
“Sorry, Jimin but you’ll have to sit this one out-” 
“You can let him in Namjoon, he might as well know too.” At that, Namjoon opened the door and Jimin went directly towards you.
“All done.” Jinyoung walked out with a few papers and caught Jimin’s eye. “Hello, Jimin.” He grinned.
“Jinyoung?” Jimin knitted his brows—why is he here? “Why are you here?”
“That seems to be the question of the hour.” He sighed two vials of your blood in them. He went over to you and urged you to drink some clear liquid that you assumed wasn’t water. “Drink this.” And you did but you almost gagged.
“Ughh, i-it’s bitter.” Your face contorted in utter disgust. 
“Please finish it, this won’t work if you don’t drink it all.” The way he said that reminded you so much of Jin that you almost forgot that’s not who he is. You closed your nose and downed the liquid as fast as you could.
“Thank you.” He took the cup.
“What’s going on hyung?” Jimin walked over to Jin who was sitting on his doctor’s office stool. 
“Jinyoung is taking a look at Y/n for a second opinion,” Jin spoke nonchalantly.
He frowned. “Why?” 
“Just have a seat, I’ll explain later.” Jimin sat down on the couch and soon enough there was another knock on the door. He didn’t wait for an answer, Taehyung just waltz inside to see the room looking similar to the day you first came here—plus Jinyoung.
“I guess I’m late to the party.” Taehyung laughed with that adorable gummy smile of his. “Wait, why is he here? And what is he doing to Y/n.” 
“That’s what I said.” Jimin pouted.
“Close the door Tae,” Hoseok commanded, at least trying to give you a little bit of privacy as the whole lab staff could see you. “If your gonna talk the whole while you’re in here, you have to go.” Hoseok was one of the only people that Taehyung actually obeyed; he went to sit next Jimin as they all watched Jinyoung on the computer and looking at the papers.
“This is an old healing method, it levels the human bodies imbalances.” Jinyoung took off his glove and grabbed a little white cup with the same liquid you had ingested. He downed it in one go. “Lay on your back.” 
“Okay...” You scooted down and you were about to lay on your side but your skirt was riding up kind of inappropriately and attempted to pull it down. Jinyoung took notice and opened up the drawer under the table and laid a thin blanket on your lower body. “Thank you.”
“No problem. Now, I need you to relax, as if you’re about to take a nap.” He smiled and you nodded. At this moment, Jin had gotten up to hover around Jinyoung as he was about to start the process.
“What did you have her drink?” 
“An herbal mixture, it rids any abnormal cells or dormant viruses, it’s extremely potent though. I save it for very special occasions, it’s a bit risky to use but I’m sure it will work for her.” Jinyoung rolled up his sleeves and you followed his hand as he gently pressed it on your forehead and he placed the other on your stomach.
“Ah, Isolation Extraction, good idea. I thought about that but I’ve never practiced the technique.” Jin knew exactly what Jinyoung was doing. Isolation Extraction is an old practice used to cleanse the human body of overfeeding symptoms and illnesses caused by vampires. 
“I do it maybe twice a week, donors come from all over to get it done, it’s a very freeing process.” He looked down at you and you were completely lost. 
“I’m sorry, but what’s about to happen?” You looked at the twin of them because they apparently forgot to inform their patient of what was about to take place. “This isn’t like a surgery or anything—is it?”
“Isolation Extraction is a process of cleansing the impurities in you’re a system. The concoction I gave you acts as a magnet and brings the disruption to one place. I drank a substance that allows me to be sort of a guide to the process. The reaction spread to you’re face and eyes, I’m directing it all to one location and hopefully, you’ll throw it up.” 
“What? I’ve done a lot of weird things since I arrived here but this is a little much.” You pushed his hand of five of you and tried to get up but Jin grabbed your arm. “Is there another way to get me back to normal?”
“This will help you Y/n and he is the most capable of the two of us to do this. I trust him.” You pouted and Jinyoung found it amusing as he put his hands into position.
“You’ll start to feel sleepy anytime now.” He looked down and you were blinking profusely, trying to stay awake. You were doing good until sleep won the battle. “Now the process can begin.” The room fell silent once again as they watched in Jinyoung carefully. The bulging veins started to glow purple and so did the rest of the veins in your body.
“This will take an hour or so.” Jinyoung looked at Jin. “Depends on how bad it is.” 
“Okay, everyone, let’s give her some privacy.” Jin beckoned them to get up and they all got up and left the room, a bit of resistance in their gait. “Jinyoung, take care of her,” Jin warned as stood in the doorway.
“Don’t worry Jin, she’s in good hands, you know that.” Jinyoung was right, if Jin were to trust another doctor with you, it would be Jinyoung over Lin any day. It was a bit of a love-hate relationship.
“How are you, son?” Yoongi and his mother walked to their separate cars after the long coordination. She looked at her deathly pale, youngest son, and still found his permanently stoic expression endearing. 
“I’m well.” Simple responses like that were what she had become accustomed to ever since he was a kid.
“That’s good. You’re father said he was sorry he couldn’t make it, you know he's busy these days.” She explained softly.
“I know.” He stopped at her car and he pulled her hand and she pecked his cheek. As confident as he seemed, a kiss on the cheek still brought a blush to his face.
“It was nice to see you Yoongi, I love you.” She got in the car and as the window went up the car began to move and she was gone. He sighed, that had to be the most boring coordination he had ever attended and he was ready to go home, and eat. 
The drive wasn’t too long and when the driver pulled up to his usual drop off spot, someone else was parked there. Yoongi got out of the car and walked inside, wondering if he’d see the owner of the car inside, but there was no one. He shrugged it off and opted to go upstairs and get out of this uncomfortable suit. He took the elevator upstairs and when he got upstairs, no one was around. The living quarters were absolutely empty and he went to his room, he could tell someone had been in here but he really could care less. As he closed his room door, he changed his clothes and laid on his bed. Ever since last night, he had been thinking about your blood, he was pretty peckish but he didn’t mind waiting until you were ready. He laid his head on the soft pillow, he could smell you on it and it lulled him to sleep.
knock knock
What do you want?
He asked the person at the door mentally, not bothering to actually verbally answer the person. 
“It’s me hyung.” He sighed and told him to come in. When Jimin opened the door, he saw his hyung comfortably on his side with his phone in one hand. “How was the coordination?”
“Boring...” He mumbled.
“Oh...” He came to sit on the edge of his bed and Yoongi cut his eyes to Jimin as if he were waiting for him to announce his reason for being here.
“Do you need something?” Yoongi grumbled as he shifted to lay on his back.
“No, I’m just from my cousin for a little bit, he decided to show up before you got here.”
“Taemin? Why is he here...” 
“I have no idea.” Jimin laid back on the bed and Yoongi ignored his presence enough to fall right asleep. After a few minutes or so, Jimin looked up to see Yoongi out cold. He got up and left to be with the others who were attempting to divert Taemin’s mind from you.
“Prince, let’s take this to the courtyard for tea.” Jin and the others were completely caught off guard when they saw Taemin in the carport—could this situation get any more complicated? Not only did he also want to meet with you but now he is on campus when you’re undergoing a lengthy procedure and now Jin has to keep it under wraps.
“Jin, you know what I love about your University?”
“What’s that?” Jin took a seat at the garden table and the maids in pretty black and white dresses brought tea to each person individually.
“You’re so hospitable here. I just showed up out of the blue and you had no problem with it.” He smiled, bringing the beverage to his lovely plump lips. “I actually came here to see my cousin who has neglected to greet me, the little rascal.” Again with the rich laugh.
“I’m sure he just doesn’t know you’re here yet.” Jin grinned. He hated to say it but Taemin was so full of it—he came here in hopes to see you probably. “But now that you’re here, I must ask, how is the company? I heard you were doing some innovations?”
Jin kept Taemin busy while Jinyoung was still working on you.
He had been here for nearly 2 hours and he still wasn’t finished. He had to admit, he really wanted to sample the blood that even hybrids could ingest. Your scent was alluring and it hard not to get distracted as he conducted the procedure. You would twist and turn uncomfortably when he guided the toxicity down to your stomach. Your veins were a dim glow now, just a little more time and you’d be done. “You really are something...”
“Ah...” You exhaled, your brows furrowing a bit.
“Just a little longer Y/n, it’s alright.” He cooed, trying to make sure you wouldn’t wake up. He had to admit, this process could be a bit painful the longer it took to do it. 
“Okay, I think we’re done here.” He removed his hands and wiped your face with a warm wet cloth. To his relief, your face was fading back to normal and you looked healthier. He took the blanket that was covering your lower body and pulled it down a bit so it was still covering you decently. There was a soft knock on the door and before Jinyoung could answer, the door was opening. “Who is it?” When he received no response, he left the far back sink and saw none other than Min Yoongi walking near the patient table where you lay peacefully.
“Yoongi, hi-” Jinyoung tried to start friendly but the furrow in Yoongi’s brow was an indicator that he wasn’t happy with his presence.
“Why are you in here with her?” That’s all he was interested in knowing, he also wanted to know why your blood smelled so fresh.
“Jin asked me to perform help her, I performed an Isolation Extraction on her.”
“She had a bad reaction to the mixing of two polar opposite venoms, she was having headaches and her face looked worse than that.” Yoongi peeked over and tilted his head, you didn’t even smell his scent on you, he couldn’t smell anyone’s scent on you anymore. “I’m just as surprised as you, I don’t know much about her but I know her blood was completely out of whack.”
“She reacts weirdly to a lot of things...” Yoongi lightly touched your leg before going to sit on the couch. “I’ll wait here until she wakes up...” 
“That’s fine-...What do you mean she reacts weird?” Yoongi glanced at him but neglected to answer—it would be rude if he were someone else but Jinyoung didn’t take offense. He opted to began reading over your result papers as Yoongi laid on the couch and went to sleep. Jinyoung through notes Kin has for you in your profile. He couldn’t believe what he was reading, you and Yoongi had created a bond and others were still feeding. He didn’t even know Yoongi was capable of such an act. No offense, but Yoongi kind of seemed like a cold-hearted rock, not one to depend on a donor like yourself. He was aware of Yoongi’s rare condition so this was all the more surprising to him. 
“W-what happened?” You groggily opened your eyes and looked around.
“Jin wanted to give you some space so they all stepped out.” Jinyoung got up and grabbed a bucket for some reason. “He’ll be back and glad to know your procedure went well.” He smiled.
Your hand went to your stomach when you felt a pang of pain. “Agh!” You hunched over and looked at Jinyoung, assuming he was responsible for this. “W-why does my stomach hurt so much?” Tears almost came to your eyes as you got off of the table and crouched on the floor to try and dull the pain by getting in a different position.
“Take it easy, this is supposed to happen, just throw up into this if you have to.” He knelt on the floor and eased the bucket in front of you. You did not want to vomit right now, you just weren’t in the mood for that, but judging by the searing pain in your abdomen, there wasn’t much of a choice.
Not a moment later, you were expelling whatever was in your stomach into the bucket he gave you, and what you saw scared the life out of you. Your stomach contorted into a mangled mess and you threw up for the second time.You coughed, looking askance as you weakly wiped your mouth with a cloth. He peeked over to look inside of the bucket and there sat a black, tar resembling substance. What is this?—Jinyoung was about to take the bucket but you yanked it back as your stomach forcefully expelled the toxins that were lying dormant in your blood.
“I-” You began with a croaky voice. “Can you get Jin?...” You whined, your brows knitting in discomfort.
“I’ll get him.” Jinyoung got up hurriedly but he lifted you up to lay you back on the patient table. “Try not to move too much.” He reached over to the counter and held a cup of water. “Drink this.” He wiped your mouth with a cloth and left the room in search of Jin. When he left the room, you laid on your side and you were brought to the realization that Yoongi was currently napping on the couch. You didn’t think you’d see him for a while, not after what Jin had instructed. With heavy-lidded eyes, you found yourself unable to move and in a lot of pain.
“Where is that son of a...” He grumbled under his breath as he was attempting to navigate through this enormous facility. He didn’t know why Jin left in the first place, it really wasn’t a problem to have him present due to the fact that he is her primary donor doctor. Jinyoung walked through some of the open labs by accident but when he was there he figured he’d ask if anyone knew where Jin was.
”Hi, do you know where Seokjin is?” He found one of the students named Irene and she recognized him almost instantly.
“Hello, Dr. Park.” She bowed slightly before thinking about the question. “I believe he and the others are out entertaining a guest, would you like me to get him for you?” She offered.
“No, thank you. I’ll get him.” He walked through the lobby and realized just who they were entertaining. Prince Taemin. He was about to walk past the hall but he couldn’t risk getting caught and questioned by Taemin as to why he’s here. He crept around the corner, only bringing out his face in hopes that Jin would see him.
“So, Jin, I have to be honest with you.” He sat on the soft couch with his legs crossed. “I wanted to see that lovely girl you brought to the gala, she was a lovely- and delectable little thing.” He smirked. “Have you ever had any of her blood? If not, you should really consider it. In all my life, I’ve never had blood like hers.” Taemin looked yon and the eyes that weren’t on him scrutinized his presence. “In fact, where is she? I want to see her.” 
We have a situation.
Jin looked back and Jinyoung was behind the corner, beckoning him over with the small gesture of husband hand. 
“I’m sorry but you’ll have to excuse me, I need to check on something. Why don’t you take a tour of the donor hall, we have quite a few new students.” Jin gave him no time to question before walking off behind the wall and to Jinyoung. 
“What happened?” Jin began walking so Taemin wouldn't be able to see them. “Did it go okay?”
“Yes.The procedure was flawless, but I thought you might want to take a look at her.” Jinyoung opened the door and you were laying on your side in a daze. Your eyes were tired but you looked at Jin and tried to sit up to talk to him.
Jin rushed to lay you back down. “No, no, you need to take it easy.” He slipped a hand over your forehead to make sure your temperature was okay, but you were kind of cold. 
“Jin, I threw up this black stuff...” You frowned. “It was disgusting...” 
“Black stuff?” He glared at Jinyoung. “What is she talking about Jinyoung?”
“I performed it like I would any other donor. That black stuff was the result of highly toxified blood.” He grabbed some of the notes he took while you were asleep. “Look at this,” He pointed to the blood description section on the paper, “you let two polar opposite breeds feed on her, that black substance was the result the two venoms clashing.”
“Was it a lot?”
“No, but I’ve never seen a reaction that extreme before. Normally if a donor does throw up at all, it’s mostly bile or blood. Not a black substance like that.” Jinyoung has seen some weird things in his life, but never something so unusual. “Jungkook’s venom fought Yoongi’s in the same way that chemotherapy fights cancer, but Yoongi’s just seemed to ward it off.”
“Y/n, how do you feel?” Jin looked at you in concern.
“Okay, I just want to go to my room and change. I promised a friend I’d study with her this evening...” You groggily sat up and swung your legs over the edge of the bed.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea-”
“I’m fine Jin. No one will try to drink my blood and I actually feel refreshed more than anything.” Where did this sudden chipper attitude come from? Jin watched you as you cautiously stood to your feet. Jinyoung had somebody this before so he didn’t think it was wise of you to just get up but you seemed okay.
“Y/n, are you sure you feel alright? I don’t want you to take advantage of the short recovery time.” Jinyoung’s hand went to your back for support but you just smiled.
“But I feel fine. My face is back to normal, my stomach feels better and to be honest, I haven’t felt this human in months.” You laughed to yourself. They looked at you suspiciously—they weren’t buying it.
Jin definitely didn’t feel comfortable with letting you roam free. “No, I think you need to stay under observation until-”
Before he could finish his sentence you bolted out of the room like a mad woman—as you ran all you could think was freedom at last. 
“Y/n! Get back here!” Jin shouted as you flew down the hall. Yoongi had earlier migrated to the couch in the living room, witnessing the whole situation, he couldn’t help but find it humorous when you busted out of the room.
“I’m fine!” You rain down the stairs with a huge grin on your face, you could run a marathon right now. You really didn't understand why Jin wanted you on permanent bed rest like you had just gotten a major surgery or something. Whatever Jin did to you, you were eternally grateful—you had no headaches, body pains, or random mental disturbances, this was great, nothing could get in your way. 
“Agh-” You ran into someone at full force. “Sorry, I didn't see you-”
“Y/n, what a surprise.” Oh no. “Where have they been hiding you, darling? I’ve waited all this time for Jimin and I get to see you.” The pretty eyes, sparkling eyes, and flawless smile belonged to none other than Prince Lee Taemin.
“Uhm, h-hi,” You cleared your throat situated your top subconsciously. “I didn’t know you were here.” You stepped back a bit and bowed. “Prince...”
“Oh, Y/n, love,” He took one of your hands into his own and kissed one cheek, then the other, “You are so polite, but you are welcome to call me by my first name, you’re special.” He winked. “Where are you off to?”
You swallowed, attempting to form a plausible excuse as to why you needed to go. “I was just- I, um...” Don’t get choked up now, this is not the time. “I want to meet with a friend, she was expecting me so—”
“Your friend can wait, can she not? I still never gave you a proper tour at my home.” He hooked an arm around your waist and started to pull you farther from your intended destination. “Would you like to come home with me?”
“I’m sorry, but I really can’t. I promised a friend...” You stopped walking so he’d have to drag you if he wanted you to move.
The air around him suddenly changed to a cold one, that warm and fuzzy feeling he gave you by just being around had chilled your bones. “Listen,” He leaned down to speak right in your ear. “I didn’t want to use my obvious advantage over you but if you don’t do as I ask, I will have no chance but to make you do so.” He cooed. “Do yourself a favor and cooperate, okay?”
It didn’t look like you were getting out of this anytime soon. “Okay...So, what do you want me to do?”
“Is there somewhere private we can go? With a nice scenery.” He smiled, anticipating your answer, he hoped you had a nice place in mind.
“Um, the pavilion near the koi fish pond is nice, especially since the sun is setting.” You suggested and by his smile, you knew he thought that was a great idea.
“Sounds lovely, take me there.” He hooked arms with you and you decided to do as he asked. After a short walk out into the courtyard, you walked out to the empty little pavilion that Jin kept so well groomed. He took the first step inside and beckoned you to follow, you did so hesitantly.
“So,” He sighed, gazing out at the sunset, “how do you like it here?”
“The University? It’s nice...” You mumbled, standing your fair distance from him.
“How did you find out about it? Were you from a donor family, program, how’d you end up here?” 
“Jin came to speak at my old college, he scouted me I guess.” You felt him getting closer and you hoped he’d decide to get the signal that you don’t want this right now.
“I’m sure you know, but I have to say, you have an extremely rare type of blood. I’ve read into your files a little bit and I was amazed. Your blood is highly digestible, nutrient-dense and on top of that, it’s absolutely delicious. You know that makes you rather desirable, don’t you?” He moved to push your hair away from your shoulder. “I myself have the right to any blood I see fit for me unless it’s already claimed by a higher up, which hasn’t happened.”
“Oh, What does that mean?” 
“Nothing really, I’m just making you aware of your state in comparison to mine, that’s all.” He brought a gentle hand to your ear and tweaked it with a fond smile. “You know, my donors just know the process, I drink, and they leave.” He sat his beverage on the railing of the pavilion and reached down to grab your wrist. “I don’t have to ask but so you can feel like I gave you consent or whatever you call it, I’ll ask. May I?” He brought a hand to your shoulder that he slightly exposed by pushing your sleeve away.
“Um, I-” You going to deny him but he stopped you.
“Not really a question dear.” He grabbed your shoulders and pecked the smooth skin softly. “I just thought I’d be polite.” Without warning, he bit into the flesh on your neck and your body tensed, sending a stiffness to all of your limbs. He seemed almost puzzled by the taste, puzzled but enthralled nonetheless. You frowned, you had about a day of no feeding and then he had to come along and ruin it. You inhaled and exhaled, trying to be calm and ignore the feeling but he pulled away to look at you.
“What’s this?” He tilted his head.
“W-what’s what?” You squinted with a croaky voice.
He licked the corners of his mouth and gave you a knowing look. “Did you undergo an isolation extraction?”
How did he know? 
“Why do you ask?” You bit your lip in hopes that he couldn't figure it out.
“I’m not the youngest vampire in the world, I’ve had my fair share of blood. And I distinctly remember, your blood didn’t taste this chaste before.” He definitely wasn’t complaining though. “It tastes like you’ve never given blood before, it’s so pure.” He brought his fangs back to the two wounds he had made previously and clasped onto your neck for dear life. Your legs began to buckle under you because the energetic feeling you once had was gone, you felt tired now. He must’ve picked up on it because he managed to pick you up bridal-style with his mouth still attached to your neck.
“T- Taemin, can you put me down please?” You said with a slightly strained voice. He sat on the bench with you in his lap, still continuing his relentless ministrations. He slowly pulled away with a smile, his teeth bloodied with the nectar of your being.
“Now why did they perform that procedure on you? I saw no issue with your blood before.” He pried, licking the blood that tried to stream down into your shirt. “Why did they feel the need to put you through that?”
“I really don’t know,” You tried to get out of his lap but he held you down like a mother would an unruly child, “they don’t tell me a whole lot around here.” 
“Well, why don’t we go ask Jin?” He loosened his grip and let you get out of his arms. “I don’t know why he would do this to you-”
“No!- I mean, I know why, he just wanted to clear my system because I’ve been fed on a lot lately...” You half lived, not revealing the whole truth to the situation.
“Is that so?” He actually sounds like he believed you.
“Y/n!” You looked across the garden to see Jin standing in front of the entrance, waiting for you to acknowledge him. Taemin suddenly got up and began to walk towards Jin and you scurried to get to jin before him.
“Oh, I see you’ve found her Taemin.” Jin gave you a threatening but calm grin when you stood near him. Jin sniffed, smelling the release of Taemin’s venom on you and your scent on Taemin—this isn’t going to end well.
“Yes, and I’ve had a little rendezvous with the little angel here too.” Taemin walked right in front of Jin. “And I have a question for you.”
“Yes?” Jin remained calm and unbothered.
“She had an isolation extraction, why?” 
“Taemin, I don’t think that really concerns you, she’s a student entitled to her own privacy.”�� 
“I think it does, why did she undergo a procedure like that when she seemed perfectly fine.” Taemin wasn’t going to stop asking until he got an answer.
“If you must know, she had an influx of venom in her system that needed to be extracted, that’s all,” Jin explained simply but Taemin wasn’t buying it.
“Are you sure?” Taemin pried—I’m not gonna be the middle of this.
As the two of them went at it, you speed walked away from the two of them until you were inside. You did not want to be in the middle of that exchange, you got out of dodge quick. The sun had set and the feeding hall was lively with students fooling around and talking. You sighed, you could be in there, enjoying your friend's company but no. You're running away from two doctors, a prince, and whoever else was on your case.
Hoseok appeared out of nowhere and picked you up and put you over his shoulder. “Sorry about this Y/n.” He began to run like you weighed nothing but a feather
“What?! Hoseok why?!- PUT ME DOWN!!!” 
You sat in a room, pissed. He placed you in some dark room that you had never seen before. You were told to sit tight and wait for whoever was about to come through that door. You tried to escape, but the door was locked and when you looked out the window, potentially falling from that height didn’t sound like a risk you were willing to take.
“Why am I in here!?” You shouted multiple times but received no answer. “LET ME OUT! Jin! Jin! Please let me out!” You swallowed your frustrations and grabbed the small plant pot in the corner of the nightstand. You sat directly in front of the door so you could tell off the first person to walk through it. You didn’t understand what they wanted, you felt fine and your blood wasn’t giving you any problems. Your face was back to normal and all you wanted to do was meet with your friend, you were getting really upset because you were just thrown in here for no reason. 
2 hours went by, the sky was dark and you were still in this dreaded room.
Suddenly, you heard someone from behind the door when it began to open you threw the pot at it as hard as you could. “Hey! What the hell?!” Hoseok managed to dodge the unforgiving ceramic pot and you stood there with your arms crossed.
“Why did you put me in here?!” You frowned.
“Chill, Jin asked me to-”
You cut him off. “Why?I’ve been sitting here for 2 whole hours!-”
“I’m aware of that Y/n. Let me finish my fuckin’ sentence.” He quipped and you waited for him to continue. “He had to convince Taemin that you have some preparation for your classes and won’t be able to accompany him to his home,” Hoseok explained further. “This room is meant to scent proof from the inside and out. If you’re in here you can smell what’s out there and no one can sense who’s in here.”
You kind of felt bad for throwing the pot now. “Oh, well...I appreciate that but I sure would’ve liked to know that beforehand, I’m sorry for throwing the pot at you...Am I allowed to go to my room?” You hoped so.
“That’s fine, I’d like some of your blood though, now that you’re feeling better.” He smiled and you thought about saying no, but then again, would it even matter if you said no? Not really. “Jin said you can give blood without a problem now.”
“Can you feed somewhere that isn’t this room?” 
“Sure.” He grabbed your wrists and you looked around to see that this room was inside of one of Jin’s upstairs offices—that was kind of odd but you brushed it off. He was practically dragging you, which meant he was hungry—that’s not good news for you. He leads you to the nice shared living space that you had been in before and you cringed away when you saw Jimin, Taehyung, and Yoongi in there.
“Hoseok, not in here.” You didn’t think you needed an audience right now. 
“Does it really matter?” He gave you a sort of judgemental expression, you had done this plenty of times before so your shyness wasn’t necessary. “Here, a separate room, it doesn't make a difference.”
“I don’t want to do it in front of everyone. Pick a different place or don’t-”
“Y/n, sorry to say but you don’t get to tell me where to feed. I have the right to your blood whenever and wherever I want it.” You challenged you, and he was completely correct. He had to right o your blood and you really didn’t have the authority to tell him where you wanted to feed.
“Well,” Taehyung tilted his head as he joined the conversation randomly, “I think Hobi hyung is right, just feed right here.”
Jimin looked up from his book and gave Tae a judgy look. “You just want to watch Taehyung, why can’t she want some privacy? Humans like to have respect like that sometimes.” 
“Because it’s not that intimate. She’s giving sustenance needed to survive, what kind of privacy do you really need for that?” Everyone knew that all Taehyung wanted to do was get in on the action as it took place.
“Tae, you can join me if you’d like.” He giggled at your disgusted expression.
Not again, you hoped he was only kidding.
“I thought you’d never ask.” He wore a huge grin on his face and you looked to Jimin and Yoongi for rescue.
“Ah, no. You two fed from her together before, give Yoongi a chance to get some of her blood, she’s like his medicine anyway.” Jimin defended Yoongi, knowing he was feeling much better but still needed your blood because he was pretty weak when he woke up this morning. 
“But I called dibs.” Hoseok countered.
“You can’t call dibs on her, she’s not the last bag of chips or something.” Jimin rolled his eyes at Hoseok’s juvenile response.
“Jimin, I’m older than you. I can do what I want. Tae has to listen to you though, so I guess he doesn’t get any.” He laughed.
“Guys, I’m tired and I just want to go to sleep so can someone please make up their mind.” You secretly hoped Yoongi would be the only one since he was very gentle and quick and he’d let you go without drawing out the session.
“It’s settled then, I get to feed.” Hoseok beamed when Taehyung furrowed his brows and pouted. “Pick up your lip Tae, you can have her wrist but I get the good stuff.” He was referring to your neck.
“No...” Yoongi suddenly voiced, causing Hoseok to pause. “I want her neck...” He slowly sat up and they all awaited what he was going to do. In the vampire world, if the eldest wants first pick, they must all wait for him to start.
“Yoongi...” You weren’t sure why you said but you were hoping he’d rescue you from the three of them. He positioned your neck to bite into you but he hesitated, a sharp pain went to his head and he let you go. “Actually, nevermind...”
“Hyung, where is the-” Jungkook walked into the room to see you surrounded by his hyungs and you immediately looked away when you made eye contact with him—he didn’t even want to look at you. “remote.”
Taehyung assumed he was talking to him. “Don’t know.”
“Can you help me look for it?...” He had the most adorably pitiful expression that said he really just wanted some company since he’s forbidden to be around you. 
“Sure.” You were somewhat relieved that the Taehyung agreed to help Jungkook, that meant you were left with three people who had some self-control, Hoseok was kind of the exception. 
You watched the two of them head to wherever and when they were completely out of site, you could feel their eyes on you. Your hand went to the wound on your neck and almost in perfect synchronization, the three of them said the same thing you always get lectured about. “Don’t touch it, it’ll bruise.”
“I know that.” You sighed. Yoongi got up and left the room, giving Jimin and Hoseok free reign if they wanted it. 
“Fuck, finally.” He picked you up and you squealed when he tossed you on the couch. 
“Hyung, I know you need blood but you’re just gonna throw her around?” Jimin came to your aid. “She’s not a ragdoll.” 
“She is right now.” Hoseok countered, getting on his knees in front of you. “And Jimin, do yourself a favor and join me, you haven’t had blood since yesterday morning, and your feeding cycle is approaching.” Hoseok rubbed your knees and his hands traveled to your calves, you glued your legs shut and ignored his displeased expression.
“Why don’t we play a little game,” He smirked, standing to his feet as he looked at Jimin, “like we used to when we were teenagers.”
A light blush came to his cheeks. “We used to torture those people, I don’t want to do that to her...”
“I know you want to. And besides, it’s harmless fun.” Jimin looked at your confused face and then and Hoseok. “Y/n, here’s how we play. You hide and if we catch you before the hourglass runs out, we get to- Well, it’ll be a surprise.” He chortled. He had ravenous look in his eye—Hoseok could switch on the drop of a dime.
“I don’t want to do that...” You whined, taking the pitiful route in confidences that they would change their minds. 
“You’re being a killjoy Y/n, I like to have a bit of fun when I eat, Jimin won’t admit it but he likes it too. But I don’t care at this point, I just want to eat.” Hoseok combed his hand through your hair like he had done many times before, sizing you up in a way. He made it a point to bite you in places that were rarely bitten so he opted for the middle of your upper arm.
“Ouch...” You had never been bitten there before so you weren’t accustomed to that feeling. Despite the pain that went along with feeding Hoseok, his ability to heel you made you kind of grateful.
“Y/n, is alright if I?...” Jimin sat beside you, obviously trying to conceal his apparent want and hunger for your blood. You just shut your eyes and gave up, you didn’t care at this point. Jimin smiled to himself, his cheeks blooming rosy pink when he searched for a spot to devour.
“Sorry boys, fun’s over.” Suddenly, just when Jimin was about to bite your shoulder, Namjoon emerges from the staircase. “Hyung wants Y/n to get some sleep so she can get up bright and early for lessons with her tutor, me.” 
Jimin sighed, he would have to wait a while to sample your blood again. Hoseok was still sucking pretty fervently, not letting up just yet—he wanted to savor every single swallow. He abruptly pulled away. “Thank you Y/n...” He sighed, a bit of your blood on his lips when he smiled—it amazed you how he could go from that to kind and sweet. “Y-you’re welcome...”
“Come on, it’s late.” Namjoon walked over to you and waited for you to get yourself situated, fixing your shirt and what not. 
“Goodnight guys.” You waved, happy you could go and be by yourself for a change.
Namjoon had always walked you back to your dorm when it was late at night and you had a long day. You walked away from the two of them with Namjoon at your side. As you two walked Namjoon was giving into to his nosey nature by listening in on your thoughts. He glanced at you, your expression was timid and he thought he’d talk to you.
“I know you’re pretty stressed.” 
“Yeah, you could say that...” You mumbled.
“You’re tired of all of this, right?”
“I’m sorry Namjoon but can’t you read my mind?” You quipped. “You tell me...” You sighed. You weren’t trying to be a smart alike but you knew he could read your mind and you didn’t see the point in verbally articulating what he already knows. He pressed his lips into a straight line to keep him from saying anything else when you obviously weren’t in the mood to talk about it. When he went quiet, you started to feel bad for your snappy remark. In all honesty, all he wanted to do was help you, you didn’t have to respond like that. “Look,” You glanced at him, “I’m sorry, I’m just a little annoyed is all, I’ve had the weirdest day...Is Taemin still trying to get me to go with him?”
“For now, no. Jin managed to tell him some convincing story about how you couldn’t come at the moment.” Namjoon recalled Jin having to fabricate some story for Taemin to believe.
“Where is Jin?” You opened your room door with your simple passcode.
“He and Jinyoung are talking right now, he to come to his office as soon as you wake up before our lesson.” He watched you reach for some wipes to clean your wounds, all three of them, he kind of felt bad for you.
“Here,” He pulled a little pill bottle out of his pocket and poured one into his hand, “it’s just omega three, it’s good for women.” He dropped it in your hand before tucking to bottle away once again. You didn’t even question him, you grabbed your bottle of water and downed the little pill in seconds.
“Well, I guess I’ll see you in the morning. Goodnight.” He graced you with a dimpled smile and left the room, leaving you to your own peace in quiet. At last. You looked at your phone that you had conveniently left on the charger all day and you had quite a few missed calls and messages. Some of you parent, friends, and Chaeson. Her text read, ‘hey, I had to run out with my parent this evening, won’t be able to study with you bud :(’. The message from your mom read, ‘Hi sweetheart! I wanted to hear your voice but I know you’re probably somewhere studying for your exams. I wanted to tell you that I love you and can’t wait to see you on summer break.’
Summer break. It had completely crossed your mind, you could leave this place for 3 months. 
“So, Jungkook and Yoongi are genetically opposite?” Namjoon looked through the notes Jinyoung had left.
“That’s what the tests say, and the fact that Yoongi is a pureblood and Jungkook isn’t.” Jinyoung ran a variety of tests using Jungkook, Yoongi and your DNA. And each and every time, there’s was a chemical reaction, like oil and water.  
“Hoseok is a pureblood but Taehyung isn’t, it didn't affect her at all when they fed at the same time.” Jin thought aloud. “Then again, Yoongi’s condition is tricky, that’s why I put him back on the medication. As for Jungkook, since day one I forbid him from her blood. When he did feed, it was bad timing on my part and he got her alone.” Jin regretted that day. “If I’m being honest, I feel bad for him.” 
“Yeah, last time I saw him he was moping in class when Jimin dropped him off. I took y/n to bed by the way.”
“Thanks for that...”
“She’s behind on her school work.” Namjoon was very involved in the educational process. “I think she needs to be on a normal feeding schedule like the other donors.”
“But she’s not like the other donors.”
“That’s true but your favoritism is showing. She’s had dinner with us more than any other donor, ever. You’ve had her blood, all of us have and no other vampire has besides Taemin. That’s pretty unusual here.”
“I know...I promise I’ll make sure she gets back to her original schedule tomorrow.”
Namjoon got up so he could go to his room. “I’ll be with her all day tomorrow. I’ll talk to her, maybe take her somewhere is to study.”
“Okay, that sounds good. I’ll be up for a while but goodnight.”
Namjoon gave him a kind smile. “Night, hyung.” 
He sat in front of his fireplace, fangs buried in the arm of one of his favorite little personal blood bags. He sat crossed legged, hand tight around her wrist. He pulled away, wiping his mouth with a handkerchief.
“Elizabeth, remember the donor I told you about?”
“Yes, I remember prince.”
“I met her again today, it still tastes amazing.” Her expression was a mixture of slight betrayal, but she had no reason to feel jealous. “I wanted to bring her here but Jin just won’t allow it.”
“Oh, maybe that’s for the better sir.” She muttered.
He furrowed his brows. “Is that what you think?” His tone was harsh, challenging her almost.
“W-well, no- Um, nevermind sir, may I be excused?” He waved his hand, letting her scurry away.
“Huh...” He sighed, reaching for the glass of cherry merlot to wash down the iron aftertaste that she often left in his mouth. He wondered why he didn’t just take you, he had the chance to multiple times but he didn’t do it. He was pretty suspicious, you had an isolation extraction, you seemed to be slightly out of it. He knew something was up, and he was determined to get you.
Little did Taemin know, so was Rain.
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twitchesandstitches · 6 years
When it comes to this "thicc crossover AU", will the girls from Monster Musume be there too? What about digimon since they're interdimentional beings (and in a scrapped script for Adventure02 they were supposed to arrive from space) or maybe humanized version of the Godzilla kaijus? (Ghidorah, Gigan, Megalon, SpaceGodzilla and many others either comes from space or have been in space.) Or what about Rayman, Warcraft or Skyrim?
The answer to all of these is a BIG RESOUNDING YES.The first relevant detail is that in the thicc crossover AU, ya gotta be sure whether it refers to membership in the MILF fleet or not; they’re a large group, but they don’t comprise every group in everything, ever, that i personally happen to like! They may be part of other factions, antagonist or otherwise, or be people they meet along the way, or groups with their own agendas, doing their own thing.
Additionally, I lean towards some things where I don’t much care for groups in general or know much abou the canon, but i find species really interesting, and in which case, those species form large amounts of background characters; different factions might have a lot of monster girls, orks, or elves or Digimon somewhere in the background. So even if specific characters aren’t mentioned, the species certainly are there somewhere.
Monster Musume - In this case, the monster people of Monster Musume are explicitly the same kind of beings as the monsters of Undertale, and are either a seperate sub-group tha tsplit off from an analogue to the kingdom of Asgore a long time ago, or have attempted to coexist with humans, possibly in various dangerous environments where they protect humans in exchange for the humans being their lovers to reproduce the monster girls. I have an AU of Monster Musume with a MILF vibe, where the monster gals of canon are notably older than Kimihito and protect him, and the idea of a polyamorous relationship is set up from the beginning. They’re also much bigger than in canon, with even Papi dwarfing a human (and being a major shortstack, to boot), and far more monstrous and inhuman in appearance, leaning more towards the ‘monster’ part of the equation.
As Undertale-style monsters, these gals are effectively masses of living magic, perhaps being species that in the AU taken on a form that has some weight in the collective consciousness; hence, monster girls adopting forms similar to human mythological concepts. They are thus vulnerable to raw hatred, but are enormously powerful, not to mention curvaceous. But that goes without saying in this AU. Assume that the monsters in general are huge, towering over humans by several times.
My interest in the series is limited to mostly liking the fan art, that slice of life monster girl series that preceded it, reading a few chapters, and liking minor character like Cathyl and Tionishia. Consequently, most of the characters of significance are not part of the MILF fleet, though they may be part of associated groups that could merge with them over time or are considered cousin fleets. They’d likely be allies, but not part of the core group? Tionishia would be an exception, and definitely part of the main group. If you like, I can go into more detail about how the monster girls differ from canon, in their size and monstery looks.
Digimon: an interesting case! Digimon was one of my biggest and first true fandoms (alongside Transformers, Gargoyles and similar series, which may explain why i love nonhuman protags so much), so of course they gotta be in here somewhere. In this case, I’m drawing a bit on the old notion of Cyberspace that was used a lot in Digimon, and while I’ve mentioned this before, it bears repeating.
The Digital World here is effectively the old concept of cyberspace as its own realm; all data and information takes on a life of its own, and the Digimon are self-aware emanations of this realm, effectively AIs with inherent power that may or may not be magic-ish in nature. Mostly the tone is inspired by the original Digimon world, with aspects from the first two seasons and Tamers: Digimon are effectively immortal, having a symbiotic relationship with the mortal planes; cyberspace is basically born in individual servers, and may take on its own life if those servers ceased to function, but it would be a chaotic and distressed life.
All Digimon that are canon, and plenty that aren’t, can be in the AU as background characters, with a few rules. Firstly, Digimon normally do not enter into the physical world on their own, existing mostly within the realms of cyberspace. They can slot into mechanical bodies or upload themselves into robots and operate them, but they don’t have any special powers; however, they do have access to a lot of computing power, and serve as the dedicated AI networks of the fleet’s ships, maintaining things for everyone, regarding it as diving into a strange and alien world.
Digievolution levels might be based on an individual Digimon’s complexity, and most spend their time in Rookie or Champion levels, stabilizing there; they can digivolve into stronger forms, but this doesn’t often last long, and as they weaken, they will enter weaker forms until they hit Baby and In-Training, and then must recuperate. ADditionally, they are becoming less complex as they devolve, and find the experience unpleasant, like losing bits of your mind for a while. (if you’re familiar with eclipse phase, they are basically infomorphs.)
Some Digimon can assume hyper curvy monster girl forms, if it pleases their aesthetics. Rarely, they can directly materailize into the physical realm, though this often requires a partner to help them, and its often a revolving set of different people they happen to be friends with. Common Digimon include Guilmon and Tentomon, and canon characters, including Digimon, are present throughout the AU in the different factions, though fairly different from canon; Digi-Destined is not a relevant thing here. They might be technicians working closely with the Digimon or explorers into the data realms, though.
Godzilla: I’m also including Gamera here. And yes, it’s very possible! In this AU, the kaiju of Godzilla and similar series are all canon, and are explicitly divine entities that embody concepts predating humanity. They are god-like figures that don’t hate humans, and at worst are indifferent to them, perhaps embodying the need to achieve symbiosis with the world rather than attempting to dominate it (and the hubris to follow). The ‘Good Kaiju’, such as Godzilla and their followers, may regard humans with vague interest, such as one might give to ants that spell out your name, and don’t mean them harm. They are likely worshiped across the cosmos, and have no direct link to the fleet; Godzilla or GAmera might have some connection to the fleet, but it may be as incredibly potent summons they might put enormous effort into calling forth… and since this involves being pregnant with the being in question before they are ready to materialize, this is a heavy duty. The kaiju might then take on some of the summoner’s characteristics, and take a shine to them.
The malicious monsetrs, such as Ghidorah, are spare-faring agents of raw destruction, gods of annihilation that wipe away all they see, perhaps as primordial architects of the mysterious cataclysm… or involved in it in some way, in the same way that the ocean is involved in the sinking of Atlantis. It didn’t cause it, but it certainly ended the continent all the same. They can also be hyper curvaceous and giantesses, as that seems to be an aspect of enough magic power in this AU? The villains might pregnancy-summon them in a fashion. Possibly the Cobalts have a kaiju or two in their repertoire, but it would have to be one that is sufficiently mild. Or it might be something like Destroyah, a hyper curvy monster girl in their hands, that has been tamed and soothed by their attention. She’s something like their kraken now, or even toes their flagship while slumbering, awakening only when they want something to feed her bloodlust?
Rayman: I can see Rayman being it’s own world/demiplane within the realms of magic, Rayman himself as a kind of protector golem (which is sorta canon) and the fairies as magical lords over their world, with the world itself as their domain. Of these, Edith Up is likely to be the most relevant because have you seen her, she is ADORABLE. The Razorbeard Pirates can certainly make suitable space pirate antagonists, perhaps as part of a criminal organization that tends towards more malicious deeds than suits the like of the Cobalts.
Warcraft: The Blizzard franchises are all looped together here, Warcraft, Overwatch, Diablo and the other Heroes of The Storm games are part of a complicated network of alliances, rivalries and foes right by a particuarlly nasty magic rift where all kinds of power leaks from across the planes. Celetials and fiends can emerge here, embodiments of justice and evil alike, and have orchestrated terrible wars and conflict, and so the events of Warcraft may have happened in such a fashion; orcs (or orks) were manipulated by demons that are efffectively the Burning Legion but with a more Diablo aspect into war against the Alliance (a faction of humans, human relations, eldar, and others, all tightly tied to magic more than other spacefaring human societies) in a desperate hunt for a new homeland. Thrall emerged as per canon, rising up and uniting the dispossed into a true Horde looking out for each other, and is heading a tentative alliance between the various good-ish forces against the literal demons from Hell, including the Starcraft, Overwatch and other Blizzard properties.
Name a Horde race, and it likely has denizens aboard the fleet, as well as the other factions present. Something similar would apply for the other factions throughout. Named characters are trickier, since I don’t know much about them in general; the united group of Heroes of the Storm are likely their own entity, and big enough to serve as a proper sci fi fleet that can stop demons and monsters from escaping that area of space, and may regard it as their duty to protect the rest of the multiverse from letting those things get loose. Alextrasza, however, is an exception; I’ve read about her and cool badass dragon mom who is kind to all beings and once swallowed a bad guy whole, WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME ABOUT HER SOONER. She is definitely on the fleet, but in what capacity I’m not sure.
Skyrim: The Elder Scrolls setting is likely a lage expanse of space, heavily influenced with raw magical energy, but considering the weirdness of the original setting, it might also do as a demi-plane within the magical realms. In any case, the gods and daedra are likely to be worshiped throughout the multiverse. Malacath might have some vague approval of the milf fleet, while Molog Baal is a major antagonist because he FUCKING DESERVES IT THE ASSHOLE. Possibly some of the mightiest fleet moms are plotting to devour him and take his power for their own, or the goddesses associated with the fleet are deliberately scheming to do just that. Sanguine, in contrast, is probably backing the Cobalts for the fun of it.
The races in the Elder Scrolls can make up a wide variety of background characters throughout the cosmos; in general, assume that if you’re talking about actual elf ethnic background, think in terms of Elder Scrolls, with different elf types as more cultural or faction-themed. Dunmer are very common, and make up most of the eldar on the MILF fleet, for instance. The orsimer are orks,with a greater emphasis on martial honor and ferocity, and may be magically altered by a connection to Malacath specifically; perhaps descended from orks thatt revered him and took his essence into themselves. The Cobalts might have Snow Elves and Aldmer as a lot of the elves on their group due to them moving in the areas where those elves have settled over the eons. Argonians are also pretty common in the fleet!
The Empire is known as the Cyrodillic Imperium, and has way more influences from the real life inspirations of the different cultures in the Elder Scrolls to fit a more diverse, old society like a proper space opera should have, and the Aldmeri Dominion is probably the asshole elves you expect.
I’m not sure how to handle the specific characters, but some examples: update the Skyrim Civil War o be a cosmic battle, with the Stormcloaks as a rebel fleet with Ulfric as a somewhat sympathetic warlord. He might be an antagonist, but not one with morals opposed to the fleet; he’s just a human-centric ruler with little interest for others that aren’t ‘his people’. The dragons in general, especially Alduin, would be way more eldritch horror here, with optional hyper busty monster girl forms. With an element of kaiju; they’re probably big enough to wreck starships and can exist in space.
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moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
Coonie, my beloved Prince. I have a thought to share. When you said that it's Ravus who stares at their partner while their sleeping, I got this sudden mental image of Ravus, in the dead of night, startled awake by a nightmare. Good thing he's always got Iggy there to soothe him, right? ;3
*is called “my beloved prince”*
*uncontrollably rolls around, hugged to its tail, flailing and blushing and unintelligibly giggling* AHnfjgdkg hakjdfnadgd kaljdaf aaaah  (*ノ▽ノ) 
I’ve always headcanoned that Ravus sleeps very few hours; goes to bed very late, and is already up on his feet and dressed before the sun, or with it. Partly by nature, partly by the strict discipline he endured as a Niflheim soldier, and partly, maybe, due to the Magitek arm, which not only altered his eye color and his inhuman strength, but also drained from him other things like a normal/human sleeping schedule.
But the nightmares?
Oh, boy. I’ve always seen them as canon, too.
I’ve always thought Ravus is one of the most tragic characters, because he endured a very difficult life. And one of my other headcanons (as some that have read some of my fics can tell) is that Ravus’ training was basically torture; that Niflheim took him in to “train him”, but “training” was the soft word for torturing both physically and mentally, in an attempt to take out of him Ravus the human, so they could make Ravus the weapon; someone that was so tortured, he lost his human side (sort of which would explain his stone, expressionless face).
So imagine; not only did he see his mom die less than a meter away of him, saving his life in the process; he also felt abandoned by Regis, had to see people treat his sister badly (if we take that scene of Caligo shoving kid Luna around as canon), and he was taken by the empire only to be tortured after being taken from his throne rights, and then he had to see Luna slowly dying on free will for the jerk that king Regis prefered to save instead of her?
But anyway, I digress.
What I mean to say is, I think Ravus had one of the most difficult lives. And in any verse of the game, Luna dies; but whether a Fleurentia AU lets Luna live or not, Ravus still endured too much to not suffer from at least, as minimum, nightmares every now and then.
Ravus doesn’t sleep much; even less after he got the MT arm. And when he does, he still has to deal with stuff.
Across many years, Ravus had no one to help him, at least to comfort him; the empire kept him and Lunafreya away most of the time, always under watch. So each time he woke up startled from a nightmare, Lunafreya wasn’t there, and he wasn’t allowed to leave his room to go see her until the morning. So Ravus always dealt with nightmares alone.
And then he met Ignis. Liked him; fell in love; brought him to Fenestala.
It never really crossed his head that Ignis would help with the nightmares; Ravus didn’t think anything except what if he gave troubles to Ignis at nights, be it from waking up startled and hence startling him, or by not measuring the strenght of his MT arm, or just because of how late he sleeps and how early he wakes. Ravus was not thinking about Ignis helping him, he was thinking about how much of a nuisance he would be for Ignis.
So Ravus tried to be a good fiancé and not give him troubles, but the anxiety of “what if I have a nightmare and I wake him up” or “what if I accidentally hit him with my arm” really only did but give him more troubles to sleep, to the point he barely did it, scared that he could hurt or bother Iggy. Ignis noticed that he rarely slept and usually tried to talk it with Ravus, but as much as Ravus promised to try to sleep, he never did.
Until one night it was too much, and he simply couldn’t help and fell asleep.
And so on, he tried to get confidence about sleeping with Iggy, trusting that he was not going to mess up.
Until one night, he had a nightmare for the first time since he started sharing bed with Iggy.
[more under the cut]
Ravus doesn’t always remember what his nightmares are about, sometimes he does, it’s random. 
That night, he didn’t quite recall what he was dreaming about; all that he knew was that he woke up by sitting up, taking in a deep breath as if he had been downing and just went back to the surface, and he was crying even before he was startled awake.
Needless to say, Ignis, light sleeper as he already is, woke up immediately as soon as he heard Ravus’ loud gasp and felt his sudden movement; he didn’t bother with any light and just put a hand on him, and asked him what had happened.
Rauvs couldn’t even reply for a long while. All that he did was sit there, shaking, and breathing heavily and loudly. 
Ignis did not question him any further. All that he did was, he started caressing his back softly, and he spoke tenderly to him, encouraging him, telling him it was okay and that he was doing fine. He cleaned his tears, held his hand, kissed his shoulder, gave all this sort of tiny little gestures, instead of hugging him tight or shaking him. 
Because Ignis knows best; he knows that some people prefer to be shaken awake and out of it, and some just need a hug, but that’s the normal people. Ravus is a different case; his nightmares are something more profound. He doesn’t need to be shaken awake, he needs…comfort. To know he’s safe; he needs to be treated softly and gently. And taht’s exactly what Ignis does.
And when he calms down, all that Ravus does is avoid eye contact, until he gathers strenght to say it.
“I’m sorry…”
Needless to say, Ignis was very confused as to why he apologized. Ravus was sincere with him; listen, Ignis, Ravus has nightmares more frequently than he dreams. He doesn’t sleep early and wakes up before the sun, he can’t control the strength of his arm, and he has a lot, a lot of nightmares, many times per week. It’s okay if he wants a separate bed; heck, it’s fine if he wants to break up even, he understands, because, well, who wants to be with someone half daemon anyway, and a bad romantic partner, and a bad boyfriend, and even worse, someone who can’t do the most simple of tasks like just sleeping without messing it up.
But all that Ignis does is chuckle. Grab his hands and kiss each of his knuckles. Get close and rest his hand on Ravus’ shoulder. Kiss his MT arm. And all that he does is take Ravus’ arms, wraps them around himself so Ravus is hugging him, and he whispers
“I don’t care.”
And so it becomes normal; that Ignis is there when Ravus has a nightmare.
Because he doesn’t mind. He didn’t say yes to Ravus because of who he is when awake, he said yes because of who he is as a whole. Asleep or awake, sad or happy, it’s all Ravus, and it’s Ravus who Ignis loves. What sort of partner is he if he was with Ravus only when it’s happy and okay? No. Ignis will be there in the good and the bad times, and that includes the nightmares.
And Ravus thanks him. Every night and every morning. And as the weeks go by, Ravus’ instinct when he wakes up from a nightmare is now turning to his right side to look for Ignis, who he knows will always be there, and who always is there, with open arms, ready to receive him, ready to give him whatever he is, be it the caress of a hand, a proper hug, the caress of his hair, a kiss, words, anything that Ravus needs.
And Ignis really doesn’t mind; he wants to help Ravus, and it really is no troubles waking up in the middle of the night for him, if Ravus needs it. And Ravus, dear Ravus, at first so shy and guilty for startling Ignis awake, slowly and eventually lets go of the guilt, and learns what love is as Ignis gives it to him; that unconditional support, even in the bad times, all that help, all that tenderness and affection.
It’s usual in the king’s chambers, that the king is startled awake by a nightmare, and his dear fiancé is there to soothe him and comfort him until he goes back to sleep.
And it takes long, months, maybe even years before Ravus notices, because the process was subtle and slow, but…all this that Ignis offers, all the nights he spends soothing him after a nightmare, they help, little by little, until Ravus not only learns to accept the comfort and his first instinct is look for Ignis. It also has been helping to make Ravus’ sleep much better, much more restful; he’s even learned to sleep more.
And what’s more impressive, all these times of Ignis soothing him after a nightmare, they actually reduce the nightmares; if Ravus used to have five nightmares per week, a couple months later he had four, then three, then two, then one, then it happened only every once every each months, and so on throughout the years…
But back to the present, yes. It’s normal that Ravus catches a nightmare every now and then, and for Ignis to be there to soothe him. 
Sometimes, Ravus will be hugged to Ignis, resting his head on his chest, while Ignis caresses his hair and his arm, and Ravus will wonder how he could live before Ignis, how he could be alive before knowing him, before marrying him. And he loves to be snuggled there, in his arms, and he’s not scared of the nightmares anymore, because Ignis is comfort, and protection, and safety, and love.
YES. YES SO MUCH TO ALL OF THIS, I’M A SUCKER FOR HURT/COMFORT AND THIS- THIS LOVELY, WONDERFUL- honestly that’s one of my favorite things about Fleurentia, it offers so much for hurt/comfort scenarios and this is ONE OF MY FAVORITES. NIGHTMARES AND COMFORTING BACK TO SLEEP HNGNFD HND I AM-
Honestly though, THANK YOU SO MUCH, so goddamn much for this LOVELY entry. It’s got me weak and no matter how many times I read it, I still freak out because it’s so cute and sad and cute again and hndnhdgn ;A;
Thank you SO, SO, SO MUCH for this LOVELY and BEAUTIFUL ask, Kit dear! And how dare you trigger me like this aaaaah
But really, thank you so much!! ( ´ ▽ ` )
I hope you’re having a MOST FANTASTIC night, Kit!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ
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petite-neko · 6 years
Chapter Characters: Law, Bepo, Shachi, Penguin (Sugar, Corazon) Pairing: (eventual) LawLu Rating: M Warnings: Vampire AU, (Mostly) canon compliant, Angst, Survivor Guilt, Blood, (Kinda) drug use/addiction, dependency, child grooming, child abuse, abusive relationship, major character death, bullying (Other warnings may be added) A/N:  Well. I am taking some liberties here, seeing as Law's novel was recently translated. I did tweak the chapter a bit here and there. (Law meets the trio a bit later on than he does in canon, as he doesn't quite go through the same life xD) Also, I included one part of my own head canon into here, and I didn't wanna change it in accordance to the new canon. I kinda had it already integrated into my fic so :x I'd have to do a few too many minor tweaks.Again: Much thanks to Oturai for bearing through my loopy typing/writing. (I'm doped up on painkillers, and will prolly be for another week. Fucked up my shoulder)
.xxx. > Time/scene skip
.+++. > PoV change
(Wanna buy me a ko-fi? Link in blog description!)
Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6
She was no longer hungry.
She was no longer in a frenzy.
She was no longer driven by instinct.
And yet, Law still found himself avoiding Sugar. Sure, he knew. He knew all of that. He knew it would be fine now. That Sugar wouldn’t attack him. That he had no further reason to maintain a distance.
But, whenever he looked at her, all he could see was a vampire.
The vampires whispered amongst the humans in terror: Ravenous, hungry, heartless, inhumane.
Eyes solely focused on him in hunger, desperation and need. His own confusion, at first, but then that cold, creeping comprehension as her face contorted. As she hissed and growled at him. The way she had lost all control; been driven to her most basic functions. As her teeth began to extend, and the shock. The disbelief. The way that time seemed to slow down. The way Corazon’s voice echoed in his head: “We don’t turn children.” And then that realisation fully sinking in. Just as her teeth might into his flesh. And his own desperation. The adrenaline coursing through him, strengthening him. He couldn’t let her win. Couldn’t let her press forward. His hands - they were the only things keeping her from feeding on him. He could feel her breath on his face - mere inches away. Close. She was too close.
Food. That was all he was to her. A meal to sustain her into the next day. He was not another person. Not a living, breathing being. No. He was food, and she was hungry.
And even then, even as Corazon had separated her from him, she was hanging there, by her ankle, flailing and hissing and trying to escape his grasp to get to her meal.
In those moments, she had lost all humanity. Blinded by her need to feed.
And Law just could not forget that.
It was a harsh wakeup call. It only reminded him of the environment he was in. That Doflamingo, that Corazon, that - probably - many of his crewmates were vampires. That he was human.
He had dismissed that. Dismissed the danger he was actually in. Forgotten just what they were and just what they ate.
They went about it so... civilly. The blood they consumed was integrated into food, into wines and juices. It was never obvious. Disguised to hide their identities. Never did they openly consume directly from a human. Teeth hidden and withdrawn. They acted as, and appeared to be, humans.
Of course, Law knew differently, but that knowledge never truly sank in. Not until... Sugar.
Perhaps some of it, too, did stem from the similarities. Of just why he knew.
For he, too, consumed blood on a regular basis. His very survival was dependant on it. He craved and needed it, just as they did. Except, for different reasons, and for a different kind of blood.
Normally I never let my vassals become... hungry.
Sure, it wasn’t hunger that drove him, but the similarities were almost startling. That he was, all but in name, just like a vampire. That he, too, was being provided for by Doflamingo. Just from a different... source.
And certainly, yes, Law knew that eventually he could escape the confines if he so desired. (Of course, dismissing the fact that his body quite literally would not survive without the support.) But there was that thirst within him. One that could only be satisfied by the blood of a pure-blooded vampire. One that he had tasted once upon a time. Tasted and acted upon.
Law knew exactly what it was, but at the same time, there was nothing he could do about it. He was addicted. Addicted to the strength it gave him. That rush of adrenaline and euphoria. The life it gave him - both literally and metaphorically. And those physical dependencies were only exemplified by just how literally he needed it; by the mental addiction of life. That he knew, all too well, just what would happen to him if he stopped.
Thus, it had driven him, just as it had driven Sugar. It'd driven him to wield a knife and find any means necessary to draw the blood that he needed to survive.
Perhaps, if he had known how benevolent Corazon really was, he would have been a bit more... civil about the situation. But, he hadn’t, and so he wasn’t.
...he wondered just how Corazon could stand him after that. After seeing him in that state. Needy and desperate. Violent. Acting in the only way that he knew how.
But, Corazon had.
Maybe one day he, too, could face Sugar again.
It seemed that they would be docked here for a few more days. A lengthy supply run, because their future would soon be unpredictable. So, Law decided that he would explore some more of the island. He hadn’t really had an opportunity the last time he was out, after all; he’d been too angry at Doflamingo to enjoy it.
And yes - yes - it definitely was a way to avoid Sugar.
“You should be ashamed of yourself!”
As Law wandered about, he could hear some voices off in the distance. Part of him said that he should ignore it. This wasn’t his business and he came out here to relax, not to get involved with the civilians.
Now, there was the sound of flesh hitting flesh.
Oh, great, Law thought, somebody’s getting a beating.
He should just ignore it.
“You can’t even follow simple orders, can you?”
“You’re supposed to do as we tell you!”
Law tried to ignore it, but their voices were so loud. They hit too close to home. They were turning his stomach. They were only making him think of his possible fate. All that it would take for Doflamingo to...
He can make me do anything. Anything!
This wasn’t what he came out here for, dammit! He wanted to forget about that. Forget about vampires and blackmail, and the fact that he had no fucking choice in the matter anymore, and that...
But some fucking idiots thought that here and now was a perfect fucking time and place to bully somebody else!
...maybe he should get himself involved. Beat those fuckers up for ruining his day. And then he could get some peace and quiet and-
“You white monster!”
Oh. Oh. Those bastards were definitely getting it now. Not only did they fucking remind him of his current predicaments, but his past ones as well? The past he didn’t want to remember: The hatred. The shunning. The pain. The war.
Law rolled up his sleeves, marching over towards where the sounds were coming from.
The scene he had walked into was not one he would have expected: There were two boys about his age, beating up a... polar bear?
What the fuck?
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Please stop...”
...wait a minute, was the bear talking?
“You’re so useless!”
They obviously hadn’t noticed him yet, continuing to kick the bear.
“Yeah,” the other boy pathetically agreed. “A freak, too!”
Pathetic the sight may be, Law still felt his brow twitching in irritation. Talking bear or not, nobody deserved to be treated like that. To be kicked when you were down, to be insulted all the while.
Law stepped forward. “Oh, really?” He said, drawing their attention. “I do think that I would reserve those names for the two of you.” He wore a smug expression on his face. “I mean, who the fuck beats up a polar bear?”
“Excuse me?”
“You know, wait. I’ve changed my mind. Useless and freak certainly are fitting words, but I do believe pathetic is more apt.” And Law continued to grin at them. “Ganging up on a poor little polar cub, using uneven numbers to gain an advantage. What? Too afraid to take him on one-on-one? Are you guys that weak?”
Law knew that he was just goading them on, but that was his intent. And it was working. Their anger shifted over to him. Such a shame, though. These poor boys had no idea of the mistake they were making. He did doubt these boys were vampires after all, and injectors were such a rarity.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?”
Again, so pathetic, so predictable... Law could only roll his eyes at that. They were too easy. If he so desired, Law knew just how to play them.
But, simply because it would take no effort, and more importantly because of just how he knew to play them, he refrained. He would rather do things his own way, after all...
“Your worst nightmare.”
Those words were all it took for the boys to abandon their current victim and charge at him.
And of course, just like their psyches, they, too, were too easy. But Law anticipated it. Perhaps if he had been a regular human, the boys mighthave posed a challenge at best, but empowered by pureblood as he was? Hardly.
And, as the boys were licking their newfound wounds, Law flopped himself down onto a snow pile.
“What is your fucking problem, anyway?”
He looked over at the polar bear, who had stupidly stuck around. Why didn’t he run away when he had a chance? Oh well, not his problem.
“He’s just a fucking bear. Who the fuck cares if he can talk or not? I mean, there’s weirder shit out there. More dangerous shit.”
“Oh yeah?” A head snapped up. “What do you even know, kid?”
“Yeah, I mean, he obviously isn’t from around here!”
“And,” it seemed they were taking turns talking, “ya know what they say about foreigners...”
Law focused back on the two humans. “Actually, no,” he said, watching them cautiously, “no I don’t. And then, he let his lips curl once more. “Doindulge this foreigner just what your people say about us. I am mightily curious about your predispositions.”
Shock was the expression that greeted him.
“I’m a pirate,” Law explained briefly. It was obvious that they did not expect to find another child who was from elsewhere. “My crew stopped here for supplies.”
More shock, but there was another look there. They were starting to feel uneasy around him. A child foreigner was unusual, but they understood immediately what a pirate meant.
Law only let that smug expression grow. “Or,” he continued and cracked his knuckles, “I could beat it out of you.”
And unease rapidly turned into nervousness and fear.
“A-Ah!” It was enough to get them talking. “Th-They say to never trust ‘em!” He was fidgeting, but did not stop. “You never know who they are, or what they want, or what they carry...”
At the last note, Law felt himself tensing. He was feeling echoes of his past once more. And it was starting to make a lot of sense now...
“Ye-yeah!” the other boy continued, maybe even more nervous at Law’s obvious anger, “I mean - didn’t you hear about the country that got struck with a contagious disease? How the people there were trying to flee from it, carrying the disease with them? Trying to infect othercountries?”
Oh. Yeah. Yeah, it was definitely making a lot of sense now. Of course the rulers of the neighbouring countries would spread that rumour. Spread the fear of outsiders to justify their actions. It was making Law sick.
“So they-”
He hardened his gaze on the boys - and perhaps it wasn’t fair to them to face his anger. They, too, were victims of it in a sense, blinded by lies and rumours that were repeated so often they seemingly became the truth. That countries of people were exposed to this.
“They exterminated them.”
His voice, too, was hard. Angry. Full of rage that still had yet to be tamed.
“Slaughtered them. Lining children up against churches, and shooting them down one by one. But not before making them complacent with promises of hope and freedom. Burning hospitals down with patients still alive within them, laying on cots in pain. Hauling their corpses out, beyond the borders to run tests on them and study them... Oh, yes. I know all about Flevance. I was there, after all.”
And, if only to drive that nail in deeper, Law pulled up his sleeves to show the marks littering his arms.
Fear - that was all that was in those boys’ eyes now.
But then, Law scoffed, scoffed and laughed.
“Oh, do relax. If Amber Lead was as contagious as they said it was, wouldn’t you be hearing about outbreaks all over the place? It was just a lieplanted in your heads so they could justify slaughtering an entire country. The same could be said about the strangers you are so afraid of. We are people, too, just like anybody else. And I’m pretty sure this bear is the same. Right, bear?”
A squawk left the otherwise quiet animal.
“Yeah, you,” Law turned towards him and smiled, “you got a name?”
“I - uhh - Bepo.” And Bepo looked nervous. A little scared, too.
But Law only continued to smile. He even sniggered slightly before he flopped against the snow pile once more. “See?” He said as he looked up at the sky and the snow falling from it. “He’s got a name.”
He could feel gazes upon him, but Law didn’t care and he ignored it.
“And you? You boys got a name? Mine’s Law.”
“Uhh…” There was a moment of awkward pausing. “I’m uh, Shachi. And he’s Penguin, Peng for short.”
Law felt himself burst out in laughter now.
“You’re named after animals, and you beat up a talking one? You guys are the strange ones, not us ‘foreigners.’”
Nervous laughter was the response.
Perhaps it wasn't the most desired response, but it was a start.
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samoyeddaniel-blog · 7 years
Siren's Call Pt. 1 | Werewolf! Ong Seongwoo
genre: angst, fluff, supernatural, werewolf au, siren au
member: Ong Seongwoo
requested: no
a/n: inspired by wolf au fic I read and I can’t help but write a wolf au fic myself lol
summary: you were performing the call, but you didn’t realize that you called a wolf along with the sailors.
Part 1 | (on-going)
Come… come to me…
No matter how loud you turn the music on, you could still hear the voice in your head and you hoped you could just ignore it. But sadly, you couldn’t. You sighed and put down the book you were reading to glance at the window of your room, looking at the beach near your house. And then you heard the voice again.
Come here… come…
It’s the voice of the ocean calling you. Lazily, you dragged yourself out of bed and rushed out of your house, running straight towards the beach. You knew you needed to get there as fast as possible before everything went wrong.
You hated it when the ocean called you, because it could only mean one thing: it’s time to perform the call.
You never liked being a siren, having to lure sailors to their death to relieve the ocean’s hunger. It made you feel terribly awful, like you were a psychopath or a mass murderer. But it’s not like you were any better than those killers and it’s not like you could do anything about it now. You had chosen to serve the ocean yourself in order to save your own life and nothing could ever be done to break the oath.
It all happened when you were still seventeen, sailing the ocean with your big family to celebrate the wedding of your cousin on a ship. Unfortunately, the weather got worse and your ship hit an iceberg. The next thing you knew, your ship had sunk and you were drowned in the ice cold water.
On the brink of death, you faintly heard someone speaking in your mind.
Do you want to live?
Desperate to get out of the water and breathe, you answered without thinking twice. You didn’t want to die right here right now. You were still young and there were still so many things you wanted to do. It was too early to end your life.
“Yes,” you answered, water going inside your mouth as you did.
You thought you would die soon because you were out of breath and water kept filling your lungs. But then something impossible happened: you suddenly could breathe again. Confused, you slowly opened your eyes and you could see you were still underwater. Your legs felt weird, so you dropped your gaze to check on them and you screamed. Your legs had turned into a fish tail.
Serve me forever… in exchange for the life I gave you…
That’s when you realized you had been turned into a siren, bound to serve the ocean for the rest of your now immortal life.
You reached the beach just in time to watch the sunset, but you didn’t have time to admire its beauty as the voice in your mind got louder now that you were near the ocean. After making sure no one was watching, you jumped into the ocean, feeling your legs turning into a tail once you touched the water.
It’d been a decade since you turned into a siren, so you’re perfectly used to swimming with your tail. Ocean had become your second home and, as if you had memorized the world map and its coordinates in your mind, you knew exactly where you had to go.
You met with two sirens from your choir - it’s what a group of sirens was called; if wolves had packs, sirens had choirs. Like the ocean itself, you could speak to other sirens and sea creatures underwater through your mind, like a telepathy.
Y/N, you take the small yacht near the shore. Soojung and I will handle the huge cruise a little father north from here, Seulgi - the leader of your choir - commanded. That should be enough for two months.
Soojung visibly shivered, although sirens were immune to the coldness of the ocean. I hate this.
You gave her a small smile. We all do.
Soojung was the newest recruit in your choir. It had only been a few weeks since her change. You could understand how afraid she was. Because you too felt the same way at your first time performing the call.
Seulgi was the oldest and the calmest. She’d been serving the ocean for a century. And she was the best leader your choir could ever have. When you were lost and terrified at your first call, she had been there for you, guiding you patiently and helping you get through it.
You parted way with Soojung and Seulgi to head towards your designated target. Approaching back to the beach, you spotted a small yacht floating near the shore. You swam upwards and let your head out of the water to get a better view of the yacht. There were about seven boys sailing on it and it looked like they were having a party, judging from the loud music and the champagnes they were holding. You felt awful that you had to take their life, seeing how young they were.
However, killing people was like a routine for you. You gradually became numb with the guilt. Even if you felt bad, you no longer needed to mop for days after the call. The more you performed the call, you got over it more quickly and more easily.
You found a rock near a cliff and you jumped out of the water to sit on it, dangling your tail in the ocean so that it would stay wet and not turn back into legs. Taking a deep breath, you concentrated and started to sing. You were confident that they would hear you despite their loud music because your voice had much more power to attract men. In a second, the boys turned off their music to hear you more clearly as their eyes were focused on you. One by one, like they were in a trance, they began jumping out of their yacht to dive into the ocean, sending them to their death. The water was freezing cold and humans wouldn’t be able to survive it.
After making sure they were all dead, you were about to stop singing when you caught sight of movement at the top of the cliff next to you. You snapped your head up to see what it was and your eyes widened with shock. It’s a big white wolf, walking towards the edge of the cliff as if it was in a trance just like the boys. At one glance, you knew that it was no ordinary wolf, it was a werewolf.
You didn’t get how it happened. You didn’t know that werewolves were also affected by your singing. No one had ever told you before and it was the first time you encountered something like this during your ten years as a siren.
The ocean wouldn’t accept anything besides humans, so when the werewolf did a cliff diving, you also dove back into the water. The werewolf was still under your spell and not moving at all after diving. When you finally arrived, the wolf turned into a human, causing you to panic for a second, thinking that you might have accidentally killed him. You let out a sigh of relief as you saw bubbles coming out from his mouth, a sign that he’s still alive. With your inhuman strength, you dragged him to the beach easily and laid him down on the sand. It seemed that your spell on him had been cancelled, because he didn’t make any effort to walk back into the ocean.
You quickly dried your tail to change it back into legs and left the beach before the werewolf regained his consciousness completely and asked you questions which you couldn’t answer. You obviously didn’t want to have anything to do with the werewolves.
However, fate had its own plan for you.
The next morning, you woke up because of the knocking sounds coming from your front door. You were beyond shocked to see the werewolf boy from yesterday showing up in front of your house, looking very angry, confused, and exhausted. You certainly hadn’t expected him to visit you at all, much less come to you early in the morning seeming like he hadn’t slept a wink last night.
“Can I help you?” Since he didn’t say anything and only looked at you, you decided to ask first, pretending to not recognize him.
“What have you done to me?” he asked, his breath uneven. He clearly had been running to reach your house.
You raised your brows. Now you didn’t understand what he meant. You didn’t do anything to him besides saving him from death and bringing him back to the shore. “What are you talking about?”
He ruffled his hair in frustration and began rambling, “I woke up in the beach last night and the first thing I caught is your smell. My inner wolf kept asking me to go after you. I ignored it at first and went straight home. But then I couldn’t sleep at all! I kept thinking about you. I kept smelling your scent. My inner wolf wants me to be with you, to make sure you’re okay. It doesn’t make sense!”
You thought that he’s done talking, but then he continued, “The most ridiculous thing is that my inner wolf keeps saying that you are my mate! Can you believe that? I don’t remember finding my mate, so it can’t be you. I’m supposed to sense something the first time I see my mate to know that she’s my mate. But I haven’t even seen you before, yet my inner wolf insists that you’re my mate. It asked me to find you the moment I opened my eyes at the beach yesterday. Come to think of it, I don’t even remember how I ended up in the beach.”
“Ah, I can explain to you why you ended up in the beach,” you said and started to tell him what had happened yesterday.
His jaw dropped after you finished story-telling. “You did what? You performed the call on me?”
You shrugged. “I guess I was too close to the land. I didn’t have any intention to perform the call on you. I didn’t even know that my singing could affect your kind.”
“Me neither,” he said. “So now what do we do? I’m barely holding myself back from hugging you right now.” He shook his head hard. “Damn, I’m craving for your physical affection so much I’m going crazy.”
You blushed at his blunt remark, but at the same time, you felt guilty because it was your fault he was feeling like that. So you sheepishly brought your hand to his face and stroked his cheek with the back of your fingers. “Hugging might be too much. But will this help?”
He closed his eyes, savoring the feel of your touch as if it was what he needed to keep him alive. “Yes, thank you.”
You retracted your hand after a few seconds, worried that it would be awkward between you two. Clearing your throat, you said, “I’ll talk with the choir. Maybe they’ll know what to do.”
“I’ll ask the pack too. Something like this might have happened in the past before,” he said, his eyes never going away from you. “I’m Seongwoo.”
“I’m Y/N.”
You were about to wave him goodbye when he suddenly asked, “Can we meet more often? I think I might actually go insane if I don’t see you.”
“Yeah. It’s fine,” you said, once again feeling sorry for causing this to happen to him. “I guess I’ll see you around?”
Looking very reluctant to leave your side, Seongwoo started to walk away. “See you later!”
After sending Seongwoo off, you sat on your couch and stared at nothingness. The guilt began creeping into you. You felt terrible when you saw his sad eyes as he left you earlier.
Just what had you done to him?
a/n: I know I shouldn’t start a new chaptered stories when I still have so many things to finish but I can’t help lol I need to write down my inspiration before I forget haha tell me what you think about this! Do you like it? Should I continue?
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