#this turned into a thesis. sorry ksjhdf
kharonion · 2 years
So, I've been Marinating about Gail and Charon's venture into Fallout 4 timeline. I have yet to figure out if this is more AU versus canon sequence of events... but it works either way, I guess? Kind of a continuation of this post.
Now y'all can be subjected to this hodgepodge of thoughts. Beware, it's long.
This particular path trajectory starts (roughly) about midway through Broken Steel, when Gail starts to really show signs of their worsening condition. They and Charon are still servicing the Brotherhood of Steel at this time, and of course, the Citadel's doctors demand to examine Gail. Though they don't know really how to describe what's happening, it's essentially Gail's insides ghoulifying... without the telltale physical signs (i.e. peeling skin, lost hair).
After the loss of both of the Lyons and countless insufficient leaders in their stead, we come to Arthur Maxson's taking of the Elder role. Gail knows things will quickly go awry when the Outcasts are brought back into the order—they've not forgotten the events at VSS—and the order starts to exhibit a much more bigoted way of thinking, derogatory towards any-and-all who are even remotely inhuman (or believed to be such).
Charon most certainly is in the crossfire—and so is Gail, a "filthy ghoul" in all but appearance. Before the Prydwen is ready to take flight, the two are ostracized from the faction they've diligently served for countless years.
And, much like they had before the Battle of Project Purity, they wander the wasteland with nothing but each other.
Eventually, they wind up venturing into the Commonwealth. (Yes, this does mean they wander through the Glowing Sea, entering via Southern Boston.) For the most part, they keep to themselves, not really settling down anywhere in particular.
So. In the post I linked prior, I mention Gail and Arthur meeting yet again, and that it deserved its own lil' segment.
Strap in. This is going to get gnarly.
Maxson's got eyes and ears in numerous places; both Gail and Charon stick out like sore thumbs, so he recognizes their descriptions. Calls them up to meet him in the Prydwen. Of course, Charon hates the idea, but Gail reasons that maybe things had changed, considering the offer is given in the first place.
Gail hopes to talk. To make the young man who they'd once looked after and educated see the errors of the order's new ways. He tells them of the Institute, the technology that's gone too far, how those not the work of nature are bombs ready to lay waste to the world all over.
He makes it a point to mention not only Gail's own condition, but also the nature of their relationship with Charon. This angers them beyond words, but before they can do anything, Arthur fires a single laser shot. And Charon collapses beside them.
Cue Arthur continuously spouting about non-humans, the surrounding Paladins snickering as Gail holds Charon close and packs his wound.
This is when Gail—ever composed, ever the soft-spoken voice of reason—finally snaps. Because this order, this fucking order, has taken so much from them and countless others. Betrayed the ideals of the man who readily took they and Charon in.
Through rivers of tears, they take Charon's shotgun in their hands and open fire. Not a single bullet strays from their fatal trajectory, and no one is left standing. Gail helps themselves to one of the fallen Paladin's power armor as to be able to lift Charon... as well as take a running leap out of the airship.
Gail tends to Charon enough to stabilize him before booking it back to the Glowing Sea, where they hide out until it's safe to return home—to the Capital. Because where else would they go?
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