#yes that’s a bobamoji but shhh it’s the closest thing to roohafzah that I have 😔🤲🏽
deathvsthemaiden · 3 years
☕ herbal teas & your favorite summer drink 🧡
I feel like all the best herbal tea I’ve ever had is in those instances when you’re traveling or at restaurants u don’t frequent or whatever and have one singular cup of something splendid but vaguely labeled/described and when you try to find out what it was all you have to go on is. Well it was brown and tasted like lemonheads* 😕 and the Internet is of noooo help 😖😔👎🏽 so you just cling fondly to that memory 4ever. When buying tea my household just gets black and green tea mostly, and my few attempts to be adventurous and buy smth else, like pomegranate green tea and rose tea have been like. Not bad per se but just okay? Quite possible that I just like. Drank them wrong idk qhshwhw When drinking tea that isn’t straight up masala chai I have green tea plain and oversteep it because I tie the tea bag to the handle for kicks and am too lazy to untie it... feels unfair to separate them after all that effort 💔 I used to care more and add lemon and occasionally honey but idk I got used to the taste of straight up green whsjwjj What teas do u like? 👀 any recs? 📝🫖🔎
As for summer drinks... omg I’m crazy but free or whatever so I don’t usually care abt the season when drinking stuff, but stuff like affogato and roohafzah w/ water, ice, a hint of lemon and soaked basil seeds is tastiest when it’s warm out, highly highly rec 🧋❣️🍋 and tangentially related Bc it’s like a halfway point between the 2 aforementioned desserts but roohafzah drizzled over vanilla ice cream is excellent also 🍨!
*I was in the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah once w/ my mother and sister and a woman actually did offer us tea that tasted like lemonheads + it was bliss and I for realsies have no clue what it was 🤨💔!!
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