#yes she’s a winter solstice baby. no that’s not too on the nose shut up
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cuteniarose · 2 months ago
So was anyone gonna tell me that Suiren’s birthday is in two days or was I supposed to randomly remember that myself??
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distant-rose-archive-blog · 7 years ago
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CSSS Christmas to Countdown: Dec 25 - Merry Christmas, Darling
Note: I have to apologize to @shipsxahoy on multiple levels because 1) this is late. I was supposed to post this yesterday and then it got out of control and 2) this takes place in my dumpster series Little Pirates, which I have no idea if she’s read or not. (I personally hope not.) So yeah, bad form all around But anyway, if anyone is curious about the series, here’s a link to the masterpost: [LINK]. You don’t need to read the series to know what’s happening in this story. The only knowledge that you need is that Emma and Killian has kids: Harrison (8), Wes (6), Beth (4) and Neddy (8 weeks) and Snow and David have three kids in this aside from Emma: Neal (10), Ruthie (7) and Robbie (1). That’s it. That’s all you really need to know for LP. Anyway, this bit is inspired by Merry Christmas, Darling by the Carpenters. Shout to to @welllpthisishappening for keeping my sanity. Summary: After a battle against a witch on Christmas Eve, David and Killian end up in Agrabah. After meeting up with old friends Jasmine and Aladdin, they found out they have a way back - only they’re going to miss Christmas!  Rating: T Word Count: 4,500+
Killian Jones was having the worst Christmas Ever on record. He had only been celebrating the holiday for roughly twelve years now, but this without a doubt was the worst. The sleepy quietness of Storybrooke had been disrupted that morning with the arrival of a powerful witch. The witch in question was an old rival of Regina’s and had been determined to destroy their holiday by opening up a large unstable portal in the middle of town. Both he and David had gotten too close in their attempt to destroy it and it had sucked in. They had been fortunate enough to land in Agrabah, but despite the familiar faces of Jasmine and Aladdin, Killian was on edge and wanted nothing more than go home.
He and David were currently sitting in the extravagant backrooms of Jasmine’s palace, waiting for the Sultana to return with a solution to their realm-jumping problem. They had been deemed as guests of honor; spoiled with plush pillows, delicious smelling food, a collection of hookahs and a troupe of entertainers. None of this luxury was pleasing to Killian. He paid them no mind, pacing back and forth from wall to wall like a caged tiger; glancing at the door every minute or so.
The overlarge doors opened for the first time in what seemed like hours. Killian paused his pacing, anxiously twisting his fingers of the length of his hook in nervous habit. David rose from the overlarge pillows, standing next to Killian with a cautious expression. Jasmine entered in to the room with Aladdin trailing behind her. When she stopped in front of them, she offered them an apologetic smile that immediately put Killian on edge.
“We have found a merchant who is willing to sell us a magic bean, but he is not in possession of it currently. He said to give him twenty hours and he will have it for us. The price is not cheap but we are more than willing to pay it for you.”
Killian and David shared a long between them. While it was a good to hear that they had a way back to Storybrooke, but the timing could not have been worse as it meant they would miss Christmas and all of their family festivities.
“Are you sure we can’t get the bean earlier than that?”
“Positive. My contact said twenty hours was the earliest,” she replied, crossing her arms in front of her chest. “Why? Is that a problem?”
Killian sighed, raking his fingers through his hair and looking to David for help. His father-in-law looked just as stressed as he did. Christmas Eve was just as important as Christmas Day in their family. It was something that could only be described as an event with a capital E; one with a large family dinner with the Mills sisters and the Golds. First gifts were exchanged between the families and of course when the children went to bed, they would start pulling out presents from their hiding spots and filling stockings with goodies. David and Killian started a tradition long ago of making big displays of “evidence” that Santa had visited their homes with fake deer tracks and notes from Santa to keep the magic and wonder alive.
But chief above all of this was Killian’s favorite tradition where he read the classic story The Night Before Christmas to his children before they went to bed. It was something he had started when Henry was still teenager and it had seemed silly at first, but his children loved the tale and would listen to him with rapt attention as he read aloud in what they called his “dramatic narrator voice.”
“Yeah, it’s kinda a problem,” David replied with a heavy sigh. “Not that it’s your fault or anything, but the timing for all of this is little inconvenient. It means we are going to miss Christmas. It’s a big holiday back home and one we would prefer to spend with our families.”
“Christmas?” Aladdin spoke up, his voice tinged with curiosity. “What is Christmas?”
“I don’t know if there is any equivalent in your culture, lad, but I think the closest would be the celebration of Mawlid you lot have,” Killian replied with a pained smile.
“So, it’s like a festival?”
“In a way yes, but more family oriented,” David replied. “Kinda like the Winter Solstice back in the Enchanted Forrest but with more gift giving and personal time spent with loved ones.”
“I’m sorry that you’re being kept from it,” Jasmine replied sympathetically. “I know how much you love your family. I would send you to them right now if I could.”
“I know…it’s just…my wee lad’s first Christmas,” Killian sighed miserably. David gave him a sympathetic pat on his shoulder.
“Wee lad? I thought your children were the same age as mine,” Jasmine commented, looking surprised.
“We had another boy not too long ago. Eight weeks old. We call him Neddy.” Killian gave them a small bitter smile before fishing his phone out of his pocket. He opened up his photo app, prepared to show off his and Emma’s latest addition. Jasmine took it gingerly, smiling at the photos of his newborn son. He was a small thing with lots of dark hair and big blue eyes that Killian privately hoped they would darken and take on Emma’s lovely shade of green.
“Congratulations. He’s beautiful baby and he looks just like you,” she said warmly.
“Thank you. I personally think he looks more like my brother than me but he’s got Emma’s nose and chin though.”
“That’s what people say when their kids look nothing like their spouse,” Jasmine replied with a chuckle. “I said that about my daughter when she was born to make my husband happy.”
“But Nas does have my nose and chin thank you very much,” Aladdin injected with a scowl.
Jasmine merely gave her husband a placating smile.
“Is there any way we could contact our family and let them know what’s going on?” David asked impatiently, tired of exchanging news and pleasantries.
Jasmine and Aladdin exchanged another look. It was clear that they hadn’t thought on this aspect.
“I might have some mermaid magic items from when Ariel was last with us. I think there’s a conch shell or two lying around. Unless Hook has some of his own,” Jasmine replied, glancing at her old friend expectantly.
“All of my magical items are home. I wasn’t expecting to fall through any portals today,” Killian responded, scratching behind his ear. “However, this could work in our favor. Emma and I do keep a conch shell on the fireplace in a sort of case of emergency thing. I should be able to call it if you have another one, love.”
“I’ll go see if I have some of Ariel’s stuff then.”
Jasmine turned and walked out the room, leaving her husband behind with Killian and David. Aladdin shifted on feet, giving them both an awkward smile that somehow managed to be boyish despite his age.
"Sooo…portal mishap aside, life is good?”
“Life is pretty good,” David replied, giving him a tight smile before turning his gaze towards Killian. “I mean, the kids are handful. The grandkids even more so.”
“Still sore about my four-year old beating your ten-year old, Dave?”
“I’m pretty sure if Neal wasn’t terrified about possibly hurting his baby niece, he would have taught Beth a lesson.”
“I take it your kids don’t get along?” Aladdin asked, the corners of his lips twitching.
“Oh no, they get along fine, better than we could have hoped for really. My eldest and his eldest are best friends and the rest are fine. Though sometimes it can get rowdy. You know how kids are. I mean, you have a few of your own.”
“We have three,” Aladdin replied. “Nasira and then the twins Malik and Khaled. Nas is great most of the time, the boys…well, they’re work.”
“So you know exactly what we’re talking about!” David grinned. “I mean we have three too. Neal and Ruthie are behaved for the most part but our youngest is a toddler and nearing the terrible two’s. And of course, Hook got competitive with us and had to go for number four.”
“Neddy wasn’t born to one-up you, I can assure you of that.”
“Oh really? So the fact you decided to have another kid had nothing to do with me and Snow having one at all?”
“This may come as a surprise but my world revolves your daughter, not you Dave.”
David opened his mouth to make a reply but promptly shut his mouth when Jasmine returned, looking flushed with exercise and a bit disheveled but overall pleased. She immediately jogged over to them, crown and heavy jewelry bouncing with each step.
“Here!” Jasmine shoved a large pink conch in Killian’s hand. “I think you know how to work this.”
He gave her a grateful smile before raising the conch to his lips. He thought about Emma and how she was probably losing her mind wondering where he and David were. Hopefully she was near their living room and they would be able to hear their call.
He waited a few moments. No response.
He gave David a nervous look before trying again.
“Killian! Killian is that you?”
“Aye, love, it’s me,” Killian grinned, shoulders sagging in relief. Her voice never sounded more beautiful to his ears.
“I’m here too, Emma!” David yanked Killian’s arm towards him so he could tell into the conch. Killian glared at his father-in-law, rubbing his abused rotator cuff with the base of his hook.
“David!” Snow’s voice called back. “David! Are you okay? Where are you?”
“We’re fine,” Killian answered for him. “We’re with some old friends in Agrabah. We got lucky. Is everything okay on your end?”
“We took that crazy bitch down,” Emma replied. “We tried to get her to tell us what happened to you but she didn’t have any more of an idea than we did. Regina has been pouring over books looking for a way to trace the portal but she wasn’t having any luck. Aside from that, the kids kept crying because they thought you both were dead.”
“I’m glad you took that witch down, love. We have some good news and bad news.”
“The good news is that Jasmine found us a bean.”
“And the bad news?” It was Snow’s voice that came through the conch and she sounded nervous.
“We won’t be able to procure the bean until late tomorrow.”
A silence followed his words. It went on long enough that Killian wondered if the connection between the two shells had been severed somehow. He lifted it to his ear just in case he wasn’t hearing them, but there was no change. No sound emitted from the shell.
“Love, are you there?”
“Yeah...” Emma’s voice held some frustration. “I just don’t know what to say...you’re going to miss Christmas. I mean, I’m glad you’re both alive and okay but I just...I just don’t know what know what we’re going to tell the kids...”
“You don’t have to do that, love. Just let us talk to them. We’ll break the news and we’ll be the bad guys for this.”
“This isn’t your fault, Killian!”
“I know it is, love, but it’s upsetting. I’m upset, you’re upset, the kids are upset. This just a bad situation. And believe me, there’s nothing I want more than to be home.”
Killian waited for Emma to respond, but she didn’t speak. Instead a new voice emitted from the shell.
“Dad…” It was Killian’s eldest who spoke. Harrison’s voice sounded so small and uncertain. It made his heart hurt. “Dad...Is that you?”
“Hey Har,” he replied softly. “I’m here and so is Grandpa.”
“Hey Buddy! Are you having a good Christmas so far?” David called over Killian’s shoulder, startling him slightly.
“No.” Harrison’s blunt answer made them both wince. “We were scared. We didn’t even eat dinner. Or even touch presents.”
“Daddy! Is that Daddy?!” Killian’s daughter’s voice was loud through the conch. “Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!”
“Hello, little love,” Killian said softly, closing his eyes as he tried to keep himself together.
“Wait! You guys are talking to Dad?” It was Neal spoke. “Dad? Hook?”
“We’re here.”
“Where are you? I want you to come home!” 
“We can’t, Buddy. Not tonight,” David replied, sounding guilty.
“But you have to! You have to come home! It’s almost Christmas!”
“Dad and Hook aren’t coming home? They have to!” Eight-year old Ruthie Nolan whined. Killian could almost picture the pout on his mini sister-in-law’s face. “Daddy needs to put his reindeer antlers on! And Hook has to read us the story!”
“Antlers?” Jasmine questioned.
Killian and David both jumped at the sound of her voice. They had forgotten that she and Aladdin were still there.
“Umm…” David blushed as he tried to find the words to explain to them.
“Fake reindeer antlers,” Killian answered for him “It’s a ridiculous headdress-like thing that Dave wears around the holidays to make us all laugh.”
Before anyone could make further comment on this, Killian’s daughter’s voice came through the shell again.
“Wait! Daddy isn’t gonna be home for the story! But Daddy always reads the story! We can’t do it without him!”
Killian closed his eyes again, trying to hold back his frustration and heartbreak. David squeezed his shoulder again in sympathy. Jasmine placed over her hand over her mouth and her eyes looked suspiciously misty. 
“I’m not going to be home in time, love. Mom can read you the story. She has the book.”
“But Mom doesn’t have the right voice for it!” It was seven-year old Wes Jones who spoke.
“Sorry to disappoint, lad.”
“What if I want you to come home instead of my presents, would Santa do that instead?” Beth asked.
“I don’t think Santa is capable of that one,” Killian replied, feeling once more ready to cry.
“Why not? I’ll give up my presents too! Isn’t Santa supposed to be magical?” Ruthie inquired.
“Santa isn’t real, genius!” Wes snapped at her.
“Hey!” Killian barked into the conch. “Santa is real! I will not be tolerating attitude right now! It’s Christmas! Be nice to each other!”
“Sorry,” Wes mumbled.
“All I want to Christmas is Dad to be home and Hook to read us the story,” Neal grumbled.
“I love how your son wants me back just for the story,” Killian remarked, glancing at David. “It’s really nice to know that is the only purpose my return serves.”
“Well, he has his priorities straight.”
“This must be quite the story then,” Aladdin commented. “If all of those kids are obsessed with it.”
“It’s a classic story in our realm,” David explained. “But I think they like it more because Hook uses some weird narrator voice for it.”
“It’s not weird. You’re just jealous you don’t have a narrator voice as dashing as mine,” Killian replied with a tiny smirk. “And I’ve been reading the story for the past twelve years, first with Henry and now with this lot. I can almost recite it by memory.”
As he said the words, a thought came to him and a grin spread across his face. David recognized that expression and groaned.
“I know that face.”
“What face?” Jasmine asked.
“That face he gets when he thinking of something crazy like fake lightsaber battles in the front lawn and pie-eating competitions for the Most Awesome Dad award, which make no sense,” David responded.
“Those were brilliant ideas. You’re just a sore loser, Dave. But I promise this one is tame,” Killian replied before holding the conch back up to his mouth and speaking. “How well can you lot hear me?”
“It’s like listening to you over the phone, except more weird,” Harrison replied.
“Good. That witch might have stolen Christmas Eve, but I’m not going to let her steal The Night Before Christmas from you. So, I’m going to try and recite the story from memory. You might have to help me with a few parts, but I’m going to do my best. How does that sound?”
“Awesome!” Neal shouted. “You’re going to do in the narrator voice right? Because it’s not the story without the narrator voice!”
“Aye,” Killian chuckled. “I’ll use the narrator voice. Just get the book and settle in. Let me know when you’re ready.”
“Now I really want to hear this narrator voice they keep going on about,” Jasmine commented with a grin.
“It’s really not that great,” David replied with a roll of his eyes. “They just like it because he sounds like a movie announcer when he does it.”
“A what?” Jasmine and Aladdin stared at him blankly. Killian couldn’t help but sympathize. It wasn’t too long ago that he was just as clueless and ignorant to certain elements of Storybrooke’s realm.
“Right, I don’t have any other way to describe other than that, but you’ll hear it soon. And realize it’s overrated.”
“You’re looking a little green with envy, Dave,” Killian teased.
“And I’m not jealous.”
Any remark that David would have made protesting against Killian’s statements where cut off when Neal’s voice came through the conch once more.
“Okay. We have the book. Are you ready?”
“Aye. The bigger question is are you lot ready?” Killian responded, smirking at David. His father-in-law rolled his eyes once more and in that moment, Killian could definitely see how his wife and his best friend were most certainly related. Emma was have gotten the eye-rolling gene from him.
“Alright then,” he said before rolling his shoulders and using his patented narrator voice. “Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a….” Killian trailed, waiting for the children to finish the sentence for him. They didn’t disappoint.
“MOUSE!” All five of them shouted loudly into the shell.
“Yes, not even a mouse!” Killian agreed. “Now, the stockings were hung by the chimney with care in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there. The children were nestled all snug in their beds while visions of sugar plums danced in their…” He paused once more.
“HEADS!” This time they were even louder and Killian had to hold the shell as far away from his person as he could in hopes of saving his eardrums.
“Yes, there was sugar plums dancing in their pretty heads! Now, Mama in her kerchief and I in my cap, had just settled our bed for a long winter’s nap. When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter that I sprang from the bed to see what was the…”
They had fallen into a pattern now of Killian reciting four lines off the top of his head and the five children finishing the final word of the last line.
“Away to the window, I flew like a flash and tore open the shutters and threw the sash. The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow gave the luster of midday to the objects below. When what to my wondering eye should appear but a miniature sleigh and eight tiny…”
“REINDEER!” They were even louder than the last few times, which didn’t necessarily surprise him. The idea of flying reindeer was definitely his children’s favorite element of Christmas aside from the concept that they got presents from a jolly fat elf. He knew that David’s daughter Ruthie was in love with the idea of reindeer and had even asked for her own pair of fake antlers, which he and Emma had gotten her as a gag gift.
“With a little old driver, so lively and quick. I knew in that moment it must have been St. Nick. More rapid than eagles his coursers they came and he whistled and shouted and called them out by…”
“Now! Dasher, now! Dancer, now! Prancer, and Vixen! On! Comet, on! Cupid, on! Dunder and Blixem! To the top of the porch-“ “Where’s Rudolph?” Beth interrupted him.
“Pardon, little love?” Killian asked, the question pulling him out of his rhythm.
“Rudolph the rednosed reindeer! Isn’t he supposed to be in front?”
Immediately Killian’s eyes cut to David for help, but he just shrugged at him like the traitor he was.
“Rudolph isn’t in this story, stupid!” Wes commented with a scoff.
“I’m not stupid!”
“It’s moments like these where I am reminded how better behaved my children are compared to yours,” David remarked smugly.
Killian decided not to dignify that remark with a response. Instead he just glared at his father-in-law while turning his attention back to his kids.
“Do you want the story or not?” Killian asked irritably. “Because I’ll stop if you keep on fighting like this!”
“Sorry Daddy!”
“Right now…” he then continued. “To the top of the porch! To the top of the wall! Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!”
“Dad, you had one more ‘dash away’ than needed,” Harrison commented.
“Apologies, lad, as I said before, I’m doing this memory. Can I continue?” he responded irritably.
“Yeah, just wanted you to know.”
“Thanks. Now, as dry leaves before the wild hurricane fly when they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky. So up to the house-top the coursers they flew with the sleigh full of toys and St. Nicholas too!”
“You didn’t let us finish that one,” Neal complained.
“If you let me continue, I will let you finish the next one,” Killian sighed, feeling tired. “Fine?”
“Okay, I guess.”
Killian went back to reciting the story. “And then in a twinkling, I heard on the roof the prancing and pawing of each little hoof. And as I drew in my head and was turning around, down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound. He was dressed all in fur from his head to his foot and his clothes were tarnished with ashes and…”
“SOOT!” Neal and Wes’s voices were noticeably louder than the others. 
“Good! Now, a bundle of toys was flung on his back and he looked like a peddler just opening his pack. His eyes! How they twinkled! His dimples how merry! His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a…”
Killian couldn’t help but chuckle at bit at the returned enthusiasm. He thought he would have lost them by now.
“His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow and the beard of his chin was as white as snow. The stumble of a pipe he held tight in his teeth and the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath. He had a broad face and a round belly that shook when he laughed like a bowl full of…”
“Yes, jelly, my favorite thing,” Killian chuckled. “Emma once made me believe it had magical healing properties!”
“That was jello, not jelly but I remember that!” David laughed, clapping him on the shoulder. “That seems like so long ago now.”
“Aye. We’re talking fifteen years ago, mate!”
“Ugh, stop being old and get on with the story!” Wes complained again.
David snorted. “If only they knew how old you really are…”
Killian glared at him.
“Are you suggesting that Dad is like a bajillion years old?” Wes asked.
“Don’t be stupid. Bajillion isn’t a number,” Harrison said. Killian didn’t need to be there to know his eldest was rolling his eyes.
“Says who?” Wes demanded to know.
“Says me,” Harrison responded.
“Oh, so no one.”
“See what you started,” Killian remarked, narrowing his eyes at his father-in-law.
“They do that entirely on their own!”
“I can see what you meant by handful now…” Aladdin remarked, looking like he was trying very hard not to laugh.
“Where’s my story?” Beth demanded.
“It’s not your story, it’s OUR story!” Ruthie responded, sounding annoyed.
“If everyone would just stop interrupting me then it would be done by now...” Killian remarked with a sigh.
“I know. Boys are stupid, Daddy.”
“And you aren’t much better,” Neal muttered under his breath but Killian heard him through the conch all the same.
“I’m going to continue now before the second coming of Ogre Wars breaks out,” Killian commented dryly, licking his lips. “Anyway, Santa was chubby and plump - a right jolly elf and I laughed when I saw him in spite of myself.  A wink of his eye and a twist of his head soon gave me the know that I had nothing to…”
“Dread!” The response came from all of the children but was muted in comparison to their original yelling. Killian wasn’t sure if it was because of the leftover animosity between the children or that they were getting tired.
“Aye, dread. Now, he spoke not a word but went straight to his work and filled up all the stockings then turned with a jerk. And laying his finger aside of his nose and giving a nod, up the chimney he…”
“He sprung to his sleigh to his team gave whistle. And away they all flew like the down of a thistle but I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight…Merry Christmas to all and to all…”
“Good night…” They finished for him. Killian smiled when he heard one of them yawn.
“What time is it for you? I’m almost certain it’s bedtime and Santa is gonna be there soon,” he said to them.
“It’s a little after nine,” Harrison answered.
“Which is way past your bedtime,” David remarked, rubbing his temples. “All of you should have been in bed an hour ago.”
“But you’re not here. I don’t want to sleep without you tucking me in,” Ruthie whined.
“Mom is gonna tuck you in tonight and I will tuck you in tomorrow, I promise. Now, be good and go to bed, sweetheart. Santa is coming and I don’t want you missing out on your presents,” David replied, swallowing audibly. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Daddy.” There was a pause. “And I love you too, Hook.”
A sad smile crossed Killian’s lips.
“I love all of you. But you really need to get to bed. So, good night and Merry Christmas. I’ll see you tomorrow. Please hand the shell over to Emma.”
“Merry Christmas!” They chorused.
“This Christmas is very big deal,” Jasmine said quietly. “I’m sorry you’re missing it.”
“It’s not your fault,” David said quietly. “There will be other Christmases.”
“Killian?” Emma’s voice sounded from the shell.
“I’m here, love.”
“You’re amazing. I wish you were here to see how happy they were that you did the story. They were all huddled around the shell. It was...I really wish you were here.”
“I wish I was there too,” he replied with a sad smile. “Hopefully if all goes well, I’ll be there tomorrow tonight.”
“I don’t want to do Christmas without you.”
“You have to. The kids are expecting presents from Santa,” he replied with a shake of his head even though he knew his wife couldn’t see him.
“I know…I’m going to have to put the kids to bed and handle Kris Kringle soon, but I love you and can’t wait for you to be back,” she paused for a moment, sighing. “Merry Christmas, Killian.”
“Merry Christmas, darling.”
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renegadesrpg · 4 years ago
Soulmates, Part 12: A Holiday Special.  Sean & Layla
Sean: *As I materialize in the foyer of the Brazil safe house....mansion is more like it... I pull out a small box and flip it open, once again examining the contents and hoping @ChosenDarkened will like it. With a smile, I shut the box and pocket it and then take the steps two at a time, calling out...*
 Are you ready baby? I'd like to make sure we're back in Caldwell before sunrise.
 Layla: *I hear Sean coming and finish taping on the bow just as he enters*
 Yes, Nallum. All ready except grabbing Bear. The gifts are right there with our clothes and such. *I point to the pile on our bed just as Bear and Reaper come scrambling into the room.*
  Sean: *Following the animals into the room I raise my eyebrow* We managed to accumulate all that in the few weeks we've been here? *laughing* For a reaper who was used to travel light, I've managed to get a lot of stuff. *Grabbing you around the waist* But this right here, is the /best/ stuff. *teases as I kiss you*
  Layla: *Kisses you over and over smiling* The very best my love. Just hope you like what I got you...surprised I'm nervous about it. Guess because I'm not used to celebrating this holiday but I'm excited to as well.  *I speak as I reach for Bear, cradling him in my arms, trying to rid myself of the nerves fluttering through me.*
 Love, grab Reaper he's trying to run under the bed! *I start laughing at the antics Reaper is causing*
  Sean: Baby, it's from you. I'll love it. I've never exchanged gifts before. It wasn't really my tradition as a human. *grabbing the pup as he scampered across the bed, I secure him in my arms before he can cause any damage.* I was born well before this whole "Christmas" thing came into being. Around 3500 BC, near as I can make it out. But we did celebrate the Winter solstice and honored the forest spirits by bringing in a tree. And we burned a Yule log. I'd like to do those things when we get back. *looking down at the squirming puppy, I bend my head down and nuzzle him, whispering* quiet down. You'll like the new place, I promise.
  Layla: *I smile watching you with the pup* That sounds wonderful Nallum. I'd like to learn more about your customs and make them part of our family traditions. *smiles* I'm ready when you are.
  Sean: *standing up with the pup and wrapping my arm around her waist* Take a breath, gorgeous. We'll be there in a sec. *misting us into the half-world reapers travel in, it only takes a nanosecond to bend time and space and put us where I want us to be. I get a little resistance from the wards Zav put around the mountain but the medallion that serves as a key opened them and let me through before slamming shut behind us. Materializing in the snow in front of the cabin, I have to smile. The suggestion I'd implanted in Fritz's ear had worked The house was lit up like a human Christmas tree.*
Welcome home Nalla.
 Layla: Oh Nallum! It’s beautiful! All the colors and sparkle. *I almost forget I have Bear in my arms as I reach up to hug and kiss you* Thank you for this gift. *I take a deep breath inhaling the scent of snow in the air*
 So beautiful. I know it's cold but it’s also so magical. The lights make the snow sparkle and shimmer. *My eyes light up as I take it all in*
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 Sean: *Her response to the lights reflecting off the snow has me grinning. I've never done this kind of thing, and I know it's not vampiric tradition either, but the doggen always seem to come through for their masters and #Fritz was an exceptional doggen. The idea that mistress Layla would like something like this had tickled him and he'd gone all out.* Let's get in out of the cold. *leading her up the steps, I take out the charmed medallion and use it to key the wards.*
Zav's wards should prevent both reaper and demon from being able to access the mountain. Only this *holding up the medallion* Lets me get through. Sin and the others also have them, but no one else. Zav warded the house even more tightly. The front door is the only access point open to reapers and even then, you've still got to have this. So there will be no misting directly in. As for demons.... I think Zav rigged lightning bolts or something to rain down if one even steps on the front porch. *holding the door open for her, I set the pup down as he scampers off to investigate the large pine tree in the living room*
 Hey, buddy, stay out of those boxes by the tree! There's breakables!
  Layla: A tree!!! Yay this is going to be fun. *I squeal as I let Bear down to investigate. I run over to the tree and lean in to smell the pine scent and then I bend to open the boxes of decorations.* Can we decorate now?? Can we?
 Sean: *laughs, following her in* Yes, we can. Let me light the fireplace to help warm this room up first. *The old doggen had thoughtfully laid the wood for me so it only took a thought for the fireplace to flare to life* Now I think lights go on first? Kneeling to open a box and I pull out several strands.* Hmmm. You're supposed to start at the top, I think, but it's too tall. Here. *kneeling down* Climb on my shoulders and I'll hold you up so you can wrap the top part.
  Layla: *I look at him skeptically then carefully climb onto his shoulders totally unused to it.* Do I hold onto your ears for support?
*I giggle as he carefully stands and I start wrapping the lights around the top of the tree.* Like this Nallum? It look ok?
 Sean: *Holds onto her knees and pretends to stagger a little under her weight as I stand back up* Whoa, *teases* easy there.... *laughs as I watch her* I think so....*pointing to one branch* Maybe that row a little lower? We want room to hang stuff, right?
 Layla: *I look at the area you point at and move the light string down so there is space for baubles.* That better? This is going to be so beautiful. Nallum? Should I put the topper on while I'm up here?
  Sean: Perfect. Yeah, you probably should. *Holding onto your legs as I carefully lower myself to one knee and start to reach for a box*
 Ahh... babe there's a choice here. Hop off and help me pick one out. I guess #Fritz didn't know which one you'd like. *lowering my head for you to climb off.* I guess that fluffy white angel is traditional but none of the ones I know look like that and all but Zav are major doucheb....ah... jerks.
  Layla: *I laugh as I climb off, stopping to bend and kiss your lips* I like both. The star speaks to me more though. Its sparkly like the lights outside and on the tree. I think we should use it. What do you think?
  Sean: *smiling as she kisses me. Man, there are perks to being in love.* I like the star better too. It's more in line with the winter solstice. We... druids... built our stone circles to capture the stars at certain positions, especially the Winter and Summer solstices, so it's  perfect. Grab it and climb back on. *kneels again so she can climb on my shoulders*
 Layla: *I grab the star and climb back on your shoulders placing my hand on your head as you stand. Once up I place the star on and twist it until it looks straight, perfectly placed.* There! Now let’s finish these lights.
  Sean: *Looking up as I hold on to you, I have to smile as you fuss with the topper* Perfect. Ok, I think we can reach the rest of the tree from down here. I'm going to bring you down. *Steps back a little too quickly and your weight shifts forward as I start to lose my balance.*
 Oh shi....CRAP! *Mists us both out and reforms us falling back on the couch with you on my lap*
  Layla: *As we fall over I squeal then we are on the couch* Oof! Good save love. *I smile with relief as I get up and lean over to kiss you and bop your nose* No comments about my weight. It was your idea after all. *turns to head back to the tree.* Come on slow poke, let’s do this.
  Sean: *snickers* It wasn't weight, it was balance. Mine. I lost it. *pops up off the couch and kneels beside the boxes to sort through.* There's a box of glass balls, some candy canes.... why would you put candy on a tree? And there's some other ones too.
 Layla: Ohhh pretty! The candy canes will match the outside ones. *I smile broadly grabbing the candy canes and start placing them randomly around the tree.* Love grab the balls and put them on.*I giggle hard when I mention grabbing balls.*
  Sean: *snickers, murmuring* Later you can handle some. *clearing my throat and picking up the a box of glass globes in red and green.* They have these little hooks on them. *Examining one, then tentatively hanging the ornament on tree from it, poking it to watch it swing* Hey, look how they catch the light! *hangs another* Look, hang them in front of the lights. It makes them sparkle. Here, you do one.
  Layla: *I watch them sparkle and swing and just love it* This is so fascinating and beautiful. Its mesmerizing. *I take the ball from your hands and place it gently on a limb by a light* Oh my...magic! This is so fun!! Let’s do more. *I take 2 more balls and place them.*
  Sean: *After we finish with the glass ball ornaments I come up behind you and wrap my arms around your waist, kissing your neck and looking at the tree* Pretty. But not as pretty as my nalla. There are a few more ornaments. *Letting you go and handing you some glass icicles as I take a Santa and a deer ornament.* What's this? A fat guy in a red suit and a deer? I get the deer, honoring the forest spirits, but why the fat guy?
  Layla: Ohhh I read up on him. They call him Santa Claus. Some call him Father Christmas. There are several lores about him and his origins. Each country has their thoughts, but basically he is the spirit of giving. He brings gifts every December 25th in the night when all humans sleep.
  Sean: *wrinkling my forehead* But I thought Christmas was about a baby? Humans. *shaking my head* They even get their own traditions screwed up. And I say that as a former human. *Finally finishing the tree, I put my arm around her shoulder as we step back to look at it* Looks good. *stealing a kiss* I think we have our first tradition, Nalla. Now, *hand slipping inside my pocket to rub my thumb along the small box nervously. I really want her to like this. I wasn't sure, but... we'll see, I guess. With a thought I bring the clothes and boxes from the bed in the safe house to our room here.* I put all the stuff from Brazil upstairs in our room. *smiling* Umm... I saw some wrapped packages in them before we left. You want to get them?
  Layla: Yes! Wait here. *I peck your lips then go upstairs and grab the gifts I wrapped for him. I head downstairs excited and nervous at the same time* These are yours my Nallum. I hope you like them. This one first. *I smile nervously.*
  Sean: *taking the package and looking it over* The wrapping is beautiful. Sure you want me to open it? *teases as I steal a kiss, then gently lifts off the elaborate bow and rips into the paper*
  Layla: *Bites my lip nervously as he opens it.* Well?
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Sean: It's...it's beautiful nalla...did you paint this? *I'm nearly speechless at the delicacy of the painting* The infinity symbol, I understand, but who is she?
  Layla: She's time. *I smile* She is the keeper of all infinite things...like love, time together, and beauty.
 Sean: *smiling at you as I lean over and kiss you gently.* You're beautiful, we have endless love and I cherish our time together. And I hope it never ends. I love you Nalla.
  Layla: I love you too my Nallum. *I smile* Here, open this one.
 Sean: *slipping the ribbons from around the box, I tear open the brown paper wrapping.* The wrapping was beautiful but I like this. It's simple. Kind of like me. *laughs*
 Layla: It's you Nallum. It’s how I see you. Especially the eyes. The love, the power, the compassion that I see and feel every time I see you. *grins nervously*
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Sean: Wow....*it comes out in a quiet breath* This is how you see me? *I see it, the strength, the caring. Both hope and sadness, love and compassion...it's all there.* There's so much there... you do me honor Nalla. More than I deserve. *raising my clear blue eyes to meet hers* I'm humbled. *carefully laying the sketch on the table, I pull you into my arms and kiss you long and slow, breaking only to lay my forehead against yours.*
 You are ...everything.
  Layla: *taking a breath after our kiss, I lay my forehead against yours then trace my finger down your cheek* You honor me Nallum. I hope I'm always worthy of your love and praise.
  Sean: *smiling softly* that will never be in question my brave, beautiful Chosen. *licking my lips nervously* I only have one thing for you and I'm not artistic like should are but I hope you like it. It has meaning for me. *Reaching in my pocket, I hold out a small package.
  Layla: Nallum...*I gently remove the ribbon then gently take the paper off. I open the small box...* Nallum! *tears form as I look at the gift within the box*
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 Sean: You said you wanted opals and emeralds. The opal is a fire opal. The emeralds are set in a basic triquetra. It's a Celtic symbol. The three loops symbolize life, death, and rebirth. It's drawn in one continuous line symbolizing the endless nature of that cycle. It is eternal.
  Layla: Like our love. *hiccups as tears fall* It’s the most exquisite thing I've ever seen. It’s perfect. *I reach for you and kiss you with all I have*
  Sean: *Leaning back against the couch as we kiss, pulling you with me and letting all I feel for you pour over you.* You are the other half of my soul Nalla. I didn't realize how empty I was, how much I didn't have until I there was you. Our souls will always be together. This I promise you. We will never be parted.
Layla: And I promise to lift you up when you're down, to hold you close when you feel you are floating, and to shield you from all storms. You are my other half Nallum, I love you always.
  Sean: *Reaching for the box, I take the ring out and take your left hand* For always and forever my beloved. *Gently I slide it on your finger as I kiss you*
  Layla: *I return the kiss with all that I am as you slide the ring on* For always my male. *I kiss you again*
 Sean: We will always spend the Winter Solstice like this. Together. *Resting back into the couch with you on my shoulder, I drop a kiss on your forehead and settle in to watch the Yule log burn with my eternal mate.*
 #Soulmates #Renegades #RRPG #AU #BDB #Reapers #Vampires #Angels #Wolfen #Ghosts
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buythebackpackdobbyfucker · 7 years ago
It’s in the Rules
I got @cursivelettering for @wlwpjoexchange!! Happy Holidays and have some Witches! Pipazel celebrating winter!
Hazel shoved Piper off their bed when she ignored all of her cutesy winter wake up jokes, she’d been willing to let her sleep past the alarm but now her girlfriend was just being a pest. The fake snore she made from the ground only confirmed that. Hazel popped her head over to make sure Piper’s alright just in case.
She’d be worried if she wasn’t, Piper’s a witch and really should be able to pull out a cushioning charm with ease. She said as much to her when she rolled off the bed to join her on the floor.
“Shut up,” Piper mumbled into the floor. Hazel lifted one of the braids Piper wore to sleep and poked her cheek.
“Pipes, come on pleeeeaaasseee,” she pouted. “It’s the first snowfall and I want to start decorating the shop for the solstice.”
Piper turned her head towards her at the word solstice, “Oh, when’s that again.”
“December 21st, we have four days,” Hazel informed her as she rolled away and stood up from the floor. Piper sighed and followed after her.
Piper reached out and grabbed her hand, turning her around, “You find the hats I get the sweaters?”
Hazel smiled and nodded, “Thanks Pipes.” Piper pulled her closer and kissed her nose before twirling her off and away, the break apart and giggle as they run off to find snowflakes and charm icicles into lights.
Piper stared into the carefully kept attic and slowly walked to the very back where everything winter is kept, Hazel loved winter but she made new things for Fall every year and procrastinated for Winter so the amount of decorations is a tad disproportionate. Piper ended up tripping over a box of spirit vials and into Winter, their sweaters were lying on top of a birdcage. She pushed herself off the box and carefully made her way to the sweaters.
Two years ago, before they’d even started up the shop, Piper and Hazel had gone on a date and they’d been shopping in a Christmas Market. Piper had found the little shop full of cheesy pick up line shirts and ugly sweaters, the best part was that some of the sweaters didn’t even have Christmas things on them. They bought eight.
Piper pulled on the sweater with penguins wearing scarves, the scarves were little strips of yarn that Hazel liked to tug on and twirl around her finger. She picked up the rest of the sweaters and tripped her way out of the attic to bring Hazel hers.
Hazel walked down into the shop and opened up the back door. Every year she bought new Winter Witch hats for her and Piper to wear and this years had come in last night. She pulled on hers, it was covered in cobwebs trapping snowflakes and it had a beautiful silver buckle. She pulled the brim over her eyes and hugged herself tight. Winter was always better with Witch Hats.
A loud noise came from upstairs and Hazel frowned, she slowly made her way to the stairs as several more thumping noises were made. She managed to catch Piper trip down the last set of stairs, holding the sweaters above her head like a trophy. Hazel giggled and ducked under the stack of sweaters to kiss her nose.
Piper blushed and brought the sweaters down between them, she was already wearing the Penguin scarf one so Hazel picked out the one that had a picture of cats with laser eye vision. Hazel pulled off her Witch Hat and placed it on Piper’s head.
Piper fixed the hat so it hugged her head right and tugged Hazel up the stairs and into the kitchen and sat her down at the counted, “Winter Morning Pancakes?”
Hazel nodded eagerly as she tugged the sweater over her head, “With white chocolate chips?”
Piper tossed a white chocolate chip at her and Hazel caught it in her mouth. “Hey!” she said, sliding off of her chair. “White chocolate chips aren’t allowed to be used as ammo in the household its in the rules.”
Piper raised and eyebrow, “What rules?” Hazel made her way around the table and wrapped her arms around Piper’s neck.
“Hm,” She mused. “My rules.” Piper laughed and they rocked back and forth, still a little sleepy but feeling a lot more Wintery.
Piper was turning the sign around to read open when she noticed the lamps that hung next to the doors were still filled with black fire, Piper quickly placed her palm against the lamps and pushed in a bit of Winter Whimsy, the lamps filled with a warm orange fire. Last year they’d chosen blue but Piper was a bigger fan of orange flames and Hazel had forgotten to switch it out.
She turned back into the shop and went to work fixing up stray tinsel that the cats got into earlier. “Orange fire? Really?”
Piper lifted her head and her heart melted at the sight of Hazel in her Winter Witch hat and ugly sweater. One of the cats was weaving through her feet as she made her way over to Piper, her arms were crossed but she was biting down on her lip. Hazel did that whenever she didn’t want to smile at something one of the troublesome kitten’s did.
“It’s in the rules,” Piper told her with a shrug. Hazel nodded, and pulled out the Witch hat she’d ordered Piper.
“Is that so?” She asked, she was holding the giant beautiful thing in front of her now.
Piper nodded, “That’s so, hate to break it to you baby.”
Hazel smiled, “You know what else is in the rules?”
“What?” She asked.
Hazel stepped closer to her and placed the hat onto Piper’s head, “Winter Witch hats and candy cane earrings.”
Piper grinned, “Sounds like a pretty good rule to me.”
“I thought so too,” Hazel said, her lips quirking up into a smile. Then she tugged the brim of Piper’s hat down over her eyes and raced off giggling.
Piper pushed the hat back into place and watched her go, her heart went all soft and smushy at the sound of her laughter ringing through the shop.
Hazel yawned as she cuddled against Piper. Their hats were sitting on their stands by the bedside tables and Piper was reading her Winter Fairy tales, her voice ringing through the room filled with rich magic. Piper pressed a kiss to Hazel's head and put the book to the side. The first day of Last Minute Solstice Preparations had tired them both out but neither girl wanted to sleep just yet.
"Remember when we met?" Hazel asked her, her words quiet and sleepy.
"Yes," Piper said. "It was the Solstice."
"We were at a party, it was in the dorms in University," Hazel told her, Piper nodded they'd had a party for everything back in Uni.
"You were there with Leo and Jason, I'd gone with Frank and was trying to talk him into asking Leo out and Jason," Piper turned her head to Hazel, an eyebrow raised.
Hazel giggled, "I started talking to you because you were an incredibly pretty girl and my friend had just given me an excuse to try and make a move." Piper blushed and pushed her away, Hazel laughed.
"C'mon Pipes, remember what you were wearing?"
Piper stole Hazel's pillow and held it against her face. "Nope!" She said, her voice muffled. Hazel stole back her pillow and rolled her eyes.
"You were wearing the ugliest winter holiday sweater dress I'd ever seen, it had a wreath for a belt and it and you had a jingle bell headband," Piper peeked out from under the pillow to see the fond look Hazel wore.
Piper sighed and put the pillow to the side, "You were wearing a tinsel necklace, tinsel earrings, you had tinsel in you hair and tinsel around your ankles, I thought you were an angel."
Hazel bit her lip, "Kisses?" Piper leaned forward and bumped their noses, Hazel giggled and brushed their noses again.
"I love bunny kisses," she said sleepily.
Piper nodded and pulled her close, "I love you."
Piper pulled the covers off of Hazel and got out of bed, Hazel would follow when her hands and feet got cold. She walked downstairs and fed the stray cats that always seemed to be around and picked out the ugly sweater for the day.
She went with the tinsel collared sweater and grabbed the Star sweater with LED lights for Hazel. Hazel was waiting in Piper’s sweats and one of her beanies with a cup of Hot Chocolate, Piper traded the sweater for the cocoa and a kiss. Hazel tugged the sweater on and they stood there smiling at each other, Piper probably had a goofy grin on her face and she couldn’t care less.
Hazel reached out and wiped at Piper’s upper lip. “Hot Chocolate stache,” She murmured. Piper leaned forward to follow her hand when she noticed what was missing from the top of their heads, “The Winter hats!”
Piper turned around and tripped her way into their room. Hazel giggled and followed after her girlfriend. Piper turned to face her, her arms serving as hat stands. Hazel took hers and pressed a thank you kiss on Piper's cheek, "Time to open up baby."
Piper pulled on her own hat and linked their hands, "Happy second day of Last Minute Solstice, Haze."
"Happy second day of Last Minute Solstice," Hazel repeated with a giggle.
Hazel walked out of the backroom with their brooms and skates in her hands just as Piper finished ringing up their last customer for the day, “Skating?”
Piper grinned, “Skating.”
Hazel took care of locking up the cash and the precious gems and Piper ran upstairs to get their Winter Flying Cloaks. When she came back down Hazel spelled their hats on tight they danced out the door.
They tied the skates to their brooms and pulled their hair back and pushed off.
Flying is beautiful and free and magic in warm weather. In winter as soon as you get on a broom you start to feel a snowstorm in your bones, Hazel didn't mind but Piper kept close to Hazel's side and murmured a quick warming charm.
"Hey, Pipes?" Hazel called loudly over the wind. Piper nodded.
"Sing a song?" Piper laughed, her laugh and her voice wasn't blown away by the wind and Hazel grinned, that meant she was going to sing.
Piper opened her mouth and the words that came out sent Hazel into giggles that the wind stole and gave away to anyone else in the sky that day.
“Hey now, you’re an allstar…”
Hazel swatted at Piper, “No more kisses till I get my skates on.” Piper pouted.
“It’s in the rules, Pipes,” Piper sighed dramatically as she stepped onto the ice and started doing laps while she waited, Hazel watched her for a moment before she remembered that she was supposed to be lacing up her skates. She stood up and when she looked to see where Piper was she almost fell over as her girlfriend had somehow managed to end up right in front of her.
Piper grabbed her hands and pulled her onto the ice, “Cold, baby?” Hazel hmmd and linked their arms.
“Not yet.” They did laps and Piper twirled her and she fell on her bum and she dragged Piper down with her. The two girls sat on the cold ice with their heads leaning against each other for support and their hats in their laps watching the sky get darker.
“Yeah, Pipes?”
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Pipes.”
Hazel put away the brooms and Piper unspelled their cloaks and hats and they tiptoed into bed, doing their best not to wake the stray cats downstairs. They slid into bed and held each other. Cars and brooms and early Solstice fireworks were heard but the two girls clung tight to each other and focused only on the sound of each others breath.
As Hazel slipped away into dreams, she swore she started to hear Piper's heartbeat. Piper pressed a kiss to Hazel as she fell asleep and dropped her head down next to her and drifted off to Hazel's quiet snoring.
The third day of Last Minute Solstice included gingerbread houses, donuts for breakfast and dealing with the last minute shoppers. Hazel was slightly less excited but Piper managed to pull her out of bed because there was no way she was going to be manning the cash again. They stumbled down the stairs, their hats hastily spelled on and the matching they'd thrown on the gingerbread ugly sweaters.
Hazel burned the toast and Piper thanked her with a kiss and they opened the shop. Piper disappeared at some point and Hazel tried not to think about throwing candy canes at her. The cats took over for most of the day, tripping up the annoying customers and directing the nice ones to the counted.
Hazel had made Piper charm her smile permanent for a few hours and it was so nice to not have to try later, she was about to reach over and jam her wand down someones throat when the love of her life walked through the door with donuts.
Piper made her way through the cats and the tripping last minute shoppers and went down on her knee in front of Hazel, "Baby, will you do me the honour of eating a Third Day of Last Minute Solstice?”
Hazel’s fake smile melted into a fond one, “Of course, Pipes.” She pulled her girlfriend up to her feet and picked out a donut and gave her half, “But only if you share it with me. Its in the rules, you know.”
Piper wrapped her arms around Hazel and spun her around, “Haze, Haze your the best” Hazel laughed and squeezed her silly girlfriend back even though they really should be working.
Piper turned the sign over to read closed and collapsed on the floor with a sigh, “Hey babe?”
“Yeah?” Hazel called down from upstairs.
“Gingerbread house time?”
There was a pause and a crashing noise and then, "Got it out, c'mon up!"
Piper grinned and pushed herself up, she gave one of the strays a treat and took the stairs two at a time. Hazel was waiting for her, she had the box on the table waiting to be opened. The girls put their Winter hats to the side and changed their ugly sweater for pajama tops, there was no way they were ruining the treasures.
"You ready," Hazel asked, her hand was ready with a knife at the tape. Piper nodded, doing her best to maintain a serious expression.
"Go ahead." Hazel slowly, carefully cut the tape. Then she got impatient and put the knife to the side and ripped the cardboard apart, Piper caught a packet of candy in the air and walked closer to the table. The gingerbread was all still intact and while some of the candy packets had exploded they rarely used them, the girls liked to shop for gingerbread house candy in October.
Piper transfigured a spoon into a broom because she was too lazy to run down and grab the actual brooms, Hazel just got on her knees and started gathering candies. A few minutes in they realized they could summon all the candy into a trash bag.
Hazel started giggling and Piper elbowed her, “Pipes, Pipes, you thought to turn a spoon into a broom but not just conjure the candy.” Piper threw a candy at her and Hazel pushed her onto the kitchen couch and kissed her embarrassed frown into a smile.
After a while of kissing and cuddling and candy cane fights they finished the gingerbread house. Piper carefully iced witch hats onto the gingerbread witches and Hazel made sure the house had icicles and lamps.
Piper finished up with the buckles on the hats and turned to her girlfriend, Hazel was adding orange flames to the lamps. Piper lifted up the icing bag, "Hey, baby?"
"Yeah?" Hazel asked, she was carefully placing the fire into the gingerbread.
"Icing fight?" Hazel looked up to see Piper holding a bag of pink icing.
"Pipes..." Piper grinned and squeezed down on the piping bag, icing went everywhere, Hazel got a new mustache.
Hazel's hand slowly lifted up to her pink mustache, "Piper."
Piper shrugged, "Icing fights are a mandatory when making gingerbread houses, Haze. It's in the rules." Hazel grabbed two bags of icing.
"Well, if that's so..."
The two girls collapsed onto the bed.  "Hey Pipes?"
"Yeah baby?" Piper replied, her eyes drooping.
"I totally won that."
Piper pushed herself up onto her elbows and raised an eyebrow, "Really?"
Hazel nodded, she was lying on the bed with her eyes closed, "Really."
"Hm," Piper mused. "Well, I think I'm going to win the tickle war."
Hazel's eyes flew open, "Piper McLe-" Piper pounced and the two girls dissolved into laughter.
On the Winter Solstice, the shortest day and longest night of the year, Piper and Hazel woke up together. The magic was thick in the air, it didn't help that right below the floor was a shop full of magic absorbing the crackling feeling the Solstice brought.
Hazel tossed Piper her Winter Witch hat, it would be heavier today but today was the most important day to wear it. Piper threw the Magic ugly sweater back, it had reindeer and cauldrons and wands in that pixel font and they always wore them on the Solstice.
After they got dressed they let the cats upstairs and locked up the shop behind them. The cats would sleep all day and night.
Piper pulled Hazel along and bought them pastries for breakfast, Hazel was always sleepy to start and Piper would get sleepy near the end. They walked through the streets, Piper could see other witches walking in streams. They were all heading for the fields, they'd release the pent up magic there and dance their ways home.
Hazel didn't notice much besides how warm and nice it is to be wrapped up in your girlfriend's arms. Piper made sure she was comfy and pressed a kiss to her hand, the only part of her that wasn't covered in something warm and knitted. Hazel murmured something Piper couldn't quite make out in response and burrowed further into Piper's arms. She didn't mind.
As the day continued Hazel slowly woke up and they moved apart a bit, but the girls refused to let go of each others hands. They sung songs and watched magic fly out of witches fingertips in fireworks and ice and wind.
The Solstice was a day for magic and celebration. They drank hot chocolate one of the regulars at their shop offered them and caught up with friends from University that they always saw at the Solstice's.
Soon enough, it was night. Piper and Hazel headed to the middle of the fields and shared one more kiss before stepping apart, their hands fell to their sides and the earth shook beneath Hazel's feet and everything untied or loose flew about Piper. The world sang and witches cackled around them and then everything fell calm and the girls collapsed into each other.
Piper helped push Hazel back to her feet with a grin, "How you doing, baby?"
Hazel grinned, "Dance with me?" Piper smiled and twirled her around. They danced and twirled and sang, Piper lifted Hazel up into the air and Hazel dipped Piper into a kiss and they ended up back outside of the shops door past midnight.
Piper was falling asleep on her feet even thought Hazel had never looked more awake, she was beautiful like that, Piper thought. Hazel was always beautiful though, Piper could never get enough of her. She found herself sinking to her knees and pulling out the metal band she'd been keeping in her cloak pocket for months.
"Haze?" She asked.
Hazel's eyes were watering up and she swatted at Piper's shoulder, "Pipes, you beautiful girl, I can't think of anything to say but yes." She helped her to her feet and Piper stared into her girl-fiancee's eyes and felt her heart melt.
And then Hazel pulled out a ring, "But you have to wear yours too baby. It's in the rules." Piper started laughing, laughing and crying and she slid her finger into the ring and lifted the brim of Hazel's Winter Witch hat to kiss her proper.
When they broke apart Hazel asked, "What was that for?"
Piper shrugged, a smile lighting up her face. "You have to kiss your fiancee on the Winter Solstice, it's in the rules."
Hazel laughed and pulled her close for another kiss, "Sounds like a good rule to me."
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