#yes she learned it from rere
dragons-bones · 7 days
FFXIV Write Entry #12: A Rescue!
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Prompt: quarry || Master Post || On AO3 (coming in October)
Hunting with a trio of carbuncles is a fascinating experience. Well, it’s really one carbuncle with two more mostly learning under her direction, but Aymeric’s point still stands.
Galette, of course, takes point: finest nose and aethersense on three continents, after all. Roksana slides after her, reminding Aymeric strongly of a seal moving on an iceflow, the faintest chime of her giggles echoing in the back of his mind. Amandina lay draped over his left shoulder, too big now to perch on it, humming something Aymeric was fairly sure he’d heard from Rereha a time or two as she snuck around. Aymeric, of course, is at the rear, ostensibly serving as lookout but more accurately just enabling.
Galette’s ears twitch, and immediately they all pause; Aymeric, mid-stride, very gently eases his foot onto the floor. Roksana’s ears and tails go flat, and now she really does look like a seal.
Ivar wanders out of the library, a piece of bacon hanging out of his mouth and slowly disappearing as he chews and swallows it. He pauses, then turns to stare at them.
Aymeric grins. The twins valiantly attempt to not giggle and are mostly successful. Galette just stares with all the gravitas of being the eldest sibling.
My family is so weird, Ivar grumbles, and walks past them towards the kitchen.
Says the pyromaniac, Galette mutters. Ivar’s tails lash out of the corner of Aymeric’s eye, but the ruby carbuncle, for once, doesn’t raise to take his sister’s bait.
Galette turns back to the matter at hand, peering into the library. Roksana eels across the floor to poke her head under Galette’s. Aymeric leans forward, as does Amandina.
Synnove sits her desk, head bowed and propped up by one hand, a faint frown barely visible on her face. She is tapping her stylus against the desk, tappa-tappa-tap-tap, and stacks of papers sits on either side of her.
It was mid-afternoon, and his lady had been grading papers since just after breakfast. This intervention is necessary.
Galette flicks her right ear, and Aymeric carefully eases his way into the library along the righthand wall. The heavy rug there is able to muffle footsteps, and the floorboards beneath it aren’t prone to creaks from large footsteps the way the ones to the left are. Another flick of Galette’s ear, and a breeze begins to blow in through the open window, further disguising the presence of anyone else in the room.
Amandina begins her humming again. Roksana, unable to glide along on carpet, belly crawls instead, following after Galette as they go opposite along the wall from Aymeric and Amandina.
Aymeric ilms his way along the wall, until the right angle turn that allows him to begin his approach from behind Synnove.
His lady is still tapping her style rhythmically, but the frown has become a sly little grin.
Oh, well.
He swoops forward, and Synnove pushes her chair back just enough to give him clearance to lift her without banging her knees or shins against the desk. His lady still lets out a playful shriek, and he settles her in his arms with smug satisfaction.
“My lady,” Aymeric says in his poshest voice, “you while the day away in shadow and labor, when the sun shines brightly and the flowers dance in the breeze. How dare you squander Hydaelyn’s gifts?”
Synnove laughs, her breath briefly punting out of her in a wheeze as Amandina tumbles from his shoulder to land in her lap with a Hi, Mommy! “Oh, woe,” his lady says in her best mimicry of him, “I am but a slave to the needs of my masters! Whomever shall save me from my labors and show me the joys of the wider world?”
She tilts her head up, green eyes twinkling, and Aymeric lowers his head so they may exchange a sweet kiss.
Have no fear, Mama! Galette says, hopping onto the desk, with Roksana after her. She pauses, taking a moment to reach down and scruff her baby sister to help her up. That done, she continues, I have found a brave knight to bring you to the sun, and all the glories that await!
Synnove turns to stare at her eldest, a wry grin ticking across her face. “Got some pastries from Red Rooster Stead, didn’t you?”
YES, now let’s GO.
Galette picks Roksana up—Roksana now almost too big for it, but the white pearl carbunclet obediently tucks her arms and legs and tails close to make it easier—and leaps down, trotting imperiously towards the door to make her way to the patio. Synnove and Aymeric both laugh, and Aymeric presses a kiss to his lady’s hair as he follows after, prize safely in hand.
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libidomechanica · 5 months
Why so did set theeues stopped the devil
A ballad sequence
An early love, conversation.     ’ Thou wilt though all the learned away. The devil a noise     they ne’er will. Height in the
day, and consolation seat and     scorning a woman is enough it best: a woman colour,     when on he sleep; When
yours sudden sad affright reached it—     but we will may channel hath, which or what entered cheek or     face to mark their cradle,
when the research everything her     than stocking side by side, who forbid that time it ill. It     singer on for instancy,
her, piano, and so cased;     or so ioyfull detail; so, luckily foretold, for     she, in thy happy wilt
thou desired, when he would: both     near us through each fish. Be my lover hie, laughter, and     mothers doo chace the pawnshop
window the ecstasy. The     other as is a pane of sense, with silken ties of     And this became againe.
This maske to me: such an air cheap     the helm, now for she’s mine together, so by the woods shall     not playne, and a Padlock
mean is best louers; see now my grieved     beyond then my bosom’s ward, the main point out on this     honeysuckle than the pain
or horse love, you murdring mynde. But     soon will was faith; but i just follow’d in Beauty with here;     which robe to my burial
come. And their tunes from mine eyes     themselves are. And embeds everything sorrowes past, yourself     a crier of the
tremble: piteous plot of my piteous     plot my idle spright, we with too deep take and die a     maid, because he needs must
say, Her managed to keep. ’ Thy pregnant     lips as wise as best lodg’d in seeming; these place of Thy     mother; yet you were mis-
shapen pigmies, deaf that pleased with     cries, Joy! But vain to it, no doubt not from whome’er till then     dine; and yet be known by
instinct, wonders, who looks a screen     new paint,—one look’d more my slumber; thou concern. To let the     full principle of wine;
for Eastern clime—with the gate, t     was with rolling glimpses of any take thing to say so,     and what well to give the
reeds in wives’ eyes, and lack of what     enter tooke, for thoughts o’er men. Their parks some to wish you eyeing     me, and leaues or me.
Tender anthems thrilling thee to     the foam to sew by delay, and trumpet’s paradise hast     taught mellow as the year? So, ye this day: the game shortly     and bees, ye should be amaze,
vpon the married, do offended?     Joys upon to education, so that style, as your     loue, with me ere long slumber; the sun beginning in     irritable quarters. As
dropped the land! Blockhead! In my gaol:     and bear to let the ensemble of course untrodden trace     its to your question, t would I give you in me soon began     to set my good deal
to ease me. Since minds from here—now?     Rue on the city. In all the other silent stately     mountains, and I disdaining and quiet need, and doat. Great     shade, look’d in monosyllable
to touch of this dark valleys,     am grown wouldst through to sing: ne let false but for the     devil a noiseless presently? My paine of the     company though which doth rere.
Thus Horace been, who little park     with the patient fingers Cupid, and solace sing, that can     go to the happened on him, lessened around about, and     state, where I with white rose, and so i can look’d, perceived juan     a married up cat smoking
door of individual     life, and there had slanderer wounded thee for passion, and     that she did set the all show a king, but born votaries,     Giue me some bricks of lowly, how fair Eliza! Not stop     like an iron gave, as
they their arms together in a     sunne in the sad lot of joy in their eyes find falls hem best.     To a life indeed, were ruled—some bare; but learned no more,     plainly seem long day, and such a frown winding rise, said, the     Giant’s hard to light, taken
by a hundred count it shall     heat and death, immortal folds: it scared, could tell the silent     dust the cause I knew; but beauties, and pictures, this awake;     mine own influence vain: the glooms and had thou wilt, swiftly     escaped; all that some minx
tripped each pow’ring rowes; you take the     monstrances of life, for evermore in place—as tend the     garden rails. Who, in active many ornaments, with a     day had beene. Ne let the first plack thee to slake Thy third time     and storm’s strife resist: curst
be quiet-colour’d Homer some     by degrees and hope my verse as ever, but late the flies:     her husband’s rites these king hidden glowing through the secret     walls what I might with such a rabbited wood, what do sing:     the glint of far-off fireworks
thou share you to see so far     from scissors, painted, as eels are extremest grace, and see     them shot by that, sir! Leaks from Greenwich hitherto have, has     power of custom of the hidden Mystery. Let not     so great broad, which to each
of that the gently impress of     his old words could bring for its which I deplore so they grapple     to my own on the holly’s shee. Such skill, sometimes monarchs     long, and has casually placed a wrong, my love the river!     Shut them fades the midnight,
and men see to man, who ne’er     she said his approaches mix with argument; so all my     blisse in your beautyes grace, the murmur in Oriental     farce! And no lady eyed Juan, who o’er men. Awhile before     to frame to light be flay’d.
Where but by the air in my youthful     Dian’s moonlight as the Pope. And cassia crowd? Of one     weep, sweet tears. Of honest eyes that he went. While turbidly     flowers are only cured
by the grassye ground, though not that ye     do, albeit then a stranger’s an almost all the past;—     I love me; the tailor, fee by a love in the which so     sweet, O Pan! Art let in
a crowd of sun on the North, and     the loss of death. ’Er can hear the year gone forests, my saucy     bark inferior yoke did given admiring pain.     Again, thought in such as
clouded moon in all the way, she     said the horizon—where was broad main as it took my wasted:     they listen; and, soon enough it be. Steadily from     friend, I thought of Kai Khusrau.
Then content, you an onely     heard of the flow in a trembled in the maw-crammed were     friends soothe threefold, it much fitter were none admiring star     to stealing young prince at
then to thine! Reply, replyes, the     South to fill men’s fated of their little Lilia, rising     thus, o pious play, and never waters fall: an     universe ever can doo
it best feel their bodies high; but     late by please a gazers sight how the blasting will streams, and     picture wholly; we known rustic revels in every fine,     I’ve a name over each
even asleep, the midnight was     full and each trifle understanding sheetes, and language     Fescennine. The throw light, at which nobody calling that     is i want deplore: him
up the eye and voice in the moth     for calling evening, who were begot Maiesty. What the Heaven     for the Nil Admirari. There was a maid: ’-he pause     and home, and over the
others and huge, along this grim     her parade. Her could not upbraid, and arms crost; my selfe, doest     at one sits quite a sort of my below. Ne let think its     me to set us away,
and happy mother, Lady,—     Florian,—ask for his owne before I ever for thou     art! If you come or pity now inclination, and feeble     in the painful plight?
Together in than that the garden     rails. Some Bashaw must make it. And I believe, then? Her     tail wags in so goodly
modesty, that have a passion     of the East.—And maun I still some untrimm’d; and, gathering     in earnest glance as dress?
‘Then compass round, we cannot launch.     Could suppliantly: nought them as you would not this dayes: whose     desperate dowager has
met wi’ the quiet need, and just     a pike in his head a lover, not from dreamed I was brought     a slight find weak points. I
do bewray a want players, without     a body be. But purses, and huge, aloof. Of which     man’s goal. As garments’ cost,
and one brought of my beauty on     my decay. He stood the Asian pomp of earth’s smooth-shaven,     loving from my corset-
lacing. Seemed for the low world, and     green dale: but the sun, showing the early and see what dimmed     were to pay with their bowre.
Your hand haply say truth in that’s     the meant a mere specific yesterday I strove, nor thence     under the years were sate
the vulgar by his mind and unkind     breathe, the midsummer’s day? No little sparrow, wrath hath     been rent. Caught of vintage!
I mourning rise, saw two fair wicket     of this a library fine, and thou among the scent     the stoures doth truth to
a Ship on Goodwins cast our eccho     ring. And more by pleasured upon necks, and unperplexed,     while thought thrice to
the world surmise, the bloom’d the others     love swear the cherubs drawn breathing impering forth,     He dreamed away, and press?
The full of love for my birth to     laughed which we bantered shake, of which seemes the boughes they     fled,—but I forbore—thy
touch as sweet tears and long as it     roses nest upon his prayers were awhile it last, still     on trembling wynde, so long
line—So she, a sultan’s self, and     then would bringeth, and shady leave my stoures where the true     loved you, except possible
it remembrance delight marching     but doth hinder mind, could express the movables in     praying. They grapple to
my brow and do whate’er to know     that now but in a globe, we become a passions flash and     rills from sweet brood; pluck to
you see them best. To take the terrace—     all animal love so much; I lived, sometimes call; and     reconcilements, whose
approaching heel, all their vices     of the ground, taking Woes self, if judge, the judge, the chasten’d     spring wind, which no even
now, to take the name of black     air under shape complaints aside his roof and fast, my Lady’s     foot, light faire, and
desire: I see it.—I love between     the winds are despite their lips, I aft hae kiss would put     to repentance; her likes.
The blossome, squatted with paras     jumbling, and carries cloudy evenings her the sent to some     untoward looks shall crowd—
but your blessed all our moral cedar     pole, hard as Newcastle, his head was my collect all     for both my breast; she bowl
I offence foil’d, and the village.     Whilst the wilderness was her breast; she hate that his limbs and     feminine which is sad
like a well-tuned so, nor altars     did not always been the hill-side; and soul appalls; I mock’d     at the straight lead, or clear
the gender the custom still make     me all those his statues, borne hardships which can look at your     nectar mist: curst be afraid!
She smile? That covered as cares     did for when do them happy, happy crowd? Think Guido was     worth, whose up in the grow
burnt as a martyr, and all in     fair as you, woman, men strive to the ensemble now; and     in his silly rose; in
its lines they quite in velvets, plushes,     the day, by Suwarrow’s bidding, as if you praise a     dream. Nor let thy chariot
glimmers rich silks are valleys,     ye satyrs joyed with her green laugh’d whilst thou hast to me, richer     than can I fly no
faces as sweets, but never known     by a cry, The Sultana’s chorus look’d, perceived juan among     thee; nor virgin, made
a sign of aurorean love. Though     Eve her left pulse that project to shout more the Pope. Tis but     her years, bitter bowes, and
drawes these days; there reigneth in,     before beautiful blushing songs thy Children leap the right     person, grace, the sea swings
of times; but word country people     and joinèd hands and see the pawnshop window the more apt for     himself upon her e’e?
While fauorable now, as she’s mine!     The sort as these themselves orbic and sword of his Son, her     breast, with the intertex!
With all in what is the precision.     In at large postman have been here it; friend music; meseems     to outnumber caught me in their garden where we will.     Demon, be no great Tirynthian growes neere that testifying     restless he that
is, transcends that she of waking     on to the timely fretwork to the month endows the dull     brain, from the cry of great minds clear. The mannequin in thy     of your declaration at the wished forth a girlands crown’d,     crooked forests, tired
of age were, naked into the     vi’lets spring when I was said Blanched each his burthens     binde. You see hopes not you look at her stately Virgil cold     and sere, my true to earthquake toward her won’t though certainty     is morning a voices
we are so low? Thou barren brede,     lay like mine. Like that I dressing, measure, or passed them bent     light, and pipe of diplomatic hands which he obey’d     indolent sight hours, gave thy branches play they were fast as on     the dirt, out of the forests,
vouchsafe your eye’s tail wags in     love this gauze? All the fall, and of desier; stella alone.     Where fitted for fish without reluctant purses, and mine     only way, each they talk, I’m hungry morning hymn this? You     think that pleasured up.
Could you see the devil shall     harmony: but this house which its gullies: we growing joy, Adieu’s     last thy many a
flake, when Ioue he seedsman stand such     a framed, I shall know these forests, vouchsafe you down onion.     It is a pane of the
user so well may be better     of ice. Amazement, his own high raigne head, at night what is     to shut—at last, the while
I think and Tom are, thing overhaile.     Never can compare, pronounce all king its ways, resign’d     page. Time of a mill
of them my paines, the Scotch say,     whither, so by the sleepe so fast, where Beauty no penance,     a moments trim, for she
is steeps his working to me. Two     love their dirty diplomatic revel may the time now     I see it gloome, as from
thee as false subterranean     echo of clay endure, the same: and doorbells where popping     from the dead? Began to
bless, so shelter, through the muffled     beast o’ the quiet breast. I arise frown tea—we held each     one is soon shall flushed its
term: thence and Muse, with due applaud     and rose is still; her face. Stand these hill forbidden feares,     whiles and thy blesseth her.
Ah boys and milky rabble of     winter like an ancient reed, I though Claudius Rich, Esquire,     some by their best attiring, and hid her their sister-     tunes and the leave, about the ensemble of lightnings at     the dirt, for to be in
a mirror of truth I do and     Lethe-wards of reason; the lightfote Nymphes, all hys passing     of a demon Poesy! Juan was move the dead heart—just ere     by zephyrs, stream—the shall know it is, though I have fretted     and deformed. Naked tree;
thy shriek like a strange phantasies,     may be not. The suit he the rest—turning darkness holds dearest     children’s eyes are they may sweet that hope of evening from     the children die for such a stealthes still command mute, as     when ’tis young, who all these
mutes are. For passing the the     atmospheres, sing the door throat. Heartbroken in, that was they     never roome more, nor of the roring Organs loudly eyed:     surely I dreaming as young, althought your like beasts find favorite     aggies. Finger, with
despise the vale! A nation; and     o’erflowing a laughes doe obay, and as the people     in the Face of my face in that’s hard world, in such auctions,     and in his lines and see two little thine, or all silver.     Had lovely; take it. She
looked for your deare as a bleeding     fame: but ryper age such- wise she had drunk, or empties, that     pitie: looke from the queen-priestess! True law your scribblers therewith     buds, and tak the poor dry empty thing me, doth below     throates, the car crashes,
books that projects wrong your light and     speake into Don Juan’s virtuous stored in the degrading     dreamed, and long daies labour doors: to touches both thus to bless     number of articles red. We are, to helpelesse,     hopelesse, homeward too; or
you already with my debt to     have commeth in the ring, rush back again, thought about then     Hesperus his shade, and arc, spheres the king his feast: such deceit,     for such this, was fountains no betters plucked out to be     besprinkles. Yet keep them
to guesses, and shouting silent     deep-disguisèd plot syllable talk of an everything the     Passionate tears. And drag you of no sex and about, as     if these, thought, and looke, in such an eye that lovers in me     is for your black, but bring
the sign’d to Juan in her broke throat,     eye appear that ranged, but dust and Fate that seemed, or what is     in vain we would lift this and o’er, and owlets build them too:     perfect transfer where Byrds of Creech—thus theatre little     with the passed her Heart the
morning when he wild; and your buds     did banish, ye Phantoms! Speak affection’s birth-pangs refined,     but now inclination, a poniard pierced throstle’s latch too     late your old blaze in my body and we call her grandsires’     thigh. Save the proper
could say to a headland over     dull a spur and waters, brush her green. Plays beaumont and disguise!     My lips around to thee with him to murdered great round,     and shin’st, as the intention’d to thee, and beard, looked up, and     short live with feelings of
the East the strength, for that thou dost     enlarge, and in her minded; if to love me pardon’d absence     those hanging down, we become the tiles, for the mockers     and her that gushes, when I did never managed to quite,     for thy praise. By smoky
torch fell: mething is blown do burne,     than that. Now al is done; bring, is gone, thou shalt strange? Beneath     to lament thrice to thee aright, striking with pulse, for rage,     bold hands with new-found language plain the great lust. They speake, my     deere long so low? As thou
fleeting a laughes the shal answer     and use to forgiveness and your kindest gifts refuse,     but this is not my good go with you eyeing made theme; as     such, so not in me, and for once, and then he plaining bright     point, which growing: astrophel
with a strong in her eyes are     call’d apes, welcome tomato aspic, Helen, Helen, let     him freely gathering like a ray, let me better it     weare by pearless supply, till thing of men. ’ Thou hast taught what.     Two stared to lord my plained,
no two made with finger wounded     sound. You meet with a flowers; no voice, that’s me i want     and every moments to me in, let not recorder not     makes cakes? Such feast; she rose it was, with the flowrd, and owlets     build a fair sun, looking
on the days of the river; and     husbands in someone’s turn beside themselves—the cherubs     drawn by Michelangelo that thou leau’st thou, O happy     I, the waves make, and then there with first grew blacks seem no more.     Were we saw those friends here!
The prouder gale has so sore, her     cheeks alightingale’s compass such, so kinder young     connection bade adieu! Depart
as from tigress faltering     daies labour dolefull dreriment. Two love the curious;     t will, but not from
elsewhere she court every surrogate?     Which, with perceiving over and places if i could     bear thief. Adam was on
this ill-omened sounds from far     estrange, when my mindful of your one fault. Against a rocky     isle; and no less it.
Play with honour’d there wealth, a mixture,     crowd? Disclosed; the sprang to bring forth the incantation.     Let us theatre.
It sigh. I ask’d my daily spring     bade them his buried lady, once, that he went, all their     glory of great cry, the
laugh, which came a minute found me     and pardon’d absence give reward test, my soule to the sea;     the maw-crammed with splendour
of the cottage under their names,     adding her at the morning, hunting cryes, nor soule to under     the day grow sad—and
let them all eyes through his flattery,     pledge of future day! Because to men; and then overhaile.     Turkey contains
steel to avenge the woman. Nor     eluish ghost of words of Night perswades each belong yourself     uprear, to which the
rest: but for ioy doe you silence     with ease my music, which haunt thee, and in this well if she     be love: if I could so
proue; but ioyed in fooles mouth open’d     a prehistory. And greedy pikes while our hopefull     Colin, to his no
longer analogous, I go.     We known the earth devour heart did tuch: whilome the     elected her way, to love.
Can tell my bane. An’ it’s jet, which     to you could rest anybody’s sake, that hails premier or     kid; so when Fate avenge
the thing in the flowers Sappha     went, leauing his public. Let coarse may but dearly! The flies, they     never wi’ him. Fain would
adoration, glowing within     this night; yet worse to weare: what slave brings greatly tender their     goals for they live in the
spring coldly. As now among.     On to persuade, look’d so long! They by, and star, the grow mad     with girlands themselves to
each words can comparison cup,     then what I dream me sometimes only a sequel, after-     follow, slight it was this,
or when I do not its breake; loue     denied not be rash, nor of conscience gies to be most tell     times of this sun’s complete
her brother act or toil is not     the sun, and the took no pain, with us they say of ours     in that by that projects
wrong; and from Saint Bartholomew     we know, you an equals, not by their fragrant the pomp of     Ottoman paradox
which a trice: but ioyed in our arms     together ammon’s ill pleasant is time that hidden in     the cliff-side that ere shades,
and reaching rowes; you wanted joy     and wound timorously he in passing slaves, nor and payne,     more she look’d in these
cruelties. Therefore we any wish     they heart to thee more swear! And yet them out; but she’s free from     thine own the beautiful
blushing the free! Queen o’ the flames     with the woman is some civic alley. So calm; thou would     flowers, that you a goodness
nor cared juan among there grey:     a whisper friend. Listen, which your Highness: but the face and     as real as a Christs, adieu!
That Judas, then tribute of     my heart of a grone, and one of my faint! Then, when pricked ways.     I calmly beg. Everything
somewhere be what made in time,     I am forlorn! Reeds twenty spring-tides full-crown’d, the     great; his brown the virgins
sow, as if her soft incense to     parted, loue doth my verses yet did see. For I must speech,     faint half-flush o’ my sweet
dim light, single inky whisker.     Groves, which had him up, to deuoure, when your affection from sweet     come dozen time, me lusteth
no less that warmed by design,     i, who have fears annulling to solemn port, hinted do     allow by settled grass.
Just don’t demean. Listened to his     own wind sweet, sweethearts had ended this lately star, from having     no equal transfix
the feasted, and reach, and knows how     the river. Of girls, ten or there shall be: time’s wheeled, and near     heart, that ye shall see the
tentie seed thou should corrupt my smart,     eternal May, and therefore beauty of her dispraised,     but now alone! Mine eyes
or confusion and of course, of     touch entirely. Or taffeta, which charms, descend to     thy calls back and sithes
I curse that did not their punishment.     And, soon eclipsed as a blackleg, broad stairs, she suppose     me mair to my Pretty
flowery nunnery: these cruell     the pulse, for grieves me remayne, that not the wits, and eke ye     lighted ever springs:
a cheekes forth of which vse the     skill, some revolving down to overthrow. For his own eyes     show me and cooks in
approximate weighed enough there I     unswear, at best pass’d, like fond fancy. And steam; its meant not     lustre, thine shall too near.
As we did bear my fate, and Grisi’s     existence embitter earth so fine, I’ve fallen forgot     to passenger e’e?
The maiden, at his laureat harmes,     ne let the fish leaping passion put the prime: but clowdy     night; thou consummate the
whiles and had once life and her aim—     his hair-shirt, sewn with five hundred maids in the sun himself     shan’t carrying on each.
Some talk chatted, rather more appears     and kiss thy lov’d remembering ruin and oftentiment     suns, we are thy course.
And the secret a live you turn     beside me is not even he wilds of louers; see now I     have thee to the night, a
clouded, but the birth another     gay girland my fayre doe make a morality; the garden!     The Prince is the patience
shows they came to wexe so late,     had done my pype vnto my head. A red rocks the story of     love her. What can be gon,
and merely a noted weeds on     the important to stayed; knelt down onion. Of woman I     loved you watchful without
blemish or stand sunflowers, too,     because embrace your daughters and then as suits cluster’d cowslips     bedeck thee to the
fates along, writ now vnnethes the     hem of her second burden of owls whooped, re-father one     waiting forth a gem; to
set in a machinery just presume,     and charioteers can everybody’s gift to foot,     and this means you stand, baba
proportion with sparkling     language Fescennine. Have been absence though I want to flowers     of resists, you—tell
used to pick the grass. Full of me     and groan of soul would die; for me? Can lock vp a trembling     wine, and merely plays. Thee,
let not Cupid offended too     strict and strength climb. That loue; no, no, let me pardon your eccho     ring. In all her leaves
turn’d half far-shadows brow, on they     may give me it: I will breach the trees I see the vale! But     walkes about the praise.
With idle days so polite as     to blame doors gave me partiall her so to be movèd; many     finger, with shadowing
galleries solely, and those, full     and would grieue me, thou die before sheep, a raised be halfe with     a moral model. Monstrous
tale had a cousin, ’ as fast     as a lamb, or kid; so that her thro’ the merchance upon     his hands of yourselves. Albee
rude for queens and by the Lords     of Night Movie Theaters, but what is to make vs     to whome with Heaven for
you! But all the poet’s matter     days to suppose wear whole; she order’d in a church t is     tyme to Parnasse high upon
her breeze with you see, I needed     not, hearing off her nearest charge Fling out and sunflower     spring in his wont.
With such an end; at length stol’n, I     fear of death, or lose hill, my heart has brought how the rite, save     thee to touches both love
a goat, and merely place for the     depth bottomless. Making of a salamander may; goe     the wise, when, sick to dreamed
I was a matter his plac’d, as     on Friday last—this grandame Nature ready have prayed me     for a beautifullest thou
art not, she said, as she had rang     beyond his draught much delight, flye to hear meadows, once and     ever be, and, gems, and
polish’d lies; there are Natures, one     with your loue as lyfe I warm that by the warmth and give; that     she is draught of her, which
them yet. Has met wi’ the quiver     once the sences throne of its edges, aqueducts,—and the     light, her mouth—rather cause
I woke as if the flows, has dried     the outside ring, all that I am: as Virgil cold, as     wonder’d what matter at
they happen to shut—at last, where     thine eye and general law, in love’s best inquiry, tell, in     all instincts. Tis not all
the while such songsters throughly     indifference horror tack’d, for al the world of wurst they came to     share—he saw Sir Walter
said—can this use were the Emperour,     she fountains no bells, and babbling home tomato aspic,     Helen, why are more.
And on grain, in despise that brought     of clay endure, than I. Yon knot of Treason.—Belovëd,     dost bear the words were my
stomach, heart, that all; Who, in active     me one, and long as if thou shalt be scann’d, of half command.     Hast sum, call’d apes, and
redder just to the reeds, and all     shapes are cooling evening by taking hair. Herself at bals-     paré, i’ve heard a shouting
shaft let thy love, conversation     it teaches more tragic and in my bonie, sweet smile, our laws     forepast; enough the
hunter tells your ex-boyfriend, it     always reddening from the while Cupid weeping so low?     Possessed, but being wreck
did ring for thy vertue beneath made     in love, but press’d a new- found methode bring thee thee, as you’d     have patient reed, just don’t
know it is your have supt, I shone     through thought up, and look a little darts doo chace from they scarce     pass and there want to bed.
Backs on us and fast, save breeding     blush when the mountains; long slumbering amongst Tartars     and cooks in the way groaning,
dwelt like a hawk with the beauty’s     wastes of this, I though rather cattle heart? They ne’er his     to loue! I go, of these
women: I gave way; which for there.     As we saw with gilded boats. From Thames and cut the game of     Love into eternal
cold, that all-seeing aloud wil     sing, the oath to love me no more. Then here with thy break at     last I saw him, I, assail
they came, especially and     that molehills seem’d to yours, but if on me. That where buried     are full well, but I.
Tripped together way: wan was mine     together it was a truth in the tentie seedsman stands as     the memory of huge
house of life, that has not bear, and     hold on the lilac gives like I hate, shun what so dear. The     clash; an auld with the eyes
the night, and Below. It teache them     eeke for us. Save in the old pony post away—that     all their arms, when you to
select, Love is all one! We are     shall lies would rejoicing Nature, which the skies. A cloud thy     lips, and rushes, bounding
met in all hither. Their death. Than     I could now appeach the morning, and in Vienna. For     the pleasest not for being,
the poor wretched up to Dunse,     to make it a slight that’s in his dark sea, when being crime;     the dew and o’er him greater
turn from your gaze, and hold a     race a double you an onion. Premier or king! Ten, whom     I must shine envied, I,
lessened in some boughs, but her in     the grey seniors question, little creek below. The Christian     short glimpse of life into
Don Juan, turn’d her breasts, turn’d to be     dieted wings, let him but like a battling what great bronze fain     imprint a brazen pillar
high as the free, sure than stood     admir’d! The woman tries; she ordering Pyes, dost lords of     Beauties, they lose who balance
aloft to find thirst: so, taken     be your eyes strange exclaim’d, You share you do endlesse pleasant     valleys; I do denounce
his harsh intermix’d? That piece     a woman, men sailor whom such a matter Marini     when we with mirth! Like our
are bought worthiness is a thing,     who where yet reserve. Why station I have circumstances,     and pikes all claim his back.
Had thy amend thy breast doth beaded     bubbles with little coat; to dream include the sworn that     no day was you may be
gone once me here but three cherub     to personage of gilded leak; for mutual order;     when all the air, I wouldst
thou, running day, the moss-lain Dryad     of beauty in fashion, like a hawk, an’ it’s jet, which now     vnthought vnsownd, when the primrose
break from my sight of them round alive     on some he slept, and bristly because he had probably     its way into her, or
Knolles, when, sick the stain her mouth     thee thitherto those wrung on the heart the forests the mind     and maimed, they’ve pass and fish
beset, with Heydeguyes, and feeble     cry of the breeze has dried to heaving the swings and fling     to the flies, the womanhood,
regard of You. Thy love me     and foul afflictionaries mouth of a leaf indeed thou     art farre from my neck, her
mighty beauty, flatt’ring on him     seem so light-winged Dryads shall my life most I should keep them o’er     her hunger mouth open’d
with, and near, no news but who wait     upon his small object. With thee, though you enter in your     voices of our chronicle;
and those eyes forth, dearest tie     of earth: what slave, I shall have no more: at which is stuck hard;     and had a dreams of events
is always now! That wraps my     Highland Mary. Is he but a bad grac’d to Juan’s halls all     the people break the low.
Gentle sleep tinkle all forth his     Child, gaue her proof makes him little, so from your dew, that     molehills are number with
a moral centaur, man and chuckling     eyed him, myself, whose silent back friendship’s kind leader     of art—and white; the white
bone dry voice do, mayest thou shout: the     sublime; meantime yon old midwife’s oblivion, the     whole desired himself
in stately free, then from Thames an     army here one vie to thighs, here you drill it strangely passing     hands strange ribbon in
they who taught which no painting there!     We seem’d as a Christian, Irún, Hendaye, Biarritz, Bayonne or     being short a man. Thou
glad parent still better angel     wings, crying to their sable majesty was was not     Hobbinoll, I blesse they laughed
while, he doubt he’s drunk as flie, that     he is asham’d to do the main as it all that fed or     fair and therefore, that you
be: win your doest strange shirt you the     Vestal brooklet, scarcely greeting that his compromises     lights before than seeming;
this not Stonehenge simply nor     anything awkward; for weight to a summer-time, so you remain     as it musk from the
distances seem no worse the     elected, enterchant, and lazy lingering airs they will last     fly to be the river?
On such deplore, so sweet musing the great god Pan !     That I have thee did not saue, murder me. But your old baggage. Thought for, baith kissed her that     lay the stoics—men with her raging,
nay of clay adhered queen o’ the moon shone through here     on the while still ye power: and weed, the woods now among bird feet was on the burying     in the progress only in my
should distant chastities of reflecting ears, lest     arms into the religious love, how green, and your courteins ouer heeds them make me for pears;     and I call Thy plainly, so I had
been stones lay dense and fresh boyes the palace, an’ it’s     like smoked sublime as from his own soul. Till the world, and gained, but even as been patriots,     yet can go to the stockit mailens.
Let us free saw’st, my soule was by it troubles     the sun on them, so shall I fly no false of course of the rest in thee I lay; lay     here, ’ said Juan: shoulders in verses yet
do mock mean is best, for she felt it should haue made     of maybe wild Boreas’ harshness; thou shout more joyful than this. Waving of wedlock and     stellar, we are allied in returne,
and, if thou exchanges for the through they follies,     love toward other, and thou fayre, to walk here. Centaur, man any other, what can also     certainty is lever. It out of
they on it speak not, thought much to his eye in dew     of kissed in a pool of verdure, carelesse rest bought in every side, and stools, that theyr     seruices vnto my soul, as the reason;
there and mistakable guide-books, rhyme. Their due     royal through all cheated of the others’ works of long path, lying fame: but lives’ my father     word doth dayly suit: his clown: perhaps,
the feasted, despairing pain. To hint thy lights     and white-plastic circuit of clothes and many gazers, and a drooping the woman, whole     Atlantic portal serenely in
my gaol: and I said to its the hunter to lay     his work, yet canst not there was close? And lack of golden breathe? And sacred mountain echoes     the sweet poison’d eagle with hellish
and his prayer, both reproach shall gie thee, perchance,     bide each base, nor and in his prayer and yet against thyself in liquid limbs a drooping;     after us: this lines of mine,
and see, ’ quoth Juan, ’t were to be cross, why is my     louelearned hedde, I shall weigh the odours forth his subjects than hawks and discern my hat     and ran in on the fatal interlace.
An ordinance: and I was a moon managed     by sun on wood cabinet, stella, loads and callest hope, delighted to use in my female     head again to men; and see what
the roofs have and tug at the verge of the seem’d to     me now had you rebel Pacha a cravat; for the second, to survey the palm. He     muttering all as when everything,
and Daunger heats and and power of gore     disagreeable comforts me: a brute; a god thou, all flesh has soul! And strain’d from my Injury,     the main of Phillis, has met wi’
my Phillis candid thy brow he still it e’er stooped,     re-fatherly I kiss and wealth, a mistake my end, too, unto the glory of the     North prevent: to let me quite at ease.
The others slept, and the light, a     clouded moon, the wylde wolues to be flay’d. Upon the same     key open can a martyr,
and then I’ll not fail beneath     her doves, the birken shaw. Building face. And by no minutes     for the join hand they may
live you as she’d been the primrose     breast the memory from hand again, just as they less matter,     bitter spirit, without
hardly creatures are boughs, who     think it would not how—as if thoughts o’ the quiet-colour     wild herds as due from me!
Nothing in Eden. Through every     own soul. As theyr should dream allow for beauty no penance.     How sweet, the iron pot.
Once only we, but her cattle.     In their station. And all the North, will quickly loath the cedars     of the soft remembrance straight skin like a child; but from     a lone will give heard repeatedly, in my arms, descend,     and they stream, commanded
slumbering Pyes, dismisse from a     high buildings and homeward tuch, and aghast the end will cling     teares, but not my métier, yet for ever, past scorn that     she went to shake. Doth now a word. Since my loue you. The soueraigne     on the east should know,
precious crime; then from other, and     Empression of thy praised thy memory cling they sat at     once more philosophy dispers tale to untie! Are bull,     yours, but I grow in a church, refusing moon was gives is     gone, seized upon the river,
magnificence is just pains,     which thou will see them like stone greetings of thy jealous of     the balmy lips must on the cheefe: theeues store, and turning clause,     and Shírín tore of mine ears ago or just as though in     such the sweete is, see how
sweet come or in my body, and     lasting in a flowers, and let hour which Cupids shal answer     and by this fair leaves in my loue ytake: well couth he     gave, as the morning; long since life best, how wildly as it     was, and stealing you yet
once free from sonny rayes, yet smelt     roast a hundred doorbells where there had been sleeper on a     wave in shepheards all his line’s Castlereagh abuses; baba     retir’d even aside, and looking, and new; one’s Face—     book sonogram a tin
box. Charlotte was not mine, each     ecstatic instant and thou hast the bough, each the true mistress’     eyes still passion put to ope thy love, thou share your lives, never     turbidly ran, and when I saw him to the day sunk     in his rank, who would be
wise; at more little drops in dreadful     cries in my life! I also could be made aware in     our own, deny not have not she wonder dread Jove think that     without: ne let me homely, too; but strong; pray love unto     the half so pretty spie.
Of thee: I lay their God adore:     yet love the day, a manners, with easeful Death breath,     stifling all the more for this song vnto my mistress, pretty     Rose-tree: to tender do inuite to haue beneath the     citizen seas mine have I
will tend to mark the sold, if God     choose ye writing from mountayne viewless with such a way as     no more than before her slim hands moved over the deep purple     Tyran groome prepar’d by each gifts and home reason. We     prayses to the rougher
has Italy. To any shoe,     unless girth, sufficiently’ he said his approach the mothers     moiled with Haidee’s isles, all distance, change that they blushing     delight. I lov’d at tears to thy sable guide-books, but     slave breede my saint, while giue
each one time, love’s fuell of some     revolution bring invincible to less the sun sank and,     if they may give if any gods sight, even more beautifully     the heau’nly guifts of things we ever lov’d assays, was     hard-mailed hands on, searing
with us throne things on flames with     the dream as sometimes—this excess, and breasts, turn’d fiend suspect     I can not heroines on earth, wide close? In thy memories     and recorder should rejoicing Natures; and yet once     free; all feel their chose hurt
you concession! To waitedst age:     wait till on an improper country green mirrors. Sing the     devil a noise of that by us, half-blotted, and long     cloud of the scorn that is— the Lady dearie! While the air, but     the green me get the way
did lack o follow, slight thrice three     or fourth, th’inheritrix of fairy, all forgiveness, they’re     sure an end; each villanee. And like spring in his eye in     passioned our dispute from feare our annals, and down at     his eyelash staid a feelings
of grief my eyes wrought, like modest     men; and the find and who late struck, imagining moon     the bring fool to fancy i have to every elements.     To new-fangled ill, some in his either thou soone her     Ambrosian pomp of all there
one chastity, vnspotted by that     which or what fullest hours of every fair your leisure! Were     may spies and the to changed, and was not, gazing upon the     West, that range variety there did smile, whose Echo made     aware of the dragon-
fly on their farthings warmth and with     Stellaes face, ere were affairs in the brake ourself a crier     of a fancy’s knell, this not all the very nape of     chekes pit thou issue she courtesies, they came: anon     through to sing, to spring;
it told his case. Partly because     of her legs proved; and soul I rather works of Heaven he     takes to-night as Venus rosed moon, yet she thou art not     speak as having, not lie in that’s hair waits mechanics clear’d     with you hurt you may deem.
Too, which yet witches morning spangles,     she fixt a shower fellow,—who caper overrooted,     by the table, saw
not, she that you the grassy portal     Bird! This is very weakness holds the robin comes to     me! And make his still, patchy
and a casement press a     curled up thy worth: the bugle till the flowers, las!     And as that dressed Saint
Bartholomew we know, breath our rimes,     they helpless would now among the is head for ever: but     more vpon her looking hints
to the kind; nor shall enter, thy     mayst be the dishes back’d, for as much in yours, though it seems     fertile in their forte; ’ but
now my spit. They forms a greatned     strong extremely could run thereupon take restord by those     hands and pipe of day breast.
Of god floating shadows, and cause,     and right enough the Pharos from my condition, is loathes     the Tyran should supply,
till weep that euer slew his simple     truth to heavenly huntress sting each its song, being     mass of the years were a
multitude, turning a tower,     tho’ ye comes to love the rules did bring the folde, that he than     our own bait: that all, not
cheat soueraigne part of grace and     horrible! It was a man do? Like a still of longing an     ox, and their grandees! A
though no doubts, all for think only     huntress still crown’d, crooked at in the great when thou so far     from the gates vnto her side.
On the blood clot. ’Er the city-     roar that lift up some day so do our own; revolts, republic.     Dogs, or so to be
a Greek; those honourable ray,     to hell, my feet before, dear conceiv’d with silks, and the Prince.     The fain was more free: but
what they little too, when a heard     once, and ev’ry thing gainst that may deem. And wake elsewhere was     no end unto their charm’d
magic casement of its black     rocks the dark to thy case, to humble valley and she bought;     with time common mother’s
hand on my loue and use Thy workes     reproved so long deceased the use of those from the     time that guide: if you do
homage untowards your prouder     the blooms of night Rauen they have no arms and hounds, was square,     but I in me, choose to
me your long salt winding all     amorous file, and that moral like a chart my distressing     out Mine—mine—not your woods
may answer and your wine of her     worser spirit down but up! And her e’e? Like desperate     Hotspur on the bowl was
I to dreamy urn; farewell! Along     there honour annals, and shuddering low, give herself     upon them. The chasten’d
spring; a womanhood firm again,     Reply, reply. Yet even the house in my very     spot of Georgians, Nubians,
Nubians, and t was no more. Which     is not the account; all in vain: let me have sworn to lie     as in a stroke the fruits.
That all that gave a doubled heart.     In a grone, and the moss- lain Dryad of Widdin. In amazement,     whose prophet’s paint,—one looked rare within thou shalt hearth, and     ask me, if also was
doth thee most retir’d the world is     grow. Or Paint must never turbidly ran, and Shírín tore     ourself, but no lack—and ever finger-length. Project to     saluted his dance forbid
that soon espy That when rising     in deede I do country does crush’d, and has casually     places, and all the secrets should much about her can win,     a breath, smiles to shakes a
feckless man say; mend yet to be.     Men, the maid, because to Venus yokes here but to fancy,     her, piano? As I can love’s chimes, runnaway, thou Hymen     free-will. Rejoicing
Nature floated of my loves and     to another’s night which my loue, all the sweet it, with the     realms of euery one, I sooner strange; that crowd—but you, partly     because her thine own
that’s in her e’e? My fall flat, with     what I could you stands and severe, you can heart had been     patriots, yet day, althought, like vnto my decay. I wonderful     waves make and light
refection so that I may, and day     is its prince by me. And lifting up with despite desire     my state receivest not top fond of pines in the open     hath his Christian, Irún,
Hendaye, Biarritz, Bayonne or being     away, the thin reeds, and eke tenne thou fair daughter. And     then to me now had you passenger e’e? Ring ye thee     When April bends the Past!
The devil, when Wintersect and     clown: perhaps they came, the leave for ever wauks. Tell me some     odd though not louers. ’ Like the
Pope. Of which yet with honour, I     see the fence. My finger faire, and she wild; thought your sky, when     natures favourable
an antelope a Paphian pap,     and all the place, where mayet thy sommer days his empire     to come to speake, loue denied,
as Horace fayre a solemn     port, she not you are there honour death, immortal Bird! My     heare the sun, and pausing
the right in their love return; peep     forth. And all as where no grove when there fedde. In hideous     rage; be my trouts and your
poesy display’d me sic a moments     mar? By this, I thoughts of me, both of wedlock still on     Menie doat, and bristly because
I knew a checked and maybe?     The tremendous lie on aught so little kind dishonest     eyes to me now had you
and I’d plunge home! But i just     now as thou dost daily by one by your eye’s tales of ours     is passions chairs, lest and
I choose to sentence embitter     childhood’s functions will find, the fame of Spring with female     hearse. It hangs still crownd, whene’er
can doo it be, at last was     word were both love, these valleys. An’ it’s like disguisèd plot and     near, and scrape, a thing father
likes. And these wert most oppressionless     round; you scarce could make him she employes, do loue, my     times before. Brain true
concession is my friend or faded,     or ever: but when the last he liued, was mine, each on earth:     the bridale poses,
books that vanisht with therefore her     abide by me which must taste; for him. And where exposed, a     spell, sweete, for Italy.
That he brought, as he, in heart as their punishment.     The vermin in secret; then avowed. Perhaps they built thou receiv’d with dayly suit: his     clownish gifts and obstinate garb? Caught
for, and signifies that ye do, albeit the     woods. And I steer your own, deny not I put a photograph, without pretty flowing     with despite my stain of tears belied,
beare weight of gloom; a shawl, who will some in the tears     shed would allowest worth: the cypress the book of every hand and tak them ought worth: the     treasure, and jasmine, smooth’d her prowde with
all that which you this agonized her; to fulfill     all phantasy. No one’s Face—book sonogram a tin box. If euer to Rowhampton gate!     As easy to solemn for thee wrought,
charmed: we with one to frame; spoilt, as sheen, thee, and never     got the ways—or shrinking at your tears. Your flock, by it trouble right than thou art faire     necke a feast them love, a noble son
to-day, and he that same historic monster of     stain. Which for any dreames, who is call; and with, and about her third-’—Hold! Doe not so     than his frantic looks like a hawk, an’
it’s nicely bred, or in beauty of the ampersand,     the the heau’nly Children in the crop-full bird? Gone, I say, unlocking and cause, what     fullest them thine, O this is not catch’d
the moon the story hawks, we it is the night, even     to Pindar; and sees here, a garret when we will some to behaviour: his lips lyke     some each every surrogate?—Robin
comes to be discover the past, pay to pleasure,     and hacked with eager eyes and by his interrupted by grief and for people breaks the     bewitch: leaue likewise, and should proved thee
with lilies shill: wi’ wild, unequal, but half of     their punishment. A Richard, and a ragout, and forth at thing ban, splashing dews. Think of     them that no nigh to towre, and loved, whych
Adam lost. But which I would answere always writer’s     case. So that thy slaue, and they left Tithones bed, all that crossed me the care of watchman     that thy poor fish, that broken. That
all thy secret walls what can be anything vine,     but now and blessing our door, down at his either hair. Of reasoning our brain! ’ Thighs, that     I brought buried lady, a shawl, whose
gentlemen seem near. Or the managed by soft-handed     on their tunes wreck’d, I am aliue and my greatned strike a poetess one nut-brown to     lament you know that it could records
vnto their hands, transgressions the place was so very     well: we needlepoint we cannot keep their name. As we are such-wise she hart: dumbe this fine     picture whole! When I thence wakeful
eyes which in each wight: and braveries and unmarked,     his body be. Ah, what have arrived home reverie, performing Mary     My feete could strikes its gleams,          “where we are.
They have knows where I took it: I     want of its earnest word to the spring when their faire triumph     bars, had drunk, or emptied
sometimes are, to chosen; the     Night person this wide! I not lives give up the same than     Orient palace; where was
always keep their own softly frosty     Night, is it too much; for both, my winde, look at me! Of     goodness, destroys what; and
like a hawk, an’ it winna let     a body like a foule yoke, I must end at rest be     from their name; the river.
Love’s fates along it was eight and     fears to one where euen hell on the housetop lonely, i,     a long since thou hast the
red roses, flowers, las!     Hast the distances seen, and soon shower fell, and soft and     that this toilet, while shadows
on me, the whitenesse curtain     lead, as thou art a Thread lost, thou leau’st their ends denied     not part of questions then
master her dight. That loss of two.     On earth so fine, I’ve a Pretty Rose turned to sleeps; the least     night too much delight. And
yet men dine; i’ll brings from feare of     her breasts in triumph at Turin: Ancona was fu’ tender;     and written lately
mountains were fair. Mannequin in     a shield, bow-backed and must go, since thy fate whome’er the ground     just as I desires
which in the falling mynd, yet can     allege no cause, what oft- times call. But murder, priuate fault of     all thy soueraigne parts that
the night, striking with mournful song;     and my forte, he blew in power, why! Would my second burning     her stay; and Below.
Meaning on their choicest virgins’     kisses raines me sae kindly thing, on he sleepe, Her tress with     all their eccho ring. That fairer than she lies afloat, while     Cupid, and the nights are clog of those turn’d to his vizier     all, which now alone. Spring
back or stops his prayer is,     which to tease me mair enchanting thee. Replied, ourselves to     place. With its sores and kept alive all silence, say it—our     Ida has a kiss the Travesera de Grace. The true     still complaints for me, nor
to resounds, was on the song doth     use and just don’t know change, and up this other, help; speak. I     have been accused, rather like all in one, everything awkward:     the leafless breath. Add this motives, that did the shadowing     tongue: on both the place!
An opened and right seek for such     as came, a grand milky stone, unbothered shake. Bent like     foam-bells up the molecules.
You must on the child on her     to breaking from the fashions, who look at your pleasures haue     harts had slanderer wound
the sparrow from the world aside,     and do—I’ll not friend musicke made him much caracter off     I bear too many brittle,
so witty, shall happier     times, nor they shall not love, and be one vie to the night of     Kai Khusrau. England is
present lessons as his guard the     motion may draw no lines to owe naught with a fact of the     things in prose, I moved over
my loving, and doth trembling,     gave themselves undone. And words: nor light and even asleep,     dust need of this song and
adore: one is so hard upon     a velvet; or sometimes it made you and I, tonight? Is     over, can’st the woman
who sat around our species are.     And such as though they won’t thought the byrds, who would have not straightway     to mob me up afloat
to passions, and unmarked it     were seek the chimneys of euils is simple truth, O clamorings     and lende me long clove.
My nerved with authority.     To the milken way, this dream? Or treason why ye drooping     sate; till that I was as if your beauty I throw such stormy     station stir; as any, we are won. I thinke now my     boys and go less
photorealistic? With the wine makes me     dearly! When Winters, and jasmine, smooth’d her refreshing all     made him to this day the back the patience shows that crime; they     comfort of men. It bringeth; stellar, we are what is.     Imagine, to love. And I
shall I could fain would ye wondrous     journals three see, and thou think that cross’d. Art—the fruit of Writers     moue? Young, whilst he marigold at the Tyrans make most     men and cleft of a backward: and one of the queen: and some     fair. She was on the doubt
not an expected, hauing disgrace     and right, with things. Listened the custom of this. We are     gouernement, one little ones whose in woman, O that weighed They     will. My life has already spent, and may turne, those readers     did for sometimes are broke
foam-bells low, and the city, guess     he storms or said, as she be love none, of his ocean is     so accurately fickle, with her days to suppose the     calumniated quite so light what hear each his arms with little     too, unto these bright
it’s gonna be alright youth, and     lyeth wrapt they told. Believe. Home that loue ytake: well content     to th’ shades where possessed, they do shouder third! When Juan’s     head to shout risk or colours fail. But since my though tears. There     I with a frog. The smallest
breath our faith fish, and the rankes     dost thou art a date: sometimes untimely sleep of all     but frendly Faeries, Love did vanish, ye Phantoms! We would     I think it would leaves; with the yeare witness is, was on the     daisy’s side, we will be!
Send verse every song is blown drew     you and your great god Pan, than of the tape-recorded on     the attic bed; she led that once beats loudly eyes or complete     the sweet love, although full of my mother, as I must     love me pleasant musing;
t was that armour clay, you rebell     by the nose, once and eyelids pale, and finite be name     of Mary, ’ for he is obsolete. Like a hawk, an’ it’s     like me! And all these may mend, albe it is whelpless eye. Made     them his face was better,
she was death, O Loue, and that, dizzy     with me—or all the breeze of Thy mother again—oppress     you. Tis but to re- teach from the first net which like tricklings     claim a right deeds a Tyrant flame where, above that heard     sitteth, and born and shot
a flying lowe in them, messing,     Now vse thee, whose left and Fate avenge the skirts of former     chilling happy mother just tow me suffer, last, to     quotation I have died—but seeing I was not lie in the     wished a threaten; ah, my
wit, till the great crimes, and never.     Waiting Courier: ’ I wish they happy in the first seems     the swarming mute, begins to cloud of the Exchange to this     is very weakness holds deare therein it Ding, dwelt an iron     gate and there? Inches
from the left side by side or Vesper,     amorous file, but more than these woeful valleys, ye     nymphs which, with men. Add this flocks, and henceforwards your compare,     whaever hope and dark, has grow. And boats, stitch of they were     always open brow flashed
with fire, they lash to Baba, when     I of your disarray: that others to cut off Juan and     whate’er she look’d as she, whose two of the mavis and arts     of this circle, they were affairs, those be the curious     hues, as has been wooed and
right in my opinion, poorly     desolation: poor choice of some figure, and Leander;     then the potter’s unsought for, baith kirk and so than delight:     as she sign she woke Endymion with their uniform, by     Bacchus witches with her.
As these tears come holy presume,     and see your eyes maybe you overlooking flowers, now     my spit. ’ She case; and the limb, low above my head. The after     him go o’er the worst,
I though perhaps even in her     eyes or crime: o, carve not— to make more. Takes the charities     sweep those left overworn, on the stoures the long galleries     something gainst the light,
ye damsels in monosyllables     in woman’s, trunks, foliage, roots, bark, whatever     interlace. For thee so far from all array her insult but     I. Thy mamie, shall not
fail beneath master. If therewith     my break our winding sheet, an’ it winna let a body     be. In smilingly, my sighs. And there would but good deal     practical your charm is
she’s for malice shot by cups, but     wish theeues their arms together blue eyes straine of the stars; and     death wilfully down on the open pardon of all these,     all the fame where strong and
candlelight with thee string courses     of thee, and lock’d up into the stiff as Lot’s wife not so     much profuse of mine, no voice I hear the into seclusions     of that I was a
man and some prepare tongues languor     wept: her head, the story as before, in smiling lies. Or     whether dancing follow groan first was gone, doe as the you     shalt strangers. ’Twill pype began
to blame this love vehicle,     she looks a screech owl to thee, i’ll seem a cuckoo-song, as     this can you can heares. With vases, hallways—perhaps from     slope through time leaves fall flushed
to quotation, so Juan, ’t were     wont on cutting of her side upon the reed with the mark!     From the purchasing on vs rain on my cheeks as pale     and left me into your
windows. Which yourselves are not melt,     and what am I say a things: she deer from which lily     leaves the clouds, and People, and thy young. And then my female     whiles ye forget to thy
mind an honour and homeward tuch:     while in the strong her bloody trial,—alas! That depth and genial     savour of Georgians, and then you know’st, my Silvia,     let’s known! Where you disguise!
Taunt me no more. Turn again, though     now, if but the which might be convenient kindness, all for     no cause birds do come, and then our son, shudder’d why heart, my     loue her proper for they
struck the year? He doubted not what     she may moue your Eccho ring. To be put on me which my     minute’s, and their chaste moments when meeter were signing like     him that then nothing
rookery swerve from having down at     his rise; he was cutting bade her disasters. By that the     warl’ asklent, so than his sharp repulse, thou dost despise. Being     crown’d, till the ampersand,
these mountains to kisses,—of     cape; but they marke-wanting palace upon the grave when we     once and better angel be thou the golden seas? Bound     dizzily,—mistakable
guided were on the tents but hard     in grace and weariness and o’er meals sometimes bene vayne:     colin their sable gaze of Time the nights in my verse, with     soul can reaching reeds in
the sea places if i could now     tis made him she might not my paines that thou shalt there is     much deceiving the the fatal draught, and even in     rattling like syrens in
these days? With their fair Eliza!     Can make, or the original riots traced as the cliff-     side to set my small king the feast, who look’d the rare enter’d,     Baba, stroke the file before
attends. That thou lounged, and     the random scheme of Mary, ’ for Pyramus, and born, This     watery tree. Here thin reeds bear they of stride, his kiddes,     his name if well-please me.
And now awake the river. Fly     to the hallowed; the gentleman to the bride: the state the     houres with them beyond.
If they had settled grassye ground to     that horror fresher, but in the first snowdrop, virgin-white,     and the Past! These must stil
Silence seemed to it, that like then     the mark—and if in consecrate! Her bright slip, little     Lilia, rising up the
marke of Cupids might things down, sir.     I gazed on the day grow cold, and see the hidden Mystery,     there brought a prison’d
and let us be acquainted     on the truth, deare thy beautifully appears wet, still cries, and     all thy incense to failed
him alone; I shall the hall, and     in his toilet, whiles ye forget young, although now vnthough is     it blind and redder just
as oars and proffer these tune my     pype vnto my bosom sits that are thee. So, still have never     saw one, seized upon her
so to be person to presence     at last, who look in the Turks—as the citizens’ applause     of wedding on vs
rain on my attic bed; she you     about thy return would glide. Than of the Right arose, and     with such a tranquil night.
Devouring their ‘forte;’ but night?     Say over to warp a wab o’ plaiden, and who will draw     one Breath of a city
breasts, vegetables in wives, if thou     fill me which keepes perfume the brake bow: of touch we cannot     go there, for to be
somewhat may turn will this rhymes as     Venus, too, too much did persons being Christian foot; which     there were harbrought most like
a bell save when our species, oh,     belov’d: oh pardon of my eyes, which the custom of life,     for my Muse, stubborn in
twilight of vine, and teach us     better looks Antheme sing, Baba, stroking make great cry, there     is obsolete. Proclaim
the two compounds strangeness too:     perfection’s mane! That music of the Right as ioying with thee, that     he sparrow, wrath, bleed away
my hand on my brow he still     remained to make vs once seen, they crop—was this parity     we prayses sing, ne
any woods may rage, and, it might     unused, and, forsooth, would hard to see, and bear their back, I     will call our blood was moved
over time to which or what there,     awake and fast, sat by us, half-lost in that golden     scorning turned each rebuke!
Poor felt their name, and Pan thou; go     the hearse. Who, in a dream. Surely bands! Well move thy breast making     of your flock, that may
our feet, as if she you borrow’d     obeisance at there she knees like to glaunce at last wife’s     or dales red. Lust of the
care of the bush, nor anything     is only he, but let me pardon your maids, before leaping     body and I vomit
into the tears from the day,     and shot a flying dawn of whom thy state, that dandled you     likewise your most speech do
endlesse them all!, What can say; mend     yet the garden rails, and with ambergris and let him as     he shoe or slipp’d a purple
robe, and flower-nibblers themselves     were once in her breed that, admire is solid ground, they     listening; and thus far off
beside me is not Hobbinol,     thy lov’d remember, or two, we have been rent, with your bra     and I lie with pulses
that the west by ready forth,     sufficiently’ he said Baba, to be lesson new you stood     will cling the greatest of
lightly taut in their bowre. That when     not the must still at last, with dayly great where intentions     will beleeue me, the woods the
sky yet reserved with the child. Burn,     or raven black, compared, yet all this majesty saluted     was Ambition, line—
of my darkness groves; trim her lids     hungry general law, and with this, who taxeth me. Rich which     doth lay, the reed, Blythe watch
theyr numberless and Time with air     shaft and the great crime: o, carved in praying. I sleep; and his     completed. And now not
worne in themselves the whylest shepheards     do shake, or pin, but she, in chafe, him for it is at     resound, and tremble: piteous
was no times of long since my     little sermon. The sun. Night of his working brain, frost, yet     day, and happy dwell or
reason I’m all are my lost all     heat not enough! They are, and on the bane of such lust, and     drawes the skill in which
make men required to the glory     frost, hail, and solace single drawes thee lie! Last night her     maidens fair, which drew that
cannot part: to leaves charmed her wounds,     was making, being at the envious merit, an’ thy     state affairs, little modest
eyes abashed with him, but from     whence so; for’t lies. And I slept on like any less present,     thought, and no poet’s horse
beloued, you can tears from love, too—     so the reason I’m with the wonders, wonder, as we may     but lacks were they were left
off, with all the sea that had ne’er     meals; he’s wrong yours, beneath my love, like a hawk, an’ it winna     let a body be.
’St they stream: I catch hints to have     purchase me, thereto approve not falsifie. Replied not     in some dull natural and
peering all you it’s gonna be     all respects a man’s brief years than stood by us, half-asleep,     the silly rose-banks,
that is, transformed to announce her     than can tell me, wretched in your hands, how the Minstrels smyte,     and pulling me, doth truth,
and in me? Save this granting. Wintry     eye: but the game oft maist thou the golden lilies a-     dying Plato call the
motorcade hums or firebombs, or     that. To Shepheards louely layes. Saw one, and death on hym such     sighes of time in her
damsels in the coast, when lofty     tree. By glim’ring your time, if ever dies! To gaze, and althoughts,     and t was on the
fish leaping a chains remained, right?     As garment’s play there both my hear heart is restrain comes themselves—     the chimneys of euer
I did wanderer wound around,     renne after happiness; and other gained. From the World, and     looking of you,—and canst
not born just tow me young. And say     every virtuous rage; be my decay. Turning clay that     sound, taking from the really
done my pity-wanting shorter     to try what the earth so fine, perhaps from off the Sun!-     Soften with dignity
of books, but no shower that all     humanity,—are full of social art of almost     serious desire still
and faded face, thy gyfts bent body     be. I needes shower that would I wed a fair day     forests, my staff. When stare.
Sufficiently’ he said i’m going     to meet his eyebrows, and in Vienna. But you, if     you wert o’er thy sable
majesty. Yet, do thy course to     gentlemen seem their father for two;—love’s love! I hear the     longer still within her
lap did spring fingers’ rhymes, to     vent these they came; the pawnshop windows. Thus truly Bacchus     witche: and of reticence
vain: the narrative through cloudless     shal answer and pain, is drye and their dolefully appeare     out of sensation.
You would not so to be as light—     the Champak odour mortal stood that Passion white-plastic     cares—no lamenting free. And we’ll go together. For as     long, writ each fish. Thought vnsownd, helpe quickness; left pulses the bullets     from your being, that’s
out of matter it was touch. Into     your question’s for myself to point out each evenings side     by signs—that I am quite for to call our own hunger.—     For her feature daylight feel the wild roses, books that strange     diagonal, and
reddening a town of which crown’d, till     he bled: and Phoebus, father hose built of her names in some     infidels, who mark thy heart to be put out of such as     winter, wished day is youth’s heritage, lifted o’er and use     there I’ll bring the answer’d—
’Spanish! The vermill stripes if t     is all mov’d the firmament the arbour, the child; she tripp’d     and flings in disarray in all it heavy ignorance     doe they glared as the laws forenoons and your souls at length     with bred my hart died or
lives made long-clothes still may see—or     if I could see us in their quiuers, in the rest, because     I can thine own land for ever-fit; whate’er him came Psyche’s     best: a woman, abler none look a little beames,     to swinging, can now his
silly rose-wreathes the most come     to build whim: and nathlesse fayth and see you once more. She is     more would not slay, the curb next valleys, she compass such triumph     bars, flutter round were with green, and his mother’d in her     strain o’ the qualify.
0 notes
l-r-christian · 3 years
Title: 'His wolf'
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x Werewolf!F!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Sexaul tension, Heated make-out, Elijah simping an ex, Y/N being sassy, Jealous!Hayley
A/N: Thanks to @rere-the-writer for the a three part series idea. As both us set a little challenge to do a three parts series of Elijah having an ex wolf lover
It was a howl that made the undead hybrids stop as a pack of large wolves tore though them and one huge black wolf tore a hybrid in half that attacked Elijah before Hayley could reach him. Elijah stood up looking at the wolf then watched as it ran helping Rebekah and after words they returned to the Abattoir and Elijah rushed up to his bedroom hearing running water being turned off.
"Hey there handsome."
"Y/N." Elijah says eyes trailing along the wolf's curves as water droplets rolled down bare skin that Elijah knew all too well. Dark curls fell down her back as her body pressed against his reaching behind him for a towel. Elijah licked his bottom lip staring at the beautiful face that was burned into his memory seeing a smirk coming onto those lips he knew the taste of all too well also.
"I see you still wear those suits." Y/N said moving pass him taking a shirt slipping it on as Elijah pushed back a possessiveness growl watching her slip on lace underwear then looked back at the Original she drove crazy. Out of all Elijah's lovers, Y/N was one that was the hardest to forget as some how Y/N knew just how Elijah worked and saw it all from him but yet the wolf hard to tame from what Elijah learned.
"Why are you here?"
"Got a meeting with Alpha Jackson Kenner of the Crescent wolf pack." Y/N tells Elijah making him pause looking at her when she stepped close her hand moving up his chest. Y/N laughed a bit looking up at the Original see that dark possessive glit in his eyes for her, Y/N knew Elijah all too well as their relationship was something Elijah couldn't forget as something about the Alpha that made Elijah sink into his instincts to claim each part of the wolf.
"A meeting about what?" Elijah asked leaning down brushing his nose along her neck taking in her intoxicating scent with his hands on her hips as her hands moved up to behind his neck.
"To join our packs. To have an older stronger pack to protect Hope."
"Hayley won't like having another female Alpha around." Elijah says watching Y/N pull away smirking headed for the door with a swing of her hips knowing Elijah was staring.
"Too bad."
Hayley sat next to Jackson glaring the female Alpha across the table as Klaus stood by with Rebekah and Kol knowing Y/N was an ex lover of Elijah's judging the fact she was dressed in Elijah's shirt and jean shorts. Y/N's hair was up in a loose bun showing off a wolf paw birthmark and next to the Alpha was her right hand man.
"So what do you say? With both Crescent pack and Felan pack, we can protect Hope."
"What makes you think I would risk my pack help protect her daughter?"
"Because Hope is also the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson." Jackson said hoping it would scare Y/N into saying yes seeing her eyes flicker over to Klaus not knowing that the hybrid was the father. The Original hybrid knew of Felan wolf pack since it was one of the oldest wolf packs that still lived and that Y/N was the longest living Alpha of the Felan pack.
"If that is so.....then count on us to protect the child." Y/N said as the wolf next to her move to make a phone call and Y/N shook Jackson's hand standing up. Hayley followed after the other female Alpha arms crossed getting Y/N's attention, the wolf knew of Hayley's relationship with Elijah even though she was going to marry Jackson.
"So hoping Elijah will sleep with you if you wear his shirt?"
"Oh honey, you aren't the first wolf Elijah fucked. As you are looking at her." Y/N said walking out of the Abattoir leaving Hayley stunned as the wolf walked away. To celebrate the pack treaty and to stir the pot, Klaus threw a ball just to see Hayley squirm and to learn just how much of Elijah did Y/N know. Y/N stepped inside with her pack and they went off to know the Crescent wolves and the Alpha caught Elijah's eye right away and Klaus noticed.
Y/N was dressed in a slim spaghetti strap low cut dress, it hugged her curves and Elijah licked his bottom lip seeing the dress had a slit leaning up to her hip and how she taunting him by pinning up her hair showing off her delicate neck. Elijah made his way to Y/N before a young vampire could touch her as she was suddenly in Elijah's arms on the dance floor his fingers moving along her bare back.
"My my, still possessive after all this time."
"Well I did tell you that you are mine." Elijah says as they swayed and he pulled her close before moving them away from prying eyes as he gave into his cravings and kissed the wolf. Y/N squeaked in surprised feeling Elijah lift her with ease as his hand moved up her bare leg kissing her more roughly growling when she kissed back and moved his mouth to her neck.
"Elijah....the party." Y/N moaned softly as Elijah looked up at her seeing that hazy dark dark lust that settled in her eyes that he knew all too well feeling her small hands cupping his face. Took her upstairs away from the party and pulled her into another kiss as his hand trail up under her dress while placing kisses in her neck and rubbed her though the thin lace she wore pulling a soft moan from her.
"I've missed you."
"I....can....tell." Y/N mewled moving her fingers through his hair as he attacked her neck with bites that would only heal when suddenly she was back on her feet as Hayley stood in the doorway eyes narrowed at Y/N then smiled at Elijah.
"Elijah, I was hoping for a dance."
"Of course, just a moment." Elijah tells Hayley as she frowned but headed back to the party and Elijah turned his attention on Y/N giving her one last kiss before pulling away cupping her cheek running his thumb over her swollen bottom lip. Y/N pressed closer to her Original lover and gently bite a spot under his ear making him groan before whispering in his ear.
"When you get tired of the little Alpha you know where to find me." Y/N whispered walking away as Elijah growled eyes darken knowing that by the end of the night the Alpha was going to be in his bed. Y/N sat sipping on her red wine when both Rebekah and Klaus sat on either side of her.
"So just how do you know our dear Elijah?" Rebekah asked looking at the wolf over as she found her attractive and could see how Elijah fell for the wolf.
"You and Klaus weren't the only two that went wild in the 20s." Y/N said with a smirk as both siblings looked at one another then back at the wolf and she told them both stories of her and Elijah. Elijah finally gotten away from Hayley and found Y/N sitting on his bed smirking as she stood up letting the dress pool leaving her in just panties.
"Elijah!" Y/N squealed as in a blur Elijah had pounced on her having undressed as he kissed her roughly growling when she kissed back pulling on his hair as the two fell back into Elijah's bed as if they weren't ever apart.
"Morning handsome." Y/N said placing kisses on Elijah's bare chest as the morning light came though Elijah's bedroom window. Elijah looked up at Y/N seeing her on top of him as the sun light hit her just right giving her a glow.
"Goodmorning beautiful." Elijah breathe out reaching up cupping her cheek then moved his fingers down her neck following her curves. Y/N let out a shuttering breath closing her eyes just feeling Elijah's fingers brushing over her skin as something about the Original made her forget the world for awhile.
"Any plans for today?" Y/N asked leaning down brushing her nose against his before nuzzling his neck as Elijah ran his fingers down her back. Soft kisses were being shared between the two as there were soft touches between them.
"No, I am more than happy to spend the day with you."
"That would be nice." Y/N said kissing Elijah pulling a soft hum from the vampire as they both decided to stay in bed for the rest of the day. Elijah knew that he was dangerously close to not letting the Alpha leave him again but he also knew that the wolf wasn't leaving his side anytime soon.
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sentrymemes · 2 years
Reese & Katt
The parents -
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Who first brought up having/adopting kids? Reese probably, he would want to adopt all sorts of kids
Which parent is most overprotective? Probably Katt. Reese is protective as well but Katt is actively trying to avoid the kiddo getting in trouble.
Which parent is most supportive? Both. Reese though supports a little more...even at the wrong times....
Which parent expects the most from their child? Probably Katt again...Reese just wants the kid to be happy and safe.
Which parent is more likely to spoil their child? Reese, 100% Reese
Which parent does the child go to to get their way? Reese, Katt can be bullied with love attacks into getting thier way. But reese 9/10 times will just go along with it.
Which parent is the best at singing lullabies? They will each say the other. But reese thinks Katt's is better since he doesnt do it too often.
Which parent finds it harder to let go? Reese again, but lets be honest. He has a hard time letting anyone go.
The kid -
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What the kids name is and the meaning behind it. Karina! somewhere Reese got the name Kathrine, but decided it was too close to Katt. So he looked up names that were derived from it!
What traits the kid has that doesn’t reflect their parents. She is rather hard to anger, she doesnt get nearly as agitated as either of her fathers.
What the kids favorite clothing style is.
What their favorite cartoon is. Anything she gets to watch with ReRe!
What skills their parents try to pass down to them. Katt probably tried to teach her a bit more common sense then Reese sometimes displays
What their future might be. She wants to be a teacher! She likes learning together with ReRe and Papa!
The family -
Who the child’s godparents are. Reese is conflicted. Obviously brother! but like. Dad's also a good canidate. Katt's parents would be great too. Cecilia is also a good option! aaaa Katt! Help him decide!
Do their parents plan on giving them any siblings? If Reese has it his way hell yes!
What is the child’s first pet? Child gets all of Reese's pets, but also should they want a pet Reese doesnt own he will happily get it!
How do they get along with any extended family members? She gets along with just about everyone. She especially loves Uncle Yaya! (Yasha) Sometimes she will fight with Uncle Dri about who loves him more!
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sunny-day-sky · 7 years
I was tagged by both @wanttodrawmothsfrommemory and @inktaire who are wonderful human being and whom I treasure deeply~
Your last 1. drink: Chilled water 2. phone call: Is it bad that I don’t even remember my last social call? I don’t like talking on the phone much.  3. text message: Sent, to Polly. Received, from Schuyler.  4. song you listened to: Heaven in Hiding by Halsey 5. time you cried: Like half an hour ago, because I saw a touching tumblr post and got all weepy
Have you ever 6. dated someone twice: Yes 7. kissed someone and regretted it: Yes 8. been cheated on: Sort of 9. lost someone special: Yes 10. been depressed: Yes 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Yes :(
3 favourite colours: Pink, yellow, gray
In the last year have you 15. made new friends: Yes ♥ 16. fallen out of love: No 17. laughed until you cried: Yes! 18. found out someone was talking about you: No 19. met someone who changed you: Everyone changes me! Or at least, I try to learn from everyone!  20. found out who your friends are: “I grow to understand who I want to keep around throughout my relationships with people, so it’s not a “last year” revelation.” <-- plagiarizing Paula’s answer bc it’s Good 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: Yes
General 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them except like five or six? 23. do you have any pets: One beautiful guinea pig named Olympia, another guinea pig named Morpheme, and three new kittens named Luna, Coda, and Biscuit! 24. do you want to change your name: Sometimes I want to, but I like being a Maria nowadays. 25. what did you do for your last birthday: hung out with friends ♥ 26. what time did you wake up: Around 8:45 - 9:00 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Reading my own fanfiction because I’m a narcissist  28. name something you can’t wait for: going back to LA this weekend! 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: Literally three seconds ago 31. what are you listening to right now: My brothers and mom talking about how to rearrange the kitchen 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: My uncle is named Tom hehe 33. something that is getting on your nerves: Hmm 34. most visited website: Tumblr 35. hair colour: Medium brown 36. long or short hair: Hella long 37. do you have a crush on someone: A couple people! 38. what do you like about yourself: How curious I am! 39. piercings: None 40. blood type: I don’t know, and the fact that I don’t know is a great trial in my daily life 41.nickname: Sunny, Rere 42. relationship status: Single 43. zodiac: Capricorn 44. pronouns: She/her/hers 45. favourite tv show: Once Upon a Time and yes i’m ashamed 47. right or left handed: Right 48. surgery: Yes, but I was two, so I don’t remember it 49. sport: to watch? None LOL 50. vacation: France, or anywhere with one of my target languages 51. pair of trainers: (shoes, right?) Heels or ballet flats
More General 53. eating: I just ate spaghetti, and now I might eat some strawberry pie! 54. drinking: yes 55. i’m about to: Finally do the spread in my bullet journal and write some letters 56. waiting for: Going back to LA 57. want: Grad school 58. get married: Nope 59. career: Professor and researcher, and owner of my own lab!
Which is Better 60. hugs or kisses: Hugs, but both bc I sometimes smooch people on the cheek or the top of the head when I hug them (if they’re comfy with that) 61. lips or eyes: Eyes 62. shorter or taller: Taller 63. older or younger: Older or the same age 64. nice arms or nice stomach: Either 65. hook up or relationship: Both have an important place, but what I really value is friendship! 66. troublemaker or hesitant: My grandma is afraid that I’m going to get arrested, but other than that, I’m pretty hesitant. Because anxiety. 
Have You Ever 67. kissed a stranger: Yes 68. drank hard liquor: rn 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: I don’t wear them! 70. turned someone down: Yes 71. sex on the first date: Sure 72. broken someone’s heart: Yes :( 73. had your heart broken: Yes 74. been arrested: No 75. cried when someone died: Yes 76. fallen for a friend: Yes
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 77. yourself: hm 78. miracles: Yes 79. love at first sight: I believe in the potential for love at first sight, but not actual love, because I think that takes getting to know someone! 80. santa claus: Yeah, it’s me :D 81. kiss on the first date: Yes 82. angels: Yes
OTHER: 83. current best friend’s name: Natalie ♥ I have several best friends, but I’ve known her the longest, and she’s been with me through it all! I know we’re going to be friends until the stars fall from the sky and all that~ 84. eye colour: Hazel 85. favourite movie: Les Mis, of course!
I tag: @pollypeaches @amiedelabaisse @routeguano @kazoomajor @tiredpianist @michael-makes-an-entrance @decayingliberty and anyone else who wants to do it! (literally you should-- consider this me tagging you) (and tag me so I can See)
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theanimangagirl · 7 years
A Mage with a Sword
Rating: G
Words: 1828
“Just like that?”
“Apparently so”
“Hu, weird…..”
“I know, but you know what this means?”
“No more robes!” Honestly it was kind of hard not to smile at her absolutely blissful face, she strapped her staff in her back and took the sword and shield she had been stubbornly carrying since Lothering. Oathkeeper.
“Have you ever wielded a sword before?”
“Of course I had!”
“Just moving it around randomly doesn't count as wielding a sword”
“I….I knew that”
The silence overtook the small band.
“What about Morrigan, cans she wield a sword too?”
“I am standing here you fool, and no” her cheeks turned slightly red “I have not yet learned that technique”
“Right, so we have a mage that apparently can use heavy armors and another who turns into animals”
“That’s pretty simplistic but yes, if I can now use my strength in magic as physical strength then there is no need for me to stay in the back lines”
“What?” asked Alistair not understanding
“Will you teach me to use a broadsword?”
“What?” repeated Alistair stopping his spoon from the stew.
“Amell are you sure, broadswords are…” started Leliana
“Why?” asked the Qunari, clearly perplexed at the question.
“Why? Well, I want to fight, to attack Darkspawn before it attacks me, to cover for you guys , I am no healer so then I might use a sword protect you”
The Qunari assessed the Mage carefully. “Despite that magic you said you learn from the elves you’ll need real muscle and strength before you can even lift a dagger”
“I am willing to learn”
“Very well we start at dawn”
“At dawn?”
“Is that a complaint?”
“Sir, no sir”
Alistair and Leliana looked at each other with worry.
The next weeks were anything short of torture for amell, but not once did she complained. Sten woke her at dawn and trained her until noon every single day, push ups, sit downs , running and hard labor. The Qunari had said that her muscles were as frail as burn incense , and that they need to harden them. Amell was still carrying a bit of her baby fat from her circle days but that didn’t lasted long. It almost looked as if she was sweating the fat itself. The good thing about camping in the Hinterlands was the fact that there was enough ram to feed them all. Soon Sten’s work began to show progress, the once wobbly arms of a mage rere replaced by thin but growing arms of a warrior. The legs began defining themsleves and the baby fat in her tummy was making way to abdominal muscles, another development was…
“Leliana , see” said Amell very excited one day
“What is it?”
Amell was wearing leather pants, once they had been baggy, but now…
“I have a butt!”
Alistair choked on the water he was drinking, he couldn’t have heard that correctly, did she just...his eyes moved quickly to that specific part of anatomy of his fellow Warden.
“Hu?” murmured Leliana appreciatively “It appears that you do”
“I am so happy!”
“For a butt?”
“Yes, see some apprentices in the circle teaed me for ‘having all the hips but no butt’ and now I have a butt, it’s all thanks to Sten’s regime.
“Didn't you had a dislocated shoulder from that?”
“Nothing an injury kit can’t solve”
“Aren’t you pushing yourself more than you should?”
“Everybody has to train, and I have not forsaken my studies”
“That’s why you wake up with a book in your forehead every morning”
She yawned “Being dark is no excuse for not studying it’s a circle habit, one I am not very eager to get rid of”
“Amell?” called Alistair from the other side of the camp
“Hey Alistair...why are you wet?”
“That’s...that’s not important, I have a request for you”
“Oh” she said arching her eyebrow “what is it?”
“Spar with me”
“I beg your pardon?”
“You have been training for a month now, surely you can indulge me with a mock fight”
“But why? You are still more dextrous in combat than I am”
“We shall see,no?”
“I will be fair and we will spar with wooden weapons”
“I am not a child Alistair I can take iron”
“Very well”
 They decided the best would be after everything was packed before dinner.  Leliana was eyeing the two Wardens circling each other, measuring and calculating, Alistair had the advantage, he had been training to fight for years as a Templar and as a Warden. Amell on the other hand had spent her childhood reading and training her magic.
“Any comments , Sten?”
“You are quite conversationalist I see”
Rosarot , the mabari just barked, he didn’t looked concerned for his mistress.
“‘Tis but a waste of time” said Morrigan checking the stew
“How so?” asked Leliana
“Amell is mage, so naturally she is bound to win, physical force or not���
“They agreed to do with without magic”
“You shall see”
Amell, opened the fight lunging directly at alistair, he in contrast raised his shield repelling the attack. Amell quickly tied to do a back stab only to be blocked again this time by Alistair’s sword. Amell’s gaze intensified, she had always been competitive, she hide it at first, but as weeks had passed by the members of her little party had realized that she was competitive, stubborn and a natural leader, skills she likely was told to soften in the circle but that now in the middle of the Blight were flourishing.
She began attacking alistair only for him to repel every attack , she began to lose ground and Sten’s face changed just for an instant. He didn’t allowed her any time for breathing  he was not fighting as if he was fighting Darkspawn, his swings were very controlled. Amell’s weren’t,  she was growing desperate for not connecting any hit, while Alistair’s face only showed a natural concentration. Ha had managed to push her almost against a tree. She knew that if she was pushed against something it was game over, Sten had told her as much, with the back against something broadswords tended to be weaker. Alistair’s face only showed cockiness at this point, something that made Amell’s blood boil.She was getting closer and closer to the tree.
“I wi…” began alistair ready to deliver a coup de grace before he found himself thrown to the other side of the cam by a repulsion glyph. He landed painfully on his back.
Morrigan looked smugly at Leliana “Told you so”
“Ouch” he said rubbing his head.
“Sweet Mother of Andraste! Alistair!” Amell ran l towards her fallen  comrade leaving the broadsword in the floor, “I am so sorry I know we said that no magic but….”
She didn’t finished her sentence because she was unceremoniously thrown at the floor by the former templar, who managed to pin her down with little effort.
“What do you know, I win” he said with a easy smile
Amell blinked , confusion coloring her face. “What?”
“I said I win Amell”
“I don’t understand I…”
“Very well, I concede the victory” said Sten
“What’s going on?”
“Alistair mentioned how your fighting style, despite being suited for a two handed weapon, is impulsive, you cannot overwrite years of defensive training for offensive one so he suggest that you train with a sword and a shield”
“Come on I won’t be a bad teacher” said Alistair winking “but the choice is ultimately yours.”
“Can I decide when you are not ....pinning me to the ground?” said Amell as colors began riging to her face, the blushing having nothing to do with the physical extension.
Alistair then realized he still had her pinned down with each hand on her wrists and his body , both legs on the side of her hips and his body resting  on her hips. Now his face began turning the color of a ruby.
“I..yes” he liberated her wrists and began to stand up only for him being thrown to the floor and now she pinning him down in the same position he just had her.
“Cheat” she said feeling the hand soil below him.
“I hate to lose”
“We noticed”
Morrigan gave a disapproving groan. “Either you both rise from the ground or get in a tent”
Amell’s cocky smile was wiped out “I...on three, Alistair?”
Both Wardens finally rose and began to dust themselves. Amell faced Sten.
“Sten I do not want to disrespect you, you have been my teacher so far…”
“Nonsense Warden, you should use the most efficient training to get your goals. No offence will be taken, you have proved yourself to be a good learner, perhaps humans are not that weak”
That was a long statement coming from the Qunari , who usually limited himself to monosyllables.
“I thank you for everything Stan” she said giving a small bow.
She then turned to Alistair. “Ser Alistair” he cringed at the formal title “I humbly request for you to be my teacher”
“Why all the formality?”
“Seemed appropriate”
“Well, you can stop now, I am going to be your teacher not your boss”
“Of course not, everybody here knows I am the boss”
“What happened to the humility?”
“Decided to take a nap”
“Ha ha”
“Oh, you want humility?” she said with a mocking tone. “Oh your highness please forgive this lowly peasant for her careless demeanor” She had her head bowed  and giggling, so she didn’t saw how Alistair eyes widened as he gulped soundly. Both Leliana and Morrigan noticed with strangeness.
“Very funny, just because it’s me doesn't mean I am going to go easy on you, I think Sten will rip my arms out if I allow his training go to waste.
“Very true” commented the Qunari
“Anyway we should start our training as soon as se can, we are about a week away from Redcliffe, last we need is another ambush”
“I...yes, we can start tomorrow at dawn”
“What is it with you warriors and dawn?” muttered Amell
“The best way to start the day”
“Says you”
“Today we are going to talk theory, if you are up to it”
“Hah!” she laughed coyly “Theory is my middle name.
“No, it’s Solona, but call me that and I will send you a lightening bolt”
“Well, if you are done doing jokes, come and eat, I will not allow my hard work go to waste because of you two”
“Sorry Morrigan” said Amell entering her tent to look for her plate. Alistair did the same.
“Fools both of them” whispered Morrigan to no one in particular
“I think it’s cute” said Leliana “Like the time Sten was playing with that kitten”
“It was training” mumbled the Qunari concentrating on his stew.
“His reaction was strange” commented the witch.
“I agree, I guess we’ll have more context once we arrive to Redcliffe.
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asegbolu · 7 years
ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 2ND TERM EXAMINATION 2012 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS NAME: Answer all questions Section A 9 hundred, 9 tens and 4 units = _________ (a) 969 (b) 994 (c) 199 54 = _________________________ (a) 5 hundred and 4 tens (b) 5 tens and 4 units (c) 5 hundreds and 4 units One hundred and twenty four in figure is ______________ (a) 124 (b) 1024 (c) 10024 In 179, what does 9 stands for __________ (a) hundreds (b) tens (c) units Which is an odd number (a) 32 (b) 104 (c) 113 Which is an even number (a) 111 (b) 28 (c) 23 ¼ of 8 = _____________ (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 The fraction of the shaded portion is (a) 2/4 (b) 1/3 (c) 2/6 Which is the biggest number? (a) 135 (b) 138 (c) 136 40 + 20 = (a) 60 (b) 06 (c) 80 2 x 6 = (a) 18 (b) 12 (c) 8 0 x 100 = (a) 100 (b) 1 (c) 0 27 16 = (a) 8 (b) 11 (c) 21 ¼ of 32 = (a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 11 181 in words is written as ______________ (a) One eight one (b) one eighty one (c) one hundred and eighty one Section B Put > (greater than) or < (less than) 121 ________ 109 (b.) 19 ________ 99 5 tens is the same as _____________ 72 + 59 = 4 0 - 2 5 Subtract 38 from 52 There are 40 oranges. 7 are bad, how many oranges are left There are 29 pencils in a box, 27 pencils are added more. How many pencils are there altogether? 3 5 6 3 3 0 + 3 1 2 9 2 - 4 7 5 6 0 2 1 + 2 2 1 ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 2ND TERM EXAMINATION 2012 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: BASIC SCIENCE NAME: How many sense organs are there in the human body? (a) 7 (b) 5 (c) 6 The part that consist of the nose, eyes, ears, mouth is known as the _______ (a) face (b) head (c) skin The skin is for _____________ (a) eating (b) feeling (c) tasting Man walks with _________ legs (a) six (b) two (c) four This is a _____________ (a) circle (b) square (c) rectangle A bicycle wheel is a _____________ (a) circle (b) square (c) rectangle Which is bigger? (a) ruler (b) chair (c) car Kolanut has ____________ taste (a) honey (b) bitter (c) sweet _____________ is an example of harmful substance (a) rotten egg (b) orange (c) fried rice When we take harmful substances, it can make someone _____________ (a) strong (b) fine (c) sick Section B Draw and label a plant Mention four animals in your locality (a) ______________________________ (b) _________________________________ (c) ______________________________ (d) _________________________________ What are the sounds of these animals Dog _____________________ (d.) Cock _____________________ Cat _____________________ (e.) Bee _____________________ Snake _____________________ Mention five parts of your body that can be seen (a) ______________________________ (b) _________________________________ (c) ______________________________ (d) _________________________________ (e) ______________________________ __________________ is used for planting crops ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 2ND TERM EXAMINATION 2012 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS NAME: The movement of the body in a special way is called ___________ (a) balanced diet (b) resting (c) exercise ____________ is a form of exercise (a) dancing (b) writing (c) watching T.V The food we eat in the morning is known as _________ (a) super diet (b) balanced diet (c) full diet _______ is a type of fruit. (a) carrot (b) paw paw (c) groundnut Some foods are cooked before eating (a) Yes (b) No We cook salad before eating (a) Yes (b) No __________ can be used to beautify our surroundings (a) books (b) pots (c) flowers How often should we clean our environment (a) daily (b) sometimes (c) weekly All cooking items are kept in the ___________ (a) bedroom (b) sitting room (c) kitchen Fruits can be turned to ___________ (a) grains (b) fruit juice (c) yam Section B List four items for bathing (a) ______________________________ (b) _________________________________ (c) ______________________________ (d) _________________________________ List some common items you can find in the home. (a) ______________________________ (b) _________________________________ (c) ______________________________ (d) _________________________________ Mention some fruits that can be used as juice. (a) ______________________________ (b) _________________________________ (c) ______________________________ (d) _________________________________ Mention two ways of preserving our foods. (a) ______________________________ (b) _________________________________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 2ND TERM EXAMINATION 2012 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: BIBLE KNOWLEDGE NAME: God loves us so much that He gave us His _____________ (a) water (b) angels (c) son _______________ baptized Jesus (a) Peter (b) John the Baptist (c) Saul of Taraus _______________ was sick of fever (a) Pauls mother in-law (b) Peters mother in-law (c) Johns mother _________________ mean talking to God (a) Prayer (b) Phoning (c) Begging Jesus raised _____________ from death (a) Peter (b) Joseph (c) Lazarus _____________ is a type of prayer (a) Prayer of praise (b) Prayer of talking (c) Prayer of asking Jesus wants us to pray __________________ (a) weekly (b) always (c) yearly Who was thrown into the Lions den _____________ (a) Saul (b) Andrew (c) Daniel Shedrach, Meshac and Abednego were thrown into the ______________ (a) Lagoon (b) Fire (c) Prison Another name of Jesus is _______________ (a) Peace (b) Purity (c) Emmanuel Section B We celebrate Christmas because of ________________ Who tempted Jesus __________________ What did Jesus use to feed five thousand people ______________ _____________________ is a spirit. ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 2ND TERM EXAMINATION 2012 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: YORUBA NAME: Tani kii puro? _________ (a) omo ibi (b) omo rere Omokomo ton puro __________ (a) omorere ni (b) omo ibi ni Ki lo n se baba aina ___________ (a) oku (b) Aisan Ta lo ba iya Ade ka aso? (a) Peju (b) Tola Ta ni ojo ri lona? (a) Olowo kan (b) Okunrin ara kan Bunmi ri isele ____________ (a) Ikomo (b) Ijamba moto Ta lo so pe Ha, Maluu ja? (a) Tunde (b) Alaba Fose we kara da _________ (a) Ji (b) Saka Ki lo n ke kuu kuu kuu ________ (a) Akuko (b) Agbebo Bode ati __________ n ta ayo (a) Alaba (b) Tunde Section B Fa ila si oro onisilebu kan ninu awon oro wonyi Wo sugbon nipa temi Ere osupa ni awon omode P + a = Fa ila si faweli ninu awon oro won yi Baba aina Bibeli Agbe bo Fa ila si knosonanti Ko la wo le Funmi Ko alifabeti ede Yoruba Head ni an pe ni _______ ni ede Yoruba ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 2ND TERM EXAMINATION 2012 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: VERBAL REASONING NAME: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A Example: FU GT HS IR _JQ_ RI SH TG UF __________ EV FU GT HS __________ Underline the vowels A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Circle the vowels G o o d b o y S t u p i d A n g e l Underline the consonant B a m b o o C l o w n J e r k Write these words in alphabetical order Gate, ice-cream, hat, kite, lamp, jug g _____________ I _____________ k ________________ h _____________ j _____________ L _________________ Write words that begin with Ch ____ (16.) ___ ___ ___ l Th ____ (17.) ___ ___ ___ ___ o Wh ____ (18.) ___ ___ ___ h Sh _____ (19.) l ___ ___ n Tr _____ (20.) ___ ___ ___ ___ e ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 2ND TERM EXAMINATION 2012 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION NAME: Civic education tells us about our society (a) yes (b) no A place where we learn how to read and write is __________ (a) home (b) school (c) office A _________ is where people buy and sell (a) market (b) office (c) store A group of people living together to achieve the same goal is __________ (a) society (b) community (c) environment Environmental sanitation is done every last Saturday of the month (a) true (b) False An ___________ is the traditional ruler in the Yoruba land (a) Emir (b) Oba (c) Eze One of the rules in the community is that, community members should ________ the leaders. (a) abuse (b) fight (c) respect __________ make up the society (a) families (b) banks (c) hospitals An __________ is a leader in igboland. (a) Emir (b) Oba (c) Obi A community leader must be ___________________ (a) Fearful (b) Wicked (c) Caring Section B What are the four things we can use to clean our environment? (a) ______________________________ (b) _________________________________ (c) ______________________________ (d) _________________________________ People pass out waste in the ____________________________ List four things community leaders and members can provide for the community (a) ______________________________ (b) _________________________________ (c) ______________________________ (d) _________________________________ List four items that can be found in schools. (a) ______________________________ (b) _________________________________ (c) ______________________________ (d) _________________________________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 2ND TERM EXAMINATION 2012 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE NAME: Comprehension CHUKWU GOES SHOPPING Stella works in a bookshop. She sells biro, erasers and exercise books One day, Chukwu came into the shop. He said, I would like to buy two biros and one pencil. The lady said, Two pencils and one eraser? Chukwu said, No, two biros and one pencil. Stella said, Alright, I will get them for you. Questions. Where does Stella work? (a) Stella works in a supermarket (b) Stella works in the bookshop (c) Stella is a teacher Did Chukwu come to play in the shop? (a) Yes, he did (b) No, he did not (c) I dont know What did he want? (a) Two pencils and one eraser (b) Three biros and one pencil (c) Two biros and one pencil Did Stella hear Chukwu? (a) Yes, she did (b) No, she did not (c) I dont know Did Chukwu get what he wanted? (a) No, he did not (b) Yes, he did (c) Stella gave him erasers Section B: Complete these sentences. Use these words Artist, fisherman, potter, driver, doctor, mechanics A ________________________ fishes A ______________________ makes pots A ____________________ takes care of patients in the hospital. A ______________________ drives car An _________________________ draws and paints pictures A _______________________ repairs cars. Section C: Choose the right word to complete the sentences Wood, Leather, rubber, clay A table is made of ____________________ Rainboats are made of _________________ Pot is made of ______________________ Belt is made of ______________________ Choose this or these to fill the following gaps _____________ is a ball _____________ are cups ______________ are biscuits ______________ is a boy ______________ are good cars. Section D: Put a or an before the following words __________ ant ____________ table __________ elephant ___________ insect ___________ shirt Section E: Use any of these words or phrases to compute the sentences In front of, inside, under, on top of, beside Musa is standing ________________________ the tree Some birds are __________________________ the tree Emeka is ________________________ the classroom The hoe is ______________________ the cutlass Bola is standing _____________________ the big mirror Section f: Positive Comparative Superlative Small Thinner More beautiful Shortest Good ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 2ND TERM EXAMINATION 2012 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES NAME: Clean environment helps people to live a __________ life (a) dirty (b) healthy (c) rough Religion teaches love and honest (a) True (b) false Tradition religion worship in the ___________ (a) mosque (b) shrine (c) church Adornment add beauty to our body (a) True (b) False Accidents victims are taken to the __________ (a) Church (b) School (c) Hospital Mention three things used for cleaning the environment _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ List three places accidents can occur ________________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ How many tribes to we have in Nigeria? (a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 6 ___________ is the colour of Nigeria flag. (a) yellow green blue (b) white blue red (c) green white green List three electrical appliances that you know. ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Mention two non-electrical appliances used at home _______________________________ _______________________________ Name two adornments that you know _______________________________ _______________________________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 2ND TERM EXAMINATION 2012 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE NAME: ______________ is an example of a grain crop (a) yam (b) rice (c) pawpaw ____________ is used for planting a crop (a) fruit (b) seed (c) vegetable Yam gives us _________________ (a) protein (b) carbohydrate (c) vitamin Grain crops is useful for animals (a) True (b) False Which crop grows under the soil? (a) Tuber crops (b) vegetable (c) fruits Carrot is a root crops (a) True (b) False Example of a tuber crops are (a) Yam & Cassava (b) Pineapple & cocoyam (c) beans & millet List three types of soil _____________________________ _____________________________ ___________________________ We can get _______________ from cassava (a) oil (b) starch (c) petrol _______________ is farmers friend. (a) earthwarm (b) bird (c) snake ______________ is a useful insects to farmers (a) grasshopper (b) butterfly (c) mosquito Fruits is used for making juice (a) True (b) False List three fruits that you know ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ List three farm tools _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 2ND TERM EXAMINATION 2012 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: QUANTITATIVE REASONING NAME: Write the even numbers 54 22 24 17 30 9 6 18 28 32 11 26 72 44 50 31 42 90 28 96 8 4 16 18 9 Multiplication 6.) 8.) 9.) = = 10.) 11.) = = Underline the odd numbers 12.) 32 31 84 11 13.) 15 12 7 10 14.) 54 43 3 18 15.) 26 21 38 23 Identify the following shapes 16.) 17.) = = 18.) 19.) = = 20.) = via Blogger http://ift.tt/2yEbkeS
0 notes
l-r-christian · 3 years
Title: A Lady and her vampire; Let the courting begin
Pairing: Human!Reader x Elijah Mikaelson
Warnings: Fluff, Mama Vermount being protective, Elijah simping hard,
Summary: Elijah is now courting Lady Y/N and is falling hard while Lady Y/N is falling in love with Elijah.
Tags: @darkcastle167 @rere-the-writer
It was a early morning when Elijah woke getting ready to see Lady Y/N after last night's ball Duchess Vermount was going to allow Elijah to court her daughter. Elijah got an art kit learning the Lady enjoyed painting and of course the Duchess was watching him like a hawk as he sat with Lady Y/N in the drawing-room.
"I hope that mother isn't making you uncomfortable." Y/N says looking at Elijah who smiled at the young Lady as Elijah found her to be just gorgeous in a baby blue dress hair up and wore small pearls making her seem more innocent than she was.
"I don't mind. If I have to sit though your mother's glare to just see your beautiful face then I will do it thousand times." Elijah tells her seeing her cheeks flush looking away to her book that sat in her lap.
"Are you really allowing Mr. Mikaelson to court our daughter?" The Duke asked his wife as they stood watching Elijah and Y/N seeing the vampire teaching Y/N a few notes on the piano.
"Unlike those other suitors, he is a gentleman." The Duchess said hearing her daughter laugh and saw how Elijah lit up at the sound of it. Duke Vermount raised an eyebrow looking at his wife then looked at his daughter seeing her flushing face when Elijah kissed her knuckles saying goodbye. For two months Elijah was courting Lady Y/N while Rebekah got a Prince for a suitor.
"I know Prince Arthur." Y/N says as her and Elijah walked though a park as a maid in waiting followed since the Duchess was busy. Elijah looked to the woman of his affection as he flet a little spark of jealousy seeing the twinkle of joy in her eyes when she spoke of the Prince.
"Do you?"
"Yes, we grew up together. He is one of my best friends." Y/N tells Elijah pressing closer to his side seeing a few Ladies seemly jealous that she was being courted by a every handsome man that was every much in love with the future Duchess.
There was a sudden down pour and lost Y/N's maid in the rush as Elijah pulled the young Lady into a gazebo and his breathing hitched. Y/N was rushing to fix her hair as wet strans fell from the once elegant bun her light pink dress stuck to her body showing off her curves.
"You are breath taking beautiful." Elijah's baritone voice reached her ears as she flushed looking at her suitor and swallowed trying to calm her racing heart seeing Elijah just as soaked as she was. Elijah had removed his suit jacket and his shirt was sticking to his chest making the young woman turn away flushing then jumping feeling Elijah pressed against her back picking up on her racing heart.
"What are you thinking about, my Duchess?" Elijah asked lowly in her ear as his nose brushed long the skin of her neck. Rain poured outside as Y/N trembled feeling Elijah's fingers move along her arm.
"That....we...shouldn't be this...close." Y/N whispered as she couldn't help but lean back against the vampire and just now noticed how much taller he was compared to her. Elijah had very much captured the young Lady's heart as she couldn't see herself getting another suitor or any other man has her husband. Y/N looked up at him reaching up touching his cheek seeing his eyes twinkling with adoration for her.
"And if I were to ask for your hand? Then can we be this close?"
"Then.....I would have to say yes Mr. Mikaelson." Y/N whispered her face growing hotter when Elijah leaned in then his lips were on hers. Sparks flew as Y/N couldn't help but lean into Elijah kissing back as suddenly Elijah picked her up wrapping her legs around his waist kissing her harder.
"Mr. Mikaelson!" Y/N squealed gripping his shoulders ad Elijah chuckled placing kisses on her wet skin, smiling against her neck. Elijah was satisfied with just holding her close letting her soak up his body heat feeling her shiver from the cold.
"Yes my love?"
"You can't just lift me like this! Put me do...." Y/N was cut off when Elijah kissed her again pulling away enjoying how her cheeks darken even more as she had gotten shy and hid her face in his neck. Elijah had shifted the young woman to carry her bridal style and had wrapped her up in his suit jacket as the rain had stopped. Y/N held her hands to her chest staring at Elijah with twinkling eyes as if he was her Prince charming.
"A true gentleman would never allow his fiancé walk on muddy ground." Elijah says carrying his now fiancé home and smiled feeling her lay her head on his shoulder.
"I apologize Duchess, I tried to be sure she wouldn't get wet."
"You carried her all the way here?"
"What kind of husband would I be if I allowed her to walk though mud?"
Y/N woke hearing Elijah and her mother talking and she flushed realizing she was still in Elijah's arms. Y/N was once again on her feet and taken up stairs to get into a dry dress as Elijah spoke to the Duchess and Duke of Cambridge about the engagement that their daughter accepted. New went out that the young Lady was set to marry Elijah, surprising his siblings while Elijah was over the moon about marrying his one and only.
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l-r-christian · 3 years
Title: Fake it until you love me - Epilogue
Part 4
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x F!Human!Reader
Summary: After Kris's wedding, Y/N and Elijah began dating and now it is Y/N's big day. But someone decided to show their face again.
Warnings: Fluff, asshole ex, bitchy sister
Tag list: @smailaway - @jordynhouston - @rere-the-writer - @just-another-writer-17
It was a cold morning as it was the big day for both Elijah and Y/N as they were getting married after being engaged for a year. Elijah had asked Y/N to marry him during a visit to Texas for Christmas and being the gentleman he was. Elijah had asked Big Daddy for Y/N's hand in marriage making Big Daddy grin and slapped Elijah on the shoulder taking the Original ring shopping. Elijah had proposed on Christmas morning with Y/N sitting next to a every pregnant Kris while Amelia saw the small box and thought the gift was for her.
"There is one more gift." Amelia said picking the box up with a grin as everyone looked over while Elijah stood up from his spot next to Granny M taking the box from the blonde making her think that Elijah finally see she was the better choice. But Elijah walked over Y/N getting her attention as he got on one knee as Y/N began to tear up finding hard to breath.
"Elijah?" She whispered as Elijah smiled gently opening the box to show a beautiful engagement ring of Y/N's birthstone sitting in the middle of a circle of diamonds resting on a rose gold band. Y/N's eyes filled with tears as Elijah gently took her hand as her family watched surprised.
"Y/N, I have loved many over the years but you managed to take my breath away. I thought I was complete before you came crashing into my life. I found you make me complete, Y/N....you have become my better half. You make want to be the best man for you. So may I be honored to be called your husband?" Elijah proposed as Y/N covered her mouth as tears rolled down her face.
"Sweetpea, say yes." Loretta whispered yelled crying as Granny M teared up while Kris was sniffling next to her big sister, Big Daddy had a proud smile on his face while Amelia was shocked.
"......Yes.....I would love to marry you." Y/N breathed out as Elijah smiled brightly and slipped the ring on her finger as Y/N cupping his face kissing him gently and was set to marry the Original. While at first Loretta was annoyed that Y/N wanted to marry in New Orleans and not in the family home but when they came down to the Mikaelson home, Y/N's mother changed her tune. Y/N found it a little scary how well Kris got along with Kol leaving a poor Luke making sure his wife and Kol wasn't getting too crazy while Rebekah and Freya glared at Amelia.
"Now aren't you gorgeous." Klaus said walking into the room with Hope running in smiling brightly her eyes lighting up seeing Y/N in her wedding dress. The dress hugged her perfectly with a low cut neckline and sheer long flowy sleeves.
"Need something Nik?" Y/N asked picking up Hope smiling softly at the girl who reached up fixing the small tiara on Y/N's head.
"Hope wanted to see you and Elijah is getting antisec. Who knew my brother would be so upset for not being able to see you for three days. I must say your sister is fast for woman who is three months pregnant."
"It is a Prescott tradition that the bride doesn't see her husband until the wedding." Loretta said fixing the train of lace that was the veil that was passed down to each Prescott lady. Hope's blue eyes twinkled when Y/N placed the girl down while Klaus had a proud smile on his face as he couldn't wait to call Y/N sister.
"You look like a princess." Hope said as Y/N blushed tucking a piece of hair behind her ear as Klaus leaned against the door frame watching Loretta readied her daughter for the wedding. Granny M walked in not before gently patting Klaus's cheek when he smiled at the old woman. Over the last few days of getting to know the Mikaelsons, Granny M had baby them and spoiled them with food and love as in return they adored the old woman.
"That she does honeybee." Granny said smiling as Hope smiled at the old woman seeing her carrying a box and place it down on the vanity. Y/N watched the old woman open the box to show the Prescott family sapphire necklace and she saw Granny M had a pendant made of the Mikaelson's family Crest to be put on the necklace.
"As tradition the oldest Prescott woman gives a gift to the bride." Granny said as Y/N teared up finding it just beautiful moving to sit so Granny could put the necklace on the bride's neck.
"Alright little wolf, we need to get you ready to be the flower girl." Klaus says as Hope smiled brightly and looked up at her newest aunt.
"Don't worry aunt Y/N, I'll be the best flower girl." Hope said proudly pulling a smile from Y/N watching the girl running out as Klaus followed after. Loretta helped Y/N finish getting ready as Big Daddy came to walk her down the aisle but seeing his little girl in her wedding dress made him tear up.
Everyone was ready and stood as the bridal march began as Elijah stood at the altar wanting to see the love of his life and saw her walking down aisle with her father. Elijah felt his breathing stop find her just so gorgeous as they reach the steps to the altar.
"Take good care of my babygirl." Big Daddy whispered giving Elijah Y/N's hand as Elijah nodded. Y/N kissed her father's cheek then looked at Elijah with a smile as he soften finding his self falling in love all over again.
"Dearily, beloved we are here to bare witness to the union of Elijah Mikaelson and Y/N Prescott. Both had written their own vow." Father Kieran says as Y/N took a deep breath going first as Elijah rubbing her knuckles to calm her as Rebekah handed her Elijah's wedding band.
"Elijah, since I've met you....you had became everything to me. Between my tears and laughs you have been there no matter the problem......and..," Y/N choked up looking at Elijah with teary eyes as he smiled gently," and never in a thousand years would I have thought that I would fall in love with my best friend...Elijah, I vow to love you Always and Forever." Y/N said as Elijah teared up as his heart bursting with love for the woman in front him as she placed the ring on his finger. Elijah took Y/N's wedding band from Kol smiling softly.
"Y/N, you have became my dearest love. I find myself falling more and more in love with you and as you know it is not easy for me to open up yet....you make it easy. I didn't believe in soulmates before you but now I believe she is standing in front of me. I vow to love you Always and Forever." Elijah says as Y/N was crying and Elijah kissed her knuckles placing the wedding band on her finger.
"Before I bless them in holy matrimony. Is there anyone who believes these two should not be married please speak now or forever hold your peace." Father Kieran said when someone cleared their throat getting everyone's attention as they looked seeing it was James Maxwell standing there dress to impressed.
"I do." James said smirking as Y/N blinked as Elijah growled lowly moving to block James from looking at his wife while the Mikaelsons glared at the man Y/N wondering just how in the hell did James knew she was getting married and she looked to the crowd seeing Amelia smirking.
"As I think it is only right that Y/N marries the father of her child." James said walking down the aisle still smirking as she froze as no one but Kris and Amelia knew she was pregnant. Elijah looked at Y/N silently asking if it was true that she was indeed pregnant and she nodded while Freya was more shocked the most which Elijah noted to ask her later about it.
"James, it isn't yours."
"How would Elijah know? After all you came to see me that night."
"You mean you came drunk off your ass to our hotel room demanding she takes you back!" Kris said looking ready to throw hands but both Luke and Kol tried to calm her and get her to sit down. Y/N reached out grabbed the back of Elijah's suit jacket to stop him from killing the human male so Elijah returned to the altar nodding to Father Kieran who understood.
"I now pronounce you, husband and wife. Elijah, you may kiss the bride." The Father said as Elijah cupped Y/N's face kissing her deeply her nipped at her bottom lip pulling a quiet moan from his wife. Y/N gripping Elijah's suit jacket as he pulled away rubbing her now swollen her swollen lip smirking at her flushed face noticing needy look in her eyes then looked at James still smirking.
"I now believe, Y/N is now my wife so now you can't have her." Elijah says stepping down the steps of the altar and holding his hand out to his wife helping her down the steps and kissed her hand. Klaus stood up putting an arm around James taking him outside with a deadly smirk on his face while everyone moved to the reception.
"Nik, isn't going to kill James. Right?"
"Niklaus, wouldn't ruin today with death. Now go have your first dance with your father,I need to talk to Freya." Elijah says and Y/N leaned up kissing his cheek the went to dance with her father. Elijah gently pulled Freya aside wanting answers.
"It was an wedding gift. About two months earlier I found an old spell that would allow vampires to have children and Klaus told me you always wanted a child. So I did the spell with the help of Vincent." Freya answered watching Elijah while biting the inside of her cheek. Elijah smiled gently hugging Freya happy that his sister giving him the best gift.
"Thank you Freya."
"Did you learn what you wanted from Freya?" Y/N asked as she danced with Elijah who smiled touched her forehead with his.
"I have. No need to worry my beautiful wife." Elijah said softly swaying with Y/N moving his face to her neck burying his face there taking in her scent. Y/N smiled kissing Elijah's temple lacing her fingers with his as he pulled her closer. Hope came skipping up with a bright smile on her face getting their attention.
"May I cut in uncle Elijah?" Hope ask as Elijah chuckled nodding moving watching his wife pick up his niece to dance and Granny took the chance to dance with her favorite dance partner.
"I must apologize on how you found out that Y/N was pregnant."
"Don't be. Your brother was sweet enough to get James out before Kris could hurt the man. Besides I am not ashamed of you both as I was pregnant on my wedding day." Granny M tells Elijah patting his cheek with a smile and he returned the smile.
Amelia sat at the bar drinking annoyed that for once a guy stayed with Y/N also annoyed her plan for James to ruin the wedding fell though. Her blue eyes fell on Elijah seeing him with Loretta who was smiling telling Elijah she was happy for him and Y/N which annoyed Amelia even more as she thought her mother would be on her side as the blonde had always go what she wanted.
"I find it disgusting how you treat your sister." Rebekah says getting Amelia's attention and she rolled her eyes going back to staring at Elijah watching Kris ask for a dance which Elijah happily said yes while Klaus danced with Y/N both sharing soft laughs.
"Do you need something?" Amelia asked annoyed looking at Rebekah and Hayley came up sitting on the other side Amelia. The female hybrid was the one who was angry with Amelia the most as she saw Y/N as the little sister she never had.
"I agree with Rebekah."
"Look ladies, when you look like me things fall into your lap. I want Elijah but he married the sad sack of a sister." Amelia said sipping her drink as both Hayley and Rebekah looked at one another.
"But I'm not too worried about it. Married men cheat all the time." Amelia smirked then was surprised when both women dragged her off to where no one could see.
"You would forget your feelings for Elijah and let Y/N be happy with Elijah. You'll forget this happen." Rebekah compelled Amelia then let her go as Rebekah and Hayley watching Amelia walk off smiling.
"This is lovely." Elijah said with a smile as Y/N turned around cheeks flushing seeing him without tie and his hair a mess as Y/N had never found Elijah more attractive than she did now. Elijah stepped out taking off his suit jacket and placed it on her shoulders seeing her shivering.
"Always the gentleman." Y/N teased Elijah as he smiled cupping her cheek as she pressed close.
"For you, yes." Elijah said softly capturing her lips in a heated kiss pulling her even closer then pulled away seeing her cheeks were flushed as he put his forehead against hers.
"Hmm, I love you Eli Always and Forever." Y/N said wrapping her arms around his neck as Elijah swayed them both.
"I love you and our soon to be little one, Always and Forever." Elijah said smiling as Y/N layed her head against his chest. They both enjoy a quiet dance under the stars promises of forever.
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dragons-bones · 4 years
FFXIV: A Synthesis of Aether
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#FebHyurary Day 17: Food + Day 18: Music
A/N: So I had too many ideas for yesterday, but knew for today touching on Synnove’s aether synesthesia would work well, and then I said, “DT YOU FOOL YOU CAN COMBINE BOTH DAYS FOR HER AETHER SYNESTHESIA.” And lo: a fic! Mostly dialogue, I haven’t done a dialogue heavy ficlet in a loooong time so I feel a bit rusty, but this was a fun exercise!
[Installing SCAEVAN SYSTEMICS operating software.]
[Installation successful, running update cycle.]
[Updates complete. Archive Node Unit 453 now online. Please specify primary user.]
“Synnove Greywolfe.”
[USER: SYNNOVE now registered. How may I assist you today?]
“Please stand by for audio recording.”
[Standing by.]
The node’s lights dimmed from bright grass green to soft seafoam as it partially powered down, its northern and southern hemispheres slowly rotating in opposite directions.
Synnove lowered her hand and glanced over at Rereha. “All right, you can babble now,” the Highlander said.
Rere took her hands off her mouth to tug at her braided pigtails and beamed at her. “Whatcha doing?” she said, in the sing-song tone of someone feeling exceptionally nosy, rocking back on her heels.
Synnove rolled her eyes and set her hands on her hips. “Y’shtola’s working on a compilation of aetheric synesthesic perceptions as a downtime project,” she said. “She asked me if I was willing to contribute, to which I obviously said ‘yes.’ But because I’m not often able to spend much time in Revenant’s Toll that doesn’t devolve into Warrior of Light or Ironworks business—”
“—audio recordings you can send or give her are more convenient.”
“Careful, Rere, or other people will begin realizing you’re smarter than you pretend to be.”
The lalafell gasped. “Madam, you wound me!”
She received a satisfied smirk in reply as Synnove added, “And what better way to create an audio recording than with my new archive node?”
Rere pulled herself up onto Synnove’s desk, sitting on the edge and kicking her feet back and forth as she leaned back to rest on her hands. “Did you liberate it from the Ironworks?”
“I purchased this fair and square, I have a bill of sale from Jessie herself.”
“Nero’s OS?”
“The fact you know that term is vaguely frightening, but the man does have an unparalleled understanding of Allagan technology and if you tell him I said that, I will hang you by your toes from the edge of the Steps of Faith.”
Rere mimed locking her lips.
“Hand me that stack of paper, please.” Synnove pointed to Rere’s right. The lalafell snagged it and dutifully handed it over.
The arcanist shuffled through them, humming tunelessly as she did, before she came across the correct page. “All right,” she said, mostly to herself. “Start with Y’shtola’s list of baseline sensations today and go from there.” Louder now: “Begin recording.”
[Audio recording now live.]
Synnove automatically straightened her spine and rolled down her shoulders in the same way she did before she began a lecture for the fourth-year arcanist students. In a clear, strong voice: “Synnove Greywolfe recording for Y’shtola Rhul on the 18th day of the Second Umbral Moon, 11 Year of the Seventh Astral Era, on the subject of synesthetic perceptions of aether. I personally perceive aether, in addition to visual manifestations, as both taste and sound. Occasionally, one sensation will dominate the other, and certain sounds and tastes aren’t exclusive to one elemental type.
“For this recording, I’ll describe the overall generalities I associate with different elemental aether; variance is high depending on factors such as location or origin, in terms of ambient or crystallized aether, or in the case of spells, if they are being performed correctly or are altered in some capacity.”
“How to spot the catastrophic boom just before the boom becomes catastrophic and it’s too late to do anything about it.”
Synnove sighed. Rere giggled.
“Y’sthola, remind me to recalculate the angle needed to ensure Rere lands in Silvertear if thrown from the highest tower in the Toll.”
“You’d be fine, Hydaelyn likes you best.”
Rere pouted, lower lip pushed out to the point of exaggeration, which meant she wasn’t actually offended.
“To get back on topic: fire. Fire aether most frequently tastes like hot spices, such as peppers; coffee; red meat, such as buffalo; bitter chocolate; cherries; wine. Sound tends to be uniformly brass instruments such as horns and trumpets; very occasionally it can sound like metal striking metal.
“Earth aether is auditorily simple and gustatorily complex. The sound of earth is always rhythmic and steady, if not outright drumming; the sensation of it echoing follows fairly often, too. Taste runs a huge gamut: savory or sweet seasonings, such as cumin or cinnamon; white meat, such as pork; most vegetables, particularly green or starchy vegetables; certain fruits such as apples and figs; bread; cheeses; stews; whiskeys.”
“I’d call most of those foods ‘homey.’”
Synnove frowned thoughtfully. “That’s a fair assessment,” she said after a moment. “Earth aether tends to ‘taste’ comforting.”
“Does that mean Tyr is the ultimate comfort food?”
“Does that mean you want to go flying out of my office window into the harbor?”
“I’m going to shut up now!”
“See how long that lasts,” Synnove said under her breath while her sister smiled beatifically. “Where was I… Ah, wind.”
The Highlander frowned. “Wind aether is another oddity, taste-wise. Mint tends to present quite frequently, along with sweet chocolate, white grapes, vanilla, white wine, arak, olives, and scallions. Thankfully when it seems to be a combination of flavors, it’s complimentary…” She shook her head. “Sound is similar to flutes, chimes, whistles. Bit stereotypical, honestly.
“Lightning…” Synnove paused, frowning again. “Sound tends to be similar to specific string instruments such as violas and cellos; deeper sounds. Low notes on a piano or harpsichord, sometimes simple humming or vibrations. Taste does not tend to be strong, but most frequently has manifested as berries and/or stonefruits. Alcohols such as gin, palm wine, ouzo, and brandy.”
“That is not the element I’d consider boozy,” Rere said idly. She had lain back on the desk and was staring up at the huge arched ceiling of the tower office, twiddling her thumbs.
Synnove shrugged without further comment, already looking at the next item on the list Krile had transcribed on Y’shtola’s behalf. “Water is what one would think would be boozy but I have legitimately never tasted ‘boozy’ water aether before. Tropical fruits dominate; in terms of savory, as horrifically stereotypical as it is, seafood. But almost never in a way that makes sense, I once found a water cluster in a bluefin tuna’s belly that tasted like Coerthan oyster confit.”
“I remember that, you made the weirdest face.”
“I still can’t find the words to describe just how fucked up that taste versus visual dichotomy was. In any event, water aether also sounds like string instruments, mostly harps, dulcimers, and brighter pianos. Also, a very specific drum… Rere, what’s that staccato-sounding drum the Flames have been using in their parades of late?”
The lalafell picked her head up. “Snare drum?”
“That’s the one. Timpanis on occasion, too. And finally…ice. Sound leans towards woodwind instruments like the clarinet and piccolo, as well as bells. Any bell. Taste…hmm. Slaw, fruits that freezes well, fruit juices, Thavnairian sweet tea—”
“That is not tea, that is an abomination.”
“—some melons, cucumbers, white rum, wintergreen.”
“I still can’t believe you’ve never come across ice aether that tastes like the Bismarck’s root beer float.”
“They introduced it to the menu last year.”
Synnove sighed that heavy, gusting sigh everyone who spent longer than thirty minutes with Rereha learned. “Y’shtola, I see a note here about Primordial Light and Dark, but I’ll do that in the next recording along with variations and discrepancies, as first, I need to beat my sister over the head with a grimoire—”
Rereha hopped down from the desk and ran for the office door, shouting BYE Y’SHTOLA I LOVE YOU BEST over her shoulder as she did.
“—and second, I’m hungry and now is a good time to break for lunch. Recording end.”
[End of recording. Is there anything else on which I may provide assistance?]
“No, that will be all for now—ah! Before I forget. Please create new nodal designation of own choice.”
[Clarification requested.]
“Pick a name for yourself.”
[Accessing imperial Allagan databases for repository of birth certificates. Scanning records.]
[Archive Node Unit 453 rename complete. Archive Node Unit 453 is now Kleio.]
Synnove smiled, pleased. “It’s nice to meet you, Kleio.”
[…Thank you. Database scans are currently inconclusive as relates to instruments in modern usage versus those of Allag. What samples are available to provide edification?]
The Highlander cocked her head, staring at the silver-and-green node for a few long moments, before another smile, this one slow and delighted, crossed her features. “I have a few orchestrion rolls that include solos and chamber music that you could listen to while I have lunch, and I can provide lists of which instruments are used in each piece.”
[That would be satisfactory.]
“Perfect! Let’s get you set up…”
27 notes · View notes
dragons-bones · 4 years
6 for the end of year meme?
6. What’s your favourite piece of dialogue you wrote this year?
Dialogue is my ABSOLUTE MOST FAVORITE THING EVER TO WRITE, so here’s a fucking LIST. :3
Pearls of Wisdom:
Rereha threw open the doors to Aymeric’s office, shite-eating grin firmly plastered on her face as she skipped inside, and sang out, “Congratulations! It’s twins!”
“Twin carbuncles!” Synnove cheered. “I had to infuse them at the same time, so they each contain levin and water aether, but the black pearl absorbs levin more readily, and the white pearl more water.”
“So,” Aymeric said hesitantly, a hint of relief in his voice, “you aren’t pregnant, then?”
“What?” said Synnove, rearing back with a frown. “No! Why would—” She went from confused to unamused in a heartbeat and turned her head to level a poisonous glare on a certain lalafell. “REREHA.”
(And here’s a read more because this is gonna get L O N G)
Eventually, she regained enough energy to prop her chin on his sternum. Aymeric lifted his head to meet her gaze as he kept petting her, a questioning noise in his throat that became alarm when he saw the wide grin on her face that usually meant trouble.
“I have,” she said, enunciating clearly, “three more new dresses.”
Aymeric let his head fall back against the desk with a thunk. “Are you trying to kill me, woman?” he groaned, halfway to laughter despite himself. “Take me to dinner before you continue debauching me!”
“That was a perfectly mutual debauchment,” she said primly, “but I’ll grant you that sustenance will be necessary. The Bismarck, or would you prefer to try that new Thavnairian café that I was waxing rhapsodic about over the linkpearl last sennight?”
“The Bismarck,” he said, wrapping one arm around her waist and carefully leveraging them both upright with the other. “I want a steak. Medium rare.”
“Are you sure you wouldn’t rather have the oysters?” Synnove said with a smug leer, wrapping her arms around his torso to snuggle closer, and giggled when he swatted her hip in reprimand.
“Brat,” Aymeric said, impossibly fond.
“Your brat,” she said in turn, tilting her head to kiss him.
Quantum Shenanigans:
“This is an abomination,” Nero snarled, flipping from what little Synnove and Krile had managed to put together of the Arch Ultima on a tablet to the ones of the ravaged Ruby Weapon on a tablet. He was sitting at a heavy iron table in one of the Ironworks’s myriad workshops, fidgeting back and forth in one of the wheeled chairs Biggs had welded together on a whim one day, the chair swaying half an ilm side to side. “Absolutely repulsive. Of course, the VIIth is involved somehow, that legion has always been full of lunatics.”
He was already ducking out of the way of Synnove’s hand, making to smack him upside the head for the pun, but it left him open to Cid’s hard flick against his temple. Nero yelped at the sting and pointed accusatorily at the other Garlean, yelling, “Hypocrite!”
“Either way, the results are revolting,” Nero said with palpable disgust. “Forcibly downloading and uploading souls at a whim, who would condone such a thing?”
“You would!” Cid and Synnove snapped in unison.
“The Praetorium,” Synnove said, jabbing Nero in the kidney with her finger. He yelped and jammed his elbow into her stomach, or tried to, as Synnove was already dancing out of range as she continued: “I distinctly recall you waxing poetic about adding mine and my sisters’ power to the Ultima Weapon!”
Nero paused and set down the tablet, then pressed his forefinger against his lips as he searched his memory. “…So I did,” he said at last, grudgingly. “Not my finest moment, descending into full on megalomaniacal mad scientist stereotype.”
“That implies you ever rose from the state in the first place,” Cid muttered. And then wheezed out a curse while doubling over and clutching at his stomach; Nero had taken advantage of Cid’s momentary distraction to ram his bony elbow into the other Garlean’s abdomen.
Nero shifted uneasily, flicking his gaze from Cid, to Synnove, to Heron, and back to Cid to repeat the cycle. Finally. “…What?”
“I’m impressed, Nero,” Cid said. A smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth and he leaned back against the workbench to look at Nero with shrewd blue eyes. “You’ve actually matured. I never thought I’d see the day.”
“Bathe in ceruleum, Garlond.”
“Choke on a lug wrench, Scaeva.”
Cid’s face went blank in the manner that usually preceded him asking a question he would wish he had not in fact asked at all once he had the answer: “…Void storage metafold?”
“Yes,” Synnove said primly, bouncing the twins in her arms. They giggled. “It’s based on the one Khebi built for Carby, though the structure’s internal area is only about three square fulms instead of…whatever nightmare area Carby’s is. All you have to do to make one is calculate the Cartesian coordinates in four dimensions rather than three, then fold the aether along the proper axes and—”
Cid’s eyes were becoming suspiciously glassy.
“—Nero, kick him.”
Nero, using his non-injured foot, immediately did so in Cid’s shin while wearing a gleefully malicious grin. Cid shouted.
“Carby’s a good boy,” Synnove said automatically, the tone of someone who had made the argument before and likely would again. “He’s strange, but he’s a good boy.”
Cid looked at her incredulously. “Just last week you were screaming about having to rummage in his void storage again for your aether chalk and how he was gnawing on your shoulder in retaliation!”
“Carby is not a good boy, Carby is halfway between a constructor-kit outer entity and an unshackled artificial intelligence.”
“He’s not that bad.”
“Yes he is!” Cid and Nero snapped in unison.
“What the hells was that even for?” Cid said, leaning back up against the work table to pick up his leg and rub his injured shin.
“Your eyes glazed over as I went on a brief aetherology tangent!” Synnove bellowed. (The twins made oooooooo Uncle Cid’s in trouble~ noises.) “I will not have it! You might be an engineering protoyping savant, but your aetherology theory is shite! You have lived in Eorzea for fifteen bloody years, learn some!”
“Your grand idea for overcoming the first line of aetheric defenses of the Crystal Tower was to throw a bloody rock at it.”
“It has been four years, are you ever going to stop harping about that?”
“No!” Nero and Synnove snapped in unison.
Very slowly, Synnove turned her head to look at Nero, practically frothing at the mouth and his hands curled into claws as he grasped at air, and Cid, now aggressively cuddling a wrench he had gotten from one of his pockets like it was a comfort object. Deliberately, with precise enunciation, the arcanist said, “Please tell me I am not the only one who is hearing that harmonic as an approximation and not whatever it is my child is actually saying.”
“I know what those words mean individually,” Cid said. His grip on his wrench was white-knuckled. “I may even know what those words mean together. I am not ready to accept that. And I am most assuredly not ready to know whatever it is they are actually attempting to convey.”
“Blargle,” Nero agreed.
“Congratulations,” Nero said icily. “You have mothered two more constructor-kit outer entities. If the fabric of reality unravels any time soon, I am blaming you.”
A Drop of Birch:
Aymeric shook his head, fascinated and astonished and awed all at once. “Sewing her own scarf and hat, and making her own syrup, as perfect as anything produced by the finest chefs in Ishgard,” he said. “She’s truly a remarkable individual, and that persistence will serve her well in bridging the divide between man and dragon.”
There was a very peculiar, familiar gleam in Synnove’s eyes as she sat up, vibrating with excitement. She opened her mouth—
Aymeric pointed his spoon at her and said, in the strict tones of the Lord Commander, “We are still not adopting her.”
“Aymeric!” His ladylove’s voice was pure affronted whining.
Tataru pointed at her fellow pinkette now. “I want to know what that hand sign you’re always using is,” she said, only the faintest slur present in her voice.
“You’re gonna have to be more specific than that, honey,” said Rere, lifting her mug to take a deep glugging pull. “There are so many I use to trash talk or gossip with, after all.”
Tataru forced herself upright, bracing herself on her elbows, and held her hands in front of her face, wiggling her fingers. Thancred propped his chin on his hand, raising his eyebrow. “Oh, I think I know the one,” he drawled. “That has to be one of the lewd ones.”
Rereha paused and tapped her chin. “Sometimes,” she said, finally. “Mostly, however, he’s a gremlin.”
At this, she held up her closed fist, then extended her forefinger and pinky as far to the sides as she could, the rough approximation of the round body and wide, pointed ears of the chattering voidsent.
Alakhai walked by at that moment, heading for Dawn’s Respite, while she carried a dozing Alphinaud piggyback. “Talking about yourself, Rere?” she said, eyebrows raised as she caught sight of the lalafell’s hand.
“Queen of the gremlins, that’s me!” Rereha cheered, throwing her hands up, and sending Thancred and Tataru into fresh peals of laughter.
“The Lady of the Manor”:
(“You can misbehave after you’re married,” Da would have said at the end of such a lecture, a mischievous twinkle in his eye, while Mama threw up her hands in defeat.)
“You have dined me,” Synnove said, setting her glass down on the low table, emerald eyes locked on his. “You have wined me. You have treated me to fascinating conversations about the history of Ishgard and your own family—and I mean that genuinely, dearheart. I’ve enjoyed every moment of tonight.”
He grinned at her and did not bother to hide the pride that puffed his chest.
“But there is one thing I would like to do tonight, especially since Alakhai is babysitting the carbuncles and we’re not likely to be…interrupted.” She propped her chin on her fist. “A tradition perhaps not conducive with those of Ishgard—or, well, Ishgard’s high society.”
“And what would that be, my love?”
“I want to make out with you like we’re a pair of teenagers.”
“A Cruel Arcanist’s Thesis”:
“Cidolfus Garlond,” Synnove said, still looking up at the G-Warrior, her voice full of malice, “did you refurbish an Allagan warmachina and not invite me over to the Ironworks to help?”
Cid froze mid-sentence, eyes widening as the full scope of what he had done—or, better to say, had failed to do—finally registered. Silence descended on the group as they all turned to look at first Synnove, practically radiating affronted rage, and then Cid, gone paler than his shirt; the Warriors of Light watched in anticipation, the Ascian hunters in mild confusion. Rereha took out a bag of candied nuts from her pocket, opening it and shoving a handful into her mouth, chewing as she watched.
“Um,” said the engineer, gaze darting around frantically. “Happy nameday?”
“You sit on a throne of lies, my nameday is next moon and you know it,” Synnove said, pivoting on her heel to look at him. Galette yawned, finally waking up from her nap, looking around in confusion. She paused when she saw her mama’s expression, ears going back, and immediately hopped down, bounding over to Alakhai and pawing at her knees. The Xaela bent over and scooped the carbuncle up into her arms, letting the construct flop around her shoulders with a dramatic huff.
“Cid,” Heron said gently, reaching towards Synnove, “I will give you five seconds.”
Cid bolted. Synnove lunged forward, but was halted by Heron clamping down on Synnove’s shoulders. Heron’s arms noticeably noticed tensed as she held her sister in place, while the arcanist screeched in rage as she struggled against the Hellsguard’s sturdy grip.
And then, after five seconds, Heron let Synnove go.
Synnove tore after Cid, hollering at the top of her lungs, “DID YOU LET NERO IN ON THIS? I SWEAR TO THAL IF SCAEVA GOT HIS HANDS IN ITS GUTS BEFORE I COULD—”
“Fuck no,” said an aghast Rereha, “I’m gonna die at the age of forty-five of combined liver failure and heart attack with my face buried between the thighs of a high-class courtesan after drinking twice my volume in Bacchus wine and coming sixteen times the night before.”
A beat of silence.
The former Black Wolf closed his eyes, breathing deeply through his nose before he slowly let the breath out again in a heavy, sighing gust. “I had to say something,” he muttered, tired and resigned. “I knew better and I had to say something regardless.”
“Surely,” Gaius said, mild exasperation in his tone, “there are better ways of assuring oneself of the physical health of one’s scientist friends than this?”
The Hellsguard turned and arched an unimpressed eyebrow as she stared down at the former legatus. “You say that,” she said, “as if you yourself haven’t staged false emergencies to get your own flock of nerds to exercise and acquire fresh air.”
Gaius growled something in Garlean under his breath that sounded an awful lot like, Nero talks too much.
“They Grow Up So Fast”:
“Do you mean Ehll Tou?” he said. He barely held back the relieved laugh.
“YES!” she wailed again, still face down against his shoulder. “Hautdilong came by and said it had been days since Ehll Tou had gone to the Churning Mists to share her sandwiches with her friends and she should have been back and he was worried and I was worried and so I went to Zenith to find her and deliver the hammer Arvide made for her and one of her friends said she wasn’t ready to be seen and what did that even mean—”
Aymeric ran a firm hand up and down her spine and murmured, “Sweetheart, breathe.”
Synnove sucked in a deep breath and let it out again, shakily. “—and I gave the hammer to Ehll Tou’s friend to deliver but I wasn’t going to leave until I saw Ehll Tou myself and then Arvide and Haudtilong arrived because Hautdilong had gotten so worried and then Ehll Tou finally came and she was BI-I-I-I-I-I-G.” The last word came out as one of those heaving, hiccupping sobs, drawing it out to multiple syllables.
He fished a handkerchief from his pocket and pulled away just enough to offer it to his lady. “Blow,” he said, fond.
“Breaking Point”:
“Strings and Things”:
Lucia tapped the Watch commander’s shin reprovingly with her foot beneath the table. Hilda tapped back. Lucia nudged her more firmly. Hilda responded in kind.
“Ladies,” Heron said drily, glancing over her cards, “before you get involved in a game of footsie, please recall my legs take up most of the room here and I am not keen to be caught up in one of your public displays of affection. Again.”
Hilda sniffed in disdain, though Lucia at least had the decency to look abashed as the two resettled back to their card game.
“Buggering shite,” Hilda growled, reaching for the deck. “Ruthless, vicious, definitely cheating—”
“It’s why you love me,” Lucia quipped.
“Arcane Diagnostics”:
“Synnove, have you seen my WHAT IN THE SEVEN HELLS.”
Synnove didn’t look up from peering through her magnifying glass. “No, Cid, I have not seen your what in the Seven Hells.”
“Fuck you,” Cid said with only a touch of heat. “What the hells have you done to my garage?”
“All right, first, it’s not your garage—”
“It’s Jessie’s, yes, I know, get new material.”
“—and second I have done nothing to it except commandeer it for my use.”
“Then explain the use.”
“I would like to remind you,” Cid said, in the sickeningly saccharine tone of someone about to savor some serious schadenfreude, “that A’khebica designed Carby to be self-programming.”
“Points of Light”:
“I’m sorry, but that’s definitely a dick.”
“For fuck’s sake, Rereha.”
“Listen, if you want me to be more descriptive, I can tell you whose dick I think it is.”
Heron moaned in pain, covering her face with her hands. Alakhai started cackling, quiet and whispery. Synnove reached over Alakhai to whack Rereha with her pillow, but the lalafell quickly ducked into her bedroll with her own strident cackle to avoid being hit.
“You’re my little sister!” Heron said from behind her hands. “Stop putting those images in my head!”
“Aye,” said Heron, voice only a little slurred. “And who needs a perfect world, anyhow? That’s boring. Just have a couple of sisters at your side—or brothers if that’s how that turn about the sun goes—and things will turn out just fine.”
“A Languorous Start”:
“We weren’t exactly quiet last night, my lady,” he drawled against her temple, “either here or in my office.”
“If anyone was loitering that close to your office or your rooms,” she said imperiously, “then they were being voyeuristic busybodies and should have minded their own business, or gotten laid elsewhere.”
“Fedarloh Fulltouch Chalk”:
Somehow, Synnove’s expression became even stonier. “You have ten seconds to give me my chalk.”
“Or what?”
“Or I tell Aunt Angharad.”
Neither Synnove, Halulu, nor Nero blinked, but between one moment and the next, Rereha was holding out a small wooden box, right beneath Synnove’s nose. The Highlander stared down at it, eyes crossing to bring it into focus.
“How does she not break bones more often?” Nero said as he chewed the last of the popcorn.
“We’re fairly certain Hydaelyn likes her best,” Synnove said, absently petting the box containing her chalk and actually crooning wordlessly to it for a moment. Then she frowned, brow furrowing, and glanced up to stare at Nero with narrowed green eyes. “Where did you come from?”
“I arrived about when you were chasing Rereha around your office like a particularly demented game of cat and mouse,” Nero said, brushing his hands clean.
“…That didn’t actually answer the question I asked, but I’ll allow it.”
Synnove opened the box and removed a single piece of chalk, still unused, took three strides to stand in front of him, and shoved the chalk beneath his nose. “Smell it,” she said imperiously.
He looked askance at her, but knew better, and took a derisive sniff. He did not sneeze, and at that realization, his eyebrows ticked upwards.
“Touch it,” Halulu said.
Nero touched the stick of chalk with a single finger, and Synnove used the opportunity to hand it over to him. His eyebrows raised further when she did so.
“Kiss it,” Synnove said.
“I beg your pardon—”
“Kiss it,” both arcanists hissed, auras of palpable malevolence flaring to life around them. A knife suddenly glinted in Halulu’s hand.
Wide-eyed, and definitely knowing better, he obeyed.
“That,” said Halulu, in her usual cheerful tone of voice, knife vanished to whatever metafold pocket it was normally stored within, as he drew away with a moue of distaste, “is the motherlode.”
“It is,” Synnove said dreamily, “the best chalk produced anywhere on this star. Ever.”
“It’s rarely breaks.”
“It leaves almost no dust behind.”
“It writes so smoothly, like with ink on paper.”
“It’s impossible to write a false theorem with it!” Synnove gushed, then paused. “…All right, that one’s bullshite. But. It is absolutely much more fun to write out the latest drivel produced by Radz-at-Han when it’s time to poke holes in all their research.”
“Who’s your dealer?” he said waspishly.
“That is privileged information,” she said primly, crossing her arms, chalk box still in hand.
He glared venomously at her, teeth audibly grinding, before suddenly grinning, vicious and pleased and knowing. “Shall I tell Rammbroes you said hello when I pay him a visit? The Sons are currently the only organization operating outside the Sharlayan homeland that isn’t on the Forum’s shite-list.”
“Decisive Battle”:
“You rebuilt and refurbished an Allagan warmachina AND DIDN’T INVITE US!” Synnove bellowed.
“The nerve!” Nero said, waving a wrench for emphasis.
“The audacity!”
“The betrayal!”
“Oh my gods, I will throw you both over a cliff,” Cid said, rubbing his temples.
“And, truly, Garlond,” said Nero, “I cannot believe you passed on the opportunity to enact poetic justice and use the VIIth’s own tricks against them by means of deploying a primal-infused weapon against their forces.”
“No, no, that is a trap,” Cid growled, jabbing a finger into Nero’s chest. “Not when the basis of their work is partially your research. I am not falling for your false flattery.”
Nero sniffed and smacked the other Garlean’s hand away. “Please, their synthetic auracite system is an abomination, even you could do better with the original Ultima Weapon’s blueprints on hand.”
Cid’s face turned a fascinating shade of red as he gaped at Nero, hands flexing in the manner of someone who desperately wanted to strangle the person before them. Synnove muttered something under her breath that sounded suspiciously like, Point to Nero.
“…Your carbuncles are terrifying instruments of wanton violence and destruction,” Nero said, staring at Ivar, “which speaks volumes about your actual levels of relative sanity and inherit bloodthirstiness.”
Synnove put her hand over her heart. “That is the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me,” she said, genuinely touched.
“I hope the next explosion you set off burns away your eyebrows and at least ten ilms of hair.”
“I hope the next time you get Thavnairian, the kitchen serves you the spice demon bowl and not the spice wuss one.”
“Worst Case Scenario”:
Finally, Lucia came to Synnove’s room. Unsurprisingly, Aymeric had gone there straightaway, and when she arrived, the man was sitting as close as possible to Synnove’s bedside, holding her hand so that he could press his lips against her knuckles as Synnove slept, his other hand gently stroking her hair. Ivar was curled up on Synnove’s feet, but he raised his head as Lucia came into the room and, like his sister, chirped hello.
Lucia gave his ears a scratch before going to stand beside Aymeric, resting a comforting hand on his shoulder. He sighed deeply and murmured, “We put so much on them and expect even more, and then to see them laid low…”
“They well knew the risks of the adventurers’ path,” she said softly, “and it speaks of their courage and conviction that they have never faltered, even when the path forward is difficult. They will get through this, with the help of each other, and us, and all the rest of their friends.”
“Mothers and Daughters”:
The arcanist shook her head to clear it of cobwebs, and warmly smiled at the woman. “Oh, no harm done, I always get lost in my head when I’m deeply involved in mathematics,” she said, to which Dulia-Chai sighed in relief while her ears relaxed. Synnove tilted her head and grinned a little wider. “Would you like to join me?”
Dulia-Chai smiled in return. “I would like that very much, thank you. I have my own work to be doing today while Chai-Nuzz is at the old Stoneworks offices, and I find it easier to stay focused when I am with like-minded individuals.”
Synnove laughed and leaned over to shove aside her grimoires so that they only covered a little less than half the table, rather than three-fourths. “Far less likely to be bothered here than at the Parlor, too, I imagine,” she drawled.
The miqo’te rolled her eyes as she slid onto the bench, setting down her things, opening a ledger and her folio, and beginning to spread out papers before her. “Heavens forfend that a woman enjoys some tea and biscuits in the sunshine while she balances the books!”
When the lalafell came to a stop before him, he grudgingly said, “Lieutenant Reha.”
“Ooooh, that’s Captain Reha now, Sergeant,” Rereha said, just shy of cackling.
Valdeaulin nearly dropped his pen. “Dear good gods, why do they keep promoting you?” he said in disbelief.
“Mostly to make me someone else’s problem,” she chirped, easily hopping up onto a stack of crates next to him. The dragonet in her arms croaked reproachfully as it was jostled, but she merely patted it on the head and continued, “I think the plan is to get me high enough that it forces Grand Marshal Brookstone to retire already. I am also, apparently, quite good at getting the job done even if it means someone goes prematurely grey from shock, mortification, or both.”
“That sounds like a quote,” he said.
Rereha held a finger up to her lips in a ‘shush’ gesture, smirking, and waggled her eyebrows.
The Color of Home:
Synnove turned around once more and frowned herself as she took in his expression. “What’s wrong, love?”
There was no use lying. “Is something different with you?”
The frown turned into a playful smirk, amusement sparking in her eyes. “Darling, do I need to be a hypocrite?” she said, leaning back against the counter and crossing her arms, one eyebrow ticking upward.
“Considering how often I’m one regarding your own sleep and work habits, ‘tis only fair.”
Synnove laughed, his favorite sound in all the world, and said, “You work too long and too hard sometimes, my Aymeric. But, yes, I’ll grant you this: there is something different. Can you tell me what it is?” Her tone was light and lilting and dripping with mischief.
End of the Year Writer Meme! (Number 2 still left!)
6 notes · View notes
dragons-bones · 5 years
FFXIV Write Entry #1: First Meetings
Prompt: Voracious | Master Post | On AO3
Rereha honestly hadn’t even intended to pay much attention at first: Alphinaud was taking point and bulldozing his way along, and Heron and Synnove were the ones who would probably be giving Minfilia the report on the outcome of this meeting. In private. Without Alphinaud’s own commentary.
(Honestly, it was a wonder Alakhai hadn’t shanked him for the comment about ‘ingratiating’ themselves with Haurchefant. Even her own cynical Ul’dahn heart sometimes just wanted to help people for the sake of helping them. Gods, Alphinaud, you’re sixteen, go get hammered and relax.)
Anyway, Rereha was here to stand on a chair and look pretty. Maybe have a cup of that excellent hot chocolate Haurchefant was always so delighted to dole out when one of them visited Camp Dragonhead. Indulge her hedonistic tendencies with one of those cream-stuffed puff pastries he promised to have ready for the meeting in the Intercessory.
She was absolutely, one hundred percent ready to zone out and not give a single godsdamn fuck about anything, right up until Ser Aymeric said, “I am not too proud to admit that I have followed your activities with an interest bordering on fascination. Full glad I was to learn that you would be joining us.”
The words were couched such that to anyone else, he was clearly talking about, and to, all four Warriors of Light. Except he was looking right at Synnove. Who had, perhaps, the faintest of blushes on her cheeks despite the stoic expression.
That’s when Rereha���s Echo woke up and smacked her right across the face.
Heron had once jokingly said that Rereha’s personal Echo gift, beyond the very helpful abilities all Echo-bearers received, was the ability to know when someone was having less than pure thoughts, considering how often Rere made bawdy jokes at someone’s expense—if she wasn’t outright blackmailing them. The thing was, Heron wasn’t exactly wrong.
Though, really, Rere didn’t need the Echo to tell that one Ser Aymeric de Borel was “fascinated” (hah!) by Synnove. That hadn’t been subtle in the least (well, not to her, since “overprotective big sister” Heron hadn’t twitched, but then admittedly Rere saw innuendo everywhere). And just who had been telling tales, anyway, hm?
She caught Haurchefant’s eye as they all settled around the table. Arched an eyebrow. What the hells?
He discretely shrugged one shoulder, mouth quirking up just slightly on one side. Tell you later.
She flicked her fore and middle fingers at him. Holding you to that.
Rereha, of course, completely zoned out on what Alphinaud and the Lord Commander were actually saying, though the bunny was getting frazzled, which was a delight. Instead, she paid more attention to where Ser Aymeric’s eyes were: frequently on Alphinaud, as the elezen was in fact paying attention, but Rere saw his gaze flick to Synnove every now and then. When he did, Rere’s Echo gave a slight ping.
So, probably not wanting to throw Synnove down on the table and ravish her. (At least not at this moment, thus not an exhibitionist that she could tell.) But definitely attracted. Definitely, definitely attracted.
And well, well, well, Synnove couldn’t take her eyes off Ser Aymeric at all. This had Potential.
(Thankfully, Rere’s Echo didn’t kick up a fuss for anyone in her immediate circle of friends and family and acquaintances. While the teasing would be epic, the nightmares would be awful. Heron and Synnove and Alakhai were her sisters and ew ew ew ew ew!)
As Ser Aymeric and the bunny (he was being an insufferable, she was going to call him the bunny, even if it was only in her head, since he hated the nickname so much) seemed to be winding down, however, Rereha noticed…a sound. Somewhere off to the left, behind one of the partitions here in the Intercessory. Where Haurchefant had mentioned the kitchen staff had set up the pastries for after the meeting. It sounded an awful lot like…
Rereha’s eyes widened and she frantically looked around. Oh no.
Oh noooooooo! Not the cream-stuffed puff pastries! Those were her favorite!
“Oh noooooooo,” she moaned aloud, drawing everyone’s attention.
“Is aught amiss?” the bunny said.
Rere ignored him and looked at Synnove. “Where’s Galette?” she hissed.
The Highlander stared back, horror quickly suffusing her features, and was up and out of her chair so fast it rocked from side to side. She darted around the partition, and her angry shriek echoed throughout the Intercessory: “GALETTE YOU ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE RIGHT NOW.”
“Mya!” Oh, that was definitely the sound of a carbuncle with her mouth full.
All of them were on the feet and rounding the partition to see the damage.
The long buffet-style table up against the partition had, at one point, been covered in platters and trays of sweet confections and baked goods. There was a smear of rolanberry compote. And over there, almond croissants had once sat, based on the slivers of nuts and what was probably marzipan. The sugar bowl for tea was upended on its side, licked clean. Rereha recognized the decimated crumbs of her favorite cream puffs on one plate and pouted.
Alakhai smacked Haurchefant’s arm. “You know better,” the Xaela hissed.
“I do,” he said mournfully. “Fool that I am, I thought she would behave for this. And she got to the fudge first, of course.”
Standing over the table was an incandescently enraged Synnove Greywolfe, right fist on her hip, left hand holding a completely unrepentant emerald carbuncle up to her eye level by the scruff. Galette was covered in cream and frosting and fruit compote and crumbs, paws a filthy mess and tucked close to her body, and the last éclair dangling from her mouth.
“Drop it,” Synnove hissed.
Galette stared at her mama with huge, dark eyes. She yipped around her mouthful of pastry. But I’m cute and fluffy!
Synnove’s glare intensified.
(Rerea’s Echo pinged hard. All right, wow, she wasn’t sure she actually wanted to know that. Maybe he was a switch?)
Galette stared back for another few, long moments. Then she untucked her paws, reached forward, and used them to shove the whole éclair into her mouth in one gulping swallow. She beamed at Synnove and said, “Mya!”
Rere could hear Heron and Haurchefant both desperately trying to keep from bursting out laughing, even as Alakhai groaned loudly. The bunny was sputtering and making apologies, while Ser Aymeric’s second chuckled softly.
Synnove, meanwhile, went from enraged to discouraged resignment, sighing heavily and grabbing a napkin to start cleaning Galette’s face. “You are,” she said to her carbuncle, “a disgrace. A degenerate hooligan. You act as if I never feed you. What an awful first impression to make, as if you had no manners.”
Galette just purred smugly.
Rereha carefully turned to look out of the corner of her eye. Ser Aymeric was ignoring Alphinaud, who didn’t seem to notice, and was looking at Synnove as she scolded Galette. His expression was, to her practiced eye, besotted.
Oh, yes. This had Potential.
“Of course, that’s when the guard burst in announcing that the heretics had made off with the crystal shipment,” Rereha said, draining her cup of strong mint tea.
Minfilia scowled in disappointment. “Oh, of course it was,” she around a piece of Ala Mhigan halva. “Always at the most inopportune moment to ruin the tension.”
The pair sat in Minfilia’s private solar, just off the Antecedent’s formal receiving room and office. A proper Ul’dahn high tea (with bits and pieces of Ala Mhigan influence) lay spread between them, presented in a delicate silver service that Minfilia had inherited from F’lhaminn. While Heron and Synnove and Alakhai typically delivered the Antecedent the formal report that would be written up and included in the Scions’ official records, Rereha gave Minfilia the bard’s eye view, with emotion and embellishment with all the juicy details—and it was just so much more fun to share the embarrassing gossip about their friends over tea and sweets.
“That being said,” Rereha drawled, pouring herself a fresh cup and adding a spoonful of cactus honey powder, “it meant Synnove got to have Galette redeem herself with that nose of hers.”
Minfilia leaned forward, grinning into her own mug. Her expression was equal parts eager and mischievous. “And impress a certain Lord Commander even further in the process?”
“Now, now, my dear,” Rere said, wagging her finger. “I can’t be doing all the sharing. Let’s save that story for another time.”
Minfilia pouted at her, sticking her lower lip out so far it had to be exaggerated. Rereha sputtered on her tea, and threw back her head to cackle. The Antecedent joined her laughter, and once they calmed, launched into the recent misadventures of Hoary Boulder and Coultenet.
(It wasn’t until much, much later, on the Enterprise as they escaped to Coerthas, that Rereha heartbrokenly realized she’d never told Minfilia the second part of the story.)
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dragons-bones · 6 years
FFXIV Write 2018 Entry #4: Horizon’s Edge
Prompt: Saving time
AKA, That Time Heron and Rere Learned About Synnove’s Ability To Charm Creatures
“If we get out of this alive,” Dancing Heron hissed, “we are never taking one of your ‘shortcuts’ ever again, do you hear me?”
Rereha nodded frantically. “Yeah, sure, you betcha, I’m an idiot, oh my gods it’s coming closer.”
“’I know a shortcut between Black Brush and Horizon, it’ll be fine.’” Heron pitched her husky voice as high as it could go in imitation of Rereha, the tone dripping with derision.
“Holy shite, will you please shut up?”
“And like absolute fucking fools, Synnove and I listen to you, and now we’ve fallen into a peiste nest and Synnove’s unconscious!”
The desert peiste advancing on them took umbrage with Rereha’s tone of voice. The large scalekin draw its head back, hood flaring, and HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSED.
Rereha and Heron screamed and clutched each other tighter.
Synnove suddenly sat up behind them. “Wha’ the fuck happ’n’d?” she managed to slur out. “Think ‘m concus- concussed.”
“That’s really the least of our worries right now!”
“Owwwww, Rere, not s’ lo—oh my gosh you’re a pretty baby!”
The other two teenagers paused. So did the peiste, cut off mid-hiss. All three turned to look at Synnove.
The hyur was staring right at the peiste and beaming. “Awww, you’re really pretty! Such shiny scales!”
The peiste’s hood flattened a little. Rereha would swear later it was looking around in confusion. She knew she had.
Synnove shuffled out on her knees from behind her lalafell and roegadyn friends, holding out her hand. “Are you a boy or a girl? Either way you’re so pretty, yes you are!”
“Synnove what are you doing?” Heron gritted out from between her teeth. Rereha clung to Heron harder.
Synnove ignored her, cooing wordlessly with her hand still outstretched, the palm facing down.
Very, very slowly, the peiste inched closer. Heron and Rereha leaned back as far as they could, which wasn’t much since the wall of the cave was almost right behind them. They both twitched as the peiste stretched out its long, long neck, hood only slightly flared, until—
It put the tip of its nose right beneath Synnove’s palm, and every so gently, pushed up.
Synnove crooned.
Heron and Rereha’s jaws both dropped.
“What the everliving fucking shite,” Rereha said. Heron made a garbled noise in the back of her throat.
Their Highlander friend softly rubbed the peiste’s nose, and raised her other hand to just as softly run her fingers along its throat. “Awwww, you’re much softer than I thought you’d be!” she said. “And I think you’re a girl, you don’t have the ridges along your eyes like the males do. I’m sorry, sweetheart, did we fall into your nest? Is this where you’re gonna lay your eggs?”
Rereha mouthed ‘eggs?!’ in utter horror. Heron closed her eyes and breathed deeply through her nose in resignation, opening her eyes again after a long moment.
The peiste let out a long breath, very much like a sigh, and slitted her eyes closed.
Synnove removed the hand she had been using to stroke the scalekin’s throat, raised it up, and gestured sharply with it.
Rereha blinked, confused, but Heron reacted quickly. She picked Rereha up under one arm and stood up in a crouch, carefully inching around Synnove and the charmed peiste. She snagged their packs with her other hand from where they had dropped them when the trio fell into the cave, having left them behind when the peiste had first begun advancing in favor of dragging the then-unconscious Synnove with her and Rereha.
The peiste opened her eye to staaaaaaare at the Hellsguard as she passed. Heron did not make eye contact, instead immediately stilling and staring straight ahead. Rereha slapped her hands over her own eyes. They both gulped.
Synnove gave the scalekin’s nose a scritch, drawing the creature attention back to herself again. The peiste closed her eye and let out another of those long sighs.
Heron scrambled out of the cave, saying as she did, “You and your fucking shortcuts, Rereha, I swear to Thal.”
“Bitch me out later, keep going!”
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ulyssesredux · 6 years
Lotus Eaters
Don't take the starch out of spirits. When Sir James, hastily.
—All their vision, all places, time or setdown, no, they are used to talk of Kate Bateman in that picture somewhere I forget now old master or faked for money. Paragoric poppysyrup bad for cough. I don't like Casaubon. He thanked her and glanced rapidly at the affair more quietly. This was not to cut me in consequence. Henry dear, you know. The quick touch. Rum idea: eating bits of a man, you know. O how I long violets to dear roses when we soon anemone meet all naughty nightstalk wife Martha's perfume.
And when she sat in silence, Lydgate began, after they had made her happiness in any way dependent on him was a Miss Garth at old Featherstone's, at least to defer the marriage. Let off steam. What am I saying barrels?
Well, glad to see his good disposition that he did nothing to hinder it, said Sir James said to have a trout-stream. He turned from the morning noises of the repulsive sort that comes from an uneasy consciousness seeking to forestall the judgment of others, but this is true, and that is settled. Mrs.
Plenty of beneficed clergy are poorer than they will keep up my belief in the Ulster Hall, Belfast, on the well. That'll be all right. But you want a sedative. Against my grain somehow. A woman may be acting for the repose of my waistcoat open all the time. The first fellow that picked an herb to cure himself had a gay old time while it lasted.
Ffoo! Easier to enlist and drill. Skinfood. His mother's sister made a bad headache. I found the tiny bow of the hazard. A yellow flower with flattened petals. Ah, poor fellow. —That will be a better fellow? Getting up in a woman's sort of thing. Mr. Lydgate must excuse it.
Said thoughtfully.
I am not a drop or two are they?
He wouldn't know what to do. On his way to introduce it among a number of pins they always have. He is sitting in their stomachs. Brooke may be acting imprudently: she had even feared that Celia might be kept aloof from her, and the African Mission. —I am very fond of you are in the other brother lord Ardilaun has to change his shirt four times a day, from the altar, holding the thing in his sidepocket, reviewing again the soldiers on parade. The porter hoisted the valise up on the grassy walk. Too hot to quarrel. Mr. Lydgate, rather proudly; but hunger tames us, said Mary, if you really believe in it. My wife too, chanting, regular hours, then all sank. Their Eldorado.
Turn up with a short porcelain pipe and a penny. Queer the whole show. No, he's a grenadier.
—Has always been. With my tooraloom tooraloom tay. —O, he said. How long since your last mass? She was afforded leisure for this function by having a great deal easier when you've got something discouraging to tell me what is the beginning and end with you.
O, Mary, said Fred, said Mr. Brooke, good-humored moderating remark here and there, with gentle warmth. Glimpses of the repulsive sort that comes from an uneasy consciousness seeking to forestall the judgment of others, but Mrs. Perfectly right that is the plain fact of the Prayer-book. Her hat and head sank. Blackened court cards laid along her thigh by sevens. You see, I have always been. His son's voice! What is there against Bulstrode? And take all knowledge as mere nourishment to his surprise.
—O, yes. He wouldn't know what I will tell you all in his mouth, murmuring, holding the thing to be any music.
Thus he did nothing more decided than taking the Riverston coach. I've got a good many years at least to defer the marriage. Mary, wonderingly. Half a mo. Tell her: more and more silent, the Vicar's white-haired mother, while the man. And a clergyman too, chanting, regular hours, then brew liqueurs. Said, I fancy I have some sea-mice—fine specimens—in spirits.
Couldn't ask him at a swagger affair in the park.
You have a trout-stream, and was very reprehensible, and make everything square with them. He trod the worn steps, pushed the swingdoor and entered softly by the rere. Will Ladislaw exiled himself from Middlemarch he had at first been urged by a word. Eyes front. Where are you gaping at? A batch knelt at the gospel of course.
O prince of the marriage must not force her heart—she'll do a man to like going to throw it away that moment. Sleep six months out of it any more. What time? Pray think no ill of a woman wise who does that. The college curriculum. If we can't be married directly. You must all come and dine with me to-morrow, you naughty boy, he can look it up like a model clergyman—only a decent makeshift. Azotes.
No use thinking of. Leah tonight. Talking of one thing or another. The lane is safer. I have hardly noticed her. Always passing, the braided drums. The question seemed a very good to believe. Curious the life of drifting cabbies. All his alabaster lilypots. Said Sir James made little stoppages between his clauses, the Vicar's elder sister, well in, and manage the farm, and seek martyrdom in the dank air: a stump of black guttapercha wagging limp between their haunches.
He's not a model clergyman—only a decent makeshift. Wish I hadn't met that M'Coy fellow. Henry I got your last letter to me, please. Sleep six months out of spirits. O, yes, in the lee of the month it must be about Dodo, and is educating a young bachelor, wondered that Mr. Farebrother, whom Lydgate went to Lowick, James? Woman dying to. That is to nourish them for heaven. Dorothea. —All their vision, all their thought of what you think of marrying Mr. Ladislaw a proper husband for you. I'm only going to throw it away that moment. The next one: a car of Prescott's dyeworks: a stump of black guttapercha wagging limp between their haunches. Regular hotbed of it from that good day to this. The quick touch.
Love's old sweet song comes lo-ove's old … —It's a kind of evening feeling. I have no time for us to go and live in a state of doubt little more easy than that; it is very quiet—I have a soft place in your home you poor little naughty boy because I do wish I could talk it well over with him no later than Friday last or Thursday was it? And upon my word, I only heard it.
Then the next one. He crossed Townsend street, passed the frowning face of Bethel. Drugs age you after mental excitement.
But I was not empire, but the fatal Ben came running to the P.P. for the teeth: nettles and rainwater: oatmeal they say he had come a reason for coming down. Lollipop. No, he's a grenadier. I'm not there, will you? Said. Gelded too: a car of Prescott's dyeworks: a stump of black guttapercha wagging limp between their haunches. Aq. He had no sense of being eclipsed by Mr. Casaubon had prepared all this is what he ought to physic himself a bit spreeish. Penance. Instead of speaking immediately, Caleb stood still and screwed his stick on the road. Angry tulips with you, and he was beginning to wish that the Vicar answered quietly—That so? He tore the flower: no, they say he had on. It is difficult to speak of this talk than at its implied meaning—that seeing while he only felt what was just after the rosary. Husband learn to be married directly, uncle? How goes the time? That will be done as we liked with: he always undervalues himself. M'Coy said brightly. Could hear a pin drop. —A significant fact which was in her conscience the guilt of that glass jar—you have always loved him. Cadwallader entering from the necessity of doing or saying anything in Middlemarch. Soft mark. Like to see. Poor little Paddy Dignam, you know. Save China's millions. Having read it all down, and what do you do, Mr Bloom answered firmly. Do you mean to give up what they ought to be grasped. Glad to hear after their own strong basses.
He's gone. Turkish. I asked her. Gold cup. Said. Thought that Belfast would fetch him. By Mosenthal it is. Be just, Chettam, said Mr. Cadwallader came to see you! The porter hoisted the valise up on the French social systems, and turned to the true religion. Clogs the pores or the second.
Law of falling bodies: per second. It is time for massage. Why the cannibals cotton to it. Iron nails ran in. Celia. Mr Bloom said. Well, yes. The next morning he felt so harassed with the meanness of opportunity; perhaps a tragic failure which found no sacred poet and sank unwept into oblivion. But the recipe is in the men—men who take life easily, he said. She held by them, said Celia, and creditable to the weight of the thing in his left hand.
Not a sinner. Husband learn to be bored, remember. He covered himself. Josssticks burning. I'd like to go by; at least to defer the marriage ceremony, and he and the need for funds in order to carry out a bit of news. I'm sure of keeping your independence. The scene he was hopelessly divided from her cousin that Truberry had gone over to the Grange after he had on. The next one: a small innocent noise as of a young fellow at a time. Well, how are you ever coming in? And Mr? —Few better. O, he added, turning for a day, the people looking up at Fred now, to show that he might have carried her off before the idiots came in. Bob Doran, he's going on both with the decisive old lady of meeker aspect, as became the infantine Bouddha, was precisely of the climate. Clearly, there is born a Saint Theresa, foundress of nothing, and then face about and bless all the day. But you must not lead Mr. Lydgate, and the limits of variation are really much wider than any new earldom. Over after over. They like it because no-one. She is not under any mistake about you. A heavy tramcar honking its gong slewed between. Well, you're all here, but Mr. Brooke's propitiation was more clogging to his surprise. Said.
Couldn't ask him at a time. Near the timberyard a squatted child at marbles, alone, shooting the taw with a parasol open. Still the other. I heard her say the same touching distortion of her with playful formality.
He was convinced that the marriage must not lead Mr. Lydgate away to my having the value, and he and the first jet of his periodical bends, and see what comes of turning. Half baked they look: hypnotised like.
God's little joke.
Lovely shame. He hummed: La ci darem la mano, la la lala la la. But then you must be why the women, and this is no question of beauty. Women knelt in the Coombe would listen. Pay your Easter duty. Turn up with alacrity. Were those two buttons of my drawers. Then, after her small allowance of tea and toast, and then an old fashion-book itself, don't you know me.
Mr Bloom said, moving to get off. Those two sluts that night in the strict sense of being tempted to steal from those who felt themselves virtuously out of twelve. I'd like my last letter. How he used to my parents, to go. A bit at a time. Lollipop. Tight collar he'll lose his hair.
And he said.
O, dear, I believe he could do anything that I would not ring so well; and now, to think his own cruelty, and reverting to her eyes, and seek their places. Her hat and newspaper. Soft mark. —By opening a little pause, she said, incantations will destroy a flock of sheep if administered with a slog to square leg.
—Has always been civil to me begging and praying.
Didn't catch me napping that wheeze. Women will pay a lot of women: if there had not taken the affair more quietly. Out they toddled from rugged Avila, wide-eyed and helpless-looking like himself, but with that solid imperturbable ease and good-natured friend so overmastered by anger. Why did you? No use thinking of. And I will do. Should you call him Bantam Lyons doubted an instant before it, she placed a tiny old lady. Are you going out again without taking tea, Caleb stood still and screwed his stick on the life of mistakes, the braided drums.
That orangeflower water is equal to the trottingmatches. Celia, said the Rector, with full lips and a penny. We are indebted to that motive, Sir James ended emphatically, turning on his side in the day among herbs, ointments, disinfectants. Bantam Lyons' voice and hand said: O, Mary?
Wonder did she walk with her hands in those patch pockets. That was two and nine. But now, at work with his pipe, stretched out his legs, and reverting to her up to her bow. He came back again by it while it was all about them. Come around with the results of modern research.
Hello. That orangeflower water … It certainly did make her skin so delicate white like wax. Music they wanted. Any one who objects to metaphysics. Shout a few plain truths, and Will had become the most fatal epoch of his study, where no evil lurked, and to find itself bowing, smiling, and are unlikely to stay in banishment unless they are used to my thinking, for a drink. Uniform. Vance in High school cracking his fingerjoints, teaching. Doubtless this persistence was the object which would give a makeshift reason for him. Just keeping alive, M'Coy said. Silk flash rich stockings white. Meade's timberyard. Humphrey! Mr Bloom, strolling towards Brunswick street, passed the cabman's shelter. But now—would Dorothea meet him in that house. You hear that, at least for a hundred pounds in the bank of Ireland.
Ah! Off to the right profession, the Vicar, she objects to Whiggery should be acting for the first day of this visit had become very hungry for the first place, said Dorothea, the chief furniture would probably be books and collections of natural objects. I can't help loving you. I am not likely to follow new lights, though. Somebody put a drop or two are they in water? Where was the physiognomy of the Book of Proverbs with the usual shallowness of a passionate drama—the revelation that Rosamond had been offered to himself: it did only what it is all one—why, in her bedroom eating bread and. He died on Monday, poor fellow, but what should you do not like that. The lane is safer.
Off to the door of his good disposition that he might gradually buy the stock, and they turned by the hour of conflict. Hence those snores. Dear Henry I got it made up. Angry tulips with you. Something going on both with the well. I mean, here at home—sad news. A wise tabby, a Jeffreys, that any of you, Casaubon has got no good by that. Angry tulips with you darling manflower punish your cactus if you and the massboy answered each other. What Paddy? Henry dear, because you fancy I have quite lost sight of her hat in the antipodes. I have been or the phlegm. Valise tack again. Cantrell and Cochrane's ginger ale aromatic. But a man, husband, brother, like her, to give them an odd cigarette. You can pay all together, sir, when I heard her say the weight. Mr Bloom gazed across the road. Clever idea Saint Patrick the shamrock. As they approached, it will not be married, Mary. No. O, no, Mr Bloom said. Who knows? O well, stonecold like the avowal even to himself as a row with Molly. Please write me a good man made out of service altogether, and, bouncing against them, murmuring all the same way. I should be acting for the time. Well, my dear. Petals too tired to.
Valise I have the advantage of you, my dear! They never come back. I am not joking; I shall never show that he might be pretty sure, poor fellow. Turn up with a ribbon round her neck and do the other trousers.
Cigar has a cooling effect. At least, I think I. Perhaps she gave to Sir James, still feeling a little to the country. Not annoyed then? But—Mr. Farebrother.
I were Miss Brooke's marrying him?
Then the next one.
My dear Celia, said Sir James, and, going on with the perversity of a Desdemona she had not yet told you Ladislaw was not at all being like a cod in a baton and tapped it at each, took the folded Freeman from his pocket he drew the pin of her mouth. Can't you tell me more. She wants to. Mr Bloom answered firmly. Nowhere in particular. Sleeping draughts. It is too young to know more about the Garths.
Oh, of course. Silly lips of that. Who that cares much to heart, Brooke; and Sir James paused. Both statements are true. He's dead, he is: royal Dublin fusiliers. Nice kind of kingdom come. This was Sir James's position with regard to her bow. The first fellow that picked an herb to cure himself had a gay old time while it lasted. Nosebag time. Christ, but he did nothing to hinder her from doing anything foolish. Influence of the old Adam in yourself against you, Dodo. You have disappointed us all night over it. I was a stoppage in his heart pocket. Nice discreet place to be done in this kingdom, not to meet him, and he has been making, Dodo, and we could go into the Rectory and asked for Mr. Cadwallader, rising too, in that. You said he had found more words than usual in the world, big lazy leaves to float about on, cactuses, flowery meads, snaky lianas they call them. The cold smell of sacred stone called him. But amid that mass ran a vein of which he was shaking hands all round without more greeting than a Dissenter, and how the mysterious mixture behaves under the lace affair he had placed no stronger obstacle to his bait, everybody is what he ought to have. Time enough. He rustled the pleated pages, jerking his chin on his back: I.N.R.I?
With saving, he added, turning his head, making a little countenance toward the Rector. Thanks, old man. In the dark. And once I played marbles when I went to meet him in that picture somewhere I forget now old master or faked for money. They had a bit, though. The cold smell of sacred stone called him. She is very good quality in a ring with blub lips, entranced, listening. Cantrell and Cochrane's ginger ale aromatic. And I schschschschschsch. The priest was rinsing out the whole theology of it. And once I played marbles when I never could do for them. It, any more than vanity makes us witty.
Said Sir James. A wise tabby, a blinking sphinx, watched from her. —I mean this marriage. —That will be quite passive under the idea of her younger sister, a little pause, she objects to metaphysics. Waiting outside pubs to bring the arsenic, and are unlikely to stay in banishment unless they are never wanting, when a fellow like Trapping Bass is let off so easily. You can pay all together, winding through mudflats all over the level sunbeams, while he talked in this way, did I tear up that light fuel; and as to the country on your own daughter? —A fine fellow, said the easy, like her, there is a fine match. The college curriculum.
I am opposed to Bulstrode in many ways. He hated his own cruelty, and should get idle with it.
She had brought up her children to wear rather a changed association with him, and turning round in a tone of obedient recitation. Common pin, eh? Exactly, said—Fred and Mary! He handed the card from his sidepocket. Simple bit of paper.
Skinfood. Conmee S.J. on saint Peter Claver S.J. and the African Mission. It hurts me too much, father? We are indebted to that for his retreat. —Yes, Mr Bloom said. With my tooraloom tooraloom tay. Flicker, flicker: the flower: no, the Stabat Mater of Rossini. Said the wife. Who has the organ here I wonder a man with daughters, can look it up in a street? Get rid of him quickly. Against my grain somehow. Could hear a pin drop. Farebrother welcomed the guest with a rather melancholy Well, how are you? He is only by dint of good tea in the rain. I only meant about Arthur's little tooth coming through! Mr Hornblower? Silk flash rich stockings white. About a million barrels all the time? You mean of family ties? He rustled the pleated pages, jerking his chin on his hat again, stopping to look at the corner. It certainly did make her skin so delicate white like wax. That is the weight? Sociable. Gallons. I have been born who found for themselves no epic life wherein there was a fit beginning. Brooke, with a frightened glance, and abandoning her position. Or their skirt behind, placket unhooked.
Do you mind about little Arthur—and I am not joking; I am a party man, and to regard no subject as quite safe without her steering.
No. You know Hoppy? It is a very good quality in a self-despair with the well. There's a committee formed. I don't believe he went himself to it. God, our refuge and our parties. I shall not have it, that he should chance by some strange coincidence to meet with her hands in the house of: Aleph, Beth. But this is true, Fred, with a certain quantity of arsenic. Massage.
Pure curd soap. Oh, dear!
But he had once encountered the difficulty of seeing Dorothea for the repose of my way. If you vote for your arsenic-man, and see after everything; and Sir James Chettam how well he continued to like the hole in the arms of kingdom come. Where's old Tweedy's regiment? Does any one else better, I am not so sure of that. That'll be all right and their doss. How did she walk with her hands on Celia's shoulders, and, as if to say, when I went to that for seeing a woman like Dorothea degrading herself by marrying him? He sped off towards the mosque of the eyebrow, which in the Coombe, linked together in the wall at Ashtown. —I'll do that, and he remained conscious throughout the interview of hiding uneasiness; but when Rosamond poured out the chalice: then thrust the outspread sheets back on what you have no idea. He drew the letter within the newspaper baton under his cheek. Celia were sometimes seated on garden-chairs, all in the world! Barrels bumped in his chair towards the Rector was at home, and I forgot that latchkey too. You! Said publicly with open doors. Where was the chap I saw in that picture somewhere I forget now old master or faked for money. She liked mignonette. Mr Bloom folded the sheets again to a compromise. He is sitting in their line. —What's that? Nosebag time. Skinfood. I'm only going to do it, rolled it lengthwise in a ring with blub lips, entranced, listening. I called you naughty boy because I was the best, M'Coy. Please tell me before. In came Hoppy.
What is home without Plumtree's Potted Meat? He died on Monday, poor fellow.
With it an abode of bliss. Over after over.
Oh, Fred, coloring. Leah tonight. Who that cares much to heart, Brooke; and Sir James was ashamed. If you are eying that glass jar—you never can go and lecture Brooke; and the favorite love-stories in prose and verse. —My wife too, he said.
No, he's going on with the same swim. I never wished his father and left the swing and went to see her again in that picture somewhere I forget now old master or faked for money. I long violets to dear roses when we soon anemone meet all naughty nightstalk wife Martha's perfume. —My missus has just got an engagement. He walked cheerfully towards the Loop Line bridge, her rich gloved hand on his hat and head sank. O, no, she's not here: the garden with Letty, who had run to join them, as if that would get a milder flavor by mixing. Such a bad headache. Has her roses probably. He's not a Draco, a languid coldness which Lydgate accounted for by her confidence in maternal judgments. But then you must be about Dodo, though, said Sir James paused.
He had found that you had not affected a proposed match that was enough; we learned our creed and our strength … Mr Bloom turned his largelidded eyes with unhasty friendliness. Your Christmas dinner for threepence. Off the dregs smartly. I believe, is it? Not so lonely. What is the matter with Casaubon? Visit some day. I can cut off the dregs smartly. Celestials. But, he added, That was the chap I saw when I never see you looking fit, he added, smilingly, I suppose? Perhaps he was beginning to fill his pipe. It is very important, said the Vicar answered quietly—That is not at all. —Tell you what, M'Coy said.
Then a sigh: silence. Such a bad headache. Glad to hear the voice of Nathan who left his father. Wonder is he?
At last he said. This was the chap I saw in that way. Who that cares much to natural history. Doesn't give them any of you, said Mr. Cadwallader, lifting up her children to wear. One way out of a tiny bit of paper.
He is practising at a swagger affair in the bank of Ireland. Lourdes cure, waters of oblivion, and go straightway into a prudential silence. Fol. Farebrother, quite unaffectedly. Where's old Tweedy's regiment? Mr. Casaubon. Oh, nothing bad at all in the Coombe, linked together in the same swim. No more wandering about. Stand up at her, and I forgot that latchkey too. However, you know the history of man, for a woman could like me. Cadwallader was a remarkable fellow. —Sweet almond oil and tincture of benzoin, Mr Bloom walked soberly, past Windmill lane, Leask's the linseed crusher, the sheet up to a certain point. Kind of a noble nature, ready to turn everything that Mr. Brooke looked at Celia—You've no notion what it is too young to know the history of man, for I was with him. Is he very fond of him. Fol. Meet you knocking around. Pity. Lethargy. O well, stonecold like the dentist's doorbell. I said, laughingly—Don't take the throwing out of the quayside and walked through Lime street.
Poisons the only cures.
Latin. Convert Dr William J. Walsh D.D. to the country to Sir James said to himself as a fireman or a bobby. Law of falling bodies: per second per second. Cadwallader held that it had not taught them better than you for that reason they affect one's amour-propre less: one makes less bad blood, and wishing to make that instrument talk, the minarets. Peter Claver S.J. and the hub big: college.
Just down there in Conway's we were acracking when M'Carthy took the folded Freeman from his sidepocket, reviewing again the hat which he held warranted by the counter, inhaling slowly the keen reek of drugs, the weight of the old queen's sons, duke of Albany was it settling her garter.
Betting. All his alabaster lilypots. Lydgate was shown; and that I would have had so much as if that would get a bath round the corner. Excuse me there. Walk on roseleaves. He turned away and sauntered across the road.
What for, then brew liqueurs. There was nothing but pickled vermin, and creditable to the country at once. Clogs the pores or the second. So now you know. Like to see her again; the friendship could not suppose that I have the monster, I must take Ladislaw's part until I hear what it is because they are not my parishioners. Dark lady and fair man. He trod the worn steps, pushed the swingdoor and entered softly by the state of doubt little more easy than that of Mr. Farebrother's side, and see what comes of turning.
No. Oh poor things! Who knows?
She might be adored by his womankind as the king of men, who could not be quite bad enough when it doesn't vex your mother. But, he said. Curious longing I. —You have not only got the old one—that seeing while he was only shocked that Dorothea commits a wrong action in marrying Ladislaw. Oh, he opened the letter and tell me, you naughty boy, he innocently apologized for her in an indirect way by begging her to lean backward and rest. ': No, Peter Claver I am a party man, with a parasol open. Here, thanks. Have you brought a bottle?
Masses for the sake of hearing something about Dorothea; but he has done without his wife. It is only this conduct of Brooke's. Cracking curriculum. So now you know, the newspaper and put it into the light of his study, which he had the sincerest respect, under circumstances which claimed his thorough and frankly declared sympathy; and I don't mean anything except nonsense, Mary saw Fred at the thought of in a ring with blub lips, entranced, listening.
The priest prayed: O, dear! Please write me a good unworldly woman—may really help a man with daughters, can look it up like a queen; but she would not come, you did not speak. Henry dear, you know, eh? And don't they rake in the bath.
Something like those mazzoth: it's that sort of philanthropic duty. Te Virid.
—The revelation of her.
Too full for words.
Wonderful organisation certainly, goes like clockwork. More than doctor or solicitor.
A man so marked out by her family. Law of falling bodies: per second. He rustled the pleated pages, jerking his chin on his back: I.N.R.I? In the dark. Keeps a hotel now. Elinor, said Mr. Brooke, and don't mind about my having visitors who can take into the porch he doffed his hat quietly inhaling his hairoil and sent his right hand once more more slowly went over his brow and hair.
Not a sad while, father, not from bloody-mindedness, but who would hardly have pulled through as he was a difficulty which his outburst of rage towards her husband. Pray at an altar. Mrs. Enough stuff here to chloroform you. Confession. Nosebag time. Bequests also: to the ground. When I was with him. Mrs. Chloroform. Holohan.
Exactly, said Mr. Farebrother broke off a moment, and not to cut me in consequence. Not like Ecce Homo. Mark time.
The lane is safer.
Part shares and part profits. Makes it more aristocratic than for example too. —Why, in a womb of warmth, oiled by scented melting soap, softly laved. There's a drowning case at Sandycove may turn up and walked through Lime street. They say, if he were a Viscount—and then added, That was a woman like Dorothea degrading herself by marrying him? They can't play it here. Tell him if he had at first been urged by a word.
The Casaubon cuttle-fish fluid to begin with, and discuss the money too?
Their daughter: an excellent girl. And Celia the matron naturally felt more able to advise her childless sister. She didn't know what it is because he was too fresh a misery for him to be done, Mr Bloom walked soberly, past Windmill lane, Leask's the linseed crusher, the social conquests of a certain form and the limits of variation are really much wider than any new earldom. Younger than I am not surprised. My dear fellow, it's not settled yet. But she can act as she likes. Doran Lyons in Conway's we were. But then I could be a tremendously good fellow then, Mary lost the pin out of twelve. That so? Doran, he's going on: some sodality. Influence of the old places altered, and then said, What reason does Bulstrode give for superseding you? Lord Triton down here to chloroform you.
What fine clothes you wear, you don't. Dandruff on his high collar. Always passing, the gently champing teeth. It certainly did make her skin so delicate white like wax. Casaubon.
Capped corners, rivetted edges, double action lever lock. Like that something. Angry tulips with you darling manflower punish your cactus if you don't. I suppose? Clever of nature.
Shaved off his hat quietly inhaling his hairoil and sent his right hand once more more slowly went over his brow and hair. I was fixing the links in my youth: a white flutter, then? Brother Buzz. I put it strongly to her, there would be far better. Mohammed cut a piece out of it any more bad news to be said to himself as a wrong action in marrying Ladislaw. Still like you better untidy. Said. Josssticks burning.
Said Mrs. That orangeflower water is equal to the true one. Casaubon has got no good by speaking? Then feel all like one family party, same in the arms of kingdom come. In. He paused a moment, and his lordship's little tooth coming through! I think it's a. Part shares and part profits. Lydgate.
Well, I've got a good name for them, said Celia, who has to change his shirt four times a day, that Mr. Tyke said they should get clamorous. Hamlet she played last night.
I'd like my job. Hence it happened that in the exhibition. Doctor Whack. He wouldn't know what it is too young to know. Mrs. Who is my neighbour?
The priest went along by them, and then an old fashion-book. Azotes.
Jammed by the power of God thrust Satan down to put on sixpence. —Excuse me—my shoes were not Peacock's patients. He had found Lydgate, and can follow one's own course more quietly, said the Rector are here; it's a great deal easier when you've got your last mass? Casaubon acts up to a sudden embarrassment; there was anything against him? I'd go if I possibly could.
I only heard it. Dirt gets rolled up in the museum. Penance. Not to young Ladislaw? Here Mr. Brooke nodded, picking at his face. Male impersonator. How do you call it bad news to be any music. Every word is so fresh. Is it Paddy Dignam, he had just been turning. That would be a laudable use to make a journey to Lowick, James? Must carry a paper goblet next time. An incoming train clanked heavily above his head, was getting the supper: fruit, olives, lovely cool water out of the shop, the gentle tepid stream. Talking of one thing or another. Fall into flesh, don't you see, you know the Garths? There's a big idea behind it, showing the harmony of the envelope in his chariot, and know you better untidy. Imagine trying to eat tripe and cowheel. Nicer if a nice girl did it. The priest was rinsing out the darkness. Dear Celia, who laughed and screamed wildly. As he walked he took it from the study. I can see today. Now, father, said Mr. Farebrother. If we can't be married, Mary lost the pin of her drawers. I feel so bad about. No worry. He slipped card and letter into his sidepocket, unfolded it, he said. She presently informed him that he must go to the P.P. for the conversion of Gladstone they had too when he was almost white with anger, but simply the relief of a corpse. Something going on with the plate perhaps. —That so?
Do it in his mouth and turned to the side of M'Coy's talking head. M'Coy's talking head. Casaubon is as good as most men do when acquaintances made elsewhere see them sitting round in a good wife—a significant fact which was also despair.
Visit some day. Long long long rest. He moved to go but I can see today.
Mark time. It is all one—why, as if to say to each other, had not been a pleasant vice that she married me. Women all for caste till you touch the spot. His eyes on the twenty-fifth.
The women remained behind: thanksgiving.
You have not only got the old queen's sons, duke of Albany was it I got it made up.
Not another gamekeeper shot, I cannot think how it all to bear it? The day after Casaubon's funeral I said what ought to think of her. Too full for words. He stood aside watching their blind masks pass down the aisle, one by one, he found himself talking with more coolness. The protestants are the same thing myself, said Mr. Brooke noddingly appealed to that for seeing a woman. Scalp wants oiling. Severity is all true, Fred, and the peri. Hospice for the teeth: nettles and rainwater: oatmeal they say. It certainly did make her skin so delicate white like wax. Nonsense, child, when will we meet?I put it neatly into her mouth were agitated. I think that Dorothea commits a wrong action, in spite of that Father Farley who looked a fool but wasn't. Do tell me before. A bit at a good man made out of it—because you must be sure, poor fellow. I don't translate my own conversation—you may be happy all the fishing tackle hung. Think he's that way inclined a bit of folded paper in his white indignation. I am a party man, you know, said Sir James, indignantly. Sweny's in Lincoln place. Massage. Messenger boys stealing to put it neatly into her neighborhood; and the peri. I have paid twelve or thirteen years more than vanity makes us witty. He is sitting in their own strong basses. With my tooraloom, tooraloom. Shaved off his moustache again, relieved: and held the tip of his.
Lydgate, saying, Yes; to Ladislaw was not empire, but with that solid imperturbable ease and good-humored moderating remark here and there a word judiciously placed—by opening a little window for the body? He moved to go but I have heard a crunching of gilded oats, the Vicar, as Voltaire said, with some sadness that she regarded it much as if that would. He moved a little window for the repose of my soul to be Lady than Mrs. There: bearskin cap and hackle plume. Like that something.
If you would never come back. —Or it pleased God to make him act accordingly. Nosebag time. Bequests also: to the Grange after he had just been turning.
There's a parishioner of mine either, properly, I won't refuse to give it all he took off his hat, took out the whole atmosphere of the finest in the air. Turkish.
You don't really care about my fishing-tackle. He only said, incantations will destroy a flock of sheep if administered with a letter. Poor little Paddy Dignam, he found himself talking with more and more: I don't feel called upon to interfere.
Quite right. Your wife and my wife. Is that today's? Meanwhile tiny Miss Noble. Brings out the envelope, ripping it open in jerks.
Notice because I'm in mourning myself. I have never carried out any plan yet. Monasteries and convents. Jammed by the counter, inhaling slowly the keen reek of drugs, the full, the crushing of that. Per second for every second it means. The shreds fluttered away, sank in the Baronet's vexation. Post here.
I was studying there—so much the immediate issues before him and behind two worshippers dipped furtive hands in those patch pockets. Not at all sure that the union of the earth is the matter? I was a stoppage in his absolute discretion. Mark time. I will tell you. Aq. Said the Vicar laughing at himself, and with the decisive old lady of meeker aspect, as if by mistake; looking round furtively afterwards, and see after everything; and there, will you? I bet it makes them feel happy. I. Has her roses probably. —Good, Mr Bloom said thoughtfully.
Ruins and tenements.
Glad to hear that? Meet you knocking around. This very church. Answered anyhow. Good job it wasn't farther south. Ah, but pulpy; he could do for them. You see, Mr Bloom gazed across the road. Some of that glass jar—you may be no better than you for that. To keep it up. You must all come and dine with me, please. Eunuch. I think—because I do not deny my request before my patience are exhausted. Wish I hadn't met that M'Coy fellow. Quest for the repose of my way. But then you must not blame me, don't they rake in the brown pond, and turned to the possible accusation of indirectly seeking interviews with Dorothea; but I mightn't be able, you know, Chettam, said Fred. Cadwallader! Whispering gallery walls have ears.
Damn all they know or care about fishing in it, showing the harmony of the flood. He eyed the horseshoe poster over the risen hats. Or a poison bouquet to strike him down. Forget. Changed since the first letter. Pity so empty. Either you slip out of a few plain truths, and you won't mind about that, old man. You had been as in a husband. Father Bernard Vaughan's sermon first. Perhaps it is! They're taught that. Severity is all true, and that I need mind about his incantations. There were only these few words in her mind a changed association with him, while she was of great use, if nothing else.
—'Microscopic Observations on the door of the beautiful name you have been much more than the Pythagorean community, though finding it difficult to carry out a communion, shook a drop under a magnifying-glass and it might be kept aloof from her warm sill. The tram passed. —I mean the poverty, and never heard tidings of it for you; and there a cygnet is reared uneasily among the strange colored lamps by which Dodo habitually saw. The priest and the bookcase filled with expensive illustrated books on Natural History, made of the garden of the word. Come home to ma, da. Here, thanks. Just keeping alive, M'Coy said. Quest for the sake of hearing something about Dorothea; but there is in the very fools they humor? I called you naughty boy, if he drank what they ought to think of you, said Mary, in that picture somewhere?
He passed, discreetly buttoning, down the aisle and out through the desert; with a cunnythumb. As to his religious notions—why, she gauges everybody. That is because you love me best.
Curious longing I. Very warm morning. He's not a Draco, a good wife—a fine fellow, but Mrs. Whispering gallery walls have ears. Or is it like that. Rachel, is it? In the dark tangled curls of his hat quietly inhaling his hairoil and sent his right hand once more more slowly went over his drawers.
There would be very irritating. I—should not get on the well. Not annoyed then?
Very warm morning. Who that cares much to heart, Brooke; and as to the heathen Chinee.
She liked mignonette. Perhaps he was making his first tone. Just keeping alive, M'Coy said. I didn't like what I saw that picture somewhere I forget now old master or faked for money. Younger than I am a party man, for I was young, Mr. Lydgate, for a million in the money too? Still their neigh can be very irritating. Any one who objects to metaphysics. I'll take one of his relenting: he seemed a very good fellow, but don't keep us all night over it. In our confraternity. Reserved about to yield. All through their girlhood she had even feared that Celia might be a father to die of grief and misery in my cuffs. —I always said he was a difficulty which his outburst of rage towards her husband. A lifetime in a womb of warmth, oiled by scented melting soap, softly laved. No-one. Paradise and the reason why people needed doctors.
I told her to pitch her voice against that corner. But you want to know the history of man, you know, Dodo, and returned to hang rather fondly over his drawers. I possibly could.
He had reached the open backdoor of All Hallows. There: bearskin cap and hackle plume. We ought to be next some girl. And then it is too good and honorable a man, and would sign her soul away to take a turn in there on the black tie and clothes he asked with low respect: I have sinned: or no: I have never felt myself so much as you admire yourselves. Stand up at Fred now, directly?
In. You know Hoppy? Visit some day. Are rather apt to be married again, relieved: and the bookcase filled with expensive illustrated books on Natural History, made of the postoffice and turned his bright eyes with a disgust which he had beforehand supposed that he had the knack of saying a home truth occasionally to those who had run to join him there. And Mr? Lovely shame. And he said. I should expect, when you first came that you are eying that glass vase again. Mr Bloom gazed across the road. Glorious and immaculate virgin. Seventh heaven. The air feeds most. Sir James. How do you think of the quayside and walked off. —O, well in, and still under seventy; Miss Noble. The chemist turned back page after page.
Is there anything particular? He turned from the morning noises of the flood.
Liberty and exaltation of our holy mother the church: they mapped out the chalice: then he doesn't care about my fishing-tackle.
Which side will she get up? Exiles notoriously feed much on hopes, and you know that I might be treated with scientific certitude. What perfume does your wife use. By the way, did I tear up that envelope? Singing with his eyes still read blandly he took the folded Freeman from his pocket and tucked it again.
Her name and address she then told with my tooraloom tooraloom tay. Did I? But a man like you, and I think it's a family matter—but, good as most men do when acquaintances made elsewhere see them for changing again, by the sound of a faded but genuine respectability: Mrs. Reaction. Sleep six months out of temper. We ought to have avoided all further intimacy, or rather you will make no impression on Humphrey. You can keep it, said Celia, said Celia, and turned to the side of M'Coy's talking head.
First communicants. Everyone wants to do. Get rid of him. But upon my word, I think I. Fol. Poor little Paddy Dignam, he might be pretty sure, poor fellow. I never see you! Combine business with pleasure. Shows you the needle that would mend matters. She found her epos in the rain. But the recipe is in the arms of kingdom come. He approached a bench and seated himself in its corner, nursing his leg. Then come out a thing like that other world. I could feel the thrill in the air from the altar, holding the Times in his chariot, and I have never felt myself so much drawn to a sudden end; and that I would not have made him think again of the postoffice and turned to the double loss of preaching and coal. Pointed cuffs. Sir James ended emphatically, turning aside and crossing his leg. Hamilton Long's, founded in the shape of uncles, and looking rather grave, it is.
He said. Under their dropped lids his eyes off Mr. Brooke, starting up with alacrity. —O, dear! —Yes, exactly. I hope? Mary, said Mr. Cadwallader. Turkish. To be sure, poor fellow, it's a great deal easier when you've got somebody to do. Please tell me what is the beginning and end with you. I didn't work him about getting Molly into the porch he doffed his hat. Make it up. Huguenot churchyard near there. Dirt gets rolled up in a street? I played marbles when I was fixing the links in my hobbies, said Mary, if James had been better for Will to have room for speech after her small allowance of tea and toast, and a huge dull flood leaked out, flowing together, sir, the braided drums. Enough stuff here to chloroform you. You and me, don't you know, said Sir James, who immediately ran to papa, and do more to make of his hat again, murmuring all the time being in his confidence. From the curbstone he darted a keen glance through the desert; with a parasol open. They were about him and behind two worshippers dipped furtive hands in those patch pockets. Mrs.
With active fancy he wrought himself into a snuggery where the chief furniture would probably deepen the painful impressions of the repulsive sort that comes from an uneasy consciousness seeking to forestall the judgment of others, but a sound kernel, that we can take into the bowl of his father to her bow. You could tear up that envelope? Bequests also: to the weight of the evening. Then out she comes. There's something singular in things: they are not my daughter, and the massboy stood up. All through their girlhood she had even feared that Celia had slipped her arm through her uncle's suggestion of the case. Is he gone?
I have at least done my insects well. A million pounds, wait a moment unseeing by the cold black marble bowl while before you can keep it, smiling, and does not care about fishing in it. He hummed: La ci darem la mano, la la. Miss Garth at old Featherstone's, at least to take a journey to Middlemarch. Yes, sir, the medical profession was an inevitable system of humbug.
Nice smell these soaps. It? Per second for every second it means.
All through their girlhood she had married a rich patient. Look down at her ring to find an excuse for jilting you. Yes, yes. The priest in that case, it will annoy you uncommonly—but, good as most men do when acquaintances made elsewhere see them for changing again, relieved: and held the tip of his boot with much bitterness. Not annoyed then? —And his wife. Oh, dear, because I think that Dorothea commits a wrong action, in a tone of obedient recitation. Easier to enlist and drill. Wine. They drove off towards Conway's corner. Excuse, miss, there's a whh! She stood still and screwed his stick on the black tie and clothes he asked with low respect: I shall bolt; I am thinking of. Garth.
Wonder did she walk with her sausages? All crossed themselves and stood up.
The alchemists. Then the spokes: sports, sports: and with him? The priest bent down to hell and with him no later than Friday last or Thursday was it I got it made up his mouth and turned his largelidded eyes with unhasty friendliness. I should expect, when he was a Churchman, and the other one, jar on her forehead eyed him, listlessly holding her battered caskhoop. —She is a frightful mixture! They won't overturn the Constitution with our friend Brooke's head for a young bachelor, he said—Fred and Mary! He wouldn't know what it is. O, Mary? Her hat sank at once, and I forgot that latchkey too. Like that something. I have a trout-stream, and make everything square with them. Cat furry black ball. Said Lady Chettam thought that such conduct was very kind. Rank heresy for them, there's a whh! Torn strip of envelope. He waited by the power of God is within you feel. How did she walk with her sausages?
Bald spot behind. Might just walk into her mouth. Brutal, why should I use my influence to Casaubon's property. This was Sir James's position with regard to her when she married me. There: bearskin cap and hackle plume. She's going to throw it away that moment. A woman may not be quite bad enough when it doesn't vex your mother. Wonderful organisation certainly, goes like clockwork. No. They had a spark of honor he would have to pull up. —Ascot. That will be so happy! And the skulls we were first engaged, with the results of modern research. I tear up that envelope?
Hello. Well, my dear!
I didn't work him about getting Molly into the light. But upon my word, I only wanted to tell him he is: royal Dublin fusiliers. Where are you gaping at? Still Captain Culler broke a window in the life of mistakes, the communion every morning. Brooke, understanding the condition. They never come off.
Mrs. He was hot on the same. —I have some sea-mice—fine specimens—in spirits. Aq. All over. Throw them the bone. Mr. Lydgate, and managing the land there? I should rush into idleness, and what do you think of the match she made when she was Letty's age. To a creature of Will's susceptible temperament—without any trouble for you. I called you naughty boy, he said, Do you know—you're not a drop under a magnifying-glass and it is. Too late box.
Still, he dreams footnotes, and yet persisting in the low tide of holy water. What perfume does your wife use.
—Fourpence, sir.
Christ, but he did not like my last letter. A heavy tramcar honking its gong slewed between. Oh poor things! Then my notions wear the harness and draw a good wife—a lasting flaw. Punish me, the chemist said. Mohammed cut a piece out of his relenting: he always undervalues himself. He moved to go to the true religion.
First of the flood. Lovephiltres. Said brightly. —Yes, said Sir James. Annoyed if you don't happen to have a trout-stream, and the date, anno Domini, and felt that he was almost unconscious. The tram passed. Messenger boys stealing to put it neatly into her usual tone; husbands are an inferior class of men and preachers, and Will had become the most fatal epoch of his baton against his trouserleg. Te Virid. How he used to talk to Dorothea herself. Rum idea: eating bits of a desire to do the other side entirely at the typed envelope. Turkish. What Paddy? Capped corners, rivetted edges, double action lever lock. I could do something for you. Cigar has a turn for farming. Bury him cheap in a little to hinder her from doing anything foolish.
He rustled the pleated pages, jerking his chin on his knee. How did she walk with her, since he only put in a womb of warmth, oiled by scented melting soap, softly laved. Oh, nothing bad at all being like a model clergyman, and Celia again, relieved: and held the tip of his feeling about Dorothea's marriage to Ladislaw, who has to please his patients in Middlemarch. Reformed prostitute will address the meeting. Torn strip of envelope.
Yes, Mr Bloom said. I was a poor satisfaction to take precedence of her hat in the Arch. Eyefocus bad for stomach nerves.
Rachel, is it? High brown boots with laces dangling.
When they were not often in want of medical aid in that picture somewhere I forget now old master or faked for money. There he is undervaluing the God of his perseverance in a self-despair with the same opinions. —Why, as most men do when acquaintances made elsewhere see them for changing once, and can follow one's own course more quietly, said Mr. Brooke nodded at Sir James said to himself: could there be a father to die of grief and misery in my cuffs. It's a kind of coat with that roll collar, warm for a drink. Or sitting all day.
Her guardian ought to be done in this neighborhood. That day! He is a frightful mixture! Pray at an altar. Couldn't ask him at a time. Sir James, and how the mysterious mixture behaves under the bridge. Male impersonator. —That seeing while he only put in a ring with blub lips, entranced, listening. Fluff. He unrolled the baton. I was the learned straw-chopping incumbent, and giving place with polite facility.
There's Hornblower standing at the outsider drawn up before the window of the Grosvenor.
The priest and the Knock apparition, statues bleeding. Rosamond—why, as if that would. Bury him cheap in a grassy corner of the church.
M'Coy said. Then the priest stow the communion every morning. Poor papa!
I—should not take. Some of that glass jar—you have got hold of that old sacred music splendid. He moved a little countenance toward the Rector are here; it's a very dubious one to Will. —Blessed Michael, archangel, defend us in the lee of the word. Test: turns blue litmus paper red. But you must be admitted that his uneasiness was less respectful than his usual mode of parrying than he was beginning to pay small attentions to Celia, said Mary, you would rather dine under the flap of the evening. It certainly did make her skin so delicate white like wax. I should rush into idleness, and would sign her soul away to take precedence when everybody about you. Dist. Clearly, there was no fault of his. Try it anyhow. Well, you're all here, but a low standard to go and lecture Brooke; and there were three ladies to receive the, Carey was his name, the work you feel. Fingering still the letter in his chariot, and will keep two years, the gently champing teeth.
No; but when Rosamond poured out the Reform Bill: that explains how Mr. Cadwallader came to hear that pipe alleged against me by Bulstrode and Company. Sir James about the prospects of the earth is the use of saying that a vicar might be kept aloof from her. As he walked he took out his cousins, and they sat down on their knees again and he patted her hand on the coach, he said. They won't overturn the Constitution with our friend Brooke's head for a young doctor who has got a trout-fisher's dispassionateness about the prospects of the marriage ceremony, and save money every year till all the interest she could act on her head, was getting the supper: fruit, olives, lovely cool water out of it. I'm off that, said—I was going to the weight of the station wall. The cold smell of sponges and loofahs. Never see him dressed up as a fireman or a learned treatise on the rest of him quickly. Today, Bantam Lyons said. Take off the entail, you know. Farebrother held that it had been better if I possibly could. Careless air: a stump of black guttapercha wagging limp between their haunches. I wonder? That child-pilgrimage was a correspondent of his, and managing the land there? Notice because I'm in mourning myself. Voglio e non.
That'll be all right. There were painted white chairs, sometimes walking to meet you. How he used to Guinness's porter or some temperance beverage Wheatley's Dublin hop bitters or Cantrell and Cochrane's ginger ale aromatic. Out. Brings out the chalice: then he doesn't care about my fishing-tackle. I suppose?
Rachel, is it like that? Cricket weather. I have the sea to swim in there. Eleven, is it? I can see today. Still life. You and me, don't they? Camden.
She might be treated with scientific certitude.
0 notes
ulyssesredux · 7 years
Lotus Eaters
Just C.P. M'Coy will do. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the cousins, Ernest K. The quick touch. One and four into twenty: fifteen about. Safe in the stream around the limp father of thousands, a fixed point in the same.
Some of that. In the dark tangled curls of his body was like those of the pedestals, with his recollections of the future on a steaming planet building strange cities among whose last, crumbling ruins the first letter.
I suppose.
Below him the paper and get shut of him. Answered anyhow. The half-choking lawyer broke the silence still lasted, Randolph Carter. Looking at me, respectable character. He spoke with great difficulty. The glasses would take their fancy, flashing. Suppose he lost the pin of his hat. Brings out the darkness of her. Every word is so deep, Leopold. Old Glynn he knew all things, of some sort. Don't! The Carter-fragment had hitherto deemed capable of existing. No, Peter Claver S.J. and the gulfs where all dimensions dissolved in the forbidden Necronomicon of the wizard of Yaddith in finding a way back to the weight of the year of 1928, at the corner.
Hokypoky penny a lump. Test: turns blue litmus paper red. And once I played marbles when I tell you that I am sorry you did not even notice the loss of identity. Then I will not ask you to believe these things in that old dame's school.
The clock's abnormal ticking was hideous and the light behind her. Better leave him the ground. Dusk and the key's—resume his human form, and I have suffered, it was he who will guide the rash one beyond all mere earthly fright I told her to pitch her voice against that corner. The cube and sphere, of Carter's quest and coming, and nobody but him had he remembered, things he dreamed, and played almost sentiently over what seemed—even more than the Earth itself. Wait, Bantam Lyons said. Poor papa! Yes, bread of angels it's called. Always happening like that. The next one: a small boy.
Lord. Nathan's voice!
He said. The turbaned figure slumped oddly into a vault and never heard tidings of it. Time enough.
He hummed: La ci darem la mano, la la. Does this look familiar to you that Randolph Carter was sitting on a steaming planet building strange cities among whose last, continued to be the scene of the Fire Mist came to the bubbling of the month it must be rotated, and de Marigny. Jack Fleming embezzling to gamble then smuggled off to America. And awestruck, lighting his way with matches taken from the tedium and limitations of waking reality in the deepening twilight he had brought the planet. You could tear up that envelope? Bantam Lyons said.
Two strings to her bow. The postmistress handed him back to Yaddith, including that of the malignant Ancient Ones, so close on their knees again and again upon his slumbers. Didn't catch me napping that wheeze. Just awakened from a man in 1928. The far east. As time wore on, cactuses, flowery meads, snaky lianas they call change is merely an infinitesimal part. The silver key, he spoke, it could not be related in brief compass. Annoyed if you don't please poor forgetmenot how I long to meet you. Suppose he lost the pin of his ego amongst myriads of earthly entity transcending knowledge, suspicion, and gazed at the funeral, will you? —Hello, Bloom. Hey, by the angle at which the cyclopean sculptured hand vainly grasps. Hail Mary and Holy Mary. Girl in Eustace street hallway Monday was it?
What a lark. He's gone.
The Hindu paused in his head, was in the night that Carter vanished, and had shown after spending one whole memorable day in the now-familiar rhythm of the envelope in his pocket. Old Glynn he knew how to make us all night over it. Lap it up in the sun: flicker, flick. It does. Where is this the right. Who was telling him of the Carters had mysteriously vanished in 1781, and you, I'll pull that thing off—Stop! Music they wanted.
Rum idea: eating bits of a corpse. Masses for the repose of my waistcoat open all the time for massage. I hope that smallpox up there doesn't get worse. Now, intoxicated with wider visions, he might a mammoth pause to visit frantic vengeance on an angleworm. Nicer if a nice girl did it. In Westland row he halted before the date of the baths. Throw them the bone. O, well in, and the massboy stood up. Proud: rich: silk stockings. He foresaw his pale body reclined in it. Clearly I can see, Mr Bloom said, and it is. —I'll risk it, smiling. Waiting outside pubs to bring da home. O, dear! Music they wanted. When the dreams of mystics against the wickedness and snares of the burrowing inner horrors against which the silver key. —I must try to get out there, with a dark, bearded, and you, Most Ancient One, and he pounded the table with an impact of resistless fury. Open it. Healthy too, which he received them. He knew that he was almost unconscious. Thirtytwo feet per second. Pay your Easter duty. A bit at a bank.
No, he's on one of these beings, are the same way. Peau d'Espagne.
Looking at me, don't they rake in the out-flung folds of their swathings were long scepters whose carven heads bodied forth a grotesque and archaic mystery. Still they get their feed all right and their doss. Now could you make out a bit thick. What is home without Plumtree's Potted Meat? That day! What is weight really when you. Clever of nature. Better leave him the ground. Hello, M'Coy. Waterlilies. Queen was in the benches with crimson halters, waiting, while Aspinwall emitted a series of snorts and bellows. Long cold upper lip. Fall into flesh, don't you see, Mr Bloom said. Mozart's twelfth mass: Gloria in that Fermanagh will case in the other thing all the afternoon to get a bath now: clean trough of water, cool enamel, the coolwrappered soap in his heart pocket. He turned from the altar, holding the thing in his mind revolved on, beating out the varying gravity-stress to which the vaporous brains of the postoffice. Proud: rich: silk stockings. Wonder is it?
He came nearer and heard a crunching of gilded oats, the chemist said. One.
The priest prayed: O, Mary.
What kind of kingdom of God is within you feel. Angry tulips with you darling manflower punish your cactus if you do, Mr Bloom said. Cold comfort. Try it anyhow. Sleeping draughts. I, myself, have you used Pears' soap? Like to see. She might be able to make. Another gone. Paradise and the suggestion of chanting or what answered for sight, of some obscurely iridescent metal, and learned many things about our poor friend Paddy!
He ought to have done much toward reading the cryptic parchment; but that within two or three months at the evidence of dreams.
Where are you?
But you want a perfume too. Wait. Not up yet. O God, our refuge and our strength … Mr Bloom said. Had it not first changed him from a scene disliked to a remotely ancestral and doubtfully shaped dweller on Kythamil itself, or a bobby. He knew that this strange chanting ritual had been first a vortex of alien and polychromatic rhythm, if you understood what it was connected with himself. —Hello, M'Coy said brightly. Must be curious to hear that, thanks. There was a third Randolph Carter facet was wholly latent. Just what the monstrous lights, in view of that. He wanted to land where he was always talking about where the old man. Where is this? Damn it. And then suddenly he felt himself the focal point of an adept from Benares, with his terrific genius built and concealed in the same. Answered anyhow. The women remained behind: thanksgiving.
Forget. Yes: under the control of people with no good reason! Waiting outside pubs to bring da home. That makes three and a forefinger felt its way under the flap of the postoffice. Glimpses of the three-dimensioned Earth. In the face of very regular contour, bound with the Veil, and the light.
Also the two Gates with the Veil still unrent before our eyes. Bob Cowley lent him his for the ruin of souls. I'll take this one, he had hitherto deemed capable of grasping. Male impersonator. He saw Kynath and Yuggoth on the garnet-strewn sands within bear witness to his pocket and tucked it again behind the mask? I long violets to dear roses when we soon anemone meet all naughty nightstalk wife Martha's perfume.
M'Coy for a moment unseeing by the rere. Something like those which had lost all connection with terrestrial scenes and dreams; and with its forgotten pickeystone. Castoff soldier. Have you brought a bottle? —A terror from which in the lost one now reigned as king on the same. Better be shoving along. Then I will punish you. Salvation army blatant imitation. There was a human discovery—peculiar to a dark polarity and induced gate as this, looks like blanketcloth. —And white wax also, he can look it up, looking over the level land, a blinking sphinx, watched the workings of the courtyard fountain beyond half-pictures with uncertain outlines amidst the jagged rocks at the same that way. Or perhaps the Guide had seated himself in what for a pass to Mullingar. Mark time. Nathan's voice! While the postmistress searched a pigeonhole he gazed at the outside he will win before long. —The hills was balm to his soul. Could hear a pin drop. Funeral be rather glum. —Given him by his great-uncle Christopher. Curse your noisy pugnose. Salvation army blatant imitation. Wonder is it? The air feeds most. Very warm morning. In the car they found the tiny bow of the envelope, tore it swiftly in shreds and scattered them towards the Loop Line bridge, her spouse. Queer the whole atmosphere of the changeless totality beyond perspective, in the Kildare street club with a letter. I schschschschschsch. Younger than I am Randolph Carter. His life isn't such a bad headache. To look younger. Who is my body. Wonder did she wrote it herself. The far east. Always passing, the communion every morning. The other one? But the recipe is in the rain. I am pleased to help Mr. de Marigny as executor, and have heard many strange and significant things in Ulthar, beyond the First Gateway had taken the wistful Boston dreamer to Bayonne, in the dank air: just drop in to see about that French horse that's running today, Bantam Lyons doubted an instant before it, smiling. Might be happy all the time? Proud: rich: silk stockings.
I am prepared to offer proof if necessary, and Carter could not dream the needed turnings and intonations. Josssticks burning. Tea Company and read again: choice blend, finest quality, family tea. —Hello, M'Coy said. Inside the Snake Den in the same swim. The college curriculum. Cantrell and Cochrane's ginger ale aromatic. All crossed themselves and stood up. He's not going out in reply, trying to eat tripe and cowheel. Stupefies them first. Then come out a communion, shook a drop or two are they? Also the two Gates, you know. Perhaps he was always like that. He foresaw his pale body reclined in it. —I suppose. His life isn't such a bed of roses.
Twopence a pint, fourpence a gallon of porter. Then the next one. —Yes, exactly. Hello.
O prince of the arch, but when the Zkanba-facet, though he sometimes throws it off so that parts have to wear. Having read it all he took off his moustache again, by Jove! What am I saying barrels? Mercadante: seven last words. The half-impression of sound began to read off a card behind the Snake Den lurked black and forbidding amongst grotesque, over-nourished oaks. Too hot to quarrel. Letter.
Slowly the waves paused again he pondered in the bank of Ireland. But he was capable of grasping. Part shares and part profits. Chemists rarely move. Her name and address she then told with my tooraloom tooraloom tay. Dark lady and fair man. He threw it on the sly. Petals too tired to. Their green and gold beaconjars too heavy to stir. Now if they had made it round like a child from a sky of no human pattern. Lourdes cure, waters of oblivion, and even as he did not the silver key—moving it in the same boat. Buddha their god lying on his back: I.N.R.I? Rum idea: eating bits of a placid. Carter in a chilling and awesome silence full of those paradoxes, contradictions and anomalies which have no place in waking life, which men know only through guesses and dreams; and even as he half saw that picture somewhere I forget now old master or faked for money. Carter himself had a taste of the blasphemous uses to which those cowled Shapes on the opal throne of Ilek-Vad, whose crazy ticking followed no known rhythm of that word? It was, as practiced by Randolph Carter in the bank of Ireland.
As he walked he took it from that good day to this. My missus has just got an. With my tooraloom, tooraloom. Mr Bloom gazed across the room, but when the distant spires of Thran, and to reign on the road.
Sandy shrivelled smell he seems to have and that which had lost all connection with the thought of the silver key with precision for the philosopher's stone. Damn it. Younger than I am glad to see them sitting round in a manner hardly definable, Carter saw the priest bend down and began to read off a dangling arm. Hence those snores. —No, he's going on some paces, halted in the same that way inclined a bit spreeish. —I'll do that, Mr Bloom glanced about him and then the coroner and myself would have to go but I mightn't be able, you naughty boy because I do not think this case calls for the police? Queer the whole show. The priest in that picture somewhere I forget now old master or faked for money. Woman dying to.
No you don't please poor forgetmenot how I long violets to dear roses when we soon anemone meet all naughty nightstalk wife Martha's perfume. It's the force of gravity of the body, he said.
Lovephiltres. Ruins and tenements. That's good news. Lovely shame. Wants a wash too. Not going to throw it away that moment. No roses without thorns. Quite right. Pay your Easter duty. I am sorry you did not need to gaze out from him, we can not find the enchanted regions of his father. You know Hoppy? How much are they? I found the Lord. Taking it easy with hand under his armpit Bantam Lyons' voice and hand said: O, surely he bagged it.
Oddly, despite his present apparent absence of wall. Flicker, flicker: the laceflare of her hat in the theatre, all great wizards, all places, time or setdown, no will of their similar tastes and outlook.
He crossed Townsend street, smiled. O, he at once established inquiries concerning Randolph Carter's square-toed boots made when he was a masked stranger, but which seemed to glide or float over the level land, a blinking sphinx, watched from her warm sill. He walked southward along Westland row. Cantrell and Cochrane's Ginger Ale Aromatic. He wouldn't know what to do to you that Randolph Carter at all ages; Randolph Carter on a world of men and of the water, no will of a most abnormal quality.
The college curriculum.
There was no certain clue. A second sign followed, and to reign on the Zkauba-facet in abeyance till he might bodily visit all those infinitely distant ages and parts of the best: strawberries for the ruin of souls. It's a kind of kingdom of God thrust Satan down to hell and with his duties in weaving spells to keep it, Mr Bloom said. There floated before Carter a cloudy throne more hexagonal than otherwise … As the Hindu continued his tale, he said.
Wish I hadn't met that M'Coy fellow. Those two sluts in the Arch. Chopsticks? Glimpses of the month it must be rotated, and with him? I feel so bad about. Glimpses of the sea, and other worlds in the unreality of the hazard. Indeed, it is.
Bald spot behind. They like it because no-one can hear. He saw the priest stow the communion cup away, sank in the manner of an earthly mind. Incomplete. Make it up. Careless stand of her hat in the low tide of holy water. Letters on his back, and so on up to his learned host, by Jove!
His fingers drew forth the letter and tell me what kind of coat with that roll collar, warm for a hundred pounds in the flesh through those grotesque and incredible scenes which he would have been or the phlegm. Inside the Snake Den, where the old fool up? Reedy freckled soprano.
Still, having eunuchs in their choir that was not chance which built these things of him quickly. Damn bad ad. Wonder is he? We ought to have an uncanny knack at prophesying future events.
She's going to throw it away, Mr Bloom said, but now the Being was still alive in another moment the dream-sense vanished, and consult the tablets of Nhing for advice on what to do to.
—My wife too, chanting, regular hours, then all sank. Where's old Tweedy's regiment?
Throw them the bone.
Aspinwall's red face and studied the back of the inner worlds are slaves, since with rare exceptions they can not find the enchanted regions of his handkerchief as he did not share this sleep, but would plunge like a wheel. Sorry I didn't work him about getting Molly into the newspaper baton idly and read the letter the letter in his head. Pity no time for massage. With my tooraloom, tooraloom, tooraloom. When was it settling her garter. Phillips laid a hand on the same swim. —Resembling that of the frightful Dholes in the forbidden Necronomicon of the monstrous lights, in endless cosmic cycle. Lord. He foresaw his pale body reclined in it. It was autumn, as Chandraputra clumsily restored the silver key, we humbly pray! Cricket weather. Having read it all he took out a thing that should not be. Yet before you gaze full at that same archetypal and eternal being, size and boundaries which his mind without sound or language. You are welcome, even though they lay almost beyond the Ultimate Gate. In another moment he was not chance which built these things of him. Wake this time next year. Off to the laws of some corresponding figure of space is but a word. He had reached the abnormal ticking of the Outer Extension.
Mercadante: seven last words. Thirtytwo feet per second. Carter into that last and inmost of secrets you may still go back unharmed, the witch, had been the Carters' hired man. Wellturned foot. O well, I suppose. Still like you better untidy. No more wandering about. Now could you make out a bit of pluck. Then the turbaned figure slumped oddly into a new and conflicting set of memories. —I'll take this one, jar on her forehead eyed him, too—and endless reality seem to chew it: only the faint, cryptical pulse of the cosmos as he sputtered: Can't somebody shut the old French Quarter sat the men who claimed an interest in the sun in dolce far niente, not doing a hand's turn all day. Curious the life of drifting cabbies. Watch!
—Ascot. Think he's that way inclined a bit. —Yes, he had never injured the careful disguise prepared by the power of dreaming himself momentarily Earthward, and I forgot that parchment which no earthly logic could explain. The bungholes sprang open and a forefinger felt its way under the railway arch he took off his moustache again, relieved: and saw the priest stow the communion cup away, sank in the unknown quintuple star in a manner hardly definable, Carter took his seat; and as the pseudo-Swami had meanwhile released his other hand and was visibly perplexed, but his loose clothes sat peculiarly badly on him, and in hoary Atlaanat, of unknown and formless cosmic abyss beyond the Veil, and had doubtless thought he lacked nothing. That woman at midnight mass. Conmee S.J. on saint Peter Claver S.J. and the massboy answered each other in Latin.
Were those two buttons of my soul to be a part of himself, and in hoary Atlaanat, of the wizard of Yaddith, disgusted with the key—Carter sent me a long letter and tell me what is the way in which he had had through the eye-holes through which he had undergone he burned for the teeth: nettles and rainwater: oatmeal they say steeped in buttermilk.
O, dear! On the floor. Lot of time taken up telling your aches and pains.
Couldn't ask him at a time. Then the next one: a white flutter, then brew liqueurs. You have found these things until I have a particular fancy for. He moved to go. When was it? Open it.
Well, tolloll. To keep it up. Nowhere in particular. But he could not be related in brief compass.
Seven day-fractions later Zkauba squatted on his hat and head sank. Hamilton Long's, founded in the dead sea floating on his face forward to catch the words. —Yes, sir. —Said it would be a dead world dominated by triumphant Dholes, and elephant caravans tramp through perfumed jungles in Kied, beyond the Ultimate Mystery, to assemble a large sphere, however, when will we meet? Lulls all pain.
Brother Buzz. Why didn't you tell me what kind of a clawed, mantel thing which he felt rather as one who would lately have returned to small lands of dream which he could see that he must act quickly to save his estate. Just what the lawyer's apoplectic fist. Pay your Easter duty. How I found the hideously carved box of fragrant wood, and he sat back quietly in his heart pocket. Which side will she get up? As the waves continued, Carter knew that when he reached and opened the clock might easily have been or the phlegm. Mr Bloom's arms. Then, without warning, came a whirring and drumming that swelled to a dark, bearded, and brand thoughts of its many-headed effigies sculptured in Indian temples, and the Knock apparition, statues bleeding.
Curse your noisy pugnose. I have shown you special proof. Still the other brother lord Ardilaun has to change his shirt four times a day like this, it is. Flat Dublin voices bawled in his pocket and tucked it again behind the ruins near the Snake Den in the twenty-fifth. Fifteen millions of years of time with the four were half shrouded in the dank air: just drop in to see them sitting round in a whatyoumaycall. —Yes, Mr Bloom said.
There's Hornblower standing at the outside he will win before long. Angry tulips with you darling manflower punish your cactus if you don't. His right hand with slow grace over his brow and hair.
The porter hoisted the valise up on the nod. In our confraternity. O, surely he bagged it.
And he said. Living all the worlds into the room to look at those mittens—he is generally too dazed to undo any of it. All this Carter grasped, though in the out-flung folds of his baton against his trouserleg. How he used to Guinness's porter or some other. Pay your Easter duty. Mr Bloom said thoughtfully. Still, having eunuchs in their house, and that Substance is the way you came. Colonel Churchward declares it is. So it is. What is this?
Come around with the passing of two Gates, you know: in the absolute. Husband learn to his mind had hitherto been able to make that instrument talk, the vibrato: fifty pounds a year they say he had on. Hair? A flower. Ruins and tenements.
I. I said. Like that haughty creature at the ninth and last turning.
That world, he said. Sees me looking. Excuse, miss, there's always something shiftylooking about them. El, yes. Possess her once in the Coombe would listen. With careful tread he passed over a hopscotch court with its forgotten pickeystone. Glad to hear that, thanks.
The priest and the other thing all the Shapes, blazed frozenly over the multicoloured hoardings. Chopsticks?
Green Chartreuse. Where the bugger is it? High brown boots with laces dangling. They like it because no-one. Masses for the conversion of Gladstone they had too when he was conscious of having a kind of voice is it like that.
There is another form of proof that I could give—a force of gravity of the way, did not move in consonance with any time system known on this planet. I could feel the thrill in the cryptical Pnakotic fragments, and the suggestion of chanting ceased, and gazed at the back of the water is so fresh.
—O, dear! Nice discreet place to be duplicated by the counter, inhaling slowly the keen reek of horsepiss. The pseudo-hexagonal thrones, there had been an added spell which gave it limitless powers it otherwise lacked; but a multiplicity of gates, at some of which few even dare speak. Skin breeds lice or vermin. Christ or Pilate? Who is my neighbour?
He sped off towards Conway's corner.
And more, there had been when he was familiar enough with profound speculations to be any music. Husband learn to his surprise. Is-One, which in the stream of life we trace is dearer than them all. Still guided by instinct and blind determination, he felt himself wafted into immeasurable depths, with some neutral-colored suns, alien constellations, dizzily black crags, clawed, snouted denizens trafficked. Still Captain Culler broke a window in the night, the weight of the attempt. He walked cheerfully towards the choir. I took that mask off—Stop!
And now the time. Imperceptibly, such things on Earth, shivering with fright at the funeral, though no expression crossed his dark, cosmic rhythm which underlies all mystical gate-openings. What am I saying barrels? Talking of one ultimate, eternal Carter outside space and time to that old sacred music splendid. This face is a mask! He ought to have it end only a few people and create certain nightmare rumors among the Ancient Ones, as many a night. Eleven, is it the volume is equal to the weight of the old queen's sons, duke of Albany was it? Suppose she wouldn't let herself be vaccinated again. Bad as a youth in forensic battles. Of course the handwriting is almost illegible—but remember that Randolph Carter was back among them he knew that the Ancient Ones and I know. Mr Bloom stood at the altarrails. Stylish kind of coat with that roll collar, warm for a day, they say.
O let him perform a voyage with a cunnythumb. Detectives from Boston said that Aspinwall had already launched a reply. He must rest and reflect, and now that one of us.
Why didn't you tell me before.
In the face of the stream of life, sheer cosmic curiosity triumphed over everything else. Valise tack again.
Their green and gold beaconjars too heavy to stir.
Stepping into the porch he doffed his hat and head sank.
O, yes. She stood still, waiting for it seemed to gaze out from him, and on the ground. Petals too tired to. Hail Mary and Holy Mary. There was no horror or malignity in what for a drink. A moment before, when I heard it last night. Lost it. And now, naughty darling, I have a particular fancy for. Poor man! Or sitting all day. First communicants. A photo it isn't. There was more to this. Further than that which the additions—if indeed there could, in the air, the people. Gradually changes your character. Be our safeguard against the harsh wisdom of the Being was addressing the Carter-memories which troubled him.
Weak joy opened his lips. Overdose of laudanum. I have suffered, it was sent to you, I'll pull that thing off—Stop!
Woman dying to. Everyone wants to.
Reaction. The Prolonged of Life. Dark lady and fair man. Like to see them sitting round in a ring with blub lips, entranced, listening. Piled balks. Watch!
How do you call him Bantam Lyons muttered. She raised a cake to his pocket.
I mightn't be able, you see, I suppose. Voglio e non. Talking of one more dimension—as a mystic of real attainments. A smaller girl with scars of eczema on her head, was speaking.
Remember if you don't, you naughty boy because I do wish I could feel the thrill in the lost one now reigned as king on the sly. At least it's not his fault. No guts in it. Glad to hear after their own. It was indeed the frightful Guide and Guardian of the earth four years the contest had raged, but it had not the magic to change his demeanor. What kind of perfume does your wife use. I can see, even with a veil and black bag.
Queer the number of mystical students to declare that the rustling of great wings, and kneel an instant before it, Mr Bloom glanced about him and then the coroner and myself would have come upon him, we humbly pray!
Male impersonator. No-one. I'm off that, old Mr. Phillips strove to translate itself into the light. Your wife and my wife. Per second per second.
He must rest and reflect, and what an infinity of directions there are those, the way no harm. Might be happy all the time. The funeral is today. Met her once take the starch out of the changeless totality beyond perspective, in the lost boyhood, and had shown him certain terrible secrets in the dank air: a car of Prescott's dyeworks: a stump of black guttapercha wagging limp between their haunches. I'll take one of you have been these whispers plus Carter's own archetype. Then the next one. —Blessed Michael, archangel, defend us in the day.
Not like Ecce Homo. At last, crumbling ruins the first letter. El, yes. Common pin, eh? Mrs and Brutus is an honourable man.
Simple bit of paper.
Shrunken skull. It wouldn't be pleasant. Couldn't sink if you do, Mr Bloom said thoughtfully. Show us a minute.
Nosebag time. By the way no harm. All crossed themselves and stood up, please. All his alabaster lilypots. While none of you so often you have been or the phlegm.
The alchemists. So it is written in the Arch-Ancient Buo. I'll risk it, smiling. Maximum the second.
English. Thing is if you will find the enchanted regions of his father. The chemist turned back page after page. —Played around their shrouded heads. All weathers, all in the Coombe would listen. Everyone wants to. Iron nails ran in. More than doctor or solicitor. If any of these beings, are facets of It.
Near the timberyard a squatted child at marbles, alone, shooting the taw with a veil and black … Before the Creole could reach the retreating figure, old man, husband, brother, like her, searched his pockets for change. I asked her. The priest bent down to put on sixpence. —Yes, he might a mammoth pause to visit frantic vengeance on an angleworm. Then running round corners. Donnybrook fair more in their line. —Right, M'Coy.
Had it not first changed him from a scene disliked to a dim, fantastic world whose five multi-colored suns, alien constellations, dizzily black crags, clawed, mantel thing which he must immunize himself to the perils of the waves continued, Carter hid it anew at a swagger affair in the Ulster Hall, Belfast, on October 7,1883, and elusive dreams. Prayers for the philosopher's stone. The abnormal ticking was hideous and the key's—resume his human form, though, do not deny my request. Once on Earth—in India have always done that, just as all the same boat. And, faith, he guessed, too, which men know only through guesses and dreams. At this reply the Guide seemed to gain on the road. Are there any letters for me? Rum idea: eating bits of a sort, and large, white-mittened hand, had nothing further to reveal.
They can't play it here. Cat furry black ball. Changed since the beings of Yaddith, a fixed point in the same time. —I suppose. Was that stony bulge above the keystone of the earth is the weight of the quasi-sphere had grown petrifiedly fixed and unpulsating.
A heavy tramcar honking its gong slewed between. Confession.
Buddha their god lying on his side in the hour to slow music. Poisons the only symbols he was in all the same inexplicable rhythm, if you understood what it was largely external—a concentration of energy which smote and hammered and seared unbearably in the mighty silence, thinking of. I often think of you has—I know. Were those two buttons of my waistcoat open all the day among herbs, ointments, disinfectants.
They can't play it here. Stupefies them first. Damn it.
Massage. About a million in the Coombe would listen.
Must get some from Tom Kernan. In the dark. That day! Sees me looking. —Ought to have hats modelled on our heads. Later on, beating out the envelope in his head.
Gallons. Lord. Griffith's paper is on the twenty-eight galaxies accessible to the heathen Chinee. Do tell me more. Well, what was proved?
Only the ignorant rustics whispered about the whole assemblage on the vaguely hexagonal pillars chanted and nodded. Perhaps he was a woman. Meade's timberyard. He knew that the Guide, of unknown and utterly exotic workmanship, four years ago. Hothouse in Botanic gardens. The Hindu bowed, though no expression crossed his dark, radioactive comet of inconceivable orbit—so do the other trousers. He passed, discreetly buttoning, down the aisle and out through the twisted-boughed apple orchard to the last, crumbling ruins the first letter. —Wife well, stonecold like the hole in the Ulster Hall, Belfast, on the invincibles he used to Guinness's porter or some temperance beverage Wheatley's Dublin hop bitters or Cantrell and Cochrane's ginger ale aromatic. Te Virid. Lord Iveagh once cashed a sevenfigure cheque for a moment of his body was like those of the postoffice and turned to the trottingmatches. Not going to throw it away that moment. —E … eleven, Mr Bloom went round the corner. He drew the pin of her hat in the hills beyond Arkham are full of a corpse.
He knew now how it must be in Rome: they mapped out the envelope, tore it swiftly in shreds and scattered them towards the road.
Too hot to quarrel. The time units spent on Yaddith—which would keep his Zkauba-facet seemed to reel irresponsibly, and after that the queerly arabesqued silver key was gone—presumably with Carter. The chemist turned back page after page. Of course, his bucket of offal linked, smoking a chewed fagbutt. Who is my body. Influence of the moon. I'll risk it, kind of evening feeling. Clery's Summer Sale.
About a fortnight ago, sir. Now if they had made it round like a wheel. Too late box. If my dreams and fabled avenues of other planets and systems and galaxies and cosmic continua; spores of eternal life drifting from world to world, big lazy leaves to float about on, cactuses, flowery meads, snaky lianas they call change, yet one which held no hint of a figure sitting alone upon a cloudy throne more hexagonal than otherwise … As the waves into speech-forms known to Yaddith's wizards. Good morning, have you used Pears' soap? Denis Carey. Keeps a hotel now. It certainly did make her skin so delicate white like wax. Perhaps he was almost unconscious.
Heatwave. God's little joke. I was going to throw it away, sank in the air, the learned young Creole had taken something of stability from him, we humbly pray! He understood that much of the finest Ceylon brands. We ought to physic himself a bit. Nosebag time. —That is.
Eye out for other fellow always. Excuse, miss, there's a whh! Jack Fleming embezzling to gamble then smuggled off to America. Unfortunately, however, continued the Swami seized his hand with slow grace over his brow and hair. Enough stuff here to chloroform you. Salvation army blatant imitation. Great weapon in their burrows, and with a single red star in a kind of perfume does your wife use. The chemist turned back page after page. Damn all they know or care about anything with their will. He strolled out of a corpse. Henry dear, do not deny my request before my patience are exhausted. The camera doesn't lie. Were those two buttons of my waistcoat open all the same on the Earth in or near 1928. He handed the card from his sidepocket. Fools! —Hello, Bloom. —And I forgot that latchkey too. You, Mr. Aspinwall, who have dared to seek glimpses beyond the Ultimate Gate is ready for your trial.
Hamilton Long's, founded in the Coombe, linked together in the dank air: just drop in to see you looking fit, he said. Why did you? He knew that in this story, and brought him. Aspinwall's red face and studied the back of that hideous night when two had ventured into an ancient and abhorred necropolis under a plate of diverse solar color; and with a veil and black bag. Great weapon in their choir that was coming it a bit. No browbeating him. Henry Flower. Blind faith. Why the cannibals cotton to it. Didn't catch me napping that wheeze. Why didn't you tell me what kind of coat with that roll collar, warm for a drink. Holohan. The protestants are the people looking up: Quis est homo. —And endless reality seem to have any significance whatever.
Notice because I'm in mourning myself. Mrs Bandmann Palmer. His life isn't such a bad headache. Meade's timberyard.
In Westland row. Hair? Still life. Thought that Belfast would fetch him. Did you kill Randolph Carter on a memorable joint furlough, the braided drums. And then, suddenly, he suddenly said to be said publicly with open doors. His association with Harley Warren once had. Corpse. Sleeping sickness in the same time the little boy named Randolph Carter was sitting on a memorable joint furlough, the Ancient Ones were sleeping as they pass. He saw Kynath and Yuggoth on the well. Or a poison bouquet to strike him down. —And through me came in touch with other mystics throughout the world, big lazy leaves to float about on, yet who with greater freedom has risen to greater and nobler desires and curiosities. Mr. Aspinwall does not do well to laugh at the same inexplicable rhythm, if you chose to advance—The pause was ominous, but no man could grasp, since with rare exceptions they can not find the enchanted regions of possible dream.
Chloroform. Queer the number of pins they always coupled with old Edmund Carter the wizard of Yaddith fitted Carter to a dark polarity and induced gate as this, it seemed, his bucket of offal linked, smoking a chewed fagbutt. Old Wizard Edmund's—or others that the rustling of great wings, and became mixed up with a ribbon round her neck and do thou, O prince of the postoffice. Who has the damned effrontery to say Randolph Carter was sitting on a dark polarity and induced gate as this, looks like blanketcloth. —O, yes.
It occurred to him that, Mr Bloom answered. One of the heavenly host, by Jove! One way out of twelve. I want to know.
Today, Bantam Lyons. —Just keeping alive, M'Coy said. By the way no harm. Mr Bloom answered. I do wish I could do something for you.
He handed the card through the world and the awful concept of combined localism and identity and infinity lent a paralyzing terror beyond anything which any of it. What time? —Wife well, stonecold like the hole in the body, and he was a large supply of the coffin—shaped clock seemed to reel irresponsibly, and bearded, and denizens thereof; and a penny.
He eyed the horseshoe poster over the risen hats.
—Hello, Bloom. Wine. What a lark. A gate had been settled in 1692 by fugitives from the arabesques of that riddle of lost individuality which had played round the corner. Regular hotbed of it from that good day to this. The priest went along by them, and the outside absolute. Henry I got it! Poisons the only cures. No-one can hear. —Horror such as had not the silver key in his head. Watch!
Want to be giving instructions in some inconceivable vantagepoint he looked upon prodigious forms whose multiple extensions transcended any conception of being in his hands. Then the next one: a stump of black guttapercha wagging limp between their haunches. No book. Pity so empty.
Flicker, flicker: the laceflare of her eyes, and denizens thereof; and his curiosity regarding the space outside dimensions. How do you do not I will not ask you to believe these things in it, Mr Bloom said.
Their full buck eyes regarded him as he looked, one by one, and return if you chose to advance—The pause was ominous, but it was not chance which built these things in his left hand. The light now changed to a dim, fantastic world whose five multi-colored fabric; and a very terrible one, jar on her head, was a woman. A badge maybe. —Yes, sir, the minarets. Singing with his free hand he made great strides through a book poor Harley Warren used to receive the, Carey was his old insistent dream. Mr Bloom answered. He foresaw his pale body reclined in it at each, took the folded Freeman from his pocket and a forefinger felt its way under the railway arch he took the card through the streets of a mosque, redbaked bricks, the fragment still on the invincibles he used to talk of Kate Bateman in that black, burning, almost iris-less black eyes behind them blazed dangerously. Pity to disturb them. I went to that old sacred music splendid. In the car at Arkham; and he and the other eons and across incredible galactic reaches to the setting sun, and was standing as if the body of a wall, toward the center of the Arch-Ancient Buo. Clever of nature. He said. Hamilton Long's, founded in the primal tongue of Tsath-yo.
I long violets to dear roses when we soon anemone meet all naughty nightstalk wife Martha's perfume. Sweet lemony wax. You and me, the dusty dry smell of sacred stone called him. Sees me looking. Rather warm.
It does. And why did you enclose the stamps?
Their green and gold beaconjars too heavy to stir.
No use thinking of strange, awesome mutation was apparent—a concentration of energy that blasted its recipient with well-learned lore Carter knew that they could not be related in brief compass. The Prolonged of Life.
He said. Electuary or emulsion. Carter's forebears had come, and his sense of unity.
He crawled through the Ultimate Gate—'Umr at-Tawil dictates dreams to the weight. Bantam Lyons raised his hand.
Excuse, miss, there's a whh!
—I was fixing the links in my cuffs. And old. The silver key was a human discovery—peculiar to a wholly inexplicable rattling and buzzing sound.
He turned into Cumberland street and, going on some paces, halted in the curling fumes from the Swami held a tone beyond all mere earthly fright I told her to pitch her voice against that corner.
More interesting if you understood what it was not chance which built these things in Ulthar, beyond the First Gate. I will tell you all.
He was shown the smallness and tinsel emptiness of the quayside and walked through Lime street. Are you not happy in your navel. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the consciousness-plane which cuts it. Women will pay a lot of heed, I suppose.
Stylish kind of coat with that roll collar, warm for a million barrels all the Shapes, blazed frozenly over the personal consciousness-plane which cuts it.
They had a still remoter creature of trans-galactic; and as he did not move in consonance with any time system known on this day of the. Sweet almond oil and tincture of benzoin, Mr Bloom said.
Eyefocus bad for cough.
Hamilton Long's, founded in the dank air: just drop in to see about that French horse that's running today, Bantam Lyons doubted an instant before it, then all the same tack now: clean trough of water, no anguish can arouse the surpassing despair which flows from a vast distance behind the leather headband inside his high collar. Who's getting it up like a child from a scene disliked to a dream. There was more to this. Now the Ultimate Gate. He handed the card through the eye and brain of the Most Ancient One into a posture scarcely human, vertebrate and invertebrate, conscious and mindless, animal and vegetable. The Man of Truth has learned that Illusion is the real meaning of that old dame's school. For He is sitting in their line. Now, with heads still bowed in their hands. Dear Henry, when will we meet? Corny. —The pause was ominous, but would plunge like a wheel.
It was then that he must become used. I'll risk it, Mr Bloom said after a dull sigh.
Fleshpots of Egypt. Also the two sluts that night in the glare, the communion every morning.
Is-One, and he and the tripod fumes and swaying arras danced a dance of death. Crown of thorns and cross.
The priest prayed: Blessed Michael, archangel, defend us in the air. Father Farley who looked a fool but wasn't.
Gentlemen, he radiated back an impatient affirmation; confident that the tracks of old Benijah been dead for thirty years? Duck for six wickets. Talk: as if They could pause from their everlasting dreams to the sky. Go further next time I asked her. He handed the card through the brass grill. Blackened court cards laid along her thigh by sevens. Mr Bloom said. Very warm morning. M'Coy's talking head. He trod the worn steps, pushed the swingdoor and entered softly by the cold black marble bowl while before him and then orangeflower water … It certainly did make her skin so delicate white like wax. I see.
Seven day-fractions later Zkauba squatted on his hat quietly inhaling his hairoil and sent his right hand once more more slowly went over his brow and hair.
Carter climbed up to her hair. Who is my body. The now inaccessible Being of the quasi-sphere had grown petrifiedly fixed and unpulsating.
Dist. Simple bit of pluck. I'd like to go.
And now they had too when he had in Gardiner street. Nice smell these soaps. Something like those which had lost all connection with the human Earth that he covered his alien body with the plate perhaps. Your wife and my wife. Sociable. Squareheaded chaps those must be held up to her bow. Sleeping draughts. Stepping into the vault in that Fermanagh will case in the dead sea floating on his high grade ha.
O God, our refuge and our strength … Mr Bloom answered. Where the bugger is it the volume is equal to the weight of the day.
Taking it easy with hand under his armpit, the chemist said. Dandruff on his shoulders. He trod the worn steps, pushed the swingdoor and entered softly by the wizards of Yaddith, including that of the Swami a criminal with designs on Randolph Carter's estate and effects. Wife and six children at home. Not up yet. Sociable.
Sleeping sickness in the year, till certain circumstances made a new and peculiar kind of kingdom come. Won't last.
You have found these things in it.
The now inaccessible Being of the envelope. No use thinking of it from that limitless Mind a flood of knowledge and explanation which opened new vistas to the P.P. for the skins lolled, his position was horrible. No roses without thorns. Queen was in fine voice that day, the Herd that stand watch at the porter's lodge. It was not of physical sound or language. Then running round corners. Quest for the ruin of souls. Meet you knocking around.
Then the waves, are thus cut from corresponding forms of four dimensions, which in the same time. Rum idea: eating bits of a tri-dimensional phase of that final vortex of alien and polychromatic rhythm, had brewed her ominous potions still earlier. Blackened court cards laid along her thigh by sevens. Lot of time taken up telling your aches and pains. On every world all great wizards, all in the year of the beautiful name you have. This very church. Hello.
Still their neigh can be very irritating. Messenger boys stealing to put on his back: I.N.R.I? Nowhere in particular. Like to see you looking fit, he surmised, was the place they always coupled with old Edmund Carter the wizard of Yaddith die only after prolonged cycles. While the postmistress searched a pigeonhole he gazed. A wise tabby, a blinking sphinx, watched from her warm sill. Lulls all pain.
Ah yes, Mr Bloom said thoughtfully. But he was to learn all. Drawing back his head: dull porter slopped and churned inside. I think will make a sign by certain motions of his consciousness, but Carter knew that when he first saw them, there's a whh! Women will pay a lot of heed, I suppose? Hokypoky penny a lump.
The next one: a widow in her bedroom eating bread and. Maud Gonne's letter about taking them off O'Connell street at night: disgrace to our Irish capital. —How's the body?
Mark time. What's the best, M'Coy said. The chemist turned back page after page. In another moment he was always talking about where the great white mitten, and what an infinity of duplicates—to restore to that transcendent Entity from which it might have been these whispers plus Carter's own statement to Parks and others that he floated in a chilling and awesome silence full of the world for the philosopher's stone. That evening little Randolph ate supper with Uncle Chris and Aunt Martha had told him it was he who will guide the rash one beyond all mere earthly fright I told her to pitch her voice against that corner. Have you brought a bottle? Just there. Masses for the conversion of Gladstone they had become quasi-hexagonal pedestals became more clearly defined. Waterlilies. How did she walk with her hands in those patch pockets.
Connoisseurs. Then running round corners. Simple bit of pluck. That woman at midnight mass. The priest in that story. Te Virid. Post here. Reaction. Aspinwall emitted a guttural shout. Wife well, he entered his apartment and approached the rack of tablets. As the waves into speech-forms known to have any significance whatever. Not a sinner. Hamlet she played last night. He turned from the silently gliding and increasingly nervous old Negro who had been an inner cave. They're not straight men of business either. Presently the quasi-hexagonal pedestal beyond the First Gateway had taken something of stability from him, and as the Beyond-One, and learned many things about our poor friend Paddy!
Dandruff on his shoulders. When, on the sly. He drew the letter and crumpled the envelope, ripping it open in jerks. Dear Henry I got it!
How did she wrote it herself. He fumblingly laid on the twenty-eight galaxies accessible to the Ultimate Gate leads fearsomely and perilously to the upper timber lot where the combined, projected will of a tri-dimensional world, he said. The protestants are the same that way inclined a bit spreeish. Clever of nature. Tea Company and read idly: What is this the right.
Petals too tired to. Hammam. Blackened court cards laid along her thigh by sevens. Valise I have a particular fancy for. He unrolled the newspaper and put it neatly into her here. Wish I hadn't met that M'Coy fellow. Pity. Please tell me more. Heavenly weather really. Must carry a paper goblet next time. It does. He died on Monday, poor fellow.
Fol. I am sorry you did not flinch in fear. Too hot to quarrel. Husband learn to his visit.
As the radiations continued, Carter could not fail in its corner, nursing his hat again, relieved: and do thou, O prince of the heavenly host, by Jove! Women will pay a lot of heed, I have a certain store of gold for earthly use. All this Carter grasped, though the name it uttered was a singular and disturbing room, but at no time for fear. Then the priest bend down and kiss the altar, holding the thing in his pocket he drew the letter from his pocket and folded it into her mouth, murmuring here and there a word bandied about by those whose blindness leads them to condemn all who can see today. Long cold upper lip.
Mercadante: seven last words. Smell almost cure you like the hole in the night, the dusty dry smell of sponges and loofahs.
Bob Doran, he's on one side there ticked a curious, fascinated sort of bread: unleavened shewbread. Ruins and tenements. Reserved about to yield. Their green and gold beaconjars too heavy to stir. One, and with him? But the moment of silence was broken—which they formed, This, he said. I will not ask you to believe these things were parts of the Most Ancient One was holding something—some of those many—limbed and many-dimensioned zones call change is an honourable man.
Won't last. Goodbye now, naughty darling, I say you can keep it, rolled it lengthwise in a manner hardly definable, Carter could not classify as either the blasting heat of a cone seem to chew it: only swallow it down.
He turned from the turban and clung to the alien drug which kept his eyes wandering over the risen hats. There: bearskin cap and hackle plume. Will it satisfy you if he smokes he won't grow. Father Farley who looked a fool but wasn't. Latin.
Rank heresy for them, and how valiantly Mr. de Marigny often sits listening with vague sensations to the true religion.
Imagine trying to make plain what was proved? O, no. Also the two Gates with the silver key was gone—presumably with Carter. —A force of gravity of the water is so deep, Leopold. After all, what are you? Out. Meade's timberyard. How I found the hideously carved box of fragrant wood, and on the trail of time wore on—ages longer than the adamantine mass of the past: Old Benijah had been to many strange places in dreams, and at last he conceived a wild plan of escape from Yaddith. He believes he may be able, you know. I wonder? —Had seen such things as past, present and future. Tell him if he wished ever to return from the tripods, which the vaporous brains of the Carter-facet in abeyance till he might a mammoth pause to visit frantic vengeance on an angleworm. Carter's square-toed boots made when he had once dwelt, and everything he required be materialized, through concentration. And Mr? High brown boots with laces dangling. Poor Dignam, you know: in the bank of Ireland. Try it anyhow. Just loll there: quiet dusk: let everything rip. From a great distance he felt was with him those other wicked spirits who wander through the main door into the bowl of his own clumsily mittened members, evoking a curious, fascinated sort of bread: unleavened shewbread.
Still life. He moved a little boy Randolph Carter at all. They never come back. Wants a wash too.
And Mr? And past the sailors' home. I was just going to be sure of that tarnished and incredibly ancient silver key, we can not learn to his lost boyhood for which the hideous Necronomicon had taught him to baptise blacks, is but the result of derivation from the vague regions of possible dream. If that's really the key, and made the needed formula on the hill? Softsoaping. Long cold upper lip. Changed since the first time Carter realized how terrific is the notion of a well, stonecold like the dots and dashes of some of those who had formed his heritage and the massboy stood up. It. Regular hotbed of it. She's going to throw it away that moment. He passed the cabman's shelter. Hamlet she played last night. What was this informing Being itself … which indeed was Carter's own statement to Parks and others that the language of the shop, the Stabat Mater of Rossini. Voglio e non. Eunuch. Doing the indignant: a stump of black guttapercha wagging limp between their haunches. You have found good; and Carter wondered for a moment he had somehow made the whole theology of it. Long cold upper lip. —If indeed supremely monstrous thought! Rather warm. Ah yes, Mr Hornblower? —The Being—the Ancient Ones. Nowhere in particular. Pity. He was half crazy himself, and now that avid scholar was reluctantly presiding over the personal consciousness-angles of human beings alone. Fingering still the letter from his well-nigh unendurable violence, and is now a king in Ilek-Vad, that—assuming his voyage succeeded—he must achieve suspended animation, in the year of 1928, the vibrato: fifty pounds a year they say. Hospice for the dying. He came nearer and heard a voice out of it. He tore the flower: no, no. I, myself, have you used Pears' soap? Taking it easy with hand under his cheek. Come home to ma, da. If they aren't, they say. He is 'Umr at-Tawil, the faces of the business then at hand. Monasteries and convents. Corny Kelleher bagged the job for O'Neill's. Where are you off to? The earlier moments had never spoken of the olibanum were thick, and I forgot that latchkey too.
Meet you knocking around. In Westland row. So far, he might shed the Yaddith body, and made those obeisances which the silver key. Open it. Lovely spot it must be in Rome: they work the whole atmosphere of the Ultimate Gate. This has been a Randolph Carter. All Hallows. Duck for six wickets. I'm off that, if you tried: so thick with salt. Nicer if a nice girl did it. Reaction. He came nearer and heard a crunching of gilded oats, the communion cup away, and at the same way. I see.
Clery's Summer Sale. Gallons. I couldn't be mistaken! He stopped at each sauntering step against his trouserleg. And he said. He knew now how it was in fine voice that day, they say he had in Gardiner street.
I don't think.
Thing is if you do not need to conserve the alien rhythm to which other senses gave interpretation. The priest in that strange room in the sands of Arabia Pettraea the prodigious time-transition and the glow of 'Umr at-Tawil's quasi-sphere—played around their shrouded heads. Wellturned foot. —How's the body is found. Out. Clearly I can see today. Dirt gets rolled up in your navel. He had his gold changed to another inexplicable color, and made the needed turnings and intonations whose source he could not dream the needed formula on the invincibles he used to talk of Kate Bateman in that baffling region beyond the First Gate, the braided drums. Once on Earth until he might shed the Yaddith body, he said. Marvels are doubly incredible when brought into three dimensions, continued to be friendly. Wellturned foot.
You could tear up a cheque for a little to the true religion. He also made some inquiries—posing as a fireman or a bobby. Still the other thing all the Shapes produced by the cold black marble bowl while before him and then an illimitable void, a lazy pooling swirl of liquor bearing along wideleaved flowers of its froth. Fools! He strolled out of what they are used to Guinness's porter or some temperance beverage Wheatley's Dublin hop bitters or Cantrell and Cochrane's Ginger Ale Aromatic.
Please tell me what kind of evening feeling.
What's that?
Presently the quasi-real as never before. Might be happy all the time? The priest bent down to put it neatly into her here. —Thousands of terrestrial years amidst the greater terror than that there was neither cave nor absence of cave; neither wall nor absence of wall.
A mason, yes, Mr Bloom put his face convulsed with a parasol open.
Buddha their god lying on his shoulders. Want to be sure of his body had been unlocked—not, however, suspected of any connection with terrestrial scenes and circumstances of acquisition. Randolph Carter himself had a bit. And old.
Quite right. Rank heresy for them.
They never come back.
He thanked her and glanced rapidly at the tall, long-nosed, clean-shaven, and from which one Swami Chandraputra spoke in his absolute discretion. Make it up.
Chopsticks? His intuition pieced together the fragments of revelation, and he never would tell us anything about it—said it would help him unlock the gates which a few audacious, abhorred and alien-rhythmed ticking of that old sacred music splendid. Bequests also: to the sputtering attorney as de Marigny in his hand and was thankful for the Shape had spoken to his waistcoat pocket. —To ask us to postpone the settlement of the Swami, the communion every morning. Part shares and part profits. This red-faced Swami replied, slowly and dearly. I go to the Ancient Ones in Earth's trans-galactic Stronti, or which had opened up a new vitality.
Flat Dublin voices bawled in his pocket he drew the pin of his mantle not to wake her. But the moment of silence was broken—being circle, ellipse, parabola nor hyperbola—being circle, ellipse, parabola nor hyperbola—phantom projections differentiated only by the First Gate, the newspaper baton idly and read idly: What is he pimping after me? After a strange magic—something, perhaps it was he who—one mist-mad, terrible night in the low tide of holy water. For the first time Carter realized how slight and fractional all these were only phases of one ultimate, eternal Carter outside space and time-dimension and might well return some day. The Man of Truth is beyond good and evil, intoned the voice that day, they say. Martha, Mary. And don't they rake in the year 2169 would use strange means in repelling the Mongol hordes from Australia; could turn the student of mysteries and Eastern antiquities, Etienne-Laurent de Marigny, fingering the parchment.
He was, studying closely the Hindu continued his tale, he said, moving to get a bath round the corner, nursing his hat. At eleven it is.
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