#yes red does think theyre weird but not bc of the incest thing
irkenheretic · 3 years
What’s your favourite twincest ship? 👉👈
ok im gonna take this as an opportunity to talk about ANX’s own resident twincest couple because i love them theyre amazing and TO BE FAIR they are my favorite
under the cut bc its long and yknow. about incest. in depth lmao
ok so a little backstory: irkens can inbreed without genetically imploding like humans do- if they EXCLUSIVELY inbreed for too many generations then there are problems but that would like. never happen normally. because of this, there is no cultural taboo against incest
on the defect sanctuary planet, family units are just starting to become a thing. so there are mates, and smeets, and hatchmates etc. being multiple of those things at once (i.e. hatchmates and mate-mates) is seen as a little odd- but only a little. anyone who has a truly big problem with it is seen as an asshole. (good luck to any humans that move there!)
which brings me to The Couple:
their names are purin and pelle- purin is a boy and pelle is a girl. but that’s not how they were hatched! kind of? irkens choose genders in smeethood, there’s no agab. originally, purin said he was a girl, and pelle a boy, but they switched around because they both realized they picked the wrong genders (which happens sometimes lol)
they each kept their original names
so growing up they were always..... those kids. the weird as fuck kids. even on a defect sanctuary planet, there’s a bit of stigma against defects who are too defective. think a zimlike temperament- they’re looked down on for being too weird, as opposed to the Good Defects who are like Normal Irkens, just a bit different
and they were always attached- they never went anywhere without each other, they just.... felt at home with each other. of course since theyre on the defect planet, they DO have a family- and their family does accept them! it just hurts when everyone else treats them as pariahs
so in their teenhoods, they started to distance from each other and tried to be more “normal.” purin has a bit of an easier time, but pelle, who’s more outspoken and loud, did not
and neither of them were happy. they missed being close to the other in a way they never really understood? they thought it might be a twin thing at first, but that never..... felt right, yknow?
and of course their family realized smth was up. they have an older sister who ended up confronting them separately about it and they evennnnntually realized what was going on ya dig
and theyve been mates ever since. they talk in a very particular echo-y way and- ok ok hold on lemme- 
“We’re twins,” she clarified, “from the same egg.”
“It was a big egg.”
“A really big egg.”
“Almost killed our dad.”
“We have a really small dad.”
“He’s great! Have you tried the restaurant?”
“You should try the restaurant.”
“He works there.” 
“But we don’t work there.” 
this is OOOOOOOLD but this is how they talk (tm)
they really play up the “creepy twins” aspect of their personality and act like a singular hivemind unit, and only let their true personalities shine more in private
pelle is the more outspoken one and purin is the quietly mischievous type. theyre both bastards dont get me wrong lmfao
they’re EXTREMELY codependent on each other and the fact that they isolate themselves from everyone is a Bad Thing
its not the focus of the plot but in the background you can kinda see them going thru development on their own; showing up separately and not talking in that echo-type way all the time. but they stay mates! the fact that theyre mates isnt unhealthy in of itself, the fact that theyre so isolated was
a lot of people on their home planet kinda see them being mates as a “what else couldve happened?” thing. like, they’re both too creepy and weird for anyone else to love them outside of, well, each other
idk i love them. theryer good. my fiance is working on a oneshot starring them and im gonna beg him to at LEAST put it on tumblr
also inb4 “do they have kids?” yes they do actually. er, they’re identical twins so that means identical genitals, but they did have a threesome with a surrogate (a drone they paid handsomely) and have a kid that way
kid’s lost in the empire tho lmao, rip purin and pelle
once their planet has this tech, they’re gonna try again with a tube-grown science.... thing.... that lets same-sex irkens have a kid
(which is tech that exists, its just not gonna be on that planet until after ANX)
anyway thats them.... i should draw them theyre cute
also if u peep the red-eye family tree youll see that they’re red’s aunt and uncle lmfao. their older sister is his mom
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