#yes noora you didn't think about that did you
sanaandthesun · 7 years
skam characters tag game
tag these names and let tumblr fill in from tags you have written in the past. either pick the first one or you favourite one. skip the name if you have none:
“Sana...” “Elias...” “Yousef...” Mutta, Adam, Mikael, Noora, Eva, Vilde, Chris, Isak, Even, Mahdi, Jonas, Magnus, Sara, Ingrid, Laila, Jamilla, Mari, Eskild, Linn, William (any version of his name)
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norgestan · 4 years
You mentioned that you didn't know Skam had a Spanish remake until s2, so I got super curious. Did you watch Skam back in the day? Had you watched any remakes before eskam? What made you start watching eskam, and what were your thoughts on Nora and Alejandro (individually and as a couple) before s3?
oh i will put a read more on this because it got too long
i watched skam before, yes! i got to know about it in 2016 and the first clip that i ever watched on real time was the speech eskild gave isak about pride. i really loved s3, so i watched s1 and s2 and kept up with s4 for about half of the season - i can’t remember why i stopped watching but it probably had something to do with the little time that i had back then and the work that one had to do to search and watch every individual clip subtitled on dailymotion.
when i came to know about the remakes idea i was like, fuck no. lol, because i thought og was pretty good on its own and the idea of having the same show in so many other versions is just so weird to me? i still kept up with some remakes via seeing their tag whenever it trended on tumblr, like skamfr and skamit. those were the most popular ones, and also the ones with evak seasons, ha. that is why austin, wtfock and nl were the ones i knew about the last.
i tried watching skamfr to see what was all the fuss about, i remember i chose that because i like the language and i was trying to learn french. you can imagine how that went lol i gave up on like, episode 8? because i was honestly bored and watching the super unnatural, fast delivery of the actors made me miss og SO much (i still watch og s3 every once in a while, it’s for me what the kids call now a comfort show).
i only came to know about skam españa when the trailer for cris’ season dropped and everyone started to freak out because a) finally another evak season, and b) it’s about two girls! i was pumped bc the wlw rep and THEN i realized it was a remake in my first language. if i had known about it before i definitely would’ve watched that one first. i kept up with the remake because it was super easy with the clips dropping in youtube, and though i wasn’t the biggest fan of cris back then and it didn’t resonate w me the way og had done, it was well done and i didn’t need subtitles to understand it. after i finished it, i watched s1 and found it way more compelling than skamfr s1 had felt to me, but i really didn’t have any desires of watching every single remake, until i made this sideblog.
i never really cared that much about nora on s1 and s2. i think josefine’s portrayal of noora was so charming and iconic on s1 and nicole didn’t get to those standards, but she def was a really good friend to eva. my problem is that her actions seemed way too... performative? in previous seasons. a highlight of that would be nora telling eva about her “joan of arc” nickname in s1. having s3 to close off her development makes it all really nuanced, but at the time i just didn’t buy her feminist rhetoric - although that’s more of a noora problem. it also reminded me a bit of myself, the kind of things i’d say because i read them on tumblr and how there was always a challenge to stand my ground whenever i tried to pull that with my family or my classmates, that helped me to shape my morality. and i think skames got a bit of that, too: the whole pansexuality thing, nora telling cris that she didn’t have to put up with joana’s MI, etc. i think it was refreshing to see a character that thought so highly of herself and her morality, be put on her place by people who knew better, and she never took it hard or got angry because of that. because there wasn’t a lot of depth to her in s2 and just kept on being the cool, supportive friend, i was okay w her but didn’t like her as much as the others. with s3, of course that drastically changed for me.
i think i summed up my impression of alejandro really well on my s1 review, and because i watched s2 first i immediately assumed he’d be the typical william and i was an anti noorhelm when i watched og, so i was super wary of him (there’s also my tags here that sum up how i was feeling about him at the time). rewatching og s1 and s2 made me really appreciate some of the changes: small things like alejandro wearing a condom to have sex with viri, inviting the girls to his halloween party as an apology, being invited to cris’ house party where she came out to her friends, and big things like him not gifting girls he slept with hoodies to mark them, instead causing a (hilarious and skames’ best choice in s1) std outburst that only talked about his promiscuity and status as a fuckboy; apologizing to viri because he realized he was in the wrong and not because nora “promised” him a date if he did it; despite his william-esque “i won’t stop until you say yes” line in s1, effectively stopping to try to creepily hit on nora in s2 and instead becoming friends with her and the girl squad; and then everything that happened in s3.
about norandro, i was never a big fan of them. i had the same concerns about their relationship that i had with alejandro, and i thought they would be the annoyingly toxic token straight couple of the show. during s2′s airing i was pretty pissed that skames kept shifting the pov to develop their relationship, because i thought (and still think) that they could’ve squeezed more growth out of cris, although looking back it’s fine, really. before s3 i saw what they were doing to build them up and i was pleased and VERY curious about it - until i learnt about miquel’s existence and realized that skames would go for the toxic relationship route. absolutely nothing would’ve prepared me by how charmed i was by their dynamic and how they became my favorite couple in skames, lol.
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whatadaze · 5 years
Do you think it was a smart move narrative wise for them to give the "breakdown scene" to Ralph as opposed to having it with Noah?. I saw someone say that due to this change the text from Morris lost it's impact & the show lacked development of Noliv as a couple without this scene. I didn't really get where they were coming from but maybe others agree with it?. Opinions?
hm…i personally enjoyed the change and did think it was a smart move! here’s why. season 2 is livs season before it is a story about noliv. by having the breakdown scene be with ralph, we see liv finally tear down her walls and give into her emotions. ralph knows why she is upset, and she doesn’t have to carry that burden alone anymore. if that breakdown scene happened with noah, the storyline would’ve probably followed the OG. liv would have her breakdown over something else like her music or her parents and while noah would comfort her, there would still be that lie between them bc she would’ve kept the assault from him. then, the storyline would’ve been dragged out even longer once noah found out the truth.
i don’t think the text from morris lost its impact at all. when liv confronted morris, she probably didn’t think he had anything over her anymore. after all, she had the audio recording of him admitting to everything and she left thinking she had the upper hand. she was finally ready to heal and move on. but just when she thought everything was going to be okay, she is slapped with this message. if anything, it hurt even more because in OG, noora receives the text moments before william confronts her. with the changes seen in skamnl, we as viewers have to deal with the agonizing wait, knowing that the confrontation scene will happen but not knowing how it will be. we are experiencing the same feelings liv must be feeling, ya know? and THATS what i love about skamnl. focusing on liv has made us more aware and in tune with livs feelings and we are able to get inside her head. i feel like the viewers are able to empathize with her more easily and experience what she is going through as well!
do i wish we had more noliv scenes in this season? OF COURSE! because the scenes that we’ve had already are AMAZING and monk+zoe’s chemistry is OFF THE CHARTS!!!! but honestly, the fact that we don’t have as many scenes makes me appreciate the noliv scenes even more. i’d rather have a few, meaningful noliv scenes than a ton of random scenes. maybe this is just me being biased, but i really do feel like noliv has the strongest relationship out of all the remakes and even OG. even though i know there is still more angst to come, i know that they will be work through it and everything will be okay in the end.
and one more thing i’d like to add in regards to the text. with william, i feel like i was more worried about him finding out about what might’ve happened between noora and nico, but with noah, i’m more worried about the whole trust thing. yes, noah will be upset about liv meeting with morris, but more than anything, i think noah will be upset that liv believed morris over him and that she didn’t fully trust him. we never had conversations like that with og where the topic of trust was emphasized but with noliv, it has been talked about over and over again.
jesus christ i just wrote an essay and it probably doesn’t even make sense 🙃 ok tldr: no i don’t think skamnl made a mistake by having ralph be the one to comfort liv, morris’s text didn’t lost impact and if anything had MORE of an impact, i don’t think there was a lack of noliv development bc they didn’t include this scene BECAUSE noliv has been carefully developing throughout the whole season!! we didn’t need one major scene to do that.
ok i’m going to stop now. wow lol
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castielatlas · 6 years
It's so refreshing that this season doesn't SOLELY revolve around Mia and Alex, the way og did with Noora and William.
I was always disappointed in season 2 because Noora was my favorite (before Even, my son, the sun, came into the picture) and it didn't really feel like it really was HER season. We got so little about her that didn't revolve about William, when you think about it.
So yes we don't see Winterberg constantly making out and yes Mia's conflicting feelings when it comes to Kiki get in the way and YES the girls are getting involved and I'm freaking delighted!
Mia's season shouldn't revolve around Alex - although right now she's in love so her views are narrowed to him, it doesn't mean the season has to.
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OK ok. There is something I noticed about the recent clip I wanna share.
Yes yes.. I am aware I may be reaching for the stars and people may groan when they come across this but idgaf so 😂 😂 😂 😂. So let's get to it...
In the recent clip where the girl squad are talking about 3 dangerous combinations Daniel x Kelsey x Virginity.
I noticed some jealously on Grace part... And before you ignore this pay attention for a sec! In the OG skam Noora didn't have Grace facial expressions like she did in this scene. In fact... Noora was amused by Vilde
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But! If you look at Grace (even tho she may not be in love yet and not realise what she's doing... Look at her when speaking about Daniel)
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And the bonus!
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It's like in the first gif she is imagining what looking at him in the bedroom would feel like... And then she does that subtle acting whilst she looks down at the floor then at kelsey to talk to her again 👁.... I dunno man 😂 😂 😂 😂.
I've took acting for a couple of years now and nothing the actor does is by chance. There HAS to be a reason why Julie and the actress decided to do it this way. And the camera was on Grace nearly the WHOLE TIME! 😭 😭 😭
Anyway... That is my stance on that! Agree or not whatever but that's what I think so... Yeah x
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toneelspeler · 7 years
So agree with your thoughts on how scrapping Even's story meant scrapping Yousef's. My theory was that Yousef would turn out to be the person Even tried to kiss, and that in response he said/did something that he regrets (not necessarily OTT homophobic, but maybe he didn't handle it perfectly) and so he blames himself for Even's SA. He said it was Mikael bc he's ashamed of his role in what happened. Then Sana would realize it was Yousef, maybe via the battle pic, feel conflicted about him lying/
(cont’d) Yousef’s role in Even’s SA, go get the real story from Even, Even says it wasn’t Yousef’s fault, then Sana and Yousef talk about it, and Yousef works things out with Even. It made sense to me bc it would’ve added complexity and conflict to Yousef, made his leaving Islam even more personal, and Mikael himself wasn’t really a developed character but he would’ve been a good red herring for the fandom. That’s just one way this could’ve played out. No matter what, I think you’re right that Yousef and Even’s stories were meant to be intertwined. I just don’t get why we didn’t get even ONE scene between them when we had blatant Evak and Yousana parallels and the major obstacle in Yousana was Yousef not being Muslim which was directly linked to Even. IDK what happened, but I so wish Julie would’ve delved into this plot and not boring Yousef/Noora which was dragged out and pointless. (sorry for rambling but you’re so right and I’m not over it!)
Hiya anon! oh gosh yes, like.. it’s the one thing i’m pretty much 100% sure about: by not telling what happened between those two a large portion of yousef’s personal story is cut out and, thus, he got shafted entirely and barely felt like the love interest that the others did in their respective seasons. 
and i can see your theory, but i do really think it’s still mikael who even kissed, considering even himself told isak that mikael was the ‘previous man of his life’. i don’t know why even would lie about who had kissed but ya know, it could be a plothole. also considering the balloon boys reacted to even’s name in the sms roulette video talking about ‘that thing between even and mikael’. but we’ll never truly know. 
in any case, i do think the plan was still there around ep 6 to explain this mysterious background; mostly because of the explicit reference to even’s bipolar during ikke snakk til meg. there was a reason julie made the lyrics correspond with even’s appearance on the school yard; and those shots focused on even, not on isak + even. unfortunately, around the time the end of ep 5 aired, it apparently became clear that thomas would be coming back, which i do think threw a lot of the story to the side. 
imagine the william plotline gone; that would’ve opened up a lot of space. but since he was suddenly there she had to shoehorn a weird ‘yousef going on holiday!’ thing that really was weird as heck. imagine maghrib including a moment where sana tells yousef she knows the truth about his situation with even and then her telling him (in very basic terms here); so you can be muslim again! but that yousef gets to be really honest in return and saying that he doesn’t know if he wants to (because he had some doubts even before that thing with even happened). now yousef was basically just making a statement about racism (bc she fucked up with isak’s speech in ep7. i wonder how maghrib had gone if not for the backlash regarding isak’s speech). 
and maybe eva’s party could have been the girls themselves; catching up again after a pretty hectic and emotional time, with sana finally being honest about how she feels as a muslimah in their friend group. the ep 8 ‘twist’ could have been that yousef and noora really weren’t anything. and then the start of ep 9 could have focused on yousef and sana reconnecting but then finding that battle picture.
these were all things hinted at and pretty explicitely so too. whenever i think about how yousef got shafted most of all.. ugh!! he’s going on vacation?? what is that for a story resolution? you know, maybe sana just decides for herself that she really wants a boyfriend who’s muslim too. it’s like a certain someone has never listened to what iman says about the topic (in a very respectful and valid way! because she finds a lot of worth in being muslim and can talk for ages about islam because she’s so enthusiastic about it, she wants to have someone in her life that she can connect to on that level!). it would have been bittersweet, but that could have made such a wonderful impact too; sometimes it just doesn’t work out. and that’s okay! you can still be friendly, it’s not the end of the world. and then have the girls squad have a final moment in the last clip (like.. that was weird right? we know that the boys squad was so close that even + isak were considering to take them on holiday with them.. but.. where was that girls squad moment?)
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nothesc · 7 years
prompt: set in the evening of june 13th's clip, the balloon boys are filming a hei briskeby video and yousef takes his phone out mid-video to check his notifications since he didn't have the time to during work and he had it on silent as well, and sees sana's text and forgets how to breathe and doesn't know how to react but is trying to act chill anyways because they're filming but is too shocked to answer back etc etc
I wrote this pretty quick and I don’t know if it’s what you wanted but I really hope you like it :D ♥
“You know what we should do?” Mikael said as Elias let the boys into hishouse
“What? askedElias
“A live video!!” Mikael answered excited “I’ve seen lots of youtubers doing that, Ibet people would watch that!”
“But do we have to do that today?” Yousef asked not really excited about it “Todayis being a hard day at work, I haven’t had a break”
“Come Yousef, stop complaining! Mikael’s idea is great” Adam said
“Of course you’re on his side…” Yousef muted.
“Huh?”Adam asked
“Okay what do you guys think?” Mikael asked Mutta and Elias
“I think it’d be cool” Mutta said “People could ask us questions”
“I’m sorry Yousef but I’m with them, I think it’d be cool. It’d be likethe last Hei Briskeby video before you go, it has to be special” Elias said
“Okaaaay, fine. Let’s do it” Yousef said walking to the living room “Bythe way Elias can you lend me a charger? My phone is dead”
 Sanachecked her phone once again, he still hadn’t seen it. She sighed and as shelaid on Noora’s bed.
Afterdeciding that they were ditching school, which they were already doing withouteven noticing, they went to the Kollektiv and they had been there during thewhole afternoon. Noora had told Sana everything that had been going on withWilliam while Sana told Noora about her conversation with Yousef, even thethrowing grass leaves part.
“Still no answer?” Noora, who was lying by her side asked
“Nope”Sana said “At least he hasn’t seen it yet, that’s good right? That means he’s notjust ignoring me…I guess”
“Sana he would never ignore you, believe me the boy is so gone for you”
“He wasn’t really warm towards me on Sunday…he was nice but…you know,not like other times”
“He thinks you don’t like him, the boy is probably just trying not toget his hopes up”
“Ugh, why is everything so complicated?” Sana sighed covering her face with her hands
“Love is complicated but it’s worth the pain” Noora said with a soft voice
“Seriously Noora, you’re starting to get on my nerves with all thispositivity”Sana said making her friend laugh
“Ah, Sana life is beautiful”
Sanashook her head but laughed. That’s when her phone beeped. Her heart started topound fast on her chest as she grabbed her phone with trembling hands, only tobe disappointed when she realized that the notification didn’t belonged tofacebook but to youtube.
“Is it him?” Noora asked
“Uh…yes and no”
“It’s a notification from Youtube, apparently Elias and the boys aremaking a live video right now”
“And what are you waiting for?” Noora said sitting on the bed “Gowatch it! Yousef will be there”
“So what? It won’t make him answer”
“I know, but aren’t you curious? I mean you’re subscribed to theirchannel for a reason”
“Okay, you have a point” Sana said rolling her eyes
Sheopened the youtube app and pressed play.
The boyswere at her house, as always. Elias was in the middle with Adam and Mikael onone side and Mutta and Yousef in the other one.
“Okay, okay, okay we’ve waited a few minutes so everyone gets settledbut I think it’s time to start” Elias said looking at the camera “HeiBriskeby! We’re here today with a live video, we want you to ask us questionsand we’ll answer them”
Sanarolled her eyes, did they think they were famous or something?
“Sana, look at Yousef” Noora said pointing at him in the corner of the image
“He has his phone in his hands and it’s plugged, maybe he didn’t havebattery?”
“Uh…could be” Sana said checking her phone once again “he still hasn’t seen it though”
Elias was answering some question he hadreceived from a viewer when he finally turned on his phone. Yousef had beenwithout his phone the whole day, and only now he was able to check it, not likehe would usually receive many texts anyway. He waited a few seconds for it tobe completely loaded to unlock it. Meanwhile he tried to act as if he wasinterested in the video but being honest, he really wasn’t, he didn’t feel likefilming that video. Lost in his thoughts, he felt his phone buzz in his hands. Helooked down and saw a notification from facebook.
“SanaBakkoush has sent you a friend request”
He widened his eyes and before he could tap onthe request a message bubble appeared.
“Do youwant to hang out with me?”
His heart skipped a beat after reading thatsimple question, because it wasn’t simple, not at all, not when it came fromnot other than Sana, the girl he was so gone for. His hands were shaking andbefore he could do anything about it his phone fell to the floor startling everyonein the room
“Yousef bro, what are you doing?” Elias asked him
“Oh my god have you seen that?!!?” Noora asked excited “Checkyour phone, see if he has read your text, come on!!”
Sana opened the facebook app once more andclicked in her conversation with Yousef
“He has, Noora, he has, he has!! What does thatmean?”
“It means that the boy completely freaked outwhen he saw your text and dropped his phone. Oh my god that boy is so in love!!”
“Maybe he just didn’t expect it” Sana said
“Are you kidding? Look at him! He’s blushing”
“Because Elias is yelling at him”
And he was, as Sana and Noora talked the videokept playing
“Yousef bro, what are you doing?”
“I’m sorry, I just dropped my phone” Yousef said blushing
“Well, leave your phone now, we’re making avideo” Eliassaid
“But I need to…”
“You can answer later, just leave it”
Elias stood up and took the phone away fromYousef.
“Are you being serious Elias?”
“Yes, our public is waiting for us”
All Yousef could do was roll his eyes. The girlof his dreams had finally texted him and her brother had taken away his phonefrom him as if he was 12 years old. A thought suddenly hit Yousef. He hadopened the message, he had seen it. Now Sana would think that he was ignoringher
“Look at him! He’s panicking!” Noora said laughing “Ohpoor boy”
“He’s not…”
“Sana Bakkoush can you stop pretending like you’renot over the moon right now because you’re seeing the boy you like completelyfreaking out because you asked him out?” Noora said
“Okay, fine, it’s kind of funny” Sana said biting her lip
“He’s probably so worried because he left youon seen”
Sana looked at the screen and laughed, hedefinitely looked worried
“Ah, poor boy we have to find a way to contacthim” Noora saidthinking “I got it!!”
“Okay next question” Mikael said as he read the chatthey had added to the live video so people could ask their questions “It’sfrom SB and it says: ‘Yousef areyou going to answer me or what?’ dudewhat the hell?”
Mikael looked at his friend confused, actuallyall of the boys turned to him confused. But the most confused of all of them?That was definitely Yousef.
“What does that mean?” Elias asked
“Another message!” Adam said taking the phone fromMikael “It’s also from SB and it says ‘it’s not cool to leave a girl on seen, Acar’ Yousef who is thatgirl?”
“I can’t believe this” Yousef chuckled, then he looked atthe camera and added “Elias took my phone, I can’t answer you”
“Who are you talking to?” Mutta asked
“Another message from SB: ‘Then answer me now, look at the camera and answer’”Mikael read.
“Okay, you asked for it” Yousef said laughing and getting alittle closer to the camera “Yes, Sana Bakkoush, I’d love to hang outwith you”
“Wait, Sana Bakkoush? As in my sister SanaBakkoush?”Elias asked “What is going on?”
“Well, it seems like our video is over now” Yousef said still looking at thecamera “We’ll see you in the next Hei Briskeby video, goodbye!!”
He then stood up and stopped the filming. Hehad an explanation to give to his friend and a girl to set a date with.
Ahh I’m sorry if this is bad and short. Also I hope it’s not confusing with the texts and everything
And also I’m sorry I didn’t put a screenshot of the fb messages but my phone is dead now and I use the app there so…basically I’m sorry if this is a mess haha
I hope you’ve liked it though
Thanks for the prompt and thank you all for reading!!♥
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stressedoutteenager · 7 years
hi! can i suggest a prompt? Sana proposing to Yousef. Maybe not like in a super duper romantic way. But simple. I think it would be nice you know sana's turn
Hey :)
Thank you for the prompt and I hope you don’t mind that this is probably not exactly what you had imagined. I hope you still like it and please let me know!
“Sana, are yousure about this?”
“Yes, Elias. How many times do youneed to ask? I’ve been planning this for weeks, Mamma and Babba are not homefor a few days and I am really sure, so there’s not a better time.”, Sanaanswers her brother’s, what she feels like, thousandth time asking the samequestion.
She’s standing in the kitchen andinternally freaking out. Elias is leaning on the table behind her and in theoryshould be giving her moral support but all he has done so far is ramble onabout stuff that is of no relevance for this particular day. 
Noora, Eva, Chris, Vilde and Jamillajust left. They had helped Sana to prepare some of the food she was making forYousef and herself for this night. It’s their anniversary. Sana insisted onmaking all the food on her own but she knows she is not the best cook there isand when her friends offered to help a bit she knew she would be stupid todecline. 
“I need to go now.”, Eliassays and Sana quickly turns around. 
She looks at her older brother with hereyes wide and panic. “Elias, don’t leave. I need you to be here untilYousef gets here. I need your moral support; I’m going to propose, afterall!”
Sana had managed to calm down in thepast hour, thanks to her friends and her brother. But now the panic came backin full force. What if she screwed this up somehow? What if he didn’t react theway she wants him to react? What if the food she made is so bad that Yousefgets food poisoning from it?
Elias steps close to his sister andwraps his arms around her. Sana leans her head on his shoulder and closes hereyes for a second to calm down. The Bakkoush siblings love each other a lot butdon’t always show it. Right now it’s necessary, though.
Then they part a little and Eliasreassures his sister: “Sis, I’ll be back later, I promise! You’ll be fine.Yousef is head over heels for you and you could just text him ‘Will you marryme?’ and he’d say yes.”
Sana laughs at that and Elias joins her.Her brother manages to calm her down, always. But before he leaves he ruins itonce more.
“Are you sure you want topropose?”
“Elias, just because I’m a womandoesn’t mean I can’t propose. I don’t need to wait for him to ask me!”,she waves around the wooden spoon in her hand and Elias takes a step back andlifts his hands in surrender. 
He nods: “I know, I didn’t meanthat. It’s just… Never mind. I’ll see you later!”
What’s up with him? Sana notices thather older brother is acting weird today, more than usual. But she doesn’t havetime to worry about that. She has to make sure the food gets ready in time andshe is really glad that the girls have already decorated the table outside inthe backyard.
Almost two hours later Yousef arrives atthe Bakkoush house and rings the doorbell. Right on time, as always.
Before Sana can open the door she needsto take a second to breathe and prepare herself. When she opens the door theyboth feel like they got their breath kicked out of their chest. 
Yousef’s eyes wander up Sana’s body.She’s wearing a light pink tulle skirt and a white lace long-sleeved top.Paired with a hijab in the same colour as the long skirt. Yes, Sana looksbeautiful in her outfit but what makes Yousef’s heart race the most is herbeautiful smile. 
Sana can’t help but stare at herboyfriend for a while. Usually they both dress rather casual but now, now Yousefis wearing dark well-fitting pants and a button-up shirt that suits him verywell. He has his hear pushed back and less messy than usual.
“Hi.”, Yousef saysbreathlessly. 
They stand there, at the door, justsmiling at each other, for who knows how long.
“Hi.”, Sana answers in thesame way and finally reaches out to take his hand. She pulls him inside andthey hug. This is where Sana feels most comfortable lately, in Yousef’s arms.
“You look beautiful.”, Youseffinally manages to say. They have been together for a long time now but shestill takes his breath away. He has a hard time taking his eyes off of her foreven a second.
Sana smiles at him, her dimples showing,and raises her eyebrows: “You don’t look so bad yourself.”
Yousef goes to take off his shoes butSana quickly shakes her head to which he looks at her confused. She just takeshis hand and leads him out to the backyard. On the way out he asks her what sheis doing but she just shows him a knowing smile but doesn’t say a word.
As soon as they step out into thebackyard, Yousef stops walking as his gaze falls on the table on the mini-basketball court. Two chairs on the opposite sides of the table, fairy lightsdecorate the table and a candle is lit. The sun is beginning to set which makesall of this even more breath-taking than it already is.
“Sana?”, is all Yousef cansay. He thought they had agreed on just having a nice meal together, for theiranniversary. But he didn’t think it would be this special. At least from whatshe had planned. She shouldn’t have.
Sana looks from the table to him andstarts pulling her boyfriend towards it. “I hope you like it. I wanted itto be special because I …”, she stops talking abruptly but Yousefdoesn’t notice because he is insanely happy in that moment. “..becauseit’s our anniversary.”
The gentleman Yousef is he pulls out thechair for Sana and can’t help himself and kisses her cheek before going to hisown chair. Sana grins at him and once he is seated as well, he immediatelyleans forward and takes Sana’s hands in his. 
“So, how was your day?”, heasks and while they put the food on their plates they talk about their days,how it went, who they met, what they did. Just updating each other on theirlives because they haven’t seen each other all day and in comparison to otherdays, they haven’t texted much.
“You made all this food?”,Yousef asks his girlfriend and takes another spoonful of the soup.
Sana nods smilingly but then confesses:“I had a bit of help preparing the ingredients but other than that it’sall me. Do you like it?” She is actually really nervous about how ittastes. To her all of it tastes fine but Yousef has a better understanding ofwhen spices are too much or not enough or if something is overcooked orundone. 
Yousef looks up from his food and seesthe nervous look on Sana’s face and immediately starts smiling at her. She isso cute. Usually she is so confident in everything but today she seems nervous,not in a bad way though. Yousef tilts his head lightly and thinks to himself:Can she know what he planned? Did Elias say something to her? No, he wouldn’thave. They worked on the plan for too long for Elias to ruin it knowingly.
“Of course, I like it. You’regetting really good at cooking.”, Yousef says and observes as Sana laughslightly and how the light of the fairy lights reflect in her eyes. How did hemanage to be here? After years of being with her, happily, he still feels thesame excitement when she’s with him.
“Don’t get used to it. You’ll bethe one cooking when we get married.”, Sana blurts out.
At the same time both of them stopeating, lower their spoons and freeze. 
Being nervous makes Sana loose herfilter. 
Did she just ruin the surprise, Sanathinks.
Does she know what he planned, Yousefthinks.
Neither of them notices how the otherone freezes, though. They are both too preoccupied with their own fear of theirplan not working out. Then Sana looks around the table and finally findssomething to let go of her suspicion. She is not quite ready to ask him theMillion Dollar question.
Sana grabs and holds up a plate andYousef follows her movement. He breathes out relieved. She doesn’t seem to knowanything. 
“Okay, I attempted to makeBaklava.”, Sana says. Instantly Yousef breaks out in a grin. He loves howshe has put so much effort in this. He knows for sure that she is the woman hewants to spend the rest of his life with but he already knew that years ago.
Sana sees his excited grin and quicklyshakes her head: “Don’t get too excited. I know for sure that this willtaste horrible, I don’t know why I even put this on the table.”
Yousef is too quick for Sana to react.He takes the plate out of her hand and Sana furiously shakes her head. Sheshouldn’t have shown it to him. She doesn’t need him to get poisoned rightbefore she wants to propose. 
“Yousef, no, don’t!”, shesays. Yousef grins at Sana and takes a piece of Baklava on his fork and staresat Sana while nearing the fork to his mouth.
“Stop.”, she says loudly.“It'll be a disgrace to your mom’s recipe.”
Yousef starts laughing and Sana joinshim. Other times she wouldn’t care that he taste her awful cooking attempts,it’s pretty funny most of the time, actually. But not tonight.
“This is my mom’s recipe?”, heasks his girlfriend.
Sana nods. “I asked her for itbecause you always rave about it so much and I wanted to do somethingnice.”
Yousef chuckles and looks around thetable:“ And all this wasn’t nice enough?” Sana just shrugs smiling athim lightly. 
“You know, I love that you talk tomy mom without me being involved.”, Yousef mentions. Sana feels like sheis going to pass out because he looks at her with so much love in his eyes. Sheknows for sure that he is the man she wants to spend the rest of her life with.
“Of course, I love your mom.”,Sana says as an immediate reaction. Since Sana and Yousef have gotten togetherSana has gotten to know his mother a lot better and finds her to be one of thekindest people she knows. “And she provides me with a lot of embarrassingstories of yours that could be useful someday.”
Yousef gasps, partly as a joke, partlyactually shocked: “No. She didn't… Are you teaming up on me with my ownmom?”
Sana laughs and nods. Then with ateasing smile she leans forward and rests her arms on the table before saying:“You better get used to it. It’ll get even worse soon.”
Again, Sana feels like she needs to face-palmherself. Why would she say that when she has a plan when to actually ask him tomarry her. Saying all these things that tease it will take away from thesurprise. 
Yousef furrows his eyebrows and tries tofigure out what Sana means. He doesn’t have much time to do so. He hears Sanasigh and stand up from her seat. Yousef follows her movement curiously and whenshe drags her chair towards Yousef’s he starts to get worried. 
Sana places her chair right next to hisand turns to look directly at him. She takes a deep breath and prepares herselfmentally. She didn’t plan the proposal to go exactly like this but if she waitsany longer she will ruin the whole surprise. 
“Sana, is everything okay?”,Yousef asks her and she nods with a tiny smile.
They sit with their knees touching andwith another deep breath Sana starts talking.
“Yousef, you know I love you a lot,don’t you?”
He nods. But then he sees how panickedshe gets and thousands of thoughts run through his mind. He blurts out any oneof them.
“Are you breaking up withme?”, his heart stops for a few seconds. 
Sana’s eyes widen and she shakes herhead: “No, no. Yousef, no. In contrary.”, then she takes a second tothink about this question. “Why would I tell you I love you if I wanted tobreak up? Why would I prepare all this if I wanted to break up? Why would Iwant to break up with you at all?”
Sana and Yousef both burst out laughingat this. It really doesn’t make any sense. 
Yousef admits: “I’m sorry. When yougot so serious I panicked out of nowhere. Sorry, continue.”
Sana chuckles amused and shakes her headlightly before looking into Yousef’s eyes again to continue. “Like I said,you know that I love you a lot.”, she says the next sentence with sarcasmdripping from every word, “And I don’t want to break up with you.”
Now Yousef nods and takes Sana’s handsin his. The fairy lights and a few lights from the house are the only thingslighting up the backyard but it doesn’t bother either of them. Yousef is amazedby how lovingly she looks at him. 
“In contrary, actually.”, Sanacontinues and smiles at her boyfriend. In contrary? The opposite of breaking upis getting into a relationship and that they already are. 
Sana smiles to herself and laughs alittle. Yousef knows that she is nervous but still can’t figure out why. It’sonly the two of them here. For now.
“I had a whole speech planned outbut you know what, I don’t need that. You know that I love you, I love thatyou’re always there for me. I love that you are so understanding. I love that Ijust don’t get sick of spending time with you. I love that we can disagree butsolve that without fighting. I even love that you just assumed I would break upwith you while I have something completely different in my mind rightnow.” Sana finally can breathe again. Starting this conversation was themost nerve wracking to her. 
Yousef slowly understands what’s goingon. Can a man love and hate something at the same time. He does right now.Panic rises in his chest while he simultaneously wants to break out in happytears. A few moments long he can’t do anything.
Sana observes his reaction and assumesthat he understands what’s going on and waits for her to finish her speech sohe can answer.
“So that’s why I want to ask yousomething. Yousef, will you mar…”
Sana’s question is interrupted by Yousefputting his hand over her mouth. Yes, he did that. Sana’s eyes widen and Yousefquickly takes away his hand. Why did he do that?
“No, no. Sana..”, Youseframbles but nothing coherent comes out of his mouth. How does this happen? Howdoes this happen on the exact same night? 
Sana doesn’t know if she should cry orlaugh. 
“So you don’t want to marryme?”, she asks Yousef and stand up from her chair.
This time it’s Yousef’s eyes that widenand he shakes his head and scrambles to his feet.
“No, no. What I mean is of course.But not like this. O my god.”, Yousef answers.
Shocked and confused are two words thatdescribe the couple perfectly in this moment. What just happened, none of themis sure of that. 
Yousef looks at his watch and up at Sanaagain: “You couldn’t have waited one more minute?”
She furrows her eyebrows in confusion:“Waited for what? Yousef what even just happened? If you don’t want to marryme, it’s …”
Yousef doesn’t have time to tell herthat that is not it. They both hear loud music playing and look for the sourceof it. Yousef knows, he planned it. But not like this.
Sana’s eyes find the source of the loudmusic. Elias is walking to the small basketball court with a boom box in hishands. An actual boom box. Right behind him are Mutta, Adam and Mikael. Sanarecognizes the song. She gasps and turns to Yousef. He grins at her sheepishly,pulls her towards her seat and pushes her lightly for her to sit. With anothergrin he runs up to the boys who are now in a triangle shape formation at theother end of the basketball court, with the boom box behind them.
 "It’s a beautiful night,We’re looking for something dumb to do.Hey baby,I think I wanna marry you.“
Yousef starts dancing and the boys behind him startdancing the same choreography. They are really dancing to Marry You by BrunoMars. In her backyard. 
Sana’s mouth fallsopen and she freezes in her spot. The last few moments she was freaking out,thinking he didn’t really want to be with her. But he had this planned allalong. He made their friends and her brother learn choreography for crying outloud.
It wasn’t that hedidn’t want to marry her. He had a proposal of his own planned. 
Yousef’s eyes don’tever leave Sana while dancing and she has a hard time breathing. If her heartbeats any faster it will burst out of her chest.
 ”Isit the look in your eyes,Or is it this dancing juice?Who cares baby,I think I wanna marry you.“
All of the boy shout'marry you’ at the same time and Sana can’t wait any longer. She jumps out ofher seat and runs towards that stupid dork that ruined her proposal. Or made itbetter. 
He catches her in hisarms and lifts her off the ground. Yousef spins with the woman of his life inhis arms. The song is still blasting from the boom box and the boys havestopped dancing but Sana and Yousef don’t notice any of that. They are lost ineach other’s eyes.
"This would onlyhappen to us.”, Sana concludes laughingly, not looking away from Yousef’seyes for a second. 
He nods: “Andyou thought I didn’t want to marry you. Are you out of your mind?”
“How could Iknow? You interrupted me and looked so panicked. And all I thought was thatElias had said…”, Sana stops mid-sentence. Yousef catches on herthought. 
Both shout at thesame time: “Elias!” and stare at him. 
He knew of bothplans. He learned the choreography for Yousef’s proposal. He helped Sanawith planning her proposal. All that time he didn’t say anything of the otherproposal to either of them. 
Elias hides behindMutta and only takes a small peak at the couple getting engaged.
“I love you bothand now answer each other’s question!”
Yousef and Sana lookaway from Elias and at each other. They are still standing so close that Sanafeels Yousef’s heartbeat under her hand on his chest. They both give each otherthe brightest smiles.
“I mean we bothproposed.”, Sana says and tries not to laugh at how ridiculous all of thisseems.
“Well, weattempted to. Neither of us got through it completely.”, Yousefadds. 
Sana and Yousef startlaughing and Sana buries her face in his chest. Once they calm down a little,Sana looks up at him and nods. 
“Of course, Iwant to marry you!”
Hearing her say itmakes Yousef really realize it. 
“And I obviouslywant to marry you!”
Sana wraps her armsaround Yousef’s neck and he lifts her again and can’t help himself and twirls.Even if they tried, neither of them could explain how happy they are. 
The boys who havebeen waiting for a sign from the couple, even though they knew that there wasno doubt for them to say anything but yes, start clapping and cheering loudlyand run towards them. Yousef stops spinning and Mutta, Mikael, Adam and Eliassquish the couple in a group hug. Elias being the first one to wrap his armsaround them.
Grinning and over themoon for the two, Elias looks at them, getting emotional.
“My best friendand baby sister are going to get married!”, he announces and hugs themonce more and all of the boys shout their congratulations and finally leave thetwo alone. 
Sana looks at Yousef who has his eyes already trainedon her. Both of their cheeks start hurting because they have been smilingnon-stop.
They are thinking thesame thing and Sana voices it.
“We’re reallygoing to get married.”
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iamacolor · 7 years
I understand why people like Sana (she's awesome) but forgive if I'm wrong didn't yoursef get with noora and when that didn't pan out well he went to Sana? Sana deserved better but I could be wrong about yoursef
Hi Anon!
Sana is indeed awesome.
Ok so the whole Sana, Noora,Yousef thing is a bit messy (as the rest of the season lol) but basically here is my take on it:
To me it is pretty clear, and it has been since the first episode, that Yousef has been having feelings for Sana for a while. Very honest feelings. That only grew stronger and stronger. If the looks he gave her in the first episode don’t convince you, reread their first texts and rewatch the Inshallah clip and you’ll see how gone for her he is (he pretends to go drink juice to go talk to his best friend’s sister and ends up showing her how to peel carrots, how iconic ). Now after all that, the Det beste fra Islam clip happened. It’s important to note that when that clip happened Sana had already unfriended Yousef on Facebook after learning that he wasn’t muslim. But he didn’t know. He knew she had been ignoring him as she didn’t reply to his messages but when someone unfriends you it doesn’t show up so he didn’t notice. The det beste fra islam clip happened and I bet in his head he was already planning the proposal if not the wedding itself. 
From what we’ve learned through his texts with noora, he realized the day after this clip that she had unfriended him. #heartbroken. He must have felt so lost and heartbroken and just didn’t understand. So,fast forward to the karaoke bar. His best friend invited him to a party where he knows he will see the girl he’s madly in love with, the girl who rejected him with no explanation (the girl he wasn’t dating might I add, like nothing had happened technically between them). But his best friend invites him so he has to go. And he sees Sana and she looks gorgeous but he also sees Even and he probably understands that Sana is the one who set this up. He told her Even was the reason he left Islam (this storyline is a mess but bear with me it’s called messy writing) and then she blocks him on facebook and invites him and his friends to an event with Even. Yousef must have been so confused.
Then the fight happened (because apparently Isak was really jealous) and Yousef went to get Sana (which was a smart idea but it would have been smarter to go with her outside, I’ll never forgive Julie for writing him like that but she wanted the kiss to happen so he stayed inside). And then he stayed with noora. We don’t really know how the kiss between them went on, did they talk a little before? did they just kiss for 20 minutes straight? I’d say Noora started it but no one knows. But one thing is sure: yousef regretted it as soon as it happened. He even said to Noora herself that it didn’t mean anything and that he didn’t want sana to find out. He knew it was bad. Even noora knew.
To quote Cengiz Al (who plays Yousef), Yousef “Had lost all hopes” when he kissed Noora. He thought he had no future with Sana and was upset about his friends fighting. He didn’t “get” with Noora. They had one kiss and then only talked about Sana. Literally their whole convos is him talking about how much he loves Sana and how they’re soulmates and how he feels bad because he thinks she hates him. He didn’t go back to Sana when things went wrong with Noora. He never was with Noora. And he only kissed Noora because things had gone wrong with Sana (and he had to cancel all his proposal and wedding plans).
Anyway the thing is, he made a mistake yes. He regretted it. He said it. He made assumptions (with good reasons too as the signals from Sana weren’t clear either). But Skam is about seeing behind people’s mistakes. Isak betrayed Eva’s trust in season 1 and he still desereves his beautiful love story with Even. Even cheated on Sonja and went back to her after telling Isak he was going to break up but he still deserves his love story with Isak doesn’t he?
Yes Sana deserves the world and if I could I would give it to her. But she doesn’t want the world she just wants her girl squad and Yousef. She knows about doing things you end up regretting when you’re too upset about something (this is the girl who went behind isak’s back to set up an instagram account and behind noora’s back to email william). They both made mistakes. But in the end, I truly think they’re a perfect match! He is so considerate with her, so caring. He only has eyes for her and you can see how much it pains him when she ignores him and how happy he is when she talks to him. He has been problematic at some point but so have been many other characters in the past (including Sana). What’s also important to remember is that none of the things he did were doen to hurt Sana on purpose.
I’m sorry this got soooooooooo long but I had a lot of things to say about this!! . Let’s be honest, it is a messy situation with plot holes and ooc behavior but the writing hasn’t been really consistent this season so that explains a lot as well. Anyway I hope this helps you understand why so many of us ship Yousef and Sana together.
Have a good day/night/evening/morning Anon!
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evyisaks · 7 years
me during 1.10: Shit is gonna happen! the balloon squad is gonna party with the girls, Even will be there!!! Also pls no love triangle...p l e a se. oh and are they going on vacation somewhere??
skam: shit didn't go down.
me during 2.10: Shit is gonna happen! Isak saw pics of Mikael o m g. but also what's with the bus stuff? and omg the video.
skam: shit didn't go down.
me during 3.10: OMG Sana and Even talked. They knew each other from before?? Also the stuff between Sana & Yousef?? And o m g Yousef talking the fall for Sana?? And omg he's not muslim !!!!! w t f. shit is gonna happen. also the stuff about why noora came back.
skam: shit didn't go down.
me during 4.10: omg. sana deleted yousef from fb.how will this go??? and what's up with noora's password?? and omg the friday clip!!!! why did elias get drunk??? but the clip between sana & yousef. they almost kissed !!!!! and we got to know more about even's past!!!!! but like shit is gonna down.
skam: shit didn't go down.
skam: shit didn't go down.
me during 6.10: okay shit better go down now. Sana knows that those girls are fake, she knew it before but now it's confirmed. Sana stepped down from the bus. Yousef seems weird..but like whatever. Noora acts weird too but whatever. Also...no...no..no..Sana just ask Isak. Well crap. Sana took caps of convos between Sara & Isak. Shit is gonna go down.
also skam: (currently 7.10) Sana deletes the account. No shit went down.
me: ... shit better go down.
And you probably think 'wtf is she talking about? so much stuff has happened, look! and yes it's true, but..also...that's just stuff that happened. nothing is resolved. we have no answers. just more questions. thank you. bye.
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emmanuelnathalie · 7 years
Sana is Muslim but she is also a 17 year old girl and I feel like that has been the focus. I'm glad that Julie didn't make Sana into her religion, but a normal teenager who just happens to be Muslim. I super relate to Sana
Yes! Exactly. Do you mind if I go on a lil rant about this season? Because I’ve been a little shy about voicing my opinion about the show since I’m not a Skam superfan and I’m afraid about possible backlash. I’ve looked through the tags and see a lot of negativity about this season and I don’t really see the logic behind most of it. 
The main thing I really like about this season is that its main focus isn’t on a romantic relationship. The last three seasons have been all about Eva/Jonas, Noora/William, Isak/Even as the sole plot and tbh I never found them relatable because personally I’ve only ever been in one relationship ever and I never have romance drama. Like there’s more to life than romance... and I wished the show would diverge from that for once. 
And then Sana’s season rolled around and Yousef was introduced and I was like, “Oh great... more romance drama.” But the show sort of turned this typical plot on its head and I was really glad. Sana’s struggle with her religion began to come into focus and it was so interesting to watch. Since the show changes perspectives every season, I always assumed that Sana was secure in her religion since she comes off as very headstrong and confident, but the more the 4th season went along, I could see that she has a really complicated relationship with Islam. Her prayers and traditions are supposed to bring her peace, but also bring her such immense conflict. 
The main criticism I see about this season was that the girl squad and Sana’s relationship began drifting apart, and the characterization of Eva/Noora/Vilde was compromised. Has anyone actually been a teenager before....? Did anyone ever stay the same throughout the four years of high school? I would certainly hope not. Some people change for the worst, some for the better. Friends and people in general will disappoint you. It’s human nature. The true test of friendship is learning to accept flaws and forgive people, or to have the courage to let them go altogether if they’re really hurting you. 
At the end of the day these characters are teenagers and will say/do irrational things that don’t make sense to those looking in from the outside (aka us, the audience). I think that’s the brilliance of the show, and people are missing it. The whole point of introducing all the side characters is so we can attach our assumptions onto them, only to be proven wrong once the new season begins and a side character is given a season dedicated to them. When the main changes and the previous main becomes a side character, of course their actions and behavior are going to be different. Once again, we’ve attached our assumptions onto them since we had a whole season of glimpsing into their life, and of course their behavior isn’t always going to make sense. WE’VE SEEN THAT FIRSTHAND!!! Circumstances change, we all have highs and lows that don’t make sense to people who don’t know what’s going on in our lives. The show explores that SO MUCH and yet people don’t seem to fully grasp it. We don’t know what’s really going on with Noora, with Vilde, with Eva... Their personal lives could be a complete shitstorm and we have no idea because the show is focusing on Sana and her situation. Some people see this as ooc or just bad writing, but I don’t see it that way at all. The show complicates the typical one-dimensional side character, but people seem to forget that once a new season starts and their faves drift into the background once again. 
“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.” 
This quote ^^ is basically what the whole show is about; perspective. It’s easy to judge characters based off of their surface-level behavior, but we as an audience can never really know what people are going through. It’s easy to assume, it’s easy to judge and hate, it’s much more noble to be open-minded and kind. That’s what the show is trying to teach us, and no one can see it. 
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thepriceofsurvival · 7 years
Just watched and...why? I get Noora wanted to kiss Yousef because she was pissed at Sana, but why did Yousef kiss her back? I'm 1000% sure he likes Sana. Did Noora tell him something about Sana, maybe the whole "you don't want an immature Muslim guy" thing? Also, it's not Sana's fault. All the other girls "knew" William wasn't single and they didn't tell Noora. This breaks my heart (and no, Yousef isn't gay, Yousef likes Sana. Period.).
I both agree and disagree with you, but I want to point out one part because SANA WAS SPECIAL because Noora told SANA about what happened in London. She never told anyone else, it’s been half a year since she came back and she’s been keeping everything inside. Yes, the other girls should definitely have told Noora. Eva should have told Noora more than any of the other girls the second she heard the rumour. But Sana should have told Noora too. Especially after Noora poured her hard out like that.
It is IN NO WAY Sanas fault that Noora and Yousef made out. That terrible action was Nooras and Yousef’s fault. Nobody else’s, not Sana, not Even, not William.
But that doesn’t mean that Sana shouldn’t have told her. Because she should have. And she did in fact have a bigger responsibility to do so after Noora told her about what happened. But like??? I probably wouldn’t have if I was Sana because that is one tough convo to have and you kinda don’t want to run over a girl who’s already been run over by her boyfriend (that doesn’t make sense but pretend it does) so I hope nobody think I’m blaming Sana because I’m not. (Also I never said Yousef was gay and I don’t really think he ever had feelings for even but the possibility is there and while he loves Sana that doesn’t mean he couldn’t have been the one whom Even kissed (or who kissed Even) like I said I don’t support this theory but it’s a possibility you can like boys and girls and you can like girls and one boy)
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herostairss · 7 years
The whole Chris and Eva thing was a lesson, "Once a fuckboy always a fuckboy". He just wanted in Eva's pants the whole time, he saw her as a pretty face and soon as he saw a prettier face he moved on. He didn't care for her as much as people think he did. Eva ended up with Jonas because yes they had their misunderstanding but Jonas loved/loves Eva with all of his heart, he always wanted her. But Chris very clearly didn't.
Yeah, and i’m okay with that. But it’s really not nice the way they treated Chris’ character. The whole “once a fuckboy, always a fuckboy” looks like a total bullshit to me, and let’s say that maybe he was not meant to be with Eva, anyway he could at least talked to her. I really like Chris, I would have liked to have a little more about him and his backstory. Once Noora told William “being an asshole is not something you’re born with, or something you become. It’s a choice” and I think this can be applied also to Chris.
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cuteandtwisted · 8 years
Hey im the same anon who asked you about the first year au and I'm so sorry if I sounded demanding or anything like that in my ask?!?! I totally didn't mean to, it's just that the concept of isak + Eva + noora with 3rd year boys gets me like sjshakakhsjdkskaksususis!! And i thought I would suggest it to you because, I mean, your writing is just so spectacular that it was definitely worth the shot! Anyways you dont have to write it if you don't feel like it but if you do I'll love u forever
Hey again!! No you did not sound demanding at all. Don’t worry haha. 
yes 97′ers with 99′ers like yes. I get it 100%. I just don’t know if I would do it justice and how it would fit with the canon compliant timeline. But I’m definitely thinking of doing something set in Nissen again :pp
Thank you so much
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