#yes my url is a supernatural joke. no i have never seen an episode in my life
cassnottiel · 5 months
New mystery spotcast episode fucked me up as someone who doesn't watch supernatural or Yuri on Ice but did get sucked into 9-1-1 in the last month
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ASK ME STUFF 1: 8, 15, 98. ASK ME STUFF 2: waves, waterfalls, pine, clouds, white sheets. ASK ME STUFF 3: turquoise, breakers, rain, sunlight, storm. ASK ME STUFF 4: 2, 14, 34. ASK ME STUFF 5: 5, 13, 21, 24, 29, 30, 43 :)
8: What’s the background on my cell?: Some Skull and Bones concept art
15: Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?: Not sure. It depends on the day but probably the art museum
98: Everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you?: Yes! I have several, one of whom is you :)
Waves: Is there one music genre you can’t listen to?: Screamo and anything closely related to it. Country music can stay but it’s on fucking thin ice.
Waterfalls: Describe your perfect date: Just having a date in the first place. Joking aside, anything quiet and peaceful where it’s just me and her. Taking a boat ride out to an island and watching the sunset; driving through the countryside with the windows down; picnicking in the forest… that sort of thing.
Pine: If you could only smell one scent for the rest of your life what would it be?: The smell of fresh ocean spray.
Clouds: List your top 5 songs at the moment and how they make you feel: It’s so hard to pick just 5! Vanilla Twilight by Owl City is peaceful and romantic, Obstacles by Syd Matters is similar. Fortunate Son by Creedence Clearwater Revival is energetic and a little patriotic. All of Me by John Legend is incredibly romantic. And Lost in the Rhythm by Jamie Berry is energetic and hot.
White Sheets: Where’s somewhere you’d travel to? Why?: The UK! I’ve always wanted to go! There’s some beautiful towns and landscapes, and I never get tired of the accents!
Turquoise: What is the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?: One that’s always stuck out to me was one I had years ago. Our garage was being haunted by a ghost, so I chased it and it hid under a crate. So naturally I grabbed a shotgun (because shotguns clearly work against ghosts) (Also weird because we didn’t have a shotgun) and stuck it through the hand holes of the crate. I pulled the trigger, but nothing happened. So I tried to pull the gun out, but I had to angle it because the barrel was bent. I thought to myself: “…wait a minute. This has to be a dream!” and I snapped my fingers and woke up.
Breakers: Would you ever consider getting married?: I would definitely like to get married someday, but that would require having a successful love life first :(
Rain: If possible, what exotic animal would you keep as a pet?: I’d love to have a pet fox! But if we’re thinking on a less-practical scale, a pet dolphin would be interesting!
Sunlight: Least favorite song?: God, most of the terrible songs I’ve heard I’ve tried to purge from my mind, but there’s one song, Down by Marian Hill, that played all the time at my old job and it was literally just “are you down” over and over again and it was the absolute dumbest thing
Storm: Do you like piercings and tattoos? Why or why not?: I’m mostly indifferent to them honestly, but some specific ones are definitely turn-offs. Snake bites are a little iffy for me sometimes but definitely not a deal breaker. Earlobe gauges larger than a pencil-width start to gross me out, and any sort of mouth gauge too. And corset piercings are an absolute “fuck no.” If you don’t know what they are and you’re sensitive to body horror don’t look them up. As for tattoos, again, I’m mostly indifferent. The only thing that really is a turn-off for me are tattoos on the face.
2: Are you religious? If yes, what religion?: I’m agnostic
14: If you could send a message to the entire world, what would you say to everybody?: STOP FUCKING KILLING EACH OTHER
34: Describe what you want the next five years of your life to be like in a single sentence: I want to graduate college, get a girlfriend, find a job I love, and find a place to live, in whatever order they happen to come in.
5: Is there anyone who can always make you smile?: Yes! It’s actually a pretty long list!
13: How do you feel right now?: Satisfied
21: Age and birthday?: April 6, 1997. Which makes me 20.
24: Height: 5′7″ (1.7m)
29: Favorite films: I’m always a fan of Pirates of the Caribbean! (Yes, I know all about the discourse about Johnny Depp but I can recognize that he’s a phenomenal actor while also acknowledging who he is offstage) I’m also a huge fan of Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World! (You probably haven’t seen it, but it’s based on a series of really awesome books about life in the Royal Navy during the Napoleonic Wars. It’s also where my URL comes from!) I loved Dunkirk and Wonder Woman, too!
30: Favorite TV shows: I’ve only seen a few random episodes of Brooklyn 99 but I absolutely love it! I was a big fan of Mythbusters as well, and a really cute girl I see every once in a while in a meet-up for people on the autism spectrum convinced me to start watching Supernatural. I’m also watching Game of Thrones with a college friend!
43: Favorite song ever: I legitimately cannot pick one! It really depends on my mood. I’d say the closest thing I have to a consistent favorite is Obstacles, by Syd Matters!
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