#yes kira did have a fanclub in high school
stellamancer · 6 years
oc interview [Kira Kurashiki]
tagged by: @joz-stankovich​ and @jylcie​
tagging: @b1a4seeyou​, @panhime​, and @cannibalisticskittles​
Rules: Pick an oc and answer the questions as they would.
What is your name?
Kira Kurashiki.
What is your real name?
Um. That is my real name...
Do you know why you were called that?
Mother always said she wanted me to shine or sparkle, hence Kira. When I was a kid a lot of people would call me “Kirakira.” Actually, Ichiro still does sometimes...
Are you single or taken?
Ah... mmm... T-taken...
Have any abilities or powers?
Not... really? My brothers insisted I learn aikido and Keita taught me a little bit of kendo. So there’s that? 
Oh! I know, I can play on the highest difficulty on every mobile rhythm game I have. That counts, right?
Stop being a Mary Sue.
A what?
What’s your eye colour?
How about your hair colour?
Black, though in sunlight it kind of looks like a really really dark brown.
Have you any family members?
A lot! There’s my parents and my brothers and then there are a bunch of aunts and uncles and cousins... 
Oh? What about pets?
Does Saeran count as a pet? No? Uh, then none. Ahaha. 
That’s cool I guess, now tell me about something you don’t like.
Ummm. Uh.... .... .... .... ... I don’t like the heat? Sorry, I can’t think of anything better. 
Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing?
I like to play mobile games and read web comics on my phone.... so much so that Saeran calls me a phone addict.... *grumbles a little* Other than that, I like trying new foods!
Ever hurt anyone before?
N-not that I know of.... 
Ever… killed anyone before?
What? No...
What kind of animal are you?
Um... maybe a... dog? I don’t know, I’ve never really thought about it.  
Name your worst habits.
Apparently, I’m addicted to my phone and think with my stomach. 
Do you look up to anyone at all?
My brother Ichiro! He’s living out his dream right now and I couldn’t be more happy or proud of him! He gave me the courage to try to live out my own life instead of living the lives out parents decided for us. 
Gay, straight, or bisexual?
I’m bi.
Do you go to school?
I graduated from college about a year ago with a business degree... 
Do you ever want to marry & have kids one day?
Um, maybe one day, but I haven’t really thought of it. I’m sure my parents want me to have kids though... 
Do you have any fanboys/fangirls?
According to Keita, I did in high school. That’s... kinda crazy if you ask me. 
What are you most afraid of?
Not being able to do the things I want to do. 
What do you usually wear? 
I like a lot of clothes with collars and bows and ribbons... Someone told me that my clothing style kind of reminds them of a princess. 
Do you love someone?
I... ahh... um, well, m-maybe. 
When was the last time you wet yourself?
Oh god, I don’t know. 
Well, it’s not over yet!
What class are you? (High/upper/middle/low)
My... family is definitely considered high class. Ahahaha... I, myself... I’m probably middle class. 
How many friends do you have?
Just a few! I’m kind of bad at keeping in contact with them though... 
What are your thoughts on pie?
Pie is pretty tasty. I just recently tried coconut cream pie. It’s so good...
Favourite drink?
Coffee milk. I also really love genmaicha (roasted brown rice tea).
What’s your favourite place?
My room, I guess. 
Are you interested in someone?
I... um, yes. 
What’s your bra cup size/how big is your willy?
UHHHH. Ahahaha.... let’s... let’s not talk about it, okay? 
Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
None of the above, I like pools better.... 
What’s your type?
Someone who’s kind and friendly and gives really great hugs.... somehow, I ended up with someone who only matches a third of the description.
...okay, two-thirds.
Any fetishes?
I... I don’t know?
Seme or uke? Top or bottom?  Dominant or submissive?
Ummmm. You... you mean me?
Camping or Indoors?
Indoors. Though, I guess it might be fun to try cam- wait, would I have cell service?
Are you waiting for the interview to end?
Now it’s over!
Oh! Okay! 
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