#yes its a shitty screenshot but i truly dont care
schizopositivity · 2 years
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"Schizo" was a real movie that came out in 1976, its about a man (the "schizo" the movie is named after) that kills his wife, then years later gets out of prison and kills off everyone involved in the trial, then stalks his stepdaughter (the woman in the poster) that testified agaisnt him
this movie obviously demonizes schizophrenia as a whole, especially with the poster that says "schizophrenia... when the left hand doesnt know who the right hand is killing!!" implying that people with schizophrenia are automatically dangerous and unaware of their own actions
the fucked up thing is when i was looking at recent reviews of this film online i didnt see a single critisism of how it portrays schizophrenia, only people pointing out the inaccurate killings, but otherwise its praised as a classic slasher, with a lot of male reviewers loving it for the fact that woman has a nude scene
i didnt watch the movie and i dont plan to, but this is a perfect example of how nonschizophrenics see us, as dangerous and out if control, and even if they dont say it, they dont correct people that do
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chinesegal · 4 years
In defence of Boa Hancock, again
To preface: today I encountered an ask with a response so bad it made me boil with anger:
the op hates Hancock’s character, which is something I try to accept despite my personal feelings, however I do not believe its disrespectful to post this, its a public post on a social media forum and I don’t have enough followers that can make harassment campaigns possible.
So right now, I will refute their points bit by bit, each time copypasting their words into quotation marks, and my refutations below.
Their words:
“ Can you imagine how outraged the fandom would be, if they were cisswapped? For two seconds, let’s imagine a Luffyko & male!Boa: there would be oodles & oodles of posts about how he’s sexually harassing Luffyko, how No means No, & breaking down the fact that this character is not a good person by any means. That doesn’t happen though, because Boa’s a woman & Luffy’s a 17 yr old in this screenshot. “
Nope. Sanji turned to stone when seeing Shirahoshi because of the sheer lust he was feeling at the time, and then went on acting servile and adoring around her, serving her tea because she’s a woman/girl he’s attracted to, like many:
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And Shirahoshi is 16, Sanji was 21. Brook asked to see Shirahoshi’s panties, and asked this question to many other women. The fandom in general doesn’t seem to care, which is a problem. Their actions are creepy, but no one cares.
But what makes me truly angry is the one screenshot they try to use to prove that Boa’s predatory:
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this one. “Luffy’s only 17 in this screenshot”, they say. 
“What’s the context for this image?”-you might ask. The answer: sure as fucking hell not Boa trying to seduce or take advantage of Luffy. Here, she is revealing the brand on her back that would forever mark her as property, as less than human for life. Its an eternal reminder to her of the years of abuse and trauma she went through as a child. She is definetely not being “seductive” or sexual here, and nudity isnt the same as being sexual, especially not in this context.
It enrages me that they try to portray this shot where Boa is opening up about her abuse and trauma as her trying to “sexually harassing” Luffy. 
they then goes on about how men can be raped and abused by women, which is true but Hancock has done absolutely nothing abusive to Luffy, not in the screenshot unless you count trying to kill him as “abuse”. 
“Bias that men can’t be abused influences do-Gooder purity warriors that try to claim Sanji’s a sexual predator”- they say, a quote I feel distasteful. I dont think Sanji’s a sexual predator but if you do like him and ignore his behavior towards girls younger than Luffy, then you are just as hypocritical.
“ There is no reason why a 29 yr old should be almost violently, definitely insistently pursuing a 17 yr old. It’s disgusting, it’s creepy, it’s gross. Her tragic backstory does not give her leeway either. “
Boa Hancock has never been “violent”, nor said or done anything inappropriate to Luffy. She fantasizes about being his wife sure, and the agegap is awkward, but she acts like a 12 year old girl experiencing her first crush. She’s so naive that she thinks Luffy’s hug means they are married. It is very likely, if not explicitly canon that she doesnt know how healthy adult relationships function because of her whole backstory. That is the reason it’s impossible for me to see her as predatory, not because of gender but because how innocent she actually is when it comes to sex and romance.
Luffy is also not a tactful person; he would tell her if her behavior creeps him out but never does, showing that Boa’s actions doesnt make him uncomfortable at all.
And yes, her backstory does explain a lot, and it is the entire reason I sympathize with her despite her actions, which aren’t even that bad when compared to other pirates.
They then claim that during the infiltration of Impel Down, Hancock “made everything about herself and how she is going to marry Luffy”, somehow proving that she’s “selfish” and “irredeemable”, then they claim “Boa Hancock is the same character archetype as other One Piece villains, just obsessed with her beauty and ability to exploit people for her own gain” and “she knows what she is doing is wrong, she brags about it even”.
This made me almost as angry as the use of the screenshot.
Boa fawns over Luffy during the Impel Down escape, but to say she isnt “selfless” enough despite the fact that she’s breaking into a maximum security prison where visitors like her have to be completely helpless, a place controlled by the very people who enslaved her when she was a child. 
A single word from Magellan, someone in the World Government, or the Celestial Dragons themselves and she would have been doomed. What if she was searched and the brand identifying her as a slave was discovered? What if the Celestial Dragons have long known that she is their former slave and the World Government has been waiting for an opportunity to catch her in a situation like this so they can take her back to Mariejois and “return” her to the Celestial Dragons? Those are real, valid, and terrifying concerns for someone in Hancock’s position, and yet she did it all anyway for Luffy.
Yes, she fantasized about Luffy loving her during the infiltration, but y’know, that is ridiculous to focus on when characters like Sanji rants about wanting to cook and dote on women the straw hats are trying to save, fantasizing about being their “prince charming”. The SH themselves never aid innocents unless to help someone they befriended, they are not gonna intervene in a conflict even if thousands of people die. So no, Boa would never help anyone she didnt care about, she helps Luffy because she loves him and to focus on the 5 seconds she fantasizes about their “romance” is silly and shitty.
About her “boasting” about the bad things she’s done, words arent the same as actions and her shown actions were not shown to be worse than any other pirate. She turns other pirates and marines to stone, but Mihawk killed almost 5000 people just to pass the time and he gets no flack for it. The SH have contributed directly to the death of marines who just do their jobs. Her kicking baby seals, throwing away expensive gems and destroying children’s statues are petty things I dont care about, and just part of a persona to dissuade others from thinking she’s weak, she doesnt truly believe her own people would love her unconditionally if she spends years lying to them about her past. Hancock is no remorseless murderer like Enel and Crocodile, the reason she became a schischibukai was to protect her people.
As for surrounding herself with “enablers”, there’s not exactly any living person other than Nyon and Rayleigh who knows about her past and she can open up to. Her own culture demands she show no weakness, which would make that even harder.
I want your take on this.
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sortagaysortahigh · 4 years
Lex, I have a question: what’re your full thoughts on Rudy’s gf? My sister and I were trying to have a convo about this... yesterday, I believe? And I felt like we were beating around the bush about everything in general.
Sorry, I just need an educated opinion on this.😅
Hi bby! Honestly speaking I don’t care for the girl, not even off any “im jealous bc i STAN RUDY” shit bc i truly dont care for him-much like i dont care for the rest of the cast bc i dont rlly like to idolize celebrities, esp when you hardly know anything sbout them. But i do think the company you keep says a lot about you and in terms of rudy that speaks for itself.
When it comes to her Im just like, youve had multiple problems in the past-on different occassions-where you were racist, prejudice, ignorant, and a cultural appropriator. Like this wasn’t a one time thing and atp thats well known in the fandom-people have seen he rhalf asses instagram story apologies for her past actions and shit but in my personal opinion it was very obvious-much like it is when anhone w an ounce of clout’s past comes up that if the shit wasn’t brought up then she would’ve never cared enough to clarify things in the manner that she did and she wouldn’t have spent any time or paid the problems with her ignorant mindset (past or present) any mind.
I feel like people only shit on the girl because they stan rudy and want him to rail them or some shit-they dont actually give a fuck about her or her past and the bullshit that she’s done. It’s the whole preformative activist mindset-people only care when theres either an opportunity for clout or when they already have attention and want to keep it. Because those same people who are just now acknowledging the shit shes done and labeling it as a problem still stan other people who’ve done the same, if not worse shit. Like people ar elike “i fucking hate elaine because she’s dating rudy and wearing his clothes and shes a pick me and she just always posts him yadda yadda” and im like so lmao no one cares ab the whole racism and cultural appropriation thing???? No one?? Knock knock bitch yall have been saying how pro blm you are but dont care when the white boy of the month’s gf still has a fuck ton of “growing” to do.
Which ofc brings me to the next thing, i feel like yes everyone does have room to learn and grow-but using the growth mindset as a way to excuse someones ignorant past-esp when they were already adults-it’s kinda like...what the fuck? Using the excuse of “they were young!” Is such bullshit to me bc as someone who grew up around racism within my own family and outside of it I know damn well the N word and negative racial stereotypes isn’t just some akikiki haha funny moment. Nor is blatant cultural appropriation with some lame ass excuse of “its an xyz costume”-and im sorry but in my opinion if you can legally drive in America then you can open up google and do ten minutes worth of research to understand why certain shit isnt acceptable. I think people do deserve second chances, however at some point the whole “growth mindset” shit is repetitive, superficial, and overall bullshit. Its like the people who fucking stan jeffree star in 2020...like this man is a raging racist and has made like two shitty apology videos and yall just accepted them.
I feel like this is an essay omg but that transitions into my final point. People need to understand that they cannot accept apologies that are not for them. Stop brushing shit under the rug just because someone apologized-a half assed instagram story with some bullshit explanation proves nothing. Literally nothing. I truly don’t care about her because honestly theres nothing redeemable about her character to me which is probably bc shes not really in the public eye like her boyfriend or other actors, sure she might have good traits or whatever but tbat shit isnt rlly showing. Plus the fact that there are screenshots of her being rude snd bitching at fans on instagram-mind you i dont know the context of said screenshots entirely but its like as a 20-sum year old woman you know damn well there are certain ways to go about things, and cussing ppl out-esp younger fans isnt helping your case.
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