#yes it's technically a true blood crossover/fusion
averseunhinged · 3 months
hi, friends! i've been unwell most of the past week, so writing's been a struggle. i woke up feeling considerably better this morning, though, and managed to unearth and clean up something from the archives.
this is another snippet of the amnesia fic from a billion months ago. i forgot how much i loved this concept, but still have no idea how it ends, so idk when it'll see the light of day again.
She was much the same as she had ever been, pretty and leggy and bright in flat sandals and a short, white sundress, a cobalt blue bikini top peeking out. Her hair was lighter, like sun bleached bone, and her skin was kissed golden, darker freckles sprayed sweetly across her nose and forehead.
"That's her," Klaus confirmed
"My associate claims there's been no sign of her mother. She still introduces herself as Caroline, but he ran into difficulty unearthing a surname or current residence."
There were so many places he wanted to take her. A summer tourist town in a remote part of Downeast Maine wasn't one of them, but she looked like she belonged there. He easily envisioned her, windswept on a sailboat, laughing in a lobster bib, perched on a rocky outcrop like a siren, while he painted her against the offing.
“How incompetent are your minions, brother, that they cannot follow one teenage, amnesiac vampire home?”
“An excellent question, one I posed to Jean-Marc. He was adamant it was through no fault of his own.” Elijah left Klaus leaning over the photographs spread out on the table and shrugged off his suit jacket before collapsing into an armchair near the unlit fireplace.  “I'm inclined to believe him. He swears there is mind magic at work. Every attempt he made at ascertaining her location ended back where it began, his memory not erased, but blurred. He described it as neither like, nor entirely unlike compulsion.”
Klaus picked up one image: Caroline at a large, bustling farmer's market. She was holding a melting, chocolate ice cream cone and laughing with a tall, handsome young man running a smoked game meat stall, as he offered her a paper napkin.
“How has this happened?" he murmured. "Rebekah, Hayley, her friends were all made to forget. It took weeks of everything seeming off-center for my own mind to break and then heal itself."
"Whereas I never forgot her, nor her mother."
"A conservation of power, perhaps. You would have had no reason to think of her if I hadn't broken free from the manipulation."
He glanced over at his brother, finding him stone-faced and grim, the angular lines only he had shared with Finn carved in gargoyle relief.
“I find I must apologize, Niklaus," he admitted, still focused somewhere beyond Klaus. "I assumed your insistence on obtaining the cure had more to do with either the manufacture of more hybrids or simple paranoia. I should not have underestimated your misgivings regarding the extent of Silas's power.”
“We all underestimated him,” Klaus admitted absently and moved to pour himself a drink. He froze halfway to the decanter and instead pointed directly at Elijah. “It could be witches. An artifact. An alchemist's creation. Any number of things. Your conclusions, however, went directly to Silas, even though he was desiccated and, if Stefan did his job, dropped down a very deep hole.”
Elijah remained silent long enough that Klaus thought he might not answer at all. In the end, he pressed his thumb and forefinger against his closed eyes, rubbed them wearily, and acquiesced. “I thought perhaps it best to wait, given that I have not confirmed it myself. Jean-Marc was asked to look for an infant vampire with remarkable control over her impulses, but so far as he has been able to ascertain, the girl is human.”
Klaus looked at her again, at the smile that always made him feel found and lost and found again. At her hands, bare of the gaudy daylight ring that had never quite matched her more understated taste in jewelry. He threw the photo back onto the table and took out his phone, finding the contact for someone he grew more and more convinced would never answer again. His fear grew as the call went to voice-mail once and then twice.
“Ripper,” he grit out the third time, crisp and vicious. “If you do not return this call with all haste, you'd best hope yourself already dead.”
With careful, delicate fingers, he replaced the phone into his pocket. The roaring in his ears made him spin with vertigo, his vision blurring out of focus. He bowed his head until his chin touched his chest.
There had been so many places he wanted to take her.
“Niklaus,” Elijah began in that calming tone Klaus had always hated.
He responded by picking up an antique mahogany chair and turning it into kindling against the far wall.
“This is my fault,” he seethed amongst the splinters. “I should never have left her there alone. To hell with her independence. I should have forced her to come with me.
“She would have hated you for it. I only spoke with her a few times, but she didn't strike me as the sort of woman who responds well to orders and subjugation.”
He laughed bitterly. “I wouldn't have heard the end of it. Yet, she would be here, furious, but alive and safely immortal. Not counting down her days, nothing more than a vessel containing some ancient witch's spell ingredient.”
“I suppose remarking on the irony won't do your temper any favors, will it?” Elijah sighed at the venomous glare Klaus leveled at him. He loosened his tie and undid the top buttons of his shirt. Unfastened his cuffs for good measure and began rolling his sleeves. “If Silas fed her the cure, he must have a way to extract it. It was too precious to him to waste on a petty revenge he assumed you would never know about.”
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luckyharbinger · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions
Tagged by @nightlilly0110
How many works do you have on AO3?
54, but that's likely to go up sometime this year, and two are from a Dishonored account I don't really use anymore.
What’s your total AO3 wordcount?
314,707 across both accounts, soon to increase with updates >:3c
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Technically 8, though I deleted all the works for three. I've written for DBZ, Bleach, Danny Phantom, Overwatch, Red Dead 2, Dishonored, Destiny 2, and RWBY.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Sleeper (Overwatch) at 1160
2. Two Step (RWBY) at 506
3. Half-Step (RWBY) at 462
4. The Interludes (Dishonored) at 379
5. Ribcage Roots (RWBY) at 352
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I respond to every comment, even ones that just say things like "I loved this!" It's really important to me to make sure my readers know that I appreciate every hit, kudos, and comment, so even if I'm very late doing so, I'll reply to every one I get.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don't generally write unhappy endings, but I had something pretty depressing planned for Many Loves and Only One War (RWBY), since it was canon compliant. I like my endings to be somber or happy, yknow. For the catharsis.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve ever written?
Eh, not really, no. I don't care for characters of one world interacting with characters from another. I usually write AUs and Fusions, with AUs being characters from X replacing characters in the world of Y, and Fusion being the world/setting of X and Y mixed together.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes, but it's been such a long time that I don't even remember what fandoms it happened in.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Here and there. I'm only getting confident in my ability to do so as of recently, so you'll see more from me in the future I think. More often than not, I feel like it kind of interrupts the narrative I've got going on.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not an entire fic, but I did have someone copy a kissing scene I wrote by just changing a few words back in ye olde Overwatch, and I had someone recently copy the Vampire Hunter Clover design I created with the bf for Blood On The Tongue.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
A few times! Though I'm not sure what became of most of them.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I started one, or rather it was like. Fics that were sequels/prequels of each other, but I only ended up posting my part and never finished it.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
Currently it's Fair Game from RWBY (Qrow/Clover) but any variation of Ironcharms (Qrow/Clover/James) is amazing. I think you can pretty much always see a little flavor of it in my writing.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
God. I really do want to finish "here is the sink to wash away the blood" but I'll never be strong enough to attempt to write Overwatch again.
What are your writing strengths?
I'm the King of action scenes baby. Though I've been told I'm also good at world building and achy emotions.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Ah, like I said I'm not great at writing physical intimacy, and I also struggle a lot with side characters to the point that I'll get stuck on scenes for fear that I'm not being true to their characters.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I think if you have like. a good source. Like if you know the language well yourself or have a friend who can check it for you, then go for it. I'm sure Google Translate has gotten better over the years but it still kinda sucks in terms of context, so. I'm monolingual so I tend to avoid it, or just work around it so people don't have to paste into a translator and interrupt their reading.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Dragon Ball Z. I think I was 12, almost 13 when I binged the series and started writing Bulgeta.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Hard to say. It changes a lot. I think Simulacrum (RWBY/Blade Runner fusion) is always going to be special to me because it's always so personal, but I'm really fond of Blood on the Tongue (RWBY Vampire AU) right now too.
Tagging @nvvermore, @pidgeonpostal, and @perrinmywolf!!!
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