#yes it's a prison cell and thematically it fits
sword-days · 2 years
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We don't need anyone else. Only each other.
DAREDEVIL In the Blood
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waveypedia · 4 years
Have anything else for that Team Spyience au you made ages ago? Some writng or a bullet list? I crave angst.
The AU in question
Yes!! Aaaaahh i was so excited when I saw this ask because i’m so happy people still like it!! I’m definitely still thinking about it, don’t worry. The old AU hinges on the fact that FOWL doesn’t have a way into Scrooge’s company and family but uhhhh that’s not how it is now lmao. So I’ve been thinking about revamping it for a couple months now. I don’t want to do anything concrete until we know a little more about FOWL and how it works. We know who its agents are and a little bit about its goals but we really don’t know anything about its inner workings, what the Board’s dynamic is with their agents, what their dynamic is with modern SHUSH (if it even exists), etc etc. all of which are things that would probably be addressed in the Team Spyience AU! It is an AU but I’d like to build on canon as much as possible (unless there’s something that I really don’t vibe with) since it’ll be cleaner and less confusing that way. Like if I threw 2019 Team Spyience AU at you guys rn it would 1) be confusing since the FOWL structure and motives are completely different from canon and 2) be less interesting since there’s SO much potential for angst and drama with the Board, Rockerduck/Jeeves, and Gandra as part of FOWL. (and oh boy I’m so excited to work with that!!!)
(sorry for that long block of text sdfgfds i wasn’t sure how to break it up)
that being said I have built a bit of a shaky foundation for a redone Team Spyience AU for when we learn more!! and ahhh i’m so excited to share. For bullet points, here are some ideas swimming around in my head. these all could change with new information from the show or just if i think of something better tbh
so this might change when we learn more about the Board in general and the nitty-gritty of FOWL’s plans, but right now I’m thinking that the Board realizes that 1) Gyro and his ragtag band of science nerds are powerful and stubborn, and will most definitely get in the way of their plans 2) Gyro already hates the Board, and if anyone in McDuck Enterprises were to pick up on their treason, it would be him 3) They have a strong foothold for control in the company, second only to Scrooge (and even that’s debatable), but they have minimal control over Gyro and the science department. So this time around it’s less about needing to spy on Scrooge and more about wanting to control Gyro and Team Science. how that translates to “capturing them and forcing them to spy on their boss and his family” is still up in the air, but i’ll let you guys know when i figure it out! (and if you all have any ideas lmk)
we all know Gyro dislikes the Board but it’s mostly just annoyance/spite since they always shut down his inventions. Here, though, he would hate them. He would probably start like smack-talking them to everyone he can, especially Scrooge, which is his own way of trying to get them to realize the Board is evil without tipping the Board off to his treachery. Scrooge would be confused and it would be like the first crack in the Board’s carefully built facade, but it wouldn’t work for him. He probably just thinks Gyro’s being his mean self.
Huey, though... I’m pretty sure Huey’s gonna end up researching FOWL since it’s his season, and he spends enough time around Team Science to notice how off they’re all acting, without being too busy to pay it much mind (like Scrooge). so one of Gyro’s snarky remarks will tip him off, and he’ll start to view the Board with a little more suspicion each time. Until he comes to the conclusion through his research, and SHUSH resources like Beakley and Webby, that oh god that was an allusion to FOWL the Board is FOWL-
and then- wait is Gyro FOWL?? is Team Science okay?? this goes deeper than I thought-
so essentially the B-plot of this AU is Huey (with the help of the rest of the kids, but especially Webby, Boyd, and Violet) researching FOWL in the background and trying to figure out why Team Science is acting so weird lately, and there’s a lot of dramatic irony
FOWL definitely threatens Boyd to get to Gyro because I love me some quality Boyd & Gyro family content 😌
I originally thought about working a “Gyro is a former FOWL agent that got away by the skin of his teeth” aspect into the AU since I was really fond of that concept when it was a theory, but now it’s been disproven. It does make for a lot of extra drama and angst, but I don’t think it quite fits, so I might just make that an entirely separate AU. I might add some non-canon bonus content with this concept though!
The majority of Team Science’s dynamic throughout the AU stays the same - they’re all incredibly stressed and on edge and just in a really sticky situation, so they snap at each other and have a lot of petty arguments. But at the same time, they’re all in the really sticky situation together, and so they come out of this mess a whole lot closer. It’s sort of a “You’re the only ones I can be honest with without dire consequences” situation.
also re: that last point - CUDDLE PUDDLES. i’m so soft for them. i’m thinking maybe on a night when FOWL makes them all stay in the cells overnight as a punishment or smth, but they’re all in one cell, they just fall asleep all on top of each other and it’s just a really sweet moment made bittersweet by the circumstances. it’s also a testament to how far their relationship has come under pressure and how much they trust each other now.
Gyro is the only target originally (I’m thinking maybe Fenton, Manny, and Lil’ Bulb catch the Board in the act and it’s very dramatic and terrifying. i think they’re originally gonna kill Team Science, since FOWL has a very take-no-prisoners leave-no-loose-ends sort of mindset, but Gyro convinces the Board that the majority of Scrooge McDuck’s research team mysteriously dying in one fell swoop would be extremely suspicious, especially since Scrooge has an in-house former SHUSH agent. so they live, miraculously, but the Board lets all of them know in no uncertain terms that if it happens again, the other person dies. No ifs, ands, or buts. So Team Science is all very, very nervous and careful about what they let slip. They want to tell everyone, especially Scrooge, but they can’t because they care too much. (Hence Gyro making passive-aggressive comments about the Board to Scrooge.) and of course everyone else gets suspicious and resentful since they know Team Science is hiding stuff from them. so that leads to a lot of drama and arguments.
speaking of the drama and arguments from the outside, the kids are doing their own investigation, but I headcanon Della as friends with Gyro from before the Spear of Selene, and she has a budding friendship with Fenton too. So she’d notice they’re all acting really weird and bailing on all her plans, so she storms down to the lab and tries an aggressive tactic to get them to fess up. They don’t, obviously, so she goes on a little investigation of her own. I’m thinking she might drag Launchpad and Donald into it - Launchpad since he’s good friends with Team Science, and Donald because I love him and I want him involved they’re the Duck Twins and they work best together.
I have this scene floating around in my head where, in the very beginning, FOWL agents/Eggheads capture Gyro and drag him to FOWL HQ underneath Funzo’s to be briefed on his new situation. He’s stuck in one of those glass cells Launchpad and Dewey were in when Steelbeak brought them back in the Double-O-Duck episode. The Board knows he’s there, but Gyro has no clue they’re villains. So they come to the cell to brief and belittle him (let’s be honest here, they’ve never liked Gyro) and he just. He’s pissed. Spitting mad. He’s always resented the Board but never like this; never pictured them as actual powerful villains. He may be spiteful of them because they shut down his projects, but at the end of the day, they’re good guys. They’re on his side, and more importantly, Scrooge’s side. Right?
So Gyro is like, up against the glass, trying to punch them through the airholes. He’s just so fucking furious. He’s not really thinking straight and he doesn’t care about any dignity, he’s just angry. The Board is just overly smug and pleased with themselves. It’s a very stereotypical “You’ll never get away with this, you villain!!” picture, and very dramatic. And then the Board just walks away after giving him a bare-bones explanation of the situation that he doesn’t really process because he’s so mad and terrified. And they turn off all the lights and let him stew in there overnight.
Once Huey and the kids have finally put the pieces together, Webby comes to the Bin one day with Scrooge, and she goes to the meeting room to look for him. Only he’s not in there - The Board is, and they’re berating Gyro for sassing off about them to Scrooge or smth. Webby, with all her trained spy skills, hears their conversation and is able to avoid detection (although the Board is suspicious, and they start investigating to tie off any loose ends). Their conversation, though, would be suspicious to any oblivious passerby, but from all the research the kids have done, they know what’s going on.
That’s not the actual reveal - I think thematically that should go to Huey, since he’s the closest to Team Science and it’s his season. This would just chase away any last doubts the kids may have. And maybe Webby gets a voice recording as evidence? I just love those; they’re so dramatic.
this is one part that might not end up aligning with canon but I’m REALLY fond of the Akita FOWL theory. So in this AU, I’m thinking Akita was a really casual member of FOWL all along that recently got an updated agent commission. So there’s even more potential drama there, since Gyro utterly despises Akita now. And a bigger incentive to keep Boyd safe, since Gyro knows FOWL would be more than happy to program Boyd into a mindless attack robot.
in the old AU I was toying with the idea that FOWL didn’t know Fenton’s Gizmoduck until a big reveal, and it was a secret weapon of Team Science’s (but also a point for a lot of arguments, since Fenton desprately wanted to be out there protecting people at the cost of his own safety) but uhh... they definitely know now. In a bid to stop FOWL from taking control of Gizmoduck, Fenton claims the armor is out of commission and sabotages it. So Fenton’s heroics are temporarily halted while Team Science frantically tries to figure out how to keep FOWL from hacking/taking control of a new and improved Gizmosuit.
As for writing... I don’t have anything done, least of all anything for the revamped version of the AU, but I do have this wonderful writing prompt from @advisortotheadvisor that I started back in January 2019, when I was working on the old version of the AU, that I really want to do with the revamped AU. (it just fits so well ahhhh!!!)
["If you won’t do it, I’m sure your friend wouldn’t mind being in your place." + your FOWL team spyience au?]
Gyro crossed his arms across his chest, scowling to hide his fear. He’d gotten pretty good at it over these past few months.
Watching the halls was basically useless. Fowl was careful to keep Gyro and his team within the same halls, as to not be able to find their way out on their own. And Gyro knew the way to Steelbeak’s office well. He’d lost count of how many times he’d been marched here.
At least he wasn’t cuffed anymore, though he suspected it was only because the agents and their minions knew there was too much at stake for an escape attempt. It had been too long, anyway. That was an amaetur move. Even though he loathed to admit it, Gyro cared too much about the consequences - the people at stake - to even try.
It was just a well-aimed mockery. Like everything short of punishment seemed to be these days under FOWL’s watchful eye and careful thumb. Gyro scowled deeper and crossed his arms tighter and pretended in vain it didn’t bother him.
That was all he could do, really.
Okay that kind of got away from me haha. thank you so much for the ask!! It means a lot to me that people are still interested in this AU. definitely motivation to work on both the AU and that fic haha!! I’ll talk more abt this soon when I have more info/content
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clairen45 · 6 years
Did you read Lost Stars?
Yes, I did. I read it last spring and I liked it a lot. I really wanted to do a review on that and got side-tracked (and lost my notes in the process, sigh), as happens a lot. I do remember taking lots of notes about the parallels between this story and the ST. Why was it written anyhow? To bridge between the end of ROTJ and FA? We didn’t need that book for that. The battle of Jakku and stuff was pretty much the idea between the Aftermath book series. So what does this story bring to us? What do we learn?
There’s the whole propaganda thing and how nice decent people could let themselves become part of an evil regime. And how difficult it is to break free once the scales in your eyes are fallen about how wrong it is. Where the ST is concerned, this can trace all the way to Finn, and by extension other stormtroopers or FO officials that might dissent and rebel eventually.
There is the kamikaze sacrifice. A sacrifce that is thwarted in Lost Stars when Thane saves Ciena. A sacrifice that is both achieved and thwarted in the ST through Holdo and Finn’s examples.
The fact that Thane also remains critical of the Resistance. This criticism is something that we never got before in the OT or PT. In the ST and path to the ST material we get the idea that even if there is a better side, this good vs evil, us vs them thingy is probably not the best solution. It is far more complicated than it seems.
But mostly, it is the love story. This IS a love story. Star crossed lovers, to boot. And all the parallels with our Reylo couple. Ok, sure, this one pairing starts as childhood friends and begin as partners on the same side, not something we have with Reylo. But, the way their relationship is described and the way they end up on either side of the fight is obviously echoing what we get in the ST. Like:
The Force shipping a couple, bringing them together again and again. The Force as having, quote, “a sick sense of humor”. // “Why is the Force connecting us, you and I?”
secret trysts… and since lovemaking is in this story, something to look forward to in ix?
“Sometimes she felt that they were two parts of the same person”/ “ We work together. Neither of us owes the other anything, and he remembers that as well as I do”/ “they mirrored each other”
The “saving what you love” gospel
And even if Thane saves Cena from death, the two lovers are tragically forever separated. So we are graced with yet another tragic story that was originally shipped by the Force, it seems, but never managed to get it right. Because the ST is supposed to wrap everything up and learn the lessons of its previous failures, the point is also to remind us that Reylo is supposed to achieve what previous couples have not. So there are some very important lines in there. I found two. First the last line about the couple, as Thane visits Ciena one last time in her prison cell:
Slowly she raised her hand, flattening her palm against the edge of the energy field. Thane did the same. They mirrored each other, almost touching but forever apart.
If this, my dear friends, is not a direct call to TLJ’s mirror scene in Ahch-To,I don’t know what it is.
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And sure, we only get a subliminal image of Kylo in the shape of the shadow that comes to meet Rey, and sure the lovers are separated -seemingly forever- at the end of 8. But because it is the end of the second installment, it is not the end of the story, so the seemingly is what it is: it seems like they are separated forever. But they won’t. And the hand that could not touch the other has already been a fulfilled promise in 8, since Kylo and Rey have managed to reach across the stars once. So what happened once for these two can happen again.
The other line in chapter 7, I find even more important:
But occasionally -at the least inconvenient moments- the enduring connection between them would make itself known. Ashes would become embers.
Well, first, the way Thane and Ciena’s relationship obviously fits our Force bond connections to a T in TLJ. The least inconvenient moments indeed. But also, I highlighted the last part, because I think it is a crucial theme, maybe THE crucial theme of the ST. There is that wonderful meta by @fluffycakeistainted called Don’t Do this, Mustafar vs the Supremacy, that compares Anakin and Padmé’s last scene together in ROTS and Rey and Kylo’s post throne room scene. It has this wonderful analysis of sparks vs ashes. And indeed, that is what is at play here. Look at the thematic that pervades TLJ: spark, fire, burn down, songs about fire in the Spotify official playlists… “We are the spark that will light the fire” … Poe doesn’t get it right in the end. He thinks about fire as a destructive force. But the way Holdo was bringing it up was fire as bringing forth life, the creative spark, and even better, restoring life again. The Phoenix, fire out of the ashes. What Rey also says during her first lesson with Luke: “Death and decay, that feeds new life”. Not turning everything to ashes. Rather bringing life out of the ashes. Take Luke’s reaction to the burning tree. He wants to destroy it, but is unable to. Interestingly this mirrors exactly his worst moment with Kylo: I will bring you down … Nope… Can’t…Tragic story of Luke’s life and also the reason why he was our hero in the first place. Luke was never about destruction. He was a savior. Which enabled him to save Vador but ironically lost him his nephew, just because for once he contemplated destruction instead of salvation. Of course, when Yoda sets the tree on fire, he is appalled at the destruction. That’s the only thing he sees: oh, burning the sacred Jedi tree and sacred Jedi texts means it is the end of the Jedi. But look at Yoda’s reaction. He doesn’t see the burning of the tree as something tragic. Even if he knows that Rey has saved the texts anyways because she took them away, it is not the point. What matters is not the tree, the texts, but what is out there, the girl, life, love. Something interesting there. Yoda was never one to preach about love and attachment. He failed tragically with Anakin in the first place. Almost failed with Luke by wanting him to kill Vader. So he must have indeed learn out of his previous failures.
There are important ashes to contemplate in our saga. These are the iconic ones, for sure.
Vader’s pyre.
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And see how Vader’s ashes are brought back nicely into the ST?
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Vader’s pyre was about his redemption. Burning Vader’s costume was supposed to free Anakin, the Jedi, the good one, out of his evil persona. It was the end of the curse. And sure enough right after burning him, here he is, with the other benevolent Force ghosts. So by having Vader’s ashes (also, remember the ashes in Kylo’s interrogation room?), we are reminded of the embers. Redemption. Except that this time, we need life out of decay to complete the story.
Anidala’s tragic ending. Let’s get this right, this time. Should I say more? Check the meta I already mentioned. The parallels between these two couples are practically canon by now…
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Qui Gon’s pyre.
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Ah, that one is interesting. This is chronologically speaking the first pyre? Our first ashes and embers. What does Qui Gon stand for? His belief in midichlorians. Nah, just kidding. His belief in the Chosen One, and finally having balance in the Force…. Well… I rest my case.
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titleknown · 6 years
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In a weird sleazy city, on an early November night, in an apartment slightly too small for hosting parties, there was a celebration being held. If one went up to the door, or looked in the window, one could see lights; a few candles, mostly electric, and hear the sounds of speech...
One could see faces talking about lives no longer amongst them, not solemnly but raucously, as the smell of chilli peppers and beans cooked in lard filled the air and sugar skulls adorned countertops. The host was unusual yes, a great muscular yellow-spined beast of a monster-woman by the handle of Body Shock. with the subtle crackle of electricity around her, but this was not a time where that was relevant.
This was a time for memories, as she roamed around the room, receiving and pushing forward wild antecdotes of days gone by, and music playing from several daisy-chained dollar-store speakers that she added a tune or so to the playlist when she heard someone mentioning a person gone by to them and their favorite song.
And all of this was around a great-small altar, built of brick and cardboard as high as the celling would let it go, and painted in bright colors, adorned with photographs and keepsakes and sugar skulls and candles, a fulcrum around which the party revolved.
And then, suddenly, it stopped. For, the door had creaked open and; into the room entered a woman. She carried an aura that brought a hush upon the crowd, a lean and deathly pallor of power despite the top of her hat barely reached to the shoulders of the next- shortest person in the room.
It was Boss McGlade, arch-criminal and enemy to Body Shock,  and if her eyes were not already blood red, they would have turned such as Body Shock grabbed McGlade by the front of her shirt collar.
“What the fuck are you doing here?!” Shock said, in a voice b=vaguely approxiamting calm.
“Now, now,” said McGlade, flashing a shark-toothed; smug grin, “Is that any way to treat a guest? It would be gauche of you to disrupt this party with an assault on my person, as would it be gauche for me to commit any acts of assault against yourself in front of so many witnesses.”
Body Shock hoisted her higher “Nice fuckin try, but you still ain’t answered my question” One of the guests had gotten out a sword cane at this point.
“Simply put, because of your exact sort of response, and because I felt I could do so with few reprecussions, it would be of little benefit to yourself  to call the authorities on a party in this neighborhood.”
Body Shock lowered her a bit. It’s fascinating how the two were united in their mutual distaste for cops,  with reasonings that sometimes even matched up. “How the fuck do I know you ain’t here on some bullshit?”
“You would not believe me if I claimed I wasn’t. Plus, again, witnesses would be a means of disadvantage to us both, would they not?”
With that, Body Shock dropped her unceremoniously, with McGlade landing right on her own two feet with equal lack of pretense. “Alright, but I ain’t takin an eye off yas.”
“I would expect nothing less” said McGlade, as she went to get a plate.
The mood went back to celebration, albeit with nervous glances at the strange, blue-pallid woman who seemed only interested in a small cup of ginger-ale and a plate slathered in refried beans. But, her focus was on the altar, and the image at the top.
“Hm. Who is this man? You must find him of a great deal of importance for his position at this apex of your ofrenda.”
“Hey, it ain’t just mine, it’s the whole party’s altar. And if you’re lookin for hostages, you’re a few years too late. He’s gone.”
“An acquaintance of yours perhaps?”
“Fuck me, he’s my grandpa, ! Only motherfucker in the whole fuckin family who was ever nice to me! Like, when I was a kid, my parents bought a rabbit, said they’d got me a pet. I was so happy to see that lil’ fucker, Trucker I named ‘em. Month later, turns out it was fattenin’ him up for meat! And they laughed n laughed when I had the stew n I asked where Trucker was”.
“While outside my context, I would presume that seems hideous behavior.”
“I cried for a whole day! But abuelo, he was over there for dinner that night, didn’t know until they told him about 'em, convinced 'em to give him the bones n what was left of the skin for a lil funeral; in a shoebox. He even held a lil ceremony, n kept the foot on a necklace for me to keep,”
Body Shock pointed up at the apex of the Ofrenda, and there was an old; shriveled rabbit’s foot by the portrait of the old man “I still remember the vacant lot it was in…”
Body Shock sighed and put her head down “We were the only ones left there that weren’t trainwrecks or complete motherfuckers. He tried to make sure I got what he had when he left, but the parents weaseled a way to get it for their 'business.’ Like, you heard o the Necro-Narco epidemic?”
“I am vaguely familiar” said McGlade, lying only in that she was in fact extremely familiar with its various fallouts.
“Yeah, that was part o what they did. But hey,” Body Shock said, perking up immediately “they’re probably in a fuckin ditch somewhere, let 'em be forgotten!” She held up a drink and shouted, “A toast to abuelo, wherever the fuck he is right now!”
Glasses were raised, a toast was shouted, and Boss McGlade was suddenly looking down. If there was a vulnerable expression on her face, nobody but her could see it under her wide-brimmed hat and downturned look. Her hands were in her pockets.
“So, whattabout you Doc?” Body Shock responded “Got any loved ones you wanna offer to, some fuckbuddy got whacked by the mob; some dead ma who you wanna avenge or whatever people like y-”
She stopped as McGlade dug something out of her pocket. There was a slight snap of electricity amongst the silence of the audience, only for it to dissipate once everyone saw what it was. A small plastic figurine of what looked like a toy soldier, but with a broken egg with bat wings for an upper body.
She placed it upon the table next to an old; drippy candle, and dug out and placed a sugar skull next to it from her pockets, one of many she had pettily knicked for later consumption. She breathed in a deep sigh, and one could see her hair do a slight bristle as she began to speak:
“I am not at liberty to discuss the further detailings of this event, but I will state that I spent most of my younger life in a series of cruel and abhorrent laboratories, a child treated as simply a prisoner, a child lab-rat. There were others in that lab, and the one I remember most…”
She paused for a moment. “Her name was Susan.”
A few guests could swear they saw tears run down from her eyes. “That wasn’t the name they gave her, but she said she liked it instead of that number they gave us. She was my age, maybe a few months older. She was the only person who was a friend there to me, she shielded me from the punishments for when I had to sneak a scrap of food to not starve from the experiments.”
There were most definitely tears running down from her eyes now. “She used to smuggle in comics and these little figures from this collection. This was one of the ones she didn’t have before she, before she…”
McGlade breathed out a shuddering breath, “I don’t know if she’s even dead. They never found the body. We were going to get married, if we ever got out, we promised each other…”
Body Shock said nothing and walked over. She picked up the figurine, off the table, and placed it right at the top, next to the image of her grandfather.
“Hey, now,” Body Shock sad awkwardly. She wasn’t particularly equipped to deal with her own emotions, no less those of others. “Why don’t we put 'em up top? Seem fitting, like, thematically, yanno?”
Then, transitioning away from that awkwardness, she raised her glass. “A TOAST, TO SUSAN!”
There was a cheer, and a raising of glasses from the other participants and then’; at once; a raised glass from McGlade.
And so, in a weird sleazy city on an early Novermber night, a truce was called for this night alone. It may at first seem strange to call a truce on a holiday of the dead, but the dead never truly die if they are remembered. And, through kindness’ hands, memories work, and the dead may walk again, if but for one night…
So yeah! A more ambitious character piece, to celebrate the true meaning of Day Of The Dead!
As per usual, this drabble is under a CC-BY-SA license for direct adaptation, but all the characters/concepts/settings/ect are free to use as you see fit under a CC-BY-Vanilla license so long as I; Thomas F. Johnson, am credited as their creator!
And, if you wanna support me, maybe check out my Patreon, or even just send a Ko-Fi my way! Every penny is appreciated, and I am eternally grateful for those who donate!
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deathnoting · 7 years
i'm new to the death note fandom, and everyone seems to have vastly varying interpretations of L's character do you mind talking a bit about how you interpret him?
hi anon! first of all: welcome to the fandom! we’re not dead but we’re close enough that you could bury us by mistake. always good to have new people. :-) as for your question…. *cracks knuckles* i’m so glad you asked.
thinking about it, i guess i interpret/have interpreted L in a lot of different ways since i first got into death note. of all the main dn characters, he invites the widest range of interpretations. not only did ohba state that much (most?) of what L says is a lie, L also refers to himself as a liar on at least one canon occasion. add to that the variation in his characterization between the early manga chapters (scenes where he is alone) and the later ones (scenes where he is around other characters), the ryuzaki alias and mannerisms being used by b in labb in such a way that calls into question their origin and authenticity, and the general tilt of facetiousness to most of his dialogue (depending on who’s playing him. alessendro juliani’s L constantly talks like he is lowkey making fun of everyone), and it’s no big mystery why there’s so many fanon versions of him. he’s a character that’s enigmatic enough to generate questions in and of himself, and when you give the fandom a decade to stew over those questions, this is what happens.
(small aside: this is one of the things i absolutely love about fandom. the way that one work can spawn so many works, and one character can spawn so many permutations. as someone who spends a lot of time creating and developing characters on my own, it’s humbling and amazing to see characterizations crowd-sourced over such a long period of time from people all over the world. that doesn’t just go for L, but for all of my favorite characters who have enjoyed long and complex fanon careers. i’m looking at you, Every Harry Potter Character.)
as for my personal interpretation of L? if you’re looking for the cliff’s notes, it can be summed up pretty well by this post.
the full earful is:
since i’ve ever been in the fandom (say 2013 ish?), L’s characterization has been a hot topic. this was discourse before it was even called discourse. (rip “fandom wank”.) there was a good portion of people who were big fans of L, saw him as the “good” character to light’s “bad,” and just wanted to fantasize about their anime husbando in peace, goddammit. the backlash to that was the establishment of a long and enduring tradition of posts pointing out all of L’s morally dodgy actions, and tagging pictures of him with #garbage man or something along those lines. that was definitely an aspect of my brand when i was a popular blog. “this is my favorite character in the series and how dare you say that he is a good person!!!!” at the time i was very into squabbling over anime character interpretations. idk what ya’ll were/are doing in your teens, but that’s what i did.
at this point? i see it like this: in the canon, there’s a sharp disconnect between L’s quirky, pun-making, donut-scarfing, face-pulling personality and the insidiousness of his tactics. you can only really read his disregard for the law and for conventional human decency as harmless if you assume he is stupid, and since the very basis of the plot rests on the viewer accepting his (and light’s) genius, then that means he is smart enough to know exactly what he is doing and in what ways it is wrong, and doing it anyway because he believes that it’s necessary to achieve his ends. what’s cool about this is that ohba doesn’t insist on this perception. it isn’t hammered into the bones of the story the way that light’s hypocrisy is (probably because it was more incidental than not) but it is very much there in between the lines: L is not a better person than light, just more subtle.
something that i have always really liked about death note as a piece of media is that, although it is a heavy-handed, cartoonish (literally, yes, but also thematically) shonen jump series where all the characters are caricatures, it occupies this weird space of bleak realism that fits so strangely within its genre that it is almost like the whole world of the story is being pulled in two totally opposite and incompatible directions. light’s bond-villian-esque tirades are bordered by panels of disturbing domestic emptiness. L’s helicopter-flying, ice cream guzzling world’s greatest detective (like, honestly, how is that a real title that exists and is known and cared about by the public?) schtick overlays scenes of him holding suspects for fifty days, limbs bound, without trial. there’s a morbidity to all the fun in death note and i think one of the reasons L is so popular, and so polarizing, is because he holds those two aspects pretty well in balance. after his death, light’s desolateness is the only thing left standing. (i’m not saying mello and near aren’t fun, but i’d argue that their isolation from each other makes it so their morbidity outweighs the level of fun they can produce.)
if you skew a lot closer to the more sober and realistic aspects of death note and further from the hijinks of its genre, that’s where my interpretation of L sits. i think, if this person actually existed, what would he be like? probably unhealthy, both physically and emotionally, but high functioning. desensitized by over-exposure to disturbing stimuli. prone to exaggerating his natural eccentricities in order to throw people off. egotistical, but also preoccupied with things that have the potential to prove him wrong. enamored by the mysterious. terrified of death. disfigured by physically damaging habits but too set in them to want to change. do i see him as a bad person? well, it’s next to impossible to wield that amount of power and not be. L’s power is integral to his character. if he had no money, no handler, no international reputation, or ability to construct a building a moment’s notice, or helicopter, or sway with which to bypass a police protocol—well, then it wouldn’t matter what his ethical philosophy was. (which, the canon suggests, pretty much boils down to: “L always gets his man” *finger gun* *wink*). just like light’s self-aggrandizing idealism would be more or less harmless without the death note, L’s identity is inextricable from his role as the world’s greatest (three) detective(s). without those larger than life roles, light is just the pretentious kid going off in your intro to ethics class and L is just the harried professor pinching the bridge of his nose and wondering how academically scrupulous it is to tell him to shut up. (and yes, please, someone write that au.)
that’s just my canon analysis, though. i think, especially for new death note fans, coming straight from the source material into the world of totally wacky and incongruent fanon ideas and characterizations can be very disorienting. if you want to know all my self indulgent characterizations that i assign to L just because i like them and not because i have any good reason to, that’s a whole separate post. (hint: they involve a victorian gothic childhood and an interest in power-bottoming for the people whose paychecks he signs/prison cells he holds the keys to.)
sorry to go off, anon! i’m not even sure i fully answered your question but hopefully this provided a little clarity as to why this fandom is in disparate characterization shambles.
actually i think it would be cool to hear from a lot of people about their L interpretation. if you asked this q to multiple people, anon, you should amass the highlights into a mega-post of crowd-sourced L characterization or something.
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jl-randazzo-blog · 7 years
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Artist Statement #2 The themes of my archive were oppression, history, death, space, power, and policing. I know those are a lot of very broad categories, but my goal here was to maybe invoke a story of sorts. The order from top to bottom is intentional.
I used the skulls as a common element across many of the images. For the historical images, this is meant to represent aspects of culture/humanity that have persisted beyond their progenitors. As the story proceeds, it becomes more a representation of what’s underneath all of us. These things that exist in every time period, the same physiology underneath every time. The manifestations evolve, but the underlying structures persist. 
The alien imagery and the visible Earth toward the end of the archive are my attempt to push it into a pulpy, almost science-fictiony, dystopian reality. 
Even though there is a good deal of ambiguity regarding the exact events of the story, I think I successfully created implied time, and that certainly aids the piece by contrasting the stasis of certain other visual elements. 
When I was looking through my archive, there was some pretty dark stuff in there. Although I still find that there is some discomfort with some of the imagery in the final product, I am happy that I managed to allude to that stuff just enough for it to serve the message, but not so much so that it was edgy for its own sake. Hopefully, I’ve handled the topics here well and didn’t resort too much to using offensive symbols and such. 
My biggest criticism of myself is that I think I have a general weakness for collaging. I do ok coming up with Ideas and fitting in all sorts of different references (one of these images is comprised entirely of punk album covers, and “I don’t want to spend my time in hell looking at the walls of a prison cell” is a quote from the song Invisible Sun by, yes, The Police), but I think I struggle to make huge bold editing decisions that could enhance the visual qualities of the piece(s). 
In light of that, I think I am bound to be perpetually disappointed in the visual qualities of the individual pieces, but I do think that the overall narrative is pretty clear, and although some images don’t work THAT well on their own, there are a few that have interesting thematic material taken by themselves. 
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