#yes i'm best friends with a now 7 y/o
anapologethicc · 2 years
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astrxealis · 2 months
making myself suffer looking thru ffxiv stuff on tumblr when i could be playing ffxiv rn but i eternally love and miss ffxiv
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#Ough... oooooggghhhhh..........#unrelated but i will probably make my next theme mr leon kennedy bcs how iehehebfknsnd i am over him lately#is... kinda insane! silly <3#like. damn! damn. amidst darkest despair light everlasting.#ffxiv is so so so so so crazy from 1.0 to 6.0 and beyond and soon 7.x and and and#i miss raiding :( i miss my friends in ffxiv too. esp my best friend.#def will get back into raiding by the time 7.x ultimate comes out bcs GOD !!! god.#and okay pandaemonium & eden are my fav tiers aesthetic and story and fight wise#and memory wise bcs eden 9-12 was my first ever savage tier. meant a lot to me. still does#i played through that shit when i was . 14 y/o and newly 15 y/o LMFAO#and then pandaemonium just like. the year after. when i was 15 y/o... not even reaching 16. damn.#it's tough playing ffxiv when you're young but it's nice seeing more & more ppl around my age playing#even tho these guys most likely did Not start playing when they were like. 13/14 y/o. since i started on my bday LMFAO#it's crazy bcs i am playing w majority adults and maybe the occasional minor who is still like. at least almost an adult#^^ back then i mean bcs ok the closest friend i made when i was on eu was this guy 3 yrs older than me. that is already insane to me.#and my best friend since i'm now on oce is still a year older than me!#and it's silly (?) bcs eu i tried to hide my age at first but then they kinda found out bcs probably the way we r is just. too Different LOL#but i mean obvs it changed some stuff bcs it would be weird for probably 30 year old to be besties w a half their age kid#but the whole lil fc was just rlly sweet. :(( made a great friend i see as my big bro i am still friends w. that probably 30 y/o guy and the#kinda mom of the fc lowkey saw me & my twin as sweet kids. the person we got into xiv was like a big bro figure too and Damn his gf is rlly#cool! and the uni age students were super cool and fun to talk w. and the friends of my close friend who were also my friends were so fun.#i miss that but i look back on it all fondly ..... :3 and then w oce it's a bit more complicated bcs#i haven't had much time or opportunities to Find a group like that? but instead i found a best friend :((#rlly close in age and w similar likes and interests and personality..... etc etc etc.......#and separately the static i & my twin joined was. Funny lol! it's silly bcs we kinda had to hide we were lil 15 y/o kids w these guys who#were all at least uni. and all of these guys were def 20-30 y/o#and one guy liked making Daddy jokes (nothing bad tho LMFAO) bcs. hesperos sheesh!#silly bcs bunch of aussies and we were almost all miqos and Thankfully ye god one other filipino YAY !!!!!#anyway. max tags. so i love ffxiv man. i miss it always even when i'm playing it.
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yourjughead · 7 months
Sweet Pea and Y/N have been seeing each other in secret for some time but as a new serpent enters the playing field, tempers flare but is it all what if seems?
"So when are you guys gonna stop pretending it's just sex and actually just sign the marriage licence, it's been like 7 months which is basically decades in the Serpents"
The water I gulped down nearly took deathly grip at Tonis comment.
"N-o no no" I managed to choke out between rapid taps to the back from Fangs.
"Toni please don't kill the man, I'm sure YN wouldn't like if you bumped off her play thing" Fangs quipped while watching the colour return back to my face.
"I'm not her play thing, if anything she's mine"
"And who exactly could you be talking about like that" of course she's going to join the conversation at the most inconvenient time. I wish the water had just finished me off.
"Y/N, we were just messing with him"
"Ah yes Toni because I love when my sex life is the topic of conversation amongst my friends, although I suppose you've nothing going on in your own lives" she dropped your tray next to me before sliding in across.
"And how is Cheryl?" you added, Toni sunk down on the seat with a groan.
"And Kevin?" sending Fangs sliding too, leaving me grinning into my soup. I caught her hand beneath the table as the other two tried to take back hold of their pride. We shouldn't have even been talking about this so openly in school, I'm really not trying to put a target on my back.
"If you do marry eachother I'll officiate"
"That's very nice Fangs but don't you need to be able to read to do that?" Fangs caught his chest in feign hurt at Y/Ns joking tone. We shouldn't be talking about this, they know I'd never be allowed to marry her, I can't even openly date her.
As if on que, Y/N dropped my hand quickly to place both in front of her tray, her eyes following the newest recruit to the Serpents. Jughead Jones. Now there's the only person her father would let her marry, another serpent legacy.
"Hey guys"
"Hey Jughead!" She responded very much too excited to him in my opinion.
"Y/N, I'm heading to Pop' wanna come? I know you really want to try it" how could he know what she wants? I'm what she wants. Right?
"Sure, see you later guys" y/n smiled and I could feel my other best friends shuffle awkwardly in their seats as y/n then strutted off with her future husband.
"Don't" I silenced Toni's saddening tone with a raised hand, I don't need their pitty.
~ 3rd Person
Over the next few weeks you spent more and more time around Jughead. Your father approved massively of this budding relationship, not going unnoticed by Sweet Pea or the rest of your friends. You and Jughead would go on jobs together, meet up before and after meetings together and just in general be together. It was becoming more and more difficult for Sweet Pea to be around and he began to retreat into himself.
5 weeks later - 3rd Person
Sweet Pea sprawled out across the tattered sofa of his very own trailer. Trying to take his mind of you and Jughead, he flicked through tv channels, then the books in his reach before finally landing on reading his history book absentmindedly. His eyes eventually weighing more than the book and closing. Dreams of you in eggshell coloured dresses waltzing up a flower covered aisle to meet a groom with a blurry face but a very prominent crown beanie splashed across his mind. The image jolted him from his sleep, crashing him to the floor.
Sweet pea rubbed his face with the blanket thrown across him, trying to remove the image from his thoughts. The soft glow from his ajar bedroom door across the darkened living room caught his eye. His hands ran down the blanket that was not there when he drifted off. Your hushed voice eventually met his ears from the bedroom, his senses waking one by one. He misses you breaking into his trailer nightly, the last time having been a few weeks ago.
Sweet Peas Pov
Collecting myself from the floor I snuck over to the door where I could accidentally on purpose hear her speak more clearly on the phone.
"Yeah there's just no future there - yeah - I really like being around him but what's the point when I don't want to continue - yeah yeah - I don't want any more feelings to grow - mmm - I just have to be with him to get where I need to go - yeah you're right- talk later love you Sis - bye - bye - bye" oh god it's happening, the end, she's ending it with me. I don't care if she's using me, just as long as she's with me. Right?
I heard her jump up from mattress. Crap crap crap. I went to scramble back to the sofa, sliding along the laminate in the blanket she had wrapped on me, flying straight back onto the floor. Ugh god my head. As I blinked her shape standing over me came into focus, I gave a small nervous laugh.
"Sweets, are you having fun down there?" She laughed offering a hand and instantly regretting it as I pulled her down on top of me.
"Now I am" I rolled her into the blanket and deep into my chest, squeezing as if letting go would mean she's gone forever. The closest we'd been in awhile.
"Sweet - Pea - You're - Crushing - Me" she attempted through my chest and began go gently push from me. It's already happening. She rolled her head up and gently kissed my cheek and I released my grip.
"Why are you on the floor"
"Why are you in my house?"
"Touché" she smiled before sitting up to retrieve her buzzing phone from her pocket.
"Who's are you giggling at?" I hate myself for asking but seeing her smile at her phone the way she smiles at me gave me reason.
"It's just something Jughead said -" ugh god why why why "- and I don't giggle" she gently hit me into my chest as I rolled from her and then up off the floor. I crossed the room towards the fridge where I rooted around.
"He was telling me about the book he's writing over lunch today, he's really got something for making up elaborate plans, we actually decided to -"
"We?" I almost growled at her as I pulled a beer from the fridge and turned to her disapproving stares. I know she doesn't like when I drink on week days, we were brought up in bar culture and she hates bringing it home with her. I'm not even sure she'd call me home anymore.
"Sweet pea don't get like that over Jughead, you like him I thought" she moved towards me in the kitchen, the blanket drapped over her still. I leaned on the fridge across from her and watched her prop herself up onto the countertop, her phone now next to her.
"Y/N, he rocks up into our school, parades around, Mr. Prince of the Serpents, takes you from me all the time so we can never have any alone time together and then -"
"Ah so that's what this is about, you miss the sex" she seemed to toy but I definitely wasn't in the mood to joke.
"No! Well yeah but that's not all I miss, this is the most we've talked in over a month and it's still about him!"
"Sweet Pea don't get angry at me!" She slid from the blanket and the counter. Too late, I was very much very angry which was only increased when her phone lit up, with the one word I'd never heard her use before, boyfriend.
"What the fuck?!" I lunged for it, almost forgetting my height, giving y/n a bit of a fright, something I had never done. Seems to be a day of firsts for everyone. Boyfriend?! Boyfriend?! She tried to reach for the ringing phone, this time I didn't forget my height, answering the phone and hoping I didn't hear the person I knew was on the other head.
"Hey y/n/n, I'll meet you at the usual spo-" I cut Jones off before he could finish, hurling the phone at the cabinets. This time I gave y/n a very noticeable fright as the phone screen came seperate from the motherboard.
"Sweet Pea!! Calm down! You're acting like a raving lunatic, let me explain!" She shouted back, more firsts from her, she had never raised her voice at me before but I suppose I started it. No she did. Jones did. I'm gonna kill him.
"Explain what?! What's there to explain Y/N/N" I used the name he called her like the curse word it was to me.
"Me and you have been seeing each other for like almost 9 months and that has meant something to me, clearly not so much to you" okay Sweet Pea that was probably a bit harsh. I breathed out deeply, trying to release any amount of pressure from chest. She moved from the kitchen and into the bedroom, returning again and putting on her jacket. Damn.
"You have no idea the kind of pressure I'm under Sweet Pea" she almost bit at me as she zipped herself up.
"Yeah I'm sure there's a lot of pressure straddling Jones" I was shocked I said that, she was shocked I said that. I think I don't even believe what I said but then again, he's her boyfriend. Boyfriend?! She's never called me that, would never call me that. This thought pushed the regret for what I said from me and replaced it back with anger.
"Oh whatever Sweet Pea, talk to me when you recover from the concussion you clearly got from the fall" She flew open the trailer door and stormed out into the cold night. I slid down the fridge, her smashed up phone alongside me. Nice one Pea, you really messed up this time..... except she messed up too, she's dating Jones and didn't tell me. She's dating Jones and didn't tell me. She's dating Jones and didn't tell me. I could feel my neck rise again with anger as I stood and went to the front door. I need to pay the serpent prince a visit.
Part 2
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 1 month
Pairing : teen! best friend! SukunaX Reader
Genre : fluff, non cursed au!, comfort
Summary : You broke up with your douchebag of a boyfriend (finally?), of course Sukuna is there to comfort you.
Wordcount: 1.7k
Not proofread sorry-
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I broke up with him
With a confused look, Sukuna glances at the message that pops up on his phone. He's currently out with some friends, hanging like he often does. 
Y/N, his best friend, would usually come along too, though since her relationship she'd been coming along significantly less. 
He's met the dude before, twice. Once when he picked her up from one of their dates in midnight, and once at a restaurant because Y/N begged him to. He's openly disliked him both times.
With a huff, he replies. 
Good, he's a fucking waste of space
It doesn't take long before Y/N starts typing again. 
You don't get it
I didn't want to
I did it because there's no space for me in the relationship
I still love him
Give me a second
I'm on my way to you
Y/N starts typing again, probably to tell her best friend that she wants to be alone, but he won't let her. Greeting their shared group of friends, he announces that he's leaving before getting into his car. 
Thankfully, the way over is short. And coincidentally, Y/N and Sukuna are neighbors who live across from one another. 
It doesn't take long before he's stood on her doorstep, nor for her younger brother to let him in, informing him that she's crying in her room. 
Sighing, he knocks, before opening the door. 
" Hey. " He says with a bit of a scowl on his face. 
Everyone knows that Sukuna hates when Y/N cries. 
Y/N sniffs, trying to form a reply, though as she starts trying to break her sobbing, he's quick to make his way over to her and wrap her in his arms. 
As expected, she completely breaks down, sobbing into his shirt. He doesn't really care about the odd feeling. 
They stay like that for a bit, until she breaks apart to wipe her nose. 
" I don't get it. I know he's an asshole. But you're the one who broke up? " He asks. 
She nods, now slightly calmer than before. 
" Y-Yeah. T-there's no space for me. -" She starts explaining between the sobs which wreck her body. 
" I-I tried to fix our issue- I r-really did. But no m-matter what I did or said- it wasn't enough. " She cries again. 
Sukuna huffs at her words. " He's a douche, love. How long have you two been together? " 
" N-nearly 7 months. " 
" And didn't you pay for like 5 months for whatever activity you two did or the travel expenses? Dude lives 2 hours away by train after all. "
" Y-yes, b-but-"
" Hell nah. Y/N, he's a loser. He didn't even hold the door for you to get into the car. Besides, remember the restaurant incident when you had me meet him again? " He points out. 
With another sob, she quietly nods. 
Sukuna, Y/N, her, now ex, Nick and their friends Yuji (Sukuna's twin), Megumi, Kugisaki, Satoru and Suguru had been seated in one of Y/N's favorite restaurants, a japanese curry house when it happened. Nick had always been over confident and arrogant. He could admittedly hold a good amount of spice, but not enough to challenge the chef, which he did. Not only was he suffering through the entire dinner, but he also threw it all up in the metro station garbage bin later. 
All of their friends had actively disliked him since then. Suguru and Sukuna especially. Suguru was a bit older than Sukuna and Y/N by 3 years. Due to stuff that happened between Y/N and Suguru, he had caught feelings, though never the confidence to ask her out. 
Although Sukuna did not get along with Suguru's pain in the ass best friend Satoru, he does support Suguru in a relationship with Y/N.
But sadly she met Nick before Suguru had found the confidence to ask her out properly. That doesn't mean he lost feelings though. 
Ever since that incident, the entire friend group had been hoping that she'd dump Nick. 
​​​​​​" Y-You don't get it. I-I love him. Yet a-all he said when I told h-him we're through is O-Okay. H-he didn't even care. D-Didn't go in a way l-like 'why, we can fix this.'" She sobs, pulling her knees to herself.
With another sigh, he pulls her into his embrace easily. He knew she loves him. He knew she didn't want to break up with him.
" That's because he's a douche. But just cry it out, you'll eventually find someone so much better. Someone who actually cares about you. I'm curious now though- why now? "​​​​​​
" H-he's got exam weeks. A-and because of that, he kept saying that everything I told him which was bothering me- there was like no time to talk about that. And this has s-started since 3 weeks ago. " She sniffs. 
She's finally started to calm a bit down, tightly holding onto Sukuna's shirt as she sniffs and cries. 
He hums quietly. " I see... I think it's better this way. If he can't even give you proper attention or communication during exam weeks, then how would you ever be able to build on him when actual life hits? " He wonders out loud, adjusting himself so he's leaning against the headboard. 
She hums with another sob. 
Sukuna's never been good with relationships. He never really held one for long enough to understand what it feels like for her right now,  though he does understand that she loved him ( a horrible decision in his opinion) and that it therefore hurts a lot. 
From his point of view, Nick does not give a fuck about her well being at this point. He might not be the one to break up, but letting go of a 6 month relationship with a simple 'okay' does imply just how serious you are about someone. 
Sukuna and Y/N have had a bunch of fights too, some particularly nasty ones too, but not once have either of them let go of one another completely. The longest they've gone without talking with one another was probably 3 days. 
Y/N's phone rings, but Sukuna is quicker to pick up her phone than she is. 
Knowing she wants to pick up, he sighs and hands it to her. 
" Put it on speaker. "
With a nod, she does as she says. She asks for Nick's address so she can dump his stuff tomorrow and although Nick keeps talking, she hangs up. 
Feeling proud of her, Sukuna pats her on the head. He didn't exactly expect her to do so. 
However, he calls again, and this time she picks up again. 
" What? " She huffs. 
" I wasn't done talking. "
" Right, well talk. " She allows him.
Sukuna kinda wants to whack her in the head for that. 
However, its followed by Nick basically pointing all their relationship errors to her and adding the question 'if she knows what she's just done'. 
Satisfying Sukuna once again, she defends herself, before hanging up once more. 
" He's got loose strings. I swear. " Sukuna points out. 
She hums. 
" Didn't you dream about it? " He asks, as the two cuddle up. 
" Yeah. It went exactly like in my dream too. Which is ironic because after I dreamed that I had messaged him in complete panic, telling him that I didn't want to break up. And now I did, exactly like in the dream. " She answers quietly. 
He hugs her a little tighter. 
" I swear, your dreams are creepy sometimes. " 
It wasn't the first time she's dreamed something and it happened. 
She hums. 
For a bit the silence settles, and he doesn't miss how her eyes constantly shift to her phone. 
" Let's swap phones for a week or two again. " He decides, taking out his phone. 
" B-but-"
" No buts, we've done it before. Though this time, don't log into your accounts. " He tells her, taking her phone and tucking it in a spot away from her. 
He hands her his phone. She knows all the passwords. He doesn't like her wacky Android which needs a battery replacement, but he doesn't mind swapping his iphone so she won't be making stupid decisions like going back to him. 
With a puff, she takes his phone, putting it down where her phone previously was. 
" You'll be okay, love. Don't worry. I've got you. "
" I love you. " She mumbles. 
Completely exhausted and heartbroken, she doesn't take long before she falls asleep. 
Once she's finally quiet, he finally responds. 
" I love you too. "
He presses a kiss to her head before turning her phone completely off and falling asleep with her. 
[ A/N: Am I back? Idk. Either way, I just broke up with my boyfriend, so most of this is based on real experience. Except I do not have Jujutsu Kaisen best friends. ( Also, the Japanese restaurant story did happen. We were on a date and he pulled that. It was just the two of us though. The dream happened too. Much much more happened. ) 
Either way, would anyone like a part 2? Don't you wonder what's up with Suguru and you? Or do you maybe wanna go down memory lane and see what happened between Nick, you and Sukuna? Or maybe you'd like to know what Sukuna did now that he's got your phone with the entire conversation you and Nick had. All an option. : ) ]
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simpforboys · 1 year
I'm not even sure if u want request for Aonung, but could you write cgildhood friends to lovers. Like they met when they were little kids and had like crushes on each other, but you know children, so then time skip and we see how much they have mature and they finally confess to ach other.
simply growing up
ao’nung x fem!metkayina!reader
summary: from silly childhood crushes, to confessing your love for your best friend
warnings: fluff!! childhood friends to lovers, soft!aonung, mutual pinning, this goes from 5 y/o-22y/o
first ao’nung fic🤞, the end is kinda rushed but it’s okay
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5 years old
“you can’t catch me!” you shouted out to the boy, running as fast as your little legs could take you.
the boy just laughed as he ran through the baskets and nets, trying to touch in a game of tag.
his curly hair disappeared as you searched for the boy, heart pounding as you recovered from your run.
“boo!” he popped out behind a rock. you screamed from the jump scare, making ao’nung’s slender eyes fall as worry took over his face.
“it is okay! i am here!” he quickly hugged you, trying to calm you down.
you breathed against him, finally releasing yourself from his grip.
“tag!” he said, trying to get you to relax.
he took off running once again, making you stand in shock as he disappeared within the villagers.
7 years old
ao’nung invited you over for dinner with his family, and while you understood the leadership role, you never took it for granted.
ao’nung sat playing with you, wooden toys as you made them fight. you sat on your knees as ao’nung did the same, making fighting noises come from his mouth.
being a child, he wasn’t aware of beauty quite yet. but for some reason, you made him smile more than anyone else, and for that, you were the prettiest person ever.
“will you be my girlfriend, y/n?” he asked, his voice high pitched. you gasped, a smile on your face.
“yes!” you hugged him, the sound of your wooden toys falling made tonowari look at you.
“dad! y/n is my girlfriend!”
tonowari’s ears perked up, a laugh escaping his lips from his child’s innocent mind.
“is that so?” tonowari asked in a playful manner.
ronal peeked over, seeing the two children sitting side by side. she narrowed her eyes, almost investigating the sight. when she saw ao’nung’s big smile as you made a joke, she felt eywa ping her heart.
10 years old
ao’nung had insisted on playing tag once more. tsireya had already taken off as you followed the girl, laughing as her brother ran after you.
you were around 6’ now, your hair now longer as you kept it down. ao’nung had begun to wear his in a messy bun, strands of curl falling everywhere. he was still around 5’9, and you would tease him every chance you got.
“come on, pup ‘evengan (short boy)! you can’t catch us!” you teased, a big grin plastered on your face.
“over here!” tsireya lead you over to a bunch of bushes.
you missed her leaping over a vine and before you realized it, you already tripped over it.
your foot ached in pain as your knee and elbow were scraped up.
“y/n!” ao’nung called out to you, panic rising in him as you hissed.
“tsireya! go get mother!” worried, the girl took off as ao’nung brought you into his arms.
he inspected the cuts, little drops of blood escaping. the size of your ankle was beginning to expand, tears building in your eyes.
“it is painful,” you hissed out.
“i know, mawey (calm). my mother will be here soon.”
you were leaning yourself into your best friend as he hugged you tight, trying to distract you from the pain as he made silly faces.
by the time ronal had approached, your tears were dry and ao’nung was doing a funny dance. your giggles made her stomach churn, and she realized this was going to be a romantic thing within years.
13 years old
ao’nung had finally reached 7’ as you were well over, standing next to him at 7’6. you would constantly compare yourself to him, poking your tongue out as he pouted.
he had begun to notice your facial features, the way your hair cascaded down your body, and how big your smile was.
“when we are older, i will be taller than you. then who will be laughing?” he playfully rolled his eyes.
you teasingly shook your head, diving into the water to ride an ilu.
“come on!” you called out.
he followed you, reappearing with himself on an ilu.
“how about a game of tag?” you smirked out, your ilu riding close to his.
“tag!” you shouted, tapping his shoulder before you emerged yourself completely underwater.
ao’nung laughed, his ilu spinning around as he chased you.
“faster! you cannot catch me at that speed!” you signed to him.
the feeling of your ilu breathing against your legs only made your own breathing speed up. you held onto the handle, careful not to let go.
but as the ilu took a sharp turn, you were caught off guard and thrown off.
ao’nung had stopped his ilu at the surface, his eyes scanning for you to pop up. you finally did, panting out as hair fell in front of your eyes.
“are you okay?” he asked, memorizing every facial expression going through you.
"that was so fun!" you laughed, causing ao'nung to let out a sigh of relief.
"you frightened me, y/n."
"lighten up, ao'nung. i can handle myself." you shrugged.
his brow bone raised at you as you dove under the water once more, appearing on the other side of his ilu. he grabbed your hand, your body tightly against his as you rode back to shore.
15 years old
ao'nung had finally reached 8'5, leaving you at 8'2. he would tease like you did all those years, using your shoulder as an arm rest, even though you were barely shorter than him.
he was maturing in the face, his jawline stronger and hair neater. he was more well kept and aware of himself, and you noticed it.
you also noticed how your face would grow warm whenever he would make a comment on your height or tease you, your stomach flipping whenever he touched you, and the way you couldn't help but feel happy whenever he was around.
ao'nung observed how he also blushed whenever you touched, teased, or did anything. his pointed ears would fall flat and he would grin, laughing at your jokes even if they weren't that funny.
you grew into one of the prettiest girls of the village, your curls healthy as they bounced with every step you took. your eyes were a gorgeous shade of blue, one ao'nung described as looking directly into the ocean.
other boys had begun to take notice of your appearance, often trying to flirt with you or would grow nervous from your presence.
"hey, y/n." a boy that ao'nung knew had a very big crush on you approached you.
"kaltxì (hello), asen." you bowed your head back, showing him that you acknowledge his presence while you fed the ilus.
ao'nung felt his jaw clench as rotxo continued to speak about a dive he just completed.
"i was wondering if you wanted to take a swim with me?" asen said, a crimson blush on his teal cheeks.
"i- uh..." you trailed off, your ears falling as you looked away. asen was a nice boy, respected by many around awa'atlu. but your heart had started to lie elsewhere.
"we already have plans later." you never noticed ao'nung join you two, but you were thankful he saved you from having to reject the boy.
asen pursed his lips, his eyes switching from you to ao'nung. he opened his mouth to speak, but ao'nung's eyes were reptile like. he nodded, walking away, deciding not to get into it with the chief's son.
"irayo (thank you), ao'nung." you said.
ao'nung obviously had noticed your shy stature, but he wasn't sure if he had said what he said for your sake or his own.
18 years old
"ao'nung, it is around the time for you to find a mate. there are many fine women around the village." ronal spoke to her son.
he grew to his full height, 9'7, while you were stuck at 8'8. he had started to tower over his mother, much to her dismay to see her little boy so grown.
"none of them interest me..." ao'nung replied back, fixing his bun as he stared down at his mom.
"none? not even y/n?" she said knowingly. ao'nung bit his tongue, looking away from his mother's piercing eyes.
"she does not wish to court with me, mama. we are best friends."
"i believe different. eywa has given me a sign when you were adolescents, my son. she is clearly very fawn of you."
ao'nung stared at his mother, eyes wide and ears up.
"i have seen the way she acts around you. mother, and tsahik, always know best." she teased her son, bumping her with her hip as she walked past him.
ao'nung was left alone until you entered, laughing with tsireya as you met ao'nung's eyes.
"what is troubling you, big boy?" you teased.
you had begun to wear your hair with the front strands twisted backwards, shells and pearls in your hair. your hips were fuller and you definitely grew into your face.
ao'nung playfully rolled his eyes as he picked you up, causing you to squeal as he pretended to throw you into the ocean.
"who is troubled now?" he smirked, feeling you hit his back muscles.
he finally put you down when he felt you begin to untie his loincloth, scared the material would fall down. "hey! not fair!"
you were giggling up at him, smile wide with your eyes glimmering.
"i guess you're going to have to catch me in order for revenge." you shrugged, quickly taking off. ao'nung was right on your tail, laughing as your hair blew behind you in the wind.
you had ran a good 50 feet before he caught you, grabbing you in his arms as he began to tickle you.
"stop, stop!" you were laughing as he held you against a tree, your body squirming from the attack of his hands.
ao'nung finally stopped, his eyes staring into yours. it felt as if within the seconds of him stopping, eywa had a gravitational pull that was pulling you towards the man.
you finally snapped yourself out of the stare, looking to the ocean to see the tulkuns returning. you gasped, grabbing ao'nung's arm to pull him towards everyone.
"everyone! our brothers and sisters have returned!" tsireya was shouting from the ocean.
you had dived into the water, grabbing an ilu as you searched for your spirit sister. you had not seen her within 6 months, excited to catch up on everything.
the tulkun called to you, a smile growing on your face as you swam towards the mammal. "sister!" you signed.
the tulkun made a noise back, acknowledging you happily.
"are you with ao'nung yet?" the whale teased, knowing about your crush on the boy.
you rolled your eyes in a lighthearted manner.
22 years old
you sat on the warm sand, taking in the sun rays. your parents were pressuring you more and more everyday about finding a mate, and while your feelings for ao'nung were strong, you were certain he didn't like you back.
you heard splashing next to you, causing you to open your eyes. ao'nung sat next to you, his body language signaling he was stressed.
"i am tired of all this mate talk." he sighed, rubbing his eyes.
"that is why i began hanging here," you replied. you had started to hang out in a secluded area on the village, a place with shade that was quiet. all you could hear was the waves splashing as animals living.
"they just do not understand. they all found their mates immediately, and mine is taking quite a bit."
your heart fell from the boy's words. had he been looking for a mate that wasn't you?
"there are many of awesome women on the island, ao'nung. you are just too stubborn."
"the one woman i want does not want me back, i believe."
his eyes were transfixed on the ocean as he spoke. your heart was breaking, knowing he was speaking about someone that wasn't you.
meanwhile, ao'nung didn't know how to be any more obvious. he was not a very emotional man, but trying to confess his feelings for you was harder than expected.
"who is it?" you questioned.
"because i am sure whomever it is will be very fond of you. you are a skxawng (idiot), but you are good sometimes." you teased, even though your heart was breaking.
"it is you, ma y/n. i have loved you ever since we were children, and it has killed me everyday not being yours officially. i have only ever belonged to you, and my heart will only ever belong to you. i do not want anyone else but you."
the confession didn't process in your head immediately, causing ao'nung to grow nervous. had he lost you?
"i have only ever wanted you, ma ao'nung. always have and always will." you replied.
ao'nung's grin was so wide as he cupped your jaw, his fingers sending shocks into your body as he kissed you gently. you kissed back, the feeling something you had only dreamed about.
"i see into you, y/n." ao'nung mumbled when he pulled away from you.
"i see into you, ao'nung." you whispered, placing your hands on his shoulders to bring him closer to you. he kissed you again feverishly, your heart pounding in your chest.
it took a bit for you to pull away, but when you did, you saw him lift his queue.
"will you be my mate?" he questioned. you grinned at the man.
"of course." you lifted your own queue, finally joining his. the feeling was surreal as you closed your eyes, allowing yourself to feel him. feel his emotions, pain, memories, everything.
he had pulled your body to his, holding you against his. you opened your eyes to see him smiling down at you.
"i guess you finally caught me." you joked, causing him to laugh.
"and i am never going to let you go."
tags: @mayhemories @useryourbut
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psychoc1ty · 9 months
✧.*- “dads best friend”
summary: johnny is your dads best friend.
warnings: drinking, smut, praise, age gap, dirty talk, aftercare at the end
a/n: enjoy me trying to write something based off this since the author doesn’t have a dad 😸 (age gap clarification; reader is 24 y/o, johnny is 31 y/o. this all took place in 2002.)
wc- 1603 words
god, you couldn’t even count how many friends your dad had. although he had a good, good friend. he’s around the area, and they’ve known each other for a while. your dad texted you,
“hey, i’m throwing a huge party tonight, and i’m inviting some of my friends. do you wanna come?”
you responded back; “is your best friend going to be there ?”
he responded, “yes. i already asked him, and he said he’s willing to come. why are you asking?”
only reason why you wanted to know is because you wanted to know him more, “dad, i just wanna know him more, i promise it’s not a crush type thing, plus i’ve never seen him.”
you were in a huge rush. you just threw on a satin dress, and you began to curl your hair. afterwards, you brushed it out, so it became wavy. you did your makeup, which you did pretty quickly, considering you were already in a rush to get to your dads.
after that was all done, you got on some heels, and went off to your dads. you had to be there since it was already 6:50, he said to be there by 7:00.
by the time you get there, it was 6:59. right on the dot. you opened the door, and got in. your dad and his best friend looked at you, you gave a smile at both of them, “hey dad! sorry if i was late.” he gave you a hug, “it’s no worry darling. oh! have you met him?”
he pointed over to his best friend. he smiled at you and shook your hand, “hi, i’m johnny. i don’t know if you know me or not..” you smiled back at him, “nice to meet you! i’m y/n, my dad was talking about you in our texts today!”
johnny looked at your dad, “i didn’t know you told her about me already.” your dad chucked, “she was wondering, because she found out i have a new best friend.” you nodded, then johnny did understandingly, “oh, okay. i understand.”
your dad clapped his hands once, “okay! so darling, i’m gonna let you and johnny get to know each other a bit more if that’s fine with you. i’m gonna go try to find your mom.” you smiled at him, “that’s fine!” your dad nodded, then left. it just left you and johnny together with a whole bunch of other people.
he went ahead and started a conversation, “so, what’s your name again? i already forgot.” you laughed, “that’s okay! it’s y/n.” he nodded, “okay, thank you. also i don’t know if anyone has told you this yet, but you look really good tonight.” you gave a smile at him, “aw, thank you!”
johnny smiled back, and that’s when your dad came back, “soo, how did your guys’ talk go?” you smiled at your dad, “it went good! johnny is VERY nice. and since mom isn’t with you, she’s with her friends.” your dad nodded.
johnny chuckled, “thank you. i try.” your dad rubbed your shoulder, “well, y/n. johnny is a very nice guy. i think you’ll like him.” you smiled, and your dad said something again, “also! johnny is staying over tonight, so if you want to as well, feel free too. i don’t care.” you licked your lips, “i’ll think about it, because i might. but i’ll think about it.”
time passes, and everyone was gone, or was leaving. it just left you and johnny downstairs in the living room. you had a glass of wine in your hand, "i might stay here tonight." your parents were already going to sleep, and they didn't care if you stayed. your room was beside the living room.
"don't you get too drunk on that wine now, hon," johnny suggested. your stomach did a little flip whenever he called you 'hon.' and you'll admit, you did have a bit of a crush on him. he was the perfect one.
you scoffed, "johnny, i'm not gonna get drunk. i've only had two drinks!" you also adjusted your dress, because it was starting to get uncomfortable. johnny saw and smirked at you, "is it uncomfortable?" you grunted, "yeah, kinda."
johnny got up, “do you want me to help you?” you sighed, “if you don’t mind, please.” johnny went behind you, and grabbed both the straps of your dress, “oh, i see why. it’s too tight, honey.” he loosened it, letting the straps of your dress fall down your shoulders.
you moaned in relief, “thank you so much. this feels a lot better.” johnny chuckled, “you’re welcome.” he rubbed your shoulders before going to sit back down. he sat down beside you.
“you are so perfect,” he mentioned. you smiled. johnny was admiring you a lot, but you never thought ahead of time of what would happen next. he cupped one of your cheeks and rubbed it with his thumb. johnny took looks at your eyes, then lips.
he went in for a kiss, thinking he would get embarrassed right after. he felt like a teen. that wasn’t gonna happen with you. you kissed johnny back, then you two pulled away. johnny got a bit desperate, “oh my god, do that again..”
you two had a little bit of a makeout. next thing you know you were on his lap. johnny was gripping your waist, and your hands laid on his shoulders. he stopped kissing you for just a second, “i really wish me and you could just take this somewhere else.” you giggled, “you know my parents are asleep right?”
johnny gave a smirk, “oh?” you nodded, “mhm, my room is right over there, and if i lock it, they won’t be able to hear a thing we do.” that’s when you two ended in the bedroom.
he was topping you, pinning you down to the bed, his knee on your crotch. you were moaning already, and your clothes weren’t even off.
“desperate, aren’t we?” johnny teased. he scanned your body again, before slipping your dress off. the air hit your body right, making you have chills. johnny touched you everywhere, making him needy.
you moaned, “mmh, johnny..” he looked at you, “what is it, sugar? what do ya want?” you were needy already and your clothing wasn’t full to off yet. if he took off your panties, then imagine the things he’d do.
“you, johnny, you! i want you!” you cried out. johnny played with your bottom lip, “aw, you want me? you’re so precious.” he then got a hold of your panties by his teeth, and pulled it down. once he reached the feet, he yanked it off.
johnny reached his hand down to your pussy to play with it. he put one finger in, making you elicit a moan. he then took it out, and looked at it, “look at how wet you are and we just started.”
you bit your lip once you felt his finger back in you. you thought this would try to resist you from making noise, it didn’t work. johnny inserted another finger, making you moan louder. he chuckled, “oh, we aren’t done after this. this is just to start off. but once you feel me in your little pussy, everyone should know who you belong to.”
the more he played with you just made you ache for more, you felt like you were about to cum. the pleasure was too much for you, “johnny… i’m gonna cum!”
he cooed, “aw, guess what? you’re not gonna cum, you’re gonna hold it till i say. you can be a good girl for me, yeah?” your hands were tangled in his hair, “yes, yes i can, sir..”
he took his fingers out, and unbuckled his pants, followed by his boxers. his dick sprung free, and it was already hard. you looked so desperate for it. johnny saw you and grinned, “you’re so damn needy.”
he aligned himself with your wet heat, then inserting into you. johnny held onto your shoulder, as he began to thrust his hips into you. he moaned already, “i love feeling your pussy squeeze onto my dick.”
your hands were placed onto his chest, moving to his back. johnny’s thrusting got a bit harder and a tad rough. he then got a bit desperate to hear you, “aw, why are you quiet now? i wanna hear you.”
without warning, he did a hard slam to you, making you do a loud moan, “oh, johnny!” he smirked at the response he got, “yeahh, good fuckin’ girl.” your mouth was open, and lewd noises were spilling like crazy.
“mmh! harder! please!!” you begged. he locked his hands onto your shoulders, and slammed himself into you, like he just slammed a door. you bit your lip, then opened your mouth again. johnny looked down to see your pussy clenching all around him, “you’re so fucking perfect, i love you so much..”
you felt yourself on the edge of coming, “i’m gonna cum!” johnny was heavy breathing, “i am too baby, we’ll cum together, okay?” he had a count from five, and once that was over, a loud moan came from the both of you, as you two came.
johnny then took himself out of you, and looked for his clothing. once he found his, he got yours too, “don’t tell anyone we did this..”
since your father said that johnny was spending the night over, he just slipped on his boxers, and you just put on a bra and your panties from your dresser.
and then you slept with your dads best friend.
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bonkwosher · 1 year
hi me again 👋🏾 i had the idea with benoit where basically he’s having a hard time during the pandemic (what we saw in the movie) but his partner—although worried about him— knows it’s his way of dealing with this so they’re not angry or upset, they just want him to be alright. when Helen comes and Benoit has the idea of going to Greece, he suddenly gets all excited again because he has something to work on. And when he comes back, that’s when he realizes he’s been “terrible” to his s/o and he just goes and apologizes/thanks them for putting up with him even though they didn’t have to. i saw you reblogged a prompt list as well so maybe you could use n.28? he brings a small souvenir from Greece and he’s just all cute and very very sorry but his s/o is just glad he’s okay and loves him no matter what ❤️‍🩹
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Warnings: Angst I guess
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: This is the one shot that I lost & had to rewrite so I'm sorry if it's shit or whatever (I'm peeved rn & trying to remember everything before I forget it.)
You woke up again, still surprised by waking up alone. Benoit must've woken up early & rushed to the guest bathroom before you could catch him. Deep down he knew it upset you but he was distracted by his mind traveling a mile a minute with nothing to focus on. So he read, book after book surrounding the bathtub. You decided to make both of you some breakfast & headed to the kitchen. You heard Benoit rambling about the latest mystery novel he was reading. You opened up your recipe book & started breakfast.
After things started cooking you pulled out your phone, opening the group chat you had recently made. It was comprised of you & some of Benoit's recent friends. You couldn't get through to Benoit but they chatted sometimes so it was your only way to check on him. Admittedly, you liked the support you were lacking from Benoit. It was small but it helped so much to know you had people that cared.
Y/N L/N: Guys, day 7 in the bathtub. I don't know what to do at this point.
It took a minute for them to reply, in the pandemic that amazed you. But soon the chat filled with text bubbles.
"Benoit's Kareem": Oh god, don't worry we'll call him. We can get him to play some games or something.
"Benoit's Natasha": Yeah how about quiplash? I love that game.
"Benoit's Steve": Or Among Us, Benoit has to be good at that one.
"The Miss Angela Lansbury": Oh yes, that sounds wonderful. Let's call on zoom right now.
"Benoit's Natasha": Alright, I just need a minute.
Y/N L/N: Thank you guys so much, it means a lot that you do this for him.
"The Miss Angela Lansbury": Of course, Y/N. It means we get to hang out with your wonderful partner more. How could we say no to that?
With that you closed your phone & let out a sigh, turning to put the now-cooked food on a plate. Over quarantine, you had decided to take up baking & cooking. It kept you sane. You would make every meal by yourself, listening to music in your headphones or humming to yourself before delivering a plate to Benoit. You'd set it down beside him then sit out in the hallway against the wall waiting for him to try it. Each time he'd murmur about how it was delicious & perfect. If you ever tried to sit in with him he'd get upset saying 'he can't focus with your eyes on him' so this is the best you get. You opened the bathroom door & gave Benoit a warm smile, plate of food in hand.
"Good morning, baby," you spoke cheerily.
"What- oh, mornin' Y/N," Benoit set his book down, "Thank you."
You leaned in & placed a light kiss on Benoit's forehead, which was currently adorning a fez for whatever reason, "I love you."
"Mm, 'love you," Benoit sounded like his mind was elsewhere so you decided to let him stay there.
The sound of a zoom call ringtone played as you walked out of the bathroom. He answered that's good at least. He gets to talk with his friends. You sat down at the kitchen island & pulled out your phone to doom scroll. It must've been around ten minutes when a knock at the door pulled you from your thoughts.
"Get that would ya?" Benoit yelled.
You hummed a short 'mhmm' as you walked towards the entrance to your home. You grabbed a mask off the desk before opening the front door. It was a weird sight. A small woman with a large, black box.
"Hello... how can I help you?"
"Is this Benoit Blanc's residence," the woman asked.
You decided to press for reasoning considering you are with a man who has put many dangerous people in prison.
"Why do you ask?" Well his office was closed & I really need to speak with him. It's urgent, please."
With that you caved, she couldn't be dangerous & the box all but scared you. You led the woman who introduced herself as Helen to the balcony where she could wait, leaving a couple baked goods on the table. After that you found yourself standing in front of the guest bathroom door. You knocked a couple times.
"Oh- Y/N, not right now. I-"
"There's a woman here that needs your help, Benoit. She said your office was closed & she needs to talk to you."
"Oh!" You hear Benoit hang up his call & scramble behind the door.
That feeling. Jealousy, hurt. You were upset that Benoit so easily got up to talk to someone else but not you. The bathroom door opened & Benoit appeared in one of his robes.
"Where is she?" Excitement laced his words.
"The balcony."
Benoit ran off towards the balcony & greeted the woman with the flair of swinging open the double doors. You sat at the kitchen counter once more & told yourself you weren't staring... but you were. Although through glass, this was the most you'd seen him in the past week. Within minutes he quickly rushed inside & towards your bedroom.
"Helen, we should get ready now! Do you need a suitcase?"
'A suitcase?'
You followed Benoit to the bedroom where he had already laid out luggage & began picking out outfits. He held a blue & white striped bathing suit against him & smiled, "Oh this is exciting."
"Oh! Y/N, I didn't see you there. Want to help me pack?"
"Pack for where?"
"Greece, of course!"
He spoke like you were present in his previous conversation. For some reason, he was upsetting you more & more in this moment alone. You clenched your first feeling like you were ready to blow. Deep breath. Your eyes fluttered shut & you let out a sigh. He's happy, & that's all that matters right now. You know this is all because he feels trapped in this tiny apartment & you can't blame him. You walk over to the closet & pull out a sweater & some pants.
"This would look good on you," you point out.
"Yes, this will do wonderfully! Thank you so much, Y/N! God, I love you."
Benoit pulled you into a hug & in that moment, you almost cried. It felt like forever since you had hugged or even heard those three words grace his lips. Maybe this will fix things. Benoit changed then left with Helen. You would be alone for a couple days, he said. Only a couple more days. You wished you could go with him. Benoit withheld the detail that it wouldn't be safe, not wanting to worry you. Making the excuse that he wouldn't want to risk you getting sick, he convinced you to stay. Plus, maybe he just needed his own adventure.
Benoit watched as Miles Bron was taken into custody. A smile crept up onto his face as Miles argued with the police. Helen walked up behind him & glanced at her watch.
"Ready to go home?" She asked in her real voice.
Home. You. Benoit realized everything he had been doing. Locking himself away hurt you. He brought his hands to his face as each time he shooed you away played in his head.
"What's wrong?"
"Y/N- my boyfriend. I wasn't the best partner after the pandemic started."
"You better make it up to him, that man is an angel. I tried one of those muffins he made before we left- perfection."
"Yeah," Benoit's mind was already racing thinking about the perfect gift.
You were watching (insert tv show) when a knock hit the door.
"Leave packages at the door please!" You yelled, not wanting to get up from your spot.
The knocks persisted. You sighed before pausing the tv & got up out of your little comfy spot on the couch. You slipped on a mask & opened the door talking before looking up, "Benoit isn't here right n-"
You paused when you saw him standing in front of you, a bouquet & gift bag in hand, "Speak of the devil."
Benoit wordlessly pulled you into a tight hug. You forgot you two could even be this close. You wrapped your arms around his neck & let out a soft chuckle.
"Where'd this come from?"
"Speaking of the devil, I have been one lately. Haven't I?"
You guided your boyfriend inside, "Benoit, no-"
"Y/N you don't have to lie. I was in a rough place but I shouldn't have shut you out. You keep me happy & I'm such an idiot."
"I understand, okay. Did your trip give you your much-needed break?"
"Yes, darling. I-I got you a gift online but it wasn't coming in time so I grabbed you a small gift. It's stupid, I- just take it."
Benoit shoved the gift bag in your direction & his cheeks turned beet red. You opened the pretty black bag to see a mug with greek characters on it.
"What does it say?"
"I tried to find one in english but it was this little mom & pop shop & who I presume was the 'mom' kept yelling at me in greek. I couldn't understand anything. Someone told me it says 'World's Best Boyfriend.'"
"Awe, thank you."
"You are the world's best boyfriend, Y/N, for putting up with me."
You chuckled, "If that makes me the world's best boyfriend I have a pretty easy job."
You pulled Benoit in for another tight hug. You were glad to have him back.
Note: I totally think after this Benoit would bring you "World's Best Boyfriend" mugs in every language from his trips.
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Say Yes
Seungkwan x Reader
PS: Listen to Say Yes by Seventeen before you read this. Look up the lyrics if you are unfamiliar with the translation.
I am in love with Seungkwan, absolutely delulu.
Seventeen Masterlist <3
Lets pretend Seungkwan is a 21 y/o trainee, writing about actual trainee baby Seungkwan is creepy af, they were kids. Y/n is two years younger so 19. This has been sitting in my drafts for so long. its definitely incomplete, pt 2?
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"I'm nervous" you say to no one in particular, your 4 other members looked just as nervous. You had just debuted 7 months ago and you were headed to your first award show.
You and your team 'DR3AM', gets out of the van to your first red carpet. There were so many camera's flashing, so many cameras it was all very new to you.
You were so worried about tripping on the red carpet or doing something embarrassing. You look around and you were so fascinated, you and your group ended up going full out on the dresses and you were wearing a long floor sweeping dress like the rest of your team.
You stand in front of the cameras, waving and throwing peace signs exactly how you were taught to. You go to move away for the next group to come in and go to exit the red carpet and you feel a tug like your dress is stuck on something. You turn around to see what it was, rather, who it was.
Your heart stops.
Boo Seungkwan.
-- flashback--
"What are you doing here?" someone calls out putting their hand on your head that was buried in your knees.
You look up with a runny nose and puffy eyes.
You were a trainee at Pledis with the same dreams as your fellow trainees to debut. The girl group and the boy group trainees trained together in the beginning for quite some time, almost a year.
Seungkwan was your best friend. You fought over food this one time in the practice room and that fight somehow made you become fast friends. You developed a little crush on him over the time, it was possible it was because there was very limited access to boys for you. You also went to the same school but you were 2 years younger to him so he graduated before you.
He was also your unofficial vocal coach. He helped you better your vocal abilities a lot. He would tell you about how to tone your voice for evaluations, point out what is better for evaluation. It has been a stress buster for you to sing with him. Maybe all these love song duets with him really made you fall in love with him. You admired him a lot.
You also knew you dating within the trainees was not allowed. That snapped you back into reality.
"Are you crying?"
You wipe your face. You were so tired of practice. You had an evaluation today and you messed up big time. It cost you being in a group that was going to debut in 6 months. It felt like it was going further and further. You felt like a failure.
He got down on your level and patted your head. "I messed up, what if I can't debut? What if I'm not good enough to?"
"These things happen" he says as he continues to pet your head like a puppy. He gets very awkward when people cry in front of him.
"Maybe it's not your time, maybe you're meant for bigger things, dreams are all about timing" he preaches with his arms around your shoulder walking to the snack bar close to the practice room. You nod in agreement. Your anxiety had calmed down and you felt better after crying it out. A few months ago this scene was completely reversed when Seungkwan was considering running away and back home because of all the pressure and was crying at your shoulder. He had always been sentimental that way.
You were now happily eating away at the fish cakes. Your favourite.
“There was something I had to tell you” you start suddenly feeling a little bold. It was eating you alive that you couldn’t take to seungkwan about it. You liked him way too much, your mind was constantly clouded and distracted and you felt like getting it out of your system was the best way to get it out of your head. Even though you know it means nothing because you can’t act on it. Its easier to get rejected now.
You look up to see his eyes were looking somewhere else. He suddenly takes your hand and starts running towards the dorms.
“What?” You ask while following him.
Pledis had caught wind that trainees have been hanging around after practice so they go some staff to patrol around the snackbars so they can keep an eye out on the trainees. Luckily the staff hadn’t seen you and Seungkwan whisked you away in time.
Both of you stopped after covering a distance, it was a little dark, almost 10pm. You were catching your breath with your hands on your knees.
After you catch your breath you hear him say
“What is it?”
“The thing you wanted to tell me”
“Ah right, its..” you suddenly become shy and second guess if you should come clean or not.
You were suddenly getting pulled into his chest for the second time this evening, you were in the way of a car passing and he did that so you don't get hit by the car.
But being in his arms like that made you very bold for some reason, you won’t get another chance like this, you tell yourself and shut you eyes tight out of embarrassment that was coming.
“I like you Boo Seungkwan”
“What?” His grip on you did not loosen.
“It’s making me very uncomfortable to keep confessing, Seungkwan, I like you like I wanna kiss you I like you”
Maybe not the best choice of words but it gets the job done. Your eyes were still closed when you feel a soft pair of lips on yours. You froze opening your eyes.
You couldn’t wrap your head around this. Was this acceptance, does this mean you’re now dating? But its banned by contract. Seungkwan is literally debuting in 7 months. You’ll barely get to see him even if you do end up dating. What did all this mean?
“I’ve been wanting to do that for the longest time” he breathes out pulling away. You had the biggest smile on your face. Like you had forgotten about the evaluation and the shitty day you had.
Whatever situationship you had going on for the next week, only lasted for a few weeks. His group got a reality show to showcase their road to debut and he got completely wrapped up in that. You got wrapped up in your practice and evaluations. You realised your career was so much more important. You lost touch once he debuted.
You both freeze looking at each other.
"I'm sorry" he says pointing to your dress under his shoe and even gets on his knees to fix it for you. It was like a scene from a movie.
"Its alright- its alright" you say while trying to stop him from doing so. He was a senior in the industry, you had to be very mindful of that regardless of whatever history you've had personally.
You find Dokyeom snickering about Seungkwan stepping on your dress and playfully smacks his back. You give him a soft smile before leaving the red carpet.
The next 2 hours your mind was clouded with thoughts of your first love, something you could never act on, never have, for the both of you.
You missed him. You didn't realise you missed him so much because you never saw him. You finally saw him in front of you after years and it made you shift awkwardly and also made you emotional. He really was a pillar of support for you when you were a trainee.
Now 'Seungkwan sunbaenim' felt like a distance was put between the two of you.
Your team member realises something is off and nudges you, you kept zoning out. You nod to her concern. You try not to steal glances at Seungkwan.
You had become so nostalgic and regretful. He was your first love, one you could never have because the weight of your dreams are much larger than your desire to find love. You both realise its wasn’t the time to chase love but now it feels like missed opportunities. You're mind wandered all the "what ifs"
You bumped into someone on the way back from the washroom in the middle of the show so there was no one around, it was an empty hallway and god he looked so handsome. Gosh, You've missed him so much.
There were so many things you wanted to tell him. There were so many things he wanted to tell you, unaware.
"I've missed you too" he replies and you were confused that he could respond to a thought in your head. He couldn't, you had said it out loud without realising. You awkwardly shift in your place.
"How have you been?"
"I'm doing okay" you nod a little agreeing to your own statement.
"That's... that's good" you hear him exhale.
It was never this awkward between the two of you so it felt so unfamiliar, you just lost touch, completely.
"We should get a meal sometime, I'll buy" he says.
"Oh look at you all big shot Boo Seungkwan of Seventeen" you tease and it feels a little more comfortable.
There was silence again.
You hear your manager call you from afar.
"Um, I have to go, it was nice seeing you again" you try to smile. This conversation has to be the toughest you've had with him. You felt a little sad about not seeing him again until it's another award show.
Right when you go to turn, you felt his hand on your wrist that stopped you.
"Wait" he dug his blazer pockets to pull out his phone.
"Quickly, give me your number" he looks around to check if anyone has eyes on the both of you.
It's like your eyes started sparkling at the thought of being able to be friends with him again. You take the phone from his hand and quickly and feed your number in.
You finally smile at him, the realest smile you've given him throughout this conversation. The only part that made you happy was he reciprocated a genuine smile. You could feel your heart melt. You've missed him, so, so much. One year of holding on to him or your idea of him in your head that kept giving you the strength to not give up on your dream.
You were back to your dorm looking at pictures from tonight on social media. You were swiping and scrolling. You laugh at the meme face one of your members made when the big screen camera unexpected moved to them. You scroll some more.
You stop.
It was a picture of Seungkwan fixing your dress for you on his knees at the red carpet. You blush at the picture. It was the cutest picture you had seen all day. You see the comments under it. You immediately take a screenshot, smiling giddily like a teenager again.
‘This looks like a fairytale’
You giggle at the comments. It really looked like a scene out of a movie.
Your phone buzzes and it was a message from an unknown number. You open it feeling a little anxious, it could be anything, you pray that your number hadn't leaked.
'Hi, it's Seungkwan'
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angelelliee · 1 year
You know how NHL teams will send their players to do random shit, basically just to embarrassing them for laughs?
The Buffalo Sabres learning how to use pottery wheels.
"Y/N, can you take that 4pm class?"
"The one who asked if they could film?" You turn to your boss, Steve, who nods his head, "how many?"
"5, I think, beginner class."
"Thats fine, I'll take 'em, let me finish up this project."
10 minutes later, as you're taking the intricate vase off the wheel, a man walks in, "hi sir, how are you?"
"I'm good, how are you?"
"I'm doing great, thank you! I'm going to take a gamble and say you're the representative from my 4pm beginner class?"
"Yes, ma'am, we're filming for the Buffalo Sabres. It should already be paid for."
"Alright, give me one second I'll get you checked in," you set the vase down on the front counter, wiping your hands off on a rag hanging on a drawer handle. You pull up the class times, "What's your name, honey?"
"It should be under Scott Balzer" (he's the videographer for the team, per nhl.com)
"Gotcha. Ah, is this- yes, there's 5 people plus crew?" He nods, "awesome, so we're gonna be in the first room on the left hand side, just to give you guys more privacy and so you're not privy to all of the hot gossip that happens around this place. I'm gonna go set you up, you can start moving all of your stuff in."
He thanks you again before turning around and disappearing out of the door. You wrap the vase and set it down with the rest of your Works in Progresses. You can see them moving camera equipment and people in and out of the room while you gather tools and water buckets.
There's 5 men standing in a huddle off to the side, who take silent directions from you when you set up their stations.
At 4pm on the dot, you sit down for class, scootching your way around the crowded room, "I'm going to be honest with you, I never know how to start these. We'll get there at some point. My name is Y/N L/N, I've been here for about 3 years. I recently graduated college with an education degree, which I'm learning now I should not have put on my resume," it pulls a hearty chuckle from the men in front of you, "Now, Mrs. Future Teacher does at least 10 of these a week. Either way, welcome to the studio. So, generally, I like to start these and just guage how much each of you know, has anyone here done anything with clay before, whether on a wheel or just kinda a little ball on the table in your highschool ceramics class?"
All of them shook their heads, "awesome, So we have 2 kinds of wheels in this studio, you're all sitting in front of an electric wheel. If you've ever operated a sewing machine before, it's powered by a pedal near your right foot. You can move the pedal over if you're more comfortable with your left foot, you can do that while I'm talking.
"We also have kick wheels here in studio, they're the manual wheels, it's all one giant rotating system, and you move the wheel by pushing off the bottom with your foot. The little ledge-slash-desk part of your wheel has all of the tools and stuff that you saw me putsing with earlier. From left to right, and you can rearrange these to your comfortability, there's a towel, you can lay this over your lap to avoid anything splashing onto you, this little medieval torture device is a wire cutter, it doesn't mean anything to you right now, but you'll use this when you're done with your creation to separate it from the board without screwing anything up. That little plastic box has some tools that you can use to shape your creations as you build it, to avoid doing a lot in the refining process later on. The most important thing, arguably, is that black bucket of water. If you feel around in there, there's gonna be a sponge floatin' somewhere near the top. This thing will be your best friend over the next hour. Most of your refining will come from ol' SpongeBob here as you're building.
"There's roughly 7 stages that clay goes through, you only need to be concerned with 3.
Fresh or Plastic clay is the block sitting on your wheel. It's the most workable form of clay, and is mostly what you build from to start.
From there, clay will go to either one of 2 ways. When you add water to fresh clay, it becomes Slip, which is pretty much what you'll be working with. You're going to add enough water to the clay, it'll turn to roughly-slip to make it easier to work with and move around where you need it to go. From there it'll dry out back into fresh clay and then into a leather hard stage. Some people divide this stage into 2, damp leather hard and firm leather hard, but we're just gonna smash 'em together for the sake of today's class. Any questions? I know it's a lot."
One of them raises their hand, "yes, my love?"
"Do you have anything in particular that we're making today?"
"Not really, if I'm being honest, we're going to try and use this as just getting a feel for the clay. The easiest to make are bowls, but you can make anything you think you can handle."
A different one raises his hand, you nod in his direction, "any advice for us?"
"99% of this art is failing. You will inevitably make something you don't like or that isn't structurally sound. You need to try again, don't let the clay get the better of you." There's a long pause while you look around the room, "before we begin, I'm going to ask all of your names, like I won't have to ask you again in 5 minutes."
They introduce themselves as Tage, Dylan, Tyson, Owen, and Jeff.
"Remember those when I inevitably have to ask you when I forget. Are we ready to start pulling pots?" There's a general agreement in the room, "Alright, so you're gonna take the block of clay off your wheel, and just get a feel for the pedal. Press it little bits at a time, so you have a basic understanding of what's going on after you throw it."
You let them play around with the wheels, teaching them that they have to keep the center of their chest in the center of their pots, like spotting pirouettes. You teach them that there's a disk on top the wheel, so its easier to move the pot and clean the wheel afterwards, "So you're gonna take your sponge out of your waterbucket, and try to get most of the water out of it. You want a thin layer of water on your wheel when you throw, just enough to force cohesion with the water in the clay so they stick together. Start from the center and pull out."
You end up having to help Tyson and Owen. You're standing on the opposite end of Tysons wheel, "slowly press the pedal. Don't try and rush, take your time, you have more of it than you think you do." You press your sponge to his wheel, watching the black disk darken, "there we go, and now you're ready to add clay."
He chuckles, "oh no, that's so scary."
"Its not that bad, I promise. Good anger management tool."
The clay ends up centered on the wheel, but not without some difficulty. You can feel eyes burning into you when you help Jeff who seems to be having some difficulty with the hand placement. You offer Tage words of encouragement while he tries, "the water isn't going to hurt you, darling."
It clicks a few seconds later, dipping his hand in the bucket of water. You look in Tysons direction, who quickly looks back down upon the realization of your eyes, you nod at Tage and Jeff who seem to be picking the task up quickly, "you guys are naturals."
Teaching them how to flatten the top was easy, "take two fingers, preferably your index and middle fingers, and slip them slowly into the center, try to keep it together when it makes a weird sound."
A 'that's what she said' joke was mumbled, much to the distaste of one of the producers.
"Y/N I'm having trouble, how did you do that?" You look up to meet Tysons eyes.
"You're going to need more water than you think you do." He dips his fingers into the bucket of water, you watch him use his left hand as a guide for the fingers on his right hand to open up the inside of the pot. Normally, it wouldn't bother you, but you find yourself staring at his hands longer than you should, "make sure you leave enough room at the bottom, don't go the whole way down."
Pulling the pots outward was met with more questions, more confusion, and a ton more one-on-one help, some jokes about recreating that one scene from Ghost, "wouldn't I be infront of you, then?"
Tyson giggles, "I guess it would defeat the purpose of my hands on top of yours-"
"If I'm the one who knows what I'm doing? pretty much." You try not to spend too much time helping Tyson, trying to evenly spread out your abilities and niches, not because he makes you uncomfortable, but to try and cover up the fact that you flush a little everytime you meet his eyes, how you lose it slightly everytime he says your name, how you smile everytime you call him the cute little pet name you call everyone that walks through the door because his guard is falling everytime "my love" slips from your lips. You try to avoid the fact that he tenses a little everytime the clay doesn't move correctly, sending the veins in his arms to the surface, how you can see the crease in his forearm, how focused is on making it good, on impressing you. You're so caught up in the moment, you forget there's more people than just the 6 of you.
You try not to spend too much time with Tyson, but there's no way he needs this much help, "there you go, just like that"
Your voice is soft and encouraging, and Tyson has never appreciated the towel draped over his lap until that moment. He knows it's wrong, he knows he shouldn't be day dreaming about you. He knows he shouldn't want to kiss you this bad, just to grab your waist and pull you towards his chest, press his lips against yours and kiss you softly, letting you chase his lips when he pulls away. He just wants to call you pretty, open doors for you, and guide you through crowds with a hand on the curve of your back.
Class finishes up before he can grow the set of balls he needs to ask for your phone number. He assumes he'd have to show his face here on his own time, until you ask the group when they're coming back to refine their pots.
Scott sets up the date, and he's immediately counting down the days, hours, hell, minutes until he sees you again.
Four days later, he finds himself back within the walls of the quaint pottery studio. He found you laughing with another girl, a song he's never heard of (country, maybe?) playing through the speaker sitting on the counter above your heads. You're elbow deep in a vase larger than anything he's ever seen, hands and arms covered in clay, your hair pulled back in a delicate clip, "Sades, can you grab that? They're for my 3pm beginner refine."
Sades nods her head, standing up from her seat across from you and checking in the group, "You're about 15 minutes early, so you can take a seat anywhere," she disappears into the office and Tyson finds himself occupying the seat infront of your wheel a few minutes later.
You look up from your pot, meeting his curious eyes, "hi, my love, how are you?"
"I'm doing better now, how are you?"
"I'm good, why better now?"
"Because I'm in the same room as you again."
"Smooth, Jost, very smooth."
A comfortable silence falls between the two of you, your eyes revert back to the vase you're tending to, pulling and maneuvering the top rim outward. He takes a glance around the room, realizing that everyone is focused on something else, no one is paying any mind to you two. His eyes find you again, he's enamored by the focus you have, the delicate curves of the vase, the potential you're sitting infront of. You know he's burning holes into your soul, you flash your eyes upwards, double checking that he's watching you, "Are you okay?"
"No-yeah, yeah, I'm fine, I just enjoy watching you work."
"Do you enjoy watching me work, or just watching me?"
"Maybe a little bit of both. I enjoy watching pretty girls do stuff they enjoy." You find yourself blushing, blood rushing to your face so fast you can't deny it.
"You know, you were so meek and quiet and awkward 4 days ago, what changed." You pull your hand out of the pot, standing up to wash the clay off in a sink right over his shoulder.
"I've had 4 days to daydream about you, and I realized I never asked for your phone number."
"I'm unfortunately compromised," you motion towards your arms immersed by the water, leaning slightly forward into the sink, "Give me your phone."
You wipe your hands off, and gently grab his phone out of his hand, typing in your phone number, and handing it back to him, "and now you're one step closer."
It's casual conversation as you carve details in the outside of the vase until a room opens up. Before he knows it, the conversation is long-since over, and he's being ushered into the same room he was in 4 days ago. You've taken your same spot at the front of the room, they file in the same seats as last time.
Refining goes smoother, you spend a little bit of time retelling them about the tools, what they're going for, and how this step works. There aren't too many mistakes, everyone seems to be too nervous to take more than a sliver off at a time. Soon, you're asking them to come back in 2 days to glaze them.
Tyson finds you on the way out, "What are you doing tonight?"
"Nothing right now, why?"
"Let me take you on a date tonight."
"Tyson, I don't know. I'm still technically your superior in a sense until-"
"Then we don't make this serious until after. Just let me take you out, I'll buy you flowers, open your door for you, give you an opportunity to wear a pretty dress, and let me treat you like a princess. One night, and then we let it go until after you're not teaching me how to make pots."
You chuckle, "we can work with that, I'll text you my address."
"I'll pick you up around 5?"
"Thats perfect."
One of these days I'll write a part 2 to this. Today is not one of these days
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beeoftheboop · 3 months
D e s t i n e d w i t h y o u ; SPOILERS
I just finished watching Destined with you and AHHH <3
Plot: 7/10
The plot while one of the best things about it and is very entertaining it does get a bit repetitive they always come back to the overarching plot which is good but they only have 2 actual plot points (and yes I know its a limited series) and one of them the Stalking plot they don't really play on it at all and pretend that its normal?!? they act as if nothings wrong until the end and then ALL of a sudden they are responding normally too it because it could wrap up the series nicely.
The other plot point of the past lives I like it and a lot of dramas have done it amazingly and this drama does well at it but from the information you find out from episode 12-16 (ish) you earn no new information and they just keep going back to it from different perspectives not really adding anything new. Although I do love the plot of its destined to happen so why try to avoid it.
Also the ending left me wanting more although I know realistically that was the natural end to the show I still wanted to see Lee Hong jo and Jang Shin Yu have the wedding I feel like we don't get enough scenes of them happy together maybe that just the rom-com lover in me though.
Also the ex plot and her father (mayor of the company) just did not interest me at all the only good thing to come out of it was Lee Hong Jo's speech to her in the restaurant (in one of the final few episodes) and the scene where Jang Shin had figured out that the GF (now ex) slept with his old boss (correct me if I'm wrong), but other than that I was bored of it a few episodes in.
The magic / spells plot was honestly the best plot and funny asf especially when they only half believed in it towards the middle, and the whole scene with Kwon Jae Kyung when they were trying to prove to him it worked was good!
Characters / Acting: 7/10
The acting throughout the whole show for a most part is great there is a few moments especially in the first few episodes that the actors just don't funny understand there characters yet but apart from that the acting is good (yes there is a lot of 'cringy' bits BUT when is there not in a Drama, although I will say I did notice toward the middle and end i stopped pausing it from second hand embarrassment)
However the characters is what brough this catagory as the characters had the possiblity to be fleshed out and they have bac stories its just never gotten into, i mean Lee Hong's back ground is she was bullied and an orphan and while yes the part with her dad was cute and bonding for her and Jang Shin for the majority it is not explained like - WHAT I would have really liked to see that more and especially the behind the scenes with her mum and yes I get she died while Lee Hong was young i still would have at least liked for the show to show the affects of both of her parents dying.
I also think while yes there are quite a few characters I would have liked Lee Hong to actually have a good friendship instead of her and the women from her office as they were mostly in it to get closer to Jang Shin and Kwon Jae Like 0-0 at least let her make an actual friend!!
But all in all the characters have the potential to be fleshed out but they just didn't go into depth and I know that it is a limited series but still there is 16 episodes FIND SOME TIME.
Pace: 5/10
The pace of the whole show is quite slow BUT it does start to pick up around episode 7, and although it picks up at some point it becomes repetitive. And yes although I did watch it all in one (over the spa of like 3 days) and not weekly like intended but I still don't get why they give us the same plot point over and over again, ALSO the pace of the show is very much intended for a casual watch while still giving a good romance and thriller just thing they could have done it a bit better. And I'm glad they only stuck to a handful of plot points so they could go fully in depth in to a plot (meh) I wish they sped it up a tiny bit and gave us more of the day to day life.
Also the in universe time frame can get confusing at some point as they jump back and forth and sometimes a day had passed between scenes and sometimes months and most of the time they just don't tell you.
All in all I loved the show and I probably will try and watch the other shows that the actors are in just to see how they are in that.
This is all just for fun and what I liked and disliked! <3
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wxniesrxse · 2 years
Hi, this is my last request (?) Lol,, Can you do "Kissing the 7A Boys?"
Hello! I try to message you for further explanation but you never answer me :( so I’m not sure if this how you wanted it but I tried my best 😣
Pairing: YOU X TA
Genre: fluff
Warning: nune
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You have a huge crush on Yorch Yongsin. The cute and handsome Thailand boy that everyone liked. He was kind and funny and you loved that so much about him. It was time for you to confess to the guy you loved for 7 years. If he rejects you than you'll accept it. After all you're out of his league anyway....well that is what you tell yourself. You told him to meet in the park next to the school's ground. Once you two were out in the sunny sun, sitting in a pretty bench with two trees of purple leaves on each side. "Yorch.....we've been friends for so many years and...and..." You weren't sure if you are ready to confess your love to him. You were so nervous that you simply stare at him specially his lips. As if your arms and hands had a brain in them they pulled Yorch's face towards you. Lips touching each other for a few seconds. You immediately pull away from him with a terrifying expression. "I'm so sorry Yorch" you whispered as you were about to run away from him. Yorch suddenly grab your wrist and pull you towards him. "Don't apologize...." With that being said he kissed you.
You are in the birthday party of your best friend. The party is decorated beautifully. Delicious food and drinks are placed in each corner of the house. You watch as the cool boy you liked for years dance to the beat of the song with his friends. He looked incredibly handsome even though he is wearing a simple grey Lee shirt, with black sweatpants, and a red cap. You are a little tipsy but you are still conscious of what you're doing. You felt confident and walk towards Leo in such a sassy walk. "Hello Leo! I have a crush on you..." you said and leaned close to him to peck his lips. You chuckled and rest your head against his chest feeling tired. "O-oh...Y/n must be drunk, haha..." Leo laughed nervously at the boys. He carried you in his arm and laid you in your friend's bedroom. He sat next to you and watch you sleep. His hand caressing above your hair. "I hope you mean what you said...." He mumbled.
Prom night in school. Yes you are going. You asked your friend Sangwon to be your prom date and he agreed. Now here you are dancing a slow song with him. His hands on your waist and your hands resting on his shoulders. You watch how he would look around the party except on you. He has a cute smile on his face as his soft doe eyes glitter like if he had tiny stars inside them. He was perfect and you wanted to kiss him. You pull his head down by the neck and kiss him slowly. You let go and look at his eyes. He smile shyly and chuckle. He look down for a few seconds but look back at you. "Why did you kiss me?" He asked. You blushed. "because I like you....and I've heard you liked me too....". He smiled shyly and pull you close to him.
You are enjoying eating your banana split ice ream in a near beach. Your friends are playing volleyball somewhere close to you. The only two people in the table was you and  Woochan. You two know each other like a month ago and became good friends. However you grew a crush on him. You don't know if he feels the same but you felt like taking your shot with him. You notice how he had ice cream on his lips. This gave you an idea. "Woochan you have Ice cream on your lips let me-" you already have the napkin in your hand so you lean close to him, wipe off the ice cream, and peck his lips. You look at him with no expression. He look at you with widen eyes as he let out small laughs. "W-hat? Why?" Poor boy was confused yet he didn't hate it. You smirked at him confidently and walk away with your ice cream bowl leaving him there alone and confused.
You sat next to James during lunch time in school. You watch him and his friends play games on their phones. James is really great in this and you felt proud of him winning every game. "Ooo yaaay James! You're the winner again! You deserve a kiss". James thought you are joking but you weren't. You literally kiss him and sat back down looking at his eyes. He smiled and look at you already distracted from his game. " so you wanna date?" He asked. Now you are the one surprised.
You cheered at JayJay during the dance competition. He was doing amazingly as he usually does. His team and him were one of the greatest and you felt so proud for your friend. "Let's go! They one!" You ran towards him and pull him down for a quick kiss on his lips. He grinned widely and hug you close to him. You were not expecting that and you felt happy for it.
Jihoon and you are learning a choreography together. It's a nice romantic choreography and you two make it look so beautiful and perfect. There's a part of the choreography that you two have to get close and look at each other's eyes and let go of each other. Whenever that happened that made your heart beat faster. You like him a lot and you hope this dance can help you get closer to him. Well you are practicing with him and that part was coming close. Once you two look at each other's eyes, you quickly peck his lips then proceed dancing the steps. Jihoon froze and look at you. He was blushing and was avoiding your eyes. He didn't know what to do so he proceed dancing with you but with a teasing smile.
𝗧𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗸 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 !
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baekhvuns · 1 year
Okay I'm here after reading all the hwa ffs in less than a month (talent ladies). So, I'm going to review it. Although, ik everyone already knows how perfect those ffs are but hey.
1. Bodygaurd
Accidentally tumbled upon this and I'm glad I did. I mean it's been so much time I've spent on Tumblr and then this shows like a miracle. So, OHMYGOD PARK SEONGHWA IN A SUIT AND GLASSES , READY TO SHOOT SOMEONE WHO COMES NEAR ME?!?! Perfect. The story was so well-planned and i like how even though y/n had grown up through so many hurdles she still was so cheerful and bubbly and not all emo and depressed. Ok i get if some fic writers do it in a few of their fic i get it, sometimes the mc has to have some issues BUT I'm tired of it. Really. I'm trying to escape this reality to somewhere where I can be someone i very much aspire to be and not to be depressed which I practically I am irl so ...yeah 😃. Oh and tears. I did tell u i cried and i was not joking.
2. Just friends
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You knew ... you knew what you were doing when you wrote that and how much of an impact it would have on us. I can literally hear that one tiktok sound that goes "the hOe$ gonna love this..." AND I BET THATS WHAT WENT THROUGH YOUR HEAD. But let be real tho, this fic was everything. When the fashion world gets involved with love and Seonghwa?!?! Masterpiece. Shakespeare could never. Plus the clothes inspo?!? This was one of the fic i could actually visualise yk?
3. Rewrite the stars
These types of tropes are basically what I live for. Its like you know you have limited time, you can't fall in love, you mustn't but...oh well look at how the sun shines on his face as he gives his million dollar smile. I think it'd be fine to fall in love. Even if it's just for a few days. Maybe just for tonight.
*kickin the air and rolling in my bed* OH AND BUDAPEST??? 🫠🫠
4. The Duke and his general
Its a classic.
I thought.
But oh boy was i wrong. First of all the simplicity of the fic..and the classic trope but then you get to the plot and then boom! Its like i kind of have gotten used to the whole meet -> fall in love -> get heart broken -> finally together.
And honestly I'm glad I saw the fic after they'd already been written completely because lord knows what I would've done with the whole amount of curiosity after every part.
5. Mr and Mrs Park
Holy oompa loompas THIS!!! THIS IS WHAT WE CALL 'INSPIRATION'!! Ykw...i don't even have words. The last scene at the beach tho. Chills literal ✨chills✨. And the whole loop that starts from the 'A. You messed up' and it ended on the same line but obviously now it had a diff. Meaning. And ong I can never look at a person named 'nayoung' the same.
6. Khronos
No words.Just tears and trauma.
7. The trouble with hating you
Again, the trope was simple. And oh we have seen it in so many movies and dramas about this. BUT yet again you sprinkled it with your own touch. Idk how you do it but when I read your fic i actually transform into yn. I am the real yn when I'm so into reading those lines and talking to air that my family becomes concerned but do i care?...no. and that's what we need in a story! I really hated hwa here tho. HOW COULD YOU?? But hey, yn's got charms 😏
8. Lets not fall in love, again
This was so hurtful. Because, i did not know people getting divorced felt like that. See? That's how you elucidate the feelings. When you're single asf but you still feel the pain of getting seperated from a man who has no idea you exist. Yes. I also recently realised that you have kind of a lot going on. Which again! Intersting.
At first, i was so mad at hwa at the start of the fic i was like wth did I even do. Turns out....he just did it out of love 😭. So pure.
Basically you have the best ffs I have read so far. 🙌🙌
o my god i am actually screaming
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1. bodyguard : Accidentally tumbled upon this and I'm glad I did. I mean it's been so much time I've spent on Tumblr and then this shows like a miracle. So, OHMYGOD PARK SEONGHWA IN A SUIT AND GLASSES, READY TO SHOOT SOMEONE WHO COMES NEAR ME?!?! Perfect. The story was so well-planned and i like how even though y/n had grown up through so many hurdles she still was so cheerful and bubbly and not all emo and depressed. Ok i get if some fic writers do it in a few of their fic i get it, sometimes the mc has to have some issues BUT I'm tired of it. Really. I'm trying to escape this reality to somewhere where I can be someone i very much aspire to be and not to be depressed which I practically I am irl so ..yeah g. On and tears. I did tell u i cried and i was not joking.
DBWNDJWKDHWKHEKW IM CRYING UR SO SWEET FOR THIS REVIEW IM ACTUALLY GONNA SOB BFMWDH no bc ur so right on that part like why do all the yn’s gotta be depressed, let’s make the guy depressed 🤚🏻 u are so right on that last part 100% !!!
2. just friends : You knew ... you knew what you were doing when you wrote that and how much of an impact it would have on us. I can literally hear that one tiktok sound that goes "the hOe$ gonna love this... AND I BET THATS WHAT WENT THROUGH YOUR HEAD. But let be real tho, this fic was everything. When the fashion world gets involved with love and Seonghwa?!?! Masterpiece. Shakespeare could never. Plus the clothes inspo?!? This was one of the fic i could actually visualise yk?
THE WAY I FUCKING GASPED AT THE MEME JFBWKCJSKD I KNEW THIS WAS COMING 😭😭😭😭😭 o i did EXACTLY THAT 🥰🥰 i knew how nasty this fic would be and what the reaction will be, two top models and enemies??? sign me up! this fic was my fashion résumé actually <3 RIGHT I LOVED WRITING THE PHYSICAL PHOTOSHOOT ITSELF
3. rewrite the stars : These types of tropes are basically what I live for. Its like you know you have limited time, you can't fall in love, you mustn't but…oh well look at how the sun shines on his face as he gives his million dollar smile. I think it'd be fine to fall in love. Even if it's just for a few days. Maybe just for tonight. *kickin the air and rolling in my bed* OH AND BUDAPEST??? 🫠🫠
no ur so right, these travelling romances are the >>>> top tier of any tier,, the thrill of romance & the separation 😮‍💨😮‍💨 OH MY GOD IM GONNA STEAL THAT PARAGRAPH MISS CHAERSSSS !!!!! U MAD EMT MIND GO BRRR WITH THAT & yes budapest <3 im absolutely in love w that city, was debating on italy but miss budapest got me
4. the uke and his general : Its a classic. I thought. But oh boy was i wrong. First of all the simplicity of the fic..and the classic trope but then you get to the plot and then boom! Its like i kind of have gotten used to the whole meet - fall in love - get heart broken -> finally together. And honestly I'm glad I saw the fic after they'd already been written completely because lord knows what I would've done with the whole amount of curiosity after every part.
FBWKDHSK U FOUND MY FORMULA AND I WILL USE EVERY BIT OF IT! ahhh ur right, a simple fic turned out to be so big it amazes me! it really was a craze the curiosity and excitement when i first released it, the anons attacking hwa during that time in the fic amazing ✊🏻
5. mr and mrs park : Holy oompa loompas THIS!!! THIS IS WHAT WE CALL 'INSPIRATION'!! Ykw... don't even have words. The last scene at the beach tho. Chills literal ✨ chills. ✨ And the whole loop that starts from the 'A. You messed up' and it ended on the same line but obviously now it had a diff. Meaning. And ong I can never look at a person named 'nayoung' the same.
FBWKDHWK THE SCENE WHERE “come to daddy” *beats the shit out him* “who’s your daddy now” IM FJWKHD 🤲🏻🤲🏻 nayoung will make a return in this blog again in that yunho fic <3
6. khronos : No words. Just tears and trauma.
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7. the trouble with hating you : Again, the trope was simple. And oh we have seen it in so many movies and dramas about this. BUT yet again you sprinkled it with your own touch. Idk how you do it but when I read your fic i actually transform into yn. I am the real yn when I'm so into reading those lines and talking to air that my family becomes concerned but do i care?...no. and that's what we need in a story! I really hated hwa here tho. HOW COULD YOU?? But hey, yn's got charms
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8. lets not fall in love, again : This was so hurtful. Because, i did not know people getting divorced felt like that. See? That's how you elucidate the feelings. When you're single asf but you still feel the pain of getting seperated from a man who has no idea you exist. Yes. I also recently realised that you have kind of a lot going on. Which again! Intersting. At first, i was so mad at hwa at the start of the fic i was like wth did I even do. Turns out....he just did it out of love 😭. So pure. Basically you have the best ffs I have read so far.
this is the best description of that fic, he did out of love 😭😭😭 THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!! ALL OF THIS HAS MADE MY ENTIRE YEAR IM GONNA BE SAVING THIS WHEN I NEED TO SMILE STOP IT THIS IS SO NICE FBNWDJKW 😭😭😭😭
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artisticvillain · 1 year
De nuevo yo aquí de preguntona, buenas noches
En caso de familia...los chicos serian buenos padres?
Y si es así como actuarían con MC estando embarazada ?
Esta acaso el juego inspirado en parte en la película "PIRATAS DEL CARIBE " Donde aparece Jenny Depp ? XD me encanta toda su saga de películas
Pregunta para el autor
Como prefieres al MC hombre o mujer ?
En que app haces tus dibujos?te quedan preciosos 💖
Les gustaria que MC cocinara para ellos ?
( historia alternativa)Que pasaría si vieran a MC estando sonambulo y lo vieran ir directamente a la orilla del barco para tirarse al mar debido a ello ? XD me deje llevar por la película animada de Anastacia
Good evening to you too, although it's morning for me right now :)
(I'm using an AI to translate the questions, correct me if the translation's wrong.)
If they had a family, would the guys be good fathers? And if so, how would they act towards MC when she's pregnant?
Dia would stay by MC's side 24/7 when MC is pregnant. He would be morepanicked than MC in any situation and would do everything Mc asks for. Even the things MC doesn't ask for, Dia would be there to make MC's and their baby's life easier. Once the baby is born Dia would still act the same towards you but good luck trying to take the baby from him. He will cling to the baby like there's no tomorrow. So yeah, Dia would be a great father. He'd sacrifice everything for MC and their baby. And he is probably the best dad compared to the other 3. (Once the baby grows up, Dia and his kid would basically become best friends!)
Yoru would also take care of MC when MC is pregnant but he wouldn't be as enthusiastic about it as Dia. Not that he doesn't like kids, but because MC is having a hard time. However, once the baby is born he would make sure to look after the baby and take care of the baby. Again this isn't because he cares much about the baby, he just wants MC to be less "bothered" by the baby's problems. He wouldn't neglect his child or anything but I still wouldn't make a family with him if I were you. His behaviour towards the child might change when the child grows up but that doesn't justifies anything >:(
Riley would have fun taking care of you throughout MC's pregnancy. He would make sure not to overwhelm MC tho. So a safe distance is his go-to technique. I just know he would cry at the day MC gives birth. :) And since Riley is a free spirited guy, he would want his family to be the same way. He'd get really excited about the thought of going on adventures with his family and get even closer with them. So yes he'd also be a great father.
Leon would really love to start a family with MC. And he loves the idea of having a baby with MC. He'd do everything to take proper care of MC throughout MC's pregnancy. He'd also take care of the baby once the baby is born -but not as much as he does to MC- He is a good father too, just not as much as Dia.
Is the game partly inspired by the movie "PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN" where Jenny Depp appears?
This might surprise you, but I've actually never watched any of the Pirates of The Caribbean movies. I like Jack Sparrow tho. (even though I don't have the slightest idea about the character itself lol) Sooo no it's not inspired by it :)
Do you prefer MC to be a man or a woman?
As a person who doesn't care about gender -like in general- I can't really say I'd prefer if the MC is a woman or a man. I've never imagined the MC as a woman or a man and when I try, it doesn't feel right. Sorry :')
What app do you use to make your drawings?
Thank you, I'm so happy that you find them beautiful. I use Clip Studio Paint for all my drawings.
Would they like MC to cook for them?
Who wouldn't enjoy the cooking of a loved one! (Unless they are terrible at it. Just kidding, it's the thought that counts.)
However, rather than letting you cook by yourself, Yoru would offer his help. He thinks it's such a nice moment to cook with the one he loves the most and be able to share something he's passionate about.
Leon can cook but he obviously is not the best. So he would very much like if MC were to cook something just for him.
Riley can't cook so he'd really appreciate that MC thought of him and cook for him. Riley will then proceed to cook something for MC, only for it to be a fail :D
Dia would love it too. In fact, he would hug MC from the waist when MC is cooking, and give MC some kisses along the way.
(Alternate story) What would happen if they saw MC sleepwalking and going straight to the edge of the ship to jump into the sea because of it?
Funny thing, I used to sleepwalk when I was a kid. Anyways, I don't know if the whole "don't wake the person who's sleepwalking up, it's dangerous" things is true, but our boys don't care about that at all in this situation.
They wouldn't hesitate to pull MC immediately, but if they were to be far away from MC, they would just shout MC's name really loudly so MC can wake up. That way they can gain more seconds to go up to MC and hold MC. Whoever found MC would take MC to their room and stay by MC's side till morning.
Thank you for your questions! Hope you'll have a great day :)
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ath16blf · 1 year
DRA Rei Mekaru x Female!Reader with Divine Luck (2/7)
Ask by @ultimatesinger
Utsuro does not exist so the killing game never started. so you replace Utsuro and his Divine Luck.
There is a little bit of Haruhiko x Teruya x Satsuki and Yamato x Tsurugi.
Rei and you are not really the best friends in the world, I would even say that it is very complicated for you to talk to each other without Rei not being brutal with you or with the other comrades and moreover for that to be very simple for you, you have a strange and powerful power that allows you to have everything you want without any problem, which means that there are many profiteers who want the power of fortune; your power starting with a certain Mikado Sannoji who is totally obsessed with this inexplicable power, Nikei Yomiuri who really wants to remain superior to the whole world, Emma Magorobi who no longer wants to return to her parents, Hajime Makunouchi who wants to avoid dying, Iroha Nijiue who always wants her family's attention to avoid being locked in her room again and finally the kind of yandere who serves as your slave Akane Taira who follows you everywhere like a little dog.
Yamato: “Tell girls, when are you finally going to declare yourself? Akane: "Shut up, pervert!" Leave my mistress alone! "Akane, that's enough" Akane: "Y-yes, mistress!~" She starts drooling. Haruhiko: "I don't want to know what you two did together last night but I can imagine it~" "You can't imagine anything, Kobashikawa." I haven't done anything with her so now shut up, pervert go and declare yourself to Iranami and Otori instead since you have a huge crush on these two~” the concerned people turn peony red and end up fapping. Yamato: "And you, when are you going to declare yourself to Taira?~" "I'm not in love with Taira, and when are you going to declare yourself to Psycho cop?~"
Yamato turns totally red and looks away. “It was so grilled that you fell in love with it~” Tsurugi is as red as Yamato: “I love it…. As a best friend. Teruya: “Oof- the rake~” Yamato: “Okay Tsu’…. the ultimate teacher eventually approaches you and takes you somewhere else.
"Mekaru, what-" You didn't have time to finish your sentence when Rei kissed you tenderly then gently withdrew from your lips: "I love you (your name) not a word to others. you're extremely red and you hide your face and say, "O-okay, prof." Shall we do that 2 hour detention?~” Rei ends up blushing, smiling: “With pleasure~”
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drawthething · 1 year
I wanted to give you an actual ask, unlike last time, haha (hopefully this is a fun one).
What're some of your favorite end credits songs of the show? A few of mine include (but are not limited to, because I know I will forget a bunch that I love):
--"Doing a Dance ('Cause I've Got Pesto in My Pants)" from Season 9, Episode 15, "The Fresh Princ-Ipal") (this one lives rent free in my head oh my god)
--"Wonder Wharf (Wharf of Wonder)" from Part One of the Season 4 "Wharf Horse" finale
--"I Love U So Much (It's Scary)" from Season 6, Episode 3, "The Hauntening"
--"Buenos Dias Como Estas (Me Llamo Tina)" from Season 6, Episode 6, "The Cook, the Steve, the Gayle, & Her Lover"
--"Goblins, Ghouls, Ghosts, & Bears" from Season 12, Episode 3 "The Pumpkinening"
--"Loft Bed" from Season 12, Episode 7, "Loft in Bedslation"
--Teddy's cover of "Somewhere Beyond the Sea" from Season 7, Episode 2 "Sea Me Now" (this one is definitely S-Tier)
--"I'll Be Around" from Season 12, Episode 11 "Touch of Eval(uations)"
--"Morse Code" From Season 9, Episode 9, "UFO No You Didn't"
--"Best Couple Friends" from Season 8, Episode 14 "The Trouble with Doubles" (seriously, why did this one get stuck in my head so easily?)
"We're Just Children Watching You" from Season 11, Episode 11 "Romancing the Beef"
--"Turkey, I Need You Beside Me" from Season 11, Episode 7 "Diarrhea of a Poopy Kid"
And now I need to physically restrain myself from adding more so you can actually answer this with other outros, hahaha
PLEASE the Pesto in my pants song fricking lives rent free in my head too
Thank you for the ask 😭 I was so born to answer this 🤌 The bobs burgers outros are just never not amazing ya know?
• Basically any outro that's like visually stylized 👀: Horse Wharf I? Yes without my Zeke? Eight grade runner? Perfecta! The animation sequences are just so creative and the music is hella epic (hello? Linda's vocals in Horse Wharf? Mind blowing!)
• Taffy Butt: my boy Jimmy Jr dancing like a happy idiot sabotaging the animation budget plus the most catchy hilarious song ever? Gimme gimme gimme
• 99 Red Balloons: this song got stuck in my head for daysss. And the slow mo gig is just too golden and awesome. Fantastic way to end a season 😭
• The Gene Mile: l-look at Bob, look at him in his fanboy CAKE T-shirt, crying jamming to the art of high fiving. Ain't that the most beautiful thing ever 🤣?
• Bad stuff happens in the bathroom: I meannn, no question right? Everyone (and I mean e v e r y o n e) singing and the camera zooming out and oh my god it's a fricking genius finale outro I'm-
• Hot pants rain dance: them muppets dancing and wiggling and having fun plus the song that sooo needs an extended version are just 😌👌
• I've got a Yum Yum: Linda is a national treasure. She's so dorky in this ep 😭😭😭
• Also Teddy's cover for Beyond the Sea: I've really got a soft spot for this Teddy ep and this outro's just too perfect
• Just what I needed: the way they end this ep is just really well done and so is the outro 🤌 I looove the singing and the kiss sequences :D
• Slumber Party Fashion Show: catchy tunes? Check. Iconic catwalk? Check. Also this ep is so good arghh
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ray8467 · 10 months
Part 1: Brotherhood
HI, my name is Izuku midoriya. Here is my story about my life.
Ever since we were 7, I had a crush on my bully. Now it may sound odd. Like why would you have a crush on your bully? Well when we were little, before we got our quirks, Kaccan and I were best friends. But my mum and I went to go check if I had a quirk, everything changed. Not only our friendship but my whole life. I found out the worst thing a four-year-old could ever find out. Especially when they have a dream of becoming a hero. This news my mum and I got, could break any kid's heart. But it broke mine the most.
Nobody's POV
June 16, 2108
"B-but, m-m-mum. W-what a-about b-b-becoming a h-hero?" Izuku said
"I'm sorry Izuku honey!" Inko cries.
Tenko walks in. "mum? Is brother all right?"
"Izuku is okay, he just found out that he is quirkless."
"Wow! Izuku! That's so cool! You can easily stand out! You're so special!"
"B-but, I-I, w-what a-about b-b-becoming a h-hero, T-Tenko?" Izuku cries
'Well Izuku," Tenko walks towards Izuku and his mum, "you are strong and can become a hero without a quirk!"
"But I-I am n-not s-strong enough to become a h-hero w-without a quirk" Izuku starts to calm down a little bit, "you need to have a quirk to become a h-hero. A-and without a q-quirk, people are gonna b-bully me."
"If anyone tries to bully you," he starts to tickle Izuku' "I'll tickle them!"
"H-hey! Pfffftttt, Hahahaha! S-stop t-that!" Izuku starts to laugh and Inko walks out of the room smiling. She takes a picture of Tenko tickling Izuku to show Hisashi.
June 18, 2108
Hisashi and Inko are fighting. Tenko is trying to get Izuku to calm down. "IF YOU WANT TO HURT MY KIDS, THEN YOU CAN LEAVE THIS HOUSE!" Inko yells at Hisashi. "FINE! I'LL LEAVE THIS HOUSE BUT I'M TAKING IZUKU WITH ME!"Hisashi screamed at Inko. Inko starts crying "I'M NOT LETTING YOU TAKE MY BABY BOY! NOT AFTER WHAT HE HAS BEEN THROUGH THE LAST COUPLE OF DAYS!" Inko cries out trying to protect her son. Hisashi yells at Inko how instead of taking Izuku he will take Tenko. He starts walking over to Tenko's room where Tenko is calming down Izuku. Inko starts to yell at him telling him not to touch either of her children. Hisashi got annoyed and punched Inko in the stomach very hard to the point she fell to the ground spitting out blood. He drags Tenko away from Izuku and out of the door.
Izuku's POV
I saw Mum sitting on the floor coughing up blood. I ran up to her, "MUM! Are you o-okay? I-is brother going t-to be alright?" I cry. I try to help my mum up but fail miserably. That is probably because I am 4 years old. "Don't worry Izuku I am okay. I don't know about your brother. We will find him eventually and get him away from your father. Now just go play in your room Sweetheart."
B-but mum, I need to help y-you!" Izuku whined. "I don't need help Izu. Do you want me to call Mitsuki to see if you can play with Katsuki?" I got so happy and yelled yes. But I told her after I help her. Mum knows that I won't give up so she let me help her to the bathroom. Once we were done cleaning her up she called Auntie and she came and picked me up. I started crying and Kaccan asked what was wrong. I explained everything and my eyes were burning because of how much I've been crying today. I also had a headache and I was so tired. I guess Kaccan could tell so he told me to come here and he cuddled up with me and we both fell asleep.
When they got to Katsuki's house
Katsukis' POV
Poor Izu. How is he supposed to become a hero with me? I don't want him to get hurt. Maybe I can convince him that he can't be a hero. But for now, I'm going to support him. Because he might be able to become strong enough to become a hero without a quirk. And I need to support him more because his father and brother are gone now.
"Kacchan?" My Izu said tiredly, "are we at your house yet?
"Ya, we are now let's go!" I ran up to him and grabbed his wrist and dragged him to my room. We played with our almighty figurines and played for a little while. After a while of playing, mom took us to the park to play.
"Kacchan! Wait up! You're too fast!" Izu said as he was panting at me trying to catch up. I told him to just catch up and he whined. I laughed then slowed down. He got mad at me and punched me lightly. I just giggled then lightly punched him back. "Kacchans meaning!" Izu said with his cute mad face. I just smiled and then walked to the swings. "Do you want me to push you on the swing, My lady?" I said jokingly. He knew I said that because I knew it bothered him when I acted like that to him. Though sometimes he goes along with it then we end up laughing.
"Oh, how kind of you sir! Why yes I would like that." He said in a fake British accent. He gently got on the swing. I started to push him lightly. He pumped his legs along with the way I was pushing. He yelled at me to go faster. I said no until he was basically begging me. I decided to listen to him so I pushed harder. He was going really high now. He accidentally kicked me and I fell. He got concerned and worriedly asked if I was ok. I just giggled and said I'm fine. I got back up and pushed him.
Izuku's POV
Kacchan was pushing me when I accidentally Kicked him while I was swinging. OMG is Kacchan okay? "Kacchan!? Are you okay! I didn't mean to kick you, Kacchan!" he told me that he was fine and even giggled while getting up, but I don't really believe him. He cant be alright after I just kicked him like that! I just said ok and acted as if I believed him. At this point, I was kinda getting scared. This is because I was going really high on the swing now. I go almost horizontal. If I do one wrong move on the swing, I could fall off and hurt myself. Meh. I know Kacchan would let that happen. Right...? He would save me... Get these thoughts out of your head Izuku. You're trying to have fun. I snapped back to reality by hearing Kacchan screaming my name. What? Why is he screaming my name? I realized I wasn't holding the ropes anymore. Why was time going so slowly? I looked down and then I realized. I was falling. Falling from a high swing. Right to the ground. That is when my life flashed by my eyes. The fact that I have no quirk. My father tried to take me. But instead, it was my brother. Why couldn't he take me instead? And that was when my entire body backed out. I couldn't see anything. I couldn't feel anything. All I could hear were the faint cries of Kacchan. Wait! Kitchen! I tried yelling out his name. But it only came out as a whisper. But even the faint sounds of sirens and Kacchans cries, And my mother's screams, faded. I could hear nothing and feel nothing. All I could see was black.
1298 words
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