#yes i’m putting this in the tgm tags because that’s where I see it
bobfloydsbabe · 2 years
I am, once again, imploring you to use the read more function when you post fics. It’s driving me nuts having to scroll seven thousand times to get past them in the tags.
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bobfloydsbabe · 2 years
this will be my last ask about this. i sent in that ask because you made this whole ass big deal out of a stupid ask talking about periods that did not upset the person it was meant for, which is helena. it is not the first time she talks about it here, by the way. i do not have anger issues, and you can’t look me in the eye and say that asking someone, over an anonymous ask, to, instead of tagging said content, stop talking about it altogether like she owes you anything at all, on her own blog, when her characters are based off a movie with explicit mentions of violence, combat kills and propaganda (because, yes, we all like tgm, but that does not mean i can’t/won’t have any criticism when it comes to it) does not sound incredibly hypocrite and dumb to you. your approach for this situation is what got me mad, and i will be stepping up to defend my friend anytime someone like you demands something from her in her own safe space, especially when it comes to something she struggles with constantly. tumblr has rules when it comes to its users’ age, and if you’re old enough to be here and to think you can demand something from someone you don’t even know, once again, anonymously, then you’re also old enough to know how to use the block button and the filtering feature. tws/dws are nice, but you are responsible for curating your own online experience as well. if you can’t see my point, we can agree to disagree, but do not think a situation like this will ever give you the right to act like that on someone else’s asks. and i’m sure helena will be also curating her own blog experience if that ever bother her again. have a nice day.
I have nothing to add.
I curate my experience on this hellsite. Certain topics are insanely triggering for me, so if I ever come across them, I scroll/block/filter that content out. The creator is not responsible for how I deal with things that make me uncomfortable. I am. It's on me to not put myself in a position where that will affect me negatively, not the creator.
Lyra, thank you for standing up for me and supporting me in this. I know you would trust me enough to tell me if you disagreed with me, so you're not just jumping into it blindly.
In conclusion: People have periods. Get over it.
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