#yes i reported it and its not the first time i found human trafficking on here
reserwrekt · 1 year
I've not been very active but for some reason ppl are following me. I get exhausted by apps sometimes and need long breaks. Actually, I'm exhausted by people. You don't understand, they put me in the pound and labeled me unadoptable.
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Things that I thought only happen on telenovelas ...
*Long txt about pregnancy read it if you want.
So i was losing my free time on Twitter when:
" pregnant woman kidnapped while going to the hospital to deliver her baby" I was shocked I clicked and read:
"Pregnant woman was on her way to the hospital after her water broke , desperate and alone took a cab from the street and called her family, they were waiting for her at the hospital entrance but she never arrived. 24 hrs have passed now since the last time they heard from her , she is nowhere to be found. Police and authorities suspect of human trafficking mafia."
I felt an anguish, a woman in her most vulnerable state kidnapped? They killed her ? Maybe. They stole her baby? Most likely. But how ? How is that they cannot find her? she was basically giving birth wtf is wrong with this world?. The more I read the more sad I became , she looked so happy on her baby shower showing her big belly to the world, playing games with her partner in the party ... The family said the young mom was planning everything for her daughter's arrival. Yes ,the baby was a girl , they even had a name for her: Martina
The woman's mother asked for help on television, said that her daughter's partner was now suspected because he did not report the incident as quickly as he should have.
The partner. A man. why that doesn't surprise me. I immersed myself on the story so much that I started searching some article , video where that man showed his face and his dispair for his now missing child and woman... But nothing. I started to think " he did something to her , maybe he didn't love her anymore ,maybe he never wanted to be a father , he is a monster , someone hang him upside down and make him talk " I wanted blood, I wanted answers , I wanted justice because as a women how i would not to ?
More time passed , there was not a single clue. Her phone out of service after she called her family, no info about the cab or driver that was with her , no cameras on the main avenues. The whole country paralyzed , groups of women praying with candels asking God to please have some mercy ... Maybe if we appeal to Virgin Mary she could help us , In a country were in the last year 5 thousand women disappeared maybe a miracle is what we need.
Then a ray of hope , a close neighbour had some security cameras, the angle was short but it was good enough to film the instant where the pregnant woman ( lets call her J) is seen leaving her building in a hurry , and then a couple ( man and woman) come back and leave the building again but with luggages on their hands. WHO ARE THEY , maybe the fake driver had accomplices , maybe they where following her , they kew where she lived and now they are retrieving her stuff ... where did they take her? BUT it was reported she was completely alone what its going on?
That was yesterday
Today we woke up with good and bad news
" J appeared. In early hours of the morning , the woman was abbandoned in a location far away from where she was kidnapped, her child is still missing" . The familly found her , well actually she found them, some of her relatives live in the town where she was left or released. From there her parents took her to a hospital where the doctors stabilized her, she had scratches - bruises in her arms, and seemed drugged. Meanwhile J's Partner was being interrogated by the police.
The public is expecting some answer and now we will have more clues , in the meantime the country authorities has forbidden new borns to travel out of the country.
J doesn't want to talk, understandeable we think. The hours pass and new info surface : The happy couple that expected their first child , Was in fact reunited due to the pregnancy... they were separated before that. This explain the family suspicion. They didnt have a good relationship.
With J in the hospital and the baby still missing; the now father, still does not appear on tv or any other media asking for help. He is silent , very silent. What kind of father is he?
J finally finally speaks, and say that she gavebirth the baby but didnt hear her cry , their captors told her the baby was born dead, she was not able to see the body. She is afraid of reveal their identities , they threatened her with killing her or her family. How did she scape them? its not very clear
The search for the baby girl continues.
At noon today : The case was so big at this point that a couple of ministers where talking with the press about it. One of them, the head of all the police forces declares the imposible: She has no clinical signs of ever being pregnant.
The country frozes for a second. WHAT, HOW ? we all saw the pictures and videos, friends an family get defensive and declare they saw and touched the belly , they all saw it grow ... but no one can answer who was her obgyn doctor ,its like no one had ever wondered that till today. More time pass , there is no actual proof of one thing or the other , medical records are confidential ... J requests to be discharged cause she felt harassed by the doctors. " They dont leave her alone" said J's father.
Leave her alone? If she in fact gave birth in poor conditions SHE NEEDS medical attention with urgency. The police reveal that she doesn't want to cooperate with physical examinations. The baby search is now second priority.
Some of us still want to believe in her, "this is just a mistake, she is just traumatized, dont waste more time. Keep looking for that baby God dammit!! " I say while I'm reading the updates.
Then , because since the dawn of the internet nothing really remains hidden, her lab works are leaked to the press:
Her Human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (hCG) levels , the pregnancy hormone , were basically 0 zero . In a puerperous woman those levels are still high during the 2 first weeks after labor and she allegedly delivered the baby a day before yesterday. She lied. She was never pregnant.
J suddenly feel better and declare to the press outside her family's house wearing jeans and walking without problems, she insist in her pregnancy, says the doctors are wrong because maybe she couldn't get all the examination done ( she refused them but doesn't mention that) , that she will prove she was pregnant. She only mentions the baby and how worried she is when someone reminds her that.
But no one believes her. The "father" is still silent , the police now investigate a fake pregnancy and delivery ... That is a felony here.
Unless a psychologic pregnancy is proven.
These las 2 days were an emotional rollercoaster... I have never thought someone could ever go that far with a lie of that sort. Did the guy knew? And play all along with her waiting for the moment to come? Pictures, videos, baby shower, she arranging the baby's room, people who touched her and saw her ... She lied every one. For what?
Time and investigation will determine.
Life imitates fiction.
The news here but in Spanish
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lindajenni · 1 year
week in review - headlines
"behold, I come; in the scroll of the book it is written of me." psa 40:7
‘Nonhuman’ remains recovered from UFO, whistleblower says WYFF News 4, David Grusch, who formerly served as a U.S. intelligence official, testified under oath concerning what he described as a “multi-decade” retrieval program for unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP). Grusch’s testimony even included information about the retrieval of “biologics” from a UFO crash.
Top 7 Ways the Democrats in D.C. plan on REDUCING the POPULATION Yes, the Vice President of the United States of America just said the “quiet part” out loud live on television for the whole world to hear, and try to digest…the Democrats in Washington DC to end all use of fossil fuels by investing in “clean energy and electric vehicles,” and also, wait for it… to reduce the population. You cannot make this stuff up,
UFOs are an ‘open secret’ in the military: Whistleblowers to tell Congress TOMORROW that pilots are seeing unidentified craft all the time and share near-miss encounter with ‘dark gray cube inside of a clear sphere’ Unidentified flying objects are being seen so often they are an ‘open secret’ among US fighter pilots, whistleblowers will tell Congress tomorrow.
Pope Francis Says Alcoholics, Autistic and Disabled People Should Be Euthanized To ‘Fight Climate Change’ Pope Francis has thrown his weight behind the World Economics Forum’s campaign to euthanize people with autism, alcoholism and other minor illnesses and disabilities to help humanity fight so-called “climate change.”
Storm devastates Washington as Biden admin. plans for Israel to concede land One of the worst storms in decades ripped through Washington DC, over the weekend, leaving devastation in its path. The storm comes as the Biden administration announced negotiations with Saudi Arabia that would require Israel to make massive concessions in land to the Palestinians. While the two seem unconnected, students of history know that milestones in the “land for peace” process have always been accompanied by natural disasters.
Transhumanism: Globalists Promise To ‘Improve’ On God’s Design Of Man It sounds like bad science fiction, but it is rapidly becoming reality. Some of the most powerful people on the planet think they are going to “upgrade” human beings — or at least some human beings — through genetic engineering and technological schemes such as “brain implants.” Yes, really. In fact, they are publicly touting alleged benefits, supposedly including eternal life, and even evolving into “gods.” If that all sounds crazy or even diabolical — good, it should, because it is.
Dividing Israel into two? Author who fictionalized scenario years ago discusses movement to do exactly that Author Gila Green, whose 2013 novel was based on a fictional division of the State of Israel into two separate entities – one religous and one secular – discussed with World Israel News the uncanny situation now, in which some activists are promoting exactly that.
One in Three Human Trafficking Victims are Children in Italy: A report from Save the Children has found that one out of every three victims of human trafficking in Italy are children, with many being forced into the fields for gruelling farming work and others being sold into sexual slavery.
Contrary to the Natural Order: Scientists Successfully Genetically Engineer Invasive Female Fruit Flies to Reproduce Without Males Scientists have successfully genetically engineered invasive female fruit flies to reproduce without the need for males.
Japanese Man Who Identifies as a Dog, Takes First Public Stroll After $16,000 Transformation, Forms Bonds with Other Canines A Japanese man, who goes by his dog alter ego “Toco,” took his first public stroll since his $16,000 transformation into a rough collie.
Taxpayer Funded “Queer” Middle School Built On Shifting Sands Of Lies Have you ever watched a horror movie where the “bad people” prepared an innocent looking place that was meant to ensnare kids? Then as a group of kids were about to enter, you found yourself saying out loud, “don’t do it, don’t do it.” That scenario is about to take place in Arizona. Next month, using taxpayer funded vouchers, a “queer” middle school is about to open up for LGBTQ students.
Beattie: While Russia and China ban all transvestite activity, bloodthirsty US trans generals are leading us into war… As our country descends into a wasteland of twisted sexual perversion, mental illness, and child mutilation, countries like China and Russia are taking a completely different approach.
Twelve undeniable signs globalists are engineering the end of humanity It’s no longer taboo to publicly talk about depopulation. Even many who once dismissed the concept as a conspiracy theory are now publicly acknowledging the reality that global efforts are under way to drastically reduce the human population on planet Earth.
We Are Right On The Cusp Of Going Completely Cashless As Our Global Society Shifts Into Complete Dependence On Virtual Currency And Transactions We are the generation that will see a cashless society, the Pretribulation Rapture and the Mark of the Beast. It’s all coming, and Elon Musk is helping to bring it in.
Boy Scout Leaders Invited LGBTQ Advocates To Its National Jamboree Camp The Boy Scouts of America scouting organization invited “LGBTQ” advocacy to its national jamboree camp in West Virginia last month.
Euthanasia Clinics Are Being Inundated With Transgenders Who Regret Their Surgeries Euthanasia clinics are reporting a massive uptick in referrals for transgender patients who deeply regret undergoing their sex-change surgeries.
The Grotesque Experiments Scientists Are Conducting On Human Cells Are Absolutely Sickening …mad scientists all over the globe are running wild. In fact, some of them are now conducting extremely grotesque experiments on human cells that are absolutely sickening. For example, one team of scientists in Australia just received a giant pile of money so that they can continue to monkey around with ways of “merging human brain cells with artificial intelligence”…
Staggering Degree Of Biblical Illiteracy: Poll Finds Fewer and Fewer Americans Believe in Hell and the Devil It may not be surprising fewer and fewer people believe in God, angels, heaven, hell, and the devil. The recent poll finds they are down to new lows.
10 Signs That We Really Are Living In Apocalyptic Times Time is running out for humanity…On a very basic level, most people can feel that global events are starting to spiral out of control. Evil is growing all around us, and just about everything that our leaders do to solve our rapidly growing problems seems to make them even worse.
Police: Kentucky Mother Arrested After Toddler Dies of Sexual Abuse Authorities arrested a Kentucky mother after a 17-month-old toddler died of severe sexual abuse injuries.
Soon the USA will be under medical Marshal Law imposed by the WHO organization! ebola + small pox will run rampant through America In March of 2021, the new CDC Director stated that she had a feeling of impending doom. What did she mean? Everyone assumed that she was talking about CV-19.
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shoot-the-oneshot · 3 years
Requested by @nevaehstreater18​ "I made a playlist for you" and yes i had to be extra and actually make a spotify playlist you can find here Jay Halstead x reader
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"So Dinner tonight?" Jay asked you looking back over his shoulder while you both walked to the precinct, your body still shuddering from the cold Chicago winters that you still weren't used to. the only thing keeping you from running back to the truck for the heat was the promise of scolding coffee. "As long as it's warm i'm down" your sentice had an underlying begging tone which made Jay chuckle, it was irritating how it never seemed to effect him. Jay pulled the gate to the bullpen open for you. leaning into your space as you passed "Great, It's a date." his warm breath on your neck made you shiver as well as the words.
you loved Jay you did. but, you hated everything romantic. you had grown up with only men and you didn't know how to be all sweet, you never even cuddled anyone before him. Jay always tells you that you're sweet and do romantic things without noticing but you think he's looking through rose-colored glasses when it comes to you. which he has been accused of by Adam and Kevin in the past. you could hear him laughing at your reaction from behind you as you went to your desk. Shoving your gloves into a desk drawer convinced it will be warmer in there for next time you have to wear them. looking up when a cup is set down right in front of you, immediately wrapping your hands around it letting out a moan at the steam coming off it. "Y/n save it for later." Jay teased, going back to his desk once the rest of the team showed up. "Jay!" Adam shouted from across the room pointing to his empty desk. your boyfriends eyebrows scrunch in confusion at what he was getting at. "You got Y/n coffee wheres mine?" Ruzs eyes sparkled with amusement while Jay rolled him as went back to the report that he definitely won't mention was for you. Adam balked at the lack of responce and moved his attention to you, "Y/n come on spill the secrets" shrugging your shoulders with a smirk, not looking away from the computer screen. "Try batting your eyelashes next time." whatever reaction your comment was going to get was cut off by Voight. "We caught a case from narcotics," he explained, adding some pictures to the board you'd think you would be used to seeing bloody bodies of young women but you've heard the day you do is the day you hang it up. "Narcos has been following an Andrew Ramirez on suspicion of human and drug trafficking, an associate of Ramirez would pick the girls and get them to Chicago full of drugs when Ramirez would cut them out and hand the girls off to an unknown partner," Hank paused, pointing to the picture of the girl, "This one didn't get sold. I want to know everyone this guy talked to find out who's taking these girls and where they're ending up." The second Voight finished everyone jumped to their feet the playful mood was gone, its was time to work. Already halfway down the stairs Jay had no choice but the catch up, "We got a name?" While you were quick to pop off and first in the door, Jay was the one to get the facts and fill you in, that's what made you a great team. "Emily Jenkins, 21, her ID says she's from here but had a Canadian passport," "Any reletives here?" you asked sliding through the open car door he held open, now flipping through the folder Narcos, gave along with the case. finding the information yourself and putting the sister's address in the GPS, as Jay was getting in." "Yeah a sister, you found it didn't you?" giving the man a smile in responce you both drove off.
You and Jay, stood on the porch of Amy Jenkins house, "She does know her sister is dead right?" you whispered to him as he knocked, snapping his head towards you in shock, you were a little insensitive, not to the people never to them, just your colleagues that get your coping mechanisms. "Jesus, Y/n," and then he paused, "I hope so," "Can i help you?" the women behind the door asked as the opened it to two strangers. "Amy Jenkins? I'm Officer Y/n Y/l/n this is my partner Detective Jay Halstead, we are here to ask you about your sister." you explained, "I already told the other cops everything but sure come on in." she said moving aside so you and Jay could pass. "She knows' you whisper to Jay following her to the living room. Jay glared frm his spot next to you, shoulders brushing as you walked. "What about my sister?" she asked sitting across from you both, "We took over her case and was wondering if you could tell us anything about the people she was around or talked about." Amy obliged telling you two all about her friends and her last days before she went missing. "Then she called me one night crying, it sounded like she was drunk she wasn't making any sense asking me to come help her that she was stuck and couldn't get back." she explained, "Why does she have a Canadian passport?" Amy and Jay looked confused at the unrelated question, "uh, she doesn't." "We found a Canadian Passport on her body. Why would she have that?" Amys' shoulders drop and you see something in her eyes that tells you to keep pushing. "Amy, we're here to find your sisters killer so we dont have to go tell someone else their sister got cut open." she flinced at the bluntness but gave in. "After the police came I got a phone call from this guy asking if I could help him and her move stuff from his apartment in Toronto, said he was her boyfriend but I already knew she was dead so I freaked out and hung up." "Did you get a name?"
"Ethan Marner, 34 from Toronto, worked for three years at border patrol, multiple priors for fraud forgery and taking bribes, We have dozens of texts between him and Emily all of them are talking about going for a weekend trip to Canada and starting a life together." Kim explained. taping a new picture on the board. "But why the Passport and how did she end up back in Chicago without a paper trail?" Kev asked not making sense of the case, you weren't doing much better, "We checked for Americans coming back not Canadians." you voiced aloud going to your computer to check homelands database. Bingo. "Andres Barkly, Chicago native, been arrested for domestics and kidnapping his ex-girlfriend, he booked both his and Emilys tickets to Chicago after she went missing" You read pulling up the camera footage, showing Andres pulling an out of it Emily through the bus station. "Okay so Ramirez isn't the trafficker he's the drug guy and they were working together with Ethan to lure girls. but why to Canada? Emily had a full ride to Harvard why would she be a mule?" Jay questioned not understanding the link. "What if Andres finds the girls then Ethan lures them to Canada where they take her Passport so she can't leave without helping the smuggle Ramirez's drugs using the new Papers to slider under our radar, then when they are back here Ramirez gets his drugs over the border and Andres gets the girls who last known to us is still in Canada with a new life. No one even knows the girls are back in the states." you threw out there. "We tested the Passport it wouldnt have scanned without throwing up a flag?" Kim questioned. "Guess who was working security when Emily went through with Andres." "Ethan." Jay shot putting the pieces together. you didn't need a great fake when the guy who checks is in on it. Getting Voights approving nod who agrees with the probability. "scoop up Ramirez and make him talk." And that's what you did, he sang like a bird affirming everything you thought and offered to trap Andres for a deal.
"Get comfortable, we're gonna be here a while." Adams Voice cracked over the radio, Jay sighed, leaning his head back against the seat, "What now-" "I have the perfect playlist youre gonna love it!" in your excitement, you interrupted Jay, watched you from the side of his eye smiling at the pure glee that filled you. pretty early on Jay learned you spoke your feelings through music, rather it be singing while you both made breakfast you still clad in his shirt, or making a playlist of his favorite songs, even the soundtrack to the movie you saw on your first date, not that you'd ever admit it or even notice you did it, but he did. "You made a playlist for me?" as his words reached your ears you looked away from your to face him, looking appalled at the accusation. "No" "Is my name in the title?" judging by the smug tone his voice carried he knew the answer but your pride would never allow it. "No.'' your response didn't hold the same force as before, slowly going back to your phone editing the name. (stakeout playlist) "uh-huh," He Hummed, as the first tune played. "Next!" he demanded as the thee for cops played through his speakers, "But its fitting! it gets the people going!" at the look, he gave you obeyed his request and skipped to the next song. 'Hey mister policeman i' "No!" groaning you hit the next song, pausing it till you were ready, not stopping the smile that came across your lips, "Jay?'' waiting till you had his attention, and play "Wanna get dirrty!" you screamed with the song dancing in your seat making Jay shake with silent laughter, as he allows the playlist to continue. as the songs fade to the next you notice his thumbs tap to the beat of AC/DC, "I knew you'd like it." he heard you quietly mumble.
“We got movement.” Kevin reports from the south side of the building where the main exit was. you were on the north side so no front row seat until it was time to move, Jay had already rechecked his vest and reached over the console to check yours, he did it without hesitation after the first day you both worked together and you got a loose strap caught on a window seal you had jumped out of after a suspect and it ripped right of your body, so now he always checks it for you. "Possitive ID on the on the Officer, move in!" and it was like the green light went off on the race track with how fast lights flipped on and tires ripped through the street to the meet going down. seeing Andres face contort into shock the undercover still playing limp in his arms as he drops her to the ground and takes off. Jay had barely slowed the truck before you were ripping out the door, "Chicago PD!" you yelled, throwing your shoulder into his back and arms around his waist nocking you both into the hood of Hanks Durango, Andres grunted at the impact, throwing him off long enough for you to throw him back over yourself and onto the pavement, the momentum twisting you around with him giving the perfect position to get cuffs on.  "5021 Bravo, suspect in custady." your knee was still pressed against his back when Jay ran up, Hank coming around from the drivers seat, both making eye contact saying, 'Did she really just do that' to which you caught onto. "What?" you huffed out. "Nothing," jay chuckled, hauling up Andres and walking him over to a patrol unit. you turned to Voight, who was looking at the dent in his hood, grimacing waiting for his reaction, "Okay," "Boss, did you hit the guy?" Ruz asked coming to join you both, "We hit him actually." you explained, Kim just hummed coming to expect something like that from you, "And I missed it!"
sighing with relief taking your vest off and hanging it back in your locker happy to have another case closed. Shutting the metal door, you jumped at seeing Jay quietly leaning his shoulder against the row of lockers. "Homeland and Toronto police picked up Ethan and found Emilys real Passport at his house along with five more who missing persons and SVU are tracking down whoever Andres sold them too, already found one," he said, wrapping an arm around your waist as you moved through the station, ,"Good He deserves the most unpolite prison Canada has." you sung getting comfortable in the warmed car seat, thanking Ram for thinking off adding heated seats. "Please take me home to my nice warm comfy bed." you sighed watching Jay mess with something on his phone, "You mean our bed?" he added not looking up until a song started playing, "Don't worry I'm taking you home," he smirked, you couldn't help at giggle at the choice of song he picked. Home from the movie Bright played softly through the truck as he drove, his hand pressed firmly on your thigh while you were wrapped around that arm head resting against t his shoulder when a though hit you. "I still can't believe i made a playlist for you." you admitted, knowing while it might make you uncomfortable, Jay loved it. he hummed pressing a kiss to the top of your head, "yeah you did,"
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albino-whumpee · 3 years
Unrequited Love
CW// Pet whump, dehumanization, human trafficking, amnesia, hot water burns, exhausted whumpee. Pretty mild one honestly. ^^
Ok i didn´t notice it before, but THIS is the corrected version. Idk what happened.  Also taglist? I didn´t tag y´all???
Taglist:  @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @giggly-evil-puppy @cowboysrappin @haro-whumps @burtlederp @neuro-whump @comfortforthepain @whumps-the-word @whole-and-apart-and-between @broken-horn @ashintheairlikesnow @rosesareviolentlyread​ @starnight-whump @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @as-a-matter-of-whump  @whumpasaurus101 @grizzlie70​ @twistedcaretaker
During the party, Zarai had gotten the contact she needed to talk to Dune’s Ceo. Or at least the first of three people she needed to stablish contact to get to Gil Jefferson.
So while she was hopping around searching for the phone number of her client, asking for extensions and generally being absent, the whole team needed her approval to finish their jobs. So Albus was the one in charge now.
“Albus, can you check this out and tell me if its ok, please? Was a question he heard at least ten times a day now.
“Serra, talk to management on the next floor and tell them we need the results now” he would nod and fly downstairs.
“Serra I need your sign for this budget…” Zarai had given her authority to do that after Robert’s visit.
“Serra I need your sign for this budget…” Zarai had given her authority to do that after Robert’s visit.
Any problem the marketing and development team had was managed by the albino with a few wretched nerves and increasing eye bags. Then he would inform an overly tired Zarai that everything was in order. But there was always a small mistake she would notice and make him fix in shouting everyone on the office was too surprised to never have seen Albus cry from.
Despite the shouting making it all the way to other side of the office, he simply remained calm, waited for her to finish and then apologized before going to fix it. He just continued to work efficiently. Until there were no mistakes to get yelled at.
Sometimes, one of the new trainees would ask him if he was alright, but he would look at them with a funny look and change the subject. If he was to be honest, he had fully expected to be properly punished when they were alone, at home. He was so grateful he could hang his role as Albus Serra for a moment and allow himself to be only Al, the pet who didn’t hide his collar.
He was bent over some newbie’s desk when he straigthened up with a smile “Now, you just need to click this button, and you will have the whole system on your drive in a few minutes”
The newbie looked at him with adoration “Thank you so much, mister Serra!” He had said with a gleam on his eyes that made him blush.
“Mister Serra, I’ve a few questions about the report I sent you” Albus trotted to the woman.
“Ah, yes. I checked and it’s looking fine. I already sent it so, dont worry about it and give a hand to Ryan, please” the woman blinked “I know it’s not part of your job but look at them…” he cocked his head to the glass covered office of five people laying over their desks, one fully crying and the other lost in infinity. “You’ve got a degree on computer engineering right? The development needs to find the exact problem today. Please lend them a hand”
“Yes, sir” she had answered before walking away. Albus froze for a moment. An strange feeling sitting on his stomach.
He didn’t have time to wonder what it was when he was called again.
Albus was staring at the ceiling, serving himself some coffee from the machine at Tony´s office when he blanked out for a second and heard the man yelp.
“Albus it´s spilling!” he shouted loud enough to make the boy react. His half open eyelids fixed on the cup and then on the floor before taking lots of paper and wiping the floor with it “I´m sorry! Imsorry,Imsorry,Imsorry” he muttered before the man grabbed his right wrist and pulled down his soaked sleeve to reveal a growing red spot “Dude you burnt yourself! Are you ok? Does it hurt?” he said lifting him up.
Albus head spinned wildly enough to make him stumble against a wall. The man passed an arm around his waist “Jesus, Albus, what´s wrong?” Albus groaned while rubbing his eyes with his other hand.
“I´m sorry, I´m just… I´m… I´m ok, it doesn´t hurt. I promise I´m sorry” he told the man as he put him down on his chair.
“Hey, hey, it´s ok, it´s just some bean water. Look at me” the boy pulled his red eyes to look at his friend “I´ll go get some ice to put on that, yeah? Sit here for a second” he waited until the boy nodded to walk out of the office. Albus stared at the disaster on the floor and felt horrible. He looked around and found some kleenex on the desk. He hoped he wouldn´t mind and started wiping the floor again.
“Mister Serra?” The trainee asked him outside the office. Albus looked up at him and then at the floor. “Mister Serra you´re green! Please lay down, I´ll call someone to clean that up” the boy trotted to help him sit on the chair again.
“i-it´s fine. I´m ok, Jeremy” he said feeling his head puffy. The boy left him there for a second and then leaned on the frame of the door.
“Lee, can you get me some chocolate from my backpack? Mister Serra isn´t feeling well!” he shouted as the boy shrank on his seat.
“Mister Serra? Does he need some water?” a feminine voice asked with a worried tone. Possibly the intern from last week he had to sign her papers for.
“Yeah! and get someone from cleaning!” Albus heard a reply and felt his cheeks burning as Jeremy knelt next to him.
“Thank you” he whispered to the blonde. He directed a genuine smile at the albino. “Mister Serra has helped me a lot since I got here. Please don´t thank me. It´s the least I can do for you, mister!” Albus felt himself sink into the chair further as Lee handed him Jeremy´s candy bar.
“You´re looking a little pale, mister” She said when he was about to take a bite. Jeremy was about to say something when he heard himself laugh. Lee smiled triumphantly.
“Still, mister, have you slept enough? I saw you doze off during the report meeting with the interns yesterday…” Jeremy continued, his cheeks burning red. Albus swallowed feeling guilty someone had seen him fighting to keep himself awake.
“Don´t fall off yet, soldier, we still got work to do” Sasha came inside the office with Tony behind her. He put the ice on his burnt hand and he didn´t even twitch. The four stared at him with worry. “Does it hurt?” Sasha asked him. Albus didn´t look up, only shrugged.
“Thanks Tony…Sorry for the mess” he apologized putting his hand away. He tried to stand up, but his legs refused to do so.
“Don´t mind it. But maybe you should stay here for a moment” He bit his lip.
“I still have work to do…” he tried to stand up, but Sasha pushed him back to the chair.
“Well, then it´s a good moment to just rely on us for help. You have that meeting with the trainees again don´t you?” he nodded slowly. “You two” she directed the trainees, who squared up instantly “Make a summary and send it to me before clocking out. I´ll make the paperwork and Tony will help with the mails” The boys both responded with “yes, ma´am” Albus jumped trying to stop her, but Sasha gave him a freezing look. “You rest here, workaholic. You trying to imitate Zarai with her unhealthy habits? Just eat your candy bar, boy”
“But we´ve got that meeting with…” she put Tony´s coat on his shoulders.
“You´re in no conditions to listen to old men talking about how far to the right a letter should be to increase sales a 10%” she rubbed his back before pulling away “Just sleep a bit yeah?” she silenced him.
He tugged the cozy coat over his shoulders close to him. Hiding his face with it. “Thank you…”
Sasha smiled and pulled everyone out of Tony´s office as the cleaning lady took care of the mess. Jeremy and Lee walked out the office wishing him to get better soon after leaving some more candy. He thanked them and saw them snickering to each other as they went out.
Albus pulled his knees close to his chest and the coat covered his back when he fell asleep against the desk.
Tony´s coat was warm.
He never mentioned it to Zarai, but when he was working at home that night, or well, the early morning of the next day, he received a photo from Tony.
It was him curled up into a ball in the chair with only his white hair sticking out of the brown coat.
“A wild tired cinnamon roll has appeared!” Tony wrote below it.
Sasha keysmashed and put lots of faces laughing.
Albus just shook his head and grinned before he continued working.
Didn´t stop until dawn when Zarai came in to tell him they were leaving in a few minutes.
He arrived to the office with the same exhausted face from yesterday but when he came out, Lee was there with a coffee on her hands.
“Jeremy sends you this sir” she said to the mute boy.
“I…uh…thank you, Lee” he said as he shifted the coffee cup and saw it had a number and a smiley face. He looked up at her with his cheeks fired up. “Uh…”
Lee simply walked away before he could say anything.
He showed it to Tony and Sasha at lunch and snickered to the other “Aren´t you popular, boy! I´ve also had girls ask me for your number!” Tony howlered
“What?” Sasha grinned as he blushed
“But you´re taken already aren´t you? With that freckled boy you always talking about”
“Sann?” Albus widened his eyes. “Oh, I…no, no. It´s not…” he remembered his smile at the party, the tuxedo and the rose on his chest, his dimples, his hair looking like fire in the sunset and immediately went silent. “I wish but It´s more complicated than that”
Both leaned on him. He let out a heavy sigh before staring at the city from their table on the roof top.
“I met him two years ago, but I don´t remember anything from that period. I know I learnt what I know back then…but it´s blank. I feel like something important happened…but everytime I try to remember it´s like…it just hurts and it´s uncomfortable” he said rounding one thumb with the other “I want to remember that meeting, but I can´t. I just recently remembered some… things” he continued to explain, the images of handlers touching him all over came to his head. The shocks. “And then there´s…” the problem that´s he´s someone else´s pet and I´m not supposed to get close to him. “Anyways, it´s messy” he smiled at his quiet friends “It´s dumb to say that I would be completely fine just by seeing him being happy even if I´m far?”
Both stared at him for an uncomfortably long time.
“Does Zarai know of your amnesia?” Sasha asked bluntly, playing with the bracelet in her left wrist. Albus had to shrug.
“Did you have an accident or…?”
Albus had to think hard about it. “…maybe I had someone hit my head repeatedly…” Sasha opened her mouth outraged “No, no it´s ok. I don´t know for sure. I just remember feeling numb after a hit” he hurried to explain. “Can we change the subject?” he asked closing his eyes, feeling ill suddenly.
“…ok” both laid back on their chairs as Albus sighed relieved “You should get that head checked up tho´. Two years is a long time, Albus” Tony told him.
Albus bit his tongue to not spit he didn´t remember most of his life anyways. Or his parent´s faces, or his own name.
He instead tried to put a smile. A mask that pleased everyone was easier to pull than try to uncover the truth.
“So, please help with Jeremy? I don´t wanna break the poor boy´s heart”
It took a while for them to talk normally to him again, but in the end, Jeremy was understanding when he explained he was not available. In fact, he had smiled and thanked him for being honest and Albus could pull an all nighter in peace because of that.
He cried on Lee´s shoulder later at the bus station, but that was something Albus didn´t need to know.
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brawltogethernow · 4 years
So the problem starts, the problem starts when Kaine agrees to go to a bake sale.
This little old lady put her hand on his face, see? What are little old ladies doing putting their hands on his face? Doesn’t she know he could snap her neck with a finger twitch?
“You are a good Catholic boy,” she says. “I know one when I see one,” she interrupts when he opens his mouth to protest, though he wasn’t yet decided which descriptor to zero in on first. “You are always at confession.”
Kaine may, possibly, have been using confession as a kind of no-papers-required stand-in for therapy. Or maybe a no-blood-shed-Aracely-isn’t-glaring-at-me stand-in for hurting himself.
He has enough brain cells not to say this. Barely.
“Thank you,” he says instead, and tries to pull away.
She leans with him. Her hands remain on his face.
“But I never see you anywhere else!” she says. “You must come to the bake sale. It’s on Friday.”
“Okay,” says Kaine’s mouth entirely without his input. He was born with an inbuilt structural weakness against little old battle axes. He attributes this to the ghost echoes of Peter Parker’s idyllic childhood.
“So what are we making?” demands Aracely as soon as he returns to the presidential suite. “Lemon bars? People on TV make lemon bars. What is a lemon bar?”
Sometimes, Kaine is more glad than anything that she's always eavesdropping on the inside of his head. Often, he’d cut off a limb, hell, all his limbs, to keep her out. He'd grow a bunch of spider legs again and then cut those off. He’s not sure exactly where this falls between the two extremes. But definitely closer to the negative side.
“Oh,” she says as if he answered, tipping her head. She’s turned around on the couch and sat up on her knees and braced her arms on the back of it to see him better. “You don’t know either. That’s okay, we can Google it.”
So they burn the kitchenette a little bit.
"We can rebuild it," says Arcacely. "We have the technology."
He definitely leaves her in front of the TV too much. But what's the alternative, bringing her with him more?
"Yes, it is," says Aracely like he spoke out loud. "And that is but one more reason why you should do that."
"Hell no," says Kaine, and books it out of the suite fast enough that he can pretend he didn't hear her shout, "Swear jar!"
He finds the maid who most often handles their rooms. He hands her a stack of hundreds for her trouble, then gives her a couple more because he can tell the exchange has scared her. He tells her the hotel can bill him the damages. And then he asks her how to get to the hotel kitchen.
Aracely appears, out of breath, as he finishes bribing his way into use of a stove. Her ability to do this is one reason among many why he doesn't own a cellphone.
"You could have just asked them," she chirps, methodically going through the room and opening, examining, and then closing every drawer. It's empty right now, so there's no one to stop her. "I think they would have just let us use the kitchen. The people here like you."
"No, they don't," corrects Kaine. "And who cares? It's not like we need to save money." He can just go hit more human traffickers if he runs low. And since he spends a lot of his time doing this even when he's not running low, he is in absolutely no danger of running low. He's pretty sure he could buy a yacht, or a politician.
"Success!" proclaims Aracely, and when Kaine turns around she's holding a clear plastic tub of brown powder over her head. There's a piece of paper laminated to the side with text printed on it that might be a recipe. "Brownie mix!"
"That is not food," declares Aracely of their creation. "No one is going to buy that."
Kaine leans over to examine it. It's kind of...grainy.
"Brownie sand," says Aracely. "Could we start a new trend?"
Kaine sighs. They should have known trying to quarter the banquet-sized serving on the tub was a bad idea. They have clearly miscalculated on some ephemeral measurement level. They've angered the baking gods.
"Are there baking gods?" inquires Aracely.
"Why don't you ask the Catholics," says Kaine, and tugs her away to tip the cleaning staff again.
“This is good too,” says Aracely, presiding over the storebought tubs of those weird shitty grocery store cookies that are mostly icing that they brought instead.
“I don’t even know how I got here,” says Kaine. “What are we doing here?”
His nose twitches. He’s not sure if one of them still smells like burnt lemons or if he’s just imagining it. He does know that he’s avoiding anything lemony for a long time.
The woman who got him into this sidles up to them shortly after they set up, looking very pleased to see him there.
"Always good to see fresh faces," she says, and winks at him.
She continues to talk in a way that stays steadily one step to the left of him feeling like he has a firm grasp on the conversation. Possibly that's because he's overthinking things and doubting whether he's correctly interpreting a single word she's saying. What even is "the congregation", in this context?
He looks at Aracely.
She shrugs.
Is it a list. Do you have to complete a set of tasks to qualify. Are there membership cards?
Aracely shrugs a little more beffudledly. Her reeducation via television and following a vigilante around active crime scenes must not have taught her about this.
The bake sale is to raise money to fix the air conditioner. This means that the building is the same temperature inside as it is outside. The best description he can come up with for the response the people in the room are having to the sweltering temperature is "cheerfully miserable".
Other than that it's...weird. Festival-ish? It kind of plucks the strings of memories that don't belong to him of May Parker presiding over neighborhood events with an endlessly gentle iron fist, but it also doesn't. He also kind of feels like he is impersonating someone who is actually supposed to be here. But that's nothing new.
There is a big confused snarl in Kaine's chest made mostly of other people's experiences that he can't even begin to interpret if he pings himself about the concept of "God". He thought that might be a problem if he just walked in here and...socialized.
It is not. No one is asking him about God.
"What do you think about the setup this time?" a woman with a thin mouth and long, spindly fingers demands. Her lipstick is the same shade as Annabelle's hair and her turtleneck suggests a total lack of concern for the wet Houston heat that Kaine finds honestly terrifying.
"The--?" he starts to answer.
"It's definitely for the best they didn't decide to hold it in the basement again," she continues, saving him from answering her not-really-a-question. "I mean, why? The lobby has all these lovely windows."
She gestures. Kaine nods along, his adrenaline spiking more than it ever has for any interaction with a werewolf or a most dangerous game type with a knife.
Thus follows a brief interaction where Kaine hums or nods when appropriate, and in return learns that she's very invested in the greater accessibility of the lobby, she plays piano on a volunteer basis for the church, and she knows he's "one of Marie's injections of fresh blood" but doesn't seem interested on calling him out for not belonging here.
"Do come to the community breakfast tomorrow," she finishes, buys two cookies, and leaves.
The emotional aftermath is akin to having weathered a near-death experience.
Aracely has found an older couple to speak Spanish with and is chirping away at the same blistering clip typical of her English, but with a more fluid cadence that betrays it's at least one of her native languages. The in-his-head thing doesn't really go both ways, so he has no idea what they're talking about. Probably something he'd regret knowing. What if she is asking them about baking gods.
A guy in a priest...collar...thing...who Kaine hopes desperately is not the one he sometimes monopolizes, or, failing that, does not recognize him, has sprouted up to make polite conversation.
"Not a bad turnout today, eh?" he says.
"Good thing they moved it back into the lobby," tries Kaine.
The priest beams at him like he's repeated the secret code.
"So true," he says.
Kaine is totally mastering churches. This is great. He bets if it were Peter in his place he would have started a fight by now.
"I think that went well," says Aracely after they've retreated to the suite and she's curled back up on the couch with a bowl of...something. She stabs the contents of the bowl with a spoon. "We should definitely do that again. Socializing with your community is almost as important as scaring away all its drug lords!"
"They're not my community," says Kaine. Not just the Catholic church a few blocks away from the hotel, which he still thinks he prefers from inside an anonymous guilt box. Houston is not Kaine's community. He does not have, does not get to have, a community. (Aracely rolls her eyes in an incredibly teenagery way, projecting exasperation either at his answer or his train of thought.) "What are you eating?"
She salutes him with her spoon. "Brownie sand! It's very edible!"
"Ichh," says Kaine.
"It's good for you!" Aracely declares. She looks dubiously down at her bowl, and corrects, "It's not actively bad for you!"
"No more chocolate," says Kaine. "No more lemons. No."
"But maybe some more bake sales?"
On AO3 (where the title and summary can be considered a bonus gag). Last year the GG Discord was talking about how the Marvel wiki categorizes characters by religious affiliation, which led to questioning why Kaine Parker was listed as Catholic. I reported back several months later after I read Scarlet Spider that it was because he started going to confession after being thrown through a church wall, which prompted gelpenss to pitch the mental image of Kaine showing up to one of the less cinematic things people do in churches.
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benchgenderstudies · 3 years
Busting Dr Cynthia Buliks Injurious Revisionism of Anorexia and Eating Disorders.
By Michael Bench, MEP, WGSGC
1.Can you tell who has eating disorders?
Cynthia says “no”.
Actual Answer: Yes.
Starvation effects are observable and anorexia is cosmetic starvation. Those females with an early eating disorder (EDNOS) or using Anorexic behaviors should be addressed and reported to school staff or counseling for their safety; Crash Dieting is disordered eating even if not a diagnosis and is part of a larger social problem of aversions to patient and honest physical conditioning. Crash diets are the tools of lushes. The very lushes that publish female targeted media promoting cleanses and ‘quick fix tips’.  Medical and health advice, if from a document, should only come from academic journals. 
2.Are mothers to blame:
Cynthia says no.
Actual Answer: Often
Mothers who have seasonal weight control efforts and use crash diets to cheat their way to a 'beach body” are modeling disordered eating. Crash diets are disordered eating. Mothers involved with pageants have also been known to use other methods like infecting their daughters with tapeworms to reach a desired thinness.
3.Are families to blame?
Cynthia says no.
Actual Answer:Yes.Situationally.
Involvement with sport, social or classist activities that prioritize gender roles before sport itself is a complicity to eating disorders and body dysmorphia. A parent who willingly lets an industry or coach alter her child’s course of physical maturity is actively neglecting their child no matter what the presumed benefits.  Families also normalize some seasonal classism, poor nutritional behavior, and poor communication that can be seen in children using anorexic trope behavior and insincere-suicidal attention getting. Mothers who believe their daughters should be paying attention to female targeted fashion media and other retail or pop culture are poorly guarding their children.
4.Is society to Blame? (Far too general. Go home Cynthia.)
Actual Answers: Media is to blame partly in that it protects its advertisers exploitation and revisionism of need/want psychology. Media also forwards health talking points for the unhealthy. The term “weight control” for example is an index case of tolerating a slothful deviant-leisure society who cheat their way to “good looks” simply for summer exhibition. Then they return indoors for winter with their indoor sloth and lazy nutritional rituals.
Coaching & Fashion: Females are not males. Training them as males or believing diet is a form of genetic engineering is magical thinking that can injure the athletes. Instead, minimum ages in sport should be raised so children in gymnastics ,for example, are not used as carnival acts. Lacking a period, a females maturity/fill out has not been “stalled”. She is amenorrheic whether with or without a visible menarche; an event itself that’s been postponed. Females cannot sustain low BMI male thinness to appear his heterosexual-binary-other. In fashion , the binary roles are actually the same , only at smaller emaciated sizes and not androgynous as reported. Fashionistas who take their model's health for granted as an act of 'luxury artification” are long guilty of endangering her health/assault , among other violations like complicit child trafficking  (Set aside whether the female volunteers the risk, the runway’s terms are decided by the foolish and nihilist cosmosexuals having very little competence about human physiology. Respecting ‘who we are” ,eh?) Females normalizing anorexic/disordered eating as a justification of their (model) career or fame are themselves a microphone for social blame. 
5.Are Anorexia and Eating disorders a White race problem/Female problem.
Actual Answer: Yes.
The democratization of Western and American market views of ideal beauty and ideal sexuality has not changed the core source of toxic constructions of binary gender. The manipulation of the female body to conform to eras if disinformation and beauty trends, ie Gibson girl and the Heroin Chic waif, show that 'disordered eating' and its long term effects are practiced as luxury fads. Actual mental disorders escalated to Anorexia Nervosa or Bulimia Nervosa stem from European and South Asian religio-social pacts of personal virtue(Breatherism/Inedia). Ever since the first London and American reports of Inedia or fad fasting the practicioners lied about how little they ate. Anorexia, breatherism and inedia have always been appropriate religious rituals used by desperate zealots for attention.. The vulnerability to this sort of radicalization around fasting links to psychological vulnerability and distortions of their self  (a specific form narcissistic personality disorder)
6. Consider the remainder of her list debunked.>>(will add the rest later)
>>Anorexia is NOT A CASH COW.
If researchers want to do genomics research, have at.   Anorexia itself has provably been found occurring as fads. If the 'formal' uppity journal community don’t have the courage to admit mental illness can be market caused and that the external sphere of society can be toxic..  it is their own failure to confront it and demand regulation. Gibson Girl, Heroin Chic, and proana ‘lifestyle’, are fads whose females are too often seen as ‘victims’ of a male privilege error rather instead their own stubborn choices and long term effects there of : I reject the notion Anorexia should be tolerated as a go-to for researchers that simply need grant money and repudiate those that attempted to distract its identity. The democratization of Anorexia as ‘everyone’s disease’ leads me to be highly suspicious of Buliks motivations as a professional  and what diet/pharm companies are handing her NCEEDUS checks. 
“ Aye , I hear you was gonna go on a crash diet. You dont wanna be one of those wanna bes..  A real crash diet , ya cut your own brake cables , go for a drive on elevated roads and see how many cliffs you can climb back up from.”
What is Anorexia Nervosa:
Behaviors of Disordered Eating are not themselves the source of the problem. All persons using crash diet and anorexic symptom behaviors however should be considered ‘eating disordered”.  Anorexic behaviors are actions of solving a problem the subject appears to suffer even if originally having a healthy proportioned body.  Current research suggests that between 3-10 exposures to any message makes an audience more willing to oblige and 'know' its message. This also means a female convinced that eternal youth is where she must rest her physical body to be beautiful is not technically a mental disorder yet. In the struggle to keep her body looking prepubescent the damages of malnutrition and gray matter deterioration lead to distortions of thought. These distortions then create  new symptoms, unoriginal symptoms that are signs of a narcissistic depression and helplessness.
Starting at that point for internal pathology....
If Anorexia is a mental illness aside from market learning then it must be recognized a problem of extreme dissatisfaction with the self that has escalated.  Anorexia Nervosa , or the most extreme form of cosmetic starvation is then to be recognized : A narcissistic depression formed from the conflict or inability to adapt to adolescent body changes. Social messages denouncing the mature female body and independence may solidify these formerly inert cautions. Further, body changes of the teen are used by marketers to embarrass and humiliate the teen for imperfections; a classic 'witch hunt' scenario of threatening the girl with being burnt at the stake for not being a sexual object. The anorexic is faced with that environment daily; an environment where she has no choice to identify as an adolescent among peers and media , whether she’s ready to adapt or not. There is a clear ‘at adolescence trigger” that points to an adaptation difficulty in a soup of marketing that denounces the aged female as roast beef, spent, junk in the trunk and other negativity. The Youngest females.. healthy or by pathology would have a difficult time concluding what is good about being female when the unhealthy deposition of fat at the waist and hips is normal for her maturity.  That is mainly due to problems in the fitness community media leaving no appreciation for fitness itself. Magazine imagery is purely body sculpted or body building.. actual athletic conditioning with the time allotment it requires. 
 I am also referring to Anorexia as a form of Gender Dysphoia who's conflicted social and internal views of teen maturity can lead to traumatized states.  This should not leave room for stable anorexics or unstable females to characterize the adoption of their injurious methods for 'an in-crowd” elitism.
Anorexia Nervosa and its less severe 'eating disorders..  should actually be called #BodyDysmorphicSIBDieting ( Self Injurious Behavior-Dieting)..It includes caloric restriction, multiple stimulant abuse, dissociative abuse and abuse of prescribed medicines,  poor choices in recovery foods which adds to their narcissistic shaming. Pro Ana websites and groups must be understood part of the symptom of a sociopathic “narcissism supply”. Because Anorexia is so well known, applying its known traits can mimic actual anorexics but these body dissatisfied people are factitious disorder candidates. (they are still disordered and mentally unwell. Thereby groups calling themselves pro Ana that taunt new members as ‘wannabes’ are not doing their job as a support group; Support groups and other health resources pages welcome members  and hope to spread positiivity. Instead pro ana sites often feature a core group functioning as an exclusive cliq who give merit to the identity of ANOREXICS as it surrounds her; the actual board member is of no consequence. The Pro Ana board is an active process of denial/bargaining by making their narcissist affliction sound positive and trendy.
In no way should statements of recovery or links on these proana sites be presumed to be safe.  Anorexia Nervosa is technically an umbrella term for three or more groups necessitating 'shortcutting dieting techniques” to achieve a desireable body. One is truly a mental illness of its own, another is a sociopathic illness that has adopted anorexic traits for its factitious parading.. but is also as serious. Also be mindful that persons starting pro anorexic boards might also be sadists and psychopaths who find artificial arousal in providing a place for harm.  All persons utilizing starvation and self abuse for an undisciplined 'thinspired body” are all heading to the same fatal end; including fashion models. Anorexia in name, in diagnosis, or in method IS STILL ANOREXIA. A refusal of recovery and presumption that anorexia is a lifestyle in name , point to a group still in denial that their practices are injurious. Denial of self failure/deception is one narcissist flaw even if the personality disorder symptoms dont apply to the factitious supplicants 
Third is a general category of body dissatisfied females who use encourage each other with SIB Diet techniques rather than actually go to a gym and perform both cardio AND resistance-exercise-for-STRENGTH.. which will infact lead to hypertrophy and better metabolism. This third group is often heckled by the others as fakers and wannarexics. In fact it is the other two groups proving the sociopathic tendencies of their guilt being made manifest on others. Since they cannot empathize, they neither should be empathized. Those yelling 'wannarexics” can be considered social trash and treated accordingly. A combined trait among all 'anorexics' is they mistake strength as an inside characteristic to excuse responsible self conditioning. .. or to justify their fears lifiting weights .. as a behavior is too masculinity  defining.  Her ego exploits her physical body and the body at times will take back such time to demand fueling.  It is then rightful the ego feels shame but not for eating .. rather for the fasting that causes binging in excess of regular fueling of activity.  This singular matter has a strong motivation to be fatally thin and is their excuse to avoid most legitimate forms of  balanced physical conditioning. The thinness is of no consequence. Those who intend to crash diet their way to a perfect body will eventually succumb to the cheapness of their diets. There is no diet that achieve what physical benefits come from physical conditioning. Research addressing diet as more important than exercise in weight control addresses a foolish society terrible at both.   MB.
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currentfandomkick · 5 years
JL confronts Marinette
From bio!dad Strange au, where they made her kryptonian to keep her alive. This is post-Hawkmoth (debating using a random and revamping Gabriel altogether tbh)
“Don’t.” Marinette was tired of heroes, tired of being one. She had to handle hawkmoth’s fallout, keeping so many secret identities (hers, JL, miraculus team, her gotham family’s) and she just wanted to sleep.
Flash found her first, but Superman grabbed her and put her in the air for a ‘talk’.
“Don’t what?” She knew superman wasnt a detective. She knew he was a reporter though and she could see baiting and needling just under the surface. He’s an interrigator then, she decided.
“Don’t come in and try to fix what the miraculous team already handled. Paris was abbadonned by your league.”
She figured this was about Ladybug. Paris is always going off the the miraculous holders and ladybugs were always deemed the defacto leaders. She liked that Daesuqa (Talia) took over leading long term missions for the most part, handled meetings and politics so her and Chat and the others could be more like the teens they are in theory.
And everyone knew Marinette was Chat Noir’s favorite after she got how many akumatized people to release their akuma on their own? And that she supplied mirauclous users with kwami food (though it was common for many other civilians). It was common knowledge to all, but Hawkmoth apparently, that if Chat or his miraculous team or the entire team was needed, you went to Marinette.
Superman furrowed his brow at that though. “I didn’t know there was an active team here.”
So it wasn’t about the miraculous or years of magic terrorism her city endured?
“Been here for years. Hawkmoth’s sentencing is in a few hours.”
She hoped it was the kwami’s choice. Tikki murmured that people were surprised by what they could live through, and she is thw kwami of life. Tikki would make him wish he was dead routinely. He deserved it for regualrly slaughtering the city.
“No, that’s...” superman shook his head. “I came here to talk to you about...” he gestures to her then. She didn’t get it until she realized she was floating on her own.
When did he let her go?
“I know you’re Princess.”
Marinette’s blood stopped then. No. He can’t. They can’t.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I know Chloe changed my handle to Princess of Paris a few years ago but indont think heroes can stalk teens for that.”
Good, play into that. Distract until someone you trust can come. She hit an alert on her phone while he wasnt looking.
Pegasus should be here soon.
“I know you know it only as the Chimera project.”
Wrong. It was the surgery that kept her alive.
“And i know you’ve been poisoning yourself to stay hidden.”
Antidotes came from venom. It was fone to ise the stickers, they kept her human. The crystals were for emergencies only.
“What I don’t get is why.”
Why would she want him to kidnap, or abduct her? Take her from her family? Her life?
Don’t show that you’re who he thinks, anvocie whispered. Keep being the Paris Marinette from social media. The savage who snarled Weredad into submission.
“I really think you have the wrong girl. Its listed under my file as a volunteer flyer that i’m a flying meta, like most of the flyers.” Good, keep it up.
“And superman, if I had to guess why some girl that i look like would supress their powers, its becuase this is France and until the Miraculous team came clean about some being meta, you were imprisoned on suspicions of being meta, even infants were, are in the rest of France. Paris is the only place you arent imprisoned for it.”
Superman paled at that. “I. I wasn’t aware.”
“why would you be?”
Superman did respond to that.
“And if this Princess of yours is still hiding, she might be protecting her loved ones. Or maybe she thinks you’d steal her away from her life and home? Everyone knows about the fortress of solitude and i dont think anyone besides you would like living there, especially so far from people.”
Marinette watched him process. As long as Red Robin didnt see her, didnt confirm her identity, she was in the clear.
“Now if you’d excuse me, I’m needed to finish filling out a report on the final battle.”
That had superman’s attention.
“Final battle.”
“Yes, we just took down Hawkmoth a week ago.”
“He already has his trial, in a week.” Disbelief. Not worng either.
“It took the citizens of paris a week to finish voting. Finally tallies come in tonight if we try him as humans or if the kwami—gods of various concepts—are the ones to try him for his crimes. Afterall, he enslaved one kwami and abused another.”
Superman was not doing well, far too pale. Shock? No, they sent so many videos before the JL banned them.
Guilt. Regret, too. Probably.
“Now can you put me down somewhere? I’m not out as a meta and indont plan on being out anytime soon. Any supporting the miraculous teams do have their enemies too, and i dont want to be targetted.”
Superman nodded. Numb? Possible.
She let hersef be taken down.
Pegasus was there, Flash on his way. Another person who could make her.
She had to move fast.
“I hope I cleared things up?”
Superman nodded.
Max was ready to fight, glaring at the blue boyscout.
“Ready to go Miss DC?”
Marinette nodded, letting him guide her to the portal.
Flash didnt make it in, but he didnt see her face either. She’s take the narrow victory.
They exited in the Paris Grande Hotel. The Mayor had Batman and Red Robin with him. Crap.
“Is this...”
“Our civilian contact, Miss DC,” Pegasus stated almost too professionally. Great, now Red would know they know each other as friends. batman too.
“Batman, Red Robin, correct?”
“Yes. We, we just found your heroes videos and came to help. I see we’re too late too.”
Marientte nodded, avioding eye contact with Red. She wasnt sure if he learned to act infront of Batman yet, and wasnt risking it.
“I heard you came up with many of the emergency procedures and built the comms system with Pegasus.”
“As a flyer, yes. As Miss DC I just make sure the team stays fed and Chat doesnt forget to sleep.”
Batman shot Red Robin a look as he said, “I know the feeling.”
Marinette didnt fight the smile then. Yes, that was her Hero Stalker Tim alright.
“Would you two be interested in helping the league develop a better system to sort incoming messages?”
Pegasus moved first. “If we do, Miss DC is to be left alone. Her mother is very atrict about her not getting involved in science, and refuses to believe that her daughter has been actively helping the miraculous team.”
Batman turned his attention to Marinette then. “Is that so?”
Marinette nodded. “My birth father and her left on... terms i never got the jist of. He and his friends teach me in secret. Mama,” not maman, she forced herself to say, “she said something about it being destructive and dangerous, so she wants me to stick to the arts instead.”
Batman nodded. “Experiments can be, but that doesnt undercut the good you’ve done. I’ll tell the league you will work off-site should you accept.”
Marinette nodded along. “I can help where Pegasus gets stuck, and be contacted through him but otherwise would prefer not to be contacted by the League. I’m a civilian, and no offense, but there ahve been leaks before.”
“Understandable. The league thanks you for your help, and apoligizes for what you went through.”
Marinette could feel the hole Red Robin was burning into her. He earings. And the fox miraculous. Shit. He knew.
Marinette wanted to punch the league in their face collectively.
“All May i go now, i have a meeting to get to.”
“Of course.”
Pegasus opened the portal and escorted her out.
They both waited five minites, Max feeding Kaalki, for the call.
“So why didnt you tell me?” Tim was pissed.
“Media blackout. Any time i tried to call it was blocked.”
Tim swore. “Alfred!”
“You are so lucky Pegasus doesnt know anything about gotham.”
“He’s there?”
“I work with him alot.”
“So when you visited Gotham...”
“French government would know. Not hard to connect the dots of girl leaves to see gotham fmaily and suddenly the league shows up after banning all of Paris from contact.”
“I. When did it happen?”
“Before Chrismas. I would have had Nonna tell you but she didnt know either until after the fact and they said if she told anyone itd be me going to jail for her.”
“That’s. What hellscape do you live in?”
“I died so many times i don’t even know now.” She stopped keeping track after she got into the eighties. That wasn’t even a full year into being Ladybug.
“That’s not comforting.”
“Please tell me that you’re not outing me to Bats. I just got two leaguers off my tail.”
“I won’t tell him, but if the new Robin does i’m not stopping him.”
She almost forgot Talia’s son was a Robin. She didnt see him in uniform yet—as Damian (not wayne but damian who was mourning lost family, damian who didnt know how to talk to people his age). She knows he’s a bit thick with social cues, and his detective skills need work in her opinion but he’s skeptical and has good insticts. He might make her as Marinette if he’s there.
“Is he...”
“He’s with the Titans now, but theyre debating coming here to yell at the league.”
“Videoing it?”
“Obviously. Want a copy?”
“Ill make popcorn before watching.”
“Rkc are doing well by the way—stopped a human trafficking ring and i think they took the victims.”
“Harley’s working with them,” marientte got he update earlier. “Hood and zsasz took out the lower and mid tier that woudlnt snitch. The case should be smooth sailing—the sirens put out a blanket hit on anyone trying to touch the witnesses.”
“So managing two teams this whole time,” red murmured, almost... bitter, or disapointed in something—no someone. Himself?
“Just tweaking things. Daesuqa handles most the team since she found me and Chat. Apparently she was compatible enough to do a lot of the non-fighting work. I still did battle strategy and all but,” Marinette shrugged.
“She focused in survival aspects here, and long term stability for Gotham. Daesuqa has handled most of non-kwami work here outside of kwami and candidates,” Max added. “On top of her work as a student and designer and inventor.”
Red Robin groaned. “When do you sleep?”
Marinette hummed. “I have meds to make me. And angry family to make me take them.”
“Her... what are we calling him now?” Mac was asking about Felix, adiren’s gremlin cousin who’s mom isntryign to adopt her. Also a fellow reverse theif and possessive friend.
“Uh, gremlin.”
“Her gremlin calls to let is know if she does get rest on the weekends and we trade off on weekdays.”
Red robin hummed into the phone. “So staying to the shadows?”
Trixx and Tikki looked up at Marinette at that. tikki wanted her to be the Ladybug, the be seen and everywhere and she...
Trixx knew why Marinette liked the shadows and background. Trix understood that bit.
“Yeah, i’ll still play in between and have some kwami things for life now.” She and Chat were working out gaurdian duties still.
She wasnt interested in the JL.
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thisispurpleyam · 4 years
Surreptitious Candor part 4
A beautiful lounge singer and Napoleon Solo cross paths during U.N.C.L.E.’s mission in New York. 
Napoleon Solo x WOC oc
I thought that this fic would only need 4 parts, but apparently it calls for two more...
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Knocking out and tying up the owner of the invitation was much simpler than Gaby and Illya expected. The man was the personification of nervous, awkward, and clumsy. He tripped over his own feet and started sobbing immediately after Illya kicked his door down. When Gaby suddenly appeared behind him, the poor guy just couldn’t take it and passed out. They finished the job quietly and swiftly before their oblivious victim’s neighbors noticed something was amiss. Shortly after, they set off to the rendezvous point the team had agreed on. 
At the soiree, Napoleon was blending in with the crowd perfectly, being the usual charmer he was. Amalia and Bernard didn’t even recognize him, as he had anticipated. So, when they paused to ask him who he was, he flawlessly delivered his story of being Alan Sinclair, the only child of the late Mr. and Mrs Sinclair. Everything else would have gone smoothly if it wasn’t for the gossip filling the room unnecessarily dragging out his job.
“Leon?” he heard a familiar voice call out to him, distracting him from his thoughts. 
He turned around and faced the singer whom he had recently become very well acquainted with. “Ah, Eula. Fancy seeing you here.” 
“After last night, who would have thought we’d run into each other again so soon?” she responded with a suggestive smirk. 
Napoleon knowingly smiled back, taking pride in the secret only they had the privilege of knowing. He took her hand in his and kissed her gloved knuckles. “Fate has its ways.” 
“I thought you didn’t like to dance, though?” Eula slyly asked, making a point of darting her eyes toward the dance floor. 
“I suppose I could make an exception for a certain chanteuse again, considering how well my night ended the last time I did,” he replied with a wink, taking the lead and joining the pairs swaying to the music. 
As the two of them moved in time with the song, it dawned on Eula how much time she had been spending with Napoleon. She preferred to be detached from people, being the independent and self-sufficient woman she was. Every involvement she ever had with a man, and they were very few and far between, only lasted a night. All of them, she either met at the lounge or worked with during one of her side jobs before she became a regular at the diner. She seldom let things get far as breakfast. Yet here she was, in her highest heels and most expensive dress, dancing with the devilishly handsome spy and enjoying his company for the fourth night in a row. 
“Alan,” Amalia Fernsby called out. “I see you’ve gotten comfortable enough to partake in the festivities.”
“Mrs. Fernsby,” Napoleon greeted as he pulled away from Eula, noticing her expression sour the moment they heard Amalia’s voice. He pretended to not notice and settled for an arm around her waist instead. “I couldn’t possibly say no to such a lovely dance partner.”
Amalia turned her focus to the singer and remarked, “you never told us the two of you know each other.”
“I prefer to keep our conversations on a need-to-know basis,” Eula responded curtly, flashing an artificial smile to emphasize her point. 
Bernard sensed the tension and stepped in, “I’m really glad you and Alan Sinclair are getting along well, though. His mother really meant a lot to our family. She was a wonderful tutor to you, and we’ll forever be in debt.” 
“She absolutely was. Maybe you could come over for dinner sometime, Alan,” Amalia excitedly added. “How your mother didn’t talk much about you, I will never understand. If I had a son as handsome as you, I would-“
“Mother,” Eula sternly cut in. “Let’s not make our guest uncomfortable, shall we?”
Before the conversation could get any further, their assistant came to inform Bernard and Amalia that their presence was requested by an important guest. 
Napoleon waited for any woman’s reaction whenever they realized a man had been dishonest with them. He anticipated Eula’s rage or tears, but neither came. Instead, she took her parents’ absence as an opportunity to get away from the crowd. 
“Let’s get out of here,” she said as she grabbed him and pulled him to an empty hallway, leading him to the fire exit door. She looked both ways to make sure the area was clear before dragging him inside the stairwell. 
Napoleon lazily raised both of his hands and offered Eula a sheepish grin, “Alright. You got me.” 
“Relax, Alan,” she said in sarcasm and leaned her back against the door. “I’m trying to help you.” 
Napoleon incredulously eyed the brunette. “You are?”
“Yes! So you better listen carefully before anybody notices anything out of the ordinary,” she responded all in one breath. 
Still doubtful, Napoleon inquired, “but why? Considering you just found out I used you and lied to you, the last thing you should be feeling is generosity.”
Eula rolled her eyes in annoyance. “Leon, I knew. From the moment we first met, I knew you weren’t who you presented yourself to be.”
“Alright, humor me then,” he challenged. “What do you know about me?” 
“First of all,” she started, taking steps closer to him and meeting his piercing gaze, “I know that you’re a conman. You always don designer suits that only the upper class of New York can afford, yet your hands are way too rough to belong to a man of wealth. Hell, even your car is more expensive than any I’ve driven before. As far as I know, no man can get that rich off physical labor alone. Hands like yours could only mean being heavily exposed to either field work or combat. My suspicions were proven right when I saw your scars last night. I’ve had my fair share of men, and I think I can tell the difference between a puny heir with no backbone and someone who had to do whatever he can to survive.” 
Napoleon could only look at her in wonder. None of the women he had been with were as observant. They usually swooned over the smallest things and bought whatever persona he sold to them. 
“I also know that you’re a thief. A good one, I might add, who would have gotten away with stealing my bracelet if I didn’t know the contents of my jewelry box like the back of my hand. After all, how can my bracelet disappear after I first spoke with you and suddenly turn up in my jewelry box after you spent the night?”
Napoleon snickered. “A good thief probably shouldn’t return items they’ve stolen.”
“Even if you hadn’t given it back, I still would have figured you out,” Eula confidently retorted. 
“Oh really? Why’s that?”
“Simple. You’re not at all the type of man to stick around. You’re the type who leaves after you’ve had your fun. And if the object of your desire doesn’t take you up on your offer right away, you move on to your next conquest. With me, you actually waited for three days and even visited the diner despite barely knowing me. What other reason would you have to stay other than the fact that you’d already figured out who I really was?”
Napoleon hated to admit it, but he was impressed. The CIA and U.N.C.L.E. had done a good job covering up his criminal record, yet Eula was able to glean that much information simply by paying attention. She might not have figured out the exact circumstances, but she got pretty damn close. “You’re perceptive, I’ll give you that.”
“Alright, then. My turn to ask now. How did you find out I was a Fernsby?”
“Your bracelet,” he answered nonchalantly. 
“My bracelet?” Eula asked in puzzlement. “But it’s a unique design that never reached the market.” 
“Precisely. At first I considered it was a knockoff brand, seeing as it had an emblem vaguely similar to the Fernsbys’ trademark logo, but the quality was way too high to be that cheap. Then I found out that in every photograph taken of the Fernsby women from different generations, each had that bracelet in common. I gathered that it was a jewelry unique to every woman in the family.”
Eula shook her head and scoffed. “I knew I should have thrown that stupid thing away. It never did quite fit me right.” 
“But there’s just one thing I couldn’t quite figure out.”
“And that is?”
“Every single Fernsby woman of the last three generations have their photographs in the paper, except for you.”
“I don’t really like to associate with my family. That’s the whole reason why I left the day I turned 18. I’ve been working at the lounge since then and even took up graveyard shifts at the diner.”
“So that’s why you’re helping me? Because you hate your family?” 
“Don’t mock me,” she firmly told him. “They’re not as ‘glamorous’ as they make people think. I may not know the exact details, but I was groomed to be the company’s heir and trained to understand the ins and outs. I know they’ve been caught up in human trafficking and drug dealing of some sort. I can’t exactly report them to the cops because even they can be bought by our family name alone. The money from the business my ancestors started deserves to be put to better use.”
“And you think I won’t misuse the money?” he sarcastically asked. 
“I think, you’re not doing this heist completely out of selfish reasons.”
“What makes you say that?”
“When you left the diner, I saw what you did to that young news boy. I saw how you bought all of the papers he had left just so he could go home. I also know that on the evening we met, when it was a really slow night at the lounge, it was you who tipped every single server on duty. Leon, you’re not as terrible of a person as you seem to think.”
“You’re trusting me way too much, Eula” Napoleon warned her. 
“Well, I’d rather trust you than my manipulative and controlling parents. At least I know you’re capable of helping people on your own free will. They only do it for show.” 
“If you hate them so much, why’d you come to the soiree?” he questioned. 
“Because it’s part of the deal,” Eula bit back. “I promised I’d show up to every stupid gathering they’d hold in exchange for them getting their ‘henchmen’ off my back. It doesn’t guarantee my safety from the tabloids, but it’s worth a try…”
Napoleon wordlessly studied the brunette. All the years he spent in his trade taught him to recognize dishonesty, and Eula showed no sign of it. “Fine,” he gave in. “When do we start?”
“We? I can’t go with you. I go on stage in a few minutes. You’ll be on your own, so you have to pay close attention to everything I tell you.” 
“Alright, what do I have to do?” 
Eula looked around the fire exit staircase to make sure no one could overhear and hurriedly instructed, “go into the janitor’s closet at the end of the hall. The wall on the left side of the door is hollow and has a hidden elevator behind it. You’ll need this,” she took off her bracelet and handed it to Napoleon, “because the emblem on the pendant unlocks the elevator doors.”
“Ah, so this ‘stupid thing’ has a use after all,” Napoleon teased.
She let out a dry laugh and answered, “yes, but I won’t be needing it anymore, so you can keep it. The elevator takes you to the most restricted area of the building. When you get there, you’ll see a steel door with a passcode. I would tell you the code, but they change it every 12 hours. You get past that, and then there’s a safe you gotta crack.”
“Lucky for you, safe cracking is a part of my skill set. But I suppose you already knew that otherwise you wouldn’t be telling me all this.”
“I didn’t really know. But considering the magnitude of this larceny, I just figured.”
“Hmm, fair enough. 
“Best be on your way before people start to miss you,” Eula ordered him. “Oh, and the password for unlocking the steel door from the inside is ‘awanggan.’ It’s Tagalog for infinity.” 
“Listen, Eula,” Napoleon began hesitantly, “I’m sorry for-”
“It’s okay,” she interjected with a genuine smile and joked, “I always knew you weren’t a ‘coffee and breakfast in the morning’ kind of guy from the get go.”
Napoleon began to make his way to the door until he paused in his tracks and turned back around. He caught her off guard by pulling her in and capturing her lips with his. After she got past her initial surprise, she eagerly responded almost immediately; each of them moving with an amount of aggression to ensure neither would easily forget the physical memory of the experience. He gave her bottom lip a soft bite before slowly pulling away.
 “Don’t miss me too much,” he smugly teased. 
“Whatever you say, Leon. Now hurry!” 
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akatsukitobi · 5 years
New updated and LONGER sneak peek at the other story I'm writing. It's a Kakayama of course, but it doesn't start out very pleasant and I'm sorry for making the boys suffer like I do. It can't be helped.
This one's called Dehumanized, from the disturbed song of the same name. It's gonna be rated E, and will have more than one content warning on it probably. I'm about 20k into it, and may post the first couple chapters today.
It was 10:30 in the morning, and Kakashi had been summoned to hokage tower… an hour ago. He was late, of course. No doubt Tenzo was already there, waiting diligently while cursing his captain in his head. Did Kakashi get some sort of sick amusement out of making his kohai wait for him? Probably. 
The younger boy was only 16, but he was the best subordinate that Kakashi had ever had. Even if Kakashi was being an ass, Tenzo still followed orders. (Though not without giving his captain a well deserved lecture first.) Kakashi may have been older, but that didn't mean he was more mature. 
The third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, was waiting patiently in his office when the 19 year old finally arrived. Tenzo, however, had his arms crossed in a huff. "You're late." 
Kakashi started in with one of his excuses. "Maa, Tenzo, there was an old lady who needed an escort-"
"Save it." Tenzo said simply. The teenager was trying to glare a hole through Kakashi's face, though the silver haired ninja knew he had already been forgiven. 
"Kakashi, Tenzo, I have a mission for you." The older man suddenly cut in. "This is an A rank, but has the potential to be more difficult." 
Kakashi and Tenzo listened carefully as their newest mission was laid out for them. 
"There is a long road between the towns of Chikara and Hinawa in northern fire country. It seems there is a kidnapping ring working along its path, taking children and teenagers alike. So far, the 30 confirmed victims have been between the ages of 8 and 17. We don't know what they have been doing, but so far our preliminary reports lead us to believe that this is a civilian organization that is behind it. I need you to go undercover, walk the road until you gather their attention. What I'm asking may be a bit difficult." The hokage explained slowly. He sighed deeply before continuing. "You must let them capture you. We need them to take you to their hideout, and find out what their game is." 
"But sir… aren't I a bit old for this mission?" Kakashi asked curiously. 
"You are, but I happen to know that without that mask, you don't look 19. Also, in order for this to work, we will need to seal away your sharingan." 
Kakashi opened his mouth to protest, but Hiruzen held up a hand to stop him. "It won't be a complicated seal, you will only need to send chakra to your eye for it to be removed." 
Kakashi relaxed. He could work with that, though he wasn't too thrilled that he was going to have to do this mission maskless. 
"Once you are in, you need to gather information and bust out. You can detain enemies if you feel you are capable of doing so, but we can always raid the hideout once you return or send coordinates." Hiruzen continued. "Understood?"
Both boys nodded. 
That had been a week ago. Now, Kakashi Was walking along the most boring road in all of existence, wearing awful civilian clothes that he'd bought two days beforehand. Fortunately, Tenzo was good company. They got along fairly well, and conversation flowed easily between them. Every so often, between real topics, Kakashi would throw out something made up, prompting a random conversation that neither knew anything about. 
"So, are you going to take Jessica out on that date?" Kakashi asked with a grin. He had never known anyone by that name in his entire life, and he was pretty sure Tenzo hadn't either. It was interesting to hear all the improvising that Tenzo could do. 
"I don't know… she's kind of mean to me, don't you think?" Tenzo offered. 
"So she hit you with a cake pan… that doesn't make her mean. You probably deserved it." Kakashi said with a shrug.
"She dunked my head in the toilet!" Tenzo squawked defensively. "Three times!"
"Yes, but didn't you take the last slice of pizza?" Kakashi said with a smile. 
"Exactly. She probably hates me. Jessica is more likely to stab me than to go on a date with me. I'll save myself the trouble of a very painful rejection and just not ask." Tenzo answered. 
"Maa, if you insist." Kakashi answered, laughing lightly. He felt the presence suddenly behind them. At least three people that hadn't been there before. Looks like this is it. 
"Are you ready for the journey?" Kakashi asked vaguely, knowing Tenzo had probably felt the presence too. 
"It will probably suck, but yes. Sounds kind of like a long trip, though." Tenzo answered. This mission had been slotted for two weeks. At least a week of that being held captive by civilians. It didn't exactly sound fun. 
"Yeah, I feel the same way." Kakashi answered dryly, making extra effort not to flinch when the heavy object came at the back of his head. 
The older ninja was hit with what felt like a frying pan. At the same time, he felt a pressure on the back of his knees, forcing his legs to buckle and crash down to the dirt. He yelped a little at the pain, the sound only half fake because damn that hurt. He turned both of his eyes towards Tenzo (both of them matching gray with the sealing jutsu), seeing that he was hit a little harder and was bleeding behind his head a bit. 
Hands were on him, forcing him to the ground with a bit more strength than he was expecting. He resisted, trying to put up the facade of someone trying to escape capture as he yelled out at his attackers. Kakashi found that even if he had resisted at full strength, he might not have escaped. He didn't actually start to worry until a needle was jabbed into his neck. How sure was the third hokage that this was a kidnapping ring and not a group just murdering people?
He felt his chakra sapped away, and Kakashi started to really panic. He felt weak, like he had been sick with the flu for a week. The ninja turned his head towards his young kohai, watching as they snapped a metal ring around his neck. The thing was about an inch thick, and was black with silver markings on it. A seal? He didn't have much time to react as one was fastened around his neck as well. 
"You think we didn't know you were ninjas?" A man behind him growled out. "With this, your chakra won't return to you, and ironically, the seal can only be broken with chakra." 
Kakashi was ripped to his feet, and the damn things were barely able to hold his weight with how exhausted his body was. He locked eyes with Tenzo, and found the large brown orbs completely overtaken by panic and fear. Kakashi was trying to remain calm, but this mission had just escalated to an S rank, and he wasn't sure how they would escape without chakra. 
A man just a few years older than him moved into his vision. The man was dirty, wearing old clothes and missing a few teeth. "Oh! This one is so pretty! And he has a nice scar on his eye. You know, if we give him a red contact, we could probably pretend he's that ninja from the leaf village!" 
A woman came around and slapped him upside the head. "No one will fall for that, you buffoon!" She turned to look at Kakashi's panicked face. "He is awfully pretty though. I bet we get good money for him." 
Kakashi was definitely nervous now. This was a human trafficking ring? Were they going to sell him into slavery… or worse? Their focus on his face made him excessively uncomfortable for what was to come, and he didn't feel any better as the black bag was placed over his head and his hands were tied behind his back. 
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If you believe you have been a victim of human trafficking, due to social status of a high economic or of a military status Please do contact an above link for a DNA kit.
Or if your child became pregnant and the children's infants went missing or died and you did not have a body at the funeral please contact.
If you knew anyone named Jeremiah Jenkins, Thomas White, Travis Lamar Phillips, Debbie Jennings, Jesse James (Jr), Junkyard Nate/Mate, Mike Breedlove, Chad Worthington.
Oklahoma and Arkansas was the poorer areas that were victimized.
However, California and NYC was a mix. NYC was a high prostitute area that was picked from.
Alabama and other southern states was military for punishment for losing the civil war.
Drug addicts were also candidates due to their willingness to keep the drugs growing.
Thus any one was accessible and wanted, nearly.
We have over 16,000 missing in the United States alone. Many people were reported dead whom weren't and some went willingly and its a huge mess.
Those that know of their families will be contacting their families very soon. Hopes people are home for the first day of Hannhakh. Myself included.
If you registered your moves with the US postal system then the system will be updated to your current address. So there's no need to contact if you have not been contacted as of yet.
Military troops and tovern agents will bring the surviving victims of human trafficking and kidnapping home. Escorted, blowing horns down the street. You will be notifed in advance via telephone if available. Upon entering the home. Immediately agents will do a DNA kit which will be processed in only 15 minutes max. Usually 2 to 3 minutes.
Then the homecoming can begin, officially.
Its just a gentle cotton swab but if you feel uncomfortable with unknown people putting unknown objects in your mouth, THEY Will provide you a napkin and the ability to spit your sample there to be swabbed. It is preferred that additional identification is provided, however your genetic person match belongs to you.
Cases with husbands and wives, children will be matched to them. If no children are available then it is up to the survivor to stay. The research will be done to locate you, also a survivor to find you. Thus we will feel the information provided by the survivor to be valid. However due to brainwashing, extra caution will be provided. And identification will need to exist. Now its up to each individual country. So if a country does not feel comfortable to release to a non kin, they may decide to take both to a mental health facility to do simple and unobtrusive observations.
Then a medical professional will deem the safety of both parties.
A letter for your job will be provided by your home country to allow you off time and compensation for lost wages will be given as well.
Again it is up to each individual country to protect both the individual in their country and the kidnapped person.
However, someone like Jeremiah would lie and say I was his wife, knowing I do have amnesia and admit to it. So i could say I don't feel comfortable permitting him in my home and ask for alternative arrangements.
And the country will abide by that yet allow us a comfortable and safe place to visit.
For DNA kits. Contact someone from the above links. They will have information as to how to get a kit to you and mostly to FWD your information to the teams working in that department.
They will respond to you as to what to do with the kit. Likely it will be sent to your local law enforcement whom will contact you to to go their office to supply your spit sample.
They will have information how to return the kit. Which is Likley to mail it to Washington DC. Or your country's capital ---
I apologize, i know the USA system most so this is based off us here. But many countries are similar.
By Christmas there will be an available website to further expedite this. And have each specific country listed (or grouped) to help assist you there.
When contacting someone from the above websites (yes any one from any country may do so at this time) please list your and your family's names and aliases and city and states of which you have lived since you had a missing person. And include all current methods of contacting you. Include any missing people links from the databases found in Google (only use a free one. I use namus.gov). And names and aliases they have used in the past. Please request first before sending any photos as the email may not go through due to restrictions on email accounts for hazardous viruses. So offer to provide additional photos if you have them available in an additional email.
*take a photo with your cell phone of the photo then email it.
There is a database available to input that information. This can help the process along, and also if they have deep brainwashing or amnesia. It will take a considerable amount of time to match you --- mail the DNA kit then you have it mailed back and then processed.
They have been swabbed and out in the database so the actual matching Wil be 2o minutes most.
We just ask you wait a few weeks until the television reports their release and you have not had contact with your survivor.
I regret to inform you that not everyone survived. DNA of remains will be taken.
Please understand this is only one Iraq area we are releasing. There are more farms all over.
Also if you have taken an online DNA kit, nearly all have allowed the use of the DNA available to match. One popular one has not, Ancestry.com so if you have done 23andme for example, then we will find you once we find your person.
Knowing there is over 16 Thousand missing people in the USA alone, i know this is a horrible time for many of you readers.
So please understand that we are working as fast as possible to do what we can.
Currently only 1,556 people will be relocated this Christmas.
I am sorry. I truly am that the number is so little. There's probably more than 100,000 people that will be sad this Christmas And without hope/faith and you will be in our thoughts and prayers.
But I hope knowing that this small number being rescued and returned home lightens your heavy emotional burden and gives you hope in the years to come that your loved ones will return home to you.
We will work and strive to return all missing people, even if they have passed away.
So you will finally have answers and peace.
So if you don't hear from us, please do enjoy your holidays and then come the beginning of 2020, please do send in for your kits.
It will take only one hour of Your time or less, depending on traffic. If the local law enforcement takes up 45 minutes of you sitting there waiting in the lobby. Contact the person who had it sent there and let them know you're being further victimized and not being treated in a humane manner. And accommodations will be made for you.
Happy Holidays, as best as you can make them. And those of you waiting for your loved ones, know we care that you are.
Prayers for you all.
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Ghost, Chapter 7 - “If It Means A Lot To You”
A/N: Hey there! It’s been a while I don’t update that story due to a plenty of personal issues (for real, I even thought to re-write it all), but here I am and I hope you enjoy it. The music that inspires the chapter is "If It Means a Lot to You" by A Day To Remember.
Word count: 4065
Warning: Smut, violence, torture, a little angst, attempt rape, MCU and Marvel-Netflix together, Google Translate Romanian.
The Mixtape | Spotify Playlist | Catch up
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Eight months ago
Bucky kissed me and I kissed him back under the starred sky and under the Brooklyn Bridge’s lights. He had pulled me to his lap and the upper part of his Julius Caesar costume has been thrown to the back seat.
“I think we should go back to the compound.” I said after I stopped him.
“Why you say that?” He asked.
“Because the things I want to do to you would get us arrested.” I answered and he laughed.
“Oh, yeah?” He asked and squeezed my hips.
“Hell to the yeah, Sergeant.” I answered him and grinded on him. He moaned and we began a heavy make out session inside the car.
Our lips would collide and fight for dominance, Bucky’s hands were already squeezing my butt and bringing my hips closer to his, making me grind on him and feel his hard cock there. My arms laced around his neck when I felt his lips on my neck – he had me when he found my sweet spot, making me moan louder and my body arch even more against his.
“Hmmm, found it.” He whispered in my neck, trailing a way of kisses to my throat.
“I think I can’t wait until we get to the compound.” I said and moaned when Bucky began to play with the straps of my dress, lowering them to have easy access to my boobs. He looked at me and his lips traveled back to mine.
“I was counting on that.” He said and began to kiss my boobs, kissing and sucking my nipples, making me moan louder than intended.
Bucky moved the driver’s seat so we’d get more space and a little comfort. I lift my body so he could pull his tunic up and his boxers down. I hiked up my dress and while Bucky pumped himself with his metal hand, I put my panties to the side. It made him stop his ministrations and caress my clit, feeling how wet I was.
“Is this all for me, babygirl?” He asked.
“No” I answered with a playful smirk. “It’s for Steve.”
“Y/N…” He warned. “Don’t play with me.”
“What you’re gonna do about that, Sergean- OH!” I was asking and he didn’t need to tell me twice when pulling a moan from my lips, thrusting a finger inside my pussy while his thumb massaged my clit. His finger massaged my walls and my body began to tremble, leaving me on the edge of an orgasm.
But Bucky saw it coming and took his finger out of me. I groaned in frustration.
“Come on!” I shouted and he smirked.
“I told you not to play with me, babygirl.” He said. “And I just don’t make you beg because we’re inside a car. Ride me.”
“With pleasure.” I said and sat on his lap slowly, his thick cock stretching me in a delicious way. “Oh damn, you’re big.”
“And you’re damn tight.” He grunted. “Deliciously tight.”
“Yeah” I said when his cock was all the way in me. “It’s been a while.”
“A while?” he asked with a laugh.
“Okay, more than a while.” I said and began to move in a slow pace. “Ah, shit.”
“Fuck, Y/N.” He grunted and began to control my pace, thrusting into me and making me bounce. I’d bounce on him and thankfully the car didn’t move.
We both were a sweating and moaning mess, the car’s windows were getting foggy, the air around us was hotter. Bucky and I would kiss with ferocity, fighting for dominance. I felt my pussy clench around him, he grunted and fastened his pace, making my body tremble for the second time.
“Buck- AH!” I moaned his name and screamed when his metal fingers began to circle my clit. “Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes – James!”
“Holy shit, Y/N!” He muffled his scream on my neck, kissing and biting lightly on my skin afterwards. His body began to tremble under me. “Come with me, babygirl.”
My body trembled and with an exasperated sigh, I came undone and laid my head on his shoulder, so I could catch my breath. Bucky came not long after and embraced my body to his, catching his breath.
“Not close from I can do on my bed, but it was great.” Bucky commented and I laughed.
“I couldn’t brag about my flexibility either.” I said and got up from his lap, a mix of our juices falling from my pussy. I sighed from the emptiness and Bucky smiled, using his fingers to collect our juices and making me shiver from the sensibility. I looked down at him and he offered me his fingers, which I gladly sucked on. Soon enough, an idea came to my mind, making me go to the backseat.
“It means you’re down for a second round?” Bucky asked looking at me.
“Yes, but not inside the car.” I answered and sat on the backseat, so I could take the panties off. Once I took them off, I cleaned myself while hissing from relief. I went back to my seat and Bucky had settled himself, so we’d go back to the compound.
The short travel to the compound would be more tense if it wasn’t for the music playing in the radio. The sexual tension between us reached its peak when we arrived to the compound and went to the elevator.
Bucky began to kiss me in a rough way and I corresponded fighting back for the dominance once again that night. Accidentally, we had pressed the buttons to every floor and, while kissing, we stopped at the common room, with me in Bucky’s arms while he held me from my butt.
“Shit.” Bucky said in a whisper. “Wrong floor.”  
“Holy crap.” I said and laughed lowly. We were about to go back to the elevator when I heard someone (or something) moving. “Buck, did you hear it?”
“What?” He asked and he didn’t even had time to hear again when I grabbed one of my knives from the leg support I wore and threw towards the noise. My knife stopped at one of the armchairs in the room. “You are with your weapons? How come I didn’t feel…?”  
“Some things never change.” I said and jumped from Bucky’s lap. “FRIDAY, can you turn the lights on?”
Lights on – FRIDAY said and I grabbed my other knife.
“Your grandmother taught you well.” I heard Nick Fury’s voice. I jumped off of Bucky’s lap and Fury turned around. He sat on the armchair. “Sergeant Barnes.”
“Fury.” Bucky said, nodding.
“I suppose I need to talk to Y/N” Fury began. “Alone.”
“Sure.” Bucky said and then looked at me. “Mine or yours?”
“Mine.” I answered, telling Bucky to go to my room. “Your voice is on my lock system.”
“G’night.” He said and left.
“Okay, Fury.” I said. “Talk.”
“First of all” He began. “You really enjoyed the Halloween spirit, didn’t you?”
“I have a child right now.” I said in a matter-of-fact. “I need to do this for her.”
“How motherly of you.” Fury said. “I need you for a mission, one you might enjoy, like your old times.”
“Talk.” I said and sat on the couch, looking at him.
It would be a mission from the upper echelons, speaking of CIA type of mission. It would be an operation made up in four steps to arrest a man named Zaharia, a powerful mobster that owned lots of heavy schemes – human trafficking among them all. It would take up to six months, if everything worked accordingly. I’d have a new identity and also I’d have to learn a new language – Romanian that would be.
“Six months far from home.” I said.  
“You never cared for that.” He said. “Even when I used Clint to attract you.”
“Well, I do now.” I said after a heavy sigh. “Now I have a kid to care about, now I have a family to rely on. I’m not the lone wolf anymore, Fury.”
“Six months.” He said. “It will go fast, you won’t even realize it... and I’ll make it easy for you to communicate with Aaliyah.”
“Is there a second person on the lead?” I asked after an awkward silence.
“Dinah Madani.” He answered. “Everything you need to know about her and this assignment is in the report inside your closet. You leave tomorrow night, your flight is already booked.”
“Can I go?” I asked. Fury nodded and I got up, giving my back to him and walking towards the elevator.
“Y/N?” Fury called me and I looked back. “Wear condoms. Your grandmother wouldn’t like you to be an irresponsible person.”
“I take birth control, Fury.” I said after a laugh and left him alone in the room.
“What did Fury tell you?” Bucky asked. He had ran a bath for both of us and we agreed we wouldn’t go for a second round too soon – Fury’s sudden appearance was enough to make our stamina go down.
I sighed. “He got me assigned, Buck.” I answered. “A big ass assignment.”
“No shit?” He asked and I nodded in denial. I was laying on his chest, the lavender and lemon bath bomb he used made the bathroom smell like heaven. “How long?”
“Up to six months.” I answered. “He promised to put me in touch with Aaliyah, though.”
“That’s a long time.” He commented and I nodded. “When will you leave?
“Tomorrow night.” I answered.
“I just want you to promise something to me.” Bucky said all of sudden, after the comfortable silence that formed between us.
“What would it be?” I asked him and looked at him from his shoulder. He looked down at me and kissed my right temple.
“Come back to me.” He answered and I nodded, kissing the scars between his shoulder and metal arm, and laying on his chest afterwards. His right hand began to caress my shoulder.
“I will.”
Bucharest, Romania  
Eight months later  
“Y/N?” Madani called me through the comms. “Can you hear me?”  
“Loud and clear, Dinah.” I answered in a whisper. “Loud and clear... Do you know how tough it is to be the you and me at the same time?”  
“Shut your face.” She laughed lowly, so no one would hear her. “Did you get the files?”  
“Not yet.” I answered while looking at the hacking system Tony lent me. “Stark’s system didn’t pass through their firewall yet. It’s cracking the passcodes.”  
“Is your gun with you?” she asked out of sudden. I looked at the hacking system – it was already transferring the files to a secure cloud inside CIA.  
“I got two guns and a pair of knives inside this comfortable maid clothing.” I answered with a huff.  
“Take the clothing off if you’re wearing your tactical uniform under it.” She said. “In less than two minutes, they’ll corner you because you found it better to ditch the maid counting.”  
“Did you really think I’d make eight months ten?!” I asked with anger and I didn’t even have time to take that ridiculous uniform off – three men appeared inside the main office, where I was collecting (robbing, to be more exact) their data – plans, schemes and lists with names that involved illegal weapon purchase, art piece stealing and even human traffic.  
I spent eight months in Romania as Alina Drăgoi, a student who didn’t find job opportunities in her knowledge area and applied to work as a maid so she could pay her tuition. I cleaned more rooms in five months than in a lifetime, and hell, I was tired of it.  
My limit came when one of Zaharia’s sons tried to rape me while I cleaned his room. One of the CIA’s undercover agents saved me, who was there as one of Zaharia’s men. The worst of all was that I couldn’t fight against him – not because he was stronger than I was, but because I’d ruin the cover if I did.  
And now that I blew my cover, I could do whatever the fuck I wanted.  
“Buna ziua, domnilor.” (Hello, gentlemen) I said in Romanian.  
“Ce cauți aici, servitoare?” (What are you doing here, maid?) One of them asked.  
“S-ar putea să am greșit ușile.” (I might have mistaken the doors) I answered in a polite way, looking at my feet, faking fear. “Casa are prea multe.” (The house has too many)  
“Ce faci aici?” (What are you doing here?) Zaharia’s son, the one who tried to rape me, arrived.
Shit, I thought.  
“Această servitoare a fost aici.” (This maid was here) the other man answered. “A greșit ușile.” (She has mistaken the doors.)  
“Nu era la conte.” (She wasn’t at the count.) Zaharia’s son, Vladmir, said. “E un spion dracu '.” (She’s a fucking spy.)  
“Madani” I whispered and the men began to approach. “I need to earn some time. What do I do?”  
“I need three to five minutes.” Dinah answered. “I just had access to Stark’s system status.”  
“Do I have your permission to kill?” I asked lowly while trying to run from the men and defend myself with the big office chair. I looked at the system – I had three more minutes. “Madani!”  
I ran from those men like the Devil ran from the church. It was a cat and mouse game but they didn’t know one thing – I was the cat who let the mice fool around for a while.  
“Just a little more, Y/N.” She said and one of them got a hold of me, locking both of my arms.  
“Lasa-ma sa plec!” (Let me go!) I screamed using all my acting abilities. “Te rog, lasă-mă să plec!” (Please, let me go!)  
“Ce îi facem ei, șefule?” (What do we do to her, boss?) The man who held me asked while I acted like I tried to release myself.  
“De ce nu facem vorbele de păsări?” (Why don’t we make the little bird talk?) Vladmir asked while coming closer. His face disgusted me in ways I couldn’t explain. His right hand went to my chin and I saw the drawing of a rose I recognized as the same rose tattooed on the Ginger Man’s neck in Almería. “Pentru cine lucrați? Hm?” (Who do you work for? Hm?)  
I didn’t answer and Vladmir gave me the filthiest smile I’ve ever seen in eight months of this undercover mission. “Știi, dulceață.” (You know, sweetness) He began and grabbed my left leg and approached his body from mine. My breathing got heavier because he could find my weapons under the skirt and it would fuck up my situation even more. “Te-am urmărit de când ai venit să lucrezi în casa mea. Și te-a plăcut, dar tu, micuța pasăre, ai nevoie de o lecție pentru a nu muri cu ceva ce nu te descurci.” (I’ve been watching you since you came in to work inside my house. And I liked you, but you, little bird, need a lesson so you don’t mess with something you can’t handle).  
“Fa ce trebuie sa faci.” (Do what you gotta do.) I hissed. He smiled and worked on his pants, unbuttoning them.
“Ascultător.” (Obedient.) He said and his hand began to go further up my leg. He licked the left side of my face and then whispered inside my ear: “Așa îmi place, dulceață.” (That’s how I like it, sweetness.)  
“The system already sent everything for the cloud drive at CIA.” Madani said through the comms and I thanked God my earpiece was in the right ear. “Now, make them remember you in their worst nightmares.”  
I smiled as filthy as Vladmir and his smile got bigger. “Te distrezi?” (Enjoying yourself?)  
“Vino mai aproape.” (Come closer.) I said and his brown eyes were on mine. In a escape sequence, I stepped on the feet of the man who held me and hit Vladmir’s face with my head.  
He screamed in pain and went backwards. His nose bled. “Ticălosule!” (You bitch!)
He and his men came at me and, as easy as preparing a Papanasi, I put them down - I wasn't supposed to be as angry as I was, but these months in Romania made me angry as Hell and the raping attempt enraged me even more.
One of his men came again and tried to punch me. I held his fist with my right hand. “Mișcare greșită, amice.” (Wrong move, pal.) I said and put his right arm behind his back, breaking it. He screamed in pain and grabbed his gun with the other hand, but I was faster - I disarmed him and hit his head on the Mahogany table, multiple times.
“Aceasta este” (This is) hit. “pentru” (for you) hit. “a învăța” (to learn) hit. “să nu” (not to) hit. “te joci” (play) hit. “cu” (with) hit. “mine!” (me!). One last hit and he fell dead on my shoes.
“Cine ești tu?” (Who are you?) the other man asked. I smiled and grabbed both of my knives under the maid uniform while seeing the fear in his eyes. I didn't take long to throw both my knives to his face - they stabbed his eyes, killing the man immediately. Vladmir had lost the color of his skin while looking at me.
“Shit.” Vladmir said, with his nose still bleeding. He tried to run but I got to the door faster.
“Știi, Vlad.” (You know, Vlad.) I began walking to him. He'd walk backwards, with fear. “Ar trebui să te ucid repede aici și acum. Dar m-am ocupat de bărbați ca tine înainte și m-am ocupat de ei în consecință. Și, din fericire, sunteți în situația sa: pantaloni jos și frica în ochii tăi.” (I should kill you fast, here and now. But I've dealt with men like you before and I dealt with them accordingly. And thankfully, you're in their situation: pants down and fear in your eyes.)
“Ce vei face cu mine?” (What are you going to do to me?) He asked, terrified.
“Vă voi învăța o lecție.”(I'll teach you a lesson.) I answered and grabbed one of the knives from the men's skull, cleaning it on the maid uniform. “Unul nu veți uita niciodată.” (One you will never forget.)
Said that, Vladmir tripped on his steps and fell to the floor. I could see his bulge almost jumping from his pants. I grabbed the lighter in the uniform pocket and began to heat the blade.
“Nu sunteți...” (You're not...) He began as a lowered myself next to his pants. He began to beg when I stopped to heat the blade and grabbed his dick with my left hand. “Nu, nu nu! Te rog, nu-” (No, no, no! Please, don't - )
I won't lie and say that I didn't enjoy listening to his pleas while I cut his dick out of his body. Because God knows I enjoyed.
“Așa fac eu cu violatorii, Vladimir.” (This is how I deal with rapists, Vladmir.) I said and he was paralyzed, his screaming was mute, his throat probably sore and his breathing was fast. I made him hold the dead member with his left hand. “Și aceasta este pentru tine să înveți să nu viorezi din nou nici o femeie, nici un bărbat sau un copil, pentru că știu că ai făcut-o. Și o să știu dacă o faci din nou și mă voi întoarce să te ucid, degetul cu degetul, degetul de la picior, degeaba.” (And this is for you to learn to not rape any women, men or children again, because I know you did. And I'll know if you do it again, and I'll come back to kill you, finger by finger, toe by toe, slowly.)
I heard heavy running and grabbed my other knife, cleaning it in the uniform and taking the piece off afterwards, leaving me in my tactical gear. I put my knives back in their supports and opened the big ass window.
"Are you over with your revenge, Y/N?" Dinah asked through the comms.
"Are you going to send a helicopter to catch me, Madani?" I answered sarcastically.
"You got five minutes to reach the roof." She answered and I climbed to the roof. The helicopter was coming and I ran with all I had in me, jumping and falling inside the vehicle. I closed my eyes and fell asleep, listening to the pilot.
"She's already here, agent Madani." was the last thing I heard.
Upstate New York, USA.
Three days later
"Mission report?" Fury asked Madani and I. We were in our way to the Avengers compound, having a meeting inside a fancy equipped van. I drank a dose of cowboy Bourbon, relaxing from the flight and the mission in a whole.
"All the information is being analyzed by the CIA IT team." Madani answered. "By now, they might be hacking a few IPs from the schemes, and gathering more information."
"Good." He said and looking at me. "Can I count on you for another assignme-"
"The next time I need to get more than intended in one of these assignments, Fury" I began, cutting him. "I'll fucking blow up the place before you know it. The next time, if there is a next time, I'll be doing it my way and you know my way, don't you?"
"I do." He simply answered and I felt the van stop. "You and agent Madani might work as a team again."
"Good." I said. "I hope I don't need to hear from you anytime soon, Madani."
"The same for me, Y/L/N." Dinah answered. "I'd be down for a couple of beers, though."
"We can see about that." I said and opened the vehicle's door, grabbed my bag and headed to the compound.
Welcome back, Y/N - FRIDAY said.
"Thanks, FRIDAY." I answered. "Where is the team?"
They're in the kitchen, having lunch. - FRIDAY answered. - Do I let them know you arrived?
"Is Aaliyah here?" I asked.
Yes, she is. - FRIDAY answered and I took the elevator and pressed the button to the kitchen floor.
"Then I want to surprise them." I answered.
The closer I came to the kitchen, the more it felt like home. I could tell it was Sam who cooked, the kitchen smelled great and my stomach began to growl. I laughed internally and I barely got to the kitchen and heard Ali calling me - she could tell I'd arrived due to her powers.
"Mommy!" She screamed and ran at me. I dropped my bag and held her in my arms, in the middle of the kitchen.
I never thought she'd call me that way but, while at Romania, three weeks before this day, while we cried and talked to eachother, she told me she missed me everyday and she called me "Mommy". I froze and then, when my heart swelled with joy and belonging. I felt like I had a family after all.
"My baby." I answered and cradled her. "How have you been? Hm? Did you obey Nat and Steve? And Bucky?"
"Yes." She answered and she began to cry. "I missed you so much, Mommy."
"I missed you so much it hurts." I confessed and laughed through the tears I didn't feel falling from my eyes. Aaliyah climbed off of me and went to seat at her place to have lunch.
"I didn't let anyone seat by my side." She stated proudly and I laughed. "I knew you were coming back."
"That's true." Nat said and laughed. She came to hug me. "How's Bucharest?"
"I didn't really have time to enjoy the city, but it's beautiful." I answered after we hugged. "Where's Bucky?"
"Doll?" I heard him ask from behind me and I turned around. It was my time to almost run to him and jump on his arms. He held me from my back, my legs were around his waist and we hugged eachother. "You're back."
"I'm known for accomplishing both my missions and promises." I said and he looked at me.
"You're back to me?" He asked.
The time I was far from the team, and mainly from Aaliyah and Bucky, made me put my mind straight about some stuff. And one of these stuff was that I felt complete and at ease with Bucky. I felt like home and I wasn't willing to let this feeling go anytime soon.  
"I'm back to you, Seargent." I answered and we shared a kiss. A kiss with desperation, with longing. A kiss with love and belonging.
Tags (open): @ailynalonso15 @witchymarvelspacecase @annabella789 @ladylustitia @theseldomseenkilljoy @wicket-master @purrrcrastination @coal000 @parisss-lilli@luv-what-you-do @s-killian14 @wowspideyholland@curlyhairedlolita @personwhoisntquitesureimalive @barnesdeservestheworld@cassiopeia-barrow
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searchingwardrobes · 5 years
Priceless: 5/?
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Here it is, finally, the chapter in which David and Mary Margaret join the Brothers Jones in their heroics! However, my favorite part of this chapter is the end where Killian jumps into action using his heart not his head. Of course, consequences will result . . .
Thanks as always to my beta, @xhookswenchx . Every time I doubt this very angsty and somewhat dark story, your enthusiasm spurs me on!
Summary: Desperate men often find themselves in places they never thought they would go, but for Killian Jones it would finally force him to be the hero is daughter always thought he could be. The job was simple: drive the truck, don’t open the back, don’t ask questions. But Killian Jones has never followed instructions very well …
An AU of the movie Priceless starring Joel Smallbone of For King and Country.
Rating: M for themes
Trigger warnings: This story is about human trafficking so there are discussions of rape and non-con, some of it involving minors. This particular chapter includes a back story for one character that ends in murder. None of it is portrayed as positive nor is it graphically described. If you have any specific questions or concerns before reading, feel free to message me.
Also on Ao3 and part of my movie au series Captain Swan is My Favorite Rom Com: Second Edition. There is also a first edition.
Tagging:  @snowbellewells @kmomof4 @winterbaby89 @teamhook @whimsicallyenchantedrose @kday426  @thislassishooked @jennjenn615 @welllpthisishappening @let-it-raines @tiganasummertree @hollyethecurious @bethacaciakay @shipsxahoy @shady-swan-jones @cat-sophia @artistic-writer @thejacketandthehook @resident-of-storybrooke @dassala @allofdafandoms-blog @branlovestowrite @flslp87 @pocket-anon @snidgetsafan @delirious-latenight-laughs @onceuponaprincessworld @profdanglaisstuff @distant-rose @optomisticgirl  @courtorderedcake​
Liam pulled into the only cheap motel we could find that still had the vacancy sign flipped on. We parked and wearily headed into the lobby. Conversation seemed irrelevant under such hopeless circumstances. I understood why Emma wouldn’t leave with us, but now what?
The man behind the counter didn’t seem overly welcoming. He wore a scowl on his face and his arms were crossed over his chest as if he were showing off his muscles. That, combined with his All-American blonde, clean cut hair, made me think of the star quarterback of the school football team.
“We’d like a room for the night,” Liam told him wearily.
The man’s eyes narrowed further at us as he tipped his head out the window. “That your truck out there?”
“Um, yeah,” I told him.
“What you boys hauling?”
“What’s with the third degree?” I snapped irritably.
“Killian,” Liam hissed in a warning tone.
“It’s a simple question,” the man bit out.
“Honey, what’s going on?” a woman asked as she came out of the back office. Her dark hair was cut in a pixie style, and I could read kindness in her expression.
“These young men were just leaving.”
“Hey!” I protested. “What about the room? Your sign says you have vacancies.”
“Guess we need to fix that.”
“David,” his wife said softly, placing a gentle hand on his arm.
“Mary Margaret, do you see that truck out there?”
The woman’s expression changed the second her eyes landed on our truck. Suddenly, my assessment of her as kind and gentle didn’t seem so accurate. She looked like she was ready to take on a battle single-handedly.
“We don’t allow that kind of business in our establishment,” she said politely, yet sternly.
“There’s nothing in the truck, I assure you,” Liam told them, his voice calm.
“You’re still not welcome,” David repeated, and we could both see there was no arguing with him. “We know full well what that truck was hauling. You don’t have a motel on the outskirts of Vegas without learning a thing or two.”
“Please leave,” his wife added, and her words were full of so much authority, I was tempted to bow as I backed towards the door.
Liam sighed in resignation and turned with me to leave. We climbed back in the truck, and Liam and I just sat there in silence for a few minutes, unsure where to go next. But when David stalked threateningly out of the lobby into the parking lot, Liam hurriedly started the engine and backed the truck out of the space.
We found a 24 hour diner and spent a long, sleepless night in a vinyl booth. We ordered coffee and pie, and then around four am, we caved and bought bacon and eggs. We spoke little, weighed down with worry and guilt. I told Liam everything Emma had said while we were together, but it only increased my brother’s burden. He worried about Elsa’s illness and Anna’s innocence, as did I. Both of us felt anger as well over Emma’s bruised arms and broken spirit. Above all, we felt responsible.
The bell above the diner door jingled, and Liam’s eyebrows shot up. I followed his line of sight and saw a police officer striding to the bar. Pinned to his shirt was a sheriff’s badge.
“That’s it, Killian! We need to get the police involved.”
“Liam,” I warned, grabbing his arm as he went to stand, “you can’t be serious. Do you want the man to arrest us? Or have you forgotten that we were aiding and abetting in multiple illegal activities?”
“Who cares about that now?”
“The girls will if we’re in jail and can’t help them. I made a promise to Emma.”
Liam stood there, his gaze going back and forth between me and the sheriff. He wasn’t like me; his moral compass had never wavered. I swallowed as I released his arm.
“Okay, fine,” I told him, “but let me do the talking.”
Liam nodded grimly, and we both made our way over to the diner booth where the grizzled law officer was sipping on his coffee. I cleared my throat to get his attention, feeling like I was back in kindergarten tattling on a bully to the teacher.
“Can I help you gentleman?” he asked lazily.
“Um . . yes, we’d like to report a crime going on at the Red Lantern motel.”
He narrowed his eyes, put down his mug, and turned on his stool to fully face us. “What kind of crime?”
“Prostitution -”
“That’s the least of it,” Liam jumped in, and I pressed my eyes closed in irritation, “these girls, they aren’t doing it by choice, and some are underage -”
“Is that so?” the sheriff cut him off. His eyes glittered darkly as he regarded both of us. “And how do you two know so much about this?”
I caught Liam’s gaze, silently begging him to keep his mouth shut. “We were there to get a room,” I told him, “and saw it with our own eyes. So we got out of there.”
I pressed my lips together, refusing to turn my head towards my brother. I knew what his reaction would be to how easily lies slipped off my tongue.
The sheriff rubbed at his chin, and I couldn’t help noticing the slight uptick of his lips, as if he were hiding a smile. I grew nervous that he could see right through us, but I kept a confident expression plastered on my face.
“Well,” he said, lifting his mug to his lips, “I suppose I can look into it.”
He exchanged a glance with the man I assumed owned the diner who stood off to the side arranging donuts on a tray. The look they exchanged was almost a smirk.
“Liam,” I whispered as I pulled him out of the diner, “I’ve got a really bad feeling about this.”
“What do you mean?”
“I hope I’m wrong, but . . . we may have to fix this ourselves.
“What do you know about our truck?”
Mr. All American’s head snapped up at the sound of my hand slapping the top of the lobby counter. Liam whispered my name in warning behind me.
“I know,” David said calmly, bracing both hands on the check-in desk as he leaned towards me, “that I made it clear to you two that I didn’t want it on my property.”
“But you knew what we were hauling,” I argued, “those were your words.”
He narrowed his eyes at me, seeming to search my face for something. “They were.”
“Then why didn’t you call the cops?” Liam put in, stepping to my side.
If Liam’s intent was to intimidate the man, it didn’t work. He simply crossed his muscular arms and glared at us both.
“Because I knew it would be pointless. Like I said, we’ve been running this hotel long enough to know how things work around here.”
I leaned closer to him, holding out my phone with Emma’s picture on the screen. “So help her,” I said, infusing my voice with all the sincerity I could muster. Tears welled in my eyes, but I didn’t care if I looked like a fool. “Help us help her.”
“And her sisters. One’s only sixteen.”
I clenched my jaw. My brother had the subtlety of a brick, and it was going to be the death of us both.
“David,” a voice said quietly from the doorway of the office. It was the same woman from the night before. “We have to help them. I think we were meant to.”
David deflated, his arms falling to his sides. “Okay, Mary Margaret.”
She smiled up at him gently as she put her arms around him.
“Thank you,” I whispered, my words directed at her.
“The first thing you boys need to do,” David told us, “is to get rid of that truck.”
The sun was setting below the tops of the cheap motels in this dusty town that only boasted its proximity to the city of sin itself. The town held a few disreputable casinos, a smattering of all-you-can-eat buffets, and strip clubs.
And of course, it offered beautiful women for the taking.
My heart sank even as the sun lowered, knowing what it meant for Emma. Another night of being used as a commodity for the men of this town and its tourists. Bile rose in my throat at the thought, and my helplessness threatened to choke me.
Liam was in the room David and Mary Margaret had given us free of charge, but I was too restless. I walked across the parking lot and into the motel lobby. It offered only a cheap pot of coffee and a small TV mounted in the corner of the room, but I didn’t care. I collapsed into a chair in the corner, rubbing my forehead wearily.
“Want me to change the channel?”
I looked up at Mary Margaret who was coming around the desk towards me with a remote control in her hand. I glanced up at the TV I had barely noticed to see an episode of Fixer Upper playing. I shrugged.
“I wasn’t paying it any mind. If you were watching that, it’s fine with me.”
Mary Margaret plopped down in the chair across from me. “It’s comforting. And not depressing like the news channels. Though we keep those playing in the morning for the business travelers.”
I propped my elbows on my knees and attempted to give her a smile. She leaned forward, and it felt as if her green eyes could see right through me.
“You’re worried.”
“Of course I am! She’s out there right now -” I couldn’t finish the sentence.
“I know it’s difficult,” Mary Margaret said gently, laying her hand on my knee, “but if we make a wrong move, it could blow up in our faces. You need to give David time.”
“Emma can’t wait! Neither can Elsa or Anna! Every second we wait is one more second . . . “
I was pacing now, running my hands nervously through my hair. Mary Margaret rose, wrapping her arms around her waist.
“David won’t tell you this - I know him too well - so I will. The reason we feel so passionately about this, the reason we know these rescue groups we told you about . . . “ Mary Margaret released a shaky breath, and my heart constricted at the turmoil upon her face. “It’s because we’ve been down this road before. With our daughter.”
Mary Margaret sighed, lowering herself to the chair as if she feared her legs wouldn’t hold her up as she told the story.
“You don’t have to -”
She held up her hand to stop my words. “No, I want to. David and I were unable to conceive, so we adopted. Ruby was only two when she came to us. Her mother was in prison, I’m not sure for what, and her grandmother had just passed. I can tell you honestly, I loved her every bit as much as I would my own flesh and blood. She and David in particular had a special bond.” Mary Margaret chuckled. “She was a real Daddy’s girl.”
I sank down into the chair across from her again, and though I hadn’t known this woman long, I reached out and took her hand as she continued the story.
“She was our miracle girl, our whole world, but when she reached puberty, the fact that she was adopted became a real issue for her. We had always been honest with her, but her self esteem took a big hit in junior high. She got bullied, I think because she was an early bloomer. From the boys, it was unwanted sexual attention, which only made the girls hate her more.” Mary Margaret paused to collect herself, and I knew the worst part of the story was coming. “She met someone online when she was at her most vulnerable. Unfortunately, we weren’t even aware of it at the time. It was only after . . . “
Mary Margaret trailed off and buried her face in her hands. I wanted her to know she wasn’t alone, so I whispered what I needed to. “I have a daughter myself. My little Alice. She’s my whole world too.”
Mary Margaret looked up, squeezing my hand tighter before continuing. “Long story short, our little girl decided to meet this boy she met online. Only he wasn’t a boy . . . “
Her face contorted, and she was unable to continue. I sank to my knees at her feet, and she accepted my offered hug, crying into my shoulder. I startled at the voice behind me.
“They found my baby girl in a ditch,” David said flatly, his face pale and eyes distant, “her body broken. She was only fourteen.”
I released Mary Margaret, my breaths coming fast and frantic. I stood and paced. My fists clenched; I wanted to hit something. I turned to the Nolans. David had gathered his wife onto his lap, and they held each other as they remembered their shared grief.
“I can’t just sit here,” I told them.
“Killian,” David warned, “you don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into. You have no idea what kind of depravity you’ll see if you go down this road.”
“I’ll do whatever it takes,” I vowed.
David nodded. “Good.”
I knew what David had meant. I had to sit tight while he reached out to his contacts. One friend was a trucker who moonlighted for a rescue group at truck stops. Another was a woman who led undercover stings in “spas.” Both had further contacts throughout the Vegas area. They were promising, to be sure, but there was no way I could just wait.
I pulled into the parking lot of the Red Lantern, my knuckles turning white on the steering wheel of the Jeep that David and Mary Margaret were letting us borrow. I had another thousand dollars in my pocket, though I wasn’t sure if it would do me any good. I was burning through the money that was supposed to help me keep my daughter, but how could I ever look Alice in the face again if I didn’t make this right?
I took a deep breath and exited the car. I climbed the metal stairs, praying that Emma was working the same room as the night before. Sure enough, there was Neal leaning against the wall beside room 216. He grinned at me and let out a sarcastic laugh.
“Well, well, well, look who’s back for more.”
My jaw clenched as I tamped down my emotions. “One hour for a grand, right? For the Swan?”
The smile fell from Neal’s face. “No way, man, we’re not stupid. You think you’re the first man to think you’re in love with a prostitute? Please. The last thing we need is you around trying to play hero. Take your money and go enjoy it someplace else.”
I grasped Neal by the collar of his shirt before I could think it through. I shoved him against the wall behind him, and then another man grabbed me from behind. He shoved me towards the top of the stairs. I glanced between the men and room 216, my heart ripping in two. I remembered David and Mary Margaret warning me not to rush in, that I could put the girls in more danger if Gold figured out I was trying to free them. So as much as I wanted to storm that room, I forced myself to turn around calmly and head down the stairs. As I did, I collided with someone coming up.
“Excuse me,” I muttered out of habit.
I glanced over my shoulder, and my heart lurched in my chest. It was the sheriff from the diner. I stood there, too shocked to move, my hand clutching the metal bannister. I forgot how to breath, the world spinning as the sheriff handed Neal a wad of bills and opened the door to room 216. Everything went red then as rage filled me. I remembered what David had said - that calling the cops around here would do no good.
My feet, of their own volition, took me back up the stairs. When Neal and the other brute lunged at me, I swung. Neal hit the ground first, and with a punch to the gut, the other man tumbled backwards down the stairs. The door to room 216 wouldn’t budge, so I grabbed the fire extinguisher from the wall and slammed it into the cheap wood. The door splintered and flew open.
Emma’s voice galvanized me as I swung the extinguisher at the sheriff who was in the middle of unbuttoning his pants. He hit the floor with a sickening thud. I checked his pulse, which still beat faintly, grabbed his gun from its holster, and reached my hand out to Emma, who was crouched by the end of the bed. Our hands had barely touched when I was yanked away from her, the door slamming between us.
Neal’s fist connected with my jaw, and feet pounded down the walkway in our direction. Someone fired a gun, the bullet ricocheting off the metal railing nearby. I spun in that direction, brandishing the sheriff’s gun in warning. I worried about a stray bullet going through the window where Emma was, so I darted down the stairs. Shots continued ringing out, so I turned and fired a few myself. There was no way I could get Emma out now, so I scrambled behind the wheel of the Jeep and peeled out of the parking lot.
As I sped back to the Nolan’s motel, I kept glancing at the gun lying on the passenger’s seat.
The sheriff’s gun. Shit.
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albino-whumpee · 3 years
An old thing 5
Continued from here
I´m quite proud of this part. Do you remember the Walmart man? Yeah. More angst and sick fic than whump, but there.
CW// Non Con, Dub Con, NS*W at times, dehumanization, slavery, human trafficking, escape attempt, blood, broken noses, implied death, regain of identity, whump of minors, manhandling, prong collar, past torture, creepy and explosive whumpers, physical and emotional abuse.
Everything will be tagged and if there´s tags to be added, tell me please.
Dimitri was speechless.
“Can you repeat that, please?” He said.
“You’re too close with Kit, we’re gonna send you to a vacation house. Dont worry about Roahn, you will see her when it’s the mounting” Layo said across the table. Kit and Danae were playing outside.
“Im…I…when?” He asked visibly stressed.
“Maybe on saturday. The vacation house is on the other side of the country, next to Sunnyhills Beach, I think you know whose property is it”
Dimitri knew.
His last master before them.
The one who had tried to kill him with the prongs collar.
“His son will be taking good care of you, so you better behave and do as he says understood? He wont accept escapes like us. You know his methods already anyways, you will know whats better for you” He said sipping on his coffee. “Ah, but you’re still ours. If he thinks he is entitled to damage you, He wont see the end of it”
“U-Understood…” Dimitri said still cleaning his plates. He had time. If he hurried up, maybe he could escape tomorrow. While they were on their cocktail party.
“I gotta believe I can do it” He told himself
Report came and Dimitri explained how he could the plan for the next day to Kit. How he would take him to that place.
“With Jen and Roahn?”
“Yes with them too” he smiled. “But you gotta tell me if they’re sleeping”
“Master was drinking a lot and Master was already asleep”
“Alright Kit. Ill show you something but you must not say anything ok?”
He took out the improvised key from a vase and tainted the lock until he opened it.
“You could get out all this time?”
He sighed “No. Only on important moments. Now shhh” he put his finger on his mouth. “Come on Ill get you to your room but silence”
Kit put his lips together and followed him to his room. An spacious yet small little place with only the necessary and some toys. He was relieved he didnt live like them.
Dimitri put him to sleep.
“Goodnight Dimitri see you tomorrow?”
“Goodnight Kit. See you tomorrow” he said as he gave him a kiss on his forehead.
He closed the door silently.
Silent as a mouse, he went to his office. In all those years they had never guessed he had a key. So they had never bothered to lock the office. Dimitri knew perfectly where the copies were, but he knew keeping them would be too evident so he took them and made an improvised and quick copy of them with plaster.
He only needed to wait a few hours for it to harden.
He went as fast as he had gotten in but heard steps and hid quickly.
“Fuck…” Layo’s voice. He was going to the bathroom. And he would pass around the office for that.
Dimitri breathed quickly as he noticed. Was it that way he would end up? He took a stone decoration from a table and was ready to smash it on his head when he heard:
“Master? I can’t sleep!” Kit cried.
“What the…go to bed, Kit” the man said walking towards him.
“I can’t! Tell me a story! please, master!”
“Ugh what a pain is one am…Alright, Alright, coming go to your bed, Ill go take a piss before that…”
Dimitri held tight to the artifact.
“No!! Now!!”
“Argh! What a kid! Ok ok” he heard the door shutting.
Dimitri left the stone on its place and ran quietly to the cell. He closed it again and started working.
At 7 am it was ready. Later, Dimitri was preparing their masters for a full day outside when Layo said:
“Dont try anything funny Ok?” As he was locked up again. He had to hold the urge to laugh on his face.
Kit came running down a few minutes later.
“They’re gone!” He had told him.
Dimitri stood up. With backpacks on hand.
“Its time, Kit”
Dimitri got out of the cell and went upstairs. The house was empty. Or so it seemed.
“Kit” Dimitri held the boy’s small shoulders “I need you to go check on the door if there’s somebody. I’ll go get them ok? If theres someone dont scream it” he took the house phone and made it ring pressing a button “you do this and let the phone ring three times. Alright?”
The kid nodded. Dimitri gave him his binoculars back.
“Go see, explorer” he told him before the kid ran off.
He then made a little jump and sprinted towards the stairs. He went to the door where Roahn was and knocked three times. Her voice was husky.
“Dimitri?” She called
“Roahn, it’s me. We’ve gotta go. Now. Can you handle it?” He asked her through the door. A cough.
“Yeah” she said “always”
“We will take you to a doctor. I swear.” He said looking down and putting the keys on.
Roahn had been very sick for weeks. She couldnt give her enough milk and was very weak. Refusing to eat even. Miraculously, Jen was healthier than ever.
Finally the door opened and Roahn had her baby on her skinny arms. Eyebags dark in her face. Yet the light on her eyes were strong. He held her after giving her a hug.
“Lets go” he said as he helped her walk through the house. “Kit is waiting” that line made her sob happily.
“Our baby…” she said looking nowhere
They streamed downstairs, Roahn almost falling at various times due her legs not being able to move correctly. However Dimitri was there to hold her.
When they finally reached the kitchen Kit was waiting for them.
“Nobody on sight!” He said as if he was a sailor.
“Good” Dimitri told him “Kit, help Roahn out a bit would you?” He said putting her down to open the door. Kit sat besides Roahn and asked her if she was Alright to which she responded with a smile. Dimitri held the concrete key on his hand and inhaling deeply he unlocked the door.
The clicking sound of freedom was on his ears as if it was music.
The four of them stepped out of the house to the secondary door. Not before putting coats with hoodies that covered their faces. Then they ran. Quietly, agitatedly, desperately. The four of them reached the door withut problems.
There was no one apparently.
The door was in a vine wall. It was easy to pass through it because the key Dimitri had was a copy of the master key he used to buy groceries.
He held them down for a bit while he opened the door. It was the last thing.
The last.
When he opened the door he saw the street and a fist on his direction. A man in black suit punched him making him fall. Roahn and Kit immediately tried to run away from the man, but Dimitri, even when hazy due the pain, used a close by rock to knock the guy out by hitting his head. The man fell and Dimitri was alert to anybody else coming to try and stop them. But there was no one.
“Roahn!! Kit! Its ok!” He yelled with blood going down his nose. They went out of their hiding spot and went back to Dimitri.
“Are you ok?” Roahn said cleaning the blood off his face and stuffing his nose with tissues.
“Yes, we just need to go now” he told her holding her hand a second.
“Is he dead?” Kit asked without taking his eyes off the fallen man. Blood came out of his ears.
“No” Dimitri answered him taking the kid by his hand and running past the body “he’s just unconscious”
They ran and ran and ran until they were on a plaza with a supermarket and a pharmacy.
They were free.
“Now where?” Roahn asked him visibly tired.
Dimitri took a look at Roahn holding Jen like she was a precious stone. Impressively calm. Kit was amazed by everything he saw.
“Now…we take these off” he told her taking his hands to his neck. Feeling the belt like collar and undoing it. He took it out carefully and slowly. Holding it in his hands, Kit could see clearly the old scars on his neck. It grossed the kid to think about how he got such hideous scars.
Dimitri knelt down to Kit and took his collar off too. Kit felt lighter than usual and couldn’t hold the instinct to touch his now free neck.
Dimitri smiled a bit and ruffled his hair before doing the same to Roahn.
Roahn dropped a tear when she felt that lightness on her neck. They looked at each other’s eyes for a second but Roahn pulled him closer and gave him a kiss on his neck and then on his lips.
“Yikes” said Kit watching them. They looked at the kid and laughed.
“Sorry Kit” Dimitri laughed.
“What about looking around for a place to stay, hun?” Roahn asked sweating cold. “We’re tired and we will need to hide for a bit…” she said.
“You feeling ok, Ro?” He asked him cupping her face with his hands. She nodded slowly “We will take the bus to Keith City, I’ll go buy the tickets and have a doctor check on you there ok?”
“Ok” she said.
Suddenly Jen started revolving and slapping Roahn’s face.
“Hey hey what is it Jen?” She asked her. Kit moving towards her.
“Dont cry Jen! It will be alright!” The kid said.
“Is she hungry?” Dimitri asked. Roahn blushed in embarrassment.
“I cant… feed her. I need some baby milk powder. Do we have some?” She asked Dimitri.
He started to search but it was in vain and he knew it.
“Kit” the kid shoot his head up from trying to comfort the now crying baby “could you tell that man there where could we get an electric chair for Roahn?” He asked signaling a person with a supermarket uniform not that far away.
The kid ran to him and asked him. The man was almost a geezer but his smile was really bright.
“It’s for your mommy there? Is she alright?” He asked Kit.
“Eh…Roahn? I hope so…” the kid said unsettling the man a bit.
“Not your mom? Its your auntie then? You two look alike a lot” he said again pulling the electric chair to the woman.
“We-we do?” Kit said finding himself a question.
“Here it is lady. Everything alright? You look a bit pale ma’am” he said helping her get into the chair.
“Yes, sir” she answered him not conscious of her formality.
The man found the people on his view with a woman with baby on arms crying out loud, the many bags and the very attractive man with tissues on his nose very strange. But it was a walmart. He had seen all kind of people go there. So he just walked away.
They put some of the bags in the electric chair and the others on the package service. Then they entered the market. Dimitri was used to go so he wasn’t as excited as the others. Yet he couldn’t hide his happiness of not feeling that uncomfortable thing on his neck. It was now in the trash. They went through the isles calming the baby with a toy that hypnotized her long enough for them to look at everything. Kit was amazed. Asking questions about this and that. Roahn looked at the pharmacy isle where there should be a doctor with longing. Dimitri didnt notice as he was coming back with baby milk powder on his hands.
In the end they bought a few more things. Like the toy and a magazine for Kit. As well as painkillers. The cashier recognized him and greeted him “Good morning!” Dimitri greeted back. “Is that your family?” The teen asked looking at Kit showing Roahn an article from his magazine.
“Yes” he answered blushing.
“Your kid is very energetic” she remarked.
“He is!” He laughed a bit “excuse me, Lana, where would I get bus tickets? We’re going to Keith City to visit my wife’s sister, but my card doesnt seem to work now…”
“Oh! Here would be fine. Two adults and a kid right?”
Dimitri payed for the bus tickets that would depart in two hours and met Roahn and Kit.
Roahn was a bit uncomfortable to leave the chair, but they got a taxi to the bus station so she didnt have to walk any longer. She was now green.
“Everything alright ma’am?” The taxi driver asked her while Dimitri fed Jen.
“Y-yes, sir. No need to worry. Thank you” she answered.
Kit extended his bag of chips to her.
“Want one Roahn? You dont look good…” He said.
“Im alright Kit. Just tired, that’s all” she ruffled his hair. Kit pulling it down annoyed. “Ill be taking one, though” she said eating a chip slowly.
She rested her head On Dimitri’s shoulder who gave her a kiss on her forehead.
“Im not ok” she mumbled.
“We will get you a doctor there I promise” he whispered to her, giving her a kiss.
The rest of the way Kit talked with the driver asking him questions about his travels.
When they arrived at the bus station, they were good friends.
They got there just in time and went up the bus. It was a four hour ride, but all of them were exhausted and fell asleep as soon as the bus started moving.
Dimitri woke up an hour before getting there.
It was the first time he didn’t have a collar and walked around freely. It had been strange for him to book sits because of his lacking of last name. But he had come up with one last second.
His name was Dimitri Holberg.
Maybe it was made up, but he had an identity now. He wasn’t bee, yellow, dog or dildo.
He was a human being and his name was Dimitri Holberg.
He had a family and a mission to reunite them all.
With determination they arrived at Keith’s city.
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sgtbluebacon · 5 years
The History of Moorish Americans (Abridged)
Similar to Sovereign Citizens, the Moorish American movement is based on a religious establishment:The Moorish Science Temple of America. It was created by Noble Drew Ali in Chicago, under the premise that all African-Americans are descended from the Moabites, who descended from Moab, the Son of Lot. Yes, the same one from the Old Testament. He specifically claims that they came from the Moroccan empire, and according to Ali, this made them Moorish by Nationality, and Muslim by faith. So let’s talk about that
First up is the Nationality: Ali claimed that Ancient Moabites “inhabited the northwestern and southwestern shores of Africa”, which would put them in the right location to be Moorish (Spain, Portugal, Morocco). However, actual biblical scholars put the kingdom of Moab on the eastern side of Africa, in Jordan/Canaan.
As far as the religious aspect, Moors, who again were in or near Morocco, were Muslim. However, Moabites, residing in Jordan/Canaan, were not. Instead of worshipping the Muslim God Allah, they worshipped a god called Chemosh.How did he get this wrong? There are some theories that attempt to explain this. 
One theory claims that because the word Moor has historically been incorrectly attributed to all Africans, and has been used interchangeably with the word Moabite in some Medieval texts, Ali simply got confused. 
A second theory claims that Ali confused Moabites with Morabites, due to the fact that the African American dialects of 1913 commonly dropped the r sound after a vowel. If we look at the location of Morabites, it seems to match. And, Morabites were primarily Muslim.
A third theory, which I like the best, is that the original Moabites migrated to Morocco, having been integrated into Phoenicia, which was originally located in Levant before it spread west. The Phoenicians did settle in the area that is now Morocco, and not only does that give us the right geographical location, they had the right religion! Among the many gods that were worshipped by Phoenicians was... Chemosh, the main guy worshipped by the Moabites! What still isn’t established is why Ali is so keen on the relevance of the Muslim faith. Neither the Moabites nor the Phoenicians, nor the Roman Empire or Berber tribes who historically controlled the land that is now Morocco were Muslim. But Morocco did become Muslim in the late 7th century and early 8 th century, when that area was conquered during the Muslim Conquest of the Maghreb.
We’ve got it all sorted out, right? Almost. We have the right location, and we’ve figured out the religion issue, but the timeline still has some holes. In Ali’s doctrine, he states “The Moabites from the land of Moab who received permission from the Pharaohs of Egypt to settle and inhabit North-West Africa; they were the founders and are the true possessors of the present Moroccan Empire.”
So that can either mean the Moabites or Phoenicians received permission from the Pharaohs of Egypt, on the eastern side of Africa to head out to Morocco, 2200 miles west, which is possible if unlikely, and that Ali is ignoring their religion in favor of his own, or he is actually referring to the Muslims that conquered that area 700 years after the last pharaoh died, which would explain the religion and the use of the term “present Moroccan Empire”, The problem is, that fails to mesh with the Egyptian permission slip narrative.
No matter how you look at it, the facts don’t quite match up, and there are a few other logistical issues with his doctrine. But ultimately, that isn’t terribly relevant to this video. What is important is that Ali uses this “history” to establish that African Americans, as Moorish Americans, are descended from the same people as Jesus Christ. Where have we seen this before? Oh yeah! Sovereign Citizens believed something similar, but with white people. Don’t think that I’m saying these Moorish-Americans were black supremacist, because they weren’t. At least, not in the beginning.
Ultimately, it appears the Moorish-American religion was a mostly harmless way for African Americans to be proud of an identity that wasn’t related to slavery in the United States, and I can’t fault him for that.
Here’s where it gets interesting. In 1929, the first schism occurred. Claude Green left the Moorish Science Temple after an argument over money, declaring himself Grand Sheik and forming his own temple. He was later found stabbed to death. Ali and other members of the temple were arrested on suspicion of organizing or carrying out the murder, but released without charges. Soon after, Ali was found dead, and rumors that his death was caused by abuse at the hands of police, as well as poisoning by his own followers, began circulating. Anti-police sentiments grew within the organization.
This led to a scramble for power. Edward Mealy, a member of the Temple, stated Ali had named him as his successor, and Ali’s former driver John Givens, asserted that he had received a vision that indicated he was the reincarnation of Ali. Ultimately, a member named Charles Kirkman was declared to be the successor, while Mealy and Givens formed their own factions.
But. It. Gets. Better. Later in the same year, Kirkman’s wife reported that he had been kidnapped by the same man who was a primary suspect in the murder of Claude Green. When police confronted the suspect, they were fired upon. Two officers died, and one member of the Moorish American Science Temple was killed. 60 members were eventually arrested in connection with this incident. Anti-police sentiments increased.
In 1930, Wallace Fard Muhammed, who also claimed to be the reincarnation of Ali, split from the Temple and formed the Nation of Islam, which he ran with the help of a man many of you will recognize: Malcolm X. This group became known for its black-supremacist and anti-Semitic rhetoric, after severing all ties with the Moorish Temple. 
As tensions between the police and the Temple rose, it wasn’t unreasonable for either side to dislike the other. Being African-American in Chicago around this time wasn’t all peaches and cream, and there was a justifiable distrust of the police by members of the Moorish Science Temple. Some believed their prophet had been killed by police. Others were upset that Moorish-Americans had been arrested in relation to various murders. The FBI was conducting surveillance on them for possible acts of treason. Yes, members of the Kirkman Faction were accused of spreading Japanese Progaganda during WWII. However, the investigation was eventually dropped, and other investigations over the next decade into other subversive activities never revealed enough for prosecution. For a while after that, not much of historical note happened regarding the Moorish Science Temple. 
In the 1960s, a man named Dwight York took the teachings of the Moorish Science Center of America and combined them with those of a few other organizations, including the Nation of Islam, to form the Ansaar Pure Sufi in New York, later known as the Nubian Islaamic Hebrews. The doctrine of his organization didn’t really mesh well with state laws, and In 1993, possibly to escape prosecution for various crimes, he moved to Georgia with some of his followers, declared himself a member of the Native-American Amasee Nation, and built the Tama-Re, an Egyptian-themed compound in Eatonton. Because if there’s anything we associate with Native Americans, its... Egypt. While there, his organization’s name was once again changed, this time to the United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors, and York emphasized that he was actually from another planet. He assured his followers that an alien mothership would hover over his compound’s main pyramid in 2003 to transport worthy moors to another planet.  
While his teachings on alien motherships may have been unique, York wasn’t the only Moorish-American to incorporate Native Americans into their identity. Enter Verdiacee Hampton Goston, also known as Verdiacee Turner , also known as Empress Verdiacee Tiari Washitaw Turner Goston El-Bey, a two time mayor of Richwood, Louisiana, who published a book in 1993 claiming that the Washitaw Nation of Native Americans was registered as an indigenous people by the United Nations, and could declare themselves immune from the laws and regulations of the United States. As a self-proclaimed Washitaw herself, she stated that Napoleon only sold the streets of New Orleans and a military barracks to the United States as part of the Louisiana Purchase, whereas the rest of Louisiana was actually stolen from the Washitaw tribe. I’ll be explaining that in another post.
Meanwhile, at Tama-re, the United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors were accusing white officials of racism, after construction on the compound appeared to violate local zoning laws. Threats were issued by the organization, and an eviscerated dog was left at the home of the county attorney. In 1999, a few Montana Freemen, yes! The same Montana Freemen that I discussed in my Sovereign Citizen video, visited Dwight York in Tama Re, and one even moved in to act as their “common-law judge” to help them out. From there, new ideas regarding sovereignty were established, such as the belief that the United States is actually Morocco due to the signing of the Moroccan-American Treaty of Friendship, and therefore United States laws don’t exist, because there is no United States. I’ll also be explaining that one in a different post as well.
The actual Moorish Temple appears to oppose the doctrine of both groups, and has tried to distance itself from York’s Moorish Americans, especially after York was convicted of child molestation in 2004 after his mothership failed to rescue him from pleading guilty to over 100 counts of child molestation and human trafficking, in what was the “largest child molestation prosecution ever directed at a single person”. According to Bill Osinski, who wrote a book about the Newaubian Nation of Moors and York’s trial, “When [York] was finally indicted, state prosecutors literally had to cut back the number of counts listed — from well beyond a thousand to slightly more than 200 — because they feared a jury simply wouldn’t believe the magnitude of York’s evil.… [It] is believed to be the nation’s largest child molestation prosecution ever directed at a single person, in terms of number of victims and number of alleged criminal acts.”
Epstein, eat your heart out. 
In his  trial, York tried to claim he was immune from prosecution because of his Native American heritage, and look who he brought up! 
“Your Honor, with all due respects to your government, your nation, and your court, we the indigenous people of this land have our own rights, accepted sovereign, our own governments. We are a sovereign people, Yamassee, Native American Creeks, Seminole, Washitaw Mound Builders. And all I'm asking is that the Court recognize that I am an indigenous person. Your court does not have jurisdiction over me. I should be transferred to the Moors Cherokee Council Court in which I will get a trial by juries of my peers. I cannot get a fair trial, Your Honor, if I'm being tried by the settlers or the confederates. I have to be tried by Native Americans as a Native American. That's my inalienable rights, and it's on record." - Drew York
There are a few other Moorish-American groups that began popping up around this point, such as the Free Moorish Nation, the United Mawshakh Nation of Nuurs, and the Al Moroccan Empire. The doctrine of each group is slightly different, so If you’re not sure if the person is a Moorish-American, look for these signs: 
They’ll almost always be of African descent [there are known exceptions for Washitaw members], they may be wearing a fez, and their name will often be followed by bey or el-bey.
And there you have it. That’s the abridged history of Moorish Americans. I will be presenting this in a video with quotes from the actual doctrine and graphics to help viewers understand certain aspects better. Look for Blue Bacon on youtube to find it in the future. 
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