#yes i left out some like decrepit children i think thats my right
obsob · 3 years
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a redraw of ‘the witches sabbath’ by goya
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[SP] Aladdin Dark Twist (Part 2)
Fourteen years have passed and not much has changed for Aladdin and Abu, besides for the small fact they were able to move out of the quant basement and onto the top of an old abandoned building. The previous owners were chased out by Jafar’s guards. Jafar is the new ruler of the guards in Agrabah. This happened after the queen was fatally harmed in the streets when an unsuspecting riot broke out. The sultan saw fit to hire this ruthless leader, Jafar. His guards would lock up anyone in a dungeon who broke the Sultan’s laws. Sometimes it seemed as if the laws were made up on the spot as was the case for the poor family that used to occupy Aladdin’s new home. Jafar accused the family of selling illegal goods, and they were commanded to leave with their belongings or hand them over to the Sultan and be locked away in the dungeon. Aladdin later found out the family was merely selling bread and other fabrics at a cheaper price, and not paying taxes to the Sultan. Jafar implemented a new law for all merchants to pay a percentage of their sales to the Sultan. This money was used to fund the extensive guard program Jafar had established. Aladdin viewed it as the Sultan stealing from the poor and giving to the rich.
The sun graced Aladdin’s face, disturbing him from his slumber. The fresh air on the roof top was nice, however, it made sleeping-in a thing of the past. Aladdin get out of bed and steps over Abu who is still fast asleep on a tattered rug.
“Get up Abu, we’ve got much to do today.” Abu rolls over while letting out a sigh.
“Fine, I guess I won’t have to steal any bread for you today.”
Abu leaps across the room and hops onto his shoulder.
“Ya, thats what I thought.” Aladdin walks down his wood rotten steps toward the area where the previous owners sold their merchandise. Aladdin walks through the dusty room, carefully avoiding any scorpions. He hops out one of the many man sized holes in the wall to step out in the street. The building looked as if it was one brick away from tumbling to the ground, which is most likely why Aladdin was the only one to occupy this space.
“What do you think Abu, should we try Ol’ man Ahmed’s place first?” Abu scowled at Aladdin as their bare feet stepped on the hot sands that composed the street.
“Well too bad, you haven’t had fruit in over three weeks, and he’s one of the only merchants that doesn’t know us by name at this point.” Aladdin rounds the corner, and walks into the crowd of merchants selling different types of meat, fruits, and bread.
“Watch your merchandise, local street rat coming through!” a merchant shouts as Aladdin and Abu pass by the stand of oranges.
“Ah Fahri I told you I would pay you back for those oranges, those kids were starving to death” Aladdin retorts.
“That was over two weeks ago, and I would be better off if they died, less money taken from me. Jafar still takes a percentage, even if the fruits are missing.”
“Well that sounds like a problem you should take up with him.” Aladdin’s charm distracts the merchant as Abu grabs an orange from the corner of the stand. Abu places the orange in Aladdin’s pocket and tugs at his pant leg.
“I’ve got to run, but I promise you will get your money, you have my word.” Aladdin sticks out his hand and Fahri hesitates but continues to shake his hand. Aladdin slides off one of Fahri’s many rings slyly.
“Take this as a promise.” Aladdin flicks Fahri’s ring in the air toward him. Fahri snatches it quickly.
“Ah more jewelry you stole from a poor bystander, I guess it’ll do for now prince of thieves.” Fahri stuffs the ring in his pocket.
“Come one Abu lets get some apples from Ol’man Ahmed.” They continue down the street. Aladdin and Abu have mastered many different tactics to pickpocket helpless strangers. For instance, Aladdin will bump a pedestrian on the left and Abu will take from their pocket on the right. His favorite, however was the classic coin switch where Aladdin would trade coins with someone, giving them a fake coin supposedly of greater value, for a real coin of lesser value. This trick worked all the time. They walk through the crowed street of people pulling off these tricks left and right.
“Alright Abu. We’ve got enough money on us this time so we don’t need to steal anything from Ahmed.” They walk up to Ahmed’s stand and notice the arrangement of fruits, breads, and meats set up on the counter.
“Ahmed, you’ve upgraded from selling fruits I see.” Aladdin said with a smile.
“Ah yes my friend. Jafar is giving me an exclusive deal on imported goods as long as I give him 60% of my earnings. The other merchants can’t afford to do it, but I can.” Ahmed scoffs at Aladdin. Aladdin glances down at Abu and gives him a nod to take the meats and bread.
“You’re in bed with the Sultan? How many other shops have you shut down?” Aladdin questions as Abu moves for some small pieces of cooked meat.
“No more than a thief like yourself, Aladdin.” Ahmed scolds Aladdin. Aladdin’s eyes widen and his heart begins to race.
“You didn’t think I would’ve forgot a thief like yourself did you? You took over twelve apples from me in one day. Jafar is offering a handsome ransom for you, but he wants you caught in the act.”
“Well, you must certainly have me confused with someone else, Ahmed, I brought money to pay for these apples here.” Aladdin took out the stolen change from his pocket and handed it over to Ahmed.
“Right, and what about what your monkey friend is taking over there?” Amed pointed over at Abu who was eating an entire loaf of bread while holding to pieces of meat in each hand.
“Abu, lets get out of here!” Aladdin yelled as Abu hopped on his shoulder. They turned around and ran straight into two broad men carrying curved silver swords.
“Guards, apprehend this man and take him to Jafar, he was trying to steal from me.” Ahmed yells from behind. The guards raise their swords in the air.
“Guys come on, this can all be easily explained I wasn’t stealing, I was…Abu now!” Abu jumps onto the first guards face and begins scratching at his eyes. The other guard looks over at the horrifically screaming monkey reeking havoc on the guards face. Aladdin then launches his foot into the other guards testicles, causing him to drop his sword and fall over in pain. Abu hops off of the guards bloodied face and onto Aladdin’s shoulders. Blood pours through the guards fingers as he covers his torn eyes and screams in agony.
“Someone help, they’re getting away!” Ahmed yells out as Aladdin takes off down the alleyway. He and Abu run through different buildings, jumping from one window to the next to evade the guards. No one knew their away around Agrabah better than Aladdin and after about thirty minutes Aladdin has easily evaded the guards.
“Let’s take a break Abu.” Aladdin sighs out as he sits down on the side of the street underneath some shade. Aladdin glances to his left as he is about to bite into a fresh apple and sees two children watching him from a whole in the ground underneath one of the buildings. Aladdin gestures to them and the kids walk out.
“Where are your parents guys?” Aladdin asks, but the kids do not respond. He reaches over and takes the bread from Abu’s paws. “Here, this monkey doesn’t need all this bread.” Abu screams in objection.
“Don’t mind him, here take it.” The boys grab the bread and apple from Aladdin and rush back into their den under the building. “Relax Abu, I still have a piece we can split. I have a stash back at the house.” Abu scowls at Aladdin and starts walking back to their home.
Aladdin pulls out some bread from a jar under his bed and Abu gives him a puzzled look.
“Don’t give me that look, I have to save some incase of emergencies. Heavens knows you’d eat all the bread if you knew about my hiding places.” Aladdin laughs at Abu and hands him a small piece of bread. They sit on the edge of the roof that overlooks the city of Agrabah. The sun slowly sets behind the palace. Aladdin and Abu glance down at the merchants closing up their shops for the day and at the families rushing back inside before nightfall. Jafar set a citywide curfew after the riots and if anyone is caught out past curfew they will be thrown directly into the dungeon.
“I swear, Agrabah used to not be so bad. I wish you were hear when my parents were.” Abu hops on Aladdin’s shoulder.
“Well what do we have here at this hour?” a guard shouts below Aladdin’s rooftop home. Aladdin looks down in excitement to see a young woman dressed in brown ragged cloths. Her hood his covering her face, but her posture clearly indicates that she is terrified.
“Looks like the suns about to set, I suppose you are headed home now aren’t you?” the guard antagonizes her.
“Yes of course. I must have lost track of time.” the woman says as she gestures her hands. A large golden bracelet reveals it self under her ragged cloths.
“Whats this?” the guard grabs the ladies bracelet and holds her wrist in the air.
“Come on Abu we have to go help her” Aladdin states as he starts sprinting down his stairs. Abu rolls his eyes, put his piece of bread down and mopes shortly behind. Aladdin peaks around the corner of his decrepit home to see the guard unsheathe his sword.
“How about you say I take this bracelet and I’ll let you go.” the guard grins a wretched smile. The lady’s legs begin to shake.
“No please this is my mother’s bracelet.” The lady cries out. Aladdin anxiously picks up a rock from the floor and throws it at the guards face.
“Let that woman go” Aladdin demands. He then nonchalantly nods at Abu to approach the second guard.
“Who do you think you are peasant?” the guard questions as he lets go of the ladies wrist. She falls to the floor and looks over at Aladdin. He smiles gently at her.
“Trust me, you’ll be ok,” he reassures her. “Abu, now!” Abu grabs the sheathed sword from the unsuspecting guard and runs it over to Aladdin. The guard with his sword leaves the lady and storms at him quickly. Aladdin ducks under the blade as the guard swings his sword violently. Aladdin tactfully twists around the guards back and slices at his ankles. Blood sprays into the calm night sky as the warm Achilles tendons contrast the cool sand. The guard drops his sword and falls over screaming. Aladdin then turns back to the lady and offers his hand.
“Take my hand.” he demands. She grasps his hand and they take off running away from the other unarmed guard. Quickly turning a corner Aladdin grabs the lady by the waste and looks into her eyes with a passion.
“Hold on tight.” He feels her hands wrap around his shoulders. He then grabs onto a rope above him that is attached to a pulley. The guard rushes nearer. Aladdin slices the rope attached to the counter weight and they soar up into the sky. They hop into the window adjacent to the pulley and the guard storms into the building after them. Aladdin guides the woman across the vacant room to a window on the other side. He looks her in the eyes. The guard can be heard rushing up the stairs. Abu is tugging on Aladdin’s pant leg.
“We have to jump” Aladdin stated.
“Jump? Are you crazy, we’ll die!” the lady exclaimed.
“Do you trust me?” The guard entered the room and started rushing toward them.
“What choice do I have?” the lady asked. Aladdin takes her hand and throws the blade toward the guard. The guard evades the blade, but Aladdin and Jasmine still leap out of the window. The pile of hay below brakes their fall. Aladdin looks up from the hay to see the guard looking down at them. They get up from the pile of hay and the woman began laughing.
“Holy shit I can’t believe we just jumped out of a building.”
“We aren’t out of it yet.” Aladdin smirks at the woman. He grabs her wrist and runs for the side of a building.
“Where are you taking us? It’s a dead end?”
“Not everything is what it appears to be here in Agrabah.” They approach the side of the building and Aladdin quickly kicks a rug to the side revealing a hole. Abu storms past them and enters the hole.
“I’m not following that monkey.” the lady scoffs.
“If you want to keep your mothers bracelet you will.” Aladdin explains as he hops down into the hole. The lady begrudgingly follows behind him. They crawl underneath the building and exit on the other side. Arriving at the alleyway were this all started, Aladdin grabs the woman’s hand and takes her into his home. His foot breaks through one of the steps and Abu begins to laugh at him.
“Please watch her step, termites are getting out of control here.” Aladdin states. He hangs is head and continues up the stairs. She follows him stair case, carefully avoiding the newly made hole, to the roof top.
“Do you think the Guard will find us?” the lady questions as they walk across the roof.
“I wouldn’t worry. Usually they give up after they can’t easily get what they want. Plus, I am the only person in Agrabah that knows this place exists.” Abu throws his paws in the air and walks over to his bed.
“Well besides Abu” he laughs. He guides the woman to the edge of the room by his bed. His heart begins to race as they sit down and overlook the city.
“Wow this view is remarkable.” the lady says as she continues to hold onto Aladdin’s hand. He looks over at her into her Hazel eyes.
”I can’t believe we got away from those guards. I am so grateful for you. What can I give you in return,” she continues. Aladdin’s heart starts to race faster and sweat begins to pool on his hand.
“You can start by giving me your name.” Aladdin smiles and sees the woman blush at his request.
“It’s Jasmine.” She states as she bats her eyelashes at him.
“Like the princess?”
“Exactly.” Jasmine states as she pulls back her hood. Her long black hair flows freely down her back in a perfect ponytail. Aladdin can smell her freshly washed hair and flawless skin. He simply smiles as he comes to the realization that he is holding the hands of the Princess.
submitted by /u/lackadaisicalAuthor [link] [comments] via Blogger http://bit.ly/2wRGQTG
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