#yes i kin bingo. yes im 20 years old. we exist
bluey has adhd and bingo is autistic i don't take constructive criticism
- bluey is shown to be forgetful and easily distracted when playing hide and seek
- bingo is quiet and notices things others don't (the walking leaf)
- bluey is hyperactive (this is pretty clear in every episode but she is also a kid lol)
- bingo has trouble communicating her feelings. in one episode she even uses the yes/no button (nonverbal??)
- bingo is sensitive and easily hurt
- bluey has trouble understanding when she's hurt someone's feelings
- bluey asks a lot of questions about why things are the way they are (again, also still a kid and still learning)
- bluey develops slower and in a different manner than all the other kids in baby race
and finally
- im autistic and i said so
there are probably more but this is all that comes to mind. i haven't watched the full series, was doing so on Spotify but now i cant find it so it may have been taken down :(
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