#yes i changed the summary and yes i should fix it retroactively
boundinparchment · 1 year
Dream a Little Dream of Me - XXXVIII
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Celestia had a cruel sense of humor. He knew this, even before his days as a student. But to be given a soulmate? Now, when he openly blasphemed against the cursed island in the sky? He would outlive you and the dreadful fated bond that haunted your shared dreams. There was little point in this. He could at least put a Vision to good use. People were nothing but disappointments. He had no use for you. Until you pulled the bow across your instrument and awoke a part of him long buried by self-hatred and arrogance. Soulmate AU; Il Dottore/Female reader w/ established personality and backstory. Slow burn. Lore and world speculation and interpretation within; follows canon story where possible. On AO3 here.
So far, your combat trials were some of the most impressive sessions he’d seen in a while.   
You weren’t perfect.  Far from it.  Your aim needed work.  You had a hard time leveraging the claymore properly.  Such things only came with time, when one knew the weight and balance of a weapon as well as they knew themselves.  
A second shining blade made itself known with the first, pure Geo energy so refined that it passed for diamond.  Pantalone would be jealous, certainly.  In the first few trials, he speculated that your abilities mirrored his own, in that his claymore became unnecessary and he could freely wield his Cryo needles without a hand on his weapon.  
He was half-right.  You required the claymore in order to retain the Geo swords, however.  You had to direct the Geo energy somehow and despite the lack of familiarity with your powers, you moved as if you knew exactly what you were doing.  If he counted just right, it always seemed as though you were following a very specific rhythm when landing your blows.  Your claymore’s swing was accompanied by the lightest enhancement of a particular pitch, depending on how you swung it.
Your combat abilities weren’t the only thing subject to musical structures.  Silence that prevailed too long was filled with humming, sometimes fragmented until you found the right note and flow.  Occasionally, the repetition set his teeth on edge.  But when he addressed it and your head snapped up from the book you were reading (probably something left behind by a stray assistant), he realized from your expression that you had no idea you were doing it.
Music was as much a part of you as machines were for him.  He lived and breathed moving parts and systems and the perfection with which they operated; no doubt, music was as precious to you as your own blood, something he knew but never saw in practice, not even in your dream-shares.  Then again, you’d had a proper outlet for such energies and now all of that desire had nowhere to go.
Zandik looked down at the work table in front of him, the surface littered with parts and wires and drawings.  Omega was handling everything with Akademiya, as expected, which left him with time to look over the schematics for weapons manufacturing.  Easy work, really.  Boring work.
He’d given the plans all but five minutes of his time before he found himself examining the cello neck again.  You’d handed it over but not without several questions, all of which were understandable.  This remnant was precious to you, even if it only seemed like a chunk of carved and varnished wood to him.
You…directed…your elemental energy…almost as if you were conducting…
Something you’d never done, as far as he was aware.  If you had, it was an experience you did not impart to him in any way.
What if…
Ah, such a thing would be simple enough.  A receiver on both objects, intended for long distance, sensitive enough to acknowledge even the smallest nuance in motion.  He’d attempted something similar before he’d learned how to control his claymore without such interference.  The Akasha modifications were a more taxing option and he’d paid the price for it heavily before finding a more efficient solution.
A tool like this might make it easier for you to wield; better still, it might make you more sure in your strikes, confident in your abilities.
As for the other problem…
Zandik sifted through a few stray notes on the table.  He’d had to go by memory for the shape and the size, and it would require far more research, but this posed its own set of problems.  
Wood would, of course, be best.  He could hear Sandrone and Pantalone criticizing his prototype based on the material alone, let alone the notion of construction.  It would be more efficient to trust another in this particular area.  But the urge to create something unique, something no one else would ever be able to recreate, sat in his very joints and made his muscles itchy.  
So many of his advancements were attributed to others, his contributions pushed aside because of his moniker of outcast .
But this?
A cello so clear and radiant that it would only be rivaled by the Tsaritsa herself (and maybe not even then).  The material didn’t carry sound well on its own but an amplifier and a transmitter were easy additions.  It wouldn’t be possible to start until he returned to Snezhnaya.  Hard enough to keep you from spotting anything you shouldn’t as it was.
He heard a soft groan from the small lounge chair nearby and looked up to find you stretching, your nose still buried in whatever novel you’d found to occupy your mind.  Although your eyes had yet to leave the page, you were poised to get up, flex, find something else to do.
Case in point.
Zandik placed the instrument neck down and smoothly shuffled the various pages in front of him just as you came up beside him.
“Don’t stop on my account, Zandik.”
“There’s little to be done right now that cannot wait until I have proper facilities.”
“You heard a composition meant for you way too early; the piece you overheard was far from finished.  I always enjoy hearing you sort out ideas, what you’re working on…”
You were shrewd; you would still be in Omega’s dreamcycle if you weren’t.  Hiding this from you wouldn’t be viable forever.  
Especially when you looked at him like that .  Earnest, curious, encouraging and genuine in every aspect of it, despite everything you’d endured.  
He could deal with politicians looking out for their own self-interest.  He could deal with the other Harbingers just as vicious in their ambitions as they were towards one another.  The dreams had been nothing more than another experiment and he never anticipated they would truly result in you .  Finding you had been a happy coincidence, a pet project, an outcome he considered but never anticipated.
The plea at the end of your words had been slight, easy to miss if he were anyone else.  In your defense, you had little to occupy you for the moment and he was, for all intents and purposes, your only other connection for the moment.
That, too, would change upon your arrival to Snezhnaya.
A caged bird would never sing and he knew better than anyone what it meant to have the freedom required for creation.
Zandik turned and reached a gloved hand to brush your neck as he leaned down to whisper a teasing, “I don’t think so,” against your skin.
He heard your breath hitch but you didn’t pull away, didn’t move, and he longed to bury his nose in your hair.  You smelled of sweetness, of summer flowers, undercut by sensations that dreams could never capture.  He steadied himself with his other hand on the table and swallowed as you moved your head slightly towards him, cheeks brushing before you looked at him out of the corner of your eye.  His heart shuddered.
What if…
The distance to be crossed was negligible, so miniscule that neither he nor you needed to lean before your lips met.  He willed his heart rate to slow, not that it would listen, your lips soft and warm.  
It was over as quickly as it began.  His lips tingled and then burned, his breaths short but steady.  You had yet to move, to pull away, your hands seeking amongst the straps and ornaments of his coat.  He could not bring himself to step away, not yet. 
Zandik pressed the lightest of kisses to the corner of your jaw, just below your ear, where your pulse seemed to be thrumming.
 Everything was a delicate balance and while he never minded exploring opportunities, this was…precarious.
The sigh that escaped your lips was the closest sound to bliss he’d ever heard in his presence; the flip in his gut was unsettling, too unlike a moment of piloting a Ruin Golem, and yet he felt as if he would endure that sensation eternally if you…
Zandik caught the slightest movement out of the corner of his eye, the doors to the workshop open a fraction and a boot just barely through the doorway.  He flicked his eyes up to find Omega, mask off, ruin core spinning, hesitating .  For once, the Segment was acutely aware of itself, its place.  
Nothing from the Segment network, no attempt to communicate.
The Segment retreated, its boot disappearing from the doorway before the doors closed silently.
He felt your hands against his chest, seemingly smoothing out his lapels, tracing the decorative edges of his coat.  Eternity in all of a minute.
Oh, how he wished he could preserve this.
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ursie · 3 years
Why do you keep calling Shatterstar gnc? He’s always been masculine? Just because he’s Bi doesn’t mean he has to be effeminate you know
Ok so I’ve gone back and fourth on how seriously I was gonna answer this so I’m sorry this took a bit to answer anyway here we go : I’m sorry if this makes no sense I’m tired
First off it’s important to remember in media what’s considered masculine and what’s not so while a lot of Star may be considered either or what’s important to remember is when him being a warrior, fighter/ect is being emphasized that’s them playing up traditional masculine characteristics and his presentation or softer moments is them playing up “feminine” characteristics (obv this is stupid but it’s also undeniably how people write characters 99% of the time)
Second off there is textual evidence he is at least viewed as gnc in universe in X Force-many comments were made about his makeup, hair (also I remember the pigtails) and general demeanor. Was it done in a ala homophobia way? Absolutely is it still canon? Yes (also so much worse now that it’s retroactively canonically homophobic as he’s literally Bi and definitely had a known thing w Julio at the time-so..way to teach him micro aggressions guys)
Now post x force in xfi he is drawn and written as far more traditionally masc, in appearance and presentation- even his body type seemed to change-as in x force he was described as acrobatic and fast, avoiding hits when he could in xfi he’s made into a brick house that just. Tanks hits-far more direct-even his fighting is made out to be more traditionally masculine
Now this could be broken down to character development (which we did not see and it’s important to note I can’t stress how ooc xfi Star is) but really it just reads as more homophobia as not only is Star aware enough of homophobia and gender roles to adapt to a more accepted persona (because the x force taught him homophobia) but also the writers at the time when he was canonically Bi went out of their way to adapt his character to both fit and avoid different stereotypes-he’s allowed to be a walking slutty Bi stereotype (which is literally so ooc) but can no longer be gnc-he’s allowed to be slutty and hit on women despite his relationship w Julio but he’s not allowed to present as anything less than “macho” in summary Star was just made palatable in all of the worst ways to straight audiences-they stereotypes they love were forced and the ones that make them uncomfortable were dropped
Later on we’re back to getting glimpses of less than traditionally “masc” only a warrior Star w him cooking for Julio and buying him a sweater in new mutants (which are not actually feminine traits but are presented as feminine/gay traits in media even lampshaded by what’s his name asking of his boyfriend bought his sweater to Julio (which he did-also another micro aggression marvel forces me to witness))
(There was that super racist x force run I didn’t read that came out around here-Star was back to being a super warrior macho macho man idk it was bad and the art was racist ignore it )
The slightly less masc Star is dropped in the Shatterstar solo where his character is p much completely retconned but also another more traditionally masc Star is pushed again w the crux of his problems w Julio being “they don’t fight enough”, the emphasizing of him still being a warrior despite how the crux of his character was trying to define himself out of that role assigned to him, there are definitely homophobic connotations to what’s her name (yes he’s Bi him having an ex who’s a girl isn’t the issue it’s the entire plot that is), and even weirder connotations with the use of his slave name/dead name as his go to name-he has only ever referred to himself as Shatterstar-that’s his name-other people either call him Shatterstar or Star-giving him a “traditionally masculine” name is certainly. A choice. There are a lot of problematic elements to the solo to unpack but the rest don’t really have to w the homophobia and forced gender roles Star seems to consistently face
Then in (new) xfi he’s gone something happened he’s on Mojoworld again he has long hair again (king) but his outfit is a wrestling one and his “masculinity” is once again emphasized with his being forced into being a warrior again just to like. Be on the island being tasked w immediately fighting Terry (I actually liked this scene but there were some choices about to consider especially about how the rest of the mutants still seem to view him)-and now we’re here where we’re right back to where we started w long hair, just left Mojoworld, definitely a warrior you can’t forget it Star. Only this time his identity isn’t up for interpretation or debate.
So long story short while Star may not be consistently gnc it was noticeable enough that once he was openly Bi they immediately started pushing for a more masculine Star and you can see the difference in characters as xforce Star and xfi Star might as well be different people. Stars ambiguous gender non conformity was enough that Marvel seems set on “fixing it” and writers are constantly walking a line in making sure he’s “not like those other gays” despite the fact that apparently he used to be. There is def canon evidence for a more gnc/less traditionally masc Star. No one is saying (but me) that he should be a Femme Bi dude they’re just saying they see him as gnc and like. Yeah he was🤷‍♀️
Also narratively him being Trans makes wayyy more sense also his people are machine made why do they even have different sexes or genders let alone follow the earths idea of it like he’s an alien., why would he care about the our perception of the sexes or gender- main point is he should be Nb and intersex but that’s another conversation
Anyway Star gnc king
Also yes just because he’s Bi doesn’t make him effeminate-he’s effeminate-not because of his sexuality - it is not his gender presentation despite how much it undoubtedly influenced it. People aren’t calling Star gnc because he’s Bi they’re calling him gnc because he used to look like this
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hydrus · 3 years
Version 434
I had a great three weeks working on long overdue network updates. Most of the changes this week restore old account management UI for server admins, but there are a couple of fixes and improvements for regular users as well.
The network version goes up to 20 today. Clients and servers can only talk to each other if they are on the same version, so if you want to talk to the PTR, you will want to update at some point. No rush, but if you try to talk to the server on an older client, you will get a polite error message.
regular user stuff
On review services, you can now pause repository account sync, update downloading, and update processing separately. If you don't want to process right now but still want the client to be grabbing update files for later, or you want to pause all service network traffice for a while but still process your backlog, it should now be easy to set up.
I fixed an annoying bug where going from 'random' file sort to one with asc/desc sort order by loading a favourite search would always default the asc/desc to the top value. Guess what hydev's default sort is.
Server administrators can now set messages to accounts. If you get a message, your client should get the update within a day or two, at which point it will appear in a popup box and be viewable on review services.
Server administrators can now set some account types to be user-creatable--no need to mess around with registration keys or access keys yourself, the client can fetch them for you from the server. A new button on the manage services edit panel checks this and can do it for you. I understand the PTR is likely to move to this in future for accounts with sibling and parent petition permissions, since grouping these by account will be useful for janny petition workflow. Having separate accounts for these complicated uploads will also allow better account management (including the above rudimentary messaging) for users who make common errors with sibling or parent submissions.
I believe I fixed a bug in repository processing that caused some newer users to get stuck with siblings and other data that was later deleted. This should not happen again, and I am now planning ways to efficiently fix the problem retroactively. (If you were hit by this and want the non-efficient fix, hit 'reset processing->reprocess content' for the repo under review services).
Some users recently got some scary errors about an invalid repository update file. This was the result of the client becoming confused about which update files it should have for a repository. I am still investigating why this happened, but to fix the immediate issue I have added a maintenance routine (under the new review services->reset downloading) that triggers a full resync of update metadata and delete surplus records. This function will fire automatically in future if the service encounters borked update files of any kind. If you got these errors, please try firing it and let me know how you get on.
admin improvements
After a very long delay, account management is finally back. If you have permission to modify accounts, the 'modify an account' service admin menu item works again and launches a fully revamped window. You can also launch account modification from manage tags for a particular tag selection, the thumbnail right-click for file repository files, or the petition processing page.
The new window shows better data about accounts, and lets you zoom in on individual ones to see current account type, expiration, banned status, or message. It also shows if you are editing yourself!
The account modifications are: change account type, set/extend/clear account expiration, ban, unban, and the new 'set message'. All modifications now print janny and subject account key to the server log. I removed the old 'superban' (which deleted all that user's content contributions), but it will likely return in future.
The service admin menu also has a new 'review all accounts' entry that lets you see a simple summary list of all accounts, which you can then select for modification.
The manage account types dialog now lets you set up auto-account creation. It works a bit like subscriptions, with a 'account creation velocity' limit of 'x accounts per y time delta', like '10 per day'. This defaults to off obviously, but if you set some account types to auto-create, users will be able to see that in manage services.
future admin improvements
As always, there was much more I wanted to do than could get done. I wasn't able to finish improving petition processing workflow or add custom update duration, a serverside tag filter, or a server message, but I was able to get the important network stuff done I needed for these things. Since incrementing the network version is always such an obstacle, I am confident I will now be able to work on these things in normal weekly work. Please let me know how they work out for you as I roll them out.
full list
network updates:
the hydrus network version is now 20. update your clients if you want to keep syncing with the PTR! no rush, but if you try to talk to a new server on an older client, or _vice versa_, you will get a polite error message
most of the updates this week are for server administrators and jannies. I have reactivated old functions that were broken long ago and added some new features. the rest is mostly code cleanup and refactoring, improved error handling, preparation for the future, and other unexciting (but still important) work that had piled up
clientside network/repo stuff for regular users:
repositories now have separate pause/play for account sync, update download, and update processing. the confusing old 'working' button is replaced with separate pause/play bitmap buttons
admins can now attach a message to individual accounts. if you get a message attached, you will see it as a popup message, and on review services, after the next account sync (within a couple of days)
a hydrus server may now allow automatic account creation. a button to check for creatable account types and then create a new account is added to 'manage services'. the PTR is likely to move to this sort of system for upload siblings/parents permissions, where getting away from my shared blob mega-account will make it easier to group petitions in the janitor workflow
a logical bug in repository update processing order is fixed. I believe this was the source of some bad siblings for new users who did a lot of syncing in one go. there is no efficient re-processing fix available atm (you'll want 'reprocess content' atm), but I plan to split processing into more pause/play for mappings/siblings/parents, which should add more 'reprocessing' tools
I cleaned a bunch of the UI code related to networking--in manage services and elsewhere, so there should be fewer bugs, confusion, and UI lag when using these controls. a whole load is still a mess though!
fixed the 'see special permissions' button in review services
repositories have a new maintenance function, accessed through the new 'reset downloading' button on review services, that force-resyncs all update hashes. this _should_ fix the unusual issue a handful of users had with an extra (invalid/404ing) update hash on the PTR. this function will also auto-trigger on various error states. the reason some users had an extra update hash in storage is still under investigation
other stuff, mostly boring:
fixed an issue with the new file sort asc/desc button where a transition from 'random' to another sort type using a favourite search would always reset the sort order to the top value
my asynchronous job object now has a default errback to catch errors more gracefully by default and with special handling in future. clicking an async button in a dialog will now show you the error there and then, rather than just the hidden error popup on the main window
added convenience links to the latest build on github to the help menu and html help
fixed another place in local file importing where a file that did not pass file import options checks would set 'skipped' status. in now sets 'ignored' like everything else
fixed a bug when an 'undelete' call is sent to the media viewer when no media is set (usually during startup/shutdown)
I disabled progress gauge 'pulsing' across the program. the way this was first implemented applied too often--I will bring it back to only apply when a job is both indeterminate and currently working
my custom button class can now launch its own yes/no confirmation dialogs on click
removed a subtag regen routine in the 425->426 update step that was bugging out due to bitrot--it now makes a popup message on boot asking for the routine to be run manually
fixed a typo bug in the 'subscription snapshot' debug command
misc ancient python 2-to-3 code cleanup
updaned cloudscraper to 1.2.58
admin stuff:
account modification:
after a very very long delay, account modification is back. if you have permission to manage accounts, you can directly modify accounts using an account key from the services->admin menu, or for tag repositories you can do it from 'manage tags' from the cog menu on a selection of tags, or for file repositories you can do it from the file right-click menu on an uploaded file, or any petition processing page if you have modify accounts permission
the available account modification routines are: change account type, set/extend/clear expiration, ban, unban, set message (new!)
the modification routines now print summaries to the server log when they fire, including janny and subject account key
the server admin menu now lets you see a list of all the accounts on the service, and also launch the new modification window from it for a selection of accounts
the account modification window is also no longer a dialog, but a normal panel that lets you interact with the rest of the program while open
the modify UI is now completely async. it loads account information in the background, and all server modification commands and subsequent account refreshing are the same
the modify UI now lists separate row summaries, including account type and banned info, for all the accounts it is loaded with. accounts can be checked to apply actions only to a subset. you can also copy the checked account keys
the modify UI also highlights if you are one of the accounts being modified, kek
the modify UI now shows ban, expiration, and message info, and the 'account info' dict (which is still not great, but can be extended in future), for any listed account when it is clicked
I have dropped 'superban' (which deleted all the account's previous content contributions along with the ban) for now. it'll likely return in one form or another in a future account permissions overhaul
fixed some dedupe and de-surplus bugs in the 'modify accounts' logic
fixed some account ban status presentation logic
the UI code has been cleaned up generally
retired the old 'get an account's info' admin menu item, since modify accounts dialog now fetches this better
hydrus accounts now synchronise twice as fast, every 250,000 seconds
account types:
account types now support optional automatic account creation, default off. it works like a subscription file velocity--'x new accounts per y time delta'.
modifying account types now prints summaries, with janny account key, to the log
account types now use a newer data serialisation format. the way they are tracked behind the scenes is neater
I did not have time to do the petition overhaul. however, I have prepared the network for it, and I have a plan, so I hope to be able in the coming weeks to improve fetch time for petition counts, make a summary list of all petitions, and implement background petition fetching to improve turnaround time
the petition UI now has a button to copy the petitioner's account key (e.g if the janny wants to send it to an admin with account modification permission)
service options:
hydrus services now have a separate 'options' object that is synced to all clients alongside account sync. this will be expandable in future without network version hassle
the options object now contains stub values for 'server message', 'update period', and 'tag filter'. these values are not yet editable, but I will add them and plug them in in the coming weeks
boring network/repo update stuff:
services now print to log when they host on a port. this applies to the server and the client (for client api and local booru)
the repository update routine is now careful to process updates in index order--previously they were unintentionally processed in pseudorandom order, meaning if the processing backlog was long enough, certain add/delete updates of bad content could occur in reverse order. I believe this was the source of some odd persistent bad siblings some users saw after doing a lot of first-time 'catch-up' processing when first syncing with the client
the server tracks account_type_keys and account_type_ids in a more careful, service-specific way. all access and modification of account type is cleaned up
the AccountType object is graduated to the new serialisation format. the server db stores them in a new table and will convert all legacy objects on update
deleted the double-ancient YAML AccountType
critical network errors during repository download are now handled a little cleaner and trigger a metadata full resync
the server is better about exiting cleanly--last-minute repository metadata changes and very recent session keys are saved
wrote a new account account type change routine for the server. it prints a summary, including janny account key, to the log
wrote a new account expiration set/extend modification routines for the server. they prints a summary, including janny account key, to the log
wrote a new ban routine for the server. it prints a summary, including janny account key, to the log
wrote a new unban routine for the server. it prints a summary, including janny account key, to the log
wrote a message-set routine for the server. it prints a summary, including janny account key, to the log
restored and expanded old server db tests for service creation, account initialisation, account type addition and deletion, registration key/access key/account generation, basic mappings addition, account identification by mapping content, and account modifications: account type, ban, unban, set expires, set message
fleshed out and fixed old server unit tests
refactored a bunch of server and network code, including to new 'networking' modules, and added a heap of type hints
refactored all the server-client variable de/serialisation code, and a bunch of network object code
refactored clientside service ui to a new file
refactored client network and service panel gui code to new modules
refactored the client manage services edit panels to their own, less confusing and coupled, classes
refactored the client review services panels to their own, less confusing and coupled, classes
cleaned up the clientside service ui, added and migrated to nicer new async functions for server calls
cleaned a ton of server and network code in general
cleaned up some json/POST variable parsing
cleaned admin service menu code
next week
I will catch up with the regular work I missed over the three weeks. I will also try to get optional update duration done for the server. And lastly, I absolutely want to figure out macOS releases that work on Big Sur, which is another thing I have left for too long. The test github build some users have been working on apparently works, so I just have to integrate their script into my own github build routine and, fingers crossed, we should be good.
0 notes
Car Insurance HELP ?!?!?
Car Insurance HELP ?!?!?
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A couple weeks ago I was involved in an accident which was not my fault. The claim adjuster figured that it would cost 10k to fix my 03 VW Passat. The insurance ended up totaling the car because it cost more to fix it then it was worth. I was not finish making payments on the car. I was wondering if it s true that the insurance company will give me money to purcahse a new car even the last car was not finished in payments.
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A couple weeks ago I was involved in an accident which was not my fault. The claim adjuster figured that it would cost 10k to fix my 03 VW Passat. The insurance ended up totaling the car because it cost more to fix it then it was worth. I was not finish making payments on the car. I was wondering if it s true that the insurance company will give me money to purcahse a new car even the last car was not finished in payments.
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