#yes i called kwt besties
honksapling · 1 year
Karl antis confuse the shit out of me - I get not liking him because like, voice changers are annoying, but going so far as to accuse him of trying to break up the Dream team is stupid and irrational. Dude has 12 full time jobs - he doesn’t have the time to break up a 7+ year long friendship lmao
i swear these dumbasses unironically say things like "karl has trapped snf under guise of banter" "he's tryna steal george from dream" "karl doesnt deserve the kindness that dream gives him" i get disliking people i get being annoyed by someone but why spread hatred towards them, why try to make up nonsensical scenarios in your head to fit your own narrative. they have clearly never seen the way sapnap smiles when he's with karl. they've never seen gogy steal karl's clothes and them exchangeing shoes everytime they meet. dream has to keep reminding the fans not to spread hate do they think their fav would support them doing the same thing to one of his best friends? he would hate it
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