#yes i am writing at 5:30 am
feuerfliegen · 9 months
Anya - Sainted by the Storm
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… on the holy light of the cathedral, I will neither judge nor harm an innocent…
as far as d.umblr verses are concerned Anya is either a member of the salt crew, a pirate gang, or captain of her own ship - the Dawnstrider.
She was trained in the art of hunting demons by the cathedral before she left the life of a paladin squire behind. She does not know where her brother Matvey is, since they were separated when they were children. She thinks him dead, either killed by the cathedral or the dark.
Anya was raised on a merchant ship after hiding as a stow-away and if she is not out at sea she frequents both the port of Achnasheen - the field of storms - as well as the water graveyard out in the bay. More information on her is available upon request as I have decided to not share her full bio on this site.
… for the sea is vast and eternal, it does not concern itself with the blight of men…
connected NPCs:
members of the salt crew.
the crew of the Dawnstrider.
Matvey and the mages. 
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saintedbythestorm · 11 months
Not dad trying to tell me about some big fallout news he heard about from some work colleague 😂 oh what the poor man just subjected himself too.
#it was about that leak from weeks ago. dad got quite the details about it. he walked right into that one.#and that dear sir is why we do not try to bring news about the hyperfixation. i will know about it and you will hear about it.#dude even got the history of fallout 3 as a bonus. since that was the one he mentioned 😂#he also got a very veeeery long version about why i would necessarily get so excited about the leaks.#you know age of the document. the whole company sale thing. how much the time line clearly has already gone to shit. etc etc etc.#yeah... yeah i think he really came to regret that one 😅#listen i have only slept 5 hours. am high on caffeine and painkillers- almost had a migraine ok.#which means i have like 0 filter rn and am quite brain tired. i will not realise how long i am going on for once i get started rn.#the info dump has started and it will end when i brain says so. i sure af won't notice I am doing it cause I'm just excited to share#not until i manage to like finish my long ass story do i realise i went on for like a good 20-30 minutes... oops.#and that may just be a generous estimate cause i got really going on the infodump ok. it was a blast. ngl.#i am very passionate about fallout ok. this is what happens when you fall asleep to fallout lore most days of the week.#yes i lost the plot ages ago about this hyperfixation. it makes me very happy. so i don't even care. i will keep doing it.#til the hyperfixation dies and bring great sadness to the lands... til we find something else. god knows when that is though.#i am very ok if fallout hyperfixation just... doesn't go away actually. i like hyperfixation. brings many a solution when upsetty.#.... i really need to stfu up now. hi. 👋 why are you still reading this??? these ramblings of a madman. 😂#ryder speaking#i got this far before i realised i did not in fact write wouldn't get excited... well i aint fixing it now 🙃
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thewritingrowlet · 1 month
The Freshman (Remake), ft. tripleS Yoon Seoyeon
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tags: first time, creampie
length: 10k
author's note: It's the remix to Ignition The Freshman, hot and fresh out the kitchen, mama rollin' that body got every man in here wishin'
Anyway, I decided to do something different this time; I remade The Freshman because I wasn't entirely satisfied with how that one originally turned out—I was super new and was super terrible at writing (still am, btw). I hope you like this remake! <3
Today is August 12th, the first day of Freshers’ Week at your university. Professor Son, the head of Computer Science department, had asked you personally to be one of the seniors to lead a group of freshmen throughout the Week and continue to offer help and advice whenever they may need it, even after the orientation period has finished. She told you that she was very impressed that you were able to maintain over 3.7 GPA (4.00 was peak—3.7 was “rock-bottom”) in the 2 years you’ve been studying while being active as a basketball player for the university’s team at the same time.
You were hesitant to take her up on the request at first because you had wanted to take this holiday period to relax and gather yourself after such a stressful semester. However, you recalled the way your senior had helped you when you were a freshman yourself; how he motivated and set an example to you and your groupmates. With that in mind, you put your holiday plans to the side, said yes, and went on a training period to become a group leader.
Your watch shows 5:30 am. You just finished the morning briefing with the other group leaders and the rest of the Freshers’ Week committee. In less than an hour, the freshmen will start gathering in the football field and you will start your duties as a group leader for these new faces. You are very nervous as you are not very sociable with new people, but you see this as an opportunity to help you be more comfortable being in the spotlight and present in public—the promised payment is too good to pass up as well.
You and the rest of the group leaders stand in a row while holding a sign with the group name and number written on it. You see the freshmen start lining up in front of their respective leaders, including yourself. Some look like they just woke up, others look excited to start their new life as a university student, as you were back then. Initially, no male or female freshman caught your attention with their looks, until the last freshman joins your group’s line. You quickly peek at the attendance list on your clipboard and find the name of this last person: Yoon Seoyeon, from Chungnam Girls’ High School in Daejeon. “That’s quite the distance”, you think. As you turn your attention away from the attendance list, you see her walking up to you. Just before she gets to you, you manage to pick up some details from her looks: big eyes, small lips, fluffy cheeks—she’s also wearing a bow tie in your favorite color, light blue (or is that Dodger blue?).
Lock it in, she’s holding out her hand to shake yours. “Good morning, sunbaenim. My name is Yoon Seoyeon”, she says. You find yourself staring deep into her eyes for a second before reaching out to shake her hand; you have never felt anything like this before—is this what they call love at first sight? “Good morning to you as well, Seoyeon-ssi”, you greet her warmly, “stand in line, please”. You expect her to stand at the end of the line, but to your surprise, she takes the spot right in front of you, beaming as she does. “In line”, she says cutely, and you can’t help but smile in response.
You hear the sound of someone testing the mic over the speakers, which indicates that this whole thing is moments away from kick-off. “One, two—one, two, three”. You can’t see the speaker, but based on the voice, it must be Doctor Park, the dean of the Faculty of Medicine and the head of the Freshers’ Week committee. “Good morning, everyone!’, her voice is laden with excitement, “welcome to the university, my dear freshmen—how’s everyone today?”. Judging by her chuckles and giggles that you hear over the speakers, the people close to her must be saying nice things to her—which is good; she’s such a brilliant professor and an even greater person, and students love her a lot.
“Group leaders, look at your attendance list for me, please”, she says, “if there’s anyone in your group who has a medical condition, guide them to me and we’ll talk to them”. You do as she says and look at your list, and thankfully, no one has any medical conditions. Unlike your group, however, the group next to you do have someone. “Are we okay, sunbaenim?”, Seoyeon asks. “Yeah, I think we are”. Your gaze meets hers, and she shows you such a precious smile. You expect her to look away in shyness, but she doesn’t; she just keeps looking at you with so much confidence—it’s you who folds first, and it’s because you feel your cheeks getting hot. “Fuck, if only I could find something to talk about”, you think to yourself, desperate for even the smallest of help to save you from the awkwardness.
“Once they’re back, leaders, you’re going to take your group to the classrooms that have been assigned to you—see you around, everyone!”. The doctor leaves the football field and goes about her day, and you hear some people collectively saying goodbye to her. You return your attention back to your group, and you can see that some people have started talking among themselves, which is very nice—oh, look: someone’s tapping Seoyeon’s shoulder from behind. She turns around with a smile and starts talking to the girl behind her. You see them pulling out their phones, probably to get each other’s contacts, and admittedly, you’re glad that things are starting out well for her—not sure why you’re so attentive to her, though.
Your group, 127, shares the same classroom with groups 125, 126, and 128. Each group split themselves in two rows and sit facing each other, and then the group leaders sit wherever they can and blend in with their respective groups. “Good morning, everyone”, you greet your group, “let’s start by having a toilet break—does anyone need to go to the toilet?”. You see 3 girls and 1 guy raise their hands, so you tell them to make a line at the door and wait for other toilet-goers.
You were too busy looking at your papers that you didn’t notice that Seoyeon has scooted over towards you. “Excuse me, sunbaenim”, she says, “I have a feeling that we’ll be seeing each other a lot in the next few days, and I was wondering if we can start speaking more casually”. For a freshman, her confidence is second to none. “Of course, Seoyeon-ah; you can call me oppa—or hyung, if you feel like it”, you feel your cheeks getting hot again, “have you thought about which student organization you want to join?”. “I want to continue my student council career”, she says, “do you think that’s a good idea?”. You have friends in the student council; you can play a little nepotism game and help Seoyeon join it—let’s not reveal it to her just yet though. “I think it is”, you say, “you obviously have the experience and know what it’s like to be in the council”.
Before you know it, the toilet-goers have returned to the classroom. In your head, you expect Seoyeon to move back to her previous position, but she doesn’t; she asks the other person to swap seats with her and stays close to you. Your heart starts getting excited, but you don’t want to get ahead of yourself—it’d be very embarrassing if Seoyeon turns out to not be interested in you, wouldn’t it?
Kim Suhyeon, the leader of group 128, signals to you with her hands and asks you to come to her, so you do. “I think we can start now, oppa”, she says. You nod to her and take the stage in front of the whiteboard with her. “Attention, please”, you say, “first of all, we’d like to extend Doctor Park’s greetings and welcome you to the university”. In the corner of your eyes, you notice that Kim Sungmin and Nam Jungmin—leaders of 125 and 126 respectively—are on their way to join you. “I’m sure you already know what our names are but allow us to introduce ourselves. My name is Oh Hanbin; I’m a year 3 student from the Faculty of Engineering”, you introduce yourself, getting collective nods from everyone present, “I’ll let the others introduce themselves and then we’ll start this whole thing”. The other 3 people take turns introducing themselves to the crowd, starting with Sungmin, Jungmin, and finally, the little princess (because she’s the only sophomore among juniors in your quartet), Suhyeon.
Now that introductions are out of the way, you can proceed to the next step, which is to play a small game. “We’ll give you three minutes to know as many people as you can, and then we want you to group up based on different conditions—the timer starts now”. People start getting on their feet and scramble around the classroom to introduce themselves to each other. You eye the members of your group, and you guess that some of them already have friends in the other groups based on how they start laughing and high-fiving other people. Seoyeon, on the other hand, seems to be stressing out, as she keeps running around the room to quickly introduce herself to people. “How cute”, you think.
“Alright, everyone, time’s up!”, Suhyeon announces, stopping people on their tracks. “Let’s start the game, everyone. On the count of 3, you have 2 minutes to find people whose name starts with the same letter as yours—Juhyeon and Jihoon, Siwoo and Sunwoo, and so on”, she explains the first criteria of the game, and the freshmen start getting antsy, “one, two, three—timer starts now!”. The chaos immediately ensues; those who happen to be far from their group start running around frantically, including Seoyeon, who happens to be standing quite far away from others whose name starts with S. “Remember: no curses, everyone; we are an educated bunch”, Suhyeon reminds the crowd—they’re too busy playing the game, though.
“That’s time, everyone!’, she announces, thus marking the end of the first round, “now let’s see how you did”. She walks to the group that Seoyeon is a part of and starts asking everyone’s name: Sunwoo, Seoyeon, Soobin, Seunghan, Soojin, Seokmin. “Nah, nah, nah—sunbaenim, he’s lying!”, says someone from across the room, “his name is Kang Minseok, and he went to the same high school I did”. Everyone explodes in laughter; someone actually snitched on their friend and caused them to get punished. Suhyeon chuckles and shakes her head in amusement, “you’re not slick, Minseok-ah—to the front, please”.
Suhyeon continues her examination and finds a few more suspects; there’s a girl named Minji, and a guy named Minwoo, but instead of grouping up, they’re standing far apart from each other. “What’s with you M people”, Suhyeon laughs, “alright, join your fellow M on the stage, please”.
As Minji and Minwoo walk to join Minseok in front of the whiteboard, the classroom door swings open, revealing Doctor Park behind it. “Ah, you must be having fun”, the doctor looks around the classroom, “should I come back later?”. You rush to the door to greet the doctor, since everyone is too busy standing idle. “We were having a little game, doctor—please, come in”, you say. “Thank you, Hanbin-ah”, she shows you a kind smile, “I’ll wait until you guys are done with your games”.
Doctor Park greets the three standing in front of the whiteboard and asks why they’re standing there. “They’re getting punished for failing at the game, doctor”, you explain, and she reminds you to not embarrass anyone during Freshers’ Week. “Certainly not, doctor; we won’t ask anything crazy of them”, you assure her.
You stand next to the three suspects and ask them to introduce themselves and share with the class what they want to achieve in university. Minji says that she wants to go on a student exchange program abroad, which, according to the university’s policies, will allow her to skip doing thesis. Minwoo says that he wants to graduate quickly and work at his parents’ company right after, like a typical nepo baby (his words, not yours). Minseok, on the other hand, “uh, I don’t know exactly yet. I do want to graduate quickly, though”. During all of this, the doctor is looking at them kindly with a smile on her face, the same way she did to you when you were a freshman yourself—it’ll be a very sad day when Doctor Park retires from teaching, that’s for sure.
It is 100% true that time flies when you’re busy or having fun, because the clock shows that it’s almost time for lunch break after what felt like an hour—this also means that Doctor Park had been speaking for nearly 4 hours straight before she left a few minutes ago. Anyway, it’s time for another toilet break before lunch—the food delivery guy(s) should be here soon as well.
As luck would have it, moments after the toilet-goers have left with Jungmin and Sungmin, the lunchboxes arrive. “Yo, yo, yo”, Sunwoo, a logistics guy, greets you while holding two big plastic bags full of lunchboxes in each hand, “help us, Hanbin-ah”. You and Suhyeon help Sunwoo and his friend and take the bags from their hands. The bags are tagged with the group’s numbers, and each lunchbox is labeled accordingly for vegetarians and vegans. You don’t have a vegetarian or a vegan in your group, but Suhyeon has a vegetarian and Jungmin has a vegan in their groups, so you know that they’ll appreciate the attention to detail. “Thanks, guys. See you guys later”, you give each of them a fist bump and send them on their way.
This morning, the logistics guys told you that you must put the empty lunchboxes (and other trash) in the bags they came in and throw them out like that, so with that in mind, you fold the bag and shove it in your back pocket for later use. While you wait for the freshmen to come back from the toilet, you pull out your phone and take a second look at the schedule. “A joint session at the library hall after this—okay, cool”.
Before you know it, your freshmen are back, seemingly refreshed after stretching their legs and emptying their tanks. They sit in two rows again, and you start handing out the lunchboxes to them. “Hand this over to the person next to you, okay?”, you start from Seoyeon, who hands it to Jiwon, who then continues the train until the back of the line.
“Wait”, you stop momentarily, “there’s only one left and there’s two of us”. You look at the other groups and see that everyone, including the leaders, have a lunchbox in their hands. Obviously, you don’t want to keep food from Seoyeon, so you give her the last lunchbox. “What about you, oppa?”, she asks, and you tell her that you’ll be fine. “I’ll live—just eat, Seoyeon-ah”. You will live, yes, but this is still a problem. You hop on the committee’s group chat and tell them that your group is one lunchbox short. “We’ll look into it”, someone from the logistics says, and those words are your tasty and tummy-filling lunch.
After the big, joint session at the library hall, it’s now time for the freshmen to go home. The freshmen don’t really get to go anywhere by themselves, even if it’s time for them to go home. Your group lines up behind you (Seoyeon doesn’t take the spot behind you this time) and you wait with them until you’re allowed to start walking out of the building. There’s a traffic management crew whose job is to make sure no congestion happens, especially in the narrower corridors.
“Let’s gather over there before we go home”, you point at an empty gazebo that’s located in next to library building. You give them your number and make a group chat for them, “here, you can join by scanning this QR”. You hand your phone over to Jiwon, who then scans the code and passes your phone over to the next person. You wait until everyone has taken their turn and take your phone back from Sohee. “That’s everyone, right?”. You look at the group info and see that everyone has joined, “right, you guys can go home now”.
You give those who are leaving a fist bump and tell them that you’ll be seeing them again tomorrow. You fail to notice that among your freshmen, Seoyeon is staying behind with you at the gazebo. “You alright?”, you ask. “Yes, I am”, she replies, “so what now?”. You explain to her that you still need to attend today’s evaluation and basketball practice after that, and on the other hand, she’s free to leave. “You play basketball, oppa?”, she asks. Whether it’s a genuine question or not (considering the height difference between the two of you), you answer genuinely and add to the explanation: “I’m the team’s captain, Seoyeon-ah”. She just nods to you with a flat face, and you guess that she’s not that interested in the subject. “I’m leaving then—bye, oppa!”, she waves at you as she walks away, leaving you alone at the gazebo.
As soon as Seoyeon enters her apartment, she gets a call from her high school best friend, Yeonsu. She also happens to be desperate to go to the toilet, though, so she lets the call go unanswered for now. After her toilet break and change of clothes, she’s now ready to call her friend.
“Hi, hello. Were you looking for me?”
“Yeah, I was—where were you?”
“Well, the campus, obviously. Today was the first day of Freshers’ Week” Yeonsu and Seoyeon were supposed to go to the same university but there were factors that caused them to split up. The best friends then start exchanging stories from their first day as university students—these two never spend a day without knowing what the other person is up to.
“My group leader is named Oh Hanbin”, Seoyeon says, but Yeonsu stays silent, thus confusing Seoyeon, “Yeonsu-yah, are you there?”
“Did you say Oh Hanbin?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Fuck, there’s no way”
Seoyeon doesn’t understand why her friend is reacting like this, so she asks Yeonsu to explain, and the answer she gets is “Oh Hanbin is so fucking famous, Seoyeon-ah”.
“He is? How did you know?”
“Fuck, have you been living under a rock? He’s known for a bunch of things”
“Like what?”
“He’s good at basketball and he’s even better in class—he’s also handsome, but that’s personal preferences”
“Are you serious?”
”Do I sound like I’m lying right now?”
No, she doesn’t—if anything, Yeonsu sounds very enthusiastic right now, as if wishing that it was her that got to meet Oh Hanbin.
“Do you have a crush on this guy, Ryu Yeonsu?”
“Oh, please don’t lie to me, Yoon Seoyeon; there’s no denying how attractive he is”
Seoyeon starts cranking the gears in her head, trying to remember what you, Oh Hanbin, was like: tall guy, well-built, good manners, and just a decent person all-around. “Oh, wait—oh my God!”, Seoyeon exclaims as the memory returns to her, “he gave me his lunch, Yeonsu-yah!”. Seoyeon can picture her friend’s jaw dropping in shock. “No, he didn’t—there’s no fucking way!”, Yeonsu’s disbelief is apparent, “why would he give you his lunch?”. Seoyeon explains to her friend that her group was short by one lunchbox and that you gave her the last one in the bag so that she could have lunch.
As the conversation keeps going, Seoyeon realizes that she’s starting to think that you’re attractive to her, and from that point on, her thoughts start running wild: she imagines what it’d be like to be close to you, what it’d be like to sit on the stands during one of your games, and finally, what it’d be like to have her first time with you. “Fuck, am I even ready for that? Would I even be his first? If he’s as famous as Yeonsu says, then he must’ve had many girlfriends”, Seoyeon thinks to herself, ignoring whatever Yeonsu is telling her. She decides that she needs more time to think about this. “Fuck, Yeonsu-yah, I’m sorry but I really need to go—I’ll call you again soon”, she says, and she ends the call right after.
Seoyeon forces her brain to come up with something to find out more about you. “Can I just search his name on Google or something?”. She opens the browser app on her phone and types in your name, “God, please work; tell me something about him”.
The first search result is your professional network page, which you thankfully keep up to date. “Best graduate out of high school, hm?”, Seoyeon sees the first thing listed under your picture. “Oh my God, Yeonsu was right; Dean’s List with 4.00 GPA last semester!”, she exclaims, her big eyes widen even more thanks to the surprise, “and the captain of the basketball team, too—didn’t make it to the finals last year, though”. Seoyeon doesn’t know what to do with this information, but she’s sure that it’ll be useful very soon. “I should ask him about this tomorrow”.
So here you are, back at the field again after the early briefing. Someone from logistics brought up your misfortune from yesterday and personally apologized to you. You were also told that you won’t get a lunchbox again today and tomorrow, since the catering service just can’t be tasked with adding one more lunchbox, apparently. That said, the committee gives you a solution in the form of reimbursement; you can get whatever and spend however much, and then you just need to give them the receipt and they’ll reimburse you. One more thing to point out is that they said that you’ll be tasked with getting to know the freshmen better and building a good relationship with each of them.
Today you opt for a red shirt and black trousers to complement the brown jacket that the university gave out for Freshers’ Week. You hope that Seoyeon approves of this color combination, because as you realize last night after practice, you’re starting to fall for her, and you sincerely hope that she’ll reciprocate the feelings and not push you away (because that’d be disastrous, wouldn’t it?).
You’re standing at the same spot as yesterday, and while you wait for your freshmen, you get into some conversation with Suhyeon and Jungmin. “Did you actually not have lunch yesterday, oppa?”, Suhyeon asks. “I didn’t. I gave the last one to Seoyeon-ie”, you try to not sound too proud of yourself, “I did get burgers before practice yesterday, though”. Suhyeon loves burgers, and the fact that you didn’t ask her to get some with you is making her slightly irritated. “You owe me burgers, oppa”.
Over Suhyeon’s shoulders, you see Seoyeon walking towards you with a smile on her face. You push Suhyeon to the side to greet the smiling cutie. “Good morning, Seoyeon-ah”, you say with a smile, copying her positivity. “Good morning, oppa. How are we feeling today?”, she says. Hearing her say “we” makes your heart rate jump to the moon, but you quickly compose yourself. “I’m doing very well, Seoyeon-ah. I’m very excited, actually; they said that we’ll be getting to know each other much better today”. She promptly looks away to hide her blush and turns her face towards you again after a few moments. “Th-that’s great to hear, oppa”, she says, “I’ll tell you everything about myself, so I hope you will too”.
You quickly scan her outfit from top to bottom: light blue shirt and brown pants. You step closer towards her so that Suhyeon or Jugmin won’t hear what you’re about to say. “Seoyeon-ah, you look good in these colors”, you praise her sense of fashion. “I-I remember seeing you holding a blue clipboard yesterday, and-and I thought maybe I should wear blue today”, she says. You really want to let out a squeal of excitement right now, but it’s very out-of-character that people might think that it’s cringe.
You and your group sit in a circle in the same classroom as yesterday, and Seoyeon sits right across from your position. “Alright, guys”, you start the conversation, “today is all about us; we can talk about whatever we want”. Seoyeon immediately raises her hand. “Oppa, I heard that you’ve made it to the Dean’s List with 4.00 GPA”, she says, “tell us about it, please”. You didn’t expect her to have that information, and despite feeling a little shy at first, you decide to talk about it anyway because good things should always be celebrated. “That’s true; I’ve made it on the Dean’s List a few times”, you start, “look, I’m sure people have their own ideas as to how long they should be studying for in a week, but because I also have basketball on the side, I only study around 10 to 12 hours a week.”
You think that it’s a small number but based on people’s surprised gasp (it sounds genuine, by the way), you guess that people think that it’s a pretty big number. “You didn’t make it to the finals last year, did you, oppa?”, Seoyeon piles on. “We didn’t, yeah”, you sigh, “we choked during the last few minutes of the semifinal game”. As you think about her chain of questions, it becomes obvious that she most likely looked up your name on the internet, because she wouldn’t have known any of this if she hadn’t—it is flattering, just to be clear.
Before it snowballs into a two-person conversation, you turn your attention to other freshmen and see if maybe they have things to talk about. “How many exes do you have, oppa?”, Sohee asks. You shyly confess that you’ve never dated anyone before, and Sohee seems to be disappointed by your answer. “You’re boring, oppa”, she rolls her eyes playfully. “I am boring, Sohee-yah; all I do is sit in front of my computer and play basketball”, you say with a chuckle.
As you turn your head to face the other members of your group, you briefly catch Seoyeon looking at you with a deep gaze, and you wonder what’s up with that. As much as you’re curious, however, you don’t want to make this all about you and her, since you have other people to pay attention to—hey, someone else is raising their hand.
“Yes?”, you point at Jiwon, who has her hand in the air. “Are you on scholarship, oppa?”, she asks. You reply with a nod, so she continues her question, “what kind?”. You explain to her and the rest of your crew that because you had placed first on the entrance test, you were given a scholarship that covers all your tuition if you can maintain over 3.00 GPA over the course of 4 years maximum. “I’m also eligible for an athletic scholarship, but you must keep being an athlete to get it, if that makes sense—if one day I decide to stop playing basketball for the university, that’s gone. So, for me, it’s safer to stick with the first one”, you add.
Jiwon doesn’t seem to be satisfied yet, “are there other scholarships, oppa? You know, something that a regular student like me can get?”. “Well, yes”, you say, “if you get the best grade in your class and department, your tuition for the next semester becomes 0—obviously it’s hard and there are a lot of competitors, but it’s still possible”. Your answer seems to be a satisfactory one; there are a handful of people who seem to get excited about it.
Lunch time is here, and the logistics guys from yesterday make another appearance today. You and co. take the bags from them and quickly distribute the lunchboxes to your respective groups. Seeing that you’re not getting a lunchbox, Seoyeon points at hers while looking at you, indirectly asking you about it. “I’m okay—just eat”, you mouth to her and end it with a smile, and she slowly opens her lunch and starts eating.
“Oppa, where’s your food?”, Sohee asks, catching on to your situation. You tell her what the logistics guys told you this morning, and you can see that Sohee is contemplating giving you her lunch. You notice that Seoyeon is glaring at Sohee from the side, so you quickly decline Sohee’s offer so that Seoyeon can have some peace of mind. “Just eat, Sohee-yah; I’ll be fine”, you say to her.
You ask Jungmin to keep an eye on your freshmen while you leave to get some food from the cafeteria, which is on the ground floor of the adjacent building.
“Oppa!”, Seoyeon follows you outside, “where are you going?”.
“The cafeteria.”
“Well, I’m hungry, and as you can see, I don’t have a lunchbox.”
“Okay, have fun!”
She turns around and walks towards the classroom again, so you continue your way to the cafeteria to get some food for yourself.
You see that Mrs. Jeon’s stall is the only one that’s open, so you quickly head there. “Mrs. Jeon, hello”, you greet her, “can I get one hotdog with mashed potatoes and cheese sauce?”. She asks why you’re getting food at the cafeteria, so you tell the story from this morning one more time, causing her to laugh. “Well, you must be glad that I’m open”, she says. “You have no idea, Mrs. Jeon”, you chuckle, “I’d like to have a bottle of cold water as well, please”.
Mrs. Jeon hands you a hotdog and a bottle of water after around a minute, and along with them, a receipt, which will come in handy later. Before you leave, you eye the fridge in her stall and see some chocolate milk. “One chocolate milk too, please—no need for receipt this time”, you pull out some more cash from your wallet and give it to her. “Thanks, Mrs. Jeon!”, you grab your stuff and rush back to the classroom.
You stop a few meters away from the door of the classroom and pull out your phone to text Seoyeon: “come outside, please”. You see her come out of the classroom, and she immediately finds you. “Yes?”, she asks. You pull out the chocolate milk from your jacket pocket and show it to her. “I have something for you”, you say, “I bought you a small one so that you can finish it quickly”. She covers her red face with one hand as she takes the milk from your hand with the other. “Th-thank you, oppa”. “The-the pleasure is mine, S-Seoyeon-ah—fi-finish it quickly a-and then go back inside, okay?”. You stutter—you’ve never felt something like this before—is this love?
Well, isn’t that the million-dollar question. You don’t have the time or capacity to think about it right now, as you still have plenty of matters to attend to. Maybe the silence of the night can help you focus, though.
You’ve sent your freshmen on their way home almost half an hour ago, so there are only group leaders and committee members on campus right now.
“Let’s start the evaluations, ladies and gents”, Doctor Park is taking the point today, “is there anything you want to tell me first?”. A guy from security raises his hand and tells the crowd that he found someone smoking in one of the toilets on the Faculty of Law building. He then proceeds to provide the doctor with the wrongdoer’s information—he also shows her some pictures he has taken from the scene. “Unfortunate”, the doctor sighs, “next, please”.
No one else raises their hand, so Doctor Park takes her turn to speak. She explains that the Student Organization Expo will be held tomorrow, and the freshmen will be given freedom to run around the expo area and visit as many booths as they want until lunch time. After lunch, they’ll be able to choose what organization they want to join and send an application using a form that the group leaders will provide them with. “We won’t have a morning briefing tomorrow, so your check-in time for tomorrow is moved to 5 am with a 10-minute lateness toleration. Any questions?”, she scans the room and finds no raised hand, “you may go, then. See you tomorrow, everyone”
You don’t have practice today, so the only option you have right now is to go home and rest. You walk towards the campus bus stop to wait for the bus that will take you to the off-campus parking lot. You see a girl in blue sitting on the bench at the bus stop, and you wonder who it is. You slam your heels harder while you walk to make your footsteps louder, announcing your presence so that the girl doesn’t get startled.
The girl turns her head to face you, and you’re shocked to see who it is. “Yoon Seoyeon?”, you furrow your eyebrows in confusion, “what are you doing here?”. “Hi, oppa”, she shows you a cute smile, “I’ve been waiting for you, actually”. You almost can’t believe your ears, “you were waiting for me, sweetie?”. Seoyeon’s big eyes get even bigger when she hears the endearment, and inside, she wonders if it was a slip. “I-I wanted to talk some more with you, s-so I waited for you, oppa”, she looks away to hide her blush, “c-can we talk, oppa?”. “We can, Seoyeon-ah”. You point at the burger shop across the street and ask her to join you for dinner.
You muster up the courage to hold her hand as you get ready to cross the street with her. You wait until this gray car passes before crossing the street half-running with Seoyeon. “Oh, what am I doing”, you stop for a second and take off your jacket, “sorry, you must be cold”. You wrap your jacket around her body to shield her from the cold night air—the way she’s looking away from you makes you wonder if you’ve crossed the line, but at least she hasn’t slapped you for it.
You walk into the restaurant with her, and you see your favorite guy, Jeno, attending the cashier. He waves at you when he sees you walking in, being friendly as ever. “Hey, can I get one Double OG with no tomato and some nacho fries?”. You feel Seoyeon snaking her arm around yours, and you’re reminded that you’re not alone. “What do you want to eat, Seoyeon-ah?”, you ask. “I-I don’t know, but I’d like to have a burger and some fries too, oppa—if it’s okay with you, that is”, she shyly replies. “Of course it’s okay”, you scan the menu board and choose something for her, “uh, can I also have a Black Montana and some fries with marinara sauce?”. Jeno recaps your orders, and after confirming it, he hands you two large cups for the drinks.
After filling the cups with your preferred drinks—cold water for you, and diet coke for Seoyeon—you walk with her to find a table. “You want to sit there?”, you point at an empty table next to the big window. She agrees to your suggestion, so you walk towards that table together. You pull a seat for her before sitting down yourself, earning a soft “thank you” from her. You sit across from her and set your backpack on the empty chair next to you. “So, what did you want to talk about?”, you try to start the conversation. Instead of answering you, Seoyeon stays silent and looks down at the table. You don’t want to make her feel uncomfortable, so you opt to keep it for later—maybe food will help her open up.
Food comes out of the kitchen and arrives at your table after around 10 minutes, which you spent by sitting in silence. You give Seoyeon her food and without cue, she immediately takes a piece of fry, dips it in marinara, and puts it in her mouth. She then chases it with a bite of her burger. You sit still and look at the way her plump cheeks move as she chews her food—someone can get full just by looking at Seoyeon eat. “Wh-what are you looking at, oppa?”, she covers her mouth with one hand, “p-please don’t look at me like that”. With a smile, you turn your attention to your food and start eating with her. You unwrap your burger, make sure there is no tomato in it, and take a bite. “Mm!”, you exclaim, “that’s really good”. You see that Seoyeon has started eating again. “You like it?”, you ask. Since her mouth is full, she replies to you with excited nods and a small smile.
Seoyeon has now finished her burger, and her fries are almost done. “Seoyeon-ah, I will ask again: what was it you wanted to talk about?”, you ask. She knows that she has nowhere else to run now. “I-I like you, oppa”, she drops a bomb while looking straight into your eyes, “there—that’s what I wanted to talk about”. Your jaw drops in shock, making you unable to say anything back momentarily. “I’m sorry, but can you say that again?”, you hope that she won’t say something else. “I said I like you, oppa”, she repeats, and you’re glad that she said the same thing. “D-do you feel the same, b-by any chance?”, she maintains eye contact with you despite the red cheeks. Yes, yes, you do, but for some reason, you find it very difficult to say it—until you see tears pooling in her eyes. “Seo-Seoyeon-ah—y-yes, I do like you”, you confess, “I like you a lot”. Satisfied with your answer, Seoyeon gets up from her seat, sits on the chair next to you (after putting your backpack on the floor), and hugs you from the side.
It feels like a massive weight has been lifted off your chest, and you feel like you’re able to breathe far more freely now. You wrap your arms around her body as best you can and close your eyes to bask in the moment. Soon, however, you’re startled by her subtle sobs. “Hey, hey, you okay, sweetie?”, you start panicking a little, “I’m sorry, did I do something wrong?”. “I was so scared that you would push me away—you’d never push me away, would you?”, she asks, her voice trembling from the emotions. Judging by how Seoyeon is sobbing in your arms, thus showing her vulnerability in front of you, assures you that she’s being very honest and sincere. You peck her head a few times, hoping that she knows how sincere you are, “please don’t cry, sweetie; I’m here for you”. “You are”, she replies, “you are here for me”.
You run your hand gently on her back as you try to calm her down. It seems to be helpful; Seoyeon stops sobbing after a few minutes—she’s about to drop another bomb, though. “Oppa”, she pokes your thigh to get your attention, “can we go to your place?”. You silently praise your parents for planting in you the habit of cleanliness, which means that your apartment is almost always presentable should you have guests. “We can, sweetie—let’s go now, okay?”. You exchange some pleasantries with Jeno while you’re standing at the cashier. He even asks Seoyeon if she liked it, to which she responds with excitement. “Alright, thank you, man—see you next time”, you wave at him as you walk out of the restaurant with Seoyeon, your new… erm… girlfriend? Are we on girlfriend-boyfriend stage now? That’s a question for later.
After a quick drive, you find yourself and Seoyeon standing in the parking lot. “Sweetie, can I carry you? I’ve always wanted to try carrying a girl”, you ask, your cheeks getting hot. “S-sure, oppa”. She opens her arms, thinking that you’ll carry her from the front while in actuality, you want to carry her bridal-style. “Oh my God, oppa!”, she exclaims while hiding her red cheeks behind her palms. You carry the 50-something kilogram bundle of joy and walk towards your apartment. On the way, you feel her loosening up and enjoying the ride, and you swear that you can hear purrs coming from her. You hope that no neighbor sees you like this, because you imagine that it’d be quite awkward—not that you’re concerned about what they think, but still.
You punch in the passcode to your apartment without putting Seoyeon down, and here you are, in your haven. “We’re here, sweetie”, you say to her as you walk towards the sofa with her still in your arms. You carefully put her down onto the sofa and extend it so that she can lie comfortably on it. “Would you like some water, sweetie?”, you ask, and she replies with a nod. You walk towards the water dispenser and fill a cup with water and go back to her. You help her straighten her posture before handing her the cup. You’re confused when you see that instead of drinking out of the cup, she holds it with both hands and just silently looks at it.
“You okay?”
“I like you, oppa”
“Yes, sweetie; I like you too”
“What made you like me, oppa?”
You take a deep breath as you try to form an answer.
“I just feel so drawn to you; you’re just so charming, elegant, friendly, and—“, you realize that these words sound ridiculous coming from you, and your brain halts you by making your cheeks turn red. “Anything else, oppa?”, she challenges you, letting out a giggle after.
You hover over her body—making her bite her lip nervously—and come in for a kiss, eager to show her that you love her. You pull away from the kiss after a few seconds and look at her in the eyes. “I love you, Yoon Seoyeon—I love you with my entire being”, you say, feeling emotional, “will you be mine, baby?”. Seoyeon puts a palm on your cheek and rubs it gently. “Yes, oppa; I’m yours and you’re mine”, she returns your words with a loving smile on her face.
You lie down next to her and pull her into your arms, transferring the warmth of your bodies back and forth between the two of you. “Baby”, you get her attention, “is there anything you want to do?”. She moves to sit on your lap and leans forward, her face hovering closely over yours, “I want to have our first time”. That’s one more big bomb she dropped on your head, and you seem to be unable to speak. “You said you’ve never dated anyone before, so you must be a virgin. I’ll give you my first time and take yours in return”, she adds, “you weren’t lying about it, were you?”. You shake your head in response, still speechless. “Great”, she says, “let’s do it, oppa—please”. “Are you sure? I don’t want you to regret it after”, you try to gauge how serious she is. She leans forward even further until her nose touches hers. “I want it, oppa”, her voice sounds very sexy right now, “make me yours, and I’ll make you mine—we will stay together forever, oppa”.
You knew from the first day that she’s a very confident person, but you never expected that she’d be this confident about having her first time with you, someone who she met just yesterday. “It’d be a huge honor for me, baby, but I’m asking one more time: are you sure?”, you ask, despite your paper-thin patience and rock-hard penis. “I am very sure”, she doesn’t waver, “c’mon, oppa; let’s do it”. Even if you were single and have never dated anyone before, you know that you shouldn’t do something to a girl without her consent, and this is as clear of a consent as it gets, so there’s no reason for you to hesitate now. “Let’s move to the bedroom first, baby”.
You gently lower her onto the bed, smiling the whole time so that Seoyeon feels comfortable with you. After she’s lying comfortably in bed, however, her eyes start wandering away from yours, probably because she’s nervous. “Baby”, you hold her chin gently and turn her face towards you, “I love you—I love you lots”. Your words seem to be just what she wants to hear right now. “I love you too, oppa”, she reaches for your hands and pulls you towards her, “thank you for everything so far”. You’re not sure if you’ve done anything to warrant such an expression of gratitude, but you’ll take it and send it back to her. “I know that we just met, but I have a feeling—certain, even—that I’ll have plenty of reasons to be thankful for you, baby”, you make sure that you sound sincere because you are indeed sincere. “I think I’ve chosen well”, she says, “you’re as sweet as I hoped”.
Warmth. Warmth is the theme tonight. Warmth is what you’re feeling right now. Warmth is what this relationship will have plenty of. Speaking of warmth, being in a girl’s arms is very warm—you never knew that before. You rub your cheek against hers like a cat, the friction creating more warmth for the two of you. “Oppa”, she chuckles, finding it funny, “what are you doing? Are you a cat?”. “No, but I think I understand why cats do this”, you let out a chuckle as well, “I love you, baby”. You don’t know how many times you’ve said it, but it’s not something that hurts or tires Seoyeon, so you’d like to think that it’s fine to spam her with it.
“Show me, then”, she challenges you, “show me your love, oppa”. “Of course, baby; as you wish”, you accept her challenge. You jump off the bed and start undressing, showing Seoyeon the curves of your muscles. “My God”, she exclaims, “are you sure you’re playing the right sports, oppa?”. “I mean, basketball can get pretty physical, and for that, you need muscles”, you say, proud of your physique. She follows you off the bed and stands closely in front of you. “Fuck, I wonder what Yeonsu would think if she saw us like this”, she utters while her hands roam on your body. “Yeonsu? Who is that?”, you’re unfamiliar with the name. “My friend from high school”, she says, her eyes still locked on your torso, “she told me about you”. You’re perplexed, “how did she know about me?”. “No idea; she just said that you’re pretty famous”, she says. “I’m famous? Really?”, you think.
Seoyeon asks for your attention by tapping you in the chest. She then offers you the chance to undress her, which you’re delighted to do so. She puts her arms on either side of her body and closes her eyes as you start unbuttoning her blouse. You notice that her breathing gets faster, a clear sign that she’s very nervous. You stop what you’re doing and place your hands on her waist, hoping that doing so will make her feel more comfortable and familiar to your touch. You say nothing as you wait for her to calm down, and it doesn’t take long. “Continue, oppa”, she says, “I-I’m sorry”. You assure her that there’s nothing to be sorry for; it’s totally normal to be nervous when doing something for the first time.
After all her buttons are undone, you free her arms from the sleeves and let her blouse fall onto the floor. As a reflex, Seoyeon covers her bra-covered tits with her hands, blushing as she does. Again, you wait in silence until she tells you what she wants you to do next. “I’m sorry—oh, God, I’m so sorry”, she shakes her head to regain focus, “y-you can take off my pants, oppa”. “Please, there’s nothing to be sorry for, baby—I understand that you’re nervous”, you put on a calm smile to support your statement. Seoyeon slowly removes her hands from her chest and unbuttons her pants for you, she then asks you to finish the job.
Well, there she is: standing shyly in front of you with little covering her body. She’s using one hand to cover her breasts while the other is covering her crotch. She can feel herself drowning in a sea of thoughts, nervous about all kinds of things. “What will happen after tonight? What if he leaves me after taking my first time? What if—“, her restless mind stops when she hears your calm voice. “Baby, listen, please”, you throw her a lifebuoy, “I understand that you’re nervous about all of this—I do, seriously—we don’t have to do this now if you don’t feel like it”.
“Can I ask something first, oppa?”
“Of course, baby”
“W-what do you think will happen tomorrow?"
“Tomorrow? Well, the Student Organization Expo will happen tomorrow”, you crack a little joke. Seoyeon’s stressed face loosens up after hearing your joke, seemingly more comfortable with the situation. “Aaaah, I’m serious, oppaaaa”, she whines.
You get on one knee in front of her and place a hand on her knee. “What will happen tomorrow, baby, is that I will start loving you, and you will start loving me”, you start, your tone calm but serious, “after that, we will spend a lot of time with each other. We will laugh sometimes and cry some other times, but that’s fine; we’ll face everything together”.
“Together, oppa?”
“Together, baby. You and me against the world—well, not exactly; the world doesn’t hate us, does it?”
She seems to be satisfied with your answer, proven by how she moves her hands off her body and places them on your nape. “Together, oppa”, she says, “we will stay together for a long, long time”. “Yes, we will, baby”. You stand up and pull her into a kiss, one that screams out “I love you”.
You were so deep into the kiss that you failed to notice that Seoyeon had tumbled backwards, thus pulling you back into the bed with her. She breaks the kiss and whispers to you that she’s ready. She guides your hands towards the waistband of her panties, “make me yours, oppa”. You nod without saying a word and start pulling her panties down her legs and past her ankles. “Respectfully, baby, I think you’re sexy”, you don’t bother stifling your tongue anymore. “Th-thank you, oppa—I-I think you look good too”, she returns the praise to you, and truthfully, it makes you feel really good about yourself.
While you take off your boxers, Seoyeon takes off her bra, and now, you’re both completely naked, showing everything to each other. It is when you hover over her that she hesitates again. “I’m scared, oppa”, her voice shakes, “y-you will hurt me, won’t you?”. “I’ll be gentle, baby—I promise”, you try to comfort her.
You spread her legs wide enough for you to be in the middle of, ready to take her innocence and give her yours in return. She wraps her legs around your torso and locks her ankles together in response. You use one hand to guide your cock towards her entrance, and despite the lack of experience, you manage to find it somewhat easily. “Baby, I’m going to start”, you announce, “if you want to change your mind, this is your chance”. “No, I want it—give it to me, oppa”.
You move your hips forwards and Seoyeon instantly gasps at the first contact. “Gently, gently”, she reminds you. “Of course, baby”. You wrap your arms around her body and hold her close to you as your cock tries to enter her pussy. You hear Seoyeon’s breathing get faster again, so you whisper to her in a calm voice that everything will be okay. You keep going forwards until you feel the tip of your cock breaching through her barrier; you’ve taken her innocence and made her yours.
You want to savor the foreign sensation, but Seoyeon starts sobbing and grunting in pain. “It hurts, oppa”, she whimpers, “please, be gentle with me—please, please—AHHH!”. You think that if you move again, you will hurt her even more, so you stop for now. “I’m not moving, baby—let’s calm down for now, okay?”, you say to her. She keeps whimpering and grunting in your ears, tugging at the strings of your heart. “I’m so sorry, baby”, you start feeling emotional yourself, “do you want to stop?”. “J-just give me a moment, oppa”, says the girl in discomfort.
You’ve been in this position for a few minutes, waiting patiently for Seoyeon to get used to the foreign object in her body. “Oppa”, she says weakly, “I-I think you can go again”. “Sure, baby”, you say. You slowly retreat from her pussy before going forwards again, earning a combination of moans and grunts from her. You ask if she’s still in pain, and she tells you that it’s not too bad. “You’re doing so well, baby”, you praise her, “I love you so, so much”. “I love—oh, God, so deep”, the way your cock hits the deepest spots surprises her, “please, gently, oppa”. You’ve been as gentle as you can be so far, but no matter how slow it feels, you hold on to your patience.
As you slowly move back and forth in her pussy, you notice that the grunts are getting replaced with moans, which means that it’s now enjoyable for her. “Feeling better, baby?”, you ask to make sure. “Yes-yes—oh, God, yes”, she replies, “how are you so big, oppa?”. “I don’t know, baby; just genes, probably”, you chuckle to lighten the mood, “do you think I can go faster?”. “Just-just nothing too rough, please”, she begs. You assure her that you will be mindful with your pace and start thrusting into her faster than earlier.
The moans that she’s sending right into your ears are very arousing, and you subconsciously start fucking her faster, as you’re eager to hear more of it. “So good, oppa—fuck, you’re so good”, she praises you. You’re glad to hear that she’s no longer in pain and has gotten used to you. “You’re also so good, baby; you’re so fucking tight for me”, you send the praises back to her.
You place her wrists on the bed and press down on them with your hands, assuming a very dominant position. “You’re so good, baby”, you manage to send one more praise her way despite the heavy breaths, “I love you so much”. “Ah, ah, ah—I l-love you too, oppa”, she replies, “kiss me, please—ngh, fuck”. You plant your lips on hers and pick up the pace of your thrusts, eager to get your first ever orgasm in your life.
You chant profanities as you try to maintain the tempo, Seoyeon’s tightness proving to be challenging for you. “Oppa, wait”, she halts you, “I-I want to pee—w-why do I want to pee, oppa?”. Truthfully, you have no idea; you’re as inexperienced as she is. “You’ll be fine, baby”, you try to dismiss her, and she takes your word for it. “I’m peeing, I’m peeing!”, she plants her hands on your chest and tries to push you away from her but she’s simply too weak. You pull out from her pussy and see that her juice is gushing out of her bloodstained pussy—not only that, her legs and thighs are shaking. Seoyeon screams and squirms around in bed; “this must be her orgasm”, you think as you observe her.
“Oppa! Oppa!”, she reaches her arms out, desperate to touch your body, “please, please, hold me”. You hold her tightly in your arms and you can hear the soft, angelic moans that escape her lips, arousing you even further. You whisper “I love you” in her ears repeatedly as you wait for her to come back to her senses. “I love you too, oppa”, she returns your words to you, “what was that, though?”.
“I think that was your orgasm, baby”
“Orgasm, oppa? Really?”
“I think so, yeah”
“And it was because of you?”
“Yes, I’d like to think so”
“That was amazing, oppa”
“I’m glad that it was, baby”
Her breathing returns to its normal pace after a few minutes of hugging, and she tells you that she’s ready to go again. “Give me your orgasm, oppa”, she demands, “I know how it works for men, so I want you to send it deep inside me”. “Sure, but we’ll take the morning after pill after that, alright?”, you remind her. “Sure”, she says, “I don’t want to get pregnant yet”.
Without cleaning the bloodstain on your shaft, you plunge back into her pussy. “Oh, yes, oppa”, she moans, “yes, yes, I’m yours”. Your lips crash into hers as you fuck her at a good tempo, looking for the first orgasm of your life. “Fuck, I don’t think I can last too long”. “That’s okay, oppa—ohh, yes, it’s okay”, Seoyeon struggles to speak, “gi-give me everything you have”. “Y-you got it—oh, fuck”. You plant your hands firmly into the bed and fuck her as fast you can, and before long, you feel your cock throbbing (or is it her that’s throbbing). “I think—“, your words are cut off when your cock blows a load deep inside Seoyeon, earning a long moan from her.
The vibrations from your smartwatch cause you to stir awake—it must be 4 am now. You lift your wrist and see that it is indeed 4 am, the time you’ve been waking up at for the past few days of Freshers’ Week. As you try to lift your body off the bed, you feel something weighing down on the left side of your body. “Oh, right, Seoyeon-ie”. That’s right; that’s Yoon Seoyeon, your new girlfriend who you had your first time with a few hours ago.
“Love, wake up, please”, you poke her cheeks repeatedly to get her to wake up. “What?”, she mumbles, half awake. “Babe, I’ll take you home so you can shower and get ready for today, okay?”. “Yeah, sure”, she says. You open the water bottle that Seoyeon drank from earlier and coat your thumb with some water. You then run your thumb gently on her eyes, “this is how I wake up sometimes, baby”. “Mm, sure”, she says.
After getting dressed, you carry her to your car and start driving away. First, you make a stop at a pharmacy and buy some morning after pills and condoms for future use. “Babe, take this, please”, you hand her a pill and a bottle of water to take it with. Seoyeon weakly reaches for the pill, puts it in her mouth, and chases it with some water. “Done”, she says. You pet her head gently, “good girl, baby—alright, let’s get you home, okay?”
Well, here you are again, in the football field for the third day of Freshers’ Week. Your eyelids feel very heavy, and you’re very tempted to just let them close. You were drifting to sleep when you heard a girl’s voice calling to you. “Good morning, oppa”, Seoyeon greets you excitedly, “how are you today?”. “I’m—“, a yawn cuts you off, “I’m feeling great, lo—erm, Seoyeon-ah. How about you?”. “I’m a bit tired, but I had a great time yesterday”, she smirks. “Did you?”, you chuckle, “well, that’s great to hear, Seoyeon-ah”. She gets on her tippy toes, and you lean forwards a bit to hear her whispers. “I love you, oppa”, she whispers, “thank you for last night”. “I love you too, baby”, you whisper back, “I’ll see you at home after this, okay?”. You glance to your left and right to see if Suhyeon and Jungmin heard you, but they were too busy looking at their phones. When you look at Seoyeon again, she winks and smiles at you, so you wink and smile at her in return. “I love you, baby”, you mouth to her, causing her to look away to hide her blush.
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strawbeerossi · 1 year
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❥ Strawbeerossi Kinktober 2023
I’m very excited to let you all know that I am taking part in Kinktober 2023!
❥ My plans are to have it fully Spencer centric this go around, since I know most of my followers like my Spencer writing.
❥ I am going to release a new blurb or fic every day. (God willing)
❥ I am going to experiment with a few darker themes for some of these. They are to be read at your own risk. Yes, they are the ones marked as Unsub!Spencer. 🤭
❥ Day 31 is for my beloved bestie @rainaaaskyy who came up with the idea for it.
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❥ October 1 || Body Worship ❥ Husband!Spencer
❥ October 2 || Power Imbalance ❥ Professor!Spencer
❥ October 3 || Cockwarming ❥ Sub!Spencer
❥ October 4 || Wax Play ❥ Sub!Spencer
❥ October 5 || Bondage ❥ Unsub!Spencer
❥ October 6 || Pool Sex ❥ Early Seasons!Spencer
❥ October 7 || Dumbification ❥ Sub!Spencer
❥ October 8 || Massage ❥ Boyfriend!Spencer
❥ October 9 || Hate Sex ❥ Ex!Spencer
❥ October 10 || Breeding ❥ Husband!Spencer
❥ October 11 || Face Sitting ❥ Sub!Spencer
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❥ October 12 || Thigh Riding ❥ Professor!Spencer
❥ October 13 || Car Sex ❥ Unit Chief!Spencer
❥ October 14 || Knife Play ❥ Unsub!Spencer x Reader
❥ October 15 || Telephonicophilia ❥ Bau!Spencer
❥ October 16 || Quirofilia ❥ Professor!Spencer
❥ October 17 || Somnophilia ❥ Husband!Spencer
❥ October 18 || Mommy Kink ❥ Sub!Spencer
❥ October 19 || Lingerie ❥ Bau!Spencer
❥ October 20 || Dacryphilia ❥ Unsub!Spencer
❥ October 21 || Cock Worship ❥ Insecure!Spencer
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❥ October 22 || Face Fucking ❥ Unsub!Spencer
❥ October 23 || Aphrodisiacs ❥ Bau!Spencer
❥ October 24 || Shower Sex ❥ Husband!Spencer
❥ October 25 || Sound Kink ❥ Unit Chief!Spencer
❥ October 26 || Begging ❥ Sub!Spencer
❥ October 27 || Tit Fucking ❥ Professor!Spencer
❥ October 28 || Squirting ❥ Jealous!Spencer
❥ October 29 || Impact Play ❥ Unsub!Spencer
❥ October 30 || Free Use ❥Roommate!Spencer
❥ October 31 || Foursome ❥ Spencer x Derek x Luke x Reader
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kurogane2512 · 3 months
I was thinking of Lisa sucking off g/p! CEO reader under the table while she's interviewing someone to hire for their company... 🤔 (modern au)
NSFW AHEAD || Lisa x g!p reader || Modern AU- CEO!reader x Secretary!Lisa || SMUT
You opened the door to your office to enter and were immediately met by the sight of your secretary leaning on the table to tidy it up and arrange your things. You glanced at her behind then averted your gaze with a blush and made your way over to the seat.
"Good morning, Ms Lisa." you greeted your secretary as you walked towards the table.
"Good morning, boss. Shall I bring over your coffee now?~" your secretary greeted back with a smile in her sweet voice.
"Now would be good, yes. And, I told you to just use my name, didn't I?"
Lisa chuckled, "Hehe, it's just in my habit since you are my boss, Y/n~"
You didn't like her calling you boss since she was older than you, you knew she respected you nevertheless. You smiled at her then she handed you your coffee and resumed her other work.
"What's in my schedule today, Ms Lisa?"
"An interview for a new recruit at 11 am followed by a meeting with the investors and CFO at 2pm. Then you have a visit scheduled at 5pm to one of the warehouses." Lisa narrated your schedule from her file.
You stood up while listening to her and circled behind her, standing quite close and looking at the file over her shoulder. She felt your presence and smirked to herself, continuing to read out your schedule and acting innocent. You put your coffee down and stepped even closer to her, pressing yourself against her body as your hands grasped her waist.
"And that is all for today. Would you like to make changes anywhere?" She looked at you over her shoulder, resting her palms on the table and bending her body in a slight arch.
"Hmm, add in a....recreational activity for now~" you whispered in her ear and wrapped your arms around her.
"Now? Oh my, it's already 10:30. I'm afraid we won't have much time, boss~"
She pressed her ass into your crotch, grinding her hips on it. You kissed up her neck then pushed her front to the table, bending her over it. She felt your hands roam and grope her butt before slipping past her skirt, teasing her.
"No panties and such a low length skirt.... I'd be jealous to see you walk around the company this way, Ms Lisa~"
"It's only for your liking, boss~"
"You really like calling me that, don't you?" you hiked up her skirt and grasped her butt.
"Only in certain instances. I much prefer what you call me in bed~"
You smirked then pressed your clothed erection to her butt, a soft gasp leaving her mouth as she felt your semi-hard shaft grind on her panties. You were about to continue when a knock was heard on the door followed by a familiar voice.
"Ms Y/n, the candidate for the interview has arrived. Shall I send him in now?"
It was the receptionist. You gritted your teeth and were about to refuse but Lisa spoke before you.
"Ms Y/n says to send him in after 5 minutes!"
The receptionist agreed and went away. You looked at Lisa in shock who simply smirked while glancing back at you. Here's how you ended up in your current situation. You were seated at your desk interviewing a job candidate, everything looked normal on surface but little would anyone guess your secretary hid under the table with your cock in her hands. You tried to make as little sound and movement as possible, even though Lisa's skilled hands were hard to resist.
"So, tell me about your short term and long term goals- mmh~"
You almost moaned as you felt Lisa's tongue lick your tip but kept yourself composed. The candidate immediately replied, you looked down and pretended to write something on the paper when in reality you were looking at Lisa who was lodged between your legs and was stroking your shaft while swirling her tongue around the tip and gazing at you seductively. You heard the candidate finish speaking, just then Lisa winked at you and was about to wrap her mouth around your cockhead when you stopped her in time and held her back.
"A-Ahem, why did you choose to apply here and what makes you a good asset for the company?"
You held Lisa's head as you spoke then had to let go to write down in your file. Lisa took the chance and dived forward to take your cock in her mouth, immediately swallowing it halfway. You shuddered and desperately held back a moan, tightly clenching the pen in your hand and gritting your teeth. The candidate finished speaking and was ready for the next question but noticed you groaning and blinking repeatedly.
"Ma'am, are you okay?"
"Ah! I'm fine, thank you for asking. C-Could you explain briefly about your role in this project you did in your previous company?"
You breathed through your clenched teeth; Lisa was eager to go further. You sneakily looked at her and gestured her to stop but you knew she won't, she smirked at you and instead swallowed your shaft completely, your tip hitting the back of her throat making you flinch forward. The table creaked from your action and the candidate was again about to ask for your wellbeing when you stopped him and told him to continue with his answer.
"D-Dammit, why did I agree to this?!" you cursed under your breath.
Lisa bobbed her head back n forth on your length, hollowing her cheeks to suck on your cockhead while her hands massaged the base. You were extremely close to bursting but had to hold back somehow. You heard the candidate finish his answer then cleared your throat and looked at the time, smiling in relief.
"T-That's all from me. You can leave, my secretary will get back to you."
The candidate thanked you and went out of the room finally. You sighed in relief but it was shortlived as a moan was pushed from your throat the next minute. Lisa chuckled, her voice sending vibrations through you as she still had your shaft inside her mouth. You clenched your fists then pushed your chair back to stand up, your cock slipping out of her mouth with a pop and her saliva coating it.
"Hehe, did you even hear any of his answers, boss?~"
Lisa teased you as she crawled out but didn't stand up, still kneeling and facing your erect shaft. She was so sly, she knew the effect her teasings had on you. But you couldn't deny you loved her for this and more. You held your dick and stroked it in front of her, she licked her lips then opened her mouth and you wasted no time to plunge your cock inside. Her eyes blew wide as your dick slipped all the way down, the tip throbbing against her throat.
She almost gagged at the force, looking up at you with hooded eyes as her tongue swirled around the shaft. You held her head and pumped your hips forward, thrusting in and out of her hot and tight throat. You pulled her in at the same time, her face flush against your crotch as you fucked her throat. She moaned and slurped your length, her hands stabilising against your thighs.
"Fuck fuck....your mouth is so good, Ms Lisa....s-shit!~"
You grunted as your threw your head back and continued pumping your hips, using her mouth for your pleasure. Your fingers grasped her hair to hold her in place, she sucked you as you thrusted in and out in a perfect rhythem before bobbing her head up and down. You rutted deep inside her throat, feeling the warmth and tightness wrap around you and your climax bulding up.
"Shit I'm coming....! Ughh!~"
You bucked your hips forward and pulled her close at the same time, burying yourself to the hilt and her face flush against your crotch as you came inside her mouth. She felt hot spurts of cum drip down her throat, thick liquid filling up her cavity as she worked hard to swallow everything. You sighed as you released the last drop and slipped out of her mouth, falling back on your chair and panting. Lisa didn't cough nor spill a single drop, you watched her swallow all of it and lick her lips in ecstasy as she enjoyed your taste.
"Mmh~ That was a good load, boss. Surely you don't want to stop here?~"
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emmy19-05 · 21 days
So Long, London
Ona Batlle x Reader
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GIF from: GIF Maker (ios app)
SUMMARY: After multiple years of playing soccer in London, you return to your hometown to join a highly regarded local team. Upon arrival, you are reunited with Ona, an old teammate, who has become a key player on the team. Despite some initial tension and unresolved feelings from the past, Ona offers you a room in her apartment. As you settle in and start training, a flood in your room forces you to stay with Ona, leading to a rekindling of old emotions and a deep, unexpected connection between you two.
SMUT 18+
Warning!! Contains: cunnilingus, strap/strap sucking, fingering, dirty talk, praising, etc.
(ONA AND THE READER ARE SWITCHES!! They both give and receive in this.)
I’m aware this is longer than most of my other fics😭 but i really enjoyed writing this! This is for all of you who voted for Ona in my poll. haha
Word Count: 2.9k
You are about to board your plane, leaving your old life behind in London. Your time with Chelsea is finally up. You feel sad leaving your old team behind, but you feel you need to start a new chapter in your life. You are excited to go back to your hometown and to hopefully reconnect with some old friends. As you board the plane you think about how excited you are to join the new team who offered you a contract. The team is known in your hometown to be really good and talented, and you can’t wait to meet your new coach and teammates.
You just landed in your hometown, which you haven’t visited in multiple years. You decide to head to your hotel. You just got the offer for the contract recently, so you don’t have a permanent place to stay yet. As you wait in the Uber for the driver to drive you to your hotel, you think about how much you’re going to miss Chelsea and all your friends you almost consider your family.
You realize that your Uber driver is looking at you, you then look out your window to see that you are at your hotel. You hurry up and get out hoping you weren’t staring off into space for too long since he looks annoyed at you. As you walk up to the front desk to check-in you check your phone and see a text from Zecira, a goalie from Chelsea, who you became good friends with during your time at Chelsea. She just wished you a safe travels which you reply a quick thank you and a quick update on everything.
After checking into your hotel, you check the time. It’s currently 3:28pm and you have training at 5pm, you decide to start to get ready. You shower and put on your training kit, excited to meet your new team and coach, you then get into an Uber to head to the stadium.
Traffic is horrible, so you are glad you left early. You forget how bad traffic is here. Especially near the stadium. Your hotel is only 10 minutes away from the stadium, but the Uber’s navigation you can see on the dashboard is saying another 21 minutes. You huff out and start to feel anxious, you simply cannot be late on your first training.
You get into the locker room at 5:24 and you feel immediate relief that you aren’t late . You don’t see any other players in the locker room, so you figure that they’re already on the field warming up. As you put your stuff in your assigned locker, you walk out onto the field at exactly 5:30, well and 39 seconds, but who’s counting? You look around to see if you see the coach so you can go introduce yourself. You spot her in the corner of the pitch talking to some other players. You feel excited to introduce yourself to everyone, but kinda nervous too. You haven’t done much research about the team or who’s on it, you just know they’ve been top of the league for multiple seasons. So you were honored to see they wanted to sign you. As you walk over to your coach you see her look up and smile at you
“Well hello, you must be y/n” The coach says
“Yes, I am! It’s very nice to meet you ma’am.” You say
“Oh please, coach is fine.”
“Ok you got it, coach,” you laugh as she smiles at you.
She’s an older woman probably in her mid 50’s, but she seems really nice. You’re happy at least the coach likes you, well at least you hope.
“Ok, well let’s go introduce you to the team.” Coach says
“Ok, let’s do it.” You smile
You feel tense and nervous hoping you get along with everyone. As you walk up to the team you go to look at all of them, but someone immediately catches your eye. You recognize her from your old team before you made it to the big leagues and moved to London to play in the WSL. You feel tense as she eyes you up and down. You wonder if she recognizes you. It’s been years after all and you look way different. Ona is a full-back, one of the best you’ve ever seen. Ona looks different too, she looks good, really good. You were surprised she never decided to go pro, guess you were wrong because she did, only if you kept in touch. You remember reaching out to her, she always texted you back, of course, but you remember her replies to you always getting shorter and shorter.
You realize the whole time you were thinking about Ona, Coach was introducing you to everyone. You weren’t paying attention at all. It’s going to be awkward having to re-ask everyone’s names because you weren’t paying attention.
“y/n, now that you’ve met everyone, Ona here informed me that you two were on an old team together years back, so I decided to make Ona your official partner for the next few games, consider her a guide. If you have any questions just ask me or her.”
You glare at Ona and she raises her eyebrow and winks. You roll your eyes wondering why Ona after all these years after you ghosting you wanted to be your “guide” you scoff.
“Hello, y/n” Ona walks up to you and says
“Hi,” You say “surprised you remember me.”
“Why wouldn’t I remember you?” Ona says
“Why do you think? Actually never mind don’t answer that. I really don’t care” You begin to walk away.
Ona grabs your wrist and says
“You can’t ignore me forever, princesa,”
You roll your eyes at the nickname she gave you. You remember her calling you that all those years ago then you walk away annoyed.
Game day (2 weeks later)
You are in the locker room getting ready for the first game of the season. Since you barely joined the team; you aren’t starting, but Ona is. You are at least a sub though. You don’t care though it’s routine for every new team you join. You usually don’t immediately start. Especially your first game.
Your team wins the game 3-1. You get subbed in during half-time. You think you did pretty good for your first game on a new team. Ona comes up to you and says
“Hey we are going to go out for some drinks to celebrate if you wanna join us?”
“No thanks” You say
“Oh please, come on.” Ona says
“No, I have to meet up with my real estate agent later tonight and I'm not showing up drunk.”
“Real estate agent, what?” Ona questions
“Since the offer to sign here was so last minute, I am currently staying in a hotel until I can find an apartment to permanently live in.” You say.
One of your teammates puts her arm around Ona’s shoulder and says
“Just stay with Ona for now? You seem to get along, I think at least. Actually, I’m not sure now that I’m thinking about it, but Ona’s roommate just moved out to live with her boyfriend and she has a spare room.” She basically sings out thinking she just solved your problem.
“Absolutely not,” You say. “That’s a horrible idea,”
“What? Why not? That’s actually a good idea, rent is only $1,000 a month each for a two bedroom. I’ll even give you a discount, princesa” Ona says “I was thinking about putting up a “roommate wanted” sign, but I don’t think that’s needed anymore” Ona winks at you.
“Let me think about it,” You say
“Sure,” Ona says.
You go back to the hotel you are staying at and think about the arrangement Ona offered. Only $1,000 a month? That’s nothing. Every apartment in the area is at least $2,000 a month, and that’s for a studio-one bedroom. You decide to text Ona, hoping you still have her number from years ago and that it's still the same.
Me: Yes.
You wait hoping to hear from her soon. While you wait, you decide to shower. You think you probably should’ve been a little more descriptive than just “yes,” but you don’t care, it's fine.
After you shower you hear a ding come from your phone. You pick up your phone, it’s Ona. Your heart rate speeds up.
Ona: I was wondering when I’d hear from you, princesa.
You two talk about a move in date and the payment details and other things about the apartment that you two need to discuss.
Move-in day
You wake up at 9am, you are officially moving into Ona’s apartment today at 10am, you and Ona decided a time that would work for both of you guys. You hate that your only day off you had to wake up so early, but you’re grateful Ona is even letting you move in and is helping you move as well.
You pack up your bags, and since you moved and currently don’t have a car, Ona offered to pick you and your stuff up from the hotel, you happily took the offer.
You get a knock at your door and Ona is there.
“Wow” you say looking at the Apple Watch on your hand “I’m surprised you’re actually 4 minutes early, you must be excited. The one and only Ona Batlle is early for once.” You smile at her and she chuckles at your joke.
Ona helps you get your bags moved into her SUV. You sit in comfortable silence as she drives you downtown to her 2 bedroom apartment, well I guess you could say your guy’s apartment now.
Few hours later…
You are officially moved in. Since you didn’t come with much, just the few suitcases you brought on the plane with you, it only took maybe an hour or two to put all your stuff away. You decide to take a bath from being all sweaty from unpacking. Ona is gone and said she’d be back in a few hours. You turn on the faucet in the bathroom connected to your room and go back to your bed to read for a little bit while the bath fills up.
You wake up to yelling realizing then you fell asleep while reading. You look up at Ona yelling and wondering what she’s on about. You go to get up and your socks feel wet. You then realize you left the water on and your whole room is flooded. Fuck. You think to yourself. The first day you moved in and you flooded your room. Great…
“Ona, oh my god, I am so sorry, I fell asleep I don’t know what I was thinking.” You say “I- I’ll pay for the damage,” You begin to say.
Ona walks up to you and says
“Well this is great, this is only a two bedroom apartment and I don’t even know where you’ll sleep. Who do you even call for a flooding incident? Are there even people for that?” Ona says angrily and confused
“I’m not sure”
“Well it’s saturday, i’m not even sure if places like that are open on weekends, i’ll have to call around on Monday” Ona says “Buckle up, princess, looks like you’re sleeping with me for the next 2 days” she looks at you “minimum,” she continues.
You groan and start to try to apologize again, but Ona cuts you off quickly and says
“It’s fine, it was obviously an accident, don’t worry about it,” She smiles sadly at you.
It’s 1am and you’re trying so hard to stay awake to avoid having to lay with Ona because AWKWARD… But as it hits 1:30am you decide she’s probably sleeping so you’ll just sneak in there and go to sleep. Hoping not to wake her because that’s the last thing you need. She’s already being kind enough by letting you lay with her, you don’t want to wake her up in the process. As you crawl into her bed you close your eyes and immediately start to drift off. It’s been a long day, you think to yourself.
You wake up to feeling something on your stomach. You look at the clock and it reads 3:47am, damn you were barely asleep for 3 hours, damn you Ona. You look down and Ona’s hand is sprawled on your stomach, she begins to play with the drawstrings of your sweatpants you’re currently wearing.
“Ona, you’re sleeping, wake up.” You say
“Not sleeping,” You hear her say
You tense because you think why the fuck is she doing this? It feels too good to tell her to stop though, so you let her continue.
Ona begins to play with your waistband and whispers into your ear
“Can I”
You nod
She slowly creeps her hand into your sweatpants while her front is placed against your back.
“Turn over, sweet girl” She whispers into your ear.
You turn over and she begins to rub you through your underwear.
You moan because damn, Ona knows what she’s doing.
“You don’t know how long I've dreamed of hearing those sounds come from you.”
Your curiosity gets the best of you.
“How long?” You ask
“Since 6 years ago”
You gasp, she’s wanted you all this long? Why did she ghost you then? You think to yourself.
You pull her hands out of your pants and flip her so she’s on her back and you’re straddling her thighs.
You stare at her and Ona pulls you down and kisses you deeply, you moan into her mouth as she fucks your mouth with her tongue. You pull your mouth away from hers and she gasps as you start to kiss her neck sweetly. You begin to kiss down her body and when you get the bottom half of her body, you pull her pants and underwear down.
“Spread your legs for me,” You say
As she does, you put your mouth closer to her and begin to eat her out. She began to moan as you pull your mouth away and begin to finger her.
“Tell me,” You say
“Anything,” Ona says
“Why’d you ghost me all those years ago?” You say
“Anything but that, please.” She says
“Tell me, or I’ll stop.”
She keeps her mouth shut so you pull your fingers out of her and begin to get up.
“Wait no, I’ll tell you just don’t stop, please.” Ona says
You put your fingers back in her and she says
“It hurt too much”
“What do you mean?” You said
“You left me, I liked you so much and you just left, without a second thought.”
“Oh,” You say, feeling ashamed
“I liked you so much, I was going to tell you on my birthday, but left on the 6th, my birthday is on the 10th,” She frowns “You left 4 days before my birthday, you know how sad that made me” she huffs out
“I’m so sorry, I had no clue,” You say sitting there.
“Yeah, that’s the problem.” She says
She gets up and flips you so now she’s on top
“I know how you can make it up to me,”
“Yes, anything,” You say
“You can let me fuck you,” She smirks
You begin to smile
“Well, if you’re offering,” You say
“Oh I differently am,” Ona says
She goes to get the strap from the nightstand
You stare at her as she begin to put the harness around her
“Open up” she says
She sticks the strap into your mouth as you begin to suck it
“You like my cock, baby girl?” Ona says “You suck me so good, fuck I could get off just from watching you suck me”
You moan at that, practically begging her to touch you.
“You want me inside you?” Ona smirks
You pull your mouth off the strap
“Yes, please, Ona. Fuck me,” You say
“Spread your legs, just like that, a little wider, there you go, that’s my good girl” Ona says
You moan at her praises.
Ona crawls in between your legs and slips the strap inside you.
“Fuck you’re so beautiful, princesa,” Ona says while staring into your eyes.
“Fuck Ona keep going please” You begin to moan loudly.
You begin to feel yourself about to cum
“Ona, I’m so close, keep going. Don’t stop,”
Ona pulls out of you and you whine, but she immediately starts to eat you out. It feels so good, as good or maybe even better than the strap. Ona knows how to eat someone out, that’s for sure.
She stops eating you out and begins to finger you. While her fingers are still inside you, she comes up and kisses you breathlessly. As she kisses your neck, Ona whispers, only for you to hear.
“Cum for me, princesa,”
You cum. Hard. That was probably the hardest you’ve ever came, you think.
“God, we are so doing that again.” You say as Ona smiles down at you.
“Oh absolutely” Ona says while smiling and slowly kissing your neck.
“Ready for round 2? You say
Ona laughs and starts to crawl down your body
I’m not sure if i’ll make a part 2 on this, let me know if you guys want one! :)
ALSO, who else loves the Taylor Swift reference?😏
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homestylehughes · 6 months
i wanna taste
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pairings: jack hughes x fem!reader
summary: after one sight of y/n, jack has to get a taste.
warnings: smut 18+. oral- fem receiving, dirty talk, cussing, use of pet names. fluff, soft jack.
wc: 1.8k
au: hi loves! im on a writing streak (thank you spring break). im back with some jack smut woooohooooo, i realllllyyyy enjoyed writing this, i hope you guys enjoy. like and reblog if you enjoy<3.
happy reading <3
Rain softly hits the window, the soft light from the lamp in the corner of the living room illuminates the room with a soft glow. 
I've been awake for a few hours, my body waking me up at 5 am, turning over to see that Jack was sound asleep beside me, I decided to get out of bed and start my day.
Settling on the couch with a cup of coffee in my hands along with my book, this is where I've been for the last 3 hours. The book captivated me so much I didn't even check the time until I had finished it. 
The clock read 8:15, I was genuinely surprised Jack wasn't awake yet. His crazy hockey schedule kept him awake and up at odd hours, his body probably needed all of the sleep it could get. 
Getting up to get another cup of coffee, and the second book of the series I’m reading, I settle back into the couch and enter an alternate universe. 
I'm so into my book, that I don't even realize Jack creeping up behind me, wrapping his arms around my neck, nessling his face in my neck, feeling  his warm breath fan my neck. 
“Good morning pretty girl” I hear him say, as his face is still muffled in my neck. 
“Good morning” I say back as I crane my neck up to meet his face, getting a good look at his face for the first time today. 
Taking in his sleepy doe like state, hair a mess, eyes full of sleep, leaving evidence that he just woke up. Sweatpants riding scarily low on his hips, his chest bare, allowing me to rake my eyes over it. 
“Done checking me out pretty girl” he smiles down on me, catching me in the act. “Maybe, i'm not sure yet” i muttered back, my face heating with a slight embarrassment. “How'd you sleep?” I ask him, still looking up at him. “Good, really good. Would have been better if I woke up with you beside me” he says, looking down at me. 
“Sorry baby, I randomly woke up at like 5am. I didn't want to wake you up "I say feeling bad, for leaving him in the bed alone. 
“It's okay, you can make up for it now” he says as he begins to lean down, his lips meeting mine in a soft kiss. The angle makes it a little hard for me to fully kiss him, but I deal with it and push my body up further to meet his kiss. 
Our lips moved in sync for a few more seconds before Jack pulls away, resting his arms on the arm rest behind me, giving me a few seconds to catch my breath. 
“That's a better good morning greeting” Jack says as he's smiling, making his way to the other end of the couch, picking up the blanket that covers my feet and slides under it as he sits down. 
The simple movement probably means nothing to him, but it does to me, seeing him so at peace, and calm makes my heart warm. I'm quickly pulled out of my daydream when I hear Jack's voice.
“Has it been raining all morning?” he asks as he's looking out the window, the rain still hitting the window. 
“Yeah it's been raining since i've been out here” i say “it's very peaceful” he replies back softly. Turning his body back to face mine, “what time is it?” he asks, snuggling himself deeper into the blanket like a child, “9:30” i reply back. 
“Dang i slept in” Jack says with an airy laugh. I laugh softly in response, as I go to pick up my coffee mug to take a drink, to only find that its empty. 
“I'm going to go get more coffee, do you want a cup?” I asked him, raising my back from the couch to get up. 
“Yes please that sounds amazing, thank you pretty girl” he says, moving himself back to a sitting position on the couch. 
“Okay baby, I'll be back” I say as I fling the blanket off my body, not seeing Jack's widened eyes as I turn my back to him as I make my way to the kitchen. 
Making both of our cups of coffee I make my way back to the living room, I feel Jack's eyes on me instantly. 
“Here you go baby” I say, holding the hot cup out to him, “can you place it on the table for me?” he rasps out, as I go to place the mug on the table in front of us, I hear Jack speak again “set yours down too”. I look up at him confusingly as I set both cups down on the table. 
“Are you okay Jack?” I ask him, my eyes locked on his face. “Yeah i'm fine, can you come here please” 
I make my way closer to him, standing in front of the couch where he lays, Jack deciding that isn't close enough for him. He puts his hands on my hips pulling me into his lap. His hands moving to rest on my bare thigh. 
“What are you wearing?” he asks me, looking down at my body, i see nothing wrong with what i'm wearing. “Clothes?” i reply back timidly, still confused on why he's acting like this.
“Your not wearing pants” he says, tracing his hands under my shirt, circling his hands on my practically bare hips, causing my breath to hitch slightly. 
“You're walking around the house in a tiny thong, and a shirt that doesn't even cover your ass completely, and you expect me not to do anything” bringing his face to mine, close enough that I can feel his breath fanning on my face. I swallow before saying “what are you going to do about it?”
Before I know it, Jack smashes his lips to mine. The kiss is hot and wet, his tongue quickly entering my mouth fighting and winning for dominance. My hands in his hair pulling him closer to me, wishing that there wasn’t a blanket separating us. 
I began to rock my hips into his to gain some type of friction, I can feel the dampness between my thighs beginning to grow. 
I pull my lips from his and begin to trail them down his neck, kissing and sucking little love bites in my wake, softly biting his ear as I make my way down. I hear Jack's breathing beginning to pick up, moaning lowly in my ear. 
Just as I'm about to trail my way back to his lips, he pushes me off of him. My back is now hitting the couch. I look up at him breathless, waiting for his next move. 
“I have to taste you pretty girl, I've been dying to do it all morning” Jack says, eyes locked with mine as he pushes the blanket of his body. Making his way between my legs spreading them apart as he rests in between them now. 
Tracing his hands up my bare thighs, his hands sliding under the waistband of my underwear, pulling them down slowly, while keeping his eye contact with me. Once my underwear are completely off me, he throws them somewhere behind him.
Jack begins to kiss up my thighs, alternating between each of my legs. My chest is rising quickly now, I need him to do something soon, the tension is starting to kill me. 
“Pretty pussy is so wet for me” he sighs as he slides his middle finger between my folds before pulling it back out, his finger glistening in front of him before sliding it into his mouth. 
Moaning at the taste, his eyes are on mine. This action alone causes me to moan down at him, shifting my hips closer to his face. 
“Tastes so sweet, pretty girl” he says as he guides his face back down to my pussy. “ I think I wanna have a taste now, is that alright with you, pretty girl?” his eyes searching mine for an answer. “Yes jack, please” I breathlessly say to him. 
Not even a second later, jack is diving into my pussy, his tongue finding my clit instantly. My hands fly into his hair grabbing something to hold on to while jack fucks me with his tongue. 
My moans are beginning to fill up the room, along with the sounds of jack slurping up my pussy, like a man who hasn't had a drink of water in days. 
Taking me by surprise Jack pushes 2 fingers into me, continuing to lap up my clit with his tongue. “Jack fuck” I moan out, pulling his hair even tighter between my fingers, the action causing jack to groan into me, sending chills up my body.
I began to push my hips to meet his tongue and fingers, beginning to feel the coil in my stomach heating up. 
Jack senses that i'm almost there, he thrusts his fingers into me, but curves them just enough so that he hits my g-spot. 
Causing my eyes to roll in the back of my head my body arching off the couch, my hips pushing themselves further into his grasp. 
“Right there fuck jack, please dont stop” I groan out. I reach under my shirt grabbing my right nipple between my hands squeezing it in between my fingers, as my other hand starts needing my left boob. 
“Fuck pretty girl, you look so hot from up there” my breath labors at the sound of jacks rough voice “does it feel good pretty girl?” “fuck, you feel so tight against my fingers, taking me so fucking good like a good girl” he says as he brings his thumb to my clit, rubbing and pinching it hard and fast. 
Incoherent things are falling from my lips at this point, the only thing I'm focused on is jack and the dam in my body that's about to break. 
Before I know it I'm cumming, hard and fast. My orgasm gives me no warning as it begins to wash over my body, hitting me like a tidal wave. 
My moans and “don’t stops” fill the living room, my grip on Jack's hair never loosening. Finally coming down from my high, I try to catch my breath, I open my eyes that make their way down to Jack who's looking at me with wide eyes, and a parted swollen mouth catching his breath. 
Making his way up to me, so that he's now directly on top of me, pushing himself up by his arms. “That was the hottest thing ive ever fucking seen.'' Jack says before capturing his lips with mine. 
Pulling back to look into his eyes, before something catches my attention. The cups of coffee on the table. “I think our coffee is cold,” I say, trying to hold back my laugh.
“I dont give a fuck about that coffee anymore” jack says as he laughs back at me, bringing his lips back to mine mumbling “how about we finish this in the bedroom?” before picking me up and dragging me to our bedroom. The coffee being long forgotten about. 
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lesbianloml · 10 months
my babysitter au
the first kiss
types of piece(s): imagine, oneshot, drabble, series
type(s) of writing: smut, angst, fluff, dark (the story will contain all of the above)
pairing(s): milf!dom!dark!wanda maximoff x innocent!sub!immune!witch!fem!reader
warning(s): legal age gap (wanda is 33, reader is 21), obsessive wanda, sorta pervy wanda, maybe?, nothing mostly fluff and plot shit
summary: wanda met you for the first time three days ago. when she runs into you again at the bake sale at the elementary school, she is thrilled. but wanda is overjoyed when the two of you make a deal that will let her see you everyday.
a/n: I know I've been gone FOREVER but I'm back with part 2 of this series. I hope you guys like it, and if you have any ideas or requests, let me know!
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you groan as you lean over and press snooze on your alarm. 5am is way too early to wake up, but you need to finish baking and packaging all the treats for the bake sale this afternoon. you sigh, before climbing out of bed and beginning your morning routine. you shower, put on a cute brown mini dress before heading to the café. you sigh as you look around the empty shop, before pulling on an apron and starting your work.
*hours later*
you startle awake at the sound of your phone ringing. you gasp as you check the time. its 3:30pm, the bake sale starts in 30 minutes, and you haven't even begun to load everything up and set up your table. you check the caller id. dottie. you sigh heavily before answering the call. "hello?" you ask, your voice sugary sweet. "y/n y/l/n! where in the world are you? you were supposed to be here an hour ago to help set up! you're 21 years old, you should be more responsible than this!" as dottie rambles on and on, you sigh. "dottie? give me 5 minutes, I'm on my way." you hang up, ignoring her protests as you quickly load your car with the wrapped treats from the bakery, all made by you.
you speed down the road, and quickly turn into the almost full school parking lot. you scramble out of your car and as you close your door, you turn to be face to face with wanda. "wanda! you scared me!" wanda smiles at your expression. "sorry, detka. you're here for the bake sale right?" wanda asks, looking at you with a look you're unable to read. "yup thats what im here for." wanda turns quickly as two boys come speeding around the parking lot. "billy, tommy! come here. I have someone i want you to meet." you gasp as the boys come speeding past you, a silver blue blur before coming to a halt in front of you.
"y/n, this is billy and tommy. billy and tommy, this is y/n." you smile, looking at them both kindly. "which one of you is super speedy?" you ask. "I am!" tommy pronounces proudly. "would you two like to help me set up my booth?" "we would love to, y/n!" billy says. strangely formal for a 10 year old, but you don't question it. for the next 15 minutes, you spend with the boys, laughing and giggling at tommy's antics as they help you set up your booth. it gets done much quicker with the maximoff's help then it's would've if you had done it alone.
you smile at the sight of your booth, ready just in time as all the parents and children begin filing in. "as a thank you for your help, you three get first pick of the treats." you say, gesturing to the variety of sweet treats you have set out on your table. tommy immediately goes for a huge triple chocolate cookie. you laugh, sharing a shy glance with wanda. billy walks slowly over to the table, and carefully surveys his options before choosing a cupcake with sprinkles. wanda walks over to the table after the boys scatter to go say hi to their friends. wanda grabs a cinnamon pastry and pops it in her mouth. her eyes brighten as she chews slowly. "did you make all of this on your own, y/n?" you smile sheepishly. "yes, i did. do you like it?" you ask, subtly asking for her approval. as wanda finishes chewing, she lets out a soft moan of satisfaction. a faint blush coats your cheeks at the noise, your eyes drifting to places they shouldn't.
"y/n? did you hear me?" wanda asks sweetly. people are beginning to drift over to your booth, the wonderful delectable smells drawing them. "sorry wanda. what was that?" you turn your attention to her for a moment before beginning to serve the customers in front of you. "i would just like to speak to you after the bake sale, ok darling?" dottie approaches the table, eyes on wanda to drag her off somewhere. "of course wanda! ill meet you in a little while" you say, flashing her a sweet smile. you continue serving the lengthy growing line in front of you, your attention drifting back to where it needs to be.
wanda's jaw drops as she sees you in your car speeding around the corner. wanda walks swiftly over to your car, standing behind your car door. "wanda! you scared me!" wanda smiles at your face expression. just you saying her name in your pretty little voice, it slipping out your plump lips. it makes her want to bend you over right here and make you scream it. "sorry, detka. you're here for the bake sale aren't you?" she mentally curses herself. what a stupid question, of course that's what you're here for. she feels like an idiot, but you don't even seem to notice. "yup, that's what i'm here for!" wanda hears tommy and billy giggling, and she wants you to meet her sons more than anything in that moment. if her plan works, soon you and her sons were going to be well acquainted.
"billy, tommy! come here, i have someone i want you to meet." wanda smiles when you gasp as the boys come speeding past you in a silver blue blur. "y/n, this is billy and tommy. billy and tommy, this is y/n." wanda watches as you smile widely, then give them a teasing look. "which one of you is super speedy?" you ask. "i am!" tommy pronounces proudly. "would you two like to help me set up my booth?" "we would love to, y/n!" billy says. wanda chuckles softly at billy. so formal, so sweet. for the next 15 minutes, wanda and her boys spend time with you, laughing and giggling together at tommy's antics as they help you set up your booth. wanda is thrilled at how well you, billy, and tommy are getting along. you guys almost seem best friends already.
wanda watches you smile at the booth setup, happy that you like it. "as a thank you for your help, you three get first pick of the treats." wanda's smile widens as tommy immediately goes for the huge triple chocolate cookie. he's so predictable. you laugh, and wanda shares a glance with you. you're so shy, so beautiful it makes her want to scream. billy walks slowly over to the table, and carefully surveys his options before choosing a cupcake with sprinkles. utterly predictable. wanda walks over to the table after the boys scatter to go say hi to their friends. wanda grabs a cinnamon pastry and pops it in her mouth. her eyes brighten as she chews slowly. it is incredible. she's almost shocked. "did you make all of this on your own, y/n?" wanda asks, her voice filled with wonder. you smile sheepishly. "yes, i did. do you like it?" you ask, subtly asking for her approval.
how cute. wanda knew you would be the perfect wife for her. as wanda finishes chewing, she lets out a soft moan of satisfaction. she knows what she's doing as a faint blush coats your cheeks at the noise. she watches your eyes drift to the places she wants them to be glued to the most. "can i talk to you after the bake sale?" wanda asks, but notices your attention trailing. "y/n? did you hear me?" wanda asks sweetly. people are beginning to drift over to your booth, the wonderful delectable smells drawing them. "sorry wanda. what was that?" your attention is on her for a moment before you begin to serve the customers in front of you. you're so sweet. wanda thinks so many dirty thoughts about you, that she wants to say to you now. she restrains herself, not wanting to scare you away. "i would just like to speak to you after the bake sale, ok darling?" wanda almost lets out a groan of dread when dottie approaches the table, her predatory gaze fixed. "of course wanda! ill meet you in a little while!" as dottie drags wanda away, wanda's gaze is fixed on you the entire time, hearts in her eyes.
after the bake sale, you and wanda meet up in the parking lot. the boys are konked out in the back of wanda's suv, their sugar high short lived. "what did you want to talk about wanda?" you ask, shivering as the fall chill falls over you. wanda immediately removes her jacket, offering it to you. "here detka. wouldn't want you to be chilly." wanda waits for you to slip it on before speaking again. "i wanted to offer you a job. i've found a job downtown, and I was just wondering if you'd like to start babysitting billy and tommy during the week or whenever I need it. my job requires a lot of travel. and of course, I would pay you double what you make right now at the café.." wanda rambles, but her breath catches as you lay a sweet hand on her arm. "oh wanda, I would love to! I already feel so close with billy and tommy, like I've known them for years. maybe we could meet up sometime over coffee and talk some more? i'm sure you're eager to head home." you say, nodding to the boys sleeping in the back of wanda's car.
wanda nods. "of course. that would be perfect, sweetheart. here, ill put my number in your phone. ill text you, okay?" you smile, handing wanda your phone. wanda enters her number, and hands your phone back to you. you stand there for a moment, your thoughts conflicting. you make up your mind, and quickly lay a light kiss on wanda's cheek before walking to your car. you will never know how that single kiss rocked wanda's world, and how it would soon lead to yours being turned upside down.
remember, asks and requests are open! i love to hear from you guys! <3
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Embracing the fixation this October -- come join me! Draw, write, whatever! Interpret the prompts however you like, for whatever characters/imagery, go nuts!
(Feel free to share this on twitter if you want I personally am going nowhere near there xD)
(Yes I did hand draw/write this list yes it did take forever but I will suffer in the name of having something pretty to stick in my sketchbook)
Text only ⬇️
[Image reads: SAWTOBER Prompt List 2023.
1: Lurk,
2: Scars,
3: Apprentice,
4: Gun,
5: Surgery,
6: Key,
7: Coffin,
8: Hands,
9: Mask,
10: Tape,
11: Needle,
12: Haunt,
13: Blood,
14: Faith,
15: Kiss,
16: Water,
17: Photograph,
18: Glass,
19: Trap,
20: Family,
21: Blade,
22: Chain,
23: Puppet,
24: Burn,
25: Lungs,
26: Safe,
27: Betray,
28: Bones,
29: Poison,
30: Together,
31: Game Over
Create whatever you want, interpret however you like, have a bloody good time!
List by dont-offend-the-bees]
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spidybaby · 11 months
Can we get a Gold Digger Part III?
Gold Digger | Part III
Summary: Feeling fearful and insecure about the future after a downfall is what kept you away.
Warnings: cursing.
A/N: I've been trying to finish this for a long time. Not able to find the inspiration. Buuuuut, after the Euros match, I totally find the guts to open my drafts and finish what I've been procrastinating. Hope you still find this interesting and read it. Love you all 💛 sorry about the time.
Part one | Part two
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London - Seventeen months later
"I think you're ready to go back. The question here is if you feel ready"
"I am. I think I've been ready for a while now."
"And what's stopping you?"
"What if we don't work out?"
"Time is unpredictable."
"What if he realized that I'm not what he wants anymore?"
"You know that is not the case. You told me that."
"I'm scared."
"It's okay, it's going to be fine."
Paris - Eighteen months later
14:35 p.m.
"So, can we say you find the one?" Julien, your friend asks you. "Because I think you have."
"Yes, I found the one."
He clapped happily, popping the champagne he had for this special moment.
You were looking for an apartment. Returning to Paris after more months of being out, he helped you look for the perfect place to return to your parisian life.
"I want to make a toast, for the girl I love the most, and the one I know is ready to shine in all the meaning of the word."
"Je t'aime." You smile, giving him a hug. He was a big part of your return to France.
After graduating, you got an opportunity to go to London with the company that you always wanted to work for.
They were expanding their business and chose París to begin. Since you knew the language and had your whole education there, they naturally asked you to take over the company.
"Let's get this paperwork done with and you and I are going on a furniture hunt." You say, grabbing your pen, walking to the entrance while drinking your champagne.
Paris - Kylian therapist office
"Did you bring the letter I asked you to write?"
"Oui, I wrote my heart out."
"Okay, know follow my instructions. Go home, have a shower, have a nice dinner and some wine if you want to extra relax. You told me you have a fireplace so, turn it on and burn the letter."
"Don't you want to read it?"
"No, I'm not, but you can do a last reading before the burning. This will end a cicle, this means you understand that it happened."
"It happened." He nods.
Parc des princes
- 5:30 p.m. -
"Kyky" neymar shouts from the inside of the stadium. "Want to come with us tonight? Bruna and I are doing a special dinner with friends."
"I can go a little after dinner, I have to do something first."
"Do you have a date? Hmm?" Ney poke his stomach, making Kylian laugh and smack his hand away.
"No, just something I have to do tonight. But for that pasta Bruna makes I'm definitely having a cheat day." He laughs, giving Ney a hug while they exit to the field.
The training goes fine. He let his frustration on the field, turning it into magic while he moves the ball with his feet.
"I miss Sergio. I feel like a part of me is gone, " hakimi says, faking crying and making everyone laugh.
"You miss Sergio more than your ex." Neymar shouts from the other side of the field.
"That's it, Junior."
Kylian laughs at the two guys running around, having fun.
Fun is something he ultimately didn't have. The transfer market is happening. After the higher-ups decided to announce to the world that he didn't want to stay till the end of his contract. The whole internet was a mess.
His parents had long talks with him about his career. Telling him what to do. He's young, too young to be this worried about life.
But he knows that without the help of his parents, he wouldn't be where he is right now.
"Ethan, don't sleep. That ball was an easy catch."
"Who's the boss here? Luis or you?"
"Just do what I say." He says, hitting his head in a joking manner. "Do you want to come with me to Ney tonight?"
"Nah, mom wants to go get this couch she's been obsessed with for the last month. The store lady told her that they only had one in existence and she wants it."
"Okay." He says, continuing with the training.
- On the other side of France -
"I want another couch, like one for the bedroom. I saw a beautiful one on pinterest."
"Do you have an idea if there's a store that sells this here?" He asks, looking at the pictures.
"Yes, I actually called like an hour ago, and they told me they will have one in existence. But they're unpacking it, so it's going to be in exhibition in like an hour. Let's go."
Julien shrugs, grabbing his coat and walking behind you to the elevator. "The PSG has a game this Sunday."
"Nice." You say, ignoring his intentions. "I need a charger."
"Don't give me that attitude." He hits you with the newspaper on his hand. "You know why I say this."
"I know, but like I said. Everything has a time, and I need to find my time to do what I need to do."
"Okay, no biggie."
You call an Uber to take you both to the mall. The store is located in this mall that's a little far from your house.
When you arrived you both check stores and pick some things to decorate. Julien knows the vibe you want for this apartment.
"Hey, I'm going to check the couch to see if it's worth the price." You pat his shoulder. He was trying to find the perfect "dinner plates."
You check some emails while you walk there, not paying attention to anything else. Once you arrive, the lady who spoke with you told you the couch was just about to be ready.
Letting you walk to the store, you check other furniture that might be a good competition for this one.
You wanted something that you could relax without replacing the bed, but you also don't want to do work on the bed.
An "L" shaped couch picked your attention. It was in a dark brown color. The couch was beautiful, pretty similar to something that has your mind burning.
"Mademoiselle, we have the couch ready if you want to see it."
"Merci, I want to ask, do this couch come in a cream color?"
While the lady shows the colors of the couch you were eying while you two walk over to the pinterest couch.
You turn your back to the other one. Even when you don't want to accept it. It reminds you of the one you had on the room you shared with him.
"I think I want the other one more."
"We have it in three colors. Shall we go to see the other options? We have them on our second floor."
"Oui." You nod smiling.
While you walk upstairs, there are two people walking in the store, two faces you know more than enough.
"Ethan, can you please put the phone down? I want your help."
"Fine, but after this you're taking me to eat."
Fayza laughs. "It would have been cheaper to come alone, I see."
"Having a daughter was also an option." He laughs, his mother hitting him on the back of the head.
They were scolted to the couch, and Fayza immediately loved it. Picturing it in the perfect space in her house.
While they get checked out, you were trying to decide between a light brown or a cream dirty white color.
"Okay, this one would be."
"Amazing, if you follow me back to the first floor to get everything settle, your address, the payment."
You texted Julien, finding he was waiting for you at this restaurant. Asking him to send you a picture of the menu so you can pick while paying.
You lift your head back to the room, finding a face looking at you curious. The way Ethan eyes light up when he confirms it's you.
- Kylian's House -
The music in the room is calm, a nice jazz to relax his muscles. The outfit is ready to go out. But he has to burn his past to prepare to start a new present.
But he can't let go of the envelope. He's holding it tight, holding it like his life dependent on it. Maybe because what's written on it made his life take a turn.
He sighs, leaving the letter on the couch. He was feeling ready when he spoke with his therapist, but now that he actually has to do it, it is like a burning sensation.
Does this mean he has to burn the feelings he has for you?
After all, it's been more than a year, and you haven't come back to him. He was working hard.
But his year wasn't the best, the club fighting with him, the press fighting with him and even Paris people mad at him.
All he wanted to do was go back to when you would be there for him after the long training hours, after the comments, after the thick and the thin.
But he can't, and he regrets it all the time.
- Neymar's house -
"Vamos Kyky, good thing you came, Bruna was asking about you"
"I bring her something."
"She's going to love it. Let's go inside."
The majority of the team was there. They were celebrating the news of Neymar and Bruna.
He was happy, even though Neymar and him had some shady times, he was friendly after all, for the sake of the team.
"Hakimi, stop with the potatoes, Luis is going to kill you, man."
"Shut it Mbappe, you were eating chocolate last week, and nobody told you shit."
They all laugh. He loves these times because that distracts him. That makes him feel less alone at home. Where no one was waiting, where no one was thinking about him.
The time with his teammates was good. He drank some cocktails. He was going to regret it tomorrow, but he needed them.
"How are the kids?" He asks Achraf, they were walking to their cars.
"They're with their mom. They are so big, I had to buy them everything again because they grew out of the clothes."
"In Spain?"
"Yes, I can't wait to see them, Hiba is bringing them here and they're staying a few days."
He's happy for his friend, after everything for him his kids were the most important thing.
"Dude, I really miss Verrati."
"I can't believe he's gone, he would have chug that bottle down and be fine tomorrow."
"I want to ask you something, Kicks." Achraf sighs. "How are you? I know you have been down, you know I'm here."
Was he okay? Was he bad? Was he sad? Or angry?
He's feeling everything and nothing at the same time. It's like this for time to time. Sometimes he's fine, happy. But then everything in him feels down, feels blue.
"Don't worry, I'm fine. It's just I guess the season."
"You know I'm here. Right?" Achraf repeats.
"I do, and I'm thankful for that."
- The furniture store - Hours prior
"When did you come back?" Ethan throws himself at you, who with open arms receives the hug. "This is such a surprise."
"Hello, roots."
"Mom, look who's here." He says, letting you go.
Fayza turns at the call of her name, her eyes illuminating at the sight of you. She can't deny how much she misses you.
"Ma belle." Same as Ethan, she hugs you tightly.
"Hello to you two, I've missed you so much."
"When did you come back?" Ethan repeats.
"I been here for a few days now." You confess. "I'm going to be working here."
"So you're back for good?"
"Yes, roots. I am." You hug him back again. "I'm so happy to find you, I missed you a lot."
"We missed you too. You look so good. I was so happy when you told me about your job opportunity."
Fayza and you were close. She went to your graduation, gave you a gift for your birthday, and texted you on Christmas day, on the new year. She was like a mother to you.
"I wanted to be stable here with everything before telling you."
"Oh I'm so happy you're here." Ethan jumps a little. "Even Melissa is going to be so happy."
You wanted them back, wanted your little family bond back, but first got to get the boy back.
"I hope to see you guys again, maybe for a coffee or a chocolate."
"Wait, let's go to dinner." Ethan suggests.
Thankfully, Fayza notices the way you don't want to disappoint Ethan. "Maybe later, we have to go home because you haven't done your homework."
"Oh no, roots go home and finish that homework." You joke, pinching him on the ribs. "We can meet some other time for chocolate or a coffee."
Your conversation was interrupted by the worker who handed Fayza her card. The other worker is waiting for you to complete the sale.
"You guys have the same number? If you do I'll text you and we can meet up, okay?"
They both agree with the plan, saying their goodbye, and with another round of hugs, they left the store.
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It's undeniable that the Paris Saint German sucks. They have some good moments, and they have some bad. But the bad ones have lately been much more than the good ones.
The last matches were bad, barely even working as a team. It was like if eleven players were there doing their own thing. No union, nothing.
Some people will say "oh but then won the last two," but with the lack of technique they have, it was a big surprise.
The Clermont team was doing so much better. Leaving zero chances for the team. And it was obvious that they were lacking something because it was almost the end and no goals.
Twitter was crazy about the fact that "The Kylian Mbappe" didn't scored against Clermont.
But it's not on him. It's on the team. It's on everyone. Even the new coach. Galtier did so much shit that you can't change in a few days.
You turn the tv off, angry at the result. Stupid game, you thought. Even if it was a repetition, you were mad as if it was live.
Your phone vibrates, picking your attention. You opened the notification, and it was Ethan who sent you a reel about cookies in a new pâtisserie in Paris.
You needed to use your new oven to see if it was working properly. Also, you bought this chocolate that was really good with some butter cookies.
So you invite him to come over, wanting to release some stress and feel some normality again.
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The match against Newcastle was bad. The team lost 4 to 1, and the team was struggling.
You notice how Kylian was down. He's not in good shape. Not physically but mentally. Something that makes you worry.
His knee was bothering him again. He had to leave the field because of the pain. Thing that worried you even more.
You wanted to pick up the phone and message him, telling him that whatever is crossing his mind is just there, in his mind.
"Y/n?" Julian says, waving his hand in front of your face. "Are you okay?"
"Yes, sorry. I got lost in my thoughts."
"Notice that." He laughs, he guessed what you were thinking but didn't say it.
"I wonder if he's okay. He looks tired."
"Text him." He shrugs. "I mean, you came back for a reason, do it."
You tap your nail to your phone. You wanted, but what if he has someone else with him already telling him all the things you should be telling him?
"Not yet." You say, getting up and walking to your fridge. "Ice cream?"
- Dressing room - Parc des princes -
"Guys, honestly, we have to keep going. Don't let this bring you down." Luis, tell the team.
The dressing room has this quiet aura. Everybody is thinking of those four goals that nobody stopped, Donaruma feeling bad, the defense guys feeling the same.
And Kylian, even worse. He's thinking of the shots he missed. The moment where he had opportunities and missed them.
His knee hurts. He's tired. He's not focused on the field. He's just not in his prime. That's obvious to everybody.
Especially to the press, printing his mistakes as the first pages, making his missing shots as their conversation on sports programs. Making the Twitter people feel confident about the shit storm they're giving him.
"Kylian, can I have a word with you?"
Luis Enrique and he walked to the corridor. The other team was happy, leaving. Saying their goodbye to the two of them.
"How is your knee?" He asks, he notice the faces he is doing while walking. "You sure you want to play next match? You still have the euros."
"I'm good, I promise sir."
"Promise me something. If you feel like you're overworking your knee, you're telling me. I prefer to sit you for one or two matches instead of you missing the season and euros."
"I promise."
After the talk, Luis advised him to take some recovery therapy. More therapy, he thought.
The drive home was felt long. His chauffeur was quiet, noticing his demeanor. He needs a hot shower and a good night sleep.
He slams the door of his room. Almost ripping this t-shirt, throwing it with all his force to the wall. He wants to scream but won't.
The shower was more than hot. It was burning. But it was all he needed. To feel something again.
He hated to do skin care, thinking all he wanted at night was to sleep, but you taught him to take care of his skin. Creating a night and morning routine.
Even when you're not there, he still did it.
While he stares at his reflection, on the big mirror above his bed, he doesn't know what weights more.
His regret or the ring that sits and collects dust in his nightstand.
That same ring he bought two days before that night.
The same one he was putting on your finger. Now, sure, he will have to throw it away.
Sure, he won't be having nobody next to him to reassure him everything was going to be alright.
Sure, he won't be thinking of raising children with anybody else.
Sure, he won't be thinking about buying a retirement house with a big backyard where to watch his grandkids playing.
Sure, there won't be anybody after you.
Unsure about you being his future.
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"I need the last reports of the head office so I can start to organize everything and have it ready for the opening."
You were working on a meeting, having to multi-task and focus your attention between the meeting and what your co-workers were saying with the football game that's happening.
The Rennes game was better. They were winning. This was the last game before the Euros.
You wanted to see Kylian with the team of Les Bleus. They somehow cheer him up. They were like an energy drink for him.
Olivier, Antoine, even the coach. They were all like a family, and they were there for each other, no matter what.
Fayza invited you to the match, she knew you wanted to talk to him but didn't knew how. Ethan and her decided to keep your return a secret, letting you announced it on your own.
She sent you a jersey with his number on it. You try it on, smiling at the reflection. He loved seeing you in jerseys with his number on it.
And you loved to display your support for your boyfriend. Showing up at matches with his number on full display, showing the people you were his. And he was for sure yours.
You opennyour phone, going to instagram to see his page, you feel like a stalker. But it was the only thing you dare to do right now.
You turn the tv on, wanting to see something while working. And the first thing that pop up is a football news channel. They have Kylian picture on display.
"Kylian Mbappe leaves training to go to Bondy. The player suffered a family lost and asked his trainer Deschamps for permission to go back to his hometown to say his goodbyes."
You want to text Ethan, but you don't want to disrupt them. You wanted to know what was happening.
So you have two options. Achraf or Tchaga. Both will eventually tell Kylian you reach and asked about him. Both were only one call away.
You go for the second option. Having a little more trust in this one. You search for his number on your contacts.
The phone rings until you hit the voice-mail. You block your phone again, questioning if you had to try again or maybe just wait and speak with Fayza or Ethan later.
You take the jersey off, changing back into your pajamas, ready to be comfy again.
The vibration of your phone alert you, thinking it was from work you walk slowly to the device. But once you're close, you notice the name in the screen "Tchaga"
"Hey, long time no see, how are you?"
You smile at the greetings. "I'm good, how are you, scissors?"
"Been better, have a cold. But you didn't call me to know that. Tell me, how can I help you?"
"I heard the news about Ky, and I don't want to bother him or his family. But I want to know if I can help."
"I'm actually planning on going to Bondy, would you like to come with me?"
You wanted to scream a yes. But you have to be rational and think if this is something that he would want.
"I don't want to be a bother."
"You will never be a bother, not to him or his family. Get ready and pack something to change just in case."
"What? Wait, what if he doesn't want me there?"
"Bébé, he's been in a shit whole without you, so get your pretty as to the closet, change into something, and send me your location. I'll be there in an hour." He says, hanging up the call.
You do as you were told. Sending him your location and the parking code.
Running to the bathroom to have a quick shower and get ready.
After that, you took a black legging, a white blouse with a little London eye on the side. You white sneakers. You add some blush and mascara, just to add something to your face.
You pack the basics and the clothes Tchaga told you to pack. Just to notice you were done in time. Tchaga texted you that he was in the basement waiting for you.
- Bondy - Later that day
Kylian was exhausted. He feels sad and tired. He feels like crying. But won't.
The room feels cold, barely any air. Of maybe it's just him having difficulty breathing. Maybe it's the last few, maybe it's the lost shot, maybe it's the team.
Ethan was worried about him. He notices everything. How his brother has such prominent bags under his eyes and is losing a little weight.
How he chooses to sleep instead of doing the things he loves. How the whole "mbappe saga" destroyed a little his confidence.
"Want to tell me what's going on?"
Kylian scoffs, he can't believe that his little brother is the one worried and not the other way around.
"I'm supposed to be asking you that, Ethan."
"Well, if I'm worried about you, I'm going to ask and help.It's not like it's a crime being down."
"I just want this bad time to end."
"It will, don't worry, Ky, you're so strong."
He smiles, patting his brother on the shoulder. Ethan offers him a cookie. Knowing he likes them.
"Tchaga told me he was coming. He's probably about to be here." He sighs, not sure what else to do. "Let's play some fifa, I have the app on my phone."
He smiles, heartwarming with how much Ethan is doing to make him feel better. "If I win, you do the dishes."
While they got some distraction, you and Tchaga were stuck in traffic. You feel anxious. Maybe it was the drink you got at Starbucks, maybe the fact that after almost two years you and the man you love were reuniting.
"You need to stop with your leg, bébé." Tchaga says, putting his hand on your knee to stop it from moving. "The car is moving with you, and it's making me nauseous."
"Sorry, I'm just nervous."
"Okay, I want to know, let's get deep." He laughs, turning the car off and turning to you. "So you left after graduation, not blaming you tho, I would have done the same."
You smile at his rambling. You missed this so much. Maybe not the topic but the talk.
"The thing here is, you're back, but are you back for him? I know you came back to work. You just told me that."
"Get to the point." You laugh.
"My point is, don't rush me. We're not moving." He says sassy. "Are you taking him back? Are you sure you want to go back and take up every challenge you guys may face?"
You don't have to think your answer. You knew what you wanted way before stepping back into French territory.
"I wouldn't have come back if I wasn't sure that I wanted that."
-Bondy - 9:30 p.m. -
"Mom, I'm going back to the house, Tchaga is coming and Ethan is tired. Do you need anything else?"
"No, go and have a good sleep, baby."
He hugs his mom, kissing her cheek and leaving back to her house. Ethan and him walked over there. The night was calm.
"You know what I want?" Ethan asks.
"I want some chocolate with butter cookies." He says, caressing his tummy.
He nods, agreeing with how much a good chocolate and some good butter cookies will heal the day.
"Y/n used to make some amazing cookies. Never knew how to make them, but we can try doing them some other day."
Ethan was talking about other things, how he can't wait to see on the match against Netherlands.
When they got closer, he noticed the car of his friend. Tchaga went out, walking up to him and hugging him.
"Hey, Ethan, why don't you help me with something that's on the co-pilot side." He says with a smirk.
The teenager nods, not thinking about anything else walks to the door. He opens it, seeing you. He wanted to scream, but you shush him putting your finger over your lips.
"Hey, get inside, I will take care of this."
Both men nod to his words, walking inside while they talk, Tchaga was telling him about the crazy traffic and how a little trip turned into almost half a day one.
"What are you doing here?" He whispers while Tchaga walks into the house with his brother. "No that you aren't welcome but you surprise me."
"I wanted to make sure you guys are okay."
"Okay, sweet." He laughs, opening the door for you to get out. "I am, but I'm not if he is."
"I've been worried about him, his whole attitude, he not even being on the press conferences of les bleus."
"Yeah, my parents and I are worried. He won't open up to us." He sighs, tired of seeing his brother like this. "I just want him to go back to the happy Kylian."
"Hey, do you think you can give me some time alone with him? I want to talk."
"God, yes, let's go." He slams the door, grabbing your arm and practically running inside. "Stay here, I'm going to ask Tchaga to come see something so we can leave."
You nod, closing the door. He dissappear into the corridor. You open your bag to spray some mint scent into your mouth, take a small mirror to check that you look decent.
You hear two voices coming down. Tchaga and Ethan walked quickly to where you are. Excited about you and Kylian talking again.
"Okay, he's in the kitchen, go." Tchaga push you a little.
They both left the house. You stood there for a little while. Feeling the senses come back to you. You were about to meet up with him.
You walk slowly to the kitchen, hearing some music playing. You can't get cold feet right now. Not after spending hours in the car just to come see him.
His back is facing you. You run his whole figure with your eyes, smiling at the fact that you're matching without planning it.
You nock on the wood door that's at the entrance. He turns without looking, typing something on his phone.
"Hey E, I found a good recipe for those cookies."
"You can't bake even if your life depends on it." You laugh lightly.
He has to blink several times, scared this would be a fever dream and not you in front of him. With your rosey cheeks, you nice smile and the same shinning eyes he loves.
"I can write the recipe for you. That way, it's similar." You speak again. "But if you don't know how to use your oven the I don't think it will work."
He's still speechless, thing that worried you. He does the same thing you just did to him. Scan your whole figure.
"I been on Paris for some time now." You confess, "I wanted to call you, I just felt so scared you weren't going to answer."
"Why wouldn't I?"
You shrug, not really feeling like explaining your insecurities to him. "Just, my mind playing games."
He wants to hug you, missing the feeling and warmth only you can give him. He wants to open his arms around you.
Fuck it, he thought.
Opening his arms while walking to you. You drop your bag to the floor, opening your arms to him.
The hug was like a band-aid. It was what your hearts needed. Like when you put something back together and it just fits so good you can't even see the damage.
"I miss you so much." He hides his face into your neck. Kissing it. "Please don't go, I can't take being away from you again."
You kissed his shoulder, feeling the moment you dreamed about it, the whole thing was better than your dreams.
"Can you look at me?"
He broke the hug, hands on your waist so you couldn't run. It's not like you're planning on doing it.
"If we're doing this again, I need you to really fucking trust me." You laugh, maybe out of nerves. "Babe, I would never be with you for your money. I am with you for your heart, for your soul, you're my fucking soul mate and I can't let you go. But if you fucking pull some shit like that I will make sure you are dead."
"I swear on everything I have, I swear on the kids we don't even have yet, that I won't pull nothing like that. Have all my money, have all my properties, what's mine is yours. I was stupid enough not to back you up, and that was the worst thing I ever did."
You shut him up with a kiss. The way his lips are just like you remember, as soft as before, as warm as before.
His hands on your back, pulling you as close as he can. While your hands are on his face. Not wanting to break the kiss.
When the air becomes a necessity, you both can't stop looking at your eyes. The eyes never lie. They tell our secrets. And if anybody sees the way your eyes look at each other, they will see heart shapes on them.
You hear someone clearing their throat. Making you both turn. "Well, hello, I didn't mean to interrupt. But I want to drop this off on the counter."
He let go of his hold, helping his mother with the box she had in her hands. "Oi, that smile was lost until today." She jokes. Making you blush. "Well, I'm going to sleep. Y/n, belle. This is your house. Make yourself conformable."
You nod, wishing her a good night. Once she's out of the kitchen view, you return to the arms of your love.
"By the way, please go to sleep, we have to get Kylian to training tomorrow."
Tou both laugh at her words. Not promising anything. Not after that long.
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The game was good, Kylian just scored two goals. He was not only the captain but was the reason they won the game.
The crowd was crazy about it. people were sure he wasn't going scored the two goals that were sending them to the victory.
But oh boy, how wrong they were.
You walk with his mom and Ethan to the outside of the stadium. You were happy for him.
"You know, when he used to say you were his lucky charm, I was like, iugh disgusting. But I think you really are a lucky charm."
You laugh, hitting his arms. "I can go to your matches, maybe I can give you some of my luck."
"No need." Melissa interrupts, smirking. "He has his own lucky charm. Just a little shy to admit it."
"Oh shush." Ethan says, blushing like crazy.
Once you're on the basement of the stadium, where the private parking lot is. You all got into Kylians car.
"Hey, so you do like dudes with a car but without a license." E jokes, remembering the message you sent him.
"Careful kid," you warn jokingly. "You will be walking home if you keep with those unfunny jokes."
The whole trip was Ethan and Melossa fighting about something they saw on tik tok, making jokes about it and Fayza and you being confused.
When the time for Ky comes back home hits, Fayza, Ethan, and Melissa left. Letting him enjoy his night.
"Hey, handsome." You welcome him with a hug. "You did amazing, it was one of the best games you had this season."
"Another way of you telling me my club sucks."
"Shhh, just take the good part." You shush him with a kiss.
"Are we alone?"
You nod, kissing him again. You never had enough when you're with him. It was like a kiss with a candy. You love it and refuse to give in.
He picks you up, making his way upstairs. Almost falling, thing that made you laugh. It was like the beginning. And you loved new beginnings.
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- Five months later -
"Ready?" You ask, putting on your seat belt.
He nods, he was feeling anxious about this decision, but you made him understand that it was a necessity.
During the little drive, he told you about some plans Luis has with the team as they were going to the last games of the Ligue 1.
"I never asked you this, but do you ever get free Uber eats?" You ask, confused. He plays for the Uber eats Ligue.
"Why would I get free Uber eats?"
"Uber eats Ligue 1"
"Bébé, just no."
You laugh at his expression, but you had to ask. It was something that had your curiosity.
You park outside the house, Kylian quickly exit the car and run to your side. He was a passenger princess, but he was a gentleman.
"Thanks, Mister Mbappe." You kiss his cheek, taking his hands on yours.
"You're welcome, Miss fiancé."
You knock on the door. You can't help but deep the hold on his hands. It was something that was necessary, you repeat in your head.
The door is open by a woman. She happily lets you inside, offering you something to drink.
"We're okay, thank you."
"He's in the garden. He's reading."
He leads the way to the garden, opening the door and letting you step outside first. The Parisienne air is cold. Good think there's some sun after the cold cloudy winter.
Wilfrid smiles, leaving his book on the little table. He was excited about meeting you. He wanted as much as everybody a new beginning.
"Hey, you need to put on a jacket, is cold outside." He warns his son, hugging him. "Hey, Y/n."
"Hi, sir."
"Can I give you a hug?" He asks, hopeful that you will allow him to. "Aftet all, you will be my daughter in law."
You hug him, you left all the pain and resentment in the past, that was hurting you even more.
"Sit, please."
You loved the way his garden looks, wanting to stole some ideas for the new place. "I love the roses."
"They are looking good today. The sun is helping them to look good." He cuts one that's close to the table. Giving it to you. "Tell me. You guys came for a reason."
Kylian looks at you. He wanted you to be the one to talk. He nods his head once you look at him. A sign of support.
"I want to leave all in the past. We want to start a clean new beginning. And we want you on it. You're his father, and we're going to be family. So I. Well, we want you to be there for us."
"I want that, I know I have a long way to you, but please, now that my heart is full with good intentions."
"We know, père." Kylian says. "That's why we wanted to do this."
You feel out of breath. But at the same time, lighter, like taking something off your shoulders. Your life was taking a good turn.
You chatted with his father for a while, sharing some wedding details. Your plan was to have a wedding once the season finishes. So you can have a honeymoon and some free time with him.
You grab the hand of your fiance, the ring he gave you shining. You knew that even if it was hard, you needed to leave the past in the past. Just lean about it.
🏷: @slayweirdosaway @voguebikini @ironmaiden1313 @magicalfundragon @nightlockcornucopia @christianpulisic10 @bellinghambby22 @noodle81937 @moonlightholland22 @germanapples @paniwiaderko @megannandrewss @unstablefemme @suzysface @nightlockcornucopia @ama1a2 @topguncultleader @lunamelona
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kookie-doughs · 1 year
Daddy Cupid
Modern!Various One Piece Men X Reader
-When your father grows weary of your single life, he takes it upon himself to play matchmaker. With him knowing the entire city, he embarks on a mission to find you the perfect match.
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Chapter 1: Cupid's Bow
Chapter 2: Cupid's Arrow
Chapter 3: Cupid's Aim
Shot At
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚎 ᴍᴀʀᴄᴏ
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍 ʙᴜɢɢʏ
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝙱𝚘𝚢𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍 ꜱᴍᴏᴋᴇʀ
𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 1: 𝖯𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗌𝖾 𝗉𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗌𝖾 𝗉𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗌𝖾𝖾𝖾𝖾𝖾𝖾
Chapter 2: My love so sweet, My darling one
Chapter 3: Scary ass old men
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚄𝚗𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 ᴍɪʜᴀᴡᴋ
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙾𝚗𝚎 𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚍 ᴋᴜᴢᴀɴ
𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 1:
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙼𝚢𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝙼𝚊𝚗 ʟᴜᴄᴄɪ
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚋𝚘𝚢 ꜱʜᴀɴᴋꜱ
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙰𝚜𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚎 ᴅᴏꜰʟᴀᴍɪɴɢᴏ
𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 1: 𝖸𝗈𝗎'𝗋𝖾 𝖺 𝗅𝗈𝗌𝖾𝗋, 𝖨'𝗆 𝗇𝗈𝗍
Chapter 2: I'm literally the best stop complaining
Chapter 3: You're being super weird rn
Chapter 4: He's like so obsessed idk wym
Chapter 5: You willingly wanted this to happen
Chapter 6: You're just so annoying and a menace
Chapter 7: Oh just shut up stupid heart
Chapter 8: Fuckin Asshole
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚋𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 ʀᴏꜱɪɴᴀɴᴛᴇ
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙴𝚡 𝙱𝚘𝚢𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍 ᴄʀᴏᴄᴏᴅɪʟᴇ
𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 1:
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙰𝚛𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚍 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 ᴄʀᴀᴄᴋᴇʀ
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 ᴋᴀᴛᴀᴋᴜʀɪ
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Your age in the story is 30(same age as Doflamingo), your father is Rayleigh(67). I follow the canonical age gaps just like yk different age. Shanks and Buggy are 2 years younger(28) Luffy is 8 ykyk you can follow the age line here
I hope you'll enjoy this love you all!!!!
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@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @nykie-love-anime @angstylittleb1tch @valen-yamyam16 @melodyidk @anicega @littlegreekgirl1 @rebeccawinters @manduse @alextheknight707 @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @ladymoon210 @spiderlily-w1tch-blog @sarraa-26 @ihearthazuki
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mj1343 · 5 months
The Fallout Show, The NCR, Vegas, and Taking a Chill Pill
Fallout Show spoilers hi
i knew when i saw they were going to touch Shady Sands people would get angry regardless of what they did and i totally 100% understand being upset with the treatment of that location and the choices of writing that it took to get there but i genuinely do not understand the sentiment that Vegas is noncanon all of a sudden
Shady Sands is where the NCR formed and the first capital but they do not exclusively exist there. We know by New Vegas the NCR holds a lot of territory, and has territories they want to claim in the future:
'Hayes: "Sure can. The NCR was founded from the survivors of one of the great Vaults. We started as a small settlement called Shady Sands. We now consist of 5 states, that make up the greatest nation since the Great War."'
'NCR history holodisk: "Founded eighty years ago, the NCR is now comprised of the states of Shady, Los Angeles, Maxson, Hub, and Dayglow. Approximately 700,000 citizens are pleased to call NCR home."
In fact, we SEE a small sect of NCR remnants IN THE SHOW. I know a small group of people does not equate an entire nation but just the fact people are still fighting under the flag means they are not magically game ended forever and it is VERY overzealous to assume the ENTIRE NCR was housed in Shady Sands as late as 2277 when we know they were incorporating new territories before AND AFTER 2277
On the 'Vegas is a desolate nuked wasteland' front, i also genuinely do not understand it because, shockingly, locations IRL are larger than they are in the game!!!! The Strip in New Vegas is what, two cells? and one road with 4 casinos on it? The irl Strip is a 4 mile stretch of road that can have anywhere from 30 to 50+ casinos depending who you ask and over 100 casinos in all of Vegas easily. I understand they flash the Lucky 38 and the New Vegas sign to get excitement built but we have to look at scale a lot differently in the show than in the games. There are many scenes (which i have criticized) that are completely empty deserts for miles to see. Hell, the scale of the Vaults is different because they need to actually function as a building and not a location in a video game.
Yes. We see a few dead securitrons in the ending. You know where else you can find dead securitron? Littered about in the hit 2010 role playing game Fallout New Vegas. This is not a sign of desolation. This is a sign of some wasteland asshole killed a few. There are no people on the strip because this is supposed to drum up intrigue and tease a second season. We Do Not Know what has happened in Vegas. There could be hundreds of people on the strip and we just dont see them because they wanted a moody shot with no one in it. We have no idea. But you want to know what i can reasonably assume? it WASNT NUKED. because SHADY SANDS WAS NUKED AND ITS A CRATER AND YOU CAN STILL SEE EVERYTHING IN VEGAS STANDING. This is a post apocalypse franchise that, for better or worse (mostly worse) prides itself on Not Fixing Things from 200 years ago. A broken building or sign in New Vegas at the end of the show Does Not Mean New Vegas is completely removed from canon.
I know. I know you guys cannot be happy with anything Bethesda touches. I know you refuse to just take a breather for a moment. And i understand and entirely agree nuking a notable location from the original games is dirty. i am not giving Bethesda credit. There was some good in the show and some bad. I Understand. But this show has not decanonized New Vegas in any way and i truely do not understand the outrage from this point of view specifically. You can be angry about anything else. i know i cannot stop you if i wanted to. You will always find something to be mad about. But PLEASE think critically about this for a moment
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ughgoaway · 1 year
playing on my mind
content warnings: swearing, referring to Matty as tall (look we all lie for plot purposes okay), dilf Matty and rushed writing... i think that's it? word count- 3.3k ish
a/n: woah this was quick but I am nothing if not impulsive!! this is just a one-shot but if y'all want a series I might do one?? idk it depends on how inspired I am lol. but yes this is just my little blurb-thing from yesterday fleshed out into an actual story!! I'm so glad people liked the idea, I hope this doesn't disappoint <333
(I didn't proofread this so I apologise if its utterly shit </3)
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“And off you go! If you need your pencils sharpened or help, make sure you raise your hand! I’ll come to see you!” You say to the group of 30 little balls of energy in front of you. 60 eyes looking up at you might seem intimidating to most, but when it's a hyperactive group of 5-year-olds; the fear wears off slightly.
It was family tree week in your classroom, and you had given your little ones the usual task of drawing their family, each set up with pieces of paper and various pencils and pens to create their masterpieces. Seeing them smile and talk about their older sisters and brothers or how much they love their parents always warmed your heart. 
You originally got into teaching with every intention of working with teenagers. You were sure you shouldn't be moulding such young minds - you were never sure your mind was a very good example. But one test week in a year 1 classroom changed your outlook entirely. Seeing the pure, unadulterated joy on a young child's face was something beyond comparison. 
Getting to watch them grow and develop into little people brought you so much happiness that it could never compare to standing in front of a group of grumpy teenagers. Each teen boy clearly trying to get you over to their desk to “flirt” with you, well as much firting as a 15-year-old boy can do.
Seeing a child come out of their shell, make friendships, and discover their passions made your heart warm in a way nothing else did. So as soon as you qualified you jumped at the opportunity to teach these little ones, this class might be your first but you are sure it will always be your favourite.
And of course, despite what every teacher tells you, they have a favourite student. You were adamant when you began that you really wouldn't have a favourite but then little Annie Healy came bounding into your classroom with a mop of curly hair, untamable energy and the cutest slightly wonky smile you've ever seen. 
She very quickly stole your heart, always wanting to tell you stories and going off on tangents rather quickly, organising tea parties but soon getting distracted leaving you at a small table surrounded by teddy bears giving a toast. Her little body seemed to be filled with enough energy to power the world 3 times over, and you couldn't love her anymore. The idea that she would be leaving your class broke your heart every time you thought about it, despite people telling you not to get attached - you did,
You had just settled at your desk after explaining for the 4th time to Zach that sticking pencils up our noses isn't a very good idea. You ended up telling him if he pushed too far, he'd touch his brain, and soon after that, the pencils stayed firmly in his hand rather than up any nose. If any student was the problem child, it was him. You couldn't hate any student, but let's just say he's given you one too many impromptu haircuts this year to be in line for your favourite.
Soon your real favourite student stuck her arm into the air and wiggled it around in an attempt to get you to see her sooner, little Annie Healy was ever impatient- a trait that is only endearing on her. You quickly nodded and started wandering over, trying not to laugh at her large toothy grin back at you.
“Hi sweetheart, do you need some help?” you say, crouching down to her eye level, flashing a sweet smile.
“Hi miss y/n!” she began, her eyes flittering around your face before landing on your hair, and soon, her hands were stroking your head.
“Wow! I like your hair! It's got sparkly clips in it! You know I asked my daddy for some like that, and he said-” you gently placed a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to stop the tangent before it started. You knew she'd somehow end up keeping you there for 20 minutes, giving you a detailed list of all of her Barbie dolls and their jobs if you didn't redirect her quickly enough.
“Thank you, Annie! I saw your arm wiggling in the air earlier. Did you need some help?” her eyes light up as she remembered why she called you over here.
“Oh! Yeah, I want to write what's in my daddy’s hands, but I don't know how to spell it. Will you help me?” she says, bringing her attention back to her drawing and grabbing the black pencil to continue her work. It's the first time you actually looked at her drawing, and to say you were concerned would be an understatement.
Most drawings of family consist of the same basic elements; a mum, a dad, a sun in the corner, and a house that is wildly disproportionate to everything else.
So imagine your surprise when you look down to see 4 men in what seems to be leather jackets, holding various musical instruments, and a very tall dog next to them.
You blink a few times. Just checking what you're seeing is right. The lineup starts with a tall man holding a guitar, next to a slightly shorter man also holding a guitar with a mess of black scribbles on his head. Next up is a very tall man with drumsticks in his hands and a kit behind him, and finally another very tall man with a beard and a bass. The concern briefly melts away as you consider how impressive it is she knows the difference. In the bottom left corner is a black dog with very long legs and a big pink tongue sticking out, the dog was almost as tall as the first man but you're aware kids aren’t known for their skill with proportion.
No one had prepared you for this in teaching school, there was never a lecture about what to do if one of your kids does a mildly troubling family drawing of 4 men in leather jackets and a horse dog. You try to stutter a response to Annie, but no real words are leaving your mouth. Just a jumble of sounds, each one sounding more confused and stressed than the last.
You flash a look at her only to be met with a confused head tilt and sad eyes. Oh god. She thought you hated her drawing. Shit.
Time for damage control.
You make the decision then and there not to ask her about the details of her drawing, desperately trying not to make her cry. 
Maybe you could go and see her mum in the playground? Yes, that's what you'll do. You'll walk her out, have a brief discussion with Mum, and make sure Annie knows her family isn't 4 men in a band and then leave her be. That sounds like the professional thing to do.
You take a deep breath and smile at Annie, and soon her downturned lips flashed that cheesy grin you knew so well. You tighten your hand on her shoulder and grab a pen, ready to help her any way she needs. 
“Do you mean the word ‘guitar’ Annie?” she gives you an excited nod as you continue speaking, “Ah yes, that's a really hard word for even grown-ups to spell. Let's work it out together, hmm?”
With your mind racing you help her sound it out and label her drawing, even stopping to sharpen her black colouring pencil for her- there's a lot of black for young girls drawing but she's committed to an aesthetic, and part of you respects that.
On the walk back to the desk, you begin practising your speech in your head, trying to figure out how to ask why she’s drawing a band as her family without unknowingly offending mum. Maybe she just really likes music?
You run through your memories trying to think of her mentioning a band before, but nothing comes to mind, Annie doesn't even stay on track long enough to talk about her family. Always seeing something shiny and discussing that instead. 
You flick your eyes to her one more time just to see her animatedly talking with another little girl on her table, her hands gesticulating wildly and her curls bouncing as she tells her story.
The sight calms you slightly, seeing the little girl you know so well acting exactly as she should be. You have the fleeting thought that you might be overreacting, but eventually, you collect the drawings to see Annie had dated her work “1975”. Yup, that discussion with her parents was definitely happening.
The bell rings, and you manage to catch Annie just before she runs off into the playground without you, “Hi Annie! I have your drawing from today. Should we show it to mummy and daddy together?” her eyes light up as her curls bounce from her excited nods. 
You walk hand in hand out onto the playground, crouching down you make eye contact with Annie before asking, “Can you point out your mum or dad Annie?”
She nods and begins scanning the playground. You stifle a laugh at the look of concentration on the young girl's face. Her nose is scrunched along with her eyebrows, one hand pulling at a curl by her ear and the other holding yours. Soon, you see her face brighten, and her eyes fill with joy. 
“DADDY!!” is the scream that comes from the little girl as her hand shoots from her head to point to the corner of the playground, she starts dragging you before you even look up but as you do, you feel your heart drop.
As a student teacher, you'd definitely seen some hot dads, but they were still dads. Most were slightly creepy, partially balding, and talked about nothing but golf and their “annoying” wives. You were used to that kind of dad, not exactly this kind.
Standing nonchalantly in the corner of the playground was a tall man. A pile of salt and pepper curls sat on top of his head; untamed but effortlessly and obnoxiously cool. The white t-shirt he was wearing did nothing to hide the patchwork of tattoos that snaked up his arms. The low neck of the top even teased the top of his chest tattoo. Sunglasses sat on his face, they gave him an "I'm too cool" rocker vibe that, for some unknown reason, made you dizzy.
In one hand, he had a lit cigarette, something that was not allowed on school property, but the way his cheeks hollowed as he took a drag had you forgetting that rule completely. He dropped the butt of the cigarette to crush it with his heavy boots before taking a sip of the can of coke that was in his other hand. 
As he noticed you coming over, a dazzling smile broke out on his face. You felt your knees weaken as you tried to brush off how hot he was. 
You then realised you actually had to speak to this man. Fuck. You're not sure you even have a voice currently. If you opened your mouth, you're sure incoherent noises would come out, followed by wild hand motions trying to explain your insane behaviour.
The closer you got, the less you stared at him, feeling too intimidated to keep looking in his direction. This did mean you almost tripped 3 times, but you would rather fall than risk making eye contact with this intimidatingly attractive man.
Annie dropped your hand as you finally reached the man, and she jumped into his arms. He grunted at the force but soon began pressing kisses all over her face, smiling at her uncontrollable giggles.
Quickly, the man noticed your presence and stuck a hand out to introduce himself, “Hi! Sorry about that, you know what it's like when kids miss you. I’m Annie’s dad, Matty.” 
And this is where a normal person would introduce themselves, stick their hand out, and shake Matty’s. Maybe even say their name and start talking, but oh no. Not you. You stood there motionless and just said “Matty” breathlessly to yourself 3 times over.
Time dragged on in the 10 seconds Matty stood there with his hand out. If you weren't aware of how time worked, you would swear you stood there in stilted silence for 10 minutes. 
By some grace of god, little Annie Healy saved you and introduced you, “Daddy. This is Miss y/n. She wanted to come and show you my drawing." 
Matty retracted his hand and pushed the sunglasses that sat on the bridge of his nose up to his mess of curls, just as wayward as his daughters. His deep brown eyes met yours as he tilted his head questioningly at your behaviour. His smile remained wide at you, his tongue swiped over his bottom lip, and you felt your heart stutter. A litany of inappropriate thoughts swirling through your mind.
He quickly diverted his attention back to his daughter, “Oh really munchkin? Is your drawing just that amazing? Is Miss y/n going to send it to all the museums?” he said whilst tickling her sides. You smiled at the pair of them watching Annie throw her head back with erratic laughter. 
Finally, you manage to right yourself and begin speaking, “Right. Sorry about that, long day,” you explain, looking apologetically at Matty, who only nodded and tried to hide his widening smile at your flustered state. 
“I'm just here to talk about Annie's drawing,” you pause briefly and look at Annie in her dad's arms. Not wanting to disappoint her, you form a plan in your mind. “Hey Annie, why don't you go practise some hopscotch! I'm just going to have a quick chat with your dad, okay?”
Before you’d even finished your sentence, Annie was wiggling out of her dad's arms and running off.
“She's got endless energy that one hasn't she?” you say wistfully, staring off in the direction she ran, watching her jump around and giggle with some of her friends.
“Ah like father like daughter, I suppose” Matty says, grinning at your clear love for his little girl. He feels his heart warm at your caring eyes. “So what seems to be the issue? I'm sure you're not over here because the Louvre has asked for Annie’s drawing?” 
You laugh at Matty's joke, perhaps a little too hard. Nervous laughter was one of your less attractive traits, but you try to shake it off and have an actual adult conversation with Matty. 
“Ah no, no phone calls from Paris yet,” you begin laughing lightly, you pull out Annie's drawing and pass it over to Matty and start to analyse his reaction as you finish speaking, “I was just coming over to ask why Annie's family portrait is seemingly a band? I wanted to make sure she knows her family isn't 4 tall men in leather jackets and a surprisingly tall horse dog.”
As you finish your sentence, Matty bursts out in hysterical laughter, folding over as his chortling laughter takes over his whole body. Your face scrunches up at his reaction, your eyebrows are pinched, and a small frown overtakes your features. 
Eventually, Matty catches his breath and looks up at you only to realise how strange his reaction appears. His hand shoots up to your arm and begins to stroke it lightly as he attempts to explain himself.
Each featherlight stroke of his fingers made your breath hitch. You felt your eyes fogging over, and your ears felt as if they were stuffed with cotton wool, the surrounding sounds suddenly becoming muted.
A shake of your head brought you back to earth as you fought to focus on the words Matty was saying.
“Oh I'm so sorry, once you know the story you’ll understand my reaction” Matty began explaining with wide apologetic eyes, “basically Annie's mum isn't in the picture, it's just me and my 3 best friends,” he said smiling.
You lightly laugh and say, “Ah I'm assuming they are the man with the guitar, the one with the bass and the other with the drumsticks?” You finish with a teasing tilt of your head.
Matty's fingers encircle your wrist as that smile you've quickly grown to love appears on his face once again at your teasing.
“Yes those are the ones. You see we’re all in a band - hence all the instruments. I always tell Annie that Uncle George, Ross, and Adam are our family. So when you asked for a family drawing...”
“She drew her family!” You finish his sentence for him, staring at his hand and holding your wrist as you do. He quickly drops it, and you curse yourself for bringing it to his attention.
You wrap your arms around your stomach protectively in an attempt to hide your mounting embarrassment.
Matty smiles and starts to speak again, only to be interrupted by you, “Wait I understand that, but why did she date it ‘1975’?”
Somehow, Matty's smile grew again, “Our band is called the 1975. Weird, I know, but it comes from me being young and pretentious with a Jack Kerouac book.”
Before you could respond, Annie came bounding over and wrapped herself around her dad's leg, “Dadddd” she complained, pulling out the last letter to announce her annoyance to the world.
“Annieeee” Matty teased back in the same tone as her, picking her up as he did.
“Can we go home now? I want to see mayhem!!” she said, excitedly clapping her hands as she finished.
You shoot Matty a questioning look, and he quickly answers your silent query, “the horse dog” he says teasingly, parroting your earlier words back at you.
“Okay darling, let's get going then,” Matty says with a grunt, putting Annie down, grabbing her hand, and taking her backpack from her.
“Say bye to miss y/n Annie,” he says, smiling sweetly at you, but you can see the mischief brewing in his eyes.
His eyes keep your attention so long you almost miss Annie's sweet goodbye, “bye miss y/n! See you tomorrow! Can we talk about your sparkly clips tomorrow?” she asks with a tilt of her head.
“Of course, little miss Annie!” You say smiling at the young girl. You focus solely on her in an attempt not to get lost in her father's eyes again.
You watch them walk away but after a few steps they pause, Matty turns over his shoulder and waves with his free hand, “Bye miss y/n” he says with a teasing lilt to his voice and a flirty wink.
Before you can even process what just happened, he's strolling away casually, and all the mums in the playground are silently lusting after him.
A heavy breath leaves your chest as you start to watch him leave.
“Isn't he gorgeous” a voice behind you whispers, causing you to jump and let out a small scream. You hold a hand to your chest and look at your colleague with wild eyes.
“Oh my god, Amanda, please do not sneak up on me like that! I'm fragile” you say, now laughing at your ridiculous reaction.
“Sorry, sorry,” she begins giggling, “but isn't he just so hot? Annie was in my class last year, and I used to count down the days until parent’s evening! I mean, who wouldn't want to sit across a desk from a man who looks like that?” Amanda says, wiggling her eyebrows flirtatiously.
She begins to teasingly poke your sides at your awkward silence, and you quickly brush her off and straighten up, “Amanda! You can't talk like that about a parent!” You say, trying and failing to have any conviction in your voice.
“I can when the parent looks like that!” she says, smiling and watching Matty stroll away.
You huff at her behaviour and walk away, desperate to sit down and process what just happened.
Your desk chair squeaks as you sit down behind your desk. You spin the chair and pick up a pen to begin marking some spelling tests from last week, but before long, you give up.
Staring off into space with endless thoughts poisoning your mind, only one thing can come out of your mouth. 
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fillinforlater · 1 year
Monday of Appreciation: Part 101
Hello everyone, Smite here!
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2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY of Monday of Appreciation!
My first MoA post was posted on the 20th of September 2021, two years. Time really flies, huh? I don't want this to be just another MoA 100 post, but I really gotta thank you all, especially because Part 100 received so much love, God, it made me so happy <3 It was a kinda cathartic moment, the series had an epic peak... all thanks to you.
I definitely also want to thank all the writers, without whom this all wouldn't exist. My way of thanking you all is by... featuring a FUCKTON of stories below. Even if you are not featured (first of all, I'm sorry lol), I still appreciate your work and comradery in the bunker. Y'all are amazing <3
No. 1: @dnd-writes: Way of Water ft. Eunbi
Ah yes, Waterbomb Eunbi. The event that captured us all. The idea with the backup dancer is straight forward, nice, but the greatest thing about this is the watersports. Waterbomb, watersports... you get it? Just read it.
No.2: @leafostuff: No Names Needed ft. Sheon (Billlie)
Thanks to Leafo for spreading the good word of Sheon and her... goddamn midriff. No more reasons needed, appreciate this girl already, ugh.
No. 3: @iznsfw: The Devil's Telephone ft. Yujin
Everything IZ touches skips the part where it turns to gold. Fuck gold, IZ just creates diamondtic-masterpieces. I was thrilled to learn about this fic and when I read it... IZ did it again! This portrayal of Yujin is everything. What are we to your might!
No. 4: @idyllicidols: Cheat Day ft. Wonyoung
Wonyoung gangbang with her fans? I bet you all are already foaming at your mouth. Go on. Read it. Leave some love for this talented writer after getting your loads off the screen.
No. 5: @rvp32: Whisper of Uncontrollable Desire ft. Chaewon
Let me tell you, rvp is great! They don't hold back, they go all out, they try A/B/O, they like futa (please write futa!) and they have a Gaeul series. This one fucking sent me <3
No. 6: @existslikepristin: Not Summer Yet ft. Jeongyeon
Thx ELP for the nice message on Part 100! Thanks also for giving us these crazy pieces again and again (well, this one isn't too crazy for your standards, but you get me). This felt really intimate, liked it!
No. 7: @dreamcatchers-husband: The City of Love and Secrets ft. Sejeong
You better learn French for this fic. But fr, now I wanna go to Paris and marry a beautiful girl before :floshed: filling her up because she truly is mine now ahhhhh
No. 8: @capslocked: SERENDIPITY ft. Eunbi
Caps, Caps, Caps, Caps, Caps, what am I gonna do with you? Your fics are ALWAYS in my to read list and when I get to them... yeah, takes more than one attempt... more like five. Fuck you, I love you.
No. 9: @ggidolsmuts: Sin, Hormones and the Starlet's Boyfriend ft. Yunjin, Somi
HOLY FUCKING FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK, that was so FUCKING hot, I caaaaan't stop meeeeee, this is so good, I need more of this. Yeah, basically every ddeun fic makes me go like this. What a fucking legend, man.
No. 10: @smuttysabina: A Pervert Bred by Perverts only Breeds more Perverts ft. E:U (Everglow)
As you can see, the title is quite elaborate on what happens in this fic. A bunch of perverts, a lot (and I do mean a LOT) of cum to breed and in the end everyone is happy. You too, you filthy pervert?
No. 11: @writingsomesin-amber: Puppies' New Toy Part 3 ft. LSFM, Xiaoting
FUTA, the best kind of futa. The one with Alphas, with Kazuha (who always has a HUGE cock), with boundless sex that's just horny nonsense. This is what I want to read. Thank you for writing it!
This is a sequel to probably the best porn focused smut to ever exist. Thank you, c.o, for creating this, for making it a universe and for dropping another Jiheon smut. She hot, you hot <3
No. 13: @pfxhk: Staircase: Prepotent Pleasure ft. Yuqi
Kaaajin <3 finally another Yuqi fic and a very good one at that. I want her hot lips wrapped around me too now.
No. 14: @rosiesmuts: After Dark ft. Rose
Rose little fuck doll. Her pics lately have been mind-fucking or sth like that, I dunno, just sex. Oh, and I know a lot of good things happen late at night.
No. 15: @akkaweo-akkaweo: Treatment ft. Jinsoul
That's the treatment wr allll want from our dear Jinsoul. Her gorgeous visuals have really stunned me since she joined Modhaus. Now paint that pretty face.
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No. 16: @mode-lfy: Jinni (SMUT) ft. Jinni (ex-NMIXX)
Sooooo... when does Jinni unzip my pants, first thing in the morning finally come back?
No. 17: @worldsover: link in bio top 0.1% creator ft. Jiheon
This one is the follow-up to c.o's [PVV], so we got a whole-ass universe with pornstar!Jiheon now. What a blessing, and it leaves us with no doubt that Jihron would reach that 0.1% if she'd show her cute face and bubble butt on cam... when tho???
No. 18: @allthekingssmut: She's Rough And Coarse And Gets Everywhere ft. Heejin
Star Wars is already a win in my book, pair it with hotness everywhere (the sun, a mechanic, her face) and it only gets better and better. The release to all the fucking tension between those two is EPIC. Great fic!
No. 19: @writerpeach: Overindulgent ft. Wonyoung
To say I have over-indluged in this fic would be a massive understatement. When Peach let's loose and pours out tens of thousands of words of unpure smut, we know we got ourselves a massive hit, no matter the idol. To make it even better, Wonyoung.
No. 20: @okaylikesmomo: Kampfyre Part 1 - Vocals ft. Winter
Just one word: vocal training. Wait, that is two words! So Imma a need okay to write a second part to this, because Winter has not been trained enough (imo).
No. 21: @pupyuj: Magic Words ft. Wonyoung (fem!reader)
More love to female reader fics! Especially thise one, with this sweet and spicy Wony that makes girls' legs weak and mine too xD Thank you for this great story and hot smut!
No. 22: @usedpidemo: Parasailing ft. Yuri, Minju
This story feels so nostalgic, so oddly familiar. Like I was there throughout it all and feel entitled to the release at the end. This fic has me gliding, high on their two perfect bodies.
No. 23: @summersault31: Concerto Pt. 1 ft. IU
Blowjobs under the table while tempting another woman into your sinful lifestyle... this combines a clichee with a hook that has you begging: Summer, where is Part 2?
No. 24: @midnightdancingsol: I swear, the Bear Poked Me! ft. futa!Minji x Danielle
Now for the futa appreciation. I think Sol is perfect for this, especially because the mere thought of Minji fucking Dani with her... HUGE COCK... so big and... were was I? Oh yeah, Hanni is also in this.
No. 25: @maemisnippets: You're Mine, Cheeks ft. Chaehyun (fluff)
In between 29 smuts, there is this one short fluff by our dear Maems. Well deserved, I must say. Keep it up, qt, always fun bits to read.
No. 26: @mintwithchoco: [CYMX-461] ft. Choerry, Jinsoul
Monopoly can be so much fun, if you are willing to strike some questionable deals to further your chances of winning and everyone's chances to have a good time. Bathtub sex?
No. 27: @nichuuu: Where our blue is ft. Rei
A beautiful story, it truly made me fall in love with Rei, her strive and determination, her failure, her rise---and the insane, drawn-out fucking at the end. Where our blue is has it all and I have to congratulate @nichuuu: In between all these great writers, this story really stuck out to me!
No. 28: @svndaysaweek: Niche ft. Hanni
Cute little Hanni in need of her step-brother, because she is so deeply in love with him... this was so adorable and sweet at the start and then went into an excessive smut part that fried my brain.
No. 29: @sinswithpleasure: You Can Watch, But You Can't Touch [At Least, Not Yet] ft. Mina, Sana, Momo
I. Would. Not. Last. There is no shame in me saying this, but I just couldn't, with these three hotties right in front of me. Blast it all over their bodies, hng.
No. 30: @xiakato: Ella Baila Sola ft. Xiaoting
Hm, maybe Xiaoting should dance alone, I'm not really good at it though my Just Dance scores would beg to differ.
Hey, if you read all of that, you're fucking awesome. I appreciate you, and hope, you have a great week ahead. Until the next MoA, goodbye!
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whyse7vn · 1 year
[ ot7 x reader ]
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tae: have my cubs
tae: i want 8
y/n: i’ve actually never been so srs in my life
let’s break up
like fr
i’m over this relationship i’m over you
tae: i can settle for 5 if it’s too much
y/n: let’s settle for a break up
tae: our little family 🥺
y/n: i would rather shoot myself
tae: why?
y/n: WHY?
are you really asking my why rn?
tae: yeah??
y/n: “have my cubs”
tae: i can’t get pregnant what is wrong with you
someone didn’t go to school 😭😭
y/n: who in their right mind says shit like that
tae: me??
y/n: stop talking to me
tae: babe
i’m being for real
y/n: i know
and i’m scared
tae: don’t be scared
i’ll protect you
and the kids
real alpha i am
y/n: stop
tae: are you getting emotional?
omg are you pregnant rn?????
hormones and that stuff?
is that what you wanted to say this whole time??
were you trying to hide it from me??
ur so cute >.<
y/n: i’m blocking you now
tae: we are gonna get through this together
do you think we need a bigger house?
y/n: genuinely are you ok in the head?
tae: ofc wtf??
i know ur not because of the pregnancy
but it’s okay
you don’t need to stress at all
i’ll think for the both of us
the love of ur life taetae be the sane one for the next 6 months
y/n: there is so much to unpack there
tae: omg have you been clothes shopping without me >.<
y/n: i am perfectly fine
you and sane don’t belong in the same sentence
never call yourself taetae again
and it’s 9 months not 6 you fucking idiot
tae: what is ur actual problem??
don’t swear around my child you’ll poison their mind
and i think i know more about babies than you do so just leave everything to me ok?
y/n: again i would rather shoot myself
tae: if you die i’ll protect the baby
y/n: there is no baby
tae: are you not ready to be a mother or something?
i swear we can do this babe
y/n: are you actually listening to me??
tae: ofc i am??
y/n: …
tae: i’m omw home btw can’t wait to see you both!!!!!!!
y/n: it’s like you only take in the information you want to hear
tae: i love you too
y/n: or maybe you just can’t read
tae: <333333333
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yoongi: no
y/n: i don’t like when you read my mind like that
yoongi: no
y/n: i’m gonna ask anyways
yoongi: no
y/n: let’s have a baby 😁🙏🏽
yoongi: no
y/n: if we don’t have a baby now ur gonna be an old dad
ur gonna die before our baby turns 10
we don’t want that do we?
think of all the precious memories you’ll miss
yoongi: i’m fine with that
y/n: are you really?
yoongi: …
y/n: let’s have a baby rn
yoongi: but that’s so much work
y/n: #inittogether
our little baby made out of our love for each other
isn’t that sososoos cute yoongi 🥺
yoongi: i guess
y/n: so we’re having a baby?
yoongi: go away
y/n: ur not saying no
i’m taking this as a yes
i continue to win in this life
yoongi: what if you die before me
and i’m left with a baby?
y/n: the old thing really got to you huh?
yoongi: no i’m just saying you might die first
y/n: there is no way i’m dying first
ur literally 30
yoongi: and???
y/n: like jin is ur age mate that’s saying aLOT
yoongi: ur pissing me off
y/n: okay old bitch
yoongi: you expect me to have children with you after you bully me??
y/n: pls put me in ur will
i’m in jin’s yk?
yoongi: why are you in jin’s will?
y/n: why? mad ur not?
yoongi: how do you know i’m not
in his will?
matter of fact why tf does he have a will??
y/n: aren’t you an inquisitive one
yoongi: saying big words doesn’t make you look smart
y/n: jin knows it’s almost his time
you better start writing yours
yoongi: leaving everything to holly
y/n: i’ll literally cook holly
yoongi: what is wrong with you
y/n: i am not with child rn
that’s what’s wrong
yoongi: that sounded gross
never say that again
y/n: i’ve come to the conclusion that ur my biggest enemy
yoongi: i’m glad you know
y/n: ur dying
yoongi: ur next
y/n: don’t ever say that
i’m literally in my prime
yoongi: ur prime?
couldn’t tell
y/n: find someone else to carry your children
i can no longer stand the idea of mini yous running around
yoongi: ok :(
y/n: ??
don’t frown at me
you brought this on urself
yoongi: 😔
y/n: you bitch
yoongi: come make a baby with me 😄
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y/n: let’s have a child
namjoon: ok
y/n: i lied
namjoon: oh
y/n: what is wrong with you
namjoon: what is wrong with you?
y/n: did adding a question mark make you feel better bitch??
namjoon: very
y/n: this is why i lie to you
namjoon: that’s not nice
y/n: ur literally a nasty little gaslighter
namjoon: i’m not?
y/n: you are?
namjoon: if anything ur the gaslighter
y/n: fake claims i’ll sue
namjoon: you tell me you want to have children and then you tell me ur lying or you never said that
y/n: what is ur actual issue i’ve never said i want kids??
if you want kids ig we can talk about it but i’ve literally never brought that up
namjoon: see?
y/n: i see very clearly actually 20/20 vision the eye people told me
namjoon: you wear glasses?
y/n: occasionally
like what is ur issue?
ur so obsessed with me it’s not right
namjoon: ig i’m a little obsessed
y/n: it’s really not right
don’t you fucking wear glasses
what is ur issue four eyes???
namjoon: i do
i’ve never claimed to have 20/20 vision
y/n: ur blind as hell
namjoon: maybe i don’t want to have kids with you
they fr won’t be able to see anything
namjoon: put ur glasses on
ur spelling stuff wrong
y/n: it’s my charm
namjoon: not wearing ur glasses?
y/n: we need to go on a break
namjoon: how can we go on a break when we have kids to take care of?
y/n: and you say ur not a gaslighter?
what if i was a weak woman and fell for ur sick lies
namjoon: we would have kids by now
y/n: ur messed up
that’s so messed up
namjoon: shoot me
y/n: don’t say stuff like that
cuz i will
then you’ll be mad
and dead
namjoon: what are you bothering me for?
y/n: can i not just message my bf like omg?
namjoon: you miss me or something?
y/n: not anymore
namjoon: cute
y/n: fuck ur cute
namjoon: accepting a compliment won’t kill you yk?
y/n: stop communicating with me
namjoon: you messaged me first?
y/n: no i didn’t
namjoon: whatever
y/n: omg don’t speak to me like you hate me i’ll kms
namjoon: so kids?
y/n: idk what ur on about tbh
namjoon: fine
y/n: fine
namjoon: fine?
y/n: fine?
namjoon: idk what you want from me
y/n: children
namjoon: you stop communicating with me
y/n: wow
namjoon: yeah
y/n: ur a LOSER
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jin: it’s time we reproduce
y/n: no
jin: no?
this would be a blessing to many
y/n: ok??
jin: ok?
i’ll just kms then
if you hate me just say that
y/n: i hate you
jin: what is ur problem???
y/n: what’s urs??
you told me to say it
jin: i said if you hate me
y/n: ???
jin: oh my god
leave me alone
y/n: oh my god by gidle
jin: you have to stop speaking to hobi
y/n: why :(
jin: ur starting to talk like him
and it’s gross
the mother of my children a hoseok clone??
no thank you
y/n: what children??
jin: you need to keep up
we are having kids
y/n: but you said mother of your children
like as in you have kids rn
and last time i checked i never gave birth
who is this other woman seokjin???
jin: ew why would you say my full name like that
y/n: why would you cheat on me?
jin: bored?
y/n: all men are the same
jin: i am like no other man
y/n: true you dumb as hell
jin: now ur talking shit
y/n: maybe the shit talks you
jin: what
y/n: what
jin: can we make babies pls
y/n: ew
you actually make me wanna throw up
jin: wtf
this is why i don’t talk to you
y/n: you talk to me everyday?
in fact you loose ur mind if you don’t talk to me for more than 2 hours
jin: you literally have no proof
once again ur talking SHIT
y/n: don’t raise ur voice at me tf
jin: see you would be such a good mother
that’s such a parent thing to say
lowkey got me feeling a little hot and bothered rn 🙈
i’m sorry
you might need to put me in my place again mommy 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙉🙉🙉
y/n: what the fuck
jin: you’re not into it???
y/n: how can you go from talking about children to sex?
jin: don’t say that makes me sound like a perv
y/n: you are a perv
jin: no i’m not
ur just lame
like you need to have sex to have children
i was just helping start the process
y/n: you’ve got like a screw loose or something
jin: stop speaking to me in riddles
or don’t
i do love a smart girl 😉
y/n: stop speaking to me like a bitch in heat
jin: people lame nowadays
by people i mean you
y/n: cry about it
jin: i just might
y/n: good
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y/n: do you want to have a baby?
jk: doesn’t giving birth hurt?
y/n: so?
jk: i don’t want you to get hurt
y/n: life is pain
jk: i’ll give birth
y/n: that’s not how it works
jk: pls let me do it
y/n: ok
jk: thank you
y/n: ur welcome
jk: do you think i’ll look good pregnant?
y/n: idk
jk: will you still love me when i get big?
y/n: i might leave you if you get pregnant
jk: wtf?
y/n: it might creep me out
jk: why wtf
y/n: i don’t want to imagine you pregnant
jk: but our baby ☹️
y/n: i would rather never have kids than see you pregnant
jk: wow
you think i would be that ugly
y/n: i’m sorry
jk: are you?
y/n: ummm
jk: ok then
y/n: we can always adopt
jk: but that’s not my baby
y/n: legally they would be
jk: we won’t have the same spit
y/n: the same spit?
jk: yk like our insides won’t be the same
y/n: ur dna?
jk: yeah my dna
y/n: ur not supposed to have the exact same dna as ur baby anyways
jk: okay but it’s like a mix of us
and a adopted one would have no mix at all
y/n: so what do you want to do?
jk: give birth
y/n: i really don’t think it’s possible babe
jk: i will do it
y/n: sure
jk: why don’t you believe in me?
y/n: i do
jk: act like it
y/n: wooo?
jk: not good enough
y/n: sorry i’m tired
jk: ok?
y/n: fuck you?
jk: i’m about to have a baby and ur talking to me like that?
y/n: i’ll believe it when i see it
jk: so you fr don’t believe in me?
y/n: yeah
not one bit of belief in me
jk: crazy how people switch up
when you want to come back into me and MY babies lives we won’t let you
y/n: i’m crying
jk: i’m glad
y/n: i’m actually not
i don’t care at all
and that’s the truth
jk: so you just lie for fun
y/n: pretty much
jk: wow
ur crazy
y/n: 4 u
jk: waittt why am i blushing rn 😖
are you in love with me be honest?
y/n: idk…
jk: oh
y/n: embarrassing…
ur just a fuck buddy tbh
jk: for 8 years i’ve been a fuck buddy?
y/n: yur
jk: are you lying to me?
y/n: i could be
jk: i could be pregnant rn
y/n: are you?
jk: no
but i could be
y/n: are you lying to me?
jk: yeah :(
y/n: it’s okay
jk: is it really??
y/n: you don’t want me to answer that
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y/n: i’ve been getting congratulation texts all day today
jimin: omg people are so crazy wtf 😭?
y/n: i’m fr so confused
did we win an award i didn’t know about or something??
jimin: maybe idk lol
y/n: would it be rude if i asked what tf they’re talking about?
jimin: unbelievably rude
don’t do it
i’m for real
y/n: but i wanna know
jimin: just accept the congrats and go
y/n: do you know something i don’t?
jimin: wtf no?
y/n. ur lying
jimin: i’m not
y/n: jimin
jimin: love of my life
apple of my eye
y/n: tell me
jimin: omg i LOVE that song
tell me tell me ttttell me
y/n: now
jimin: sorry idk what ur talking about
where did you go?
come back
talk to me
jimin: i’m preparing people for the future
y/n: ??????????
i’m NOT pregnant
jimin: you will be when i’m done with you ;)
y/n: wtf is wrong with you
jimin: a lot
y/n: i can tell
jimin: do you think i’m ugly be honest
y/n: right now yes
jimin: so you think i’m pretty other times 🥺🥺🥺
let’s have a baby
y/n: no
jimin: okay wtf
why not
y/n: ur literally about to be shipped off
you want to leave me with a baby??
jimin: why would you say that
now i’m upset
i’ll take the baby with me
y/n: …
jimin: no?
y/n: no
jimin: fine
our baby would be lowkey ugly anyways
y/n: excuse me?
jimin: problem?
y/n: why would our baby be ugly??
jimin: i mean…
y/n: you mean????
jimin: ur gonna have to just prove me wrong babe
y/n: ur not funny
jimin: did i make a joke???
y/n: you are the joke
jimin: i actually am not the joke
i never joke
super serious guy park jimin is
super shy too
new jeans core >.<
y/n: i’m done with you
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y/n: baby?
hobi: me?
y/n: no like an actual baby
hobi: ur having one?
y/n: no??
i’m not having one
hobi: oh
i’m sorry for ur loss
y/n: there was no loss
hobi: oh
was there a gain?
y/n: do you want there to be?
hobi: depends on the gain
y/n: the gain would be a baby
hobi: yikesss
that’s a pretty lame gain
why would i want you to have a baby?
y/n: um because you love me?
hobi: i wouldn’t be the father
i don’t see the point
y/n: ???
why wouldn’t you be the father?
hobi: i thought you were asking me if you could have a baby with someone else
y/n: what?
hobi: what?
i’m confused
y/n: I’M confused
hobi: why are we confused??
y/n: why would i ask you if i could have a baby with someone else???
hobi: feminism?
tho i do think it would be more of a feminist move if you didn’t ask me
ur spirt was in the right place tho
i’m sure the women will forgive you
y/n: what?
hobi: was i wrong??
y/n: what do you think?
hobi: it’s not my place to decide for a strong woman like urself
y/n: get a grip
hobi: grip gotten
y/n: is this ur way of dodging my baby proposal?
hobi: a baby what?
that sounds wrong
tf is a baby doing proposing???
ur a baby like drink milk or something
y/n: are you drunk??
hobi: nooooooooooooooooooooooooo
y/n: so ur tipsy?
hobi: tipsy topsy who cares
y/n: i do
i’m trying to ask you if you want to have a baby with me oh my god
hobi: omg do you love me or something???
that’s so crazy
y/n: bye have fun drinking
hobi: drinking heals me
y/n: that’s concerning
hobi: will i be a good dad
y/n: i’m sure you will
hobi: or will i kill myself due to the stress
y/n: oh
hobi: let’s find out babe
i’m ready
y/n: that did not sound like ready talk to me
we can talk about this tomorrow
hobi: if we think about it what can a baby do that i can’t???
y/n: keep me company
hobi: i do that all the time
do you hate me
if you hate me say 1
if you hate me and want me dead in a ditch by saturday night say 7
y/n: where are you right now?
hobi: jin’s house
i think
y/n: you think?
that’s the point
i’m all alone a baby would never leave me to go drink with jin
hobi: jin would be dead by the time our baby was born
he’s old
dojn’t tell him i said that
he might kick me out
i would be so upset
like this :cccccccccccc
and this 😭😭😭😪😓😓😓😰😰😨😨
not that i’ve done cokr befr don’t be scared of me babe
y/n: wow okay!
hobi: babies can’t even dance to dynamite i don’t see why you would want that in ur life
and i totally can dance to dynamite
sO i win
y/n: you are so right babe you go and have fun with jin!
hobi: see ur just so silly
and btw i realllly donnt do coke i swear it
y/n: 7
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sl-walker · 26 days
Color Cards for sale
Or: Custom nails!
There's now an updated post with more color cards here!
Want some professional looking stick/glue-on nails on a budget for yourself or someone else? Since I am still unemployed and my wife makes these stunning creations as art therapy, we're looking to sell them to keep us afloat and do things like buy food until I have a new job. (She already owned all the nail stuff.) So, if you want a set of truly gorgeous nails, take a look and contact me here or on that one chat app starting with a 'D' where I am also sl_walker.
Nails will be sent in a padded envelope with cardboard to protect them, though I might clip the longer color cards in two for mailing. Shipping is free! Probably you'll also get a handwritten note and maybe even a sketch from me. Several of these nail sets are three hours or more of work! And as you can see, they really are beautiful. Just ignore my very amateur photography, Tumblr's assholish image compression and the occasional cat hair. I promise I won't send any kitty dna with the nails. And you can also contact me and ask me for a set of pics emailed without compression.
As they're sold, I'll update this post by striking those through! And YES! SHE DOES CUSTOMS! If you want a custom color card (or loose nails once you know your sizes! I'll try to write the sizes on the color cards when I can see them), just contact me with a description and we'll let you know if she's able to do it. She can do cat meme nails, no joke. Or like-- fandom themed. So please do feel free to ask after that.
Also, if you request it, I'll throw in a little tube of nail glue, too.
1.) Autumn's Coming - $40
Stunning set of thirty nails, which means that you'll be able to find your exact size, but you might be able to wear a couple different sizes and have nails enough for two sets, too! Amidst the gorgeous fall-themed colors, you have cats eye magnetic metallic nails, plain color, blossom decals and a gorgeous coppery metallic crackle. They're shorter and with a blunt tip; in fact, I'm wearing a set right now, albeit in a different color theme.
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2.) Midcentury Modern - $26 (sold!)
A fun and lively set of thirty nails, including three half-sizes for more granular sizing. These stand out with flat orange and teal meeting beautiful holos in turquoise, navy, red-orange and orange! These have a sharper tip and look elegant as hell, no joke. Great for anyone who really wants to draw people's eyes to their hands or, if you're like me, just stand under bright light and stare at how pretty they are.
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3.) Good Omens - $30
This is a set of thirty nails. My wife's a huge fan of Sir Terry (sorry about the other guy) and so she came up with a Good Omens set! The red is metallic and magnetic cats eye with silver and white decals, while the white nails are themed in gold. I can definitely attest to how pretty these are, since she also made me a set of my own; I'm wearing them as I type (badly because I'm not used to wearing nails) and they're pretty enough for me to learn how to type with nail tips. LOL! She said to warn whoever bought them that she had to glue one back to the card. Sorry about that! It doesn't affect the nail itself.
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4.) Thinking of Spring - $36
Another set of thirty, this time more spring-themed! With some popping magnetic metallic green cats eyes interpersed with some softer pink/orange metallic magnetic starbursts, cats eye and be-dazzled, you also have the lovely decals adorning the white nails, too. This is another beautiful set that reflects a similar quality to the autumn themed nails.
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5.) Dusky - $26
A set of thirty, these are relatively simple by comparison: Done in a dusky metallic magnetic cats eye on one side and a brilliant, eyepopping holo on the other, they're classy and beautiful.
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6.) Better Call Prince - $24
This fun set of twenty-four is absolutely sparkly; with metallic purple on one side and purple holo on the other, all of them also have holographic decals on them! They're busy, but if you're a redneck like me (or just really love sparkly things!) they'll make you oooh when you see them live!
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7.) Pride - $18
This is a set of twenty-four. My wife actually made these for me, but they're too long for me. But boy, they sure are pretty. With the silver cats eye magnetic metallic on one side and the glittery rainbow on the other, this is a great set for you if you want something pretty with a relatively low price-tag!
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8.) The Art of Subtlety - $18
This set of twenty-four is actually more gorgeous the brighter the light. All one set, all the same, these beautiful cats eyes in a sedate blue actually have a subtle holo effect on top of the loveliness that is that magnetic metallic polish; I wasn't able to capture it, but it's there! These are great for business people who like to have pretty nails to tap on a table top as illustration for their annoyance while still having that whimsical underlying hint of color.
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9.) Slightly Better Than Business Casual - $16
This set of twenty-four is what my wife calls 'scratch and dent', not because they aren't pretty, but because there are a few minor flaws in the finish of the tips on the teal side. Despite that, they're a damn pretty set and will feed the cats for a few days!
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10.) Where There's Smoke - $26
The first set of matte nails on offer! This set of thirty (eleven regular, three half-sizes) is three different shades of matte gray, one more silvery/metallic and two more literally smoke-colored. Perfect for someone looking for that bit of elegance, no reflective topcoat necessary!
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