#yes i actually liked the weird neck corset
leeloooonfire · 3 months
Steve Harrington only wears a bra.
Well, not, only, he's also wearing bright orange swim shorts and a cap backward, too.
The top part, however? Hairy man boobs are prettily covered by a black lace bra with a sparkling strass stone in the middle.
Eddie might be a teeny tiny bit drunk (2 beers after months of abstinence and medication does that to a man), but not drunk enought to imagine Steve Harrington in a bra.
'Uh-', he says eloquently and tries not to stare too much at the other man sitting on what must be Buckley's bed. 'Am I interrupting something?'
Steve, face almost as pink as Erica's favourite shoes, opens his mouth to reply, but Robin, sitting crosslegged in front of him, is faster, 'Oh its just you. Close the door, Eds.'
Eddie isn't sure if she means 'close the door and leave, never talk to us about whatever weird kinky little thing we're doing right now' or 'come in, close the door and shut up'. He hesitates for a moment, studying Steve's pretty flushed face and Robin’s wiggling eyebrows before stepping into the room and closing the door behind him.
His hand is still on the door knob when he turns and finds Robin leaning against Steve’s hairy chest, one of her arms behind his back. She's fumbling with something, frustrated noises escape her closed lips while Steve simply sits still - like a statue. An Adonis statue wearing a bra.
'Fuck', Robin groans loudly, her forehead knocking against Steve's clavicle, his hand patting her head in condolence.
'Not to be judgmental', Eddie starts slowly as he leans against the book case right next to the door, 'But what are you guys doing?'
(Eddie thought Robin's a friend of Dorothy, so why is Steve fucking Harrington sitting dolled up in a delicate bra on her bed and they look like they're ready to make out?!)
When both Steve and Robin send him evil twin looks, he holds both his hands up in surrender, 'Like I said, not gonna judge you, whatever floats your boat or whatever, but what, exactly, is it that you're trying to do here?'
'Practice', Robin grumbles against Steve's chest, tugging behind his back again.
Steve grins, a bit lopsided and goofy, 'She's trying to open the bra with one hand.'
'It's just so much easier on myself,' she says, and now that Eddie knows what's happening, he can make out her hand tugging and fumbling with the hooks behind Steve's back.
'Ah,' Eddie says, again, rather eloquently. 'I should probably leave you to it, then.'
Before he can turn and go, however, Steve says, 'I heard that you're pretty good with your hands, Munson. Bet you can get it off me in no time.'
'Pfff- ' Robin makes, rolling her eyes, 'I wouldn't be so sure he's ever had a bra in his hands.'
And while Robin has flocked him as a raging homosexual as it seems, Eddie heard the rumours about him too: fingers dancing over his guitar, rolling the perfect joints, Eddie the freak Munson knows how to work his fingers. he doesn't hate this rumour at all. It's kind of nice - for his ego and all.
Yes, he hasn't opened a bra before, but he's met this hot goth dude in a corset before, and that's basically a bra with dozens of hooks. He is fairly sure he can open it with one hand and without looking. What he probably shouldn't do is coming too close to Steve Harrington, the man he's had a crush on since they survived the Upside Down together. Not with his naked skin and hairy chest and dark brown nipple peaking through the black lace of the undergarment.
But both Robin and Steve stare at him and Eddie doesn't run anymore - a challenge is a challenge.
'No problem,' he says far more confident than he actually feels and steps closer, one knee on the bed before Robin's even all out of the way.
'No looking,' she says as if she's explaining the rules to a game, 'chest to chest or face in his neck, but you can only use one hand and your eyes have to stay either closed or on him. Seriously no peeking.'
She shuffles out the way to make room for Eddie between Steve's long, also very naked, legs and Eddie swallows quietly before leaning closer.
Steve smells like sunscreen and grass, a bit like the pineapple they ate earlier before the kids left, and sweat. He smells devine and before Eddie can think clearly, he presses his face into Steve's neck. He feels Steve shudder when his damp lips accidentally meet his sun kissed skin and Eddie feels like he's going crazy. What is he doing? Why is he doing it? Even the slightest touch sends shockwaves through his body. God, he's gone so bad for Steve Harrington.
'Ready?' Robin asks, apparently unaware of Eddie's dilemma or the way Steve's pulse is fluttering like a hummingbird right against Eddie's nose. 'Go!'
He sneaks his right arm around Steve, who jumps slightly the moment Eddie's fingertips brush against his shoulder blades. To keep him still, Eddie's left hand reaches for Steve's waist almost automatically. He doesn't try to focus too much on the way goosebumps spread under his fingers and the way Steve literally whines into Eddie's ear. His right hand follows the scratchy lace, nails lightly scratching Steve's skin, until he finds the hooks.
Thumb under the fabric and pointer and middle finger pressing against it, he feels the first hook opening after less than a heartbeat. For a moment, Eddie doesn't want to open the other two and therefore lose any reason to be so close to Steve.
Steve, who has his nose pressed against Eddie's hair and hand curled into Eddie's shirt, slightly tugging as if .... Well, as if to ask for permission to take it off. Eddie doesn't even know when he had the time to grab for the shirt in the first place.
Eddie moves his hand and the second hook opens. He turns his face, brings a bit more space between them to look at Steve. His cheeks are scarlet, lips shiney with spit and when he opens his eyes after mere seconds of Eddie staring at him, he can see that Steve's pupils are dilated, eyes dark with want.
The last hook springs free and without turning his eyes away, Eddie gently brushes the strap off Steve's broad shoulder. Steve quietly whimpers and pushes harder against Eddie's shirt as if to tear it off his body.
'Eddie', he whispers, licking his lips and Eddie just wants everything Steve is ready to offer.
'Ohhh okay, I think I'll leave you two alone', he hears the slightly panicked voice of Robin and then a door opening and closing.
And Eddie leans in...
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uluvjay · 1 year
from last 2 prompt 33 and 69 with mark estapa where him and reader have been arguing back and forth so it’s angsty with tensionnn
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Mark Estapa x fem reader!
warnings?; Cursing, light arguing, small fist fight, party scene, underage drinking, frat house, yelling
i figured this meant list 2 so thats what i went with! hope you enjoyed anon
33. "your not going out dressed like that"
69. "if you interrupt me one more time-so help me god"
You and Mark had been arguing all day and it had been over the smallest things but it was enough to have both of you in pissy moods hours later. Everyone was currently getting ready to go to some frat party, Mark had been downstairs with the guys for a little now while you finished getting ready.
as you made it down the stairs mark turned around and the content look on his face was immediately replaced by a pissed off one.
"you're not going out like that" he told you while looking you up and down.
"um yes i am" you laughed at him, you knew your corset top would piss him off and that was your reason you decided to wear it but you had to act annoyed.
"No your not, your not wearing something that your tits ar-" he started but got cut off by Ethan
"Guys! we are going to be late so you can either stand here and yell at one another again, like you have been all day or get your asses out the door" he told both of you, giving you both a dad look.
"Dude! her boobs are almost out, I'm not trying to have some dude be weird towards her" Mark tried but all of the guys were over both of you at this point.
"You have ninety penalty minuets i think you can handle someone if they're weird to her, now get the fuck out of the house" Ethan said and you could hear the annoyance in his voice so you decided to be the bigger person and walk past Mark and out the front door.
Unlike himself to usually do Mark had left you early into the party and because of it you were throwing shot after shot back in the kitchen with some random girl. You felt like shit that your boyfriend was so upset with you that he wouldn't stay and party with you like he usually did, so you used vodka shots to cover the guilt.
"What's your reasoning for getting wasted?" she asked after you both finished your third shot.
"My boyfriend's mad at me and won't even hang out with me" you told her with a pitiful shrug.
"is that his jersey number?" she asked pointing to your neck where you had a '94' pendant necklace that mark had gotten you for your one year.
"yeah he plays hockey" you told her with a smile, you loved talking about Mark especially when drunk.
"ohh a hockey player, good luck with that" she laughed before telling you bye and leaving the kitchen.
you couldn't help but stand there in your thoughts for a moment, you knew Mark would never, he loved you and he showed you on a daily basis how much he loved you. He actually walked around with a shirt that said "i love my girlfriend" that he'd bought for himself and was extremely happy to show you when it came in the mail, but your alcohol influenced made you think he hated you in the moment
You looked all over the first floor of the house and didn't see him and right as you began to panic you saw a concerned Dylan walking towards you. "Y/n! you need to come outside right now" he told you grabbing your arm and pulling you with him. You had to have asked him a million questions but he ignored them all just pulling you to a growing crowd outside.
As you got to the front you seen Nolan, Jay, and Ethan all pulling Mark away from some dude that was holding a bleeding nose. "What the fuck happened Dylan!?" you asked the boy next to you.
"we were playing pong when that guy and his friend asked for a round against us and then the one that's bleeding asked mark that if they won could he get a night with you and told Mark how good he thought you look in that top and Mark just went crazy" he explained causing you to shake your head and make your way over to where the guys were calming Mark down.
Hearing footsteps approaching Mackie turned around and his face immediately dropped before he made his way to you, "No I'm sorry, i love you Y/n but i don't want him lashing out on you, he needs to calm down" he told you, not letting you any closer.
"Is that Y/n?" you heard your boyfriend ask and watched Mackie take a frustrated deep breath before telling him yes.
"Let her over here I'm fine and we need a second alone" you watched as all the boys looked at each other before Nolan gave the nod okay and everyone started walking away from Mark.
You made your way to him but he stopped you before you could throw your arms around him and ask if he was okay, "I'm upset with you right now" he told you.
"I know and I-" you started but he cut you off
"No let me talk and if you interrupt me one more time i-" but before he could finish you did interrupt him
"Mark just listen for one second"
"So help me god! Y/n I am trying to talk so just shut the fuck up for a damn minuet and let me get my words out" he exclaimed and for once you did listen.
He was waiting for a braty reply but didn't get one and as he looked down at you to begin talking he noticed the new look in your eyes and how you were rubbing your thighs together.
"Are you turned on right now?" he asked with a smirk on his face
you looked down at your feet before answering him, "A little, I'm drunk and then duker said you stood up for me and then putting me in my place kinda got me going" you shrugged.
He didn't reply you just felt him pull on your wrist and looked up to see that you were heading towards the back gate to get out of the yard.
"Where are we going?" you asked
"Home so i can fuck you and then when we wake up tomorrow we can talk about what happened today"
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airplanned · 2 years
Proposition Part 6
It’s the end!  And (as promised in part 1) it is Explicit.
(And having the back half of this sitting in a file on my computer for the last week while people were weird has been a *strange* experience.  Let me tell you.)
Link focused so hard on not looking suspicious that he barely paid attention to where he was going until he was standing between the two guards posted by her office and knocking at the door. 
Usually, she called him in, but today she opened the door, glanced at him, and turned to the two guards.  "We have to discuss security at the dinner tonight.  Wait at the end of the hall.  I am not to be disturbed."
The guards bowed and walked off, taking up stations at the end of the long hall.  
Later in the day, she would have to get ready in a fancy gown.  On days like that, it was her habit to dress down the rest of the day, just to not require her lady's maids to dress her twice.  The guards and the castle staff didn't care, and it wasn't as if she were going to see anyone important in the morning.  So her hair was down, and she had on a long dressing gown of deep blue with thick gold brocade around the cuffs and the hem.  It crossed over her chest low enough to show a hint of the thin gray dress she wore underneath.  It all looked like silk.
And no one would think this was weird.
She lifted her eyebrows at him, and he stepped inside, locking the door behind him, and going straight to pull the curtains closed.  Was that good enough?  Were there gaps?  No, it seemed good enough.
He turned to find her hesitating by her desk, one hand lingering on it as if it gave her strength.  
And then they just stared at each other.  From ten feet apart.
She didn't look nervous, exactly.  But there was a line between her eyebrows that was not usually there.  She wasn't sure what he would do.
He wasn't sure what he would do either.
Stepping forward, he took her hand and pressed another kiss to it, before placing it on the back of his neck and sliding his hands to her waist.  She always seemed like such a large presence, but when he was actually touching her, when he could feel the thin fabric of her clothes, she seemed smaller.  Warmer.  More human.  He let his forehead rest against hers, and one of her hands crept to his shoulder.
"We can pretend that you've bought me a drink."
"Do you come here often?" he asked.
"Oh, yes.  I practically live here."
He snorted, and her eyes danced with mischief, her smile ticking up at the corners.
It was easy to kiss her.  Easy to guide her close against his chest.  Easy to let a wave of fuzzy contentment settle over him.
Her fingers trailed up the back of his neck to thread through the short hair on the base of his skull.  And he let his hands roam down to the swell of her hips, up to her shoulders, her dressing gown skating under his hands.
He mapped the slopes over her back and the valleys of her sides against the palms of his hands, and when he went to map her breast a low note rolled in the back of her throat.  Her usual armor-like corset had been abandoned for the morning, her flesh pliant under his hand.  His thumb rubbed circles against her nipple until her breath came in puffs and she had trouble concentrating on the kiss, and he ducked his head to kiss down her long neck, to breathe in the scent of her skin, of her hair, letting it overwhelm him.
She squirmed closer, her hand squeezing on his arm, until her hands clawed between them and pulled at the buttons down the front of his jacket.  They got the jacket off a bit frantically, his tongue laving over the pulse point under her ear the whole time as they both scrambled to get his jacket shoved off and dropped to the floor.  She took hold of his face with both hands to kiss him and drag him forward towards the sofa, while he shoved up the sleeves of his undershirt, took hold of her hips, and walked her backwards.
Any grace they had landing on the sofa was all her and not him.  It seemed she folded him into an embrace, welcoming and warm, melding beneath him and around him until he was settled snug with his hips between her thighs.  Her hands explored while he kissed her--his face and his hair, his shoulders and arms, down to his waist and then gripping at his back.  The call of her skin rang in his mind until he kissed his way down her chest and drew up the thin layers of her dress until he could dimple her thigh under his thumb.  Her skin was as soft as her gown, and her nails bit into his scalp with a gasp as his tongue slipped under the loose neckline of her gown to find her nipple again.
Maybe he teased her more than he needed to, but the soft, breathy sounds she made and the way she moved under him made him want to draw more out of her, and by the time he pressed his fingers between her legs, her thin underwear was so damp he needed to press his forehead to her collarbone and swear.
They scrambled to get her underwear off in a flash of legs and pale skin, and they were both too heated and dizzy to care about any lack of gracefulness.  He pressed his face to her neck to better hear her gasp into his ear as he worked his fingers against her.  Strumming.  Coaxing.  Urging.  Following every roll and stutter of her hips.  She was gorgeous as she fell apart, as her breath came in heaving pants and her fingers locked tight around his arms, as his thoughts clouded with lust until he breathed, yes yes into her ear, his fingers rubbing frantically against a spot she particularly liked.
Her eyes squeezed closed, her nose wrinkling in a way he'd later think of as cute but at the time he was throbbing with far too much want to think of such things.  Her whole body seized, holding him tight, thrumming against the tips of his fingers.  He stroked against that thrumming, chasing it, drawing it out.  Then with a puff of a sigh, her whole body went limp.
With her body warm and relaxed, he slipped a finger inside her and nearly groaned at how good she felt.  A second finger.  They went in so easily, and she hummed, her hips twitching into canting along with him.  Her insides still pulsed as he slowly spread his fingers, and he buried a desperate open-mouthed kiss under her jaw, her tired laugh vibrating under his tongue.
Her hand found the front of his pants, and he hissed as she stroked him, popping open the button.
"It's alright to look smug," he said, and maybe it came out too much like he was choking.
Her hand made it inside his pants to stroke him through his underwear, and she opened her dreamy eyes and smirked at him.  A part of him that he couldn't ignore any more always liked it when she smiled, and a part of him definitely liked that she looked pleased to discover he wanted her so badly, but all his brain could process in that moment was that she must like the size of his cock.  It set a growl in his chest as he kissed her hard and shoved down his pants, lined himself up, and slid inside.
They both broke the kiss to gasp.  And she felt so damned good--so warm and welcoming, holding him so tight that it sent a deep possessiveness through every one of his muscles. Her legs and arms shook around him, clinging to him, wanting him there, her head thrown back as if she couldn't get enough air.  He pulled his hips out and then back in, black flickering across his vision, but before he could set up a rhythm, her legs locked around his, and she grabbed his ass to hold him in place.  
"Stay," she gasped, her voice cracking.  Her eyes opened to give him a look that was dark and demanding and wanting.  "Like this."
Holding him tight, she rolled her hips, and he grabbed for her to keep them locked together, following her lead to rock into her and stay buried deep.  He kissed her with an urgency that pounded in his chest even as their hips kept a slow, steady tempo that pulsed warm and home and  I'm yours.  
Her hand clawed up the back of his shirt to leave nail marks on his back, and his wandering hand found her perfect round ass to change their angle and go just a little bit deeper.
Her forehead pressed to his, looking up through her eyelashes, and murmured, "It's alright to look stern."
He didn't really feel stern at the moment, but he narrowed his eyes at her like he was so used to doing, and his next thrusts were harder.
Her head fell back, her lips parting around a beatific grin.  And oh Goddesses she liked that and oh, yes, fuck.
The pleasure was a release, a release of all the times he’d tried to put distance between them and all the times he’d lied to himself.  When the buzzing ring of perfection faded, he was sweaty and shaking and kissing her, her hands cupping his face in the most gentle way possible.
She hummed, then pulled out of the kiss to smile up at him.  
He was doomed.  Absolutely doomed.  He couldn't find it in himself to care.
"You look a wreck," she said, running her hand through his hair.
He sighed.  "We should get cleaned up."  
He tried to pull away, but she said, "Wait," tightening her legs around his waist and grabbing at his lower back.  
He froze, then looked down at her.  
"Could...we stay like this?  For just a while longer?"
Something wildly possessive tore through his chest.  She wanted him to stay.  Bound together and intimate.  He must have looked a little awestruck, but he swallowed hard and said, "Okay."
"Okay."  She pulled him into a kiss, slow and lazy, and there was no need at all at this point for them to be kissing.  
He hissed as something inside her tightened around him.  When she did it again, he blinked down to find her smirking up at him.
"Are you doing that on purpose?"
"I wasn't at first but--"
He hissed.
"--Yes.  I am now."
He pressed his forehead to the side of her face.  Goddess, that was nice, not enough to be arousing exactly in his spent state, but enough to send thrums of pleasure through his whole body.  Enough to keep him mildly on edge.  Enough to make him want to snuggle in closer and never get up and just let her tease him like this forever.
He warned her, "I'm not going to be able to give you anything more for a while."
"That's alright," she said, closing her eyes.  "You can start on your security briefing."
"My...my what?"
"Your security briefing.  The one that you insist has to happen and it has to take a half an hour."
"Goddesses, what time is it?"
She didn't move to look.  Her fingers toyed with the hair at the back of his neck.  Again, she squeezed around him.
"You can't possibly want me to start talking about security right now."
"I'm comfortable.  And it's important to you."
"It's really important."
"Yes, I understand."
He stared down at her, at the way her eyelashes brushed across her cheeks and the way her lips were kissed red.
"We just don't have any professional boundaries anymore, do we?"
She hummed, drawing him down for another kiss.
The queen looked resplendent in her ball gown for the state dinner.  She glided with her chin high.  She didn't look at him and he didn't look at her, and he followed four spaces behind her.  She was poised and dignified and delightful all through dinner, charming all the nobles and advisors and generals, slipping in a few steely words here and there to remind people who was in charge here.
Link made sure no one was assassinated, and no one crashed the party, and that the royal guard stay unnoticed when they needed to be and slipped into view if ever anyone needed reminding that they were guests in Her Majesty's home.
They finished well after midnight, the queen looking just as fresh and poised as she had when she arrived.  Link fell into step beside her to escort her back to her rooms.
When they entered the mostly abandoned private wing, he asked one of the questions he'd tried not to think about all night, "What if it didn't take?"
She picked up this sudden conversation without any confusion.  "What would you like to do?"
"Just.  Maybe we should try again.  Just in case.  Even though it's Wednesday."
She nodded as she thought, then stopped as they came to the door of her rooms.
"Maybe, it's a good thing you know more than one way to my rooms.  Goodnight, Captain."
Then she slipped inside and closed the door softly behind her.
A few months later, Zelda interrupted court to stand from her throne in a burst of light.  Her face awed and her arms reaching tot he sky, before lowering to her belly.  And for years and years, people marveled at the miracle given to the queen who saved them from the twilight.
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There’s a clip somewhere on Twitter of a HOTD designer describing the process of creating Rhaenys’ armor. Within that clip, there’s a snippet of Eve saying that she’s been told “it looks amazing, but it’s really uncomfortable.” This further proves my own personal headcanon that Rhaenys rejects any form of corsetry. If you watch back to literally ANY of her scenes, and look closely, you can tell that there is no structural support to her torso (this is made even more apparent in her scene with Rhaenyra in episode two).
And I would hate for this to turn into a whole “fuck the patriarchy” thing that Rhaenys pulls (because apparently corsets represent the oppressiveness of male absolutism… they do not). I just think that Rhaenys forgoing a corset makes sense for her because she’s a feral dragon lady who wants to run around in knee high boots and tunics three and a half sizes too big for her.
It’s like when Maggie Smith was allowed to go without a corset during Downton Abbey because she promised to “sit very straight.”
Apologies for the lengthy message, I thought you would find it interesting considering the several costume analysis posts on your dash. <3
Ooh yes its from the BTS featurette "The House That Dragons Built." And yes the entire concept of women's undergarments on these GoT shows fascinates me to no end.
I should mention that I know there are dozens of forms of bodices, stays, jumps, corsets etc and most of them are actually quite comfortable and not at all the stereotype of the extreme waist cinching 'I can't breathe' ones found in a lot of movies. This is gonna be more of a 'study in shapes' than anything technical lol.
You can certainly see in this picture below that Rhaenys isn't wearing what we traditonally call a 'corset' (ie, something that creates a full-abdomen structured, cinched look with a V silhouette). Her bust is clearly defined/rounded and there's a distinct fold in her stomach. As someone who has experience wearing corsetry, that is NOT what a full 'corset' looks like, nor how you sit in them.
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In contrast, look at Rhaenyra's dress from epiosde 8. It's much stiffer and structured in the bust (and yes women would traditonally wear corsetry while pregnant, it was perfectly normal and safe).
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Eve Best mentioned in her interview with EW's West of Westeros podcast that she actually had a hand in designing her armor. They had initially designed a neck guard and she asked for it to be removed because she knew she was going to need to move and be flexible up on the dragon. I also assume it's a similar reason why they didn't give her any clunky full-armored sleeves. Her dresses in general also seem to follow this idea: they all have a very simple silhouette with no fussy sleeves or impractical style choices. So yes Rhaenys (and Eve) 100% loveeee comfort and to be able to run around being feral; I fully agree.
And I have wondered if Rhaenys is not wearing a 'corset', then what is she meant to be wearing? Based on my rudimentary knowledge of historical fashion, the medieval period is kinda weird in that we don't actually know what they wore as underwear? The GoT show styles are subsequently all over the place (there's so much reddit discourse on this, so I won't repeat it here). My best guess is that she may be wearing some kind of underbust short stays similar to the those of the Regency era. (And again, historical fashion people please forgive me.)
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This kind of garment would provide bust support to create that more rounded look, plus allow mobility of the abdomen. You also traditonally wear a chemise under corsetry (you do NOT want hard boning flush against your skin, it chafes soooo much) so that fabric layer itself would also provide some structure to the bust.
If anyone has a better idea, please let me know!
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infoglitch · 1 year
Oh... Oh GOD. Im suffering! Atleast you guys don't have to wait for the entirety of the next page of the rwby rewrite in silence. (I'm giving you all the tidbit to enjoy while I suffer writing this because I don't feel like making a three-parter. I've done it before and I hated doing it. Felt like a cop out. Anyway y'all better be eating.)
Our focus changes to jaune who is in some kind of locker room as he managed to find a locker as he put some stuff in specifically a box of pumpkin Pete cereal.
He sighed after getting all of the unnecessarys in the locker. He closed it as he began to hear people entering the locker room.
"Thank the brothers I got here early." He spoke softly as he then noticed the locker next to him opened as he peeked around and saw a familiar woman with bright vermilion hair strung up in a pony tail. She wore a golden armored corset aswell as a black body suit underneath with a gold plate armor chest piece covering her upper body. Along with that she wore golden kneepads and shin guards. She also wore long black gloves over her hands with the symbol of a maple leaf on the back hand of both gloves. She also had a golden arm guard on her right arm. The most defining addition to her outfit was red sash the hanged out from the side of her body suit.
Jaunes eyes stared at the marvel of a woman infront of him before he muttered a simple "hello". The woman immediately turned on her heel to face him.
"Oh hi there! Who might you be?" The woman said as jaune shook his head before speaking his. "Jaune d'arc. Nice to meet you." Jaune spoke as he waved at her.
The woman seemed to detense as she stuck out her hand. "Pyrrha Nikos. It's a pleasure." Pyrrha spoke as jaune looked at her hand before shaking it. As jaune looked at her he felt a memory pop into his head. "Hey um. Weird question but you wouldn't happen to have been on a box of pumpkin Pete cereal have you" jaune asked as pyrrha looked at him Abit surprised.
"Yes actually. Though it was only for a month. The companies support is one of the reasons I'm here. Who knew sponsorships could get you into a huntsmen academy." Pyrrha answered as she pulled away from the handshake as she rubbed the back of her neck. Jaune had a shimmer in his eyes as he began to babble on about cereal trivia as pyrrha just listened oddly amazed by all the pieces of trivia of cereal history.
Suddenly a small chuckle was heard as the two looked to see Weiss walking in. "I'll be honest madam pyrrha I never took you for a cereal enthusiast." She said smiling Abit as jaune had small blush on his face as pyrrha just rolled her eyes at the mention of "madam pyrrha".
"Weiss schnee. What a surprise. Aren't you supposed to be counting your mountains of lien." Pyrrha spoke coldly as she crossed her arms. Weiss seemed a bit taken aback but kept walking until she was right infront of the vermilion gladiator. Weiss stuck out her hand as she smiled a bit. "I would love to be friends with you." Weiss spoke with confidence as pyrrha just stared at her observing her bodies disposition. "U-um Id like to be friends-" jaune spoke up which caught Pyrrha off guard. She had forgotten he was behind her listening to everything. She turned back to Weiss who was no longer staring at pyrrha instead just glaring at the blonde knight. Jaune just piped down as he opened his locker and made it look like he was looking for something.
Weiss turned her attention back to pyrrha as she Changed to a friendly disposition. "So about my request-"
"No." Pyrrha interrupted the schnee heiress as she had a aura of dangerous intent. "O-oh. Ok then. I apologize for bothering you madam pyrrha" Weiss spoke as she spoke as she curtsied before heading back to locker.
"Did I ruin the chance?"  jaune asked as pyrrha looked at him her posture softening as she shook her head. "No. I just don't like making friends who give off... How do I put it?" Pyrrha spoke as she tapped her chin. "Off energy?" Jaune said as pyrrha snapped her fingers. "Yeah that! Now then how about we head to the exam course" Pyrrha spoke as she grabbed jaune by his hoodie as she walked off with the blonde knight as we see a defeated Weiss rummaging through her locker before feeling a pat on her back as yang stood by her. "You'll get on her good side soon ice queen." Yang had a large stupid smirk as she talked which Weiss just grumbled at. Stupid blondes.
I promise I'm working it's just really annoying switching perspectives between like 8 CHARACTERS!
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hopepaigeturner · 1 year
A Bridgeton Boyband AU inspired by my YouTube reel.
AKA Benophie= Andrew Garfield & Amelia Dimoldenburg.
“I think you’re great.”
Sophie almost dropped the microphone.
Benedict Bridgeton continued fiddling with his cuffs.
“Yeah, I think you’re great.”
“Do you know who I am?” Sophie gasped, her nonchalant demeanour slipping. “You’re kidding me.”
“Ofcourse I’ve seen all your Chicken Shop things.” He gave her his signature heart-dropping smile.
“No!” Sophie noticed her best friend, and fellow producer, Kate Sharma sending major eye signals from behind the camera. Sophie cleared her throat and drew the persona back on. “I’ve been trying to get a date with you for a while, actually.”
“Really? Well, I haven’t got the memo.” He started swaying slightly on the balls of his feet.
“I’m asking you out right now.”
A pause, as his eyes drifted to her—lips?
“But, you do date a lot of people,” he whipped back.
“Yeah, and?” He seemed tongue tied, and Sophie wished to smirk.
“Oh no, it’s wonderful, it’s just like…I don’t know, I just don’t feel special, I guess.” He ran a hand through his hair, once again moving his gae. For some reason he always seemed in motion.
“No way, you are the most special.”
Again a fleeting lag before he replied.
“Right…I bet you say that to all the guys.”
“No, no, this is the first person I’ve called special tonight…especially with your armpits.” She winked and he went pink, hand rubbing the back of his neck.
“Oh gosh, yeah, I tried to cut that. It looked like I was really into my—”
Benedict laughed and Sophie grinned.
“No, I think it was my favourite image.”
“It’s the background of my phone.”
He started laughing and Sophie’s heart quickened.
“I don’t know what that says about you.”
“What? You look hot!” she cried back.
“So, do you have an armpit thing? That’s very sweet.”
Sophie felt her own cheeks flush.
“No, no I don’t have an armpit thing.”
“Just that particular one?” he teased.
“Look I’m giving you a compliment, you look really good, so just take the compliment.”
“I’ll take the compliment…You look beautiful as well, you look wonderful.”  
“Oh, thank you.” Her smug, breathy smile might not have been a complete act. He looked her up and down, Sophie felt herself quiver.
“Oh wow…”
“Yes, just a lot of silk,” she gestured around her corset, bundled by the waist in an aesthetic knot of some type. She noticed his eyes following her hands.
“Mhmm, had to spruce things up in all the monochrome…like yourself.”
He laughed again tugging at the navy shirt he wore under the suit.
“What can I say, I love breaking tradition.”
“Which is why we should go on a date.”
“Yeah, defintiley.”
“Great. I’ll see you there.”
“Not unless I see you first.”
Someone came up to him and whispered in his ear.
“You ditching me?” Sophie joked although her stomach sank.
“Unfortunately, I am, but it was really lovely to meet you, really lovely.”
“It was lovely to meet you too,” she replied as he was led away. But at the last moment he turned back.
“Yeah, cause  it’s weird what you do—"
“Is it?”
Far too easy. This boy was far too much fun.
“No, no. It’s a good weird. It’s a very specific thing you do.” Benedict seemed to settle, eyes no longer flitting, but staying on hers. “And like…unique in that. And I appreciate, what you do.”
A lag—no, a definite pause, as they gased at each other. Someone coughed from behind the camera.
“I appreciate you too.”
Another smile, a little less smug but even more charming.
“Bye, see ya!” she chimed back before turning to the camera with a haunted look in her eye that would give Emma Chamberlin a run for her money.
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mimeparadox · 1 year
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コルセットの日, or Corset Day, is one of those yearly things that that please me to an irrational degree--like, more than Halloween. An entire day to celebrate one of my favorite things in the world, and in which people post awesome pictures of their awesome, hot, weird, fashionable, bold selves? Yes, please. While part of me wishes it weren't largely limited to the Japanese corset community that started it, that's also a large part of it's appeal: it feels like a secret, exciting, pure thing.
In any case, despite the fact that August 8--because eights are tightlaced zeroes--occurs in what is probably one of the worst times for corset-wearing in at least half the world--certainly in my own neck of the woods--I always try to whip up an outfit for the occasion. Fortunately, the weather gods favored me with a day that was actually cool and not terribly humid, and so I was able to take a few pictures of what is probably my ideal personal aesthetic.
Corsets are awesome, y'all.
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andvys · 1 year
While Gareth and Frankie were prepared for your little plan, the rest of your friends had no idea what you were about to do. You were glad that Wayne left a few minutes before you though, you don’t want to give that poor man a heart attack. 
idk why but i read gwyneth instead of gareth and now he's gonna be gwyneth paltrow in my head
“Oh,” Eddie laughs, scratching the back of his neck, “well, just stuff we did before..” 
gay icons fr
“I’m really proud of you, man. You made it, you made your dreams come true and you found the girl. You’re living the life, Eds.”
he's living our dream life 😔
Eddie was always a bit emotional, tears always welled up in his eyes easily, his father always made him feel weak for crying, ‘men don’t cry’. It’s bullshit and luckily, Eddie always knew that. He never listened to the things his father told him, he wasn’t exactly a great example anyways. He never lived by the things he tries to teach him, he wanted to be nothing like him. 
AWWWW :(((
“Okay,” you shrug, “you better get in the shower, I’m not sleeping next to your sweaty ass.” 
He nods, grinning at you as he takes his sweater off, folding it neatly on the couch, his jeans following. 
🤨 proof? 📸
“I liked Eddie,” he admits, the lingering sadness in his eyes makes you frown, “but uh, I wasn’t really aware of my feelings back then– well, I was but I wasn’t very acceptive of them. I knew we would never work out so I never tried anything. We were close, we did things together that I certainly wouldn’t do with other friends but he never showed me that he would actually want anything more than that and I was clearly too scared to make a move.”
oh that's so sad :(
As you lay here between two people that mean everything to you, you realize that things aren’t as bad as you thought they would be. Your friends here, they came here just for you. Steve is here, his presence calms you and most importantly, you have him. 
“What’s up with you, smiley?” Eddie asks. 
I READ THAT AS SMELLY 😭 i thought my eyesight got worse and it's quite obvious now 😭
“Sounds like the title of a bad porn movie,” Eddie chuckles in amusement. 
You hated saying goodbye to Steve, again but he promised to come to Los Angeles when the tour is over. 
bye steve :(
“Yes, just like that!” The photographer, Phil, yells. “Give us more, girl.” 
phil is my new favorite character
“Did he just say male model?” Steve gasps. 
me and steve are grabbing popcorn rn
The corset hugs your waist and your chest tightly, the tiny little skirt does absolutely nothing to cover your ass and of course, they made you wear a fucking thong. The stockings on your legs and the high heels make you look dangerous. 
im phil suddenly 😳📸
“Every time someone looks at you or even touches you, I wanna rip their fucking hands off.” 
oh 🤨 pls don't tho 😁
That feeling of nausea has been haunting you for the past two weeks, every morning and night, you feel like you’re about to puke your guts out but nothing ever comes out. You barely eat, you struggle to do so. Every time you even bite into something, the bile in your throat rises and the panic settles in your chest– that weird feeling when you know you’re about to throw up. 
oh fuck no
“Hey sweet thing, long time no see,” he smiles. His eyes stop at the hand attached to your hip and he chuckles a little before he looks at Eddie who clenches his jaw at the pet name. 
fuck that guy 😐
One, the stupid baggie that contains that white powder that will definitely ruin your life. 
He stares at the two lines, positive.��
ANDY WHAT THE HELL!! YOURE KILLING ME WITH THESE CHAPTERS OMGGG i loved this one so so much 🥹 even though it was full of surprises it was so nice to read 🫶 amazing as always!!
NOT GWYNETH LMAO! that's his new name now😌
the gay icons never made it :( ugh they should've dated and then added reader to the relationship, Eddie that dumbass 😔
Should we bring back Phil? He needs to take photos of the gay icons
"FUCK THEM KIDS" HAHA I'm sorry, Steve came too hard 😭
I'm happy you liked it🥺❤️
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viastro · 4 years
two missions [REMAKE] | yoon jeonghan
ミ★ synopsis: in which you and jeonghan go on an undercover mission to a gala to get info on one of south korea’s largest drug cartels.
ミ★ genre: undercover agents!jeonghan and reader, previous assassins!jeonghan and reader, humor, some fluff, some suspense 
ミ★ warnings: spiked drinks, mentions of drugs, implications of murder, slightly suggestive
ミ★ word count: 6,469
ミ★ pairings: yoon jeonghan x female reader
ミ★ notes: hi guys! in honor of my one year here on tumblr, i decided to remake my very first oneshot. i was originally planning to just delete the previous version of two missions, but it’s the first oneshot i posted and i feel like that makes it have some value. i will not be linking the original as i actually dislike it a lot so AJKGBRK i tried to make this more inclusive than it used to be as i feel that was a big problem in the first version, so i hope you guys enjoy this! happy one year of viastro !!
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“So you’re telling me that your next mission is to be Jeonghan’s wife again? How do you survive when you have a raging crush on the man...” Mingyu whispers rather loudly through his mouthful of french fries. You immediately turn to glare at your pretty friend, smacking his arm. “Bitch! Why would you say that so loud? While you’re still chewing your fries no less.”
Mingyu giggles in response, putting a fry into your mouth to try and calm you down. You chew it nervously, glancing over at Jeonghan talking to one of your coworkers as they stare up at the menu. Your heart pounds against your chest as your eyes trail over him. His blue dress shirt is tucked into black slacks, and you take notice of his new undercut.
“I honestly don’t know how I survive. The time he slept at my apartment? I almost fucking died because of how nervous I was. My heart stutters whenever he smiles at me, I don’t know why Cheol keeps making me be his partner on our undercover operations.” You mutter absentmindedly, watching as he tilts his head while he tries to decide what to order. Mingyu rolls his eyes, now slapping your shoulder, making you let out a whine.
“You know exactly why Cheol keeps pairing up the two of you. Not only because he knows of your little crush, but the two of you were both assassins before you became secret agents. Not to mention the fact that you look good together. That’s why Cheol makes you both a married couple whenever the operation calls for it.” Mingyu explains, and you purse your lips, turning back towards Jeonghan.
Jeonghan was transferred to your department last year, and the first time the two of you met was rather humiliating to say the least as you’ve never seen a man as beautiful as him. Not to say that your coworkers aren’t pretty, but Jeonghan was the only one to make your normally composed demeanor crumble. Mingyu still likes to make fun of you for it to this day.
“Everyone, this is Yoon Jeonghan. He’s the new recruit in our team, used to be a trained assassin but now he’s with us. He’s one of our strongest next to yn.” Seungcheol announces, eyes trailing over the eleven guys, squinting when he doesn’t find you among the crowd.
“Where’s yn?”
Joshua points towards the restrooms, “Yn went to the bathroom, you know how she always flosses after lunch.”
Seungcheol sighs, knowing very well how much you care about your dental hygiene. He’s about to dismiss everyone when the door to the bathroom shuts, and everyone turns to glance at you.
“Guys, we can’t ever have jajangmyeon for lunch again. Do you know how many times I just had to brush my teeth? Because it wasn’t pleasant-”
“No, Cheol. You have to hear this cause I know how much you enjoy your jajangmyeon. Also, we have to talk about using the mini before you go spray bottles I got each of you for Christmas because I’m sick and tired of walking into the restroom just to have it smell like absolute as-'' You halt your movements when you finally look up from the floor, only to lock eyes with the most ethereal man you’ve ever seen in your life. His blonde hair is parted down the middle, falling a bit past his sharp eyes. His cheekbones are prominent, pairing well with his delicate nose and lips. He’s sporting an amused smile, and you audibly gulp at the sight.
“Yn, this is Yoon Jeonghan. He’s the new recruit.” Seungcheol introduces, holding back his own laughter at how shellshocked you appear. You realize that the rest of your coworkers are also trying to keep their composure due to their shaking shoulders, but you continue to stare at the angel in awe. Jeonghan finally raises his hand up and waves,
You smile awkwardly and wave back, before hurrying over to Minghao and hiding behind him and Jun. You hear the two begin to snicker, and you slap their backs, feeling warmth flood your face.
“This is fucking humiliating.”
You find yourself smiling subconsciously when Jeonghan laughs at something Eunhee said, heart warm from the angelic sound. Jeonghan feels a pair of eyes on him, and he turns his head, only to lock eyes with you. Your breath hitches and you immediately turn away and rest your forehead onto Mingyu’s shoulder, making the latter laugh as he waves towards Jeonghan.
Jeonghan’s eyebrows furrow a bit at the affectionate gesture, but grins and waves back at Mingyu when the tall man greets him. His attention is demanded once he hears his order being called, and he turns back to the counter, attention suddenly focused solely on filling his empty stomach.
“You know you’re just humiliating yourself by avoiding eye contact each time he catches your eye, right?” Mingyu asks through his smile, and you squeeze your eyes shut, knowing that it’s true.
“Shut your whore mouth.”
“That was unprovoked?!”
You lift your head up once you hear the door open, catching Jeonghan leaving the McDonalds with Eunhee. “He’s so pretty I just never know how to act when we’re not on a mission.”
Mingyu chuckles and rolls his eyes, “How are you gonna survive tomorrow night this time, yn?”
You glance at the door Jeonghan just walked out of, sighing to yourself.
“I won’t.”
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“You look so good!” Seulgi squeals as you step out of the stall of the restroom. You grin shyly, fixing the gun holster on your right thigh as you stare at yourself in the mirror. “Thanks for doing my makeup Seulgi, this is so much better than anything I could’ve done.” You tell her and she chuckles.
“Pfft, it was no biggie. I’m glad you asked for my help instead of Hyoon, honestly. Her makeup can be scary sometimes. I’ve been meaning to tell her that her eyeliner should at least touch the outer corner of her eye…” Seulgi trails off at the thought of Hyoon’s poor decisions in makeup. You giggle at her antics, before turning back to the mirror to look at yourself.
You eye the sheer corset of the top of the dress, trailing down towards the high slit of the silk emerald green skirt. You tilt your head to the side, adjusting the gun strapped to your thigh so that it won’t be seen. The bright crystal under each of your eyes reflects as it catches the light, and you let out a smile at the sight, thinking this might be too over the top for the gala.
“You know Seulgi, this is a mission to get more information on a drug lord. Don’t you think this is too much?” You ask, gesturing to your whole get up, putting a pause to Seulgi’s rant about Hyoon’s poor makeup decisions. Your friend smirks at you, causing you to raise an eyebrow at her.
“There’s actually two missions, yn.” You squint at her, and she narrows her eyes back at you.
You watch as Seulgi’s eyes brighten when a smile forms on her face, and she raises her arms up in the air. “To seduce Jeonghan so that the two of you will finally go on a date!”
You roll your eyes, shoving her slightly, causing Seulgi to let out a laugh. You open your mouth to tell her that she’s crazy, only to hear your phone beep in your clutch. Taking out the cool metal, you turn on your screen to find a text from Jeonghan.
“Ooo~ it's loverboy.”
“Shut your whore mouth.”
“You gotta stop saying that, yn.”
jeonghan: yn, i’m ready to go when you are. are you in the restroom on the eighth floor ?
you: yes i am !
jeonghan: okay i’ll be right there :)
Jeonghan puts his phone in his suit pocket, turning to glance at himself one more time. His emerald green blazer is over his velvet black turtleneck, paired with fitted black slacks. He eyes the silver necklace around his neck, looking at the charm that holds the tiny camera. Running a hand through his hair, he lets out a puff of air before leaving the restroom, heading towards the bathroom you’re at.
He turns the corner, seeing Seulgi walk out of the bathroom. He’s about to wave at her before he sees you step out and jesus fucking christ are those crystals under your eyes?
You’re giggling at something Seulgi said as you make sure your earring is on properly. Once you’re sure it’s secure, you turn your head, only to lock eyes with Jeonghan. You feel heat rush to your face as you take in Jeonghan’s appearance, finding him to be even more attractive than usual.
lord, i am not your strongest soldier.
“Hi.” You greet after a moment of silence passes between you three, and Jeonghan blinks out of his awed state, making you smile wider.
“You look beautiful.” Jeonghan blurts out, only to immediately turn away and bite his fist when he realizes he didn’t even return your greeting. Your eyes widen slightly, and you look down at the floor as warmth floods your face.
“Jesus Christ, just make out already. I’m taking my leave, I feel weird.” Seulgi announces, simultaneously making you and Jeonghan’s faces incredibly warm. She lets out a small, worried smile, “Make sure to be safe tonight guys, the target is at the top of the Cheol’s list for a reason.” Seulgi says, making sure to point at the both of you.
Jeonghan and you look up, giving your pretty coworker a thumbs up and saying you’ll be fine. Seulgi shakes her head a bit more urgently this time, and grasps your hand.
“I’m serious! This guy has eyes and ears everywhere, you have to make sure you’re at the top of your A-game. Look real husband and wifey, yn’s real identity is still unknown in this world of undercover agents and no one knows that Jeonghan joined hands with Seungcheol! Don’t mess up. I love you yn, you too Jeonghan.” You nod, making sure to look more determined. Jeonghan nods his head as well, giving Seulgi a thumbs up. She smiles softly, before finally walking off.
“Well, are you ready?” Jeonghan turns to ask you, and you glance at him. You take notice of the caramel colored eye contacts he has on, feeling yourself get lost in them as you nod your head.
“Let’s bust down this joint.” You say once you turn away, mustering the most determined look you can. Jeonghan chuckles into the back of his hand with a quiet, “So cute.”
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“You make sure you stay beside me at all times yn. I know you’re fully capable of protecting yourself, as am I, but we work best when we’re together, okay?” Jeonghan tells you in the backseat of the SUV, staring at your gold dangly earring against your complexion.
she’s so pretty I can't believe this.
“You’re right. We should come up with a game plan though. What do we do if we end up having to be separated to learn more info? Or one of us gets caught, what happens then?” You ask, glancing up and finding the driver biting his lip nervously as he drives.
“Mingyu, I’ll be fine.” You say softly, and your friend stops biting his lip, only for a frown to take over his face. You let out a soft smile, before turning to look back at Jeonghan, who is still staring at your earring(?)
“Is there something wrong with my earrin-”
“We shouldn’t have to end up being separated, but if we do, make sure that the other is always in the other's peripheral vision. If you could, stay within an arm's distance.” Jeonghan cuts you off, snapping out of his mini trance in which he hopes you didn’t notice him blatantly ogling you. You nod slowly before he adds, “And neither of us will get caught. We’ll be okay yn.”
“We’re here.” Mingyu says from the front and you and Jeonghan glance out the car window to see that you’ve arrived at the hotel. You give Mingyu a reassuring smile, muttering, “We’ll be okay. I’ll see you later.” Before turning to find Jeonghan already stepped out of the vehicle, hand outstretched towards you. You smile and take a hold of it, letting him help you out of the expensive car. He flashes you a grin as you both head inside.
The walls are practically dripping in gold, and you find yourself in a slight trance at the sight of it. While you may have had many missions by this point, your reaction to these types of events has always been the same. You could never get used to the views you’ve seen.
Jeonghan glances over at you, letting a fond smile take over his face as he notices the look of pure awe on your face. Your mouth is slightly open as you let your eyes wander a bit, before remembering what you’re here for, promptly regaining your composure. Jeonghan turns his head to face forward, seeing the security check. You smirk slightly when Jeonghan hands them the fake invitation from his blazer pocket. The guards give the two of you a bow, letting you enter the gala after Jeonghan gets a quick pat down.
“You’re not armed right now?” You ask him in a small voice, eyebrow raised as you look at him. He lets out a sly grin, squeezing your hand.
“I snuck it past him, don't worry sweetheart- Hello!” Jeonghan quickly changes the subject as he greets an older couple. You let out a smile when you lock eyes with the target, letting Jeonghan take you over to their table. The couple smiles at the two of you, and you both bow before continuing to greet them.
“Hello Daehyun, how have you been?” Jeonghan asks the older fellow and he grins, “Business has been a bit slow as of recently, but it should pick up soon. I hired some new runners and I think their looks will persuade the customers to buy more. How about you? How’s business”
Jeonghan and the older couple begin some small talk while you glance around the room. You notice a few brooding looking characters at the table near the dance floor, staring at the female and male waitresses handing out drink assortments to all the guests.
“So, yn. Has Jeonghan here been a lot to handle?” Haeun asks you mid-thought, and you turn to glance at the older lady. Her hair has a few strands of white, but other than a couple wrinkles you wouldn’t be able to tell that she’s reaching the age of 68. You also wouldn’t be able to tell that this couple owns one of the biggest underground drug cartels in South Korea either, but that’s a problem you’ll take care of in a bit.
You giggle before shaking your head no, reciting the fake life you and Jeonghan had to memorize. You both quite literally had flashcards, quizzing each other on these fake identities and quirks you both have. He ended up crashing at your place that night since you both studied until 3 am. Mingyu and Minghao teased you later on about how that was basically a date, it took two weeks for them to quiet down on that matter.
“Would any of you like wine?” A waiter comes up to ask, and you turn your head to look at him. You see Daehyun and Haeun reach out for a glass, but the waiter maintains eye contact with you specifically. You notice something flash through his eyes for a second, and you raise an eyebrow. His lips quirk up in a small smirk, to which Jeonghan shakes his head.
“My wife and I would not be interested in a glass of wine.” Jeonghan answers with a sense of finality, his tone laced with a bit of venom that only someone who’s known him long enough would be able to tell. The waiter lets out a grin, bowing his head before stalking off to the next table. Jeonghan turns to look at you, and you give him a tight-lipped smile.
“Yn, would you please accompany me to the bar? That waiter gave me a horrible glass of wine. I quite literally can’t swallow it down.” Haeun requests, and Jeonghan immediately intervenes.
“I’ll accompany you Haeun-” She raises up her hand, cutting Jeonghan off.
“I want to get to know yn. You boys keep talking about… boy stuff and I’m bored. It’s time for a girl chat.” Jeonghan looks at you and you send him a reassuring smile, patting his arm as a way to say, I’m okay.
“Well, alright then.” Jeonghan agrees hesitantly. He grabs your arm before you go, leaning down to whisper into your ear, “Remember what we talked about in the car. If you need me just shoot me a glance, I have a clear view of you from the bar.” He moves back, kissing your cheek and giving you a warm smile.
Your heart stutters in your chest, and it takes a moment for you to smile back at him, remembering that you’re in the middle of a mission right now. However,
“You lovebirds are still in that honeymoon phase, huh?” Haeun asks as you both walk towards the bar. You grasp your face since you feel your cheeks getting warmer, and she laughs at your reaction as you both reach the bar.
“I’ll have a glass of Moët & Chandon.” Haeun tells the bartender as she takes a seat on the high chair.
You take the seat beside her and glance over at Jeonghan who is chuckling at something Daehyun said. His eyes lock with yours and he raises an eyebrow at you, to which you simply shrug back in response. He smiles before turning back to Daehyun. You look around a bit more before Haeun gets your attention.
“You know yn, I really love your dress. I remember when I was younger I wore that type of dress except it was a dark purple.”
“That must’ve looked so pretty on you Haeun. Do you have any pictures?” You ask and she sighs, shaking her head no.
“I wish I had some on me, they’re probably somewhere at home if you and Jeonghan would like to visit.” You simply smile as a response, knowing damn well you’d never attempt to go to their house.
“Your Moët & Chandon, and here is your Laurent-Perrier.” He hands Haeun her drink, while also handing you a glass. You raise an eyebrow at the beverage in your hand, “I didn’t order anything?” You tell him confusedly.
“On the house.” He answers with a charming smile, before turning around and walking to the other side of the bar.
“Well, thank you?” You say quietly, voice turning up at the end as if it’s a question. Haeun looks between you and the glass of champagne, before letting out a small chuckle.
“I’m taking that out of his paycheck.” Haeun jokes, and you grin in response. You turn your head to look over to the other end of the bar, finding the man making drinks for another couple.
“Surprised he didn’t see the ring on your finger though, it’s huge.” Haeun points out, distracting you from through thoughts. You chuckle, and take a glance at your left hand. The diamond glimmers back at you and you smile at it.
if only it were real, you think to yourself as you take a sip of the drink, finding yourself surprised at how light it tastes.
“This is actually really nice, he has good taste.” You say, gesturing over to the bartender, to which Haeun simply flashes you a close-lipped smile. What you are unable to notice as you continue to take sips of the alcohol, is the malicious intent behind the old woman’s smile.
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“Where are we going?” You ask groggily.
you really don’t feel good.
“To the restroom dear, I think you need to wash up a bit.” Haeun responds, hand pressed to the small of your back. She guides you to another hallway that you haven’t seen yet, and you find yourself even more confused.
“W-What did you do to me?” You ask, trying to push the old woman away, but you’re so weak that Haeun doesn’t even stumble. She doesn’t respond, continuing to drag your limp body down the hallway.
You enter a room that doesn’t resemble a bathroom at all. The room has dim lighting, there’s only a couch and a drink cart. It doesn't match the rest of the gala at all. You pout when Haeun sets you down on the sofa. She pulls out her phone and you cock your head to the side.
“This isn’t a bathroom.”
Haeun smiles at you, placing her phone back into her pouch. She reaches out and grabs your chin harshly, making you wince slightly.
“You think I wouldn’t know who you are, yn yln? Or should I say, Dahlia?” Your blood runs cold when not only your real name is spoken, but your alias as well. You stare up into her eyes, finding a dark smile on her face. “I can’t believe Jeonghan fell for your deceit. I imagine he’ll be heartbroken when you disappear, but alas. He’s a handsome man, he’ll find someone else.”
Haeun lets go of your chin, and pats your head before turning and preparing to walk out of the room. You stand up after her, but quickly stumble and fall to the floor. Groaning, you lay there for a moment as you try to force yourself to sober up.
“What are you going to do to me?” You slur out, and Haeun simply sends you a cold smile as she begins to close the door.
“You’ll find out.”
You lay on the floor for a few minutes, squeezing your eyes shut and opening them to try and fight whatever is in your system. You let out a groan, wondering how you could be so stupid to accept a drink on a mission. Your internal self hatred ends when the door opens, gaining your attention.
“Well, what a sight this is.” You look up to see one of the guys from the table you glanced at earlier in the night. Your vision turns fuzzy as he helps you up off the ground and places you on the sofa, both of his hands remaining on your shoulders.
“My, my, my. What a pretty thing you are. Tragic that you have to die.” He mutters, tucking a stray hair behind your ear.
“No.” You whisper, reaching up to move his hand away but he only catches it, pressing a kiss to the back of your wrist. You try and snatch it back but your body won’t let you move as strongly as you’d want.
“Any last words, pretty?” He asks, stroking your cheek. Flinching back in disgust, you finally manage to push his hand away, reaching through the slit of your dress to grab the gun.
“Oh? This is a surprise-”
He’s cut off once you kick him in the crotch with as much strength as you can manage, which isn’t much by the way, and he screeches at the impact of your heel. You stand up, wobbling a bit, before pointing the gun at his head.
“I may h-have gotten drugged. However, I won’t hesitate to shoot you in your goddamn ugly face if you touch me again.” You threaten, tone ice cold as you hit him with the butt of your gun. He immediately falls back, muttering obscenities at you due to the pain in his head. You make your move to escape, taking an abnormally long time to unlock the door. However, once you do, you wobble down the hallway, putting the gun back into its holster.
You know that in your current state, you won’t be able to escape the man if you don’t find Jeonghan. You only have a few minutes to get back to the main gala, but you can only hope that Jeonghan is already trying to find you.
“Jeonghan, please help me.”
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Jeonghan is in a state of panic. He looked around for you when he realized you were no longer at the bar, excusing himself from his conversation with the target to search for you. He walks into the middle of the dance floor, pushing past the couples who are dancing. He doesn’t care about the mission anymore, all he wants is to find you.
yn, where did you go?
Jeonghan turns his head to see Haeun laugh with a group of men, feeling his breath hitch when he realizes you’re not with her. His instincts kick in, and he dashes towards the restrooms, opening the door to the women’s bathroom.
“YN! YN!?!” When no response from you comes, he curses, running out and going to another hallway.
You stumble, grabbing your head as you walk with your hand holding the wall. Your head is pounding and you want nothing more than to just lay down on the floor and sleep. You look around, seeing the color gold surrounding your vision and it makes you want to throw up. Groaning, you attempt to walk faster but it feels like you’re in quicksand.
“HEY!” The guy’s voice resonates through the hall, and you feel panic settle in as you try your best to walk faster. You hear the sound of running feet and you reach for your gun, only to hear a second pair of footsteps. You hear a grunt and the sound of two bodies colliding onto the floor. You turn towards the sound, seeing a head of midnight black hair hovering over the guy from earlier.
“Leave her the fuck alone Gwan, she’s mine.” Jeonghan growls, hand wrapped around the other’s throat. The man looks into Jeonghan’s eyes with a mix of fear and hatred, “She’s not yours Jeonghan. You’re not fucking married last I heard-”
Jeonghan lifts up his left hand, the gold of his wedding band shining brightly back at the piece of shit. The man’s eyes widen, and they practically bulge out as Jeonghan's grip on Gwan’s throat tightens.
“That’s my fucking wife. Know your place, Gwan. You know what I’m capable of, I can kill you in a heartbeat. You wouldn’t have the time to blink and your neck would be snapped.” Jeonghan hisses and the man coughs.
“I was just doing what Haeun told me to do.” Gwan wheezes out, and the black haired beauty bites the inside of his cheek. After a moment, Jeonghan lets go and gets off the man. Gwan stands up and sucks in a deep breath, face bright red from the lack of air. Jeonghan points at the man with dark eyes, “You tell Haeun none of this, I’ll handle her later.”
Gwan does nothing but nod, before running down the hallway. Once he turns the corner, Jeonghan turns his head to see you passed out on the floor. His eyes widen and he runs over to you. Kneeling down to check your pulse, a wave of relief washes over him once he feels your heartbeat respond back to him. Jeonghan reaches into his pocket and takes out his phone, sending a text to Mingyu that he found you and needs him to come pick you both up at the west entrance.
“Yn… I’m so sorry.” He whispers to your sleeping form, furrow to his brow as he thinks of how anxious you must’ve felt. He reaches out and softly pats your head, wishing he was paying more attention to you so that this whole ordeal could’ve been avoided.
“Alright yn, I’m gonna have to carry you outta here. I hope that’s okay.” Jeonghan says to your sleeping form, placing an arm under your knees and another arm under your upper body. He lifts you up, and walks towards the west exit.
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You open your eyes, only to shut them right away once the pounding migraine registers in your head. You let out a groan, rolling over and grabbing your pillow to cover your face. You sigh,
so comfy. i love my bed it smells so nice-
You sit right back up, eyes wide open as you take in your surroundings. You’re in your apartment, but how in the hell did you get here? You do another double take once you realize you’re no longer in your dress, but in your Pikachu pajama bottoms and a t-shirt.
“Why can’t I remember anything?” You mumble, climbing out of bed to go and grab acetaminophen from your kitchen cabinet to ease your pounding brain. You step out of your room, rubbing the back of your neck as you walk towards the kitchen. Still a bit sleepy, you reach up into the cabinet to grab some medicine, only to halt your movements.
Acetaminophen in hand, you step backwards out of the kitchen and glance over towards your living room, only for your eyes to widen when you see the head of black hair laying on your couch.
“Jeonghan?!” You gasp and he stirs in his sleep, rolling over to lay on his side. You immediately cover your mouth with your hands, as if it would erase the fact that you practically just yelled the man’s name.
“What the fuck happened last night?” You whisper to yourself as you back up into the kitchen once again. You lean against the counter, taking the medicine and drinking water to swallow it down as you try to think about the events that occurred the night before.
You went to the gala with Jeonghan and almost peed your pants because of how handsome he looked. Then the two of you met with the target and Haeun later took you to the bar. You ended up receiving a drink from the bartender for free, and then you vaguely remember holding a gun towards the man’s head?
“Holy shit. Did I get drunk and beat up a man?” You mutter to yourself, tilting your head as you try your best to remember last night’s events. You purse your lips with the knowledge that you’re not a lightweight. “I only remember having one glass though, so how could I have gotten drunk-”
“Your drink was spiked, yn.” You squeak from the sudden deep voice beside you, only to groan from the throbbing getting stronger in your head. Jeonghan gives you a small smile, running a hand through his disheveled hair.
He’s wearing the white t-shirt and gray sweats that Mingyu left at your house from the numerous times he’s fallen asleep on your couch. It’s a bit baggy on Jeonghan since Mingyu is tall, but it suits him so well. How does he manage to look so good in everything?
“I was-I was what?” You’re absolutely dumbfounded at his statement.
“Haeun found out who you were. She thought you were tricking me so that you could make an arrest, as no one knows that I’ve joined hands with Cheol. You retired from being an assassin long before me, so Cheol thought no one would remember you. He was wrong.” Jeonghan explains, reaching out and swiping away the dried drool at the corner of your mouth with his thumb. Warmth immediately floods your face from the contact, and you glance down at your feet. “Minghao and Joshua took care of it this morning, so they won’t be coming for you anymore.”
You stay quiet for a moment, wondering how it was possible that Haeun could’ve figured out your true identity. In your years of being a secret agent, no one has been able to discover who you were. Even when you were an assassin, you never showed your face or used your real name.
So how did Haeun know?
“Seungcheol is already trying to find out how Haeun knew who you were.” Jeonghan answers, seeming to have read your thoughts due to the worried expression on your face. You bite the inside of your cheek, before turning and walking over to the fridge, seeming to not want to discuss what happened any further. Jeonghan watches as you search your fridge, before you turn your head and hold up the box of Eggo waffles towards the pretty man.
“Want some?” Jeonghan smiles softly before nodding his head, holding up two fingers when you ask him how many he wants. You take out two eggs from the fridge afterwards.
“How do you like your eggs?” You ask and he shrugs, “However you make it is fine with me.”
It feels oddly domestic, all of this. Jeonghan thinks to himself as he sits himself up on the kitchen counter. He watches as you cook the eggs over-medium, quietly humming to yourself as you add salt. He cocks his head to the side when you suddenly freeze, watching as you turn to look at him with a questioning look in your eyes.
“Did you change me out of my dress?” You ask and he chuckles before shaking his head no. He lets out another laugh when he sees you visibly relax, before beginning to explain what happened.
“Seulgi was waiting here, so when we arrived she did all the cleaning up for you. She left afterwards since she had a mission in the morning, but she told me to take care of you once you wake up.” You smile at the thought of your best friend being so caring.
“Love that woman.” You mutter, turning back to the eggs. Jeonghan grins, feeling his heart warm at the sight of your smile.
He steps down from the counter once you put the last egg on the plate and turn off the heat of the stove. You wipe your hands on the towel, only to pause when you find yourself trapped between a pair of rather nice arms. You stare at your hands wrapped in the towel with wide eyes, unsure of whether you want to die or puke.
“C-Come here often?” You ask with a nervous laugh, turning around to face Jeonghan, only to immediately regret it because you just rubbed your nose against his. “You’re quite close.”
“I can tell that you’re bothered by how Haeun knew, but it’ll be okay. Seungcheol and the rest of the guys are on the case, you’ll be fine.” Jeonghan tells you in a soft voice, and you purse your lips, before nodding your head. The black haired beauty stares at you for a moment longer, finding you to be one of the prettiest people he’s ever seen, even if you’re wearing Pikachu pajama bottoms at the moment.
“I care about you a lot.” Jeonghan states after a moment of silence passes between the two of you, and he watches in amusement as your eyes visibly widen at his confession. You open your mouth, only to close it, then open it again, before deciding to just bite the inside of your cheek.
“I know that you’re perfectly capable of handling yourself, but next time we have a mission, please be more careful, yeah?” You only nod your head as you’re unable to form any words due to the close proximity between the two of you, and Jeonghan smiles softly. He pulls away and grabs his plate, but not before pressing a kiss to the top of your forehead, giggling at how shellshocked you appear from the endearing action.
“Do you like me?” You finally blurt out, and the black haired beauty simply sends you a mischievous grin.
“Perhaps… I wouldn’t just kiss anyone’s forehead, ya now? However, the real question is, do you like me?” Jeonghan asks in return and you bite the inside of your cheek. He tilts his head as he awaits your response, about to lean in close to your face once more when-
“Oh, the waffles are ready!” You exclaim, shoving Jeonghan out of the way so that you can reach the toaster oven. You take out the four waffles, dusting some powdered sugar over them, while Jeonghan stares at you in disbelief, plate in hand as he does so.
“Did you just shove me?” Jeonghan asks with a laugh, and you give him a smile as an answer, turning away and walking towards your dining table, plate of waffles in hand.
“Okay, but do you like me though?” Jeonghan presses as he follows after you, and sits down in the seat across from you. You quietly take a bite of your waffle, finding too much enjoyment in the fact that Jeonghan is acting like a lovesick puppy.
Oh how the turns have tabled.
“Is that a yes or a no?” He asks once again, and you smile.
“Perhaps.” You respond teasingly, taking another bite of your waffle. He rolls his eyes at you and leans back in his chair.
“If I asked you on a date for this Saturday, would you say yes?”
You visibly halt your movements, making Jeonghan grin at the sight. Your brain is running a million miles a minute. Even though it was confirmed that your longtime crush likes you back, hearing him ask you out on a date makes you want to pass out.
“Yes.” You finally answer after a moment of you screaming internally, and Jeonghan smiles. He nods his head, taking a bite of his waffle as the feeling of warmth floods him.
“It’s a date.” Jeonghan states, cutting out the yolk from his egg and placing it onto your plate, knowing that that’s your favorite part. You hold back a squeal, nodding your head in response.
What Seulgi told you the night before rings in your head as you eat the yolk Jeonghan gave you, and you roll your eyes at the thought of it. You can’t believe the mission was accomplished.
“You know Seulgi, this is a mission to get more information on a drug lord. Don’t you think this is too much?” You ask, gesturing to your whole get up, putting a pause to Seulgi’s rant about Hyoon’s poor makeup decisions. Your friend smirks at you, causing you to raise an eyebrow at her.
“There’s actually two missions, yn.” You squint at her, and she narrows her eyes back at you.
You watch as Seulgi’s eyes brighten when a smile forms on her face, and she raises her arms up in the air. “To seduce Jeonghan so that the two of you will finally go on a date!”
Smiling to yourself, you glance up into Jeonghan’s kind eyes and say,
“It’s a date.”
The bright smile that forms on Jeonghan’s face from your response almost makes all the worries you hold in your heart disappear.
key word: almost.
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cinnaminsvga · 4 years
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🌷 social media au where y/n posts an advertisement looking for a new place to stay that is closer to campus, causing seven upperclassmen to make it their mission to recruit her into their dormitories 🌷
A/N: THIS TOOK FOREVER AND I KINDA RUSHED IT AT THE END BUT HOPEFULLY IT MAKES SENSE?? anyway, yoongi didn’t do anything stupid (depending on your definition of stupid) so no need to worry about him being cringey,,, i spared you all from the secondhand embarrassment but i won’t be so kind next time!! anyway... enjoy || W.C. 3.8K
prev // part 11 // next masterlist here.
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By the time Seokjin’s phone begins to ring, Yoongi can already feel the dread settle deep inside his bones. The familiar coil of anxiety tightens around his throat like a vice, and Yoongi has to remember how to breathe to keep himself from fainting like a corseted Victorian lady. 
“Well, that must be her!” Seokjin chimes, promptly declining your call without a glance. Yoongi catches a glimpse of your contact photo anyway: it’s an unflattering angle of you from below your neck, giving the illusion of a multitude of chins. If it were any other time, Yoongi might have smiled like a lovesick fool. 
“Don’t you dare let her in here,” Yoongi seethes. He tries to sound menacing, but the effect is severely diminished by how badly his voice cracks. He tugs at Seokjin by the sleeve, but the older man refuses to budge. “Hyung, I’m serious. I know what you’re trying to do.”
“Are you done live-tweeting your confusion now? Finally got the memo? I always knew you were a smart boy,” Seokjin laughs, patting Yoongi on the shoulder with his tomato sauce-covered tongs. “Since we’re on the same page now, why don’t you change clothes while I finish cooking? I know your entire wardrobe is composed of the free t-shirts you got from job fairs, but it would do well to wear a clean, unstained shirt.”
Yoongi swipes at him, hissing like the catboy that he is. “You’re the one who wiped shit on me, asshole. And yes, I figured out what you are trying to do. You think you’re so slick, but I know that you’re just trying to embarrass me in front of Y/N!”
Seokjin shrugs. “It isn’t like I’m trying to be slick. I embarrass you all the time. Besides, I’m setting you up on a date with the love of your life! You should be thanking me, if I’m being honest.”
Yoongi stammers, his jaw dropping in shock. “Love of my–?”
Seokjin waves his tongs in his face, silencing him. “Oh, hush. Don’t even try to hide it, Yoongi. I figured out that you like Y/N. Your weird behavior finally makes sense! After years of you avoiding her, I always thought you were just bad at forming human connections, but turns out you’ve got a gigantic heart boner for my best friend!”
“Please don’t phrase it like that,” Yoongi groans, smashing his head against his kitchen counter. He hopes a few brain cells might have died, just so he can stop processing the words coming out of Seokjin’s mouth. “Actually, just please stop talking.”
Seokjin snorts in exasperation as if Yoongi was the dramatic one between them. “Point is, this is a favor that I’ve chosen to grant you from the goodness of my heart! As I said, I’m giving you the love life you deserve! So stop whining and get moving before Y/N gets up here.”
“There isn’t any goodness nor a heart inside of you. And more importantly, when was the last time you did anything for free, you capitalist bastard!”
Seokjin clicks his tongue, shaking his head. “That’s where you’re wrong, Yoongi-chi. You’ve already paid me for my services by offering me front row seats to watch you lose your fucking mind. And that, my friend, is priceless.”
“Aha! So you do admit that this is all just a ploy to humiliate me!” Yoongi shouts. He grabs a knife from his scabbard, pointing it threateningly at Seokjin. He doesn’t even flinch, instead gently guiding Yoongi by the wrist over to the chopping board where he had placed some garlic cloves beforehand. Without prompting, Yoongi’s hand begins to move, his culinary instincts taking over.
“Yes and no,” Seokjin admits as he grabs Yoongi’s cast iron pan from the top shelf (which he has never gotten to use since he bought it, ever since Seokjin had borrowed it once and placed it too high for him to retrieve.) “I’m honestly trying to help you out here, my dude. Besides, even if shit hits the fan, Y/N isn’t gonna think any less of you. She’s too much of an idiot to resent anyone.”
“Speaking from experience?” Yoongi huffs, eyeing him with intense vitriol. “Can’t say I understand how she’s gone this long without killing you.” The next time the two of them are alone together in the wilderness, he can’t promise that his hands won’t find their way around Seokjin’s throat, and it won’t be sexy.
“Hmm. Yeah, definitely,” he says, nodding absentmindedly. As he begins to season the steak, he hands the cast iron pan to Yoongi. “Start preheating this. We need it to be smoking hot before we can place the steak on there.”
“I know how to cook a steak, fucker. And who said you’re allowed to serve my Wagyu steak? I was saving that for a special occasion!”
Seokjin looks up from his ministrations long enough to raise a brow at him. “So going on your first ever date with Y/N isn’t considered a special occasion?”
Yoongi falters, eyes widening. “N-no, that’s not what I mean!” he defends hotly, but he quickly snaps out of it. “Wait, no! This is not a date! Not when both parties did not agree to any of this!”
Seokjin pauses from his cooking to place a perfectly manicured hand on his hip. “I mean, Y/N agreed to it, so are you going to reject her? Huh? Too good for her and my spaghetti?”
Yoongi scoffs, rolling his eyes. “No, she did not agree to this. She doesn’t even know you’re forcing her to eat lunch with me.”
“How can you say that with such certainty?” Seokjin challenges, puffing his cheeks. “You don’t even know what I told her!”
Except I do know what you said, Yoongi thinks darkly to himself. And more importantly, I know what she thinks you were implying. He is pretty sure that the words “crush on him during high school” have seared themselves underneath his eyelids forevermore.
But instead, he says, “Yeah, well. If what you told her is as vague as what you told me, I have a pretty good hunch that this is going to blow up into a huge misunderstanding.”
Like the absolute menace that he is, all Seokjin does is shrug nonchalantly. “Suppose you are right… Who cares? It’s not like the two of you are strangers, so I’m sure this is going to go great!”
“What the fuck? She is a stranger! I’ve literally only spoken two words to her in the past four years!” Yoongi seethes, his temple throbbing from an oncoming migraine. 
Seokjin ignores him, as per his want. “Grab that plate, will you? I gotta plate the pasta before Y/N starts calling again to let her into the building,” he says, nudging the tongs into Yoongi’s hands. Yoongi squawks, quickly turning the stove off to keep the food from burning. 
Seokjin tears off his (read: Yoongi’s) apron off, wiping his hands on his jeans with a quick smile. “Great! While you finish up here, I’ll distract Y/N for a bit in my room before I lead her in here, alright? You better hurry unless you want to keep her waiting!”
“Oh, like how you kept her waiting downstairs for the past–” Yoongi checks his wall clock, “–seven minutes?”
Seokjin cackles madly, rushing out the door. “Well, that’s where you and I differ, Yoongi-chi! I give no shits about how Y/N thinks about me, so good luck!” After sending Yoongi three flying kisses for good measure, Seokjin slams the door shut, leaving Yoongi to simmer in his bad life choices.
The worst choice that he’s ever made? Being friends with one (1) Kim Seokjin.
“God, just end me,” Yoongi mutters, placing his $80 steak on his pan. It sizzles deliciously, much like how his (nonexistent) love life is about to get burnt to a crisp.
x x x x x
“Took you long enough.” You watch as Seokjin taunts you with a funny little dance by the lobby of his dormitory, the building receptionist not even batting an eye at his eccentricity. That’s the sad side effect of living in close proximity with Seokjin: you start getting desensitized to most things, not even flinching at the sight of a man without a functioning central nervous system.
Seokjin slides his card to open the door, finally allowing you entry. “Sorry. Got busy preparing your lunch! Which by the way, you should be thanking me for.”
“The moment I thank you for anything is the day that you slip on your own cum and die,” you grouse, nudging past him to get on the elevator first. You punch the button for the 5th floor before rapidly trying to close the elevator door on him. Unfortunately, Seokjin makes it in time before his ass gets clamped by the two steel doors.
“Thinking about my cum? Oh my, Y/N… I know you’ve had a dry spell for too long, but I didn’t think you’d be that desperate for some of my butter,” Seokjin says, leaning closely to wink at you.
Against your will, your cheeks brighten furiously, weakly pushing Seokjin away from you. “You wish. At least I don’t spend my spare time loitering outside the campus gym to ogle all the sweaty hot people.”
“And the invitation to join me still stands by the way!” Seokjin singsongs, leaping out of the elevator once you reach his floor. You walk side by side until you reach his room, but you catch him shooting a furtive glance at his next-door neighbor.
“Is Yoongi joining us for lunch?” you ask, failing to keep your curiosity from showing in your voice. If Yoongi does end up joining you for lunch (which has never happened in the past four years, convincing you that he must have a personal grudge against you), then at least it can confirm to you straight away that whatever this “date” is just another prank by Seokjin. You don’t know if you should be disappointed or grateful if it is just a joke.
Seokjin beams in response, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. “You know what? He is going to join us, actually!” 
He had been in the midst of unlocking his dorm when he changes direction, leading you to Yoongi’s door instead. He rifles through his other keys, and you notice one of them looks similar to his own house key, except with a Hello Kitty sticker on it. He pulls that key out and promptly unlocks Yoongi’s door without missing a beat.
What kind of weirdo must Yoongi be to give Seokjin a spare key to his dorm? You’d rather shit out a cactus than let Seokjin have free entry to your home whenever he pleases.
You hesitate by Yoongi’s door, feeling nervous all of a sudden. “Um, Seokjin? Are you sure it’s okay for me to–?”
“HONEY I’M HOOOOME!” Seokjin’s loud guffaw cuts you off before you can finish your question. He bursts through the door and leaves you by the hallway, and you watch as he nearly tackles Yoongi to the ground.
Yoongi, despite looking like he’s half the size of Seokjin on a good day, manages to keep upright despite how his back is now bent parallel to the floor. “Get off me!” he yells, roughly pushing Seokjin off of him. 
Seokjin tumbles to the floor, but the shit-eating grin on his face hardly wavers. He points at you by the doorway, a cheeky grin on his lips. “Look, Yoongi-chi! I brought a guest!”
Yoongi spares you half a glance before returning his attention to whatever he was cooking. “I suppose you did.”
Okay, this date is definitely a joke. Why the hell did you even think for a second that Seokjin might have been into you?
“Um,” you stutter nervously. You grind your heel into the carpet self-consciously, your gaze downcast. “Hello, Yoongi. Sorry for the intrusion, by the way…”
“It’s fine,” Yoongi replies, albeit a little curtly. He clears his throat, his face still tilted away from you so you can’t tell if he’s genuinely annoyed or not. 
You point a glare at Seokjin, who looks shamelessly pleased with himself. After taking a deep breath, you take your first steps into Yoongi’s home before gently closing the door.
As you look around at your new surroundings, you notice that his home is a lot cleaner than you would have expected, though you’re not exactly sure what you should have expected in the first place. It’s minimalist, but not in a barren type of way; it’s seems like Yoongi is fond of simple designs more than anything. It’s certainly a nice change of pace compared to Seokjin’s abomination of a room, with his vaguely yellow-stained bedsheets. 
The smell of freshly cooked pasta and meat being grilled catches your senses immediately. You watch as Yoongi flips over a hefty piece of steak, the aroma causing your mouth to salivate instantly. 
“I… What is… Huh?” you start, not knowing what to ask. You catch Seokjin snickering quietly to himself, but promptly shuts up when you mime punching him in the dick.
“It’ll be finished in a second. Why don’t you sit down?” Yoongi announces quietly, his gaze still fixed away from you. Confused but left with no other choice, you tentatively make your way to his couch, unable to relax as your spine remains ramrod straight and your jaw stays clenched. 
You hear Seokjin shuffling behind you until he eventually makes his way to sit with you, plopping onto the couch as if it were his home. “Ah… I’m soooo hungry. Smells good, doesn’t it?” he asks you, his brow wiggling too much to be considered normal. Either that, or he was having a stroke.
“Yeah, it does,” you say, greatly uncomfortable. You peek at Yoongi once more, who is still dutifully attending to the steak. Making sure he isn’t looking, you twist Seokjin by the nipple, causing the elder to let out a high-pitched squeal. To an outsider, it might have almost sounded like he was being pleasured. 
“Ouch! What the fuck was that for?” Seokjin whines, rubbing his tenderized nipples. 
“You know what that was for,” you hiss, keeping your volume low. “What the hell are we doing here? Why are you making Yoongi cook for us?!”
“For us? It’s for you!” Seokjin snaps back. “Didn’t you say you would only come over if you got fed? Well, this is how you get fed!”
“I was under the assumption that you would be feeding me, not him!” you seethe. You check back on Yoongi, who still hasn’t looked your way once. “The poor boy… No wonder he doesn’t like me! He must think I’m as bad as you!”
Seokjin snorts. “Of course he likes you! This whole lunch date wouldn’t have even fucking happened if he wasn’t assdeep in lo–”
“Lunch is finished,” Yoongi interrupts loudly, his spatula rattling loudly against his pan. The sudden noise makes you jump away from Seokjin, who appears vaguely triumphant. 
“T-thanks,” you stutter, standing up and resisting the random urge to shake his hand. Everything about this situation is so tense and awkward that it feels like you’re being filmed for a prank Youtube video or something. Knowing Seokjin, the odds of that happening are great. 
“That’s my cue to leave then! Bye! You guys have fun!” Seokjin says, jumping to his feet. 
You vaguely hear Yoongi gasp quietly when you launch yourself at Seokjin, just narrowly keeping from escaping. “Oh no, you don’t! Who said you could leave? You’re not going anywhere!”
But like the slippery snake that he is, Seokjin manages to wriggle out of your arms and hop over Yoongi’s coffee table to get to the door. “Too bad! I have classes to get to, so I gotta blast! Use this time to get to know each other or whatever it is that kids do these days,” he says, winking salaciously. With one final sputter of (evil) laughter, Seokjin makes his exit, leaving you and Yoongi to fester in some good ol’ fashioned discomforting silence.
“Um,” you say, just as Yoongi opens his mouth to say something too.
“No, you go first–”
“You go ahead–”
The two of you pause mid-sentence, staring at each other. You grin sheepishly at him, motioning for him to speak first. 
He returns your smile half-heartedly. “So, um… I just wanted to say I’m sorry for letting Seokjin rope you into this. I tried stopping him, but… You know how he is.”
You laugh, sounding a little crazed even to your own ears. That’s the longest sentence you’ve ever heard him speak! 
“Yeah, believe me… I am intimately aware of how he is. Sometimes I wish I wasn’t,” you joke. 
Amazingly, your little quip makes his smile widen, his cheeks puffing up imperceptibly. “Glad we can agree that Seokjin has the amazing ability to ruin people’s lives. It’s almost welcoming to find solidarity in a shared experience.”
“Shared experience? Try shared trauma. That dude is a walking serotonin sucker,” you say dryly. 
You don’t think what you said was remotely funny enough to warrant a laugh, but it causes Yoongi to let out a loud snort regardless. But the amusement on his face is short-lived, his cheeks going red in embarrassment. He slaps a hand to his mouth, breaking eye contact once more. “Oh fuck, that was so unflattering,” he groans, clearly mortified.
His blush, multiplied by his shy demeanor, makes you want to coo at him, but you doubt he’d take that too kindly. So instead, you change the subject to save him. “So, uhh… The food? You don’t have to give me any, by the way. I wouldn’t want you to waste your lunch on me or anything.”
Yoongi snaps out of his previous embarrassment, returning to the more familiar stoic expression you’ve come to associate with Yoongi. “No, that’s fine. Seokjin–er, rather… I made enough for two people, so it would be a waste if you didn’t eat at least some of it. But I don’t care either way if you want it or not.”
For two people? you wonder. So Yoongi had known Seokjin wasn’t going to join for lunch?
“Oh, if it’s fine with you…” you trail off, meekly making your way towards him. The spaghetti and steak look absolutely delicious, though you don’t need to tell him that when your stomach speaks for you. “Oh shit, that’s so embarrassing,” you say, your cheeks heating up this time.
Yoongi chuckles, shaking his head. “Haven’t eaten breakfast yet, I assume? That’s pretty stupid if you ask me. Don’t you have class until 5? How the hell would you have survived until then?”
You choke in surprise. Where did all that sass suddenly come from? “Excuse me? I’m not stupid! I would’ve been fine with a sandwich from the cafeteria if you must know!” you say indignantly. You’re too busy being offended that you don’t fully comprehend his words, failing to notice how he had known you had class until 5 in the first place.
“Sure, whatever you say.” Rolling his eyes, Yoongi starts shifting through his cupboards and pulling out a pink tupperware. He begins to load them with food, nearly overflowing the containers with how much he tries to stuff in them.
“H-hey! What are you doing?”
“Packing your lunch. You have class in a bit, yeah? It’s almost 11:50 and it takes around 15 minutes to get to the main campus. You won’t have time to eat here and make it in time,” he says, pointing you with a look. “Wait. Did you have coffee this morning?”
“Yeah? So?” you ask, defensive. “Are you gonna call me stupid again for not having caffeine or something?”
“No,” he grunts. “If you’re caffeinated, then that means it should only take you 7 minutes to get to class.”
“That doesn’t even make sense!” you exclaim, but you can’t help letting out an incredulous laugh. “Wow. You’re kinda weird, did you know that?”
“You barely even know me, so how would you know?” he retorts. He finishes placing food into the tupperware and promptly clicks the lid in place. He offers it to you, smirking slightly.
You huff, but your ire is all for show. You aren’t actually annoyed by him–he’s just… different from what you expected. A little shy, a little rough around the edges… but you can tell he isn’t a bad guy. You understand why Seokjin loves to torment him; he seems like a fun person to tease. 
“That can be amended,” you respond, taking the tupperware from him. Your fingers graze the backs of his hand by accident, causing him to quickly retract his hand as though he’d been burned. You nearly drop the container in surprise, but luckily your reflexes save your precious food just in time. 
“Sorry. About… you know.” Yoongi gesticulates wildly, his gaze darting anywhere but at you. 
You smile secretly to yourself, amused. Ah. He’s like a human seesaw. Blushy one second and grumpy the next. “No worries, Yoongi. I’ll be sure to return this container soon, so don’t you worry.”
Yoongi shrugs. “Keep it if you want. I don’t care either way.”
Says the guy who has an entire cupboard full of color coordinating food containers. “Roger that, Yoongi.”
Yoongi walks you out the door, pausing outside the hallway with you. “Do you…” he hesitates, swallowing loudly enough for you to hear. “Do you… want me to walk you out?”
His sudden offer almost makes you want to laugh, but you have a feeling he wouldn’t find it amusing at all. Instead, you just shake your head with a smile. “Don’t worry. I won’t get lost. I think I remember where the door is.”
He pouts, his lips jutting out cutely. “Yeah, well. I was just trying to be nice, but you do you.”
You giggle lightly, patting him on the shoulder. “Don’t worry. You were more than nice,” you say, winking for added effect. It does more than you thought it would, causing Yoongi’s cheeks to bloom once more.
With one last wave, you make your way out of the dormitory, your heart a little lighter than before. 
“Huh. That was weird.” You glance at the pink little tupperware in your hands, its warmth keeping your hands safe from the winter chill. As you walk to class, your thoughts are filled with nothing but a shy boy with soft hands and even softer cheeks. Maybe Tuesday isn’t going to be so bad after all.
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bubblyhoney · 3 years
warnings: sailor language, suggestive themes/mentions of sex, drinking, nicotine use, being tipsy/intoxicated. no graphic or explicit nsfw content besides basically tonguing and giving hickeys and an ass grab.
tags: karl jacobs x fem!reader
words: 1898
A/N: i wrote this thinking that both people in this fic are of drinking age; i’m not, but i thought it would be a cool idea. i can assume many adult gatherings feature alcohol, so yeah. drinking isn’t integral to the plot of this fic. also it is pre-(or post)pandemic bc it’s just a general rule of thumb to not have parties right now.
“Don’t, kill, me,” Karl warbles, setting down his bottle with a sigh. Freaks plays loud and tinny on the TV, album cover bathing those occupying the couch in a grayish light. Those occupants being just you and Karl. The room is lit with purple string lights and that one thrifted lamp with frogs on the shade he’d sworn was the best purchase he’s ever made. You’re sprawled out on the other half of the sofa, ankles crossed and a can of vodka seltzer swaying in your hand. The song changes to 20 Min by Lil Uzi and your foot bounces to the beat.
“What time is it?” You sigh, placing the nearly-empty can onto the coffee table next to your apple berry-flavored pen. He flicks his wrist towards his face.
“2:46,” he delivers, and takes a swig of the Angry Orchard in his hand. His sixth, specifically. The rest of the group had left roughly ten minutes ago, leaving the two loneliest people to drink alone. You, thoroughly tipsy, decided it was better to spend the night on his spare than pay $50 for an Uber. He agreed, of course. Why wouldn’t he?
Lifting onto your elbows, you just stare at him. He lifts an ankle to cross over the other and your eyes drop. What is his fascination with Spongebob socks?
“We should play 20 questions.”
“What?” His head swivels like a bobblehead and a giggle barely escapes your lips.
“20 questions!” You say excitedly, heaving onto your knees to look at him earnestly. “You go first.”
“Um, okay.” The song fades into Paper Planes and he bobs his head to the beat. “What’s your favorite breed of dog?”
“Shiba inu. Are you a virgin?”
The fucking tone of your voice makes him dissolve into giggles, hand pressed to his chest. You just shrug, reaching for the pen in the table. “Fair question, I think,” you say defensively. His chest heaves, but he sits up.
“No—no, I’m not a virgin.” His cheeks are red, but he’s smiling like it was an easy answer. Your mind floods with images of his long hair in your face, long fingers—a sweaty chest. You shake your head. “Okay, my turn,” he continues, giving you a weird look. “would you rather kiss Chucky Cheese or Ronald McDonald?”
“Karl!” You whine. “That is not how 20 Questions works!” You grumpily pull from your pen, blowing the smoke out of the side of your mouth. Eughk. Apple berry sucks.
“Fine, fine,” he sighs, rolling his eyes. The tell-tale guitar chords of The Adults Are Talking floods the room and his face brightens with a new question. “Have you ever been to a concert?”
“Yes, actually. The Jonas Brothers in 2009.” He wrinkles his nose, finishing his cider and dropping it onto the coffee table with a sharp noise. Your eyebrows furrow. “Don’t you dare badmouth my boys.”
“Wasn’t gonna!” He reaches for your pen and you give it to him with a slight pout on your lips that he glances at.
“Good. Where is the weirdest place you’ve had sex?” A grin climbs your lips.
“Jesus Christ, Y/N.” His eyes widen and smoke curls out of his nostrils as he hands your pen back. You just shrug and pick up your discarded seltzer. “Gimme a sec to think.”
“So many places?” You tease, finishing the last drop of your drink and crushing it beneath your palm. He shrugs, mirroring you, and cracks open another cider. He seems to think, brows furrowing, as he pulls a swig from the dark bottle.
“Boat,” you repeat.
“Yup.” He looks at you, gaze flickering to your lips imperceptibly fast. If you were sober you’d probably notice, but you’re not and you don’t.
“You’ve fucked on a boat?” No way. Karl Jacobs. On a boat. Having sex. What an image—
“Yeah, senior year was great for me.” More Than A Woman fills the space of the silence as you consider this. You blink, processing.
“Whose boat?” You're genuinely curious. Was it a yacht, pontoon, fishing boat? Row boat? The sudden scene of him getting his foot stuck in a fishing net while pantless clouds your vision.
“My girlfriend’s.” And that’s that on that because he’s moving on before you can open your mouth and continue the discussion of the logistics of this. “Stop investigating, perv. Now it’s my turn. Hmm— wait! Where is the weirdest place you have had sex?” A sneaky grin is on his lips and now you just want to kiss him, damn it.
“I-Uh. I think it was under the bleachers. I also had a great senior year,” you offer, scooting forward on your knees so that you’re only a foot from Karl. He looks impressed, actually.
“Who was it?”
Your eyebrow raises in question.
“Personal question or one of the 16 left, Karl?”
His cheeks heat and he looks once to the TV.
“Personal,” he mutters into the mouth of his bottle.
“It was Brian Hernandez,” you sigh, gazing off into the distance with a fond look in your eyes. You feel the end of the game of 20 questions as you see him chew on his bottom lip from your peripheral. “Dude was insatiable. Managed girls’ basketball and looked damn good doing it.”
“I managed girls’ soccer,” he says simply, uncrossing his legs. “My girlfriend was goalie.”
“How long did you guys date?” You fold your legs up underneath you, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear. You feel the most sober now out of all tonight.
“Dunno.” He sips at his cider. “Couple weeks maybe?”
You smirk. “Karl Jacobs puts out in the first couple weeks?” That’s hot, you don’t say. He gives you a look. “18 year old Karl was a player,” you tease, leaning forward to poke at his chest.
Smacking your hand away, he sighs and lifts a hand to tousle his hair.
“Guess he was.” Clear eyes meet yours and you take a hit from the pen that lays discarded in your palm. He watches the smoke float from your mouth. The TV screen swipes to Deceptacon and the mood quickly shifts. “So.” He turns toward you with lifted eyebrows. “You were a total nerd in highschool, huh.”
Your jaw drops. “I was not!”
“Come on; yes, you were.” He makes a face and drains half the bottle of cider. “You probably were in SpellBowl and every teacher’s pet.”
“Nice try, bitch. You were a dumb jock. I’ve seen the pictures. The yearbook pictures.” You look pointedly at his hair.
“My hair was not that bad.”
“Yes it was.”
“No, it wasn’t,” he grumbles and pushes his hand through his long curls. “Just a little… short.” It’s your turn to make a face.
“A buzz cut nearly to your scalp is more than short.” He huffs at you and finishes the cider just as the song switches. “Anyways.” You don’t really have anything to say, actually. Too busy thinking about teenage Karl smacking tennis rackets around and fielding lost soccer balls for his girlfriend. She’s long gone, right?
“Are you wearing lingerie?” Karl asks suddenly and you look up. He stares pointedly at your chest and you move a hand to pat at your stomach.
“Oh,” you start, and flick the last three buttons open, fabric falling to reveal a baby blue lace corset. “Yeah.” He can’t seem to stop imagining what’s underneath it. Fuck. “Do you like it?” The tone in your voice is taunting and he has to look away.
He clears his throat and places the second glass bottle onto the coffee table.
You rise onto your knees and pull your arms out of the button-up, letting it fall back on the couch.
“Do you want to touch it?” You're looking up at him from underneath your eyelashes, he realizes, and you know exactly what you’re doing. You’re not asking if he wants to touch the corset; you’re asking if he wants to touch you.
“Can I?” He glances at you warily. You just nod, and it’s then that you’re shuffling forward. The material is soft on his fingertips when he brushes a hand across your torso. “Silk,” he mumbles, and stares, transfixed, at the loopy flower pattern crawling across your waist in shades of milky blue. You just hum and watch. He realizes suddenly when he traces a finger up on the ridge of the neckline that you’re not wearing anything underneath it. It makes him stop in his tracks, neck flushing. “Are-are you—,”
“Wearing a bra? No, I’m not.” You lay a hand on his shoulder, hoisting one leg over his thighs and settling down comfortable on his lap. He bristles then relaxes as you slide a hand up into his scalp. “Do you want me to show you?”
He glares at you, barely annoyed, and shifts so that his large hands rest in the curve of your waist. Poison starts in the speakers as his eyebrow raises.
“Do you normally wear corsets when we all hang out?” A lock of your hair moves past your cheek as he brushes it out of the way. His mouth tilts into a smirk. You seem to think about it, lips pursed, and grip both his shoulders in your hands.
“Only when I’ve got someone to impress.” A hand on your lower back presses insistently and you fall further into his lap.
“Who are you here to impress, Y/N?” He’s barely an inch from your mouth now, and can’t seem to keep his eyes on one part of your face. Cool breath fans onto your cheeks and they warm. God, he’s even cuter up close.
“You,” barely passes your lips before he’s taking the side of your neck into his hand and stretching to connect your lips with his own.
Cherry, you think. Cherry chapstick, that cheeky bastard. Taking your wrist in his hand, he loops it up and around his neck. You’re making a noise into his mouth, you realize, right as he’s sliding a hand down to the side of your thigh and gripping it between his long fingers. You shiver as he pulls away too soon, pressing a small kiss to the corner of your mouth before sinking his teeth into your neck. The gasp that leaves your mouth is surprisingly loud and your cheeks flush further. He just hums, pleased, and stretches an arm to the opposite side of your waist to hug you closer. Warm lips move on the skin of your neck and his tongue darts out few and far between the kisses.
“Fuck,” he breathes when your hips jerk forward once.
“Sorry,” you whisper up at the ceiling, eyes falling shut. “reflex.”
He grins against your neck and moves to grip an ass cheek in his palm.
“Your reflex to me licking a hickey is to grind into my crotch?” he teases. You just have to nod, lips parted, as he soothes another bruise with his tongue.
“Karl.” He seems to either not hear you or ignore you for he’s removing himself from your neck and connecting your mouths once more. “Karl,” you stutter between kisses, and he squeezes at your ass.
“Yes?” His lips are bitten and puffy when he pulls away, a smug look on his beautiful face.
“Take off my corset.”
He looks between your face and the lingerie, eyebrows raised in surprise.
“Don’t mind if I do.”
A/N: ask or send me some stuff!! requests, rants, anything. :D comment what you think !
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thetravelerwrites · 4 years
Dr. Mael Halvorg (Finale) Lemon
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Rating: Explicit Relationship: Male Part-Fae/Female Part Fae Additional Tags: Exophilia, Monster Boyfriend, Fae, Reader Insert, Genetics Content Warnings: Children, Pregnancy, Incubation, Birth, Babies, Surgery, Male Infertility, Mention of Cancer Words: 4233
The finale of @ivymemnoch​‘s commission! The reader takes Dr. Halvorg on a weekend trip for his birthday and changes his life forever. Please reblog and leave feedback!
The Traveler's Masterlist
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The plus sign on the stick had taken you by surprise. You don’t know why, though; you knew this was probably going to happen eventually when you decided to stop your birth control. Of course, you didn’t expect it to happen so soon, since he was still recovering and potentially wouldn’t necessarily be any more fertile than he had been before, but considering how prolific your family was, it shouldn’t have been a shock.
Three months after Maël’s surgery, his test results had been not quite normal but favorable, and he was already talking to you about perhaps finding a surrogate and in-vitro fertilization, getting your opinion and making sure you’d be okay with it. You told him to wait, perhaps, and give himself more time to allow his… swimmers… to get stronger. You hadn’t told him you were already prepared to carry his child for him. You wanted it to be a surprise. A gift.
But now, after dating for six months, there it was. Right there on the ultrasound screen: a tiny little baby belly bean, no bigger than your thumb. Whatever doubts you had were always drowned out by one sentence.
He’s going to be so happy.
You went into his office after getting home from the OBGYN, having told him you were simply going in for your normal bi-yearly check-up. He was working, like always, but he looked up when you came in and smiled.
“How’d it go?” He asked you.
“Totally normal and healthy,” You replied. The both of us.
“I’m glad to hear that,” He said, putting down his pen. “No lunch with Amai? It’s Wednesday.”
“I know,” You said. “But I wanted to spend time with you.”
His smile widened and he opened his arms. You went over and sat in his lap, giving him a kiss.
“So, you’re birthday is coming up,” You said nonchalantly.
He snorted. “I haven’t celebrated my birthday in over one hundred years.”
“All the more reason to do it now!” You insisted. “I want to take you on a weekend trip. There’s somewhere special I want you to see.”
“And what would that be?” He asked, smiling at you fondly.
“A surprise,” You said, twitching his nose. “It’s in New York, though.”
His head rocked back. “That’s a ways away. Why are we going so far?”
“You’ll see. Do you want to go? Please?” You looked up through your lashes at him, being playful, hoping you weren’t being too weird and that he didn’t suspect anything.
“Well, alright. I don’t really have much work to do right now.”
You sat up and looked at him in shock, laughing. “I totally didn’t expect you to agree!”
He hugged you close and laughed too. “Well, there’s no reason not to, I suppose. And I’ll do just about anything for you if you ask nicely enough. God, it’s been ages since I actually took an actual vacation.”
“See? Perfect timing.” You bit your lip and looked at the door slyly. “Does the door lock?”
His eyes flicked to the door and back to you, narrowing them. “Yes. But the room isn’t soundproof.”
“I can be quiet. Promise.”
You thought he’d decline and say it was inappropriate to be intimate in his office, that he’d see you after he was done working and then the two of you could play back at his massive suite. Which was now your suite as well, as you’d moved in with him about a month ago.
What you didn’t expect was him to grin sinfully at you and get up, closing the blinds. He went around to lock the door and sat on the couch on the opposite side of his desk and patted his lap. Smirking, you joined him.
Climbing into his lap slowly, straddling him, you went in for a deep, probing kiss, dragging your fingernails down his chest over his shirt. He groaned against your lips and put his hands on your legs, petting under your skirt and slip, raking his fingers against the lip of your stockings. You’d taken to wearing stockings because he rather liked them. It seemed to do a lot to turn him on, especially when they were all you were wearing. He also had a corset fetish, too, but you couldn’t wear a corset all the time, especially around the children, so stockings were a happy medium.
He kneaded your buttocks under your skirt as you reached between the two of you and unbuckled his pants, unzipped the zipper, and reached in, fondling him over his underwear. His groaned deepened and he squirmed underneath you, his head falling back onto the cushions.
You started kissing his neck, pulling up his shirt and running your hands up his back. He had large, curious scales on his back, an artifact of his fae heritage. They were a lot like pangolin scales: wide, brown, and ridged. He often wore special padded shirts, because normal shirts were shredded by the end of the day. You thought they were adorable and loved grooming them for him, which he greatly enjoyed and made him almost purr, though you could cut a finger on them if you weren’t careful.
He reached under you and pulled your panties aside, lining himself up with your entrance. You sank slowly down onto him, drawing it out, and he hissed in a breath, biting his lip to keep quiet. You began to move on him, and he moved under you, thrusting up as you thrust down. He was always a very active, enthusiastic participant during sex, even if you took the lead. One hundred years of celibacy might have had something to do with that.
He flipped your skirt up and tucked it into your waistband so that he could watch himself go into and out of you, watch your thighs flex and contract, and run his thumbs up the straps of your stockings. You pulled the tie from his white-blonde hair and shook it out of it’s neat braid, letting it fall around his shoulders so that you could play with and tug on it. His pace quickened, and you matched his rhythm, the both of you beginning to pant and moan, quickly suppressed.
There was a knock on his door. “Dr. Halvorg? I need your signature on these invoices.”
He pulled you against his shoulder, muffling your sounds of pleasure, but he didn’t stop thrusting. You bit into his shoulder to keep yourself for crying out.
“What are they for?” He called through the door, his voice remarkably even-sounding.
“For the medical equipment from Broadchurch,” The assistant said.
“No, no, we never got the product, we’re not paying that,” He said, for all the world sounding like he was sitting as his desk staring at paperwork and not railing you on his couch.
“I’m going to cum,” You whispered into his ear.
“You promised to stay quiet,” He told you just as silently.
“I can’t!” You responded desperately.
“You promised.”
“So what should I do?” The assistant said, seemingly none the wiser that you were about to explode.
“Call them and ask where our equipment is. Until they locate it, they’re not getting a penny.”
You balled up his shirt in your hands and gritted your teeth as you came, gushing on him and holding your breath to stay quiet. You made a squeak, and his hand closed on your throat.
“Shh, shh,” He hushed.
“I’ll call them back, but I don’t think they’ll be very helpful,” The assistant replied. “They haven’t responded to any of the emails. The only communication is from emails.”
“Send them an email, then. I’m busy, though, so get on with it,” He said impatiently, staring at your face as your orgasm crested and ebbed, keeping a firm grip on your neck.
“Yes, sir,” The assistant said. You heard their footsteps recede.
“Oh, fuck,” You breathed.
“You did well,” He said, allowing his breathing to go fast and shallow. God, he had amazing self restraint. “Good girl. Stay still, I’m almost there.”
His pace became frenetic and bounced you high on his lap. He let go your your throat and gripped your hips, slamming you down upon him. He grunted, getting a little red in the face as he smacked his body into you.
You felt him release inside you, pulsing against your inner walls. When he was done, he flipped you over and lay you down on the couch, watching his seed well up and out of you to drip down onto the vinyl couch. He always did that, and you weren’t sure why.
You went to the en-suite bathroom to clean yourself up and brought him a wet towel so that he could do the same. When you were both done and had straightened your clothes, you spent a few minutes making out against his desk before he sighed.
“I should help my assistant contact the supply company. He’s a bit of a pushover, the poor kid.” Maël smiled down at you. “That was nice. We should do that more often.”
“We almost got caught!” You objected.
“Hey, it was your idea,” He said, grinning. “I’m looking forward to whatever you have planned for our trip. I’m sure it’ll be amazing.”
“It definitely will be. I promise.” You kissed him one more time, lingering for a moment, before unlocking the door and letting yourself out.
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Next week, Saturday morning, you took a plane out to Albany, New York, and drove a rental car to a house in Glenmont. When you stopped in the driveway, Maël looked at you with confusion and a little bit of apprehension.
“I don’t understand,” He said. “What are we doing here?”
“You’ll see,” You replied. “Come on.”
You walked him up to the front door and knocked. A young woman in her forties or fifties answered.
“Hi, are you Mrs. Winston?”
“Oh, yes, you must be the young woman I spoke to over the phone!” She said. “Come in, come in. He’s in the parlor.”
“Thank you so much.” You stepped into the house with Maël following. You could feel the curiosity and confusion radiating off of him.
You were led into a sitting room where a man in a wheelchair was reading a paper at a table. He was quite old, by human standards, in his mid-eighties perhaps. He was hooked up to an IV and had an oxygen cannula in his nostrils.
“Dad?” The woman said softly. “You’ve got visitors.”
The man looked up at the two of you. Despite his advanced age, he seemed completely within his faculties.
“Are you the woman I talk to?” He asked you.
“Yes, sir,” You responded. “Thank you for agreeing to see us.”
“It’s no problem,” He said. He was staring at Maël.
You pulled him forward. “Dr. Maël Halvorg,” You said to Maël. “I’d like you to meet Dr. Maël Halvorg. Robert’s son.”
Maël’s eyes widened and his mouth dropped in shock. He seemed unable to speak. You smiled at him encouragingly and nudged him forward.
He cleared his throat and held out his hand. “It’s a genuine pleasure to meet you, sir,” Maël said in a small voice. “May I sit down.”
“Please,” The man, Dr. Halvorg, said, shaking Maël’s hand and gesturing toward the chairs. You and Maël took a seat.
“Do you know who I am, sir?” Maël asked tentatively.
“I do,” Dr. Halvorg responded. “You raised my father.”
“Yes,” Maël said, smiling in relief. “I loved your father very much.”
“I know you did,” Dr. Halvorg replied. “My father spoke of a lot when I was growing up.”
“Is he… is he alive?”
“No. I’m afraid he died about eleven years ago,” Dr. Halvorg said sadly.
Maël sighed and hung his head a little. “I suspected that might be the case, but I hoped.” He looked back up at the older gentleman. “Did he grow up okay? What kind of man was he? I apologize, but I just have so many questions.”
Dr. Halvorg chuckled. “It’s no trouble. Honestly, I was hoping I might get to meet you one day.”
Maël smiled. “You were?”
“Oh, yes. May father told me so many stories about you when we kids were growing up.”
“How many children did he have?” Maël asked earnestly.
“Four sons,” Dr. Halvorg replied. “He was a great father and a brilliant man, though he said he had a rough start.”
Maël nodded. “Yes, Robert had some learning disabilities that made certain things difficult.”
“He told me that many people said he was lazy and stupid, and that you were the only one who believed he could learn. You dedicated much of your time to helping him.”
“Yes,” Maël said. “Being in school made him quite frustrated and sad, so I took him from school and taught him myself at home. He seemed to respond positively to that.”
“Indeed, he did,” Dr. Halvorg replied. “It was because of you that my dad became a teacher.”
“Robert was a teacher?” Maël asked delightedly.
“Oh, yes,” Dr. Halvorg responded. “He taught children much like himself, the ones who needed special attention and care. He was well respected in his field and much loved by his students. He didn’t want to retire, in fact. It was age and illness that forced him to stop.”
Maël held a hand to his chest. “I’m so proud to hear that. Robert was always a determined boy, so I’m so pleased to learn he kept at it.”
“He struggled, I’m afraid,” Dr. Halvorg admitted. “After his mother, my grandmother, left you for his biological father, things changed quite a bit. His father was not as understanding or as patient as you had been and set him back rather badly.”
Maël frowned. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
“As far as my memory goes, he never called that man ‘father.’ As far as he was concerned, you were his dad. But his biological father insisted on wiping you out of their lives. That’s why he had to hide that.” Dr. Halvorg pointed to a picture on the mantle. “Young lady, could you kindly retrieve that?”
“Of course,” You said, standing up and going to the mantle, where there was a black-and-white photograph in a frame. It was Maël, wearing fine early twentieth century clothes, his hair cut short and wearing a flat cap. He was standing with his hands on the shoulders of a young boy, perhaps eight, wearing similar clothes. You took it and handed it to Dr. Halvorg, who gave it to Maël.
Maël stared at the picture, his eyes bright and glittering with tears. “I never thought I’d see his face again.”
“Keep that,” Dr. Halvorg said. “He’d have wanted you to.”
“Oh, I couldn’t!” Maël said. “This is yours!”
“I have digital copies,” Dr. Halvorg said dismissively. “In any case, I won’t be needing it much longer anyway. Stage four lung cancer, you see.”
“I’m so sorry,” Maël said mournfully. “Can anything be done?”
Dr. Halvorg shook his head. “I’ve lived a good life. I have children, and grandchildren, a beautiful wife, a wonderful job. The one thing I wanted was to meet my father’s father. Not that other man who did his best to tear my father down. The man who did his best to lift my father up. You. And I’ve done that. I can go now content.”
Maël’s restraint cracked, and he wept. “I appreciate that very much,” He said in a strangled whisper.
Maël and Dr. Halvorg talked for hours, recounting stories from both Robert’s childhood and adulthood. Dr. Halvorg showed Maël pictures of his siblings and children. Maël told Dr. Halvorg about his life’s work in reviving dying races. You watched the two of them interacting, and it made your heart swell with gladness. You’d never seen Maël so happy and excitable.
Finally, nearing sundown, you realized that Dr. Halvorg was becoming tired. His daughter came in to give him his evening meal and medication, and the two of you said goodbye.
“It has been an absolute joy, Dr. Halvorg,” Maël said, shaking Dr. Halvorg’s hand. “You lovely daughter has my number and my email, so please keep in touch.”
“My pleasure,” Dr. Halvorg said. “You have a nice trip back with your lady, Grandad.”
Maël laughed and teared up again. “I will.”
Outside, before you could get back in the car, Maël pulled you into a tight, warm hug.
“Thank you,” He whispered into your hair softly. “Thank you so much. I love you. I love you. I can never repay you for this.”
“What about a diamond ring and a pretty white dress?” You asked, wiping his tears and smiling up at him.
He laughed. “It’s a deal.”
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Back at the hotel, he sat on the bed and stared at the photograph, pointing out little marks on Robert’s face and telling you stories about them. You listened with your head on his shoulder.
Eventually he stopped and placed the frame carefully in his suitcase.
“Are you hungry? I’m starving. Let’s order something.”
“Before we do,” You said. “I have a birthday gift for you.”
He chuckled incredulously. “Honey, I appreciate that, but honestly, there’s no possible way you could have topped what you gave me today.”
“Are you sure about that?” You asked, going to your suitcase and pulling out a small rectangular box. “Here, open it.”
The second he saw the pregnancy test, he fell to his knees, sobbing loudly, his head pressed against the floor. You knelt next to him and rubbed his back, letting him get it all out. Years of despair, pain, and sadness being released. You’re sure he was overwhelmed, so you waited in silence and lay your head against him.
“Is this real?” He choked.
“It’s real,” You assured him. “I have an ultrasound picture.”
His head popped up, tears streaming down his face. “Can I see it?”
“Of course,” You said, pulling it from your purse.
“Oh, my God,” He wept, staring at the small bean in the picture. “Oh, my God. It’s mine?”
“Yes, honey, it’s yours,” You said. “We can do a paternity test if you want, but I promise you it’s your baby.”
He stopped being able to speak and just cried. He cried for a very long time. You picked him up and laid him in the bed and ordered some food. While waiting for it, you climbed into bed and held him.
“Are you okay?” He asked after some time.
“Me? Yeah, I’m completely fine. Are you okay? You were crying pretty hard there. I’m surprised you haven’t fallen asleep. I’d be exhausted.”
“That’s not what I mean,” He said, lifting your chin so you were looking at him. “Are you okay with having a baby? I know I’ve been talking about wanting to have a child for as long as we’ve known each other, but is this what you want?”
“Yes, it is,” You told him. “I stopped my birth control months ago.”
“You didn’t tell me you’d done that,” He said.
“I wanted it to be a surprise,” You said, stroking his cheek.
“You. Are. Amazing,” He breathed. “I am so happy. Happier than I have any business being, and it’s all because of you.”
“You deserve to be happy, Maël,” You said. “Don’t ever thin’ otherwise.”
He pressed his forehead against yours. “I love you.”
“I love you back.”
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Yenuno and Amai we’re overjoyed to hear the good news, and the children also seemed to be happy to have a new playmate coming. Maël seemed unable to stop smiling. He took time off from work to take care of you during the worst of your morning sickness and was present for every doctor’s appointment, every ultrasound, every time you even texted him. If you asked, he’d drop anything he was doing to come and help you.
His little girl was born in the spring, and he named her Roberta. He took her everywhere with him, rarely putting her down for any reason, even keeping her on his shoulder when he was working. The joy that radiated from him was infectious, and everyone near him couldn’t help but smile at his brand new attitude.
You planned your wedding for fall that same year, and afterward, you and Maël were able to take Roberta up to New York to meet Dr. Halvorg. He passed away a few weeks later. You and Maël attended his funeral, and as Dr. Halvorg was buried in the same family plot as Robert, Maël got the chance to visit his son’s grave for the very first time.
“Hi, Robert,” He said softly, kneeling down in front of the headstone. You waited with Roberta asleep in your arms a few paces back.
“I’m sorry,” Maël said, his voice breaking. “I’m sorry I didn’t do more when your mother took you. I wish I had fought to keep you, but I didn’t think I had any right. I just wanted to know where you had gone and if you were safe, but she told me nothing about where you were going and disappeared. I bribed the men at the train station and the docks to look through the ledgers, to try and find your name, but I never found it.
“I will always blame myself for not doing more, for not stepping in and making sure we could keep in contact. I should have taken it to the courts and let them decide, but I… I was scared they would determine I trying to hold on to something that wasn’t mine.”
Maël sniffed and wiped his eyes.
“I just wish I had one more chance,” He continued. “I wish I could have had a phone call, at the very least, to talk to you and hear your voice and tell you what I should have said back then. That it didn’t matter whose child you were biologically or legally. I was your father. You were my son. Nothing would ever change that.” His voice cracked further. “You will always be my son.”
After a moment silent tears hitting the grass where Robert lay sleeping, Maël straightened up an took a deep breath.
“I know where you are now, and I’ll come visit again, you and my grandson,” Maël said. He laughed. “I can’t believe you named your son after me. I’m honored more than I can tell you.”
Maël turned to you and opened his arms for the sleeping form of his daughter, his face wet with tears, and you passed her over.
“You have a baby sister, Robert,” He said, smiling. “I named her after you. She’s always smiling and happy. She reminds me so much of you when you were little that it’s kind of scary. I think the two of you would have been best friends. I’ll make sure she knows all about you.”
You put a hand on his back and rubbed gently. He kissed Roberta’s forehead and tiny little ear.
“We have to go now, Robert. You’re baby sister is going to wake up soon and be hungry. But I’ll come back to see you again, I swear. This time, I promise I’ll come back.”
As winter crested into spring again, Roberta was walking and had said her first word: “Daddy.”
You were still teaching at the facility, and had taken up the job permanently. Yenuno and Amai’s little girls were Roberta’s favorite playmates, though they had been warned to be careful, as Roberta developed more slowly than they did.
“Can we have another one? Please?” Maël asked one night as he watched gleefully as Roberta used her fat baby fists to shove raviolies in her mouth.
“Give me another year, but yes,” You replied.
“A year!” Maël whined. “That’s so long!”
“Don’t sass me,” You told him. “A year and no sooner. Besides, you still have more work to do. Did you get in touch with the Celtic Fae Council?”
“Yes, finally,” He replied, picking up his fork. “I didn’t realize how much red tape was involved. Genetic testing is underway. So far, there have been three men with similar blockages as mine. There are also a few women who were born missing one or both ovaries. We’re trying to trace back when this infertility spike started, but it could have been a millennium ago.” He laughed as Roberta threw a ravioli across the room. “I think she’s done, she’s just smashing them into her tray now.” He stood up and swept her up out of her seat, not even caring about the marinara stains on his shirt. “Come on, sweet pea, let’s take a bath. Eh? Eh, princess?”
He bounced her and she squealed.
You got up from your seat and came up behind him, circling him around the waist with your arms.
“You’re a good dad, honey,” You told him. “Roberta’s lucky. We both are. And so is our future children.”
He turned in your grip and kissed you. “If luck exists, you brought it with you. None of this would have happened without you. You are a miracle.”
You kissed him again and pushed him toward the bathroom. “She’s putting ravioli in your hair.”
He belly laughed and headed for the bathroom. You followed and marveled at how much had changed, wondering how it would change again. You looked forward to it.
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My Masterlist
The Exophilia Creator’s Masterlist
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enigma-absolute · 3 years
8, 14, and 20!
8. Favourite Headcanon?
Good question! I have several, but let’s go with a more obscure one.
A long time ago on Mr P. ter Voorde’s deviantart, he did a commission where the Ellsworld girls were in the US and walking away from the EW USA lads. Ell looked nervous, Matilda looked ticked off and Tamara was flipping the bird while yelling angrily at them. (To be fair, they were looking like assholes per usual.)
Logical answer? Eddsworld USA is the same universe/mirror verse as Ellsworld.
Which means, by that logic, the canon Eddsworld universe/mirror verse has to have their own Ellsworld counterparts in another country.
But because I’m biased and I’m tired of Americanisation, I came up with the headcanon that Ellsworld AUS (Australia) is in the same universe as Eddsworld canon. Yes the girls are Australian yes they’re from best state Queensland it’s my headcanon and I make the rules here.
(If anyone gives me an excuse to ramble about Ellsworld AUS over here, I’ll gladly take it.)
14. What would your neighbour counterpart be named?
Again, good question. Considering my name is more of a more obscure one IRL, I think either Kristine (with a K instead of a Ch) or Kristina or something along the lines of that could work.
If we wanna take it an extra step further, if you knew me in the EW fandom back in the legacy days, you would probably remember me going by an alias of ‘Maddy’ to hide my actual name.
So imagine, for a moment, I get a neighbour that has a lot of similarities to me, with my old alias from in the day. Sure, the names don’t match but hot damn if we aren’t already giving each other weird flashbacks just by observing one another alone.
20. Which Eddsworld adventure would you like to go on?
If there’s a wack sequel to BOTH ‘Matt Sucks’ and ‘Saloonatics’ where it’s a riff of Bram Stoker’s Dracula and I get to be a non-sexy vampire huntress alongside or defending the lads in 19th-century Romania (and LIVE, THANKS), I’m SO down for it.
(Look I know vampires look hot and their hunters by default too, I’m just not comfortable with the sexualisation personally and would like to see and design myself as a more practical vampire huntress. The corset is for back support, the poofy sleeve shirt is a comfort with a collar to hide my neck and I will absolutely chug holy water to get it flowing through my bloodstream.)
(Werewolves are better than vampires anyway don’t @ me)
Otherwise, I’d love to go for a WTFuture type adventure into another time period, or Space Face, or something along the lines of Moviemakers, but as an animation production instead of film crew. The meta jokes would go so hard and so far.
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infoglitch · 1 year
RWBY: Fate
(I tried, I swear I did it's just so damn annoying!
I didn't feel like having you guys wait another fucking year just for me to drop a page.
I am so sorry everyone I have failed this time.)
Our focus changes to jaune who is in some kind of locker room as he managed to find a locker as he put some stuff in specifically a box of pumpkin Pete cereal.
He sighed after getting all of the unnecessarys in the locker. He closed it as he began to hear people entering the locker room.
"Thank the brothers I got here early." He spoke softly as he then noticed the locker next to him opened as he peeked around and saw a familiar woman with bright vermilion hair strung up in a pony tail. She wore a golden armored corset aswell as a black body suit underneath with a gold plate armor chest piece covering her upper body. Along with that she wore golden kneepads and shin guards. She also wore long black gloves over her hands with the symbol of a maple leaf on the back hand of both gloves. She also had a golden arm guard on her right arm. The most defining addition to her outfit was red sash the hanged out from the side of her body suit.
Jaunes eyes stared at the marvel of a woman infront of him before he muttered a simple "hello". The woman immediately turned on her heel to face him.
"Oh hi there! Who might you be?" The woman said as jaune shook his head before speaking his. "Jaune d'arc. Nice to meet you." Jaune spoke as he waved at her.
The woman seemed to detense as she stuck out her hand. "Pyrrha Nikos. It's a pleasure." Pyrrha spoke as jaune looked at her hand before shaking it. As jaune looked at her he felt a memory pop into his head. "Hey um. Weird question but you wouldn't happen to have been on a box of pumpkin Pete cereal have you" jaune asked as pyrrha looked at him Abit surprised.
"Yes actually. Though it was only for a month. The companies support is one of the reasons I'm here. Who knew sponsorships could get you into a huntsmen academy." Pyrrha answered as she pulled away from the handshake as she rubbed the back of her neck. Jaune had a shimmer in his eyes as he began to babble on about cereal trivia as pyrrha just listened oddly amazed by all the pieces of trivia of cereal history.
Suddenly a small chuckle was heard as the two looked to see Weiss walking in. "I'll be honest madam pyrrha I never took you for a cereal enthusiast." She said smiling Abit as jaune had small blush on his face as pyrrha just rolled her eyes at the mention of "madam pyrrha".
"Weiss schnee. What a surprise. Aren't you supposed to be counting your mountains of lien." Pyrrha spoke coldly as she crossed her arms. Weiss seemed a bit taken aback but kept walking until she was right infront of the vermilion gladiator. Weiss stuck out her hand as she smiled a bit. "I would love to be friends with you." Weiss spoke with confidence as pyrrha just stared at her observing her bodies disposition. "U-um Id like to be friends-" jaune spoke up which caught Pyrrha off guard. She had forgotten he was behind her listening to everything. She turned back to Weiss who was no longer staring at pyrrha instead just glaring at the blonde knight. Jaune just piped down as he opened his locker and made it look like he was looking for something.
Weiss turned her attention back to pyrrha as she Changed to a friendly disposition. "So about my request-"
"No." Pyrrha interrupted the schnee heiress as she had a aura of dangerous intent. "O-oh. Ok then. I apologize for bothering you madam pyrrha" Weiss spoke as she spoke as she curtsied before heading back to locker.
"Did I ruin the chance?"  jaune asked as pyrrha looked at him her posture softening as she shook her head. "No. I just don't like making friends who give off... How do I put it?" Pyrrha spoke as she tapped her chin. "Off energy?" Jaune said as pyrrha snapped her fingers. "Yeah that! Now then how about we head to the exam course" Pyrrha spoke as she grabbed jaune by his hoodie as she walked off with the blonde knight as we see a defeated Weiss rummaging through her locker before feeling a pat on her back as yang stood by her. "You'll get on her good side soon ice queen." Yang had a large stupid smirk as she talked which Weiss just grumbled at. Stupid blondes.
With Ruby she was wandering through the Locker room in awe of it sheer size. before seeing two familiar figures. "REN! NORA!" Ruby shouted with glee as she ran towards the two as Nora turned and grinned before running right towards ruby as both had their arms spread ready to bear hug each other.
The two collided as they hugged each squealing in joy as ren just watched unamused as eventually we see everyone enter the locker room and prepare before finally hearing bell signaling the end of the grace period. Eventually everyone found themselves on a cliff as there were launch platforms as we see Ruby and jaune standing next to each other as jaune was shivering in his armor meanwhile ruby was inspecting the red case that she was carrying.
"S-so... You scared r-ruby?" Jaune ask as he looked at the rose reaper. Ruby looked at him a bit confused. "Nope. Are you?" Ruby answered with her own question. Jaune vigorously shook his head as Ruby noded.
"Attention future huntsmen." Ozpins Voice rang out as everyone turn to see him standing to the side as he held a microphone. "You will be given a flare gun with two types of ammunition. One with red and one with green, the green flare signals that you give up. Red means you have completed your objective and are returning here. You will be given these to ensure that there are no casualties when we can't observe you. Any questions?" Ozpin asked as jaune raised his hand.
"Um What is our objective?" Jaune asked nervously as ozpin stared at him, his eyes narrowed as he saw a symbol of the crescent moon on the boys shield.
"You're an arc correct. Your families full of legends you should know this. Now tell me how is crocea mors doing." Ozpin asked as jaune was about to say something before ozpin pressed a button as jaune was sent flying from his launch platform.
"Oops. Begin. And make sure you use your semblances." ozpin spoke as everyone rocketed off as Glynda and hazel stood behind ozpin. "Ozpin that was oddly cruel" hazel spoke calmly as the megaphone in ozpins hand disintegrated. "Apologies. Just a bridge that I didn't burn." Ozpin answered as he walked of before stopping.
"Glynda be a dear and keep tabs on the students. Hazel get the rescue unit ready if we get any green flares." Ozpin added as he walked away before vanishing into thin air.
Our focus changes to ren as he pulled out two Chinese dow only transformed into it looked like pistols with the blade turned into a bayonet before it fired off the bayonets leaving a trail of string attaching to both blades as they hit a tree as ren swung himself across the tree as he landed on a large tree branch as he hear screams of what sounded like a helpless girl. He looked up and so Jaune heading towards the ground as ren sigh as the bayonets returned. He aimed his pistol at jaune before firing a bayonet as it pierced through Jaunes hood as it nailed him to the tree.
"Well hello" Ren spoke calmly as he sat down as jaune looked at him with a nervous expression on his face. "Um hi. I'm jaune d'arc. Nice to meet you um... Wait what's your name?" Jaune asked as ren just sighed as he cleared his throat. "Lie ren. My friend Nora calls me Ren though." Ren answered as he looked to the sky as we see a pink lightning bolt shoot by the two before crashing into the ground as we see the one and only Nora Valkyrie Face planted into the dirt as a crater surrounded her before she shot up as she had a huge grin as she turned to Ren. "Nailed it!" She spoke as if she was a toddler who got a toy she wanted.
"Wow. Your five minutes early. I figured you show up here as soon as me and jaune here were on the ground." Ren jested. Well jaune assumed he did. His monotone voice didn't really help discern whether he was joking or being actually serious.
Nora raised a eyebrow as she looked at the blonde knight before she narrowed her eyes. "Cereal man." She spoke plainly as she suddenly grinned as jaune gulped nervously.
Our focus finally changed to ruby soaring through the air as she had a calm disposition as she grabbed the red box and removed it from her belt as we the emblem of a flaming rose. Suddenly the box transformed into a giant scythe that had the end of a sniper rifle barrel. Suddenly she fired a blast of wind from the barrel as she suddenly gained momentum as we see petals envelope her before a cascade of rose petals was in her place as it flew right towards an area full of strange werewolf creature, the main body had black fur as bones covered each of them. Suddenly we see Ruby emerged from the rose petals as she reared the scythe as we see black lightning envelope the blade as she brought it down piercing into the earth sending a shockwave as the creatures disintegrated.
In the aftermath we see Ruby leaning on her scythe which had the name "crescent rose" engraved on it.  Ruby removed the scythe as it transformed into its red box again as she attached it to metal emblem on her belt.
"Now. To find the objective. And hopefully Ren and Nora." Ruby spoke happily as she began walking through the dense forest. 
Our perspective changes once more as we see yang wearing a pair of sun glasses as she soared through the air as she... Wait was she NAPPING?! Yang soon yawned as she looked to see a tree in her way as she just smirked she tapped her bracelets as they transformed into two gauntlets that a bullet strap wrapped around as they had shotgun rounds. She brought her first back before getting close to the tree as she SLUGGED IT breaking the tree in half as we hear the sound of a shot gun FIRING. The top half of the giant tree was sent flying as yang fired a blast from her other gauntlet sending her soaring through the sky as flames enveloped her. Eventually we see her land on the ground as we hear a BOOM. As everything around got scorched.  She stood up and dusted herself off.
"Now to get to work." Yang spoke as began running through the forest.
Next we see Weiss soar through the air as she prepared a repair a with a revolver chamber in the guard as she spun it before stopping on the cyan chamber as Weiss eyes glowed as we see circles with a giant snow flakes in the center appear before turning into ice as a icy slide form as Weiss landed and began ice skating on the slide as we see the same glyphs under her feet. As she skated across the icy slide she saw the same black werewolves ruby encountered as she readied her rapier and spun the revolver until it landed on the red chamber. "Myrtenaster, flare form." Weiss spoke calmly as she leaped into the air spinning upside down as she sliced through the air sending a blast of flames towards the monsters scorching them as she landed graceful. "That's 10 beowolves added to my Talley. Let's see if I can beat winters count." Weiss spoke to herself as Blake watched from the shadows as she rolled her eyes as she began walking towards Weiss.
"Rivalry between schnee's? Interesting" Blake humored to herself as she suddenly found the blade of weisses sword myrtenaster pointed towards her. "You have alot of gaul to act all chummy with me after insulting me." Weiss spoke coldly as Blake rolled her eyes as she moved myrtenaster to the side. "Look schnee. I'll be honest I don't care for you or your family. But if you want to finish your objective you'll need teammates." Blake said bluntly as Weiss just looked at her before sighing as she sheathed myrtenaster and out stretched her hand. "A truce. Being antagonistic to another isn't going to get either of us anywhere." Weiss spoke as Blake just smirked as she grabbed weisses hand and shook it.
Lastly we see Pyrrha already on the ground as she walked through the forest as she had her spear and shield on her back. Before hearing a hiss as two massive snakes covered in bones surrounded her one was black, one was white. Pyrrha out stretched her unarmored arm as her shield snapped onto it as her spear went into the hand of her other arm. She stood ready to fight. Her shield infront of her as her spear was at the ready.
The white serpent darted towards her as she bashed it away with her shield as the black serpent fired a blast of venom towards her as she dodged it before chucking her spear through creatures mouth and piercing it brain as it fell dead as pyrrha's free hand glowed black as her spear returned to her as she stood infront of the white serpent as circled around her. Pyrrha placed her shield on her back as her spear transformed into a rifle as the snake went straight towards her as we hear the sound of a gun firing as we see both serpents dead at the vermilion gladiators feet.
....FUCK ME!
I am so fucking sorry everyone.
Like me when I play hollow Knight steal soul I die will trying to attempt the feat of writing more than or equal to 3,000 words.
I swear I'm gonna make this right. I swear to you all! Or else my account is fuk-ma-az!
But before I go I need to let you all know that I'm going to be taking a break. I think I'm finally experiencing burnout. Or something similar.
I'm going to be back y'all can count your lucky stars on it. But I'm tired.
Now rock on till ya drop tata motherfuckers 🤟
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marzipanandminutiae · 4 years
tbh, i'd be very interested to see more of what was "sexy" for various time periods. i've seen so much less of it than "modern sexy" and i know i don't know a lot and am very curious.
I know the most about it for the Victorian era, so I can show some examples of that, at least.
Going to extremes, of course, you have sexy performance costumes:
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(Burlesque performers, 1870s-90s. Yes, one of them is a sexy horse. I have no idea why. Note that they’re all wearing tights, not bare-legged.)
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(Lola Montez, a racy dancer. c. 1840.)
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(Marie Taglioni, ballet dancer. 1831- a bit pre-Victorian, but quite close. Ballet was considered High Art, but the fact that ballerinas showed their legs onstage- to a degree that increased as the 19th century continued -still got them flagged “not quite respectable” in most circles.)
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(Cancan dancers, 1895, by Toulouse-Lautrec. Worth noting that the sexiness here was less what they were wearing- high necks and fancy hats, even -and more what they were showing off in the dance. Namely, legs, legs, and more legs.)
(The sexiness of legs, as with breasts, varied situationally. You might see a woman’s ankle while she’s going down steps or getting into a carriage and think very little of it. But onstage or in an erotic photo, where the legs are the point, it was shocking.)
Off the stage, I think it’s important to remember that anything can be sexy in the right context. If your day dress is long-sleeved and buttoned up to the collarbone, an off-shoulder ball gown with short sleeves is going to seem a lot more revealing:
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(1860s ball gown by Worth. The Met Museum. I picked a decade at random but the rule that evening gowns had lower necks and shorter sleeves than daywear held true throughout the era.)
And of course, there’s good old-fashioned “women in their underwear”:
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(Obviously this is a bit of softcore erotica and highly staged. Putting a foot in someone’s back to lace her corset was already a popular image by the 1890s, but not a common practice. A good tableau excuse to show off the undies, though. Note that if you follow the actual line of the central woman’s back, not where the dark toe of the other woman’s stocking directs your eye, she doesn’t appear to be tightlaced.)
Interestingly, despite being MORE concealing than most modern clothes, Victorian underwear still feels like underwear to me. Letting men see me in it is weird. If I’m dressing for a ball and have any reason to be around guys in chemise, corset, shoes, stockings, and drawers, I feel almost as awkward as if I were in my bra and panties. These things are all relative, I suppose
(Also there’s a guy in my dance group who covers or averts his eyes if one of us women comes out of the dressing-room in our historical unders. Despite having seen us in way less at rehearsal. Whether this is hilarious or appreciated or frustrating varies depending on my mood.)
So there you go! Victorian sexy, or at least some of it.
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sweetsubharry · 4 years
Hey! Do you have any jealous louis fics? :)
Hiya! Yes I have a few!! I do love a good jealous Louis fic! :) I hope you like these!
don't let nobody touch it (unless that somebody's me) by stylescantstop for allthelovelou
written for this prompt:
"louis knows Harry gets handsy when he's drunk, but that doesn't stop him from showing harry who he belongs to."
or the one where harry dances with other men and a jealous louis reminds him he's the only one who can make him come completely apart.
You Like Playing Games by orphan_account
Louis knows Harry likes to flirt and tease. Louis knows that he doesn’t particularly like when Harry flirts and teases. Louis knows that Harry knows that Louis doesn’t particularly like it.
But what Louis doesn’t quite know is why, despite that, Harry’s decided to grind against 5 Seconds of Summer’s Luke Hemmings during “Teenage Dirtbag” in the last show in Melbourne.
Basically pure smut.
Right From the Start (You Know I Got You) by FallingLikeThis
Louis grows up protecting Harry. Harry loves him for it.
Nothing's Gonna Stop Me But Divine Intervention by kikikryslee
“So… what’s next on the soul mate search?” Louis asked. “I don’t know,” Harry answered. “Whatever I’m doing isn’t working. I’m not finding him anywhere.” “He’ll get here. I know it." “Yeah. I know he’s out there somewhere; I just have to figure out where.” --- Or, the soul mate AU where Harry overthinks everything having to do with finding the love of his life, and Louis doesn't think there's a Mr. Right for him at all. It takes them a while to realize that their soul mate is the person they want it to be: each other.
you're ripped at every edge, but you're a masterpiece by Valentia
Harry Styles knows he's weird. He likes girly things like flowers and the colour pink and painting his nails and he doesn't have any friends. But he understands that because how could someone like him if he doesn't even like himself? It's his first semester at uni and really, he just hopes the horrors of his past won't repeat themselves. Louis Tomlinson has been a uni student for a while now with a rule of not dating new students. He still helps Harry find his way to his first class, though. He's also really sweet and really hot and Harry knows it won't end well, but it doesn't keep him from falling for Louis anyway.
Or: The one where Harry is soft and pretty but doesn't see it and Louis just wants to love him the way he deserves.
The Undone and The Divine by haztobegood
Thirty seven love bites might be their new record, but then again, last night’s game had gone exceptionally well. Harry presses the pad of his thumb into one of the more prominent bruises along his collarbone, the pain grounding him as he recalls the events of the previous night.
Or the one where Harry flirts and Louis gets jealous, but it’s all part of their game.
Let Me Give You My Life by midnightskies
Gemma has one rule for Louis while he stays with her family at Christmas; not to hook up with her little brother, so of course that's the one thing Louis does.
Be Mine, For Always by zams
Louis is happy when Harry is happy. That's what Louis wants, and so when Louis starts feeling weird when Harry cuddles with Liam, Zayn, or Niall instead of him, he keeps quiet. But the burning, uncomfortable feeling Louis gets deep in his stomach when he sees Harry contentedly nuzzling Liam's neck, or Harry's arms and legs tangled around Niall like an octopus, or Harry's face smushed in Zayn's stomach as Zayn plays with his hair only gets worse as the days go by.
Step into the Light by Smolbeanandhisqween
Harry is on the set of his new music video "Lights Up". His husband, Louis, is watching him film the video. He gets jealous of all of the people touching Harry and teaches him a lesson.
Destroy Me, King by stylinsexualxo
After SNL, jealous Louis has a little surprise for Harry when he arrives home.
With a Bow On Top by MoreThanTonight
Mate, Louis’ gonna lose his shit over this,” Zayn muttered under his breath. “That’s the plan,” Harry said smugly.
Or where Harry surprises Louis with corset piercings and panties.
i can feel your heart inside of mine (i feel it) by cabinbythesea
They're more drunk on each other than the actual alcohol coursing through their veins. Niall has always thrown the best parties.
slow and steady by cabinbythesea
Breathing next to him was slow and steady, an all encompassing feeling. Much like when you're swimming in very deep water, he thinks. Your head becomes heavy with all the dense pressure caging you under, yet your heart and limbs feel light.
Spin Me Like A Record by zarah5
Uni AU. Sometimes, Louis poses as Harry’s boyfriend. It doesn’t mean anything. Really.
As always loves, please stay safe and read the tags carefully! ❤
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