#yes his soul gets stolen but im not counting that bc it's about him being the hostage figure for yusuke
skrunksthatwunk · 5 months
y'know between getting copied by yanagisawa at the mansion, getting attacked while powerless by mitarai, and getting kidnapped by sensui, kuwabara's kind of the recurrent damsel in distress of chapter black. kinda like how keiko's the damsel in the spirit detective saga. which. has no kuwameshi implications im sure
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generallynerdy · 5 years
Natural Beauty (Clara Oswald X Reader)
Summary: With the Doctor out for the day, Clara and (Y/N) take a journey deep into the Tardis, finding a world beyond their imagination-- and maybe discovering some feelings about each other on the way.
Requested by Anon: could you write a Clara Oswald x reader ? Fluffy please?
Key: (Y/N) - your name Warnings: author doesn’t specify which Doctor this is with bc she does not care at this point Word Count: 1,234 :D
Note: im so gay for clara in fact im gay for all of the doctor’s companions hhhhh doctor who is bisexual culture
    Mornings in the Tardis weren’t usually peaceful, but they didn’t usually start by having your room invaded by Clara, either.
    She bursted into your room with a grin, letting the light from the hallway wash over your still half-asleep form. “Good morning!” She chimed.
    You groaned. “Is it, Clara? Is it a good morning?”
    Clara took to dragging you from bed, throwing a set of jeans a shirt at you from your closet, and not bothering to explain why she’d woken you up. By the time you were dressed, you were somewhat functioning as a human being, but the world was still a little fuzzy.
    “Why am I awake?” You whined.
    Clara rolled her eyes fondly. “The Doctor left to go god knows where, so we have the Tardis all to ourselves.”
    “He...left?” You repeated, brain still warming up for the day. “He just left?”
    “Yeah. You know what that means!” She announced, a playful smile emerging. “Time to explore.”
    You shook your head every so slightly. “You’re insane.”
    “You love it.”
    And of course, she was right. Maybe a little more right than she realised, though. You had to admit, you’d had a thing for Clara since she and the Doctor picked you up. She was brilliant, gorgeous, completely insane, and exactly your type.
    She took your hand and pulled you from your room, leading you down the hall and toward the console room. That was where she decided to start. As you arrived, the smallest thought in your head emerged that, seeing as the Tardis was infinite, the two of you could easily get very, very lost. That didn’t seem to bother Clara.
    “Where to first?” You asked as soon as you reached the console room.
    “Getting excited now?” She teased. “You pick, (Y/N).”
    You thought for a brief moment. “There’s a door out of the pool we haven’t tried yet. Fancy it?”
    “Perfect,” she grinned.
    Clara didn’t have to drag you this time. She did take your hand, though, which sent a flutter up your chest. Well, that was one way to wake up.
    As soon as the pair of you entered the pool room, you stopped, simply to breathe in the air. The strong smell of chlorine filled your lungs, but it didn’t come with the inherent terror of a public pool that could’ve had anything happen in it before you got there.
    “Which way?” Clara asked, glancing around.
    This time, you led her. You took her to a little wooden door hidden carefully behind bushes around the pool’s walkway. Shoving it open, you found yourself in another world.
    It wasn’t a room, per se. It was actually more like a massive garden. Every square foot was grass and trees and flowers, even a little stream broke through the place. A small gasp passed Clara’s lips while you closed the door behind her, watching her as she practically glowed.
    “This is gorgeous,” she whispered, daring to walk forward a few steps.
    Yes, it was beautiful, but you were preoccupied watching her. You snapped back into focus when she turned to look at you.
    “Where do we even start?” You asked, a smile having crept up onto your face long ago.
    “Easy!” She exclaimed. She raced back to grab your hand. “Follow the stream.”
    So, deeper and deeper into the Tardis the two of you explored. You never actually left the garden. It was massive, going on for miles and miles. It held the environments of hundreds of planets, so far away from where you were and yet right there. Each step was a new adventure, especially with Clara right next to you.
    You couldn’t help but let your gaze wander over to her every few moments. Her expressions and her excitement were contagious. Even after hours of exploration, you didn’t tire one bit. Neither of you had any idea where you were going, but that made it all the more exhilarating.
    To be honest, most of your enjoyment came from watching Clara. You paid more attention to her than you did the garden. You couldn’t help it.
    After what felt like hours-- and probably was-- you managed to circle back to the original part of the garden, the place you had started in. By then, the both of you were curious about the artificial sky in the room, wanting to see if the sun would set. So, you found a nice hill and rested there, watching the break between the trees for any signs of night.
    “This is definitely my favourite room,” Clara told you.
    You nodded, feeling the blades of grass under your fingers. “Mine, too. I don’t ever wanna leave.”
    Suddenly, Clara laughed.
    “What?” You asked, wearing an amused smile.
    “What if the Doctor came back hours ago and couldn’t find us?” She joked. “Oh, he’ll really kill us then.”
    You laughed at the idea. “Ah, well. I could die now and be happy about it.”
    “I think I could, too,” Clara hummed.
    She set her eyes on you, staring almost into your soul. It sent chills up your back, just seeing her soft smile and the sparkle in her eyes. The air was stolen from your lungs.
    “Look, there it goes!” She exclaimed, looking away.
    Clara was right. The sun in the fake sky was beginning to set, but it looked just as beautiful as if it were real. Not that you would know, of course. Your eyes were glued to another natural beauty-- the one sitting right beside you.
    “Beautiful,” she whispered.
    The words left your mouth before you could stop them.
    “Yeah, you are.”
    Clara paused a moment, furrowing her eyebrows as she processed what you said. Then, she turned her head to look over at you, unashamed. Her eyes widened, but the rest of her expression told you she was pleasantly surprised.
    “Are you flirting?” She asked.
    “I dunno,” you replied cheekily. “What do you think?”
    You expected her to roll her eyes and go back to the sunset, but instead you felt her hand cover yours. It made you inhale sharply, but you didn’t have much chance to recover from her small show of affection, because she leaned in further. Before you knew it, you were kissing Clara Oswald, which was something you never expected. 
Had you hoped for it, though? Of course.
“Clara? (Y/N)?” The Doctor called when he entered the Tardis again that night.
He was really sick of getting pulled into an adventure every time he stepped outside the blue box. It just so happened that this one took a whole day.
Looking around the console room and taking a quick glance into both your bedrooms, the Doctor couldn’t find you or Clara, which was concerning. But, knowing Clara, he had a hunch that she’d dragged you to go explore the Tardis.
It took him a good hour to find you both, about which time it occurred to him that he could’ve used his sonic to scan for human lifeforms. Brilliant.
He found you fast asleep and curled up against Clara, your hands intertwined. 
The Doctor opened his mouth to shout until the both of you jumped and started chiding him for ruining your sleep, but stopped, smiling despite himself. He could wake you tomorrow. 
For now, he’d let you dream; dream of the garden and dream of Clara, who couldn’t help but dream of you.
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