#yes her name is dean bc i was listening to dean while making her
galiccfinds · 1 year
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𖦹 dean 𖦹
Say you want to take it slow When you're ready let me know I got somewhere we can go to unwind
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Break Down
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Cas x Reader
Summary: The boys go out to the country to help you with your broke down car but a bad situation blossoms into something beautiful.
Warnings: None
Notes: I wrote this as a very ‘in-the-moment’ thing. It probably won’t make that much sense at points, maybe even drag, but i thought ‘what the hell let’s just write’. You’ll figure it out but the reader is bisexual (with a preference towards women) but has always has a special something for a certain angel so i hope it’s okay with everyone and y’all still like it!
JEEZ! I did not realize how many drafts i had sitting on this page! I’m just posting some of them Bc to hell with it, but if you want to hear the rest of the originally planned story let me know.
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Sam finished scribbling his previous note. “And what about the missing books of the Bible. Supposedly there’s 10. Is that true?” “Yes,” Castiel shifted uncomfortably and spoke in a hushed tone. “It’s something that is not discussed among the angels. Like humans who questionably keep an elephant in their room yet refuse to verify it’s existence.” Sam swallowed his reflex to correct the angel and continued to listen. “There was a man in the Bible, Heman, who was famously wise. He contributed 233 words to the Bible but his initial submission was drawn-out. Much of his wisdom was due to earthly influences and as such could not be allowed. The small bit he did contribute was all that could be salvaged.” “So he wrote 10 books worth of high thoughts?” “In a sense, yes.” “And none of it was biblical?” “…Let’s just say, somehow, a man named Adolf Hitler got his hands on these books and-” “NOPE! No i am-i am good; i do not need to hear the rest of that sentence. Thank you.”
Sam stood and excused himself to the kitchen where Dean sat sipping a beer. “Hey.” “Hey.” “How did your nerd Q & A go?” “I learned much, MUCH, more than i wanted to.” “Like-?” “You don’t wanna know.” Sam grabbed his own beer and sat opposite his brother. The two sat in silence for a few minutes before Dean’s phone rang.
“Ghostbusters,” Dean smirked proudly before seeing his brother’s disapproving stare. He cleared his throat, “who is this?” Dean’s humor faded from his face and Sam knew exactly who it was, “Hey y/n-”
“Shut it Sam!
No you can’t talk to him what do you want….
I’m not rude just impatient…”
Dean gave a shameful side look down at the beer in his hand,
Shut up what do you want. You’re still coming to visit right?
You can’t be serious…
y/n you’re telling me you can’t fix your own car?
No i’m not saying that but did you really learn nothing from me?”
Dean let slip a small laugh,
“Yeah you did get better at picking up chick than me…
What? No, no i wouldn’t say it was embarrassing-”
Sam cleared his throat from across the table. Dean rolled his eyes,
So you need us to come pick you up or something? Drop your car at a shop?
True i could but why should i? You’re not exactly nice to me…
Fine i’ll fix it, but ONLY because you have food and Sam hasn’t gone shopping yet. Plus we haven’t seen Casey in a while. How is she…”
Dean puffed out his chest proudly,
“That’s my little niece…
She’s my niece you know you’re family…
You’re damn right. Alright send me your location and Sam and I will head your way-
what? Cas too?
You know he knows nothing about cars right?
Fine have it your way, we’ll bring feathers…
Alright, see ya soon kiddo.”
Dean hung up the phone and threw out his bottle. “Y/n broke down a few hours away from here with Casey and needs help fixing her car. You good to leave in 10?” Sam stood up and threw out the rest of his beer, “Yeah let me change and get the car loaded up.” “Alright, i’ll get the angel. Cas-!” “Yes Dean.” Cas’ voice crashed into Dean’s ear. “Son of a-! Get ready to leave we’re going to help y/n-” “Is she okay? Is she hurt?!” Dean was taken back by Castiel’s exaggerated concern for you, you had only met a couple of times. “No she’s fine. Her car broke down we’re gonna go help her out.” Castiel’s demeanor softened and he nodded before disappearing.
“Y/n!” You threw yourself into the young Winchester and held him as tightly as you could without hurting the toddler in your arms. Sam gladly hugged you back, savoring the moment. 
The two of you met in college shortly after he started dating your roommate Jessica. You too hid your past from her but hunting became the thing that sealed your friendship with Sam. Long after Jessica’s death, and Sam disappearing with his brother, the two of you kept in touch. After you finished college you opened up a bar in town and every now and then Sam would come through the doors. You’d catch up, have a few drinks, and sometimes even go on a hunt together. Years later you sold your bar and accepted Sam’s offer to move into the bunker. It was the best two years of your life until you took working under cover a bit too literally.
The job was to solve the mysterious murders happening at a large law firm located in downtown Boston. One of the partner’s, Tom, had a foot in the supernatural world and suspected a vengeful spirit was responsible. Not being able to solve it on his own, Tom called Bobby for advise who then called you and the boys. He was able to get you all jobs at the office: Sam was brought in as the new intern, spending most of his time working with the paralegals and associates, taking notes of all the gossip and whispers he came by. Dean was placed in security, learning what he could about the companies history, reviewing security footage, and exploring all of the buildings restricted areas. You were left to fill in the most recent victim’s position of Tom’s assistant. Initially you were interested in one of the paralegals; she was more your taste (reason being she was a ‘she’), but you found more in common with Tom than anyone else. You enjoyed working together and despite your pull towards other women you were falling for this guy. The case lasted a couple of months; it being more difficult than suspected, but it gave you more time to spend with Tom. After a couple of days Tom took you out on a date and after a couple of weeks he took you to bed. You both knew the relationship wouldn’t last but you couldn’t deny the connection either. You enjoyed the time you had together, Tom even going so far as to introduce you to his parents, and if only for a short while you were a normal couple.
The case ended how most ended, with blood and casualties. Tom was rushed to the hospital, barely alive, but was in high spirits having just learned he was going to be a father. You stayed by his side till the end when he died a few weeks later. It’d be a lie before God if you said you weren’t left a little heartbroken, you shared something special with Tom, not to mention you were carrying his child.
A few days later you were asked to meet with Tom’s lawyer regarding his will. He left a hefty inheritance for you and the child along with his beach home that he took you to visit once. He also gave you his grandfather’s 1970 Chevelle in hopes you’d care for it like he did, and one day give it to your child. (Dean of course loved that Baby was getting a sibling and promised to help with the up keep.) It was all yours should you agree to raise your child in the beach home and keep the promise you made him. The lawyer didn’t know what that was in reference to, only that Tom said you would, and you did. Before he died you promised Tom that you would one, keep and raise the baby. Two, give up hunting. Three, to raise the baby away from the supernatural world, but still educate them about it. And four, to tell them the truth about their father and his death. Of course you promised him and you had every intention of keeping it.
After all the legalities were settled and you were fully packed, the boys helped you move into your new home. The house was located in a small beach town far away from the busy city, and more importantly, any supernatural activity. You would live a quiet life, something you’ve always dreamed of, but your biggest hesitation was being so far from the Winchesters. You would rarely if ever be able to see them anymore but you made a promise and knew it was for the best. Once settled in, you said your final goodbyes to the boys then completely cut all ties to the supernatural world. The only hunters you kept in touch with were Sam and Dean but, even then, any word from you was sporadic.
The two of you stayed in your embrace for what felt like hours. “God i’ve missed you Sammy!” Dean began unloading the impala, mumbling to himself how he should be the only one allowed to call his brother that.
Cas watched the exchange, lost in his own world. His eyes permitted a foreign sparkle while they gawked over you. His fingers fidgeted with the cuffs of his trench coat and his heels nervously dug themselves into the dirt. He felt himself fill up with a million butterflies whenever he was around you; you made him feel like he could fly again. Dean continued mumbling incoherently to himself until he noticed his best friend. Cas’ face was nothing but smiles and hopeful eyes. His cheeks were a shade of red Dean had never seen before. Cas struggled to loosen his tie. Dean watched in utter disbelief. “Hey,” He pulled Cas down from the cloud he was floating on, “what’s…all this; the hell you doing?” Cas opened his mouth but despite his infinite knowledge, nothing could amount to what he was trying to express. His focus kept drifting towards you like a moth drawn to a flame. Cas only smiled, looking from you to Dean, hoping that somehow his friend could just understand. He wasn’t sure he did but Dean nodded and returned to unloading the car.
You engaged in small talk before handing over your daughter to the gentle giant. He swung the little girl around, “Now who is this little angel and what have you done with my Casey?” The little girl giggled as she soared through the air, “It IS me uncle Sam i’m Casey!” “No you’re way to big!” “Nu uh! YOU’RE way too big!” You and Sam busted out laughing. He put Casey down, “Well you got me there. Let’s go help your uncle Dean unload. I’m sure he could use one of your famous hugs.” The two ran off towards a still moping Dean. You smiled after your goofy family, lucky to have such great brothers.
“Cas,” you could hear the angel shuffling behind you, “why are you acting so awkward?” You turned to face the flustered angel. “I’m, always awkward, y/n. At least, according to Dean, anyways.” “Yes but never with me.” You two share a silent moment, each searching for something in the others eyes. You approach Cas intending to give him a hug but are stopped at an arms lengths. Cas stiffly gripped a bouquet of sunflowers in his hand, unaware of how in your face they were. You took a step back to properly admire his gift. You took them in your own hands, “They’re beautiful Cas.” “I picked them from a field in Tuscany.”“As in Tuscany, Italy?” Cas gives an innocent nod, “The plane ride there and back was not enjoyable for many passengers, myself included. Sunflower’s are still your favorite correct?” You smiled, “Yes Cas they are.” You pulled him into a hug, “Thank you Cas.” He pulled you closer into his chest, relieved to be back in his favorite spot, “Anything for you.”
“Seriously, how many angels does it take to fix a car?” Dean recruited Castiel to help because Sam was having a tea party with Casey. It was funny seeing the worlds best hunter and an angel of the Lord struggle to push a car a few feet. The two finally began working on it but that was three hours ago. You knew your car would be fixed by now if Cas didn’t insist on helping Dean, forcing him to explain every single step ten times. It was charming though, you could see the determination in Cas’ face to help. 
He always tried to fix your problems, no matter how big or small, and sometimes, even when it wasn’t a problem at all. Out of sugar? Cas got you more. Any degree of injury? Cas healed you. Trouble falling asleep? Warm milk, soft blanket, back rub, snacks, playing with your hair, snuggling; whatever you needed Cas got and/or did for you.
It was nice…until it wasn’t nice. God forbid you stub your toe getting out of the bathtub again; Cas appearing in front of a naked you telling you to stop screaming so he could ‘inspect your injury’. That was the first time you’ve ever punched Cas. And of course, every month there he was with your craving of choice, a pair of his sweats that you love to wear, tissues, and whatever movies you wanted to binge watch all night. He usually sticks around until it’s over and accompanies you everywhere you go. 
Every. Where. 
Going to the bathroom? He’s sitting outside the door checking on you every 30 seconds making sure you're wiping front to back. Sneeze? He brings you a new tampon. Should you give anyone any amount of attitude? Cas apologizes on your behalf before explaining your ailment; you learned to do all your shopping before you started. The last straw was when you were shaving in the shower and struggled to get a ‘private area’…that was the second time you punched Cas.
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verobatto · 4 years
Destiel Chronicles
Vol. XCV
It was a love story from the very beginning.
And You Are Not Here... (Part. III)
Hello my friends! This is another meta from season 13. We are still mourning with Dean...
I'm gonna focus in just one episode, because I have a lot of things to say about this one. Obviously, the majority of the things have been already analyzed by the meta community.
But, let's see what we find...
Move on
Remember how the last episode ended, with Dean blowing out his feelings and pain to his brother, so, this episode starts with Sam trying to talk with his brother about that. And by that I mean: Cas.
SAM: Hey. How you feelin’?
[DEAN is working on his laptop. He looks up at SAM, but doesn’t reply.]
Sam understands now that fact he had always suspect, what really means to Dean losing Castiel. But Dean sees it coming and doesn't answer, because he knows he let his pain and mourn talking by themselves, and now he wants to come back to hide behind his walls. But Sam won't let that goes so easy. Another heated discussion about Jack brings the topic back.
SAM: Dean, we can’t hide him forever. And, you know, just keeping him cooped up here isn’t working.
DEAN: Yeah, it is, actually. You wanna know why? Because as long as he’s here, he’s not out there doing God knows what. So what, does this mean that your plan for bringing Mom back isn’t working? ‘Cause I’ll say it again—Mom’s dead, Sam. Lucifer ripped out her freakin’ heart. Now, the sooner you can wrap your head around that, the sooner we can all move on.
(Gif set credit @demondetoxmanual )
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Look at this, Sam takes Dean's words and immediately repeats the ask but with another different meaning, aeaning his brother gets immediately. Sam tilts his head, and his eyes are searching for the answer in Dean's face, because he knows he won't have the answer in words from him.
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These exchange of gazes is so so important, because Dean is saying "Are you really asking me if I can move on... From CAS?" Because is obvious Sam was implying that, for Dean, losing Cas was more painful and unbearable than losing Mary. "You want to move on, from mom?"
The pause, the coma, is pointing Sam is referring Castiel, not mom. Is not mom the one you want to move on, right?
Dean's silence is priceless, both men talks without talking, and both know what they're talking about. Of course Dean can't move on from Castiel. And Sam knows it. Because he experienced the same with Jess.
And Dean changing the subject after that is saying HE WON'T TALK ABOUT IT.
Lies and Toxicity
We have a beautiful scene between Jack and Sam, in which Jack snaps all the bad things he heard last night. But Sam explains to him, they need his help to bring Mary back, and Jack can connect again with S through the pain of losing their moms. And he gives the kid a tip to conquer Dean's sympathy.
SAM: (...) Listen, if there’s one thing that Dean respects, it’s effort. So come along. Help us out. Let’s go be the good guys.
So we'll see the kid really giving everything in this mission.
Another quote that caught my attention was Jack saying this:
JACK: I thought lying was wrong.
Just came to my mind episode 14x19, when Jack is sick of so much lies and turn the world into 'just truth's real madness!
And another foreshadow in the same episode we will have Cas coming back, they're talking about this ...
DEAN: (...) why’d she come back from the dead and knife his ass?
JACK: People come back?
SAM: When a person dies and their soul can’t move on…
Talking about this in this specific episode has a meaning: the wife, the woman that man loved coming back from the death, is a reflection of Castiel coming back at the end of this episode. Souls that can't move on, is talking about Dean and Castiel's decease.
Another thing that is pointed in this episode is Sam seeing the bad things of John Winchester in his brother.
Castiel in the Empty
As the preamble to Castiel in the Empty, we had this dialogue here...
JACK: My mother… could she be a ghost?
SAM: No, we, um… we burned the body.
DEAN: That’s right, and what gets burned… stays dead.
Dean is saying this to himself because they burnt Cas' body too, but this scene is cut and we jump into the next one: Castiel walking around the Empty.
Then, again, Dean goes with this quote here...
DEAN: So, aside from getting dead, what do Gloria and Wes have in common?
And the scene cuts to Castiel again, emphasis in loved people that was dead, and now comes back from it.
Another interesting scene is Dean finding Gloria's diary of mourning.
SAM: More of the same. Um, he really was into the whole catharsis thing.
DEAN: Yeah, sure. Who wouldn’t be? I mean, it’s like another word for “happy ending”.
Dean shows here he knows exactly what that is, and how you can feel when you lose the love of your life. The "happy ending" is a reference of a suicidal thoughts as another way out from the pain. And as we will see in the next episode, was a way out Dean was considering for himself. Also, the journal was made by John after Mary died, and was made by this widow, after his wife died. Is important because in the interview with MIA (the ship shifter therapist) she will ask Dean if he has a diary.
Sam talks about catharsis, as an important way to process the pain, and he really tried to make his brother to do that at the beginning of the episode. Failing.
MIA: Mm. Most of the people I see are in the same boat. No warning, no goodbye, no closure.
These words play an important role for Sam, Jack and Dean, in loosing their mothers and loosing Castiel.
They exchanged heated words again in front of Mia, Sam accusing Dean because he is not carrying well with the deaths, and we'll have again an indirect question, with second meaning. Sam will be talking about Castiel again. But then, and just like Dean did at the end of the previous episode, Sam will have his blow out about losing Mary. Is a blatant comparison between Romantic Love (CAS/Dean) and Family Love (Sam/Mary).
Sam leaves, and Mia points at Dean. Dean drinks from his flask. He was doing that and eating a lot, as he always does when he loses Cas.
MIA: (...) You’re angry, Dean.
DEAN: And?
MIA: And if you don’t want to do anything about it, that’s your business. But you’re aiming it at everyone in your life.
Dean will take these words and do something about it, at the end of the episode. But, I want to talk a little about visual Narrative here, because while Mia was talking with Dean, there was a picture behind her, with BLUE/GREEN AND RED COLORS (Destiel).
The scene between CAS talking with the empty that had taken his shape is intertwined with the shape shifter that took Dean's shape. This is very meaningful bc both creatures decided to take the protagonists of this love story shapes.
So, the Empty explains where Castiel is, and also, is baffled by the angel that woke him up. Is the first time someone wakes up in the Empty, and the entity is really mad at it.
But Castiel doesn't know why he woke up, so, he went with the first idea: Maybe the Winchesters did some deal or spell. But they didn't.
The Empty represents all the darkness inside of Castiel: his doubts, his depression, his fears, his weakness. So, the only way to keep him there SLEEPING (as the image of depression) is to point at the lack of faith in coming back, or in feeling himself loved or needed.
The following dialogue shows us how smart is our angel.
CASTIEL: Having me awake causes you pain.
COSMIC ENTITY: If you can’t sleep, I can’t sleep. Yeah? And I like sleep. I need sleep.
CASTIEL: Then get rid of me.
COSMIC ENTITY: Oh, should I, should I?
CASTIEL: Send me back to Earth.
Castiel immediately detect the point of it, and tries to give a resolution for both of them.
COSMIC ENTITY: Or I throw you so deep into the Empty that you can’t bother me anymore, hmm?
CASTIEL: Except you know that won’t work, or you would’ve done it already.
COSMIC ENTITY: Pretty smart. Pretty smart, dummy.
CASTIEL: Send… Me… Back.
The first conclusion CAS arrives is by his side. The only way the Empty can get some peace is sending him back to Earth. What Cas doesn't know is, the empty won't come back to sleep, ever again after this.
COSMIC ENTITY: That’s not part of the deal. No, no. Besides, you don’t want to go back.
CASTIEL: Yes, I do. Sam and Dean need me.
COSMIC ENTITY: Oh, save it.
When the Empty says SAVE IT, is because he knows the excuse is making CAS to come back, is not the real one he has in his heart. Oh, save it is not because of that, is because ONE MAN NAMED DEAN WINCHESTER.
Because immediately after this, the Empty mocks him about it...
(Gif set credit @petercapaldi )
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Look at Castiel's face when the Empty refers to his feelings as TULIPS, because the tulips represents the perfect lover, passion and romanticism. The tulip is a symbol of sincere love. It is an incredibly romantic flower that when giving it you express infatuation, passion, unconditional love, pure love.
So, the Empty is saying here: save it, you are in love, you want to come back because you are in love.
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To the Empty, is very disgusting, aberrant, and it annoys him. He qualifies it as "little feelings"
Because he's trying to erase the hopes in Castiel. So, he shows him he knows everything about him, and if he didn't understand at first with the tulips reference, he makes it clear now I KNOW WHO YOU LOVE.
And seeding again the depression, because he needs CAS sleeping or defeated, he continues...
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Unrequited Love. The Empty exposes right in front of Cas' eyes the fear of being unrequited. With this, he is trying to show him WHY WOULD YOU COME BACK IF DEAN DOESN'T LOVE YOU BACK? He needs to cut any hopes in the angel.
And after this, he shows CAS l his mistakes, and fears, and regrets, and guilts. All the bad things, all his darkness, to put him back to sleep.
But then, Castiel gets it, he is already saved. And with more energy and hopes inside his heart, he faces the empty again:
CASTIEL You can prance and you can preen and you can scream and yell and remind me of my failings but somehow, I’m awake. And I will stay awake and I will keep you awake until we both go insane. I will fight you. Fight you and fight you for…ever. For eternity.
CASTIEL Release me. Release… me.
Symbolism again! Castiel asking his own darkness and depression, and regrets to release him in that moment, he release himself from all of that and he returns stronger than never.
Lack of Faith
Back to Dean, Jack and Sam with the shape-shifters we can see another interesting visual element, next to Dean: Sunflower.
The sunflower is the symbol of the Sun and symbolizes love and admiration. But also happiness, vitality, positivity and energy. ... For some religions it is a symbol of the one who permanently seeks God, the divine, since the star king symbolizes God.
This could be linked to what Dean means to Cas, but I think is mostly what Cas means to Dean.
But jumping into the dialogues and the symbolism and parallel of having two Deans as we had two Cas, there's a little clue for a foreshadow...
Look at this, the scene is pretty blatant, we have Buddy, Mia's ex, obssesed with her, jealouse of her life, intertwined with the dialogue between Dean and Jack, showing how important Jack is.
So, Buddy is the Empty, Mia is Castiel. And the most important thing in there, is Jack... These are the ingredients and this is the dialogue...
BUDDY: I never stopped looking for you.
JACK: I can’t.
BUDDY: And when I found this place, when I saw all that…
DEAN: Yes, you can.
BUDDY: …warm, fuzzy good you were doing. I couldn’t let you have that.
Buddy is the Empty saying to Mia, CAS, that he will search for him in a future, and he will see his happiness, one of the most important persons to CAS is JACK, that's why the dialogues are mixed here.
DEAN: Sammy believes in you, and when he believes, he’ll go Hell for leather…
So I took it all away, and it was fun.
DEAN …but you gotta try.
Again, the Empty mirror talking about taking all away from Mia, Castiel's mirror, and we have Dean talking to Jack. This is the foreshadow of 14x08, when the Empty will come for Jack in Heaven.
MIA You’re… you’re a…
BUDDY: What? A monster? Well, so are you. And it’s about time you embraced that. So I’m not gonna kill those boys. You are. You end them, or you die, courtesy of Tweedledee’s silver bullets. So what’s it gonna be, princess?
MIA: Shoot me. Shoot me!
And now we have Castiel's mirror giving her life in exchange for Dean and Jack. Just like CAS will do with his deal with the Empty in 14x08 and his ultimate Sacrifice in 15x18.
Now, the last scene. Sam is ready to move on from having faith but Dean will take the advice that Mia gave him. But in this attempt of stopping Sam from being like him, he will show again one of his deepest feelings...
(Gif set credit @aborddelimpala)
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Dean had lost faith, hopes, because he lost Castiel. And Castiel represented all of that to him.
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Sam is worried, and Dean just realized he said it. He had just showed his brother part of his depressive thoughts. And the sadness in his face is all over.
Miscellaneous: The address in Mia's office door was 219, this is a very interesting visual element, is a reference to episode 2x19, "Folsom Prison Blues", in which Sam and Dean were two prisoners, trying to show their innocence. Finally breaking free. As a foreshadow of the emotional prison we will see in Dean's possesion in episode 14x09.
To Conclude:
This episode is full of symbolism and is centered on Castiel and his storyline with the Empty.
The episode shows us too the pain carried by Dean, Jack and Sam in loosing the people they love and how each one of them walks through it in different ways.
Hope you like this meta, see you in the next one!
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weird-dorky-little-d @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @authorsararayne @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @teddybeardoctor @pepevons @helevetica @isthisdestiel @dizzypinwheel @jawnlockwinchester @horsez2 @qanelyytha
@destielle @spnsmile @shippsblog @robot-feels @superlock-in-the-tardis @superduckbatrebel @2musiclover2 @madronasky @anon-non2 @cea1996 @lisafu02 @asphodelesauvage @destiels-canonahhhhhhhhhh
If you want to be added or removed from this list just let me know.
If you wanna read the previous metas from this season here you have the links:
Buenos Aires, January 3rd 2021 6:46 PM
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Written In The Stars CX (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: I just hope you guys are actually enjoying this book bc you’ve been extremely quiet and it’s making me worry jfdg -Danny
Words: 4,785
Series’ Masterlist
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Listen to: ‘Lemon To A Knife Fight -by The Wombats
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Chapter Eight: Arguments.
"Today we will be mixing a potion that often comes up at Ordinary Wizarding Level: the Draught of Peace, a potion to calm anxiety and soothe agitation..."
Mel discovered that pouring all her attention into the classes was an excellent way to keep Harry and his stupid ogling towards Cho away from her thoughts. She wasn't going to bury herself in homework and miss the fun, but for the first time in her life, she was going to put herself first.
"A light silver vapour should now be rising from your potion," called Snape.
As on queue, the surface of Hermione and Mel's started to create a mist, Snape barely looked at them without saying anything.
"Potter, what is this supposed to be?" She heard the Professor ask in quite a nasty voice.
"The Draught of Peace," said Harry shortly.
"Tell me, Potter, can you read?" "Yes, I can."
"Read the third line of the instructions for me, Potter."
" 'Add powdered moonstone, stir three times counterclockwise, allow to simmer for seven minutes, then add two drops of syrup of hellebore.' "
Mel noticed Harry's face shift slightly at the last line.
"Did you do everything on the third line, Potter?"
"I beg your pardon?"
"No. I forgot the hellebore..."
"I know you did, Potter, which means that this mess is utterly worthless. Evanesco. Those of you who have managed to read the instructions, fill one flagon with a sample of your potion, label it clearly with your name, and bring it up to my desk for testing. Homework: twelve inches of parchment on the properties of moonstone and its uses in potion-making, to be handed in on Thursday."
She knew it had been unfair to vanish Harry's potion, but she picked up her things, delivered her own, and left the classroom in silence.
"That was really unfair. Your potion wasn't nearly as bad as Goyle's, when he put it in his flagon the whole thing shattered and set his robes on fire," Hermione commented during lunch.
"Yeah, well, since when has Snape ever been fair to me?"
"I did think he might be a bit better this year. I mean... you know... Now he's in the Order and everything."
"Poisonous toadstools don't change their spots. Anyway, I've always thought Dumbledore was cracked trusting Snape, where's the evidence he ever really stopped working for You-Know-Who?"
"I think Dumbledore's probably got plenty of evidence, even if he doesn't share it with you, Ron," snapped Hermione.
"Oh, shut up, the pair of you," said Harry. "Can't you give it a rest? You're always having a go at each other, it's driving me mad..." He turned and left.
Ron and Hermione looked at her in search for an explanation.
"I think he was pretty clear, wasn't he?" Mel raised a brow. "You two fight a lot."
"Look who's talking!" Ron said heatedly. "You and Harry have been arguing all the time!"
"We don't even talk!"
"You do! But you only fight!" Hermione pointed out. "It's strange, you barely speak and when you do, you end up yelling."
"We still fight less than you two."
"Fine," Hermione replied irritatedly. "We'll stop fighting, but Harry has to stop lashing out on us, we're not the ones he should be treating like this."
"Well then, you tell him that," Mel scowled.
Hermione looked like she wanted to keep arguing, but Ron stopped her and mumbled something Mel couldn't hear.
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"D'you realize how much homework we've got already? Binns set us a foot-and-a-half-long essay on giant wars, Snape wants a foot on the use of moonstones, and now we've got a month's dream diary from Trelawney! Fred and George weren't wrong about O.W.L. year, were they? That Umbridge woman had better not give us any..."
"I reckon I can handle it, but if you got any problems I'll help you, you just have to pay me five knuts per essay!" The girl joked.
"I think I rather fail everything, thank you..." Ron pouted.
"Well, good afternoon!" Umbridge greeted them in that unnerving voice.
"Good afternoon," said a few.
"Tut, tut– That won't do, now, will it? I should like you, please, to reply 'Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge.' One more time, please. Good afternoon, class!"
"Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge," Everyone replied. Mel and Ron shared an amused grin.
"There, now. That wasn't too difficult, was it? Wands away and quills out, please. Well now, your teaching in this subject has been rather disrupted and fragmented, hasn't it? The constant changing of teachers, many of whom do not seem to have followed any Ministry-approved curriculum, has unfortunately resulted in your being far below the standard we would expect to see in your O.W.L. year. You will be pleased to know, however, that these problems are now to be rectified. We will be following a carefully structured, theory-centred, Ministry-approved course of defensive magic this year. Copy down the following, please."
"Theory-centred?" Mel looked at Hermione. "I'm hating this already..."
"Has everybody got a copy of Defensive Magical Theory by Wilbert Slinkhard?" A few replied humorlessly, the woman interrupted them. "I think we'll try that again. When I ask you a question, I should like you to reply 'Yes, Professor Umbridge,' or 'No, Professor Umbridge.' So, has everyone got a copy of Defensive Magical Theory by Wilbert Slinkhard?"
"Yes, Professor Umbridge."
"Good. I should like you to turn to page five and read chapter one, 'Basics for Beginners.' There will be no need to talk."
Everyone listened. Everyone except for Hermione, who kept her book closed and raised a hand in the air, waiting for Umbridge to notice her. An awful lot of time passed before Umbridge finally decided to address the girl.
"Did you want to ask something about the chapter, dear?"
"Not about the chapter, no."
"Well, we're reading just now. If you have other queries we can deal with them at the end of class."
"I've got a query about your course aims."
"And your name is — ?"
"Hermione Granger."
"Well, Miss Granger, I think the course aims are perfectly clear if you read them through carefully."
"Well, I don't. There's nothing written up there about using defensive spells."
"Using defensive spells? Why, I can't imagine any situation arising in my classroom that would require you to use a defensive spell, Miss Granger. You surely aren't expecting to be attacked during class?" The woman laughed, Mel found it extremely irritating.
"We're not going to use magic?" Ron asked in surprise.
"Students raise their hands when they wish to speak in my class, Mr — ?"
Hermione raised her hand again.
"Yes, Miss Granger? You wanted to ask something else?"
"Yes. Surely the whole point of Defense Against the Dark Arts is to practice defensive spells?"
"Are you a Ministry-trained educational expert, Miss Granger?"
"No, but —"
"Well then, I'm afraid you are not qualified to decide what the 'whole point' of any class is. Wizards much older and cleverer than you have devised our new program of study. You will be learning about defensive spells in a secure, risk-free way —"
"What use is that?" said Harry. "If we're going to be attacked it won't be in a —"
"Hand, Mr Potter!"
Several students now had their hands up.
"And your name is?" Professor Umbridge asked to one.
"Dean Thomas."
"Well, Mr Thomas?"
"Well, it's like Harry said, isn't it?" said Dean. "If we're going to be attacked, it won't be risk-free —"
"I repeat, do you expect to be attacked during my classes?"
"No, but —"
"I do not wish to criticize the way things have been run in this school, but you have been exposed to some very irresponsible wizards in this class, very irresponsible indeed — not to mention, extremely dangerous half-breeds."
Mel gasped quite loudly. Several of her classmates stared at her in anxious anticipation.
"If you mean Professor Lupin," piped up Dean Thomas, who was as upset as her, "he was the best we ever —"
"Hand, Mr Thomas! As I was saying — you have been introduced to spells that have been complex, inappropriate to your age group, and potentially lethal. You have been frightened into believing that you are likely to meet Dark attacks every other day —"
"No we haven't," Hermione said, "we just —"
"Your hand is not up, Miss Granger!"
"How can self-defense be inappropriate at any age?" Mel asked, her hand up without waiting for the teacher to giver her permission. "Why does it matter? Isn't it better if we manage to learn it while still young? It makes room for more knowledge–"
"More knowledge?" Umbridge's eyes had a dangerous glint. "What kind of knowledge, Miss Dumbledore?"
Mel opened her mouth but she did not speak. Umbridge knew her name without needing to ask for it.
"Just..." The girl hesitated, measuring her words, "general..."
"It is my understanding that my predecessor not only performed illegal curses in front of you, he actually performed them on you — Did that help you, Miss Dumbledore?"
"Well, he turned out to be a maniac, didn't he? Mind you, we still learned loads —" Dean commented.
Mel was starting to like Dean better than other years, she made a mental note to buy him a few sweets on their next visit to Hogsmeade.
"Your hand is not up, Mr Thomas! Now, it is the view of the Ministry that a theoretical knowledge will be more than sufficient to get you through your examination, which, after all, is what school is all about. And your name is?"
"Parvati Patil, and isn't there a practical bit in our Defense Against the Dark Arts O.W.L.? Aren't we supposed to show that we can actually do the countercurses and things?"
"As long as you have studied the theory hard enough, there is no reason why you should not be able to perform the spells under carefully controlled examination conditions."
"Without ever practising them before? Are you telling us that the first time we'll get to do the spells will be during our exam?"
"I repeat, as long as you have studied the theory hard enough —"
"And what good's theory going to be in the real world?" Harry blurted out.
"This is school, Mr Potter, not the real world."
"So we're not supposed to be prepared for what's waiting out there?"
"There is nothing waiting out there, Mr Potter."
"Oh yeah?" Everyone stared at him in expectation.
"Who do you imagine wants to attack children like yourselves?"
"Hmm, let's think... maybe Lord Voldemort?"
Mel swore under her breath, this was exactly the kind of stuff they were supposed to be avoiding, and Harry had run straight into the trap.
"Ten points from Gryffindor, Mr Potter. Now, let me make a few things quite plain. You have been told that a certain Dark wizard has returned from the dead —"
"He wasn't dead– but yeah, he's returned!"
"Mr-Potter-you-have-already-lost-your-House-ten-points-do-not-make-matters-worse-for-yourself," said Professor Umbridge, her demeanour changing, but barely. "As I was saying, you have been informed that a certain Dark Wizard is at large once again. This is a lie."
"It is NOT a lie! I saw him, I fought him!"
"Shut up!" Mel hissed, but Umbridge spoke louder.
"Detention, Mr Potter! Tomorrow evening. Five o'clock. My office," She looked like she'd just been granted her biggest wish, which Mel didn't like at all. "I repeat, this is a lie. The Ministry of Magic guarantees that you are not in danger from any Dark wizard. If you are still worried, by all means, come and see me outside class hours. If someone is alarming you with fibs about reborn Dark wizards, I would like to hear about it. I am here to help. I am your friend. And now, you will kindly continue your reading. Page five, 'Basics for Beginners.' "
Harry stood up.
"Harry, no!" Hermione cried quietly, she turned to Mel with a pleading look, but she crossed her arms and looked ahead. He handles his own stuff, she convinced herself, too pissed about his careless behaviour.
"So, according to you, Cedric Diggory dropped dead of his own accord, did he?"
"Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident," she said without missing a beat.
"It was murder. Voldemort killed him, and you know it."
"Come here, Mr Potter, dear." She said sweetly.
Professor Umbridge pulled a small roll of pink parchment out of her handbag, stretched it out on the desk, dipped her quill into a bottle of ink, and started scribbling, hunched over so that Harry could not see what she was writing. Nobody spoke. After a minute or so she rolled up the parchment and tapped it with her wand; it sealed itself seamlessly so that he could not open it.
"Take this to Professor McGonagall, dear," said Professor Umbridge, holding out the note to him.
Mel was wondering what was going to happen to Harry when she walked out of the classroom and a younger student stood in front of her, handing her a note. Mel opened it quickly knowing from whom it was, she read it with a new sense of purpose.
'Sugar quills. Tonight after dinner.'
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Mel sat down in front of the Headmaster and stared at him, waiting. Dumbledore seemed unimpressed.
"You've got your first class with Professor Umbridge."
"That woman is as close to being a Professor than I am to being a mermaid."
"Professor McGonagall told me Harry had an outburst in the middle of her class."
"He did."
"Why didn't you step in?"
Mel frowned.
"Was I supposed to, sir?"
"You're certainly not obliged, but after all these years I assumed you knew better than to let him speak about Voldemort in front of a member of the Ministry."
He didn't sound upset, but there was an edge on his voice that made her feel uncomfortable about her indifference.
"I tried to get my point across, but she knew who I was and after that, I didn't dare to speak. I didn't want to give her a reason to believe my lessons are more than what they are..."
"I'm afraid Fudge is not entirely wrong about your lessons, Mel."
The girl looked up at the man in confusion.
"After the events of last June, I've decided to advance your classes to N.E.W.T levels," Dumbledore replied calmly. "I beg you forgive me, but your studies to become an animagus will have to wait. You'll be learning legilimency and occlumency, and nonverbal spells that you will try to do wandless."
"That's..." Mel started, taken by surprise. "That's okay... why?"
"Professor Umbridge will refuse to teach you in practice because Fudge doesn't want you to learn more than what you already know," Dumbledore explained. "I can't allow that to be your case. I need you to be ready."
"Ready for what? You're not... you're not saying I'm bound to take your place?"
Dumbledore fell silent for a moment before continuing.
"I don't want you to be my replacement. I want you to cover all the aspects that I cannot. I understand, thanks to Emily's letters, that you and Harry have grown apart during this summer, is that true?"
Mel thought about it for a moment before speaking.
"You need me to stay close, don't you?" She said in resignation. "Want me to become Harry's guard? You'll find that hard to achieve, as soon as he found out about the lifeline he cut all ties... He's convinced that this way is safer."
"What we're doing is important and we can't afford to fight in times like this. If you don't stick together, then we already lost."
"It's not that I don't care," Mel started, getting a bit irritated. "I just that he's been acting up on everyone–"
"Have you stopped to think that maybe he's acting this way because he's been cast out?" Dumbledore asked carefully. "He pushed you away, and you decided to push even further. He felt guilty of the pain you went through. I'm not saying you owe him kindness, but I surely expected more of you, Mel. You've always been understanding. What's different about this time?"
'What's different is that he broke my heart', Mel thought bitterly. However, his words did cause her to reflect on her actions.
"We'll start next week then, with the new lessons?" She asked weakly.
"Indeed," He stood up. "I must ask you to keep them in utter secrecy this time. No one must know."
"Umbridge could be listening," Mel nodded.
"Keep a low profile," The man told her once they were standing at the door. "Don't give Professor Umbridge a reason to punish you."
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"I believe He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is back, and I believe you fought him and escaped from him," Luna approached them in their way to Herbology. She said all this quickly and without blinking.
"Er — right," said Harry.
"I also believe you and your grandfather are misunderstood geniuses."
"The Headmaster's not my grandad, Luna," Mel replied politely.
"I know," She said like it was obvious. "You can laugh!" Luna exclaimed, unaware that the laughter coming from Parvati and Lavender had nothing to do with her words. "But people used to believe there were no such things as the Blibbering Humdinger or the Crumple-Horned Snorkack!"
"Well, they were right, weren't they? There weren't any such things as the Blibbering Humdinger or the Crumple-Horned Snorkack," Hermione mentioned.
"D'you mind not offending the only people who believe me?" Harry asked after Luna left.
"Oh, for heaven's sake, Harry, you can do better than her! Ginny's told me all about her, apparently, she'll only believe in things as long as there's no proof at all. Well, I wouldn't expect anything else from someone whose father runs The Quibbler."
"I don't think Luna's a bad person," Mel defended. "Just because she chose to believe in something you don't, it doesn't make her stupid or crazy."
"I know that," Hermione rolled her eyes. "But c'mon, Mel..."
"I don't want to hear another word about Luna's 'madness'– she's all right. I don't want to hear any of you calling anyone crazy- I'm sick of that bloody word..."
"I want you to know," Ernie approached them the same way Luna did, "that it's not only weirdos who support you. I personally believe you one hundred percent. My family have always stood firm behind Dumbledore, and so do I."
"Luna's not a weirdo–!" Mel started, put Harry stoped her.
"Thanks very much, Ernie," He stared at her expectantly.
If she was supposed to prove her point on uniting the houses with good manners and a kind attitude, she had to start now.
"We appreciate it," She kept a smile firmly on.
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"Oy, Potter!"
"What now?"
"I'll tell you what now," Angelina stormed towards them. "How come you've landed yourself in detention for five o'clock on Friday?"
"What? Why... oh yeah, Keeper tryouts!"
"Now he remembers! Didn't I tell you I wanted to do a tryout with the whole team, and find someone who fitted in with everyone? Didn't I tell you I'd booked the Quidditch pitch especially? And now you've decided you're not going to be there!"
"I didn't decide not to be there! I got detention from that Umbridge woman, just because I told her the truth about You-Know-Who —"
"Well, you can just go straight to her and ask her to let you off on Friday and I don't care how you do it, tell her You-Know-Who's a figment of your imagination if you like, just make sure you're there!"
"You know what?" Harry grumbled, looking over his shoulder to make sure Angelina was gone. "I think we'd better check with Puddlemere United whether Oliver Wood's been killed during a training session, because she seems to be channelling his spirit."
"What d'you reckon are the odds of Umbridge letting you off on Friday?" said Ron as they entered the Great Hall.
"Less than zero. Better try, though, hadn't I? I'll offer to do two more detentions or something, I dunno... I hope she doesn't keep me too long this evening. You realize we've got to write three essays, practice Vanishing Spells for McGonagall, work out a countercharm for Flitwick, finish the bowtruckle drawing, and start that stupid dream diary for Trelawney?"
"I already finished half of all that," Mel said with a pleased smile. "If you didn't spend half of your time moping about homework, you would've done so as well."
"I don't remember asking to be lectured," He replied.
"If it weren't because the teachers are pushing schoolwork down your throat, you wouldn't be learning at all."
"Does it look like it's going to rain?" Ron asked, trying to break their argument and looking at the sky reflected on the ceiling with mild worry.
"What's that got to do with our homework?" said Hermione.
"Nothing," Ron blushed.
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"So, dear ol' Ronnie," Mel sat down next to him in the common room, putting an arm around his shoulders. "Trying out for the Quidditch team, are we?"
Ron let out a choked squeak.
"How d'you know?"
"Oh, please," The girl rolled her eyes. "You asked for a new broom! You brought it with you, and you want Harry to be there on Friday because it'd make you feel better. Am I wrong?"
Ron's ears turned scarlet, which was enough confirmation.
"I think it's a great idea," She continued. "I mean, I've seen you fly and I've seen you play... sort of– I could help you if you want?"
Ron hesitated.
"Would you? I don't want to ask Fred and George because they'd laugh at me."
"They probably would," Mel agreed. "I would try out myself but I don't own a broom, so better you than someone else."
Ron let out a heavy sigh.
"I could really use some help, Mellow."
"No worries, mate. We got this."
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Mel was having the worst cramps on her right hand ever since the start of the evening. She thought it was thanks to writing more than she was used to, but after a specially sharp pain, she hissed and grimaced, when she looked down she saw a hand that wasn't hers with the words 'I must not tell lies' carved into the skin.
"Mel, you're all right?" Someone nudged her shoulder and Mel blinked coming back to her senses.
She held onto her hand tightly, breathing unevenly she examined it only to see her skin untouched, her anxiety shot up at a dangerous speed.
"Yes," the girl stood up, leaving her stuff abandoned as she walked to the portrait. "I forgot something in the library..."
She rushed out the door not knowing where to go.
'Look for Harry', She urged herself, running towards Umbridge's office.
Ten minutes later she came face to face with Harry, who stopped abruptly at the sight. Mel stopped too, examining his face carefully and picking on the way he was sweating.
"Hi," She said tensely.
"Mel," Harry frowned. "What're you..."
She looked down at his right hand, Harry was quick to hide it.
"What are you doing here?" He asked with a straight face.
Mel wanted to say what she'd seen, but then she remembered what Dumbledore told her, and she was certain that telling Harry the truth would only cause him to push her away, so she lied.
"I was studying with Neville in the library and I forgot my books there, I was on my way to pick them up."
Harry nodded shortly.
"See you later, then."
Mel frowned, last year he would've offered to go with her, but it was clear that he was adamant to keep his distance. She felt stupid, running out of the tower like that after such a minor inconvenience. Harry was clearly okay! It didn't matter what she'd seen, he could handle it on his own.
"Yeah, see you..." She walked past him, her eyes fixed on the back of her hand, rubbing the skin in circles.
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In the middle of her training session with Ron, a cramp pulled all the way to her elbow and she closed her eyes for a moment. It had happened every evening since Tuesday, normally she would just drown the pain and focus on her surroundings, but she was especially tired that night.
"I think we should call it a day, Ron," She sighed. "C'mon, it's getting dark..."
They walked in silence until Ron pulled her behind a statue at the same time the twins walked past them followed by a bunch of first years.
"Ron, you have more dignity than this," She whispered. "You need to stop acting like a baby around your brothers! How're they going to take you seriously if you don't give them a good reason?"
Ron was about to reply when a voice called for them.
"Guys? What are you doing?"
"Er — nothing. What are you doing?"
Harry frowned at them.
"Come on, you can tell me! What are you hiding here for?"
"We're– We're hiding from Fred and George, if you must know," said Ron. "They just went past with a bunch of first years, I bet they're testing stuff on them again, I mean, they can't do it in the common room now, can they, not with Hermione there."
"You're a terrible liar," Mel mumbled beside him. He elbowed her arm roughly, causing her to grunt.
"But what have you got your broom for, you haven't been flying, have you?" Harry asked.
"Have you, Ron?" Mel pressed.
"I — well — well, okay, I'll tell you, but don't laugh, all right? I-I thought I'd try out for Gryffindor Keeper now I've got a decent broom and Mel's helping me train. There. Go on. Laugh."
"I'm not laughing," said Harry, glancing briefly at her. "It's a brilliant idea! It'd be really cool if you got on the team! I've never seen you play Keeper, are you good?"
"I'm not bad, according to Mel," said Ron, smiling a bit. "Charlie, Fred, and George always made me Keep for them when they were training during the holidays."
"So you've been practicing tonight? With Mel?"
"Every evening since Tuesday... Fred and George are going to laugh themselves stupid when I turn up for the tryouts. They haven't stopped taking the mickey out of me since I got made a prefect."
"You'll do fine, and if they try to mock you, I'll make sure to hex them afterwards," She replied.
"I wish I was going to be there," said Harry.
"Yeah, so do — Harry, what's that on the back of your hand?"
Harry froze, attempting to hide his hand away.
"It's just a cut — it's nothing — it's —"
Ron grabbed Harry's forearm and pulled. There, exactly the same place she'd been feeling pain all week, were the words she'd seen on her vision. Ron let go of his hand.
"I thought you said she was giving you lines?" He asked coldly.
Harry stared at the both of them, suddenly looking smaller than before.
"She's... she's been making me use this quill... she says it doesn't need ink and I think that's because, well, it's using my blood."
Mel felt her mouth dry. Harry might have been acting up, but he certainly didn't deserve that.
"...I've been writing the whole week with it– and it's been cutting deeper each time," Harry concluded as the reached the Fat lady portrait.
"The old hag! She's sick! Go to McGonagall, say something!"
"No. I'm not giving her the satisfaction of knowing she's got to me."
"Got to you? You can't let her get away with this!"
"I don't know how much power McGonagall's got over her."
"Dumbledore, then, tell Dumbledore!"
"No," said Harry.
"Why not?"
"He's got enough on his mind," said Harry.
"Well, here's a different solution," Mel started. "You go to her office tomorrow, you finish your detention, and then you keep your mouth shut for the rest of the year."
"You can't be serious..."
"I talked to Dumbledore the other day and–"
"And of course you're telling me this just now. What did he say? Surely he asked you to stay out of trouble–"
"He asked me to step in," Mel replied over his voice. "I should've stopped you from getting detention in the first place. I find it funny that exactly the same year I decide I don't give a flying troll about you, suddenly everyone wants me to defend you–"
"Well, I reckon you should —" Ron started, but the Fat Lady interrupted their chat.
"Are you going to give me the password or will I have to stay awake all night waiting for you to finish your conversation?"
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Next Chapter —>
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okay um sjdghs yeah thank you for not being mean or thinking I was mean cause I really wasn't! I do really like your blog (we are mutuals and I *think* you know me by name) but zjdgsh jack still isn't Cas coded for me, tbh. He might LOOK like Cas but sjdgsh his literally story was based on his powers othering him (sam), killing his mother (sam) and eventually being manipulated into doing something bad by accident and no bad intentions (sam). he is also infused with very obvious daddy issues (the sam kind more than the Cas kind) and if you thjnk about it I prommy there's not a lot of similarities between his and cas's personalities (except for that they're both wonderful and I love them but that's beside the topic) like Cas plotlines usually go like: huge sacrifices for love, hugely misguided attempts to make everything right, loss of powers leaving him abandoned. while sam (and jack) plot lines are the opposite because it's the ABUNDANCE of power that leaves them abandoned (by Dean, cough, cough) and while cas's powers are seen as desirable throughout the show (when they ARE seen, of course :/) sams were evil and Jack's were evil and they were supposed to be thought of as evil (by us, the narrative and dean) for using them ! So...yeah? also sjdgshs I hear you on the Dean not being a John girl just because he wanted his affirmation so bad and would do anything he said for it — but the jack Dean situation is not exactly the same because the moments that they use to show us that jack loves Dean aren't ones where dean has any expectations from him to be/do good per se???? it's things like fishing and being a dork on a case and they "make jack the happiest he's been" so...? (Plus I DO believe that jack really wanted Dean's approval and Dean to think of him as good, and family but it just...isn't in the same way as John. Dean WAS a dick to jack and it might johncode him but Jack's behavior doesn't s1-dean code him 🥺) so im gonna stick with jack being a samcoded deangirl who looks a lot like Cas actually ajdgshs (also yeah Dean is both a samgirl and a casgirl, he has the range, although you saying he HAS to be a samgirl cause they're blood is kinda weird because I really do think he loves and stans sam as family (in a COMPLETELY non incestuous way oh god) and not just because he has to cause of the script (like some bloggers these days think...which just. what show did you even watch bestie) but yeah. also, if we had to choose, I'd definitely choose sam as a casgirl. Because he appreciates him and looks up to him and cas's opinions really matter to him and he believes in him and wamts him to come home and thinks of him as best friend and family :)
Listen bestie. I get your points, I'm willing to say that Sam's a Casgirl bc he loves his bestie and always tries his best to give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe even more than Dean's done.
HOWEVER. Let's go back to the part where you don't think Jack is Cascoded because their plotlines don't match. (Also; Sam didn't kill his mom. Azazel killed her 6 months after his birth. As for the manipulation thing; that happened to all three of them at some point.)
Let's look at your namings of Cas's plotlines:
huge sacrifices for love
Jack literally gave his life/was ready to give his life to save the Winchesters&Castiel on multiple occasions. He kneeled down before Dean's gun because he felt he deserved it, he wanted to kill himself in 13x23 to save Sam and the others, and his entire arc in season 15 was about sacrificing himself to kill God and Amara. So that Sam and Dean could finally be free.
hugely misguided attempts to make everything right
point I mean; this speaks for itself. Things go wrong and Jack always tries to fix it, even if it doesn't turn out well. A GREAT example is everything that went down with him and Dumah; him trying to make Heaven a better place (making angels, killing non-believers, etc) because he believed it'd make Sam and Dean happy, and it would redeem him from killing Mary. In fact, his soulless arc was pretty close to Cas's Godstiel arc. I could even pull up a few parallels for you.
loss of powers leaving him abandoned
He lost his powers in season 14. And yes, he wasn't left on the streets like Cas was. HOWEVER, he felt just as lost and abandoned as he did. Not physically but definitely emotionally. He had no one to connect with and felt useless and hopeless. He stole someone's grace afterwards, though, just like a certain angel we all know and love.
I get what you mean and Sam and Jack do have similar story arcs. But Jack has similar story arcs with all three of them, and he shares all their characteristics because he's their son. All three boys are his dads, but he only has one father and that's Cas. I just think he happens to share more of Cas's personality because he has the same squints, the same awkwardness around humans, the same confusion about specific trivia and the same love for the Winchesters.
Let's just agree to disagree at this point sjkfjsdklf we could go on and on about this.
I enjoy this, though <3 this is fun. I love getting to talk to you ppl about this stuff :D
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spnfanficpond · 4 years
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(New Angel Fish design by @slytherkins!!)
Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words.
The monthly Angel Fish Awards are peer-nominated, meaning ANYONE IN THE POND CAN NOMINATE ANY POND MEMBER’S FIC. While the Pond was founded to support the Guppies, everyone in this community deserves to be showered with love and feedback, and we hope that by opening this up as a Pond wide system, we’ll be able to share the love as far as it can go.
NOTE: WE’VE BEEN HAVING OCCASIONAL PROBLEMS WITH ASKS GOING MISSING. Please use the Submit button when submitting your nominations and make sure you’re signed into Tumblr or your URL won’t show. (If the form asks for your name and email address, then you’re not signed in.) If you like, you can also send a message to Michelle @mrswhozeewhatsis or Mana @manawhaat to check and make sure we got your submission.
Be sure to read through this whole post as people who were nominated more than once only had one tag activated for tumblr tagging purposes!
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Nonimated by @thegirlwhorunswithwinchesters
I Thought You Were Going To Die (oneshot) by @fun-and-fandoms
My nominations for the month wouldn’t be complete without a little bit of angst. Though this one isn’t just that. If you’re easily triggered by mentions of depression and its symptoms, this one’s not for you. But it’s an important topic and I will always encourage any creator who uses their art to remind people it’s okay to talk about it. (Note from Kale, this was actually submitted in May but I missed it.) 
More to Me (oneshot) by @becs-bunker
No spoilers, but I’m so glad this ended the way it did. So sweet <3
Help  (oneshot) by @blushingjared
I came across this fic and was immediately intrigued. Then I started reading and I was captivated from the first sentence until the very last. The author did such a good job with setting the scene and painting the right picture.
Talking Bodies (oneshot) by @ne-gans
This AU-Sam is such a huge weakness of mine. That, in combination with this dangerously filthy masterpiece, is nothing short of perfection.
Nominated by @focusonspn
Into The Woods (series) by @amanda-teaches
So well written, interesting plot and great development. The chemistry between Y/N and Dean is also amazing, and I loved how this mini-series could be so easily part of the show. Totally worth reading.
Nominated by @thoughtslikeamindfield 
Stranger Than FanFiction (series) by @cherry3point14
The premise is similar to the film Stranger Than Fiction – a story about a story being written about you – and it’s just as hilarious. Also, Cherry Pie is still one of the funniest writers in this corner of SPN fandom.
“You’re not supposed to move your head if there’s someone trying to murder you, probably…”
No, I wouldn’t think so, but lollllll
“You’re being insane, out loud.”
“It tried, oh, how the door tried to divert her attention from the unknown men who could be terrible, rule-breaking influences on her. However the door was only wood and she was a stubborn woman made of free will and limbs—a woman who refused to be deceived.”
“Your hand is on the doorknob before the mention of your limbs has finished rattling around your head.  Realistically you don’t want to encourage the voice by doing what it says. After all, the voice’s ultimate goal seems to be killing you.”
BAHAHAHAH omfg you guys
I need to stop quoting from this bc I probably seem insane to those of you who haven’t read this, so stop being judgy buttheads and go read!
Nominated by @flamencodiva
The Choice (series) by @superfanficnatural
A couple of things. 1) this is an amazing fic that highlights Dean unwillingness to let himself go until it’s almost too late. and 2) the smut in this is hot hot hot hot! not for anyone under 18 years of age.
Mert has a way with words and can literally pluck you into one and make you see it as it comes to life in your head.
Mine (series) by @holylulusworld
Lulu has an abundance of different stories she tells and this one is my favorite of her ABO’s at the moment. (although I love all of them) I think this one deserved a mention. I am glad she joined to Pond so I could help nominate and spread her amazing work!
One Night at a Time (series) by @crashdevlin
Another great fic by Cassie! This one shot full of Angst, Smut, and if you squint just the right amount of Dean fluff. She has a way of capturing your attention and putting you in the world as you read.
What He Lost (oneshot) by @jensengirl83
This short story by Brandy is sure to rip your heart out. she leaves just a bit of hope where you think there is a chance only to crush it completely with the ending. This one is sure to bring you to tears if you are looking for the most delicious angsty story to read.
Nominated by @risingpheonix761
Down The Rabbit Hole (oneshot) by @dontshootmespence
So, this was hysterical. XD I love crack fics, and bad smut in particular, and this one hits the spot. (I’ve also learned several new horrible euphemisms lol). The ending, though? Golden!
Nominated by @myinconnelly1
The Affair (oneshot) by @holylulusworld
I love how well all the characters are portrayed I truly hate everyone except the reader! Well done!!  
Red Riding Hood - or how you ran into a wolf... (oneshot) by @holylulusworld
I have nothing to say about this. I will simply allow the puddle I have become to speak for me. 
Last Omega On Earth (oneshot) by @holylulusworld 
This was a great entry in the ABO world. and we need more of this and more like !!!!! Great work!
My Beta (oneshot) by @holylulusworld
I am a greedy little bitch with this fic.  I think I've read it 3-4 since i first read it this month!!!!!! READ THIS FIC!  
Third Period (oneshot) by @fictionalabyss
Some truly inspiring smut.  Inspiring to change my panties. 
Gods of Twilight (series) by @thecleverdame​
I think i posted this fic in my rec before, but it is so amazing and intricate that i can't stop gushing about it.  Fucking awesome. 
Apple Pie (oneshot) by @bad268​ 
The amazingness of this is great, check this guppy out!
Deal (oneshot) by @bad268 
Comedy at some of its's finest!!! 
Confession (oneshot) by @idreamofplaid
THE FLUFFFFFFF!!!! I don't read straight fluff.  So get the tissues ready.
Fallen (series) by idreamofplaid
My therapist has told me i'm not longer allowed to talk about this fic during our sessions.  So instead i shall now talk about it here... *pulls out soapbox* ahem... *gets pulled away with hook*
Memory (oneshot) by @idreamofplaid
This fic is older, but i love it so much.  I recently went back and reread it, and the angst and reconciliation in this fic are heartwrenching.
Home (oneshot) by @emilyshurley
My dentist bill the month was higher than normal, due to the new cavities caused by this fic.
Imperfectly Yours (oneshot) by @emilyshurley
Cuteness overload as you get Dean's perspective of Home ^^
Second Hand News (oneshot) by @emilyshurley
Alright listen. I am a glutton for punishment.  And this fic, I asked for.  Also i had it set within one of the universes we now own.  That all being said, reading this was like a dose of my own medicine and it fucking hurt.
Honesty And Lies (oneshot) by @crashdevlin
This was super dirty, and great.  Totally recommend. 
Nominated by @deanwinchesterswitch
The Classifieds (oneshot) by @talesmaniac89
This is rip your heart out and stomp on it angst right here. So well written, but so, so heartbreaking.
So Much More Than Perfect (oneshot) by @imagineteamfreewill
This fic is one of the sweetest things I’ve ever read. It made me tear up a bit, but who doesn’t love Dean being the most protective, most adorable dad ever?!
Nominated by @mariekoukie6661
Dear Dean (series) by @smol-and-grumpy
It’s one of those series that makes you wants more after every chapter. It’s a brilliant story.
Left Behind (series) by @kittenofdoomage
It’s the only John Fic I can read over and over and over again. Its hot, the plot is awesome! And it makes me wants more each and every time I read it.
Not Much Left (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer
I think Beka tries to kill her readers every time she writes smut… or she just tap into our mind what we want or what we fantasize about. Every single time I’m speechless by her talents!
Yes Professor (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer
It’s a Misha fic, there’s no one who write Misha the way Beka does!!!
Owe You One (series) by @supernatural-jackles
It’s such a great series! The friends with Benefit and Mechanic!Dean… I just love this so much and I don’t have words to describe how good this one is!!
Flirty In French (oneshot) by @fictionalabyss
This is brilliant, and I know its an old one, but from someone who finally decided to read more and from someone who is from Quebec, this is absolutely brilliant! The flirty french pick up line are so hilarious!
Nominated by @moosekateer13
Watching for Comets (series) by @holylulusworld
This fic beautifully captures the song that it was inspired by.
It also showcases things that when things are meant to be.
I’ll will all fall into place.
Please Trust Me (oneshot) by @holylulusworld
This fic beautifully emotionally captures what it’s like to have trust issues.
Nominated by @fictionalabyss
Last Call (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer 
It was everything we needed and wanted.
Culinary Exploits (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer  
Too utterly ridiculous not to get a mention.
His Omega (oneshot) by @iflostreturntosteverogers 
A sweet little comfort fic of Dean being utterly perfect caring for his Omega. Carrie also pulled off keeping this gender neutral, which isn’t something I see a lot of, and probably something I’d struggle with, so hats off to you, babe.
Poison (oneshot) by @supernatural-jackles 
YES omg i feel this on such a level. I’ve gone through that shit myself. A friend who lets you down so profoundly but then acts as if you’re the most toxic person in the world.  Nothing feels as good as letting go of that shit and moving on to better things. This was beautiful, and perfect, and TRUTH.
Amara (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer  
This one hurt. It really hurt, but it hurt so good that I’m left wanting more.
Take Me Now (oneshot) by @sorenmarie87  
If Dawn doesn’t continue this, I’ll riot.
Stuck On You (oneshot) by @kittenofdoomage  
I rarely read a fic this long (I just don’t usually have the time) but it looked too interesting for me to scroll past, and it had me completely captivated. I needed to know what would happen as if I needed air, even though I could guess how it ended, I needed to read the words. Phenomenal.
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Thank you all for the awesome work and great feedback!
These are not actual awards! This system is set up so everyone in the pond has a chance to share the love and promote a fic/author that has grabbed your attention. The more people that participate, and the more everyone remembers to submit their own fics after posting, the better this will be :D
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ickle-ronniekins · 5 years
crush, fred x reader
request: from anon: I don’t know if ur accepting requests right now but if you are, could you write about Fred having a crush on a girl that happens to be best friends with Ron? Btw I hope that things with your boyfriend are beginning to get better x | hi darling sunshine! of course i’ll write that for you! & yes, requests are open indeed :) aw thanks lovey, we’re always working at it, also this is hella long i got so carried away i am so sorry lmao x also idk how i feel about this ugh cause i tried to make it sound like the reader and ron are best friends but reading it back i’m kind of like ??? but also i rewrote the first portion like literally four different times UGH i struggled with this one but it was a good struggle anon THANK U for the request!
prompt: none
warnings: instability bc weasley perfection? IDK MAN
You and Ron were sitting in the Great Hall, watching as brave students from each house and the other wizarding schools placed their names into the goblet, hoping to be chosen to compete in the Triwizard Tournament. “I wish I could enter,” he told you.
Just then, Harry appeared beside you both. “No you bloody don’t,” he told him and laughed.
“Yeah, Ron, you’ve got to be barking mad to want to enter,” you said. Just then, his older twin brothers ran into the Great Hall, ringing in cheers from everyone around them. They were both holding something in their hands. You just rolled your eyes. “Case in point, Ron. Look at those two.”
Fred and George were showing off whatever concoction they’d brewed up when they came over to the three of you. George asked, “Don’t think we can do it?”
“No,” the three of you said together.
Fred overdramatically fell backwards and into you—pretending to be offended by your doubt that they were going to successfully be able to place their names in the goblet, whilst somehow being able to trick Dumbledore’s age line.
“Y/N,” Fred whined, “I’m heartbroken. Literally heartbroken that you don’t believe in us.”
“Oh, it’s not that I don’t believe in you, Freddie,” you told him and his eyes were swimming with excitement. “It’s just that I believe in Dumbledore more.”
Ron and Harry began laughing next to you when the twins began to shake their vials. The surrounding students were becoming more and more excited to see what was about to happen, and many people began whispering animatedly. The goblet was showing off a deep blue color fire, and Fred and George were more than ready to place their names in.
“Just wait,” Fred told you and swung his arm around your shoulder. “In three days time I’ll have been chosen to compete in the tournament, and by the end of the school year, I’ll be the champion, and you’ll be so impressed that you’ll fall head over heels.”
You scoffed at him. “Is that right?”
“Yeah,” he told you, “It is. Ready, George?”
“Ready, Fred,”
“Bottoms up!” they said together.
And that’s when hilarity ensued.
Later that evening, in the common room, Fred, George, Harry and Ron were playing a game of cards, while you, Ginny, and Hermione were sitting around the fire, chatting about the upcoming tournament and the Yule Ball.
George was scratching his face and saying, “I still have remnants of that bloody beard from this afternoon. Who knew our aging potion wouldn’t work?”
Ron laughed. “Everyone, mate.”
“Oh, it definitely worked,” Harry retorted, “just not the way you wanted it too.” Him and Ron started snickering like little girls.
Fred wasn’t listening. He was shuffling his cards slowly, sort of in a daydream like trance, and Ron was snapping his fingers in front of his face.
He was too busy peering at you to notice anything else around him. He was focused on the way your hair cascaded over your shoulders in soft curls, the rosy pink your cheeks turned after being out in the cold, your voice bouncing off of the common rooms walls every time you let a giggle escape your lips, the clothes you wore other than your Gryffindor robes.
“Hello?” Ron said, slapping Fred across the cheek.
Surprised and brought back to reality, Fred placed a hand to his cheek. “What the bloody hell was that for?”
George just laughed. “We’ve been trying to get your attention for the last ten minutes, Freddie,”
Fred softened and turned back towards you. “Oh,” he said, completely forgetting the moment. He watched you still, and when you looked up from your conversation with Hermione and Ginny and caught his glance, you beamed at him. It’s almost as if you could hear his heart begin to pound.
He turned back towards his friends and told them, “Erm, guys—I’ve something to tell you,”
George, Ron, and Harry couldn’t help but laugh, just a little bit. The common room fire was roaring and the students around were buzzing, but Fred Weasley was nervous. He was actually nervous.
George smirked when he told him, “Yeah? Go on then.”
Fred swallowed over a lump in his throat. He made sure that you were out of earshot. “I’m...kind of mad for Y/N.”
The three boys sat for a moment and then burst out into laughter. Fred furrowed his brows, obviously offended by their laughter and his humiliation, when Harry spoke.
“We know.”
“You do?”
“Yeah, mate, the whole bloody world knows,” George told his twin. “You’re not exactly subtle with it.”
Ron snorted before saying, “Yeah, and your flirting isn’t the best, either.” Fred punched him in the arm. “Don’t worry, she hasn’t said anything to me about it. Pretty sure she doesn’t even realize it’s flirting—” Ron couldn’t help but snicker, and Fred punched him in the arm again.
He turned back towards you, watching you again, wanting nothing more than to run over, spin you around and kiss you, but he held back the urge. He placed his hand under his cheek and rested on it, peering at you with admiration. To the boys, he said, “So what the bloody hell do I do now?”
“What you’re good at,”
Fred looked towards his twin with confusion written on his face.
“Be honest, do your thing and tell her.”
You were suffering silently in Potions with Ron. Across from you, Harry and Hermione seemed to be brewing something perfect, while yours, on the other hand, wasn’t looking terribly great. Ron kept groaning and letting his head fall onto the desk.
Snape was in a particularly bad mood that Wednesday afternoon, for whatever unbeknownst reason. He had given you all the hardest potion to brew, with directions that weren’t clear in the slightest, and left you all to the cauldrons. And the punishment for not brewing it absolutely perfectly? Two weeks detention.
You wished you could be outside in the snow, walking through Hogsmeade, heading into Zonko’s, warming up in The Three Broomsticks with a butterbeer. Anything but this.
“I hate this bloody class,” Ron said as he added a sprinkle of something to the potion that prompted it to turn a nasty, purply-brown color. Ron scowled and peered at the directions on the board once more.
“Just think—in a week, we’ll be at the Yule Ball, dancing the night away, not worrying about this stupid lesson,” you told him and grabbed his hand before he disastrously placed way too many porcupine quills in the potion. “No, no—two, Ron, not five.”
Two did the trick. The grody, brown looking potion in front of you seemed to take a turn for the better when it slowly became a nice looking green color, which is what it should have been in the first place. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Hey, who’re you bringing to that, anyway?”
“I dunno,” you told him truthfully as you added another mistletoe berry into the potion. “Why? D’you want to go with me, Ron?” you teased.
“Ha-ha,” he said sarcastically, and you could’ve sworn you saw him glance admiringly at Hermione, who was almost finished brewing her perfect potion. Ron cleared his throat when he noticed you saw him. He continued, “No, really, who do you think you’ll go with?”
“I dunno, Ron!” you laughed. “I genuinely have no idea. Why are you pushing this?” You saw his cheeks turn rosy and he seemed to shift uncomfortably in his seat. He was hiding something. “Ronald Weasley, what do you know?”
“Nothing!” Ron jumped up. Snape looked up from the other end of the room where he was observing the Slytherin’s potions. He shot the both of you a look of pure disgust, and went back to his observations. Ron swallowed over a lump in his throat when you kept prodding him with your wand. He rolled his robe sleeves to his elbows and breathed out slowly. You loved how nervous Ron got when he was keeping a secret, because truthfully, he wasn’t very good at keeping them. He kept pushing his long hair out of his eyes and tapping his feet against the floor. When you wouldn’t let up, he finally blurted out, “Enough with the third degree! Freddie’s mad for you, alright?”
You were so taken aback, literally, you almost knocked your cauldron onto the floor. Luckily, behind you, Dean Thomas caught it with mere milliseconds to spare. “What?” you asked Ron. “No he isn’t,” you couldn’t help but laugh to yourself.
Ron’s nervousness seemed to slip away when he laughed and said, “Don’t make me say ‘I told you, so’.”
It’s as if Ron’s words made them appear, because Fred and George slipped into your Potions class, somehow, without Snape seeing. At least, at first.
“What the bloody hell are you two doing in here?” Ron and Harry asked them.
George just rolled his eyes. “I tried to stop him, but he took my advice way too literally.”
“What advice?” You and Hermione wondered aloud at the same time.
Fred stepped closer to you and your heart started to pound. In the middle of class? Was he kidding? With twenty or so other students there? And Snape?
“You’re coming to the Yule Ball with me,” he told you straightforwardly. It wasn’t a question and you didn’t seem to have a choice in the matter.
You asked him. “Is that so?”
“Yeah,” he told you confidently. “Yeah, it is because I’m mad for you,” he winked, “and I know you’re mad for me, too.”
You could feel your lips curl into a sensual sort of smirk. Just then, someone from Slytherin yelled out and pointed towards the twins, and Snape turned swiftly from the back of the dungeons. You could’ve sworn you heard him yell out, “Weasley!” but you were too distracted to even care. All you cared about was the boy in front of you—with his long red hair, his heart melting half smiling, and the fact that he was a bloody idiot sneaking into your class. You didn’t care about anything else. Your heart was racing. The dungeons were bustling with chatter now—about Snape being even more angry than he already was, and about those older, redheaded Weasleys that somehow managed to make their way into a busy Potions class.
George was kicking Fred’s leg, saying, “Bloody hell, mate, let’s go!” but Fred didn’t move. Instead, he stood there, waiting for you to say something, anything.
“So?” Ron, Harry, George and Hermione all asked together.
You looked at them and then back towards Fred and asked him, “Well what took you so bloody long to figure it out?”
His smirk only grew, his eyes enticing you to run out of that classroom and back to whatever empty room you could find. But just then, Snape reached the top of the classroom and tried to grab Fred by his robe sleeves.
George kicked Fred once more before sprinting out of the classroom, and before following his twin, Fred squeezed your hand and said to you, “Being chased by Snape is totally worth it, by the way.” He slipped out from underneath Snape’s grimy fingertips and left the Potions professor seething at the seams.
Professor Snape turned to you, red faced and livid, and announced in front of the entire class, “A week’s detention! Was it worth it, Y/L/N? Was it worth it for that Weasley boy?”
But Fred was still there, outside the classroom. He was careful not to be seen, but he was still peering in at you to make sure you didn’t receive too bad of a punishment for his shenanigans. You knew Fred would probably manage to sneak his way into your detention, too. You smirked at Snape and then turned your attention to Freddie in the corridor. Without skipping a beat, you winked and responded, “Totally worth it.”
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OS: First burn
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Requested?    Yes  l   No
By: anonymous
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Mexican sized reader 
Summary: Do you mind doing a song fic of "First Burn" from Hamilton between a Mexican plus size reader and Loki? Like he's been being a shitty husband bc he thinks he has her locked in bc of marraige and basically she moves on from him to Dean Winchester?
Warning(s): language
Picture(s) found on: Pinterest/Google
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"What the hell are you doing here" Dean hissed as soon as he opened the front door and saw Loki, your ex husband standing there with a tensed expression on his face.
"Babe, who is it?" You half questioned and whined as you wanted to continue enjoying your movie night with your love. The weekend had finally arrived and you were excited to spend the following days unwinding from your stressful week at work.
 "It's Loki", your boyfriend growled, making you jump up from the couch and toss the blanket carelessly on the floor. Annoyance and curiosity ran through your body as you rushed to the front door and rolled your eyes when you saw the God of Mischief intensely staring at you, silently hoping that his gaze alone would make you fall into his arms and take him back as your husband. 
  I saved every letter you wrote me From the moment I saw you I knew you were mine You said you were mine I thought you were mine
Do you know what Angelica said When I told her what you'd done? She said
 "You have married an Icarus He has flown too close to the sun"
Don't take another step in my direction I can't be trusted around you Don't think you can talk your way Into my arms, into my arms
     "What do you want Loki" you cut straight to the point while Dean shuffled behind you and wrapped his strong arms around your thick waist. The gesture had your heart fluttering in your chest while you waited for the tingles to subside.
 Your ex husband growled whole clenching his fist, thinking of thousands of ways to punish Dean for touching you. It was obvious that he was still bitter that you had moved on from your dysfunctional marriage. It had been three years since you had divorced him but the wounds in his heart were still as fresh as the day you served him the official papers. 
 “May I please talk to you alone, [Y/N]?” Loki asked, he was desperate to get you back. He couldn’t sleep, eat and go through the day without his heart aching for you. He missed and loved you so much but had ruined your marriage with his disgusting behavior.
 He never thought that he’d be able to have someone to love him for him. You accepted all of him and loved him more than you loved yourself. The two of you had gotten married a year into your relationship and you really thought that your happily ever after was finally starting. But you were very wrong; Loki changed for the worst.
 You tried and tried to figure out why he was suddenly changing into a person you didn’t recognize. He went from supporting you and your dreams to suddenly demanding for you to stay at home and be a housewife, all while going out and traveling from planet to planet and experience the craziest adventure.
 “There’s nothing to talk about, Loki. When will you finally understand that we are not married anymore and that I actually found someone who truly loves me?” you questioned, frustration slowly bubbling up in your stomach but Dean’s gentle kiss on your shoulder calming you down again.
 The God of Mischief bit back a hiss as he swallowed hard, tears brimming his eyes as he took a few deep breaths. “Please…Please reconsider what you’re saying. What about the love we had? The life we were living together?”.
 Hearing his words made you let out a loud huff, all the therapy sessions and other memories of you crying and begging him to listen to you and change for the better as you weren’t happy anymore flashing past your eyes.
 “The love we had is long gone, Loki” you hissed and took a deep breath, “You broke me. I don’t know, and honestly don’t want to know, why you really thought that trapping me in our house and treating me like a servant instead of your wife was a good idea. I never was happy in our marriage. I tried to show and tell you but you didn’t care enough to listen to things from my perspective”.
 Dean leaned his head on your shoulder and closed his eyes, trying to stay calm as he listened to your words. He had met you while you just had finished your therapeutic treatment for the mental and emotional wounds Loki had inflicted on you. You barely let the hunter get close to you as you thought that all men were just like your ex husband and would hurt you again.
 It actually took him a whole year of befriending you before you realized that you had romantic feelings for him and were ready to be with him. Dean was one of the best things that had ever happened to you. He showed you that love wasn’t just misery, pain and suffering. Love was bright, intense, lovely and worth fighting for. It could be hard and complicated at times but as long as the people involved made an effort, it would all work out.
 “[Y/N], I-
 No, Loki” you cut him off and shook your head. “There’s nothing to discuss. It has been two years. Move the fuck on. I am happy with Dean, I want to marry him, have children and grow old with him without having you waltz in and beg for something for something you won’t ever receive again”.
 Your words made your ex-husband swallow harshly, it felt like he was being stabbed in the chest. No amount of torture he had gone through could compare to the pain he was feeling right now. He had never worked through his traumas and projected his feelings onto you. That was the reason why he had turned into a monster. Everything he had suppressed his whole life had hit him like a train and he didn’t know how to deal with it.
 “I-I understand…I just want you to know that I am truly sorry for putting you through the mess I created [Y/N]” Loki cleared his throat as the tears finally cascaded down his handsome face. “I-I wish you nothing but the best and hope that Dean will love you more than I ever did”.
 “I do” your boyfriend responded, looking at your ex-husband and seeing a spark of jealousy, pain and regret clouding his eyes. “I forgave you, Loki. You have to work through whatever you’re dealing with. Don’t put someone else through the same misery you put me”. Loki nodded his head and gave you a small smile, his heart clenching painfully in his chest as this probably was the last time he’d see you.
 You nodded your head and watched him turn around, then slowly walking away from your house. A sigh left your lips while you closed the front door and turned to Dean who already was smiling at you, his arms still wrapped around your thick waist.
 “You are the love of my life, [Y/N] and I promise to never put you through what he put you through”. Your heart fluttered in your chest as you leaned in and pressed your soft lips against his, loving the delicate sensations coursing through your body. “Te quiero mucho, mi amor” you whispered in between the kiss, knowing that you had made the right decision two three ago.
 I'm burning the letters you wrote me You can stand over there if you want I don't know who you are I have so much to learn I'm re-reading your letters And watching them burn (burn)
I'm watching them burn (burn)
You published the letters she wrote to you You told the whole world How you brought this girl into our bed In clearing your name, you have ruined our lives
 Heaven forbid…
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-Emmanuelle 💋❤️
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Abandoned Part 9
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Prompt: Dean is forced to be a single father after the reader left them. Three years later she shows up out of no where. (bc there’s always fics of girls being single mothers to Dean’s kids and bc i saw this episode again and thought of it overnight lol)
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Story Masterlist
In the weeks that passed Mason’s attachment to his mother increased. Dean found himself smiling more, he had only dreamed of having (y/n) with them. It was everything he ever wanted since the day he found out he was going to be a father. He hadn’t thought of leaving the family business, never in his life would he had given it up. But he knew from the day he met (y/n) he’d do anything for her, even if it meant leaving the one thing he’d ever known. Even now, after everything they’ve been through, there isn’t a thing he wouldn’t do for her. A knock at the door startled Dean, he had been watching (y/n) as she cooked dinner with Mason, who sat on the counter trying to help her. “I’ll get it.” Dean sighed as he walked to the front door. He opened the door to see Cas, taking him off guard. “Cas? Since when did you knock?” Dean’s arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against the door frame.
“There’s something I need you to do.” Cas spoke causing Dean to sigh.  
“Whatever it is, no. I’m finally at a good place, we’re finally in a good place. I’m not doing anything that will jeopardize that.” Dean’s hand gripped the door ready to close it.  
“Dean, please. Your house is guarded, I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t really need your help.” Cas’ face was hard, he wasn’t prepared to take no as an answer. Dean sighed as he closed his eyes, mentally kicking himself for giving in to Cas.  
“What is it Cas?” Cas sighed as he looked behind him, a nod causing a young man with a backpack to approach them. “Who the hell is this?” Dean looked at the kid, he couldn’t have been more than sixteen years old.
“This is Jack, he’s a Nephilim.” Cas spoke softly, knowing Dean wouldn’t want anything supernatural in his home.
“A what?” Dean looked back when he heard Mason’s giggles. He quickly stepped outside closing the door behind him.  
“He’s a Nephilim, meaning his mother is human and his father is a uh-” Cas sighed. “An archangel.” Cas’ eyes met Jacks who smiled, he was clueless to the world.  
“No.” Dean shook his head. “I don’t want anything to do with this Cas, how dare you bring him here, where my son is at, where (y/n) is at.” Dean clenched his fists, he had wanted nothing supernatural near Mason, he had promised himself he wouldn’t let him grow up the way he did.
“Please Dean, he’s just a child.” Cas put his hand on Jack’s shoulder who offered Dean a small smile.
“A child?” Dean laughed. “He’s a grown man.” Dean shook his head.  
“He was born two days ago, his mother passed away at labor.” Cas looked at Dean, a look of desperateness in his eyes. “He has nowhere to go.” He pursed his lips and Dean shook his head.
“Then give him to his father.” His arms crossed over his chest as he leaned on his front door.  
“I can’t. Lucifer only wants to turn him against us all, he wants to be good.” Lucifer’s name caught Dean by surprise as he pushed his body off the door.  
“I want to be like my mother.” Jack spoke causing Dean’s eye to snap to him. “I don’t want to be evil.” His eyes shifted to Cas. “Cas said he could help me.” He smiled before looking down at his hands.  
“Dammit Cas.” Dean ran his hand over his face.  
“It’s only until I can stop them from coming for him. Your house is protected by a spell, no one can find him here, please.” Dean sighed looking at Jack.  
“I need to talk to (Y/N) about this.” Dean’s eyebrows furrowed.  
“Last time I checked; this was your house.” Cas had a smart mouth, and Dean hated it sometimes.  
“This is Lucifer’s kid Cas. I’m not just going to let him in, not when my son is in there.” Dean pointed his thumb to the door.
“I won’t hurt him, or anyone for that matter.” Jack spoke up.  
“And how do you know that? Do you have powers? Do you know how to control them?” Dean stepped towards the Nephilim.  
“I haven’t hurt anyone; Cas has taught me so much in the short days of my existence.” Jack wasn’t fazed by Dean; in fact, he was studying him.  
“One incident and he’s gone, thrown to the curb, do you understand?” Dean looked at Cas who nodded.  
“I really appreciate this Dean.” Cas spoke and before Dean could say another word, he disappeared. Dean sighed once more, looking at the devil’s son himself. How was he going to explain this to (y/n)?  
“Alright listen here, you touch a hair on my son and you’re out. I’m not telling (y/n) what you are, she won’t handle it to well, not as well as me. When you go in there, you introduce yourself as Jack and Jack only, got it?” Jack nodded, not wanting to say the wrong thing to make him upset. Dean sighed before opening the door, his heart skipping a beat when his eyes landed on (y/n), her smiling raiding and causing him to smile. He had missed her and he was so glad he was finally getting close to her once more.  
“Daddy’s back.” (Y/N) whispered as she took a bite of a baby carrot that Mason didn’t want to eat. She placed Mason on the floor as they both made their way to the living room, a nervous Dean bouncing his leg as he sat on the couch. Her eyes met Jack who smiled at her before he waved. “Oh, hello. I didn’t know Dean had a guest.” She smiled slightly as Mason hid behind her legs.  
“Um, actually, could you sit, there’s something I need to tell you.” Dean smiled at her, his hand reaching for her.  
“Okay, I'm officially scared.” She tried to giggle to lighten to mood but silence filled the room. She sat next to Dean, putting Mason on her lap as she looked at the unfamiliar man. “What’s going on?” She whispered as Mason shoved his head into her chest.  
“This is Jack.” Dean started. “He’s going to be staying with us for a while.” Dean rubbed his hands together, nodding at Jack to speak.
“I’m Jack.” He smiled waving at (y/n).  
“Hello Jack.” (Y/N) smiled back. “I’m (y/n), this is Mason.” Jack looked at the small boy, his head tilting.  
“Hi Mason.” Jack smiled waving his hand once more. “My name is Jack.” His palm rested on his chest and (y/n) looked at him. She wasn’t sure what it was but she didn’t know what to think of Jack.  
“Can I talk to you?” She turned to Dean causing him to sigh. “Mason why don’t you play with Jack for a bit, yeah?” Mason looked up at his mother before looking back at Jack, a small smile appearing on his face mirroring Jacks. Mason hopped off his mom’s lap before she got up and walked to the kitchen, Dean following her. “What’s going on?” (Y/N) knew she didn’t have a say in who stays in Dean’s house, she was just thankful he had let her stay here, she really didn’t know what she was going to do if Dean never forgave her.  
“Nothing, he just needs a place to stay.” Dean sighed leaning his body against the countertop.  
“Is he okay? He seems kind of I don’t know, off.” (Y/N) peered her head around the corner to see Jack smiling, removing his backpack as Mason shoved a car into his hand.  
“It’s a long story, I just need you to trust me on this.” (Y/N) sighed before looking back to Dean, to her, it wasn’t hard, she would trust Dean with anything, with everything.  
“Where will he sleep?” Dean hadn’t thought that far, he didn’t have a problem leaving him on the floor if it were up to him.  
“He can take the couch.” Dean shrugged and walked to the fridge before opening it and pulling out a beer, sure he had calmed down drinking but his beer was still his beer.  
“The couch? Have you seen how tall he is? He’ll never fit.” She scoffed before crossing her arms over her chest.
“Well you could always give up the guest room and sleep in our room with me.” Dean placed his beer down, a small smirk on his lips. He’d been wanting to bring this up to her but he didn’t know how to approach it.  
“Dean.” She sighed. Truth was she would love nothing more, but she was scared she was overstepping, things had been going too good for them and she didn’t want to mess it up. He bit his lip before walking towards her, his hands resting on her hips.  
“What are you afraid of?” His face inched closer to hers as she let her arms fall in front of her.  
“Alot of things.” She whispered lowly, her eyes flicking down to his lips.  
“There’s nothing to be scared of baby.” His voice was low but rough causing her to sigh before her hands cupped his face.
“Fuck it.” She smiled before crashing her lips to his. It had been the first kiss they’d share since talking things over and this was finally the first step they had been waiting for.  
“So, is that a yes?” Dean smiled as he pulled away causing (y/n) to giggle. She bit her lip and nodded.  
“Of course, it’s a yes, you goofball.” She pecked his lips once more causing him to smile. She made him forget about everything, and maybe that’s what he needed right now.  
“You don’t know how to play?” Mason asked Jake as he tilted his head to the side.  
“No, I don’t.” Jack pursed his lips looking at the car in his hand.  
“That’s okay, I can teach you.” Mason smiled and grabbed a toy and started moving it around on the floor causing Jack to do the same. “See, it’s not so hard.” Jack smiled at Mason before they both heard footsteps coming their way.  
“Hungry?” (Y/N) spoke smiling at both Mason and Jack. Mason stood dropping his toy cars on the floor before running to his mother who picked him up and kissed his cheek. Jack observed them, his heart aching at the sight, he hadn’t had a mother, let alone a father figure in his short two days. Cas hardly told him about mothers and fathers but he knew he loved his mom. Dean cleared his throat snapping Jack out of his mind.
“Come on kid, let’s eat.” Dean nodded to the kitchen waiting for Jack to get up before following (y/n) into their kitchen. Dean sat at the table before Mason sat next to him, his small smile aiming to Jack as he patted the seat next to him. Jack complied as he sat at the table before (y/n) placed a plate in front of him.  
“I hope you like Spaghetti, it’s Mason’s favorite.” (Y/N) smiled placing a plate in front of Mason before ruffling his hair. She moved to get two more plates, for her and Dean before sitting down.  
“I’ve never had it.” Jack tilted his head before looking down the plate. He inspected the pasta before looking at Mason who had already started eating.  
“Never?” (Y/N) raised her eyebrows. Her eyes moved to Dean who shrugged before digging into his own plate. She sighed before diving into her own food herself. Jack had gotten three extra plates before they had finished dinner. Mason had dragged Jack back into the living room to play while Dean helped (y/n) clean the kitchen. “I know you want me to trust you but something doesn’t seem right Dean, please just tell me what’s going on.” Dean sighed placing his hands on the counter.  
“I can’t tell you what’s going on, just trust me. It’s best if you don’t know. You already have a lot on your hands already.” Dean sighed before moving to the fridge and getting a beer before opening it.  
“Is this because of the whole witch thing? Is that why you’re not telling me what’s wrong?” Her voice was quiet as she looked down at her hands. Dean sighed before placing his beer on the counter and moving closer to her.  
“Honey, it has nothing to do with that. I’m telling you not to worry about it. You’ve gone through enough, I just want you to focus on Mason, and maybe me?” Dean smiled causing her to sigh before turning around to face him.  
“Promise you’ll tell me if there’s something wrong.” She pouted causing Dean to kiss her forehead.  
“I promise. Let me handle this one, okay?” (Y/N) nodded before resting her head against Dean’s chest. “We’ll be alright.” He rubbed her back and kissed her head once more. Mason’s loud laugh made them both smile. “He’s got to get to bed soon.” Dean sighed.  
“Yeah, you’re on your own on that, I tried yesterday and he gave me the hardest time, almost didn’t make that one alive.” (Y/N) giggled before moving to put the dishes up.  
“This is why he hates me and loves you, I'm always the bad guy.” Dean sipped his beer and (y/n) laughed.
“Dean, he loves you more than life itself, you forget you were the only one here for him.” She gave him a small smile before she sighed.
“Hey now, don’t go down that road again, moving forward, remember?” She nodded and shook her head of the memories wanting to flood her mind, she couldn’t go there, not anymore. She was happy now, with Dean and their son. “I got it this time; can you show Jack to the guest room?” She nodded before following him to the living room where Mason and Jack crashed their cars to each other. “Alright, time for bed.” Dean clapped his hands before Mason looked at him and pouted. “No, none of that, it’s a school night.” Mason looked at his mother and pouted once more knowing she always caved in. “Mason.” Dean cleared his throat causing Mason to stomp his feet and cross his arms over his chest. Dean sighed before picking him up. “I promise you can play with Jack tomorrow.” Mason yawned before nodding.  
“I’ll be showing you to your room.” (Y/N) smiled to Jack as she took his backpack into her hands. Jack smiled before getting up and following her up the stairs, Dean and Mason in front of them before they disappeared into Mason’s room. “This is it.” (Y/N) opened the door to reveal a queen bed, her stuff was in the corner and she rushed towards it. “Sorry, I forgot I had a couple things in here.” Jack gave her a small smile before sitting on the bed.  
“It’s okay. I could have taken the couch; I don’t sleep much.” Jack looked down at his hands. “I really appreciate you letting me stay here.” He smiled at her once more and (Y/N) returned the smile.  
“Do you need anything?” She placed his backpack on the chair. Jack shook his head before (y/n) started to walk out the room.
“Do you believe in angels?” Jack’s voice was soft, almost as if he was scared to ask the question. (Y/N) turned around and looked at him.  
“Angels?” (Y/N) gulped, of course she did. Cas was living proof of an angel.  
“Yeah, my mom said once people die, they become angels and they look after us. Do you think that’s true?” He looked up at her, his eyes raiding nothing but sadness.  
“Jack, is your mom-” (Y/N) stopped herself from saying the word, she didn’t want to sound insensitive.  
“She died giving birth to me, but she left me a message and she told me she’d always look after me.” Jack looked down at his hands as (y/n) made her way to sit next to him. She didn’t know Jack, but she was a mother and she knew how to comfort someone needing comfort.  
“And she is Jack.” (Y/N) sighed placing her hand on Jack’s shoulder. “Your mother is looking down on you right now and she always will.” Jack smiled before rubbing his hands over his eyes.  
“Mason’s really lucky to have you and Dean.” Jack smiled at (y/n) before he got up and moved to the restroom causing her to sigh and move out the room. She closed the door behind her before walking to Dean’s room. He smiled up at her once she closed the door behind her.  
“Did you know Jack’s mother was dead?” Dean sighed before sitting up on the bed, his hand running through his hair.  
“It’s none of our business.” Dean motioned for her to sit next to him, which she did.  
“He told me, even asked me if I believed in angels.” Dean gulped before (y/n) rested her head against his shoulder. “Poor thing is hurting.” She sighed and Dean wrapped his arm around her.  
“He’s going to be fine.” Dean turned to her and lifted her head with his index finger. “Now, can we enjoy our first night back together?” (Y/N) smiled and shook her head.
“You’re unbelievable Dean Winchester.” She sighed before leaning into him and crashing her lips to his. This was going to be the first night they’d spend together in years and Dean wasn’t ready to let anything mess it up, and nothing did. They’re lives were finally coming back together and they were both ecstatic. If only they had known the trouble of having Jack in their home would cost them more than what they had imagined, but sooner or later they were going to find out the consequences of ever being hunters, no one really stays dead and they were about to find that out the hard way. 
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duchessfics · 5 years
For the fic with Wilhemina x Reader x Billie, I can definitely see Venable being the dominant one both sexually and non sexually but Billie is like a close second? So for that, I would honestly love to see Mina bossing the reader around and Billie is just like, “No, listen to me...” and Reader is kind of like “...” bc she doesn’t know what to do? So sorry if that was confusing!❤️
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Billie x Fem!Reader X Wilhemina
Warning(s): Some angst (although not much because tbh I love fluff too much), A little drinking
Summary: After Billie comes home from being gone filming, the reader, Wilhemina and Billie spend the day together. But problems arise when Billie and Wilhemina both think they know what the reader what like to do more.
Word Count: 4327
A/n: Ok this took me a forever and a day to write this and I’m not sure if this is what you were wanting, but I hope you like it. Also I hope I wrote Billie and Wilhemina alright. 
I stir and groan as the arms around me withdraw, leaving me much cooler. My body turns over to search for the warmth and I open my eyes to see Wilhemina’s pale body covered in a silky, lavender nightgown, her scarlet curly hair loose. But I wake up more when I see she is standing, her dark eyes looking down at me. I begin to move away from a still sleeping Billie to get up. But she places a hand on my shoulder and murmurs, “Stay with Billie, darling. I’m just making some breakfast.” My lips curve into a drowsy smile and reply, “Ok.” Then she picks up her cane and begins to head towards the bathroom, the tap of her cane as soft as it can be. I watch her retreating figure and snuggle under the covers, wrapping my arms back around Billie.
Shortly after I end up falling asleep once more and feel soothed by her sweet vanilla scent after her being gone filming almost a month. However, it only feels like I am asleep a moment when I hear Billie’s soft laughter, making me smile before opening my eyes and looking up to her. “Good morning, baby girl.” She murmurs. My eyes scan over her silky, curled hair, down to her smooth, blemish-free forehead, landing on her perfectly shaped eyebrows. My eyes keep going down to her beautiful chocolate brown eyes lined with long, curled lashes, sliding down her adorable button nose to her plump, moisturized lips and I wonder if I’m still dreaming. But I know I’m awake and can’t hardly contain my grin as I reply, “Good morning. When did you get home last night?” Her acrylic nails brush up my back to massage my scalp and she replies, “About two in the morning. But you and Mina were already asleep. Which, by the way, you both looked adorable.” I practically purr in pleasure at her touch and I watch her lean down, capturing my lips.
My arms slide up her back to pull her closer as her lush lips massage mine. Meanwhile, her hand tugs the hair at the base of my neck, so she has a better angle. However, our moment is interrupted by Billie’s phone dinging. Billie reluctantly parts from my lips with a groan and turns to grab her phone. I curl into her chest as she picks it up and her finger mindlessly traces circles on my back as she looks at her phone. Then she takes a deep breath, squeezing me close as she does so and murmurs, “Mina says breakfast is ready.” So, we slip out of bed, heading towards the kitchen.
Upon walking in, we see Wilhemina placing freshly made pancakes on three plates. Her scarlet hair is meticulously styled and brushed back into a think ponytail and she is outfitted in a light purple dress and heels. “Mornin’ baby.” Billie purrs. Wilhemina looks up, her dark eyes gleaming and Billie struts up to her, swaying her hips as she does so. As soon as she gets to her, they kiss. Billie looks angelic with her lace baby doll nightgown and loose curled hair. Mina looks like an angel too, but much more devious as her one arm wraps around Billie, squeezing Billie against her. Billie lets out a moan and her arms slither up Wilhemina’s back, so she is even closer to her. My cheeks warm as they keep entangled in a passionate kiss. But my eyes catch the pancakes making my stomach grumble. So, I decide to step over, taking a seat at the island. Eventually, Billie parts from Wilhemina’s lips and they both are breathless, still gazing at each other. 
Billie smirks in satisfaction, licking her lips. Then her nails tap against the table top as her fingers crawl across the table to capture my hand. “Did you two have a good time together?” She asks, looking between Mina and I with her eyebrow raised. As soon as I look up to Wilhemina and see her giving me a wicked grin, my face flushes and I bite my lip nodding. Billie raises both eyebrows and looks to Mina who murmurs, “We had a good time. Y/n was a good girl—for the most part.” My whole face burns, but I grin, looking between them both. Billie squeezes my hand, smirking at my bashfulness. “Oh, it’s good to be home.” she murmurs. Then they both walk around to sit at the table and eat. As I eat my pancakes, I savor the breakfast, impressed by Wilhemina’s excellent cooking.
As they finish, I tell them both, “I took the day off work so we could spend the day together.” Billie looks up, a mischievous smile forming on her lips and she murmurs, “I do need to make up for lost time with you both. And two of us are nearly undressed already.” I giggle at her idea, but Wilhemina clears her throat and says, “Or we should go out somewhere and do something. Not spend the whole day sating your needs.” Billie chuckles crawls her fingers up Mina’s arms as she murmurs, “Oh Mina, you know I would make it worth your time. And I am quite sure y/n would enjoy herself as well.” Then she gives me a wink, making me look down to hide my smile. When I look back up, they both are engaged in a silent stare down, so I take my plate and say, “I’ll let you two figure this out.” Then I head to our bathroom and get ready for the day.
As I finish fixing my hair, Billie peeks in and murmurs, “Look at you.” I smile at her reflection, so glad she’s back home. “Did you two come to a decision?” I ask, turning to face her. She saunters up and tucks a curl behind my ear while replying, “We’re going to the flower gardens.” She gives me a smile, but it’s more subdued than before. So, I try to cheer her up by smiling up at her and teasing, “Well don’t keep us waiting too long.” She chuckles and withdraws her hand from me before replying in a low tone, “Oh I won’t darling.” I giggle and step out for her to get ready.
After getting my purse together, I go out to sit with Mina in the living room and, to my delight, she lets me lean into her and we both have some quiet time as we wait for Billie. After a while the click of heels makes us look back to see her strutting out, wearing a floral summer dress. “Finally.” Wilhemina comments as we both stand. “Oh Mina,” Billie teases, tossing some of her curls over her shoulder, “beauty takes patience, my dear.” Then she gives her a wink, making me giggle. Mina rolls her eyes but has a ghost of a smirk on her face. Then Billie leads us out to the car.
Once we park at the gardens, I step out and both of them take one of my hands as we walk in. As we pass through different flower beds, Billie murmurs, “All of these flowers are nice, but none of these compare to your beauty, my darling Mina.” I glance up to see Wilhemina’s cheeks a light pink color while Billie’s glossy lips form a smirk. “Don’t push it.” Wilhemina softly warns. This fuels Billie’s fire and her lips curve into a wicked grin before she purrs, “You can push me all you want, baby. I’m all yours.” My eyes widen at her boldness while Wilhemina grants her an eyeroll. Then Billie lets go of my hand and walks in front of us, swaying her hips dramatically. After a moment, she looks back, lowering her designer glasses so we can see her fiery eyes before turning back and walking ahead.
I keep walking beside Wilhemina as we keep stepping through the gardens. Eventually, Billie hangs back and murmurs in my ear, “Aren’t these flowers divine?” I look to her, knowing she has a trick up her sleeve, but decide to play along, saying, “Yes.” Then I feel her hand wander down my back as she says in a softer tone, “They look good enough to touch.” Then she squeezes my butt making me gasp her name, my cheeks turning bright red. She just chuckles and says, “This is much more fun than I imagined.”
We keep making our way through the gardens while Billie flirts and teases with the both of us. Part of me wants to play along with her. But I also love being Mina’s good girl, so I try to keep my giggling to a minimum and not encourage Billie too much. Once we step out of the gardens, Billie lets out a dramatic sigh and says, “I don’t know about you both, but I’m absolutely famished.” I glance at Wilhemina and softly say, “I’m kind of hungry too.” She returns my gaze, her dark eyes less harsh and murmurs, “I’ll make you a nice lunch when we get home.” However, Billie scoffs and says, “Absolutely not. I’m taking my girls out for a nice meal.”
I glance between them, feeling the tension, but keep silent. Then Billie catches my eye and murmurs, “Don’t you want me to take you and Mina out for lunch, baby girl?” I bite my lip, glancing at Wilhemina out of the corner of my eye and answer, “I mean—that would be nice.” Billie smirks in satisfaction and says, “I know the perfect place.” So, we all get in the car and Billie drives us to a nearby café.
Once there, we are seated at an outside table and Billie orders for us, saying she knows the best items on the menu. As we sit, Billie looks smug as she sips some rose, giving me a wink. I blush and smile, laying my hand on her soft, smooth one. Meanwhile, Wilhemina lets out a huff, taking a drink of her ice water. I know she isn’t into public affection so I look to her and ask, “What would you like to do after this, Mina?” she looks down, smoothing out her already smooth dress and she tries to keep her voice neutral as she answers, “Since it’s so warm out, perhaps the pool would be nice.” Billie squeezes my hand and says, “Mina and I could pick out a swimming suit to buy you since we’re out.” I watch them exchange devious looks and know Billie has been practically begging me to get another one. While I hesitate, my cheeks flush with an excitement that only they can provoke in me. So, I take a leap of faith and say, “Ok.” However, I begin to question my compliance as I look myself over in our bathroom mirror after putting on the swimsuit. It’s a minimal two piece that barely covers my behind while pushing up my chest. And, of course, they chose one in a dark purple shade.
I step out to their hungry gazes while asking, “You’re sure this looks alright?” then I unconsciously cross my arms, not used to being this exposed. Billie stands, prowling around me with darkened eyes and murmurs, “Y/n, angel, you look good enough to eat.” My cheeks burn, but I can’t help but smile. She then asks, “Could you twirl for us, baby girl?” My cheeks get even warmer, but I nod and uncross my arms before slowly making a 360, feeling both sets of eyes on me the whole time.
Once I come back around, Billie steps beside Mina and they both look like cats who got the cream. “This swimsuit is made for y/n, wouldn’t you agree, Mina?” Billie murmurs. Mina grins, her dark eyes sparkling, and she replies, “Yes, it is. And the purple compliments her skin so well.” I bite my lip to keep from grinning like an idiot and pull myself together enough to murmur, “Thank you.” Then we head out to the backyard. While they both take off their elegant coverups, I decide to be silly and run up to the pool before making a cannonball into the deep end. The cool water feels refreshing as I am completely submerged, and I stay underwater a moment longer to keep cool.
When I come up from the water, I hear Billie chuckling as they enter the pool via the stairs. While she tries to conceal it, I notice Mina holds onto Billie’s arm for support as they enter. Billie holds her with ease and looks to her as if she is the most precious thing in the world. At first, Mina would refuse to swim, self-conscious about her back, but Billie bought a custom-made swimsuit that completely covered her back and was her favorite shade of purple. And Mina also realized that the buoyancy of the pool helped to alleviate her back pain if it was extra intense and she didn’t need a cane to walk. From then on, all three of us have enjoyed the pool.
I swim from the deep end to meet them on the shallow side. Billie grins and murmurs, “There’s our little fish.” Then her hands cup my face and she pecks my lips, her oversized sunglasses bumping against my nose. I giggle but feel Mina’s hand grab mine before she gives me a gentle tug. I float over to her, greeting her with a smile. Her hands run up my sides and even though it’s warm out, I shiver. She smirks before saying in a low tone, “I’m so glad we got you this swimming suit.” I bite my lip, looking up to her before I get up on my toes and give her a kiss. Her eyebrows raise at my boldness, but she gives me a small smile. We both are shocked when Billie gives us a splash. I giggle and we go between swimming with some splashing to lounging as the hot sun shines down on us.
As the sun begins to set, Billie lets out a contented sigh and murmurs, “I think I’m going to head inside and change.” Wilhemina comes by her and says, “I think I will too.” Then she looks to me and says, “But don’t feel like you have to get out.” I smile at her thoughtfulness and reply, “I think I’ll stay out here a little longer.” Billie gives me a wink and says, “We’ll see you inside, baby girl.” Then they step out, arm in arm, and dry off before stepping inside. I go to floating on my back, watching the sky change colors as the sun sets. Once the sun has disappeared from my vision, I get out and wrap up in a towel before heading inside. But when I enter, I’m surprised at what I hear.
“Can’t you ever think of anyone besides yourself?” I hear Wilhemina scold. “Oh, that’s rich, Mina. You think you’re so high and mighty because you’ve had more time with y/n.” Billie snaps back. My heart hammers against my chest upon hearing my name and I venture a little closer, still behind the corner. “Open your eyes! If you would just be more observant about what y/n wants, you would realize that she wouldn’t want that!” Mina yells. I take another step closer, a lump forming in my throat as their voices raise. “I am observant!” Billie yells and I flinch at the unfamiliar tone. “Have you ever considered that you may be the selfish one? Because if I remember correctly, y/n did enjoy my decision to go out for lunch!”
By now my eyes are glazed over and I venture to look around the corner to see both Billie and Wilhemina in each other’s faces enraged. Wilhemina’s lip curls and she growls, “She went along with that because she’s too nice to call you out for what you are—a bossy brat!” Tears begin to slip out of me, and I find myself trembling, knowing that I am the source of their argument. Billie lets out a growl of frustration and says, “If I am a bossy brat, then you are a dictator! Because you seem to force y/n to comply to whatever you want!” Wilhemina bangs her cane on the ground and I accidentally let out a gasp of surprise.
I cover my mouth, but both of them look over to see me shaking and still shedding tears. Their eyes widen and their malice is replaced by remorse. My tears keep coming as I rasp, “I-I don’t want to be the source of your conflict. I love you both too much.” Both of their gazes soften, and Mina says in a gentler tone that I’ve ever heard, “Come here, darling.” I wipe my tears away and come up to them both, but my lip still trembles. Billie looks down to me with vulnerable, brown eyes and she murmurs, “Y/n we’re so sorry for that.” Then she brings me into a hug, pulling me close and rubbing my back.
I begin to calm down as she holds me and after a moment, her arms leave me, and I back up to see her give me a reassuring smile. Then I hear Mina clear her throat from behind me and she softly says, “I’m sorry for our behavior too, y/n. We were acting foolish.” I turn to look at Mina and go to give her a hug, but stop myself, remembering I’m still damp and she doesn’t really like hugs. But she holds out her arms and murmurs, “It’s ok, sweetheart.” So, I wrap my arms around her and am surprised to feel her arms wrap around me. I cherish her spicy scent and stay there for a few moments, but let her go, feeling better.Then I back up so I look at them both and Billie asks, “What would you like to do this evening, y/n?” I look down, pulling the towel tighter around my shoulders, and ask, “What were your ideas?” But Wilhemina shakes her head and murmurs, “No, no darling. We’ve made all the decisions today. This one is all yours.” I look to Billie and see her give me a nod so I bite my lip, trying to decide what I would like to do. Then I look down before saying, “This will probably sound boring, but if we just made up the pizza in the freezer and watched a movie together, I would be happy.” Billie gives me a warm smile and replies, “That sounds perfect, angel. You go change and we’ll get started on the pizza.” I look between them and ask, “You won’t fight?” Wilhemina’s hand comes up to cup my cheek and she murmurs, “We won’t fight. Now go and get in some dry clothes.” I nod and give them one last glance before heading to our bathroom.
After taking a shower, putting on some pajamas and brushing out my hair, I head back to the kitchen, hoping they’re both still doing well. But I am shocked at what I see when enter the adjacent dining room. Wilhemina sits in one of the dining chairs with Billie completely bare on her lap. I let out a gasp and my cheeks flush even though I’ve seen them both naked before. Billie looks to me, her eyes clouded with lust and she gives me a blissful smile. Meanwhile, Mina has a proud smirk.
Billie curls her finger and murmurs, “Come here.” So, I listen and step closer and as I do so, I begin to smell Billie’s arousal and perspiration. “So, I take it you two made up?” I tease. Wilhemina chuckles and murmurs, “Yes we did. And Billie was very good.” Then her hand comes up to turn Billie’s face towards her before giving her a kiss. After, Billie looks me over and swoons, “God, you’re so gorgeous, y/n.” Then she looks to Mina and asks, “How did we get so lucky to have this sweet girl in our lives?” My face gets warm and I know they love getting me flustered. Wilhemina smirks and replies, “She is quite the catch.” Then her hand that isn’t around Billie grabs my arm, pulling me closer.
“But you know when y/n is the most beautiful?” Wilhemina asks with a dangerous glint in her eyes and I wonder what she will say. Billie’s fingers come up to twirl a piece of my hair and she replies with a smirk, “Could it be when she is naked and rides your face as if her life depends on it?” Her words making me blush in embarrassment and arousal. Wilhemina smirks and keeps looking to me as she replies, “She does look beautiful when she rides either of our faces. But she also looks ravishing when she lays under us, coming undone from the both of us touching her.” I bite my lip and try to keep myself calm as Mina’s hand moves to the small of my back, pulling me closer. Billie chuckles and lightly scratches her nails lightly over my arm, making my breath hitch. “Oh yes. And when she says such dirty words to keep us going. Things that would shock her family’s image of their pure, innocent daughter.” Billie says in a low, velvety tone.
My face flushes as I remember all of the times I’ve cursed and pleaded for their touch. Wilhemina’s hand moves further south and cups my behind, letting out a low, dark chuckle as I whimper. “The best part is when she cries and moans our names as if her life depends on it.” She says in a low growl. By now my body is flushed with desire, but the moment is cut short by the timer beeping. I snap out of the daze and squeak, “I’ve got it.” making them both chuckle. Then I slip away and pull out the pizza, willing myself to calm down after that unexpected encounter. As I cut the pizza, they both come around the corner, smirking at their success in making me completely flustered. Billie still has no clothes on, but by her face I can tell she’s not covering herself anytime soon.
Billie stretches to get some plates and glasses from our cupboards while Mina gets drinks for us. Then they both stand on each side of me, Billie kissing my temple and Wilhemina tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. My face glows and I feel at peace between them once more. Once we all get some pizza and drinks, instead of heading to the dining room, Billie says, “Let’s eat in the living room.” So, we follow her and after she sits, Billie pats the seat beside her. I take a seat and Mina sits on my other side. Then Billie hands me the remote and murmurs, “You pick out the movie, baby girl.” I hesitantly take the remote and ask, “Even if we’ve seen the movie? More than once?” Billie chuckles and replies, “Yes. Even if we’ve already seen it.” Wilhemina chuckles and teases, “I bet I can guess what movie she’ll pick.” I giggle and scroll until I find my favorite movie, The Aristocats.
I look between them and ask, “You’re sure this is ok?” They both give me reassuring smiles and Wilhemina murmurs, “Of course.” So, I click play and lean back, joining the other two who already started eating. As the movie begins, I relax and feel worn out from everything we did today, but I had such a good time. I eat more than one slice of the pizza and have a bottle of hard cider with it. Once I finish, I set my dishes on the coffee table and sit back, grabbing the fluffy blanket behind me before wrapping it around me. 
I glance at Billie and Mina, making sure they aren’t bored out of their mind since I pick this movie so often. Billie scoots closer and wraps her arm around my shoulders. Then she squeezes me close and murmurs in my ear, “I’m so happy to be back with you and Mina again.” I giggle and turn to kiss her cheek before replying, “I’m glad you’re home too.” Then she guides me to lean on her shoulder.I look to Wilhemina and see her staring at us. So, I poke out my hand from the blanket and hold it for her to take. She takes my hand and rubs her smooth thumb over my knuckles, giving me a small smile. I smile back and return to watching the movie. As I do, Billie’s nails go between massaging my scalp and scratching over my shoulder. My eyes get heavy as the movie continues and I find myself relaxing into Billie, still holding onto Wilhemina’s hand…
Towards the end of the movie, Wilhemina feels y/n’s grip loosen on her hand and eventually fall away. Then she looks to Billie who gazes down at y/n, continuing to massage her scalp. Mina leans forward and sees that y/n’s eyes are closed. “She asleep?” Billie softly murmurs. Wilhemina nods and smiles at Billie and y/n cuddled together. “She’s a special girl.” Wilhemina murmurs. Billie’s eyes meet hers, and she replies, “Yes she is. And so are you, my darling.” The end credits begin and Wilhemina chuckles, saying, “I think I could quote this whole movie by now.” But Billie eyes her down and murmurs, “But you and I both know we would watch it ten more times if she wanted.” They both smile and Mina asks, “Do you think y/n had a good day today, even with what happened?” at that moment, y/n cuddles further into Billie and her hand brushes around, searching for Wilhemina’s hand. So, she takes y/n’s hand and she lets out a contented sigh. “I think she had a very good day.” Billie murmurs with a smile and kisses the top of y/n’s head.
Tagged: @marilynroselleprentiss
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nocvil · 5 years
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*            ‐            ․            ↺            𝙄𝙉𝙏𝙍𝙊𝘿𝙐𝘾𝙄𝙉𝙂 . . .  soo bogum . hitman        .        caretaker        .        the heel        .        a masked hell        .
❝   my love     ,     my love     ,     my love     ,     won't you stay a while     ?   ❞
possible tw’s below: parental death mention, illness mentions, murder for hire mentions, and uh m,,, i think that’s it rlly. just warning ok.
full name: soo bogum ( 수 보검 ). nickname(s): bo, sweetie pie to his mother (: gender & pronouns: cismale, he/him. sexual & romantic orientation: aromantic, demisexual. age & dob: twenty-five, november 8th, 19-- birthplace/hometown: seoul, sk. parents/siblings: only child, deceased father, living mother. pet(s): absolutely not LOL. astrological sign: scorpio. >:-) dominant hand: both! handwriting style: mostly writes in very slanted cursive. i feel like when you see things like royal documents signed or very important letters written back in the day with that vintage cursive ... that would be bogum. language(s) known/spoken: spanish, english, korean. religion: LOL. ok. current living arrangements: a two-bedroom, two bath apartment complex with his older, npc mother. it is pretty spacious given they both have their own room, a kitchen, dining space, their own bathrooms, and a patio. bo has the money if you kno what i mean ... (: occupation/major: hitman.
picture reference: uhh... this? this look rlly gives off bogum vibes so (: blood type: type O. nationality: korean. skin tone/color: lighter tanned. birthmarks & scars: heheh wouldn’t u like to kno ??? height: five-foot ten inches. 5′10″. build: pretty average, more on the lean/athletic side though. hair color: red. hair length: uhm ,, look at reference photo? eye color: brown. diet: uhm ... bo has a pretty average diet probably. he would eat just about anything, not very picky. i think he probably has his favorites when it comes to chips and candy but he doesn’t have a special diet. exercise & level of fitness: LOOOL. let me not make a bad joke here ): how’s their posture ( or lack thereof )?: bogum probably has really good posture! i think standing tall with a straight back probably adds to his uh... authoritative look?  typical style of dress: ( from his stats page ) dresses a bit old school, vintage?, almost plain. likes wearing tucked in and cuffed shirts, rolled up pants, boots, baseball caps, at least three rings on one hand, gold bracelets. the following outfits aren’t specific to him but they are probably kinda similar. it’s hard to rlly find exact examples ): (  1  /  2  /  3  /  4  ) body modifications: none, surprisingly. probably pierced ears that he never puts earrings in. that’s really it though. he would prob like a tattoos but wouldn’t do it for the sake of his career ( because tattoos are distinguishing features ).
how does your muse walk?: def with a bit of power in his step. very protective when he is with his mother. mostly, he would walk like he calculates every single step he takes. how does your muse talk?: HAHA i just talked about this with myungok’s mun ,, he would talk very plain and probably without a lot of emotion. this would make things that are usually out of pocket probably sound kinda weird.  what accent/dialect does your muse talk with?: he is from seoul and according to google, they speak with a gyeonggi dialect there (: how would you describe the tone of their voice? are they loud or quiet?: QUIET... shh... if you speak too loud you won’t hear bogum speaking with such monotoned you could probably fall asleep. bogum asmr when?  what does their laugh sound like?: bogum? LAUGHING? i feel like bogum chuckles. so he would have like a short, quiet laugh. how does your muse typically smell?: either like smoke from a cigarette or like his mom’s perfume. what kind of air do they carry?: well jinae’s mun said he would have a dark and heavy presence and honestly that rlly fits the bill. do they have a(ny) catchphrase(s)?: time to die. what are their nervous ticks?: um.. not sure. probably knuckle cracking and finger tapping.
what makes your muse happiest?: his mommy! seeing his mom thrive and gain her confidence back, even momentarily, makes him so happy. what upsets them the most?: ugh. listen. i talked abt this with some of y’all but the thought that if he ever got exposed or arrested ... how everyone in his life, including his mother, would just abandon him ... CRIES. was this supposed to be a general question? does your muse have any quirks?: i think his tendency to just be way too lax in certain situations would be his infamous quirk. what are their hobbies? how frequent do/can they do them?: bogum is definitely a simple man. he would totally like puzzles, word searches, watching the news, scrapbooking ( YES, SCRAPBOOKING ), taking walks, shopping with his mom, writing, idk, he doesn’t do anything OD or over the top. shrug. do they have any guilty pleasures?: is your muse an extrovert or an introvert? neither?: 10000% introverted otl. do they have high or low self-esteem? what about confidence?: uhm... bogum probably has an average amount of confidence/self-esteem. he’s a realist, definitely. if he look ugly he look ugly. if he look good he look good. ‘nuff said. are they easily stressed and how do they normally respond to it?: stressed? bogum could be in the midst of a bank robbery and be sitting there like ok, y’all done yet? what is your muses worst fear?: his mother finding out about his job. what is your muses biggest dream?: to either escape his job for good or to be able to heal his mother of all her injuries and illnesses. but of course, neither of those will ever happen! is your muse a morning person or a night dragon?: a night dragon? ok. anyway he is probably both. i can see bogum getting like four hours of sleep and waking up like (: let’s fuckin go! how intelligent is your muse? do they acknowledge it?: OH BOGUM has street smarts but definitely probably not book smarts. at least, not a great amount of book smarts. how can he be a hitman if he’s DUMM?! describe their sense of humor: LMAO. the real question is how can someone as funny as ME play someone as BORING as bogum?
are they currently in any sexual or romantic relationships?: HELL NO. luuuul. what is their experience with relationships?: to really think about it, bo probably had feelings for people here and there and most likely dated short term in high school but after he moved and began doing that he kind of lost all his effort to pursue romance. how does your muse view the idea of friends with benefits? have they ever had one? would they ever?: another hell naw to that sis. how important is sex to your muse?: not important at all. bogum could care less. what are their biggest turn on and turn offs?: see above pls. does your muse find it easy to make friends?: i say yes, only because most of his friends are through his mother. how important is friendship to them?: veRY IMPORTANT if bogum didn’t have the friends he has today, he probably would be a lot more sad and maybe more than just a hitman ): quantity or quality of friends?: quality! how important is family?: VERY IMPORTANT AGAIN bogum would give his life for his mother and to have his father back. are they close to their family? why or why not ?: YES. obviously asdfasdf everyone probably knows why. although bogum is now the one who runs the house, he still really values his mother because she ultimately has nobody but him in the end if she gets worse. his parents were always really good to him and when his father died, he knew that he and his mother had to stick together through it. he also knew that that he had to step up to provide for his mother because of her injuries and dementia. she is his life, really.
activity: haha. you really wanna kno?... he likes word searches a lot. animal: idk. probably like. idk.  beverage: mmmm some piping hot tea. book: - color: is red cliche to say? designer: - food:  flower:  water lilies, pansies, lilies, peonies, idk, he would love all kinds of flowers. gem: i googled these. if he had a favorite it would be garnet, smoked topaz, and morion. holiday: christmas! his mother’s favorite too, probably. mode of transportation: walking, usually. movie: -  musical artist: oh boy, uhm,, i bet bogum likes indie kpop. like dean, suran, hyukoh, but i dont rlly know a lot to give you more details. quote / saying: - scenery: hm. probably night time in the living room, mom is put to bed already, he’s watching a rerun episode of a crime drama on television and thinking about how it’s so unrealistic. he’s got a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other though he puts it out halfway through because he loses interest. (: scent: i think he’d like the smell of cleaning products, flower scents ( bc it would remind him of his mom ), and metal (: obviously. weather: cloudy or rainy weather. anything that let’s him stay inside for the day. vacation destination: UM. i bet bogum would like to travel out of country to places like europe.
greatest dream: to finally have a peaceful life with his mother by his side, healthy or not. he wants to stop being a hitman, really, but it’s kind of like an addiction, plus he’s good at it, and it brings in the bacon. greatest fear: being caught and leaving his mother by herself -- it would be like the ultimate let down since he doesn’t trust anyone with her. most at east when: pls see scenery in section above. least as ease when: out in public by himself. he doesn’t have his mom as his cover. worst possible thing that could happen: PLS SEE GREATEST FEAR. ajdfkjasdfskf biggest achievement: moving to seoul safely with his mom! biggest regret: falling back into the crime life. most embarrassing moment: idk i feel like bogum isn’t embarrassing. he’s too ,, plain. biggest secret: LMAO well ... i think we all know. top priorities: keeping his mom safe, alive, healthy, and her bills paid for. also keeping himself undercover for the most part and making sure neither him or his mother are overwhelmed.
001. bogum is an unhealthy smoker but a social drinker. he never smokes around his mother though.
002. whenever bogum’s mother is around, he is on his own best behavior. he always does his best to be nice and keep up an image of her sweet son although by himself he can be different.
003. so far the only person who knows about his job is sangwoo because he sort of saw him in the act during his first hit. the two joke about it but bogum would take him out in a heartbeat if he spills.
004. i think it’s funny because i always pictured bogum as that person would give the shirt off of his back for you if you were in trouble. but he also wouldn’t hesitate to threaten to make you disappear.
005. his mom doesn’t know how he gets the money to pay for everything but bogum has her believing he “has his ways” and to “just trust him” although she asks about it every now and then.
006. though he stays inside a lot, some of the places you might see bogum outside of his apartment, are grocery stores close to his place, bars around town, museums, little cafes picking up things for his mother, dawon’s flower shop, and very occasionally places where there are a lot of drug activity.
007. here is smth: bogum is a hitman because his father was killed in a hit!
008. despite his mom questioning where he earns his money, his family has always been pretty well off but that was because of his father. so now that his father isn’t alive, it’s kind of ... fishy.
009. lmao probably your very typical scorpio minus the s*xual stuff.
010. my brain stopped working.
a card hand full of royals. empty, dark hospital hallways. dirty hands under black leather gloves. an empty, lonely wheelchair. old black and white photographs. an ashtray full of half smoked cigarettes. ripped up diary pages. rolled up fifty dollar bills. two expensive rings on each finger. responding “k” to a paragraph long text message. tri-folded letters written in the upmost calligraphy. roman numeral clocks.
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verobatto · 5 years
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning.
One Sided Love
Hi my dears! I bring to you another meta from my series Destiel Chronicles.
Today we are going to talk about three episode that shows how Dean was feeling heartbroken, trying to handle a one sided love as he could see it.
I want to say thank you to my precious friend @agusvedder she made the gifs for this meta. 😍💕💕💕
Let's start...
Sam knows, and Dean avoiding his feelings to his brother
In episode 8x18 Feeeks and Geeks we had Sam trying to make his brother talk.
Because remember the last time, Sam saw him sad inside the Impala, listening to GOODBYE STRANGER song, and he get the idea right there. He saw how affected was his brother with Castiel leaving him. Because I really think Sam knew Dean felt something more than just a friendship for Castiel.
Just as Dean realized he loved Castiel, Sam realized Dean was in love with the angel.
So... Sam tried, as I said, to make Dean talk...
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Sam is obviously trying to talk about how Dean is dealing with his brokenheart, but look at Dean's surprised face... Like... He didn't expected his brother came out with that question. Sometimes I wonder how much Dean thinks he can hide his feelings from his brother... Because he can't...
And because he's bringing CASTIEL to the chat... Dean connect the thing with... Feelings...
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Okay... Sam brings Castiel to the surface, and Dean brings the word feelings to the surface too...
Sam is offering his shoulder here, waiting for Dean, at first it looks like Dean is about to confess something, but then... Th King of Avoidance, as I call him, decided to not talk, and because he needs the NO HOMO tag, he began to mocking his brother...
DEAN: Okay. I'll tell you what. Why don't I go get some, uh, herbal tea.
SAM: Okay.
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Fine, I need you to pay attention to these words ... First of all... Herbal tea, mocking his brother, calling him a sensitive person, but that's the word that's accurate for you, Mr. Avoidance.
And then... Cowboy Junkies ... Okay, country music, with very sensitive lyrics... Poetic and corny... But do you know which song is one of their most famous? Misguided Angel. And do you want the lyrics?
I said "Mama, he's crazy and he scares me
But I want him by my side
though he's wild and he's bad
and sometimes just plain mad
I need him to keep me satisfied"
Okay people, idk if you all be alive after reading the whole lyrics here, but this is Cas here... Cas who went crazy and just flew away? He went to the dark side now bc he doesn't trust Dean? Yes Dean knowing he was off, he just couldn't stop praying to him, and calling him, and missing him. He wanted Castiel by his side, even if Cas was behavior weird.
I said "Papa, don't cry cause it's alright
And I see you in some of his ways
Though he might not give me the life that you wanted
I'll love him the rest of my days"
People... I can't with this subtext right here... Dean is suffering, but inside of him he wants to run to CAS? Like? Let me die here...
Misguided angel hangin' over me
Heart like a Gabriel, pure and white as ivory
Soul like a Lucifer, black and cold like a piece of lead
Misguided angel, love you 'til I'm dead
This song even mentions Gabe and Luci and I just Can't.
I said "Brother, you speak to me of passion
You said never to settle for nothing less
Well, it's in the way he walks,
it's in the way he talks
His smile, his anger and his kisses"
We all know Dean, same here...
I said "Sister, don't you understand?
He's all I ever wanted in a man
I'm tired of sittin' around the T.V. every night
Hoping I'm finding a Mr. Right"
Okay... After this... Romantic subtext here... And if you are alive yet... We had Sam upset, getting out the car...
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Dean is pleased, he just avoid the conversation about him and Castiel and feelings, making his brother desist, and he's l safe now, in his avoidance world. Good Talk.
One Sided Love
Let's jump to episode 8x19 Taxi Driver we had a heartbreaking scene between Naomi and Dean.
Cas was gone, and Naomi wanted to win Dean's confidence, she needed an ally. But Dean didn't trust her. Because he knew all the thing she had done to Castiel... And this was the interesting exchange of words...
DEAN: You screwed with his head and had him spy on us.
NAOMI: Well, it is true that I have spoken with Castiel many times, trying to reach out to him, trying to help him. Dean, you must have noticed how Purgatory changed him. I mean, he's been unstable in the past, but I was shocked at how damaged he is now.
DEAN: Stop, okay? Don't – don't try to spin this. You think I don't know that you told him to try and kill me?
NAOMI: Hmm. Yeah, I suppose that is how he would hear it. When I learned of the Angel tablet, I did tell Castiel to get it at any cost. That's my job – to protect heaven. I'm a warrior, just as you are. What would you expect? And now Castiel is in the wind with a hydrogen bomb in his pocket, and I – I'm scared, for all of us.
First of all, Castiel is known as unstable? Okay, like he has a break on his chasis? The rebellious? Yes. The unpredictable. That's our Cas.
And Dean is trying to avoid her manipulative speech, even so, Naomi doesn't give up, and now she's using Castiel's safety as a tool to make Dean break.
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Look at Dean's face when Naomi says YOU HAVEN'T WARDED THIS PLACE AGAINST US, is like he was caught... He didn't warded the place, just as he didn't warded in season 6, because he was waiting for Castiel to return... Ooohhh that damn corny song again in my head!
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Look how Naomi is using Cas the whole time, he knows Dean's feelings for Castiel, and about their bond, every angel and every demon know that.
She's marking here... Your love is unrequited, Dean.
NAOMI: I know you don't want to believe it, Dean, but we're on the same side – 
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Again! Naomi is using Cas! Talking about bringing him back from cold? Really? She's using this words specifically to reach Dean! Through Castiel!
She's a bitch, but thank you for this subtext.
Blue Hand Print
Remember when I said season 8 the show began to use more colors and visual narrative?
Well episode 8x20 Pac-Man Fever, we saw bastards d-jin... Like the son you never wanted? With blue hand prints? Are we in the same page here?
We know the bad print is the Destiel symbol, and the color blue is a reference to Castiel, the rebellious son.
But in this chapter we also had this cute scene with Charlie...
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Charlie is a character that always exposes Dean's bi self.
We know she had readed the Supernatural books, so she's aware about the subtext, and Castiel and Dean relationship. That's why this comment is so important, because she's trying to make Dean talk about Cas... Because why would a lesbian name a man dreamy, she was trying to get into an intimate confession from Dean about his dreamy angel. But as always, Dean avoid the insinuation. He's not looking at her, and he made that comment as if hearing Castiel's name was nothing. King of Avoidance my friends...
To Conclude:
Dean was feeling unrequited and abbandoned by Castiel, betrayed. He tried to avoid conversation with Sam, while naming things related with sensitive people and songs and herbal tea.
The unrequited love is exposed by Naomi on that important exchange of words he had with Dean. Dean was hoping Castiel to come back to him, even after the crypt scene.
Charlie is a factor of exposition for Bi!Dean, and is also a truly Destiel shipper.
I hope you like this one, see you soon!
Tagging @metafest @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @angelneedshunter @trickster-archangel @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @mishka-the-angel-of-saturday @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-is--endgame @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @tenshilover20 @teddybeardoctor @pepevons
If you want to be tagged, just let me know
If you want to read the previous meta from season 8, the links are here...
Buenos Aires November 13rd 2019 6:29 PM
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peakanss · 6 years
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A Simself TAG
I was tagged by @literalite and someone else that I forgot :(( Thank you!
I tag @enismald, @caacti, @peryllium, @nightvy, @sammmi-xox, @ouikala, @fussysim, @unflirtytrait, @starry-eyed-simss, @sadb0ysims, @faunakii, @vatorey, @cakeiko, @bearcula, @cowplant-pizza​, @scrumptiousfries​, @kaydandthesims​, @dyoreos​   and anyone who wants to do this, just say I tagged you!
Traits: hot-headed, slob, active
aspiration: public enemy i think
1. What is your full name? Valerie something something som
2.What is your nickname? Val
3. Birthday? Feb 24
4. What is your favorite book series? The mortal instuments. THE SHOW SUCKS HAHAGASEHLFZ
5. Do you believe in Aliens or Ghosts? Despite my supernatural obsession, no.
6. Who is your favorite author? I like Leonard S. Marcus and Cassandra Clare
7. What is your favorite radio station? yeet
8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? Blue raspberry
9. What word would you use to describe something great or wonderful? yes
10. What is your current favorite song? Generation why- Conan Gray or Pussy is God- King Princess
11. What is your favorite word? fuk
12. What is the last song you listened to? Why do I still?- Neiman ft. May Angeles
13. What TV show would you recommend for everyone to watch? HAHAHAH  ok: Supernatural, Shameless U.S (MA), The walking dead (MA), Jane the virgin, Total Drama Island, Teen Wolf, NARCOS (MA), and How to get away from murder.
14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? Deadpool, Spider man Homecoming, or Thor Ragnarok.
15. Do you play video games? Well YES
16. What is your biggest fear? Hetero Keith
17. What is your best quality in  your opinion? my dik. Or my eyelashes ig
18. What is your worst quality in your opinion? My weight and inconsistency
19. Do you like cats or dogs better? omg don’t make me choose T-T
20. What is your favorite season? autumn
21. Are you in a relationship? nop
22. What is something you miss from your childhood? My cat.
23. Who is your best friend? my dog or my demon! Annabel
24. What is your eye color? Dark brown. Don’t let my simself fool u
25. What is your hair color? Brown with auburn ombre
26. Who is someone you love? Dean Winchester
27. Who is someone you trust? my dog. everyone in the background: shut yo lonely ass up
28. Who is someone you think about Often? Austin Porter from PRETTYMUCH
29. Are you currently excited about/for something? Supernatural season 14 to come out on netflix.
30. What is your biggest obsession? Boy bands. Specifically PRETTYMUCH not so much for their music but the friendship they have with each other c:
31. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW AS A CHILD? Total Drama island,  Johnny Test, and A.N.T farm.
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to? My friend Monty
33. Are you superstitious? not really
34. Do you have any unusual phobias? hetero keith
35. Do you perfer to be in front of the camera or behind it? Neither tbh
36. What is your favorite hobby? Track and feild.
37. What is the last book you read? Geomerty textbook LOL
38. What is the last movie you watched? Kung Fu Panda >:) jk idr
39. What musical Instruments do you play, if any? I used to play the baritone..
40. What is your favorite animal? duk
41. What are your top 5 favorite tumblr blogs that you follow? I don’t have top 5′s lol
42. What superpower do you wish you had? INVISIBILITY
43. When and where do you feel most at piece? At home.
44. What makes you smile? my dog on some dumb shit
45. What sports do you play, if any? TRACK & FIELD
46. What is your favorite drink? Arizona green tea
47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody?
Probably my brother’s birthday.
48: Are you afraid of heights? YES DEATHLY
49: What is your biggest pet peeve: Lily singh or lele pons. Hehe but on a real note people who say they do track and cant even keep a good pace while running laps at school LOL.
50. Have you ever been to a concert? Yeah 5sos and PRETTYMUCH. Can you tell how much i obsess over boybands lol.
51. Are you vagan/ vegetarian? naw
52. When you were little, what did you wanna be when you grew up? I think a chemist lol.
53: What fictional world would you like to live in? The sims bc Yuki Behr is my baby momma and I just wanna love her T-T
54. What is something you worry about? Failing exams or getting kicked off the track team.
55. Are you scared of the dark? In my room when I’m walking in the dark cuz I don’t wanna step on my dog or a thumb tac or something lol
56. Do you like to sing? hell ye
57. Have you ever skipped school? Yes in 6th grade.
58. What is your favorite place on the planet? At home or anywhere with my best friend.
59. Where would you like to live? Canada or Michigan.
60. Do you have any pets? 3 DOGS omg
61: Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? morning bird.
62: Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? Sunset.
63. Do you know how to drive? yes
64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? earbuds.
65. Have you ever had braces? ew yes
66: What is your favorite genre of music? r&b, soul, and ‘rock’
67: Who is your hero? Tom Hiddleston aka loki aka best man alive.
68: Do you read comic books? hell yeah.
69: What makes you most angry? prank channels
70. Do you prefer reading a book on an electronic device or on a real book? Real book unless it’s webtoon sksksksk
71. What is your favorite subject in school? lunch. haha I’m so funny
72. Do you have any siblings? An older and younger brother and a stepsister.
73. What was the last thing you bought? Either one of those giant arizona tea cans or v bucks for my little brother agsfkfasv
74. How tall are you? 5′3
75. Can you cook? I can bake. can’t cook.
76. What are three things that you love? Austin porter, my dog, my fam and friends.  that’s 4 but OK
77. What are three things you hate? Push-up bras [those shits are uncomfortable], hetero keith, and hetero keith.
78. Do you have more male or female friends? I don’t have any friends. I’m jp female.
79. What is your sexual orientation? Idk pffff I think bi-curious. Is that a thing orr
80. Where do you currently live? Floridaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
81. Who was the last person you texted? My friend lehla.
82. When was the last time you cried? when charlie di*** in spn which was a while ago
83. Who is your favorite youtuber? Gay helmet- I mean Gabe helmy
84. Do you like to take selfies? Depends if I’m feeling myself or not but usually no.
85. What is your favorite app? Huji cam, netflix, discord etc.
86. What is your relationship to your parent(s)? I don’t like either of them but I would die for them . My mom let’s me go out more often so <3
87. What is your favorite foreign accent: OMG I LOVE THEM ALL but if I had to choose, Portuguese.
88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? Windenburg :p
89. What is your favorite number? 69
90. Can you juggle? kind of???
91. Are you religious? I mean I believe in jesus but that’s about it lol
92. Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? OUTER SPACE
93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? nope I’m a wuss
94. Are you allergic to anything? furries and their weird costume fetish shit.
95. Can you curl your tounge? yeah
96. Can you wiggle your ears? no
97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? neverr
98. Do you perfer the forest or the beach? beach.
99. What is your favorite piece of advice anyone has given you? I’m already tracer.
100. Are you a good liar? yes
101. What is your Hogwarts house? Gryffindor
102. Do you talk to yourself? no lol
103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? introvert :D
104. Do you keep a journal/diary? no
105. Do you believe in second chances? depends
106: If you found a wallet full of money, what would you do? Keep it. duh
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? obviously
108. Are you ticklish? yes
109. Have you ever been on a plane? yep
110. Do you have any piercings? 3 on each ear
111. What fictional character do you wish were real? UGH LOKI OR THE WINCHESTERS
112. Do you have any tattoos? I have a stick n’ poke on my chest.
113. What is the best decision you’ve made in your life? Adopted the little scared white dog at the adoption center :>
114. Do you believe in karma? no
115. Do you waer glasses or contacts? glasses
116. Do you want children? I don’t know yet man.
117. Who is the smartest person you know? This robot in my class. Let’s call him bob.
118. What is your most embarrassing memory? Getting my assed whooped in a cruise in front of thousands of people.
119. Have you ever pulled an all nighter? Doing one rn sis.
120. What color are most of your clothes? idk I have an explosive wardrope but mostly grey or yellow.
121. Do you like adventure? I guess
122. Have you ever been on TV? Yep I was the spokesman for my track team and I answered like 2 questions while I was sweaty and gross. I’ll try to find the link lol
123. How old are you? Rather not say but I am 14-18 range.
124. What is your favorite quote? don’t know sis.
125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? savory.
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would you write a loki x supernatural one where they fell in love while the reader didnt have her memory bc of an accident and when she finally remembers she realizes shes a winchester and shes been through some shit and tells loki 'im not the person u fell in love with" since no-memory her is sweet and innocent and real her is not even though she cant deny her feelings for him. and one day a demon attacks the avengers tower and she has to tell them all the truth and capture the demon? thanks!!!
So… Not a crossover expert. Not an expert at all, to be honest, so do not throw tomatoes please.
It is kinda long. And I have no idea what I did. I am sorry.
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Name: Memories & Demons
“Maybe I should just keep it this way,” you offer to Loki, both of you sitting on a couch in his room in the Avengers base (he does not like the base, but ever since Thor has been spending here his every free second, Loki was forced to move here, so that one of the Avengers could always look after him). It is your regular memory training session - for the past few months, you have been trying to recall who you are and where you came from. Ever since you got into a terrible car crash and were found by Loki on his regular escape attempts, you have been unable to recall anything from your past. Sometimes you drew or wrote things that you have never seen before, but you could never bring them together into one image of what you are.
“Keep not knowing if I am calling you the right name? I mean, Sigyn is a very nice name, but don’t you want to know what is going on?” you nod slowly and lean back, resting your head on the back of the couch. Loki smiles and places his palm on your forehead. “Now, let’s do it. Relax and take a deep breath... Everything is fine, nothing bad will happen. Now try to recall the last thing you remember,” you think about how you opened your eyes, knowing nothing, and found Loki staring at you with genuine interest. “No, before that. Come on, love, you know you can,” you push your mind harder, through the black towel of amnesia. It would not work usually, but Loki’s magic aids you to pierce through the darkness, working as a blade to cut down the bushes that grew between you and your past. Those ‘bushes’ grew because of the head trauma that you suffered, but, thanks to Loki’s care, your health is fully recovered, and you can try to return your past.
“It’s pointless,” you inform him after a couple of minutes.
“It is never pointless. Keep trying,” you sign and return to your fairy tale forest. “Try a different technique,” you do that every time and fail every time, but you still try - sit down in the middle of the darkness and take a deep breath. “Now remember, you have the right to be here. It’s your memory.” 
“Right,” you really want to drop out, but Loki is right - you may be having a nice life now, but you don’t even know your name. Sigyn is indeed a very nice name, at least, it gets Thor to get quite happy every time he sees you next to Loki. But it is not yours. You let your thoughts turn to the idea of name until you realize something. “Y/N.”
“That’s my name,” Loki chuckles.
“That is a very good name. What do you do, Y/N?” it gets easier this time.
“I hunt… I hunt demons,” your job is important, you know that. Now you get why always feel that desire to carry salt around. And your drawings finally collide into one drawing - a demon trap. You were drawing triangles and hieroglyphs, you just never made it into one image.
“What else…”
“Who is Dean?”
“He is… my brother. He taught me to hunt when Sammy ran away…” you open your eyes and fight yourself to not cry - your family history is not one of the most cheerful and happy things in your life. These few months were amazing, but it is about time you returned to your lonely being of a Winchester. Saving people. Hunting things. The damn family business.
“Y/N?” Loki smiles at you with gentle insecurity. “What is wrong, love?”
“You don’t really love me. Not the real me. You did not fall in love with me. You would never love the real me.”
“I am dangerous. It is in the blood, we do not have relationships, not us.”
“Winchesters. I am a Winchester,” you close your eyes and smile grimly. “And you are…”
“Still here. I am not leaving,” Loki tucks a curl behind your ear, and you shake from the overwhelming emotions. “Shhh.”
“That is so weird,” you blink quickly, your hand rising to check your belt where your knife usually rests. “Where is my knife?”
“The one you had when we first met?” you nod, and Loki snaps his fingers, making your knife appear on your lap. “I thought I better save it from Stark’s needy fingers.”
“Right,” you take the light blade and rest it in your palm. “That’s a good one,” you twist your hand, letting the blade swish through the air with a quiet sound. “It can cut through almost anything, Bobby gave it as a present, you know.”
“You know what?” Loki carefully covers your hand with his and looks you in the eye. “Let’s just settle down and see what we should do about all of that, alright?” you nod - you are way too confused to decide what to do with your life right now. As if there are two people inside of you - one is the innocent Sigyn that is in love with Loki and the team, and another is Y/N, the ruthless hunter that has to fight every desire to cuddle and have a regular life just to survive.
You have stopped spending so much time with Loki, opting for Hawkeye for gym workouts and Tony for hiding in the lab. You even started talking to Thor, just so that you can build better understanding of what and why happens with the multiverse. He is beyond helpful, except for the part where he still calls you Sigyn every time he starts talking about Loki. You are starting to realizing that there is something more behind that name, but you are too busy to deal with that right now.
“Did you ever notice how strange our job is?” you ask Tony one day, as you are sitting in his lab, playing with some electronic parts, while the genius is building another suit.
“Our job?”
“Well, we both protect people. But you fight people, and I… fight damn demons.”
“You should talk to Stephen Strange,” Tony chuckles. “He will have something to say about demons,” he stays quiet for some time, then looks at you. “Are you serious about demons?” you nod. “Black eyes? Strong desire to murder and take souls?” you nod again, and Tony shrugs his shoulders. “Is there a way to… recognize a demon?”
“Just say Christo,” you answer simply, not looking at Tony and missing how he shivers and looks away. “Or spray them with holy water, that will also burn them. Why the questions? I am sure no one here is possessed.”
“Oh, just making sure it is true, and the famous hunter Y/N is really back.”
“I am not that famous, Tony.”
“Maybe not compared to your brothers, but you for sure are causing some disturbance among the demon kingdom.”
“I really don’t think so… Wait, kingdom? I never told you that there is a king.”
“Well, there is definitely no president or democracy. That was the only option.”
“Right,” you shrug your shoulders and look at the ceiling. “Have you seen Loki?”
“No. Why?”
“Because I have no idea what he is doing, and that should worry you too, Tony.”
“What would he do?” you turn to Tony and frown. The heavy feeling rises in your chest, as Stark keeps reattaching same electrodes over and over again. 
“Should I go back to my old friends? I had a… well, a friend… Bobby. You know he greeted me every time we met?” you stand up next to Tony to see his eyes clearly. “He walked up to me, smiled and, a second before hugging me, literally screamed Christo!” Tony flinches, his eyes turning pitch black.
“That’s why Bobby Singer is no longer alive,” the demon gives you a long sly smile that makes you freeze. “You didn’t think we would let the infamous Y/N just go on and have a life, right?”
“How did you find me?”
“We were there to start the car accident, Y/N. Now let’s have some fun with your dear friends,” the demon snaps his fingers, knocking you out. You would have died (you should have), but you are suddenly grateful for Loki’s magic that protects you in every way possible. However, for now, you lose consciousness and fall on the floor, bashing your head against a corner of the table.
The next thing you see is Loki’s face in front of you, as he is helping you up.
“Everything alright?”
“Tony is a demon,” you cough out, and Loki sighs.
“I am glad you agree with me on that, but…”
“No, he is an actual demon. The one I hunt,” you slowly stand up and reach for the knife (that should have gone into the demon’s chest if you listened to your father) on your belt to only find emptiness. “Damn it.”
“You are an amazing hunter,” Loki murmurs, holding you close with one hand. “But I think you need some help.”
“We need… We need JARVIS,” you rub your forehead with one hand, then rest your forehead on Loki’s shoulder. “I mean, we can hunt him down and personally ask why he is being such a pain in the everything… Or we can turn on some exorcism on the entire base.”
“Did you hit your head too badly?” Loki sighs “If the demon is Tony, then no one has access to JARVIS.”
“JARVIS is an independent being, Loki,” you stand up straight, and he pulls away a little, giving you more freedom. “JARVIS, I need you to turn on the audio of track…” you look aside, trying to remember the exact name of the track you personally uploaded to JARVIS’ memory circuits the night you realized who you are. Right now not telling anyone about the track and the recorded exorcism sounds like a fantastic idea. “Track 476. Maximum volume all around the base.”
“Yes, ma’am,” within seconds, the track is turned on, and the entire base is filled with extremely loud Dean’s voice, chanting the exorcism. He gave this track to you as a birthday gift (and you had it as a ringtone for a long while), and you have never been more grateful because the words are still not clear in your mind (at least their order is not).
“That was smart,” Loki chuckles, as you see on one of the screens (used by SHIELD to not control the Avengers) how Tony’s demon makes some loud screechy noises of an unhappy bat and slowly leaves the genius’ body, leaving his on the floor - a bit confused but perfectly healthy.
“Yeah... But not giving you the rings and tattoos was very reckless of me,” you shake your head. It was your responsibility to hand every Avenger the anti-possession ring. Or make tattoo. Or at least draw it on their clothes. “I just almost got Tony killed... Hunters are not trained to exorcise. They are taught time and time again to kill the demons no matter what.”
“So you killed people?”
“Yeah,” your voice is quiet and hesitant.
“And that’s why you did not want to see me any more?” you nod, and Loki bursts into laughter, pulling you closer and pressing his lips against your temple. “Love, you are dating one of the mega-villains on this universe. I do not get to judge you for murder.”
“Yes, but...”
“I do not care how many people you killed while trying to save thousands others. Don’t be stupid,” you blush and look away. “As long as you are staying with me, I will even get that stupid tattoo.”
“It’s not stupid.”
“Yeah, I am sure it’s not,” Loki chuckles softly, as Steve literally breaks into the room, looking more worried that anyone else on the base - even Tony looks more focused and calm, as he crawls into the room and smiles at you.
“Lord, Captain, what happened to you?” Stark fixes his hoodie to look completely normal and raises his eyebrow. “Discovered the powers of a microwave and are so excited to share?”
“What the hell was that thing? Dark cloud of matter coming from Stark? I saw it on one of the screens in the main hall, what the hell was that?” Steve suddenly looks at you, and you recall (very painfully) that he was not told about demons. Or supernatural. And that right now you will have the questionable pleasure of introducing the poor 40′s man into the world of soul-selling.
“The hell part was right,” Loki chuckles and takes a couple of steps back, together with Stark. “We will just let you chat... Discuss...”
Tagged: @memyselfandmaddox,  @one-big-dreamer, @leleleish
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escapvst · 6 years
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hey friends !! my name is cas ( she/her) & i live in cst !! i was here like .4 secs ago, but i kinda got overwhelmed with classes, so now i am here again bc i missed it too much !!  
( i edited jude a bit, so he’s just a little bit different ) 
—— wait, that’s not NOAH CENTINEO ! it’s JUDE COSTA who identifies as CISMALE. a TWENTY-ONE year old JUNIOR and a SOCIAL CHAIRof OMEGA ALPHA PI. jude is CHARISMATIC, IMPETUOUS and studying MARKETING. will he even have time to do anything else?
background info
jude was born in santa barbara, ca on october 21, 1997. he is an only child & had a fairly normal childhood with his parents owning a successful marketing company.
the deal when jude graduated high school was that he could choose the college, but his father would pick the degree. business just seemed like the most optimal route, since the costas have plans of their only son taking over the business.
if you knew jude his freshman year, then you knew the rumors. he spent the majority of his first year out partying, sleeping around, and causing trouble. in fact, many considered jude the reveler of omega alpha pi.
many wondered why he had joined ΩΑΠ instead of BΩP, but he had been specifically recruited for his athleticism and skill in lacrosse. ( in fact, he was scouted by luama u & given a rather large scholarship to attend for that lax lyfe )
sophomore year only brought more troubles & one night jude was caught trying to vandalize a statue on campus. the dean offered a warning: one more mistake & jude could kiss lacrosse, greek life, and his scholarships goodbye.
however, the punishment, at the time, seemed much worse. forced to volunteer at the campus’ radio station every tuesday & thursday seemed just about as interesting as watching paint dry.
yet, over the rest of his spring semester, he grew fond of the station & was even able to began playing his own picks and occasionally talk on air. now, he regularly helps out & can be found there most days when he doesn’t have practice or classes.
the jude costa that you may know now isn’t the one you’ve heard rumors of. yes, he did tp the whole science building. no, he didn’t hook up with that one philosophy professor. and, yes, he just might’ve been the reigning beer pong champ for three semesters in a row. but now he seems somewhat different. could it all be just a sham or front ? 
fun facts / interesting info
business is just about the last thing that jude would like to major in. if he could have it his way, he would major in philosophy or peace studies.
jude has a fondness for music. you’ll often see him with ear buds in while walking around in between classes. he firmly believes vinyl is the best way to listen, though. his favorite genre is alternative and folk, but he’ll usually play rap around his frat bros.
where he can be found: the radio station, luama aquarium, starlight lua & the mokes.
although he was considered trouble in all aspects for the first two years, jude is a pretty likable guy. in fact, he can make friends with just about anyone these days. yet, he can also come off pretty cock and self-assured. he knows he good looking, smooth talking, and a sports star. he’s not afraid to show off a little. 
jude has a temper that he just can’t seem to calm down once provoked. it takes a lot to get him to a point of no return, but many usually know not to push his buttons from past stories and personal experiences.
he’s the captain of the lacrosse team ! which means he is serious about the sport & wants his teammates to be too. you won’t see him out partying before a game.
the escapist ( his URL ): jude seems to relate to this label ( even if no one else sees it ) because that’s exactly what he would like to do — escape. often lost in his own thoughts, he dreams of what it would be like to do what he wants. maybe he could travel the globe. maybe he could find his vocation instead of taking over his parents’ business. maybe he could even quit lacrosse. yet, everything that he wants to give up defines him. without all of this...he would be nothing.
wanted connections
an old flame: someone that jude was never really serious about. they dated around for a few months ( maybe longer ) & maybe he led them on just a little too much. in fact, there’s some discrepancy on the reason for them even breaking up...but now jude has been labeled a cheater. TAKEN: SUMMER
the confidant: ( must be from ΩΑΠ ) this is a person that has been there for jude ever since rush week. hell, they even might share a room in the frat house together. regardless, this person knows him like no one else...and maybe they’re a little confused what happened between sophomore year and now. TAKEN: NOAH
the secret fling: they act as if they hate each other, but of course it’s all an act. behind the scenes, the two just can’t seem to keep their hands off each other. truth be told, telling people about their nights together would mean affirming every stereotype. so, they keep it under wraps for now. TAKEN: CLEO 
fwb: this could be multiple people because lbr, jude is a hoe & lives for sex and flings. maybe they met on tinder, at a party, through a class...but now they’re on his list for booty calls ( which he makes pretty frequently ) TAKEN: CAMRYN, CHARLIE & WREN
radio friends: they met at the station and had to put up with all of jude’s attitude. at first, they probably thought he was a prick. now, he’s grown on them. in fact, one would even say they get along. yet, they come from two different backgrounds...and it seems that a friendship outside of the station would be completely impossible. 
enemies: maybe they’re on the same sports team, maybe they’re rivals within their major, maybe a frat friendship that just turned wrong. either way, this person knows how to push jude’s buttons ( and vise versa ).
the one he brings home to mom: so maybe he might’ve said they were together one time. in all honesty, he just did it because it would get his parents off his back about finding a nice girl. and they were the best option because, well, they were friends anyways .now every time his parents visit they have to pretend to be madly in love. TAKEN: ROSIE
the bad influence: back in freshman and sophomore year, these two did everything together. in fact, they were the ones usually egging each other on to go to extremes. whenever they were around, trouble was sure to follow. now, it seems like they’re not even the same people anymore. TAKEN: JAKE 
( TW: DRUNK DRIVING, CAR ACCIDENT, HIT & RUN  ) the incident: it wasn’t supposed to happen. it was a mistake. in fact, jude isn’t even sure how exactly he got into his car. all he remembers is the accident and him driving away. no one was hurt...or at least he thinks so. maybe he went to your muse, maybe your muse was in the car. idk but that’s his secret tho. TAKEN: FAYE
i know i was here before, so if you guys want to keep any of the plots we had just let me know ?? buT I AM DOWN FOR ANYTHING with ANYONE !! also you can check this tag for inspo. anywhoo, i am so excited to plot with you all so like this & i’ll come to you
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S2 E6 - No Exit
Uhoh I'm watching the recap and it's edited to be about Jo and Ellen so I guess that's what the episode is about. "You're afraid of my mother?" "I think so" still hits
No one else but me cares about this but keyboard shortcuts in the tumblr text editor do not read in dvorak. I'm in dvorak layout rn and the "B" key is coded to X but if I want to bold I do ctrl+"B" not ctrl+"N" which is the key that B is coded to. Explains why my copy/paste shortcuts have been all fucked up while I make these posts. And is just kind of interesting from the perspective of what even is the tumblr text editor??? Unknowable.
But here we are, I can't eat, I've been sleeping like shit, I have to stick around (on Long Island) until I meet with my advisor until 2:30pm and I've already read too much spn fanfic for someone who hasn't seen this show so let's keep watching shallllll we?
Blonde girl has checked the fuzes and is now getting covered in creepy goo. OOO creepy goo is oozing out of the outlet, and now there's just a guy's eye. That was kind of a strangely paced scene.
Had to rewind to get a sus on the camera work they did - a flyover shot of the roadhouse comes down to an OTS shot on Dean, a little disorienting. Don't know why the name Katie Holmes is funny and/or bitch "for Dean" but I also don't know why we're describing Jo and Ellen arguing as a "catfight" so I'm taking a lot of stuff on spec real fast with this episode.
Ellen wants Jo to go to school. "Nebraska is for Lovers." Why is a family with two children coming into a bar at 10 am.
All young blondes missing from a building uhoh is the fact that Jo is blonde going to be relevant are they going to use her as bait?
Dean Jo literally punched you in the face so hard you dropped a rifle I feel like you shouldn't be so quick to judge.
Sam picked up on the goo real fast. Dean is having a weird attitude about this episode.
Jo is here and feeling Dean up real hard to sell the "bf" thing. Got a screencap for my new profile pic lololol.
Ellen has the opposite parent syndrome to John.
Jo is having to go through Dean hazing I don't love watching this. Why are we having this Dean being an asshole.
"You think women can't do the job" no experience... what is happening right now.
I see where both characters are coming from here but I just wish Dean wasn't such a fucking jerk to her before, great way for a person to be defensive is to give them something to be defensive over.
Is this going to be like that one xfiles epsiode with the stretchy man? Is that why that one scene was paced so weirdly to focus on the screw? Bc the xfiles episode was all about unscrewing things from the inside.
Dean reaching blindly into a hole to find a piece of scalp. Gross.
Ah yes, me when I am a hot blonde lady receiving flyers for a lingerie party and have a countertop absolutely stuffed full of apples. And then I get my ankle grabbed by something in a vent and just fall over and start screaming?? I'm sorry but you need to sell the monster a little more than that. What's it going to do? pull her into the vent??
Uhoh we got another screen-cappable moment. Literally the worst sleep position in the history of the world Dean. Great job. Yeah no wonder your back hurts.
Is Dean going to have to confront the fact that Jo is very much not ok? Or are they going to keep not talking at each other until Jo inevitably gets murdered by the fans.
Uhoh Dean telling a story about his dad. The chain necklace is back. The Jacting around "I bulls-eyed every one of them.. but I don't know."
Jo is a Dean foil in this episode I guess? Or she's what Sam could have been if his mom didn't die and his dad wasn't a fucking asshole. Whatever - she's someone Dean has to bounce off of in a "self recognition" type of way. Which makes me happy their romantic "tension" hasn't really been played as such during this episode.
There's apparently "nothing wrong" with being a hunter to get close to your dad. Who is dead. From being a hunter. I hate this stupid logic.
OH MY GOD OH MY GOD. A) Sam still has his ghost broke hand in a stupid cast and B) ash sent them. a text file. a fucking. a fucking text file list. of the people executed. I love this show.
Herman Webster Mudgett the three name serial killer classic. Sam is fangirling over HH Holmes. Sam listens to my favorite murder and is a little bitch on the facebook page.
I guess we're just going to fucking destroy this apartment building that keeps leasing to blondes for some reason. "Jack squat" when you can't curse on a ghost show.
Dean's "you're inexperienced line" is ancient history at this point he just let's Jo go on by herself.
Yeah I mean, duh. They had zero plan.
Now it's time for Dean to come to the rescue. At least by now we can be confident that Jo isn't immediately dead.
"She's taking care of ... feminine business"
If John is the reason Jo's father is dead.. that would be interesting.
"There's nothing you could have done." Actually, he could have stopped her from going lmao, that seems pretty clearly like something he could have done.
Jo baby just breathe.
Oh we're having prisoner to prisoner communication.
Where did the hand come from? And he's just yanking some hair?
Me when I'm normal walking down the street with what I'm assuming is a metal detector turned EMF reader and a shovel. Time to dig.
Sam take your cast off.
Extra spiders in the hole just so you know it's creepy.
They could have like, actually used her as bait. That would have been an interesting test maybe of like, her commitment to hunting bc then she would have to deal with the fear of being in danger as something that didn't happen like, accidentally. They could have had her foil be Sam, who didn't want to be a hunter, who wanted to go to school, and now has chosen to be a hunter to be close to his dad. Why Dean??? The bottle shooting story was good but like, is that advancing his character that much? Like Dean should not capitulate to Jo's desire to be a hunter so easily, whereas that would be a much more interesting angle for Sam's character to be challenged. Whatever.
She's bait now I guess. And HH Holmes is just. Here now. And is doing an amazing performance of being completely .. uh.. trapped by salt.
H o w and whyyyyyyy?? But.. yes?? (About the cement mixer with weird rock anthem stings.) Filling that sewer with cement will take 1 million years I'm not sure they thought through this.
Is Ellen going to tell them what "that's not the first time I've heard that from a Winchester" meant? Or is she going to continue the not explaining herself routine she had with that one hunter.
Yessssss give us the dirtyy backstory Ellen.
Why are Dean and Sam being blamed for something their father did.
Okay the why still holds what the fuck??
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