#yes he probably has adhd and massive rejection sensitivity
daughterofhecata · 2 years
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smytherines · 7 months
Rewatching SAF and thinking about the mega bastards lore and oh god, the rizz was alcohol. The rizz was alcohol. Agent Mega you poor beautiful gay baby, I'm so sorry.
Think about it-
A1P1 Agent Mega has the rizz (as the kids call it), he's drinking, he's confident, he's swaggering, he fucks everything up but in a cool way
Arms deal? No alcohol, as far as we know. Massive botch.
Casino scenes? No alcohol, drinks a glass of cream, complete fucking absence of game to an embarassing degree, can't even tell that Tatiana is very very obviously flirting
I haven't gotten back around to Doing This, but I don't remember any alcohol in that scene? He's trying so hard to be the person Tatiana (and his mom) expect him to be, but he's still heartbroken and probably going through alcohol withdrawal (which is so much worse than most people realize), so he screws that up so badly that Tatiana realizes he is not into women the moment he kisses her.
He was drinking even before the fall, to manage all of this. This works so strongly with ADHD Agent Mega headcanon too, like of course this guy has intense rejection sensitive dysphoria- he's gay and a disaster.
The defensiveness, the insecurity, the jealousy, he's constantly trying to be the thing people want him to be, but because he's uncomfortable and impulsive and drinking to manage that constant pressure, he fucks up a lot, which just makes everyone criticize him more.
And being gay, he believes (with good reason) that everyone in his life would reject him if they knew who he really was. He wouldn't be allowed to do the one thing he feels like he is good at, and pre-banana at least, the one thing that grants him access to Owen.
So he drinks. He drinks to turn off that constant stream of anxiety over how others perceive him, whether they think he's cool or competent or straight. He drinks and seduces women because that's his job. His job is the thing he is good at. He wants to be good at something. He wants to feel like a real important guy.
Not to write a fanfic on tumblr dot com but you can kind of imagine him thinking about Owen wistfully, having a 4th or 5th drink, and then going up to a random lady's hotel room to do his job. That's heartbreaking.
Oh god. And One More Shot. He falls pretty spectacularly off the wagon, drinking until he's totally drunk, and he says shit like "I feel so good inside," and "I feel the feeling coming back to me now." Like yes. That feeling is alcohol. You're feeling the effects of alcohol, buddy.
The rizz was alcohol.
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cinnamonsakura666 · 3 years
Lately I have been seeing fanart and fanfics of Pinky, Elmyra and the Brain where Elmyra is an evil b*tch and a demon spawn from the deepest, darkest pits of hell (And I got to say, the art and stories are pretty good) And I do agree with them but, I would like to tell you my opinion.
Just to clarify, This is my opinion on Elmyra and if you absolutely despise her existence, I can safely say that you have all the right to say that.
But….I don’t think she is that bad, just misunderstood. 
She is canonically 12 which I understand that he actions at that age are unacceptable, but again, she’s somewhat young and I guess you could say she’s probably mentally Handicapted since at that age she can’t do simple things I sure an average 12 year old can do like name all the planets and spell words like ‘Rabbit’ Right.
But, I can somewhat relate to her. She’s the most hated person at school, her only friend being a snobby b*tch who just uses her for clout and social gain, hell, even her teachers hate her. 
I was her.
My teachers ‘hated’ me since I have ADHD and couldn’t figure out how to treat a kid like me right. I also was hated by mostly everyone in my class for being that “Crazy girl who acts weird and has an annoying voice” (I was told by several of my classmates that I sounded like a rejected chipmunk from Alvin and The Chipmunks) 
And yes, her treatment to animals is horrible but I was somewhat the same. I hugged a caterpillar so tightly I squished it, which made me cry. 
But in the whole series, we never saw her family or even her mom or something, so she’s probably neglected by her parents, maybe leaving money out for her to get food but she ends up using it on adopting pets. To me, it shows that she’s lonely and just wants friends but doesn’t know exactly how to behave kindly to animals (because of the fact she wasn’t taught how to be gentle like I was)
I do have to agree that Brain’s treatment in the show was horrible but I think it was kinda fitting for him to have a taste of how he kinda treats Pinky (Even though Pinky is just fine with the way he’s treated. He’s canonally a masochist.) It’s shown that Brain does have a soft spot for the poor girl, even in the finale, he helped her make friends and get together with Rudy, the boy she has a massive crush on.
So, I see the series like, “Two mice dads taking care of a misunderstood girl who might have the best intentions but sucks and one absolutely hates her and the other adores her.”
I headcanon that they still visit her (against Brain’s dismay) and is teaching her how to treat people and animals better to be liked better, so in my au, she has branched out from her personality in the show to be more sensitive and smarter.
In conclusion, I personally don’t see Elmyra as a evil person (tho, a little voice in the back of my head is saying, ‘why are you defending the evil devil spawn?! Don’t you hate her like everyone else does?” And I admitatly kinda agree with the voice...) but I’m also not saying I hate the art and fanfics of her, some of them are pretty damn cool and creative. But overall, If you see fanart of Elmyra on this blog, it’s mostly going to be good things about her, not that much hate.
Anyway, thank you for listening to me rant? A Ted Talk? Idk what to call this….
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