#yes he might say so because of luffy or newgate but the man was also the cause of death of his best friend's kid he didn't even know existed
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franeridan · 1 year ago
that one panel when rayleigh meets teach and he's like it might be childish of me but I really hate you so you better run I'm perfectly normal about that panel what are you talking about
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diminuel · 1 month ago
Stressful days suck, hope you're getting your energy back soon, take care of yourself! <3
Have few thoughts about timetravel!Xebec since I absolutely adore your version of him, those boots def can walk all over me OwO
the timetravel def wasn't planned, he had found the spell by chance and it never specified what would happen so he kept it as a backup just in case
during the God Valley incident he got cornered and used it when it became clear he wouldn't otherwise get out of the situation
He thought that his crew would keep watch over his child until he could get back to them since Crocodile was raised with them (looking at you Newgate and Linlin)
(You know what they say about assumptions)
Instead of landing near his little Pebble, he turns up in front of ASL and subsequently has to learn to live with the facts that a) he's def not in his original time anymore and b) that somehow the spawn of Monkey D. Garp managed to romance his Pebble
Xebec: This might as well just happen to me...I would love some spaghetti
ASL not taking him seriously (S: Should we tell baba or dad? A: nah, he's kinda pathic)
Would be kind of funny if Xebec is just laying head down on the table while Luffy pokes him (Ace and Sabo are judging Xebec...hard) when whoever is supposed to be watching them appears
People finding out in a ranking order of how hilarious I imagine it:
Makino (in the case that ASL are having their lunch in Party Bar) -> "Oh, who is your new friend? Rocks, I have never heard of that name but I can ask around Foosha? Oh, you mean Wani, they're currently on a work trip so I'm looking after the boys, do you want me to take a message? ...What do you boys mean he just appeared??" While Xebec is trying to impress on her the fact that a) he's a scourge of the seas, b) yes please, he does need to talk with his Pebble ASAP and c) no, he does not mean any harm and he's not some crazy stalker!! Ending with him nearly being run out of Foosha or Garp being called on him because he's visiting
Garp -> but in this case ASL already finished their lunch and went back to their tree house (still with the premise that Dragodile is gone for some reason and that they're currently babysat on Dawn), they decided to let that fancy guy follow them because Luffy likes him and they trust his intuition so, so it's just a row of ducklings with Ace and Sabo at the front bickering about Xebec while Luffy follows happily and Xebec is just trudging along, shell-shocked because his Pebble has children!! and being tired af after God Valley, they decide to park Xebec with Dadan because that's where they got left when their gramps didn't know where to stick them (Dadan: I am not running a charity or hotel!! ...fine, I guess he can stay), imagine Garp turning up a few days later and finding not only his grandkids but also that guy he and Roger tried their hardest to kill and who then seemingly disappeared from thin air, Garp and Xebec just staring slently for a moment with completely blank faces before Garp turns around and walks back into the forest, ASL are delighted and want to learn how to do that to gramps before a sudden ruckus starts and Garp comes charging back and just starts trying his best to kill Xebec, cue both of them just screaming at each other over perceived slights while everyone else is just absolute lost (X: My Pebble and your family?? G: And they also became a government sanctioned warlord!! X: NooOOO!!)
Dragodile -> "What do you mean a strange man just appeared and you fed him because he looked kinda pathetic?? Dragon, this is your fault, you and your bleeding heart, we should just remove hi- DAD??"
Thank you for this delightful ask! I do enjoy pondering this AU and you have great and amusing ideas! X'D I don't know which scenario I find most hilarious! Maybe Garp, because poor Dadan has to deal with another guy. But he's so wet and pathetic that she can't say no. She'll just make Crocodile pay for this freeloader since his kids dragged in this guy. And then poor Dadan almost gets her house destroyed when Garp and Xebec clash. (I assume Xebec is stronger than Garp if it took both Garp and Roger working together to defeat him. But maybe he's just strangely depowered from God Valley and the impromptu time traveling so he can't fight at full strength.)
I have some thoughts too but they might be darker than the comedy route we seem to be taking for this AU *lol*
I was imagining that Rocks vaguely knows what the spell does. That it connects blood to blood. Stealing from Supernatural some more, it's possible that he knew that it was going to activate the moment he dies - the energy unleashed in death can be harnessed and directed so that instead of the soul of the person going wherever it goes in the OP world it stays on earth, but Xebec doesn't know what exactly is going to happen. Will he just become a spirit? Fine by him, he's gonna haunt Roger.
It's possible that it was announced that the God Knights managed to kill Rocks' kid, WB believing it because he saw the familiar clothing (that Croc might have exchanged with one of the many civilian casualties because he heard that he was hunted. He's a tough, resourceful 8 year old.) but Rocks knows it can't be true. So he goes to fight, not caring if he dies. Because if he dies and his Pebble is still alive, blood will connect to blood with the spell. If he dies and his Pebble is also dead then it doesn't matter anyway.
And if the spell doesn't do anything or does something else, surely WB or Linlin will take care of his Pebble (who has to be alive.)
So for all Garp knows Rocks is dead. He killed him. And then a blast of energy hit them and they thought this was just some sort of self-destruction by Rocks so that the Government couldn't get his body. But nope. He's here eating Spaghetti with his grandkids. Still as young as he was that day. X'D
And I guess Crocodile would recognize his dad in this case. Because I've also played around with an idea that he, for some reason, doesn't recognize him, doesn't remember anything about his childhood before waking up on a random island, all alone.
But we can do funny/ silly for this AU, I don't mind! Plenty of other AUs I could load full of angst >:3
(Do I need a Rocks D. Crocodile tag or something...?)
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stardustryewriting · 4 years ago
New Year’s Revelation
When Marco and Ace talk about their respective crushes, they're both surprisingly mostly sober. They give Thatch a headache anyway.
Also on AO3: here
New Year’s Eve on the main ship of the Whitebeard Pirates - and on every minor ship, Marco was sure - has always been a big thing. While they couldn’t do the fireworks tradition, because of the safety on board, and because neither Marco nor Newgate trusted their drunk crew mates with it, they did virtually everything else. Which always included drinking like it was the end of the world, eating a banquet that seemed to get larger every year and just generally partying like the were no worries in the world. New Year’s Eve has always been a big event.
And then Ace came along.
Suddenly they didn’t only have to celebrate making it through another year, but they had a birthday on top of it. Well, it was Ace’s birthday, but everyone else ate and drank like it was theirs, too. Marco was torn between reprimanding them (some of them had to stay sober, in case they were attacked, but no one seemed to understand) and joining in as lively as they were, because Ace seemed to be truly happy. And Ace’s happiness was something to behold.
Not that it was a rare occasion. Ace was almost always seen with a smile on his face. (When he wasn’t sitting over a ton of navigation maps, his forehead wrinkling in concentration and he was cute then, too.) But usually there was some kind of darkness underneath it. Like Ace carried a secret big enough to be his doom, one day. He knew, in fact, that Ace did have a secret, he refused to tell them about. But he also knew, that Ace told Pops and Pops said not to worry about it. It was a big thing for Ace, but it wasn’t something that would impact the crew. Marco trusted Pops and he trusted Ace, so he wouldn’t be prodding. Even though he couldn’t help but be curious.
But on nights like these, when Ace once again proved that he could eat more than half of the crew together, and laughed with them like he’s always been a part of their big, weird family, Marco didn’t have the heart to try and coax something out of Ace. He was so happy, his smile so radiant, Marco could spent the entire night just looking at him from afar. In fact that was his plan for the night, until Thatch came along. How his brother could afford not being in the kitchen, with the rate their food was vanishing, was beyond Marco. But he hadn’t had a good talk with Thatch - that didn’t involve either of their divisions or the provisions needed for the celebration - in days, so when his brother took a seat next to him, he didn’t want to talk about the kitchen.
„You know, today would be the day to finally kiss Ace“, Thatch said, grinning like a madman - or like someone trying to get a raise out of his brother - and Marco decided he would much rather talk about what’s happening in the kitchen. Not that that was likely, now that Thatch has already started a conversation about Ace. Which seemed to be Thatch’s new favorite thing to talk to Marco about. (And Pops’, and Izo’s and Vista’s and even Jozu’s. They should find another topic to gossip about in Marco’s opinion.)
„Nah, with the amount of alcohol he’s consumed, I’d rather not“, Marco argued, in hopes Thatch would accept this better, than his usual argument.
(I’m twice his age, Marco would argue. We’re pirates, Thatch would shrug it off, like it gave them a free pass for everything. It didn’t.)
„You“, Thatch said sternly instead, pointing an accusing finger at Marco, „are just a coward. You know Ace can’t get drunk. His fire burns the alcohol. Or something.“ Or something. Even though Marco was the ships doctor, he never quite understood how the alcohol vanished from Ace’s body. He just knew that most of it did, in fact, get lost, so getting Ace drunk usually involved an amount of alcohol that would haven even killed Pops in his prime. Not that that ever stopped Whitebeard from trying to drink with Ace until they were both wasted.
„Alright, I’m a coward“, Marco agreed easily, because really it wasn’t as insulting as Thatch thought it was, „my point remains, I’m not kissing anyone tonight.“
„Who is Marco not kissing?“, Ace asked, looking at Thatch with a curiousity only someone as young as Ace could still possess. Marco really needed to stop drinking, he didn’t even feel Ace coming over to them. But also, other than Thatch he didn’t falter in surprise, he just tensed up. Unfortunately Thatch seemed to find his voice faster, than Marco could come up with some kind of coherent answer to Ace’s question.
„Someone he’s been having a crush on for a really long time.“
„Marco has a crush?“, Ace asked, sounding surprised and Marco would have liked to argue about that. Yes, he has feelings, too, thank you very much. But this talk was going into a dangerous direction, so instead of protesting Marco had to look to divert their attention elsewhere. Ace might not be the fastest on the uptake, but he was smarter than people gave him credit for, and Marco wasn’t really interested in finding out how fast Ace could come to a conclusion with minimal evidence. That was if Thatch wouldn’t spill the beans before that.
„Yeah, he’s been pining for so long, it would be funny, if it weren’t that pathetic“, Thatch answered dramatically and made a show of throwing his arms around Marco’s shoulder and giving him a look full of pity. He really did spend too much time with Izo.
„He thinks he’s not good enough, so instead of being a man and confessing, he pines. It’s the worst“, Thatch added  and Marco had the sudden impulse to knock him into the ocean.
„That’s bullshit“, Ace protested rather passionately, „Marco is a great guy. Who wouldn’t think you’re great?“ And really, it warmed Marco’s heart that Ace would defend him like that. Especially considering that barely over a year ago, Ace’s goal was to kill Pops and effectively end the Whitebeard crew. But still Ace didn’t know what he was talking about.
„It’s not that. There is just an age difference that I can’t ignore“, he tried to explain. And reached deaf ears again. Ace really did fit in with them, all too well.
„So? We’re pirates“, he shrugged, not unlike Thatch always shrugged that argument off. Thatch looked entirely too pleased with himself sitting next to Marco, gloating as if he wanted to say I told you so.
„I’m twice their age. I’d feel like a cradle robber“, Marco tried to argue with Ace again and it was entirely too reminiscent of his usual arguments with Thatch, and Pops and Izo.
„There is someone else around my age on the ship?“, Ace asked excitedly and Marco felt like he messed up. Ace wasn’t supposed to know that. At the same time Thatch’s palm met his forehead with quite a lot of force behind it and he muttered to Ace: „Be glad you’re good-looking.“
„I am good-looking“, Ace answered with a confidence that he usually had to play, but that was entirely real this time, „it’s one of my few redeeming features. People especially like my freckles.“ Yeah, Marco could see that. They were cute and fit right onto Ace’s face, even though they made him look even younger. What was Marco even doing here? Prying on their youngest crew member, that’s what.
„Yes, you are“, Thatch agreed, „but you are also way too slow on the uptake.“
„Well, what’s the uptake here, then?“, Ace demanded sounding increasingly frustrated, whereas Thatch looked like he just lost all hope in humanity. Marco could admit that Ace was a bit slow-witted right now, but it still was adorable to him.
„Forget it. It could hit you in the head and you still wouldn’t see it“, Thatch announced and then stood up, „I’m going back to my kitchen.“ And suddenly Marco was alone with Ace, who still seemed determined to find out who Marco’s crush was. Curse Thatch, for bringing it up.
„Come on, we’re friends right? You can tell me. I promise I will take it to grave with me!“, Ace declared and while Marco believed him, there was still no way he could tell Ace. Not if he wanted to keep face in front of him, anyway.
„It’s not that important, go back to celebrating your birthday. I promise you’re not missing out on anything here.“
„Alright, I tell you about my secret crush and then you tell me about yours. That way it’s fair and you can be sure, I will keep your secret“, Ace declared and didn’t even wait for Marco to agree with him, before he continued, „My crush is someone, who is in love with someone else. Not that it matters, as soon as they find out who I really am, they would avoid me anyway.“
„They don’t know you’re a pirate?“, Marco asked surprised, because you would have to be really detached from the pirate world to not know Ace is a pirate. He was a notorious rookie, he was offered a place among the Seven Warlords and he fought Jinbei for five days straight. He also made a name for himself as Whitebeard’s Second Division Commander already and he only had the spot for a few months. If you were even remotely knowledgeable about pirates, there was no way you never heard of Ace.
„They know I’m a pirate, they don’t know the other big thing. The one only Pops knows“, Ace explained and Marco could feel the curiosity again. Damn Ace and his big secret.
„You think that’s big enough to make someone hate you?“, Marco asked, because he really couldn’t imagine it to be. Pops would have told him, if it was something that big.
„I know it is. People hated me for it all my life. It’s not even my fault.“
This secret of Ace just got more confusing the more information he got out of him. Luffy knows, Ace had told him once and it didn’t really surprise Marco. Ace loved his little brother to pieces. Luffy wasn’t mad about it either, I don’t know why I thought he would be. Which was the confusing part, because apparently Ace expected the entire world to him for this secret and Luffy was the singular exception to that. That must be some kind of brother Ace had.
„Honestly, I don’t think there is anything that would make me hate you“, Marco said to Ace instead, because he seemed like he needed it and because it was true. Ace was such a sunshine, with so much sadness lurking beneath, you just had to love him. It’s not like Marco had much of a choice in that matter and the rest of the crew adored him, too.
Ace seemed to think about something and it was quite between them for a long time, before he whispered: „Even if I was the Son of Gol D. Roger?“
„Even then“, Marco answered without hesitation, „It doesn’t matter where you come from, anyway, we’re -“
„- all children of the sea“, Ace finished, seeming somewhat relieved, „Pops said the same thing.“ And then he smiled that brilliant smile at Marco, that seemed to take his breath and Marco didn’t even have the time to consider that Ace really was the son of the Pirate King, because he was so beautiful, illuminated only by the dim lights on the ship and Marco really was smitten.
„So, you don’t hate me. Too bad you’re still in love with someone else“, Ace said, seemingly not catching the implications of his own words. But Marco did. And suddenly the only thing he could concentrate on was how soft Ace’s lips looked, and how his freckles brought out the sad look in his eyes - that really shouldn’t be there, Ace looked better smiling. And how much he desperately wanted to kiss Ace.
So he did just that.
And only mid-way trough, when his brain caught up with his actions he realized that never asked for permission So, interrupting their kiss he asked: „Do you want to do this?“ And instead of answering, Ace reclaimed his lips more passionately than before and made it into an even deeper kiss.
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