#yes gawain and lancelot are married. yes gawain is the sun and lancelot is his moon. yes its the best end au.
achirding · 3 months
SatBK Week 3: Royal
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Lancelot knows his destiny- his love for the queen of Camelot is to doom the kingdom and be Gawain's death knell. When Gawain receives the crown from Sir Sonic, he decides he is going to take a page out of the knight of the wind's book: twist fate to their liking. There will be no Queen of Camelot if Lancelot takes the position of King Consort himself. If Gawain gives Lancelot his heart and his kingdom, then his knight cannot break them unintentionally.
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@ardenssolis continued from here
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“Yes, I cannot say my manners are anything unexpected. I am pleased thou acknowledges my manners.” She did not know him, nor did she base her opinions upon the Holy Grail’s knowledge. If one truly judged another based on written history, it was ignorant in her eyes and a sign of a lack of maturity. Anyone educated knew history was controlled by the victor or those in power at the time, and everyone knew history loved to leave a lot of information out.
His statement about her loving Lancelot, being shameful irked her. How dare he speak of a topic he knew nothing about. “Let me make myself, clear, Rider.” Her tone turned serious, powerful in a graceful manner. Not threatening, not at all, she still spoke politely. However her tone suggested she would not take kindly to such a comment. “Thou may have heard of me, and thou may know of my tale. But thee should be aware there are multiple variants of my tale, thou does not know me, nor my lover, nor my King. There is nothing shameful in my love to my beloved. Do not ever dirty my devotion to Sir Lancelot, as if it is something shameful.” 
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She cared not if you were a King, a God or the creator of the entire universe. Not when it came to her affair with Lancelot. It was heavily known, her love for Lancelot could be paralleled to Rider’s love for his beloved. As even in death, she loved Lancelot. It was a fated romance, prophesied by Merlin and Arthur certainly did nothing to avoid it knowing full well the prophecy. She had loved Arthur, he was her first love- but she was a mere child when she married Arthur, a young teenager. Arthur was a great King, but as a person, as a husband he was not...not later on. Arthur knew the prophecy, and wedded her without ever informing her. 
“My punishment was to be burnt at the stake, which I accepted.” She did not resist her arrest, she walked towards her death with elegance and acceptance. She would rather die tomorrow, than live a hundred years without knowing Lancelot. He was her warmth, her beloved, her stars. A part of her would always love Arthur...but he, eventually, perhaps he did not love her as fully as he believed. 
“I was a good Queen, and yes, I hurt Arthur, as he had to me in the past. Camelot fell because we all made decisions that ended poorly, myself included. I know who I am, and what I am. My decision was a crime, there was no shame in that crime, never will be.” No one could ever knock her down. She knew her faults, her virtues, her vices and her weaknesses. Gawain refused to guard her during the execution, Arthur’s own nephew disagreed with him, many of the knights did, even many of the people. 
It was a tragic love story...but they were all good people. Arthur, Lancelot, Gawain- even Mordred. They were human, they were allowed to feel human emotions. And no one, not even Rider, could tarnish the passion, the fire, the burning sun that shone around her whenever she spoke of her loved ones. It was a powerful heat, a bright light that could burn away most individual’s gaze.
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cerastes · 8 years
Knights of the Round Table Official Tier List
God Tier:
Sir Ywain the Bastard: BFFs with a lion who may or may not have been able to talk. Very strong and ambitious without giving in to greed. Lost his sanity for a bit but sheer willpower brought it back, and mopped 0 seconds about it, went straight back to decimating ass in the name of justice and to save many numerous dames (honestly, if there was a dame in danger, this guy and his lion pal popped up immediately). Batman if his motif was the lion and also if Albert was a lion. Notable Feat: One of his adventures had him disenchant a cursed maiden who had been turned into a dragon by kissing her three times. That’s right, folks, Sir Ywain smooched dragon girls for reals and you’ll never achieve the heights of his glory.
Sir Percival the Grail Knight: Exceedingly powerful yet never once lorded his immense strength over anyone, and in fact, his impossibly humble nature actually had him act in ways to make others around him seem cooler, even though he was extremely capable. Clad in only a silk dress, Percival once threw a fully armored and armed knight over a castle wall, and this other time, clad in only shitty tin “armor” he made from pots, dddddestroyed an Evil Knight Of Certain Renown and stole his armor. The armor of pots happened because a merchant pulled a fast one over him (he traded his extremely expensive silk and gold-weave dress for a cart of junk), and then defended the man that fucked him over when the town was about to lynch him. Notable Feat: Defeated Sir Lancelot of the Lake (yes, that Lancelot) in fair and single combat, and kept disarming him instead of injuring him. Even then, he kept claiming “oh no, he won, I was just lucky, I am pretty sure he had the advantage” so as to not sully the hero’s name. Oh, yeah, and, you know, he fucking achieved the Holy Grail.
Sir Gawain: Dayman, Fighter of the Nightman, Champion of the Sun, You Are A Master of Karate, And Friendship For Everyone. Good man, very strong, was kind of a dumbass, but that adds to the charm. He’s the kind muscleman that spots for your scrawny ass in the gym your first time and tells you how to do the exercises properly. Most likely to become a good friend in the long term. Notable Feat: His whole fucking life, man. The code of chivalry didn’t actually apply to peasantry, as in, knights were not required to protect peasants at all, yet Gawain was known as the Defender of the Poor. What a fucking stud. 
Galahad Tier:
Sir Galahad of Twilight: Galahad gets his own tier because he’s like some sort of Mary Sue that came outta nowhere in late transcriptions of Arthurian Mythos and sort of just was the best at everything ever in any context, which is funny because his father, Sir Lancelot, was more or less the same but actually likable (as in, Lancelot was not part of the original Old Welsh scriptures, and was basically really cool but also had a lot of flaws to his badassery, whereas Galahad is kinda just perfect). However, his divine protection does not allow me to put him at the bottom, for forces that dwarf my comprehension keep moving him up here. Notable Feat: Being a self-insert OC that got accepted in the canon.
Chivalrous Tier:
Sir Lancelot of the Lake: Goku, but lecherous. Notable Feat: Goku, but lecherous.
Sir Bedivere of the Perfect Sinews: The world’s first slot machine. Went on a ridiculous numbers of adventures in the early game, some of them even with Arthur’s dog, Cavall, and despite having only one arm, m dude was basically a Dynasty Warriors character. Openly practiced witchcraft, which almost got him hanged a couple of times, if it hadn’t been for Arthur’s interference and testimonies to his legitimately good character. Notable Feat: With Cavall the Dog, went on an adventure to kill an Evil Magical Boar and steal its comb, before hitting the boar so hard it fell right into the ocean and drowned, because Bedivere Don’t Fuck Around.
Sir Bors the Younger: Never on schedule, but always on time. Sir Bors wasn’t a superhuman like some of his peers, but his strong point was his virtue and how hard he adhered to the Code of Chivalry, which is more that can be said for a lot of knights, even in higher tiers. A hot young maiden once told him “FUCK WITH ME OR I WILL KILL MYSELF” but he refuse because he wouldn’t break his Vow of Celibacy. The girl, of course, turned out to be a DEMON that tried to trick him. Then, another time, his brother, Sir Lionel, was getting whipped by a notched whip by an assailant while a young girl was being kidnapped by a rogue knight. Notable Feat: He chose to save the young girl over his brother. His brother was Kinda Pissed, so he came back to murder Bors for abandoning him, and Bors didn’t defend himself, saying “yeah I understand why you are angry, honestly”. God himself saves Bors by striking down Lionel with a pillar of fire. Bors then went to be one of the three knights to achieve the Holy Grail (the other two being Percival and Galahad)
Sir Tristan (Or “Tristram” for you historians): Not only was Mister Sadman a capable fighter, Tristan also played instruments and sang, and he was said have a very beautiful voice. The beauty behind Tristan is that he went through multiple trials and tribulations that tested his worth as a person and as a Knight truly (as in, someone who pursues the path of chivalry) rather than his martial might. Notable Feat: Accidentally consumes a love potion with Iseult, who was on her way to marry someone, and he still held onto his reigns as a knight without betraying either chivalry or her love too much.
Manure Tier:
King Arthur: cuck. Notable Feat: His knights all went on way more exciting adventures than him and his peak is when he gets shanked by his illegitimate son and shanks him back and then spends like fourteen hours bitching at Bedivere for him to go drop his sword in a lake.
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