#yes even the tiny pebbles
nightfurycyare · 2 months
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The start of a new journey
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tonyglowheart · 4 months
next batch of dudes I ordered are here!! and only mostly shook up lol, but I suppose that is to be expected. I have, though, once again fallen prey to the "but what is scale, exactly" lol
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the black echeveria is beautiful, yes, but. oh my god so much bigger than I was expecting.....
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drgnflyteabox · 5 days
lament [1]
part one -> honey || part two -> tbd
series masterlist
pairing: john price x fem reader summary: as you recover from prolonged illness, you meet a man on a hike in the woods just as strange things begin happening around you. tags/warnings: creepy / horror vibes, slowburn, phone sex, masturbation, injuries, mention of hospitals, pneumonia, mobility aids, softdom!price (for now), dubcon due to intoxication, tags will update as the story does w.c: 5.9k
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The woods are a peaceful, meditative thing. You’ve been spending your mornings there walking with Diva, meandering through the local trails and venturing off for pictures of red mushrooms or Diva in her little yellow raincoat, sniffing something or other.
The trails were scarcely used and took a couple of hours to finish, a longer trek in taller trees that closed off the sunlight and created peace through insulation, like an echo chamber of wet pitter patter from rain the night before and the gentle calls of birds, broken only by the sounds of your hiking shoes crunching gently through pebbles and leaves.
Quiet. It’s just what you need, slowly erasing memories of bright fluorescent lights and the smell of antiseptics. The trail isn’t elevated, it’s long, but not elevated. That’s important for your recovery, two months spent in a hospital bed attached to breathing apparatus.
Relief, freedom, as slow as your steps are and as beleaguered is your breathing, it’s pure relief. You’re no longer breathing through a straw, building strength walk by walk, spending time with Diva and watching her little tail wiggle under her coat. This time is good for her, too. You could sink to your knees and praise a higher being for the time off and sick pay policies your job has - so could Diva.
The shaking continues, your limbs still weak, muscles unused to standing and walking. You often find yourself sitting, on a log or a rock, and taking time to breathe and recover. Sometimes a granola bar makes its way into the mix, sometimes a handful of trail mix.
The last few times, there’s been a man. Tall, imposing, walking much quicker than you even with a brace around his knee. His posture tells you he takes himself pretty seriously, or he’s military, if there’s any difference.
Mutton chops, mustache, cargo pants. He’s been coming up behind you with sure steps, barely a limp even with his knee, and going by you so fast there's a breeze, makes you a little nervous to get mowed down.
Diva is weary of him. Her hackles raise, though she doesn’t bark, and she tucks close to you when he goes by. You don't feel unsafe, just a little surprised at the break in monotony no matter how tiny it is.
Doesn’t help that it’s pretty nice watching him go, that broad back and tight shirt, those well sculpted legs. Hey, you’re still sick and weak, still recovering. Sue me, you think, leaning on a tree when your lungs start burning again a little too much.
He stops, a few feet in front of you.
“You broken?” His voice is just as you imagined, rough maybe from smoking, maybe from overuse.
“What?” Broken?
“You alright?” He repeats, turning then. The quiet is a little oppressive now, with your struggle. You’re wheezing.
“Yes, yes, I’m fine-” you cough, dryly. “Just asthmatic.” It’s an easy explanation, you’re trying to get him to move on. You’ve never felt in danger, but it’s still the middle of the woods and he’s still a strange man.
“Need a hand?” He has to look down at you, even from a distance. His head is tilted down, arms folding across his chest, biceps calling to you like sirens.
You shake your head, squatting down as best you can, taking the breaths learned from your doctor and pulling out your steroid inhaler. One puff, two puff.
The man looks at you skeptically, eyes small and narrowed, flitting once to Diva who would fail as a service dog, but tries her best at guarding you despite being so small. Her gaze is pinpointed to him, as stiff as he is.
”Right, then,” is all he says before he’s back to his soldiers march.
You imagine him with horse blinders on and pulling a sled behind him, wheezing a laugh into the empty air.
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Recovery is not linear. That’s what your doctor tells you, what you were told before you left the ICU, before you were discharged all together. There’ll be ups and downs, moments where you feel you’ve backslid to the point of having to start all over.
You get it, really. It’s a mantra. Recovery is not linear.
What they don't warn you is that it’s different when you’re actually feeling it, waking up weaker than ever and coughing, burning in your chest. It’s jarring, every cell in your body crying for oxygen and yet you aren’t low enough that you need to go back to the ER, just sit up in bed and stare out the window to the fortress of green that surrounds your house.
Recovery is not linear. You watch comfort shows - animated Halloween specials, a couple months too early. They fit the cooling temperatures, the slow yellowing of the trees.
Food is hard when you can’t stand for long periods of time, so you order in. Soup, and an extra chicken crunch treat for Diva on her dinner.
It’s only when you turn Charlie Brown off that you hear it.
Tap tap tap. Deliberate, timed taps, like a mini hammer on a mini nail. Quiet enough that your ears strain, and yet you can just barely catch the sound. It’s coming from the side of your house, opposite to your bedroom and closest to the living room you were just in.
Tap tap tap. Maybe it’s the vibe you put yourself in, but you shiver with apprehension. Could be an animal, you do live fairly far out, and by the woods. Your driveway is long, separated from the highway just outside of town.
Diva is usually a false alarm - she raises her hackles at the stove, she’s not trustworthy when it comes to alerting you. And yet you look, and find her standing straight up and staring at the wall the sound is coming from, lips peeling back.
Only there's nothing you can do. You aren’t gonna go check, not with your weak limbs and thin breath. Theres a landline in the kitchen with a long cord, and your cellphone. The best you can do is lock the windows and doors, which you do, shuffling so as to make the least amount of noise possible.
Next the lights and curtains, drawn and shut. You tuck a knife under your mattress, more for reassurance than anything, and close your bedroom door behind Diva.
The only reason you’re able to sleep is the bedroom door locks. The handle has one, and there’s a chain above that. You tuck into bed under the covers like a child hiding from their closet, straining to hear the tap tap tap. Sometime between you locking all the entries and exits, it stopped, but you’re still unmoored.
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Your lungs fare better the next morning, eased by rest. You’re back in the woods by late morning, driving up to the trailhead through the canopy of trees. It really is beautiful, part of the reason you moved here, other than peace and quiet.
There's another car as you pull up, a reliable model in a dark colour, a surprise since you’re usually the first one there. 
You park away from it in an effort to not be creepy, but still sneak a peak while Diva does her post-car ride shakeout and pee.
It’s the man from before, sitting in the front seat, talking on a phone. He looks serious, frowning, talking in a measured way but you can still hear the volume as you pass by.
He waves, and you wave back, giving him a little smile.
Diva leads the way, prancing into the woods without fear even as the leaves start blocking out the sun. She inspires you - a little dog, brave, braver than you were last night.
God, it was probably a rabbit or a possum stuck somewhere. Maybe a mouse, and though you hope it isn’t it is the season for them. Cooler temperatures means creatures trying to enter your house. Means you have yet to drive down to town and pick up insulation supplies for your windows before fall really hits and you’re freezing.
Making a mental note of that, you lean heavily on your walking stick and pause. It’s one of those days, needing more aid than usual after yesterday and more breaks.
“Sorry, honey,” the army man holds his arms up, seeming sheepish as you flip around to face him. “Didn’t mean to scare ya.”
“Oh, no, it’s okay,” your cheeks burn in embarrassment. “Just jumpy today.”
“That’s alright,” his eyes crinkle at the corners, softening at the edges. He’s approachable today, not speed walking through the woods like there's a pot of gold at the end. “Mind if I join you?”
Unexpected, but with your eyes at pec-height it’s an easy yes. You deserve a handsome escort for the second half of the trail, and your emergency alarm is tucked in your front sweater pocket if you need it.
“Sure,” you nod. “I’m pretty slow, though, just to warn you. Recovering.”
“That’s fine, I should be taking it easier anyway. Make my physio happy for once,” he gestures to his knee with a chuckle. “John.”
You tell him your name. John. It suits him, the masculinity of it, the simpleness too. He gives the impression that he’s careful about how he presents himself, that outside of this sudden friendliness he’s very closed off - the way he was when you’d come across him before. Now he calls you honey, and touches his fingertips to your back as you navigate a patch of rough terrain warped by roots.
“I’m off until my knee is battle-ready, again,” he says it like it’s a joke, but there’s a steel edge beneath his words. You ask about his job: contract work, he says, not self-employed but with pockets of free time.
“Did you move here recently?” The wind shivers the trees, chillier than last week, as you meander.
“Ah, didn’t move here,” he scratches his thumb with his nose. “Staying with a friend. Needed the fresh air.”
“I get it,” your shoulder brushes his arm. “That’s why I moved here too.”
“Helps your asthma?”
You pause for a moment, confused. And then.
“Oh!” You’re a little embarrassed. “I don’t have asthma, actually. I mean I could have it, or develop it. But really I had pneumonia for a while, really wiped me out.”
“Ah, I see,” his voice says surprised, but his face stays the same. You wonder if he notices. “Terrible, that. My mum had a bad bout of it a couple years back, gave us a scare.”
“I’m so sorry to hear that,” you aren’t sure how old John is, but you can assume it was dangerous for his mother to have caught such a bad infection. “How’s she doing now?”
“Much better. Healthy as a goat.”
“A goat?” You’re laughing, then. A giggle that has him smiling back at you. “Haven’t heard that one before.”
John hums when he doesn’t reply verbally, and nods like you’re giving a university lecture. The attentiveness is nice, but it makes you self conscious, unused to having so much attention so focused on you. And he is so focused, like you’re discussing nuclear launch codes or what a quark is or something important. Honestly, it makes you hide your face in an embarrassingly shy way, avoiding eye contact.
He walks with you slowly, patiently down the path, arms crossed behind his back. Every once in a while either or the two of you laugh, which seems to bother Diva, whose been looking back at John suspiciously or trying to get between you the whole time.
“So sorry about that,” you really don’t know what’s gotten into her. Sure, she’s a pro at finding innocuous things suspicious, but you’ve been walking for a while now and she usually warms up when she realizes you’re okay with the offensive person or item.
“Don’t worry about it, honey,” honey again. He sure knows how to make a lady flustered. “She’s just looking out for her mama, right?”
If your pussy reacts to that, it’s no one’s business but your own.
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The air chills, day by day. John has begun joining you on your walks every other day, and sometimes you catch him jogging to the trailhead from the road instead of driving it. It makes you wonder where he’s, whether it’s close or he’s really pushing his knee, and whether or not he’s flirting with you when he shows up all sweaty in a tight shirt.
Another anomaly is that the tapping has returned, nearly every night. You’re scared every time, won’t even let Diva out for a final pee and have stuck to walking up at the buttcrack of dawn to make sure she’s taken care of.
Tedious, is what it is. Ridiculous. And yet when those little taps come, in different places around the house now, different walls, you hide under the covers with Diva growling her little growl at the bedroom door and try to sleep.
When cabin fever starts to set in, anxiety and insane thoughts like, what if someone is trying to break into my house? You decide it’s past time for a visit to town.
The trip serves many purposes, anyways. Diva needs treats, kibble, and a new ball. You need groceries, tampons, new socks. Overall worth it outside of the fresh air and human interaction with more than just one person.
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“Hey! Hey you!”
You’re in the bakery, weighing with your hands two loaves of artisanal bread. Just the one will do, since your freezer is small, but you want both. Pumpernickel or dark rye? Which will go better with the honey ham sandwich slices?
“Hello? Earth to-”
Your deliberation is interrupted by a waving in your face. You realize Jo, your only real friend in town, has run across the street to catch your attention.
“Oh gosh, my bad,” you look down at your shoes, then reach for a hug. She squeezes you.
“That’s okay, babe, off in your own world?” She’s dazzling, too cute for such a small town. Her ringlets bounce on her shoulders and her mouth, which is always smiling, is stretched wide with mirth. Makes you feel warm inside that she cares for you.
“Trying to make a hard decision. You know, end world hunger or stop all wars.” Stupid, but she laughs. You love making her laugh, and if you were lesbian you’d have made a move on her. Maybe you were, just a little.
“Why not both?” Her hands find your shoulders and squeeze. It’s then that you notice someone behind her, a much taller someone. At first the muscled chest and thick neck make you think it’s John, and a small squeeze of jealousy grips your stomach.
Then you see the mohawk, the difference in height. This man is looking at you with a similar intensity, though, all piercing blue eyes, thick furrowed brows, pin-straight posture.
“You’re right,” your laugh is more awkward, then, motioning with your eyes to the man.
“Oh, I’m so rude,” she turns to him. “This is Johnny, we met a few weeks ago.”
A wink. Ah, they met a few weeks ago. You picture them in the only bar in town, low lighting and Jo looking like Botticelli’s Venus, plump cheeks and red lips. And yeah, Johnny’s pretty good looking. You’d laugh about the mixup and the names if it wasn’t rude.
“Nice tae meet ya,” his accent is thick, palm warm and rough against yours. “Shall we, lass?”
He’s talking to Jo. They exchange glances, him looking at you once so fast you almost miss it. There’s something uncomfortably familiar about the look he gives you, but you shake it off. Nerves, you think. From the taps.
“Right,” Jo looks a little sheepish, then. “We’re off to the movies, but nice to see you!”
You raise a brow. You can’t help it, it’s 10am. Jo laughs and they leave.
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You bake, sometimes. It’s a good hobby for someone on a leave of absence with nothing much else to do but read, walk and play with her dog.
The oven sometimes scares Diva, and she curls up in your room indignantly until you’re done using it. You’ve always wondered why, since she came to you as a puppy and hasn’t got a single reason to be upset with the appliance. 
Oh well.
You decide to bring brown butter chocolate chip cookies on your hike, hoping to see John and give him one. Your interactions haven’t progressed past leisurely chatting and walking together, but he’s a handsome man and you're still a little stir-crazy. At least with work, it wasn’t just hours on hours of uninterrupted alone time.
Funny how that works, isn’t it? You spend every day at work wishing not to be at work, and once you have the opportunity you have no idea what to do with yourself.
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John loves the cookies. He takes two right out of the Tupperware, flattering you by groaning as he eats. The recipe is that good, but you think he might be putting it on a bit anyway.
It’s sweet.
“Fantastic,” he says, licking his fingers. You try not to look. “You bake often?”
“Just something to do, keeps me busy.” Diva has growled at John again, her second offense. She’s being a real heel today, rude and fussy. You elect to schedule a vet visit for a checkup soon.
“No one to keep you company in that house?” He stops when you need to stop, takes the opportunity to stretch his bad leg.
“What?” You take a puff of the inhaler, frowning a little.
“Are you lonely?” A weird question, but you chalk it up to small town weirdness.
“A little, but that one over there keeps me company,” as if she knows, she turns and yips. “What do you mean, that house?”
“You mentioned you live in your grandfather's house, no? Inherited it.” He chuckles at Diva.
“Did I? I don’t think…” you fully frown, thinking back to your conversations. Did you mention that? You haven’t even thought of it yourself for a while, not wanting to revisit painful memories. Your grandpa did pass you his house, but you’re usually more private than offering more than surface-level information to strangers.
“I believe so,” he looks deep in thought himself, squinting up at the umbrella of trees above you. That comforts you, the fact that he’s trying to recall. You’ve been so anxious lately.
“I must have forgotten, sorry. I’ve just been so scrambled lately.” John perks up at that, turning towards you as you finally continue walking.
“Scrambled?” His palm finds the back of your arm, the meat of it. He squeezes you, and it fills you with warmth. “How so?”
“Ah, well, just some animals around my house. I think,” you meet eyes, and he gets the best of you, so you elect to stare between his brows.
“Want me to take a look?” His tone is very serious. You shiver.
“I don’t think it’s necessary… I think there’s just some mice making a home for winter. I gotta call an expert,” He slides his hand down to your elbow, holding it gently. You’re nearing the end of the trail, the woods getting brighter around you. Diva marks her territory here more than anywhere else and yips at John again. 
“I could do it for free though, honey,” the air drops where you are, a gust of wind creating a symphony of sound all around you. A little romantic, you think. Ridiculous.
“Well,” far be it from you to pass up free help. “Only if you let me pay you back somehow.” 
“You have already,” he holds up the cookie Tupperware, shaking it gently. 
“Then let me make you dinner. Whatever you want!” The enthusiasm in which you say it has you cringing at yourself, but mentally you justify it; it’s completely normal to invite a friend over, especially to pay back a favour. You’re not being obvious that you’re attracted to him at all, no sir. Definitely not scared and in need of comfort, Mr John sir. 
“Sounds like a plan. I’m free after 7 o’clock.”
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You elect to be cliche and make British food. Good British food, a proper roast. Something you’d had a few times with friends in pubs or that time you’d visited London as an exchange student. Hot, smothered in gravy, salty and perfect with a mug of beer British food. You really hope he likes it, that he doesn't think you’re weird or making fun of him for his accent.
John is a proper gentleman, so punctual that he knocks on your door the very second it turns to 7:30 on your oven timer.
Diva has to battle her hatred of the stove with her need to announce a guest, staying in hallway purgatory barking at both.
The smell of garlicky roast beef, rosemary and thyme, salt and boiling potatoes is rife in the air, no doubt spilling into the woods through your badly insulated windows.
The moment it hits John, you can see it. Your door opens, creaking, and his eyes fix to you so quickly it’s almost physical.
“Hey! Thanks for coming,” you open it, motioning for him to come in. “Don’t mind Diva, she’s not a fan of the oven being on.”
He toes his boots off, still staring, like you’re a prize heifer and he’s set on buying you at the farm auction. A little sexy, mostly nerve wracking. Diva peeks around the corner at him and the sound of her little nails on the hardwood breaks the tension.
“Smells like home,” he leans closer to you to put his coat up on the rack. “You really went through all this trouble?”
“It’s the least I can do for your help.” At that moment, he seems to remember.
“Right, the mice. Want to show me where you heard them, or can I not steal you away from the stove?” His voice deepens as he talks, intensifying, grating hot coals and growling like a bear. Blue, focused eyes find the half-apron you’re wearing. You swear his pupils dilate, but he shakes his head before you’re sure.
“I can show you, there’s still a few minutes left for everything.”
The air is biting outside, cold with the evening breeze and dark already. So dark you equip your biggest, brightest flashlight and walk around the house with him, explaining the taps all around.
“I figure it’s them trying to dig holes so they can get in,” you hand the flashlight to him, feeling your fingers brush, and shivering in response. “I’ve been too chicken to check, to be honest. I keep thinking it’s a person walking around, not some animal.”
John nods as you speak, squatting by your little tool shed, looking diligently and moving items as he needs to. Then, he looks up, smiling a little.
“Why don’t you head inside, darling? Let me take care of this.”
“Sure,” you squeak. Squeak. Your stomach makes a knot and you scurry like one of the mice he’s looking for back into the house to mash the potatoes and make the gravy.
You are quite proud of this meal, not a proper cook by a long shot but it looks and smells pretty good. The Yorkshire puddings are alright, too, and that was the hardest part. Plus, you think, it’s free food. He’s gotta be happy with the effort, even if he winds up not liking it, right? That’s something your mother always told you. Someone’s put in a lot of effort for this meal, she’d say, pointing at you with a long nail. Better eat it.
“Think I found the little buggers,” John startles you just a little as he comes in, toeing his boots off again. You’re plating his plate, huge portions of mash potato and roast carrot and brussel sprouts nestled to the beef. His eyes look at the plate, then to you, then down to your apron, and you pretend you can’t see him adjusting his pants.
This isn’t what you think it is, you remind yourself. Two friends, one lending a hand and the other paying them back. You don’t even know his last name.
“Oh god, how bad was it?” You ladle gravy over his portion, then yours, pretending to be unaffected when he walks into your kitchen and takes a huge sniff.
“Not too bad. I’ll have to come back with some traps, if that’s alright.” You want to say John, you can come back anytime, but you don’t.
“Glad to know it was mice at least,” that’s the truth. A feeling you didn’t totally realize you had turns from paranoia into relief. “I was really scared it was some creep walking around my house, trying to get in.”
“Here,” John takes his plate when you hand it to him, but puts his phone into your hands before you can get yours. “Put your number in there, honey. Call me if anything like that happens.”
Honey. You fucking love that, so much it renders you temporarily mute as you punch in your number. He doesn't let you bring your own plate to the table, picks it up while you’re busy and comes back to shepherd you there with a palm on your lower back.
“Thank you,” you say, struck timid by his casual and yet firm guidance of you.
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Diva makes an appearance for supper, summoned by the smell of beef and the oven being turned off. Her little claws tip tap against the hardwood as she circles your chair, tucks herself under the table looking for scraps, and whines at John while he’s trying to eat.
You nudge her away from him with a socked foot, stuttering that she isn’t usually like this, honest, only for him to brush it off kindly.
After supper, when you’re full and you can’t handle him looking at you with those half-lidded, well-fed bear eyes anymore, you move to pick up the dishes and bring them to the kitchen.
“Ah ah,” John cuts in front of you, stealing the plates and cutlery. “You cooked, I’ll clean.”
Useless to argue - he’s built like a brick shithouse. You’re forced to pack up the leftovers, one container for you and one for him to take home. For no reason other than you’re feeling especially soft and gooey, you wrap up a few homemade fig and date granola bars for him to take too.
“Thank you,” he gruffs, rolling his sleeves to his elbows, flexing his forearm muscles, making you hot again.
“It’s really the least I can-”
Snap. Fuck, the day that creepy noises don’t happen near your house is the day you convert to whatever religion that’ll make it happen. Both your heads turn to the living room window, where the sound came from, a crack in the otherwise quiet night air.
Anxiety curls in your stomach, sharp and dreadful. You try to remind yourself that you live in the woods for gods sake, there’s gonna be sounds, but that awful sense of danger is back and if you were Diva your hackles would be raised.
John frowns, wiping his hands on a towel. He doesn't seem as phased as you are, probably because he’s not worried over boogeymen haunting the forest like you are, but when he looks back at you and sees your fright he leans in and murmurs that he’ll go take a look.
“It’s okay, it’s probably one of my furry friends,” you try, but he shakes his head, putting a palm on your hip for a brief moment as reassurance and then he’s out the door.
God, you’re so nervous you whip out a bottle of wine, desperate for a little courage. The feeling is so strange, you’re used to feeling safe and cushioned by your home, by the forest. Even your little dog whimpers, tapping her way into the kitchen, rubbing her face on your leg like a cat. She’s a comfort still, something about there being a more nervous person (or animal) that inspires bravery. Still, you won't peek out the window.
The wine is good. A little too dry, but still good. A housewarming gift from your mother, even though she knew you didn’t drink unless it was social.
Or unless you were nervously waiting for some man to come back, having dealt with your problems for you. She’d weep to see you, aproned and wringing your hands and sipping red wine too quickly. Whatever, you think. There’s nothing wrong with letting him help.
John comes back in, maybe a few minutes later or maybe a half hour, you can’t tell. Your wine is half empty, and you feel awkward about it so you pour him one without asking.
“Think you’ve got more than one furry friend,” John says, laughter in his voice. In his fingers he’s got tufts of light brown hair, which he holds up. “Dinner, if you hunt.”
“Ah, I don’t,” and you wouldn’t. You’re fine eating meat or even purchasing it from a local hunter to eat, but there’s something in you that’s deeply uncomfortable with the idea. Maybe it’s cowardice, unable to do the dirty work and yet enjoying the fruits of someone else’s labour. Maybe you’re putting stock in something that really isn’t worth stressing over. Either way, you’re overthinking, and only stop when John steps into your space.
“Hey- you alright, darling?” You like darling too, just as much as honey.
“Yeah, sorry,” your hands find the wine glass you poured for him, and you hand it over. One thing about abstaining is that it hits you quickly, even with the big meal. “Want to sit? I’ve got a fireplace.”
You cringe at yourself, not meaning to sound so suggestive. Oh well, he doesn’t seem to mind, just nods and takes you by the elbow again to your living room.
“This all the heading you’ve got?” John asks.
“Er, no. I have to get my windows insulated for winter, then I can turn the heating on without it all going to waste. For now, I make do with the fireplace,” when you sit, Diva runs to you both and demands to be swaddled in her blanket. It’s an old knitted one, a college project finished between essay assignments and readings. There’s sentimental value there, especially with your pup who doesn’t even let the presence of a strange man come between her and her cozying up.
“I can help with that,” John says. Briefly, Westley pops into your head shouting As you wish! and it makes you smile.
“That’s okay,” you sip, tasting spice. Would’ve been good with dinner. “I owe you double now for helping me again.”
“Not at all, sweetheart.” Oh, he’s full of names - and getting bolder. 
The conversation ebbs and flows naturally. Sometimes you both sit in silence, sipping, refilling glasses, staring at the fire. He’s easy to talk to, soothing, his confidence and sureness leaving you relaxed.
“I better get going,” he grunts as he stands, extending a palm to you.
“Are you okay to drive?” You’re half worried, half disappointed. There’s been a steadily building sense of heat between your legs the entire evening, brought on by his touches and his pet names and his taking care of you
“Don’t worry about me, sweetheart. I live close-by.” That’s one mystery solved.
“Well, okay. But will you call when you get home?” If you weren’t three glasses in, you might be embarrassed. John crinkles his eyes at you while he puts his boots on.
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“John?” You’re in your pajamas, face hastily cleaned with a makeup wipe. Your door is double locked again, anxiety beaten down by the wine.
“I’m home,” he sounds distant. You can’t really hear anything, just his breathing, the sounds of him taking off his coat and his boots. “You tucked in bed, sweetheart?”
“I am,” you breathe, eyes slipping, drunker than you thought you were. “Did you drive okay?”
“I did,” he laughs. His keys jingle and make a clamor as he tosses them. You imagine him in a house that fits him, a log cabin or a house built by hand, before remembering he’s talking with someone. Disappointment dampens you a little.
“I guess I should let you get to bed then,” you try to keep it out of your voice, but you’re curled on your side with a hand pressed against your clothed pussy and it’s hard not to be sad at the fact that you have no idea if he’s actually been flirting with you, or just being friendly.
“You sound disappointed,” either he’s perceptive, or you’re more obvious than you’re trying to be. “Don’t worry, I won’t leave you without saying goodnight.”
A pulse, between your legs. You rub with all four fingers, moving the phone away from your mouth.
“That’s okay, I don’t want to keep you,” you scrunch your eyes shut, trying to stop, not being able to. You’re starved, really, haven’t been touched or talked to like you’re desirable in quite some time and he makes you feel safe. Taken care of.
“You touching that wet little cunt, sweetheart?” A shockwave, from your nipples tightening to your toes tingling, curling. You stop hiding, breathing whines into the phone.
“I’m so sorry,” you mumble, biting your lips. It feels like permission, and maybe it is or maybe it isn’t, but you stuff your hand into your pants and start focusing on your needy clit. “I’m so-”
“Shh, sh, sh,” you hear a mattress creak, a grunt, and imagine him laying back. Maybe palming his cock. “That’s okay, baby, I could tell how needy you were.”
Panting, you stuff two fingers in your soft hole, grinding your palm into your clit. You hear him making sounds, quieter than you, but you’re straining to hear them.
He starts talking you through it, murmuring into your ear, calling you sweetheart and honey and baby, telling you to put three fingers in and to play with your tits.
“Go ahead and touch your nipples, sweetheart, go on,” his breath is growing laboured. “Needed to come so she could sleep, did she?”
For a moment, you think he’s talking about you.
“Poor little pussy needed some attention,” his voice gets rougher again, like when he walked in and saw that you had made him a roast. “Give it to her then, baby, go on, let her come.”
That’s all you need. You squeeze your nipples one last time, letting your tits out of your shirt and turning over to hump your hand unashamedly. Your clit drags against your palm still, hips desperately moving, listening to him grunting and groaning on the other side of the call, waiting to hear him come before you let go.
You shake, shiver, curl into yourself as your core tightens and explodes like an elastic band snapping. It’s great, just what you needed, and you’re half asleep by the end of it
“John..” you mumble into your pillow, just enough consciousness left to pull your hand out of your pajama pants.
“It’s alright, it’s time to sleep now, alright? Close your eyes.”
“Alright, John.”
“Good girl,” his voice is distant, sleep taking you, muscles more relaxed than they’ve been in so long.
You’ll deal with the rest in the morning.
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thesassypadawan · 3 months
Perfect Pet (Burnt Darth Vader X FemPetReader)
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Summary: You’re such a perfect pet, letting him do to you like he pleases…whenever…wherever. Even if it’s on his throne, before an unwilling audience.
Warnings: 18+ (minors dni), because all the lovely smut. Public sex, some manhandling…and Vader’s big, scarred dick.
- ‘Look at you, taking my cock so well in this tiny cunt. So wet, so tight. Such a perfect pet, letting me do to you like I please…whenever…wherever. Is that not correct?’
- A whine is your only response. As your lord pounds into you…as he bounces you on his lap. All the while sitting upon his throne…all before the eyes of two of his ‘most trusted’ generals.
- In the beginning you attempt to maintain the small amount of dignity you possess… To not tip your hand at how much you enjoy this…
- However it's difficult to do so when you've been stripped of your clothes. Thick length driving into you over and over. Scar tissue rubbing your gummy walls deliciously. Slick trickling down your thighs, his glistening in the ominous red light.
- The sound of slapping is nearly deafening to your ears. Echoing off the marble walls. Mingling with your desperate cries, begging for him to… “Touch me. Please, my lord. Please.”
- Dark laughter rings throughout your mind. ‘Filthy thing.’ And a gloved hand finds your neglected nub; circling, teasing it with the grainy texture. ‘Close…already?’
- Fluttering and clenching, the heat inside you becoming overwhelming. You mewl softly, hanging your head. Trying to conceal the flush of embarrassment…not wanting to meet their gazes.
- Grabbing your chin, he pulls your head back up roughly. ‘No, let them see. See how I make you feel…how beautiful that face is when I make you cum.’
- “Y-yes…yes, m-my lord.” Pinching your clit hard, a feral moan flies from your mouth. Fingers grip his strong legs tightly, nails dig in. Clutching onto him, seeking to anchor yourself. Pussy spasming around him, drenching his cock.
- Hips stutter then stop, hands glide up your sides. Rubbing them surprisingly gently, soothingly as you slowly come down from your high…ridding out the last pleasurable waves of your orgasm.
- This seemingly kind treatment does not last long. You barely catch your breath when he begins to rock back and forth. ‘Love it… You love being a personal cocksleeve… Being kriffed stupid, until you can no longer walk…’ Before bucking wildly; driving, pounding into you brutally.
- Grasping at your chest, he tugs and rolls your nipples between his fingers. You're so sensitive, so overstimulated that your head falls back onto his shoulder. Lips parting, a weak whimper escaping you. Peak quickly building, release rapidly approaching. “I… I…”
- Slapping your breast harshly, you cry out. Whole body tensing up, clenching. The faint sound of growling in the back of your mind. ‘Of course you do… Now be a good whore…let go… I know you can easily give me another…’
- Tweaking your pebbled buds with one hand, squeezing your hip with the other. Phantom fingers play with, invisible teeth nip at your clit. While he thrusts into you unbridled, deeply. Bruising your poor cervix repeatedly.
- Eyes go cross, vision blurs. Tears that have been held at bay, stream freely down your face. Unraveling completely, totally. Incoherent babbles falling from your lips, head slumping forward.
- His hips slow and stutter again. ‘What did I say?’ Fingers hook underneath your chin, tilting your face back up. ‘Let them see…’
- Forcing you to stare your unwilling audience in the eye. As he drags his length against your spent walls, the ridges sending sparks of ecstasy down your spine. ‘I want them to see my little slut…my perfect pet… When she comes undone once more… When I finally fill her up…to the very brim.’
- “Y-yes, my lord…” You mewl pathetically, tremble uncontrollably. Allowing him to do to you like he pleases…whenever…wherever… “Th-thank you…”
Tag List: @espinathena-17, @myheartwillgoon2022, @wifeofasith, @loverforoldermen
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f4nrir · 1 year
I've saw that you had written something for Miguel o hara and I've been simping hard for him ever since the trailers came out. And I've been needing some male reader so if you dont think it's to much to write about Miguel being really desperate for reader and needing reader inside of him which leads to Miguel tearing his suit open for reader to use and finally use him. If this is alot then am sorry for taking up space it just that I've never seen someone write for male reader for 2099.
一 pairing; miguel o'hara x male reader
note: no worries, i'm currently hyperfixated on miguel. this was fun to write, hope you like it! [ slightly proofread ] .
cw: bottom!miguel, breeding, sexual tension, rough & outdoor sex.
word count: 1.4k
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“fuck– it’s too hot in this suit,” you murmured as you grabbed hold of your mask, taking it off swiftly. you and miguel had been patrolling for the night on the outskirts of your city after being alerted by your officials. 
the way you said “fuck” made miguel’s head spin, the tension only building up even further. this whole time miguel has been fighting his own urges to make a move but was far too embarrassed in an environment like this. even if the location was miles away from the headquarters, he did not want to risk being caught by anybody. everything about you from your touseled hair to your suit hugging tightly around your shape made him flustered and tried to stay out of your gaze. 
you noticed him turn away and raised a brow, wondering if he had seen something in the distance or was simply feeling unwell. “you alright, mig?” you asked, slightly teasing him with the nickname you loved using. he let out a small huff through his mask and saw the misty cloud escape through it, as the temperature outside was a bit colder than usual but you didn’t mind. 
“yeah, don’t worry. just a bit cold,” he replied and you shrugged your shoulders, taking a seat on a nearby rock. miguel glanced over at you as you rested your elbows on your thighs, causing your suit to stretch around your arms. from all of the training you’ve had over the years, it definitely paid off, and staring at you simply made miguel’s stomach feel warm.
“y’know, this is so useless..” you grunted and he raised a brow, humming a small “hm?” under his breath. “there’s no threat. is everyone just on edge? because personally, i’d rather be home under the covers.” annoyed, you kicked a tiny pebble off to the side and slightly leaned your head back out of frustration. 
miguel’s breathing changed as he continued to watch you, not paying attention to any of the words you just said. he was focused on your breathing and how your neck flexed against your suit, your adam’s apple becoming prominent. he sat down across from you, causing you to look up at him and he seemed more tense than usual. you furrowed your eyebrows together, afraid that there was something on his mind, and refused to tell you about it.
“are you sure you’re alright?” you asked and there was a pause before he answered, “of course, what makes you think i’m not?” he spoke as if he was reading off of a script and you rolled your eyes.
“you aren’t talking much and you sound like you’re so miserable, is it that difficult to be around me?” you playfully joked and yes, it was difficult. miguel was sitting there fantasizing about you and he couldn’t do anything about his thoughts as he was trying to get ahold of himself. until it got too much and he felt a familiar tightness on the lower half of his suit, covering his lap in embarrassment. 
“no, i’m not miserable and it is not difficult to be around you. i’m just thinking about the project we’ve been working on is all,” he mumbled as he began fidgeting with his hands, causing his knuckles to brush against his boner. miguel let out a hiss, trying to cover it with a lame cough but you never thought anything of it. you got up, pacing around in front of him, trying to think of what to do for the next hour. miguel continued to watch you, his eyes examining each move you made. he felt like a pervert but couldn’t help his thoughts as you were standing right in front of him, his desperation for you only growing stronger by the minute. when you turned around, miguel got up from his seat and stood right behind you, pressing his body against your back. 
“hey, do you–” you felt something poke against you, knowing that familiar feeling. “i can’t do this anymore,” he grunted in your ear, wrapping his strong arms around your waist. you licked the top row of your teeth, watching his hand slowly trail down to your own bulge. 
“miguel..” you warned as you leaned into his touch, bucking your hips up against his hand. you moved out of his grasp and turned around to face him. 
you took off his mask for him, revealing his lustful eyes. his fangs poked through his lips and you found it adorable, grabbing a hold of his face to make him watch what you were going to do. he looked down, his eyes trailing to your hand as you rubbed your hand against his cock. miguel let out a gasp, causing him to bite down on his lip and poked himself with his own fangs. he winced but was too focused on the pleasure you were giving him. 
“so this is what got you all hot ‘n bothered, hm?” you teased, and he whined as he tried to press himself against you even further. miguel got tired of the teasing and took matters into his own hands as he pressed his lips against yours, hungrily kissing you. it caught you by surprise and you placed your hands on his shoulders, gripping tightly onto his suit. 
“please.” he whined into the kiss, his hands tampering with his own suit. you pressed on the emblem on your chest, causing your suit to disenthrall from your figure. without thinking about the consequences of his actions, miguel tore open his suit for easier access as his suit was more complicated to get out of. the sound of the fabric tearing made your eyes widen, knowing it took him so long to perfect every aspect of it. 
“¿tan desesperado estás?” you whispered against his mouth as you signaled for him to jump, pinning him against a nearby wall. 
“cállate.” he hissed, connecting your lips together once again. you took your cock in your hand, noticing the precum that was spilling out. miguel bit down on your shoulder, feeling his sharp teeth pierce through your skin, causing you to let out a loud moan. 
“fuck me already. please, stop making me wait. i’m so des– fuck!” he whined in your ear, feeling his hot breath against it. you thrust into him without any warning, forcing your cock to go in. you felt him stretch around you, a string of curses slipping out of your mouth. “you’re so tight miguel…” you grunted through your gritted teeth, finally putting all of it inside of him. 
you used one arm to stabilize yourself and the other to hold miguel, keeping him close to your body. miguel dug his claws into your back as you pounded into him, not giving him any time to adjust to you. he threw his head back against the wall and you looked at him, thinking it was such a pretty sight to see him so desperate for you. 
you quickened your pace, each thrust began to be harder and rougher. miguel’s moans filled the air as he did not care to be loud, noticing him stare off into nothing as if he was so cock drunk. you took this as encouragement, slamming into him as you felt your orgasm reaching its peak. 
miguel seemed to notice too, mumbling in your ear, “breed me… please” as that was all that he could let out. you smiled, pressing a kiss against his temple, “good boys get what they want”. you buried your face into his neck as you came, moaning his name out loud as you made sure to pin his ass against your cock. miguel followed shortly after, gasping for air as he moaned your name over and over again. you stood there, still inside him as you wanted to make sure you filled him up. 
“you alright?” you asked with concern, looking up at him. he pressed his forehead against yours, a smirk plastered across his face. 
“of course. getting fucked by you is always the best thing… and don’t you dare move.” he sternly ordered, wrapping his arms around your shoulders to keep himself steady. 
“i wasn’t planning to just yet. but what about your suit?” you asked and he pointed at his wrist cuff, not noticing it before.
“i made a new prototype. thought i’d test it out tonight…” he mumbled, closing up the space between you two to kiss you once again. he began to move his hips, earning a groan from you.
“you fuckin’ whore… you do realize that there are cameras right?” you pointed up at one and he placed his hand behind your nape, pulling you closer to him.
“then let them watch.”
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changisworld · 3 months
Feminisation with Changbin
Changbin x afab!reader
word count:1,791
18+, MDNI!! smut below the cut
©ANY translation, copy & paste, posting of my work is strictly forbidden for ANY posts/ writing i post.
third part of my 8 part masterlist of the extension of this & this headcanon of the members!!;3
Kinks & pleasures masterlist heremain masterlist here
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->SMUT WARNINGS:Subby binnie, dom reader, mommy kink, teasing, ball fondling, tit worship, BINNIE IN LINGERIE!!, use of bullet vibrator, subspace, reader calls binnie 'pretty girl' & 'baby', praise, overstimulation, use of lube, binnies cock is called a pussy, multiple orgasms
Ever since you first laid eyes on Changbin, you genuinely thought he would be a dom through in & throughout but oh how wrong you were!
There's nothing little Binnie likes more than to dress up in pretty lace bralettes & thigh high socks, but he was too scared to tell you at first, scared you would judge him, so poor baby hid it instead & he would only do it when you're not home.
He loves to buy you pretty sets of lingerie, you not knowing he partly bought them for himself too. He goes through your top drawer & likes to take them out & trying them on around his bigger frame, liking to admire himself in the mirror, sometimes going as far as to spray a tiny tiny tiny bit of your perfume on him & putting some of his favourite of your choices of blush, enhancing his already slightly tinged cheeks.
He has done this ever since he got access to your closet, not wanting to ever buy his own in case he ever got caught, but it could only go on for so long, before you did catch him you did.
Since you caught him in one of your black lacey thongs & fishnets, you had an actual conversation with him & you find out all the details of his new & biggest kink, & that's how you've both ended up in this situation.
You're sitting on the back of your legs beside Changbin on the bed, him wearing a pretty, mesh nightgown with a fluffy hem around the bottom & along the cups, his dark nipples visible through the see through fabric, pebbled.
You're rubbing on his thick cock, your hand & his cock along with his balls, coated with lube for extra sensitivity & the squelching noises are probably loud enough for the entire street row of houses to hear & Changbin's whines & whimpers are almost just as loud.
"S-so much, so much" he babbles, looking up at you with watery eyes, his thighs tensing non stop & his fingers curling into the bedsheets, not daring to reach out & touch you since you haven't told him he can.
"Aww, my sweet Binnie, so good f'me aren'cha?" you ask, your hand going at a rapid pace, twisting up & down on his cock, putting the tiniest bit of extra pressure around his tip, leaning down to blow on it, making his hips buck.
"Yes! So good for y-you" he wips back, trying his best to keep his eyes open so he can look at you & you just chuckle at his words, struggling to get them out.
You reach to the side of you & pick up the small purple bullet vibrator & you remove your hand from his throbbing dick, which makes him let out a small whine but he quickly relaxes a small bit, getting a break from the overstimulation, but of course, you are quick to get back at it.
"Spread your legs for me sweetie" you tell him as you put your hand on his thighs to help him open them anyway, not as if you needed to since he would listen to anything you say in a heart beat.
Changbin takes it upon himself to hold his legs back enough, letting you get a view of his pretty hole & you let out a hum in approval, making Changbin even more flustered.
"Is it pretty mommy?" he asks, his voice having nerves laced in throughout it. "Don't ask silly questions, my Binnie, it's thee prettiest, you ready?" you respond, using the lube that is still coated on your hand to slick up the small vibrator before aligning it up with his fluttering hole.
"Yes mama, go slow, please" he pleads & you take pity on him, the poor baby is still a bit nervous & you can tell by the resistance as you push the small vibrator inside of him, turning it on as you put it in the full way & the cry that leaves his chest is unlike anything you've ever heard come from him before, it honestly catches you by surprise & he leaks even more onto his tummy.
You stop him from jerking his hips so much by moving up to straddle him, your legs caging him in & you set your cunt, covered by your own.. your shared panties as you grind over his hard cock, the cum from a previous orgasm you pulled from him still sprayed on him.
"You're so beautiful for me, pretty girl, all dressed up for me, hmm?" you tease as you lean down & kiss him, smudging the thin layer of lip gloss you painted over his puffy lips, not that he is in any mind to care anyway, far too distracted by the strong vibrations shooting up his spine, his hips jerking into you as much as he can, whining into your lips & his hands come up to rest on your hips, but you decide to cut him the slack & let him do so.
You let your fingers reach up to pull down his little night gown's boob cups & you let them attach to his little nipples & you twist them & flick them playfully, making Changbin cry onto the tongue that's now exploring his mouth, tasting him.
"Your tits are to die for baby, wanna touch them forever" you purr as you slide down the tiniest amount & let a glob of spit land right on his nipple, teasing him the extra amount by rolling your tongue out to let it fall before curling your tongue as you let it sit back in your mouth & Changbin is in his own little world, little purrs & whines being all he is saying but his eyes are not leaving yours, trying his best to not let them roll to the back of his head because he would be stupid to let himself miss the sight in front of him.
"Mommy, fuck me, please! want you so bad" he whimpers, his teary boba eyes looking up at you, nothing but neediness in them. "You want me to play with your little pussy? Do you think my baby deserves it?" you question, pinching his now spit covered nipples as you keep grinding on his cock, your own juices coating it along with the lube from earlier.
"I've been good! Wanna c-cum with y-in you! too g-good y/nnie" he cries, his toes curling behind you & you giggle as you reach behind him to start fondling his heavy, swollen balls & he lets out a screach at the feeling & he throws his head back into the pillows as much as he can, the feeling getting too much for the poor baby.
You flip yourself around so you're facing his legs in a reverse cowgirl position as you keep grinding on hi, your panties completely soaked through & have been for a long time by this point but the fabric is still slightly scatching against binnies cock & he cannot keep still for the life of him.
You keep playing with his balls & you reach down enough to feel the very edge of the vibrator & you use your fingers to pull just enough out so you can grip it with two fingers before you start to push it in & out the best you can, watching the way his hole swallows it gladly, barely even clenching anymore, the man you're sitting on so beyond the point of being grounded, his mind blank, & you notice this.
"C-cuming, mama, Cum-ming!" he squeaks as his legs shake & his balls pulsate in your hand & his shaft jumps off his tummy, cumming all over himself. You slow down grinding on his cock after realising his body language has changed & he has gone really quiet apart from the small whimpers of overstimulation & his orgasm fading off.
"You still there binnie? You with me?" you question, pulling out the vibrator & he just responds with a whimper at the loss of contact.
"Cmon sweetie, you floating?" you half tease as you turn around again, robbing Changbin of an already second orgasm, the friction from your panties driving his cock crazy again instantly, his chubby cock not even having time to soften, he is just enjoying it so much! which you didn't even mean to do & he just lets out a small, quiet whine at the feeling.
He nods, not even opening his eyes to respond to you, he is leaking precum all over himself, the tip of his cock a darker, more red shade than you think you've ever seen it & you are honestly buzzing at the sight of him like this, you feel so proud for making him crumble for you like this.
"Wanna keep going pretty?" you ask, leaning forward to stroke & move his dampened, curly poodle hair out of his red face, the little bit of mascara you helped him apply completely smudged on his under eyes & a few streaks dried into the top parts of his cheeks.
Changbin doesn't give a verbal response again, but he nods his head again as his big arms wrap around you & pull you forward so your face is buried in his neck & he strokes your hair with one hand as he breaths heavily, his clotheless chest against yours, the contact of your skin against his nipples making his cock jump.
"I won't keep going since you're too far gone & we've not spoken about it much mkay? I'll go clean you up n cuddle with you" you say in a soft voice as you move off of him & you run to the bathroom before coming back with a damp, luke warm tea towel & you wipe the sweat off his face before cleaning all of the slightly dried lube, his orgasms & your own juices that's soaked through your underwear before giving him the cup of water you also brought through & feeding him it.
"You are so good for me, you're adorable." you say as you kiss his full cheeks before nuzzling onto his chest, not wanting to overwhelm him, despite you not being able to see him with the way you're lying, he can't help but blush even more & lightly smile at your words & affection.
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Remi posting more than once a week?? SINCE WHEN??
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fruitcoops · 2 months
Please, Please, Please
Cubs beach day in Nice and prompt C4: "Sunscreen" for day 2 of @oknutzy-week-2024! Characters belong to @lumosinlove (except Colette)!
“You,” Logan began, rubbing his hand faster until an aggressive thwap-thwap-thwap punctuated his words. “Are not going to be embarrassing me here, ouais?”
“Okay—Jesus, Lo—yes, alright, I got it.”
Logan pulled back and examined his handiwork. Functional. For now. Down the beach, Leo already looked half-asleep in the sun, and Finn’s longing glances toward him were not even slightly hidden. The breeze ushered a cloud further along; the sudden sunburst made Finn squint.
Logan huffed and squirted another dollop of sunscreen onto his palm, aiming for Finn’s shoulder this time.
“Oh my god, Tremz.”
“You’re going to burn!” he insisted. Finn squirmed away, but he had never been able to shake Logan. Not on the ice, and certainly not on a pebbled beach he’d been traversing since literal infancy. He smoothed out a stray arc of white over Finn’s spine and watched goosebumps flare on his arm. “What would you do without me, eh? Crisp? Like toast?”
“You sound like your grandmother.”
“If I bring back a lobster boyfriend, she’ll think I don’t know how to take care of you!” Logan wiped the excess on Finn’s waist and nodded, satisfied. “Bon.”
Finn quirked a grin at him. “Am I free to go?”
He was so sweet in the sun. So sparkly, copper and amber and caramel catching in his hair where the salt air had starched soft waves. Logan came close and pressed a kiss to each of his summer-warm cheeks. “I love your freckles too much to let them roast.”
“Hmm.” Finn turned his head slightly to the side, pushing his smile into Logan’s cheek. “Just my freckles?”
“And maybe you, a little,” he conceded.
Finn’s hands were pleasantly cool when he ran them along Logan’s sides in a long up-and-down. “A little?”
“Maybe a little more.”
“Enough to bring me home.”
Logan scrunched his nose at him. “I had to bring you, or the hot blond wouldn’t come.”
Finn slapped the sunscreen bottle from his hands with Logan’s favorite wordless sound of affronted disapproval—nearly a squawk, mostly a whine, almost his name. He snatched the bottle just before it hit the coarse sand and took off at a jog, dodging driftwood and clumps of drying seaweed.
Nice was beautiful in the summer. There was a reason he had brought Finn here, years ago. Finn hadn’t known a lick of French and Logan had hardly known what to do with himself watching the autumn reds of Harvard against a backdrop of blue and purple, but it was perfect. Still was. He knew just where to step to make the dock silent as he slowed and made his way to the far end, matching the steady rock of the current as it broke on the sand below.
“ ‘Jour.”
A lazy smile spread over Leo’s lips when Logan knelt to straddle him, knees sinking into the soft towel they had brought down from his grandmother’s house. She utterly adored Leo, with his cherub curls and his good manners and (most delightfully) the ability to speak French. They hadn’t stopped chatting in nearly a week. Logan could listen to it forever.
Leo stretched, torso arching, arms overhead, ankles popping behind Logan—and relaxed, one wildflower-blue eye peering up. “You’ve got a halo,” he murmured. “Mon ange.”
Logan sighed through his nose and let his weight rest heavy across Leo’s waist. His breaths were measured with the comfort of a beach day. The sun had been kissing him golden since the first hot day in June; a week lounging on the coast of France practically made him glow.
“Le mien.” He drew a line down the center of Leo’s chest, where tiny freckles peeked through if you knew where to look. Mine.
Leo’s smile widened until his eyes crinkled. “You sound different here.”
“C’est, um…” He raised a hand with great effort, tapping his fingers together like a crab claw. “Taffy. Smoother. Fancy.”
“You don’t sound like anybody here,” Logan laughed, relishing the judder of Leo’s belly beneath him. “But, my grandmère loves you anyway.”
“Yeah, she does,” Leo said, prodding him in the chest. “We talk all day long and she doesn’t say I sound funny once. You, on the other hand…”
“Ah! Un petit caneton! Ouais-ouais-ouais, coin-coin-coin-coin,” Logan mimicked.
Leo’s laughter nearly unseated him; he had hardly caught his breath when a shadow cooled Logan’s shoulder, and he leaned blindly into Finn’s thigh. “Are you being bullied into proper skincare, too?” Finn asked.
Leo tilted his head back with a hum. “We’re discussing how Madame Colette likes me better, thinks my French sounds exotique, and calls her only grandson a duck because he speaks like un canadien.”
Finn tapped the bill of Logan’s hat, knocking it off his head. “So you’re Frenching without me and not manhandling Leo into sunscreen? Preferential treatment, much?”
Logan blinked up at him with all the emptyheaded innocence he could muster. “C’est quoi? Je ne parle pas l’anglais, j’regrette.”
Finn’s lips pursed—his ears reddened. “He’s so sorry,” Leo translated before Finn could open his mouth. His hands slid up Logan’s thighs, high enough to edge on indecent but steady enough that Logan really didn’t care. “He just came here to swim and hang out with his hot boyfriend. Doesn’t know a thing about sunscreen, do you, baby?”
A gentle flick to the forehead was a small price to pay for propping his chin on Finn’s knee. “Here in France,” he said, laying on a thick false accent. “We don’t…’ow do you say…burn? I have never ‘eard of zees sun-screen you speak of.”
Finn looked at him for a long moment, then down at Leo. Chocolate-brown eyes fell on Logan again and he batted his lashes. It drove Finn fucking crazy when he did that, less in the sexy way and more in the don’t you give me those eyes you menace way. Logan employed it often for petty crimes like leaving one chip in the bag and putting it back in the pantry, just to watch Finn’s head explode for his own amusement.
Finally, Finn clucked his tongue. “I’m getting on the plane home without you. Good luck finding a redhead in France.”
Logan caught him around the calf with both arms when he began stepping back. Finn pulled, but he stood no chance when a featherlight kiss found the base of his thigh. “You’ll love me in the morning,” Logan countered. “When you aren’t stuck inside with aloe all over.”
“I happen to like staying inside and doing puzzles with Madame Colette.”
“Grandmère will keep trying to teach you French,” he threatened.
Finn narrowed his eyes, though he had long since stopped trying to free his leg. “Maybe this time I’ll learn, and then we can make fun of you together.”
“You won’t get to see the surprise,” Leo singsonged.
Logan frowned down at him, confused. “What surprise?”
Leo took his lower lip between his teeth and looked up at Finn, plucking at the hem of Logan’s swim trunks. “Remember when Lo and I went into town for bread yesterday?”
“…yes,” Finn said slowly.
“He got a really tiny swimsuit.” Logan watched Finn’s eyes widen. “And if you burn, you won’t get to see it.”
“It’s green,” Logan offered helpfully.
The corner of Finn’s jaw worked. “That’s a hard bargain,” he said at last. He beckoned Logan up with one finger and took the sunscreen back from him, setting it down by Leo. There was a curious, analytical look in his eye that made Logan want to know everything and nothing all at once. “I’ll think on it.”
“Can I help you make up your mind?” he teased.
“Yeah, actually,” Finn said, brightening. “You can.”
Logan’s pulse kicked. One week here with them had left him feeling like he’d been soaked in honey, and it only seemed to get better. He had barely been nineteen when he first brought Finn along. This future had not even been in his best daydreams. “Quoi, rouge?”
“You can cool off.”
The sudden shove to his chest caught him by surprise—the clash of the ocean around him silenced Leo’s bark of laughter in a blur of bubbles and blue. He could see Finn’s wobbly outline sketched out by the sun. Where the water drew him down to smooth gray pebbles, they drew him up, and he kicked off the bottom with the world waiting above.
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wolven91 · 6 months
It's Cold Outside
Space isn't as cold as one expects.
Oh sure, in the shadow of something; it's freezing, but exposed to a star and no way to naturally dissipate the heat? It gets hot quickly. Having a robust method of cooling one's ship is vital, otherwise the crew would cook within hours. One's ability to cool one's systems is the deciding factor of how much a ship can do in most situations. Problem arise though when that system goes on the fritz and doesn't stop cooling.
On its own, Neil wouldn't have really had an issue. Maybe put on an extra jacket or hoodie? Sure, it was cool, but it wasn't cold. Unfortunately, Yil'ro was a ssypno and cold blooded.
She wasn't cruel, evil, or mean. She was not cold blooded in that sense, but more literally; she made very little of her own heat and without enough heat, she would slow down, become sluggish and eventually fall into a coma. The ship wasn't huge, it was enough for a grand total of eleven crew members. Yil'ro was missed when she didn't appear at breakfast.
When the human had gone to check on her in her, comparatively to her size, tiny quarters, he'd keyed the door open to find her trying desperately to warm up. Blankets covered her and several instant hot food snacks resting against her gently steaming into the air-conditioned room.
"It's... Not... not enough..." She explained haltingly. Coiling herself into a tight knot, causing the hot-pots to wobble. 
Neils, unafraid of the blue Titanoboa, stepped up and placed a hand on the nearest loop of her tail in a show of care and solidarity.
"Is there anything I can do? I can bring more blankets?" The man suggested, genuinely concerned for his friend of the last three months. However, she reacted to his touch, pushing into his palm.
"By the storm snake's blessing, your hands are like a fire..." She murmured, seemingly not hearing him.
Emboldened, the man rubbed his palms together quickly and placed both back onto the coil, which surged up again and into his hands. Neil had always delighted in the deep blue scales of Yil'ro, they were so dark that without light they looked almost black. Currently they shimmered and moulded under his touch. 
"Is this helping?"
"Should I get everyone else?"
"It doesn't work like this with t-them. Too much fur. Feels cold."
The skin. Humans were alone in the universe with regards to how little they had to cover them. A bit of hair, here and there, but nothing even close to the full head to tail covering of pelt that most of the other races had. Skin on scale transferred heat with such efficiency, that it had been reported that humans who touched the draconians, geckins or the ssypno; felt heavenly.
Neils frowned as he tried to think of a solution, before his mind offered him one.
There was a second of debate, but all it took was to see Yil'ro's miserable face, pulled tight against her coils to make the decision for him.
The man put his weight onto the coil in front of him and vaulted it, swinging a leg up and over it. The size of a ssypno can not be understated. They regularly reached forty to forty-five feet in length with the potential to get much, much bigger. Even with his leg thrown over one of her smaller coils, his toes barely touched the floor.
"Ooh.. What-? Neil?!" Yil'ro started, apparently opening her eyes to see what had just briefly provided two legs' worth of heat across one section of her tail. "What are you... you doing?" She asked, flinching as she shivered with the cold.
"It's an old human trick, sharing body heat."
"In life and death situations, skin on skin contact can save your life. I'm not offering, I'm instructing you-" Neil removed his top, the frigid air making his skin pebble. "-To coil me. Shut up! Just do it." Neil ordered with a firm tone, silencing Yil'ro before she could say another word.
Despite her cooled state, the speed at which a ssypno could move shocked the human as her torso appeared from the depths of her coils and embraced him with all four arms. Then, thick, muscular coils wrapped and coiled around the pair of them, sandwiching them together before the outside world was lost and all the remained was the sound of the ssypno and the human's breathing.
She was cool to the touch and Neils could feel the heat sap from him, before the air in the confined space began to warm notably.
"Oooh..." the chest Neil was pressed to rumbled. "Oh my..." Yil'ro murmured.
"I had always wondered... what it was like to hold you- I mean a human..." She corrected hastily. Neil just grinned.
"Enjoy what you like, I just want y-" Neil's words were cut off as he squeaked. One of the broad hands that were clasped down his back had twitched sidesways and given his rump a hard squeeze having him jerk forwards into her.
"You said 'enjoy'..." Yil'ro giggled, already seeming much closer to her old self. "Can we... do this every morning? It would definitely help me get moving..."
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namelessdumbass · 7 months
Meliora/Popestar Ghouls guide
I noticed some people still have trouble telling the Ghouls apart. Specifically Meliora era Ghouls. So i'll try to make things easier for all of you :)
WARNING: lots of text, my silly comments
Happy reading 😏
Learning which symbol/alchemic element (which was Martin Persner's/Omega's idea btw!) belongs to a certain Ghoul is essential:
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🜂- Fire, 🜄- Water, 🜁 - Air, 🜃 - Earth, 🜀 - Quintessence. The first Fire Ghoul was also called Alpha and the first Quintessence Ghoul - Omega. Why such names? Because Quintessence/Ether Ghoul had Ω sticker on his guitar and fans started calling him Omega and his counterpart - Alpha. These names just fit them perfectly. Meliora era was unique because neither of previous Papas, nor Cardinal/Papa 4 called Ghouls by their names/elements. Only Papa III did that.
There were few changes of lineups during Era 3 and some Ghouls were given different names by fans. Simply because naming their elements wasn't enough. Examples will be seen below.
Ways to tell them apart when they are on stage:
Their instruments and stickers.
They are placed in certain areas of the stage: Quintessence and Earth on Papa's right, Water in the middle, Air and Fire on Papa's left.
Different body types, eyes, rings, bracelets and tattoos.
The way they behave.
When they are off stage, on promo photos etc just take a look at their chests.
Even though every Ghoul has 5 elements embroidered on their suits, their respective element is highlighted.
HQ pictures are pretty helpful if y'all wanna find your favorite Ghoul.
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(from left to right: Air, Earth, Omega/Quintessence, Water and Alpha/Fire)
Also check this video of Papa III introducing Ghouls.
2015 lineup:
Air Ghoul #1. Simply Air. Joined Ghost in 2011. No tattoos, no rings. Usually quite calm on stage, favorite gesture is🤘 . Was the tallest Ghoul till 2017. Had cool keytar solo. Didn't move much.
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Pebble aka Earth Ghoul #2. Joined Ghost in June 2015. Smol (yes, smaller than Papa). Has intense stare. Literal beast when it comes to playing drums. Had a special way of throwing sticks to fans (literally footballed them into the crowd lol). Funny one.
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Quintessence Ghoul #1 aka Omega. Terzo's favorite Ghoul. His butt was smacked and grabbed by Papa countless times during Year Zero solo. Known for his stomping, graceful guitar playing style, has big silver rings on both hands and pretty eyes. Has the cutest laugh. Did lots of interviews when Special Ghoul wasn't around. Loves Abba. Has been in the band from 2010 till july 2016.
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Water Ghoul #4 aka Delta. Slightly shorter than Papa III. Joined in 2015. Sometimes kicks air (literal air, not his fellow Ghoul) on stage, also filled in for Alpha (when he injured his shoulder) and Omega for a few shows. Played rhythm guitar after Omega left. Has no rings, no visible tattoos, but has mad skills. Allegedly he's the one who tried to kick the dude who got on stage and kissed Terzo lol
His regular bass Omega's guitar
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Fire Ghoul #1 aka Alpha. Popular among fans. Hangs out with every Ghoul on stage, especially with Water and Pebble. Loves cameras, does✌ a lot, humps his guitar sometimes. Enjoys attention, a bit horny:) Also did a few interviews (mostly with Omega), has strong accent, also speaks Italian. Has rings and tattoos on both hands (had none during era 1 and 2!). Taller than Papa. Joined in 2010, left in november 2016.
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Omega left in july, so Water took over rhythm guitar and the first Ghoulette of the Ghost, Mist, was introduced. This lineup toured till the end of the year and nobody returned for Popestar tour in 2017.
Quintessence Ghoul #2. Basically just Water, but with different guitar and highlighted QE symbol on his uniform.
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Mist Ghoulette aka Water#5. Tiny💜, unlike Copia's Ghoulettes she wore the same outfit and mask (that looked a bit too big for her) just like other Ghouls. Badass bass player, has a ring, a tattoo on her finger and painted nails. Veeeeery calm. Cute as hell. Alpha liked her a lot.
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Fire, Earth and Air Ghouls were same as in 2015:
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(from left to right on this picture: Mist, Quintessence #2 (aka Delta/Water Ghoul#4), Alpha/Fire, Earth/Pebble, Air)
All of the previous Ghouls left and the new pack replaced them. If you see Ghouls who are +- same height as Papa, that's them!
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(Dewdrop/Water #7, Aether/Quintessence #3, Zephyr/Air #2, Ifrit/Fire #2, Ivy/Earth #3)
Ifrit aka Fire Ghoul #2. Chaotic, hyperactive, Papa's hype man. Same height as Terzo, sweet bean, has wiiiide chest dorito shaped No tattoos, no rings. Spins, dances, jumps a lot. Gets "shot" during Ghuleh/Zombie Queen. No 🜂 sticker on his guitar. Only toured till 2018.
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Aether aka Quintessence Ghoul #3. Beefy, jumps a lot, has rings and a bracelet. Always looks friendly. Plain black guitar with no QE symbol. Also pretty active, especially with his pal Ifrit. A bit taller than Papa III. Ran after Terzo when he got gragged off the stage by Papa Nihil's people. Joined in 2017, left in 2022.
P.S. since he's not Omega, his butt was safe during Year Zero solo 🙃
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Dewdrop aka Water Ghoul #6 aka Sodo. Smaller than Terzo. Has an aggressive guitar playing style. A bit horny (it got worse). No visible tattoos. Proudly played bass with someone's panties. Syncs with Ifrit and Aether during Ghuleh/Zombie Queen outro. Became Fire Ghoul #3 in 2018. He's still in the Ghost (as of february 2024).
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Zephyr aka chAir Ghoul #2. Sits on chair, a lot :) Charming, more active than previous Air ghoul. Loses it during Monstrance Clock, Per Aspera Ad Inferi and Cirice. Could be a great DJ. Almost the same height as Papa. Has a ring. His Mummy Dust keytar solo -[X]. Only toured till 2018.
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Ivy aka Earth Ghoul #3. Underrated, many don't know much about him. Was present only during European leg of the Popestar tour (from march till july). Has brown eyes, a tattoo and bracelets. Same height as Ifrit. Wasn't around much, but still did a great job. Was later replaced by Mountain.
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Mountain aka Earth Ghoul #4. Joined Ghost in july 2017. The tallest Ghoul. Hates shoes. Has a tattoo on the finger of his right hand, but you won't see shit on photos from this era because he wasn't photographed much and drummers usually get less attention than others in general:/ Quite calm comparing to Pebble. He's still in the band (as of february 2024).
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Honorable mentions:
Special Ghoul aka Phil. Has green eyes, speaks Swedish. Did lots of interviews, showed up to grab a few awards for Ghost, worships cats and loves Abba. Literally Papa in disguise (aka Fire Ghoul's uniform and mask). Has been in the shadows since 2017.
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Cowbell Ghoul. The myth, the legend. Played cowbell during "Ritual" and "If You Have Ghosts" a few times at the end of the Popestar tour in 2016. Tall, has a posture of a shrimp, always got shooed by Papa. Many want him back.
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Aaaand that's it. I hope it was helpful. Thanks for reading :)
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debb987 · 8 months
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feral babies upon ye
Rad looks up when he hears a hissy screech coming from the ceiling. He doesn't have more than a second to process what's falling before something small and very angry falls.
Right at his face.
He closes his eyes on reflex, more startled than hurt by tiny claws and little sharp teeth. His scales are too thick for skin to be pierced.
He feels a pebble? A chirping pebble? Land somewhere in the space between neck and shell, right behind his head. Another tiny on a shoulder, even if it doesn't stay put for long, little clawed feet running from one shoulder to the next before it takes refuge along with the chirping pebble, right in the pocket shell.
A larger weight is on his shell, he hears the sound of a scratched shell as the creature tries to escale up his scutes to reach the others.
Churring to reassure the tots (because the sounds are definitely turtle) he slowly raises an arm to carefully pry the hissy one away from his face— PFFF THE EYES!
Raph chuckles and craddles the angry tot to his chest, hoping that being close to the sound will call him down. The larger tot has reached his neck now, a tiny arm reaching forward as if to ask for the hissy one to be handed over.
Rad lays down on the floor, letting the tots decide what they want to do as he continues to churr reassuringly.
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sweetracha · 10 months
No thoughts only building snowmen with felix and then him getting grumpy bc yours looks cuter
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Do you Wanna Build a Snowman?
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"Lixie come on! You're going to catch a cold" you said as you rounded the corner in your new home.
"It'll all melt away! Hurry" Felix sounded like a little child worried about his double chocolate cookie crunch extreme scoop of ice cream.
Who could blame him though? Felix couldn't remember the last time he had seen snow. You mentioned how badly the streets would thick over with ice and be packed with white as far as the eye could see. To Felix, this could never be a bad thing. How could it be?
You ran through a mental checklist, ensuring you were both ready for the cold about to hit you. Sure, you were used to it by now but somedays the winter bites back. Felix on the other hand was ready to run out blind to his death, the Aussie would never survive without you.
Thick socks? Check.
Warm boots? Check.
Pants with leggings underneath? Double-check
Long sleeves? Check
Coats? Check and a matching check as Felix insisted you two had to have a matching set.
Gloves? Check much to Felix's complaining 
And finally, a hat to keep your head warm? Check!
When you opened the front door, Felix dashed out with excitement. You couldn’t help but laugh a bit at the pure joy on his face. He found the thickest pile of snow in the middle of your yard, where your garden used to be, and fell to his knees. You should have guessed the gloves would have been long forgotten by now as he feels the snow melt on his bare skin. There was no way to sneak up beside him as the unmistaken crunch of packed snow sounded from under your feet. You crouched next to him and took in all his beauty. It was his first life, wasn’t it?
“Lixie baby?” You asked softly, not wanting to disturb his fun. All you got back was a simple hum to acknowledge he was listening. “Do you want to build a snowman?” You thought he was about to die from how quickly he lit up.
“Yes! We could make a cute snow couple!” His mind went running with ideas.
“Pixie, have you ever built a snowman?”
“No but how hard could it be? Animal crossing taught me everything I need to know.”
Oh how wrong he was. Felix quickly realized he had put too much confidence in his ability to build a snow person. It wasn’t meant to be a competition but he decided himself to make it one. Then he looked over at yours, almost finished while he was barely started. 
Yours was perfectly round and white.
His was lumpy and had random mud stains all over.
Yours was perfectly proportional.
His head always ended up being bigger than the middle.
Yours had arms specifically grown by Mother Nature herself.
His looked as if a dog dragged them in.
Even the face on your snowman looked perfect! Brown buttons you stole out of the craft drawer, a little carrot nose from the fridge, little pebbles curved up into the biggest smile. You even broke off tiny flakes of bark to make the freckles on your snowman! 
Wait…freckles…on a snowman? Brown buttons, a big smile, a blue scarf, a matching hat, Felix’s missing gloves, and freckles.
“Y/n!” He didn’t know what to say so he decided to scream your name to get your attention. However, that backfired miserably as you fell straight on your butt onto the cold ground.
“Felix!” You yelled back. He ran as fast as he could to save you.
“I’m sorry…I just..your snowman…he is…” 
“He is you!” Felix swore the smile you shared could have cleared the skies. “Do you like him?”
“I LOVE HIM!!!” He got up close and personal to inspect every little detail. “How?”
“I’ve had some practice” He fell for your giggle every time.
“Mine looks so…sad” Just then the oversized head rolled off and smashed into pieces.
“Maybe I can help you? I bet we could make him a real find!” Felix liked this idea much more than the competition he was participating in.
“Gotta make Snowlix the perfect man!” Felix stated as if it was an indisputable fact.
“So snowbin, got it”
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The Sweetest Batch: @goblinracha @kaciidubs @channieandhisgoonsquad @comet-falls @ddyskz @jiminskies @j-onedrabbles @lixiesweetbrownie @marrivmel @caitlyn98s
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rinstaro · 2 years
Reader living their best life wearing a lil skirt n some thigh highs and sky cant take how cute they look and can’t resist making a creamy mess all over them while the reader begs him to hurry up and make them squirt but he js wants to take his time telling them how pretty they look in that lil Lacey top
Hella overstim
sky can rut into me like a dog
man can hit me with a bus and I’d thank him
that’s all thanks for coming to my Ted talk 🫡
this is so much good god 😭 first the time anon being in heat and now this akjjfcnjajns
how are the stans of the sweetest boy the absolute horniest. WHO ARE U HORNY SKY STAN
also sorry ive been taking so long with these! i havent been in a writing mood lately haha
cw: reader wears feminine clothes, clothed sex, coochie eating, overstim, fingering, he asks for explicit verbal consent, squirting, a little praise, he's pussy drunk!!! yay!!! not proofread, reader has a vagina no pronouns
minors do not react.
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to say you looked good enough to eat was an understatement.
sky couldn’t get enough of staring at your lace trim cami and short little skirt. not to mention the thigh high socks you had on. so instead of just staring at them, he put himself in between them.
“f-fuuuuck! gonna cuuuuum!” and not even a few minutes after he’d been on you, you’d already creamed on his fingers and his face once, the milky substance coating his tongue and making him crave more. he hadn’t bothered to remove any of your clothes, your skirt hiding his face from view.
your legs began to tremble when he refused to stop moving his fingers. you pushed at his head as he bullied your cunt, needy moans turning into weak sobs. "l-lemme go, quit it! 's too much!"
your boyfriend only moaned into your cunt, relishing in the feeling of your clit throbbing against his tongue. moments later he rose to press his lips to yours. sky's fingers crooked upwards and he broke away to laugh at how your legs tried to close in on him.
"'m sorry, sweetheart. you're just so pretty. dressed so fuckin' cute, look at you." sky swears he could drool at how you looked. his favorite place to be was between your thighs. he's had to look at how your thigh high socks complimented your figure perfectly, hugging the soft flesh. he wasn't sure if he wanted to rip them off you or just keep staring at them. while he ended up going for the latter, he couldn't just stare at you.
no, he needed to feel you or he was gonna go crazy. his dick was throbbing, only getting worse when you clenched around him and called his name. sky let out a shaky moan as you came again. "you feel so good around my fingers, sweetheart," he sighed. he finally stopped his movements, staring at you as you tried to catch your breath. your tiny shirt was pushed up your chest, pebbled nipples on display for him. all that sky bothered to get rid of was your underwear.
"can i fuck you, sweetheart? please, i need to feel you," he murmured, never breaking eye contact. you shuddered at his request. his voice sounded so raw and you hadn't even touched him. you could only nod, wrapping your arms around his neck. "need you to say it, (name)."
"yes, i want you to, link. please."
he wasted no time in pushing your thighs back, forcing your knees to your chest. it happened so fast you dont even know when he got his dick out, but in the next moment he slipped into you with ease. sky groaned loudly when he bottomed out, arms trembling in an effort to hold himself up. you felt so fucking good, he felt like he could cum already.
well, why not, he thought. he'd have you to himself all night.
sky slammed his hips into yours with no remorse, the sound of both your gushing cunt and your hips meeting his filling the room. your back arched, body still sensitive from the first couple orgasms. you whimpered weakly as he growled into your ear.
"so good, so good- fuck, gonna cum already-" he panted, his thrusts only becoming rougher. your toes curled as grabbed your hips, angling himself to where he knew he'd hit that spongy spot inside you every time. you keened when he did just that, determined to make you cum with him.
a few more thrusts and he was gone, throwing his head back as he filled your needy cunt. his thrusts wouldn't stop, sky hissing at the overstimulation. you felt so good it hurt, but he couldn't stop, not now. he was gorgeous above you, and you felt your own orgasm approaching fast.
"c-come on, cum," he demanded, somehow picking up his pace. you yelped at the sudden increase in speed. both of your moans increased in volume. "w-wait, mmm, slow down, i'll-"
"do it."
your body seized up, almost unable to handle the force of your orgasm. you sprayed all over the both of you, every thrust forcing more out of you. you cried out, tears falling down your cheeks at the overwhelming pleasure. sky was still going, letting his moans fall freely out of his mouth. "s-so good, pretty pussy's so good, cant stop," he groaned.
"link, too much! slow- fuck! please!" you begged, the overstimulation becoming too much for you to handle. your lover couldn't leave you like this. no, he needed you stuffed to the brim. only then could he be satisfied.
"if i can- fuck, fuck- if i can do it, you can too, sweetheart. don't give up on me now. dressed up so pretty for me, let me reward you for it, yeah?"
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futurecorps3 · 11 months
Hey! I was wondering if you could write a Kaz brekker x reader fic. Where the reader has a nightmare and Kaz comforts them if you can please.
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Summary: Req sums it up!! Pairing: Kaz Brekker x fem!reader Warnings: Mentions of drowning, death, nightmares ofc and I think that's it, lmk if I missed any Word Count: 674. tiny!! Requested: Yes
There it was. That heavy feeling in her chest. Y/N could recognize it anywhere; it was part of her routine now, and she couldn't be more grateful. Kaz's arm pressed tightly against her, guarding her even in her sleep. She smiled contently and opened her eyes after tilting her head to see her lover's hand.
Or so she thought.
A big rock tied with a rope stared back at her, beginning her descent into some large body of swampish water, as if her stare was its cue to stop resisting gravity. She tried moving her hands in a futile attempt to swim to the surface, to try and overpower the force of the rock against the water and her body, but they were also tied.
Y/N watched as the light got further and further away. She was still holding her breath but soon realized that this was the end of her. Kaz came to mind immediately. God, she'll miss him. Will she even be able to miss? Soon enough, she thought, when water filled her lungs, the mystery of existence would be answered.
She hoped whatever awaited her, whether it was a perpetual calm or a realm filled with endless meadows and a place to rest, would be nicer than the life she led before she met him. He was a lifeline. Ironic, isn't it? She probably would've laughed if she wasn't about to die.
Should she pray for a quick recovery for Kaz? It will be hard for him to get back up. They both knew almost by experience that there was no God or Saint, but like, what if, right? She didn't know any prayers, so she did not pray. Y/N really hoped he got back on track quickly, though. After all, routine was everything for him, and now she wouldn't be able to brew him a nice cup of tea every morning like she had been doing for the past five years.
"I hope he can find his cup in the drawer; it's a bit hidden so Jesper doesn't take it," she thought as she sank even further, just like the pebbles she used to throw on the beach with her sister all those years ago. Tears started streaming down her face, and she could somehow feel them, like they couldn't blend in the water that surrounded her. She was scared. She didn't want to die scared.
In all those years working with the crows, Y/N was certain her life was on the line in every single job they performed, but that didn't scare her. If she died during a heist, she'd die surrounded by the man and friends she loved; there were certainly worse fates than a fatal bullet wound. Fates like this one. She'll die cold, wet, and her body would probably never be found. That did scare her.
Then there was an impulse to move that washed over her. To do anything in her power to at least try and get out of this situation. She kept sinking, now squirming and failing to squeeze herself out of the ropes. Desperation came, and she started screaming, her lungs filling up quickly. She started coughing violently, closing her eyes and then a pang to her heart.
"Y/N, wake up!"
The girl was greeted by a pair of concerned, brown eyes that she wouldn't mind drowning in. She immediately noticed she was sweaty under her nightshirt, and her collarbones were also wet, but from the tears that ran down all the way from her eyes to there.
It was a nightmare.
As she composed herself a little, her boyfriend lit the oil lamp they kept on her nightstand and crawled back to her. "Breathe for me, Y/N. Come on," the girl heard faintly, still in a sleepy stupor. She hadn't realized she was holding her breath. Kaz took her hand and placed it over his chest, just like she did when he had trouble similar to this.
It was rare now, but the first nights they spent together were often filled with sweet nothings whispered and labored breaths in an attempt to calm Kaz's racing heart and mind. She blinked rapidly and tried wiping her eyes dry. "It's okay, breathe with me, love," he whispered, rocking both of them back and forth gently as his girlfriend tried to follow his pace.
The Bastard of the Barrel may have dreaded few things in this life, but seeing his girl suffering, at the mercy of her own mind (which also happened to conjure the most beautiful depictions of love, translated in words and acts that warmed his heart), was almost unbearable. He knew the feeling all too well, and to even think she had to go through it all as well made him sick.
So he did what he knew helped.
He stayed there for long minutes, breathing consciously for the both of them and whispering things like "You're doing so good, it's okay" or "You're fine, love. Steady breaths... there you go." Words of affirmation worked heavily on her, and Kaz was very aware, so he resorted to them immediately.
After a long while, the room stopped spinning for Y/N, and she could breathe normally again. She hugged Kaz in an exhausted manner, whispering a small "thank you" that made her sound almost frightened of breaking her newfound peace. Her eyes felt heavier than before when she first got into bed with Kaz, and she just rolled over and lay next to him, turning to face him.
He had this calming aura to him. She couldn't explain it as anything other than magical, and since both of her best friends were Grisha, she wouldn't be surprised if it was. The girl stared at her boyfriend's eyes and felt safe and warm inside; the complete opposite of whatever was happening in her head just moments ago.
"Bad dream?" he asked, stroking her hand beneath the covers. "Yes. A very bad one," Y/N feebly uttered. "Do you want to talk about it before we go back to sleep?" "You worked hard all day, and I don't feel like—" "You know I don't mind." That was true. Kaz had a horrid sleeping schedule, even when she tried to keep him in check, which meant he spent most of his nights reading or planning their next heist. Truth is, he'd stay up listening to Y/N and comforting her rather than buried in piles of blueprints and books.
"I'm drained, w-we can talk about it in the morning. When there's more light," she nodded, smiling a little bit before closing her eyes, not before grabbing her boyfriend's hand and circling it around her waist. "Wait," he grumbled, getting up and checking if her eyes were open again, the bed dipping behind him. She looked at him quizzically, resting her weight on her arms and contemplating murder if he didn't let her rest after that literal nightmare.
"What?" "Your shirt is wet, you might catch a cold if you sleep in that when you get warmer in a while," he said absentmindedly, like it was the most obvious thing in the world, dodging Y/N's side of the bureau fully on purpose and grabbed one of his black sleep shirts, walking with soft steps towards the bed.
"Up," he asked, and his girlfriend's heart melted when he carefully replaced the clothing, making sure the fit was right, even when his would be inevitably longer on her shorter frame. "Better?" the Bastard of the Barrel mumbled, looking at her while folding the discarded shirt and tossing it gently over to the loveseat they had at the foot of their bed.
"Never better. T-thank you, love," Y/N smiled, getting back into her position and receiving a peck on the cheek, courtesy of the man who once broke a man's fingers one by one because he wouldn't tell him where she was, followed by a small "Always" before cuddling back.
They talked about her nightmare in the morning over coffee, and the silliness of her ever feeling anything other than safer when Kaz Brekker was around hit her. She had never known such peace before him, and he promised that no matter what, she'd never die on his watch. Y/N was counting on that.
˚ · • . ° .
Holy shit this is so short and it took so long cause I'm going through writer's block!! I'm so sorry. Hope you enjoyed nonnie<3
Remember, the best way to support writer’s works on here is by REBLOGGING WITH TAGS. I’d very much appreciate it if you did!
Thanks again, stranger. Hope you have a nice day<3
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pocoyo-yo · 1 year
warnings: smut, pnv, cowgirl (pos.), choking my man w his tie, dirty talk, pet names (baby, love, papa)
song: hotel - montell fish
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the hotel room was lit a dim orange— the sound of the low hum of the television and light tap of raindrops on glass was the perfect atmosphere for the halloween eve. exceptional even. his name? kento— that's what he told you anyway. you two barely spoke at the bar; him because his thoughts seemed to be beyond you and yourself because all you could care to noticed were those hands.
those were hands of a working man— calloused and rough. yet at the bar he handled his shot glass with care; he handled you with care.
"oh fuck," he hissed— those hands dug into your hips. ".. just like that."
you chewed on your bottom lip— his chest and neck were covered in your red lipstick stains. dressed up a bit too early, no? is what he asked you at the bar after you sat beside him. you couldn't help but roll your eyes then; a cheap catwoman— you like?
"shh," you grinded your hips on his pelvis— his happy trail tickled at your puffy clit. ".. let me take care of you, kento."
i wouldn't call it cheap— more like casual.
your black nails clawed at his chest as you raised your hips— your creamy arousal dripped down his cock. your brows furrowed once you took him in deep again; he was unnecessarily big.
kento panted heavily; his styled blond hair had strands loosely fallen down his forehead. seemingly stuck due to sweat. orange was definitely your color— god, if you showed up to the bar as a pumpkin you would've been the sexist pumpkin around. the man was entranced by you— by the way you rolled your hips along his length, how you carried yourself, that goddamn body.
"look at you," he breathed— his hands rand up your waist and you shivered. his large arm wrapped you and pulled you closer while his other hand groped your breast. "hit the jackpot tonight, huh? so fucking sexy," his slender brown eyes fell to your split pussy; just a sticky mess as you took him in. ".. you're takin' such good care of this dick, baby."
you arched your back and let small whimpers fall from your lips— your clit ached for attention and you found yourself practically humping the man below your for friction. "oh god.. oh my god," you moaned under your breath— eyes flickering to the back of your head.
kentos cheeks were flushed a soft, cherry red as he darted his tongue over his lips. your thighs trembled with every wet tap of your ass against his muscular thighs. you wanted to care for him and you were, you most definitely were, but kento was a working man. just a man. and as a man, he wanted to ruin you.
he wanted to fuck as deep as he could into your tight cunt. kento rarely hooked up and messy sex felt especially gross to him when it was a hook up, but you? he wanted his lower half to be covered in your arousal and cream— he could still taste you from earlier affiars. and to fill that pussy up? what a dream that would be.
"mm papa— you love this pussy, hm? f— fuck.." you shuddered with an airy giggle and your movements slowed.
kento brought down the arm he had wrapped around you and gave your ass a smack with at large, rough hand. you whimpered before you grinned down at him— watching as he clenched his jaw.
"don't you dare slow down." he grunted as he gave your ass a squeeze.
"f—fuck m'sorry, kento," you whined and threw your head back— tiny moans fell from your lips as you began to bounce on his dick. "mm— yes.. oh fuck yes!"
he gripped the fat of your ass before he wrapoed his lips around your hard nipple. he swirled his tongue around the pebbled skin— trying his hardest to not fuck up into your warm cunt himself. his bulbous tip poked underneath your skin everytime you sunk back down on his cock. you could only imagine how he would feel raw— every vein that protruded underneath the tan skin of his cock.
your breaths grew uneven; your chest was tight. that gummy spot within your cunt was being attacked relentlessly to point where your tummy felt stuffed with butterflies.
"keep fucking me, baby," kento groaned as he sloppily kissed in between your tits. ".. good fucking girl— you want'ta cum?"
you nodded deliriously as you dragged your fingertips down his abs— you could compare the feeling to a smooth brick wall. and your ass? well, you could still feel the sting from when he gave it (what you presumed) was a rather easy smack on his part.
"kento! papa," you panted as you slipped one hand between your thighs and began to rub quick circles over your clit. ".. g'na cum soon— feels too good.."
you bounced sloppily on his cock— squeezing your eyes shut to avoid the tears of pleasure threatening to spill on your cheeks.
"no no," he moaned softly. "look at me, baby, c'mon.."
you weren't focused on his words, only on reaching your forthcoming orgasm. kento was a working man, and as a man, he didn't like that. he yanked back his hips before he jolted his hips upwards— his cock poked deeper than you ever thought it would.
your toes curled as you rubbed at your clit even faster— splattering your wettness all over your thighs. your heart pounded in your chest while kento continued to pound into your spasming cunt. kento was a working man after all, and he was going to fuck you like a man should.
"kentooo!" you squealed as his hands then gripped your hips once more— bouncing you up and down on his throbbing length. tears fluttered down your cheeks— trails of black following as your masacara began to go with the salty streams.
"m'right here," kento groaned as he sat up on his elbows. his biceps were flexed everytime he lifted you up— the veins in his arms had drool threatening to fall from your plump lips. ".. keep feeling good— you're okay, love.."
you eyed the only piece of clothing kento still wore— that ugly tie. you dispised the damn thing since the moment you laid eyes on it but his dick distracted you enough from it. until now. you wrapped the fabric around your fist with your free hand and tugged at it. kento let out a gasp as he found him face closer to yours— the tie digging into the marked up skin of his neck.
the lack of airflow.. he liked it?
"g'na cum! g'na cum, papaa!"
again; you tugged at his tie again which made it hug his skin even tighter.
"f— fuck do that again.. 'nd cum, baby," he stammered— his eyes were glued to your face. he adored how your face began to contort with the immense pleasure. "dammit please cum f'me.."
your hips jolted and shook as you let his name fall from your lips with a whine— your messy cunt squeezed and contracted around his dick as you coated him in a ring of white.
"s'too much— oh fuck.. s'good, ken.." you whimpered as you pulled at his tie once more; this time pressing your lips against his own. he kissed you back with a low moan— your wet and swelled lips sloppily brushed over one anothers. his tongue practically feaning for a taste.
had the two of you even truly kissed that night?
kento's cock twitched inside of you and with one last roll of your hips you had him emptying spurts of his cum into the condom. he thrusted into slow after that— trying to get you both down from your highs.
he pulled back from the kiss as your grip on his tie loosened, and you laid on his chest— inhaling his scent. sex, sweat, and vanilla oak. just that of a working man.
"are you alright?" he asked while he petted your hair.
"mhm.." you reached for your phone on the beside table, and kento grabbed it for you.
"— no wait," you sighed and slid off if his softening cock slowly. "give me your number first— this was fun."
kento thought it over before he began to type away at your screen.
"you have business in shibuya tomorrow, right?" you asked as you took your spot next to him on the bed.
"so you do listen," he joked as he handed you back you phone and began to clean himself up— preparing to leave.
"I should go search for you, no?" you suggested teasingly— searching for his contact while he dressed himself.
"don't," he spoke sternly. ".. not tomorrow— just don't go to shibuya."
you raised a brow but ultimately shrugged once you found his contact— he put himself in the 'n' section.
so that was his last name.
"mm fine.. since you said so— hope everything goes well tomorrow," you gigged as he adjusted his tie. and you changed his contact to 'papa<3' instead of something so formal— you liked it better. ".. you have a good night, nanami."
he paused— the rain had stopped by now but the television still played. orange was your color and tonight the city was covered in it; he wasn't going to see you for a while.. he knew that much.
"get dressed— i'll be down in my car,"
kento told you as he checked the time on his watch— he could spare a few to see you draped in those orange city lights.
".. let me drop you off tonight."
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muffinsin · 9 months
hiii i have a request. could you do all the dimitrescu sisters reaction to having an innocent gf? like she is tiny, maybe 5’2, kinda clingy, can always brighten up the room with her presence, people pleaser (to the point that she allows people to walk all over her), naive and gullible (believes everything the sisters tell her), and just an overall adorable girl.
I adore people similar to this sm XD absolutely! Let’s get into it! :)
She thinks you’re absolutely adorable
Her little, sweet teddy bear
Her sunshine, as she opts for calling you
She thinks it’s absolutely adorable how innocent you are. She doesn’t want anybody ruining this
She absolutely uses you as a teddy bear
To just cuddle you at times, or perhaps pick you up and set you down on her lap
Would you like to know a secret? Bela loves how certain traits of yours make you more dependent on her
It’s a twisted wish, in a way, but having you so dependant makes her feel so good about herself. So needed
She sees people walking all over you because you’re a people pleaser and immediately puts a stop to it
No one dares walk all over you, knowing they will have to answer to Bela
When being asked for a favour, you are always assured you don’t need to do it should you not want to. It’s funny how Bela has this effect on people even if she isn’t there
Though, she does encourage you to be less of a people pleaser on your own too
She’s busy often, and sometimes isn’t there to tell someone to do things themselves rather than dump work on you, for example.
She doesn’t want people walking all over you and while she will always help you, she thinks you should learn not to allow people to walk all over you
Bela makes sure no one takes advantage of your naivety. She sees through it all
Often, she might come across as jealous and too possessive, or even controlling, because of this
This is merely because she sees the intentions of some, while you miss them. She will never let anybody mess with you, though
She often becomes annoyed at her sisters and scolds them for telling you false things
Such as the time you attempted to suck and bite the skin of her neck off while she slept because her sisters had told you it was needed
Something along the lines of shedding skin due to the cadou? Bela really couldn’t handle the idiotic ideas of her sisters
For days, she walked around with a bright pink blush and extra much makeup to cover the big hickies all over her bruised neck
Have you ever heard of the black cat x golden retriever relationship dynamic?
Yes well, this is it
She loves you so much. You’re her sunshine, all hers
She is very possessive of you
You’re her precious little human. Her little lamb
She finds you’re a people pleaser very fast. And it makes her feel all the more protective
Every time someone talks to you, she’s behind you
Staring, no. Glaring
Daring them to attempt to take advantage of your people pleasing nature
She’s around you nearly constantly to ensure your safety. Either literally, or with a view flies trailing after you
The moment someone steps out of line and takes advantage of you, she’s by your side, glaring them down and laughing manically
“Say that again. I dare you”
She likes to feel you in her arms. You’re so short, so perfect to cuddle. Though she will barely initiate cuddles
Cassandra’s the type to act a little uninterested, yet listen to every little word you say
She likes to tease sometimes
To tell you ridiculous stories you somehow believe
To see your eyes widen in wonder when she tells you of slaying large monsters and bringing you a pebble back, saying it was a part of their skin. Somehow, you believe it
You’re her absolute favourite
You’re her sunshine! And she’s yours
Daniela’s so energetic, she just wants to tug you with her and laugh all the time
She loves that you’re tiny, and likes to rest you against her chest as she reads
You’re practically pocket sized to her!
Daniela often rests her arms on you, or full on snuggles against you
She’s very cuddly, and you just happen to be her personal teddy bear, day and night
She absolutely loves that you can make her smile every day
In return, she is so happy to have you smile at her when she tells a joke
Dani hates when people take advantage of your innocent nature
She absolutely tries to ask you to please less. To not let people walk all over you
She tries to make you understand some people are simply below you- you’re with her now after all
She’s very protective over you because of that and often goes on a rampage when she finds you stressing over things you’ve purely agreed to out of “politeness”
Whoever dared take advantage of you is to be made into an example for others to avoid such behavior
You’re even more naive than her, too! And that’s saying something
Often Daniela must remind you of the dangers of the village, how not everybody is as sweet and innocent as you
How even the maidens have ulterior moves most of the time
Daniela thinks it’s funny how innocent you are
When dirty jokes are made and you don’t understand, she could giggle for hours
When you eventually catch up, she adores your blush
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sssigil · 2 years
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summary: In which you're in your head to much about this relationship with Ethan but he brings you back to reality and makes you realize your nothing but perfect for him and only him.
(as requested)
warnings: fluff fluff fluff so much fluff, Angst, you're really hard yourself, but you guys are so gushy and so in love, Ethan makes you feel better, use of marijuana, use of alcohol, that's it.
You were never the first choice in anything or for anyone. You never liked being an extrovert, if no one ever spoke to you well then you never spoke at all. You loath that about yourself, it was one of your many flaws and you hated it.
Growing up yes you did have many friends, but entering middle school and high school well those "friends" just faded away. Apart from having zero friends, no one ever asked you out on a date. You'd say "well that's stupid who cares if they even liked you romantically" well yea but you know it hurts, it kinda makes you think you aren't worthy for that sorts of stuff. No one ever gave you the option so why pursue it you know.
So when you finally made it to your first year of NYU dating was the last thing you wanted to do. No way were you gonna waste time on some guy or girl who would probably just end up leaving you for someone ten times better. Yea fuck that... but, but you met Tara and through Tara you also met her sister Sam, Chad and Mindy, the core four. That's what they called themselves, it's kinda cute you know, their friendship seemed so pure and warm it made you envious to what they had. But they welcomed you, they introduced you into the friendship and it brought some joy back into your life. You finally felt welcome into a group of people who did not judge or pressure you, you felt safe and sound with them.
Having met them well you met two others. Anika, she was the most charismatic and cutest girl you had ever met. She always made you feel at peace, you appreciated that, you appreciated her. She knows you do, you guys have a connection, not as strong as her and her girlfriend Mindy but something like it.
Ethan was the other person. He's Chads roommate it only made sense why he was in this friend group. Ethan was sweet, he's sweetest boy you've ever met. He is tall, muscular, has the prettiest soft curls and the biggest doe eyes. His voice is soft and soothing always speaking in a soft tone for everyone. Mainly for you but you never noticed, everyone around you did though.
He made you feel the things you know, the butterflies, you HATED it but you also secretly loved it. Every time he spoke to you looking down at you asking if you needed help carrying your books, your bag, your drink EVEN YOUR PHONE, it made you turn a shade of red always telling him "I'm fine, thanks Ethan" smiling up at him almost giggling. I mean no one had given you this kind of attention growing up, no one looked at you the way Ethan did. So you never worked towards that type of relationship with him, but he did.
When he finally got the courage to ask you in front of your guys friend group, you kinda hesitated which made him worry. Did you not feel that way? Did he take your signs wrong? Did he just ruin this connection you both had? A bunch of questions spiraled in his head and the same thing was happening in yours.
What if this is some kind of sick joke. No ones ever felt this way about you. Why would he? He's the perfect, kind and sweet boy who can get with anyone in this city. Why you. Why would he want to get with someone like me. You kept degrading yourself, you felt yourself shake your head lightly, not even looking at him anymore. You were looking at the concrete below you, looking at the little pebbles of tiny rocks that manage to sink into it. You wished you could sink into it. Then you heard your name being called by him, his hands lifting up from his sides, he was holding your face. He was making you come back to reality, he was making you forget these dreadful thoughts.
"You okay? I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" he spoke softly. Searching your eyes for any sign of rejection and denial and he did see something but he could see that your eyes had softened once you made contact with his brown ones. "Yes" you said smiling and it made him smile. "Yes Ethan i'll be your girlfriend" and he couldn't help himself, he picked you up by the waist, strong arms enveloping around you lifting you off the ground. You squeaked at his actions not really expecting this but still enjoying it. He was one of the best things to happen in your life, but you still had insecurities he doesn't have to know that and you didn't want to worry about it. So you went on with your life with him.
It had been a two months since that happened, you felt at peace with him. Life had never felt so good, you are happy very very happy and so was Ethan. He loved being with you, he loving touching you, he loved being close to you, he loved everything about you. Of course you haven't said it, mainly because it's too early in the relationship you know the L word but he knew he felt it with you.
Now you guys are heading to that halloween frat party with your friend group. You guys were hand in hand giggling and smiling at each other like the lovesick couple you are admiring the costumes you had chosen. You both decided to dress up for this party since everyone else around you was. You and Ethan were going as Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker, I know so corny but come on there love was so beautiful and innocent and strong! It reminded you both of the love you two have, aside for the dying at childbirth and Anakin becoming a Sith Lord, killing younglings and planing to take over the whole galaxy. THEY DESERVED A BETTER ENDING. Aside from that your costumes fit so well with you both and you had gotten so many complements so its a win.
"you guys are so cute its making me gag" Anika spoke jokingly from in front making very loud gagging noises. "true! but not as cute as us babe" Mindy spoke kissing Anika on her cheek, both turning there attention back to Tara and Chad.
"okay but who would have thought going as padmé and ani would gonna get us this much attention" you spoke to your boyfriend excitedly, "come on baby we look good, look at us no LOOK AT YOU! if that blaster was real I'd let you shoot me" he spoke in a serious but joking tone at the end "Ethan?!! I would never shoot you" you spoke in a mad but also joking tone "but cheat on me and see what happens" you spoke "bunny? I would never do that to you. I'd rather feel your wrath then cause such pain to you" he spoke serious now. "m' sorry didn't mean it" now feeling bad at what you had just said to him, you never wanted to hurt him, ever.
After a couple seconds of silence the conversation went back to its happy and sweet tone. Just you two gushing and babbling the cheesiest things ever. And finally you guys were at the party, not your type of scene but since you boyfriend was there it really didn't matter.
You both had slithered you way to the drinks, beer for you and coke for Ethan of course. You made your way to the couches Ethan sitting first and you placing yourself on his lap, back against his but moving yourself to face him a little. "Want some of my beer? promise it won't taste bad" you tell him shaking the red cup in front of him. "No thanks babe coke is pretty yummy for me" he spoke taking a sip of his coke humming happily. "Don't drink too much princess, don't want that pretty little head of yours hurting tomorrow" Ethan said placing his coke on your lap and using that hand to rub the side of your thigh soothingly "No promises" you giggled loudly scrunching your nose at him
"hello my favorite love birds, how are we doing" Mindy exclaimed now sitting to the left of you and Ethan, Anika following behind plopping beside Mindy smiling at both of you. "We're okay" you said dragging the 'y' "wait you have week right?!" you questioned Mindy excitedly "Yes I do" she said pulling the rolled joint from her pocket and asking Anika to light it for her as she placed it in between her lips, inhaling the smoke and finally letting it leave her throat. "fuck that's good" Mindy sighs happily "My turn my turn" you said repeating her actions but inhaling a little longer than her.
"Hey bunny be careful don't choke" your boyfriend said, you turn to look at him motioning him to slightly open his mouth for you, blowing the smoke into his mouth while keeping eye contact with him. "You know I don't" you whisper seductively at him making him almost choke on the smoke that was now in his mouth. You both laugh at that comment making sure to not drop the joint that was in between your index and middle finger.
You take more hits making sure to pass it to Mindy and Anika making sure you don't finish it all by yourself. See as much as you loved being in this state of euphoria you also hated it. You felt everything ten times more. You were now sitting beside Mindy, Ethan had gone to get another coke while you and your two friends finished the smoke sesh. Your eyes had been scanning the living room trying to look for your boyfriend, you just couldn't find him and it had been while since he had left. So you got up, making sure to tell Mindy but she wasn't really paying attention, she was too busy making out with Anika.
"ETHAN" you called out through the loud music blasting in your ears. Head turning left and right, eyes scanning every room you stumble yourself through. You finally find him, he was at the kitchen laughing, god he looked so cute laughing. His eyes were slightly closed, his nose was scrunched up, his shoulder shook lightly and his hair curls bounced lightly. You stood there admiring him but then you noticed, he was laughing with a girl. A very pretty girl in a robe, a gryffindor robe, she had the Harry Potter glasses and the lighting bolt was placed on the right side of her forehead. She was effortlessly pretty.
She looked pretty beside your boyfriend, they looked like an actual couple, they looked like they made sense, this hurt you. You just stood there, watching as she made your boyfriend laugh. She reached her hand out to point out how he was dressed as Anakin, caressing the material of the robe that laid on his biceps complementing him, she was flirting. Ethan just laughed thanking her and also complementing her Harry Potter costume. It made your mind spiral to those thoughts you had when he had first asked you to be his girlfriend.
Here you were, standing by the door of the room he was in, tears filling your eyes as your tried to blink them away. Breath hitching as more and more of these negative thoughts started to get to you. Walking out the room passing Mindy and Anika who were shocked and confused on why you walked out the house with tears in your eyes.
"Hey, hey, what happened? what's wrong?'' you could hear the worry in Anika's voice as she asked you. "Where's Ethan?" Mindy asked looking around trying to find him then looked back at you, you now sat on the cold concrete admiring it just like you had done before. "It's okay. Im just over exaggerating. I'm okay I swear, please go back inside and enjoy the party" you said to them wiping the tears the had flown down your soft cheeks, trying to smile for them to encourage them inside the house. You just wanted to be alone.
They insisted on staying but they could tell you wanted to be alone, they respected that but still worried for you, so they went looking for Ethan. When they finally found him he had such a panic look on his face. He couldn't find you anywhere and he didn't like that, he needed to see you, he needed to be with you. "Hey guys where's is she?" He said your name looking behind Mindy and Anika thinking he'd find you trailing behind them. "She's outside at the front, please go talk to her, somethings wrong, we worry for her" your friends obligated him.
And he did just that. He ran out the house, he never wanted to see you the way he did. You sat on the ground head pointed towards the ground, tears now leaving your eyes in water falls. Eyes red and so was your cheeks but not because of the weed but because on how much you had been crying, he hated seeing you like this.
"Hey angel face what's wrong" he cooed at you reaching out to hold your face but you flinched from his touch and that struck pain into his chest. "Speak to me baby" he encouraged you trying to coax anything from you to know why you are feeling this way. "why do you want to be with me?" you questioned him looking into his eyes trying to search for a answer.
"Because I only want to be with you, I need you in order to feel as if I finally have something good in my life. You are the most beautiful being to exist in this whole entire galaxy. I would be nothing with out you" he spoke in the warmest and sincerest voice, he was crouched down in front of you forehead almost touching yours. You looked at his big brown eyes thinking you'd only see how he was speaking lies but you only saw comfort in them. "You saw me with that girl didn't you?" now realizing why you felt this way. You nod your head looking back down to the ground.
"Oh baby" now leaving small kisses on your lips tasting the salty tears that ran down your lips "Yea I didn't notice how she was flirting with me baby I'm sorry, I thought she was being nice but once I noticed her intentions I told her I already had my beautiful amazing girlfriend" smiling at you still leaving soft wet kisses on your cheeks. "really?" you spoke softly looking at him again tilting your head really enjoying the kisses he was leaving on your face. "Yes angel face, its always you"
"its just" you spoke but you didn't finish the sentence "I know baby, we all feel insecure, but never can ever replace you. I love you" Ethan said not realizing his last words "You. You love me?" you said surprised at his words but also felt the heat in your face rise "I do angel face, I Love You" he exclaimed loudly picking you up once again just like that very first time. "I love you too Ethan, more than anyone in this galaxy" you giggled, tears no longer dripping from your eyes.
You kissed him as if it was the last kiss you both were gonna share. It was soft and slow, you took in each others taste and you loved every second go it. You let go of his lips finally trying to catch your breath from all the kissing. Feet now planted to the ground. "you know we both really took in that role of ani and padme" you said giggling making Ethan laugh with you. "I mean I would destroy the whole galaxy in order to save you"your boyfriend said proudly making you giggle louder.
"you're so pretty" you told Ethan running your fingers through his soft brown curls, it made him blush at your words "you're really pretty too bunny, the prettiest" kissing you once again.
"lets go back to my dorm angel" Ethan spoke wiggling his eye brows implying what he wanted to do "ETHAN! don't say that out loud" you yelled his name hitting his chest playfully. "Okay lets go" you said running away from him and towards his dorms, he chased you not so far behind.
You guys are so in love and nothing could ever change that.
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