#yes don’t trust how you feel about yourself after 10pm however what if I am literally the worst
albedobeheading · 4 months
oughhhh despair
0 notes
Fluffy supporter [Sirius Black x Reader] - Requested
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Title: Fluffy supporter Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader Word count: 2k Published: 19 July, 2020 Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore Notes: I got this requested by an Anonymous reader of mine a couple of days ago. I actually really like that I learned something new from this. I never even knew there were support animals, so I actually had to look into that. I would have thought they are being trained like guid dogs, but apparently they are not. I guess there are always something new to learn about. I did change the request a slight bit scenario-wise, but the overall idea is the same. I hope noone minds. Summary: You have been in need of a support animal since first year, but unfortunately your puppy couldn’t accompany you at the start of year. Padfoot comes along to help you out, without you knowing that the dog is actually your boyfriend. Request: [x]
Hey babe🥰 I was thinking about Sirius x reader Where the reader is allowed to have an emotional support dog in the castle from the first year, but for a week his puppy had to stay at his house in London so the read goes down And Sirius(Padfoot) (being her boyfriend, but she doesn't know his secret) supports her being for several hours a day happy endning. - Anonymous
Harry Potter Characters Masterlist | Masterlists
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You have been sitting in front of the Black lake, lost in your thoughts. It has been hours since you were supposed to be back in your dorm. The sun has already gone down, the moon long replaced its place. It was windy, chilly to your uncovered skin. You wrapped your arms around your torso, to warm yourself up.
You have been down for the past few days. You have been need of a support animal since you were a little child. It took a bit of convincing from your parents, but Professor Dumbledore decided to allow you to bring your then little puppy with you to Hogwarts. Every time you felt down or your thoughts and anxiety decided to get the worst of you, your best friend was there to support you.
Unfortunately he needed a couple of more health check ups and he was unable to join you when your year started, leaving you to fend for yourself. Sirius as your boyfriend was beside you whenever you needed him, but the feeling of a human and the feeling of an animal had two completely different effects on your emotions.
You have been distant from Sirius and your friends lately. You needed to be by yourself. You loved them to bits, but they couldn't give you, what your little, fluffy friend could. You missed him. You missed him more than you thought you ever would. This time however, as a grown up, you started to realise that he would not be there for your forever. He would have to leave you earlier than you ever wanted to think of. Your emotions and the realisation you have come across started to get the worst of you.
You sat under the huge oak tree, tears rolling down on your cheeks, thoughts swirling around in your head.
You heard a loud crunching sound and your head immediately snapped towards the noise. To your surprise a big, black dog was looking at you from the entrance of the Forbidden Forest. He didn't approach you though, simply laid down on the grass, looking at you. You tilted your head, not understanding why the dog stayed put. He seemed to be a gentle one and even though your head was screaming that you should be scared of a wild animal, you just didn't see it in him.
"Come here." You told the dog, patting the grass beside you and as if he was waiting for your request, he stood up and jogged over to you. He sat down next to you and pushed his head under your hand to stroke him. You smiled at the impatient behaviour, but did as you were asked. You dug your fingers into his soft fur, your nails gently scratching his skin as you ran your hand across his back. He closed his eyes and laid down beside you.
"Who might you be? I haven't seen you around." You spoke softly and caressed his torso as you heard his deep breaths. "You are enjoying this way too much, aren't you?" You chuckled at his comfortability. He put his head on your lap and looked up at you as if he understood what you were saying. You just shook off the thought, not wanting to feel like you were any more mentally unstable than you already felt.
"You know, I wouldn't mind if you kept me company sometimes." You spoke again and the dog shot up, suddenly licking across your face. Your eyes widened as the thought of him understanding you returned. "Do you understand me?" You asked hesitantly. You felt silly for asking such a question, especially from an animal, but you were really doubting yourself at this point anyway. He just licked across your face once again and started wagging his tail. "Okay... I will take that as yes..." You replied in shock, but didn't stop caressing his fur as he laid back down, enjoying your touches.
You didn't even realise when you got comfortable on the damp grass, slumber quickly taking over you as your hand laid across the black dog's torso.
The next morning you woke up in your dorm room, feeling as if you have just had the weirdest dream. You shot up from your bed, trying to convince yourself that you were not insane. You could clearly remember the dog, the feel of his fur and his wet tongue running across your face. But you did not remember coming back to your dorm.
As you got out of bed, you saw a piece of parchment on the edge of your nightstand.
"You can use Padfoot until you get your puppy back." It said. You frowned at the lack of signature, but you shook it off and enjoyed the confirmation of  your sanity.
For the next couple of days, every single night you went down to the Black lake and barely after 10pm the black dog named Padfoot appeared to keep you company. It was a comforting feeling, making you feel more relived day by day.
You were once again sitting at the trunk of the gigantic oak tree, waiting for Padfoot to arrive. It was a few minutes past 10, when the dog appeared from the forest and ran over to you, wagging his tail happily. You chuckled at his behaviour and started stroking his fur as he laid his head on your thighs.
"You know, I am really glad you are here. It's been hard without my little pup, but you do make it easier." You spoke to the dog. It might have made you seem quirky, but talking to him became a habit. It helped you.
"I felt like I was lonely, like I didn't have the support that I needed. But I guess you helped me over come it." You smiled at the thought. "You know, Sirius, my boyfriend, who I talked to you about before, he is always there for me. I'm really grateful for him and I couldn't wish to have a better person by my side. But you know the feeling of a person and the feeling of an animal is different." You explained as if you have been talking to a person.
"When I am with him, I love every moment of it, but it's a different love that you get from a person. When I am with my little pup, or you, it makes me relaxed as if you could take my worries away. I really am glad you are here." You whispered as you gave a kiss on the head of your new friend. He let out a silent bark as he looked up at you. "Don't get cocky with me." You chuckled lightly.
As it was nearing midnight, you stood up and walked back to the castle, leaving Padfoot to go back to the forest. You headed up to the room of your dormitory to take your well deserved rest, when you realised you have left your shirt by the lake. You walked back down and headed through the same corridors you have come from.
"Padfoot, where were you again?" You heard James' voice as he patted Sirius' shoulder. Your lips parted involuntarily up on hearing your boyfriend's nickname. You didn't need much to understand what was going on.
"You don't have to know everything, you know?" He chuckled happily. You stood at the end of the corridor, your feet unable to move, feeling betrayed. You have opened up to the dog completely, telling him the most sensitive feelings you have been harbouring, meanwhile it was your boyfriend all along listening in on your secrets. His eyes met yours and they grew ever so wide in shock.
"Y/N." He called out to you, but you just shook your head. You span around and decided to walk away as fast as you could. "Y/N, wait!" He followed you and his steps seemed to be longer and faster. He quickly caught up to you, getting hold of your wrist gently. "Please let me explain."
"What do you want to explain? That you have been listening to my deepest secrets and feelings? I feel so stupid. I feel like you have been spying on me. I opened up to Padfoot or... you." Your voice was beyond defeated, tears quickly rolling down your face.
"I didn't mean to hurt you. I knew how much you needed your support dog and I just wanted to give you what you needed. I know how hard it is for you to talk to people, to deal with people in general. I wanted to make it easier for you." He explained, getting hold of your hand and squeezing them gently.
"How is that a help? You betrayed me. I trusted you and now I realised that I have just told you all that has been on my mind." You argued, feeling the tears collect faster in your eyes.
"And why is it a problem? I am your boyfriend. I want to be there for you. I want to know if there's something on your mind. I want to help you." He tried to convince you to understand his side.
"But... but it's different." You didn't really know how to explain your feelings and thoughts and it made you even more frustrated.
"Look, sweetheart, I really am sorry. I should have been upfront with you, but I just wanted to help." He looked at you with the most apologetic eyes you have ever seen and you just couldn't stay mad.
"I know. I just feel like I have been telling my secrets to someone and you have been eavesdropping on our conversation." You spoke softly, your anger slowly leaving you. He walked closer to you, wrapping his arms around your waist as you placed your hands on his chest.
"If you don't want me to turn anymore and be there for you, it's fine, I will not do it. But I don't want you to think that you can not talk about these feelings with me. To be honest with you, I have never felt more closer to you than in my dog form. As if you have finally opened up to me." His voice was gentle, his caressing fingers across your cheeks, soft. You stayed silent for a tad bit longer, making him wait eagerly.
"Don't you feel burdened by listening to my problems?" You asked, scared of the reply he could give you.
"What?" He asked in surprise. His eyes grew wider, his lips parted. "Are you kidding me? I just told you, I finally felt like you have opened up to me. There isn't a thing I wanted more than for you to feel comfortable enough around me, to talk to me without barriers." He explained with a light smile.
"Maybe we can try again. I'm not sure I can talk to you so openly, but it's worth a try, I guess." You shrugged unsure of how it would turn out, now that you knew Padfoot was indeed your boyfriend.
"Anything you need, sweetheart." He smiled and kissed the tip of your nose, making you giggle.
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Notes: If you enjoyed it, don't forget to like and/or reblog the chapter. Thank you :) 
If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating and supporting me on Ko-fi. Of course, it’s completely your choice, I will continue updating for free anyway :) Thank you <3
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sunflowerhae · 4 years
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N.J (2k)
A/N• this is purely indulgent. It also has quite heavy themes, but at this point are any of us surprised. I want to make something clear, the reader doesn’t do what she does bc of what happens with her and Jaemin (I’m trying not to spoil). I mean, that’s just a tip of the iceberg type situation. That being said, if you are having similar thoughts as our dear reader, please call your countries suicide hotline, and/or talk to someone you trust in your life. ALSO, I am not trying to romanticize any of the topics I wrote about, I’m trying to show that even the people that seem to have it all can be just as lost and broken as the rest of us, also that the most important thing you could be to a person is someone who asks them if they’re okay. Sometimes, that’s all a person needs - Someone to listen.
READ!⚠️angst, suicide,character death, drugs, heavy self-hating words, depiction of depression/mental illness, not specified, but insinuates⚠️
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{🎵SOTS☁️; Lifeboat, Elle McLemore}
The world seemed to close in on you as you stared at the boy who stood before you with a hardened gaze in his eyes. While you only stood a good 3 feet away from him, you could feel the anger and helplessness radiating off of him, transferring itself onto you in sadness and heartbreak.
“Why?” Was the only thing you could manage to get past your lips.
“Y/n, it’s not that I don’t like you, of course I do. We’ve been dating for 2 years, but I’ve just been... uncomfortable almost the whole time. It’s not your fault, it’s just, your life. I can’t handle being with one of the most popular girls in school. You seem to have it all figured out, and everyone loves you, and I feel pushed to the side sometimes.” You didn’t understand why Jaemin was mad, but the small space under the bleachers where you both stood was enough to suffocate you to the point where you didn’t care to ask.
He didn’t understand.
They never understood.
No one.
You wanted to fight to save your relationship, but the words choked into the back of your throat, just like they did when Soojin would bully people in front of you, and you wanted to scream at her and pull the other person into your arms and whisper that it will all be okay and apologize apologize apologize, but you stayed rigid on her flank, silently trying to survive until you could get to Jaemins arms, or to the bottom of a beer bottle at yet another house party you were constantly forced to attend with your other two friends.
You choose to swallow your spit, and ask him, “is this because of soojin? Did she say something to you?” You knew your “dear” friend had a certain distaste for your long term boyfriend, because - as she had worded it - his kind doesn’t belong next to someone that Soojin had deemed acceptable enough to befriend (you); “His kind” being not necessarily the most popular. Him and his other friends were amazing people, and you wished you would have befriended them on the first day of freshman year, instead of the blonde girl in your Art 1 class that always had a red scrunchie. When Jaemin introduced you to them, you could tell they were hesitate to let you into their life - what with your position within your schools hierarchy system. You honestly didn’t blame them. However, after a while they warmed up to you, and you felt like you finally fit in with people. You thought these people would become your life long friends; long after you’ve left high school and forgotten all about the life you unwillingly lead.
You suppose that is no longer the case.
“No, yes, god I don’t know, y/n. It’s just, everything! You have friends that are bitches, and I never know when you’re just going to leave me and spread some terrible rumor about me!” He was silently yelling now. It was after school, and the football team was on the field - the other side of where you stood - practicing. There were people running on the track, cheerleaders practicing next to the field, leftover students wondering the grounds. Everyone was living, moving on with their lives and turning along with the Earth - why did you feel frozen? Why did you feel like nothing was ever going to keep moving and be okay and the world was never going to be beautiful again?
“Is that what you expect me to do, Jaemin? After two years of knowing me, is that what you think of me?”
“God, y/n, maybe! I see who you align yourself with so I wouldn’t be surprised if you were a bitch just like them!” You understood he was just hurting, like you, but that didn’t make the words hurt any less. You took a couple steps back from his figure with slow nods, before turning around fully and booking your way to your car.
Jaemin watched your retreating figure with tears curling into his eyes. He left not long after you did, still thinking about you on the way home. He didn’t know this at the time, but that was the last time he ever saw you. His first love, his first heartache.
You felt guilty.
You always did. You always had this insistent chewing at your intestines; this constant voice in your head telling you that everyone was better than you, and that you didn’t deserve the praise you got for being a good person.
You tried to fight the words and the icky feelings off with trips to the volunteer center - usually with Jaemin. You went that night, hoping that this constant pain in your heart after hearing jaemins smooth, venom-filled words would choke back and leave your system, like the terrible feelings usually did when you helped people. However, no matter how many people smiled at you, and no matter how many lives you got to help, the feeling only grew more and more.
You are worthless, y/n.
You only do charity work for your own need.
No one likes you.
You’ll never be loved.
Not even Jaemin loves you.
These ill thoughts were a normal occurrence for you. Usually, Jaemin would lay you down, rub your stomach, and whisper in your ear how beautiful you were to him, inside and out.
You were a nuisance and a waste to him, y/n.
The feelings never left, and you could tell people knew something was wrong with you, so you chose to leave the center early. On your way out, a familiar face had asked you where Jaemin was. You pretended you didn’t hear them.
Your room was dark. Usually, if you couldn’t have Jaemin, you would go to your parents. However, they were away at a dinner event for your mother’s work. You would never go to Soojin, and while you loved Haeyong, she had a tendency to tell Soojin about what you two privately talked about; always trying to get brownie points with the blonde girl who seemed to secretly hate her. You figured there was someone you could go to, and it didn’t hurt to try.
Y/n [10:57pm] u up???? I kinda need someone to talk to rn hAha. Read
Y/n [10:59pm] hello? 👉👈 Read
Y/n [11:02pm] Haechan why r you leaving me on read bro?? Ik he’s your best friend, but we don’t have to talk about him, I just need someone to talk to pLS pls. Read
Haechan [11:03pm] listen y/n we shouldn’t talk anymore, I’m sorry. You were a good friend, but Jaemin was and always will be first to me. And he’s right, we never know when you’re going to do a 180 on us and tell all of our secrets to everyone. We can’t - and never have been able to - trust you. I’m sorry, really. You’re a popular girl. You don’t need us, you’ll forget. When we became friends with you, we didn’t really want to, Jaemin kinda forced us to, I hope u understand. :/ we’ll forget about u, u forget about us. Deal? Read
Y/n [11:04pm] um ok. Sorry for bothering you all, have a good night Read
Y/n [11:03pm] when will u be home?Read
Mom [11:06pm] not for a while, ask Jaemin to come over if you’re scared of being alone. Read
Y/n [11:06pm] mom i hate to be annoying but can u and dad come home rn??? I need u Read
Mom [11:08pm] are you dying? Has someone broken in? Are you unsafe?Read
Y/n [11:08pm] um,,,,no Read
Mom [11:10pm] well then no y/n. You know how much this award means to me, I’ve been constantly working lately and finally might get recognized for it. If I leave now, I might not get it. Can whatever you need wait? Read
Y/n [11:11pm] Um yeah. I love u Read
Mom [11:12pm] u too💖 Read
Why were you never first?
Why was there no one who asked you if you were okay?
If there was, what would you say?
See y/n? No one likes you.
You’re a bother to them.
Maybe you should fix that.
Maybe if you made their lives easier, they would love you.
You didn’t deserve their love, but maybe?
Maybe the pills could love you.
They were always there for you.
Maybe, they could help others love you too.
Love love love love.
They say your parents found you in bed.
They thought you were sleeping. I mean, all your lights were off, it was late.
But in the morning, when your mother came to wake you up and saw that your eyes were wide open, well....
They found the note on your desk across the room.
It was dated a year before.
You had written it a year before.
Everyone admitted that it was such a beautiful note. Heartbreaking? Yes. gut-wrenching? Of course. But beautiful, absolutely beautiful.
They gathered everyone into the gym the next day in intervals. Freshman, who didn’t understand what was really happening, but had heard your name and definitely knew who you were, and could put two and two together.
Next, the sophomores. Like the freshman, they only had heard of you. Some had met you, some cried. You were kind, they knew.
After them, the juniors. Chenle and Jisung were sitting in the corner. Jisung was sobbing into Chenle’s lap, while silent tears fell down the olders’ face. You had always been willing to play video games with them, and were such a kind hearted person. They remember last night, when they were all sitting together and haechan had read your texts you sent out loud, and all of them were so busy feeling for Jaemin, that they blindly informed Haechan on what he should say. On how to break your heart. Chenle wished Haechan had called her.
Finally, the seniors. Soojin and Haeyong sat in the back, as always. They were both upset because you had not been answering their texts.
Renjun, Haechan, Jeno, and Jaemin were sitting on the other side. They had not been told what the assembly was about, but when the teacher got the call about it, halfway through math, she sat at her desk for a couple of seconds with her head in her hands. They knew whatever the assembly was about was not good.
Haechan was the first to react out of the four.
He whispered your name silently with wide eyes rounded on his face. His mind went to the first time you met him. You played him in a round of Overwatch to get him to warm up to you, and easily beat him. Besides Jaemin, he was probably the one you were closest to.
Jeno just kept looking at his lap with evident tears denting dark spots onto his jeans. Renjun, who was sitting next to Jaemin, couldn’t take his eyes off the boy to his right, terrified that he would faint.
Jaemin felt sick. He knew he looked pale, and his head felt a bit dizzy. He tasted metallic in his mouth, and finally registered that he was biting the inside of his cheek so hard, he was drawing blood. He wanted to leave, but he was too far up on the risers to get down.
Soojin cried. It was uncharacteristic of her, but at this point she didn’t care. How had she not seen it? Was she that self centered that she had really not seen it on you? Her best friend?
Haeyong wished you had called her, wished you had told her. But why would you? She knew she didn’t deserve to hear your heartache, but she still wished.
They read out your note. Your beautiful, heartbreaking, gut-wrenching note. They read it. And the student body listened.
I float in a boat
In a raging black ocean
Low in the water
And no where to go
The tiniest lifeboat
With people I know
Clammy and crowded
The people smell desperate
We’ll sink any minute
So someone must go
The tiniest lifeboat
With people I know
Everyone’s pushing
Everyone’s fighting
Storms are approaching, there’s no where to hide
If I say the wrong thing
Or I wear the wrong outfit
They’ll throw me right over the side
I’m hugging my knees
And the captain is pointing
Well who made her captain?
Still, the weakest must go
The tiniest lifeboat
Full of people I know
The tiniest lifeboat
Full of people I know
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Lemme know if you’d like a part two? Idk. Like I said this is purely indulgent so it’s not that good sorry :///
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chubbydrawer · 5 years
George Gingerbread
They say there is a tale of a father named George who always put his family off during the holidays, working long nights. Choosing to make money rather than be with his family. Until that fateful day on Christmas Eve. While driving to work he got into a car accident instantly killing him. Santa saw what had happened and the regret the man had for not seeing his family. So his soul was turned into a gingerbread man and in exchange for helping Santa convince other fathers to spend less time at work and more with their families, he could see his family every holiday.
Kyle sat at the office working hard on his board for demonstrating a new idea to the office by January second. It was December 24th and everyone was just leaving the building to go home to their families. Kyles friend Doug stood in the doorway shaking his head.
“I can’t believe you are going to continue working when you are free to go home to your family!” He said disappointed l.
“I gotta get this done! It’s very important, especially if I want that raise!”
“Kyle I get wanting more money but you need to go home! You have a wife and two kids waiting for you to come home!”
“I will I will! Just staying later till this is finished.”
“Well suit yourself. I am heading home for the holidays! See you next week.”
Doug turned to gather his coat and left on the elevator home. Kyle however sat plugging away at numbers.
A few hours went by and it was now 10pm Kyle got thirsty so he went into the offices break room to grab some water. As he headed back to his desk he saw a small little box wrapped in red and had a green bow on it.
“Hello, who dropped this off?”
Nobody replied, he figured it was maybe Doug or someone in the office who left it hear and left while he got the water. He sat in his office chair and slid the small box in front of him. On his desk. He ran his hand through his full brown locks wondering what on earth it could be! He tugged at the bow until it came loose and gently peeled back the wrapping paper to a red box with a lid. He slowly lifted the lid revealing a cute gingerbread man cookie. Funnily enough the cookie was dressed just like him and had the same features! It had slightly long brown hair piped with frosting and his chestnut brown eyes too! He even wore the same blue button down shirt and Kahkis followed by his brown Clark’s boots! He stared at the cookie amused! Must have been a funny office prank from one of his co workers. The only weird part about the cookie was it didn’t look like a normal cookie cutter type this cookie was rounder like it was supposed to resemble a chubby man. Maybe the cookie just got too spread out when it baked her thought. He was a tad hungry so he put the cookie up to his mouth and took a bite. It was absolutely delicious! He promptly finished the cookie within a few bites and got back to work!
It was another thirty minutes after he had finished his cookie when he heard a strange noise. It sounded like small footsteps entering his office but when he looked up he saw nobody.”Hello?” He called out, but nobody replied. He thought it was his imagination until someone called out his name “Kyyyle.” He looked up again a bit startled seeing there was nobody there. He pushed himself away from his desk in his chair a bit scared.
“Who’s there, don’t try to scare me!”
“You should go home to your family Kyle!” The voice said.
“I don’t know who you are but leVe me alone I’m trying to work!”
Just then he saw a small gingerbread man hop up onto his desk. Kyles jaw dropped in disbelief!
“What the fuck” he said surprised
“Hiya the names George Gingerbread”
Kyle just stared at him confused and shocked. How was a cookie talking to him!
“ listen buddy I tried the ole scary tactic to try to get you home but it obviously didn’t work so I’m going to try another approach here. First off yes I am a gingerbread man so close your lip and stop gawking!”
Kyle closed his mouth but kept staring confused.
“Icame here today because you are here on Christmas Eve rather than at home with your family.Its Christmas Eve you need to spend time with them, money isn’t everything trust me!”
“How can you talk!?” Kyle said still shocked
“I used to be a man just like you but I made a mistake and now I’m a gingerbread man and I’m trying to prevent people like you from doing the same!”
“People like me?”
“Yes workoholics who would rather choose work over their families.”
“ listen I just want to get a raise that’s all it’s not wrong to work hard for the people you love!”
@ sure it’s not wrong for you to work hard for the people you love but it is wrong to ignore them day to day and especially on a holiday!”
“ I’m just going to finish my work and then I’ll head home I. A few hours.”
“It’s already late and you still want to work l...I’m obviously not getting through to you. I used to be like you a working man who always thought about the money or the next raise and my family suffered. It only took till me dying in an accident to understand how wrong I was! Don’t suffer the same fate!”
“ Im really sorry that that happened to you but promise in a few hours I will go home I just really want that raise.”
“*sigh* I guess if you want it that bad. I would just be careful with these desk jobs. I hear they’re notorious for causeing people to pack on the pounds!” George said with a small smirk.
Just then Kyle felt a small rumble in his belly.he looked down to see his belly slight visible under his shirt which was impossible! He was a skinny guy with a nice bit of muscles, there was no way he had a belly! He thought it was bloating until he saw it expand before his eyes pressing tighter into his button up.”what the fuck?” He pressed his fingers into his belly but what he felt shocked him! Instead of a stiff hard belly it was soft and dough like. “What the hell is going on?!” He looked angrily at George
“Just giving you your just desserts! Let me show you the toll years in the office sitting on your ass will do to you in just one night!”
“How are you doing this!”
“That cookie you ate had magic in it... just in case I had to be more persuasive...”
“Ah please make it stop!” He said as his stomach continued to expand further tightening his shirt.”
“Go home to your family”
“I can’t I have to work!”
“Then you can enjoy your new size while you work!”
“Gah no! P-lease”
His belly was now the size of a basketball, his shirt revealing strips of flesh between his buttons. He sat there in his office chair holding the sides of his belly watching and feeling it expand under his fingers! “Oh fuck” he said feeling aroused and terrified at the same time. His pecs were not starting to swell with his belly now causing the top buttons of his dress shirt to tighten. Around his growing form. He started to feel pain around his waist as his love handles grew thicker,further tightening his pants . PING! He watched as his pants button flew off of him sending his belly surging forward. The button flew across the room smacking George clean i. The face knocking him of the desk! “Ah damn that smarted” he said rubbing his head. For the minute that distracted George making Kyle stop expanding for the moment. He looked around at his body. He could tell by the way his arms pressed into his shirt that they lost all definition his thighs were also seemingly bigger making his pants more skinny jean like. He could also feel his ass had grown taking up a bit more of the chair. George hopped back up on the desk. “Now where were we? Oh yes I was making you a dough boy!” He grinned and the Kyle resumed expanding! “ please stop everything is so tight ah!” There is only one way I’ll stop and that’s to go home!”
“I need the promotion”
“Hm wow your persistent. We’ll go on with work then don’t mind me!”
Kyle was still growing! He felt a POP! And then another POP! One buy one the buttons around his belly pinged off and shot across the room. His belly wobbled forward flopping into his lap. His sleeves and pant legs were now so tight they were tearing at the seams. RIIIIIIPPP.!!!! “Oh my it seems your fat ass got to big for your britches!” George said mockingly! “You are gonna pay for this!” Kyle said in anger!” “Oh I highly doubt it but I know you definitely are!” Kyle looked in a mirror on his wall in the office. He couldn’t recognize himself. His face was no longer angular but now was filled with fat blending into his neck. His belly was big and round and covered most of his lap now! He looked 350 lbs a pure lard! “Oh fuck” he said shocked at his size. With another big surge of his body his shirt and pants completely burst of sending his body into a fit of quivering.
“PLEASE make it stop I’ll do anything!”
“Yes please I don’t want to be so huge” as he said this the chair broke from under him causing him to fall to the floor his whole body shaking as he fell.
“ ok I will not only stop this but also make you thinner if you agree to leave work and spend the entire holidays with our family from now on!”
“Fine whatever you want! I get it I love them and I promise I will just please make this stop!
“Ok it’s a deal!... but before I stop this and change you back.... I want to see you fill up this office.”
“Oh gosh please no. I want to be thin again!”
“I promise after I will but come on let’s have some fun!”
“ uh...fine but only if you change me back once you’re done!”
“Perfect!” He said with a grin.
With that Kyle grew and grew! He laid flat on the floor as his body thickened and his belly continued to rise. He was bearing 400 lbs and his underwear was feeling every inch of it! He just got fatter and fatter. He didn’t want to admit it to George but now he was secretly enjoying it. He continued to grow and grow his whole backside was now causing him to round out with fat. He filled out more and more of the room. Every bit a growth causing hi. To quiver! He rounded out more now so fat that his appendages were being sucks so to his bulbous frame. By the time he stopped his whole body took up half the room and looked like a marshmallow. He laid there imobile. Just then he felt his whole body ripple as George jumped all around his belly like a giant trampoline!
“Wow you are so huge and squishy!”
“Haha I guess I am!”
“Hmmm part of me wants to keep you this big forever!”
“Oh god please no!”
“Don’t worry I won’t! You wouldn’t really be able to be a dad if you were this size!” So I’ll shrink you down!”
With that jack started to decrease in size all his blubber melting away. Jack stood up now completely naked!
“Hey I thought you were going to make me the size I was before? Well I was but u think you look good with a bit of chub!
He looked in the mirror and observed himself! He looked well built and had a nice structure of muscle but was covered in a nice thick layer of fat and he had a nice round belly.
“Haha thanks man I guess I do look good this way!.... do you think you could get me some clothes?”
A red button up and green kahkis appeared before him and he through them on ready for his travels home to his family!
“Thank you again for making me realize that I had been wrong.”
“It’s what I do now go get your family! Also I want to give you a gift!”
He handed a small red box to Kyle. He opened it to reveal a pair of red and green underwear!
“I know you secretly enjoyed getting fatter so whenever you put these on you will have the powers to control your weight to any size you want!”
“Wow thanks! I’ll admit I kinda did!”
He gave George a high five and left to go to his wife and kids. George’s work was done so he transformed into his normal self and headed to see his family. Meanwhile As Kyle drove home he was wondering how he was going to explain his new size to his wife. And he also couldn’t wait to try out his new gift
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Requested by hayleychr :  Could you do a Connor x reader fic where the readers parents are fighting and Connor comforts the reader by taking them out to look at stars?? 
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(Gif not mine but writing is)
A trip out in the night
You often enjoyed your walk home from school. It gave you time to yourself and to reflect on what had happened during the day. Lifting your arms up high above your head to stretch your body, you sigh as you gaze at the familiar streets that you walked daily. School today was ok you guess. The amount of homework that you were given today should be illegal for a Friday but at least it had a long deadline. You pulled your coat around you a little tighter as a chilly autumn breeze blew through the air. Turning down your path you slowly walk up to the front door of your house. How were things going to be today? The past few weeks have been trying but perhaps today would be different. It would be better, you would walk in and yes, you'd be greeted by smiling faces and be asked how your day was. You took a deep breath before opening the door.
"Mom, Dad I'm home." you call as your walk through the front door. Your words were responded with two 'hello's from opposite ends of the house. The comforting smell of food cooking hits you instantly. You climb the stairs and dump your schoolbag in your bedroom before returning back downstairs. "Hi Mom" you say as you walk into the dining room. "Dinner's ready" she said with a smile as she set down the plates of food onto the dining table. You sat in your usual spot, staring at the plate of food which was beginning to make your mouth water. The pair of you sat in silence for a few minutes, occasionally smiling at each other awkwardly. "(Y/N), you might as well start eating. Your father thinks that it is more important to sort out his study rather than to eat with his family." your Mom said loudly enough for it be heard by the person whose footsteps could be heard entering the room. Your father smiled at you before glaring at you Mom because of her comment. There were black rings under his eyes due to the late shifts at work that he had to pick up recently.
As the three of you ate, you could feel the tension in the room. Hardly a word was spoken and you notice that you parents didn't look at each other throughout the entire meal. Perhaps there had been a falling out between the two of them before you arrived home from school. Whatever it was, it was making you feel uncomfortable. 
"Dinner was delicious." you say in attempt to start a conversation. "Thank you dear." your Mom smiles before the room fell silent once again. "I... I'm going to go and get a head start on my homework." you stammer before excusing yourself from the table. As you walk up the stairs you could hear your parents finally talking. "(Y/N) off to do her homework. A hard working girl like her is just what this family needs." your father said with a harsh undertone to his words. "And what is that supposed to mean?" your mother snapped.
Your parents digging words became a low hum as you shut your bedroom door. Sighing you pulled out your text books and pen onto your desk. Also grabbing your headphones and turning the music on your ipod as you attempt some of your homework. You were tired but you couldn’t go downstairs when your parents were like this. You worked solidly until you were fighting to keep your eyelids open. Glancing at the clock on your desk you could see why, it was getting late. Turning off the music you get changed into your pajamas. A grey top with a picture of a charmander on it and some long black pajama bottoms. After opening the door you silently creep down the stairs in a plan to head to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. But before you were halfway down the stairs, the sound of your parent's voices rose. They were yet again shooting insults at each other. Each horrible phrase spoken was like another cut into your heart. You hated seeing the two people that you loved the most being so mean to each other. Quickly you ran back upstairs as quietly as you could before shutting your bedroom door behind you.
You couldn't stand it. Perhaps, just perhaps, you thought that today would be different. The arguments between your parents had become a nightly occurrence. It was also something that you were powerless to stop. Tears started to well up in your eyes as you curled up under your bed sheets and pressed your pillow on your head, against your ears. Your pillow still wasn't enough to block out the hateful words that your parents continued to use at each other. You squeezed your eyes tightly shut in the hope that you would somehow be able to fall asleep. It was no use. Opening your eyes, you grab you phone and illuminate its screen. The time read 11:00pm. Your parents still hadn't stopped arguing and you could feel tears dampen your face and bed sheets. You felt completely and utterly alone and pathetic. Looking at your phone you scrolled down the list of contacts. You could really use a friend right now but was it too late? Surely everyone would be asleep? You could call Evan, no he would definely be asleep. Jared? He could turn the whole thing into one big joke. Who were you kidding there was only one real choice and that was your best friend Connor.
Connor already knew about your parent’s arguments and how you felt about them. He didn't really get along with his own family but it hurt him to see how miserable it made you. Frantically you type but hesitated at the send button. If he is sleeping right now, he would be completely pissed at you for waking him up. You weighed up your options and in a moment of panic you accidentally pressed the send button. Well I guess you'd just have to wait and see. Your message read: 'Sorry Con, I know that you are probably asleep. My parents are arguing again it's just so unbearable. They haven't stopped since I got home and I just needed to tell someone.' -Seen 11:10pm
You set your phone back on the side and curled up under the bed sheets once again. Your eyes tightly shut and your hands over your ears. Time passed and you could still hear your parents shouting at one another. You heard something hitting your bedroom window, the wind must of really picked up outside but you did not think that it was meant to rain until tomorrow. Pressing your hands even harder over your ears, you could barely hear the footsteps approaching your bed. Was it you Mom or Dad coming in to apologise? Your bedroom light flicked on.
Suddenly you felt the corner of your bed cover lift off of you, forcing your eyes to open. You jump slightly at the tall frame standing over you. Despite the initial shock you were ecstatic to see them. It was Connor. He wore black jogging bottoms, converses and his black hoodie. His long brown hair framed his face which had a sad expression on it. He gazed upon you curled up in your bed, your cheeks stained with tears as you silently cried. Feeling his gaze, you look down in embarrassment. It broke Connor's heart to see you in such distress. He sat down at the edge of your bed and waited for your response, he didn't want to rush you in your current state. Sitting up, you took your hands off of your ears. Looking at Connor, you could see his eyes were tinged with sadness as he frowned slightly as he could clearly hear your parents arguing. However when he caught your gaze he smiled slightly. "Come here" he whispered as he opened his arms and scooped you into a hug. "It's ok" he said quietly when he heard you begin to cry again. "I'm so sorry. I probably woke you up. I am just being stupid. I'm sorry Connor, I'm sorry." you sobbed. "Shh" Connor replied as he gently stroked your hair which started to calm you down. You nuzzled into his chest as his touch was of great comfort to you. The pair of you sat together like this for a few minutes, completely content in each other’s arms. You were so glad that Connor showed up at your house, he always seemed to know exactly what you needed, even if you weren't sure yourself.
You looked up at him as he pulled away. You could see him looking over you, making sure that were ok. His eyes wandered until they fell upon your pajama top, making him raise a suspicious eyebrow. "Don't tell me that charmander was your starter pokemon." he said. You nodded in reply. "(Y/N) I thought I knew you. It should be squirtle all the way, it learns surf later on." he said over dramatically in fake shock, which made you giggle. He savoured the sound of your laughter. You couldn't remember if you had actually laughed at all today. Connor always knew what to do to make you smile. Gently he raised one of his hands to your face and wiped the tears from your cheeks with his thumb. To your surprise his sweet smile turned into a frown.
"Well, I can't listen to anymore yelling from your parents and I'm sure that you can't as well. Come on (Y/N), let's get out of here." he said in determination. "But, but what if they notice that I am gone?" you ask in hesitation. You had never sneaked out of the house before. Sure Connor had sneaked in a couple of times and you had hung out together after school but this was different. Despite your reservations, you found yourself getting up out of your bed and putting your boots and coat on. Connor frantically rolled up and stuffed clothes under your bed sheets. "Don't worry, if they check then it looks like your still in bed asleep. See? I've done it hundreds of times and my parents always fall for it." he said with a tinge of triumph in his voice. He smiled and gave you a thumbs up, which made you laugh. You trusted him, always have and always will.
Carefully Connor guided you out of your bedroom window and onto the yard below. The chill in the air hitting you instantly. Perhaps it was that or the thrill of sneaking out with Connor which gave you a shiver up your spine. Your eyes lit up when you spotted your getaway vehicle in the form of Connor's beat up old car. "Your chariot, my lady." he said in the most cringey British accent as he opened the passenger door for you. You laughed as you got into the car. "Please try to ignore all of the random shit I have got in here." Connor chuckled as he turned on the ignition, the car's engine lazily roared into life. Having a quick glance around the car, it looked like most of his life was in here. As if he had everything he could ever need if he was suddenly kicked out of his house.
Looking out the window, the blur of lights and buildings ran past. The city sure could be pretty at night, a welcoming contrast from the daily hustle bustle of busy life. "So... Where are we going?" you ask excitedly. "It's a surprise." Connor answered with a mischievous grin on his face. Studying the outside, confusion filled your mind as you noticed that you had left the city streets and were now driving down a winding country road. To your surprise he parked in a clearing in the middle of a field which was lined with old apple trees. "Well I guess that Jared was right. He did say it was inevitable." you said trying your best to sound disappointed with a playful pout on your face and Connor stared at you in confusion. "This is the spot where Connor Murphy murdered me." you said with a dramatic sigh as a giggle escaped your lips. "Shut up" he laughed as he lightly pushed on your arm with his hand.
Rummaging on the back seats, Connor pulled out a picnic blanket before exiting the car. You looked around at your surroundings in amazement. Connor knew your love of nature and the foliage here was incredible. A sea of grass framed by seemingly endless trees. "It's such a lovely spot here Connor. Good choice." you say whilst twirling around to soak up the scenery. "I used to come to this orchard all the time with my family when I was small." Connor said with nostalgia. You could tell by the tone in his voice that the place meant a lot to him. It also meant a lot that you liked it just as much as he did. However you were puzzled. Surely this place would be even more beautiful in daylight, why did he bring you here in the dark?
He placed the blanket flat on the ground and then sat on top of it cross-legged. Walking over to him you stare at him with a confused expression. Just as you were about to open your mouth to speak he suddenly grabbed your arm, pulling you down so you now sat next to him. The unexpected action made the both of you laugh. You both look at each other with the goofiest smiles on your face. A perfect moment of happiness. The uncomfortable sadness you experienced earlier as your parents argued was now a distant memory. "What do you want to do?" you ask with great interest. "Just copy me, Miss (L/N)" Connor replied.
Connor laid down on his back and looked up. You instantly did the same. A gasp escaped your lips at what your saw. Hundreds of twinkling stars speckled the night sky. You were speechless as you lay there in awe of the sight in front of you. You could hear Connor quietly chuckling at your reaction. Raising an arm up, you attempt to trace the patterns that stars made. The silence of the clearing added to the peaceful atmosphere. You both laid there for you don't know how long. Pleased to be in one another's company. Moving your arm, you feel around the picnic blanket until you found what you were looking for. Silently you held onto Connor's hand with your own. Luckily it was dark so you didn't notice the shade of red flushing his cheeks.
"Thank you" you said as you gave Connor's hand a squeeze, which made him smile. He didn't respond with words but instead entwined his fingers with yours. You sighed with pure happiness as you continued to gaze at the star covered sky. "Oh Connor, it's gorgeous!" you exclaim whilst looking up at the sky awestruck. You did not realise that Connor wasn't looking up but was actually staring you instead. "Yes she really is" he replied.
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imsarabum · 7 years
{PART 24} I Won’t Stop You // Jeon Jungkook, Vampire!AU
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Vampire!AU, Fantasy, Angst, Smut
Summary; Despite everything that has gone wrong for you; you feel like life might start to have a better outlook as Jungkook takes all measures to keep you safe. However, a storm is coming; one that grips and pulls at the strongest winter coat...before you find yourself making the biggest mistake of your life to date.
“The lull, or the calm before the storm took it’s place in the atmosphere, in both of their hearts and their minds. ‘Tread carefully’ he warned her, but she slipped from his grasp the moment he blinked”
Not rated M, but be warned there are some scenes of a suggestive sexual nature.
I update this series every Tuesday evening, 9pm-10pm (UK Time) 
{Part 1} // {Part 23} {Part 24} {Part 25}
Going to sleep and waking up the next morning, while it certainly helped you clear your head and rid you of the tiredness that habituated every single cell in your body; you awoke with your mind full of more questions for Jungkook about his world. Which of course, he was more than happy to address – even as you both lay wrapped up in each other’s limbs in his bed during the early hours of the current Sunday morning.
At first, you found yourself feeling quite ambivalent in the wake of Jungkook informing you that Vampires didn’t sleep – never had, and never will. When you asked him what he did when he lay beside you as you slept, he replied “Is it creepy to know that I take comfort in your peacefulness – gazing upon your slumbering face?” before he proceeded to laugh at your mouth as it hung open while you thought about the image of him staring at you and nothing else for over six hours at a time. Soberly, he told you that yes – he couldn’t help but watch you from time to time as you slept beside him. Sometimes, he lay with you in his arms and closed his eyes, wondering what you were dreaming about – if you were dreaming at all. And other times, he would pull out his work phone and draft emails that needed to be sent the next day come 9am; ever the typical businessman, or business Vampire, however one saw fit to see it.
As you both descended the stairs to the kitchen a few hours later, and as Jungkook took it upon himself to make you a breakfast fit for kings consisting of bacon, eggs, sausages, toast and beans; a thought from your night of passion came back to you – and you certainly didn’t hesitate to ask him.
“If...for talk’s sake, I were to – you know, become pregnant” you swallowed, seeing what you noticed to be a shimmer of happiness floating amidst Jungkook’s eyes as he concentrated on perfecting your hard boiled eggs. “Am I correct in assuming that our child be half human, half Vampire?” you asked.
“Certainly not” he replied with a shake of his head as he turned down the temperature of the saucepan. “While you exist in a human form, (Y/N), you are a domitor. As Taehyung mentioned, your internal build-up is completely different from that of a human, my love. If anything, it would be more half Vampire, half domitor” he paused as he directed his gaze to you. “But ultimately...I have no idea. Like my mother said last night, you are simply uncharted territory when it comes to our full knowledge of you. It seems that Vampires still have a lot to gain and learn from domitors” he smiled a smile so sweet and excitable that it made your heart race as he placed your breakfast in front of you. At the present moment in time, Jungkook did not wish to inform you of what could happen if a Vampire and a human were to create their own offspring. This was for many reasons, but the biggest ones were the fact you were in effect, a domitor – not a human. And the other? He didn’t want to completely put you off your breakfast.
“I apologise if my culinary skills are lacking. But...I will try to dedicate more time to perfecting them for you. I promise.” he bit his lip a fraction as you tasted one of his grilled sausages.
“Well – I’m not dead yet so, you’re not totally banjaxed” you giggled as he gave you a look of complete confusion.
“...banjaxed? Are you sure that’s even a word?” he raised his eyebrow coyly at you as he leaned over the island in the middle of the kitchen – resting his chin upon his hand as he playfully leered deep into your eyes.
“It means like – broken. Completely ‘fucked’, to put it in a more common light. I heard it in a movie once~” you fired back at him as you took a sip on the freshly brewed coffee you had made while Jungkook had prepared your breakfast. He chuckled to himself – secretly admiring how you could be so wonderful and eloquent with your words, whilst being finely uncouth and unapologetic, too.
Your lazy Sunday with Jungkook consisted of deep conversation about the world as you knew it – and the world that you had just been introduced to. During this time, you accompanied Jungkook on a walk throughout his estate. And as you both strolled alongside each other through the woods behind the estate walls, another question came to your mind.
“Why is it that Vampires who are not regium have to ask for permission to walk upon sacred ground? I always assumed from books and T.V that it was just Vampires who had to ask before going into a human’s house?” you looked up to him as you felt his fingers interlaced with yours tighten slightly.
“It’s just the way it has always been. Think of it like a creed of trust; like a pact that says ‘I trust you to come into my home, please honour this vow’ way of thinking. And, you’re not wrong (Y/N) – for that part of pop-culture is certainly true for Vampires when it comes to humans.” he paused as you both reached the small, babbling brook in the middle of his forest. Jungkook took a seat on one of the rocks that lined the stream – motioning for you to sit down atop of his lap as his arms snaked themselves around your waist, pulling you in tightly to him. “I don’t know if you may recall, but the very first time I visited your home...do you remember my hesitation to enter?”
You thought back to that night when you invited Jungkook in for coffee – remembering his dishevelled indifference as you recalled his extreme hesitation when it came to walking through your door. “So...that’s why he was being like that?” you smirked as you shook your head playfully, rolling your eyes as you both continued to smile at each other. “What would happen if a Vampire were to enter a human’s place without their consent?”
Jungkook pursed his lips together, looking off to his left before trailing his line of sight back to you.
“Boom~” he raised his voice in a playful manner, squeezing your mid-section and making you jump a little whilst eliciting a nervous giggle from you – almost as if you didn’t believe him entirely. “I’m serious though. If a Vampire were to walk into a humans home uninvited – and the same goes for a humani generis who walks into a regium’s home uninvited; everything within the vicinity would be blown into the next dimension. That’s just the way it is, I’m afraid” he returned to speaking in a more than serious tone, letting you know that he was absolutely speaking the truth as you mulled over that terrifying notion.
“And also...I do have a rather terrible confession to make” Jungkook eyes cast themselves downwards as he felt more than guilty about something that was obviously bothering him – ultimately capturing your interest. “On the night you and I returned from the Italian restaurant...remember how your apartment got flooded?” his voice was low – almost shy.
“...yes? Wait – come to think of it, you were awake when you pulled me on top of you?! Jungkook!” you slapped his chest while thinking back to your innocent mind just assuming that he had done what he had done due to his subconscious slumbering state.
“Well yes, but...I’m more so talking about the actual flooding itself...you see; I – I may have had a hand in the waterlogged destruction of your home, (Y/N)” you couldn’t believe his words – nor could you believe he was actually admitting to it either.
“...did you have a reason to?” you asked quietly – your question almost taking Jungkook aback as he expected you to get angry; and that anger would certainly have been entitled.
“I don’t wish to dampen our day, but the reason I did what I did was because you were in danger. I knew that Yoongi had been in the area. Mugsy managed to swipe at his face and I could pick up on his fowl scent from Mugsy’s claws. At first, I thought Yoongi’s business was with me. Little did I know...it was you he was after from the very beginning. I didn’t tell you because...well – I’m sure you can understand why?” he placed his hand right on top of your cheek as he looked straight into your eyes with such genuine, apologetic earnestness.
“I was afraid he would say that” you winced to yourself. “You’ve been looking out for me and protecting me this entire time...and I didn’t even know it. But; I’m glad I know now.” You nodded your head, understanding why he was forced to commit such rash actions given such a short space of time. Of course, you were to a degree more or less annoyed that your apartment had to suffer...but would you have believed Jungkook if he had told you the truth then? You couldn’t have been sure.
“You are? Why?” he inclined his head a fraction – his dark pools peering at you from beneath his long eyelashes that made your pulse quicken.
“Because now I can protect you too – because I know everything now. I know that you had no other choice, so...I guess you’re forgiven” you took both of his cheeks in-between your hands and squished his face together – making yourself laugh at just how cute he was. “Wait – hang on, you said that Mugsy took a swipe at Yoongi? What do you mean?” you suddenly remembered your cat being brought up in conversation. As Jungkook proceeded to tell you that regium Vampires can communicate with animals via their thoughts due to their shared affinities, you had been subjected to so much disbelief that hearing such an outlandish claim seemed like nothing – in comparison to finding out about the existence of Vampires.
“Mugsy had informed me that a rogue had been stalking your home. He managed to strike Yoongi with his claws to warn him to stay away; and in turn, the smell it left behind alerted me to the dangers that were being imposed on you. In effect, I’m rather grateful for Mugsy’s assistance” Jungkook’s voice became sombre and sincere as he nuzzled his nose against yours. “I know that all of this must be so hard for you to take in. But you have no idea how much it means to me that...that you accept me, despite everything.”
You pressed your lips to his – inviting him to partake in delicate, slow kisses shared between you both as all you could hear was the sound of your own heartbeat ringing in your ears, mixed with the flow of the brook in the background. “It might seem weird for me to say this, but actually; you have become easier to understand since I know the truth about you. Beforehand, I just thought that you acted the way you acted because that was just you, and you didn’t know how to express yourself properly. But, now I realise that there was so much underneath your surface – and I’m happy that you trusted me enough to let me inside” you freely expressed how you felt to Jungkook beneath the thousands of leaves adoring the trees overhead; something that Jungkook loved infinitely about you – that you weren’t afraid to speak from the depths of your heart.
The day drew to a close – as Jungkook sat beside you in his grand living room with both of you watching the lowering of the burning sun setting fire to the sky; producing beautiful oranges and purples in her wake. As you both found yourself in deep intellectual conversation about UV rays and Vampires, Jungkook’s mobile phone rang – causing both to jump a little.
“Hello, mother” Jungkook spoke upon answering the phone – before he took it away from his ear and placed her on loudspeaker.
“Thank you darling – hello (Y/N); how are you this evening?” Serrena’s velvet voice sounded through the phone as you replied that you were doing just fine.
“That’s great to hear – I’m glad the both of you are doing well” she paused, before taking a breath and letting her voice take a more informative tone. “Anyway, the reason for my calling is to tell you both that Yoongi’s trial will be held in a few days in front of the Eternal Kingdom’s counsel and public jury. He is still being held securely at his parent’s Mansion so there’s no need to be afeared of his escape”
“What about his three friends? The other rogues?” Jungkook asked immediately as his arm pulled you in even closer to his body.
“Hmm, yes – Namjoon, Seokjin and Hoseok are all being detained by the Montgomery’s offsite at one of their other estates. I’ve been assured they have all been separated for security purposes” she replied, but your mind lingered on the mention of the name ‘Montgomery.’
“Montgomery...isn’t that the name of one of the Jeon’s contracted consumers?” you raised the question immediately.
“Yes, (Y/N) – you’re correct. Yoongi’s family, the Montgomery’s are contracted consumers of the Jeon’s. But...they don’t buy medical equipment from the company; as I’m sure you can deduct?” Jungkook replied, before his mother continued.
“That’s right. The Montgomery’s are just one of countless Vampiric families who purchase our manufactured blood, my dear.”
“So that’s why the file was so secretive” you nodded your head slowly as you couldn’t help but think back to your previous encounter with Mr. Brown who was adamant on getting his hands on the file in question. “Did he know? Was he looking for information?” you couldn’t form a clear answer – deciding to probe Jungkook’s thoughts later at a more appropriate time.
“Thank you for getting in contact with us mother” Jungkook smiled into the phone after gently giving you a chaste kiss to your forehead.
“Of course darling. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call. That includes you, (Y/N)!”
After saying goodbye, Jungkook hung up and placed his phone back on the coffee table in front of you both, before you took it upon yourself to snuggle further into him on the sofa that he had previously thrown across the living room the very first night you kissed him.
“You know, despite the graveness of the predicament we both find ourselves in; I’m rather looking forward to staying at home and being like this with you until the trial is over” Jungkook breathed in your scent as he held you close to him – relishing in the delicious, soothing feeling of your skin against his, the comforting sound and beating of your heart and the warmth of your entire body in general.
“...what do you mean?” you asked, perplexed by what he meant as you looked up from beneath his chin.
“Well, I’ve decided to take time away from the office to stay with you here at the Manor until everything is sorted out” he replied with his eyes closed – as if he truly looked happy and peaceful; but you sat up to glare at him regardless.
“Jungkook” you began, causing him to open his eyes to see your more than cute glare on you face as he smiled without meaning to. “I appreciate you wanting to stay at home with me – but seriously, you said it yourself. I am safe behind these walls. There’s no reason for you to stay here and babysit me. I already feel useless enough without you having to stay cooped up in here too” you pressed your hands to his chest to try and get him to see reason. For a moment, you spied what you thought to be a devilish glint in your Vampiric boyfriend’s eyes. “He’s teasing me...” you scoffed.
“You mean, you don’t want me to stay here with you? All day...? The things we could get up to...the things we could do to pass the time...doesn’t it sound nice, (Y/N)?” his voice dropped several decibels as he narrowed his eyes – trapping his lip between his teeth while his hands placed themselves on top of yours; smirking at you the entire time. Alas, you weren’t so easy as you took it upon yourself to challenge his flirtatious words.
“Oh really?” you questioned, positioning yourself above him as you straddled his waist – taking his hands and pinning them to the arm of the sofa; eliciting an airy chuckle of humour to escape Jungkook’s lips while he watched you with curious eyes. “You talk a mighty fine talk, my Prince” you began slowly grinding your hips into his – watching his face contort in hedonism in reaction to the feeling you gave him between his legs. “I wish my Prince would stop all this idle talk and show me...right now...the things we won’t get up to while he’s off work; seeing as he will be going to work. Because when he comes home each day...” you paused, leaning down into his ear and letting your lips ghost over his lobe as you whispered seductively;
“...I can show him how much I’ve missed him all day – how much I needed him...for absence not only makes the heart grow fonder; it makes the body so wild it goes insane” your words produced an excited whimper to pass Jungkook’s lips as he couldn’t believe your boldness – your persuasive sexiness that reduced him to grind back into you to meet your slow movements on him. Jungkook opened his eyes before you felt him lift you with force, rolling you over and pushing you down into the sofa where he previously lay – making you giggle and coo in delight as you heard him growl deeply in your ear;
“You’re in trouble now, little madam.”
Monday morning came after another night of Jungkook pushing you towards several highs in several different locations throughout his Manor– starting with the living room, going on to against one of the walls in his hallway, and ending in his bedroom as it usually did. Currently, you found yourself standing once again in Jungkook’s kitchen – the time being 7:30am as you stood with your arms folded, a single eyebrow raised and your foot tapping on the floor while Jungkook finished up putting a list of emergency contacts in your mobile phone.
“Alright, so if there’s an emergency, tell me again what you will do” Jungkook handed you your phone before he began putting on his black Armani work jacket over his broaden shoulders.
“If there’s any emergency, I will call you straight away” you sighed, your voice half sarcastic, half playful as you watched him fuss over you like a mother hen would over her chicks.
“I will have my phone on my person at all times on ‘loud’. But – if you can’t reach me, then –“
“Then my next move will be to ring Taehyung. If I can’t reach Taehyung, I try Jimin. If I can’t get in contact with Jimin, I call your mother. Jungkook – is this necessary?” you laughed – straining your voice while leaning against the kitchen island in defeat. Jungkook turned to face you, wrapping his arms around your body and holding you tightly in his grasp. He knew that he was being overprotective – overreacting to a certain degree. But in his mind, he wanted to eliminate all the possibilities of you not knowing what to do should you encounter any kind of problem by yourself.
“I just want you to know that you’re safe. I just needed to know that you know what to do if a situation arises. I know I’m being annoying, and I don’t care. Kiss me – please?” Jungkook’s behaviour was manically endearing in a way as his needy lips found yours and encapsulated you in a heated kiss.
“You’re so adorable when you’re needy...the Prince of Vampires; an emotional, needy mess for his domitor lover” you giggled at him in jest, watching him roll his eyes as he thought to himself – “It’s funny, because it’s absolutely true”
Jungkook stepped back from you, grabbing his briefcase and his keys before doing a final check to make sure he had everything he needed. “And remember to make yourself lunch and snack plenty throughout the day. The fridge is full as are the cupboards – and don’t forget to drink lots of –“ you cut him off with another kiss to his lips, silencing his worried babbling.
“...water” he finished his sentence upon you breaking the kiss – both of you smiling at each other; you in disbelief and he in fretful silence.
“I’ll walk you to the door, shall I?” you held out your hand for him to take as you both began making your way out of the kitchen and down the hallway. Jungkook sighed upon reaching the front door – watching you opening it wide to let the chilly, dewy morning air nip at your bare legs underneath one of his slept-in white shirts you wore.
“Stay warm, okay?” he turned to face you, giving you an ethereal smile that instantly caused you to grin like the fourteen year old school-girl he always reduced you to.
“Drive safe. I love you~” you stood on your tip toes to gift him one last kiss to his lips as a means to say farewell. You could really feel in that moment how Jungkook savoured every second of your love for him – the slight gasp of air he inhaled through his nose as he took in your scent; while you did the same for him, taking in the attractive aroma of his cologne he frequently wore, ‘Mont Blanc.’
Jungkook nodded and smiled at you as he leaned back – not wanting to leave, but knowing that you would have more or less kicked him out the door if he lingered for a moment longer. “I love you too, stay safe.” He squeezed your hand, before stepping outside and walking the short walk to his car that was parked just down from the steps that led up to his Manor door.
“See you when you get home!” you called out, waving goodbye to him as he opened his car door after unlocking it – watching you as you closed the Manor door behind you.
“I’ll miss you” he thought quietly, smiling as he lowered himself down into his car. Soon after, you observed him through the living room window as he took off in the direction of the front gates – before speeding off down the long country roads that led into the city; and the gates closing shut behind him. For the first time ever, you were alone in Jungkook’s Manor. For a moment, the silence was almost deafening as you realised that you would truly be all on your own all day; but you didn’t let it discourage you in the slightest. With a determined sigh, you began striding towards the kitchen to make yourself some breakfast. As you did – you spotted Mugsy come bounding in behind you; his black and yellow eyes gleaming at you as he sat at your feet.
“Hello Mugsy~” you cooed, lowering yourself down on to your hunkers to tickle his ears. “You know, Jungkook told me something very interesting about you...” you smiled to him – knowing that he could absolutely hear what you were saying as Mugsy proceeded to let a little meow escape him, along with a slow blink.
“You really do care about me, don’t you? Otherwise, why would you have told Jungkook about Yoongi?” you said aloud, not being sure if you were really asking Mugsy the question or just talking to yourself to dull the silence. But to your surprise, Mugsy began purring – making you smile in delight.
“Aww, I knew you weren’t such an asshole cat; come here!” you picked him up – nuzzling your face into his fur as Mugsy meowed back as if to agree with your sentiments exactly. Little did you know, Mugsy was probably just begging for you to desist with your overflowing affection and hurry up on fixing him something to eat instead.
You finished not one, but two bowls of cereal – while flicking through a random poetry book that Jungkook recommended to you previously, when you decided to take a lone walk through the Manor; essentially, trying to get a nice snoop without feeling like you were invading too much of Jungkook’s privacy. After running some tap water into the bowl and leaving it in the sink, you turned to Mugsy who was still chowing down on his food in his bowl.
“I’m gonna take a dander through the Manor. Wanna come with?” you asked, to which Mugsy never lifted his head as he continued to enjoy his breakfast.
“Have it your way then!” you chirped as you took off down one of the many hallways that Jungkook’s Manor consisted of. You had previously been given a thorough tour of his home by none other than Jungkook himself, but your hungry mind still delved for more than maybe the eye could see at a first glance. You thought that perhaps, now with more knowledge about Jungkook’s life than before, you might possibly be able to pick up on something you would have otherwise missed due to your blissful ignorance. And with that, you decided to make your way to his library; truly feeling like Belle wandering the beast’s castle. Except Jungkook was certainly no beast to you as there was no ‘forbidden west wing’ he kept you locked out of...and deep down; you truly hoped that your story would have a happy ending – just as Belle’s did.
Meanwhile, Jungkook felt antsy at his desk; constantly fidgeting and looking at his phone despite his mountain of work he had laid out in front of him. When he looked at his phone, half of him hoped to see a message from you - but the other half felt relieved when there was none because it meant that nothing was wrong.
“No news is good news. She could at least text me though...” he pined for you longingly. When asked by a few staff members of your whereabouts, he informed them that you felt slightly under the weather – but telling them not to worry for your well-being as you were being cared for diligently; which seemed to cease their questions and put their minds at rest. And as the hours ticked by painfully slowly, all Jungkook could think about was racing home to be with you once again – like the complete love-struck spring chicken you had reduced him to.
As the grandfather clock in the room let you know it had just turned 3pm with its cheery chime, you found yourself lazing in one of Jungkook’s smaller living spaces on the ground floor of his Manor; which so happened to be equipped with a 70 inch widescreen T.V mounted on one of the walls that allowed you to watch old reruns of Grey’s Anatomy in beautiful HD undisturbed. Despite being alone, you didn’t really feel lonely, as you had never been the type of person who constantly needed to be in the company of others to entertain yourself. Quite frankly, you thought that you had spent a rather productive day with your adventures in Jungkook’s large library – finding countless good reads that you planned to dissect as the days went by. Admittedly, you did find yourself thinking about Yoongi; what he might have been doing at the present moment in time, what his train of thought might be. Did he know he would die for his sins? Did he know that you now knew everything? Questions that would never be given answers – yet sometimes, some questions were better off not being answered; as you truly began wondering if you would want to hear them in the first place.
Just as you were about to get sucked into yet another episode of Grey’s Anatomy, you jumped at the sound of your mobile phone ringing louder than usual as you forgot that Jungkook had previously amped the volume up the whole way to its limit. You fumbled for the cursed thing – before seeing Taehyung’s name on the screen as the caller ID. You knew that Jungkook had informed Taehyung ahead of time about the ‘emergency’ plans, so you knew he already had your number. Hesitantly, you answered his call, fearing the worst possible reason for him calling you.
“Hello? Tae?” you asked in a quiet voice.
“Hello (Y/N), how are you my little butterfly?” his usual happy voice sounded into your ear that dispelled your worries of something bad having happened to cause him to call – but you still questioned him nonetheless.
“I’m alright...is everything okay? Nothing’s happened, right? You’re okay? Jimin’s okay? Jungkook is fine, isn’t he?” you blurted out all at once as you muted the television and took to your feet.
“Everything is fine darling – don’t worry!” he laughed, causing you to feel much more at ease as you began smiling, laughing at yourself for becoming so uptight and worried for no reason.
“Listen dear, Jimin and I decided to pay you a visit. We’re at the front gate in my Landrover...do you mind letting us in? We thought you’d like some company. I’m sure it’s dreadfully lonely and boring being stuck in that huge Manor all day”
If you hadn’t of been in such shock due to his sudden call in the wake of your worries – then perhaps you would have noticed the lack of sincerity and the presence of graveness in his voice. “Um...you want me to open the gate?” you questioned as you walked out of the carpeted room and made your way out on to the wooden flooring of the hall.
“Yes dear – that would be great!” Taehyung replied. Telling him to hang on for a second, you hastily strode towards Jungkook’s study on the ground floor, knowing that he kept the controls for the gate there. However, when you arrived – you raised your finger to your mouth; chewing on it gently as several thoughts raced a mile a minute in your head.
“Wait – doesn’t Jungkook need to let you in himself? The Vampire thing?” you questioned – trying to locate a button that you assumed would say ‘open’.
“Oh no dear, Jungkook has already let Jimin and I in before so...don’t worry okay? Come outside and open the gate for us” he replied deftly.
“Come outside?”
“Yes dear, you won’t be able to open it from the Manor as the keypad will require Jungkook’s own fingerprint to activate. But if you come out to the gate – there is an old lever behind the control box which you can use to manually open it for us.”
You knitted your eyebrows together, finding yourself in a slight dilemma. “It’s just Taehyung and Jimin. Jungkook won’t get mad – right? Should I call him and ask him first?” you went back and forth in your head; before deciding that you shouldn’t be so childish and that it was only Taehyung asking to be let in to see you. Besides, you trusted Taehyung as you knew he was extremely fond of you, as was Jimin.
“Okay – I’ll be out in a second, but let me put on some clothes first...I’ve been lounging around in my dressing gown all day” you laughed as you looked down at yourself, not wanting to tell Taehyung that you were in fact wearing one of Jungkook’s white work-shirts as you still found yourself extremely shy admitting to the obvious.
“Yes my love – and be sure to put a coat on too. It’s quite chilly” he added as you began almost jumping up the stairs to race into your room to throw on a bra, a pair of jeans and to replace Jungkook’s shirt with one of your own.
“It’s okay, I’ll only be going out for a few moments. I may not be a Vampire but I’ve got one hell of an immune system!” you joked as you finished dressing yourself and putting the phone back to your ear.
“(Y/N)...please put a coat on. For me?” Taehyung’s voice almost sounded pitiful as you proceeded to bound down the stairs two at a time.
“Jeez, okay uncle Tae!” you replied in a sing-song voice, pausing for a moment. “I’ll hang up now – talk to you out there”
“Talk to you soon, my flower” his words disappeared into a frightful whisper...however, you didn’t hear his response as you had already hung up. Quickly, you shoved your white, calf-length coat on over you; placing your phone inside its deep pockets as you knew Jungkook would have forty fits if he knew it wasn’t on your person. Next, you slipped your bare feet into a pair of flat shoes you kept in the closet beside the Manor’s doors – before opening one of them wide and shutting it behind you to keep the heat safely inside.
“Jesus, Taehyung was lying when he said it was chilly...it’s absolutely bloody freezing!” you winced as you pulled hard on your coat to battle with the ongoing wind that was fast on its way to becoming what appeared to be a full blown storm. As you continued to make your way towards the gates where you could see Taehyung’s Landrover behind them, you looked up to the sky to observe the rolling, dark clouds that looked as ominous as could be. “I hope it doesn’t rain until I get back inside” you thought, coming closer and closer to the gates.
Upon reaching them, you could clearly see Taehyung sitting behind the steering wheel of his Landrover as you waved to him; to which he waved gently back at you. You squinted at the vehicle, not able to see Jimin at all – but you thought perhaps he was just sitting in the back.
“I’ll go open the gates!” you called out as loud as you could. You looked to your left – seeing the control box that Taehyung had previously mentioned. As you walked towards it, you noted its dirty yellow colour – seeing that it had definitely been subject to kinder days as it really looked like it had been in a state of neglect for years. And – just as Taehyung had informed you, when you looked just behind it, you could clearly see a sizeable rusty lever.
“Alright, let’s get this over with” you narrowed your eyes at the brutish looking contraption as you placed both your hands around it and attempted to pull. Admittedly, you weren’t the strongest person you knew – having little to almost no upper body strength in your arsenal to be proud of as you struggled to move it even an inch. “God damn it” you let out a string of grunts and grumbles as you placed your left foot on the stone-wall the lever’s mechanism was attached to – your hair flying in a million different directions as the wind really began to pick up. Using the leverage from your leg, you managed to pull the lever with success – hearing the gates judder and creak, before you looked back to see them slightly ajar. “Success!” you celebrated silently as you walked back over towards them.
“Come on in!” you cupped your hands around your mouth to converse with Taheyung - pushing the gates open wide to allow him clear access, before beckoning him forward to drive through with your head. You stared at each other through his Landrover’s wind-shield – seeing him beckoning you forward in return.
“Ah – he wants me to get in” you deducted, thinking it would be easier for you to just quickly hop into the Landrover and joining both of them in driving down Jungkook’s driveway. Without any further hesitation, you smiled back at Taehyung’s face as you began walking towards the gates.
Had you stared for a moment longer, you would have been clearly able to observe the look of sheer terror and guilt that was painted across Taehyung’s attractive features as he screamed to you with his eyes to run back into the house – to close the gates, to lock the doors and to ring Jungkook immediately. However, Taehyung found himself stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea; for in the back-seat of his vehicle...Hoseok and Seokjin held Jimin in their grasp with a knife coated in deadly toxins consisting of Belladonna, Wolfsbane and Foxglove to his throat. When mixed together, these deadly herbs created such a powerful toxin that could bring a much younger Vampire like Jimin to his untimely death...leaving Taehyung no other choice than to go along with the orders he was given. “What have I done....may the Heavens forgive me; Jungkook and (Y/N)...I’m so, so sorry...”
All that was going through your mind was how fierce the wind was proving to be against your balance as you found yourself bracing its impact upon your body every time a gust were to catch you unawares. All you could think about was dashing towards the passengers side of Taehyung’s Landrover and hearing his grand voice welcoming you inside his vehicle. As you set your foot across the point of entry to Jungkook’s Manor, you didn’t even think for a second about what you were doing as it all seemed perfectly innocent to you. Alas, as soon as your body came across the point of no return – you observed what appeared to a hand fitted snugly into a black, leather glove that held a saturated white cloth, along with an arm that was sleeved in a leather jacket of much a similar shade being shoved right in front of your face.
“What the –“ was all you had time to think – before you soon quickly found the cloth being forcefully placed over your mouth. The first thing that hit you was the smell – the mixture of faint sweetness with combined chemicals that seemed almost vinegary as it clogged your nasal passages. The next thing you felt was the burning of the liquid that dripped off the cloth as you opened your mouth to try and scream – sucking it in and feeling it almost burn your entire upper palate like you had just taken a gulp of acid. In your mind – you were putting up a damn good fight to try and struggle free from the leather hands that held you in place as you deducted there was more than one pair. But in reality, your flailing limbs and muffled cries proved to be futile as you slowly felt yourself slip from consciousness.
As you fought to keep your eyes open – all you could see was Taehyung through the window of his Landrover; his mouth hanging agape as his face twisted in monstrous turbulence with his hands clutching his steering wheel for dear life. Without your consent, your eyes rolled to the back of your head as Jungkook’s face was all you could see in your mind – his kind, beautiful cherubic features that you loved with every beat of your heart that was slowing in pulse as the seconds ticked by. “What’s happening...who is this...what have I done...Jungkook – help me...I need you...” was all that you could scream internally. You felt like you couldn’t breathe, like your lungs were collapsing as your mind started to turn into a blank canvas, while the strong leather-bound hands on your body completely overpowered you. And, just before you truly slipped into somewhat of an anaesthetised state, you thought you heard a low whisper from someone holding you in place behind you in your ear...as the lips the voice came from were frighteningly close to your skin;
“Shh...that’s it...that’s it (Y/N) – don’t struggle any longer. Don’t resist me...shh...
...sleep now; my domitor”
{...to be continued...}
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yg-got7scenarios · 8 years
Better as Three Part 1 (M)
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Part 2   Part 3  Part 4  Part 5
Characters: Mark Tuan (GOT7) x Im Jaebum (JB, GOT7) x You (OC/Reader)
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Slight Angst, AU (uhm they’re not GOT7 members ok? lmao)
Length:   3,609 words
Plot:  Because of that one rebellious, drunken night, Jaebum and Mark decided to punish you silently by ignoring you and not being affectionate towards you and you are about to burst a nut if this continues.
Warning/s:  VERY DETAILED AND GRAPHIC SMUT AS ALWAYS, Poly!Markbum, Polyamorous relationship, Boy to boy smut, Anal sex, Blowjob, Slight exhibitionism, Slightly drunk sex, Threesome in the next chapter/s, etc.
A/N:  A mini-series that my potato mind came up with in the middle of the night.  This is going to be a 4 part series and I will make sure to finish immediately (haha right).  And also, this fic is not in any way related to my first Markbum fic, (Of Dim Lights and Silent Nights) since this is in an AU setting.  That’s it and yeah so as always I don’t know how to write non-graphic smut because I am a hoe hahaah.  And I’m working on part 2 right away so you won’t need to wait long!!!
You checked the wall clock in front of you and sighed heavily.  This is the second night that your boyfriends are coming home later than usual.
You know that you had committed a huge mistake that night when you went out with your workmates at your new job despite them being against it.  They know how light of a drinker you are and technically your new workmates are still strangers to you, so they do not trust them that much yet.  You’ve complained and thrown a tantrum to them saying that you are big enough to handle yourself and they should not treat you as a baby.
However, that night, you ended up being cornered by some stranger in the bar while your workmates are party-ing their asses out, not caring or minding your whereabouts.  Luckily, Jaebum, being the more protective of the two boys despite him being the last to enter the relationship, came in just in time when the stranger was about to drag you in his car.  He didn’t hesitate to throw a punch at the man despite him being shorter, and the drunkard fell into the ground face first, unconscious.
You were dead drunk and you did know that the two had taken care of you that night, but, the next morning, the two haven’t been talking to you, which makes you think that this is how they are going to punish you for not listening to them.  That night too, Mark and Jaebum decided to sleep in the guest room and left you all alone in the master’s bedroom in a huge, king sized bed, and they’ve been sleeping there ever since.  
They will purposely leave the house earlier than usual as well so that you won’t catch them when you are about to wake up, and will go home way, way later than their usual coming home time to make sure you are either sleeping already or about to be knocked down by sleep, causing you to have breakfast and dinner on your own.
Tonight though, you are feeling terribly annoyed and lonely with how the boys are treating you, but you sure cannot blame them, you were the one at fault, still, you cannot help but feel frustrated with how they’re treating you. Since both of them are avoiding you, you haven’t had the chance to explain your side or at least apologize for what you did wrong, which makes the situation even worse.
Also, you cannot deny that you miss them to hell.  You miss cuddling with them to sleep, waking up to them every morning and the three of you would have breakfast, then dinner at night either at home or outside, that will sometimes lead to some really hot sex after. You miss just talking to them or just sit with them on the couch while watching some mindless TV, or in the car when either one of them would drive you to and from work.
You wanted to put an end to your misery so even though you’re going to have a fairly early morning tomorrow, you decided to stay awake and wait for them in the living room until they get home, hoping that the cup of coffee and a book you have in hand would help you keep your eyes open.
When the clock hits 11PM you’ve heard the familiar sound of the passcode being successfully entered through the system as well as the voices of the two men whom you’ve been sharing the apartment for almost a year.  However, your eyes widened in shock when you’ve heard a body being thrashed against the wall of the foyer and a loud groan was heard right after.  Wait a minute, are your boyfriends seriously fighting right now?
You were about to stand up and check what in hell is going on with Mark and Jaebum, however, you were frozen on your feet when you saw them walking towards the living room, their arms wrapped around each other and their lips locked, devouring each others’ mouths hungrily.  You just stared at them and you gasped slightly when Jaebum roughly pushed Mark against the couch beside you.
Mark licks his lower lip before spreading his legs wider and Jaebum smirks before getting on top of the other boy, sealing their lips in another round of heated kiss, grabbing the older’s nape when he slips his tongue inside his mouth, dominating the kiss easily while Mark’s hands are tangled on the copper locks of the younger man.  Mark wraps his legs around his boyfriend before pulling him against his crotch roughly and the sound that left the two males sent a dull ringing on your ears and you know what they are about to do next.
“S-Seriously?”  You stared at your boyfriends and rolled your eyes a bit before biting your lower lip. Them not talking to you at all is already enough punishment, but them making out and about to have sex in front of you and not even considering your presence is torture, and all you wanted to is to drop kick them on their faces or balls.
Extreme jealousy and anger run through your veins when the two didn’t stop despite you shouting at them, moreover, they are starting to undress each other, their work jackets and dress shirts being thrown at the ground in front of you.
“Yah!  Mark, Jaebum, you two better stop right now!  This is unfair!”  You grabbed one of the throw pillows on the couch before slyly throwing it at them, but Mark was quick to dodge it and Jaebum just looked at you blankly before rolling his eyes, momentarily stopping their make-out session before dropping his head on Mark’s neck, licking and kissing the column of the older man’s throat and Mark lets out a beautiful groan before his hands travelled downwards, cupping Jaebum’s bulge and Jaebum smirks against his neck before lifting his head to look at his boyfriend, running his thumb over his red lips before kissing his nose and it all becomes too much to take for you.
“Fuck you, the two of you!!”  You shouted angrily before stomping your feet towards the stairs, taking the longer way around because you don’t want to walk past them and see them eat each others’ faces out and you made sure to take heavy and loud footsteps when you reached the stairs, showing the two how frustrated and angry you are at the situation.
You might not know it but your boyfriends are actually quite drunk and so high in lust with each other because of their constant teasing in the bar where they had decided to let time pass, still a way of punishing you.  
Mark had seen you when he enters the mud room and wanted to start talking to you already but Jaebum is being stubborn and still insisted on ignoring you, and prolly giving you a show too when he backs Mark up against the nearest wall. ‘Til then, Mark and Jaebum had mindlessly forgotten about your presence, even though they had seen you on the couch just a step away from where they’ve chosen to make out.
Both of Mark’s and Jaebum’s pants are now off and Jaebum is now kissing his way down Mark’s chest, running his tongue over one nipple while his hand is busy feeling the other boy’s tensing stomach muscles.  Jaebum switched sides and gave Mark’s other nipple the same treatment.
“J-Jae please.”  Mark’s deep, croaky voice went straight to Jaebum’s dick and he look up to his lover before biting his lower lip.  His mouth travelled downwards and began sucking light bruises on each of Mark’s abs, painting the older boy’s pale skin with purple and red marks until he reaches the top of the other male’s boxers.  Jaebum runs his tongue over the obvious outline of Mark’s dick against the thin cotton material and he giggles when it twitched against his wet muscle.
“You’re hard and angry, baby.”  Jaebum mutters before finding the obstructed head of the older’s cock, swirling his tongue against it through the fabric and Mark moans.
“Fuck yes, so start doing something about it.”  Mark groans impatiently before tugging on Jaebum’s hair, rolling his hips against the slow movements of the younger’s tongue against his aching head.
“So impatient.”  Jaebum chuckles before grabbing the hem of Mark’s boxers; tugging on it and Mark lifted his hips to help him drag the undergarment to the floor.  Jaebum grabs the other male’s erection before thumbing the precum on the tip, spreading the thick liquid all the way down to the base.
“G-God, that’s it baby.”  Mark moans when Jaebum encloses the tip of his cock inside his hot mouth, his tongue swirling hardly against the bulbous head before sucking on it while pushing the older boy’s hips against the couch, trapping Mark against it so that he won’t be able to move his hips.
“Damn it.”  Mark let out a heavy sigh when Jaebum pulls out before licking his length from the base slowly, taking his sweet time and he licks even slower and harder at the slit. Mark is starting to lose patience but his complaint went down the drain when Jaebum engulfs half of his dick in one go before taking him all the way in, the sudden change in pace making Mark’s thighs tremble beneath his boyfriend’s tight grip, his back arching against the couch, not being able to hold back the sinful moan that left his dry throat.
“F-fuck Jaebum, holy shit.”  Jaebum holds him in, continuously dropping his head to take more of Mark’s dick in his cavern until the tip of his tall nose hits Mark’s happy trail, bless his lack of gag reflex.  Jaebum coughs and swallows around Mark’s throbbing cock and lets go of Mark’s hips and the older’s reaction is automatic, he started to push his hips up, the tip of his cock hitting the back of Jaebum’s throat before pulling out of him slowly, the intense, lustful gaze of the copper-haired man making his knees wobble.  
Mark started to move his hips and fuck Jaebum’s mouth at a steady pace, his abs contracting immensely and his hand is holding his boyfriend’s head in place.
“Ugh, shit, damn it that’s so good.”  Mark groaned breathlessly when Jaebum sucks on the tip of his girth harshly, hollowing his cheeks to draw out the life out of Mark’s angry dick.  He pulls away before throwing Mark a smug grin before grabbing his erection, pumping it rigidly and steadfastly, making Mark’s back to permanently arch against the couch and his fingers to dig deep against the fluffy covers.
“I-I’m so close, Jaebum, please.”  Mark’s head fall back the throw pillow and his eyes loll at the back of head when he felt his orgasm about to consume him whole, the expert, familiar movements of Jaebum’s hand sending him to complete overdrive.
When he thought he was about to lose it, Jaebum’s hand stilled before unwrapping it around his stiff dick and he whined at the loss of contact.  He lifted his head to look at Jaebum and the boy has this impish grin plastered on his handsome face.
“Why did you stop?”  Mark complains and Jaebum hovers him before placing a chaste kiss on his lips, wiping the sweat that beaded on his boyfriend’s forehead.
“It is always better if I have you cumming while I fuck your tight ass, baby.” Jaebum licks Mark’s lips and his deep voice sent chills run down Mark’s spine and he bites his lower lip before wrapping his arms around Jaebum’s neck.
“Well, better do it now then, do you have lube?”  Mark asks and Jaebum lets out a loud laugh before smirking and Mark raised his eyebrow in question.
“What’s with that look on your face, Jaebum?”  Mark furrows his eyebrows further and Jaebum kept a tight grip on Mark’s behind before pushing him against his chest, lifting him up with ease and Mark let out a high pitched squeal before tangling his legs around Jaebum’s wide hips.
“The lube is in the room; and it will be better to fuck on the bed, right?”
You lay on your side on the bed, trying to catch some sleep and to escape this frantic night.
You still cannot believe that your boyfriends had totally ignored you while they make out.  I mean, yes, you’ve seen them have sex and make out a couple of times, but they will only do it if you either request it,  with your consent, or with you involved in the whole fucking process.
But tonight, you are literally in front of them and they didn’t even look at you when they came in, they just proceeded in kissing the hell out of each other as if they weren’t together outside after work hours.
You whined, shouted, kicked the bed sheet and blankets off of you before punching on the pillow next to you, cursing the two men on the living room, cursing them for having fun without you and punishing you ‘til you’re on the edge. You didn’t know that there are tears in your eyes already so you quickly wiped them away before lying down on the bed again, draping the blankets above you before closing your eyes, hoping for sleep to finally visit you so that you can forget this night all in all.
Just when you’re about a step away from actually falling asleep, the door of the master’s bedroom opened and the shrilling sound of Mark’s laugh echoed through the four corners of the room and your eyes shot open.
You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.
You removed the blanket from your head to be welcomed by the naked boys yet again.  You bounced a few times from the bed when Jaebum drops Mark beside you and it’s like dejavu.  You just stared at them one more time and they weren’t fazed by your presence just as expected.  Jaebum immediately straddled the older boy after he takes out a bottle of lube from the bedside table before locking his lips with your boyfriend and a loud gasp left your lips.
“HEY!”  You shouted loudly and Mark turned to look at you but he lets out a gasp when Jaebum inserted his finger inside his boyfriend’s ass, demanding his attention back from you and you ran a hand through your hair before fisting the blanket that covers your body.  You normally find it hot and sexy when your boys make love to each other, though right now you’re more angry than aroused.  
However, now that the boys are closer to you and they’re both naked, you can smell a tinge of alcohol from their mouths and bodies, with a little bit of smoke as well and it finally dawned on you that the boys are either drunk or tipsy, so you wouldn’t really stand a chance in case you want to throw a fit.
“Aish!  You’re going to regret doing this to me, you idiots!”  With that being said, you jumped off of the bed before making your way towards the door.  
However, even before you can step out of the room, a broken cry ripped off of Mark’s throat when Jaebum shoved his erect, lube-coated cock inside Mark’s asshole, stilling and filling him to hilt until he’s balls deep.  You didn’t spare a glance back before you went out of the room; slamming the door shut behind you, making your way towards the guest room across the master’s bedroom, hoping that the two wouldn’t be too loud so that you can at least get some sleep.
“You’re so tight, Mark, fuck.”  Jaebum breathed against Mark’s neck while his hands are massaging the older man’s sides, hoping to make him relax under his touch.
“Move when you felt alright, okay?”  Jaebum mumbles against Mark’s lips and Mark’s breaths are choppy, his walls burning and squeezing Jaebum’s cock tightly and he grips his shoulders before rocking his hips slowly, his hole slowly adjusting to the younger’s length. Jaebum kisses him until Mark had fully adjusted; the movements of his hips increasing in speed and Jaebum clenches his teeth.
“Fuck.”  Mark groans and digs his nails against Jaebum’s shoulders when he thrusted violently, making the older of the two jerk from the bed.  Jaebum pulls out of Mark before plunging back in deeper and harder, his thick thighs quivering with how tight Mark is swallowing and milking his cock. Jaebum soon fell into a steady, yet punishing pace, keeping a tight hold of Mark’s hips as he plunges through and through, hitting that one spot inside Mark that made the other’s toes curl.
“D-Don’t stop, right there, fuck Jae.”  Mark’s head fell back against the pillows and Jaebum groans when Mark clenches his walls around him, his thrusts not missing a beat.
“Fuck, if you keep doing that, I won’t last a second.”  Jaebum bites the thin skin of top of Mark’s gorgeous collarbone and being the little tease he is, Mark clenches harder when Jaebum pushed his cock back in before wrapping his arms around the younger’s neck, pressing their lips together in a bruising kiss.
Jaebum somehow managed to get a hold of the lube next to him while he is busy fucking and kissing Mark and he squeezed some of it in his hands before grabbing Mark’s bouncing erection, flicking his wrist just the way the older wants it and Mark digs his sharp teeth against Jaebum’s lower lip.
“What, do you like that?”  Jaebums asks breathlessly as he continues delivering hard thrusts along with his tight and fast grip on Mark’s dick.  Mark couldn’t mutter any coherent words, not with the way Jaebum is making him feel.  His mouth is dry with how much he is groaning, but he doesn’t mind, he loves the feeling of being filled up by his boyfriend. Though this could be even better if you are involved, but he knows that Jaebum is still upset with you and partly the reason why the two of them are doing this is to punish you.
“I-I’m cumming, Jae, shit, shit.”  He archs his back against Jaebum’s hard chest and rakes his short nails over the expanse of Jaebum’s chiseled back when Jaebum continues to plough in to him and jack him off.
“Cum for me, Mark.  Let go, baby.”  And Mark did. The only sounds that you can hear from him are his groans and multiple “uh-uhs” when his orgasm hit him like a ton of bricks; blinding his eyesight with white spurts and his body to shudder beneath the slightly younger man.  He can feel his hot cum splaying over the expanse of his wet stomach and chest as Jaebum continues to fuck him through his orgasm.  
Mark held Jaebum close to him by wrapping his legs around his waist and digging his nails against the younger’s impressive backside.
“M-Mark, I’m cumming.”  Jaebum growls, delivering a few more harsh thrusts inside Mark, biting the insides of his mouth before pulling out of him, pumping his cock aggressively before his white seeds spill out of his slit, his grip on the Mark’s thighs bruising as he continues to fuck his hand before grabbing Mark’s sensitive dick, enclosing both of their dicks inside his large palm, riding out both of their highs and spilling the last of his cum over Mark’s stomach and dick.
When Jaebum finally recovers, he stood up and went to the bathroom, grabbing a wet towel before retreating to the bed, wiping the semen off of Mark’s body, cleaning him up and Mark mouths a thank you while his eyes are closed.  Once Jaebum is done cleaning him up, he lies on the bed next to Mark with his arms and legs spread wide like a starfish, almost mirroring the older’s current position.
“She looks really pissed off at us though; you think she’ll throw a fit soon?” Mark mutters breathlessly and Jaebum grunts – making the older burst into a fit of giggles.
“I’m sure she had already learned her lesson, Bum-ie.”  Mark scooted closer to Jaebum and the younger sighs heavily before wrapping an arm around his hyung’s limp form.
“I don’t know, I’m still pissed off, she needs to suffer for being a brat.” He murmurs as he buries his face against the older hair, inhaling the minty scent of his shampoo.
“Alright, but I will start talking to her in the morning, I miss her already.”  Mark pulls away from his boyfriend before pecking his lips.
“Whatever; do what you want.”  Jaebum snorts and Mark giggles heartily; ruffling Jaebum’s just-fucked hair before standing up.
“Where are you going?”  Jaebum calls out for him a little too loudly before he sits up from the bed and Mark stared at him in confusion.
“I’m taking a shower.  Why?” He asks before grabbing one of the towels from the bed side table.
“N-nothing,-“  He wets his dry lips.  “Don’t take too long, I’m going to shower too.”  He mumbles before sinking in to the sheets until he hears the sound of the water from the shower hitting the floor.
Jaebum thinks deeply, he misses you too and he kind of felt bad that him and Mark had ignored you the last few nights.
Mark, on the other hand, is already thinking of surprising you the next day and he smiles to himself as he cleans himself, already happy by the fact that he’ll get to talk to you again in less than 24 hours.
I got a bit overboard yet a-fucking-gain so I am so so so sorry!  Literally I have zero control over Markbum I can go all the fucking way tbh
Part 2
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Hey its me~~~~ Sorry to ask for another part of the scenario. Its just so addicting. And have you turned it to a story because its awesome. Thank you and please take your time. 💐💐💐💐🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰💞💞💞💞💞💗💗💗💗💓💓💓💕💕💕
Hello and thank you for showing so much love for this story. I apologize for the big delay, and I really hope you enjoy this story.
I decide to divide part 3 into 2 parts. So here is the the first part. Stay tuned for part 2 :)
Admin KZ
Word count:1,650
If you are new to this story please read:
Part 1 & Part 2
You stirred, awoken by the gentle brush of the spring breeze and you opened for eyes. You looked up through the trees to see that the sun shone brightly through the canopy of the trees. You sat and glanced around, slightly confused because you couldn’t remember falling asleep. You recalled you last moments before you fell asleep, trying to make sense of your situation. You remembered that you had wandered off the path of the forest, the one that you were accustomed to taking, in search of an adventure. You remembered walking…..and that’s it. ‘Strange’ you thought as you stood and dusted yourself off, taking in your surroundings. Nothing around you seemed familiar, so you concluded that you must have taken a break and dozed off. “That must be it!” You exclaimed to yourself, happy about solving your own mini mystery. You picked a random direction and began to walk, hoping you would eventually come across someplace familiar. You felt good as you began your journey and as you continued to walk you found yourself humming a familiar tune, even if you had only heard it once before. Even as you hummed it now, you remembered the time you heard it before. That time being when Dongwoo came to you and hummed, successfully lulling you to sleep.(a/n: In case you don’t remember, the song is Infinite’s Love Letter.) You smiled at the thought of Dongwoo, anticipation continued to grow as you waited for the time when you could see eachother again. However, you hoped the next encounter would last more than a day, but any amount of time you both received would be treasured.
‘Ok.’ You thought after, what felt like, an hour of walking. You looked around, nothing seemed even a bit familiar…..yet. However, you were beginning to lose the confidence you had in your sense of direction and you admitted to yourself, “I’m lost.” You looked down at the pocket watch, which you carry everywhere, and clicked it open. ‘Hmmm…It’s only 2:10pm.’ So it appears you haven’t been walking that long, considering the last time you checked the pocket watch it had read 1:37. Time seems to be going relatively slow today, but you took this as a good thing considering your current situation. You wanted to find an area where the trees would clear up, so you can get a grasp of where you were, however, in every  direction you turned all you could see was an endless line of trees. You started to continue the way you were going when suddenly you heard a pop noise to your right which caught your attention. You turned and walked in that direction, as you continued to hear a few more pops. ‘Hopefully I’ll find someone who can point me in the right direction.’ You continued walking and when you came to the entryway your heart skipped a beat. There in front of you stood a elegant white gate which held an infinite sign at its center and you had no doubt in your mind that you knew where you were.
Your hand stilled as you reached for its handle and there was only one thought running through your mind. ‘How did I end up in Wonderland? Was this even the same place you remembered?’ Deciding that you should check out the noises that you had heard, you gripped the handle and pushed it open. Similar to how you remember, you saw a long table, however, how it laid now was different. It was no longer adorned with tea cups, saucers, or even pots. The table was completely empty and it now laid on its side, the top facing you. You glanced around and thought that you stood alone, but that was until you noticed the top of three familiar figures. On the right was a pair of long brown rabbit ears, the middle was round black ears, and on the left was a hat that was covered in decorative yellow feathers.
You stepped inside the gated area, as the metal  gate closed behind you with a clang. The sound of the gate closing had alerted those who hid behind the table of someone’s arrival. You stared at the table, waiting to see if the three people behind would make a move first. After a few awkwardly quiet minutes, you could here vigorous whispers coming from behind the table. You smiled at their antics, ‘If I didn’t know they were there, I do now.’ Some sort of consensus must have been met, as the whispering had stopped, and a head peeked over the edge of the table making eye contact with you. “Ayeeee,” a rabbit eared man said, “Here we were worried that it was Woohyun, and it’s just _________.” The feathered hat donned head popped up at the mention of your name, “What do you mean _________!?” Sungyeol turned his head to look at Sungjong, “By _________, I mean _________.” Sungjong replied quickly, “I know what you meant, but I thought.…” He trailed off,  not finishing his sentence. A soft voice mumbled behind the table,“Cat.” He was promptly ignored, Sungyeol going on to ask, “What are you doing here anyway _____?” “I was actually hoping someone here could help me figure that out because I have no idea.” You said looking at the pair. “Cat,” Myungsoo’s voice called out again. Sungyeol turned to the mouse eared man and told him, “No, Myungsoo, it’s ________. Not a cat.”
*pop**pop*pop* sounded three consecutive sounds as the three in front of you yelled out in shock. A hearty laugh was heard among the trees, however the source couldn’t be seen. “AHHH,” Sungyeol yelled, “Now we’ve lost.” “Indeed you have,” a voice said, “Now you have  do as I say for a month. No complaints.” Woohyun emerged, seemingly from nowhere, with a grin on his face, “Thanks, _________. You were just the distraction I was waiting for.” Myungsoo sat up, “See, cat.” Woohyun walked over to you, “________, However did you end up here. For the second time.” Being included you answered, “I actually don’t know.” “Well, that’s unusual,” Woohyun said, “The best place for answers would most likely be the castle.” You had figured that it would come to going to the castle, and you were hoping to go there anyway. You couldn’t help it. You were hoping to find the one person that kept you thinking about this strange land, Dongwoo.
You couldn’t find the answers you needed staying here, so the four you were with pointed you in the right direction of the castle. The journey to the castle was long in distance, however it felt short with all the thoughts running through your mind.  You found yourself wondering how you ended up here, along with thoughts of Dongwoo. Some of these thoughts were; where he was, what he was doing, how he was doing. Though you couldn’t help but think of what you were going to tell the person responsible for winning your heart’s affection just exactly what he meant to you.
Time passes as such dusk was approaching, and the castle came into your view. You approached the front of the castle and stared, unsure of what you were going to do next. This was answered by a voice behind you, “I should be surprised, but I am honestly not.” You turned and came face to face with Hoya. He smiled, “What brings you here?” You stared for a second and dropped your gaze to the floor, “I actually don’t know.” He tilted his head slightly to the side, “I am sure you do.” He continued as he looked at the sky, “Isn’t it funny how when you are looking for something, be it a thing, a person, an answer, it turns up in the most random of ways. Sometimes it is the most obvious answer, yet the most unexpected one.”
You were not sure what to say, but before you could figure out what to say Hoya said, “He has been looking for something too.” He turns to you, “Dongwoo.” He then starts to walk along the side of the castle. You stay glued to your spot until he raises his hand in a gesture that tells you to follow.
He leads you to the back of the castle, and through the magnificent garden. No words were exchanged, as there was a feeling of understanding that no words could match. You stop in front of a large hedge entrance that surely lead to a maze. “Dongwoo is in there. Somewhere.” He said with a small sigh, “He went in earlier today to ‘figure something out’ and has yet to return.” “No one has gone in after him yet?” You questioned in slight worry. “No,” Hoya replied, “At least not until now.” You were glad that Hoya was going in to go find your dear friend. However, that idea was quickly erased with Hoya’s expectant stare. “You want me to go in?” You asked. “Yeah,” he replied turning to face you, “I figured you would want to find him, but if I am wrong I can take you to Sunggyu so we can get you back to where you belong.” You turn your gaze to the ground, “It’s not that I don’t want to go in. I just….” you trailed off feeling your embarrassment heat up your ears. He smiled, “I would probably head on in there before it gets too late. Good luck, and farewell, ________.” You stop him from turning around to leave you, “You’re leaving?” Hoya gives you a reassuring smile, “Hmm Yes, and no.” Your worry and doubt are beginning to set in and you can’t help but ask, “Won’t I lose my way.” He ruffles your hair, in a way a brother probably would,  “I’m confident that everything will turn out well in the end. Just trust me.” You did.
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infinitegrowthpage · 6 years
How to manage your career if you’re black
Around 20% of the people I coach are black, and race usually comes up in conversation, but not in a very interesting way. However, recently I coached a black guy who was so interesting that I stayed on the phone with him an extra hour.
I used to think transactionally: you pay $350 I talk for an hour. Then I announced a temporary discount to $150 if people call at 7am or 10pm, and I thought I’d be annoyed talking for so low an hourly rate, but I have to admit that I talk to more revolutionaries at 7am and 10pm than I ever did in the hours in between. And this black guy is a great example of that.
His perspective on career management for black people is smart and fascinating, but if he wrote it candidly he’d kill his career. So I’m writing what I learned from him.
1. Go to a college where people will see you as a high performer. White kids don’t need to do this because white kids have people everywhere who can guide them, mentor them, write a letter or two. Black kids need credentials and a network of high performers who will support them in their adult life. Because people in the US have so much guilt about racism, people love helping high performing black kids. It’s so much easier than helping poor, low performing, probably destitute black kids.
2. Know what you want. As a high performing black kid, singled out by a college for high-performers, you make it easy for white people to help you. They will talk with you about your major, ask you what you want to do, and help you get that job. But you have to know what you want. You need help as early as possible and people can’t help you early if you don’t specialize early. Saying you want to try a lot of things means no one can help you.
White kids don’t have to know what they want as early. Part of being white is being able to make missteps, because people aren’t so fast to label you a failure. But as a black kid you could be labeled a failure with one wrong step.
3. Say yes when someone influential asks if you need help. Say yes first and then figure out how they can help you. They want to feel good about helping a black kid. They are looking for a way to help. You have to find the way, though, because they don’t know what you’re up against. So be sure to start by asking for help that’s easy for them to give. Then they’ll come back to help again. Keep in touch. Show them they’re making a difference. You’re their project.
Remember: I am not saying this is nice, or the way it should be. (And I’m not even sure it’s funny to create a Richard Scarry parody of the situation like Tony Ruth does in the picture above.)  I’m just saying this is an effective way to manage your career.
4. Expect Jews to be more helpful than other people. Most Jews in the US feel isolated in a Christian world. People who are biased against blacks know to shut up when there is a black person in the room. But people who are biased against Jews often have no idea there is a Jew in the room. So while there is more racism against blacks than Jews, the Jews are very conscious of being treated as an outsider.
Jews say they understand prejudice. And Jews try hard to help black people, but they don’t recognize black people try hard to help them.  In terms of career advice, this means pay close attention to the Jews. They are likely to give a lot of help.
5. Be open to envisioning yourself in the middle class. When white people talk about black people and work, so often it’s either dirt-poor people or bankers, lawyers or other super-high performers. And the white mentors are enthralled with shepherding more black people to this echelon. Few role models of the suburban dad are black, and the prototype soccer mom is white. But for many white people the middle ground is right for them, and that’s true of black people as well.
You can aim for stability and sanity of the middle class instead of always having to prove to everyone how great you are. But don’t tell that to people when you’re getting help from them — because when they mentor a black person they want to think it’ll be grand and special and they’ll look really good.
6. It’s OK to not respond to everything offensive people do. Sometimes people may need you to be something to make themselves feel better. Like the woman who grabs her purse when a black man walks by. That woman imagines she has something much better than that man has, and he wants what she has. You don’t have to buy into that story.  That’s her baggage, not yours. Other people’s racism is so heavy. Don’t pick it up, because having baggage puts you at a competitive disadvantage in the market place.
7. Be patient with mentor racism. Someone sees you’re a high performer and they want to help. But they put themselves on the line to help. So they want to know you won’t fail, and the mentor has not seen black people in the jobs he can get you. So he’ll test you.
The mentor for a white person will say, “I have a job for you.” The mentor for a black person will say, “Do this, it’ll be a good first step to a job. And I’ll check back with you.” Check back is white people language for I don’t trust you to be successful so I can’t let you get too far away. “That sounds a lot like what it is to be on parole,” is what the guy told me when I said that to him.
Yeah. I actually said that to him – after he taught me so much about the world – I said to him what his next step is and to get back with me.
This is how I know that everything he said is true. And smart. And while he was telling me about how black people manage their careers, he was teaching me about white people as well.
How to manage your career if you’re black published first on https://dataentrytestpro.tumblr.com/
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