#yes bank dsa agent
anjuupadhyay · 7 months
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onesarv · 7 months
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getpersonalloan · 2 years
DSA Loan Agent
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you have to apply for a loan through an institution, not directly with the bank, but by an dsa loan agency?
Have you ever wondered why someone is trying to convince you to sign up for a loan when you could make it happen by going to the bank or a non-banking finance company (NBFC)?
First of all, it isn't an untruth most of the time. Indeed, the people who can assist you in obtaining a loan from a bank or NBFC can be direct selling representatives or DSA.
Which is the Direct Selling agent?
The function of DSAs DSA is to identify prospective customers to the banks they represent. To accomplish it, DSAs will look for those who are looking for loans. The leads are then referred to the bank of choice and NBFC, and the process of obtaining a loan is completed.
To reward the efforts put into by the DSA For loan the work of the DSA, a reward is paid. The amount paid is proportional to the type of loan and the amount of the loan. This is a great opportunity to earn some additional cash. In rural areas, DSA's can be referred to in the business world as "business correspondents.
The benefits of being a DSA or Business Correspondent
You could earn extra income. Earnings will differ between leads.
You can manage your business at the lowest cost and take a low risk.
Flexible working hours.
The pursuit of higher education is not an obligation.
The training you receive is usually offered by the bank or NBFC.
The advantages that consumers receive when they apply to borrow money through DSA DSA
Any issues you may have will be addressed quickly and efficiently with the help of the person who handles the matter.
There are a variety of choices with the product you're searching for.
It is the DSA is available should you require any after-sales support.
DSA Registration Process
It is a given that there's a procedure to follow to become an agent for loan direct sales. One cannot simply get up and begin selling loans to banks. You'll need to sign up first.
Many banks, NBFCs, and lending platforms all have their registration procedures. The common steps include:
Can I represent several banks or NBFCs as a DSA agent?
There is no requirement to have one account with a bank NBFC as a DSA agent. DSA agents will work to sell their products to customers.
Who will be the one to pay me? The bank or the client?
The bank will compensate you as a commission. Your commission will be determined based on the number of products you sell. The higher the sales, the greater will be the commission.
What skills do I require to become a DSA agent?
Although you don't require any specific skills, you should be convincing, with an understanding of the loan program and an ability to communicate effectively to become a DSA agent.
Can women become DSA agents?
If an applicant meets the qualifications and has a thorough understanding of the lending product and communications skills, she could also be a DSA agent.
I am a chartered accountant. Do I qualify to become a DSA Loan agents?
You can be a DSA lender if you are a chartered accountant.
Can I receive an official license when I become a DSA Loan agent?
You'll be granted a license when you sign up as a DSA lender.
I'm fresh out of college. Do I have the opportunity to be a DSA Loan agent?
Yes, you can apply to be a DSA lender if you are a recent graduate.
My credit score isn't great. Do I have the chance to apply to become DSA Loan agent?
It isn't easy to be a DSA loan agent when you have a credit score that is not high. It is important to ensure that your credit rating of yours is good for you to be able to qualify to be a DSA lender.
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Links 8/3/19
Digital Elixir Links 8/3/19
California: Bees drop dead around 5G towers Express (furzy)
A Single Male Cat’s Reign of Terror Atlantic (guurst). 2 million feral cats??? And for the record, all my cats have been indoor only cats.
Satellites Reveal ‘Hot Lightning’ Strikes Are Most Likely To Start Wildfires IEEE
3 killed as cliff collapses on popular California beach Associated Press (David L). The headline was “1” when I first put the link up
Tumblr media
‘Forever chemicals’ have been found in bottled water brands sold at Whole Foods and CVS, and it’s part of a larger contamination problem Business Insider (David L)
How Mosquitoes Changed Everything New Yorker (resilc)
World’s first human-monkey hybrid created in China, scientists reveal Independent
Colorectal Cancer Rises Among Younger Adults New York Times (UserFriendly)
Study Finds Living Near Trees, Not Just Green Space, Improves Wellbeing CityLab
A battle for supremacy between China and the US Asia Times (Kevin W)
Good for Google, Bad for America – New York Times. UserFriendly: “Peter Thiel explains how trade works and why China and Google are evil….” Even if Thiel as a Facebook board member thinks calling out Google somehow helps Facebook, this seems awfully naive. In the minds of a lot of the public and increasing numbers of regulators, Big Tech is evil. Amplifying that message can’t be helpful to Facebook. But these squillionaires aren’t big on getting advice.
EU looks past ASEAN for deals and pacts Asia Times (Kevin W)
Mark Carney warns of instant shock from no-deal Brexit BBC
Tory rebels threaten Boris Johnson after majority cut to one Guardian (Kevin W)
Tax on tech giants will rule out trade deal, US warns Britain Telegraph
New Cold War
US pulls out of decades-long nuclear missile pact with Russia claiming they violated treaty abc.net.au (Kevin W)
U.S. Imposes More Sanctions on Russia for Chemical Agent Use Bloomberg
Blockading Venezuela Would Be Illegal and Wrong American Conservative (resilc)
Imperial Collapse Watch
The ‘Special Relationship’ Is Collapsing… and That’s a Good Thing Strategic Culture Watch. Chuck L: “Hard to categorize. How about Revisionist History of the UK/USA “Special Relationship?” Also a Must Read candidate.”
Big Brother is Watching You Watch
Pentagon testing mass surveillance balloons across the US Guardian (Kevin W)
US Cities Are Helping People Buy Amazon Surveillance Cameras Using Taxpayer Money Vice
Trump Transition
Federal judge rules against Trump asylum policy The Hill
Trump scuttles plan to nominate Ratcliffe as top intelligence official NBC (furzy)
Hacked Emails Show GOP Demands on Border Security Were Crafted by Industry Lobbyists Intercept (Chuck L, resilc)
Saikat Chakrabarti to leave Ocasio-Cortez’s office Washington Post. UserFriendly: “Pissed she folded to Pelosi.”
TSA seizes rocket launcher in Baltimore — for second time this week New York Post. Resilc: “They have big rats, you need firepower.”
Solitary Confinement Caused “Complete Mental and Physical Collapse” of Man in Virginia Prison, Lawsuit Contends Solitary Watch (Chuck L). Horrible.
Health Care
Listen to @DrDooleyMD. Patients don’t “love” their costly health insurance plans. They need Medicare for All now. pic.twitter.com/ELQ0QNhmWJ
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) August 2, 2019
Congressional Moves on Drug-Pricing and Competition National Conference of State Legislatures (UserFriendly)
Glad this is getting traction:
If you get hit with a huge surprise bill well in excess of what the procedure should cost that is NOT your insurance company gouging you. That is the PROVIDER GOUGING YOU. Private equity firm are buying up doc group to gouge people hoping reporter will mistaking blame insurers 1/ https://t.co/gjiPtihOFX
— Jon Walker (@JonWalkerDC) August 2, 2019
Biden holds two-to-one lead over Sanders in post-debate poll The Hill
Biden, Inc.: How ‘Middle Class’ Joe’s family cashed in on the family name Politico. UserFriendly: “Biden’s family; horribly corrupt! Must read.
Obama Looms over the Primary in Invisible Ways Talking Points Memo and ‘Stay away from Barack’: Dems seethe over criticism of Obama Politico. UserFriendly: “Dems morphing into the Catholic Church, Obama = infalible, now where are all the raped kids?”
UserFriendly: “I don’t know how well sharing ‘moments’ on Twitter works [neither does your humble blogger]… but dear God, literally no one understands what nuclear first use is. Shoot me.” This is the “moment”; here’s a comment:
To no one’s surprise, @RepLizCheney has it completely wrong. First use of nuclear weapons is suicidal. A recent @globalzero study found that 21.6 million Americans would die in a Russian counterattack. That’s 30% of the total population of America’s top 145 most populated cities. https://t.co/geOdCrDomx
— Derek Johnson (@derekjGZ) August 2, 2019
Bernie Sanders Dominates as Analyses of Fundraising Data Show Vermont Senator With Widespread Support Across Nation Common Dreams (furzy). More on that heat map….
Gabbard reaches donor threshold for September debate The Hill
Tulsi Gabbard Thinks We’re Doomed New York Times (resilc)
The 2019 DSA Convention: Showdown at the Caucus Corral Current Affairs (UserFriendly)
Our Famously Free Press
CNN’s Industry Spin Shows Need for Independent Debates Common Dreams (furzy)
Police State Watch
Eric Garner: Chokehold cop ‘should be fired’, says US judge BBC
Woman, 65, tasered by police after fleeing then kicking officer who stopped her over broken light: ‘You’re not placing me under no arrest’ Independent. Resilc: “If she was black she would have been gunned down.” Moi: Yes, but if she had been black, she would have presumably figured out long ago not to carry on like that with cops, particularly over a ticket they were entitled to issue.
Puerto Rico
When people ask why Puerto Rico is in turmoil, I try to emphasize 2 things:
1) The Great Recession in the US lasted 18 months. Puerto Rico has been in a recession for *13 years*
2) PR has lost ~15% of its population to outmigration since 2008, more than any country not at war
— Jeff Stein (@JStein_WaPo) August 3, 2019
Newly stringent FAA tests spur a fundamental software redesign of Boeing’s 737 MAX flight controls Seattle Times (barrisj)
Local pension costs grew in California at nearly six times national rate, new data show Sacramento Bee. Loath to sound like I am defending CalPERS, but CalPERS didn’t set the benefit levels. However, CalPERS can be criticized for keeping its return assumptions too high for too long, forcing plan sponsors to play catchup now that it is using better assumptions.
How Trump’s Political Appointees Overruled Tougher Settlements With Big Banks — ProPublica. UserFriendly: “For Fuck Sake!!!! I never would have thought it was possible to go easier on the banks that caused the recession than Obama did, but…. ” Moi: But the stakes and the total $ involved were way higher post crisis than now
How the Fed Should Fight Climate Change Atlantic (resilc)
Mr. Market Has a Sad
US-China trade tensions hit global markets Financial Times
Here’s the real reason U.S. stocks are losing so much ground after their long bullish run MarketWatch
It Was the Week Trade Wars Went From Uncomfortable to Scary Bloomberg
Class Warfare
One Opioid Patient Worth $200,000 a Year to Purdue, State Says Bloomberg
Antidote du jour. MGL: “A hummingbird makes the rounds at the Jensen-Olson Arboretum on June 30, 2019. (Courtesy Photo | Janice Gorle)”
And a bonus from guurst:
Ocelot gets a scritch scratch scrotch! pic.twitter.com/PxirG49Vub
— Mr. Meowgi (@Mr_Meowwwgi) August 1, 2019
See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here.
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Links 8/3/19
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2KrqbwT via IFTTT
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dealsofloans-blog · 6 years
Become a DealsofLoan DSA
Become a DealsofLoan DSA
DSAs or the Direct Selling agents are the people, who work on a commission basis to gather leads for the banks for loans and various other product types. The requirement of DSA has been consistently rising, with more people looking towards the loans to accomplish their dreams of life. In search of better deals and quicker and more importantly convenient resolution to their financial needs, the people are always in search for the people and lending agencies that can help them out. In this competitive era, where banks are logging their horns, the job of Loan DSAs is becoming more important as banks are always looking to add new customers under them.
Becoming a Loan DSA
Becoming a Loan DSA is not a difficult task, even if you join this profession for any Bank. But, considering the limitation and workload in regard to the banks, the job often become tedious and tiring. Meeting targets has often been the troubling part in any job part with regard to the banks. The Loan DSAs for the banks have to cope up with the extreme workloads and in return may be not compensated well for their hard work. So, what’s the next step, which a person looking to dive in Loan DSA Job or those who are already in the same job Profile? Is there any better alternative?
Yes! In fact, becoming a Loan DSA can offer you with unlimited opportunities and touch to the sky limit. But, as it is said that work hard at the place, where you are appreciated. Work harder for your own good. There’s always an option open, there’s always a way out for the person who consistently seek the way out! Instead of becoming a Loan DSA for the Banks, why don’t you join a Loan DSA for any fintech company by joining hands with them and working more as associates rather than an employee?
Join hands with the Fintech Companies
There are several fintech companies, who are consistently offering a chance to the people interested in Loan DSA to join their hands. Since, working with a Fintech Companies as a Loan DSA is an associate program, where you don’t come under them as an employee, there’s no such workload and restriction. What the fintech companies instead offers the people looking for the Loans DSA program is joining their program and progress with them.
Advantages of becoming a Loan DSA for a Fintech Company
With several benefits at offer in regard to becoming a Loan DSA for a fintech Company, there’s no limit to the sky. With your will power and strong determination, you can rise all of a sudden. In fact, becoming a Loan DSA for a fintech company offers several benefits, which are mentioned below:
A chance to collaborate with them in an associate manner, where you are the Boss of your own
You have the complete freedom in carrying things in your own way
You don’t have to meet any targets
You have the flexibility in the working time; work during the time, you like the most
Much better commission as compared to the banks
Opportunity to become an entrepreneur
Business setup at zero investment
More Money and better progress chances for the better of your own
Better remuneration and benefits attached with the business
No Prior Knowledge needed to start this venture of your own
Loan DSA Program with DealsofLoan
There are several fintech companies based in the country, who are looking to join hands with the people, who are looking to get involved in the Loan DSA program. Among those, several brand names, one ‘DealsofLoan’ a Pune Based Fintech Firm, who offers the same opportunity, just like others, but free of cost unlike others. The DealsofLoan is a one of the firms, which is fast capturing the banking market, with its hands spreading to the entire parts of the country. The company established in 2010, offers a genuine opportunity to the people who are looking towards the entrepreneurship and seeking a better quality of life with constant flow of money and prosperity.
The DealsofLoan offers the Loan DSA Program to the people all over the country, who are looking to get involved in the business of their own. You must be reminded that the India’s lending market is constantly rising and with the rising market, the chances of your progress are imminent.
The owner ‘Mr. Manoj Ashok Sharma’ believes
“The majority of business done by certain financial institutions has been provided by DSAs. Those that have a good repo are treated well by the banks, and are provided a code of conduct, which freshers or intermediate-level players aren’t provided with. Also, freshers and freelancers either don't get their payouts on time, or the payout received is too less,”
Further adding to his comments, he says:
“Any DSA who is interested in doing business with us can sign up for our system, and once their details are provided, our marketing executives verify them. Dealsofloan then provides DSA codes and CRM software for business. All the data is tracked through our CRM software, and the DSA is directly connected to the banks to ensure transparency is maintained on both ends.”
With the company looking to expand to several other parts of the country, where the presence of its is still not marked, the people who are looking to expand their source of income or those who are fed up of their daily 9 to 6 jobs, can rather look towards this as a better opportunity.
With the entrepreneurship, especially in the field of Loan DSA, the flexibility in work timings is guaranteed, which many people are seeking after for so long
With the DealsofLoan DSA program, the people are offered an Opportunity to get higher payout amount, and also an open access to multiple banks with multiple products on a single CRM Platform of DealsofLoan.
With the DealsofLoan platform, the DSAs are offered some special integrated tools, which covers several unique range of features like Lead Capturing, Lead Nurturing, Lead Tracking and what’s the special point is these; they all are being tracked in real time.
With the special features as offered by DealsofLoan, you are entitled to the complete control over the leads details and all other important details, which are needed to run a business of Loan DSA Properly and in a more organized manner.
Also available is the handbook section anjd tips and tutorials in our specially designed training kit, which allows a person to understand the proper functioning and perform better in the DSA business, thus offering a much needed helping hand to the people, who are really in need of expert guidance to perform better in this competitive ear.
Current Cities for which DealsofLoan DSA is available!
With the vision to expand the network across PAN India, the DealsofLoan offers an opportunity to the people interested in joining the Loan DSA program in the cities like Pune, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad, Delhi, Benguluru, Noida and Kolkata. However, for the interested candidate who are residing in other cities and are interested in joining the DealsofLoan best option as associates can contact the company directly and are assured of some way out. With people from all background invited to the partnership, the opportunity is one of a lifetime and the best to kick start your entrepreneurship career, now!
Steps to Become a Loan DSA with DealsofLoan
While, many companies offer to become a Loan DSA and associate with them, most of them carry some additional charges in the form of registration charges and other hidden fees. The complexity of the application form and the length of the entire process often imbibe a sense of frustration for the people looking towards associating with the companies for Loan DSA. However, with the easy to fill short Application form and easy steps, the DealsofLoan offers a quick and instant associating option for the interested people. Here are the steps below on how to proceed with the process of becoming a Loan DSA:
Make a final research on all available fintech companies offering the option of becoming Loan DSA.
Shortlist of some of the most genuine and high paying companies and of course we are the one meeting both the criteria
Consider all our offers and details, before making  a final decision
Visit the relevant page of DSA registration page of DealsofLoan http://www.dealsofloan.com/bank-dsa-registration/
Fill in the short application form available on the top half of the page
Check your email
Proceed with the verification link, which arrives at your email within minutes
Here’s the end to the needed steps from your side!
After receiving the details, the company’s representatives will follow up
The Company’s representatives will proceed with the needed verification steps, as required
Once verification is completed, you will given access to DealsofLoan DSA Login (This whole process may take few hours)
Visit DealsofLoan CRM or DSA panel and kick start your work
The DealsofLoan always look towards providing a better opportunity to the people, who have passion and will power to achieve something bigger and better in life. In search of something better and bigger, why don’t you give yourself a chance, a more genuine chance with something different from the league, which all others are doing?
Become an entrepreneur with Loan DSA DealsofLoan
The entrepreneurship is knocking at the doors. If you decide not to open doors, someone else will grab the opportunity, as it’s being said that opportunity waits for none. The DealsofLoan begin with the same vision, a person who had the desire and urge to do something for himself and family and in the process, offer something better to the society, more importantly the field of Banking.
With the Vision to become an entrepreneurship, Mr. Manoj Ashok Sharma, begun his journey and it all happened, as time passed on. Now, it’s the time, when he is in such a stage, that he is offering a helping hand to others to be an entrepreneur and walk on the path to the success and achievement, an unprecedented one, with lots of things to achieve and huge goals to accomplish. Now, it’s your time to follow the same passion and deliver something more meaningful to yourself, your family and to the society.
The road to entrepreneurship offers you with several benefits and when it comes to the Loan DSA, the options are truly unlimited. You are entitled to the unlimited benefits and advantages:
The Loan market is an ever increasing field and the demand is always on the rise. Thus, the opportunity to harness this need is always there.
The Loan DSA offers an easy and zero investment business opportunity to the people
The Loan DSA offers the people, an opportunity to kick start their business journey even to those, who don’t belong to the same field
The Loan DSA offers a chance to become an owner of your own firm and hire employees, who work to achieve your goals and ambitions of life.
With more remuneration and more rewards guaranteed with the Loan DSA Business, of own, the options must be availed with both the hands without a rethink.
Become a DealsofLoan DSA and connect with the entire country. With the registration currently open for various loan types like Personal Loans, Home Loans, Business Loans, Mortgage Loans and several other loan Products, you have unlimited possibilities to explore with DealslofLoan and take your entrepreneurship career ahead and accomplish your goals for a better life!
The DealsofLoan is waiting with open arms, with the goal to reach to the entire country and connect with the entire DSAs of India and offer them the leads for all the registered banks and in the process offer themselves with some rewards and accomplishments.
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