#yes Logan is using his tie as an eyepatch
halfhissandwich · 4 months
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“You look amazed.”
“Well… do you blame me?”
“Not at all. There’s a reason I never told you about the beautiful view of the stars from my ship, you know.”
“And what’s that?”
“Oh, I’m sure you can figure it out. You’re the smart one. In fact, I expected you to know that you can see the stars really well from the ocean.”
“Yeah yeah… why are you looking at me like that?”
“… I’ve sailed this ship a million times. I’ve left no ocean unexplored. I’ve seen beauty that most people can’t even begin to comprehend. But most of that beauty is what I see in you and you alone.”
“In me? Well… I thank you for that, then. I’m really glad that I came here. And I’m glad I came here with you.”
“Me too, Logan. Thank you.”
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an-agender-disaster · 5 years
How Is This At All Logical?
Logan has always hidden his wings, which he found to be easy due to their size. What were the chances that Thomas would be having a dilemma?
AO3 link here!
            Logan wasn't a man of fantasy or games. Why, then, of all the sides, does he have the disproportionately small wings on his back? And, on top of that, how can he fly with these aforementioned wings? Truly he would never understand. 
            While Logan worked on Thomas's schedule for the next month, his wings started to twitch under his polo shirt, itching to be set free. He contemplated changing into one of his backless shirts to allow them a few moments to stretch out, and, as soon as the thought entered his mind, his wings began ruffling up. Sighing, Logan stands up from his desk and walks to the closet. He pushes most of the clothes aside and reaches down for an inconspicuous box. If you were to open the closet and see it, the most logical assumption that would be drawn is that Logan kept a spare pair of shoes in it. The truth, however, is that he rolled up three polo shirts, one long sleeved formal shirt, and one navy blue sweater into the box. All of them, however, were backless, allowing Logan to stretch the small wings out.
            Removing the lid from the box, Logan debates on choosing another polo or the sweater. After a moment of contemplation, Logan decides on the polo shirt, as a sweater with formal pants might look strange. After untying his tie and removing his shirt, Logan pulls the new polo on, reveling in the feeling of his wings being unrestrained, he buttons up his shirt and reties his tie. 
            After Logan's outfit is sorted out again and his wings are ruffled out behind him, he sits back down at his desk to continue the planning, moving from the calendar to a planner to notebooks all to be sure that everything was in its proper place. Working through the afternoon and into the evening, Logan continued his pursuit of organization. Finally, almost three hours after he began, it had been finished. Putting down his pencil, Logan rested his head in his hands for a few moments, happy to-
            Before Logan could even process what happened, he was pulled up into Thomas's livingroom. As soon as he could, he pulled his wings against his back, hoping that nobody saw them. It was times like this that made him happy that the wings were so small. They were easily pulled through the polo shirt he was wearing, but not before Patton had seen the tectrices pull into his polo.
            Patton narrows his eyes and moves to saysomething, but Logan hastily intrupts, "Is there a reason that you have summoned me, Thomas?" 
            "What was that?" Patton questions, gesturing to Logan.
            All eyes moved to Logan. "You need me to repeat what I said?"
            "No, no. It looked like something was behind your back."
            Roman puts a hand to his chin, thinking through his next words, "Now that you mention it, Patton, I think I saw a quick flash of something, too."
            "That is preposterous," Logan says, making sure to emphasize his words by pushing his glasses up, "What would I be hiding?"
            "If you aren't hiding anything, why don't you turn around?" Roman challenges.
            "I will do no such thing. I do not have to prove myself to either of you. You are both acting irrational, and if you only called me down to question me-" Logan says, temper flaring from fear, "-then I shall take my leave."
            "Wait, wait, wait!" Thomas hurriedly shouts as Logan starts to sink out, "We really do need you right now! I've been having issues with my productivity, so I though that you three-" Thomas explains while gesturing to Logan, Patton, and Roman, "-would be able to help."
            "Why not Virgil as well?" Logan questions.
            Thomas starts to explain, "He's been overworked recently. With the new Sanders Sides video getting released, the pride video releasing, and VidCon coming up, I thought he could benefit from some rest, you know?" As he finishes, his eyes quickly flash to Roman and Patton, who both give slight nods, to small to be seen from where Logan was.
            "Alright, fine. However, with all of this, it is understandable that your productivity would have decreased." Logan begins explaining, "You need time to recuperate yourself, Thomas."
            While he was talking, Logan did not notice Roman summon Virgil, or that Virgil appeared behind Logan. Virgil's silent surprise of where he was summoned was quickly replaced by awe to what he saw.
            As Logan continued to talk, Virgil uttered a barely audible, "The hell?"
            Logan quickly craned his neck to see what was happening, and his heart began to pound when he saw Virgil behind him. Logan quickly pressed his back to the wall beside him. "Hello, Virgil. Why did you sink in there?" Logan questions, his voice shaking.
            "What was he hiding behind his back, V?" Roman questions.
            "You were the one who summoned him there?"
            "Well yeah! You were acting all weird! How could I not?" Roman shouts as Virgil moves by Logan and onto his normal spot of the stairs.
            "I would think that you could respect my privacy!" Logan exclaims, his throat closing up with tears.
            "Whatever. Virgil, what was it?" Roman asks.
            Logan's eyes dart from Roman to Virgil, "Virgil, do not tell him. Please." A few stray tears fall from Logan's eyes as he pleads.
            Virgil looks to Logan, then down at the carpeted floor, and finally to Roman. "It's not my place to tell, Roman."
            Roman looks taken aback from Virgil's response, but then steels his expression. "Fine, then." Roman quickly walked up to Logan and, putting an arm on the taller man's shoulder, forced Logan to turn around.
            "By Oden's eyepatch!" he gasps. Roman, Thomas, and Patton, all for the first time, saw a plumage of ivory feathers gracefully positioned on Logan's back.
            Logan, however, was not astounded by what had been revealed. Logan was trembling and shaking like a leaf in the wind, and the tears that he had tried to hold back for so long came tumbling down, and the still silence of the revelation was broken with a sob passing through his lips. As soon as it did, Patton was at his side, with Thomas and Virgil not far behind him.
            "Lo, what's wrong?"
            Trying to collect his thoughts, he turned himself back around slowly and, with a shaking voice, said, "I'm s-sorry, I don't m-mean to be crying."
            Virgil looks up to the significantly taller side and explained, "Logan, you have every right to cry. But why would you hide the wings?"
            "Th-They're illogical. I d-didn't want any of you to th-think any less of me."
            "We would never think any less of you, Lolo!" Patton exclaims, "Something like this isn't bad!"
            Logan looks to Patton, "R-Really? You aren't a-alarmed?"
            "We never would be scared of you, Logan," Patton explained.
            Logan pauses to process Patton's words, then simply responds, "Thank you," Logan whispers.
             The next day, someone knocks on Logan's door. Three sharp knocks.
          "Come in," Logan calls.
          The door clicks open as Logan continues to gaze down at his book, emerged in the story. "Can we talk?" Roman asks, quick to the point.
          "One moment." Logan slides a bookmark between the pages, and, when he is done, he turns and asks Roman, "What do you need?"
          "I wanted to apologize." At this, Logan's expression changed from blank to interested.
          "And what for, if I may ask?"
          Roman looks to Logan, eyes meeting, "I had no right to invade your privacy like that. You were right. I wa-"
          "Let me stop you there." Logan interrupts, "I am not upset with you for what you did. I would have had to do it at some point."
          "Yes, but I had no reason to force you to like I did."
          "You did not know better. Like I said, I am not upset with you."
          Roman looks down, finally breaking eye contact, "Are you sure?"
          "Alright, If you are sure," Roman says as he moves to leave. "Oh! I almost forgot!" he says, turning back, "You should show them off more. They suit you." With that Roman closed the door to Logan's room.
          Maybe Logan would get use of the box more after all.
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lostonehero · 5 years
A split
Lazarus read the note again, his mom is working again so he had to make dinner alone. She probably wouldn't be back until he was asleep even then she would be at her second job before he woke up for school. She worked too hard for this shithole of a place.
His father well he never met him. His mother was raped and that's how he came to be. His mother was an amazing women she gave up everything for him because she was pregnant out of wedlock. She would tell him so many amazing stories of her old family and how she missed them, but she can't go back because of him.
This hurt him but his mom never blamed him nor harmed him. He just felt the weight of that burden even if nobody told him he should. He removed his eyepatch showing off a black eye where the white should be and a yellow snake eye glowing against the black. Mom says he is a half ghoul which she says was impossible so she calls him a miracle. She even help trains him to control the inhuman abilities.
He finished making his mother's day card filled with a essay of why she is an amazing mother. Leaving her favorite chocolates on the card before heading off to bed.
Lazarus stared at his bedroom ceiling with unease settling in his stomach. He was going to a special summer school for people like him as a precursor for college. His mother kept going on about how he will meet people like himself. He had no idea what that meant but she was really excited for him, and it will help pay for college. That made him excited because his mom didn't have to work so hard.
It wasn't even a bus it was a hearse that stopped in front of his house.
"Have a nice summer remember to write and don't forget to tell them what you need to eat I love you Lazarus." His mom said trying not to be seen by the driver. "Oh don't forget the extra eyepatch I got you and I packed you something special."
Lazarus could only smile as he nods and he hugs his mom. "I will never understand why you hide from this stuff. Love you mom."
Lazarus walks out and enters the hearse with a suitcase in hand and his note that he hands to the driver. He removes his eyepatch to show off what he is.
The driver looks at Lazarus in pure shock. "I thought they were fucking with me. I will tell the headmaster that you are for real." The driver says pointing to the seats that Lazarus sits in. The hearse driver mumbles "half ghoul wow I might ass well be in heaven I've seen everything."
Lazarus sits next to a princely fellow tieing his eyepatch back on as the man looks at him in shock.
"You're a half ghoul, your in my prophecy." The prince guy says.
A much more disheveled prince guy jumps to look over the seat. "Looks like you're getting hitched Roman didn't think it was possible."
"Oh shut it Remus you're suppose to marry a demon." The prince guy Roman says.
Lazarus stays quiet not knowing what to say.
"You know where we're going right?" Remus asks.
Lazarus looks up. "A summer school for monsters?"
"NO Remus it's an educational training facility for beings other then pure humans. It's a training on how to blend in with humanity and how to be associated with hunters as not to be killed its require if you want to live with humans." Roman huffs.
"But I already live with humans this is paying for my college." Lazarus responds.
"Wait you already live among humans? What's it like? We've never left our kingdom Oh right I'm Roman that's Remus we're fae princes and we're going to live with humans for a long while until we marry or just decide to go home." Roman says smiling
Lazarus shrugs "I dunno hopefully this is better."
Lazarus ended up rooming with Roman after the headmaster passed out realizing he was a half ghoul. He was thankful since Roman he already kind of knew him, his brother got paired with a guy with really thick glasses and two other people he wasn't paying attention to.
He was setting up his room and placed a picture of him and his mother on his desk as he finished laying on his black and gold checkered bed. He was growing uncomfortable with Roman gawking at him.
"You didn't use any magic. How did you do that?" Roman asks amazed.
Lazarus blinked obviously confused. "What? That's how I normally make my bed and put things away."
"Can you teach me? I've never done things the human way." Roman looks at Lazarus with eyes filled with curiosity.
Lazarus nodded and began to teach.
It's been a month and he got his first letter from his mom.
"Hey sweetie how are you? Sorry for taking so long to respond things came up, you'll understand when you get home. Anyways this Roman guy you keep going on about sounds amazing you should bring him home for dinner. You made other friends too Logan Remus Patton and Virgil they all sound nice. Oh make sure Patton eats before a full moon it will help him, and sweetie I hope your eating right because we both know you can't go too long without eating han flesh. Anyways keep sending letters it sounds amazing, love mom."
Within the note is attached what looks like jerky which Lazarus begins to chew on.
"Oh got a gift from home, what did your parent send you?" Logan asks his speech finally sounding less robotic he was a demon not a robot.
"Jerky my mom makes it herself, she works as clean up in a hospital biohazard stuff aka human flesh." Lazarus mumbles chewing on his food.
"Huh neat isn't your mom human? Its surprising that she is ok with all this." Virgil says sipping on his blood milkshake.
"Well she has been doing this since I was born so I guess knew what happened after she was raped." Lazarus frowned at the shocked faces. "How did you think I was made anyways?"
"Love and compassion." Patton sniffs looking upset pulling Lazarus into a hug.
"You do know what ghouls are Patton. Soulless creatures that are neither demonic magic or angelic in nature they are in a category in of themselves which makes them dangerous and extremely hard to predict. They are violent and powerful a half ghoul is well was impossible usally ghouls just kill outright I guess yours got frisky with juicy things." Remus winks.
"You had me in the first half bro." Roman says leaning on Lazarus.
"I have to disagree that was quite informative you really do your research." Logan says impressed.
Lazarus shrugs. "Eh she is fine never blame me."
"I want to meet the wonderful woman who made you Lazarus." Roman says
Lazarus blushes. "Ah shut it Roman."
Roman sticks his tongue out.
The end came way too fast for Lazarus's liking but Roman was coming home to meet his mother. Hopefully she wouldn't be upset. He stops for a second remembering a picture from his textbook on hunters. One of the reoccurring pictures reminded him of his mother. He shrugged it probably wasn't her.
Lazarus opened the door to his house Roman behind him. He stopped dead when he heard Roman shreik.
"THE HUNTER QUEEN DON'T KILL HIM." Roman pulls Lazarus behind him and prepares to take the blow but is only met with a soft tisk.
"Lazarus who's your friend? Oh is this the Roman you wrote to me about he is cute." Lazarus's mother says looking over the two.
Roman was shaking he heard horror stories of how countless faes fell to her blade. "Y-y-you know me?"
"Of course my son sent me a bunch of letters."
Then it clicked for Lazarus. "Oh that makes sense you used to be a hunter no wonder you're ok with everything."
"Oh correct I'm retired now unless someone here breaks my son's heart." She chuckles "oh I'll make your favorite for dinner do you have any requests Roman?"
"Not to die." Roman looks pale as a ghost.
"Do you like spicy chicken I'll make that." She smiles.
Roman can only nod now hiding behind Lazarus who goes up to his room.
"Your mother is what horror stories are for my well every supernatural kind. The cursed immortal hunter who can kill everything she sets her mind to." Roman gasps
Lazarus hums. "That explains why she looks so young."
"Why are you not freaking out she can kill us."
"Roman you forget she is my biological mother, and retired." Lazarus looks to Roman who seems to be in deep thought
"THAT'S WHY SHE VANISHED IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE. Also explains why you went to the summer school so you wouldn't be targeted."
Lazarus sighs. "Why did I fall in love with you?" He quickly slaps his hand over his mouth.
"You love me?"
Lazarus looks away nodding.
Roman looks at Lazarus with amazement. "Fuck fear I love you too."
They kiss.
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