#yes Jaxel is his (adopted) son yes he murdered him like I said evil
ryders-lil-dudes · 11 months
Okay. So I was talking bout him on my main but that post was about my oc Jaxel. He is dead and a backstory character for My dnd oc Zalastor (Zal) (((I will make a post with their info later) their dad is Vinlo (he is Evil like immortal murder evil, belos level of evil Vinlo isn’t technically mine so I won’t talk about him here. Just know he’s evil)
Jaxel. (Jax)
Jax had always been protective of zal. Losing his entire town to a pirate attack he does everything in his power to keep Zal safe. And even for a while to keep Vinlo safe. He’d been acting out for a while before he died mostly because teenager but a lot of it was built resentment towards vinlo. jax was much quieter then zal preferring to listen and watch
Zal trusted Jax more then anyone else. Even Vinlo. He was the first person to teach Zal to cast magic. Jax was literally his best friend and his only friend. Often Zal would talk for hours about whatever thing had caught their interest that week to Jax.
For Jax Zal was a bit annoying at first but as they spent more time together he started to really enjoy Zals company. Zal didn’t ask anything of him other then just to be there and as a quiet kid going through it that was nice.
He shows this affection by protecting them as it’s common in his villages culture.
All Jax is wanted is to be safe and happy with his little sibling but… alas
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