#yes I'm making this because I saw the outcome of that worst season poll
Unpopular opinion, but I genuinely think that March of the Oni is one of the worst Ninjago seasons, (That is if you even count it as a season.) and it's all because of that last episode. The fact that the title is even "Endings" and yet is one of the worst season finales I've seen in this whole show just makes my blood boil.
Because when you think about it, this episode is supposed to act as the ending not only for itself and the two seasons before it, but the first ten seasons and the Wilfilm era as a whole. But, to me at least, it just feels like it dropped the ball. (If you wanna read my long ass rant, be my guest.)
The most egregious thing this episode does is what they did with Cole. Literally what was the reason for this fake out death if he's just gonna show up completely fine afterwards. And yes, I know that it sparked some of the most tear jerking moments in this show and furthered what Lloyd and Garmadon had going on, but doesn't that just make it worse that it feels like this whole thing went nowhere? And I don't want to hear anything like, "Well, bad and unexpected things happen in life all the time! It's just being realistic!" If this show was going for that type of realism everyone in the main cast should be dead by now. And I'm not saying that that's not a true statement about the world, but this is a lego ninja show aimed at eight year olds.
And then there's the second fake out death in this four episode season. And I'm also aware that the scene where Lloyd meets the FSM is cool. I also think that the scene is really cool! But my problem lies in the fact that Lloyd dying and then being fine minutes later doesn't serve anything. At least Cole falling caused some interesting scenes, but what happened to Lloyd doesn't cause anything! And yes, he met god, but then god told him that he won't remember any of this anyway. Oh well.
And then Garmadon just walks away??? Like, I get why HE would do that, but Wu just let's him leave????? Isn't this guy literally only the evil parts of who he was before? And not to mention that he forcibly became a dictator like three weeks ago.
And there's so many other things that piss me off, like how Kai has kind of a full circle moment with his smithing abilities, and as a longtime Kai fan I really like this idea! But then it was only a 20 second montage. Like, you aren't even going to give us a reason as to how he became so good at being a blacksmith that he can reforge the fucking GOLDEN WEAPONS? NO??? Ok then! *explodes with rage*
And my next complaint is moreso targeted at the whole season, but am I the only one who thinks that the Oni where really underwhelming? Like, these are supposed to be demons hellbent on the total destruction of the universe, but they're also the most forgettable villains in this entire show. The only reason why I even remember Omega's name is because that name in this context is kickass, but other than that he has nothing going for him. He's just here to destroy and kill everybody, that's it. What makes him and say, Kalmaar so different, is that Kalmaar has an actual personality. They have the same fundamental plan, but Kalmaar feels more like a classic disney villain while Omega is an extremely watered down version of the Christian take on Satan. This could've been the chance to make some absolutely epic lore about the Oni, where they've been, what they're like, or literally anything. But no, they're just here to kill.
And then they where defeated by the power of spinning really fast with your fam. The whole Tornado of Creation coming back just to serve as a callback and a convenient Oni killswitch has always bugged me. It just feels really cheap, especially with how everything faded to white and we didn't even get to see what actually happened.
But the real reason why I hate this final episode so damn much is that, I really liked the episodes before it! When it was coming out I thought that this would be really good, and I was legitimately excited to see how it ended! But then it crushed my dreams by having the worst ending possible and I haven't been able to trust since.
Okay, I think I'm done now, these aren't all of the reasons why I hate it so much, but I've rambled enough so I'm done.
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