#yes I loved angling Artem at angles that look visually hilarious because it's like he's peeking over everyone's shoulders
surely-galena · 6 months
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I'm making slides for the bestie so she'll understand what I mean when I bring up ToT in our chat but in making this timeline, I realized that a super unexplored time is when Giann is gone but Neil isn't.
Like, how did Vyn feel at the time? Was it strange how close Artem and Neil were with each other (and by extension, did Vyn become sort of an odd one out)? Was Neil even a suspect then, or was everyone in shock about Giann? Were Artem and Vyn actually civil to each other at this point in time?
Similarly, that brief point in time before the disappearances (column 2) means that Artem has interacted with Giann before. I theorize that Marius only joined the team after Giann went missing, because he was away in Florence studying art, but since canon hasn't told us yet, for all we know, Marius could have been an online member for a while. But this means that Artem was at least familiar with all three founders before people even began to go missing.
Anyway, I think the pre-canon timeline has a lot of unexplored possibility and potential and it's really fascinating to think about :))
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