#yes I know I didn't include change fearless or the best day
theerastour · 2 years
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TSCreators Eras Event: Fearless
Favorite memory from the fearless era: the story telling in her music videos
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moonydustx · 4 months
Hi, I was wondering if you could do Zoro, Ace, Sabo, Luffy, Crocodile, Mihawk, Buggy (Cross guild), Whitebeard, Izou, and Charlotte Katakuri x Reader where They are in a Disney/ Fairy tale Story? (I've been watching Disney lately, and it's living in my Brain-Free.) Also a bonus: They break out in a song number.~
Hi Hi! I think this was the most complicated request I've ever received and to be honest, all my drafts didn't get anywhere that was interesting to read. So, in order not to be left without an answer, but also not to deliver something terrible, I decided to change the format a little (and I really hope you don't hate me for it)
Even though her father (grandfather in this version) is against all this, our little mermaid wants to find the surface world (again, pirate world) and see all the wonders that await him. You'll make different friends along the way and, above all, collect incredible things like a certain hat along the way.
Our Beauty and the Beast story is a little more troubled here. Instead of a beast cursed by the witch, we just have an evil-looking and somewhat threatening man who still hasn't found a reason to let anyone get close to him. When the right person arrives, he will definitely become someone lovable - even if it involves some fights, wars and everything that can prevent anyone from interfering in the lives of the two of you.
Crocodile, Katakuri
Living the best life, without growing up, without responsibilities, just him and his people living happily in Neverland and disturbing the life of the pirate who passes by. Despite trying to bring our beloved Peter Pan to the real world, you would ultimately understand that Neverland is the place made for him to be free.
I know, I know it's not exactly a fairy tale. But, our beloved Puss in Boots would be just as stubborn, adventurous and showy as this one. His sword would be the sharpest and most agile of all the kingdoms, apart from all the flame that only he has.
Bonus point: in a universe where Cross Guid is made up of enemies and we are in fairy tales/animations, Crocodile would be the wolf in the second film.
This one would be Sleeping Beauty, I don't think we even need to explain why. However, this sleeping beauty here chose to sleep for days straight after being in battle and when you tried to wake him up in a kind way - aka, the kiss of love - he hated it, after all, he was in the best part of sleep.
Zoro (and I'd include Buggy here too, I can see him grumbling about it).
The world was just a small view of the tower his mother trapped him in and of course, his mother knows better. Until he found himself being saved by someone fearless, brave (a bit of a scoundrel) who took him from his cruel mother's clutches and took him to explore the world - and that includes the nearest bakery.
Charlotte Katakuri, Sabo (I mean, his parents were pretty shitty)
He would definitely be Mufasa and he would make us suffer terribly with his loss, but he would have been a great father. (and you can't tell me that Ace wouldn't be the son with the chaotic and adventurous spirit also known as Simba)
He would have to put up with you singing Let It Go in any situation, but he probably wouldn't get angry about it. Except when you were in a more intimate moment and you said that the cold wouldn't bother you anyway (and of course, he would create little ice drawings for you in the winter)
We also have Snow White: dreamy, kind, fearless too. Instead of seven dwarves, he has loyal companions. Some are more serious and angry, but ready to help our Snow White here and other cute and funny eaters.
Shanks (and yes Benn Beckman is our angry one in this one) ---
a/n: ok, I had more fun writing this than I thought I would
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fountainpenguin · 2 months
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #7
"A Dinosaur in Dimmadelphia" - Full moon in the title card!
Hazel's parents are really engaged in having fun. I'm a little curious as to where this is going, since if we follow the OG lore, Hazel should lose Cosmo and Wanda once she's no longer miserable. I'm curious if they're going to push that direction or retire that bit of lore.
Also, C and W kind of snuck in under the radar and are retired otherwise, so Jorgen probably won't ride them as hard as he used to.
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Obtuse Rubber Goose - 2001 B.C.
Of course she's more into the rocks.
/sweats at the billboard for Atlantis Condos even though it's painted in a mural. Cosmo... (Also I love the dinos by the water coolers in that image).
Man, this is a playground for both Cosmo AND Wanda's destructive histories!
I have feelings about the Fairlysaurus. I question nothing.
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They're so cute.
The unfortunate thing about this show is that Whisper can tell me some scientists believe dinosaurs wore top hats and had electricity and unfortunately that's 100% possible in this world.
I like how Hazel's creature-hunting dad listens to Whispers Fred's podcast. That's gonna go well.
I like how Cosmo and Wanda can understand dinosaurs. She would be the type to understand them and wipe them out of existence anyway.
Confirmed 10k-year vacation through time!!
Hazel wishing "I wish people weren't afraid of dinosaurs" after bringing one to the future is one of the funniest things I've ever heard. Welp, that solves that.
sldkfj, Wanda proudly talking about the comet that wipes out dinosaur life as if she didn't personally launch that comet.
"If I can't send [the dinosaur] home, I'll do the next best thing: Get him a job!" - I changed my mind, that's even funnier. Hazel, why?
I love the background hills:
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I like the implication that people are totally ready to accept the dinosaur as an actor because they're no longer afraid of him, so he can stroll in and not only are they unafraid, they also don't question it. Yeah, that sounds about right.
This vibe is very funny since Timmy usually tried keeping his wishes under wraps. Hazel's just been changing her surroundings and people play along.
I like that Whispers Fred and the museum guy had a bet about dinosaurs having electricity and the museum guy just sighs and pays it. Yeah, okay.
... Do I know that screaming man? Why does he sound familiar? Is he from "T.U.F.F. Puppy?" I know him... Is it Meerkat, my beloved?
-> I looked it up and Meerkat's VA is Daran Norris (Cosmo's VA). So... Yes, it was probably him using a Meerkat-adjacent voice, SKLSDJF.
Mystery mayor...
Is that #1 Dad in the crowd? Where is your baby?
SKLDFJS we're keeping the dinosaur. Okay.
"Fearless" time! - This title card has SPOT-ON Cosmo and Wanda in their old designs. Nice!
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Did Hazel share a room with her brother, hence the bunk bed?
I like how Hazel's wardrobe is filled with identical outfits just like Timmy's closet used to be.
I like how the movies are also in 2D animation style.
Dev loves staring at Hazel and judging her in the background, doesn't he?
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The kid on the voting poster reminds me of Imaginary Gary.
Note to self, include a trigger warning for this episode if I recommend it to anyone who doesn't like horror. It's no "Dark Harvest" or what-not, but they do a good job of making it creepy to kids, but... whoa.
I like the idea of Jasmine's fears coming to life as separate people outside her body, which is different than when Timmy wished he was fearless and became numb.
Hazel wishing for a Hazel stand-in to hold her place in class was smart. She and Chloe would be friends.
sldkjf, bug spray with the cockroach from "Wanda's Day Off" on it.
The plot about Jasmine having to be the one to face her fears is clever. Also, Hazel implied she has to avoid revealing magic, so it looks like she did get the basic rules explained (and they're still in play in this spin-off).
Wait, why is the girl who was reading "Shakespeare for Mimes" afraid of clowns?
I'm glad the crowns make metallic sounds when they fall since they're magnetic in the OG series.
OH SNAP- Hazel getting called out for "trying to make this friendship into what she had with her brother." That's rough, kid. Forcing Hazel to face her fears is a clever way to introduce her insecurities to the audience. I like it.
The list of champions on the school's wall goes up as far as 2019, and we can't be THAT far in the future since there aren't others.
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I did worry where this plot was going, so I'm glad Hazel opted not to watch scary movies and instead pick something her friend wanted to do too :)
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maybe-your-left · 4 years
Window Panes - Forever
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We made it! 
Here is the Window Panes Masterlist and my Masterlist for all my other fics. 
Summary: A cool breeze nipped at your exposed legs, causing goosebumps to erupt over your skin. You were curled into your comforter, comfy and safe, your cheek pressed against your pillow. Lips pursed and a small amount of drool seeping into the fabric. A creak came from the corner of your room, slightly rousing you from your slumber. You glanced around, your drooping eyelids barely taking in the scene. In your sleep riddled state, you didn't see him, his large figure stalking towards you. The whites of his eyes shining in the moonlight, it wasn't until you felt a palm slide up your side. Following the natural contours of your body, the warmth emanating from it lulling you to sleep once again. A dip in the mattress, the springs creaking under the weight. 
Hot breath fanned over your neck, soft lips pressing onto the back of your ear. A deep hum filling your senses, you sighed. Cuddling back into the figure, wanting to get closer to the warm entity. A low chuckle sounded behind you, and then... 
TW/CW: This is dark shit, like explicitly horrible shit happens in this. However, I enjoy reading dark fics, and I super loved Stalker Clyde by @clumsycopy​ & was inspired by the oneshot EOS by @thetorturerwrites and I wanted to write something with the sameish tone for Halloween. NSFW, Violence, Murder, Non-con elements, Domestic Violence, Surgery, Explicit sex, oral sex, anal sex, sex toys, miscarriage, mental manipulation, stockholm syndrome, waterboarding, forced feeding, Animal abuse (just a brief mention, I do not go into any detail). 
“Is it-Are we rolling?” 
“Yeah, we’re rolling.” 
“Okay, great,” a sigh of relief. 
You shifted in your chair, smoothing back your hair and itching the microphone that was attached to your shirt collar. Crossing and recrossing your legs, you should’ve worn pants, a skirt was a stupid idea with these boots. You gave a weak smile to the woman across from you, her white teeth flashing the cameras all around the sound stage. 
“Okay,” she looked into the lens, “We are here tonight with one of the victims of the famous 2020 murder trial from New York. She went through over five years of repeated abuse at the hands of her kidnapper, all while he was out killing people around the city.” She turned to you, nodding her head as a show for you to react to the TV. “It’s so nice to have you here, Miss (Y/N).” 
You cleared your throat, shifting once more, “Thank you, it’s a pleasure to be here.” 
“How are you doing?” 
You bit back a scoff, what a stupid thing to ask. After that introduction, what was she expecting you to say, ‘oh I’m fucking fantastic, I’ve been running since the day he was sent to prison and going through intense psycho-therapy to rid myself of Stockholm syndrome.’. 
“I’m great,” you faked a smile, “Always nice to visit New York again.” 
“I’m sure,” she smiled once more, all you could think about were the wrinkles on her face, the crows feet on the corner of her eyes. She must get botox for working at a news station, there’s no way her skin is on with just natural confidence. 
“When was the last time you visited?” 
You had to stop yourself from blurting out an answer, knowing that this would be on national television. Which you knew federal prisons watched, you wouldn’t want to give away any of your whereabouts since the incident. “Uh-it’s been a few years, I haven’t had much reason to be back. My life has shifted to another part of the world.” 
“That’s fantastic! So you’ve been doing well for yourself the past six years?” 
“Yeah,” you gave a genuine smile, “It’s been tough, no off days really. Trying to gain some normalcy from it all, but I’ve done well. I live relatively fearless, of everything.” 
“We have you here because of a break in your case, as I’m sure you know.” 
You gave a grim nod. 
It’s all anyone wanted to talk about since the story flashed on the news last week. Leaving your once quiet home filled with reporters. You weren’t even home when it happened, out getting groceries, gripping your sons’ hands firmly as you walked the aisles. Letting him pick out some snacks for his lunchbox, like any mother would, when your phone blew up. 
Dozens of messages, calls, articles, you name it. 
All with his face plastered on it. 
Convicted murderer and kidnapper, Kylo Ren, has requested the death penalty. After being found attempting to escape federal prison for the 6th time in the past five years. The convict claims that he ‘would rather die than live another day rotting in his cell’. Dropping all the appeals cases that his lawyers have been pushing since his initial sentencing. 
The former New York state governor was on trial for murderering and disemboweling 9 separate victims and kidnapping an 18-year-old girl. He kept her in his basement as his sex slave for close to 3 years before he married her, the young girl escaping into the streets when she was just 22 years old. Covered from head to toe in gashes, blood, and bruises. Claiming that her husband had beaten her within an inch of her life. 
The subsequent trial lasted three months after his arrest. Leading to him being convicted of first-degree murder, rape, and domestic assault. He was sentenced to life in prison, his then-wife was placed under medical care for an undetermined time. 
Mr. Ren has tried to get his charges appealed since the initial sentencing, claiming that his wife was mentally insane and an unfit witness. Along with other claims that include bribing members of the jury to change their verdicts. The whereabouts of Mr. Ren’s ex-wife is unknown, but he claims that he has kept tabs on her even from ‘the inside’. 
“Your kidnapper is being put on death row, which isn’t allowed in the state of New York. Which means he is being transferred over state lines to another prison. However, it hasn’t been revealed where he is being brought because of people interfering with the swap. How do you feel about that?” 
You chewed your cheek, thinking for a moment. There was no way he did this willingly, Ren was never someone to take the easy way out. The last time you heard from him was three years ago, on your son’s birthday. 
Receiving a call from the prison, the only one you had gotten since the sentencing. 
You remember picking up the phone, throat going dry as you whispered that you accepted the charges. Waiting for the operator to connect you to him, after three long years without his voice. 
“Hello, love.” 
“What,” you whispered, stepping away from the living room of screaming toddlers. Your boyfriend gave you a weird look when your face went white as a ghost. “What do you want, Ren?” 
“How are you? Doing well I hope?” 
You huffed, moving into your kitchen and ripping a bottle of wine out of the fridge. Taking a drink as you snarled, “Just tell me what shitty thing you have to say so I can go back to my family.” 
“Oh, yes. Your family.” he sighed, “And what a sweet family it is… little Luke is how old now? I would think he would be about… three.” 
“How do you know about my son?” 
“I don’t think he’s just yours.” 
“You shut your mouth, Luke is not your son. I’m going to hang up if you don’t get to the point.” 
“He’s growing up so well. Hairs getting longer, but I know you like to keep it short. But he complained about his ears last time-so big.” 
You took a deep breath, peaking into the living room. Just in time to see your baby boy, smiling and laughing with his friends. Sitting in your boyfriends’ lap, tearing into presents. His big eyes shone with tears of joy when he ripped through a gift that was his favorite color, red. A squeal so loud it could’ve shattered a window, pulling out a giant plush toy. It was like a penguin-mixed with a little dog, no nose, and some sharp fangs. From one of his favorite TV shows, along with a card and some other little toys. 
“Tell me, love,” he chuckled, “Does he like his present? He sounds over the moon about it through the speaker. What I wouldn’t give to be there to run my fingers through his dark hair, look him in the eyes and tell him how much his father loves him.” 
You made Luke sleep in bed with you that night, holding his small body flush with yours. Running your fingers through his curls as he snored into your chest, small tracks of drool seeping into your nightshirt. Trembling as you stared at the shadows, dancing across the bedroom from the window. Full moon shining, you could’ve sworn the floor was creaking downstairs, the sound of footsteps climbing towards your room rang in your ears. 
You didn’t sleep that night, staring into your son’s face as he woke. Blinking awake to smile as you, his grin reaching across his face. All the way to his ears, large ears, covered by his almost black waves. His long lashes fluttering as he greeted you, “Hi mama.” 
His eyes. 
One of them your eye color, shining back at you. But the other, it was his. 
Deep auburn, shining in the sunlight. Daring you to challenge him, defy him, prove him wrong, anything that would allow him to unleash whatever hell lived under his skin. Flowed through his blood, tainting every corner of your psyche. His child, the one you hid from the world. Moving as far away as you could, claiming it was your boyfriends’ child. 
But he knew. 
And Luke was starting to notice. 
“I feel,” you looked at your hands, forcing them into fists to stop them from shaking, “Just fine, he’s not in my life anymore. Just a small chapter in the book of my story, I hope that he finds peace. Wherever he goes.” 
“Peace? For a man that almost killed you multiple times?” 
You nodded, “Yeah, I do. I can’t change who he is, or what he’s done. I can just try as hard as I can to move on. And if being on death row will help him find what he’s looking for then I wish him the best of luck.” 
She gave you a weird look, shifting in her seat, “Do you think it says anything about his guilt?” 
“Yes, for the past six years he has never acknowledged that he was guilty. Claiming that the jury and witnesses were bought and that you were mentally unstable-making up half the accusations against him. Do you think that him asking for the death penalty is a way of admitting that he was guilty?” 
“Hell no,” you blurted out, eyes going wide at the camera, “Oh-can I swear? I’m so sorry.” 
She laughed you off, “You’re fine, we can blur it out. But you sound so confident? Do you think he believes that he’s done nothing wrong?” 
Now it was your turn to laugh, “Not to repeat myself but, hell no. That man knows, he’s very conscious of his decisions. Everything has a purpose, everything is done for a reason, Ren doesn’t waste his energy on doing something for no benefit.” 
“What would be the benefit of being put on death row?” 
You sighed, thinking about Ren, trying to get into his mindset to see how he could angle the sentencing changing. Letting out a sharp laugh as you rubbed your eyes, “Well-you said it earlier.” 
She looked at you confused. 
“New York doesn’t have the death penalty.” 
New York doesn’t have the death penalty. 
New York doesn’t have the death penalty. 
New York doesn’t have the death penalty. 
“Oh my god,” you whispered, looking around the room frantically. “Oh my god-oh my god-oh my GOD-New York doesn’t have the death penalty!” you screamed, shooting out of the chair. Grasping the reporter by her shoulders and shaking her violently, “He knew! He knew I was coming here! He’s gonna take him!” 
“Miss (Y/N),” the reporters and security officers yelled. Trying to calm you down, but no, she had said it. 
New York doesn’t have the death penalty. 
You ran from the TV station, hailing a cab on the packed streets. Frantically calling your boyfriend over and over, he was at home. Back in Nevada… where the death penalty is legal, with Luke. He wouldn’t pick up, the dial tone ringing three times before his voice sang through the speaker. 
You wailed in the back of the cab, calling everyone you knew back at home. Asking if they could go get Luke from school, if they had seen him that day. Anything to try prove false the sick feeling in your stomach you knew was true. 
Running through airport security as fast as you could, taking the first flight back home. You prayed on the way that your boyfriend had Luke, safe and sound, back at home. Hopefully, curled in his red blanket, snuggling the stuffed animal he got that faithful birthday. 
Even though no one knew where it came from. 
Luke wouldn’t let you get rid of it. 
Claiming his daddy gave it to him. 
You just let him have it, he was three there was no way he would let you take his toy away once he had held it to his chest. Kissing it with his full lips, dragging it around the house every fucking day. It was his best friend, from the moment he saw it. 
You cried on the plane, realizing too late that the gift was from him. 
His real father. 
Watching after his miracle child. 
When you touched down in Las Vegas, your phone blew up. Your stomach flipping as you read through the messages from your boyfriend, explaining that he let your friend pick Luke up from school. The same friend claimed that your boyfriend had picked him up, Luke’s teacher calling to let you know someone in a black Porsche picked him up. 
Whisking away his child from under your nose. 
You choked on your tears as you read the message from his teacher, telling you how happy Luke was when he left. How he ran into your new boyfriend's arms, like he had known him for his entire life. She told you that he had introduced himself, Ben was just the most amazing father figure she had ever met. Stowing away Luke, surrounded by toys and chocolate when she waved them off. 
After you gathered your luggage you walked towards the cabs out front. Stopping cold in your tracks when you saw a chauffeur holding a sign that said your old name. 
Mrs. Ren. 
You climbed in, body feeling numb. 
Your phone dinged, a picture being sent to you from an unknown number. 
A picture of Luke, held tightly against his real father’s chest. Drifting off to sleep in his strong arms that once choked you to death. 
See you at home love, we miss you. 
I wanted baby luke to say something like ‘my daddy visits me at night’ but it was too on the nose. 
TAGLIST: @finn-ray-nal-beads @millenialcatlady @ohdamnadamm  @daydreamsofren @candycanes19 @caelum-phyriina-vermillon @millenialcatlady @safarigirlsp  @caillea @roanniom @insufferablelust @mrs-zimmerman​ 
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Woman of Faith Diaries: A 180-Degree Turn in My Life
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Growing up, I was already exposed to the Word of God. I got baptized in a Catholic church as majority of my family are Catholics.  I attended kindergarten at Grace Baptist Learning Center (GBLC), had some religion classes and my Holy Communion during gradeschool, and even joined the Parish Renewal Experience (PREX) when I was a high school student. 
While I claimed that i already know God even when i was just a small kid, the truth is I just realized recently that I don't really know Him. And being introduced and exposed to different spiritual, or should i say "religious" practices and beliefs did not really mean that I was knowing Him years back. I grew up as a member of the Catholic community because my family is Catholic. My grandmas (my mom's aunts) serve at the Catholic church. I attended GBLC not because they focus on teaching the Bible to their students but because that's one of the only two schools that I knew before and that was where my cousins attended school. I memorized bible verses as per requirement. When I got to a public school when i entered first grade, there was a culture shock. When we prayed, I saw my classmates doing the sign of the cross and I was confused. Every time we prayed in class, I watched them do it and tried to do it on my own the next days without knowing what it even meant (i think i asked my mom about that but i dont remember anymore what explanation I got from her haha). I attended my religion classes and had my Holy Communion during gradeschool because i didn't have a choice and everyone was doing it. I joined PREX because my friends invited me. Every time i take an exam, or join competitions, I made sure to always have with me my rosary. You see, being exposed to the Word that time, and doing those religious practices did not really lead me to strengthening my relationship with the Lord. Doing them all did not really led to their supposed to be "purpose": to knowing God and surrending life to the Lord. That is why it didn't come as a surprise that when I finally felt "independence" and "freedom" when I got into college years after, I easily slipped away from Him. Life got too overwhelming for me for four years that I took my FAITH for granted. 
Attending GBLC when I was a small kid was very helpful because it gave and built the foundations that i needed in establishing my spiritual life. Being introduced to the Catholic practices and beliefs gave me something to believe in through the years and established the truth that there is an Omnipotent power who created and controls everything. PREX was an avenue that brought me together with my two best friends. It was through that experience that my friendship with Rose and Clyde were built by a strong foundation. It was a gift of friendship given to the three of us by the Lord. 
As i grew up, my eyes got opened to the different perspectives and beliefs that are existing. I realized that other than my beliefs, there are other ones that exist. Because of the differences, the contradictions, and what nots, I started doubting. I started doubting the beliefs and practices that I used to do and believe in, and i even contradicted others'. 
But you know what I realized this past year? That it is not really about the religion. It is not about the practices or superstitions (or whatever you call them). That what really matters is that you respect others' beliefs whether you understand them or not. Your life perspective and beliefs are not the only ones that are out there. You got to accept that. And whether you agree or disagree with the other existing perspectives out there, you just have to respect them.
My walk is not about the religion that I have. Yes, I was first baptized and known as a Catholic for 22 years. I got involved in a Baptist Church. I have friends with different religions. But despite the differences and changes, I chose to stick to where my heart feels the happiest, my soul the most alive, and where i could find the spiritual maturity that i am craving.
It all started a year ago during that "downfall" after graduating from college. It got hard to move forward and step foot in the real world as an achiever because too many people were watching, having their hopes up, and expectations of you. The first half of 2017 was filled with achievements, victories, and pride, and i felt everyone cheering for me and sharing these moments with me. But the remaining half knocked me up unexpectedly. I suffered from mild depression without anyone around me knowing about it. While they continue on pressuring me, they did not have any idea that their expectations were already silently killing me. I felt numb and hopeless. For months, I didn't have the courage to move forward. I didn't know where to go and what to do next because I was afraid of disappointing others and was afraid of what they'd say.
I didn't know that while i was at these darkest days of my life, searching for help, searching for answers, that i'd find myself back to His arms again. I needed help, He helped me. I needed hope, He gave me hope. I needed light, He lit up my path.
It was August 15th 2017 that the Lord heard my plea and revealed Himself to me. He used Cathy Bartel's book, Every Teen Girls' Little Pink Book, to comfort me and assure me, telling me that He has the absolute best plan for me. Upon reading those lines that time, I couldn't stop crying. I was crying because I felt so ashamed and guilty for neglecting His calls the past years. I was crying because I received the assurance that I needed. I received the hope that I needed to keep going. 
Everything changed since that day because I knew that I wasn't alone. That He got my back no matter what. He even gave me the people that I needed most that time. You know what they say? That God gives us what we need? I could attest that is indeed true. He gave me people who listened to me and who motivated me --- Jessa (my sister), my friends, Arly and Rose, and ate Pia (a former dormmate). It was just months ago too that I realized the common denominator among these four --- that they are all Christians.
While I was on break for months too last year, waiting for the door that the Lord was preparing for me, I also got to attend this Christian church (DMI) with Tita Brenn and her family. Slowly, I knew that the Lord was working in me.
When this year started, the Lord answered my prayer and gave me my first job. He also pushed me to step out of my comfort zone and guided me as I started my new life here in Manila. This was once one of my greatest fears, but with God telling me to be fearless, and having faith and trust in Him and His promises, I made it here. 
All of these are God's plan for me. He didn't let me stay in the province as I planned, because He has other plans for me. He brought me here because it is here where I'd grow more. I learned to conquer my fears, and to trust Him more as days passed by. It is through these hardships and discomforts that God hone us and make us grow. 
God has been true to His promises. He had an absolute best plan for me. And I am living it now. God has blessed me with new people in this new city. He blessed me with these women of faith who would and could help me in my walk with the Lord. He gives us what we need, and these are what I needed. I also learned to focus and invest on what matters most.
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I started my One-2-One last August and finished it on September. And last October 12 and 13, I had my Victory Weekend. On October 13th, I had my water baptism to proclaim the Lord, as my Master and Savior, in public. My fresh start already started last year and I was already living my new life even before this year started. 
The 180-degree turn in my life, my repentance, happened during my darkest days. And ever since I resurrendered my life to HIm, He has been true to His Word. He continuously lights up my path, and the way I see and live my life have shifted 180 degrees since I started studying and holding on to the Word. My Victory Weekend experience was a proclamation that the old was gone and the new has come.
I included "to strengthen my relationship with the Lord" in my 2018 Bucket List but i didn't really expect everything to turn this way. The process wasn't perfect but as long as I intend to live my life with and for the Lord, I know that all is well.
This is just the beginning of my walk with Him and I am so blessed and grateful for experiencing and receiving His grace, and for having Him as my Constant. He is unshakable, and He is my Lord and Savior. I wouldn't appreciate and enjoy living my life now if it wasn't for Him. He taught me of what really matters. And that's what matters: Him and what He has to say.
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