#yes I did find it very funny that their first customer was AGNES XD
victorluvsalice · 10 months
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-->And then, finally, it was off to the store to actually open at a reasonable hour! Fortunately, when the trio arrived, the weather was merely chilly and partly cloudy, meaning there was no need to mess with the weather and get anyone electrocuted or anything like that. Alice, who was feeling the Fury, got sent off to have Zoomies, while Smiler grabbed a nice plasma pack snack before Victor officially opened the doors. He and Smiler then went around clearing "out of stock" signs while waiting for their first customer --
-->Who turned out to be none other than Agnes Crumplebottom. Stomping around all annoyed as usual. XD I had Smiler go say hi and chat with her to spare Victor her bad mood, and by the end, while she wasn’t any happier, she was at least receptive to a sales pitch. Good work, Smiler. :) Even if she did end up giving you a spook!
-->And then – well, it was all about handling the crowd of customers, socializers, and loiterers that came to the new hot grocery shop on the block! Victor and Smiler roamed the sales floor, asking customers about their price ranges, offering information on the products, and generally being as enthusiastic as they could be about the place. Smiler even dropped a "Happy Bomb" at one point with their "Influence Emotion" power to make sure everyone was having an excellent shopping experience! And it all did very much pay off -- quite literally, because the customers were buying things. XD Smiler got their first sale from a guy named Yuuna for a jar of lettuce conserve -- this was followed quickly by a guy named Mitchell buying a box of canned tomato sauce and Darrel Charmer buying a crate of chocolate milk (and me getting another LE around the same time – it DEFINITELY seems like some of Simsonian Library’s bulk food products and Brazen Lotus’s retail fridge stuff aren’t playing quite nice. Have to check on that later!), then two quill fruit sales and someone buying a Focused Scent after the "Happy Bomb." Nice!
-->But what about Alice? Well, she came back from her Zoomies less Furious but much hungrier, so I sent her straight to the break room to grab a few chicken nuggets and chow down. Once she'd had her lunch, she got put on restocking duty -- specifically, making new baked goods to fill the bakery section! She started by baking some butterscotch cupcakes in the oven, because now we can do that, shock of shocks. Don't know if I approve of her scratching herself so close to them afterward, but she's not in her furry form, so it's probably fine. XD
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