#yeriel lavellan
artpigeons · 2 years
I'm trying to organise my gdocs, and I came across this thing from a while back. It's short but fun, just 600 words or so of my Lavellan absolutely thirsting after Dorian
Bringing Dorian along on this trip was a mistake. Why had Yeriel thought this was a good idea? He was a mage, surely they hadn’t needed another on the small expedition through the Dales and west towards Val Royeaux, even if they’d had to take a detour around Lake Celestine. Surely Cassandra and Sera would have been plenty of company. They’d stopped for the night at a small inn near Val Foret, empty except for the bored-looking owner, as it would be another full day’s riding before they’d reach the Orlesian capital, and after the past few days, all four of them were aching for a good night’s sleep.
Cassandra and Sera had gotten washed up by the well behind the building first and were now inside eating, waiting for Yeriel and Dorian to join them once they’d gotten clean and dry as well. They’d both been so relieved to stop for the day that it wasn’t until Dorian took his robe off that Yeriel realised that this was going to be… interesting.
Creators, it was challenging enough to be around him with his clothes on.
But no, there he was, stripping down to nothing but his breeches, as if Yeriel’s fingers and lips weren’t buzzing to explore the entirety of his ridiculously perfect body. His skin still looked soft even with the layer of travel-dirt and battle-debris, and Yeriel very quickly busied his hands undoing his braids before he could get too far in imagining what those toned muscles might feel like under his palms.
He’d had enough idle fantasies about Dorian’s arms and hands lately, he really hadn’t needed to know what the man’s back looked like when he stretched like that…
“You know,” said Dorian, somewhat pulling Yeriel back to reality a little, “as savage as this all is - and it is downright barbaric - I do rather prefer it to stream-water.” He stuck a hand into the bucket of water sitting at the edge of the well. “In no small part because I can do this,” he finished, the water starting to steam a little from the heat of the spell he was casting.
“Brilliant,” said Yeriel with a small grin, though he was mostly just relieved to have said something other than I want to lick every inch of you, and finally managed to rid himself of the outer layers of his own clothes.
Cleaning his hair with the small, rough piece of soap they’d brought along was something of a task, and quickly took his mind off all the interesting ways he could imagine pressing their bodies against each other. Washing bits of templar out of his hair took up too much focus for that, at least until he reached out to hand the soap to Dorian and glanced up from where he was bent over the bucket to find that Dorian was looking at him with some interest.
“I didn’t realise you had them all over,” said Dorian softly, taking the soap, and it took Yeriel a small moment to realise he meant the tattoos - of course, that’s what he’d been looking at. So much for those few seconds of elated excitement.
“Oh, well,” he said, straightening up, “the, uh- when we were younger, my friends and I would practice on each other. You have to sit still for this one,” he pointed to his face, “and not make any noise at all. We wanted to prove how tough and grown-up we were.” He stretched out his arm to show off a particularly wonky design. “They’re not very good, but we were all doing it.”
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artpigeons · 5 years
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yeriel’s pissed
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artpigeons · 5 years
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to punish solas for his elf crimes i like to drag him around with these two nerds and listen to them being Wrong about things
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artpigeons · 5 years
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anyway replaying DA:I and am once again frustrated that i can’t express yeriel’s Real Personality by doing this every time someone says anything 
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artpigeons · 5 years
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Day 18!
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artpigeons · 5 years
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Day 6, Yeriel
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artpigeons · 6 years
Still don't have a functioning tablet, still can't draw.
In the meantime, enjoy this screenshot of Yeriel failing to appear calm and cool during the Dorian romance.
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artpigeons · 6 years
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vry quick sideways view of my boy. i’ve gotten some really nice comments about him (
his name is Yeriel Lavellan, he’s a mageboy and proud First, and basically takes a *huge* blow to the ego when Inquisition happens and he’s thrown from a world where he pmuch knows everything worth knowing and is very valued for his magic, into a culture he knows jack about where everyone hates elves and mages. He’s very very religious, a bit on the shy side, and just, like… super gay.
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artpigeons · 6 years
5 facts about Yeriel Lavellan
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Got tagged by @ghilenan , so time to ramble the heck on about my doofy lavellanboy
Rules: Pick one character and give us five facts about them! The facts can be anything really - from trivial to super duper important. Then tag others for them to play too
1) Was not born to clan Lavellan, but was sent to be trained as their First due to mage distribution. He was quite young and doesn't remember a whole lot from before this, but always felt proud of it - that his magic made him somebody to treasure.
2) Was supposed to be trained primarily in healing magic, as this is a very useful skill for a future keeper. Unfortunately, being up-close near wounds makes him ill.
3) Has an ongoing agreement with Dorian that they are both allowed to ask ridiculous ignorant questions about each other's cultures/countries, and the other must answer without getting offended. (They have a similar agreement about touching each other's facial hair and tattoos, respectively.)
4) Has Mythal's vallaslin on his face, as well as a whooooole lot of more random tattoos all over his body. These are from adolescent practicing in sitting still for the vallaslin. Many of them are weird and wonky, as the youths would practice on each other.
5) Despite having absolutely no fucking clue how any politics work, much less complicated Orlesian politics, he has a bit of a knack for it. He considers it the world's most useless talent.
Taggiiiiiing... @paladerp @evitcani-writes @naernon @ivoryandsalt @bootleglisafrank
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artpigeons · 6 years
negative traits - yeriel lavellan
was tagged by @ghilenan​ :)
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aggressive | arrogant | authoritarian | bitter | brutal | callous | cannibal | careless | cold/cold-hearted | compulsive | controlling | corrects others constantly | cowardly | critical | cruel | delusional | demanding | disillusioned | domineering | envious | emotionally stunted | greedy | grim | guarded | hard | harsh | hypocritical | impatient | impolite | intimidating | irritable | kidnapper | lazy | liar | lustful | materialistic | mean | merciless | messianic | mistrusting | murderer | narrow-minded | obsessive | opinionated | over-bearing | over-critical | over-emotional | over-thinking | patronizing | proud | remote | repressed | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic | self-righteous | self-indulgent | serial killer | taciturn | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain | vengeful
in which i reveal mousy to be just a pretty awful dude
tagging @paladerp because this immediately made me think of you and your terrible children <3
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