#yeong owned by vox
sabers-and-other-ocs · 4 months
@voxuli Yeong and Hei Ran
Yeong and Hei Ran were certainly happy to be reunited, even if it was in Hell. However as Ran learned more about how life works for many Sinners, including for her brother, she was sure to steer clear in dealing with making any kind of deal with anyone though spent a lot of free time going with Yen to the TV studio when he needed to go to work. She wanted to learn as much as she could about who owned her brother's soul and how she could potentially get it back.
For now though she lurked and stayed out of the way as most of the time it was pretty standard sets, staff and treatment for normal shows, Dramas, Soap Operas, Comedies that reminded her of some when they were alive.
She had heard rumor that the big boss of the studio may be visiting for a routine progress check on some of the shows being filmed. Yeong thought little of it, he was used to it but Ran hasn't been in Hell but six months and only recently began tagging along so she was curious.
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megurodivision · 2 years
Vito's Thoughts on Kobe Division
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Ren Nakashima
"This guy walked into my parlor a few months back, but I didn't know who he was at the time, though that was mainly cause he was dressed incognito. Even after he removed his hat, sunglasses, and trench coat, I still didn't know who he was, which shocked him, but also pleased him for some reason. Anyway, he said he wanted to get a tattoo done. He asked me to give him one of black thorns, which I agreed with. The project took me the better part of a day. It was late in the evening when I finished. I showed him the results, and needless to say, he was pleased.
"Days later, I suddenly had huge influx of clients of customers all asking to have black thorns done. Why? Apparently, the guy who I did a tattoo for was one Ren "Vox" Nakashima, a famous rock musician. He posted my tattoo on his social media page, which led to so many people wanting to get one now. I wasn't upset about it though. The more people who want to get art done by me, the better I'll become at it.
"...Still, I could have done without the news crews and cameramen..."
Max Soukoku
"About two years before his death, I remember that one day, Master Mafuyu was very incensed about something. Apparently, a close friend of his had died in a car accident after his car slid off the road and down a cliff while he was driving in the mountains with his family. It seemed like a standard, unfortunate accident, but Master Mafuyu refused to believe that. His friend and family had been murdered by a group that his friend was looking into known as, "The Commission".
"Master's friend had stated that he been getting the feeling that he was watched and followed as of late. Apparently, he had been digging or looking into something that he shouldn't have been. And when he tried to make his escape, his 'accident' occurred. Master Mafuyu wanted to continue his work, but I fortunately managed to talk him out of it. If this group was as dangerous as he claimed it to be, looking into it would not do anything save get him hurt or killed.
"Though Master didn't want to, he knew I was right and thankfully decided not to pursue the matter any further... for now anyway. I still got the feeling that he was looking for some sort of info, but if he did, he kept it quiet from me." Vito sighs.
"I don't know what's worse: that he was betrayed by one of his own people, or that he could have ended up just like his friend if he had decided to go down deeper into this proverbial rabbit hole..."
Kaiji Sano
"I browsed this guy's social media page, once or twice. It was purely for artistic reasons, I assure you. But anyway, I've heard much about the man known as "Jinx". He makes a living as a cross-dresser, dressing up in female clothes, which many of his followers seems to like. Yeong has told me that he works with this young man, and despite his eccentricity, he is a good person to work alongside. I wonder if I'll see him in my tattoo parlor someday..."
"Like Saji mentioned, I have to wonder what exactly is this group's reasoning for entering the D.R.B. They all seem to have little in common with each other. While 2/3 of the group seem to be famous in their own ways, famous doesn't necessarily always mean 'good' or 'strong'. And as for the youngest member... I don't know, something about him doesn't feel right to me. I mentioned "The Commission", and I may be wrong about this, but... I do remember spotting someone close to this young boy's appearance on Master Mafuyu's computer years ago. He's obviously not the same kid, but..."
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