#yearner teenage boy continues to yearn
shunin-gumis · 14 days
Mistery on the Moonlit Passage - Track EP
Seasonal Event Story
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Case closed! Hope you enjoyed this silly event 🚢
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Location: Cruise Liner - Sky Deck
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Toi: Look, Ani-sama! HAMA’s port is sparkling! It’s so pretty…
Ryui: Yeah, but it’s nothing compared to the radiance of your existence itself. Is the sea breeze too cold? Here, put my jacket on.
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Akuta: Yoo, I get it. Eating in a place like this just ups the vibes AND the flavor.
Chief: Yeah, this is a wonderful place. Thanks for telling us about it, Nanaki!
Nanaki: Nah, I just thought it’d be a waste to keep it to myself.
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Nanaki: (Though, the original plan was to come here alone with the chief… Still, I’m glad I asked…!)
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Kafka: Oho. The inside’s pretty rowdy too, but it’s a whole other level here ♪
Nanaki: Ah, Oguro-san.
Chief: Kafka, you’re back. How did your conversation with the owner go?
Kafka: I’ll share now since everyone’s gathered. You can keep eating while you listen, don’t worry.
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Kafka: Just now, I proposed a plan called “Snoozing Cruising” to the owner of this ship, and it was very well received.
Yukikaze: Sleep and cruises. What an interesting combination.
Kafka: Guests will be able to experience something different from their everyday lives, and we plan on creating high quality relaxation using Netaro’s. A pretty fresh idea, no?
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Yachiyo: Yesh…! The president is so smart! An dumb commoner such as myself with a mindset so fixed it’s practically immovable could never come up with an idea like this one!!!
Yodaka: I see. It may be a rather welcomed form of hospitality for the modern man, exhausted from their everyday lives.
Ryui: I’ll ask just in case, but you aren’t planning on using Yowa’s thing as it is, right?
Kafka: Of course. There was a good chance of everything turning into an even bigger incident if there had been even the slightest mistake. We can’t have something like this happening again.
Kafka: That’s why I plan on asking Netaro to write out a specifications sheet! Because right now, no one is safe, not even the robots.
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Netaro: Nyoooo NYOOO!! Having to work overtime ‘cause of a doll meant to help me skip work…
Ryui: Serves you right. Repent for what you’ve done.
Nanaki: U… um, Ryui-san.
Ryui: Whaddya want?
Nanaki: Uh, well, about what happened before…
Ryui: (What…?)
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Ryui: …
Ryui: If that’s what you’ve gotta say, then just shut it and get out of my way.
Ryui: If you’re just gonna sit around and do jack shit, then nothing’s ever gonna change. By sticking to the same old crap, you’re just playing safe to avoid getting screwed over.
Nanaki: …But is it really such a bad thing…?
~~~(end flashback)
Location: Cruise Liner - Sky Deck
Ryui: …Hmph.
Nanaki: W-What is it?
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Ryui: Nothin’. Just thought your face was finally looking better now.
Nanaki: …I… see. But, thank you.
Ryui: Not like I did anything worth being thanked for.
Muneuji: Speaking of which… as the key to solving this mystery was “music,” this makes Nanamegi the closest person to reaching the truth.
Chief: Really…! You sure gave it your all while we were fast asleep, Nanaki…!
Nanaki: Ah, um, I didn’t do that much… In the end, Yowa-san only spilled because Ryui-san interrogated him into it.
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Yukikaze: That being said, you were the only one that noticed what everyone else brushed over. It’s evidence that you’re very mindful of your surroundings.
Muneuji: I agree. Nanamegi is a man who considers all the finer details.
Nanaki: Muneuji…
Muneuji: You’re always able to understand Isotake despite him speaking in sounds, you constantly encourage Kinugawa to speak up and express himself, and you always call out Uu-chan for being uncooperative…
Yukikaze: It’s wonderful how much you think of your friends. I’m proud.
Nanaki: T-That’s enough!! But thanks!!
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Nanaki: (These guys are natural older brothers… It’s crazy how straightforward they are with their praises…!!)
Chief: But also… the more considerate a person is, the more likely they are to hold back from expressing their true feelings.
Nanaki: …!
Chief: Nanaki-kun, you don’t have to hold back with me. You can tell me whatever’s on your mind!
Nanaki: Ummm… Okay…
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Yukikaze: Same for me, you cute and attentive little brother.
Nanaki: T-Thank you.
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Nanaki: (...Though it’s not really out of consideration for others, but more because I don’t wanna get hurt…)
Nanaki: But… anything, huh?
Kafka: By the way… are we planning on heading back now to get some proper rest?
Nanaki: (I don’t have the courage to say it right now—)
Chief: W-We should…! Though most of us did end up getting a good sleep earlier…
Nanaki: (...Something like “Your sleeping face is beautiful, but in my opinion, a smile suits you the best.”)
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Nanaki: I hope… I’ll be able to tell you one day.
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